hostport="$(echo ${url/$user@/} | cut -d/ -f1)"
API_SERVER="$(echo $hostport | sed -e 's,:.*,,g')"
- # Configure VCA Integrator
+ configure_vca_integrator
+ expose_osm_services
+ echo "Waiting for deployment to finish..."
+ check_osm_deployed_before_config
+ config_grafana_and_prometheus
+ check_osm_deployed_after_config
+ echo "OSM with charms deployed"
+function configure_vca_integrator(){
if [ ! -v INSTALL_NOLXD ]; then
juju config vca \
k8s-cloud=microk8s \
accounts="`cat ~/.local/share/juju/accounts.yaml`" \
public-key="`cat ~/.local/share/juju/ssh/`"
- # Expose OSM services
+function expose_osm_services(){
juju config -m $MODEL_NAME nbi external-hostname=nbi.${API_SERVER}
juju config -m $MODEL_NAME ng-ui external-hostname=ui.${API_SERVER}
- juju config -m $MODEL_NAME grafana site_url=https://grafana.${API_SERVER}
- juju config -m $MODEL_NAME prometheus site_url=https://prometheus.${API_SERVER}
+ juju config -m $MODEL_NAME grafana web_external_url=https://grafana.${API_SERVER}
- echo "Waiting for deployment to finish..."
- check_osm_deployed
+function config_grafana_and_prometheus() {
+ echo "Setting Grafana and Prometheus configuration"
grafana_leader=`juju status -m $MODEL_NAME grafana | grep "*" | cut -d "*" -f 1`
- grafana_admin_password=`juju run -m $MODEL_NAME --unit $grafana_leader "echo \\$GF_SECURITY_ADMIN_PASSWORD"`
- juju config -m $MODEL_NAME mon grafana-password=$grafana_admin_password
- check_osm_deployed
- echo "OSM with charms deployed"
+ grafana_admin_password=`juju run-action -m $MODEL_NAME $grafana_leader get-admin-password --wait | grep "admin-password" | cut -d ":" -f 2`
+ juju config -m $MODEL_NAME mon grafana-password="$grafana_admin_password"
+ juju config -m $MODEL_NAME mon grafana-user=admin
+ juju config -m $MODEL_NAME mon grafana-url=http://grafana:3000
+ prometheus_url="http://prometheus:9090"
+ juju config -m $MODEL_NAME mon prometheus-url=$prometheus_url
+ juju config -m $MODEL_NAME nbi prometheus-url=$prometheus_url
+ mon_leader=`juju status -m $MODEL_NAME mon | grep "*" | cut -d "*" -f 1`
+ juju run-action --m $MODEL_NAME $mon_leader create-datasource name=osm_prometheus url=$prometheus_url --wait
+function check_osm_deployed_before_config() {
+ start_time="$(date -u +%s)"
+ total_active_services=13
+ [ -n "$INSTALL_PLA" ] && total_active_services=$((total_active_services + 1))
+ previous_count=0
+ while true
+ do
+ juju_status=$(juju status --format json -m $MODEL_NAME)
+ active_service_count=$(echo $juju_status | jq '.applications[]."application-status".current'| grep active | wc -l)
+ echo "$active_service_count / $total_active_services services active"
+ if [ $active_service_count -eq $total_active_services ]; then
+ mon_is_blocked=$(echo $juju_status | jq '.applications["mon"].units[]."workload-status".current' | grep blocked | wc -l)
+ nbi_is_blocked=$(echo $juju_status | jq '.applications["nbi"].units[]."workload-status".current' | grep blocked | wc -l)
+ if [ $mon_is_blocked -a $nbi_is_blocked ]; then
+ echo "MON and NBI are blocked"
+ break
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ $active_service_count -ne $previous_count ]; then
+ previous_count=$active_service_count
+ start_time="$(date -u +%s)"
+ fi
+ now="$(date -u +%s)"
+ if [[ $(( now - start_time )) -gt $TIME_TO_WAIT ]];then
+ echo "Timed out waiting for OSM services to become ready"
+ FATAL_TRACK deploy_osm "Timed out waiting for services to become ready"
+ fi
+ sleep 10
+ done
-function check_osm_deployed() {
+function check_osm_deployed_after_config() {
start_time="$(date -u +%s)"
function generate_password_overlay() {
- # prometheus
- web_config_password=`openssl rand -hex 16`
# keystone
keystone_db_password=`openssl rand -hex 16`
keystone_admin_password=`openssl rand -hex 16`
mariadb_root_password=`openssl rand -hex 16`
cat << EOF > /tmp/password-overlay.yaml
- prometheus:
- options:
- web_config_password: $web_config_password
keystone-db-password: $keystone_db_password