function bootstrap_k8s_lxd(){
- [ ! -v CONTROLLER ] && ADD_K8S_OPTS="--client" && BOOTSTRAP_NEEDED="yes" && CONTROLLER_NAME="controller"
+ [ ! -v CONTROLLER ] && ADD_K8S_OPTS="--client" && BOOTSTRAP_NEEDED="yes" && CONTROLLER_NAME="osm-vca"
+ if [ -v BOOTSTRAP_NEEDED ]; then
+ CONTROLLER_PRESENT=$(juju controllers 2>/dev/null| grep ${CONTROLLER_NAME} | wc -l)
+ if [ $CONTROLLER_PRESENT -ge 1 ]; then
+ cat << EOF
+Threre is already a VCA present with the installer reserved name of "${CONTROLLER_NAME}".
+You may either explicitly use this VCA with the "--vca ${CONTROLLER_NAME}" option, or remove it
+using this command:
+ juju destroy-controller --release-storage --destroy-all-models -y ${CONTROLLER_NAME}
+Please retry the installation once this conflict has been resolved.
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ fi
if [ -v KUBECFG ]; then
cat $KUBECFG | juju add-k8s $K8S_CLOUD_NAME $ADD_K8S_OPTS
sg microk8s -c "echo ${DEFAULT_IP}-${DEFAULT_IP} | microk8s.enable metallb"
sg microk8s -c "microk8s.enable storage dns"
+ start_time="$(date -u +%s)"
while true
+ now="$(date -u +%s)"
+ if [[ $(( now - start_time )) -gt $TIME_TO_WAIT ]];then
+ echo "Microk8s storage failed to enable"
+ sg microk8s -c "microk8s.status"
+ exit 1
+ fi
sg microk8s -c "microk8s.status" | grep 'storage: enabled'
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
juju add-cloud -c $CONTROLLER_NAME lxd-cloud $LXD_CLOUD --force
juju add-credential -c $CONTROLLER_NAME lxd-cloud -f $LXD_CREDENTIALS
sg lxd -c "lxd waitready"
- juju add-model test lxd-cloud || true
+ #juju add-model test lxd-cloud || true
juju controller-config features=[k8s-operators]
if [ -v MICROSTACK ]; then
+echo "Your installation is now complete, follow these steps for configuring the osmclient:"
+echo "1. Get the NBI IP with the following command:"
+echo NBI_IP='`juju status --format json | jq -rc '"'"'.applications."nbi-k8s".address'"'"'`'
+echo "2. Create the OSM_HOSTNAME environment variable with the NBI IP"
+echo "export OSM_HOSTNAME=\$NBI_IP"
+echo "3. Add the previous command to your .bashrc for other Shell sessions"
+echo "echo \"export OSM_HOSTNAME=\$NBI_IP\" >> ~/.bashrc"
+echo "DONE"
-juju destroy-model osm --destroy-storage -y
-juju destroy-model test --destroy-storage -y
+juju destroy-model osm --destroy-storage -y --force --no-wait
sudo snap unalias osm
sudo snap remove osmclient
+CONTROLLER_PRESENT=$(juju controllers 2>/dev/null| grep ${CONTROLLER_NAME} | wc -l)
+if [[ $CONTROLLER_PRESENT -ge 1 ]]; then
+ cat << EOF
+The VCA with the name "${CONTROLLER_NAME}" has been left in place to ensure that no other
+applications are using it. If you are sure you wish to remove this controller,
+please execute the following command:
+ juju destroy-controller --release-storage --destroy-all-models -y ${CONTROLLER_NAME}
[ -z "$INSTALL_NOHOSTCLIENT" ] && install_osmclient
track osmclient
echo -e "Checking OSM health state..."
if [ -n "$KUBERNETES" ]; then
$OSM_DEVOPS/installers/ -s ${OSM_STACK_NAME} -k || \
${OSM_DEVOPS}/installers/ -R $RELEASE -r $REPOSITORY -u $REPOSITORY_BASE -D /usr/share/osm-devops -t $DOCKER_TAG "$@"
${OSM_DEVOPS}/installers/ -R $RELEASE -r $REPOSITORY -u $REPOSITORY_BASE -D /usr/share/osm-devops -t $DOCKER_TAG "$@"
- echo "Your installation is now complete, follow these steps for configuring the osmclient:"
- echo
- echo "1. Get the NBI IP with the following command:"
- echo
- echo NBI_IP='`juju status --format json | jq -rc '"'"'.applications."nbi-k8s".address'"'"'`'
- echo
- echo "2. Create the OSM_HOSTNAME environment variable with the NBI IP"
- echo
- echo "export OSM_HOSTNAME=\$NBI_IP"
- echo
- echo "3. Add the previous command to your .bashrc for other Shell sessions"
- echo
- echo "echo \"export OSM_HOSTNAME=\$NBI_IP\" >> ~/.bashrc"
- echo
- echo "DONE"
exit 0