juju deploy osm --overlay ~/.osm/vca-overlay.yaml $images_overlay
echo "Waiting for deployment to finish..."
- check_osm_deployed &> /dev/null
+ check_osm_deployed
echo "OSM with charms deployed"
if [ ! -v KUBECFG ]; then
sg ${KUBEGRP} -c "microk8s.enable ingress"
sg ${KUBEGRP} -c "${KUBECTL} get ingress -n osm -o json | jq '.items[0].metadata.annotations += {\"nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/backend-protocol\": \"HTTPS\"}' | ${KUBECTL} --validate=false replace -f -"
sg ${KUBEGRP} -c "${KUBECTL} get ingress -n osm -o json | jq '.items[0].metadata.annotations += {\"nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/proxy-body-size\": \"0\"}' | ${KUBECTL} replace -f -"
- juju config ng-ui juju-external-hostname=ngui.${API_SERVER}.xip.io
+ juju config ng-ui juju-external-hostname=ui.${API_SERVER}.xip.io
juju expose ng-ui
wait_for_port ng-ui 1
- sg ${KUBEGRP} -c "${KUBECTL} get ingress -n osm -o json | jq '.items[2].metadata.annotations += {\"nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/proxy-body-size\": \"0\"}' | ${KUBECTL} replace -f -"
+ sg ${KUBEGRP} -c "${KUBECTL} get ingress -n osm -o json | jq '.items[2].metadata.annotations += {\"nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/proxy-body-size\": \"0\"}' | ${KUBECTL} --validate=false replace -f -"
juju config ui-k8s juju-external-hostname=osm.${API_SERVER}.xip.io
juju expose ui-k8s
wait_for_port ui-k8s 2
- sg ${KUBEGRP} -c "${KUBECTL} get ingress -n osm -o json | jq '.items[1].metadata.annotations += {\"nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/proxy-body-size\": \"0\"}' | ${KUBECTL} replace -f -"
+ sg ${KUBEGRP} -c "${KUBECTL} get ingress -n osm -o json | jq '.items[1].metadata.annotations += {\"nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/proxy-body-size\": \"0\"}' | ${KUBECTL} --validate=false replace -f -"
function check_osm_deployed() {
start_time="$(date -u +%s)"
+ total_service_count=14
while true
- pod_name=`sg ${KUBEGRP} -c "${KUBECTL} -n osm get pods | grep ui-k8s | grep -v operator" | awk '{print $1; exit}'`
- if [[ `sg ${KUBEGRP} -c "${KUBECTL} -n osm wait pod $pod_name --for condition=Ready"` ]]; then
- if [[ `sg ${KUBEGRP} -c "${KUBECTL} -n osm wait pod lcm-k8s-0 --for condition=Ready"` ]]; then
- break
- fi
+ service_count=$(juju status | grep kubernetes | grep active | wc -l)
+ echo "$service_count / $total_service_count services active"
+ if [ $service_count -eq $total_service_count ]; then
+ break
now="$(date -u +%s)"
if [[ $(( now - start_time )) -gt $TIME_TO_WAIT ]];then
- echo "Timeout waiting for services to enter ready state"
+ echo "Timed out waiting for OSM services to become ready"
exit 1
sleep 10