# limitations under the License.
-if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then
- echo "Usage $0 <branch> <from_tag>"
- echo " It will list all the changes in branch <branch> from <from_tag> to the HEAD of the branch"
- echo " Example: $0 v11.0 v11.0.0"
- echo " Example: $0 v10.0 v10.0.3"
+if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then
+ echo "Usage $0 <branch> <from_tag> [ <to_tag> ]"
+ echo " It will list all the changes in branch <branch> from <from_tag> to <to_tag>."
+ echo " If <to_tag> is not provided, HEAD is used. This is useful to get all changes from a specific tag to the tip of the branch."
+ echo " Examples:"
+ echo " $0 v11.0 v11.0.0"
+ echo " $0 v10.0 v10.0"
+ echo " $0 v10.0 v10.0.3"
+ echo " $0 v10.0 v10.0.2 v10.0.3"
exit 1
OSM_CHANGES_FOLDER="$(mktemp -d -q --tmpdir "osmchanges.XXXXXX")"
echo "Changes in branch ${BRANCH} from ${FROM_REF} to ${TO_REF} stored in ${OSM_CHANGES_FOLDER}"
echo ${repo}
git -C ${OSM_CHANGES_FOLDER} clone "https://osm.etsi.org/gerrit/osm/${repo}"
git -C ${OSM_CHANGES_FOLDER}/$repo checkout ${BRANCH}
+ # Print changes in the module changelog
git -C ${OSM_CHANGES_FOLDER}/$repo log --pretty=format:"%C(yellow)%h %Cblue%ad %Cgreen%>(13,trunc)%an%Cred%d %Creset%s" --date=short ${FROM_REF}..${TO_REF} > "${OSM_CHANGES_FOLDER}/${repo}_changes-${BRANCH}-from${FROM_REF}-to${TO_REF}.log"
+ echo >> "${OSM_CHANGES_FOLDER}/${repo}_changes-${BRANCH}-from${FROM_REF}-to${TO_REF}.log"
+ # Print changes in the global changelog
echo ${repo} >> "${OSM_CHANGES_FOLDER}/osm_changes-${BRANCH}-from${FROM_REF}-to${TO_REF}.log"
git -C ${OSM_CHANGES_FOLDER}/$repo log --pretty=format:"%C(yellow)%h %Cblue%ad %Cgreen%>(13,trunc)%an%Cred%d %Creset%s" --date=short ${FROM_REF}..${TO_REF} >> "${OSM_CHANGES_FOLDER}/osm_changes-${BRANCH}-from${FROM_REF}-to${TO_REF}.log"
echo >> "${OSM_CHANGES_FOLDER}/osm_changes-${BRANCH}-from${FROM_REF}-to${TO_REF}.log"
+ echo "-----------------------------------------" >> "${OSM_CHANGES_FOLDER}/osm_changes-${BRANCH}-from${FROM_REF}-to${TO_REF}.log"
echo "Changes in branch ${BRANCH} from ${FROM_REF} to ${TO_REF} stored in ${OSM_CHANGES_FOLDER}"
echo "All changes can be found in ${OSM_CHANGES_FOLDER}/osm_changes-${BRANCH}-from${FROM_REF}-to${TO_REF}.log"