return 0
+#Uninstall lightweight OSM: remove dockers
+function uninstall_lightweight(){
+ echo -e "\nUninstalling lightweight OSM"
+ docker stack rm osm
+ result=11
+ while [ ${COUNTER} -lt 30 ]; do
+ sleep 1
+ result=$(docker stack ps osm | wc -l)
+ #echo "Dockers running: $result"
+ if [ "${result}" == "0" ]; then
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ if [ "${result}" == "0" ]; then
+ echo "All dockers of the stack osm were removed"
+ else
+ FATAL "Some dockers of the stack osm could not be removed. Could not uninstall OSM in single shot. Try to uninstall again"
+ fi
+ sleep 5
+ docker image rm osm/ro
+ docker image rm osm/lcm
+ docker image rm osm/light-ui
+ docker image rm osm/nbi
+ docker image rm osm/mon
+ docker image rm osm/pm
+ return 0
#Configure NAT rules, based on the current IP addresses of containers
function nat(){
echo -e "\nChecking required packages: iptables-persistent"
. $OSM_JENKINS/common/all_funcs
+[ -n "$INSTALL_LIGHTWEIGHT" ] && [ -n "$UNINSTALL" ] && uninstall_lightweight && echo -e "\nDONE" && exit 0
[ -n "$UNINSTALL" ] && uninstall && echo -e "\nDONE" && exit 0
[ -n "$NAT" ] && nat && echo -e "\nDONE" && exit 0
[ -n "$UPDATE" ] && update && echo -e "\nDONE" && exit 0