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+Test a charm that breaks post-deployment
+import asyncio
+import logging
+import pytest
+from .. import base
+# @pytest.mark.serial
+class TestCharm(base.TestN2VC):
+ NSD_YAML = """
+ nsd:nsd-catalog:
+ nsd:
+ - id: brokencharm-ns
+ name: brokencharm-ns
+ short-name: brokencharm-ns
+ description: NS with 1 VNF connected by datanet and mgmtnet VLs
+ version: '1.0'
+ logo: osm.png
+ constituent-vnfd:
+ - vnfd-id-ref: charmproxy-vnf
+ member-vnf-index: '1'
+ vld:
+ - id: mgmtnet
+ name: mgmtnet
+ short-name: mgmtnet
+ type: ELAN
+ mgmt-network: 'true'
+ vim-network-name: mgmt
+ vnfd-connection-point-ref:
+ - vnfd-id-ref: charmproxy-vnf
+ member-vnf-index-ref: '1'
+ vnfd-connection-point-ref: vnf-mgmt
+ - vnfd-id-ref: charmproxy-vnf
+ member-vnf-index-ref: '2'
+ vnfd-connection-point-ref: vnf-mgmt
+ - id: datanet
+ name: datanet
+ short-name: datanet
+ type: ELAN
+ vnfd-connection-point-ref:
+ - vnfd-id-ref: charmproxy-vnf
+ member-vnf-index-ref: '1'
+ vnfd-connection-point-ref: vnf-data
+ - vnfd-id-ref: charmproxy-vnf
+ member-vnf-index-ref: '2'
+ vnfd-connection-point-ref: vnf-data
+ """
+ VNFD_YAML = """
+ vnfd:vnfd-catalog:
+ vnfd:
+ - id: hackfest-simplecharm-vnf
+ name: hackfest-simplecharm-vnf
+ short-name: hackfest-simplecharm-vnf
+ version: '1.0'
+ description: A VNF consisting of 2 VDUs connected to an internal VL, and one VDU with cloud-init
+ logo: osm.png
+ connection-point:
+ - id: vnf-mgmt
+ name: vnf-mgmt
+ short-name: vnf-mgmt
+ type: VPORT
+ - id: vnf-data
+ name: vnf-data
+ short-name: vnf-data
+ type: VPORT
+ mgmt-interface:
+ cp: vnf-mgmt
+ internal-vld:
+ - id: internal
+ name: internal
+ short-name: internal
+ type: ELAN
+ internal-connection-point:
+ - id-ref: mgmtVM-internal
+ - id-ref: dataVM-internal
+ vdu:
+ - id: mgmtVM
+ name: mgmtVM
+ image: hackfest3-mgmt
+ count: '1'
+ vm-flavor:
+ vcpu-count: '1'
+ memory-mb: '1024'
+ storage-gb: '10'
+ interface:
+ - name: mgmtVM-eth0
+ position: '1'
+ type: EXTERNAL
+ virtual-interface:
+ type: PARAVIRT
+ external-connection-point-ref: vnf-mgmt
+ - name: mgmtVM-eth1
+ position: '2'
+ type: INTERNAL
+ virtual-interface:
+ type: PARAVIRT
+ internal-connection-point-ref: mgmtVM-internal
+ internal-connection-point:
+ - id: mgmtVM-internal
+ name: mgmtVM-internal
+ short-name: mgmtVM-internal
+ type: VPORT
+ cloud-init-file: cloud-config.txt
+ - id: dataVM
+ name: dataVM
+ image: hackfest3-mgmt
+ count: '1'
+ vm-flavor:
+ vcpu-count: '1'
+ memory-mb: '1024'
+ storage-gb: '10'
+ interface:
+ - name: dataVM-eth0
+ position: '1'
+ type: INTERNAL
+ virtual-interface:
+ type: PARAVIRT
+ internal-connection-point-ref: dataVM-internal
+ - name: dataVM-xe0
+ position: '2'
+ type: EXTERNAL
+ virtual-interface:
+ type: PARAVIRT
+ external-connection-point-ref: vnf-data
+ internal-connection-point:
+ - id: dataVM-internal
+ name: dataVM-internal
+ short-name: dataVM-internal
+ type: VPORT
+ vnf-configuration:
+ juju:
+ charm: broken
+ proxy: true
+ initial-config-primitive:
+ - seq: '1'
+ name: touch
+ parameter:
+ - name: filename
+ value: '/home/ubuntu/first-touch'
+ config-primitive:
+ - name: touch
+ parameter:
+ - name: filename
+ data-type: STRING
+ default-value: '/home/ubuntu/touched'
+ """
+ # @pytest.mark.serial
+ @pytest.mark.asyncio
+ async def test_charm_proxy(self, event_loop):
+ """Deploy and execute the initial-config-primitive of a VNF."""
+ if self.nsd and self.vnfd:
+ vnf_index = 0
+ for config in self.get_config():
+ juju = config['juju']
+ charm = juju['charm']
+ await self.deploy(
+ vnf_index,
+ charm,
+ config,
+ event_loop,
+ )
+ while await self.running():
+ print("Waiting for test to finish...")
+ await asyncio.sleep(15)
+ logging.debug("test_charm_proxy stopped")
+ return 'ok'