--- /dev/null
+ parameters([
+ string(defaultValue: env.BRANCH_NAME, description: '', name: 'GERRIT_BRANCH'),
+ string(defaultValue: 'osm/vim-emu', description: '', name: 'GERRIT_PROJECT'),
+ string(defaultValue: env.GERRIT_REFSPEC, description: '', name: 'GERRIT_REFSPEC'),
+ string(defaultValue: env.GERRIT_PATCHSET_REVISION, description: '', name: 'GERRIT_PATCHSET_REVISION'),
+ string(defaultValue: 'https://osm.etsi.org/gerrit', description: '', name: 'PROJECT_URL_PREFIX'),
+ booleanParam(defaultValue: false, description: '', name: 'TEST_INSTALL'),
+ string(defaultValue: 'artifactory-osm', description: '', name: 'ARTIFACTORY_SERVER'),
+ ])
+def devops_checkout() {
+ dir('devops') {
+ git url: "${PROJECT_URL_PREFIX}/osm/devops", branch: params.GERRIT_BRANCH
+ }
+node('docker') {
+ checkout scm
+ devops_checkout()
+ // vim-emu: We need to use privileged mode, docker.sock, and host pids for the container
+ // to test the emulator. Also needs -u 0:0 (root user inside container).
+ docker_args = "--privileged --pid='host' -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -u 0:0"
+ ci_helper = load "devops/jenkins/ci-pipelines/ci_stage_2.groovy"
+ ci_helper.ci_pipeline( 'vim-emu',
+ params.TEST_INSTALL,
+ docker_args)
--- /dev/null
+# Runs the unittests of "vim-emu". Script needs to be executed inside
+# the vim-emu Docker container by user "root". It requires the container
+# to be started in privileged mode.
+set -e
+echo "vim-emu stage-test"
+# trigger ovs setup since container entrypoint is overwritten by Jenkins
+service openvswitch-switch start
+# ensure the Docker image used during the unittests is there
+docker pull 'ubuntu:trusty'
+# debugging
+echo "Tests executed inside: $(hostname)"
+echo "Tests executed by user: $(whoami)"
+# trigger the tests
+cd /son-emu/
+py.test -v src/emuvim/test/unittests