println("No gerrit event found")
+ do_stage_4 = false
+ if (params.DO_STAGE_4)
+ {
+ do_stage_4 = params.DO_STAGE_4
+ }
// pipeline running from gerrit trigger.
// kickoff the downstream multibranch pipeline
def downstream_params = [
string(name: 'PROJECT_URL_PREFIX', value: params.PROJECT_URL_PREFIX),
string(name: 'DOCKER_TAG', value: params.DOCKER_TAG),
booleanParam(name: 'TEST_INSTALL', value: params.TEST_INSTALL),
+ booleanParam(name: 'DO_ROBOT', value: params.DO_ROBOT),
+ booleanParam(name: 'DO_STAGE_4', value: do_stage_4),
- if ( params.DO_ROBOT )
- {
- downstream_params.add(booleanParam(name: 'DO_ROBOT', value: params.DO_ROBOT))
- }
- if ( params.ROBOT_TAG )
- {
- downstream_params.add(booleanParam(name: 'ROBOT_TAG', value: params.ROBOT_TAG))
- }
if ( params.STAGE )
// go directly to stage 3 (osm system)
project = stage_3_merge_result.getProjectName()
build = stage_3_merge_result.getNumber()
// Jayant if the build fails the below error will cause the pipeline to terminate.
- // error("${project} build ${build} failed")
- currentBuild.result = stage_3_merge_result.getResult()
+ // error("${project} build ${build} failed")
+ currentBuild.result = stage_3_merge_result.getResult()
catch(caughtError) {
finally {
try {
- if ((currentBuild.result != 'SUCCESS') && (env.JOB_NAME.startsWith('daily-stage_4'))){
+ if((currentBuild.result != 'SUCCESS') && (env.JOB_NAME == 'daily-stage_4')){
emailext (
subject: "[OSM-Jenkins] Job: ${env.JOB_NAME} Build: ${env.BUILD_NUMBER} Result: ${currentBuild.result}",
body: """ Check console output at "${env.BUILD_URL}" """,
booleanParam(defaultValue: false, description: '', name: 'SAVE_CONTAINER_ON_FAIL'),
booleanParam(defaultValue: false, description: '', name: 'SAVE_CONTAINER_ON_PASS'),
booleanParam(defaultValue: true, description: '', name: 'SAVE_ARTIFACTS_ON_SMOKE_SUCCESS'),
+ booleanParam(defaultValue: true, description: '', name: 'DO_STAGE_4'),
booleanParam(defaultValue: true, description: '', name: 'DO_BUILD'),
booleanParam(defaultValue: true, description: '', name: 'DO_INSTALL'),
+ booleanParam(defaultValue: true, description: '', name: 'DO_SMOKE'),
booleanParam(defaultValue: true, description: '', name: 'DO_DOCKERPUSH'),
booleanParam(defaultValue: false, description: '', name: 'SAVE_ARTIFACTS_OVERRIDE'),
string(defaultValue: '/home/jenkins/hive/openstack-etsi.rc', description: '', name: 'HIVE_VIM_1'),
- booleanParam(defaultValue: true, description: '', name: 'DO_ROBOT'),
- string(defaultValue: 'sanity', description: 'sanity/regression/daily are the common options', name: 'ROBOT_TAG'),
+ booleanParam(defaultValue: false, description: '', name: 'DO_ROBOT'),
+ string(defaultValue: 'daily', description: 'sanity/regression/daily are the common options', name: 'TEST_NAME'),
string(defaultValue: '/home/jenkins/hive/robot-systest.cfg', description: '', name: 'ROBOT_VIM'),
string(defaultValue: '/home/jenkins/hive/kubeconfig.yaml', description: '', name: 'KUBECONFIG'),
string(defaultValue: '/home/jenkins/hive/clouds.yaml', description: '', name: 'CLOUDS'),
osmHostname = IP_ADDRESS
} // stage("Install")
+ } // if ( params.DO_INSTALL )
// Health check of installed OSM in remote vm
+ if ( params.DO_SMOKE ) {
stage("OSM Health") {
stackName = "osm"
sshCommand remote: remote, command: """
/usr/share/osm-devops/installers/ -k -s ${stackName}
- } // stage("OSM Health")
+ }
- } // if ( params.DO_INSTALL )
// Execute Robot tests
stage_archive = false
- if ( params.DO_ROBOT ) {
+ if ( params.DO_STAGE_4 ) {
try {
stage("System Integration Test") {
- if ( useCharmedInstaller ) {
- tempdir = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "mktemp -d").trim()
- sh(script: "touch ${tempdir}/hosts")
- hostfile="${tempdir}/hosts"
- sh """cat << EOF > ${hostfile}
+ if ( params.DO_ROBOT ) {
+ if( useCharmedInstaller ) {
+ tempdir = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "mktemp -d").trim()
+ sh(script: "touch ${tempdir}/hosts")
+ hostfile="${tempdir}/hosts"
+ sh """cat << EOF > ${hostfile} localhost
${} prometheus.${} nbi.${}
- } else {
- hostfile=null
- }
+ } else {
+ hostfile=null
+ }
- jujuPassword=sshCommand remote: remote, command: """
- echo `juju gui 2>&1 | grep password | cut -d: -f2`
- """
- run_robot_systest(
- container_name,
- params.ROBOT_TAG,
- osmHostname,
- prometheusHostname,
- prometheusPort,
- params.ROBOT_VIM,
- params.KUBECONFIG,
- params.CLOUDS,
- hostfile,
- jujuPassword)
+ jujuPassword=sshCommand remote: remote, command: """
+ echo `juju gui 2>&1 | grep password | cut -d: -f2`
+ """
+ run_robot_systest(
+ container_name,
+ params.TEST_NAME,
+ osmHostname,
+ prometheusHostname,
+ prometheusPort,
+ params.ROBOT_VIM,
+ params.KUBECONFIG,
+ params.CLOUDS,
+ hostfile,
+ jujuPassword)
+ }
} // stage("System Integration Test")
} finally {
stage("Archive Container Logs") {
- } // if ( params.DO_ROBOT )
+ } // if ( params.DO_STAGE_4 )
if ( params.SAVE_ARTIFACTS_OVERRIDE || stage_archive ) {
stage("Archive") {