+# Fault Management operations
+@click.option('--ns', prompt=True, help='NS instance id or name')
+@click.option('--vnf', prompt=True,
+ help='VNF name (VNF member index as declared in the NSD)')
+@click.option('--vdu', prompt=True,
+ help='VDU name (VDU name as declared in the VNFD)')
+@click.option('--metric', prompt=True,
+ help='Name of the metric (e.g. cpu_utilization)')
+@click.option('--severity', default='WARNING',
+ help='severity of the alarm (WARNING, MINOR, MAJOR, CRITICAL, INDETERMINATE)')
+@click.option('--threshold_value', prompt=True,
+ help='threshold value that, when crossed, an alarm is triggered')
+@click.option('--threshold_operator', prompt=True,
+ help='threshold operator describing the comparison (GE, LE, GT, LT, EQ')
+@click.option('--statistic', default='AVERAGE',
+ help='statistic (AVERAGE, MINIMUM, MAXIMUM, COUNT, SUM)')
+def ns_alarm_create(ctx, name, ns, vnf, vdu, metric, severity,
+ threshold_value, threshold_operator, statistic):
+ '''creates a new alarm for a NS instance'''
+ alarm = {}
+ alarm['alarm_name'] = name
+ alarm['ns_name'] = ns
+ alarm['vnf_member_index'] = vnf
+ alarm['vdu_name'] = vdu
+ alarm['metric_name'] = metric
+ alarm['severity'] = severity
+ alarm['threshold_value'] = int(threshold_value)
+ alarm['operation'] = threshold_operator
+ alarm['statistic'] = statistic
+ try:
+ check_client_version(ctx.obj,
+ ctx.obj.ns.create_alarm(alarm)
+ except ClientException as inst:
+ print(inst.message)
+ exit(1)
+def ns_alarm_delete(ctx, name):
+ '''deletes an alarm
+ NAME: name of the alarm to be deleted
+ '''
+ try:
+ check_client_version(ctx.obj,
+ ctx.obj.ns.delete_alarm(name)
+ except ClientException as inst:
+ print(inst.message)
+ exit(1)
+# Performance Management operations
+@click.option('--ns', prompt=True, help='NS instance id or name')
+@click.option('--vnf', prompt=True,
+ help='VNF name (VNF member index as declared in the NSD)')
+@click.option('--vdu', prompt=True,
+ help='VDU name (VDU name as declared in the VNFD)')
+@click.option('--metric', prompt=True,
+ help='name of the metric (e.g. cpu_utilization)')
+#@click.option('--period', default='1w',
+# help='metric collection period (e.g. 20s, 30m, 2h, 3d, 1w)')
+@click.option('--interval', help='periodic interval (seconds) to export metrics continuously')
+def ns_metric_export(ctx, ns, vnf, vdu, metric, interval):
+ '''exports a metric to the internal OSM bus, which can be read by other apps
+ '''
+ metric_data = {}
+ metric_data['ns_name'] = ns
+ metric_data['vnf_member_index'] = vnf
+ metric_data['vdu_name'] = vdu
+ metric_data['metric_name'] = metric
+ metric_data['collection_unit'] = 'WEEK'
+ metric_data['collection_period'] = 1
+ try:
+ check_client_version(ctx.obj,
+ if not interval:
+ ctx.obj.ns.export_metric(metric_data)
+ else:
+ i = 1
+ while True:
+ ctx.obj.ns.export_metric(metric_data)
+ time.sleep(int(interval))
+ i+=1
+ except ClientException as inst:
+ print(inst.message)
+ exit(1)
# Other operations
raise ClientException(message)
+ def create_alarm(self, alarm):
+ ns = self.get(alarm['ns_name'])
+ alarm['ns_id'] = ns['_id']
+ alarm.pop('ns_name')
+ data = {}
+ data["create_alarm_request"] = {}
+ data["create_alarm_request"]["alarm_create_request"] = alarm
+ try:
+ resp = self._http.post_cmd(endpoint='/test/message/alarm_request',
+ postfields_dict=data)
+ #print 'RESP: {}'.format(resp)
+ if not resp:
+ raise ClientException('unexpected response from server: '.format(
+ resp))
+ print 'Alarm created'
+ except ClientException as exc:
+ message="failed to create alarm: alarm {}\nerror:\n{}".format(
+ alarm,
+ exc.message)
+ raise ClientException(message)
+ def delete_alarm(self, name):
+ data = {}
+ data["delete_alarm_request"] = {}
+ data["delete_alarm_request"]["alarm_delete_request"] = {}
+ data["delete_alarm_request"]["alarm_delete_request"]["alarm_uuid"] = name
+ try:
+ resp = self._http.post_cmd(endpoint='/test/message/alarm_request',
+ postfields_dict=data)
+ #print 'RESP: {}'.format(resp)
+ if not resp:
+ raise ClientException('unexpected response from server: '.format(
+ resp))
+ print 'Alarm deleted'
+ except ClientException as exc:
+ message="failed to delete alarm: alarm {}\nerror:\n{}".format(
+ alarm,
+ exc.message)
+ raise ClientException(message)
+ def export_metric(self, metric):
+ ns = self.get(metric['ns_name'])
+ metric['ns_id'] = ns['_id']
+ metric.pop('ns_name')
+ data = {}
+ data["read_metric_data_request"] = metric
+ try:
+ resp = self._http.post_cmd(endpoint='/test/message/metric_request',
+ postfields_dict=data)
+ #print 'RESP: {}'.format(resp)
+ if not resp:
+ raise ClientException('unexpected response from server: '.format(
+ resp))
+ print 'Metric exported'
+ except ClientException as exc:
+ message="failed to export metric: metric {}\nerror:\n{}".format(
+ metric,
+ exc.message)
+ raise ClientException(message)