if not nsr["_admin"].get("nsState") or nsr["_admin"]["nsState"] == "NOT_INSTANTIATED":
if operation == "terminate" and indata.get("autoremove"):
# NSR must be deleted
- return None # a none in this case is used to indicate not instantiated. It can be removed
+ return None, None # a none in this case is used to indicate not instantiated. It can be removed
if operation != "instantiate":
raise EngineException("ns_instance '{}' cannot be '{}' because it is not instantiated".format(
nsInstanceId, operation), HTTPStatus.CONFLICT)
if not nsir["_admin"].get("nsiState") or nsir["_admin"]["nsiState"] == "NOT_INSTANTIATED":
if operation == "terminate" and indata.get("autoremove"):
# NSIR must be deleted
- return None # a none in this case is used to indicate not instantiated. It can be removed
+ return None, None # a none in this case is used to indicate not instantiated. It can be removed
if operation != "instantiate":
raise EngineException("netslice_instance '{}' cannot be '{}' because it is not instantiated".format(
netsliceInstanceId, operation), HTTPStatus.CONFLICT)