global test_image_name
global management_network
+def check_instance_scenario_active(uuid):
+ instance = client.get_instance(uuid=uuid)
+ for net in instance['nets']:
+ status = net['status']
+ if status != 'ACTIVE':
+ return (False, status)
+ for vnf in instance['vnfs']:
+ for vm in vnf['vms']:
+ status = vm['status']
+ if status != 'ACTIVE':
+ return (False, status)
+ return (True, None)
All unittest classes for code based tests must have prefix 'test_' in order to be taken into account for tests
self.__class__.test_index += 1
instance = client.create_instance(scenario_id=self.__class__.scenario_uuid, name=self.__class__.test_text)
+ self.__class__.instance_scenario_uuid = instance['uuid']
self.__class__.to_delete_list.insert(0, {"item": "instance", "function": client.delete_instance,
"params": {"uuid": instance['uuid']}})
- def test_020_clean_deployment(self):
+ def test_020_check_deployent(self):
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {} {}".format(test_number, self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name,
+ scenario_test_folder)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ keep_waiting = 50
+ instance_active = False
+ while(keep_waiting):
+ result = check_instance_scenario_active(self.__class__.instance_scenario_uuid)
+ if result[0]:
+ break
+ elif 'ERROR' in result[1]:
+ msg = 'Got error while waiting for the instance to get active: '+result[1]
+ logging.error(msg)
+ raise Exception(msg)
+ keep_waiting -= 1
+ time.sleep(5)
+ if keep_waiting == 0:
+ msg = 'Timeout reached while waiting instance scenario to get active'
+ logging.error(msg)
+ raise Exception(msg)
+ def test_030_clean_deployment(self):
self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {} {}".format(test_number, self.__class__.test_index,