return False
- # Get a numerically sorted list of the sequences for this VNFD's terminate action
- def _get_terminate_config_primitive_seq_list(self, vnfd):
+ @staticmethod
+ def _get_terminate_config_primitive_seq_list(vnfd):
+ """ Get a numerically sorted list of the sequences for this VNFD's terminate action """
# No need to check for existing primitive twice, already done before
vnf_config = vnfd.get("vnf-configuration")
seq_list = vnf_config.get("terminate-config-primitive")
return nslcmop
- # Create a primitive with params from VNFD
- # - Called from terminate() before deleting instance
- # - Calls action() to execute the primitive
async def _terminate_action(self, db_nslcmop, nslcmop_id, nsr_id):
+ """ Create a primitive with params from VNFD
+ Called from terminate() before deleting instance
+ Calls action() to execute the primitive """
logging_text = "Task ns={} _terminate_action={} ".format(nsr_id, nslcmop_id)
db_vnfds = {}
db_vnfrs_list = self.db.get_list("vnfrs", {"nsr-id-ref": nsr_id})