--- /dev/null
+# Remove explicit datacenter network reference at the NS descriptor#
+## Proposer ##
+## Type ##
+## Target MDG/TF ##
+## Description ##
+In the current implementation a NS descriptor (NSD) contains "external" networks, or connection
+points intended for connecting outside. Management networks are clear examples of these
+connections, but they can be also dataplane connections. These networks must exist at the VIM with
+the same name used for the NSD. This relationship between descriptor name and deployment is
+undesirable because it forces to have particular NSD for each VIM where it will be deployed.
+The user must be able to map what VIM network is used for a concrete NSD "external" network or
+connection point. The user must have the following options:
+- map a NSD "external" network name to an existing VIM network.
+- create a new network at the VIM. In this case this network will not be used to connect outside,
+but this is still useful for testing purposes. Also a later NSD deployment can use the created
+network so that both deployments are connected among them.
+In addition to these options, an automated mapping is also desirable. When a VIM is registered at
+OSM, it can be indicated particular mappings between NSD external networks names and the existing
+VIM networks. If this mapping exist, it applies automatically if the user has not indicated other
+action. This is specially useful for management networks, so that the VIM management network is
+indicated once at registration, avoiding the user to indicate the VIM management network every time
+he makes a deployment.
+In the case that the RO has not enough information for mapping a "external" NSD network or
+connection point at deployment time, it will reject the instantiation.
+In order to have this feature implemented, the following changes are devised:
+- In the UI:
+ - The end user should have the possibility to select an option for each "external" NSD network
+ or connection point. The options can be "manual mapping" (it is desirable to show the list of
+ existing VIM networks), or "create the network".
+- In the RO:
+ - Allow this information at the instantiation time. The NS instance should allow to specify
+ these parameters.
+ - Database changes to annotate instance-related information, in this case the VIM network used.
+ - Changes in northbound API to allow that information
+- In the SO:
+ - NS data models should incorporate a data model for instances, different than the NS data
+ model for templates, where it should be possible to the network instance-related parameters.
+ - Connection to RO must be modified accordingly to the changes in RO northbound API.
+Specs for each module are to be written. For instance, in RO the spec is expected to include the
+following devised changes:
+- openmano_schemas.py: changes in schema "instance_scenario_create_schema" to support the
+specification of network mapping information.
+- nfvo.py: changes in function "create\_instance" to support the new schema and take the actions
+accordingly, including the appropriate calls to nfvo\_db functions.
+- MySQL DB: changes in "instance\_nets" table is required. Further investigation is required.
+- nfvo\_db: changes in functions to update the previous tables accordingly.
+- http\_server.py: changes in http\_post\_instances to take into account the changes in schemas,
+nfvo functions and nfvo\_db functions.
+## Demo or definition of done ##
+A test case consisting of the deployment of the same NSD at two different VIMs, where the name of
+an external network used for mapping a NSD network are different.
+Both the manual and automate mapping must be tested.
+Finally choose the option of "create network" for a first NSD deployment, and the option of using
+this created network for a second NSD deployment. Ensure that both deployments are interconnected.