openmano v0.4.40 change from test_os to test_vimconn that is more general. Some minor... 27/227/1
authortierno <>
Fri, 8 Jul 2016 11:31:24 +0000 (13:31 +0200)
committertierno <>
Fri, 8 Jul 2016 11:31:24 +0000 (13:31 +0200)
Signed-off-by: tierno <>
test/ [deleted file]
test/ [new file with mode: 0755]

index bf3c3aa..40dc246 100755 (executable)
@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ It loads the configuration file and launches the http_server thread that will li
 __author__="Alfonso Tierno, Gerardo Garcia, Pablo Montes"
 __date__ ="$26-aug-2014 11:09:29$"
-version_date="May 2016"
+version_date="Jun 2016"
 database_version="0.10"      #expected database schema version
 import httpserver
@@ -226,13 +226,15 @@ if __name__=="__main__":
         for thread in global_config["console_thread"]:
             thread.terminate = True
-    except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
-'Exiting openmanod')
+    except KeyboardInterrupt:
+    except SystemExit:
+        pass
     except getopt.GetoptError as e:
-        logger.error("Error:", e) # will print something like "option -a not recognized"
+        logger.error("Error: %s", str(e)) # will print something like "option -a not recognized"
     except LoadConfigurationException as e:
-        logger.error("Error:", e)
+        logger.error("Error: %s", str(e))
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index 2681226..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,255 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2015 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U.
-# This file is part of openmano
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
-# contact with:
-#This script can be used as a basic test of openmano deployment over openstack.
-#in order to use you need to set the OS_XXXX bash variables with openstack values
-#    OS_USERNAME     e.g.: admin
-#    OS_PASSWORD     
-#    OS_AUTH_URL     url to access openstack VIM e.g. http:/openstack:35357/v2.0
-#    OS_TENANT_NAME  e.g.: admin
-#    OS_CONFIG       e.g.: "'network_vlan_ranges: sriov_net'"
-#    OS_TEST_IMAGE_PATH_LINUX  image path(location) to use by the VNF linux
-#    OS_TEST_IMAGE_PATH_LINUXDATA image path(location) to use by the VNF dataplaneVNF_2VMs and dataplaneVNF3
-#it should be used with source. It can modifies /home/$USER/.bashrc appending the variables
-#you need to delete them manually if desired
-function usage(){
-    echo -e "usage: ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} [OPTIONS] <action>\n  test openmano using a openstack VIM"
-    echo -e "  <action> is a list of the following items (by default 'reset create')"
-    echo -e "    reset     reset the openmano database content"
-    echo -e "    create    creates items at openstack VIM"
-    echo -e "    delete    delete created items"
-    echo -e "  OPTIONS:"
-    echo -e "    -f --force       does not prompt for confirmation"
-    echo -e "    -h --help        shows this help"
-    echo -e "    --insert-bashrc  insert the created tenant,datacenter variables at"
-    echo -e "                     ~/.bashrc to be available by openmano config"
-function is_valid_uuid(){
-    echo "$1" | grep -q -E '^[0-9a-f]{8}-([0-9a-f]{4}-){3}[0-9a-f]{12}$' && return 0
-    return 1
-#detect if is called with a source to use the 'exit'/'return' command for exiting
-[[ ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} != $0 ]] && _exit="return" || _exit="exit"
-#detect if environment variables are set
-[[ -z $OS_USERNAME ]] && echo "OS_USERNAME variable not defined" >&2 && fail=1
-[[ -z $OS_PASSWORD ]] && echo "OS_PASSWORD variable not defined" >&2 && fail=1
-[[ -z $OS_AUTH_URL ]] && echo "OS_AUTH_URL variable not defined" >&2 && fail=1
-[[ -z $OS_TENANT_NAME ]] && echo "OS_TENANT_NAME variable not defined" >&2 && fail=1
-[[ -z $OS_CONFIG ]] && echo "OS_CONFIG variable not defined" >&2 && fail=1
-[[ -z $OS_TEST_IMAGE_PATH_LINUX ]] && echo "OS_TEST_IMAGE_PATH_LINUX variable not defined" >&2 && fail=1
-[[ -z $OS_TEST_IMAGE_PATH_LINUXDATA ]] && echo "OS_TEST_IMAGE_PATH_LINUXDATA variable not defined" >&2 && fail=1
-[[ -n $fail ]] && $_exit 1
-#check correct arguments
-for param in $*
-   if [[ $param == reset ]] || [[ $param == create ]] || [[ $param == delete ]]
-   then 
-       action_list="$action_list $param"
-   elif [[ $param == -h ]] || [[ $param == --help ]]
-   then
-       usage
-       $_exit 0
-   elif [[ $param == -f ]] || [[ $param == --force ]]
-   then
-       force=y
-   elif [[ $param == --insert-bashrc ]]
-   then
-       insert_bashrc=y
-   else
-       echo "invalid argument '$param'?" &&  usage >&2 && $_exit 1
-   fi
-DIRNAME=$(dirname $(readlink -f ${BASH_SOURCE[0]}))
-DIRmano=$(dirname $DIRNAME)
-DIRscript=$(dirname $DIRmano)/scripts
-#by default action should be reset create
-[[ -z $action_list ]] && action_list="reset create"
-for action in $action_list
-if [[ $action == "reset" ]] 
-    #ask for confirmation if argument is not -f --force
-    [[ $force != y ]] && read -e -p "WARNING: reset openmano database, content will be lost!!! Continue(y/N)" force
-    [[ $force != y ]] && [[ $force != yes ]] && echo "aborted!" && $_exit
-    echo "Stopping openmano"
-    $DIRscript/ mano stop
-    echo "Initializing openmano database"
-    $DIRmano/database_utils/ -u mano -p manopw
-    echo "Starting openmano"
-    $DIRscript/ mano start
-elif [[ $action == "delete" ]]
-    result=`openmano tenant-list TOS-tenant`
-    nfvotenant=`echo $result |gawk '{print $1}'`
-    #check a valid uuid is obtained
-    is_valid_uuid $nfvotenant || ! echo "Tenant TOS-tenant not found. Already delete?" >&2 || $_exit 1
-    export OPENMANO_TENANT=$nfvotenant
-    openmano instance-scenario-delete -f simple-instance     || echo "fail"
-    openmano instance-scenario-delete -f complex2-instance   || echo "fail"
-    openmano scenario-delete -f simple       || echo "fail"
-    openmano scenario-delete -f complex2     || echo "fail"
-    openmano vnf-delete -f linux             || echo "fail"
-    openmano vnf-delete -f dataplaneVNF_2VMs || echo "fail"
-    openmano vnf-delete -f dataplaneVNF3     || echo "fail"
-    openmano vnf-delete -f TOS-VNF1          || echo "fail"
-    openmano datacenter-detach TOS-dc        || echo "fail"
-    openmano datacenter-delete -f TOS-dc     || echo "fail"
-    openmano tenant-delete -f TOS-tenant     || echo "fail"
-elif [[ $action == "create" ]]
-    printf "%-50s" "Creating openmano tenant 'TOS-tenant': "
-    result=`openmano tenant-create TOS-tenant --description="created by"`
-    nfvotenant=`echo $result |gawk '{print $1}'`
-    #check a valid uuid is obtained
-    ! is_valid_uuid $nfvotenant && echo "FAIL" && echo "    $result" && $_exit 1 
-    export OPENMANO_TENANT=$nfvotenant
-    [[ $insert_bashrc == y ]] && echo -e "\nexport OPENMANO_TENANT=$nfvotenant"  >> ~/.bashrc
-    echo $nfvotenant
-    printf "%-50s" "Creating datacenter 'TOS-dc' in openmano:"
-    result=`openmano datacenter-create TOS-dc "${OS_AUTH_URL}" "--type=openstack" "--config=${OS_CONFIG}"`
-    datacenter=`echo $result |gawk '{print $1}'`
-    #check a valid uuid is obtained
-    ! is_valid_uuid $datacenter && echo "FAIL" && echo "    $result" && $_exit 1 
-    echo $datacenter
-    export OPENMANO_DATACENTER=$datacenter
-    [[ $insert_bashrc == y ]] && echo -e "\nexport OPENMANO_DATACENTER=$datacenter"  >> ~/.bashrc
-    printf "%-50s" "Attaching openmano tenant to the datacenter:"
-    result=`openmano datacenter-attach TOS-dc "--user=$OS_USERNAME" "--password=$OS_PASSWORD" "--vim-tenant-name=$OS_TENANT_NAME"`
-    [[ $? != 0 ]] && echo  "FAIL" && echo "    $result" && $_exit 1
-    echo OK
-    printf "%-50s" "Updating external nets in openmano: "
-    result=`openmano datacenter-netmap-delete -f --all`
-    [[ $? != 0 ]] && echo  "FAIL" && echo "    $result"  && $_exit 1
-    result=`openmano datacenter-netmap-upload -f`
-    [[ $? != 0 ]] && echo  "FAIL" && echo "    $result"  && $_exit 1
-    echo OK
-    printf "%-50s" "Creating VNF 'linux': "
-    #glance image-create --file=./US1404dpdk.qcow2 --name=US1404dpdk --disk-format=qcow2 --min-disk=2 --is-public=True --container-format=bare
-    #nova image-meta US1404dpdk set location=/mnt/powervault/virtualization/vnfs/os/US1404dpdk.qcow2
-    #glance image-create --file=./US1404user.qcow2 --min-disk=2 --is-public=True --container-format=bare --name=US1404user --disk-format=qcow2
-    #nova image-meta US1404user  set location=/mnt/powervault/virtualization/vnfs/os/US1404user.qcow2
-    result=`openmano vnf-create $DIRmano/vnfs/examples/linux.yaml "--image-path=$OS_TEST_IMAGE_PATH_LINUX"`
-    vnf=`echo $result |gawk '{print $1}'`
-    #check a valid uuid is obtained
-    ! is_valid_uuid $vnf && echo FAIL && echo "    $result" &&  $_exit 1
-    echo $vnf
-    printf "%-50s" "Creating VNF 1PF,1VF,2GHP,4PThreads: "
-    result=`openmano vnf-create "vnf:
-        name: TOS-VNF1
-        external-connections:
-        - name: eth0
-          type: mgmt
-          VNFC: TOS-VNF1-VM
-          local_iface_name: eth0
-        - name: PF0
-          type: data
-          VNFC: TOS-VNF1-VM
-          local_iface_name: PF0
-        - name: VF0
-          type: data
-          VNFC: TOS-VNF1-VM
-          local_iface_name: VF0
-        VNFC: 
-        - name: TOS-VNF1-VM
-          numas:
-          - paired-threads: 2
-            paired-threads-id: [ [0,2], [1,3] ]
-            memory: 2
-            interfaces:
-            - name:  PF0
-              vpci: '0000:00:11.0'
-              dedicated: 'yes'
-              bandwidth: 10 Gbps
-              mac_address: '20:33:45:56:77:44'
-            - name:  VF0
-              vpci:  '0000:00:12.0'
-              dedicated: 'no'
-              bandwidth: 1 Gbps
-              mac_address: '20:33:45:56:77:45'
-          bridge-ifaces:
-          - name: eth0
-            vpci: '0000:00:09.0'
-            bandwidth: 1 Mbps
-            mac_address: '20:33:45:56:77:46'
-            model: e1000
-       "`
-    vnf=`echo $result |gawk '{print $1}'`
-    ! is_valid_uuid $vnf && echo FAIL && echo "    $result" && $_exit 1
-    echo $vnf
-    printf "%-50s" "Creating VNF 'dataplaneVNF_2VMs': "
-    result=`openmano vnf-create $DIRmano/vnfs/examples/dataplaneVNF_2VMs.yaml "--image-path=$OS_TEST_IMAGE_PATH_LINUXDATA,$OS_TEST_IMAGE_PATH_LINUXDATA"`
-    vnf=`echo $result |gawk '{print $1}'`
-    ! is_valid_uuid $vnf && echo FAIL && echo "    $result" && $_exit 1
-    echo $vnf
-    printf "%-50s" "Creating VNF 'dataplaneVNF3.yaml': "
-    result=`openmano vnf-create $DIRmano/vnfs/examples/dataplaneVNF3.yaml "--image-path=$OS_TEST_IMAGE_PATH_LINUXDATA"`
-    vnf=`echo $result |gawk '{print $1}'`
-    ! is_valid_uuid $vnf && echo FAIL && echo "    $result" && $_exit 1
-    echo $vnf
-    for sce in simple complex2
-    do
-      printf "%-50s" "Creating scenario '$sce':"
-      result=`openmano scenario-create $DIRmano/scenarios/examples/${sce}.yaml`
-      scenario=`echo $result |gawk '{print $1}'`
-      ! is_valid_uuid $scenario && echo FAIL && echo "    $result" &&  $_exit 1
-      echo $scenario
-    done
-    for sce in simple complex2
-    do 
-      printf "%-50s" "Deploying scenario '$sce':"
-      result=`openmano instance-scenario-create --scenario $sce --name ${sce}-instance`
-      instance=`echo $result |gawk '{print $1}'`
-      ! is_valid_uuid $instance && echo FAIL && echo "    $result" && $_exit 1
-      echo $instance
-    done
-    echo
-    echo DONE
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..7a7d897
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U.
+# This file is part of openmano
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
+# contact with:
+#This script can be used as a basic test of openmano deployment over a vim
+#in order to use you need to set the VIM_XXXX bash variables with a vim values
+#    VIM_TYPE         openstack or openvim
+#    VIM_USERNAME     e.g.: admin
+#    VIM_PASSWORD     
+#    VIM_AUTH_URL     url to access VIM e.g. http:/openstack:35357/v2.0
+#    VIM_AUTH_URL_ADMIN admin url
+#    VIM_TENANT_NAME  e.g.: admin
+#    VIM_CONFIG       e.g.: "'network_vlan_ranges: sriov_net'"
+#    VIM_TEST_IMAGE_PATH_LINUX  image path(location) to use by the VNF linux
+#    VIM_TEST_IMAGE_PATH_NFV image path(location) to use by the VNF dataplaneVNF_2VMs and dataplaneVNF3
+#it should be used with source. It can modifies /home/$USER/.bashrc appending the variables
+#you need to delete them manually if desired
+function usage(){
+    echo -e "usage: ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} [OPTIONS] <action>\n  test VIM managing from openmano"
+    echo -e "  <action> is a list of the following items (by default 'reset create')"
+    echo -e "    reset     reset the openmano database content"
+    echo -e "    create    creates items at VIM"
+    echo -e "    delete    delete created items"
+    echo -e "  OPTIONS:"
+    echo -e "    -f --force       does not prompt for confirmation"
+    echo -e "    -h --help        shows this help"
+    echo -e "    --insert-bashrc  insert the created tenant,datacenter variables at"
+    echo -e "                     ~/.bashrc to be available by openmano config"
+function is_valid_uuid(){
+    echo "$1" | grep -q -E '^[0-9a-f]{8}-([0-9a-f]{4}-){3}[0-9a-f]{12}$' && return 0
+    echo "$1" | grep -q -E '^[0-9a-f]{32}$' && return 0
+    return 1
+#detect if is called with a source to use the 'exit'/'return' command for exiting
+[[ ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} != $0 ]] && _exit="return" || _exit="exit"
+#detect if environment variables are set
+[[ -z $VIM_TYPE ]]     && echo "VIM_TYPE variable not defined" >&2 && fail=1
+[[ -z $VIM_USERNAME ]] && echo "VIM_USERNAME variable not defined" >&2 && fail=1
+[[ -z $VIM_PASSWORD ]] && echo "VIM_PASSWORD variable not defined" >&2 && fail=1
+[[ -z $VIM_AUTH_URL ]] && echo "VIM_AUTH_URL variable not defined" >&2 && fail=1
+[[ -z $VIM_TENANT_NAME ]] && [[ -z $VIM_TENANT_NAME ]] && echo "neither VIM_TENANT_NAME not VIM_TENANT_ID variables are not defined" >&2 && fail=1
+[[ -z $VIM_CONFIG ]] && echo "VIM_CONFIG variable not defined" >&2 && fail=1
+[[ -z $VIM_TEST_IMAGE_PATH_LINUX ]] && echo "VIM_TEST_IMAGE_PATH_LINUX variable not defined" >&2 && fail=1
+[[ -z $VIM_TEST_IMAGE_PATH_NFV ]]   && echo "VIM_TEST_IMAGE_PATH_NFV variable not defined" >&2 && fail=1
+[[ -n $fail ]] && $_exit 1
+#check correct arguments
+for param in $*
+   if [[ $param == reset ]] || [[ $param == create ]] || [[ $param == delete ]]
+   then 
+       action_list="$action_list $param"
+   elif [[ $param == -h ]] || [[ $param == --help ]]
+   then
+       usage
+       $_exit 0
+   elif [[ $param == -f ]] || [[ $param == --force ]]
+   then
+       force=y
+   elif [[ $param == --insert-bashrc ]]
+   then
+       insert_bashrc=y
+   else
+       echo "invalid argument '$param'?" &&  usage >&2 && $_exit 1
+   fi
+DIRNAME=$(dirname $(readlink -f ${BASH_SOURCE[0]}))
+DIRmano=$(dirname $DIRNAME)
+DIRscript=$(dirname $DIRmano)/scripts
+#by default action should be reset and create
+[[ -z $action_list ]] && action_list="reset create"
+for action in $action_list
+if [[ $action == "reset" ]] 
+    #ask for confirmation if argument is not -f --force
+    [[ $force != y ]] && read -e -p "WARNING: reset openmano database, content will be lost!!! Continue(y/N)" force
+    [[ $force != y ]] && [[ $force != yes ]] && echo "aborted!" && $_exit
+    echo "Stopping openmano"
+    $DIRscript/ mano stop
+    echo "Initializing openmano database"
+    $DIRmano/database_utils/ -u mano -p manopw
+    echo "Starting openmano"
+    $DIRscript/ mano start
+elif [[ $action == "delete" ]]
+    result=`openmano tenant-list TESTVIM-tenant`
+    nfvotenant=`echo $result |gawk '{print $1}'`
+    #check a valid uuid is obtained
+    is_valid_uuid $nfvotenant || ! echo "Tenant TESTVIM-tenant not found. Already delete?" >&2 || $_exit 1
+    export OPENMANO_TENANT=$nfvotenant
+    openmano instance-scenario-delete -f simple-instance     || echo "fail"
+    openmano instance-scenario-delete -f complex2-instance   || echo "fail"
+    openmano scenario-delete -f simple       || echo "fail"
+    openmano scenario-delete -f complex2     || echo "fail"
+    openmano vnf-delete -f linux             || echo "fail"
+    openmano vnf-delete -f dataplaneVNF_2VMs || echo "fail"
+    openmano vnf-delete -f dataplaneVNF3     || echo "fail"
+    openmano vnf-delete -f TESTVIM-VNF1          || echo "fail"
+    openmano datacenter-detach TESTVIM-dc        || echo "fail"
+    openmano datacenter-delete -f TESTVIM-dc     || echo "fail"
+    openmano tenant-delete -f TESTVIM-tenant     || echo "fail"
+elif [[ $action == "create" ]]
+    printf "%-50s" "Creating openmano tenant 'TESTVIM-tenant': "
+    result=`openmano tenant-create TESTVIM-tenant --description="created by"`
+    nfvotenant=`echo $result |gawk '{print $1}'`
+    #check a valid uuid is obtained
+    ! is_valid_uuid $nfvotenant && echo "FAIL" && echo "    $result" && $_exit 1 
+    export OPENMANO_TENANT=$nfvotenant
+    [[ $insert_bashrc == y ]] && echo -e "\nexport OPENMANO_TENANT=$nfvotenant"  >> ~/.bashrc
+    echo $nfvotenant
+    printf "%-50s" "Creating datacenter 'TESTVIM-dc' in openmano:"
+    [[ -n $VIM_AUTH_URL_ADMIN ]] && URL_ADMIN_PARAM="--url_admin=$VIM_AUTH_URL_ADMIN"
+    result=`openmano datacenter-create TESTVIM-dc "${VIM_AUTH_URL}" "--type=$VIM_TYPE" $URL_ADMIN_PARAM "--config=${VIM_CONFIG}"`
+    datacenter=`echo $result |gawk '{print $1}'`
+    #check a valid uuid is obtained
+    ! is_valid_uuid $datacenter && echo "FAIL" && echo "    $result" && $_exit 1 
+    echo $datacenter
+    export OPENMANO_DATACENTER=$datacenter
+    [[ $insert_bashrc == y ]] && echo -e "\nexport OPENMANO_DATACENTER=$datacenter"  >> ~/.bashrc
+    printf "%-50s" "Attaching openmano tenant to the datacenter:"
+    [[ -n $VIM_PASSWORD ]]    && passwd_param="--password=$VIM_PASSWORD"                    || passwd_param=""
+    [[ -n $VIM_TENANT_NAME ]] && vim_tenant_name_param="--vim-tenant-name=$VIM_TENANT_NAME" || vim_tenant_name_param=""
+    [[ -n $VIM_TENANT_ID   ]] && vim_tenant_id_param="--vim-tenant-id=$VIM_TENANT_ID"       || vim_tenant_id_param=""
+    [[ -n $VIM_PASSWORD ]] && passwd_param="--password=$VIM_PASSWORD" || passwd_param=""
+    result=`openmano datacenter-attach TESTVIM-dc "--user=$VIM_USERNAME" "$passwd_param" "$vim_tenant_name_param"`
+    [[ $? != 0 ]] && echo  "FAIL" && echo "    $result" && $_exit 1
+    echo OK
+    printf "%-50s" "Updating external nets in openmano: "
+    result=`openmano datacenter-netmap-delete -f --all`
+    [[ $? != 0 ]] && echo  "FAIL" && echo "    $result"  && $_exit 1
+    result=`openmano datacenter-netmap-upload -f`
+    [[ $? != 0 ]] && echo  "FAIL" && echo "    $result"  && $_exit 1
+    echo OK
+    printf "%-50s" "Creating VNF 'linux': "
+    #glance image-create --file=./US1404dpdk.qcow2 --name=US1404dpdk --disk-format=qcow2 --min-disk=2 --is-public=True --container-format=bare
+    #nova image-meta US1404dpdk set location=/mnt/powervault/virtualization/vnfs/os/US1404dpdk.qcow2
+    #glance image-create --file=./US1404user.qcow2 --min-disk=2 --is-public=True --container-format=bare --name=US1404user --disk-format=qcow2
+    #nova image-meta US1404user  set location=/mnt/powervault/virtualization/vnfs/os/US1404user.qcow2
+    result=`openmano vnf-create $DIRmano/vnfs/examples/linux.yaml "--image-path=$VIM_TEST_IMAGE_PATH_LINUX"`
+    vnf=`echo $result |gawk '{print $1}'`
+    #check a valid uuid is obtained
+    ! is_valid_uuid $vnf && echo FAIL && echo "    $result" &&  $_exit 1
+    echo $vnf
+    printf "%-50s" "Creating VNF 1PF,1VF,2GB,4PThreads: "
+    result=`openmano vnf-create "vnf:
+        name: TESTVIM-VNF1
+        external-connections:
+        - name: eth0
+          type: mgmt
+          VNFC: TESTVIM-VNF1-VM
+          local_iface_name: eth0
+        - name: PF0
+          type: data
+          VNFC: TESTVIM-VNF1-VM
+          local_iface_name: PF0
+        - name: VF0
+          type: data
+          VNFC: TESTVIM-VNF1-VM
+          local_iface_name: VF0
+        VNFC: 
+        - name: TESTVIM-VNF1-VM
+          VNFC image: $VIM_TEST_IMAGE_PATH_NFV
+          numas:
+          - paired-threads: 2
+            paired-threads-id: [ [0,2], [1,3] ]
+            memory: 2
+            interfaces:
+            - name:  PF0
+              vpci: '0000:00:11.0'
+              dedicated: 'yes'
+              bandwidth: 10 Gbps
+              mac_address: '20:33:45:56:77:44'
+            - name:  VF0
+              vpci:  '0000:00:12.0'
+              dedicated: 'no'
+              bandwidth: 1 Gbps
+              mac_address: '20:33:45:56:77:45'
+          bridge-ifaces:
+          - name: eth0
+            vpci: '0000:00:09.0'
+            bandwidth: 1 Mbps
+            mac_address: '20:33:45:56:77:46'
+            model: e1000
+       "`
+    vnf=`echo $result |gawk '{print $1}'`
+    ! is_valid_uuid $vnf && echo FAIL && echo "    $result" && $_exit 1
+    echo $vnf
+    printf "%-50s" "Creating VNF 'dataplaneVNF_2VMs': "
+    result=`openmano vnf-create $DIRmano/vnfs/examples/dataplaneVNF_2VMs.yaml "--image-path=$VIM_TEST_IMAGE_PATH_NFV,$VIM_TEST_IMAGE_PATH_NFV"`
+    vnf=`echo $result |gawk '{print $1}'`
+    ! is_valid_uuid $vnf && echo FAIL && echo "    $result" && $_exit 1
+    echo $vnf
+    printf "%-50s" "Creating VNF 'dataplaneVNF3.yaml': "
+    result=`openmano vnf-create $DIRmano/vnfs/examples/dataplaneVNF3.yaml "--image-path=$VIM_TEST_IMAGE_PATH_NFV"`
+    vnf=`echo $result |gawk '{print $1}'`
+    ! is_valid_uuid $vnf && echo FAIL && echo "    $result" && $_exit 1
+    echo $vnf
+    for sce in simple complex2
+    do
+      printf "%-50s" "Creating scenario '$sce':"
+      result=`openmano scenario-create $DIRmano/scenarios/examples/${sce}.yaml`
+      scenario=`echo $result |gawk '{print $1}'`
+      ! is_valid_uuid $scenario && echo FAIL && echo "    $result" &&  $_exit 1
+      echo $scenario
+    done
+    for sce in simple complex2
+    do 
+      printf "%-50s" "Deploying scenario '$sce':"
+      result=`openmano instance-scenario-create --scenario $sce --name ${sce}-instance`
+      instance=`echo $result |gawk '{print $1}'`
+      ! is_valid_uuid $instance && echo FAIL && echo "    $result" && $_exit 1
+      echo $instance
+    done
+    echo
+    echo DONE
index 76e7e4c..1c6227e 100644 (file)
@@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ class vimconnector(vimconn.vimconnector):
                                 numa_properties["hw:cpu_policy"] = "isolated"
                             for interface in numa.get("interfaces",() ):
                                 if interface["dedicated"]=="yes":
-                                    raise vimconn.HTTP_Service_Unavailable("Passthrough interfaces are not supported for the openstack connector")
+                                    raise vimconn.vimconnException("Passthrough interfaces are not supported for the openstack connector", http_code=vimconn.HTTP_Service_Unavailable)
                                 #TODO, add the key 'pci_passthrough:alias"="<label at config>:<number ifaces>"' when a way to connect it is available
                 #create flavor