--- /dev/null
+# Distributed Proxy Charms #
+## Proposer ##
+- David GarcĂa
+## Type ##
+## Target MDG/TF ##
+## Description ##
+Be able to select the (k8s) cloud for (k8s) Proxy charms that should be used in a vim account.
+### Implementation
+#### Currently:
+LCM has these ENV variables provided at OSM deployment time to specify the clouds it needs to use for
+Proxy charms and K8s Proxy charms respectively:
+With the current implementation, all proxy charms will go to the cloud set in OSMLCM_VCA_CLOUD, and all
+k8s proxy charms will go to the cloud set in OSMLCM_VCA_K8S_CLOUD. These clouds must previously exist
+in the VCA, OSM doesn't configure them or add them to the VCA.
+#### Proposal:
+When adding a VIM account, add several options to select another existing clouds to override the default ones.
+$ osm vim-create --type openstack --name openstack --config '{
+ vca_cloud: "mycloud",
+ vca_cloud_credential: "mycloud_credential", # If not provided, same name as the "cloud" will be used
+ vca_k8s_cloud: "myk8scloud"
+ vca_k8s_cloud_credential: "myk8scloud_credential" # If not provided, same name as the "cloud" will be used
+ }'
+#### Changes in NBI
+Add `cloud`, `cloud_credential`, `k8s_cloud`, and `k8s_cloud_credential` to the validation in NBI.
+#### Changes in LCM
+Before creating or registering an execution environment, check if `cloud` or `k8s_cloud` exist or not,
+and pass that data to N2VC.
+#### Changes in N2VC
+Use the default clouds for (K8s) Proxy Charms if no `cloud` or `k8s_cloud` is provided for the target VIM.
+If the `cloud` or `k8s_cloud` are provided, use those clouds instead.
+#### Benefits:
+- Add flexibility in terms of distributing Proxy Charms across different clouds
+- Be able to allocate clouds in the same VIM in which the VNFs will be deployed
+- Decrease the impact if a (k8s) cloud goes down.
+## Demo or definition of done ##
+This feature is considered completed when an OSM user with permissions to create a vim account is able to
+select a specific cloud/k8s cloud of the VCA to have all the proxy charms/k8s proxy charms deployed
+to it, instead of using the default clouds.