--- /dev/null
- def new_network(self, net_name, net_type, ip_profile=None, shared=False, vlan=None):
+ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ ##
+ # Copyright 2017 xFlow Research Pvt. Ltd
+ # This file is part of openmano
+ # All Rights Reserved.
+ #
+ # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+ # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+ # a copy of the License at
+ #
+ # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ #
+ # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+ # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+ # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ # under the License.
+ #
+ # For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
+ # contact with: saboor.ahmad@xflowresearch.com
+ ##
+ '''
+ AWS-connector implements all the methods to interact with AWS using the BOTO client
+ '''
+ __author__ = "Saboor Ahmad"
+ __date__ = "10-Apr-2017"
+ from osm_ro import vimconn
+ import yaml
+ import logging
+ import netaddr
+ import time
+ import boto
+ import boto.ec2
+ import boto.vpc
+ class vimconnector(vimconn.vimconnector):
+ def __init__(self, uuid, name, tenant_id, tenant_name, url, url_admin=None, user=None, passwd=None, log_level=None,
+ config={}, persistent_info={}):
+ """ Params: uuid - id asigned to this VIM
+ name - name assigned to this VIM, can be used for logging
+ tenant_id - ID to be used for tenant
+ tenant_name - name of tenant to be used VIM tenant to be used
+ url_admin - optional, url used for administrative tasks
+ user - credentials of the VIM user
+ passwd - credentials of the VIM user
+ log_level - if must use a different log_level than the general one
+ config - dictionary with misc VIM information
+ region_name - name of region to deploy the instances
+ vpc_cidr_block - default CIDR block for VPC
+ security_groups - default security group to specify this instance
+ persistent_info - dict where the class can store information that will be available among class
+ destroy/creation cycles. This info is unique per VIM/credential. At first call it will contain an
+ empty dict. Useful to store login/tokens information for speed up communication
+ """
+ vimconn.vimconnector.__init__(self, uuid, name, tenant_id, tenant_name, url, url_admin, user, passwd, log_level,
+ config, persistent_info)
+ self.persistent_info = persistent_info
+ self.a_creds = {}
+ if user:
+ self.a_creds['aws_access_key_id'] = user
+ else:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnAuthException("Username is not specified")
+ if passwd:
+ self.a_creds['aws_secret_access_key'] = passwd
+ else:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnAuthException("Password is not specified")
+ if 'region_name' in config:
+ self.region = config.get('region_name')
+ else:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("AWS region_name is not specified at config")
+ self.vpc_data = {}
+ self.subnet_data = {}
+ self.conn = None
+ self.conn_vpc = None
+ self.account_id = None
+ self.vpc_id = self.get_tenant_list()[0]['id']
+ # we take VPC CIDR block if specified, otherwise we use the default CIDR
+ # block suggested by AWS while creating instance
+ self.vpc_cidr_block = ''
+ if tenant_id:
+ self.vpc_id = tenant_id
+ if 'vpc_cidr_block' in config:
+ self.vpc_cidr_block = config['vpc_cidr_block']
+ self.security_groups = None
+ if 'security_groups' in config:
+ self.security_groups = config['security_groups']
+ self.key_pair = None
+ if 'key_pair' in config:
+ self.key_pair = config['key_pair']
+ self.flavor_info = None
+ if 'flavor_info' in config:
+ flavor_data = config.get('flavor_info')
+ if isinstance(flavor_data, str):
+ try:
+ if flavor_data[0] == "@": # read from a file
+ with open(flavor_data[1:], 'r') as stream:
+ self.flavor_info = yaml.load(stream, Loader=yaml.Loader)
+ else:
+ self.flavor_info = yaml.load(flavor_data, Loader=yaml.Loader)
+ except yaml.YAMLError as e:
+ self.flavor_info = None
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("Bad format at file '{}': {}".format(flavor_data[1:], e))
+ except IOError as e:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("Error reading file '{}': {}".format(flavor_data[1:], e))
+ elif isinstance(flavor_data, dict):
+ self.flavor_info = flavor_data
+ self.logger = logging.getLogger('openmano.vim.aws')
+ if log_level:
+ self.logger.setLevel(getattr(logging, log_level))
+ def __setitem__(self, index, value):
+ """Params: index - name of value of set
+ value - value to set
+ """
+ if index == 'user':
+ self.a_creds['aws_access_key_id'] = value
+ elif index == 'passwd':
+ self.a_creds['aws_secret_access_key'] = value
+ elif index == 'region':
+ self.region = value
+ else:
+ vimconn.vimconnector.__setitem__(self, index, value)
+ def _reload_connection(self):
+ """Returns: sets boto.EC2 and boto.VPC connection to work with AWS services
+ """
+ try:
+ self.conn = boto.ec2.connect_to_region(self.region, aws_access_key_id=self.a_creds['aws_access_key_id'],
+ aws_secret_access_key=self.a_creds['aws_secret_access_key'])
+ self.conn_vpc = boto.vpc.connect_to_region(self.region, aws_access_key_id=self.a_creds['aws_access_key_id'],
+ aws_secret_access_key=self.a_creds['aws_secret_access_key'])
+ # client = boto3.client("sts", aws_access_key_id=self.a_creds['aws_access_key_id'], aws_secret_access_key=self.a_creds['aws_secret_access_key'])
+ # self.account_id = client.get_caller_identity()["Account"]
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.format_vimconn_exception(e)
+ def format_vimconn_exception(self, e):
+ """Params: an Exception object
+ Returns: Raises the exception 'e' passed in mehtod parameters
+ """
+ self.conn = None
+ self.conn_vpc = None
+ raise vimconn.vimconnConnectionException(type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e))
+ def get_availability_zones_list(self):
+ """Obtain AvailabilityZones from AWS
+ """
+ try:
+ self._reload_connection()
+ az_list = []
+ for az in self.conn.get_all_zones():
+ az_list.append(az.name)
+ return az_list
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.format_vimconn_exception(e)
+ def get_tenant_list(self, filter_dict={}):
+ """Obtain tenants of VIM
+ filter_dict dictionary that can contain the following keys:
+ name: filter by tenant name
+ id: filter by tenant uuid/id
+ <other VIM specific>
+ Returns the tenant list of dictionaries, and empty list if no tenant match all the filers:
+ [{'name':'<name>, 'id':'<id>, ...}, ...]
+ """
+ try:
+ self._reload_connection()
+ vpc_ids = []
+ tfilters = {}
+ if filter_dict != {}:
+ if 'id' in filter_dict:
+ vpc_ids.append(filter_dict['id'])
+ tfilters['name'] = filter_dict['id']
+ tenants = self.conn_vpc.get_all_vpcs(vpc_ids, tfilters)
+ tenant_list = []
+ for tenant in tenants:
+ tenant_list.append({'id': str(tenant.id), 'name': str(tenant.id), 'status': str(tenant.state),
+ 'cidr_block': str(tenant.cidr_block)})
+ return tenant_list
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.format_vimconn_exception(e)
+ def new_tenant(self, tenant_name, tenant_description):
+ """Adds a new tenant to VIM with this name and description, this is done using admin_url if provided
+ "tenant_name": string max lenght 64
+ "tenant_description": string max length 256
+ returns the tenant identifier or raise exception
+ """
+ self.logger.debug("Adding a new VPC")
+ try:
+ self._reload_connection()
+ vpc = self.conn_vpc.create_vpc(self.vpc_cidr_block)
+ self.conn_vpc.modify_vpc_attribute(vpc.id, enable_dns_support=True)
+ self.conn_vpc.modify_vpc_attribute(vpc.id, enable_dns_hostnames=True)
+ gateway = self.conn_vpc.create_internet_gateway()
+ self.conn_vpc.attach_internet_gateway(gateway.id, vpc.id)
+ route_table = self.conn_vpc.create_route_table(vpc.id)
+ self.conn_vpc.create_route(route_table.id, '', gateway.id)
+ self.vpc_data[vpc.id] = {'gateway': gateway.id, 'route_table': route_table.id,
+ 'subnets': self.subnet_sizes(len(self.get_availability_zones_list()),
+ self.vpc_cidr_block)}
+ return vpc.id
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.format_vimconn_exception(e)
+ def delete_tenant(self, tenant_id):
+ """Delete a tenant from VIM
+ tenant_id: returned VIM tenant_id on "new_tenant"
+ Returns None on success. Raises and exception of failure. If tenant is not found raises vimconnNotFoundException
+ """
+ self.logger.debug("Deleting specified VPC")
+ try:
+ self._reload_connection()
+ vpc = self.vpc_data.get(tenant_id)
+ if 'gateway' in vpc and 'route_table' in vpc:
+ gateway_id, route_table_id = vpc['gateway'], vpc['route_table']
+ self.conn_vpc.detach_internet_gateway(gateway_id, tenant_id)
+ self.conn_vpc.delete_vpc(tenant_id)
+ self.conn_vpc.delete_route(route_table_id, '')
+ else:
+ self.conn_vpc.delete_vpc(tenant_id)
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.format_vimconn_exception(e)
+ def subnet_sizes(self, availability_zones, cidr):
+ """Calcualtes possible subnets given CIDR value of VPC
+ """
+ if availability_zones != 2 and availability_zones != 3:
+ self.logger.debug("Number of AZs should be 2 or 3")
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotSupportedException("Number of AZs should be 2 or 3")
+ netmasks = ('', '', '', '')
+ ip = netaddr.IPNetwork(cidr)
+ mask = ip.netmask
+ if str(mask) not in netmasks:
+ self.logger.debug("Netmask " + str(mask) + " not found")
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException("Netmask " + str(mask) + " not found")
+ if availability_zones == 2:
+ for n, netmask in enumerate(netmasks):
+ if str(mask) == netmask:
+ subnets = list(ip.subnet(n + 24))
+ else:
+ for n, netmask in enumerate(netmasks):
+ if str(mask) == netmask:
+ pub_net = list(ip.subnet(n + 24))
+ pri_subs = pub_net[1:]
+ pub_mask = pub_net[0].netmask
+ pub_split = list(ip.subnet(26)) if (str(pub_mask) == '') else list(ip.subnet(27))
+ pub_subs = pub_split[:3]
+ subnets = pub_subs + pri_subs
+ return map(str, subnets)
- 'vlan': in case of a data or ptp net_type, the intended vlan tag to be used for the network
++ def new_network(self, net_name, net_type, ip_profile=None, shared=False, provider_network_profile=None):
+ """Adds a tenant network to VIM
+ Params:
+ 'net_name': name of the network
+ 'net_type': one of:
+ 'bridge': overlay isolated network
+ 'data': underlay E-LAN network for Passthrough and SRIOV interfaces
+ 'ptp': underlay E-LINE network for Passthrough and SRIOV interfaces.
+ 'ip_profile': is a dict containing the IP parameters of the network (Currently only IPv4 is implemented)
+ 'ip-version': can be one of ["IPv4","IPv6"]
+ 'subnet-address': ip_prefix_schema, that is X.X.X.X/Y
+ 'gateway-address': (Optional) ip_schema, that is X.X.X.X
+ 'dns-address': (Optional) ip_schema,
+ 'dhcp': (Optional) dict containing
+ 'enabled': {"type": "boolean"},
+ 'start-address': ip_schema, first IP to grant
+ 'count': number of IPs to grant.
+ 'shared': if this network can be seen/use by other tenants/organization
+ Returns a tuple with the network identifier and created_items, or raises an exception on error
+ created_items can be None or a dictionary where this method can include key-values that will be passed to
+ the method delete_network. Can be used to store created segments, created l2gw connections, etc.
+ Format is vimconnector dependent, but do not use nested dictionaries and a value of None should be the same
+ as not present.
+ """
+ self.logger.debug("Adding a subnet to VPC")
+ try:
+ created_items = {}
+ self._reload_connection()
+ subnet = None
+ vpc_id = self.vpc_id
+ if self.vpc_data.get(vpc_id, None):
+ cidr_block = list(set(self.vpc_data[vpc_id]['subnets']) - set(self.get_network_details({'tenant_id': vpc_id}, detail='cidr_block')))[0]
+ else:
+ vpc = self.get_tenant_list({'id': vpc_id})[0]
+ subnet_list = self.subnet_sizes(len(self.get_availability_zones_list()), vpc['cidr_block'])
+ cidr_block = list(set(subnet_list) - set(self.get_network_details({'tenant_id': vpc['id']}, detail='cidr_block')))[0]
+ subnet = self.conn_vpc.create_subnet(vpc_id, cidr_block)
+ return subnet.id, created_items
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.format_vimconn_exception(e)
+ def get_network_details(self, filters, detail):
+ """Get specified details related to a subnet
+ """
+ detail_list = []
+ subnet_list = self.get_network_list(filters)
+ for net in subnet_list:
+ detail_list.append(net[detail])
+ return detail_list
+ def get_network_list(self, filter_dict={}):
+ """Obtain tenant networks of VIM
+ Params:
+ 'filter_dict' (optional) contains entries to return only networks that matches ALL entries:
+ name: string => returns only networks with this name
+ id: string => returns networks with this VIM id, this imply returns one network at most
+ shared: boolean >= returns only networks that are (or are not) shared
+ tenant_id: sting => returns only networks that belong to this tenant/project
+ ,#(not used yet) admin_state_up: boolean => returns only networks that are (or are not) in admin state active
+ #(not used yet) status: 'ACTIVE','ERROR',... => filter networks that are on this status
+ Returns the network list of dictionaries. each dictionary contains:
+ 'id': (mandatory) VIM network id
+ 'name': (mandatory) VIM network name
+ 'status': (mandatory) can be 'ACTIVE', 'INACTIVE', 'DOWN', 'BUILD', 'ERROR', 'VIM_ERROR', 'OTHER'
+ 'error_msg': (optional) text that explains the ERROR status
+ other VIM specific fields: (optional) whenever possible using the same naming of filter_dict param
+ List can be empty if no network map the filter_dict. Raise an exception only upon VIM connectivity,
+ authorization, or some other unspecific error
+ """
+ self.logger.debug("Getting all subnets from VIM")
+ try:
+ self._reload_connection()
+ tfilters = {}
+ if filter_dict != {}:
+ if 'tenant_id' in filter_dict:
+ tfilters['vpcId'] = filter_dict['tenant_id']
+ subnets = self.conn_vpc.get_all_subnets(subnet_ids=filter_dict.get('name', None), filters=tfilters)
+ net_list = []
+ for net in subnets:
+ net_list.append(
+ {'id': str(net.id), 'name': str(net.id), 'status': str(net.state), 'vpc_id': str(net.vpc_id),
+ 'cidr_block': str(net.cidr_block), 'type': 'bridge'})
+ return net_list
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.format_vimconn_exception(e)
+ def get_network(self, net_id):
+ """Obtain network details from the 'net_id' VIM network
+ Return a dict that contains:
+ 'id': (mandatory) VIM network id, that is, net_id
+ 'name': (mandatory) VIM network name
+ 'status': (mandatory) can be 'ACTIVE', 'INACTIVE', 'DOWN', 'BUILD', 'ERROR', 'VIM_ERROR', 'OTHER'
+ 'error_msg': (optional) text that explains the ERROR status
+ other VIM specific fields: (optional) whenever possible using the same naming of filter_dict param
+ Raises an exception upon error or when network is not found
+ """
+ self.logger.debug("Getting Subnet from VIM")
+ try:
+ self._reload_connection()
+ subnet = self.conn_vpc.get_all_subnets(net_id)[0]
+ return {'id': str(subnet.id), 'name': str(subnet.id), 'status': str(subnet.state),
+ 'vpc_id': str(subnet.vpc_id), 'cidr_block': str(subnet.cidr_block)}
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.format_vimconn_exception(e)
+ def delete_network(self, net_id, created_items=None):
+ """
+ Removes a tenant network from VIM and its associated elements
+ :param net_id: VIM identifier of the network, provided by method new_network
+ :param created_items: dictionary with extra items to be deleted. provided by method new_network
+ Returns the network identifier or raises an exception upon error or when network is not found
+ """
+ self.logger.debug("Deleting subnet from VIM")
+ try:
+ self._reload_connection()
+ self.logger.debug("DELETING NET_ID: " + str(net_id))
+ self.conn_vpc.delete_subnet(net_id)
+ return net_id
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.format_vimconn_exception(e)
+ def refresh_nets_status(self, net_list):
+ """Get the status of the networks
+ Params:
+ 'net_list': a list with the VIM network id to be get the status
+ Returns a dictionary with:
+ 'net_id': #VIM id of this network
+ status: #Mandatory. Text with one of:
+ # DELETED (not found at vim)
+ # VIM_ERROR (Cannot connect to VIM, authentication problems, VIM response error, ...)
+ # OTHER (Vim reported other status not understood)
+ # ERROR (VIM indicates an ERROR status)
+ # ACTIVE, INACTIVE, DOWN (admin down),
+ # BUILD (on building process)
+ error_msg: #Text with VIM error message, if any. Or the VIM connection ERROR
+ vim_info: #Text with plain information obtained from vim (yaml.safe_dump)
+ 'net_id2': ...
+ """
+ self._reload_connection()
+ try:
+ dict_entry = {}
+ for net_id in net_list:
+ subnet_dict = {}
+ subnet = None
+ try:
+ subnet = self.conn_vpc.get_all_subnets(net_id)[0]
+ if subnet.state == "pending":
+ subnet_dict['status'] = "BUILD"
+ elif subnet.state == "available":
+ subnet_dict['status'] = 'ACTIVE'
+ else:
+ subnet_dict['status'] = 'ERROR'
+ subnet_dict['error_msg'] = ''
+ except Exception as e:
+ subnet_dict['status'] = 'DELETED'
+ subnet_dict['error_msg'] = 'Network not found'
+ finally:
+ try:
+ subnet_dict['vim_info'] = yaml.safe_dump(subnet, default_flow_style=True, width=256)
+ except yaml.YAMLError as e:
+ subnet_dict['vim_info'] = str(subnet)
+ dict_entry[net_id] = subnet_dict
+ return dict_entry
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.format_vimconn_exception(e)
+ def get_flavor(self, flavor_id):
+ """Obtain flavor details from the VIM
+ Returns the flavor dict details {'id':<>, 'name':<>, other vim specific }
+ Raises an exception upon error or if not found
+ """
+ self.logger.debug("Getting instance type")
+ try:
+ if flavor_id in self.flavor_info:
+ return self.flavor_info[flavor_id]
+ else:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException("Cannot find flavor with this flavor ID/Name")
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.format_vimconn_exception(e)
+ def get_flavor_id_from_data(self, flavor_dict):
+ """Obtain flavor id that match the flavor description
+ Params:
+ 'flavor_dict': dictionary that contains:
+ 'disk': main hard disk in GB
+ 'ram': memory in MB
+ 'vcpus': number of virtual cpus
+ #todo: complete parameters for EPA
+ Returns the flavor_id or raises a vimconnNotFoundException
+ """
+ self.logger.debug("Getting flavor id from data")
+ try:
+ flavor = None
+ for key, values in self.flavor_info.items():
+ if (values["ram"], values["cpus"], values["disk"]) == (
+ flavor_dict["ram"], flavor_dict["vcpus"], flavor_dict["disk"]):
+ flavor = (key, values)
+ break
+ elif (values["ram"], values["cpus"], values["disk"]) >= (
+ flavor_dict["ram"], flavor_dict["vcpus"], flavor_dict["disk"]):
+ if not flavor:
+ flavor = (key, values)
+ else:
+ if (flavor[1]["ram"], flavor[1]["cpus"], flavor[1]["disk"]) >= (
+ values["ram"], values["cpus"], values["disk"]):
+ flavor = (key, values)
+ if flavor:
+ return flavor[0]
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException("Cannot find flavor with this flavor ID/Name")
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.format_vimconn_exception(e)
+ def new_image(self, image_dict):
+ """ Adds a tenant image to VIM
+ Params: image_dict
+ name (string) - The name of the AMI. Valid only for EBS-based images.
+ description (string) - The description of the AMI.
+ image_location (string) - Full path to your AMI manifest in Amazon S3 storage. Only used for S3-based AMI’s.
+ architecture (string) - The architecture of the AMI. Valid choices are: * i386 * x86_64
+ kernel_id (string) - The ID of the kernel with which to launch the instances
+ root_device_name (string) - The root device name (e.g. /dev/sdh)
+ block_device_map (boto.ec2.blockdevicemapping.BlockDeviceMapping) - A BlockDeviceMapping data structure describing the EBS volumes associated with the Image.
+ virtualization_type (string) - The virutalization_type of the image. Valid choices are: * paravirtual * hvm
+ sriov_net_support (string) - Advanced networking support. Valid choices are: * simple
+ snapshot_id (string) - A snapshot ID for the snapshot to be used as root device for the image. Mutually exclusive with block_device_map, requires root_device_name
+ delete_root_volume_on_termination (bool) - Whether to delete the root volume of the image after instance termination. Only applies when creating image from snapshot_id. Defaults to False. Note that leaving volumes behind after instance termination is not free
+ Returns: image_id - image ID of the newly created image
+ """
+ try:
+ self._reload_connection()
+ image_location = image_dict.get('image_location', None)
+ if image_location:
+ image_location = str(self.account_id) + str(image_location)
+ image_id = self.conn.register_image(image_dict.get('name', None), image_dict.get('description', None),
+ image_location, image_dict.get('architecture', None),
+ image_dict.get('kernel_id', None),
+ image_dict.get('root_device_name', None),
+ image_dict.get('block_device_map', None),
+ image_dict.get('virtualization_type', None),
+ image_dict.get('sriov_net_support', None),
+ image_dict.get('snapshot_id', None),
+ image_dict.get('delete_root_volume_on_termination', None))
+ return image_id
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.format_vimconn_exception(e)
+ def delete_image(self, image_id):
+ """Deletes a tenant image from VIM
+ Returns the image_id if image is deleted or raises an exception on error"""
+ try:
+ self._reload_connection()
+ self.conn.deregister_image(image_id)
+ return image_id
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.format_vimconn_exception(e)
+ def get_image_id_from_path(self, path):
+ '''
+ Params: path - location of the image
+ Returns: image_id - ID of the matching image
+ '''
+ self._reload_connection()
+ try:
+ filters = {}
+ if path:
+ tokens = path.split('/')
+ filters['owner_id'] = tokens[0]
+ filters['name'] = '/'.join(tokens[1:])
+ image = self.conn.get_all_images(filters=filters)[0]
+ return image.id
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.format_vimconn_exception(e)
+ def get_image_list(self, filter_dict={}):
+ """Obtain tenant images from VIM
+ Filter_dict can be:
+ name: image name
+ id: image uuid
+ checksum: image checksum
+ location: image path
+ Returns the image list of dictionaries:
+ [{<the fields at Filter_dict plus some VIM specific>}, ...]
+ List can be empty
+ """
+ self.logger.debug("Getting image list from VIM")
+ try:
+ self._reload_connection()
+ image_id = None
+ filters = {}
+ if 'id' in filter_dict:
+ image_id = filter_dict['id']
+ if 'name' in filter_dict:
+ filters['name'] = filter_dict['name']
+ if 'location' in filter_dict:
+ filters['location'] = filter_dict['location']
+ # filters['image_type'] = 'machine'
+ # filter_dict['owner_id'] = self.account_id
+ images = self.conn.get_all_images(image_id, filters=filters)
+ image_list = []
+ for image in images:
+ image_list.append({'id': str(image.id), 'name': str(image.name), 'status': str(image.state),
+ 'owner': str(image.owner_id), 'location': str(image.location),
+ 'is_public': str(image.is_public), 'architecture': str(image.architecture),
+ 'platform': str(image.platform)})
+ return image_list
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.format_vimconn_exception(e)
+ def new_vminstance(self, name, description, start, image_id, flavor_id, net_list, cloud_config=None,
+ disk_list=None, availability_zone_index=None, availability_zone_list=None):
+ """Create a new VM/instance in AWS
+ Params: name
+ decription
+ start: (boolean) indicates if VM must start or created in pause mode.
+ image_id - image ID in AWS
+ flavor_id - instance type ID in AWS
+ net_list
+ name
+ net_id - subnet_id from AWS
+ vpci - (optional) virtual vPCI address to assign at the VM. Can be ignored depending on VIM capabilities
+ model: (optional and only have sense for type==virtual) interface model: virtio, e1000, ...
+ mac_address: (optional) mac address to assign to this interface
+ type: (mandatory) can be one of:
+ virtual, in this case always connected to a network of type 'net_type=bridge'
+ 'PCI-PASSTHROUGH' or 'PF' (passthrough): depending on VIM capabilities it can be connected to a data/ptp network ot it
+ can created unconnected
+ 'SR-IOV' or 'VF' (SRIOV with VLAN tag): same as PF for network connectivity.
+ VFnotShared - (SRIOV without VLAN tag) same as PF for network connectivity. VF where no other VFs
+ are allocated on the same physical NIC
+ bw': (optional) only for PF/VF/VFnotShared. Minimal Bandwidth required for the interface in GBPS
+ port_security': (optional) If False it must avoid any traffic filtering at this interface. If missing or True, it must apply the default VIM behaviour
+ vim_id': must be filled/added by this method with the VIM identifier generated by the VIM for this interface. 'net_list' is modified
+ elastic_ip - True/False to define if an elastic_ip is required
+ cloud_config': (optional) dictionary with:
+ key-pairs': (optional) list of strings with the public key to be inserted to the default user
+ users': (optional) list of users to be inserted, each item is a dict with:
+ name': (mandatory) user name,
+ key-pairs': (optional) list of strings with the public key to be inserted to the user
+ user-data': (optional) string is a text script to be passed directly to cloud-init
+ config-files': (optional). List of files to be transferred. Each item is a dict with:
+ dest': (mandatory) string with the destination absolute path
+ encoding': (optional, by default text). Can be one of:
+ b64', 'base64', 'gz', 'gz+b64', 'gz+base64', 'gzip+b64', 'gzip+base64'
+ content' (mandatory): string with the content of the file
+ permissions': (optional) string with file permissions, typically octal notation '0644'
+ owner: (optional) file owner, string with the format 'owner:group'
+ boot-data-drive: boolean to indicate if user-data must be passed using a boot drive (hard disk)
+ security-groups:
+ subnet_id
+ security_group_id
+ disk_list': (optional) list with additional disks to the VM. Each item is a dict with:
+ image_id': (optional). VIM id of an existing image. If not provided an empty disk must be mounted
+ size': (mandatory) string with the size of the disk in GB
+ Returns a tuple with the instance identifier and created_items or raises an exception on error
+ created_items can be None or a dictionary where this method can include key-values that will be passed to
+ the method delete_vminstance and action_vminstance. Can be used to store created ports, volumes, etc.
+ Format is vimconnector dependent, but do not use nested dictionaries and a value of None should be the same
+ as not present.
+ """
+ self.logger.debug("Creating a new VM instance")
+ try:
+ self._reload_connection()
+ instance = None
+ _, userdata = self._create_user_data(cloud_config)
+ if not net_list:
+ reservation = self.conn.run_instances(
+ image_id,
+ key_name=self.key_pair,
+ instance_type=flavor_id,
+ security_groups=self.security_groups,
+ user_data=userdata
+ )
+ else:
+ for index, subnet in enumerate(net_list):
+ net_intr = boto.ec2.networkinterface.NetworkInterfaceSpecification(subnet_id=subnet.get('net_id'),
+ groups=None,
+ associate_public_ip_address=True)
+ if subnet.get('elastic_ip'):
+ eip = self.conn.allocate_address()
+ self.conn.associate_address(allocation_id=eip.allocation_id, network_interface_id=net_intr.id)
+ if index == 0:
+ reservation = self.conn.run_instances(
+ image_id,
+ key_name=self.key_pair,
+ instance_type=flavor_id,
+ security_groups=self.security_groups,
+ network_interfaces=boto.ec2.networkinterface.NetworkInterfaceCollection(net_intr),
+ user_data=userdata
+ )
+ else:
+ while True:
+ try:
+ self.conn.attach_network_interface(
+ network_interface_id=boto.ec2.networkinterface.NetworkInterfaceCollection(net_intr),
+ instance_id=instance.id, device_index=0)
+ break
+ except:
+ time.sleep(10)
+ net_list[index]['vim_id'] = reservation.instances[0].interfaces[index].id
+ instance = reservation.instances[0]
+ return instance.id, None
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.format_vimconn_exception(e)
+ def get_vminstance(self, vm_id):
+ """Returns the VM instance information from VIM"""
+ try:
+ self._reload_connection()
+ reservation = self.conn.get_all_instances(vm_id)
+ return reservation[0].instances[0].__dict__
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.format_vimconn_exception(e)
+ def delete_vminstance(self, vm_id, created_items=None):
+ """Removes a VM instance from VIM
+ Returns the instance identifier"""
+ try:
+ self._reload_connection()
+ self.logger.debug("DELETING VM_ID: " + str(vm_id))
+ self.conn.terminate_instances(vm_id)
+ return vm_id
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.format_vimconn_exception(e)
+ def refresh_vms_status(self, vm_list):
+ """ Get the status of the virtual machines and their interfaces/ports
+ Params: the list of VM identifiers
+ Returns a dictionary with:
+ vm_id: #VIM id of this Virtual Machine
+ status: #Mandatory. Text with one of:
+ # DELETED (not found at vim)
+ # VIM_ERROR (Cannot connect to VIM, VIM response error, ...)
+ # OTHER (Vim reported other status not understood)
+ # ERROR (VIM indicates an ERROR status)
+ # BUILD (on building process), ERROR
+ # ACTIVE:NoMgmtIP (Active but any of its interface has an IP address
+ #
+ error_msg: #Text with VIM error message, if any. Or the VIM connection ERROR
+ vim_info: #Text with plain information obtained from vim (yaml.safe_dump)
+ interfaces: list with interface info. Each item a dictionary with:
+ vim_interface_id - The ID of the ENI.
+ vim_net_id - The ID of the VPC subnet.
+ mac_address - The MAC address of the interface.
+ ip_address - The IP address of the interface within the subnet.
+ """
+ self.logger.debug("Getting VM instance information from VIM")
+ try:
+ self._reload_connection()
+ reservation = self.conn.get_all_instances(vm_list)[0]
+ instances = {}
+ instance_dict = {}
+ for instance in reservation.instances:
+ try:
+ if instance.state in ("pending"):
+ instance_dict['status'] = "BUILD"
+ elif instance.state in ("available", "running", "up"):
+ instance_dict['status'] = 'ACTIVE'
+ else:
+ instance_dict['status'] = 'ERROR'
+ instance_dict['error_msg'] = ""
+ instance_dict['interfaces'] = []
+ interface_dict = {}
+ for interface in instance.interfaces:
+ interface_dict['vim_interface_id'] = interface.id
+ interface_dict['vim_net_id'] = interface.subnet_id
+ interface_dict['mac_address'] = interface.mac_address
+ if hasattr(interface, 'publicIp') and interface.publicIp != None:
+ interface_dict['ip_address'] = interface.publicIp + ";" + interface.private_ip_address
+ else:
+ interface_dict['ip_address'] = interface.private_ip_address
+ instance_dict['interfaces'].append(interface_dict)
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.logger.error("Exception getting vm status: %s", str(e), exc_info=True)
+ instance_dict['status'] = "DELETED"
+ instance_dict['error_msg'] = str(e)
+ finally:
+ try:
+ instance_dict['vim_info'] = yaml.safe_dump(instance, default_flow_style=True, width=256)
+ except yaml.YAMLError as e:
+ # self.logger.error("Exception getting vm status: %s", str(e), exc_info=True)
+ instance_dict['vim_info'] = str(instance)
+ instances[instance.id] = instance_dict
+ return instances
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.logger.error("Exception getting vm status: %s", str(e), exc_info=True)
+ self.format_vimconn_exception(e)
+ def action_vminstance(self, vm_id, action_dict, created_items={}):
+ """Send and action over a VM instance from VIM
+ Returns the vm_id if the action was successfully sent to the VIM"""
+ self.logger.debug("Action over VM '%s': %s", vm_id, str(action_dict))
+ try:
+ self._reload_connection()
+ if "start" in action_dict:
+ self.conn.start_instances(vm_id)
+ elif "stop" in action_dict or "stop" in action_dict:
+ self.conn.stop_instances(vm_id)
+ elif "terminate" in action_dict:
+ self.conn.terminate_instances(vm_id)
+ elif "reboot" in action_dict:
+ self.conn.reboot_instances(vm_id)
+ return None
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.format_vimconn_exception(e)
--- /dev/null
+ ##
+ # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ # You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ #
+ # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ #
+ # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ # implied.
+ # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ # limitations under the License.
+ ##
+ requests
+ netaddr
+ boto
--- /dev/null
-__author__='Sergio Gonzalez'
-__date__ ='$18-apr-2019 23:59:59$'
-from osm_ro import vimconn
+ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
++# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
++# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
++# a copy of the License at
++# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
++# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
++# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
++# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
++# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
++# under the License.
-from uuid import uuid4
++import base64
++import vimconn
+ import logging
++import netaddr
++import re
+ from os import getenv
- self.credentials = ServicePrincipalCredentials(
- client_id=user,
- secret=passwd,
- tenant=(tenant_id or tenant_name)
- )
+ from azure.common.credentials import ServicePrincipalCredentials
+ from azure.mgmt.resource import ResourceManagementClient
+ from azure.mgmt.network import NetworkManagementClient
+ from azure.mgmt.compute import ComputeManagementClient
++from azure.mgmt.compute.models import DiskCreateOption
++from msrestazure.azure_exceptions import CloudError
++from msrest.exceptions import AuthenticationError
++from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError
++__author__ = 'Isabel Lloret, Sergio Gonzalez, Alfonso Tierno'
++__date__ = '$18-apr-2019 23:59:59$'
++if getenv('OSMRO_PDB_DEBUG'):
++ import sys
++ print(sys.path)
++ import pdb
++ pdb.set_trace()
+ class vimconnector(vimconn.vimconnector):
++ # Translate azure provisioning state to OSM provision state
++ # The first three ones are the transitional status once a user initiated action has been requested
++ # Once the operation is complete, it will transition into the states Succeeded or Failed
++ # https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machines/windows/states-lifecycle
++ provision_state2osm = {
++ "Creating": "BUILD",
++ "Updating": "BUILD",
++ "Deleting": "INACTIVE",
++ "Succeeded": "ACTIVE",
++ "Failed": "ERROR"
++ }
++ # Translate azure power state to OSM provision state
++ power_state2osm = {
++ "starting": "INACTIVE",
++ "running": "ACTIVE",
++ "stopping": "INACTIVE",
++ "stopped": "INACTIVE",
++ "unknown": "OTHER",
++ "deallocated": "BUILD",
++ "deallocating": "BUILD"
++ }
+ def __init__(self, uuid, name, tenant_id, tenant_name, url, url_admin=None, user=None, passwd=None, log_level=None,
+ config={}, persistent_info={}):
++ """
++ Constructor of VIM. Raise an exception is some needed parameter is missing, but it must not do any connectivity
++ checking against the VIM
++ Using common constructor parameters.
++ In this case: config must include the following parameters:
++ subscription_id: assigned azure subscription identifier
++ region_name: current region for azure network
++ resource_group: used for all azure created resources
++ vnet_name: base vnet for azure, created networks will be subnets from this base network
++ config may also include the following parameter:
++ flavors_pattern: pattern that will be used to select a range of vm sizes, for example
++ "^((?!Standard_B).)*$" will filter out Standard_B range that is cheap but is very overused
++ "^Standard_B" will select a serie B maybe for test environment
++ """
+ vimconn.vimconnector.__init__(self, uuid, name, tenant_id, tenant_name, url, url_admin, user, passwd, log_level,
+ config, persistent_info)
++ # Variable that indicates if client must be reloaded or initialized
++ self.reload_client = True
++ self.vnet_address_space = None
+ self.logger = logging.getLogger('openmano.vim.azure')
+ if log_level:
+ logging.basicConfig()
+ self.logger.setLevel(getattr(logging, log_level))
- self.subscription_id = config.get('subscription_id')
- self.logger.debug('Setting subscription '+str(self.subscription_id))
++ self.tenant = (tenant_id or tenant_name)
++ # Store config to create azure subscription later
++ self._config = {
++ "user": user,
++ "passwd": passwd,
++ "tenant": tenant_id or tenant_name
++ }
+ if 'subscription_id' in config:
- Sets connections to work with Azure service APIs
- :return:
++ self._config["subscription_id"] = config.get('subscription_id')
++ # self.logger.debug('Setting subscription to: %s', self.config["subscription_id"])
+ else:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException('Subscription not specified')
+ if 'region_name' in config:
+ self.region = config.get('region_name')
+ else:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException('Azure region_name is not specified at config')
+ if 'resource_group' in config:
+ self.resource_group = config.get('resource_group')
+ else:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException('Azure resource_group is not specified at config')
+ if 'vnet_name' in config:
+ self.vnet_name = config["vnet_name"]
+ # public ssh key
+ self.pub_key = config.get('pub_key')
++ # flavor pattern regex
++ if 'flavors_pattern' in config:
++ self._config['flavors_pattern'] = config['flavors_pattern']
+ def _reload_connection(self):
+ """
- self.logger.debug('Reloading API Connection')
- try:
- self.conn = ResourceManagementClient(self.credentials, self.subscription_id)
- self.conn_compute = ComputeManagementClient(self.credentials, self.subscription_id)
- self.conn_vnet = NetworkManagementClient(self.credentials, self.subscription_id)
- self._check_or_create_resource_group()
- self._check_or_create_vnet()
- except Exception as e:
- self.format_vimconn_exception(e)
++ Called before any operation, checks python azure clients
+ """
- return str(resource_id.split('/')[-1])
++ if self.reload_client:
++ self.logger.debug('reloading azure client')
++ try:
++ self.credentials = ServicePrincipalCredentials(
++ client_id=self._config["user"],
++ secret=self._config["passwd"],
++ tenant=self._config["tenant"]
++ )
++ self.conn = ResourceManagementClient(self.credentials, self._config["subscription_id"])
++ self.conn_compute = ComputeManagementClient(self.credentials, self._config["subscription_id"])
++ self.conn_vnet = NetworkManagementClient(self.credentials, self._config["subscription_id"])
++ self._check_or_create_resource_group()
++ self._check_or_create_vnet()
++ # Set to client created
++ self.reload_client = False
++ except Exception as e:
++ self._format_vimconn_exception(e)
+ def _get_resource_name_from_resource_id(self, resource_id):
- return self.conn.resource_groups.get(resource_group_name).location
++ """
++ Obtains resource_name from the azure complete identifier: resource_name will always be last item
++ """
++ try:
++ resource = str(resource_id.split('/')[-1])
++ return resource
++ except Exception as e:
++ raise vimconn.vimconnException("Unable to get resource name from resource_id '{}' Error: '{}'".
++ format(resource_id, e))
+ def _get_location_from_resource_group(self, resource_group_name):
- return str(resource_id.split('/')[4])
++ try:
++ location = self.conn.resource_groups.get(resource_group_name).location
++ return location
++ except Exception as e:
++ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException("Location '{}' not found".format(resource_group_name))
+ def _get_resource_group_name_from_resource_id(self, resource_id):
- if len(set(self._get_resource_group_name_from_resource_id(net['id']) +
- self._get_resource_name_from_resource_id(net['id']) for net in net_list)) != 1:
- raise self.format_vimconn_exception('Azure VMs can only attach to subnets in same VNET')
++ try:
++ rg = str(resource_id.split('/')[4])
++ return rg
++ except Exception as e:
++ raise vimconn.vimconnException("Unable to get resource group from invalid resource_id format '{}'".
++ format(resource_id))
++ def _get_net_name_from_resource_id(self, resource_id):
++ try:
++ net_name = str(resource_id.split('/')[8])
++ return net_name
++ except Exception as e:
++ raise vimconn.vimconnException("Unable to get azure net_name from invalid resource_id format '{}'".
++ format(resource_id))
+ def _check_subnets_for_vm(self, net_list):
+ # All subnets must belong to the same resource group and vnet
- def format_vimconn_exception(self, e):
++ rg_vnet = set(self._get_resource_group_name_from_resource_id(net['net_id']) +
++ self._get_net_name_from_resource_id(net['net_id']) for net in net_list)
++ if len(rg_vnet) != 1:
++ raise self._format_vimconn_exception('Azure VMs can only attach to subnets in same VNET')
- Params: an Exception object
- :param e:
- :return: Raises the proper vimconnException
++ def _format_vimconn_exception(self, e):
+ """
- self.conn = None
- self.conn_vnet = None
- raise vimconn.vimconnConnectionException(type(e).__name__ + ': ' + str(e))
++ Transforms a generic or azure exception to a vimcommException
+ """
- Creates a resource group in indicated region
- :return: None
++ if isinstance(e, vimconn.vimconnException):
++ raise
++ elif isinstance(e, AuthenticationError):
++ raise vimconn.vimconnAuthException(type(e).__name__ + ': ' + str(e))
++ elif isinstance(e, ConnectionError):
++ raise vimconn.vimconnConnectionException(type(e).__name__ + ': ' + str(e))
++ else:
++ # In case of generic error recreate client
++ self.reload_client = True
++ raise vimconn.vimconnException(type(e).__name__ + ': ' + str(e))
+ def _check_or_create_resource_group(self):
+ """
- self.logger.debug('Creating RG {} in location {}'.format(self.resource_group, self.region))
- self.conn.resource_groups.create_or_update(self.resource_group, {'location': self.region})
++ Creates the base resource group if it does not exist
+ """
- 'address_prefixes': ""
++ try:
++ rg_exists = self.conn.resource_groups.check_existence(self.resource_group)
++ if not rg_exists:
++ self.logger.debug("create base rgroup: %s", self.resource_group)
++ self.conn.resource_groups.create_or_update(self.resource_group, {'location': self.region})
++ except Exception as e:
++ self._format_vimconn_exception(e)
+ def _check_or_create_vnet(self):
++ """
++ Try to get existent base vnet, in case it does not exist it creates it
++ """
++ try:
++ vnet = self.conn_vnet.virtual_networks.get(self.resource_group, self.vnet_name)
++ self.vnet_address_space = vnet.address_space.address_prefixes[0]
++ self.vnet_id = vnet.id
++ return
++ except CloudError as e:
++ if e.error.error and "notfound" in e.error.error.lower():
++ pass
++ # continue and create it
++ else:
++ self._format_vimconn_exception(e)
++ # if it does not exist, create it
+ try:
+ vnet_params = {
+ 'location': self.region,
+ 'address_space': {
- self.format_vimconn_exception(e)
++ 'address_prefixes': [""]
+ },
+ }
++ self.vnet_address_space = ""
++ self.logger.debug("create base vnet: %s", self.vnet_name)
+ self.conn_vnet.virtual_networks.create_or_update(self.resource_group, self.vnet_name, vnet_params)
++ vnet = self.conn_vnet.virtual_networks.get(self.resource_group, self.vnet_name)
++ self.vnet_id = vnet.id
+ except Exception as e:
- def new_network(self, net_name, net_type, ip_profile=None, shared=False, vlan=None):
++ self._format_vimconn_exception(e)
- :param net_type:
++ def new_network(self, net_name, net_type, ip_profile=None, shared=False, provider_network_profile=None):
+ """
+ Adds a tenant network to VIM
+ :param net_name: name of the network
- 'gateway-address': (Optional) ip_schema, that is X.X.X.X
- 'dns-address': (Optional) ip_schema,
- 'dhcp': (Optional) dict containing
++ :param net_type: not used for azure networks
+ :param ip_profile: is a dict containing the IP parameters of the network (Currently only IPv4 is implemented)
+ 'ip-version': can be one of ['IPv4','IPv6']
+ 'subnet-address': ip_prefix_schema, that is X.X.X.X/Y
- :param shared:
- :param vlan:
++ 'gateway-address': (Optional) ip_schema, that is X.X.X.X, not implemented for azure connector
++ 'dns-address': (Optional) ip_schema, not implemented for azure connector
++ 'dhcp': (Optional) dict containing, not implemented for azure connector
+ 'enabled': {'type': 'boolean'},
+ 'start-address': ip_schema, first IP to grant
+ 'count': number of IPs to grant.
++ :param shared: Not allowed for Azure Connector
++ :param provider_network_profile: (optional) contains {segmentation-id: vlan, provider-network: vim_netowrk}
+ :return: a tuple with the network identifier and created_items, or raises an exception on error
+ created_items can be None or a dictionary where this method can include key-values that will be passed to
+ the method delete_network. Can be used to store created segments, created l2gw connections, etc.
+ Format is vimconnector dependent, but do not use nested dictionaries and a value of None should be the same
+ as not present.
+ """
- Adds a tenant network to VIM. It creates a new VNET with a single subnet
- :param net_name:
+ return self._new_subnet(net_name, ip_profile)
+ def _new_subnet(self, net_name, ip_profile):
+ """
- :return:
++ Adds a tenant network to VIM. It creates a new subnet at existing base vnet
++ :param net_name: subnet name
+ :param ip_profile:
- self.logger.debug('Adding a subnet to VNET '+self.vnet_name)
++ subnet-address: if it is not provided a subnet/24 in the default vnet is created,
++ otherwise it creates a subnet in the indicated address
++ :return: a tuple with the network identifier and created_items, or raises an exception on error
+ """
- # TODO get a non used vnet ip range /24 and allocate automatically
- raise vimconn.vimconnException('Azure cannot create VNET with no CIDR')
++ self.logger.debug('create subnet name %s, ip_profile %s', net_name, ip_profile)
+ self._reload_connection()
+ if ip_profile is None:
- vnet_params= {
- 'location': self.region,
- 'address_space': {
- 'address_prefixes': [ip_profile['subnet_address']]
- },
- 'subnets': [
- {
- 'name': "{}-{}".format(net_name[:24], uuid4()),
- 'address_prefix': ip_profile['subnet_address']
- }
- ]
++ # get a non used vnet ip range /24 and allocate automatically inside the range self.vnet_address_space
++ used_subnets = self.get_network_list()
++ for ip_range in netaddr.IPNetwork(self.vnet_address_space).subnet(24):
++ for used_subnet in used_subnets:
++ subnet_range = netaddr.IPNetwork(used_subnet["cidr_block"])
++ if subnet_range in ip_range or ip_range in subnet_range:
++ # this range overlaps with an existing subnet ip range. Breaks and look for another
++ break
++ else:
++ ip_profile = {"subnet_address": str(ip_range)}
++ self.logger.debug('dinamically obtained ip_profile: %s', ip_range)
++ break
++ else:
++ raise vimconn.vimconnException("Cannot find a non-used subnet range in {}".
++ format(self.vnet_address_space))
++ else:
++ ip_profile = {"subnet_address": ip_profile['subnet_address']}
+ try:
- self.conn_vnet.virtual_networks.create_or_update(self.resource_group, self.vnet_name, vnet_params)
- # TODO return a tuple (subnet-ID, None)
++ # subnet_name = "{}-{}".format(net_name[:24], uuid4())
++ subnet_params = {
++ 'address_prefix': ip_profile['subnet_address']
+ }
- self.format_vimconn_exception(e)
++ # Assign a not duplicated net name
++ subnet_name = self._get_unused_subnet_name(net_name)
++ self.logger.debug('creating subnet_name: {}'.format(subnet_name))
++ async_creation = self.conn_vnet.subnets.create_or_update(self.resource_group, self.vnet_name,
++ subnet_name, subnet_params)
++ async_creation.wait()
++ self.logger.debug('created subnet_name: {}'.format(subnet_name))
++ return "{}/subnets/{}".format(self.vnet_id, subnet_name), None
+ except Exception as e:
- def _create_nic(self, subnet_id, nic_name, static_ip=None):
++ self._format_vimconn_exception(e)
++ def _get_unused_subnet_name(self, subnet_name):
++ """
++ Adds a prefix to the subnet_name with a number in case the indicated name is repeated
++ Checks subnets with the indicated name (without suffix) and adds a suffix with a number
++ """
++ all_subnets = self.conn_vnet.subnets.list(self.resource_group, self.vnet_name)
++ # Filter to subnets starting with the indicated name
++ subnets = list(filter(lambda subnet: (subnet.name.startswith(subnet_name)), all_subnets))
++ net_names = [str(subnet.name) for subnet in subnets]
- resource_group_name=self._get_resource_group_name_from_resource_id(subnet_id)
- location = self._get_location_from_resource_group(resource_group_name)
- if static_ip:
- async_nic_creation = self.conn_vnet.network_interfaces.create_or_update(
- resource_group_name,
- nic_name,
- {
- 'location': location,
- 'ip_configurations': [{
- 'name': nic_name + 'ipconfiguration',
- 'privateIPAddress': static_ip,
- 'privateIPAllocationMethod': 'Static',
- 'subnet': {
- 'id': subnet_id
- }
- }]
- }
- )
- else:
- async_nic_creation = self.conn_vnet.network_interfaces.create_or_update(
- resource_group_name,
- nic_name,
- {
++ # get the name with the first not used suffix
++ name_suffix = 0
++ # name = subnet_name + "-" + str(name_suffix)
++ name = subnet_name # first subnet created will have no prefix
++ while name in net_names:
++ name_suffix += 1
++ name = subnet_name + "-" + str(name_suffix)
++ return name
++ def _create_nic(self, net, nic_name, static_ip=None):
++ self.logger.debug('create nic name %s, net_name %s', nic_name, net)
+ self._reload_connection()
- 'ip_configurations': [{
- 'name': nic_name + 'ipconfiguration',
- 'subnet': {
- 'id': subnet_id
- }
- }]
++ subnet_id = net['net_id']
++ location = self._get_location_from_resource_group(self.resource_group)
++ try:
++ net_ifz = {'location': location}
++ net_ip_config = {'name': nic_name + '-ipconfiguration', 'subnet': {'id': subnet_id}}
++ if static_ip:
++ net_ip_config['privateIPAddress'] = static_ip
++ net_ip_config['privateIPAllocationMethod'] = 'Static'
++ net_ifz['ip_configurations'] = [net_ip_config]
++ mac_address = net.get('mac_address')
++ if mac_address:
++ net_ifz['mac_address'] = mac_address
++ async_nic_creation = self.conn_vnet.network_interfaces.create_or_update(self.resource_group, nic_name,
++ net_ifz)
++ async_nic_creation.wait()
++ self.logger.debug('created nic name %s', nic_name)
++ public_ip = net.get('floating_ip')
++ if public_ip:
++ public_ip_address_params = {
+ 'location': location,
- )
++ 'public_ip_allocation_method': 'Dynamic'
+ }
- def get_image_list(self, filter_dict={}):
++ public_ip_name = nic_name + '-public-ip'
++ public_ip = self.conn_vnet.public_ip_addresses.create_or_update(
++ self.resource_group,
++ public_ip_name,
++ public_ip_address_params
++ )
++ self.logger.debug('created public IP: {}'.format(public_ip.result()))
++ # Associate NIC to Public IP
++ nic_data = self.conn_vnet.network_interfaces.get(
++ self.resource_group,
++ nic_name)
++ nic_data.ip_configurations[0].public_ip_address = public_ip.result()
++ self.conn_vnet.network_interfaces.create_or_update(
++ self.resource_group,
++ nic_name,
++ nic_data)
++ except Exception as e:
++ self._format_vimconn_exception(e)
+ return async_nic_creation.result()
- The urn contains for marketplace 'publisher:offer:sku:version'
++ def new_flavor(self, flavor_data):
+ """
- :param filter_dict:
- :return:
++ It is not allowed to create new flavors in Azure, must always use an existing one
++ """
++ raise vimconn.vimconnAuthException("It is not possible to create new flavors in AZURE")
- image_list = []
++ def new_tenant(self, tenant_name, tenant_description):
+ """
- if filter_dict.get("name"):
- params = filter_dict["name"].split(":")
- if len(params) >= 3:
++ It is not allowed to create new tenants in azure
++ """
++ raise vimconn.vimconnAuthException("It is not possible to create a TENANT in AZURE")
++ def new_image(self, image_dict):
++ """
++ It is not allowed to create new images in Azure, must always use an existing one
++ """
++ raise vimconn.vimconnAuthException("It is not possible to create new images in AZURE")
++ def get_image_id_from_path(self, path):
++ """Get the image id from image path in the VIM database.
++ Returns the image_id or raises a vimconnNotFoundException
++ """
++ raise vimconn.vimconnAuthException("It is not possible to obtain image from path in AZURE")
++ def get_image_list(self, filter_dict={}):
++ """Obtain tenant images from VIM
++ Filter_dict can be:
++ name: image name with the format: publisher:offer:sku:version
++ If some part of the name is provide ex: publisher:offer it will search all availables skus and version
++ for the provided publisher and offer
++ id: image uuid, currently not supported for azure
++ Returns the image list of dictionaries:
++ [{<the fields at Filter_dict plus some VIM specific>}, ...]
++ List can be empty
++ """
++ self.logger.debug("get_image_list filter {}".format(filter_dict))
+ self._reload_connection()
- offer = params[1]
- sku = params[2]
- version = None
- if len(params) == 4:
- version = params[3]
- images = self.conn_compute.virtual_machine_images.list(self.region, publisher, offer, sku)
- for image in images:
- if version:
- image_version = str(image.id).split("/")[-1]
- if image_version != version:
- continue
- image_list.append({
- 'id': str(image.id),
- 'name': self._get_resource_name_from_resource_id(image.id)
- })
- return image_list
- images = self.conn_compute.virtual_machine_images.list()
- for image in images:
- # TODO implement filter_dict
- if filter_dict:
- if filter_dict.get("id") and str(image.id) != filter_dict["id"]:
- continue
- if filter_dict.get("name") and \
- self._get_resource_name_from_resource_id(image.id) != filter_dict["name"]:
- continue
- # TODO add checksum
- image_list.append({
- 'id': str(image.id),
- 'name': self._get_resource_name_from_resource_id(image.id),
- })
++ try:
++ image_list = []
++ if filter_dict.get("name"):
++ # name will have the format 'publisher:offer:sku:version'
++ # publisher is required, offer sku and version will be searched if not provided
++ params = filter_dict["name"].split(":")
+ publisher = params[0]
- id: network uuid
- shared: boolean
- tenant_id: tenant
- admin_state_up: boolean
- status: 'ACTIVE'
++ if publisher:
++ # obtain offer list
++ offer_list = self._get_offer_list(params, publisher)
++ for offer in offer_list:
++ # obtain skus
++ sku_list = self._get_sku_list(params, publisher, offer)
++ for sku in sku_list:
++ # if version is defined get directly version, else list images
++ if len(params) == 4 and params[3]:
++ version = params[3]
++ image_list = self._get_version_image_list(publisher, offer, sku, version)
++ else:
++ image_list = self._get_sku_image_list(publisher, offer, sku)
++ else:
++ raise vimconn.vimconnAuthException(
++ "List images in Azure must include name param with at least publisher")
++ else:
++ raise vimconn.vimconnAuthException("List images in Azure must include name param with at"
++ " least publisher")
++ return image_list
++ except Exception as e:
++ self._format_vimconn_exception(e)
++ def _get_offer_list(self, params, publisher):
++ """
++ Helper method to obtain offer list for defined publisher
++ """
++ if len(params) >= 2 and params[1]:
++ return [params[1]]
++ else:
++ try:
++ # get list of offers from azure
++ result_offers = self.conn_compute.virtual_machine_images.list_offers(self.region, publisher)
++ return [offer.name for offer in result_offers]
++ except CloudError as e:
++ # azure raises CloudError when not found
++ self.logger.info("error listing offers for publisher {}, Error: {}".format(publisher, e))
++ return []
++ def _get_sku_list(self, params, publisher, offer):
++ """
++ Helper method to obtain sku list for defined publisher and offer
++ """
++ if len(params) >= 3 and params[2]:
++ return [params[2]]
++ else:
++ try:
++ # get list of skus from azure
++ result_skus = self.conn_compute.virtual_machine_images.list_skus(self.region, publisher, offer)
++ return [sku.name for sku in result_skus]
++ except CloudError as e:
++ # azure raises CloudError when not found
++ self.logger.info("error listing skus for publisher {}, offer {}, Error: {}".format(publisher, offer, e))
++ return []
++ def _get_sku_image_list(self, publisher, offer, sku):
++ """
++ Helper method to obtain image list for publisher, offer and sku
++ """
++ image_list = []
++ try:
++ result_images = self.conn_compute.virtual_machine_images.list(self.region, publisher, offer, sku)
++ for result_image in result_images:
++ image_list.append({
++ 'id': str(result_image.id),
++ 'name': ":".join([publisher, offer, sku, result_image.name])
++ })
++ except CloudError as e:
++ self.logger.info(
++ "error listing skus for publisher {}, offer {}, Error: {}".format(publisher, offer, e))
++ image_list = []
++ return image_list
++ def _get_version_image_list(self, publisher, offer, sku, version):
++ image_list = []
++ try:
++ result_image = self.conn_compute.virtual_machine_images.get(self.region, publisher, offer, sku, version)
++ if result_image:
++ image_list.append({
++ 'id': str(result_image.id),
++ 'name': ":".join([publisher, offer, sku, version])
++ })
++ except CloudError as e:
++ # azure gives CloudError when not found
++ self.logger.info("error listing images for publisher {}, offer {}, sku {}, version {} Error: {}".
++ format(publisher, offer, sku, version, e))
++ image_list = []
+ return image_list
+ def get_network_list(self, filter_dict={}):
+ """Obtain tenant networks of VIM
+ Filter_dict can be:
+ name: network name
- self.logger.debug('Getting all subnets from VIM')
++ id: network id
++ shared: boolean, not implemented in Azure
++ tenant_id: tenant, not used in Azure, all networks same tenants
++ admin_state_up: boolean, not implemented in Azure
++ status: 'ACTIVE', not implemented in Azure #
+ Returns the network list of dictionaries
+ """
- vnet = self.conn_vnet.virtual_networks.get(self.config["resource_group"], self.vnet_name)
++ # self.logger.debug('getting network list for vim, filter %s', filter_dict)
+ try:
+ self._reload_connection()
++ vnet = self.conn_vnet.virtual_networks.get(self.resource_group, self.vnet_name)
+ subnet_list = []
- # TODO implement filter_dict
+ for subnet in vnet.subnets:
- self._get_resource_name_from_resource_id(subnet.id) != filter_dict["name"]:
+ if filter_dict:
+ if filter_dict.get("id") and str(subnet.id) != filter_dict["id"]:
+ continue
+ if filter_dict.get("name") and \
- 'name': self._get_resource_name_from_resource_id(subnet.id),
- 'status': str(vnet.provisioning_state), # TODO Does subnet contains status???
- 'cidr_block': str(subnet.address_prefix)
- }
- )
++ str(subnet.name) != filter_dict["name"]:
+ continue
++ name = self._get_resource_name_from_resource_id(subnet.id)
+ subnet_list.append({
+ 'id': str(subnet.id),
- self.format_vimconn_exception(e)
++ 'name': name,
++ 'status': self.provision_state2osm[subnet.provisioning_state],
++ 'cidr_block': str(subnet.address_prefix),
++ 'type': 'bridge',
++ 'shared': False
++ })
+ return subnet_list
+ except Exception as e:
- def new_vminstance(self, vm_name, description, start, image_id, flavor_id, net_list, cloud_config=None,
++ self._format_vimconn_exception(e)
- return self._new_vminstance(vm_name, image_id, flavor_id, net_list)
- def _new_vminstance(self, vm_name, image_id, flavor_id, net_list, cloud_config=None, disk_list=None,
- availability_zone_index=None, availability_zone_list=None):
- #Create NICs
++ def new_vminstance(self, name, description, start, image_id, flavor_id, net_list, cloud_config=None,
+ disk_list=None, availability_zone_index=None, availability_zone_list=None):
- subnet_id=net['subnet_id']
++ self.logger.debug("new vm instance name: %s, image_id: %s, flavor_id: %s, net_list: %s, cloud_config: %s, "
++ "disk_list: %s, availability_zone_index: %s, availability_zone_list: %s",
++ name, image_id, flavor_id, net_list, cloud_config, disk_list,
++ availability_zone_index, availability_zone_list)
++ self._reload_connection()
++ # Validate input data is valid
++ # The virtual machine name must have less or 64 characters and it can not have the following
++ # characters: (~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) = + _ [ ] { } \ | ; : ' " , < > / ?.)
++ vm_name = self._check_vm_name(name)
++ # Obtain vm unused name
++ vm_name = self._get_unused_vm_name(vm_name)
++ # At least one network must be provided
++ if not net_list:
++ raise vimconn.vimconnException("At least one net must be provided to create a new VM")
++ # image_id are several fields of the image_id
++ image_reference = self._get_image_reference(image_id)
+ self._check_subnets_for_vm(net_list)
+ vm_nics = []
+ for idx, net in enumerate(net_list):
- vm_nic = self._create_nic(subnet_id, nic_name)
- vm_nics.append({ 'id': str(vm_nic.id)})
++ # Fault with subnet_id
++ # subnet_id=net['subnet_id']
++ # subnet_id=net['net_id']
+ nic_name = vm_name + '-nic-'+str(idx)
- 'os_profile': {
- 'computer_name': vm_name, # TODO if vm_name cannot be repeated add uuid4() suffix
- 'admin_username': 'sergio', # TODO is it mandatory???
- 'linuxConfiguration': {
- 'disablePasswordAuthentication': 'true',
- 'ssh': {
- 'publicKeys': [
- {
- 'path': '/home/sergio/.ssh/authorized_keys',
- 'keyData': self.pub_key
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- },
++ vm_nic = self._create_nic(net, nic_name, net.get('ip_address'))
++ vm_nics.append({'id': str(vm_nic.id)})
++ net['vim_id'] = vm_nic.id
+ try:
++ # cloud-init configuration
++ # cloud config
++ if cloud_config:
++ config_drive, userdata = self._create_user_data(cloud_config)
++ custom_data = base64.b64encode(userdata.encode('utf-8')).decode('latin-1')
++ key_data = None
++ key_pairs = cloud_config.get("key-pairs")
++ if key_pairs:
++ key_data = key_pairs[0]
++ if cloud_config.get("users"):
++ user_name = cloud_config.get("users")[0].get("name", "osm")
++ else:
++ user_name = "osm" # DEFAULT USER IS OSM
++ os_profile = {
++ 'computer_name': vm_name,
++ 'admin_username': user_name,
++ 'linux_configuration': {
++ "disable_password_authentication": True,
++ "ssh": {
++ "public_keys": [{
++ "path": "/home/{}/.ssh/authorized_keys".format(user_name),
++ "key_data": key_data
++ }]
++ }
++ },
++ 'custom_data': custom_data
++ }
++ else:
++ os_profile = {
++ 'computer_name': vm_name,
++ 'admin_username': 'osm',
++ 'admin_password': 'Osm4u!',
++ }
+ vm_parameters = {
+ 'location': self.region,
- 'vm_size':flavor_id
++ 'os_profile': os_profile,
+ 'hardware_profile': {
- 'image_reference': image_id
- },
- 'network_profile': {
- 'network_interfaces': [
- vm_nics[0]
- ]
++ 'vm_size': flavor_id
+ },
+ 'storage_profile': {
- vm_name,
++ 'image_reference': image_reference
+ }
+ }
++ # Add data disks if they are provided
++ if disk_list:
++ data_disks = []
++ for lun_name, disk in enumerate(disk_list):
++ self.logger.debug("add disk size: %s, image: %s", disk.get("size"), disk.get("image_id"))
++ if not disk.get("image_id"):
++ data_disks.append({
++ 'lun': lun_name, # You choose the value, depending of what is available for you
++ 'name': vm_name + "_data_disk-" + str(lun_name),
++ 'create_option': DiskCreateOption.empty,
++ 'disk_size_gb': disk.get("size")
++ })
++ else:
++ # self.logger.debug("currently not able to create data disks from image for azure, ignoring")
++ data_disks.append({
++ 'lun': lun_name, # You choose the value, depending of what is available for you
++ 'name': vm_name + "_data_disk-" + str(lun_name),
++ 'create_option': 'Attach',
++ 'disk_size_gb': disk.get("size"),
++ 'managed_disk': {
++ 'id': disk.get("image_id")
++ }
++ })
++ if data_disks:
++ vm_parameters["storage_profile"]["data_disks"] = data_disks
++ # If the machine has several networks one must be marked as primary
++ # As it is not indicated in the interface the first interface will be marked as primary
++ if len(vm_nics) > 1:
++ for idx, vm_nic in enumerate(vm_nics):
++ if idx == 0:
++ vm_nics[0]['Primary'] = True
++ else:
++ vm_nics[idx]['Primary'] = False
++ vm_parameters['network_profile'] = {'network_interfaces': vm_nics}
++ self.logger.debug("create vm name: %s", vm_name)
+ creation_result = self.conn_compute.virtual_machines.create_or_update(
+ self.resource_group,
- run_command_parameters = {
- 'command_id': 'RunShellScript', # For linux, don't change it
- 'script': [
- 'date > /home/sergio/test.txt'
- ]
++ vm_name,
+ vm_parameters
+ )
++ # creation_result.wait()
++ result = creation_result.result()
++ self.logger.debug("created vm name: %s", vm_name)
++ if start:
++ self.conn_compute.virtual_machines.start(
++ self.resource_group,
++ vm_name)
++ # start_result.wait()
++ return result.id, None
- poller = self.conn_compute.virtual_machines.run_command(
- self.resource_group,
- vm_name,
- run_command_parameters
- )
- # TODO return a tuple (vm-ID, None)
++ # run_command_parameters = {
++ # 'command_id': 'RunShellScript', # For linux, don't change it
++ # 'script': [
++ # 'date > /tmp/test.txt'
++ # ]
++ # }
++ except Exception as e:
++ self.logger.debug('Exception creating new vminstance: %s', e, exc_info=True)
++ self._format_vimconn_exception(e)
++ def _get_unused_vm_name(self, vm_name):
++ """
++ Checks the vm name and in case it is used adds a suffix to the name to allow creation
++ :return:
++ """
++ all_vms = self.conn_compute.virtual_machines.list(self.resource_group)
++ # Filter to vms starting with the indicated name
++ vms = list(filter(lambda vm: (vm.name.startswith(vm_name)), all_vms))
++ vm_names = [str(vm.name) for vm in vms]
++ # get the name with the first not used suffix
++ name_suffix = 0
++ # name = subnet_name + "-" + str(name_suffix)
++ name = vm_name # first subnet created will have no prefix
++ while name in vm_names:
++ name_suffix += 1
++ name = vm_name + "-" + str(name_suffix)
++ return name
++ # It is necesary extract from image_id data to create the VM with this format
++ # 'image_reference': {
++ # 'publisher': vm_reference['publisher'],
++ # 'offer': vm_reference['offer'],
++ # 'sku': vm_reference['sku'],
++ # 'version': vm_reference['version']
++ # },
++ def _get_image_reference(self, image_id):
++ try:
++ # The data input format example:
++ # /Subscriptions/ca3d18ab-d373-4afb-a5d6-7c44f098d16a/Providers/Microsoft.Compute/Locations/westeurope/
++ # Publishers/Canonical/ArtifactTypes/VMImage/
++ # Offers/UbuntuServer/
++ # Skus/18.04-LTS/
++ # Versions/18.04.201809110
++ publisher = str(image_id.split('/')[8])
++ offer = str(image_id.split('/')[12])
++ sku = str(image_id.split('/')[14])
++ version = str(image_id.split('/')[16])
++ return {
++ 'publisher': publisher,
++ 'offer': offer,
++ 'sku': sku,
++ 'version': version
+ }
- self.format_vimconn_exception(e)
+ except Exception as e:
- self.logger.debug("Getting flavor id from data")
- self._reload_connection()
- vm_sizes_list = [vm_size.serialize() for vm_size in self.conn_compute.virtual_machine_sizes.list(self.region)]
++ raise vimconn.vimconnException(
++ "Unable to get image_reference from invalid image_id format: '{}'".format(image_id))
++ # Azure VM names can not have some special characters
++ def _check_vm_name(self, vm_name):
++ """
++ Checks vm name, in case the vm has not allowed characters they are removed, not error raised
++ """
++ chars_not_allowed_list = "~!@#$%^&*()=+_[]{}|;:<>/?."
++ # First: the VM name max length is 64 characters
++ vm_name_aux = vm_name[:64]
++ # Second: replace not allowed characters
++ for elem in chars_not_allowed_list:
++ # Check if string is in the main string
++ if elem in vm_name_aux:
++ # self.logger.debug('Dentro del IF')
++ # Replace the string
++ vm_name_aux = vm_name_aux.replace(elem, '-')
++ return vm_name_aux
+ def get_flavor_id_from_data(self, flavor_dict):
- cpus = flavor_dict['vcpus']
- memMB = flavor_dict['ram']
- filteredSizes = [size for size in vm_sizes_list if size['numberOfCores'] > cpus and size['memoryInMB'] > memMB]
- listedFilteredSizes = sorted(filteredSizes, key=lambda k: k['numberOfCores'])
++ self.logger.debug("getting flavor id from data, flavor_dict: %s", flavor_dict)
++ filter_dict = flavor_dict or {}
++ try:
++ self._reload_connection()
++ vm_sizes_list = [vm_size.serialize() for vm_size in
++ self.conn_compute.virtual_machine_sizes.list(self.region)]
++ cpus = filter_dict.get('vcpus') or 0
++ memMB = filter_dict.get('ram') or 0
++ # Filter
++ if self._config.get("flavors_pattern"):
++ filtered_sizes = [size for size in vm_sizes_list if size['numberOfCores'] >= cpus and
++ size['memoryInMB'] >= memMB and
++ re.search(self._config.get("flavors_pattern"), size["name"])]
++ else:
++ filtered_sizes = [size for size in vm_sizes_list if size['numberOfCores'] >= cpus and
++ size['memoryInMB'] >= memMB]
- return listedFilteredSizes[0]['name']
++ # Sort
++ listedFilteredSizes = sorted(filtered_sizes, key=lambda k: (k['numberOfCores'], k['memoryInMB'],
++ k['resourceDiskSizeInMB']))
- resGroup = self._get_resource_group_name_from_resource_id(net_id)
- resName = self._get_resource_name_from_resource_id(net_id)
++ if listedFilteredSizes:
++ return listedFilteredSizes[0]['name']
++ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException("Cannot find any flavor matching '{}'".format(str(flavor_dict)))
++ except Exception as e:
++ self._format_vimconn_exception(e)
++ def _get_flavor_id_from_flavor_name(self, flavor_name):
++ # self.logger.debug("getting flavor id from flavor name {}".format(flavor_name))
++ try:
++ self._reload_connection()
++ vm_sizes_list = [vm_size.serialize() for vm_size in
++ self.conn_compute.virtual_machine_sizes.list(self.region)]
++ output_flavor = None
++ for size in vm_sizes_list:
++ if size['name'] == flavor_name:
++ output_flavor = size
++ # None is returned if not found anything
++ return output_flavor
++ except Exception as e:
++ self._format_vimconn_exception(e)
+ def check_vim_connectivity(self):
+ try:
+ self._reload_connection()
+ return True
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("Connectivity issue with Azure API: {}".format(e))
+ def get_network(self, net_id):
- vnet = self.conn_vnet.virtual_networks.get(resGroup, resName)
++ # self.logger.debug('get network id: {}'.format(net_id))
++ # res_name = self._get_resource_name_from_resource_id(net_id)
+ self._reload_connection()
- return vnet
- def delete_network(self, net_id):
- resGroup = self._get_resource_group_name_from_resource_id(net_id)
- resName = self._get_resource_name_from_resource_id(net_id)
++ filter_dict = {'name': net_id}
++ network_list = self.get_network_list(filter_dict)
++ if not network_list:
++ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException("network '{}' not found".format(net_id))
++ else:
++ return network_list[0]
++ def delete_network(self, net_id, created_items=None):
++ self.logger.debug('deleting network {} - {}'.format(self.resource_group, net_id))
- self.conn_vnet.virtual_networks.delete(resGroup, resName)
+ self._reload_connection()
- def delete_vminstance(self, vm_id):
- resGroup = self._get_resource_group_name_from_resource_id(net_id)
- resName = self._get_resource_name_from_resource_id(net_id)
++ res_name = self._get_resource_name_from_resource_id(net_id)
++ filter_dict = {'name': res_name}
++ network_list = self.get_network_list(filter_dict)
++ if not network_list:
++ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException("network '{}' not found".format(net_id))
++ try:
++ # Subnet API fails (CloudError: Azure Error: ResourceNotFound)
++ # Put the initial virtual_network API
++ async_delete = self.conn_vnet.subnets.delete(self.resource_group, self.vnet_name, res_name)
++ async_delete.wait()
++ return net_id
++ except CloudError as e:
++ if e.error.error and "notfound" in e.error.error.lower():
++ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException("network '{}' not found".format(net_id))
++ else:
++ self._format_vimconn_exception(e)
++ except Exception as e:
++ self._format_vimconn_exception(e)
- self.conn_compute.virtual_machines.delete(resGroup, resName)
++ def delete_vminstance(self, vm_id, created_items=None):
++ """ Deletes a vm instance from the vim.
++ """
++ self.logger.debug('deleting VM instance {} - {}'.format(self.resource_group, vm_id))
+ self._reload_connection()
- resGroup = self._get_resource_group_name_from_resource_id(net_id)
- resName = self._get_resource_name_from_resource_id(net_id)
++ try:
++ res_name = self._get_resource_name_from_resource_id(vm_id)
++ vm = self.conn_compute.virtual_machines.get(self.resource_group, res_name)
++ # Shuts down the virtual machine and releases the compute resources
++ # vm_stop = self.conn_compute.virtual_machines.power_off(self.resource_group, resName)
++ # vm_stop.wait()
++ vm_delete = self.conn_compute.virtual_machines.delete(self.resource_group, res_name)
++ vm_delete.wait()
++ self.logger.debug('deleted VM name: %s', res_name)
++ # Delete OS Disk
++ os_disk_name = vm.storage_profile.os_disk.name
++ self.logger.debug('delete OS DISK: %s', os_disk_name)
++ self.conn_compute.disks.delete(self.resource_group, os_disk_name)
++ self.logger.debug('deleted OS DISK name: %s', os_disk_name)
++ for data_disk in vm.storage_profile.data_disks:
++ self.logger.debug('delete data_disk: %s', data_disk.name)
++ self.conn_compute.disks.delete(self.resource_group, data_disk.name)
++ self.logger.debug('deleted OS DISK name: %s', data_disk.name)
++ # After deleting VM, it is necessary to delete NIC, because if is not deleted delete_network
++ # does not work because Azure says that is in use the subnet
++ network_interfaces = vm.network_profile.network_interfaces
++ for network_interface in network_interfaces:
++ nic_name = self._get_resource_name_from_resource_id(network_interface.id)
++ nic_data = self.conn_vnet.network_interfaces.get(
++ self.resource_group,
++ nic_name)
++ public_ip_name = None
++ exist_public_ip = nic_data.ip_configurations[0].public_ip_address
++ if exist_public_ip:
++ public_ip_id = nic_data.ip_configurations[0].public_ip_address.id
++ # Delete public_ip
++ public_ip_name = self._get_resource_name_from_resource_id(public_ip_id)
++ # Public ip must be deleted afterwards of nic that is attached
++ self.logger.debug('delete NIC name: %s', nic_name)
++ nic_delete = self.conn_vnet.network_interfaces.delete(self.resource_group, nic_name)
++ nic_delete.wait()
++ self.logger.debug('deleted NIC name: %s', nic_name)
++ # Delete list of public ips
++ if public_ip_name:
++ self.logger.debug('delete PUBLIC IP - ' + public_ip_name)
++ self.conn_vnet.public_ip_addresses.delete(self.resource_group, public_ip_name)
++ except CloudError as e:
++ if e.error.error and "notfound" in e.error.error.lower():
++ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException("No vm instance found '{}'".format(vm_id))
++ else:
++ self._format_vimconn_exception(e)
++ except Exception as e:
++ self._format_vimconn_exception(e)
++ def action_vminstance(self, vm_id, action_dict, created_items={}):
++ """Send and action over a VM instance from VIM
++ Returns the vm_id if the action was successfully sent to the VIM
++ """
++ self.logger.debug("Action over VM '%s': %s", vm_id, str(action_dict))
++ try:
++ self._reload_connection()
++ resName = self._get_resource_name_from_resource_id(vm_id)
++ if "start" in action_dict:
++ self.conn_compute.virtual_machines.start(self.resource_group, resName)
++ elif "stop" in action_dict or "shutdown" in action_dict or "shutoff" in action_dict:
++ self.conn_compute.virtual_machines.power_off(self.resource_group, resName)
++ elif "terminate" in action_dict:
++ self.conn_compute.virtual_machines.delete(self.resource_group, resName)
++ elif "reboot" in action_dict:
++ self.conn_compute.virtual_machines.restart(self.resource_group, resName)
++ return None
++ except CloudError as e:
++ if e.error.error and "notfound" in e.error.error.lower():
++ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException("No vm found '{}'".format(vm_id))
++ else:
++ self._format_vimconn_exception(e)
++ except Exception as e:
++ self._format_vimconn_exception(e)
++ def delete_flavor(self, flavor_id):
++ raise vimconn.vimconnAuthException("It is not possible to delete a FLAVOR in AZURE")
++ def delete_tenant(self, tenant_id,):
++ raise vimconn.vimconnAuthException("It is not possible to delete a TENANT in AZURE")
++ def delete_image(self, image_id):
++ raise vimconn.vimconnAuthException("It is not possible to delete a IMAGE in AZURE")
+ def get_vminstance(self, vm_id):
- vm=self.conn_compute.virtual_machines.get(resGroup, resName)
++ """
++ Obtaing the vm instance data from v_id
++ """
++ self.logger.debug("get vm instance: %s", vm_id)
+ self._reload_connection()
- for vm_size in self.conn_compute.virtual_machine_sizes.list(self.region):
- if vm_size.name == flavor_id :
- return vm_size
++ try:
++ resName = self._get_resource_name_from_resource_id(vm_id)
++ vm = self.conn_compute.virtual_machines.get(self.resource_group, resName)
++ except CloudError as e:
++ if e.error.error and "notfound" in e.error.error.lower():
++ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException("No vminstance found '{}'".format(vm_id))
++ else:
++ self._format_vimconn_exception(e)
++ except Exception as e:
++ self._format_vimconn_exception(e)
+ return vm
+ def get_flavor(self, flavor_id):
++ """
++ Obtains the flavor_data from the flavor_id
++ """
+ self._reload_connection()
-# TODO refresh_nets_status ver estado activo
-# TODO refresh_vms_status ver estado activo
-# TODO get_vminstance_console for getting console
++ self.logger.debug("get flavor from id: %s", flavor_id)
++ flavor_data = self._get_flavor_id_from_flavor_name(flavor_id)
++ if flavor_data:
++ flavor = {
++ 'id': flavor_id,
++ 'name': flavor_id,
++ 'ram': flavor_data['memoryInMB'],
++ 'vcpus': flavor_data['numberOfCores'],
++ 'disk': flavor_data['resourceDiskSizeInMB']/1024
++ }
++ return flavor
++ else:
++ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException("flavor '{}' not found".format(flavor_id))
++ def get_tenant_list(self, filter_dict={}):
++ """ Obtains the list of tenants
++ For the azure connector only the azure tenant will be returned if it is compatible
++ with filter_dict
++ """
++ tenants_azure = [{'name': self.tenant, 'id': self.tenant}]
++ tenant_list = []
++ self.logger.debug("get tenant list: %s", filter_dict)
++ for tenant_azure in tenants_azure:
++ if filter_dict:
++ if filter_dict.get("id") and str(tenant_azure.get("id")) != filter_dict["id"]:
++ continue
++ if filter_dict.get("name") and str(tenant_azure.get("name")) != filter_dict["name"]:
++ continue
++ tenant_list.append(tenant_azure)
++ return tenant_list
++ def refresh_nets_status(self, net_list):
++ """Get the status of the networks
++ Params: the list of network identifiers
++ Returns a dictionary with:
++ net_id: #VIM id of this network
++ status: #Mandatory. Text with one of:
++ # DELETED (not found at vim)
++ # VIM_ERROR (Cannot connect to VIM, VIM response error, ...)
++ # OTHER (Vim reported other status not understood)
++ # ERROR (VIM indicates an ERROR status)
++ # ACTIVE, INACTIVE, DOWN (admin down),
++ # BUILD (on building process)
++ #
++ error_msg: #Text with VIM error message, if any. Or the VIM connection ERROR
++ vim_info: #Text with plain information obtained from vim (yaml.safe_dump)
++ """
++ out_nets = {}
++ self._reload_connection()
++ self.logger.debug("reload nets status net_list: %s", net_list)
++ for net_id in net_list:
++ try:
++ netName = self._get_net_name_from_resource_id(net_id)
++ resName = self._get_resource_name_from_resource_id(net_id)
++ net = self.conn_vnet.subnets.get(self.resource_group, netName, resName)
++ out_nets[net_id] = {
++ "status": self.provision_state2osm[net.provisioning_state],
++ "vim_info": str(net)
++ }
++ except CloudError as e:
++ if e.error.error and "notfound" in e.error.error.lower():
++ self.logger.info("Not found subnet net_name: %s, subnet_name: %s", netName, resName)
++ out_nets[net_id] = {
++ "status": "DELETED",
++ "error_msg": str(e)
++ }
++ else:
++ self.logger.error("CloudError Exception %s when searching subnet", e)
++ out_nets[net_id] = {
++ "status": "VIM_ERROR",
++ "error_msg": str(e)
++ }
++ except vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException as e:
++ self.logger.error("VimConnNotFoundException %s when searching subnet", e)
++ out_nets[net_id] = {
++ "status": "DELETED",
++ "error_msg": str(e)
++ }
++ except Exception as e:
++ self.logger.error("Exception %s when searching subnet", e, exc_info=True)
++ out_nets[net_id] = {
++ "status": "VIM_ERROR",
++ "error_msg": str(e)
++ }
++ return out_nets
++ def refresh_vms_status(self, vm_list):
++ """ Get the status of the virtual machines and their interfaces/ports
++ Params: the list of VM identifiers
++ Returns a dictionary with:
++ vm_id: # VIM id of this Virtual Machine
++ status: # Mandatory. Text with one of:
++ # DELETED (not found at vim)
++ # VIM_ERROR (Cannot connect to VIM, VIM response error, ...)
++ # OTHER (Vim reported other status not understood)
++ # ERROR (VIM indicates an ERROR status)
++ # BUILD (on building process), ERROR
++ # ACTIVE:NoMgmtIP (Active but none of its interfaces has an IP address
++ # (ACTIVE:NoMgmtIP is not returned for Azure)
++ #
++ error_msg: #Text with VIM error message, if any. Or the VIM connection ERROR
++ vim_info: #Text with plain information obtained from vim (yaml.safe_dump)
++ interfaces: list with interface info. Each item a dictionary with:
++ vim_interface_id - The ID of the interface
++ mac_address - The MAC address of the interface.
++ ip_address - The IP address of the interface within the subnet.
++ """
++ out_vms = {}
++ self._reload_connection()
++ self.logger.debug("refresh vm status vm_list: %s", vm_list)
++ search_vm_list = vm_list or {}
++ for vm_id in search_vm_list:
++ out_vm = {}
++ try:
++ res_name = self._get_resource_name_from_resource_id(vm_id)
++ vm = self.conn_compute.virtual_machines.get(self.resource_group, res_name)
++ out_vm['vim_info'] = str(vm)
++ out_vm['status'] = self.provision_state2osm.get(vm.provisioning_state, 'OTHER')
++ if vm.provisioning_state == 'Succeeded':
++ # check if machine is running or stopped
++ instance_view = self.conn_compute.virtual_machines.instance_view(self.resource_group,
++ res_name)
++ for status in instance_view.statuses:
++ splitted_status = status.code.split("/")
++ if len(splitted_status) == 2 and splitted_status[0] == 'PowerState':
++ out_vm['status'] = self.power_state2osm.get(splitted_status[1], 'OTHER')
++ network_interfaces = vm.network_profile.network_interfaces
++ out_vm['interfaces'] = self._get_vm_interfaces_status(vm_id, network_interfaces)
++ except CloudError as e:
++ if e.error.error and "notfound" in e.error.error.lower():
++ self.logger.debug("Not found vm id: %s", vm_id)
++ out_vm['status'] = "DELETED"
++ out_vm['error_msg'] = str(e)
++ out_vm['vim_info'] = None
++ else:
++ # maybe connection error or another type of error, return vim error
++ self.logger.error("Exception %s refreshing vm_status", e)
++ out_vm['status'] = "VIM_ERROR"
++ out_vm['error_msg'] = str(e)
++ out_vm['vim_info'] = None
++ except Exception as e:
++ self.logger.error("Exception %s refreshing vm_status", e, exc_info=True)
++ out_vm['status'] = "VIM_ERROR"
++ out_vm['error_msg'] = str(e)
++ out_vm['vim_info'] = None
++ out_vms[vm_id] = out_vm
++ return out_vms
++ def _get_vm_interfaces_status(self, vm_id, interfaces):
++ """
++ Gets the interfaces detail for a vm
++ :param interfaces: List of interfaces.
++ :return: Dictionary with list of interfaces including, vim_interface_id, mac_address and ip_address
++ """
++ try:
++ interface_list = []
++ for network_interface in interfaces:
++ interface_dict = {}
++ nic_name = self._get_resource_name_from_resource_id(network_interface.id)
++ interface_dict['vim_interface_id'] = network_interface.id
++ nic_data = self.conn_vnet.network_interfaces.get(
++ self.resource_group,
++ nic_name)
++ ips = []
++ if nic_data.ip_configurations[0].public_ip_address:
++ self.logger.debug("Obtain public ip address")
++ public_ip_name = self._get_resource_name_from_resource_id(
++ nic_data.ip_configurations[0].public_ip_address.id)
++ public_ip = self.conn_vnet.public_ip_addresses.get(self.resource_group, public_ip_name)
++ self.logger.debug("Public ip address is: %s", public_ip.ip_address)
++ ips.append(public_ip.ip_address)
++ private_ip = nic_data.ip_configurations[0].private_ip_address
++ ips.append(private_ip)
++ interface_dict['mac_address'] = nic_data.mac_address
++ interface_dict['ip_address'] = ";".join(ips)
++ interface_list.append(interface_dict)
++ return interface_list
++ except Exception as e:
++ self.logger.error("Exception %s obtaining interface data for vm: %s, error: %s", vm_id, e, exc_info=True)
++ self._format_vimconn_exception(e)
- vim_id='azure'
- vim_name='azure'
+ if __name__ == "__main__":
+ # Making some basic test
- 'region_name': getenv("AZURE_REGION_NAME", 'westeurope'),
- 'resource_group': getenv("AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP"),
- 'subscription_id': getenv("AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID"),
- 'pub_key': getenv("AZURE_PUB_KEY", None),
- 'vnet_name': getenv("AZURE_VNET_NAME", 'myNetwork'),
++ vim_id = 'azure'
++ vim_name = 'azure'
+ needed_test_params = {
+ "client_id": "AZURE_CLIENT_ID",
+ "secret": "AZURE_SECRET",
+ "tenant": "AZURE_TENANT",
+ "resource_group": "AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP",
+ "subscription_id": "AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID",
+ "vnet_name": "AZURE_VNET_NAME",
+ }
+ test_params = {}
+ for param, env_var in needed_test_params.items():
+ value = getenv(env_var)
+ if not value:
+ raise Exception("Provide a valid value for env '{}'".format(env_var))
+ test_params[param] = value
+ config = {
- #'subnet_name': 'subnet-oam'
++ 'region_name': getenv("AZURE_REGION_NAME", 'westeurope'),
++ 'resource_group': getenv("AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP"),
++ 'subscription_id': getenv("AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID"),
++ 'pub_key': getenv("AZURE_PUB_KEY", None),
++ 'vnet_name': getenv("AZURE_VNET_NAME", 'myNetwork'),
+ }
+ virtualMachine = {
+ 'name': 'sergio',
+ 'description': 'new VM',
+ 'status': 'running',
+ 'image': {
+ 'publisher': 'Canonical',
+ 'offer': 'UbuntuServer',
+ 'sku': '16.04.0-LTS',
+ 'version': 'latest'
+ },
+ 'hardware_profile': {
+ 'vm_size': 'Standard_DS1_v2'
+ },
+ 'networks': [
+ 'sergio'
+ ]
+ }
+ vnet_config = {
+ 'subnet_address': '',
- azure.get_flavor("Standard_A11")
++ # 'subnet_name': 'subnet-oam'
+ }
+ ###########################
+ azure = vimconnector(vim_id, vim_name, tenant_id=test_params["tenant"], tenant_name=None, url=None, url_admin=None,
+ user=test_params["client_id"], passwd=test_params["secret"], log_level=None, config=config)
+ # azure.get_flavor_id_from_data("here")
+ # subnets=azure.get_network_list()
+ # azure.new_vminstance(virtualMachine['name'], virtualMachine['description'], virtualMachine['status'],
+ # virtualMachine['image'], virtualMachine['hardware_profile']['vm_size'], subnets)
++ azure.new_network("mynet", None)
++ net_id = "/subscriptions/82f80cc1-876b-4591-9911-1fb5788384fd/resourceGroups/osmRG/providers/Microsoft."\
++ "Network/virtualNetworks/test"
++ net_id_not_found = "/subscriptions/82f80cc1-876b-4591-9911-1fb5788384fd/resourceGroups/osmRG/providers/"\
++ "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/testALF"
++ azure.refresh_nets_status([net_id, net_id_not_found])
--- /dev/null
+ ##
+ # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ # You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ #
+ # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ #
+ # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ # implied.
+ # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ # limitations under the License.
+ ##
+ requests
+ netaddr
+ azure
--- /dev/null
- def new_network(self, net_name, net_type, ip_profile=None, shared=False, vlan=None):
+ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ ##
+ # Copyright 2019 ADLINK Technology Inc..
+ # This file is part of ETSI OSM
+ # All Rights Reserved.
+ #
+ # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+ # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+ # a copy of the License at
+ #
+ # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ #
+ # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+ # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+ # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ # under the License.
+ #
+ #
+ """
+ Eclipse fog05 connector, implements methods to interact with fog05 using REST Client + REST Proxy
+ Manages LXD containers on x86_64 by default, currently missing EPA and VF/PF
+ Support config dict:
+ - arch : cpu architecture for the VIM
+ - hypervisor: virtualization technology supported by the VIM, can
+ can be one of: LXD, KVM, BARE, XEN, DOCKER, MCU
+ the selected VIM need to have at least a node with support
+ for the selected hypervisor
+ """
+ __author__="Gabriele Baldoni"
+ __date__ ="$13-may-2019 10:35:12$"
+ import uuid
+ import socket
+ import struct
+ from . import vimconn
+ import random
+ import yaml
+ from functools import partial
+ from fog05rest import FIMAPI
+ from fog05rest import fimerrors
+ class vimconnector(vimconn.vimconnector):
+ def __init__(self, uuid, name, tenant_id, tenant_name, url, url_admin=None, user=None, passwd=None, log_level=None,
+ config={}, persistent_info={}):
+ """Constructor of VIM
+ Params:
+ 'uuid': id asigned to this VIM
+ 'name': name assigned to this VIM, can be used for logging
+ 'tenant_id', 'tenant_name': (only one of them is mandatory) VIM tenant to be used
+ 'url_admin': (optional), url used for administrative tasks
+ 'user', 'passwd': credentials of the VIM user
+ 'log_level': provider if it should use a different log_level than the general one
+ 'config': dictionary with extra VIM information. This contains a consolidate version of general VIM config
+ at creation and particular VIM config at teh attachment
+ 'persistent_info': dict where the class can store information that will be available among class
+ destroy/creation cycles. This info is unique per VIM/credential. At first call it will contain an
+ empty dict. Useful to store login/tokens information for speed up communication
+ Returns: Raise an exception is some needed parameter is missing, but it must not do any connectivity
+ check against the VIM
+ """
+ vimconn.vimconnector.__init__(self, uuid, name, tenant_id, tenant_name, url, url_admin, user, passwd, log_level,
+ config, persistent_info)
+ self.logger.debug('vimconn_fos init with config: {}'.format(config))
+ self.arch = config.get('arch', 'x86_64')
+ self.hv = config.get('hypervisor', 'LXD')
+ self.nodes = config.get('nodes', [])
+ self.fdu_node_map = {}
+ self.fos_api = FIMAPI(locator=self.url)
+ def __get_ip_range(self, first, count):
+ int_first = struct.unpack('!L', socket.inet_aton(first))[0]
+ int_last = int_first + count
+ last = socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack('!L', int_last))
+ return (first, last)
+ def __name_filter(self, desc, filter_name=None):
+ if filter_name is None:
+ return True
+ return desc.get('name') == filter_name
+ def __id_filter(self, desc, filter_id=None):
+ if filter_id is None:
+ return True
+ return desc.get('uuid') == filter_id
+ def __checksum_filter(self, desc, filter_checksum=None):
+ if filter_checksum is None:
+ return True
+ return desc.get('checksum') == filter_checksum
+ def check_vim_connectivity(self):
+ """Checks VIM can be reached and user credentials are ok.
+ Returns None if success or raised vimconnConnectionException, vimconnAuthException, ...
+ """
+ try:
+ self.fos_api.check()
+ return None
+ except fimerrors.FIMAuthExcetpion as fae:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnAuthException("Unable to authenticate to the VIM. Error {}".format(fae))
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnConnectionException("VIM not reachable. Error {}".format(e))
- 'vlan': in case of a data or ptp net_type, the intended vlan tag to be used for the network
++ def new_network(self, net_name, net_type, ip_profile=None, shared=False, provider_network_profile=None):
+ """Adds a tenant network to VIM
+ Params:
+ 'net_name': name of the network
+ 'net_type': one of:
+ 'bridge': overlay isolated network
+ 'data': underlay E-LAN network for Passthrough and SRIOV interfaces
+ 'ptp': underlay E-LINE network for Passthrough and SRIOV interfaces.
+ 'ip_profile': is a dict containing the IP parameters of the network
+ 'ip_version': can be "IPv4" or "IPv6" (Currently only IPv4 is implemented)
+ 'subnet_address': ip_prefix_schema, that is X.X.X.X/Y
+ 'gateway_address': (Optional) ip_schema, that is X.X.X.X
+ 'dns_address': (Optional) comma separated list of ip_schema, e.g. X.X.X.X[,X,X,X,X]
+ 'dhcp_enabled': True or False
+ 'dhcp_start_address': ip_schema, first IP to grant
+ 'dhcp_count': number of IPs to grant.
+ 'shared': if this network can be seen/use by other tenants/organization
- return net_uuid
+ Returns the network identifier on success or raises and exception on failure
+ """
+ self.logger.debug('new_network: {}'.format(locals()))
+ if net_type in ['data','ptp']:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotImplemented('{} type of network not supported'.format(net_type))
+ net_uuid = '{}'.format(uuid.uuid4())
+ desc = {
+ 'uuid':net_uuid,
+ 'name':net_name,
+ 'net_type':'ELAN',
+ 'is_mgmt':False
+ }
+ if ip_profile is not None:
+ ip = {}
+ if ip_profile.get('ip_version') == 'IPv4':
+ ip_info = {}
+ ip_range = self.__get_ip_range(ip_profile.get('dhcp_start_address'), ip_profile.get('dhcp_count'))
+ dhcp_range = '{},{}'.format(ip_range[0],ip_range[1])
+ ip.update({'subnet':ip_profile.get('subnet_address')})
+ ip.update({'dns':ip_profile.get('dns', None)})
+ ip.update({'dhcp_enable':ip_profile.get('dhcp_enabled', False)})
+ ip.update({'dhcp_range': dhcp_range})
+ ip.update({'gateway':ip_profile.get('gateway_address', None)})
+ desc.update({'ip_configuration':ip_info})
+ else:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotImplemented('IPV6 network is not implemented at VIM')
+ desc.update({'ip_configuration':ip})
+ self.logger.debug('VIM new_network args: {} - Generated Eclipse fog05 Descriptor {}'.format(locals(), desc))
+ try:
+ self.fos_api.network.add_network(desc)
+ except fimerrors.FIMAResouceExistingException as free:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnConflictException("Network already exists at VIM. Error {}".format(free))
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("Unable to create network {}. Error {}".format(net_name, e))
+ # No way from the current rest service to get the actual error, most likely it will be an already existing error
- def delete_network(self, net_id):
++ return net_uuid,{}
+ def get_network_list(self, filter_dict={}):
+ """Obtain tenant networks of VIM
+ Params:
+ 'filter_dict' (optional) contains entries to return only networks that matches ALL entries:
+ name: string => returns only networks with this name
+ id: string => returns networks with this VIM id, this imply returns one network at most
+ shared: boolean >= returns only networks that are (or are not) shared
+ tenant_id: sting => returns only networks that belong to this tenant/project
+ ,#(not used yet) admin_state_up: boolean => returns only networks that are (or are not) in admin state active
+ #(not used yet) status: 'ACTIVE','ERROR',... => filter networks that are on this status
+ Returns the network list of dictionaries. each dictionary contains:
+ 'id': (mandatory) VIM network id
+ 'name': (mandatory) VIM network name
+ 'status': (mandatory) can be 'ACTIVE', 'INACTIVE', 'DOWN', 'BUILD', 'ERROR', 'VIM_ERROR', 'OTHER'
+ 'network_type': (optional) can be 'vxlan', 'vlan' or 'flat'
+ 'segmentation_id': (optional) in case network_type is vlan or vxlan this field contains the segmentation id
+ 'error_msg': (optional) text that explains the ERROR status
+ other VIM specific fields: (optional) whenever possible using the same naming of filter_dict param
+ List can be empty if no network map the filter_dict. Raise an exception only upon VIM connectivity,
+ authorization, or some other unspecific error
+ """
+ self.logger.debug('get_network_list: {}'.format(filter_dict))
+ res = []
+ try:
+ nets = self.fos_api.network.list()
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnConnectionException("Cannot get network list from VIM, connection error. Error {}".format(e))
+ filters = [
+ partial(self.__name_filter, filter_name=filter_dict.get('name')),
+ partial(self.__id_filter,filter_id=filter_dict.get('id'))
+ ]
+ r1 = []
+ for n in nets:
+ match = True
+ for f in filters:
+ match = match and f(n)
+ if match:
+ r1.append(n)
+ for n in r1:
+ osm_net = {
+ 'id':n.get('uuid'),
+ 'name':n.get('name'),
+ 'status':'ACTIVE'
+ }
+ res.append(osm_net)
+ return res
+ def get_network(self, net_id):
+ """Obtain network details from the 'net_id' VIM network
+ Return a dict that contains:
+ 'id': (mandatory) VIM network id, that is, net_id
+ 'name': (mandatory) VIM network name
+ 'status': (mandatory) can be 'ACTIVE', 'INACTIVE', 'DOWN', 'BUILD', 'ERROR', 'VIM_ERROR', 'OTHER'
+ 'error_msg': (optional) text that explains the ERROR status
+ other VIM specific fields: (optional) whenever possible using the same naming of filter_dict param
+ Raises an exception upon error or when network is not found
+ """
+ self.logger.debug('get_network: {}'.format(net_id))
+ res = self.get_network_list(filter_dict={'id':net_id})
+ if len(res) == 0:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException("Network {} not found at VIM".format(net_id))
+ return res[0]
++ def delete_network(self, net_id, created_items=None):
+ """Deletes a tenant network from VIM
+ Returns the network identifier or raises an exception upon error or when network is not found
+ """
+ self.logger.debug('delete_network: {}'.format(net_id))
+ try:
+ self.fos_api.network.remove_network(net_id)
+ except fimerrors.FIMNotFoundException as fnfe:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException("Network {} not found at VIM (already deleted?). Error {}".format(net_id, fnfe))
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("Cannot delete network {} from VIM. Error {}".format(net_id, e))
+ return net_id
+ def refresh_nets_status(self, net_list):
+ """Get the status of the networks
+ Params:
+ 'net_list': a list with the VIM network id to be get the status
+ Returns a dictionary with:
+ 'net_id': #VIM id of this network
+ status: #Mandatory. Text with one of:
+ # DELETED (not found at vim)
+ # VIM_ERROR (Cannot connect to VIM, authentication problems, VIM response error, ...)
+ # OTHER (Vim reported other status not understood)
+ # ERROR (VIM indicates an ERROR status)
+ # ACTIVE, INACTIVE, DOWN (admin down),
+ # BUILD (on building process)
+ error_msg: #Text with VIM error message, if any. Or the VIM connection ERROR
+ vim_info: #Text with plain information obtained from vim (yaml.safe_dump)
+ 'net_id2': ...
+ """
+ self.logger.debug('Refeshing network status with args: {}'.format(locals()))
+ r = {}
+ for n in net_list:
+ try:
+ osm_n = self.get_network(n)
+ r.update({
+ osm_n.get('id'):{'status':osm_n.get('status')}
+ })
+ except vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException:
+ r.update({
+ n:{'status':'VIM_ERROR'}
+ })
+ return r
+ def get_flavor(self, flavor_id):
+ """Obtain flavor details from the VIM
+ Returns the flavor dict details {'id':<>, 'name':<>, other vim specific }
+ Raises an exception upon error or if not found
+ """
+ self.logger.debug('VIM get_flavor with args: {}'.format(locals()))
+ try:
+ r = self.fos_api.flavor.get(flavor_id)
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnConnectionException("VIM not reachable. Error {}".format(e))
+ if r is None:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException("Flavor not found at VIM")
+ return {'id':r.get('uuid'), 'name':r.get('name'), 'fos':r}
+ def get_flavor_id_from_data(self, flavor_dict):
+ """Obtain flavor id that match the flavor description
+ Params:
+ 'flavor_dict': dictionary that contains:
+ 'disk': main hard disk in GB
+ 'ram': meomry in MB
+ 'vcpus': number of virtual cpus
+ #TODO: complete parameters for EPA
+ Returns the flavor_id or raises a vimconnNotFoundException
+ """
+ self.logger.debug('VIM get_flavor_id_from_data with args : {}'.format(locals()))
+ try:
+ flvs = self.fos_api.flavor.list()
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnConnectionException("VIM not reachable. Error {}".format(e))
+ r = [x.get('uuid') for x in flvs if (x.get('cpu_min_count') == flavor_dict.get('vcpus') and x.get('ram_size_mb') == flavor_dict.get('ram') and x.get('storage_size_gb') == flavor_dict.get('disk'))]
+ if len(r) == 0:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException ( "No flavor found" )
+ return r[0]
+ def new_flavor(self, flavor_data):
+ """Adds a tenant flavor to VIM
+ flavor_data contains a dictionary with information, keys:
+ name: flavor name
+ ram: memory (cloud type) in MBytes
+ vpcus: cpus (cloud type)
+ extended: EPA parameters
+ - numas: #items requested in same NUMA
+ memory: number of 1G huge pages memory
+ paired-threads|cores|threads: number of paired hyperthreads, complete cores OR individual threads
+ interfaces: # passthrough(PT) or SRIOV interfaces attached to this numa
+ - name: interface name
+ dedicated: yes|no|yes:sriov; for PT, SRIOV or only one SRIOV for the physical NIC
+ bandwidth: X Gbps; requested guarantee bandwidth
+ vpci: requested virtual PCI address
+ disk: disk size
+ is_public:
+ #TODO to concrete
+ Returns the flavor identifier"""
+ self.logger.debug('VIM new_flavor with args: {}'.format(locals()))
+ flv_id = '{}'.format(uuid.uuid4())
+ desc = {
+ 'uuid':flv_id,
+ 'name':flavor_data.get('name'),
+ 'cpu_arch': self.arch,
+ 'cpu_min_count': flavor_data.get('vcpus'),
+ 'cpu_min_freq': 0.0,
+ 'ram_size_mb':float(flavor_data.get('ram')),
+ 'storage_size_gb':float(flavor_data.get('disk'))
+ }
+ try:
+ self.fos_api.flavor.add(desc)
+ except fimerrors.FIMAResouceExistingException as free:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnConflictException("Flavor {} already exist at VIM. Error {}".format(flv_id, free))
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnConnectionException("VIM not reachable. Error {}".format(e))
+ return flv_id
+ def delete_flavor(self, flavor_id):
+ """Deletes a tenant flavor from VIM identify by its id
+ Returns the used id or raise an exception"""
+ try:
+ self.fos_api.flavor.remove(flavor_id)
+ except fimerrors.FIMNotFoundException as fnfe:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException("Flavor {} not found at VIM (already deleted?). Error {}".format(flavor_id, fnfe))
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnConnectionException("VIM not reachable. Error {}".format(e))
+ return flavor_id
+ def new_image(self, image_dict):
+ """ Adds a tenant image to VIM. imge_dict is a dictionary with:
+ name: name
+ disk_format: qcow2, vhd, vmdk, raw (by default), ...
+ location: path or URI
+ public: "yes" or "no"
+ metadata: metadata of the image
+ Returns the image id or raises an exception if failed
+ """
+ self.logger.debug('VIM new_image with args: {}'.format(locals()))
+ img_id = '{}'.format(uuid.uuid4())
+ desc = {
+ 'name':image_dict.get('name'),
+ 'uuid':img_id,
+ 'uri':image_dict.get('location')
+ }
+ try:
+ self.fos_api.image.add(desc)
+ except fimerrors.FIMAResouceExistingException as free:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnConflictException("Image {} already exist at VIM. Error {}".format(img_id, free))
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnConnectionException("VIM not reachable. Error {}".format(e))
+ return img_id
+ def get_image_id_from_path(self, path):
+ """Get the image id from image path in the VIM database.
+ Returns the image_id or raises a vimconnNotFoundException
+ """
+ self.logger.debug('VIM get_image_id_from_path with args: {}'.format(locals()))
+ try:
+ imgs = self.fos_api.image.list()
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnConnectionException("VIM not reachable. Error {}".format(e))
+ res = [x.get('uuid') for x in imgs if x.get('uri')==path]
+ if len(res) == 0:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException("Image with this path was not found")
+ return res[0]
+ def get_image_list(self, filter_dict={}):
+ """Obtain tenant images from VIM
+ Filter_dict can be:
+ name: image name
+ id: image uuid
+ checksum: image checksum
+ location: image path
+ Returns the image list of dictionaries:
+ [{<the fields at Filter_dict plus some VIM specific>}, ...]
+ List can be empty
+ """
+ self.logger.debug('VIM get_image_list args: {}'.format(locals()))
+ r = []
+ try:
+ fimgs = self.fos_api.image.list()
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnConnectionException("VIM not reachable. Error {}".format(e))
+ filters = [
+ partial(self.__name_filter, filter_name=filter_dict.get('name')),
+ partial(self.__id_filter,filter_id=filter_dict.get('id')),
+ partial(self.__checksum_filter,filter_checksum=filter_dict.get('checksum'))
+ ]
+ r1 = []
+ for i in fimgs:
+ match = True
+ for f in filters:
+ match = match and f(i)
+ if match:
+ r1.append(i)
+ for i in r1:
+ img_info = {
+ 'name':i.get('name'),
+ 'id':i.get('uuid'),
+ 'checksum':i.get('checksum'),
+ 'location':i.get('uri'),
+ 'fos':i
+ }
+ r.append(img_info)
+ return r
+ #raise vimconnNotImplemented( "Should have implemented this" )
+ def new_vminstance(self, name, description, start, image_id, flavor_id, net_list, cloud_config=None, disk_list=None,
+ availability_zone_index=None, availability_zone_list=None):
+ """Adds a VM instance to VIM
+ Params:
+ 'start': (boolean) indicates if VM must start or created in pause mode.
+ 'image_id','flavor_id': image and flavor VIM id to use for the VM
+ 'net_list': list of interfaces, each one is a dictionary with:
+ 'name': (optional) name for the interface.
+ 'net_id': VIM network id where this interface must be connect to. Mandatory for type==virtual
+ 'vpci': (optional) virtual vPCI address to assign at the VM. Can be ignored depending on VIM capabilities
+ 'model': (optional and only have sense for type==virtual) interface model: virtio, e1000, ...
+ 'mac_address': (optional) mac address to assign to this interface
+ 'ip_address': (optional) IP address to assign to this interface
+ #TODO: CHECK if an optional 'vlan' parameter is needed for VIMs when type if VF and net_id is not provided,
+ the VLAN tag to be used. In case net_id is provided, the internal network vlan is used for tagging VF
+ 'type': (mandatory) can be one of:
+ 'virtual', in this case always connected to a network of type 'net_type=bridge'
+ 'PCI-PASSTHROUGH' or 'PF' (passthrough): depending on VIM capabilities it can be connected to a data/ptp network ot it
+ can created unconnected
+ 'SR-IOV' or 'VF' (SRIOV with VLAN tag): same as PF for network connectivity.
+ 'VFnotShared'(SRIOV without VLAN tag) same as PF for network connectivity. VF where no other VFs
+ are allocated on the same physical NIC
+ 'bw': (optional) only for PF/VF/VFnotShared. Minimal Bandwidth required for the interface in GBPS
+ 'port_security': (optional) If False it must avoid any traffic filtering at this interface. If missing
+ or True, it must apply the default VIM behaviour
+ After execution the method will add the key:
+ 'vim_id': must be filled/added by this method with the VIM identifier generated by the VIM for this
+ interface. 'net_list' is modified
+ 'cloud_config': (optional) dictionary with:
+ 'key-pairs': (optional) list of strings with the public key to be inserted to the default user
+ 'users': (optional) list of users to be inserted, each item is a dict with:
+ 'name': (mandatory) user name,
+ 'key-pairs': (optional) list of strings with the public key to be inserted to the user
+ 'user-data': (optional) can be a string with the text script to be passed directly to cloud-init,
+ or a list of strings, each one contains a script to be passed, usually with a MIMEmultipart file
+ 'config-files': (optional). List of files to be transferred. Each item is a dict with:
+ 'dest': (mandatory) string with the destination absolute path
+ 'encoding': (optional, by default text). Can be one of:
+ 'b64', 'base64', 'gz', 'gz+b64', 'gz+base64', 'gzip+b64', 'gzip+base64'
+ 'content' (mandatory): string with the content of the file
+ 'permissions': (optional) string with file permissions, typically octal notation '0644'
+ 'owner': (optional) file owner, string with the format 'owner:group'
+ 'boot-data-drive': boolean to indicate if user-data must be passed using a boot drive (hard disk)
+ 'disk_list': (optional) list with additional disks to the VM. Each item is a dict with:
+ 'image_id': (optional). VIM id of an existing image. If not provided an empty disk must be mounted
+ 'size': (mandatory) string with the size of the disk in GB
+ availability_zone_index: Index of availability_zone_list to use for this this VM. None if not AV required
+ availability_zone_list: list of availability zones given by user in the VNFD descriptor. Ignore if
+ availability_zone_index is None
+ Returns a tuple with the instance identifier and created_items or raises an exception on error
+ created_items can be None or a dictionary where this method can include key-values that will be passed to
+ the method delete_vminstance and action_vminstance. Can be used to store created ports, volumes, etc.
+ Format is vimconnector dependent, but do not use nested dictionaries and a value of None should be the same
+ as not present.
+ """
+ self.logger.debug('new_vminstance with rgs: {}'.format(locals()))
+ fdu_uuid = '{}'.format(uuid.uuid4())
+ flv = self.fos_api.flavor.get(flavor_id)
+ img = self.fos_api.image.get(image_id)
+ if flv is None:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException("Flavor {} not found at VIM".format(flavor_id))
+ if img is None:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException("Image {} not found at VIM".format(image_id))
+ created_items = {
+ 'fdu_id':'',
+ 'node_id':'',
+ 'connection_points':[]
+ }
+ fdu_desc = {
+ 'name':name,
+ 'uuid':fdu_uuid,
+ 'computation_requirements':flv,
+ 'image':img,
+ 'hypervisor':self.hv,
+ 'migration_kind':'LIVE',
+ 'interfaces':[],
+ 'io_ports':[],
+ 'connection_points':[],
+ 'depends_on':[]
+ }
+ nets = []
+ cps = []
+ intf_id = 0
+ for n in net_list:
+ cp_id = '{}'.format(uuid.uuid4())
+ n.update({'vim_id':cp_id})
+ pair_id = n.get('net_id')
+ cp_d = {
+ 'uuid':cp_id,
+ 'pair_id':pair_id
+ }
+ intf_d = {
+ 'name':n.get('name','eth{}'.format(intf_id)),
+ 'is_mgmt':False,
+ 'if_type':'INTERNAL',
+ 'virtual_interface':{
+ 'intf_type':n.get('model','VIRTIO'),
+ 'vpci':n.get('vpci','0:0:0'),
+ 'bandwidth':int(n.get('bw', 100))
+ }
+ }
+ if n.get('mac_address', None) is not None:
+ intf_d['mac_address'] = n['mac_address']
+ created_items['connection_points'].append(cp_id)
+ fdu_desc['connection_points'].append(cp_d)
+ fdu_desc['interfaces'].append(intf_d)
+ intf_id = intf_id + 1
+ if cloud_config is not None:
+ configuration = {
+ 'conf_type':'CLOUD_INIT'
+ }
+ if cloud_config.get('user-data') is not None:
+ configuration.update({'script':cloud_config.get('user-data')})
+ if cloud_config.get('key-pairs') is not None:
+ configuration.update({'ssh_keys':cloud_config.get('key-pairs')})
+ if 'script' in configuration:
+ fdu_desc.update({'configuration':configuration})
+ ### NODE Selection ###
+ # Infrastructure info
+ # nodes dict with
+ # uuid -> node uuid
+ # computational capabilities -> cpu, ram, and disk available
+ # hypervisors -> list of available hypervisors (eg. KVM, LXD, BARE)
+ #
+ #
+ if len(self.nodes) == 0:
+ nodes_id = self.fos_api.node.list()
+ else:
+ nodes_id = self.nodes
+ nodes = []
+ for n in nodes_id:
+ n_info = self.fos_api.node.info(n)
+ if n_info is None:
+ continue
+ n_plugs = []
+ for p in self.fos_api.node.plugins(n):
+ n_plugs.append(self.fos_api.plugin.info(n,p))
+ n_cpu_number = len(n_info.get('cpu'))
+ n_cpu_arch = n_info.get('cpu')[0].get('arch')
+ n_cpu_freq = n_info.get('cpu')[0].get('frequency')
+ n_ram = n_info.get('ram').get('size')
+ n_disk_size = sorted(list(filter(lambda x: 'sda' in x['local_address'], n_info.get('disks'))), key= lambda k: k['dimension'])[-1].get('dimension')
+ hvs = []
+ for p in n_plugs:
+ if p.get('type') == 'runtime':
+ hvs.append(p.get('name'))
+ ni = {
+ 'uuid':n,
+ 'computational_capabilities':{
+ 'cpu_count':n_cpu_number,
+ 'cpu_arch':n_cpu_arch,
+ 'cpu_freq':n_cpu_freq,
+ 'ram_size':n_ram,
+ 'disk_size':n_disk_size
+ },
+ 'hypervisors':hvs
+ }
+ nodes.append(ni)
+ compatible_nodes = []
+ for n in nodes:
+ if fdu_desc.get('hypervisor') in n.get('hypervisors'):
+ n_comp = n.get('computational_capabilities')
+ f_comp = fdu_desc.get('computation_requirements')
+ if f_comp.get('cpu_arch') == n_comp.get('cpu_arch'):
+ if f_comp.get('cpu_min_count') <= n_comp.get('cpu_count') and f_comp.get('ram_size_mb') <= n_comp.get('ram_size'):
+ if f_comp.get('disk_size_gb') <= n_comp.get('disk_size'):
+ compatible_nodes.append(n)
+ if len(compatible_nodes) == 0:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnConflictException("No available nodes at VIM")
+ selected_node = random.choice(compatible_nodes)
+ created_items.update({'fdu_id':fdu_uuid, 'node_id': selected_node.get('uuid')})
+ self.logger.debug('FOS Node {} FDU Descriptor: {}'.format(selected_node.get('uuid'), fdu_desc))
+ try:
+ self.fos_api.fdu.onboard(fdu_desc)
+ instanceid = self.fos_api.fdu.instantiate(fdu_uuid, selected_node.get('uuid'))
+ created_items.update({'instance_id':instanceid})
+ self.fdu_node_map.update({instanceid: selected_node.get('uuid')})
+ self.logger.debug('new_vminstance return: {}'.format((fdu_uuid, created_items)))
+ return (instanceid, created_items)
+ except fimerrors.FIMAResouceExistingException as free:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnConflictException("VM already exists at VIM. Error {}".format(free))
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("Error while instantiating VM {}. Error {}".format(name, e))
+ def get_vminstance(self,vm_id):
+ """Returns the VM instance information from VIM"""
+ self.logger.debug('VIM get_vminstance with args: {}'.format(locals()))
+ try:
+ intsinfo = self.fos_api.fdu.instance_info(vm_id)
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnConnectionException("VIM not reachable. Error {}".format(e))
+ if intsinfo is None:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException('VM with id {} not found!'.format(vm_id))
+ return intsinfo
+ def delete_vminstance(self, vm_id, created_items=None):
+ """
+ Removes a VM instance from VIM and each associate elements
+ :param vm_id: VIM identifier of the VM, provided by method new_vminstance
+ :param created_items: dictionary with extra items to be deleted. provided by method new_vminstance and/or method
+ action_vminstance
+ :return: None or the same vm_id. Raises an exception on fail
+ """
+ self.logger.debug('FOS delete_vminstance with args: {}'.format(locals()))
+ fduid = created_items.get('fdu_id')
+ try:
+ self.fos_api.fdu.terminate(vm_id)
+ self.fos_api.fdu.offload(fduid)
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("Error on deletting VM with id {}. Error {}".format(vm_id,e))
+ return vm_id
+ #raise vimconnNotImplemented( "Should have implemented this" )
+ def refresh_vms_status(self, vm_list):
+ """Get the status of the virtual machines and their interfaces/ports
+ Params: the list of VM identifiers
+ Returns a dictionary with:
+ vm_id: #VIM id of this Virtual Machine
+ status: #Mandatory. Text with one of:
+ # DELETED (not found at vim)
+ # VIM_ERROR (Cannot connect to VIM, VIM response error, ...)
+ # OTHER (Vim reported other status not understood)
+ # ERROR (VIM indicates an ERROR status)
+ # BUILD (on building process), ERROR
+ # ACTIVE:NoMgmtIP (Active but any of its interface has an IP address
+ #
+ error_msg: #Text with VIM error message, if any. Or the VIM connection ERROR
+ vim_info: #Text with plain information obtained from vim (yaml.safe_dump)
+ interfaces: list with interface info. Each item a dictionary with:
+ vim_info: #Text with plain information obtained from vim (yaml.safe_dump)
+ mac_address: #Text format XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
+ vim_net_id: #network id where this interface is connected, if provided at creation
+ vim_interface_id: #interface/port VIM id
+ ip_address: #null, or text with IPv4, IPv6 address
+ compute_node: #identification of compute node where PF,VF interface is allocated
+ pci: #PCI address of the NIC that hosts the PF,VF
+ vlan: #physical VLAN used for VF
+ """
+ self.logger.debug('FOS refresh_vms_status with args: {}'.format(locals()))
+ fos2osm_status = {
+ }
+ r = {}
+ for vm in vm_list:
+ self.logger.debug('FOS refresh_vms_status for {}'.format(vm))
+ info = {}
+ nid = self.fdu_node_map.get(vm)
+ if nid is None:
+ r.update({vm:{
+ 'status':'VIM_ERROR',
+ 'error_msg':'Not compute node associated for VM'
+ }})
+ continue
+ try:
+ vm_info = self.fos_api.fdu.instance_info(vm)
+ except:
+ r.update({vm:{
+ 'status':'VIM_ERROR',
+ 'error_msg':'unable to connect to VIM'
+ }})
+ continue
+ if vm_info is None:
+ r.update({vm:{'status':'DELETED'}})
+ continue
+ desc = self.fos_api.fdu.info(vm_info['fdu_uuid'])
+ osm_status = fos2osm_status.get(vm_info.get('status'))
+ self.logger.debug('FOS status info {}'.format(vm_info))
+ self.logger.debug('FOS status is {} <-> OSM Status {}'.format(vm_info.get('status'), osm_status))
+ info.update({'status':osm_status})
+ if vm_info.get('status') == 'ERROR':
+ info.update({'error_msg':vm_info.get('error_code')})
+ info.update({'vim_info':yaml.safe_dump(vm_info)})
+ faces = []
+ i = 0
+ for intf_name in vm_info.get('hypervisor_info').get('network',[]):
+ intf_info = vm_info.get('hypervisor_info').get('network').get(intf_name)
+ face = {}
+ face['compute_node'] = nid
+ face['vim_info'] = yaml.safe_dump(intf_info)
+ face['mac_address'] = intf_info.get('hwaddr')
+ addrs = []
+ for a in intf_info.get('addresses'):
+ addrs.append(a.get('address'))
+ if len(addrs) >= 0:
+ face['ip_address'] = ','.join(addrs)
+ else:
+ face['ip_address'] = ''
+ face['pci'] = '0:0:0.0'
+ # getting net id by CP
+ try:
+ cp_info = vm_info.get('connection_points')[i]
+ except IndexError:
+ cp_info = None
+ if cp_info is not None:
+ cp_id = cp_info['cp_uuid']
+ cps_d = desc['connection_points']
+ matches = [x for x in cps_d if x['uuid'] == cp_id]
+ if len(matches) > 0:
+ cpd = matches[0]
+ face['vim_net_id'] = cpd.get('pair_id','')
+ else:
+ face['vim_net_id'] = ''
+ face['vim_interface_id'] = cp_id
+ # cp_info.get('uuid')
+ else:
+ face['vim_net_id'] = ''
+ face['vim_interface_id'] = intf_name
+ faces.append(face)
+ i += 1
+ info.update({'interfaces':faces})
+ r.update({vm:info})
+ self.logger.debug('FOS refresh_vms_status res for {} is {}'.format(vm, info))
+ self.logger.debug('FOS refresh_vms_status res is {}'.format(r))
+ return r
+ #raise vimconnNotImplemented( "Should have implemented this" )
+ def action_vminstance(self, vm_id, action_dict, created_items={}):
+ """
+ Send and action over a VM instance. Returns created_items if the action was successfully sent to the VIM.
+ created_items is a dictionary with items that
+ :param vm_id: VIM identifier of the VM, provided by method new_vminstance
+ :param action_dict: dictionary with the action to perform
+ :param created_items: provided by method new_vminstance is a dictionary with key-values that will be passed to
+ the method delete_vminstance. Can be used to store created ports, volumes, etc. Format is vimconnector
+ dependent, but do not use nested dictionaries and a value of None should be the same as not present. This
+ method can modify this value
+ :return: None, or a console dict
+ """
+ self.logger.debug('VIM action_vminstance with args: {}'.format(locals()))
+ nid = self.fdu_node_map.get(vm_id)
+ if nid is None:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException('No node for this VM')
+ try:
+ fdu_info = self.fos_api.fdu.instance_info(vm_id)
+ if "start" in action_dict:
+ if fdu_info.get('status') == 'CONFIGURE':
+ self.fos_api.fdu.start(vm_id)
+ elif fdu_info.get('status') == 'PAUSE':
+ self.fos_api.fdu.resume(vm_id)
+ else:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnConflictException("Cannot start from this state")
+ elif "pause" in action_dict:
+ if fdu_info.get('status') == 'RUN':
+ self.fos_api.fdu.pause(vm_id)
+ else:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnConflictException("Cannot pause from this state")
+ elif "resume" in action_dict:
+ if fdu_info.get('status') == 'PAUSE':
+ self.fos_api.fdu.resume(vm_id)
+ else:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnConflictException("Cannot resume from this state")
+ elif "shutoff" in action_dict or "shutdown" or "forceOff" in action_dict:
+ if fdu_info.get('status') == 'RUN':
+ self.fos_api.fdu.stop(vm_id)
+ else:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnConflictException("Cannot shutoff from this state")
+ elif "terminate" in action_dict:
+ if fdu_info.get('status') == 'RUN':
+ self.fos_api.fdu.stop(vm_id)
+ self.fos_api.fdu.clean(vm_id)
+ self.fos_api.fdu.undefine(vm_id)
+ # self.fos_api.fdu.offload(vm_id)
+ elif fdu_info.get('status') == 'CONFIGURE':
+ self.fos_api.fdu.clean(vm_id)
+ self.fos_api.fdu.undefine(vm_id)
+ # self.fos_api.fdu.offload(vm_id)
+ elif fdu_info.get('status') == 'PAUSE':
+ self.fos_api.fdu.resume(vm_id)
+ self.fos_api.fdu.stop(vm_id)
+ self.fos_api.fdu.clean(vm_id)
+ self.fos_api.fdu.undefine(vm_id)
+ # self.fos_api.fdu.offload(vm_id)
+ else:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnConflictException("Cannot terminate from this state")
+ elif "rebuild" in action_dict:
+ raise vimconnNotImplemented("Rebuild not implememnted")
+ elif "reboot" in action_dict:
+ if fdu_info.get('status') == 'RUN':
+ self.fos_api.fdu.stop(vm_id)
+ self.fos_api.fdu.start(vm_id)
+ else:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnConflictException("Cannot reboot from this state")
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnConnectionException("VIM not reachable. Error {}".format(e))
--- /dev/null
+ ##
+ # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ # You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ #
+ # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ #
+ # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ # implied.
+ # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ # limitations under the License.
+ ##
+ requests
+ netaddr
+ fog05rest>=0.0.4
--- /dev/null
- def new_network(self, net_name, net_type, ip_profile=None, shared=False, vlan=None): # , **vim_specific):
+ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ ##
+ # Copyright 2017 Telefonica Digital Spain S.L.U.
+ # This file is part of ETSI OSM
+ # All Rights Reserved.
+ #
+ # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+ # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+ # a copy of the License at
+ #
+ # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ #
+ # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+ # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+ # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ # under the License.
+ #
+ # For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
+ # contact with: patent-office@telefonica.com
+ ##
+ """
+ vimconnector implements all the methods to interact with OpenNebula using the XML-RPC API.
+ """
+ __author__ = "Jose Maria Carmona Perez,Juan Antonio Hernando Labajo, Emilio Abraham Garrido Garcia,Alberto Florez " \
+ "Pages, Andres Pozo Munoz, Santiago Perez Marin, Onlife Networks Telefonica I+D Product Innovation "
+ __date__ = "$13-dec-2017 11:09:29$"
+ from osm_ro import vimconn
+ import requests
+ import logging
+ import oca
+ import untangle
+ import math
+ import random
+ import pyone
+ class vimconnector(vimconn.vimconnector):
+ def __init__(self, uuid, name, tenant_id, tenant_name, url, url_admin=None, user=None, passwd=None,
+ log_level="DEBUG", config={}, persistent_info={}):
+ """Constructor of VIM
+ Params:
+ 'uuid': id asigned to this VIM
+ 'name': name assigned to this VIM, can be used for logging
+ 'tenant_id', 'tenant_name': (only one of them is mandatory) VIM tenant to be used
+ 'url_admin': (optional), url used for administrative tasks
+ 'user', 'passwd': credentials of the VIM user
+ 'log_level': provider if it should use a different log_level than the general one
+ 'config': dictionary with extra VIM information. This contains a consolidate version of general VIM config
+ at creation and particular VIM config at teh attachment
+ 'persistent_info': dict where the class can store information that will be available among class
+ destroy/creation cycles. This info is unique per VIM/credential. At first call it will contain an
+ empty dict. Useful to store login/tokens information for speed up communication
+ Returns: Raise an exception is some needed parameter is missing, but it must not do any connectivity
+ check against the VIM
+ """
+ vimconn.vimconnector.__init__(self, uuid, name, tenant_id, tenant_name, url, url_admin, user, passwd, log_level,
+ config)
+ def _new_one_connection(self):
+ return pyone.OneServer(self.url, session=self.user + ':' + self.passwd)
+ def new_tenant(self, tenant_name, tenant_description):
+ # '''Adds a new tenant to VIM with this name and description, returns the tenant identifier'''
+ try:
+ client = oca.Client(self.user + ':' + self.passwd, self.url)
+ group_list = oca.GroupPool(client)
+ user_list = oca.UserPool(client)
+ group_list.info()
+ user_list.info()
+ create_primarygroup = 1
+ # create group-tenant
+ for group in group_list:
+ if str(group.name) == str(tenant_name):
+ create_primarygroup = 0
+ break
+ if create_primarygroup == 1:
+ oca.Group.allocate(client, tenant_name)
+ group_list.info()
+ # set to primary_group the tenant_group and oneadmin to secondary_group
+ for group in group_list:
+ if str(group.name) == str(tenant_name):
+ for user in user_list:
+ if str(user.name) == str(self.user):
+ if user.name == "oneadmin":
+ return str(0)
+ else:
+ self._add_secondarygroup(user.id, group.id)
+ user.chgrp(group.id)
+ return str(group.id)
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.logger.error("Create new tenant error: " + str(e))
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException(e)
+ def delete_tenant(self, tenant_id):
+ """Delete a tenant from VIM. Returns the old tenant identifier"""
+ try:
+ client = oca.Client(self.user + ':' + self.passwd, self.url)
+ group_list = oca.GroupPool(client)
+ user_list = oca.UserPool(client)
+ group_list.info()
+ user_list.info()
+ for group in group_list:
+ if str(group.id) == str(tenant_id):
+ for user in user_list:
+ if str(user.name) == str(self.user):
+ self._delete_secondarygroup(user.id, group.id)
+ group.delete(client)
+ return None
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException("Group {} not found".format(tenant_id))
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.logger.error("Delete tenant " + str(tenant_id) + " error: " + str(e))
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException(e)
+ def _add_secondarygroup(self, id_user, id_group):
+ # change secondary_group to primary_group
+ params = '<?xml version="1.0"?> \
+ <methodCall>\
+ <methodName>one.user.addgroup</methodName>\
+ <params>\
+ <param>\
+ <value><string>{}:{}</string></value>\
+ </param>\
+ <param>\
+ <value><int>{}</int></value>\
+ </param>\
+ <param>\
+ <value><int>{}</int></value>\
+ </param>\
+ </params>\
+ </methodCall>'.format(self.user, self.passwd, (str(id_user)), (str(id_group)))
+ requests.post(self.url, params)
+ def _delete_secondarygroup(self, id_user, id_group):
+ params = '<?xml version="1.0"?> \
+ <methodCall>\
+ <methodName>one.user.delgroup</methodName>\
+ <params>\
+ <param>\
+ <value><string>{}:{}</string></value>\
+ </param>\
+ <param>\
+ <value><int>{}</int></value>\
+ </param>\
+ <param>\
+ <value><int>{}</int></value>\
+ </param>\
+ </params>\
+ </methodCall>'.format(self.user, self.passwd, (str(id_user)), (str(id_group)))
+ requests.post(self.url, params)
- 'vlan': in case of a data or ptp net_type, the intended vlan tag to be used for the network
++ def new_network(self, net_name, net_type, ip_profile=None, shared=False, provider_network_profile=None): # , **vim_specific):
+ """Adds a tenant network to VIM
+ Params:
+ 'net_name': name of the network
+ 'net_type': one of:
+ 'bridge': overlay isolated network
+ 'data': underlay E-LAN network for Passthrough and SRIOV interfaces
+ 'ptp': underlay E-LINE network for Passthrough and SRIOV interfaces.
+ 'ip_profile': is a dict containing the IP parameters of the network
+ 'ip_version': can be "IPv4" or "IPv6" (Currently only IPv4 is implemented)
+ 'subnet_address': ip_prefix_schema, that is X.X.X.X/Y
+ 'gateway_address': (Optional) ip_schema, that is X.X.X.X
+ 'dns_address': (Optional) comma separated list of ip_schema, e.g. X.X.X.X[,X,X,X,X]
+ 'dhcp_enabled': True or False
+ 'dhcp_start_address': ip_schema, first IP to grant
+ 'dhcp_count': number of IPs to grant.
+ 'shared': if this network can be seen/use by other tenants/organization
++ 'provider_network_profile': (optional) contains {segmentation-id: vlan, provider-network: vim_netowrk}
+ Returns a tuple with the network identifier and created_items, or raises an exception on error
+ created_items can be None or a dictionary where this method can include key-values that will be passed to
+ the method delete_network. Can be used to store created segments, created l2gw connections, etc.
+ Format is vimconnector dependent, but do not use nested dictionaries and a value of None should be the same
+ as not present.
+ """
+ # oca library method cannot be used in this case (problem with cluster parameters)
+ try:
++ vlan = None
++ if provider_network_profile:
++ vlan = provider_network_profile.get("segmentation-id")
+ created_items = {}
+ one = self._new_one_connection()
+ size = "254"
+ if ip_profile is None:
+ subnet_rand = random.randint(0, 255)
+ ip_start = "192.168.{}.1".format(subnet_rand)
+ else:
+ index = ip_profile["subnet_address"].find("/")
+ ip_start = ip_profile["subnet_address"][:index]
+ if "dhcp_count" in ip_profile and ip_profile["dhcp_count"] is not None:
+ size = str(ip_profile["dhcp_count"])
+ elif "dhcp_count" not in ip_profile and ip_profile["ip_version"] == "IPv4":
+ prefix = ip_profile["subnet_address"][index + 1:]
+ size = int(math.pow(2, 32 - prefix))
+ if "dhcp_start_address" in ip_profile and ip_profile["dhcp_start_address"] is not None:
+ ip_start = str(ip_profile["dhcp_start_address"])
+ if ip_profile["ip_version"] == "IPv6":
+ ip_prefix_type = "GLOBAL_PREFIX"
+ if vlan is not None:
+ vlan_id = vlan
+ else:
+ vlan_id = str(random.randint(100, 4095))
+ #if "internal" in net_name:
+ # OpenNebula not support two networks with same name
+ random_net_name = str(random.randint(1, 1000000))
+ net_name = net_name + random_net_name
+ net_id = one.vn.allocate({
+ 'NAME': net_name,
+ 'VN_MAD': '802.1Q',
+ 'PHYDEV': self.config["network"]["phydev"],
+ 'VLAN_ID': vlan_id
+ }, self.config["cluster"]["id"])
+ arpool = {'AR_POOL': {
+ 'AR': {
+ 'TYPE': 'IP4',
+ 'IP': ip_start,
+ 'SIZE': size
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ one.vn.add_ar(net_id, arpool)
+ return net_id, created_items
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.logger.error("Create new network error: " + str(e))
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException(e)
+ def get_network_list(self, filter_dict={}):
+ """Obtain tenant networks of VIM
+ Params:
+ 'filter_dict' (optional) contains entries to return only networks that matches ALL entries:
+ name: string => returns only networks with this name
+ id: string => returns networks with this VIM id, this imply returns one network at most
+ shared: boolean >= returns only networks that are (or are not) shared
+ tenant_id: sting => returns only networks that belong to this tenant/project
+ ,#(not used yet) admin_state_up: boolean => returns only networks that are (or are not) in admin state active
+ #(not used yet) status: 'ACTIVE','ERROR',... => filter networks that are on this status
+ Returns the network list of dictionaries. each dictionary contains:
+ 'id': (mandatory) VIM network id
+ 'name': (mandatory) VIM network name
+ 'status': (mandatory) can be 'ACTIVE', 'INACTIVE', 'DOWN', 'BUILD', 'ERROR', 'VIM_ERROR', 'OTHER'
+ 'network_type': (optional) can be 'vxlan', 'vlan' or 'flat'
+ 'segmentation_id': (optional) in case network_type is vlan or vxlan this field contains the segmentation id
+ 'error_msg': (optional) text that explains the ERROR status
+ other VIM specific fields: (optional) whenever possible using the same naming of filter_dict param
+ List can be empty if no network map the filter_dict. Raise an exception only upon VIM connectivity,
+ authorization, or some other unspecific error
+ """
+ try:
+ one = self._new_one_connection()
+ net_pool = one.vnpool.info(-2, -1, -1).VNET
+ response = []
+ if "name" in filter_dict:
+ network_name_filter = filter_dict["name"]
+ else:
+ network_name_filter = None
+ if "id" in filter_dict:
+ network_id_filter = filter_dict["id"]
+ else:
+ network_id_filter = None
+ for network in net_pool:
+ if network.NAME == network_name_filter or str(network.ID) == str(network_id_filter):
+ net_dict = {"name": network.NAME, "id": str(network.ID), "status": "ACTIVE"}
+ response.append(net_dict)
+ return response
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.logger.error("Get network list error: " + str(e))
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException(e)
+ def get_network(self, net_id):
+ """Obtain network details from the 'net_id' VIM network
+ Return a dict that contains:
+ 'id': (mandatory) VIM network id, that is, net_id
+ 'name': (mandatory) VIM network name
+ 'status': (mandatory) can be 'ACTIVE', 'INACTIVE', 'DOWN', 'BUILD', 'ERROR', 'VIM_ERROR', 'OTHER'
+ 'error_msg': (optional) text that explains the ERROR status
+ other VIM specific fields: (optional) whenever possible using the same naming of filter_dict param
+ Raises an exception upon error or when network is not found
+ """
+ try:
+ one = self._new_one_connection()
+ net_pool = one.vnpool.info(-2, -1, -1).VNET
+ net = {}
+ for network in net_pool:
+ if str(network.ID) == str(net_id):
+ net['id'] = network.ID
+ net['name'] = network.NAME
+ net['status'] = "ACTIVE"
+ break
+ if net:
+ return net
+ else:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException("Network {} not found".format(net_id))
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.logger.error("Get network " + str(net_id) + " error): " + str(e))
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException(e)
+ def delete_network(self, net_id, created_items=None):
+ """
+ Removes a tenant network from VIM and its associated elements
+ :param net_id: VIM identifier of the network, provided by method new_network
+ :param created_items: dictionary with extra items to be deleted. provided by method new_network
+ Returns the network identifier or raises an exception upon error or when network is not found
+ """
+ try:
+ one = self._new_one_connection()
+ one.vn.delete(int(net_id))
+ return net_id
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.logger.error("Delete network " + str(net_id) + "error: network not found" + str(e))
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException(e)
+ def refresh_nets_status(self, net_list):
+ """Get the status of the networks
+ Params:
+ 'net_list': a list with the VIM network id to be get the status
+ Returns a dictionary with:
+ 'net_id': #VIM id of this network
+ status: #Mandatory. Text with one of:
+ # DELETED (not found at vim)
+ # VIM_ERROR (Cannot connect to VIM, authentication problems, VIM response error, ...)
+ # OTHER (Vim reported other status not understood)
+ # ERROR (VIM indicates an ERROR status)
+ # ACTIVE, INACTIVE, DOWN (admin down),
+ # BUILD (on building process)
+ error_msg: #Text with VIM error message, if any. Or the VIM connection ERROR
+ vim_info: #Text with plain information obtained from vim (yaml.safe_dump)
+ 'net_id2': ...
+ """
+ net_dict = {}
+ try:
+ for net_id in net_list:
+ net = {}
+ try:
+ net_vim = self.get_network(net_id)
+ net["status"] = net_vim["status"]
+ net["vim_info"] = None
+ except vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException as e:
+ self.logger.error("Exception getting net status: {}".format(str(e)))
+ net['status'] = "DELETED"
+ net['error_msg'] = str(e)
+ except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
+ self.logger.error(e)
+ net["status"] = "VIM_ERROR"
+ net["error_msg"] = str(e)
+ net_dict[net_id] = net
+ return net_dict
+ except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
+ self.logger.error(e)
+ for k in net_dict:
+ net_dict[k]["status"] = "VIM_ERROR"
+ net_dict[k]["error_msg"] = str(e)
+ return net_dict
+ def get_flavor(self, flavor_id): # Esta correcto
+ """Obtain flavor details from the VIM
+ Returns the flavor dict details {'id':<>, 'name':<>, other vim specific }
+ Raises an exception upon error or if not found
+ """
+ try:
+ one = self._new_one_connection()
+ template = one.template.info(int(flavor_id))
+ if template is not None:
+ return {'id': template.ID, 'name': template.NAME}
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException("Flavor {} not found".format(flavor_id))
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.logger.error("get flavor " + str(flavor_id) + " error: " + str(e))
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException(e)
+ def new_flavor(self, flavor_data):
+ """Adds a tenant flavor to VIM
+ flavor_data contains a dictionary with information, keys:
+ name: flavor name
+ ram: memory (cloud type) in MBytes
+ vpcus: cpus (cloud type)
+ extended: EPA parameters
+ - numas: #items requested in same NUMA
+ memory: number of 1G huge pages memory
+ paired-threads|cores|threads: number of paired hyperthreads, complete cores OR individual threads
+ interfaces: # passthrough(PT) or SRIOV interfaces attached to this numa
+ - name: interface name
+ dedicated: yes|no|yes:sriov; for PT, SRIOV or only one SRIOV for the physical NIC
+ bandwidth: X Gbps; requested guarantee bandwidth
+ vpci: requested virtual PCI address
+ disk: disk size
+ is_public:
+ #TODO to concrete
+ Returns the flavor identifier"""
+ disk_size = str(int(flavor_data["disk"])*1024)
+ try:
+ one = self._new_one_connection()
+ template_id = one.template.allocate({
+ 'NAME': flavor_data["name"],
+ 'CPU': flavor_data["vcpus"],
+ 'VCPU': flavor_data["vcpus"],
+ 'MEMORY': flavor_data["ram"],
+ 'DISK': {
+ 'SIZE': disk_size
+ },
+ 'CONTEXT': {
+ },
+ 'LISTEN': '',
+ 'TYPE': 'VNC'
+ },
+ 'CLUSTER_ID': self.config["cluster"]["id"]
+ }
+ })
+ return template_id
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.logger.error("Create new flavor error: " + str(e))
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException(e)
+ def delete_flavor(self, flavor_id):
+ """ Deletes a tenant flavor from VIM
+ Returns the old flavor_id
+ """
+ try:
+ one = self._new_one_connection()
+ one.template.delete(int(flavor_id), False)
+ return flavor_id
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.logger.error("Error deleting flavor " + str(flavor_id) + ". Flavor not found")
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException(e)
+ def get_image_list(self, filter_dict={}):
+ """Obtain tenant images from VIM
+ Filter_dict can be:
+ name: image name
+ id: image uuid
+ checksum: image checksum
+ location: image path
+ Returns the image list of dictionaries:
+ [{<the fields at Filter_dict plus some VIM specific>}, ...]
+ List can be empty
+ """
+ try:
+ one = self._new_one_connection()
+ image_pool = one.imagepool.info(-2, -1, -1).IMAGE
+ images = []
+ if "name" in filter_dict:
+ image_name_filter = filter_dict["name"]
+ else:
+ image_name_filter = None
+ if "id" in filter_dict:
+ image_id_filter = filter_dict["id"]
+ else:
+ image_id_filter = None
+ for image in image_pool:
+ if str(image_name_filter) == str(image.NAME) or str(image.ID) == str(image_id_filter):
+ images_dict = {"name": image.NAME, "id": str(image.ID)}
+ images.append(images_dict)
+ return images
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.logger.error("Get image list error: " + str(e))
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException(e)
+ def new_vminstance(self, name, description, start, image_id, flavor_id, net_list, cloud_config=None, disk_list=None,
+ availability_zone_index=None, availability_zone_list=None):
+ """Adds a VM instance to VIM
+ Params:
+ 'start': (boolean) indicates if VM must start or created in pause mode.
+ 'image_id','flavor_id': image and flavor VIM id to use for the VM
+ 'net_list': list of interfaces, each one is a dictionary with:
+ 'name': (optional) name for the interface.
+ 'net_id': VIM network id where this interface must be connect to. Mandatory for type==virtual
+ 'vpci': (optional) virtual vPCI address to assign at the VM. Can be ignored depending on VIM capabilities
+ 'model': (optional and only have sense for type==virtual) interface model: virtio, e1000, ...
+ 'mac_address': (optional) mac address to assign to this interface
+ 'ip_address': (optional) IP address to assign to this interface
+ #TODO: CHECK if an optional 'vlan' parameter is needed for VIMs when type if VF and net_id is not provided,
+ the VLAN tag to be used. In case net_id is provided, the internal network vlan is used for tagging VF
+ 'type': (mandatory) can be one of:
+ 'virtual', in this case always connected to a network of type 'net_type=bridge'
+ 'PCI-PASSTHROUGH' or 'PF' (passthrough): depending on VIM capabilities it can be connected to a data/ptp network ot it
+ can created unconnected
+ 'SR-IOV' or 'VF' (SRIOV with VLAN tag): same as PF for network connectivity.
+ 'VFnotShared'(SRIOV without VLAN tag) same as PF for network connectivity. VF where no other VFs
+ are allocated on the same physical NIC
+ 'bw': (optional) only for PF/VF/VFnotShared. Minimal Bandwidth required for the interface in GBPS
+ 'port_security': (optional) If False it must avoid any traffic filtering at this interface. If missing
+ or True, it must apply the default VIM behaviour
+ After execution the method will add the key:
+ 'vim_id': must be filled/added by this method with the VIM identifier generated by the VIM for this
+ interface. 'net_list' is modified
+ 'cloud_config': (optional) dictionary with:
+ 'key-pairs': (optional) list of strings with the public key to be inserted to the default user
+ 'users': (optional) list of users to be inserted, each item is a dict with:
+ 'name': (mandatory) user name,
+ 'key-pairs': (optional) list of strings with the public key to be inserted to the user
+ 'user-data': (optional) can be a string with the text script to be passed directly to cloud-init,
+ or a list of strings, each one contains a script to be passed, usually with a MIMEmultipart file
+ 'config-files': (optional). List of files to be transferred. Each item is a dict with:
+ 'dest': (mandatory) string with the destination absolute path
+ 'encoding': (optional, by default text). Can be one of:
+ 'b64', 'base64', 'gz', 'gz+b64', 'gz+base64', 'gzip+b64', 'gzip+base64'
+ 'content' (mandatory): string with the content of the file
+ 'permissions': (optional) string with file permissions, typically octal notation '0644'
+ 'owner': (optional) file owner, string with the format 'owner:group'
+ 'boot-data-drive': boolean to indicate if user-data must be passed using a boot drive (hard disk)
+ 'disk_list': (optional) list with additional disks to the VM. Each item is a dict with:
+ 'image_id': (optional). VIM id of an existing image. If not provided an empty disk must be mounted
+ 'size': (mandatory) string with the size of the disk in GB
+ availability_zone_index: Index of availability_zone_list to use for this this VM. None if not AV required
+ availability_zone_list: list of availability zones given by user in the VNFD descriptor. Ignore if
+ availability_zone_index is None
+ Returns a tuple with the instance identifier and created_items or raises an exception on error
+ created_items can be None or a dictionary where this method can include key-values that will be passed to
+ the method delete_vminstance and action_vminstance. Can be used to store created ports, volumes, etc.
+ Format is vimconnector dependent, but do not use nested dictionaries and a value of None should be the same
+ as not present.
+ """
+ self.logger.debug(
+ "new_vminstance input: image='{}' flavor='{}' nics='{}'".format(image_id, flavor_id, str(net_list)))
+ try:
+ one = self._new_one_connection()
+ template_vim = one.template.info(int(flavor_id), True)
+ disk_size = str(template_vim.TEMPLATE["DISK"]["SIZE"])
+ one = self._new_one_connection()
+ template_updated = ""
+ for net in net_list:
+ net_in_vim = one.vn.info(int(net["net_id"]))
+ net["vim_id"] = str(net_in_vim.ID)
+ network = 'NIC = [NETWORK = "{}",NETWORK_UNAME = "{}" ]'.format(
+ net_in_vim.NAME, net_in_vim.UNAME)
+ template_updated += network
+ template_updated += "DISK = [ IMAGE_ID = {},\n SIZE = {}]".format(image_id, disk_size)
+ if isinstance(cloud_config, dict):
+ if cloud_config.get("key-pairs"):
+ context = 'CONTEXT = [\n NETWORK = "YES",\n SSH_PUBLIC_KEY = "'
+ for key in cloud_config["key-pairs"]:
+ context += key + '\n'
+ # if False:
+ # context += '"\n USERNAME = '
+ context += '"]'
+ template_updated += context
+ vm_instance_id = one.template.instantiate(int(flavor_id), name, False, template_updated)
+ self.logger.info(
+ "Instanciating in OpenNebula a new VM name:{} id:{}".format(name, flavor_id))
+ return str(vm_instance_id), None
+ except pyone.OneNoExistsException as e:
+ self.logger.error("Network with id " + str(e) + " not found: " + str(e))
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException(e)
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.logger.error("Create new vm instance error: " + str(e))
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException(e)
+ def get_vminstance(self, vm_id):
+ """Returns the VM instance information from VIM"""
+ try:
+ one = self._new_one_connection()
+ vm = one.vm.info(int(vm_id))
+ return vm
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.logger.error("Getting vm instance error: " + str(e) + ": VM Instance not found")
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException(e)
+ def delete_vminstance(self, vm_id, created_items=None):
+ """
+ Removes a VM instance from VIM and its associated elements
+ :param vm_id: VIM identifier of the VM, provided by method new_vminstance
+ :param created_items: dictionary with extra items to be deleted. provided by method new_vminstance and/or method
+ action_vminstance
+ :return: None or the same vm_id. Raises an exception on fail
+ """
+ try:
+ one = self._new_one_connection()
+ one.vm.recover(int(vm_id), 3)
+ vm = None
+ while True:
+ if vm is not None and vm.LCM_STATE == 0:
+ break
+ else:
+ vm = one.vm.info(int(vm_id))
+ except pyone.OneNoExistsException as e:
+ self.logger.info("The vm " + str(vm_id) + " does not exist or is already deleted")
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException("The vm {} does not exist or is already deleted".format(vm_id))
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.logger.error("Delete vm instance " + str(vm_id) + " error: " + str(e))
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException(e)
+ def refresh_vms_status(self, vm_list):
+ """Get the status of the virtual machines and their interfaces/ports
+ Params: the list of VM identifiers
+ Returns a dictionary with:
+ vm_id: #VIM id of this Virtual Machine
+ status: #Mandatory. Text with one of:
+ # DELETED (not found at vim)
+ # VIM_ERROR (Cannot connect to VIM, VIM response error, ...)
+ # OTHER (Vim reported other status not understood)
+ # ERROR (VIM indicates an ERROR status)
+ # BUILD (on building process), ERROR
+ # ACTIVE:NoMgmtIP (Active but any of its interface has an IP address
+ #
+ error_msg: #Text with VIM error message, if any. Or the VIM connection ERROR
+ vim_info: #Text with plain information obtained from vim (yaml.safe_dump)
+ interfaces: list with interface info. Each item a dictionary with:
+ vim_info: #Text with plain information obtained from vim (yaml.safe_dump)
+ mac_address: #Text format XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
+ vim_net_id: #network id where this interface is connected, if provided at creation
+ vim_interface_id: #interface/port VIM id
+ ip_address: #null, or text with IPv4, IPv6 address
+ compute_node: #identification of compute node where PF,VF interface is allocated
+ pci: #PCI address of the NIC that hosts the PF,VF
+ vlan: #physical VLAN used for VF
+ """
+ vm_dict = {}
+ try:
+ for vm_id in vm_list:
+ vm = {}
+ if self.get_vminstance(vm_id) is not None:
+ vm_element = self.get_vminstance(vm_id)
+ else:
+ self.logger.info("The vm " + str(vm_id) + " does not exist.")
+ vm['status'] = "DELETED"
+ vm['error_msg'] = ("The vm " + str(vm_id) + " does not exist.")
+ continue
+ vm["vim_info"] = None
+ vm_status = vm_element.LCM_STATE
+ if vm_status == 3:
+ vm['status'] = "ACTIVE"
+ elif vm_status == 36:
+ vm['status'] = "ERROR"
+ vm['error_msg'] = "VM failure"
+ else:
+ vm['status'] = "BUILD"
+ if vm_element is not None:
+ interfaces = self._get_networks_vm(vm_element)
+ vm["interfaces"] = interfaces
+ vm_dict[vm_id] = vm
+ return vm_dict
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.logger.error(e)
+ for k in vm_dict:
+ vm_dict[k]["status"] = "VIM_ERROR"
+ vm_dict[k]["error_msg"] = str(e)
+ return vm_dict
+ def _get_networks_vm(self, vm_element):
+ interfaces = []
+ try:
+ if isinstance(vm_element.TEMPLATE["NIC"], list):
+ for net in vm_element.TEMPLATE["NIC"]:
+ interface = {'vim_info': None, "mac_address": str(net["MAC"]), "vim_net_id": str(net["NETWORK_ID"]),
+ "vim_interface_id": str(net["NETWORK_ID"])}
+ # maybe it should be 2 different keys for ip_address if an interface has ipv4 and ipv6
+ if u'IP' in net:
+ interface["ip_address"] = str(net["IP"])
+ if u'IP6_GLOBAL' in net:
+ interface["ip_address"] = str(net["IP6_GLOBAL"])
+ interfaces.append(interface)
+ else:
+ net = vm_element.TEMPLATE["NIC"]
+ interface = {'vim_info': None, "mac_address": str(net["MAC"]), "vim_net_id": str(net["NETWORK_ID"]),
+ "vim_interface_id": str(net["NETWORK_ID"])}
+ # maybe it should be 2 different keys for ip_address if an interface has ipv4 and ipv6
+ if u'IP' in net:
+ interface["ip_address"] = str(net["IP"])
+ if u'IP6_GLOBAL' in net:
+ interface["ip_address"] = str(net["IP6_GLOBAL"])
+ interfaces.append(interface)
+ return interfaces
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.logger.error("Error getting vm interface_information of vm_id: " + str(vm_element.ID))
--- /dev/null
+ ##
+ # Copyright 2017 Telefonica Digital Spain S.L.U.
+ # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ # You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ #
+ # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ #
+ # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ # implied.
+ # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ # limitations under the License.
+ ##
+ requests
+ netaddr
+ untangle
+ pyone
+ git+https://github.com/python-oca/python-oca#egg=oca
--- /dev/null
- def new_network(self,net_name, net_type, ip_profile=None, shared=False, vlan=None):
+ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ ##
+ # Copyright 2015 Telefonica Investigacion y Desarrollo, S.A.U.
+ # This file is part of openmano
+ # All Rights Reserved.
+ #
+ # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+ # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+ # a copy of the License at
+ #
+ # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ #
+ # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+ # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+ # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ # under the License.
+ ##
+ '''
+ osconnector implements all the methods to interact with openstack using the python-neutronclient.
+ For the VNF forwarding graph, The OpenStack VIM connector calls the
+ networking-sfc Neutron extension methods, whose resources are mapped
+ to the VIM connector's SFC resources as follows:
+ - Classification (OSM) -> Flow Classifier (Neutron)
+ - Service Function Instance (OSM) -> Port Pair (Neutron)
+ - Service Function (OSM) -> Port Pair Group (Neutron)
+ - Service Function Path (OSM) -> Port Chain (Neutron)
+ '''
+ __author__ = "Alfonso Tierno, Gerardo Garcia, Pablo Montes, xFlow Research, Igor D.C., Eduardo Sousa"
+ __date__ = "$22-sep-2017 23:59:59$"
+ from osm_ro import vimconn
+ # import json
+ import logging
+ import netaddr
+ import time
+ import yaml
+ import random
+ import re
+ import copy
+ from pprint import pformat
+ from novaclient import client as nClient, exceptions as nvExceptions
+ from keystoneauth1.identity import v2, v3
+ from keystoneauth1 import session
+ import keystoneclient.exceptions as ksExceptions
+ import keystoneclient.v3.client as ksClient_v3
+ import keystoneclient.v2_0.client as ksClient_v2
+ from glanceclient import client as glClient
+ import glanceclient.exc as gl1Exceptions
+ from cinderclient import client as cClient
+ from http.client import HTTPException # TODO py3 check that this base exception matches python2 httplib.HTTPException
+ from neutronclient.neutron import client as neClient
+ from neutronclient.common import exceptions as neExceptions
+ from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError
+ """contain the openstack virtual machine status to openmano status"""
+ vmStatus2manoFormat={'ACTIVE':'ACTIVE',
+ }
+ }
+ supportedClassificationTypes = ['legacy_flow_classifier']
+ #global var to have a timeout creating and deleting volumes
+ volume_timeout = 600
+ server_timeout = 600
+ class SafeDumper(yaml.SafeDumper):
+ def represent_data(self, data):
+ # Openstack APIs use custom subclasses of dict and YAML safe dumper
+ # is designed to not handle that (reference issue 142 of pyyaml)
+ if isinstance(data, dict) and data.__class__ != dict:
+ # A simple solution is to convert those items back to dicts
+ data = dict(data.items())
+ return super(SafeDumper, self).represent_data(data)
+ class vimconnector(vimconn.vimconnector):
+ def __init__(self, uuid, name, tenant_id, tenant_name, url, url_admin=None, user=None, passwd=None,
+ log_level=None, config={}, persistent_info={}):
+ '''using common constructor parameters. In this case
+ 'url' is the keystone authorization url,
+ 'url_admin' is not use
+ '''
+ api_version = config.get('APIversion')
+ if api_version and api_version not in ('v3.3', 'v2.0', '2', '3'):
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("Invalid value '{}' for config:APIversion. "
+ "Allowed values are 'v3.3', 'v2.0', '2' or '3'".format(api_version))
+ vim_type = config.get('vim_type')
+ if vim_type and vim_type not in ('vio', 'VIO'):
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("Invalid value '{}' for config:vim_type."
+ "Allowed values are 'vio' or 'VIO'".format(vim_type))
+ if config.get('dataplane_net_vlan_range') is not None:
+ #validate vlan ranges provided by user
+ self._validate_vlan_ranges(config.get('dataplane_net_vlan_range'), 'dataplane_net_vlan_range')
+ if config.get('multisegment_vlan_range') is not None:
+ #validate vlan ranges provided by user
+ self._validate_vlan_ranges(config.get('multisegment_vlan_range'), 'multisegment_vlan_range')
+ vimconn.vimconnector.__init__(self, uuid, name, tenant_id, tenant_name, url, url_admin, user, passwd, log_level,
+ config)
+ if self.config.get("insecure") and self.config.get("ca_cert"):
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("options insecure and ca_cert are mutually exclusive")
+ self.verify = True
+ if self.config.get("insecure"):
+ self.verify = False
+ if self.config.get("ca_cert"):
+ self.verify = self.config.get("ca_cert")
+ if not url:
+ raise TypeError('url param can not be NoneType')
+ self.persistent_info = persistent_info
+ self.availability_zone = persistent_info.get('availability_zone', None)
+ self.session = persistent_info.get('session', {'reload_client': True})
+ self.my_tenant_id = self.session.get('my_tenant_id')
+ self.nova = self.session.get('nova')
+ self.neutron = self.session.get('neutron')
+ self.cinder = self.session.get('cinder')
+ self.glance = self.session.get('glance')
+ # self.glancev1 = self.session.get('glancev1')
+ self.keystone = self.session.get('keystone')
+ self.api_version3 = self.session.get('api_version3')
+ self.vim_type = self.config.get("vim_type")
+ if self.vim_type:
+ self.vim_type = self.vim_type.upper()
+ if self.config.get("use_internal_endpoint"):
+ self.endpoint_type = "internalURL"
+ else:
+ self.endpoint_type = None
+ self.logger = logging.getLogger('openmano.vim.openstack')
+ # allow security_groups to be a list or a single string
+ if isinstance(self.config.get('security_groups'), str):
+ self.config['security_groups'] = [self.config['security_groups']]
+ self.security_groups_id = None
+ ####### VIO Specific Changes #########
+ if self.vim_type == "VIO":
+ self.logger = logging.getLogger('openmano.vim.vio')
+ if log_level:
+ self.logger.setLevel( getattr(logging, log_level))
+ def __getitem__(self, index):
+ """Get individuals parameters.
+ Throw KeyError"""
+ if index == 'project_domain_id':
+ return self.config.get("project_domain_id")
+ elif index == 'user_domain_id':
+ return self.config.get("user_domain_id")
+ else:
+ return vimconn.vimconnector.__getitem__(self, index)
+ def __setitem__(self, index, value):
+ """Set individuals parameters and it is marked as dirty so to force connection reload.
+ Throw KeyError"""
+ if index == 'project_domain_id':
+ self.config["project_domain_id"] = value
+ elif index == 'user_domain_id':
+ self.config["user_domain_id"] = value
+ else:
+ vimconn.vimconnector.__setitem__(self, index, value)
+ self.session['reload_client'] = True
+ def serialize(self, value):
+ """Serialization of python basic types.
+ In the case value is not serializable a message will be logged and a
+ simple representation of the data that cannot be converted back to
+ python is returned.
+ """
+ if isinstance(value, str):
+ return value
+ try:
+ return yaml.dump(value, Dumper=SafeDumper,
+ default_flow_style=True, width=256)
+ except yaml.representer.RepresenterError:
+ self.logger.debug('The following entity cannot be serialized in YAML:\n\n%s\n\n', pformat(value),
+ exc_info=True)
+ return str(value)
+ def _reload_connection(self):
+ '''Called before any operation, it check if credentials has changed
+ Throw keystoneclient.apiclient.exceptions.AuthorizationFailure
+ '''
+ #TODO control the timing and possible token timeout, but it seams that python client does this task for us :-)
+ if self.session['reload_client']:
+ if self.config.get('APIversion'):
+ self.api_version3 = self.config['APIversion'] == 'v3.3' or self.config['APIversion'] == '3'
+ else: # get from ending auth_url that end with v3 or with v2.0
+ self.api_version3 = self.url.endswith("/v3") or self.url.endswith("/v3/")
+ self.session['api_version3'] = self.api_version3
+ if self.api_version3:
+ if self.config.get('project_domain_id') or self.config.get('project_domain_name'):
+ project_domain_id_default = None
+ else:
+ project_domain_id_default = 'default'
+ if self.config.get('user_domain_id') or self.config.get('user_domain_name'):
+ user_domain_id_default = None
+ else:
+ user_domain_id_default = 'default'
+ auth = v3.Password(auth_url=self.url,
+ username=self.user,
+ password=self.passwd,
+ project_name=self.tenant_name,
+ project_id=self.tenant_id,
+ project_domain_id=self.config.get('project_domain_id', project_domain_id_default),
+ user_domain_id=self.config.get('user_domain_id', user_domain_id_default),
+ project_domain_name=self.config.get('project_domain_name'),
+ user_domain_name=self.config.get('user_domain_name'))
+ else:
+ auth = v2.Password(auth_url=self.url,
+ username=self.user,
+ password=self.passwd,
+ tenant_name=self.tenant_name,
+ tenant_id=self.tenant_id)
+ sess = session.Session(auth=auth, verify=self.verify)
+ # addedd region_name to keystone, nova, neutron and cinder to support distributed cloud for Wind River Titanium cloud and StarlingX
+ region_name = self.config.get('region_name')
+ if self.api_version3:
+ self.keystone = ksClient_v3.Client(session=sess, endpoint_type=self.endpoint_type, region_name=region_name)
+ else:
+ self.keystone = ksClient_v2.Client(session=sess, endpoint_type=self.endpoint_type)
+ self.session['keystone'] = self.keystone
+ # In order to enable microversion functionality an explicit microversion must be specified in 'config'.
+ # This implementation approach is due to the warning message in
+ # https://developer.openstack.org/api-guide/compute/microversions.html
+ # where it is stated that microversion backwards compatibility is not guaranteed and clients should
+ # always require an specific microversion.
+ # To be able to use 'device role tagging' functionality define 'microversion: 2.32' in datacenter config
+ version = self.config.get("microversion")
+ if not version:
+ version = "2.1"
+ # addedd region_name to keystone, nova, neutron and cinder to support distributed cloud for Wind River Titanium cloud and StarlingX
+ self.nova = self.session['nova'] = nClient.Client(str(version), session=sess, endpoint_type=self.endpoint_type, region_name=region_name)
+ self.neutron = self.session['neutron'] = neClient.Client('2.0', session=sess, endpoint_type=self.endpoint_type, region_name=region_name)
+ self.cinder = self.session['cinder'] = cClient.Client(2, session=sess, endpoint_type=self.endpoint_type, region_name=region_name)
+ try:
+ self.my_tenant_id = self.session['my_tenant_id'] = sess.get_project_id()
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.logger.error("Cannot get project_id from session", exc_info=True)
+ if self.endpoint_type == "internalURL":
+ glance_service_id = self.keystone.services.list(name="glance")[0].id
+ glance_endpoint = self.keystone.endpoints.list(glance_service_id, interface="internal")[0].url
+ else:
+ glance_endpoint = None
+ self.glance = self.session['glance'] = glClient.Client(2, session=sess, endpoint=glance_endpoint)
+ # using version 1 of glance client in new_image()
+ # self.glancev1 = self.session['glancev1'] = glClient.Client('1', session=sess,
+ # endpoint=glance_endpoint)
+ self.session['reload_client'] = False
+ self.persistent_info['session'] = self.session
+ # add availablity zone info inside self.persistent_info
+ self._set_availablity_zones()
+ self.persistent_info['availability_zone'] = self.availability_zone
+ self.security_groups_id = None # force to get again security_groups_ids next time they are needed
+ def __net_os2mano(self, net_list_dict):
+ '''Transform the net openstack format to mano format
+ net_list_dict can be a list of dict or a single dict'''
+ if type(net_list_dict) is dict:
+ net_list_=(net_list_dict,)
+ elif type(net_list_dict) is list:
+ net_list_=net_list_dict
+ else:
+ raise TypeError("param net_list_dict must be a list or a dictionary")
+ for net in net_list_:
+ if net.get('provider:network_type') == "vlan":
+ net['type']='data'
+ else:
+ net['type']='bridge'
+ def __classification_os2mano(self, class_list_dict):
+ """Transform the openstack format (Flow Classifier) to mano format
+ (Classification) class_list_dict can be a list of dict or a single dict
+ """
+ if isinstance(class_list_dict, dict):
+ class_list_ = [class_list_dict]
+ elif isinstance(class_list_dict, list):
+ class_list_ = class_list_dict
+ else:
+ raise TypeError(
+ "param class_list_dict must be a list or a dictionary")
+ for classification in class_list_:
+ id = classification.pop('id')
+ name = classification.pop('name')
+ description = classification.pop('description')
+ project_id = classification.pop('project_id')
+ tenant_id = classification.pop('tenant_id')
+ original_classification = copy.deepcopy(classification)
+ classification.clear()
+ classification['ctype'] = 'legacy_flow_classifier'
+ classification['definition'] = original_classification
+ classification['id'] = id
+ classification['name'] = name
+ classification['description'] = description
+ classification['project_id'] = project_id
+ classification['tenant_id'] = tenant_id
+ def __sfi_os2mano(self, sfi_list_dict):
+ """Transform the openstack format (Port Pair) to mano format (SFI)
+ sfi_list_dict can be a list of dict or a single dict
+ """
+ if isinstance(sfi_list_dict, dict):
+ sfi_list_ = [sfi_list_dict]
+ elif isinstance(sfi_list_dict, list):
+ sfi_list_ = sfi_list_dict
+ else:
+ raise TypeError(
+ "param sfi_list_dict must be a list or a dictionary")
+ for sfi in sfi_list_:
+ sfi['ingress_ports'] = []
+ sfi['egress_ports'] = []
+ if sfi.get('ingress'):
+ sfi['ingress_ports'].append(sfi['ingress'])
+ if sfi.get('egress'):
+ sfi['egress_ports'].append(sfi['egress'])
+ del sfi['ingress']
+ del sfi['egress']
+ params = sfi.get('service_function_parameters')
+ sfc_encap = False
+ if params:
+ correlation = params.get('correlation')
+ if correlation:
+ sfc_encap = True
+ sfi['sfc_encap'] = sfc_encap
+ del sfi['service_function_parameters']
+ def __sf_os2mano(self, sf_list_dict):
+ """Transform the openstack format (Port Pair Group) to mano format (SF)
+ sf_list_dict can be a list of dict or a single dict
+ """
+ if isinstance(sf_list_dict, dict):
+ sf_list_ = [sf_list_dict]
+ elif isinstance(sf_list_dict, list):
+ sf_list_ = sf_list_dict
+ else:
+ raise TypeError(
+ "param sf_list_dict must be a list or a dictionary")
+ for sf in sf_list_:
+ del sf['port_pair_group_parameters']
+ sf['sfis'] = sf['port_pairs']
+ del sf['port_pairs']
+ def __sfp_os2mano(self, sfp_list_dict):
+ """Transform the openstack format (Port Chain) to mano format (SFP)
+ sfp_list_dict can be a list of dict or a single dict
+ """
+ if isinstance(sfp_list_dict, dict):
+ sfp_list_ = [sfp_list_dict]
+ elif isinstance(sfp_list_dict, list):
+ sfp_list_ = sfp_list_dict
+ else:
+ raise TypeError(
+ "param sfp_list_dict must be a list or a dictionary")
+ for sfp in sfp_list_:
+ params = sfp.pop('chain_parameters')
+ sfc_encap = False
+ if params:
+ correlation = params.get('correlation')
+ if correlation:
+ sfc_encap = True
+ sfp['sfc_encap'] = sfc_encap
+ sfp['spi'] = sfp.pop('chain_id')
+ sfp['classifications'] = sfp.pop('flow_classifiers')
+ sfp['service_functions'] = sfp.pop('port_pair_groups')
+ # placeholder for now; read TODO note below
+ def _validate_classification(self, type, definition):
+ # only legacy_flow_classifier Type is supported at this point
+ return True
+ # TODO(igordcard): this method should be an abstract method of an
+ # abstract Classification class to be implemented by the specific
+ # Types. Also, abstract vimconnector should call the validation
+ # method before the implemented VIM connectors are called.
+ def _format_exception(self, exception):
+ '''Transform a keystone, nova, neutron exception into a vimconn exception'''
+ message_error = exception.message
+ if isinstance(exception, (neExceptions.NetworkNotFoundClient, nvExceptions.NotFound, ksExceptions.NotFound,
+ gl1Exceptions.HTTPNotFound)):
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException(type(exception).__name__ + ": " + message_error)
+ elif isinstance(exception, (HTTPException, gl1Exceptions.HTTPException, gl1Exceptions.CommunicationError,
+ ConnectionError, ksExceptions.ConnectionError, neExceptions.ConnectionFailed)):
+ raise vimconn.vimconnConnectionException(type(exception).__name__ + ": " + message_error)
+ elif isinstance(exception, (KeyError, nvExceptions.BadRequest, ksExceptions.BadRequest)):
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException(type(exception).__name__ + ": " + message_error)
+ elif isinstance(exception, (nvExceptions.ClientException, ksExceptions.ClientException,
+ neExceptions.NeutronException)):
+ raise vimconn.vimconnUnexpectedResponse(type(exception).__name__ + ": " + message_error)
+ elif isinstance(exception, nvExceptions.Conflict):
+ raise vimconn.vimconnConflictException(type(exception).__name__ + ": " + message_error)
+ elif isinstance(exception, vimconn.vimconnException):
+ raise exception
+ else: # ()
+ self.logger.error("General Exception " + message_error, exc_info=True)
+ raise vimconn.vimconnConnectionException(type(exception).__name__ + ": " + message_error)
+ def _get_ids_from_name(self):
+ """
+ Obtain ids from name of tenant and security_groups. Store at self .security_groups_id"
+ :return: None
+ """
+ # get tenant_id if only tenant_name is supplied
+ self._reload_connection()
+ if not self.my_tenant_id:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnConnectionException("Error getting tenant information from name={} id={}".
+ format(self.tenant_name, self.tenant_id))
+ if self.config.get('security_groups') and not self.security_groups_id:
+ # convert from name to id
+ neutron_sg_list = self.neutron.list_security_groups(tenant_id=self.my_tenant_id)["security_groups"]
+ self.security_groups_id = []
+ for sg in self.config.get('security_groups'):
+ for neutron_sg in neutron_sg_list:
+ if sg in (neutron_sg["id"], neutron_sg["name"]):
+ self.security_groups_id.append(neutron_sg["id"])
+ break
+ else:
+ self.security_groups_id = None
+ raise vimconn.vimconnConnectionException("Not found security group {} for this tenant".format(sg))
+ def check_vim_connectivity(self):
+ # just get network list to check connectivity and credentials
+ self.get_network_list(filter_dict={})
+ def get_tenant_list(self, filter_dict={}):
+ '''Obtain tenants of VIM
+ filter_dict can contain the following keys:
+ name: filter by tenant name
+ id: filter by tenant uuid/id
+ <other VIM specific>
+ Returns the tenant list of dictionaries: [{'name':'<name>, 'id':'<id>, ...}, ...]
+ '''
+ self.logger.debug("Getting tenants from VIM filter: '%s'", str(filter_dict))
+ try:
+ self._reload_connection()
+ if self.api_version3:
+ project_class_list = self.keystone.projects.list(name=filter_dict.get("name"))
+ else:
+ project_class_list = self.keystone.tenants.findall(**filter_dict)
+ project_list=[]
+ for project in project_class_list:
+ if filter_dict.get('id') and filter_dict["id"] != project.id:
+ continue
+ project_list.append(project.to_dict())
+ return project_list
+ except (ksExceptions.ConnectionError, ksExceptions.ClientException, ConnectionError) as e:
+ self._format_exception(e)
+ def new_tenant(self, tenant_name, tenant_description):
+ '''Adds a new tenant to openstack VIM. Returns the tenant identifier'''
+ self.logger.debug("Adding a new tenant name: %s", tenant_name)
+ try:
+ self._reload_connection()
+ if self.api_version3:
+ project = self.keystone.projects.create(tenant_name, self.config.get("project_domain_id", "default"),
+ description=tenant_description, is_domain=False)
+ else:
+ project = self.keystone.tenants.create(tenant_name, tenant_description)
+ return project.id
+ except (ksExceptions.ConnectionError, ksExceptions.ClientException, ksExceptions.BadRequest, ConnectionError) as e:
+ self._format_exception(e)
+ def delete_tenant(self, tenant_id):
+ '''Delete a tenant from openstack VIM. Returns the old tenant identifier'''
+ self.logger.debug("Deleting tenant %s from VIM", tenant_id)
+ try:
+ self._reload_connection()
+ if self.api_version3:
+ self.keystone.projects.delete(tenant_id)
+ else:
+ self.keystone.tenants.delete(tenant_id)
+ return tenant_id
+ except (ksExceptions.ConnectionError, ksExceptions.ClientException, ksExceptions.NotFound, ConnectionError) as e:
+ self._format_exception(e)
- 'vlan': in case of a data or ptp net_type, the intended vlan tag to be used for the network
++ def new_network(self,net_name, net_type, ip_profile=None, shared=False, provider_network_profile=None):
+ """Adds a tenant network to VIM
+ Params:
+ 'net_name': name of the network
+ 'net_type': one of:
+ 'bridge': overlay isolated network
+ 'data': underlay E-LAN network for Passthrough and SRIOV interfaces
+ 'ptp': underlay E-LINE network for Passthrough and SRIOV interfaces.
+ 'ip_profile': is a dict containing the IP parameters of the network
+ 'ip_version': can be "IPv4" or "IPv6" (Currently only IPv4 is implemented)
+ 'subnet_address': ip_prefix_schema, that is X.X.X.X/Y
+ 'gateway_address': (Optional) ip_schema, that is X.X.X.X
+ 'dns_address': (Optional) comma separated list of ip_schema, e.g. X.X.X.X[,X,X,X,X]
+ 'dhcp_enabled': True or False
+ 'dhcp_start_address': ip_schema, first IP to grant
+ 'dhcp_count': number of IPs to grant.
+ 'shared': if this network can be seen/use by other tenants/organization
++ 'provider_network_profile': (optional) contains {segmentation-id: vlan, provider-network: vim_netowrk}
+ Returns a tuple with the network identifier and created_items, or raises an exception on error
+ created_items can be None or a dictionary where this method can include key-values that will be passed to
+ the method delete_network. Can be used to store created segments, created l2gw connections, etc.
+ Format is vimconnector dependent, but do not use nested dictionaries and a value of None should be the same
+ as not present.
+ """
+ self.logger.debug("Adding a new network to VIM name '%s', type '%s'", net_name, net_type)
+ # self.logger.debug(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IP profile %s", str(ip_profile))
+ try:
++ vlan = None
++ if provider_network_profile:
++ vlan = provider_network_profile.get("segmentation-id")
+ new_net = None
+ created_items = {}
+ self._reload_connection()
+ network_dict = {'name': net_name, 'admin_state_up': True}
+ if net_type=="data" or net_type=="ptp":
+ if self.config.get('dataplane_physical_net') == None:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnConflictException("You must provide a 'dataplane_physical_net' at config value before creating sriov network")
+ if not self.config.get('multisegment_support'):
+ network_dict["provider:physical_network"] = self.config[
+ 'dataplane_physical_net'] # "physnet_sriov" #TODO physical
+ network_dict["provider:network_type"] = "vlan"
+ if vlan!=None:
+ network_dict["provider:network_type"] = vlan
+ else:
+ ###### Multi-segment case ######
+ segment_list = []
+ segment1_dict = {}
+ segment1_dict["provider:physical_network"] = ''
+ segment1_dict["provider:network_type"] = 'vxlan'
+ segment_list.append(segment1_dict)
+ segment2_dict = {}
+ segment2_dict["provider:physical_network"] = self.config['dataplane_physical_net']
+ segment2_dict["provider:network_type"] = "vlan"
+ if self.config.get('multisegment_vlan_range'):
+ vlanID = self._generate_multisegment_vlanID()
+ segment2_dict["provider:segmentation_id"] = vlanID
+ # else
+ # raise vimconn.vimconnConflictException(
+ # "You must provide 'multisegment_vlan_range' at config dict before creating a multisegment network")
+ segment_list.append(segment2_dict)
+ network_dict["segments"] = segment_list
+ ####### VIO Specific Changes #########
+ if self.vim_type == "VIO":
+ if vlan is not None:
+ network_dict["provider:segmentation_id"] = vlan
+ else:
+ if self.config.get('dataplane_net_vlan_range') is None:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnConflictException("You must provide "\
+ "'dataplane_net_vlan_range' in format [start_ID - end_ID]"\
+ "at config value before creating sriov network with vlan tag")
+ network_dict["provider:segmentation_id"] = self._generate_vlanID()
+ network_dict["shared"] = shared
+ if self.config.get("disable_network_port_security"):
+ network_dict["port_security_enabled"] = False
+ new_net = self.neutron.create_network({'network':network_dict})
+ # print new_net
+ # create subnetwork, even if there is no profile
+ if not ip_profile:
+ ip_profile = {}
+ if not ip_profile.get('subnet_address'):
+ #Fake subnet is required
+ subnet_rand = random.randint(0, 255)
+ ip_profile['subnet_address'] = "192.168.{}.0/24".format(subnet_rand)
+ if 'ip_version' not in ip_profile:
+ ip_profile['ip_version'] = "IPv4"
+ subnet = {"name": net_name+"-subnet",
+ "network_id": new_net["network"]["id"],
+ "ip_version": 4 if ip_profile['ip_version']=="IPv4" else 6,
+ "cidr": ip_profile['subnet_address']
+ }
+ # Gateway should be set to None if not needed. Otherwise openstack assigns one by default
+ if ip_profile.get('gateway_address'):
+ subnet['gateway_ip'] = ip_profile['gateway_address']
+ else:
+ subnet['gateway_ip'] = None
+ if ip_profile.get('dns_address'):
+ subnet['dns_nameservers'] = ip_profile['dns_address'].split(";")
+ if 'dhcp_enabled' in ip_profile:
+ subnet['enable_dhcp'] = False if \
+ ip_profile['dhcp_enabled']=="false" or ip_profile['dhcp_enabled']==False else True
+ if ip_profile.get('dhcp_start_address'):
+ subnet['allocation_pools'] = []
+ subnet['allocation_pools'].append(dict())
+ subnet['allocation_pools'][0]['start'] = ip_profile['dhcp_start_address']
+ if ip_profile.get('dhcp_count'):
+ #parts = ip_profile['dhcp_start_address'].split('.')
+ #ip_int = (int(parts[0]) << 24) + (int(parts[1]) << 16) + (int(parts[2]) << 8) + int(parts[3])
+ ip_int = int(netaddr.IPAddress(ip_profile['dhcp_start_address']))
+ ip_int += ip_profile['dhcp_count'] - 1
+ ip_str = str(netaddr.IPAddress(ip_int))
+ subnet['allocation_pools'][0]['end'] = ip_str
+ #self.logger.debug(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Subnet: %s", str(subnet))
+ self.neutron.create_subnet({"subnet": subnet} )
+ if net_type == "data" and self.config.get('multisegment_support'):
+ if self.config.get('l2gw_support'):
+ l2gw_list = self.neutron.list_l2_gateways().get("l2_gateways", ())
+ for l2gw in l2gw_list:
+ l2gw_conn = {}
+ l2gw_conn["l2_gateway_id"] = l2gw["id"]
+ l2gw_conn["network_id"] = new_net["network"]["id"]
+ l2gw_conn["segmentation_id"] = str(vlanID)
+ new_l2gw_conn = self.neutron.create_l2_gateway_connection({"l2_gateway_connection": l2gw_conn})
+ created_items["l2gwconn:" + str(new_l2gw_conn["l2_gateway_connection"]["id"])] = True
+ return new_net["network"]["id"], created_items
+ except Exception as e:
+ #delete l2gw connections (if any) before deleting the network
+ for k, v in created_items.items():
+ if not v: # skip already deleted
+ continue
+ try:
+ k_item, _, k_id = k.partition(":")
+ if k_item == "l2gwconn":
+ self.neutron.delete_l2_gateway_connection(k_id)
+ except Exception as e2:
+ self.logger.error("Error deleting l2 gateway connection: {}: {}".format(type(e2).__name__, e2))
+ if new_net:
+ self.neutron.delete_network(new_net['network']['id'])
+ self._format_exception(e)
+ def get_network_list(self, filter_dict={}):
+ '''Obtain tenant networks of VIM
+ Filter_dict can be:
+ name: network name
+ id: network uuid
+ shared: boolean
+ tenant_id: tenant
+ admin_state_up: boolean
+ status: 'ACTIVE'
+ Returns the network list of dictionaries
+ '''
+ self.logger.debug("Getting network from VIM filter: '%s'", str(filter_dict))
+ try:
+ self._reload_connection()
+ filter_dict_os = filter_dict.copy()
+ if self.api_version3 and "tenant_id" in filter_dict_os:
+ filter_dict_os['project_id'] = filter_dict_os.pop('tenant_id') #T ODO check
+ net_dict = self.neutron.list_networks(**filter_dict_os)
+ net_list = net_dict["networks"]
+ self.__net_os2mano(net_list)
+ return net_list
+ except (neExceptions.ConnectionFailed, ksExceptions.ClientException, neExceptions.NeutronException, ConnectionError) as e:
+ self._format_exception(e)
+ def get_network(self, net_id):
+ '''Obtain details of network from VIM
+ Returns the network information from a network id'''
+ self.logger.debug(" Getting tenant network %s from VIM", net_id)
+ filter_dict={"id": net_id}
+ net_list = self.get_network_list(filter_dict)
+ if len(net_list)==0:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException("Network '{}' not found".format(net_id))
+ elif len(net_list)>1:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnConflictException("Found more than one network with this criteria")
+ net = net_list[0]
+ subnets=[]
+ for subnet_id in net.get("subnets", () ):
+ try:
+ subnet = self.neutron.show_subnet(subnet_id)
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.logger.error("osconnector.get_network(): Error getting subnet %s %s" % (net_id, str(e)))
+ subnet = {"id": subnet_id, "fault": str(e)}
+ subnets.append(subnet)
+ net["subnets"] = subnets
+ net["encapsulation"] = net.get('provider:network_type')
+ net["encapsulation_type"] = net.get('provider:network_type')
+ net["segmentation_id"] = net.get('provider:segmentation_id')
+ net["encapsulation_id"] = net.get('provider:segmentation_id')
+ return net
+ def delete_network(self, net_id, created_items=None):
+ """
+ Removes a tenant network from VIM and its associated elements
+ :param net_id: VIM identifier of the network, provided by method new_network
+ :param created_items: dictionary with extra items to be deleted. provided by method new_network
+ Returns the network identifier or raises an exception upon error or when network is not found
+ """
+ self.logger.debug("Deleting network '%s' from VIM", net_id)
+ if created_items == None:
+ created_items = {}
+ try:
+ self._reload_connection()
+ #delete l2gw connections (if any) before deleting the network
+ for k, v in created_items.items():
+ if not v: # skip already deleted
+ continue
+ try:
+ k_item, _, k_id = k.partition(":")
+ if k_item == "l2gwconn":
+ self.neutron.delete_l2_gateway_connection(k_id)
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.logger.error("Error deleting l2 gateway connection: {}: {}".format(type(e).__name__, e))
+ #delete VM ports attached to this networks before the network
+ ports = self.neutron.list_ports(network_id=net_id)
+ for p in ports['ports']:
+ try:
+ self.neutron.delete_port(p["id"])
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.logger.error("Error deleting port %s: %s", p["id"], str(e))
+ self.neutron.delete_network(net_id)
+ return net_id
+ except (neExceptions.ConnectionFailed, neExceptions.NetworkNotFoundClient, neExceptions.NeutronException,
+ ksExceptions.ClientException, neExceptions.NeutronException, ConnectionError) as e:
+ self._format_exception(e)
+ def refresh_nets_status(self, net_list):
+ '''Get the status of the networks
+ Params: the list of network identifiers
+ Returns a dictionary with:
+ net_id: #VIM id of this network
+ status: #Mandatory. Text with one of:
+ # DELETED (not found at vim)
+ # VIM_ERROR (Cannot connect to VIM, VIM response error, ...)
+ # OTHER (Vim reported other status not understood)
+ # ERROR (VIM indicates an ERROR status)
+ # ACTIVE, INACTIVE, DOWN (admin down),
+ # BUILD (on building process)
+ #
+ error_msg: #Text with VIM error message, if any. Or the VIM connection ERROR
+ vim_info: #Text with plain information obtained from vim (yaml.safe_dump)
+ '''
+ net_dict={}
+ for net_id in net_list:
+ net = {}
+ try:
+ net_vim = self.get_network(net_id)
+ if net_vim['status'] in netStatus2manoFormat:
+ net["status"] = netStatus2manoFormat[ net_vim['status'] ]
+ else:
+ net["status"] = "OTHER"
+ net["error_msg"] = "VIM status reported " + net_vim['status']
+ if net['status'] == "ACTIVE" and not net_vim['admin_state_up']:
+ net['status'] = 'DOWN'
+ net['vim_info'] = self.serialize(net_vim)
+ if net_vim.get('fault'): #TODO
+ net['error_msg'] = str(net_vim['fault'])
+ except vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException as e:
+ self.logger.error("Exception getting net status: %s", str(e))
+ net['status'] = "DELETED"
+ net['error_msg'] = str(e)
+ except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
+ self.logger.error("Exception getting net status: %s", str(e))
+ net['status'] = "VIM_ERROR"
+ net['error_msg'] = str(e)
+ net_dict[net_id] = net
+ return net_dict
+ def get_flavor(self, flavor_id):
+ '''Obtain flavor details from the VIM. Returns the flavor dict details'''
+ self.logger.debug("Getting flavor '%s'", flavor_id)
+ try:
+ self._reload_connection()
+ flavor = self.nova.flavors.find(id=flavor_id)
+ #TODO parse input and translate to VIM format (openmano_schemas.new_vminstance_response_schema)
+ return flavor.to_dict()
+ except (nvExceptions.NotFound, nvExceptions.ClientException, ksExceptions.ClientException, ConnectionError) as e:
+ self._format_exception(e)
+ def get_flavor_id_from_data(self, flavor_dict):
+ """Obtain flavor id that match the flavor description
+ Returns the flavor_id or raises a vimconnNotFoundException
+ flavor_dict: contains the required ram, vcpus, disk
+ If 'use_existing_flavors' is set to True at config, the closer flavor that provides same or more ram, vcpus
+ and disk is returned. Otherwise a flavor with exactly same ram, vcpus and disk is returned or a
+ vimconnNotFoundException is raised
+ """
+ exact_match = False if self.config.get('use_existing_flavors') else True
+ try:
+ self._reload_connection()
+ flavor_candidate_id = None
+ flavor_candidate_data = (10000, 10000, 10000)
+ flavor_target = (flavor_dict["ram"], flavor_dict["vcpus"], flavor_dict["disk"])
+ # numa=None
+ extended = flavor_dict.get("extended", {})
+ if extended:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException("Flavor with EPA still not implemented")
+ # if len(numas) > 1:
+ # raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException("Cannot find any flavor with more than one numa")
+ # numa=numas[0]
+ # numas = extended.get("numas")
+ for flavor in self.nova.flavors.list():
+ epa = flavor.get_keys()
+ if epa:
+ continue
+ # TODO
+ flavor_data = (flavor.ram, flavor.vcpus, flavor.disk)
+ if flavor_data == flavor_target:
+ return flavor.id
+ elif not exact_match and flavor_target < flavor_data < flavor_candidate_data:
+ flavor_candidate_id = flavor.id
+ flavor_candidate_data = flavor_data
+ if not exact_match and flavor_candidate_id:
+ return flavor_candidate_id
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException("Cannot find any flavor matching '{}'".format(str(flavor_dict)))
+ except (nvExceptions.NotFound, nvExceptions.ClientException, ksExceptions.ClientException, ConnectionError) as e:
+ self._format_exception(e)
+ def process_resource_quota(self, quota, prefix, extra_specs):
+ """
+ :param prefix:
+ :param extra_specs:
+ :return:
+ """
+ if 'limit' in quota:
+ extra_specs["quota:" + prefix + "_limit"] = quota['limit']
+ if 'reserve' in quota:
+ extra_specs["quota:" + prefix + "_reservation"] = quota['reserve']
+ if 'shares' in quota:
+ extra_specs["quota:" + prefix + "_shares_level"] = "custom"
+ extra_specs["quota:" + prefix + "_shares_share"] = quota['shares']
+ def new_flavor(self, flavor_data, change_name_if_used=True):
+ '''Adds a tenant flavor to openstack VIM
+ if change_name_if_used is True, it will change name in case of conflict, because it is not supported name repetition
+ Returns the flavor identifier
+ '''
+ self.logger.debug("Adding flavor '%s'", str(flavor_data))
+ retry=0
+ max_retries=3
+ name_suffix = 0
+ try:
+ name=flavor_data['name']
+ while retry<max_retries:
+ retry+=1
+ try:
+ self._reload_connection()
+ if change_name_if_used:
+ #get used names
+ fl_names=[]
+ fl=self.nova.flavors.list()
+ for f in fl:
+ fl_names.append(f.name)
+ while name in fl_names:
+ name_suffix += 1
+ name = flavor_data['name']+"-" + str(name_suffix)
+ ram = flavor_data.get('ram',64)
+ vcpus = flavor_data.get('vcpus',1)
+ extra_specs={}
+ extended = flavor_data.get("extended")
+ if extended:
+ numas=extended.get("numas")
+ if numas:
+ numa_nodes = len(numas)
+ if numa_nodes > 1:
+ return -1, "Can not add flavor with more than one numa"
+ extra_specs["hw:numa_nodes"] = str(numa_nodes)
+ extra_specs["hw:mem_page_size"] = "large"
+ extra_specs["hw:cpu_policy"] = "dedicated"
+ extra_specs["hw:numa_mempolicy"] = "strict"
+ if self.vim_type == "VIO":
+ extra_specs["vmware:extra_config"] = '{"numa.nodeAffinity":"0"}'
+ extra_specs["vmware:latency_sensitivity_level"] = "high"
+ for numa in numas:
+ #overwrite ram and vcpus
+ #check if key 'memory' is present in numa else use ram value at flavor
+ if 'memory' in numa:
+ ram = numa['memory']*1024
+ #See for reference: https://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/mitaka/implemented/virt-driver-cpu-thread-pinning.html
+ extra_specs["hw:cpu_sockets"] = 1
+ if 'paired-threads' in numa:
+ vcpus = numa['paired-threads']*2
+ #cpu_thread_policy "require" implies that the compute node must have an STM architecture
+ extra_specs["hw:cpu_thread_policy"] = "require"
+ extra_specs["hw:cpu_policy"] = "dedicated"
+ elif 'cores' in numa:
+ vcpus = numa['cores']
+ # cpu_thread_policy "prefer" implies that the host must not have an SMT architecture, or a non-SMT architecture will be emulated
+ extra_specs["hw:cpu_thread_policy"] = "isolate"
+ extra_specs["hw:cpu_policy"] = "dedicated"
+ elif 'threads' in numa:
+ vcpus = numa['threads']
+ # cpu_thread_policy "prefer" implies that the host may or may not have an SMT architecture
+ extra_specs["hw:cpu_thread_policy"] = "prefer"
+ extra_specs["hw:cpu_policy"] = "dedicated"
+ # for interface in numa.get("interfaces",() ):
+ # if interface["dedicated"]=="yes":
+ # raise vimconn.vimconnException("Passthrough interfaces are not supported for the openstack connector", http_code=vimconn.HTTP_Service_Unavailable)
+ # #TODO, add the key 'pci_passthrough:alias"="<label at config>:<number ifaces>"' when a way to connect it is available
+ elif extended.get("cpu-quota"):
+ self.process_resource_quota(extended.get("cpu-quota"), "cpu", extra_specs)
+ if extended.get("mem-quota"):
+ self.process_resource_quota(extended.get("mem-quota"), "memory", extra_specs)
+ if extended.get("vif-quota"):
+ self.process_resource_quota(extended.get("vif-quota"), "vif", extra_specs)
+ if extended.get("disk-io-quota"):
+ self.process_resource_quota(extended.get("disk-io-quota"), "disk_io", extra_specs)
+ #create flavor
+ new_flavor=self.nova.flavors.create(name,
+ ram,
+ vcpus,
+ flavor_data.get('disk',0),
+ is_public=flavor_data.get('is_public', True)
+ )
+ #add metadata
+ if extra_specs:
+ new_flavor.set_keys(extra_specs)
+ return new_flavor.id
+ except nvExceptions.Conflict as e:
+ if change_name_if_used and retry < max_retries:
+ continue
+ self._format_exception(e)
+ #except nvExceptions.BadRequest as e:
+ except (ksExceptions.ClientException, nvExceptions.ClientException, ConnectionError, KeyError) as e:
+ self._format_exception(e)
+ def delete_flavor(self,flavor_id):
+ '''Deletes a tenant flavor from openstack VIM. Returns the old flavor_id
+ '''
+ try:
+ self._reload_connection()
+ self.nova.flavors.delete(flavor_id)
+ return flavor_id
+ #except nvExceptions.BadRequest as e:
+ except (nvExceptions.NotFound, ksExceptions.ClientException, nvExceptions.ClientException, ConnectionError) as e:
+ self._format_exception(e)
+ def new_image(self,image_dict):
+ '''
+ Adds a tenant image to VIM. imge_dict is a dictionary with:
+ name: name
+ disk_format: qcow2, vhd, vmdk, raw (by default), ...
+ location: path or URI
+ public: "yes" or "no"
+ metadata: metadata of the image
+ Returns the image_id
+ '''
+ retry=0
+ max_retries=3
+ while retry<max_retries:
+ retry+=1
+ try:
+ self._reload_connection()
+ #determine format http://docs.openstack.org/developer/glance/formats.html
+ if "disk_format" in image_dict:
+ disk_format=image_dict["disk_format"]
+ else: #autodiscover based on extension
+ if image_dict['location'].endswith(".qcow2"):
+ disk_format="qcow2"
+ elif image_dict['location'].endswith(".vhd"):
+ disk_format="vhd"
+ elif image_dict['location'].endswith(".vmdk"):
+ disk_format="vmdk"
+ elif image_dict['location'].endswith(".vdi"):
+ disk_format="vdi"
+ elif image_dict['location'].endswith(".iso"):
+ disk_format="iso"
+ elif image_dict['location'].endswith(".aki"):
+ disk_format="aki"
+ elif image_dict['location'].endswith(".ari"):
+ disk_format="ari"
+ elif image_dict['location'].endswith(".ami"):
+ disk_format="ami"
+ else:
+ disk_format="raw"
+ self.logger.debug("new_image: '%s' loading from '%s'", image_dict['name'], image_dict['location'])
+ if self.vim_type == "VIO":
+ container_format = "bare"
+ if 'container_format' in image_dict:
+ container_format = image_dict['container_format']
+ new_image = self.glance.images.create(name=image_dict['name'], container_format=container_format,
+ disk_format=disk_format)
+ else:
+ new_image = self.glance.images.create(name=image_dict['name'])
+ if image_dict['location'].startswith("http"):
+ # TODO there is not a method to direct download. It must be downloaded locally with requests
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotImplemented("Cannot create image from URL")
+ else: #local path
+ with open(image_dict['location']) as fimage:
+ self.glance.images.upload(new_image.id, fimage)
+ #new_image = self.glancev1.images.create(name=image_dict['name'], is_public=image_dict.get('public',"yes")=="yes",
+ # container_format="bare", data=fimage, disk_format=disk_format)
+ metadata_to_load = image_dict.get('metadata')
+ # TODO location is a reserved word for current openstack versions. fixed for VIO please check for openstack
+ if self.vim_type == "VIO":
+ metadata_to_load['upload_location'] = image_dict['location']
+ else:
+ metadata_to_load['location'] = image_dict['location']
+ self.glance.images.update(new_image.id, **metadata_to_load)
+ return new_image.id
+ except (nvExceptions.Conflict, ksExceptions.ClientException, nvExceptions.ClientException) as e:
+ self._format_exception(e)
+ except (HTTPException, gl1Exceptions.HTTPException, gl1Exceptions.CommunicationError, ConnectionError) as e:
+ if retry==max_retries:
+ continue
+ self._format_exception(e)
+ except IOError as e: #can not open the file
+ raise vimconn.vimconnConnectionException(type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)+ " for " + image_dict['location'],
+ http_code=vimconn.HTTP_Bad_Request)
+ def delete_image(self, image_id):
+ '''Deletes a tenant image from openstack VIM. Returns the old id
+ '''
+ try:
+ self._reload_connection()
+ self.glance.images.delete(image_id)
+ return image_id
+ except (nvExceptions.NotFound, ksExceptions.ClientException, nvExceptions.ClientException, gl1Exceptions.CommunicationError, gl1Exceptions.HTTPNotFound, ConnectionError) as e: #TODO remove
+ self._format_exception(e)
+ def get_image_id_from_path(self, path):
+ '''Get the image id from image path in the VIM database. Returns the image_id'''
+ try:
+ self._reload_connection()
+ images = self.glance.images.list()
+ for image in images:
+ if image.metadata.get("location")==path:
+ return image.id
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException("image with location '{}' not found".format( path))
+ except (ksExceptions.ClientException, nvExceptions.ClientException, gl1Exceptions.CommunicationError, ConnectionError) as e:
+ self._format_exception(e)
+ def get_image_list(self, filter_dict={}):
+ '''Obtain tenant images from VIM
+ Filter_dict can be:
+ id: image id
+ name: image name
+ checksum: image checksum
+ Returns the image list of dictionaries:
+ [{<the fields at Filter_dict plus some VIM specific>}, ...]
+ List can be empty
+ '''
+ self.logger.debug("Getting image list from VIM filter: '%s'", str(filter_dict))
+ try:
+ self._reload_connection()
+ filter_dict_os = filter_dict.copy()
+ #First we filter by the available filter fields: name, id. The others are removed.
+ image_list = self.glance.images.list()
+ filtered_list = []
+ for image in image_list:
+ try:
+ if filter_dict.get("name") and image["name"] != filter_dict["name"]:
+ continue
+ if filter_dict.get("id") and image["id"] != filter_dict["id"]:
+ continue
+ if filter_dict.get("checksum") and image["checksum"] != filter_dict["checksum"]:
+ continue
+ filtered_list.append(image.copy())
+ except gl1Exceptions.HTTPNotFound:
+ pass
+ return filtered_list
+ except (ksExceptions.ClientException, nvExceptions.ClientException, gl1Exceptions.CommunicationError, ConnectionError) as e:
+ self._format_exception(e)
+ def __wait_for_vm(self, vm_id, status):
+ """wait until vm is in the desired status and return True.
+ If the VM gets in ERROR status, return false.
+ If the timeout is reached generate an exception"""
+ elapsed_time = 0
+ while elapsed_time < server_timeout:
+ vm_status = self.nova.servers.get(vm_id).status
+ if vm_status == status:
+ return True
+ if vm_status == 'ERROR':
+ return False
+ time.sleep(5)
+ elapsed_time += 5
+ # if we exceeded the timeout rollback
+ if elapsed_time >= server_timeout:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException('Timeout waiting for instance ' + vm_id + ' to get ' + status,
+ http_code=vimconn.HTTP_Request_Timeout)
+ def _get_openstack_availablity_zones(self):
+ """
+ Get from openstack availability zones available
+ :return:
+ """
+ try:
+ openstack_availability_zone = self.nova.availability_zones.list()
+ openstack_availability_zone = [str(zone.zoneName) for zone in openstack_availability_zone
+ if zone.zoneName != 'internal']
+ return openstack_availability_zone
+ except Exception as e:
+ return None
+ def _set_availablity_zones(self):
+ """
+ Set vim availablity zone
+ :return:
+ """
+ if 'availability_zone' in self.config:
+ vim_availability_zones = self.config.get('availability_zone')
+ if isinstance(vim_availability_zones, str):
+ self.availability_zone = [vim_availability_zones]
+ elif isinstance(vim_availability_zones, list):
+ self.availability_zone = vim_availability_zones
+ else:
+ self.availability_zone = self._get_openstack_availablity_zones()
+ def _get_vm_availability_zone(self, availability_zone_index, availability_zone_list):
+ """
+ Return thge availability zone to be used by the created VM.
+ :return: The VIM availability zone to be used or None
+ """
+ if availability_zone_index is None:
+ if not self.config.get('availability_zone'):
+ return None
+ elif isinstance(self.config.get('availability_zone'), str):
+ return self.config['availability_zone']
+ else:
+ # TODO consider using a different parameter at config for default AV and AV list match
+ return self.config['availability_zone'][0]
+ vim_availability_zones = self.availability_zone
+ # check if VIM offer enough availability zones describe in the VNFD
+ if vim_availability_zones and len(availability_zone_list) <= len(vim_availability_zones):
+ # check if all the names of NFV AV match VIM AV names
+ match_by_index = False
+ for av in availability_zone_list:
+ if av not in vim_availability_zones:
+ match_by_index = True
+ break
+ if match_by_index:
+ return vim_availability_zones[availability_zone_index]
+ else:
+ return availability_zone_list[availability_zone_index]
+ else:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnConflictException("No enough availability zones at VIM for this deployment")
+ def new_vminstance(self, name, description, start, image_id, flavor_id, net_list, cloud_config=None, disk_list=None,
+ availability_zone_index=None, availability_zone_list=None):
+ """Adds a VM instance to VIM
+ Params:
+ start: indicates if VM must start or boot in pause mode. Ignored
+ image_id,flavor_id: iamge and flavor uuid
+ net_list: list of interfaces, each one is a dictionary with:
+ name:
+ net_id: network uuid to connect
+ vpci: virtual vcpi to assign, ignored because openstack lack #TODO
+ model: interface model, ignored #TODO
+ mac_address: used for SR-IOV ifaces #TODO for other types
+ use: 'data', 'bridge', 'mgmt'
+ type: 'virtual', 'PCI-PASSTHROUGH'('PF'), 'SR-IOV'('VF'), 'VFnotShared'
+ vim_id: filled/added by this function
+ floating_ip: True/False (or it can be None)
+ 'cloud_config': (optional) dictionary with:
+ 'key-pairs': (optional) list of strings with the public key to be inserted to the default user
+ 'users': (optional) list of users to be inserted, each item is a dict with:
+ 'name': (mandatory) user name,
+ 'key-pairs': (optional) list of strings with the public key to be inserted to the user
+ 'user-data': (optional) string is a text script to be passed directly to cloud-init
+ 'config-files': (optional). List of files to be transferred. Each item is a dict with:
+ 'dest': (mandatory) string with the destination absolute path
+ 'encoding': (optional, by default text). Can be one of:
+ 'b64', 'base64', 'gz', 'gz+b64', 'gz+base64', 'gzip+b64', 'gzip+base64'
+ 'content' (mandatory): string with the content of the file
+ 'permissions': (optional) string with file permissions, typically octal notation '0644'
+ 'owner': (optional) file owner, string with the format 'owner:group'
+ 'boot-data-drive': boolean to indicate if user-data must be passed using a boot drive (hard disk)
+ 'disk_list': (optional) list with additional disks to the VM. Each item is a dict with:
+ 'image_id': (optional). VIM id of an existing image. If not provided an empty disk must be mounted
+ 'size': (mandatory) string with the size of the disk in GB
+ 'vim_id' (optional) should use this existing volume id
+ availability_zone_index: Index of availability_zone_list to use for this this VM. None if not AV required
+ availability_zone_list: list of availability zones given by user in the VNFD descriptor. Ignore if
+ availability_zone_index is None
+ #TODO ip, security groups
+ Returns a tuple with the instance identifier and created_items or raises an exception on error
+ created_items can be None or a dictionary where this method can include key-values that will be passed to
+ the method delete_vminstance and action_vminstance. Can be used to store created ports, volumes, etc.
+ Format is vimconnector dependent, but do not use nested dictionaries and a value of None should be the same
+ as not present.
+ """
+ self.logger.debug("new_vminstance input: image='%s' flavor='%s' nics='%s'",image_id, flavor_id,str(net_list))
+ try:
+ server = None
+ created_items = {}
+ # metadata = {}
+ net_list_vim = []
+ external_network = [] # list of external networks to be connected to instance, later on used to create floating_ip
+ no_secured_ports = [] # List of port-is with port-security disabled
+ self._reload_connection()
+ # metadata_vpci = {} # For a specific neutron plugin
+ block_device_mapping = None
+ for net in net_list:
+ if not net.get("net_id"): # skip non connected iface
+ continue
+ port_dict = {
+ "network_id": net["net_id"],
+ "name": net.get("name"),
+ "admin_state_up": True
+ }
+ if self.config.get("security_groups") and net.get("port_security") is not False and \
+ not self.config.get("no_port_security_extension"):
+ if not self.security_groups_id:
+ self._get_ids_from_name()
+ port_dict["security_groups"] = self.security_groups_id
+ if net["type"]=="virtual":
+ pass
+ # if "vpci" in net:
+ # metadata_vpci[ net["net_id"] ] = [[ net["vpci"], "" ]]
+ elif net["type"] == "VF" or net["type"] == "SR-IOV": # for VF
+ # if "vpci" in net:
+ # if "VF" not in metadata_vpci:
+ # metadata_vpci["VF"]=[]
+ # metadata_vpci["VF"].append([ net["vpci"], "" ])
+ port_dict["binding:vnic_type"]="direct"
+ # VIO specific Changes
+ if self.vim_type == "VIO":
+ # Need to create port with port_security_enabled = False and no-security-groups
+ port_dict["port_security_enabled"]=False
+ port_dict["provider_security_groups"]=[]
+ port_dict["security_groups"]=[]
+ # VIO specific Changes
+ # Current VIO release does not support port with type 'direct-physical'
+ # So no need to create virtual port in case of PCI-device.
+ # Will update port_dict code when support gets added in next VIO release
+ if self.vim_type == "VIO":
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotSupportedException(
+ "Current VIO release does not support full passthrough (PT)")
+ # if "vpci" in net:
+ # if "PF" not in metadata_vpci:
+ # metadata_vpci["PF"]=[]
+ # metadata_vpci["PF"].append([ net["vpci"], "" ])
+ port_dict["binding:vnic_type"]="direct-physical"
+ if not port_dict["name"]:
+ port_dict["name"]=name
+ if net.get("mac_address"):
+ port_dict["mac_address"]=net["mac_address"]
+ if net.get("ip_address"):
+ port_dict["fixed_ips"] = [{'ip_address': net["ip_address"]}]
+ # TODO add 'subnet_id': <subnet_id>
+ new_port = self.neutron.create_port({"port": port_dict })
+ created_items["port:" + str(new_port["port"]["id"])] = True
+ net["mac_adress"] = new_port["port"]["mac_address"]
+ net["vim_id"] = new_port["port"]["id"]
+ # if try to use a network without subnetwork, it will return a emtpy list
+ fixed_ips = new_port["port"].get("fixed_ips")
+ if fixed_ips:
+ net["ip"] = fixed_ips[0].get("ip_address")
+ else:
+ net["ip"] = None
+ port = {"port-id": new_port["port"]["id"]}
+ if float(self.nova.api_version.get_string()) >= 2.32:
+ port["tag"] = new_port["port"]["name"]
+ net_list_vim.append(port)
+ if net.get('floating_ip', False):
+ net['exit_on_floating_ip_error'] = True
+ external_network.append(net)
+ elif net['use'] == 'mgmt' and self.config.get('use_floating_ip'):
+ net['exit_on_floating_ip_error'] = False
+ external_network.append(net)
+ net['floating_ip'] = self.config.get('use_floating_ip')
+ # If port security is disabled when the port has not yet been attached to the VM, then all vm traffic is dropped.
+ # As a workaround we wait until the VM is active and then disable the port-security
+ if net.get("port_security") == False and not self.config.get("no_port_security_extension"):
+ no_secured_ports.append(new_port["port"]["id"])
+ # if metadata_vpci:
+ # metadata = {"pci_assignement": json.dumps(metadata_vpci)}
+ # if len(metadata["pci_assignement"]) >255:
+ # #limit the metadata size
+ # #metadata["pci_assignement"] = metadata["pci_assignement"][0:255]
+ # self.logger.warn("Metadata deleted since it exceeds the expected length (255) ")
+ # metadata = {}
+ self.logger.debug("name '%s' image_id '%s'flavor_id '%s' net_list_vim '%s' description '%s'",
+ name, image_id, flavor_id, str(net_list_vim), description)
+ # cloud config
+ config_drive, userdata = self._create_user_data(cloud_config)
+ # Create additional volumes in case these are present in disk_list
+ base_disk_index = ord('b')
+ if disk_list:
+ block_device_mapping = {}
+ for disk in disk_list:
+ if disk.get('vim_id'):
+ block_device_mapping['_vd' + chr(base_disk_index)] = disk['vim_id']
+ else:
+ if 'image_id' in disk:
+ volume = self.cinder.volumes.create(size=disk['size'], name=name + '_vd' +
+ chr(base_disk_index), imageRef=disk['image_id'])
+ else:
+ volume = self.cinder.volumes.create(size=disk['size'], name=name + '_vd' +
+ chr(base_disk_index))
+ created_items["volume:" + str(volume.id)] = True
+ block_device_mapping['_vd' + chr(base_disk_index)] = volume.id
+ base_disk_index += 1
+ # Wait until created volumes are with status available
+ elapsed_time = 0
+ while elapsed_time < volume_timeout:
+ for created_item in created_items:
+ v, _, volume_id = created_item.partition(":")
+ if v == 'volume':
+ if self.cinder.volumes.get(volume_id).status != 'available':
+ break
+ else: # all ready: break from while
+ break
+ time.sleep(5)
+ elapsed_time += 5
+ # If we exceeded the timeout rollback
+ if elapsed_time >= volume_timeout:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException('Timeout creating volumes for instance ' + name,
+ http_code=vimconn.HTTP_Request_Timeout)
+ # get availability Zone
+ vm_av_zone = self._get_vm_availability_zone(availability_zone_index, availability_zone_list)
+ self.logger.debug("nova.servers.create({}, {}, {}, nics={}, security_groups={}, "
+ "availability_zone={}, key_name={}, userdata={}, config_drive={}, "
+ "block_device_mapping={})".format(name, image_id, flavor_id, net_list_vim,
+ self.config.get("security_groups"), vm_av_zone,
+ self.config.get('keypair'), userdata, config_drive,
+ block_device_mapping))
+ server = self.nova.servers.create(name, image_id, flavor_id, nics=net_list_vim,
+ security_groups=self.config.get("security_groups"),
+ # TODO remove security_groups in future versions. Already at neutron port
+ availability_zone=vm_av_zone,
+ key_name=self.config.get('keypair'),
+ userdata=userdata,
+ config_drive=config_drive,
+ block_device_mapping=block_device_mapping
+ ) # , description=description)
+ vm_start_time = time.time()
+ # Previously mentioned workaround to wait until the VM is active and then disable the port-security
+ if no_secured_ports:
+ self.__wait_for_vm(server.id, 'ACTIVE')
+ for port_id in no_secured_ports:
+ try:
+ self.neutron.update_port(port_id,
+ {"port": {"port_security_enabled": False, "security_groups": None}})
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("It was not possible to disable port security for port {}".format(
+ port_id))
+ # print "DONE :-)", server
+ # pool_id = None
+ if external_network:
+ floating_ips = self.neutron.list_floatingips().get("floatingips", ())
+ for floating_network in external_network:
+ try:
+ assigned = False
+ while not assigned:
+ if floating_ips:
+ ip = floating_ips.pop(0)
+ if ip.get("port_id", False) or ip.get('tenant_id') != server.tenant_id:
+ continue
+ if isinstance(floating_network['floating_ip'], str):
+ if ip.get("floating_network_id") != floating_network['floating_ip']:
+ continue
+ free_floating_ip = ip["id"]
+ else:
+ if isinstance(floating_network['floating_ip'], str) and \
+ floating_network['floating_ip'].lower() != "true":
+ pool_id = floating_network['floating_ip']
+ else:
+ # Find the external network
+ external_nets = list()
+ for net in self.neutron.list_networks()['networks']:
+ if net['router:external']:
+ external_nets.append(net)
+ if len(external_nets) == 0:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("Cannot create floating_ip automatically since no external "
+ "network is present",
+ http_code=vimconn.HTTP_Conflict)
+ if len(external_nets) > 1:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("Cannot create floating_ip automatically since multiple "
+ "external networks are present",
+ http_code=vimconn.HTTP_Conflict)
+ pool_id = external_nets[0].get('id')
+ param = {'floatingip': {'floating_network_id': pool_id, 'tenant_id': server.tenant_id}}
+ try:
+ # self.logger.debug("Creating floating IP")
+ new_floating_ip = self.neutron.create_floatingip(param)
+ free_floating_ip = new_floating_ip['floatingip']['id']
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException(type(e).__name__ + ": Cannot create new floating_ip " +
+ str(e), http_code=vimconn.HTTP_Conflict)
+ while not assigned:
+ try:
+ # the vim_id key contains the neutron.port_id
+ self.neutron.update_floatingip(free_floating_ip,
+ {"floatingip": {"port_id": floating_network["vim_id"]}})
+ # Using nove is deprecated on nova client 10.0
+ assigned = True
+ except Exception as e:
+ # openstack need some time after VM creation to asign an IP. So retry if fails
+ vm_status = self.nova.servers.get(server.id).status
+ if vm_status != 'ACTIVE' and vm_status != 'ERROR':
+ if time.time() - vm_start_time < server_timeout:
+ time.sleep(5)
+ continue
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException(
+ "Cannot create floating_ip: {} {}".format(type(e).__name__, e),
+ http_code=vimconn.HTTP_Conflict)
+ except Exception as e:
+ if not floating_network['exit_on_floating_ip_error']:
+ self.logger.warning("Cannot create floating_ip. %s", str(e))
+ continue
+ raise
+ return server.id, created_items
+ # except nvExceptions.NotFound as e:
+ # error_value=-vimconn.HTTP_Not_Found
+ # error_text= "vm instance %s not found" % vm_id
+ # except TypeError as e:
+ # raise vimconn.vimconnException(type(e).__name__ + ": "+ str(e), http_code=vimconn.HTTP_Bad_Request)
+ except Exception as e:
+ server_id = None
+ if server:
+ server_id = server.id
+ try:
+ self.delete_vminstance(server_id, created_items)
+ except Exception as e2:
+ self.logger.error("new_vminstance rollback fail {}".format(e2))
+ self._format_exception(e)
+ def get_vminstance(self,vm_id):
+ '''Returns the VM instance information from VIM'''
+ #self.logger.debug("Getting VM from VIM")
+ try:
+ self._reload_connection()
+ server = self.nova.servers.find(id=vm_id)
+ #TODO parse input and translate to VIM format (openmano_schemas.new_vminstance_response_schema)
+ return server.to_dict()
+ except (ksExceptions.ClientException, nvExceptions.ClientException, nvExceptions.NotFound, ConnectionError) as e:
+ self._format_exception(e)
+ def get_vminstance_console(self,vm_id, console_type="vnc"):
+ '''
+ Get a console for the virtual machine
+ Params:
+ vm_id: uuid of the VM
+ console_type, can be:
+ "novnc" (by default), "xvpvnc" for VNC types,
+ "rdp-html5" for RDP types, "spice-html5" for SPICE types
+ Returns dict with the console parameters:
+ protocol: ssh, ftp, http, https, ...
+ server: usually ip address
+ port: the http, ssh, ... port
+ suffix: extra text, e.g. the http path and query string
+ '''
+ self.logger.debug("Getting VM CONSOLE from VIM")
+ try:
+ self._reload_connection()
+ server = self.nova.servers.find(id=vm_id)
+ if console_type == None or console_type == "novnc":
+ console_dict = server.get_vnc_console("novnc")
+ elif console_type == "xvpvnc":
+ console_dict = server.get_vnc_console(console_type)
+ elif console_type == "rdp-html5":
+ console_dict = server.get_rdp_console(console_type)
+ elif console_type == "spice-html5":
+ console_dict = server.get_spice_console(console_type)
+ else:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("console type '{}' not allowed".format(console_type), http_code=vimconn.HTTP_Bad_Request)
+ console_dict1 = console_dict.get("console")
+ if console_dict1:
+ console_url = console_dict1.get("url")
+ if console_url:
+ #parse console_url
+ protocol_index = console_url.find("//")
+ suffix_index = console_url[protocol_index+2:].find("/") + protocol_index+2
+ port_index = console_url[protocol_index+2:suffix_index].find(":") + protocol_index+2
+ if protocol_index < 0 or port_index<0 or suffix_index<0:
+ return -vimconn.HTTP_Internal_Server_Error, "Unexpected response from VIM"
+ console_dict={"protocol": console_url[0:protocol_index],
+ "server": console_url[protocol_index+2:port_index],
+ "port": console_url[port_index:suffix_index],
+ "suffix": console_url[suffix_index+1:]
+ }
+ protocol_index += 2
+ return console_dict
+ raise vimconn.vimconnUnexpectedResponse("Unexpected response from VIM")
+ except (nvExceptions.NotFound, ksExceptions.ClientException, nvExceptions.ClientException, nvExceptions.BadRequest, ConnectionError) as e:
+ self._format_exception(e)
+ def delete_vminstance(self, vm_id, created_items=None):
+ '''Removes a VM instance from VIM. Returns the old identifier
+ '''
+ #print "osconnector: Getting VM from VIM"
+ if created_items == None:
+ created_items = {}
+ try:
+ self._reload_connection()
+ # delete VM ports attached to this networks before the virtual machine
+ for k, v in created_items.items():
+ if not v: # skip already deleted
+ continue
+ try:
+ k_item, _, k_id = k.partition(":")
+ if k_item == "port":
+ self.neutron.delete_port(k_id)
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.logger.error("Error deleting port: {}: {}".format(type(e).__name__, e))
+ # #commented because detaching the volumes makes the servers.delete not work properly ?!?
+ # #dettach volumes attached
+ # server = self.nova.servers.get(vm_id)
+ # volumes_attached_dict = server._info['os-extended-volumes:volumes_attached'] #volume['id']
+ # #for volume in volumes_attached_dict:
+ # # self.cinder.volumes.detach(volume['id'])
+ if vm_id:
+ self.nova.servers.delete(vm_id)
+ # delete volumes. Although having detached, they should have in active status before deleting
+ # we ensure in this loop
+ keep_waiting = True
+ elapsed_time = 0
+ while keep_waiting and elapsed_time < volume_timeout:
+ keep_waiting = False
+ for k, v in created_items.items():
+ if not v: # skip already deleted
+ continue
+ try:
+ k_item, _, k_id = k.partition(":")
+ if k_item == "volume":
+ if self.cinder.volumes.get(k_id).status != 'available':
+ keep_waiting = True
+ else:
+ self.cinder.volumes.delete(k_id)
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.logger.error("Error deleting volume: {}: {}".format(type(e).__name__, e))
+ if keep_waiting:
+ time.sleep(1)
+ elapsed_time += 1
+ return None
+ except (nvExceptions.NotFound, ksExceptions.ClientException, nvExceptions.ClientException, ConnectionError) as e:
+ self._format_exception(e)
+ def refresh_vms_status(self, vm_list):
+ '''Get the status of the virtual machines and their interfaces/ports
+ Params: the list of VM identifiers
+ Returns a dictionary with:
+ vm_id: #VIM id of this Virtual Machine
+ status: #Mandatory. Text with one of:
+ # DELETED (not found at vim)
+ # VIM_ERROR (Cannot connect to VIM, VIM response error, ...)
+ # OTHER (Vim reported other status not understood)
+ # ERROR (VIM indicates an ERROR status)
+ # CREATING (on building process), ERROR
+ # ACTIVE:NoMgmtIP (Active but any of its interface has an IP address
+ #
+ error_msg: #Text with VIM error message, if any. Or the VIM connection ERROR
+ vim_info: #Text with plain information obtained from vim (yaml.safe_dump)
+ interfaces:
+ - vim_info: #Text with plain information obtained from vim (yaml.safe_dump)
+ mac_address: #Text format XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
+ vim_net_id: #network id where this interface is connected
+ vim_interface_id: #interface/port VIM id
+ ip_address: #null, or text with IPv4, IPv6 address
+ compute_node: #identification of compute node where PF,VF interface is allocated
+ pci: #PCI address of the NIC that hosts the PF,VF
+ vlan: #physical VLAN used for VF
+ '''
+ vm_dict={}
+ self.logger.debug("refresh_vms status: Getting tenant VM instance information from VIM")
+ for vm_id in vm_list:
+ vm={}
+ try:
+ vm_vim = self.get_vminstance(vm_id)
+ if vm_vim['status'] in vmStatus2manoFormat:
+ vm['status'] = vmStatus2manoFormat[ vm_vim['status'] ]
+ else:
+ vm['status'] = "OTHER"
+ vm['error_msg'] = "VIM status reported " + vm_vim['status']
+ vm['vim_info'] = self.serialize(vm_vim)
+ vm["interfaces"] = []
+ if vm_vim.get('fault'):
+ vm['error_msg'] = str(vm_vim['fault'])
+ #get interfaces
+ try:
+ self._reload_connection()
+ port_dict = self.neutron.list_ports(device_id=vm_id)
+ for port in port_dict["ports"]:
+ interface={}
+ interface['vim_info'] = self.serialize(port)
+ interface["mac_address"] = port.get("mac_address")
+ interface["vim_net_id"] = port["network_id"]
+ interface["vim_interface_id"] = port["id"]
+ # check if OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host is there,
+ # in case of non-admin credentials, it will be missing
+ if vm_vim.get('OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host'):
+ interface["compute_node"] = vm_vim['OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host']
+ interface["pci"] = None
+ # check if binding:profile is there,
+ # in case of non-admin credentials, it will be missing
+ if port.get('binding:profile'):
+ if port['binding:profile'].get('pci_slot'):
+ # TODO: At the moment sr-iov pci addresses are converted to PF pci addresses by setting the slot to 0x00
+ # TODO: This is just a workaround valid for niantinc. Find a better way to do so
+ # CHANGE DDDD:BB:SS.F to DDDD:BB:00.(F%2) assuming there are 2 ports per nic
+ pci = port['binding:profile']['pci_slot']
+ # interface["pci"] = pci[:-4] + "00." + str(int(pci[-1]) % 2)
+ interface["pci"] = pci
+ interface["vlan"] = None
+ #if network is of type vlan and port is of type direct (sr-iov) then set vlan id
+ network = self.neutron.show_network(port["network_id"])
+ if network['network'].get('provider:network_type') == 'vlan' and \
+ port.get("binding:vnic_type") == "direct":
+ interface["vlan"] = network['network'].get('provider:segmentation_id')
+ ips=[]
+ #look for floating ip address
+ try:
+ floating_ip_dict = self.neutron.list_floatingips(port_id=port["id"])
+ if floating_ip_dict.get("floatingips"):
+ ips.append(floating_ip_dict["floatingips"][0].get("floating_ip_address") )
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ for subnet in port["fixed_ips"]:
+ ips.append(subnet["ip_address"])
+ interface["ip_address"] = ";".join(ips)
+ vm["interfaces"].append(interface)
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.logger.error("Error getting vm interface information {}: {}".format(type(e).__name__, e),
+ exc_info=True)
+ except vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException as e:
+ self.logger.error("Exception getting vm status: %s", str(e))
+ vm['status'] = "DELETED"
+ vm['error_msg'] = str(e)
+ except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
+ self.logger.error("Exception getting vm status: %s", str(e))
+ vm['status'] = "VIM_ERROR"
+ vm['error_msg'] = str(e)
+ vm_dict[vm_id] = vm
+ return vm_dict
+ def action_vminstance(self, vm_id, action_dict, created_items={}):
+ '''Send and action over a VM instance from VIM
+ Returns None or the console dict if the action was successfully sent to the VIM'''
+ self.logger.debug("Action over VM '%s': %s", vm_id, str(action_dict))
+ try:
+ self._reload_connection()
+ server = self.nova.servers.find(id=vm_id)
+ if "start" in action_dict:
+ if action_dict["start"]=="rebuild":
+ server.rebuild()
+ else:
+ if server.status=="PAUSED":
+ server.unpause()
+ elif server.status=="SUSPENDED":
+ server.resume()
+ elif server.status=="SHUTOFF":
+ server.start()
+ elif "pause" in action_dict:
+ server.pause()
+ elif "resume" in action_dict:
+ server.resume()
+ elif "shutoff" in action_dict or "shutdown" in action_dict:
+ server.stop()
+ elif "forceOff" in action_dict:
+ server.stop() #TODO
+ elif "terminate" in action_dict:
+ server.delete()
+ elif "createImage" in action_dict:
+ server.create_image()
+ #"path":path_schema,
+ #"description":description_schema,
+ #"name":name_schema,
+ #"metadata":metadata_schema,
+ #"imageRef": id_schema,
+ #"disk": {"oneOf":[{"type": "null"}, {"type":"string"}] },
+ elif "rebuild" in action_dict:
+ server.rebuild(server.image['id'])
+ elif "reboot" in action_dict:
+ server.reboot() #reboot_type='SOFT'
+ elif "console" in action_dict:
+ console_type = action_dict["console"]
+ if console_type == None or console_type == "novnc":
+ console_dict = server.get_vnc_console("novnc")
+ elif console_type == "xvpvnc":
+ console_dict = server.get_vnc_console(console_type)
+ elif console_type == "rdp-html5":
+ console_dict = server.get_rdp_console(console_type)
+ elif console_type == "spice-html5":
+ console_dict = server.get_spice_console(console_type)
+ else:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("console type '{}' not allowed".format(console_type),
+ http_code=vimconn.HTTP_Bad_Request)
+ try:
+ console_url = console_dict["console"]["url"]
+ #parse console_url
+ protocol_index = console_url.find("//")
+ suffix_index = console_url[protocol_index+2:].find("/") + protocol_index+2
+ port_index = console_url[protocol_index+2:suffix_index].find(":") + protocol_index+2
+ if protocol_index < 0 or port_index<0 or suffix_index<0:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("Unexpected response from VIM " + str(console_dict))
+ console_dict2={"protocol": console_url[0:protocol_index],
+ "server": console_url[protocol_index+2 : port_index],
+ "port": int(console_url[port_index+1 : suffix_index]),
+ "suffix": console_url[suffix_index+1:]
+ }
+ return console_dict2
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("Unexpected response from VIM " + str(console_dict))
+ return None
+ except (ksExceptions.ClientException, nvExceptions.ClientException, nvExceptions.NotFound, ConnectionError) as e:
+ self._format_exception(e)
+ #TODO insert exception vimconn.HTTP_Unauthorized
+ ####### VIO Specific Changes #########
+ def _generate_vlanID(self):
+ """
+ Method to get unused vlanID
+ Args:
+ None
+ Returns:
+ vlanID
+ """
+ #Get used VLAN IDs
+ usedVlanIDs = []
+ networks = self.get_network_list()
+ for net in networks:
+ if net.get('provider:segmentation_id'):
+ usedVlanIDs.append(net.get('provider:segmentation_id'))
+ used_vlanIDs = set(usedVlanIDs)
+ #find unused VLAN ID
+ for vlanID_range in self.config.get('dataplane_net_vlan_range'):
+ try:
+ start_vlanid , end_vlanid = map(int, vlanID_range.replace(" ", "").split("-"))
+ for vlanID in range(start_vlanid, end_vlanid + 1):
+ if vlanID not in used_vlanIDs:
+ return vlanID
+ except Exception as exp:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("Exception {} occurred while generating VLAN ID.".format(exp))
+ else:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnConflictException("Unable to create the SRIOV VLAN network."\
+ " All given Vlan IDs {} are in use.".format(self.config.get('dataplane_net_vlan_range')))
+ def _generate_multisegment_vlanID(self):
+ """
+ Method to get unused vlanID
+ Args:
+ None
+ Returns:
+ vlanID
+ """
+ #Get used VLAN IDs
+ usedVlanIDs = []
+ networks = self.get_network_list()
+ for net in networks:
+ if net.get('provider:network_type') == "vlan" and net.get('provider:segmentation_id'):
+ usedVlanIDs.append(net.get('provider:segmentation_id'))
+ elif net.get('segments'):
+ for segment in net.get('segments'):
+ if segment.get('provider:network_type') == "vlan" and segment.get('provider:segmentation_id'):
+ usedVlanIDs.append(segment.get('provider:segmentation_id'))
+ used_vlanIDs = set(usedVlanIDs)
+ #find unused VLAN ID
+ for vlanID_range in self.config.get('multisegment_vlan_range'):
+ try:
+ start_vlanid , end_vlanid = map(int, vlanID_range.replace(" ", "").split("-"))
+ for vlanID in range(start_vlanid, end_vlanid + 1):
+ if vlanID not in used_vlanIDs:
+ return vlanID
+ except Exception as exp:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("Exception {} occurred while generating VLAN ID.".format(exp))
+ else:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnConflictException("Unable to create the VLAN segment."\
+ " All VLAN IDs {} are in use.".format(self.config.get('multisegment_vlan_range')))
+ def _validate_vlan_ranges(self, input_vlan_range, text_vlan_range):
+ """
+ Method to validate user given vlanID ranges
+ Args: None
+ Returns: None
+ """
+ for vlanID_range in input_vlan_range:
+ vlan_range = vlanID_range.replace(" ", "")
+ #validate format
+ vlanID_pattern = r'(\d)*-(\d)*$'
+ match_obj = re.match(vlanID_pattern, vlan_range)
+ if not match_obj:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnConflictException("Invalid VLAN range for {}: {}.You must provide "\
+ "'{}' in format [start_ID - end_ID].".format(text_vlan_range, vlanID_range, text_vlan_range))
+ start_vlanid , end_vlanid = map(int,vlan_range.split("-"))
+ if start_vlanid <= 0 :
+ raise vimconn.vimconnConflictException("Invalid VLAN range for {}: {}."\
+ "Start ID can not be zero. For VLAN "\
+ "networks valid IDs are 1 to 4094 ".format(text_vlan_range, vlanID_range))
+ if end_vlanid > 4094 :
+ raise vimconn.vimconnConflictException("Invalid VLAN range for {}: {}."\
+ "End VLAN ID can not be greater than 4094. For VLAN "\
+ "networks valid IDs are 1 to 4094 ".format(text_vlan_range, vlanID_range))
+ if start_vlanid > end_vlanid:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnConflictException("Invalid VLAN range for {}: {}."\
+ "You must provide '{}' in format start_ID - end_ID and "\
+ "start_ID < end_ID ".format(text_vlan_range, vlanID_range, text_vlan_range))
+ def new_external_port(self, port_data):
+ #TODO openstack if needed
+ '''Adds a external port to VIM'''
+ '''Returns the port identifier'''
+ return -vimconn.HTTP_Internal_Server_Error, "osconnector.new_external_port() not implemented"
+ def connect_port_network(self, port_id, network_id, admin=False):
+ #TODO openstack if needed
+ '''Connects a external port to a network'''
+ '''Returns status code of the VIM response'''
+ return -vimconn.HTTP_Internal_Server_Error, "osconnector.connect_port_network() not implemented"
+ def new_user(self, user_name, user_passwd, tenant_id=None):
+ '''Adds a new user to openstack VIM'''
+ '''Returns the user identifier'''
+ self.logger.debug("osconnector: Adding a new user to VIM")
+ try:
+ self._reload_connection()
+ user=self.keystone.users.create(user_name, password=user_passwd, default_project=tenant_id)
+ #self.keystone.tenants.add_user(self.k_creds["username"], #role)
+ return user.id
+ except ksExceptions.ConnectionError as e:
+ error_value=-vimconn.HTTP_Bad_Request
+ error_text= type(e).__name__ + ": "+ (str(e) if len(e.args)==0 else str(e.args[0]))
+ except ksExceptions.ClientException as e: #TODO remove
+ error_value=-vimconn.HTTP_Bad_Request
+ error_text= type(e).__name__ + ": "+ (str(e) if len(e.args)==0 else str(e.args[0]))
+ #TODO insert exception vimconn.HTTP_Unauthorized
+ #if reaching here is because an exception
+ self.logger.debug("new_user " + error_text)
+ return error_value, error_text
+ def delete_user(self, user_id):
+ '''Delete a user from openstack VIM'''
+ '''Returns the user identifier'''
+ if self.debug:
+ print("osconnector: Deleting a user from VIM")
+ try:
+ self._reload_connection()
+ self.keystone.users.delete(user_id)
+ return 1, user_id
+ except ksExceptions.ConnectionError as e:
+ error_value=-vimconn.HTTP_Bad_Request
+ error_text= type(e).__name__ + ": "+ (str(e) if len(e.args)==0 else str(e.args[0]))
+ except ksExceptions.NotFound as e:
+ error_value=-vimconn.HTTP_Not_Found
+ error_text= type(e).__name__ + ": "+ (str(e) if len(e.args)==0 else str(e.args[0]))
+ except ksExceptions.ClientException as e: #TODO remove
+ error_value=-vimconn.HTTP_Bad_Request
+ error_text= type(e).__name__ + ": "+ (str(e) if len(e.args)==0 else str(e.args[0]))
+ #TODO insert exception vimconn.HTTP_Unauthorized
+ #if reaching here is because an exception
+ self.logger.debug("delete_tenant " + error_text)
+ return error_value, error_text
+ def get_hosts_info(self):
+ '''Get the information of deployed hosts
+ Returns the hosts content'''
+ if self.debug:
+ print("osconnector: Getting Host info from VIM")
+ try:
+ h_list=[]
+ self._reload_connection()
+ hypervisors = self.nova.hypervisors.list()
+ for hype in hypervisors:
+ h_list.append( hype.to_dict() )
+ return 1, {"hosts":h_list}
+ except nvExceptions.NotFound as e:
+ error_value=-vimconn.HTTP_Not_Found
+ error_text= (str(e) if len(e.args)==0 else str(e.args[0]))
+ except (ksExceptions.ClientException, nvExceptions.ClientException) as e:
+ error_value=-vimconn.HTTP_Bad_Request
+ error_text= type(e).__name__ + ": "+ (str(e) if len(e.args)==0 else str(e.args[0]))
+ #TODO insert exception vimconn.HTTP_Unauthorized
+ #if reaching here is because an exception
+ self.logger.debug("get_hosts_info " + error_text)
+ return error_value, error_text
+ def get_hosts(self, vim_tenant):
+ '''Get the hosts and deployed instances
+ Returns the hosts content'''
+ r, hype_dict = self.get_hosts_info()
+ if r<0:
+ return r, hype_dict
+ hypervisors = hype_dict["hosts"]
+ try:
+ servers = self.nova.servers.list()
+ for hype in hypervisors:
+ for server in servers:
+ if server.to_dict()['OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:hypervisor_hostname']==hype['hypervisor_hostname']:
+ if 'vm' in hype:
+ hype['vm'].append(server.id)
+ else:
+ hype['vm'] = [server.id]
+ return 1, hype_dict
+ except nvExceptions.NotFound as e:
+ error_value=-vimconn.HTTP_Not_Found
+ error_text= (str(e) if len(e.args)==0 else str(e.args[0]))
+ except (ksExceptions.ClientException, nvExceptions.ClientException) as e:
+ error_value=-vimconn.HTTP_Bad_Request
+ error_text= type(e).__name__ + ": "+ (str(e) if len(e.args)==0 else str(e.args[0]))
+ #TODO insert exception vimconn.HTTP_Unauthorized
+ #if reaching here is because an exception
+ self.logger.debug("get_hosts " + error_text)
+ return error_value, error_text
+ def new_classification(self, name, ctype, definition):
+ self.logger.debug('Adding a new (Traffic) Classification to VIM, named %s', name)
+ try:
+ new_class = None
+ self._reload_connection()
+ if ctype not in supportedClassificationTypes:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotSupportedException(
+ 'OpenStack VIM connector doesn\'t support provided '
+ 'Classification Type {}, supported ones are: '
+ '{}'.format(ctype, supportedClassificationTypes))
+ if not self._validate_classification(ctype, definition):
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException(
+ 'Incorrect Classification definition '
+ 'for the type specified.')
+ classification_dict = definition
+ classification_dict['name'] = name
+ new_class = self.neutron.create_sfc_flow_classifier(
+ {'flow_classifier': classification_dict})
+ return new_class['flow_classifier']['id']
+ except (neExceptions.ConnectionFailed, ksExceptions.ClientException,
+ neExceptions.NeutronException, ConnectionError) as e:
+ self.logger.error(
+ 'Creation of Classification failed.')
+ self._format_exception(e)
+ def get_classification(self, class_id):
+ self.logger.debug(" Getting Classification %s from VIM", class_id)
+ filter_dict = {"id": class_id}
+ class_list = self.get_classification_list(filter_dict)
+ if len(class_list) == 0:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException(
+ "Classification '{}' not found".format(class_id))
+ elif len(class_list) > 1:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnConflictException(
+ "Found more than one Classification with this criteria")
+ classification = class_list[0]
+ return classification
+ def get_classification_list(self, filter_dict={}):
+ self.logger.debug("Getting Classifications from VIM filter: '%s'",
+ str(filter_dict))
+ try:
+ filter_dict_os = filter_dict.copy()
+ self._reload_connection()
+ if self.api_version3 and "tenant_id" in filter_dict_os:
+ filter_dict_os['project_id'] = filter_dict_os.pop('tenant_id')
+ classification_dict = self.neutron.list_sfc_flow_classifiers(
+ **filter_dict_os)
+ classification_list = classification_dict["flow_classifiers"]
+ self.__classification_os2mano(classification_list)
+ return classification_list
+ except (neExceptions.ConnectionFailed, ksExceptions.ClientException,
+ neExceptions.NeutronException, ConnectionError) as e:
+ self._format_exception(e)
+ def delete_classification(self, class_id):
+ self.logger.debug("Deleting Classification '%s' from VIM", class_id)
+ try:
+ self._reload_connection()
+ self.neutron.delete_sfc_flow_classifier(class_id)
+ return class_id
+ except (neExceptions.ConnectionFailed, neExceptions.NeutronException,
+ ksExceptions.ClientException, neExceptions.NeutronException,
+ ConnectionError) as e:
+ self._format_exception(e)
+ def new_sfi(self, name, ingress_ports, egress_ports, sfc_encap=True):
+ self.logger.debug("Adding a new Service Function Instance to VIM, named '%s'", name)
+ try:
+ new_sfi = None
+ self._reload_connection()
+ correlation = None
+ if sfc_encap:
+ correlation = 'nsh'
+ if len(ingress_ports) != 1:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotSupportedException(
+ "OpenStack VIM connector can only have "
+ "1 ingress port per SFI")
+ if len(egress_ports) != 1:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotSupportedException(
+ "OpenStack VIM connector can only have "
+ "1 egress port per SFI")
+ sfi_dict = {'name': name,
+ 'ingress': ingress_ports[0],
+ 'egress': egress_ports[0],
+ 'service_function_parameters': {
+ 'correlation': correlation}}
+ new_sfi = self.neutron.create_sfc_port_pair({'port_pair': sfi_dict})
+ return new_sfi['port_pair']['id']
+ except (neExceptions.ConnectionFailed, ksExceptions.ClientException,
+ neExceptions.NeutronException, ConnectionError) as e:
+ if new_sfi:
+ try:
+ self.neutron.delete_sfc_port_pair(
+ new_sfi['port_pair']['id'])
+ except Exception:
+ self.logger.error(
+ 'Creation of Service Function Instance failed, with '
+ 'subsequent deletion failure as well.')
+ self._format_exception(e)
+ def get_sfi(self, sfi_id):
+ self.logger.debug('Getting Service Function Instance %s from VIM', sfi_id)
+ filter_dict = {"id": sfi_id}
+ sfi_list = self.get_sfi_list(filter_dict)
+ if len(sfi_list) == 0:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException("Service Function Instance '{}' not found".format(sfi_id))
+ elif len(sfi_list) > 1:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnConflictException(
+ 'Found more than one Service Function Instance '
+ 'with this criteria')
+ sfi = sfi_list[0]
+ return sfi
+ def get_sfi_list(self, filter_dict={}):
+ self.logger.debug("Getting Service Function Instances from VIM filter: '%s'", str(filter_dict))
+ try:
+ self._reload_connection()
+ filter_dict_os = filter_dict.copy()
+ if self.api_version3 and "tenant_id" in filter_dict_os:
+ filter_dict_os['project_id'] = filter_dict_os.pop('tenant_id')
+ sfi_dict = self.neutron.list_sfc_port_pairs(**filter_dict_os)
+ sfi_list = sfi_dict["port_pairs"]
+ self.__sfi_os2mano(sfi_list)
+ return sfi_list
+ except (neExceptions.ConnectionFailed, ksExceptions.ClientException,
+ neExceptions.NeutronException, ConnectionError) as e:
+ self._format_exception(e)
+ def delete_sfi(self, sfi_id):
+ self.logger.debug("Deleting Service Function Instance '%s' "
+ "from VIM", sfi_id)
+ try:
+ self._reload_connection()
+ self.neutron.delete_sfc_port_pair(sfi_id)
+ return sfi_id
+ except (neExceptions.ConnectionFailed, neExceptions.NeutronException,
+ ksExceptions.ClientException, neExceptions.NeutronException,
+ ConnectionError) as e:
+ self._format_exception(e)
+ def new_sf(self, name, sfis, sfc_encap=True):
+ self.logger.debug("Adding a new Service Function to VIM, named '%s'", name)
+ try:
+ new_sf = None
+ self._reload_connection()
+ # correlation = None
+ # if sfc_encap:
+ # correlation = 'nsh'
+ for instance in sfis:
+ sfi = self.get_sfi(instance)
+ if sfi.get('sfc_encap') != sfc_encap:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotSupportedException(
+ "OpenStack VIM connector requires all SFIs of the "
+ "same SF to share the same SFC Encapsulation")
+ sf_dict = {'name': name,
+ 'port_pairs': sfis}
+ new_sf = self.neutron.create_sfc_port_pair_group({
+ 'port_pair_group': sf_dict})
+ return new_sf['port_pair_group']['id']
+ except (neExceptions.ConnectionFailed, ksExceptions.ClientException,
+ neExceptions.NeutronException, ConnectionError) as e:
+ if new_sf:
+ try:
+ self.neutron.delete_sfc_port_pair_group(
+ new_sf['port_pair_group']['id'])
+ except Exception:
+ self.logger.error(
+ 'Creation of Service Function failed, with '
+ 'subsequent deletion failure as well.')
+ self._format_exception(e)
+ def get_sf(self, sf_id):
+ self.logger.debug("Getting Service Function %s from VIM", sf_id)
+ filter_dict = {"id": sf_id}
+ sf_list = self.get_sf_list(filter_dict)
+ if len(sf_list) == 0:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException(
+ "Service Function '{}' not found".format(sf_id))
+ elif len(sf_list) > 1:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnConflictException(
+ "Found more than one Service Function with this criteria")
+ sf = sf_list[0]
+ return sf
+ def get_sf_list(self, filter_dict={}):
+ self.logger.debug("Getting Service Function from VIM filter: '%s'",
+ str(filter_dict))
+ try:
+ self._reload_connection()
+ filter_dict_os = filter_dict.copy()
+ if self.api_version3 and "tenant_id" in filter_dict_os:
+ filter_dict_os['project_id'] = filter_dict_os.pop('tenant_id')
+ sf_dict = self.neutron.list_sfc_port_pair_groups(**filter_dict_os)
+ sf_list = sf_dict["port_pair_groups"]
+ self.__sf_os2mano(sf_list)
+ return sf_list
+ except (neExceptions.ConnectionFailed, ksExceptions.ClientException,
+ neExceptions.NeutronException, ConnectionError) as e:
+ self._format_exception(e)
+ def delete_sf(self, sf_id):
+ self.logger.debug("Deleting Service Function '%s' from VIM", sf_id)
+ try:
+ self._reload_connection()
+ self.neutron.delete_sfc_port_pair_group(sf_id)
+ return sf_id
+ except (neExceptions.ConnectionFailed, neExceptions.NeutronException,
+ ksExceptions.ClientException, neExceptions.NeutronException,
+ ConnectionError) as e:
+ self._format_exception(e)
+ def new_sfp(self, name, classifications, sfs, sfc_encap=True, spi=None):
+ self.logger.debug("Adding a new Service Function Path to VIM, named '%s'", name)
+ try:
+ new_sfp = None
+ self._reload_connection()
+ # In networking-sfc the MPLS encapsulation is legacy
+ # should be used when no full SFC Encapsulation is intended
+ correlation = 'mpls'
+ if sfc_encap:
+ correlation = 'nsh'
+ sfp_dict = {'name': name,
+ 'flow_classifiers': classifications,
+ 'port_pair_groups': sfs,
+ 'chain_parameters': {'correlation': correlation}}
+ if spi:
+ sfp_dict['chain_id'] = spi
+ new_sfp = self.neutron.create_sfc_port_chain({'port_chain': sfp_dict})
+ return new_sfp["port_chain"]["id"]
+ except (neExceptions.ConnectionFailed, ksExceptions.ClientException,
+ neExceptions.NeutronException, ConnectionError) as e:
+ if new_sfp:
+ try:
+ self.neutron.delete_sfc_port_chain(new_sfp['port_chain']['id'])
+ except Exception:
+ self.logger.error(
+ 'Creation of Service Function Path failed, with '
+ 'subsequent deletion failure as well.')
+ self._format_exception(e)
+ def get_sfp(self, sfp_id):
+ self.logger.debug(" Getting Service Function Path %s from VIM", sfp_id)
+ filter_dict = {"id": sfp_id}
+ sfp_list = self.get_sfp_list(filter_dict)
+ if len(sfp_list) == 0:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException(
+ "Service Function Path '{}' not found".format(sfp_id))
+ elif len(sfp_list) > 1:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnConflictException(
+ "Found more than one Service Function Path with this criteria")
+ sfp = sfp_list[0]
+ return sfp
+ def get_sfp_list(self, filter_dict={}):
+ self.logger.debug("Getting Service Function Paths from VIM filter: '%s'", str(filter_dict))
+ try:
+ self._reload_connection()
+ filter_dict_os = filter_dict.copy()
+ if self.api_version3 and "tenant_id" in filter_dict_os:
+ filter_dict_os['project_id'] = filter_dict_os.pop('tenant_id')
+ sfp_dict = self.neutron.list_sfc_port_chains(**filter_dict_os)
+ sfp_list = sfp_dict["port_chains"]
+ self.__sfp_os2mano(sfp_list)
+ return sfp_list
+ except (neExceptions.ConnectionFailed, ksExceptions.ClientException,
+ neExceptions.NeutronException, ConnectionError) as e:
+ self._format_exception(e)
+ def delete_sfp(self, sfp_id):
+ self.logger.debug("Deleting Service Function Path '%s' from VIM", sfp_id)
+ try:
+ self._reload_connection()
+ self.neutron.delete_sfc_port_chain(sfp_id)
+ return sfp_id
+ except (neExceptions.ConnectionFailed, neExceptions.NeutronException,
+ ksExceptions.ClientException, neExceptions.NeutronException,
+ ConnectionError) as e:
+ self._format_exception(e)
--- /dev/null
+ ##
+ # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ # You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ #
+ # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ #
+ # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ # implied.
+ # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ # limitations under the License.
+ ##
+ python-openstackclient
+ python-neutronclient
+ requests
+ netaddr
+ #TODO py3 networking-l2gw
+ #TODO py3 python-novaclient
+ #TODO py3 python-keystoneclient
+ #TODO py3 python-glanceclient
+ #TODO py3 python-cinderclient
--- /dev/null
- def new_network(self,net_name, net_type, ip_profile=None, shared=False, vlan=None): #, **vim_specific):
+ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ ##
+ # Copyright 2015 Telefonica Investigacion y Desarrollo, S.A.U.
+ # This file is part of openmano
+ # All Rights Reserved.
+ #
+ # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+ # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+ # a copy of the License at
+ #
+ # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ #
+ # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+ # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+ # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ # under the License.
+ #
+ # For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
+ # contact with: nfvlabs@tid.es
+ ##
+ '''
+ vimconnector implements all the methods to interact with openvim using the openvim API.
+ '''
+ __author__="Alfonso Tierno, Gerardo Garcia"
+ __date__ ="$26-aug-2014 11:09:29$"
+ from osm_ro import vimconn
+ import requests
+ import json
+ import yaml
+ import logging
+ import math
+ from osm_ro.openmano_schemas import id_schema, name_schema, nameshort_schema, description_schema, \
+ vlan1000_schema, integer0_schema
+ from jsonschema import validate as js_v, exceptions as js_e
+ from urllib.parse import quote
+ '''contain the openvim virtual machine status to openmano status'''
+ vmStatus2manoFormat={'ACTIVE':'ACTIVE',
+ }
+ }
+ host_schema = {
+ "type":"object",
+ "properties":{
+ "id": id_schema,
+ "name": name_schema,
+ },
+ "required": ["id"]
+ }
+ image_schema = {
+ "type":"object",
+ "properties":{
+ "id": id_schema,
+ "name": name_schema,
+ },
+ "required": ["id","name"]
+ }
+ server_schema = {
+ "type":"object",
+ "properties":{
+ "id":id_schema,
+ "name": name_schema,
+ },
+ "required": ["id","name"]
+ }
+ new_host_response_schema = {
+ "title":"host response information schema",
+ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
+ "type":"object",
+ "properties":{
+ "host": host_schema
+ },
+ "required": ["host"],
+ "additionalProperties": False
+ }
+ get_images_response_schema = {
+ "title":"openvim images response information schema",
+ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
+ "type":"object",
+ "properties":{
+ "images":{
+ "type":"array",
+ "items": image_schema,
+ }
+ },
+ "required": ["images"],
+ "additionalProperties": False
+ }
+ get_hosts_response_schema = {
+ "title":"openvim hosts response information schema",
+ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
+ "type":"object",
+ "properties":{
+ "hosts":{
+ "type":"array",
+ "items": host_schema,
+ }
+ },
+ "required": ["hosts"],
+ "additionalProperties": False
+ }
+ get_host_detail_response_schema = new_host_response_schema # TODO: Content is not parsed yet
+ get_server_response_schema = {
+ "title":"openvim server response information schema",
+ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
+ "type":"object",
+ "properties":{
+ "servers":{
+ "type":"array",
+ "items": server_schema,
+ }
+ },
+ "required": ["servers"],
+ "additionalProperties": False
+ }
+ new_tenant_response_schema = {
+ "title":"tenant response information schema",
+ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
+ "type":"object",
+ "properties":{
+ "tenant":{
+ "type":"object",
+ "properties":{
+ "id": id_schema,
+ "name": nameshort_schema,
+ "description":description_schema,
+ "enabled":{"type" : "boolean"}
+ },
+ "required": ["id"]
+ }
+ },
+ "required": ["tenant"],
+ "additionalProperties": False
+ }
+ new_network_response_schema = {
+ "title":"network response information schema",
+ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
+ "type":"object",
+ "properties":{
+ "network":{
+ "type":"object",
+ "properties":{
+ "id":id_schema,
+ "name":name_schema,
+ "type":{"type":"string", "enum":["bridge_man","bridge_data","data", "ptp"]},
+ "shared":{"type":"boolean"},
+ "tenant_id":id_schema,
+ "admin_state_up":{"type":"boolean"},
+ "vlan":vlan1000_schema
+ },
+ "required": ["id"]
+ }
+ },
+ "required": ["network"],
+ "additionalProperties": False
+ }
+ # get_network_response_schema = {
+ # "title":"get network response information schema",
+ # "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
+ # "type":"object",
+ # "properties":{
+ # "network":{
+ # "type":"object",
+ # "properties":{
+ # "id":id_schema,
+ # "name":name_schema,
+ # "type":{"type":"string", "enum":["bridge_man","bridge_data","data", "ptp"]},
+ # "shared":{"type":"boolean"},
+ # "tenant_id":id_schema,
+ # "admin_state_up":{"type":"boolean"},
+ # "vlan":vlan1000_schema
+ # },
+ # "required": ["id"]
+ # }
+ # },
+ # "required": ["network"],
+ # "additionalProperties": False
+ # }
+ new_port_response_schema = {
+ "title":"port response information schema",
+ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
+ "type":"object",
+ "properties":{
+ "port":{
+ "type":"object",
+ "properties":{
+ "id":id_schema,
+ },
+ "required": ["id"]
+ }
+ },
+ "required": ["port"],
+ "additionalProperties": False
+ }
+ get_flavor_response_schema = {
+ "title":"openvim flavors response information schema",
+ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
+ "type":"object",
+ "properties":{
+ "flavor":{
+ "type":"object",
+ "properties":{
+ "id": id_schema,
+ "name": name_schema,
+ "extended": {"type":"object"},
+ },
+ "required": ["id", "name"],
+ }
+ },
+ "required": ["flavor"],
+ "additionalProperties": False
+ }
+ new_flavor_response_schema = {
+ "title":"flavor response information schema",
+ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
+ "type":"object",
+ "properties":{
+ "flavor":{
+ "type":"object",
+ "properties":{
+ "id":id_schema,
+ },
+ "required": ["id"]
+ }
+ },
+ "required": ["flavor"],
+ "additionalProperties": False
+ }
+ get_image_response_schema = {
+ "title":"openvim images response information schema",
+ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
+ "type":"object",
+ "properties":{
+ "image":{
+ "type":"object",
+ "properties":{
+ "id": id_schema,
+ "name": name_schema,
+ },
+ "required": ["id", "name"],
+ }
+ },
+ "required": ["flavor"],
+ "additionalProperties": False
+ }
+ new_image_response_schema = {
+ "title":"image response information schema",
+ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
+ "type":"object",
+ "properties":{
+ "image":{
+ "type":"object",
+ "properties":{
+ "id":id_schema,
+ },
+ "required": ["id"]
+ }
+ },
+ "required": ["image"],
+ "additionalProperties": False
+ }
+ new_vminstance_response_schema = {
+ "title":"server response information schema",
+ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
+ "type":"object",
+ "properties":{
+ "server":{
+ "type":"object",
+ "properties":{
+ "id":id_schema,
+ },
+ "required": ["id"]
+ }
+ },
+ "required": ["server"],
+ "additionalProperties": False
+ }
+ get_processor_rankings_response_schema = {
+ "title":"processor rankings information schema",
+ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
+ "type":"object",
+ "properties":{
+ "rankings":{
+ "type":"array",
+ "items":{
+ "type":"object",
+ "properties":{
+ "model": description_schema,
+ "value": integer0_schema
+ },
+ "additionalProperties": False,
+ "required": ["model","value"]
+ }
+ },
+ "additionalProperties": False,
+ "required": ["rankings"]
+ }
+ }
+ class vimconnector(vimconn.vimconnector):
+ def __init__(self, uuid, name, tenant_id, tenant_name, url, url_admin=None, user=None, passwd=None,
+ log_level="DEBUG", config={}, persistent_info={}):
+ vimconn.vimconnector.__init__(self, uuid, name, tenant_id, tenant_name, url, url_admin, user, passwd, log_level, config)
+ self.tenant = None
+ self.headers_req = {'content-type': 'application/json'}
+ self.logger = logging.getLogger('openmano.vim.openvim')
+ self.persistent_info = persistent_info
+ if tenant_id:
+ self.tenant = tenant_id
+ def __setitem__(self,index, value):
+ '''Set individuals parameters
+ Throw TypeError, KeyError
+ '''
+ if index=='tenant_id':
+ self.tenant = value
+ elif index=='tenant_name':
+ self.tenant = None
+ vimconn.vimconnector.__setitem__(self,index, value)
+ def _get_my_tenant(self):
+ '''Obtain uuid of my tenant from name
+ '''
+ if self.tenant:
+ return self.tenant
+ url = self.url+'/tenants?name='+ quote(self.tenant_name)
+ self.logger.info("Getting VIM tenant_id GET %s", url)
+ vim_response = requests.get(url, headers = self.headers_req)
+ self._check_http_request_response(vim_response)
+ try:
+ tenant_list = vim_response.json()["tenants"]
+ if len(tenant_list) == 0:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException("No tenant found for name '{}'".format(self.tenant_name))
+ elif len(tenant_list) > 1:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnConflictException ("More that one tenant found for name '{}'".format(self.tenant_name))
+ self.tenant = tenant_list[0]["id"]
+ return self.tenant
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnUnexpectedResponse("Get VIM tenant {} '{}'".format(type(e).__name__, str(e)))
+ def _format_jsonerror(self,http_response):
+ #DEPRECATED, to delete in the future
+ try:
+ data = http_response.json()
+ return data["error"]["description"]
+ except:
+ return http_response.text
+ def _format_in(self, http_response, schema):
+ #DEPRECATED, to delete in the future
+ try:
+ client_data = http_response.json()
+ js_v(client_data, schema)
+ #print "Input data: ", str(client_data)
+ return True, client_data
+ except js_e.ValidationError as exc:
+ print("validate_in error, jsonschema exception ", exc.message, "at", exc.path)
+ return False, ("validate_in error, jsonschema exception ", exc.message, "at", exc.path)
+ def _remove_extra_items(self, data, schema):
+ deleted=[]
+ if type(data) is tuple or type(data) is list:
+ for d in data:
+ a= self._remove_extra_items(d, schema['items'])
+ if a is not None: deleted.append(a)
+ elif type(data) is dict:
+ to_delete = []
+ for k in data.keys():
+ if 'properties' not in schema or k not in schema['properties'].keys():
+ to_delete.append(k)
+ deleted.append(k)
+ else:
+ a = self._remove_extra_items(data[k], schema['properties'][k])
+ if a is not None: deleted.append({k:a})
+ for k in to_delete:
+ del data[k]
+ if len(deleted) == 0: return None
+ elif len(deleted) == 1: return deleted[0]
+ else: return deleted
+ def _format_request_exception(self, request_exception):
+ '''Transform a request exception into a vimconn exception'''
+ if isinstance(request_exception, js_e.ValidationError):
+ raise vimconn.vimconnUnexpectedResponse("jsonschema exception '{}' at '{}'".format(request_exception.message, request_exception.path))
+ elif isinstance(request_exception, requests.exceptions.HTTPError):
+ raise vimconn.vimconnUnexpectedResponse(type(request_exception).__name__ + ": " + str(request_exception))
+ else:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnConnectionException(type(request_exception).__name__ + ": " + str(request_exception))
+ def _check_http_request_response(self, request_response):
+ '''Raise a vimconn exception if the response is not Ok'''
+ if request_response.status_code >= 200 and request_response.status_code < 300:
+ return
+ if request_response.status_code == vimconn.HTTP_Unauthorized:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnAuthException(request_response.text)
+ elif request_response.status_code == vimconn.HTTP_Not_Found:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException(request_response.text)
+ elif request_response.status_code == vimconn.HTTP_Conflict:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnConflictException(request_response.text)
+ else:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnUnexpectedResponse("VIM HTTP_response {}, {}".format(request_response.status_code, str(request_response.text)))
+ def new_tenant(self,tenant_name,tenant_description):
+ '''Adds a new tenant to VIM with this name and description, returns the tenant identifier'''
+ #print "VIMConnector: Adding a new tenant to VIM"
+ payload_dict = {"tenant": {"name":tenant_name,"description": tenant_description, "enabled": True}}
+ payload_req = json.dumps(payload_dict)
+ try:
+ url = self.url_admin+'/tenants'
+ self.logger.info("Adding a new tenant %s", url)
+ vim_response = requests.post(url, headers = self.headers_req, data=payload_req)
+ self._check_http_request_response(vim_response)
+ self.logger.debug(vim_response.text)
+ #print json.dumps(vim_response.json(), indent=4)
+ response = vim_response.json()
+ js_v(response, new_tenant_response_schema)
+ #r = self._remove_extra_items(response, new_tenant_response_schema)
+ #if r is not None:
+ # self.logger.warn("Warning: remove extra items %s", str(r))
+ tenant_id = response['tenant']['id']
+ return tenant_id
+ except (requests.exceptions.RequestException, js_e.ValidationError) as e:
+ self._format_request_exception(e)
+ def delete_tenant(self,tenant_id):
+ '''Delete a tenant from VIM. Returns the old tenant identifier'''
+ try:
+ url = self.url_admin+'/tenants/'+tenant_id
+ self.logger.info("Delete a tenant DELETE %s", url)
+ vim_response = requests.delete(url, headers = self.headers_req)
+ self._check_http_request_response(vim_response)
+ self.logger.debug(vim_response.text)
+ #print json.dumps(vim_response.json(), indent=4)
+ return tenant_id
+ except (requests.exceptions.RequestException, js_e.ValidationError) as e:
+ self._format_request_exception(e)
+ def get_tenant_list(self, filter_dict={}):
+ '''Obtain tenants of VIM
+ filter_dict can contain the following keys:
+ name: filter by tenant name
+ id: filter by tenant uuid/id
+ <other VIM specific>
+ Returns the tenant list of dictionaries: [{'name':'<name>, 'id':'<id>, ...}, ...]
+ '''
+ filterquery=[]
+ filterquery_text=''
+ for k,v in filter_dict.items():
+ filterquery.append(str(k)+'='+str(v))
+ if len(filterquery)>0:
+ filterquery_text='?'+ '&'.join(filterquery)
+ try:
+ url = self.url+'/tenants'+filterquery_text
+ self.logger.info("get_tenant_list GET %s", url)
+ vim_response = requests.get(url, headers = self.headers_req)
+ self._check_http_request_response(vim_response)
+ self.logger.debug(vim_response.text)
+ #print json.dumps(vim_response.json(), indent=4)
+ return vim_response.json()["tenants"]
+ except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
+ self._format_request_exception(e)
- 'vlan': in case of a data or ptp net_type, the intended vlan tag to be used for the network
++ def new_network(self,net_name, net_type, ip_profile=None, shared=False, provider_network_profile=None): #, **vim_specific):
+ """Adds a tenant network to VIM
+ Params:
+ 'net_name': name of the network
+ 'net_type': one of:
+ 'bridge': overlay isolated network
+ 'data': underlay E-LAN network for Passthrough and SRIOV interfaces
+ 'ptp': underlay E-LINE network for Passthrough and SRIOV interfaces.
+ 'ip_profile': is a dict containing the IP parameters of the network
+ 'ip_version': can be "IPv4" or "IPv6" (Currently only IPv4 is implemented)
+ 'subnet_address': ip_prefix_schema, that is X.X.X.X/Y
+ 'gateway_address': (Optional) ip_schema, that is X.X.X.X
+ 'dns_address': (Optional) comma separated list of ip_schema, e.g. X.X.X.X[,X,X,X,X]
+ 'dhcp_enabled': True or False
+ 'dhcp_start_address': ip_schema, first IP to grant
+ 'dhcp_count': number of IPs to grant.
+ 'shared': if this network can be seen/use by other tenants/organization
++ 'provider_network_profile': (optional) contains {segmentation-id: vlan, provider-network: vim_netowrk}
+ Returns a tuple with the network identifier and created_items, or raises an exception on error
+ created_items can be None or a dictionary where this method can include key-values that will be passed to
+ the method delete_network. Can be used to store created segments, created l2gw connections, etc.
+ Format is vimconnector dependent, but do not use nested dictionaries and a value of None should be the same
+ as not present.
+ """
+ try:
++ vlan = None
++ if provider_network_profile:
++ vlan = provider_network_profile.get("segmentation-id")
+ created_items = {}
+ self._get_my_tenant()
+ if net_type=="bridge":
+ net_type="bridge_data"
+ payload_req = {"name": net_name, "type": net_type, "tenant_id": self.tenant, "shared": shared}
+ if vlan:
+ payload_req["provider:vlan"] = vlan
+ # payload_req.update(vim_specific)
+ url = self.url+'/networks'
+ self.logger.info("Adding a new network POST: %s DATA: %s", url, str(payload_req))
+ vim_response = requests.post(url, headers = self.headers_req, data=json.dumps({"network": payload_req}) )
+ self._check_http_request_response(vim_response)
+ self.logger.debug(vim_response.text)
+ #print json.dumps(vim_response.json(), indent=4)
+ response = vim_response.json()
+ js_v(response, new_network_response_schema)
+ #r = self._remove_extra_items(response, new_network_response_schema)
+ #if r is not None:
+ # self.logger.warn("Warning: remove extra items %s", str(r))
+ network_id = response['network']['id']
+ return network_id, created_items
+ except (requests.exceptions.RequestException, js_e.ValidationError) as e:
+ self._format_request_exception(e)
+ def get_network_list(self, filter_dict={}):
+ '''Obtain tenant networks of VIM
+ Filter_dict can be:
+ name: network name
+ id: network uuid
+ public: boolean
+ tenant_id: tenant
+ admin_state_up: boolean
+ status: 'ACTIVE'
+ Returns the network list of dictionaries
+ '''
+ try:
+ if 'tenant_id' not in filter_dict:
+ filter_dict["tenant_id"] = self._get_my_tenant()
+ elif not filter_dict["tenant_id"]:
+ del filter_dict["tenant_id"]
+ filterquery=[]
+ filterquery_text=''
+ for k,v in filter_dict.items():
+ filterquery.append(str(k)+'='+str(v))
+ if len(filterquery)>0:
+ filterquery_text='?'+ '&'.join(filterquery)
+ url = self.url+'/networks'+filterquery_text
+ self.logger.info("Getting network list GET %s", url)
+ vim_response = requests.get(url, headers = self.headers_req)
+ self._check_http_request_response(vim_response)
+ self.logger.debug(vim_response.text)
+ #print json.dumps(vim_response.json(), indent=4)
+ response = vim_response.json()
+ return response['networks']
+ except (requests.exceptions.RequestException, js_e.ValidationError) as e:
+ self._format_request_exception(e)
+ def get_network(self, net_id):
+ '''Obtain network details of network id'''
+ try:
+ url = self.url+'/networks/'+net_id
+ self.logger.info("Getting network GET %s", url)
+ vim_response = requests.get(url, headers = self.headers_req)
+ self._check_http_request_response(vim_response)
+ self.logger.debug(vim_response.text)
+ #print json.dumps(vim_response.json(), indent=4)
+ response = vim_response.json()
+ return response['network']
+ except (requests.exceptions.RequestException, js_e.ValidationError) as e:
+ self._format_request_exception(e)
+ def delete_network(self, net_id, created_items=None):
+ """
+ Removes a tenant network from VIM and its associated elements
+ :param net_id: VIM identifier of the network, provided by method new_network
+ :param created_items: dictionary with extra items to be deleted. provided by method new_network
+ Returns the network identifier or raises an exception upon error or when network is not found
+ """
+ try:
+ self._get_my_tenant()
+ url = self.url+'/networks/'+net_id
+ self.logger.info("Deleting VIM network DELETE %s", url)
+ vim_response = requests.delete(url, headers=self.headers_req)
+ self._check_http_request_response(vim_response)
+ #self.logger.debug(vim_response.text)
+ #print json.dumps(vim_response.json(), indent=4)
+ return net_id
+ except (requests.exceptions.RequestException, js_e.ValidationError) as e:
+ self._format_request_exception(e)
+ def get_flavor(self, flavor_id):
+ '''Obtain flavor details from the VIM'''
+ try:
+ self._get_my_tenant()
+ url = self.url+'/'+self.tenant+'/flavors/'+flavor_id
+ self.logger.info("Getting flavor GET %s", url)
+ vim_response = requests.get(url, headers = self.headers_req)
+ self._check_http_request_response(vim_response)
+ self.logger.debug(vim_response.text)
+ #print json.dumps(vim_response.json(), indent=4)
+ response = vim_response.json()
+ js_v(response, get_flavor_response_schema)
+ r = self._remove_extra_items(response, get_flavor_response_schema)
+ if r is not None:
+ self.logger.warn("Warning: remove extra items %s", str(r))
+ return response['flavor']
+ except (requests.exceptions.RequestException, js_e.ValidationError) as e:
+ self._format_request_exception(e)
+ def new_flavor(self, flavor_data):
+ '''Adds a tenant flavor to VIM'''
+ '''Returns the flavor identifier'''
+ try:
+ new_flavor_dict = flavor_data.copy()
+ for device in new_flavor_dict.get('extended', {}).get('devices', ()):
+ if 'image name' in device:
+ del device['image name']
+ if 'name' in device:
+ del device['name']
+ numas = new_flavor_dict.get('extended', {}).get('numas')
+ if numas:
+ numa = numas[0]
+ # translate memory, cpus to EPA
+ if "cores" not in numa and "threads" not in numa and "paired-threads" not in numa:
+ numa["paired-threads"] = new_flavor_dict["vcpus"]
+ if "memory" not in numa:
+ numa["memory"] = int(math.ceil(new_flavor_dict["ram"] / 1024.0))
+ for iface in numa.get("interfaces", ()):
+ if not iface.get("bandwidth"):
+ iface["bandwidth"] = "1 Mbps"
+ new_flavor_dict["name"] = flavor_data["name"][:64]
+ self._get_my_tenant()
+ payload_req = json.dumps({'flavor': new_flavor_dict})
+ url = self.url+'/'+self.tenant+'/flavors'
+ self.logger.info("Adding a new VIM flavor POST %s", url)
+ vim_response = requests.post(url, headers = self.headers_req, data=payload_req)
+ self._check_http_request_response(vim_response)
+ self.logger.debug(vim_response.text)
+ #print json.dumps(vim_response.json(), indent=4)
+ response = vim_response.json()
+ js_v(response, new_flavor_response_schema)
+ r = self._remove_extra_items(response, new_flavor_response_schema)
+ if r is not None:
+ self.logger.warn("Warning: remove extra items %s", str(r))
+ flavor_id = response['flavor']['id']
+ return flavor_id
+ except (requests.exceptions.RequestException, js_e.ValidationError) as e:
+ self._format_request_exception(e)
+ def delete_flavor(self,flavor_id):
+ '''Deletes a tenant flavor from VIM'''
+ '''Returns the old flavor_id'''
+ try:
+ self._get_my_tenant()
+ url = self.url+'/'+self.tenant+'/flavors/'+flavor_id
+ self.logger.info("Deleting VIM flavor DELETE %s", url)
+ vim_response = requests.delete(url, headers=self.headers_req)
+ self._check_http_request_response(vim_response)
+ #self.logger.debug(vim_response.text)
+ #print json.dumps(vim_response.json(), indent=4)
+ return flavor_id
+ except (requests.exceptions.RequestException, js_e.ValidationError) as e:
+ self._format_request_exception(e)
+ def get_image(self, image_id):
+ '''Obtain image details from the VIM'''
+ try:
+ self._get_my_tenant()
+ url = self.url+'/'+self.tenant+'/images/'+image_id
+ self.logger.info("Getting image GET %s", url)
+ vim_response = requests.get(url, headers = self.headers_req)
+ self._check_http_request_response(vim_response)
+ self.logger.debug(vim_response.text)
+ #print json.dumps(vim_response.json(), indent=4)
+ response = vim_response.json()
+ js_v(response, get_image_response_schema)
+ r = self._remove_extra_items(response, get_image_response_schema)
+ if r is not None:
+ self.logger.warn("Warning: remove extra items %s", str(r))
+ return response['image']
+ except (requests.exceptions.RequestException, js_e.ValidationError) as e:
+ self._format_request_exception(e)
+ def new_image(self,image_dict):
+ ''' Adds a tenant image to VIM, returns image_id'''
+ try:
+ self._get_my_tenant()
+ new_image_dict={'name': image_dict['name'][:64]}
+ if image_dict.get('description'):
+ new_image_dict['description'] = image_dict['description']
+ if image_dict.get('metadata'):
+ new_image_dict['metadata'] = yaml.load(image_dict['metadata'], Loader=yaml.SafeLoader)
+ if image_dict.get('location'):
+ new_image_dict['path'] = image_dict['location']
+ payload_req = json.dumps({"image":new_image_dict})
+ url=self.url + '/' + self.tenant + '/images'
+ self.logger.info("Adding a new VIM image POST %s", url)
+ vim_response = requests.post(url, headers = self.headers_req, data=payload_req)
+ self._check_http_request_response(vim_response)
+ self.logger.debug(vim_response.text)
+ #print json.dumps(vim_response.json(), indent=4)
+ response = vim_response.json()
+ js_v(response, new_image_response_schema)
+ r = self._remove_extra_items(response, new_image_response_schema)
+ if r is not None:
+ self.logger.warn("Warning: remove extra items %s", str(r))
+ image_id = response['image']['id']
+ return image_id
+ except (requests.exceptions.RequestException, js_e.ValidationError) as e:
+ self._format_request_exception(e)
+ def delete_image(self, image_id):
+ '''Deletes a tenant image from VIM'''
+ '''Returns the deleted image_id'''
+ try:
+ self._get_my_tenant()
+ url = self.url + '/'+ self.tenant +'/images/'+image_id
+ self.logger.info("Deleting VIM image DELETE %s", url)
+ vim_response = requests.delete(url, headers=self.headers_req)
+ self._check_http_request_response(vim_response)
+ #self.logger.debug(vim_response.text)
+ #print json.dumps(vim_response.json(), indent=4)
+ return image_id
+ except (requests.exceptions.RequestException, js_e.ValidationError) as e:
+ self._format_request_exception(e)
+ def get_image_id_from_path(self, path):
+ '''Get the image id from image path in the VIM database. Returns the image_id'''
+ try:
+ self._get_my_tenant()
+ url=self.url + '/' + self.tenant + '/images?path='+quote(path)
+ self.logger.info("Getting images GET %s", url)
+ vim_response = requests.get(url)
+ self._check_http_request_response(vim_response)
+ self.logger.debug(vim_response.text)
+ #print json.dumps(vim_response.json(), indent=4)
+ response = vim_response.json()
+ js_v(response, get_images_response_schema)
+ #r = self._remove_extra_items(response, get_images_response_schema)
+ #if r is not None:
+ # self.logger.warn("Warning: remove extra items %s", str(r))
+ if len(response['images'])==0:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException("Image not found at VIM with path '{}'".format(path))
+ elif len(response['images'])>1:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnConflictException("More than one image found at VIM with path '{}'".format(path))
+ return response['images'][0]['id']
+ except (requests.exceptions.RequestException, js_e.ValidationError) as e:
+ self._format_request_exception(e)
+ def get_image_list(self, filter_dict={}):
+ '''Obtain tenant images from VIM
+ Filter_dict can be:
+ name: image name
+ id: image uuid
+ checksum: image checksum
+ location: image path
+ Returns the image list of dictionaries:
+ [{<the fields at Filter_dict plus some VIM specific>}, ...]
+ List can be empty
+ '''
+ try:
+ self._get_my_tenant()
+ filterquery=[]
+ filterquery_text=''
+ for k,v in filter_dict.items():
+ filterquery.append(str(k)+'='+str(v))
+ if len(filterquery)>0:
+ filterquery_text='?'+ '&'.join(filterquery)
+ url = self.url+'/'+self.tenant+'/images'+filterquery_text
+ self.logger.info("Getting image list GET %s", url)
+ vim_response = requests.get(url, headers = self.headers_req)
+ self._check_http_request_response(vim_response)
+ self.logger.debug(vim_response.text)
+ #print json.dumps(vim_response.json(), indent=4)
+ response = vim_response.json()
+ return response['images']
+ except (requests.exceptions.RequestException, js_e.ValidationError) as e:
+ self._format_request_exception(e)
+ def new_vminstancefromJSON(self, vm_data):
+ '''Adds a VM instance to VIM'''
+ '''Returns the instance identifier'''
+ try:
+ self._get_my_tenant()
+ except Exception as e:
+ return -vimconn.HTTP_Not_Found, str(e)
+ print("VIMConnector: Adding a new VM instance from JSON to VIM")
+ payload_req = vm_data
+ try:
+ vim_response = requests.post(self.url+'/'+self.tenant+'/servers', headers = self.headers_req, data=payload_req)
+ except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
+ print( "new_vminstancefromJSON Exception: ", e.args)
+ return -vimconn.HTTP_Not_Found, str(e.args[0])
+ # print vim_response
+ #print vim_response.status_code
+ if vim_response.status_code == 200:
+ #print vim_response.json()
+ #print json.dumps(vim_response.json(), indent=4)
+ res,http_content = self._format_in(vim_response, new_image_response_schema)
+ #print http_content
+ if res:
+ r = self._remove_extra_items(http_content, new_image_response_schema)
+ if r is not None: print("Warning: remove extra items ", r)
+ #print http_content
+ vminstance_id = http_content['server']['id']
+ print( "Tenant image id: ",vminstance_id)
+ return vim_response.status_code,vminstance_id
+ else: return -vimconn.HTTP_Bad_Request,http_content
+ else:
+ #print vim_response.text
+ jsonerror = self._format_jsonerror(vim_response)
+ text = 'Error in VIM "{}": not possible to add new vm instance. HTTP Response: {}. Error: {}'.format(
+ self.url, vim_response.status_code, jsonerror)
+ #print text
+ return -vim_response.status_code,text
+ def new_vminstance(self, name, description, start, image_id, flavor_id, net_list, cloud_config=None, disk_list=None,
+ availability_zone_index=None, availability_zone_list=None):
+ """Adds a VM instance to VIM
+ Params:
+ start: indicates if VM must start or boot in pause mode. Ignored
+ image_id,flavor_id: image and flavor uuid
+ net_list: list of interfaces, each one is a dictionary with:
+ name:
+ net_id: network uuid to connect
+ vpci: virtual vcpi to assign
+ model: interface model, virtio, e1000, ...
+ mac_address:
+ use: 'data', 'bridge', 'mgmt'
+ type: 'virtual', 'PCI-PASSTHROUGH'('PF'), 'SR-IOV'('VF'), 'VFnotShared'
+ vim_id: filled/added by this function
+ #TODO ip, security groups
+ Returns a tuple with the instance identifier and created_items or raises an exception on error
+ created_items can be None or a dictionary where this method can include key-values that will be passed to
+ the method delete_vminstance and action_vminstance. Can be used to store created ports, volumes, etc.
+ Format is vimconnector dependent, but do not use nested dictionaries and a value of None should be the same
+ as not present.
+ """
+ self.logger.debug("new_vminstance input: image='%s' flavor='%s' nics='%s'", image_id, flavor_id, str(net_list))
+ try:
+ self._get_my_tenant()
+ # net_list = []
+ # for k,v in net_dict.items():
+ # print k,v
+ # net_list.append('{"name":"' + k + '", "uuid":"' + v + '"}')
+ # net_list_string = ', '.join(net_list)
+ virtio_net_list=[]
+ for net in net_list:
+ if not net.get("net_id"):
+ continue
+ net_dict = {'uuid': net["net_id"]}
+ if net.get("type"):
+ if net["type"] == "SR-IOV":
+ net_dict["type"] = "VF"
+ elif net["type"] == "PCI-PASSTHROUGH":
+ net_dict["type"] = "PF"
+ else:
+ net_dict["type"] = net["type"]
+ if net.get("name"):
+ net_dict["name"] = net["name"]
+ if net.get("vpci"):
+ net_dict["vpci"] = net["vpci"]
+ if net.get("model"):
+ if net["model"] == "VIRTIO" or net["model"] == "paravirt":
+ net_dict["model"] = "virtio"
+ else:
+ net_dict["model"] = net["model"]
+ if net.get("mac_address"):
+ net_dict["mac_address"] = net["mac_address"]
+ if net.get("ip_address"):
+ net_dict["ip_address"] = net["ip_address"]
+ virtio_net_list.append(net_dict)
+ payload_dict={ "name": name[:64],
+ "description": description,
+ "imageRef": image_id,
+ "flavorRef": flavor_id,
+ "networks": virtio_net_list
+ }
+ if start != None:
+ payload_dict["start"] = start
+ payload_req = json.dumps({"server": payload_dict})
+ url = self.url+'/'+self.tenant+'/servers'
+ self.logger.info("Adding a new vm POST %s DATA %s", url, payload_req)
+ vim_response = requests.post(url, headers = self.headers_req, data=payload_req)
+ self._check_http_request_response(vim_response)
+ self.logger.debug(vim_response.text)
+ #print json.dumps(vim_response.json(), indent=4)
+ response = vim_response.json()
+ js_v(response, new_vminstance_response_schema)
+ #r = self._remove_extra_items(response, new_vminstance_response_schema)
+ #if r is not None:
+ # self.logger.warn("Warning: remove extra items %s", str(r))
+ vminstance_id = response['server']['id']
+ #connect data plane interfaces to network
+ for net in net_list:
+ if net["type"]=="virtual":
+ if not net.get("net_id"):
+ continue
+ for iface in response['server']['networks']:
+ if "name" in net:
+ if net["name"]==iface["name"]:
+ net["vim_id"] = iface['iface_id']
+ break
+ elif "net_id" in net:
+ if net["net_id"]==iface["net_id"]:
+ net["vim_id"] = iface['iface_id']
+ break
+ else: #dataplane
+ for numa in response['server'].get('extended',{}).get('numas',() ):
+ for iface in numa.get('interfaces',() ):
+ if net['name'] == iface['name']:
+ net['vim_id'] = iface['iface_id']
+ #Code bellow is not needed, current openvim connect dataplane interfaces
+ #if net.get("net_id"):
+ ##connect dataplane interface
+ # result, port_id = self.connect_port_network(iface['iface_id'], net["net_id"])
+ # if result < 0:
+ # error_text = "Error attaching port %s to network %s: %s." % (iface['iface_id'], net["net_id"], port_id)
+ # print "new_vminstance: " + error_text
+ # self.delete_vminstance(vminstance_id)
+ # return result, error_text
+ break
+ return vminstance_id, None
+ except (requests.exceptions.RequestException, js_e.ValidationError) as e:
+ self._format_request_exception(e)
+ def get_vminstance(self, vm_id):
+ '''Returns the VM instance information from VIM'''
+ try:
+ self._get_my_tenant()
+ url = self.url+'/'+self.tenant+'/servers/'+vm_id
+ self.logger.info("Getting vm GET %s", url)
+ vim_response = requests.get(url, headers = self.headers_req)
+ vim_response = requests.get(url, headers = self.headers_req)
+ self._check_http_request_response(vim_response)
+ self.logger.debug(vim_response.text)
+ #print json.dumps(vim_response.json(), indent=4)
+ response = vim_response.json()
+ js_v(response, new_vminstance_response_schema)
+ #r = self._remove_extra_items(response, new_vminstance_response_schema)
+ #if r is not None:
+ # self.logger.warn("Warning: remove extra items %s", str(r))
+ return response['server']
+ except (requests.exceptions.RequestException, js_e.ValidationError) as e:
+ self._format_request_exception(e)
+ def delete_vminstance(self, vm_id, created_items=None):
+ '''Removes a VM instance from VIM, returns the deleted vm_id'''
+ try:
+ self._get_my_tenant()
+ url = self.url+'/'+self.tenant+'/servers/'+vm_id
+ self.logger.info("Deleting VIM vm DELETE %s", url)
+ vim_response = requests.delete(url, headers=self.headers_req)
+ self._check_http_request_response(vim_response)
+ #self.logger.debug(vim_response.text)
+ #print json.dumps(vim_response.json(), indent=4)
+ return vm_id
+ except (requests.exceptions.RequestException, js_e.ValidationError) as e:
+ self._format_request_exception(e)
+ def refresh_vms_status(self, vm_list):
+ '''Refreshes the status of the virtual machines'''
+ try:
+ self._get_my_tenant()
+ except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
+ self._format_request_exception(e)
+ vm_dict={}
+ for vm_id in vm_list:
+ vm={}
+ #print "VIMConnector refresh_tenant_vms and nets: Getting tenant VM instance information from VIM"
+ try:
+ url = self.url + '/' + self.tenant + '/servers/' + vm_id
+ self.logger.info("Getting vm GET %s", url)
+ vim_response = requests.get(url, headers = self.headers_req)
+ self._check_http_request_response(vim_response)
+ response = vim_response.json()
+ js_v(response, new_vminstance_response_schema)
+ if response['server']['status'] in vmStatus2manoFormat:
+ vm['status'] = vmStatus2manoFormat[ response['server']['status'] ]
+ else:
+ vm['status'] = "OTHER"
+ vm['error_msg'] = "VIM status reported " + response['server']['status']
+ if response['server'].get('last_error'):
+ vm['error_msg'] = response['server']['last_error']
+ vm["vim_info"] = yaml.safe_dump(response['server'])
+ #get interfaces info
+ try:
+ management_ip = False
+ url2 = self.url + '/ports?device_id=' + quote(vm_id)
+ self.logger.info("Getting PORTS GET %s", url2)
+ vim_response2 = requests.get(url2, headers = self.headers_req)
+ self._check_http_request_response(vim_response2)
+ client_data = vim_response2.json()
+ if isinstance(client_data.get("ports"), list):
+ vm["interfaces"]=[]
+ for port in client_data.get("ports"):
+ interface={}
+ interface['vim_info'] = yaml.safe_dump(port)
+ interface["mac_address"] = port.get("mac_address")
+ interface["vim_net_id"] = port.get("network_id")
+ interface["vim_interface_id"] = port["id"]
+ interface["ip_address"] = port.get("ip_address")
+ if interface["ip_address"]:
+ management_ip = True
+ if interface["ip_address"] == "":
+ interface["ip_address"] = None
+ vm["interfaces"].append(interface)
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.logger.error("refresh_vms_and_nets. Port get %s: %s", type(e).__name__, str(e))
+ if vm['status'] == "ACTIVE" and not management_ip:
+ vm['status'] = "ACTIVE:NoMgmtIP"
+ except vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException as e:
+ self.logger.error("Exception getting vm status: %s", str(e))
+ vm['status'] = "DELETED"
+ vm['error_msg'] = str(e)
+ except (requests.exceptions.RequestException, js_e.ValidationError, vimconn.vimconnException) as e:
+ self.logger.error("Exception getting vm status: %s", str(e))
+ vm['status'] = "VIM_ERROR"
+ vm['error_msg'] = str(e)
+ vm_dict[vm_id] = vm
+ return vm_dict
+ def refresh_nets_status(self, net_list):
+ '''Get the status of the networks
+ Params: the list of network identifiers
+ Returns a dictionary with:
+ net_id: #VIM id of this network
+ status: #Mandatory. Text with one of:
+ # DELETED (not found at vim)
+ # VIM_ERROR (Cannot connect to VIM, VIM response error, ...)
+ # OTHER (Vim reported other status not understood)
+ # ERROR (VIM indicates an ERROR status)
+ # ACTIVE, INACTIVE, DOWN (admin down),
+ # BUILD (on building process)
+ #
+ error_msg: #Text with VIM error message, if any. Or the VIM connection ERROR
+ vim_info: #Text with plain information obtained from vim (yaml.safe_dump)
+ '''
+ try:
+ self._get_my_tenant()
+ except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
+ self._format_request_exception(e)
+ net_dict={}
+ for net_id in net_list:
+ net = {}
+ #print "VIMConnector refresh_tenant_vms_and_nets: Getting tenant network from VIM (tenant: " + str(self.tenant) + "): "
+ try:
+ net_vim = self.get_network(net_id)
+ if net_vim['status'] in netStatus2manoFormat:
+ net["status"] = netStatus2manoFormat[ net_vim['status'] ]
+ else:
+ net["status"] = "OTHER"
+ net["error_msg"] = "VIM status reported " + net_vim['status']
+ if net["status"] == "ACTIVE" and not net_vim['admin_state_up']:
+ net["status"] = "DOWN"
+ if net_vim.get('last_error'):
+ net['error_msg'] = net_vim['last_error']
+ net["vim_info"] = yaml.safe_dump(net_vim)
+ except vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException as e:
+ self.logger.error("Exception getting net status: %s", str(e))
+ net['status'] = "DELETED"
+ net['error_msg'] = str(e)
+ except (requests.exceptions.RequestException, js_e.ValidationError, vimconn.vimconnException) as e:
+ self.logger.error("Exception getting net status: %s", str(e))
+ net['status'] = "VIM_ERROR"
+ net['error_msg'] = str(e)
+ net_dict[net_id] = net
+ return net_dict
+ def action_vminstance(self, vm_id, action_dict, created_items={}):
+ '''Send and action over a VM instance from VIM'''
+ '''Returns the status'''
+ try:
+ self._get_my_tenant()
+ if "console" in action_dict:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("getting console is not available at openvim", http_code=vimconn.HTTP_Service_Unavailable)
+ url = self.url+'/'+self.tenant+'/servers/'+vm_id+"/action"
+ self.logger.info("Action over VM instance POST %s", url)
+ vim_response = requests.post(url, headers = self.headers_req, data=json.dumps(action_dict) )
+ self._check_http_request_response(vim_response)
+ return None
+ except (requests.exceptions.RequestException, js_e.ValidationError) as e:
+ self._format_request_exception(e)
+ #NOT USED METHODS in current version
+ def host_vim2gui(self, host, server_dict):
+ '''Transform host dictionary from VIM format to GUI format,
+ and append to the server_dict
+ '''
+ if type(server_dict) is not dict:
+ print( 'vimconnector.host_vim2gui() ERROR, param server_dict must be a dictionary')
+ return
+ RAD={}
+ occupation={}
+ for numa in host['host']['numas']:
+ RAD_item={}
+ occupation_item={}
+ #memory
+ RAD_item['memory']={'size': str(numa['memory'])+'GB', 'eligible': str(numa['hugepages'])+'GB'}
+ occupation_item['memory']= str(numa['hugepages_consumed'])+'GB'
+ #cpus
+ RAD_item['cpus']={}
+ RAD_item['cpus']['cores'] = []
+ RAD_item['cpus']['eligible_cores'] = []
+ occupation_item['cores']=[]
+ for _ in range(0, len(numa['cores']) // 2):
+ RAD_item['cpus']['cores'].append( [] )
+ for core in numa['cores']:
+ RAD_item['cpus']['cores'][core['core_id']].append(core['thread_id'])
+ if not 'status' in core: RAD_item['cpus']['eligible_cores'].append(core['thread_id'])
+ if 'instance_id' in core: occupation_item['cores'].append(core['thread_id'])
+ #ports
+ RAD_item['ports']={}
+ occupation_item['ports']={}
+ for iface in numa['interfaces']:
+ RAD_item['ports'][ iface['pci'] ] = 'speed:'+str(iface['Mbps'])+'M'
+ occupation_item['ports'][ iface['pci'] ] = { 'occupied': str(100*iface['Mbps_consumed'] // iface['Mbps']) + "%" }
+ RAD[ numa['numa_socket'] ] = RAD_item
+ occupation[ numa['numa_socket'] ] = occupation_item
+ server_dict[ host['host']['name'] ] = {'RAD':RAD, 'occupation':occupation}
+ def get_hosts_info(self):
+ '''Get the information of deployed hosts
+ Returns the hosts content'''
+ #obtain hosts list
+ url=self.url+'/hosts'
+ try:
+ vim_response = requests.get(url)
+ except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
+ print( "get_hosts_info Exception: ", e.args)
+ return -vimconn.HTTP_Not_Found, str(e.args[0])
+ print("vim get", url, "response:", vim_response.status_code, vim_response.json())
+ #print vim_response.status_code
+ #print json.dumps(vim_response.json(), indent=4)
+ if vim_response.status_code != 200:
+ # TODO: get error
+ print('vimconnector.get_hosts_info error getting host list {} {}'.format(vim_response.status_code, vim_response.json()))
+ return -vim_response.status_code, "Error getting host list"
+ res,hosts = self._format_in(vim_response, get_hosts_response_schema)
+ if res==False:
+ print("vimconnector.get_hosts_info error parsing GET HOSTS vim response", hosts)
+ return vimconn.HTTP_Internal_Server_Error, hosts
+ #obtain hosts details
+ hosts_dict={}
+ for host in hosts['hosts']:
+ url=self.url+'/hosts/'+host['id']
+ try:
+ vim_response = requests.get(url)
+ except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
+ print( "get_hosts_info Exception: ", e.args)
+ return -vimconn.HTTP_Not_Found, str(e.args[0])
+ print("vim get", url, "response:", vim_response.status_code, vim_response.json())
+ if vim_response.status_code != 200:
+ print('vimconnector.get_hosts_info error getting detailed host {} {}'.format(vim_response.status_code, vim_response.json()))
+ continue
+ res,host_detail = self._format_in(vim_response, get_host_detail_response_schema)
+ if res==False:
+ print ("vimconnector.get_hosts_info error parsing GET HOSTS/{} vim response {}".format(host['id']), host_detail)
+ continue
+ #print 'host id '+host['id'], json.dumps(host_detail, indent=4)
+ self.host_vim2gui(host_detail, hosts_dict)
+ return 200, hosts_dict
+ def get_hosts(self, vim_tenant):
+ '''Get the hosts and deployed instances
+ Returns the hosts content'''
+ #obtain hosts list
+ url=self.url+'/hosts'
+ try:
+ vim_response = requests.get(url)
+ except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
+ print("get_hosts Exception: ", e.args)
+ return -vimconn.HTTP_Not_Found, str(e.args[0])
+ print("vim get", url, "response:", vim_response.status_code, vim_response.json())
+ #print vim_response.status_code
+ #print json.dumps(vim_response.json(), indent=4)
+ if vim_response.status_code != 200:
+ #TODO: get error
+ print('vimconnector.get_hosts error getting host list {} {}'.format(vim_response.status_code, vim_response.json()))
+ return -vim_response.status_code, "Error getting host list"
+ res,hosts = self._format_in(vim_response, get_hosts_response_schema)
+ if res==False:
+ print("vimconnector.get_host error parsing GET HOSTS vim response", hosts)
+ return vimconn.HTTP_Internal_Server_Error, hosts
+ #obtain instances from hosts
+ for host in hosts['hosts']:
+ url=self.url+'/' + vim_tenant + '/servers?hostId='+host['id']
+ try:
+ vim_response = requests.get(url)
+ except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
+ print("get_hosts Exception: ", e.args)
+ return -vimconn.HTTP_Not_Found, str(e.args[0])
+ print("vim get", url, "response:", vim_response.status_code, vim_response.json())
+ if vim_response.status_code != 200:
+ print('vimconnector.get_hosts error getting instances at host {} {}'.format(vim_response.status_code, vim_response.json()))
+ continue
+ res,servers = self._format_in(vim_response, get_server_response_schema)
+ if res==False:
+ print("vimconnector.get_host error parsing GET SERVERS/{} vim response {}".format(host['id']), servers)
+ continue
+ #print 'host id '+host['id'], json.dumps(host_detail, indent=4)
+ host['instances'] = servers['servers']
+ return 200, hosts['hosts']
+ def get_processor_rankings(self):
+ '''Get the processor rankings in the VIM database'''
+ url=self.url+'/processor_ranking'
+ try:
+ vim_response = requests.get(url)
+ except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
+ print("get_processor_rankings Exception: ", e.args)
+ return -vimconn.HTTP_Not_Found, str(e.args[0])
+ print("vim get", url, "response:", vim_response.status_code, vim_response.json())
+ #print vim_response.status_code
+ #print json.dumps(vim_response.json(), indent=4)
+ if vim_response.status_code != 200:
+ #TODO: get error
+ print('vimconnector.get_processor_rankings error getting processor rankings {} {}'.format(vim_response.status_code, vim_response.json()))
+ return -vim_response.status_code, "Error getting processor rankings"
+ res,rankings = self._format_in(vim_response, get_processor_rankings_response_schema)
+ return res, rankings['rankings']
+ def new_host(self, host_data):
+ '''Adds a new host to VIM'''
+ '''Returns status code of the VIM response'''
+ payload_req = host_data
+ try:
+ url = self.url_admin+'/hosts'
+ self.logger.info("Adding a new host POST %s", url)
+ vim_response = requests.post(url, headers = self.headers_req, data=payload_req)
+ self._check_http_request_response(vim_response)
+ self.logger.debug(vim_response.text)
+ #print json.dumps(vim_response.json(), indent=4)
+ response = vim_response.json()
+ js_v(response, new_host_response_schema)
+ r = self._remove_extra_items(response, new_host_response_schema)
+ if r is not None:
+ self.logger.warn("Warning: remove extra items %s", str(r))
+ host_id = response['host']['id']
+ return host_id
+ except (requests.exceptions.RequestException, js_e.ValidationError) as e:
+ self._format_request_exception(e)
+ def new_external_port(self, port_data):
+ '''Adds a external port to VIM'''
+ '''Returns the port identifier'''
+ #TODO change to logging exception code policies
+ print( "VIMConnector: Adding a new external port")
+ payload_req = port_data
+ try:
+ vim_response = requests.post(self.url_admin+'/ports', headers = self.headers_req, data=payload_req)
+ except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
+ self.logger.error("new_external_port Exception: ", str(e))
+ return -vimconn.HTTP_Not_Found, str(e.args[0])
+ print( vim_response)
+ #print vim_response.status_code
+ if vim_response.status_code == 200:
+ #print vim_response.json()
+ #print json.dumps(vim_response.json(), indent=4)
+ res, http_content = self._format_in(vim_response, new_port_response_schema)
+ #print http_content
+ if res:
+ r = self._remove_extra_items(http_content, new_port_response_schema)
+ if r is not None: print("Warning: remove extra items ", r)
+ #print http_content
+ port_id = http_content['port']['id']
+ print("Port id: ",port_id)
+ return vim_response.status_code,port_id
+ else: return -vimconn.HTTP_Bad_Request,http_content
+ else:
+ #print vim_response.text
+ jsonerror = self._format_jsonerror(vim_response)
+ text = 'Error in VIM "{}": not possible to add new external port. HTTP Response: {}. Error: {}'.format(
+ self.url_admin, vim_response.status_code, jsonerror)
+ #print text
+ return -vim_response.status_code,text
+ def new_external_network(self,net_name,net_type):
+ '''Adds a external network to VIM (shared)'''
+ '''Returns the network identifier'''
+ #TODO change to logging exception code policies
+ print("VIMConnector: Adding external shared network to VIM (type " + net_type + "): "+ net_name)
+ payload_req = '{"network":{"name": "' + net_name + '","shared":true,"type": "' + net_type + '"}}'
+ try:
+ vim_response = requests.post(self.url+'/networks', headers = self.headers_req, data=payload_req)
+ except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
+ self.logger.error( "new_external_network Exception: ", e.args)
+ return -vimconn.HTTP_Not_Found, str(e.args[0])
+ print(vim_response)
+ #print vim_response.status_code
+ if vim_response.status_code == 200:
+ #print vim_response.json()
+ #print json.dumps(vim_response.json(), indent=4)
+ res,http_content = self._format_in(vim_response, new_network_response_schema)
+ #print http_content
+ if res:
+ r = self._remove_extra_items(http_content, new_network_response_schema)
+ if r is not None: print("Warning: remove extra items ", r)
+ #print http_content
+ network_id = http_content['network']['id']
+ print( "Network id: ",network_id)
+ return vim_response.status_code,network_id
+ else: return -vimconn.HTTP_Bad_Request,http_content
+ else:
+ #print vim_response.text
+ jsonerror = self._format_jsonerror(vim_response)
+ text = 'Error in VIM "{}": not possible to add new external network. HTTP Response: {}. Error: {}'.format(
+ self.url, vim_response.status_code, jsonerror)
+ #print text
+ return -vim_response.status_code,text
+ def connect_port_network(self, port_id, network_id, admin=False):
+ '''Connects a external port to a network'''
+ '''Returns status code of the VIM response'''
+ #TODO change to logging exception code policies
+ print("VIMConnector: Connecting external port to network")
+ payload_req = '{"port":{"network_id":"' + network_id + '"}}'
+ if admin:
+ if self.url_admin==None:
+ return -vimconn.HTTP_Unauthorized, "datacenter cannot contain admin URL"
+ url= self.url_admin
+ else:
+ url= self.url
+ try:
+ vim_response = requests.put(url +'/ports/'+port_id, headers = self.headers_req, data=payload_req)
+ except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
+ print("connect_port_network Exception: ", e.args)
+ return -vimconn.HTTP_Not_Found, str(e.args[0])
+ print(vim_response)
+ #print vim_response.status_code
+ if vim_response.status_code == 200:
+ #print vim_response.json()
+ #print json.dumps(vim_response.json(), indent=4)
+ res,http_content = self._format_in(vim_response, new_port_response_schema)
+ #print http_content
+ if res:
+ r = self._remove_extra_items(http_content, new_port_response_schema)
+ if r is not None: print("Warning: remove extra items ", r)
+ #print http_content
+ port_id = http_content['port']['id']
+ print("Port id: ",port_id)
+ return vim_response.status_code,port_id
+ else: return -vimconn.HTTP_Bad_Request,http_content
+ else:
+ print(vim_response.text)
+ jsonerror = self._format_jsonerror(vim_response)
+ text = 'Error in VIM "{}": not possible to connect external port to network. HTTP Response: {}.' \
+ ' Error: {}'.format(self.url_admin, vim_response.status_code, jsonerror)
+ print(text)
+ return -vim_response.status_code,text
--- /dev/null
+ ##
+ # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ # You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ #
+ # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ #
+ # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ # implied.
+ # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ # limitations under the License.
+ ##
+ requests
+ netaddr
--- /dev/null
-# Copyright 2016-2017 VMware Inc.
+ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ ##
- def new_network(self, net_name, net_type, ip_profile=None, shared=False, vlan=None):
++# Copyright 2016-2019 VMware Inc.
+ # This file is part of ETSI OSM
+ # All Rights Reserved.
+ #
+ # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+ # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+ # a copy of the License at
+ #
+ # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ #
+ # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+ # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+ # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ # under the License.
+ #
+ # For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
+ # contact: osslegalrouting@vmware.com
+ ##
+ """
+ vimconn_vmware implementation an Abstract class in order to interact with VMware vCloud Director.
+ mbayramov@vmware.com
+ """
+ from progressbar import Percentage, Bar, ETA, FileTransferSpeed, ProgressBar
+ from osm_ro import vimconn
+ import os
+ import shutil
+ import subprocess
+ import tempfile
+ import traceback
+ import itertools
+ import requests
+ import ssl
+ import atexit
+ from pyVmomi import vim, vmodl
+ from pyVim.connect import SmartConnect, Disconnect
+ from xml.etree import ElementTree as XmlElementTree
+ from lxml import etree as lxmlElementTree
+ import yaml
+ from pyvcloud.vcd.client import BasicLoginCredentials,Client,VcdTaskException
+ from pyvcloud.vcd.vdc import VDC
+ from pyvcloud.vcd.org import Org
+ import re
+ from pyvcloud.vcd.vapp import VApp
+ from xml.sax.saxutils import escape
+ import logging
+ import json
+ import time
+ import uuid
+ # import httplib
+ #For python3
+ #import http.client # TODO py3 check
+ import hashlib
+ import socket
+ import struct
+ import netaddr
+ import random
+ # global variable for vcd connector type
+ STANDALONE = 'standalone'
+ # key for flavor dicts
+ FLAVOR_RAM_KEY = 'ram'
+ FLAVOR_VCPUS_KEY = 'vcpus'
+ FLAVOR_DISK_KEY = 'disk'
+ DEFAULT_IP_PROFILE = {'dhcp_count':50,
+ 'dhcp_enabled':True,
+ 'ip_version':"IPv4"
+ }
+ # global variable for wait time
+ MAX_WAIT_TIME = 1800
+ API_VERSION = '27.0'
+ __author__ = "Mustafa Bayramov, Arpita Kate, Sachin Bhangare, Prakash Kasar"
+ __date__ = "$09-Mar-2018 11:09:29$"
+ __version__ = '0.2'
+ # -1: "Could not be created",
+ # 0: "Unresolved",
+ # 1: "Resolved",
+ # 2: "Deployed",
+ # 3: "Suspended",
+ # 4: "Powered on",
+ # 5: "Waiting for user input",
+ # 6: "Unknown state",
+ # 7: "Unrecognized state",
+ # 8: "Powered off",
+ # 9: "Inconsistent state",
+ # 10: "Children do not all have the same status",
+ # 11: "Upload initiated, OVF descriptor pending",
+ # 12: "Upload initiated, copying contents",
+ # 13: "Upload initiated , disk contents pending",
+ # 14: "Upload has been quarantined",
+ # 15: "Upload quarantine period has expired"
+ # mapping vCD status to MANO
+ vcdStatusCode2manoFormat = {4: 'ACTIVE',
+ 7: 'PAUSED',
+ 8: 'INACTIVE',
+ 12: 'BUILD',
+ -1: 'ERROR',
+ 14: 'DELETED'}
+ #
+ netStatus2manoFormat = {'ACTIVE': 'ACTIVE', 'PAUSED': 'PAUSED', 'INACTIVE': 'INACTIVE', 'BUILD': 'BUILD',
+ }
+ class vimconnector(vimconn.vimconnector):
+ # dict used to store flavor in memory
+ flavorlist = {}
+ def __init__(self, uuid=None, name=None, tenant_id=None, tenant_name=None,
+ url=None, url_admin=None, user=None, passwd=None, log_level=None, config={}, persistent_info={}):
+ """
+ Constructor create vmware connector to vCloud director.
+ By default construct doesn't validate connection state. So client can create object with None arguments.
+ If client specified username , password and host and VDC name. Connector initialize other missing attributes.
+ a) It initialize organization UUID
+ b) Initialize tenant_id/vdc ID. (This information derived from tenant name)
+ Args:
+ uuid - is organization uuid.
+ name - is organization name that must be presented in vCloud director.
+ tenant_id - is VDC uuid it must be presented in vCloud director
+ tenant_name - is VDC name.
+ url - is hostname or ip address of vCloud director
+ url_admin - same as above.
+ user - is user that administrator for organization. Caller must make sure that
+ username has right privileges.
+ password - is password for a user.
+ VMware connector also requires PVDC administrative privileges and separate account.
+ This variables must be passed via config argument dict contains keys
+ dict['admin_username']
+ dict['admin_password']
+ config - Provide NSX and vCenter information
+ Returns:
+ Nothing.
+ """
+ vimconn.vimconnector.__init__(self, uuid, name, tenant_id, tenant_name, url,
+ url_admin, user, passwd, log_level, config)
+ self.logger = logging.getLogger('openmano.vim.vmware')
+ self.logger.setLevel(10)
+ self.persistent_info = persistent_info
+ self.name = name
+ self.id = uuid
+ self.url = url
+ self.url_admin = url_admin
+ self.tenant_id = tenant_id
+ self.tenant_name = tenant_name
+ self.user = user
+ self.passwd = passwd
+ self.config = config
+ self.admin_password = None
+ self.admin_user = None
+ self.org_name = ""
+ self.nsx_manager = None
+ self.nsx_user = None
+ self.nsx_password = None
+ self.availability_zone = None
+ # Disable warnings from self-signed certificates.
+ requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings()
+ if tenant_name is not None:
+ orgnameandtenant = tenant_name.split(":")
+ if len(orgnameandtenant) == 2:
+ self.tenant_name = orgnameandtenant[1]
+ self.org_name = orgnameandtenant[0]
+ else:
+ self.tenant_name = tenant_name
+ if "orgname" in config:
+ self.org_name = config['orgname']
+ if log_level:
+ self.logger.setLevel(getattr(logging, log_level))
+ try:
+ self.admin_user = config['admin_username']
+ self.admin_password = config['admin_password']
+ except KeyError:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException(message="Error admin username or admin password is empty.")
+ try:
+ self.nsx_manager = config['nsx_manager']
+ self.nsx_user = config['nsx_user']
+ self.nsx_password = config['nsx_password']
+ except KeyError:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException(message="Error: nsx manager or nsx user or nsx password is empty in Config")
+ self.vcenter_ip = config.get("vcenter_ip", None)
+ self.vcenter_port = config.get("vcenter_port", None)
+ self.vcenter_user = config.get("vcenter_user", None)
+ self.vcenter_password = config.get("vcenter_password", None)
+ #Set availability zone for Affinity rules
+ self.availability_zone = self.set_availability_zones()
+ # ############# Stub code for SRIOV #################
+ # try:
+ # self.dvs_name = config['dv_switch_name']
+ # except KeyError:
+ # raise vimconn.vimconnException(message="Error: distributed virtaul switch name is empty in Config")
+ #
+ # self.vlanID_range = config.get("vlanID_range", None)
+ self.org_uuid = None
+ self.client = None
+ if not url:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException('url param can not be NoneType')
+ if not self.url_admin: # try to use normal url
+ self.url_admin = self.url
+ logging.debug("UUID: {} name: {} tenant_id: {} tenant name {}".format(self.id, self.org_name,
+ self.tenant_id, self.tenant_name))
+ logging.debug("vcd url {} vcd username: {} vcd password: {}".format(self.url, self.user, self.passwd))
+ logging.debug("vcd admin username {} vcd admin passowrd {}".format(self.admin_user, self.admin_password))
+ # initialize organization
+ if self.user is not None and self.passwd is not None and self.url:
+ self.init_organization()
+ def __getitem__(self, index):
+ if index == 'name':
+ return self.name
+ if index == 'tenant_id':
+ return self.tenant_id
+ if index == 'tenant_name':
+ return self.tenant_name
+ elif index == 'id':
+ return self.id
+ elif index == 'org_name':
+ return self.org_name
+ elif index == 'org_uuid':
+ return self.org_uuid
+ elif index == 'user':
+ return self.user
+ elif index == 'passwd':
+ return self.passwd
+ elif index == 'url':
+ return self.url
+ elif index == 'url_admin':
+ return self.url_admin
+ elif index == "config":
+ return self.config
+ else:
+ raise KeyError("Invalid key '{}'".format(index))
+ def __setitem__(self, index, value):
+ if index == 'name':
+ self.name = value
+ if index == 'tenant_id':
+ self.tenant_id = value
+ if index == 'tenant_name':
+ self.tenant_name = value
+ elif index == 'id':
+ self.id = value
+ elif index == 'org_name':
+ self.org_name = value
+ elif index == 'org_uuid':
+ self.org_uuid = value
+ elif index == 'user':
+ self.user = value
+ elif index == 'passwd':
+ self.passwd = value
+ elif index == 'url':
+ self.url = value
+ elif index == 'url_admin':
+ self.url_admin = value
+ else:
+ raise KeyError("Invalid key '{}'".format(index))
+ def connect_as_admin(self):
+ """ Method connect as pvdc admin user to vCloud director.
+ There are certain action that can be done only by provider vdc admin user.
+ Organization creation / provider network creation etc.
+ Returns:
+ The return client object that latter can be used to connect to vcloud director as admin for provider vdc
+ """
+ self.logger.debug("Logging into vCD {} as admin.".format(self.org_name))
+ try:
+ host = self.url
+ org = 'System'
+ client_as_admin = Client(host, verify_ssl_certs=False)
+ client_as_admin.set_highest_supported_version()
+ client_as_admin.set_credentials(BasicLoginCredentials(self.admin_user, org, self.admin_password))
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException(
+ "Can't connect to a vCloud director as: {} with exception {}".format(self.admin_user, e))
+ return client_as_admin
+ def connect(self):
+ """ Method connect as normal user to vCloud director.
+ Returns:
+ The return client object that latter can be used to connect to vCloud director as admin for VDC
+ """
+ try:
+ self.logger.debug("Logging into vCD {} as {} to datacenter {}.".format(self.org_name,
+ self.user,
+ self.org_name))
+ host = self.url
+ client = Client(host, verify_ssl_certs=False)
+ client.set_highest_supported_version()
+ client.set_credentials(BasicLoginCredentials(self.user, self.org_name, self.passwd))
+ except:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnConnectionException("Can't connect to a vCloud director org: "
+ "{} as user: {}".format(self.org_name, self.user))
+ return client
+ def init_organization(self):
+ """ Method initialize organization UUID and VDC parameters.
+ At bare minimum client must provide organization name that present in vCloud director and VDC.
+ The VDC - UUID ( tenant_id) will be initialized at the run time if client didn't call constructor.
+ The Org - UUID will be initialized at the run time if data center present in vCloud director.
+ Returns:
+ The return vca object that letter can be used to connect to vcloud direct as admin
+ """
+ client = self.connect()
+ if not client:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnConnectionException("Failed to connect vCD.")
+ self.client = client
+ try:
+ if self.org_uuid is None:
+ org_list = client.get_org_list()
+ for org in org_list.Org:
+ # we set org UUID at the init phase but we can do it only when we have valid credential.
+ if org.get('name') == self.org_name:
+ self.org_uuid = org.get('href').split('/')[-1]
+ self.logger.debug("Setting organization UUID {}".format(self.org_uuid))
+ break
+ else:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("Vcloud director organization {} not found".format(self.org_name))
+ # if well good we require for org details
+ org_details_dict = self.get_org(org_uuid=self.org_uuid)
+ # we have two case if we want to initialize VDC ID or VDC name at run time
+ # tenant_name provided but no tenant id
+ if self.tenant_id is None and self.tenant_name is not None and 'vdcs' in org_details_dict:
+ vdcs_dict = org_details_dict['vdcs']
+ for vdc in vdcs_dict:
+ if vdcs_dict[vdc] == self.tenant_name:
+ self.tenant_id = vdc
+ self.logger.debug("Setting vdc uuid {} for organization UUID {}".format(self.tenant_id,
+ self.org_name))
+ break
+ else:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("Tenant name indicated but not present in vcloud director.")
+ # case two we have tenant_id but we don't have tenant name so we find and set it.
+ if self.tenant_id is not None and self.tenant_name is None and 'vdcs' in org_details_dict:
+ vdcs_dict = org_details_dict['vdcs']
+ for vdc in vdcs_dict:
+ if vdc == self.tenant_id:
+ self.tenant_name = vdcs_dict[vdc]
+ self.logger.debug("Setting vdc uuid {} for organization UUID {}".format(self.tenant_id,
+ self.org_name))
+ break
+ else:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("Tenant id indicated but not present in vcloud director")
+ self.logger.debug("Setting organization uuid {}".format(self.org_uuid))
+ except:
+ self.logger.debug("Failed initialize organization UUID for org {}".format(self.org_name))
+ self.logger.debug(traceback.format_exc())
+ self.org_uuid = None
+ def new_tenant(self, tenant_name=None, tenant_description=None):
+ """ Method adds a new tenant to VIM with this name.
+ This action requires access to create VDC action in vCloud director.
+ Args:
+ tenant_name is tenant_name to be created.
+ tenant_description not used for this call
+ Return:
+ returns the tenant identifier in UUID format.
+ If action is failed method will throw vimconn.vimconnException method
+ """
+ vdc_task = self.create_vdc(vdc_name=tenant_name)
+ if vdc_task is not None:
+ vdc_uuid, value = vdc_task.popitem()
+ self.logger.info("Created new vdc {} and uuid: {}".format(tenant_name, vdc_uuid))
+ return vdc_uuid
+ else:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("Failed create tenant {}".format(tenant_name))
+ def delete_tenant(self, tenant_id=None):
+ """ Delete a tenant from VIM
+ Args:
+ tenant_id is tenant_id to be deleted.
+ Return:
+ returns the tenant identifier in UUID format.
+ If action is failed method will throw exception
+ """
+ vca = self.connect_as_admin()
+ if not vca:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnConnectionException("Failed to connect vCD")
+ if tenant_id is not None:
+ if vca._session:
+ #Get OrgVDC
+ url_list = [self.url, '/api/vdc/', tenant_id]
+ orgvdc_herf = ''.join(url_list)
+ headers = {'Accept':'application/*+xml;version=' + API_VERSION,
+ 'x-vcloud-authorization': vca._session.headers['x-vcloud-authorization']}
+ response = self.perform_request(req_type='GET',
+ url=orgvdc_herf,
+ headers=headers)
+ if response.status_code != requests.codes.ok:
+ self.logger.debug("delete_tenant():GET REST API call {} failed. "\
+ "Return status code {}".format(orgvdc_herf,
+ response.status_code))
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException("Fail to get tenant {}".format(tenant_id))
+ lxmlroot_respond = lxmlElementTree.fromstring(response.content)
+ namespaces = {prefix: uri for prefix, uri in lxmlroot_respond.nsmap.items() if prefix}
+ namespaces["xmlns"]= "http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/v1.5"
+ vdc_remove_href = lxmlroot_respond.find("xmlns:Link[@rel='remove']",namespaces).attrib['href']
+ vdc_remove_href = vdc_remove_href + '?recursive=true&force=true'
+ response = self.perform_request(req_type='DELETE',
+ url=vdc_remove_href,
+ headers=headers)
+ if response.status_code == 202:
+ time.sleep(5)
+ return tenant_id
+ else:
+ self.logger.debug("delete_tenant(): DELETE REST API call {} failed. "\
+ "Return status code {}".format(vdc_remove_href,
+ response.status_code))
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("Fail to delete tenant with ID {}".format(tenant_id))
+ else:
+ self.logger.debug("delete_tenant():Incorrect tenant ID {}".format(tenant_id))
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException("Fail to get tenant {}".format(tenant_id))
+ def get_tenant_list(self, filter_dict={}):
+ """Obtain tenants of VIM
+ filter_dict can contain the following keys:
+ name: filter by tenant name
+ id: filter by tenant uuid/id
+ <other VIM specific>
+ Returns the tenant list of dictionaries:
+ [{'name':'<name>, 'id':'<id>, ...}, ...]
+ """
+ org_dict = self.get_org(self.org_uuid)
+ vdcs_dict = org_dict['vdcs']
+ vdclist = []
+ try:
+ for k in vdcs_dict:
+ entry = {'name': vdcs_dict[k], 'id': k}
+ # if caller didn't specify dictionary we return all tenants.
+ if filter_dict is not None and filter_dict:
+ filtered_entry = entry.copy()
+ filtered_dict = set(entry.keys()) - set(filter_dict)
+ for unwanted_key in filtered_dict: del entry[unwanted_key]
+ if filter_dict == entry:
+ vdclist.append(filtered_entry)
+ else:
+ vdclist.append(entry)
+ except:
+ self.logger.debug("Error in get_tenant_list()")
+ self.logger.debug(traceback.format_exc())
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("Incorrect state. {}")
+ return vdclist
- 'vlan': in case of a data or ptp net_type, the intended vlan tag to be used for the network
++ def new_network(self, net_name, net_type, ip_profile=None, shared=False, provider_network_profile=None):
+ """Adds a tenant network to VIM
+ Params:
+ 'net_name': name of the network
+ 'net_type': one of:
+ 'bridge': overlay isolated network
+ 'data': underlay E-LAN network for Passthrough and SRIOV interfaces
+ 'ptp': underlay E-LINE network for Passthrough and SRIOV interfaces.
+ 'ip_profile': is a dict containing the IP parameters of the network
+ 'ip_version': can be "IPv4" or "IPv6" (Currently only IPv4 is implemented)
+ 'subnet_address': ip_prefix_schema, that is X.X.X.X/Y
+ 'gateway_address': (Optional) ip_schema, that is X.X.X.X
+ 'dns_address': (Optional) comma separated list of ip_schema, e.g. X.X.X.X[,X,X,X,X]
+ 'dhcp_enabled': True or False
+ 'dhcp_start_address': ip_schema, first IP to grant
+ 'dhcp_count': number of IPs to grant.
+ 'shared': if this network can be seen/use by other tenants/organization
- self.logger.debug("new_network tenant {} net_type {} ip_profile {} shared {}"
- .format(net_name, net_type, ip_profile, shared))
++ 'provider_network_profile': (optional) contains {segmentation-id: vlan, provider-network: vim_netowrk}
+ Returns a tuple with the network identifier and created_items, or raises an exception on error
+ created_items can be None or a dictionary where this method can include key-values that will be passed to
+ the method delete_network. Can be used to store created segments, created l2gw connections, etc.
+ Format is vimconnector dependent, but do not use nested dictionaries and a value of None should be the same
+ as not present.
+ """
- ip_profile=ip_profile, isshared=isshared)
++ self.logger.debug("new_network tenant {} net_type {} ip_profile {} shared {} provider_network_profile {}"
++ .format(net_name, net_type, ip_profile, shared, provider_network_profile))
++ vlan = None
++ if provider_network_profile:
++ vlan = provider_network_profile.get("segmentation-id")
+ created_items = {}
+ isshared = 'false'
+ if shared:
+ isshared = 'true'
+ # ############# Stub code for SRIOV #################
+ # if net_type == "data" or net_type == "ptp":
+ # if self.config.get('dv_switch_name') == None:
+ # raise vimconn.vimconnConflictException("You must provide 'dv_switch_name' at config value")
+ # network_uuid = self.create_dvPort_group(net_name)
++ parent_network_uuid = None
++ import traceback
++ traceback.print_stack()
++ if provider_network_profile is not None:
++ for k, v in provider_network_profile.items():
++ if k == 'physical_network':
++ parent_network_uuid = self.get_physical_network_by_name(v)
+ network_uuid = self.create_network(network_name=net_name, net_type=net_type,
++ ip_profile=ip_profile, isshared=isshared,
++ parent_network_uuid=parent_network_uuid)
+ if network_uuid is not None:
+ return network_uuid, created_items
+ else:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnUnexpectedResponse("Failed create a new network {}".format(net_name))
+ def get_vcd_network_list(self):
+ """ Method available organization for a logged in tenant
+ Returns:
+ The return vca object that letter can be used to connect to vcloud direct as admin
+ """
+ self.logger.debug("get_vcd_network_list(): retrieving network list for vcd {}".format(self.tenant_name))
+ if not self.tenant_name:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnConnectionException("Tenant name is empty.")
+ org, vdc = self.get_vdc_details()
+ if vdc is None:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnConnectionException("Can't retrieve information for a VDC {}".format(self.tenant_name))
+ vdc_uuid = vdc.get('id').split(":")[3]
+ if self.client._session:
+ headers = {'Accept':'application/*+xml;version=' + API_VERSION,
+ 'x-vcloud-authorization': self.client._session.headers['x-vcloud-authorization']}
+ response = self.perform_request(req_type='GET',
+ url=vdc.get('href'),
+ headers=headers)
+ if response.status_code != 200:
+ self.logger.error("Failed to get vdc content")
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException("Failed to get vdc content")
+ else:
+ content = XmlElementTree.fromstring(response.content)
+ network_list = []
+ try:
+ for item in content:
+ if item.tag.split('}')[-1] == 'AvailableNetworks':
+ for net in item:
+ response = self.perform_request(req_type='GET',
+ url=net.get('href'),
+ headers=headers)
+ if response.status_code != 200:
+ self.logger.error("Failed to get network content")
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException("Failed to get network content")
+ else:
+ net_details = XmlElementTree.fromstring(response.content)
+ filter_dict = {}
+ net_uuid = net_details.get('id').split(":")
+ if len(net_uuid) != 4:
+ continue
+ else:
+ net_uuid = net_uuid[3]
+ # create dict entry
+ self.logger.debug("get_vcd_network_list(): Adding network {} "
+ "to a list vcd id {} network {}".format(net_uuid,
+ vdc_uuid,
+ net_details.get('name')))
+ filter_dict["name"] = net_details.get('name')
+ filter_dict["id"] = net_uuid
+ if [i.text for i in net_details if i.tag.split('}')[-1] == 'IsShared'][0] == 'true':
+ shared = True
+ else:
+ shared = False
+ filter_dict["shared"] = shared
+ filter_dict["tenant_id"] = vdc_uuid
+ if int(net_details.get('status')) == 1:
+ filter_dict["admin_state_up"] = True
+ else:
+ filter_dict["admin_state_up"] = False
+ filter_dict["status"] = "ACTIVE"
+ filter_dict["type"] = "bridge"
+ network_list.append(filter_dict)
+ self.logger.debug("get_vcd_network_list adding entry {}".format(filter_dict))
+ except:
+ self.logger.debug("Error in get_vcd_network_list", exc_info=True)
+ pass
+ self.logger.debug("get_vcd_network_list returning {}".format(network_list))
+ return network_list
+ def get_network_list(self, filter_dict={}):
+ """Obtain tenant networks of VIM
+ Filter_dict can be:
+ name: network name OR/AND
+ id: network uuid OR/AND
+ shared: boolean OR/AND
+ tenant_id: tenant OR/AND
+ admin_state_up: boolean
+ status: 'ACTIVE'
+ [{key : value , key : value}]
+ Returns the network list of dictionaries:
+ [{<the fields at Filter_dict plus some VIM specific>}, ...]
+ List can be empty
+ """
+ self.logger.debug("get_network_list(): retrieving network list for vcd {}".format(self.tenant_name))
+ if not self.tenant_name:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnConnectionException("Tenant name is empty.")
+ org, vdc = self.get_vdc_details()
+ if vdc is None:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnConnectionException("Can't retrieve information for a VDC {}.".format(self.tenant_name))
+ try:
+ vdcid = vdc.get('id').split(":")[3]
+ if self.client._session:
+ headers = {'Accept':'application/*+xml;version=' + API_VERSION,
+ 'x-vcloud-authorization': self.client._session.headers['x-vcloud-authorization']}
+ response = self.perform_request(req_type='GET',
+ url=vdc.get('href'),
+ headers=headers)
+ if response.status_code != 200:
+ self.logger.error("Failed to get vdc content")
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException("Failed to get vdc content")
+ else:
+ content = XmlElementTree.fromstring(response.content)
+ network_list = []
+ for item in content:
+ if item.tag.split('}')[-1] == 'AvailableNetworks':
+ for net in item:
+ response = self.perform_request(req_type='GET',
+ url=net.get('href'),
+ headers=headers)
+ if response.status_code != 200:
+ self.logger.error("Failed to get network content")
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException("Failed to get network content")
+ else:
+ net_details = XmlElementTree.fromstring(response.content)
+ filter_entry = {}
+ net_uuid = net_details.get('id').split(":")
+ if len(net_uuid) != 4:
+ continue
+ else:
+ net_uuid = net_uuid[3]
+ # create dict entry
+ self.logger.debug("get_network_list(): Adding net {}"
+ " to a list vcd id {} network {}".format(net_uuid,
+ vdcid,
+ net_details.get('name')))
+ filter_entry["name"] = net_details.get('name')
+ filter_entry["id"] = net_uuid
+ if [i.text for i in net_details if i.tag.split('}')[-1] == 'IsShared'][0] == 'true':
+ shared = True
+ else:
+ shared = False
+ filter_entry["shared"] = shared
+ filter_entry["tenant_id"] = vdcid
+ if int(net_details.get('status')) == 1:
+ filter_entry["admin_state_up"] = True
+ else:
+ filter_entry["admin_state_up"] = False
+ filter_entry["status"] = "ACTIVE"
+ filter_entry["type"] = "bridge"
+ filtered_entry = filter_entry.copy()
+ if filter_dict is not None and filter_dict:
+ # we remove all the key : value we don't care and match only
+ # respected field
+ filtered_dict = set(filter_entry.keys()) - set(filter_dict)
+ for unwanted_key in filtered_dict: del filter_entry[unwanted_key]
+ if filter_dict == filter_entry:
+ network_list.append(filtered_entry)
+ else:
+ network_list.append(filtered_entry)
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.logger.debug("Error in get_network_list",exc_info=True)
+ if isinstance(e, vimconn.vimconnException):
+ raise
+ else:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException("Failed : Networks list not found {} ".format(e))
+ self.logger.debug("Returning {}".format(network_list))
+ return network_list
+ def get_network(self, net_id):
+ """Method obtains network details of net_id VIM network
+ Return a dict with the fields at filter_dict (see get_network_list) plus some VIM specific>}, ...]"""
+ try:
+ org, vdc = self.get_vdc_details()
+ vdc_id = vdc.get('id').split(":")[3]
+ if self.client._session:
+ headers = {'Accept':'application/*+xml;version=' + API_VERSION,
+ 'x-vcloud-authorization': self.client._session.headers['x-vcloud-authorization']}
+ response = self.perform_request(req_type='GET',
+ url=vdc.get('href'),
+ headers=headers)
+ if response.status_code != 200:
+ self.logger.error("Failed to get vdc content")
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException("Failed to get vdc content")
+ else:
+ content = XmlElementTree.fromstring(response.content)
+ filter_dict = {}
+ for item in content:
+ if item.tag.split('}')[-1] == 'AvailableNetworks':
+ for net in item:
+ response = self.perform_request(req_type='GET',
+ url=net.get('href'),
+ headers=headers)
+ if response.status_code != 200:
+ self.logger.error("Failed to get network content")
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException("Failed to get network content")
+ else:
+ net_details = XmlElementTree.fromstring(response.content)
+ vdc_network_id = net_details.get('id').split(":")
+ if len(vdc_network_id) == 4 and vdc_network_id[3] == net_id:
+ filter_dict["name"] = net_details.get('name')
+ filter_dict["id"] = vdc_network_id[3]
+ if [i.text for i in net_details if i.tag.split('}')[-1] == 'IsShared'][0] == 'true':
+ shared = True
+ else:
+ shared = False
+ filter_dict["shared"] = shared
+ filter_dict["tenant_id"] = vdc_id
+ if int(net_details.get('status')) == 1:
+ filter_dict["admin_state_up"] = True
+ else:
+ filter_dict["admin_state_up"] = False
+ filter_dict["status"] = "ACTIVE"
+ filter_dict["type"] = "bridge"
+ self.logger.debug("Returning {}".format(filter_dict))
+ return filter_dict
+ else:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException("Network {} not found".format(net_id))
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.logger.debug("Error in get_network")
+ self.logger.debug(traceback.format_exc())
+ if isinstance(e, vimconn.vimconnException):
+ raise
+ else:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException("Failed : Network not found {} ".format(e))
+ return filter_dict
+ def delete_network(self, net_id, created_items=None):
+ """
+ Removes a tenant network from VIM and its associated elements
+ :param net_id: VIM identifier of the network, provided by method new_network
+ :param created_items: dictionary with extra items to be deleted. provided by method new_network
+ Returns the network identifier or raises an exception upon error or when network is not found
+ """
+ # ############# Stub code for SRIOV #################
+ # dvport_group = self.get_dvport_group(net_id)
+ # if dvport_group:
+ # #delete portgroup
+ # status = self.destroy_dvport_group(net_id)
+ # if status:
+ # # Remove vlanID from persistent info
+ # if net_id in self.persistent_info["used_vlanIDs"]:
+ # del self.persistent_info["used_vlanIDs"][net_id]
+ #
+ # return net_id
+ vcd_network = self.get_vcd_network(network_uuid=net_id)
+ if vcd_network is not None and vcd_network:
+ if self.delete_network_action(network_uuid=net_id):
+ return net_id
+ else:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException("Network {} not found".format(net_id))
+ def refresh_nets_status(self, net_list):
+ """Get the status of the networks
+ Params: the list of network identifiers
+ Returns a dictionary with:
+ net_id: #VIM id of this network
+ status: #Mandatory. Text with one of:
+ # DELETED (not found at vim)
+ # VIM_ERROR (Cannot connect to VIM, VIM response error, ...)
+ # OTHER (Vim reported other status not understood)
+ # ERROR (VIM indicates an ERROR status)
+ # ACTIVE, INACTIVE, DOWN (admin down),
+ # BUILD (on building process)
+ #
+ error_msg: #Text with VIM error message, if any. Or the VIM connection ERROR
+ vim_info: #Text with plain information obtained from vim (yaml.safe_dump)
+ """
+ dict_entry = {}
+ try:
+ for net in net_list:
+ errormsg = ''
+ vcd_network = self.get_vcd_network(network_uuid=net)
+ if vcd_network is not None and vcd_network:
+ if vcd_network['status'] == '1':
+ status = 'ACTIVE'
+ else:
+ status = 'DOWN'
+ else:
+ status = 'DELETED'
+ errormsg = 'Network not found.'
+ dict_entry[net] = {'status': status, 'error_msg': errormsg,
+ 'vim_info': yaml.safe_dump(vcd_network)}
+ except:
+ self.logger.debug("Error in refresh_nets_status")
+ self.logger.debug(traceback.format_exc())
+ return dict_entry
+ def get_flavor(self, flavor_id):
+ """Obtain flavor details from the VIM
+ Returns the flavor dict details {'id':<>, 'name':<>, other vim specific } #TODO to concrete
+ """
+ if flavor_id not in vimconnector.flavorlist:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException("Flavor not found.")
+ return vimconnector.flavorlist[flavor_id]
+ def new_flavor(self, flavor_data):
+ """Adds a tenant flavor to VIM
+ flavor_data contains a dictionary with information, keys:
+ name: flavor name
+ ram: memory (cloud type) in MBytes
+ vpcus: cpus (cloud type)
+ extended: EPA parameters
+ - numas: #items requested in same NUMA
+ memory: number of 1G huge pages memory
+ paired-threads|cores|threads: number of paired hyperthreads, complete cores OR individual threads
+ interfaces: # passthrough(PT) or SRIOV interfaces attached to this numa
+ - name: interface name
+ dedicated: yes|no|yes:sriov; for PT, SRIOV or only one SRIOV for the physical NIC
+ bandwidth: X Gbps; requested guarantee bandwidth
+ vpci: requested virtual PCI address
+ disk: disk size
+ is_public:
+ #TODO to concrete
+ Returns the flavor identifier"""
+ # generate a new uuid put to internal dict and return it.
+ self.logger.debug("Creating new flavor - flavor_data: {}".format(flavor_data))
+ new_flavor=flavor_data
+ ram = flavor_data.get(FLAVOR_RAM_KEY, 1024)
+ cpu = flavor_data.get(FLAVOR_VCPUS_KEY, 1)
+ disk = flavor_data.get(FLAVOR_DISK_KEY, 0)
+ if not isinstance(ram, int):
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("Non-integer value for ram")
+ elif not isinstance(cpu, int):
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("Non-integer value for cpu")
+ elif not isinstance(disk, int):
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("Non-integer value for disk")
+ extended_flv = flavor_data.get("extended")
+ if extended_flv:
+ numas=extended_flv.get("numas")
+ if numas:
+ for numa in numas:
+ #overwrite ram and vcpus
+ if 'memory' in numa:
+ ram = numa['memory']*1024
+ if 'paired-threads' in numa:
+ cpu = numa['paired-threads']*2
+ elif 'cores' in numa:
+ cpu = numa['cores']
+ elif 'threads' in numa:
+ cpu = numa['threads']
+ new_flavor[FLAVOR_RAM_KEY] = ram
+ new_flavor[FLAVOR_VCPUS_KEY] = cpu
+ new_flavor[FLAVOR_DISK_KEY] = disk
+ # generate a new uuid put to internal dict and return it.
+ flavor_id = uuid.uuid4()
+ vimconnector.flavorlist[str(flavor_id)] = new_flavor
+ self.logger.debug("Created flavor - {} : {}".format(flavor_id, new_flavor))
+ return str(flavor_id)
+ def delete_flavor(self, flavor_id):
+ """Deletes a tenant flavor from VIM identify by its id
+ Returns the used id or raise an exception
+ """
+ if flavor_id not in vimconnector.flavorlist:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException("Flavor not found.")
+ vimconnector.flavorlist.pop(flavor_id, None)
+ return flavor_id
+ def new_image(self, image_dict):
+ """
+ Adds a tenant image to VIM
+ Returns:
+ 200, image-id if the image is created
+ <0, message if there is an error
+ """
+ return self.get_image_id_from_path(image_dict['location'])
+ def delete_image(self, image_id):
+ """
+ Deletes a tenant image from VIM
+ Args:
+ image_id is ID of Image to be deleted
+ Return:
+ returns the image identifier in UUID format or raises an exception on error
+ """
+ conn = self.connect_as_admin()
+ if not conn:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnConnectionException("Failed to connect vCD")
+ # Get Catalog details
+ url_list = [self.url, '/api/catalog/', image_id]
+ catalog_herf = ''.join(url_list)
+ headers = {'Accept':'application/*+xml;version=' + API_VERSION,
+ 'x-vcloud-authorization': conn._session.headers['x-vcloud-authorization']}
+ response = self.perform_request(req_type='GET',
+ url=catalog_herf,
+ headers=headers)
+ if response.status_code != requests.codes.ok:
+ self.logger.debug("delete_image():GET REST API call {} failed. "\
+ "Return status code {}".format(catalog_herf,
+ response.status_code))
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException("Fail to get image {}".format(image_id))
+ lxmlroot_respond = lxmlElementTree.fromstring(response.content)
+ namespaces = {prefix: uri for prefix, uri in lxmlroot_respond.nsmap.items() if prefix}
+ namespaces["xmlns"]= "http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/v1.5"
+ catalogItems_section = lxmlroot_respond.find("xmlns:CatalogItems",namespaces)
+ catalogItems = catalogItems_section.iterfind("xmlns:CatalogItem",namespaces)
+ for catalogItem in catalogItems:
+ catalogItem_href = catalogItem.attrib['href']
+ response = self.perform_request(req_type='GET',
+ url=catalogItem_href,
+ headers=headers)
+ if response.status_code != requests.codes.ok:
+ self.logger.debug("delete_image():GET REST API call {} failed. "\
+ "Return status code {}".format(catalog_herf,
+ response.status_code))
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException("Fail to get catalogItem {} for catalog {}".format(
+ catalogItem,
+ image_id))
+ lxmlroot_respond = lxmlElementTree.fromstring(response.content)
+ namespaces = {prefix: uri for prefix, uri in lxmlroot_respond.nsmap.items() if prefix}
+ namespaces["xmlns"]= "http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/v1.5"
+ catalogitem_remove_href = lxmlroot_respond.find("xmlns:Link[@rel='remove']",namespaces).attrib['href']
+ #Remove catalogItem
+ response = self.perform_request(req_type='DELETE',
+ url=catalogitem_remove_href,
+ headers=headers)
+ if response.status_code == requests.codes.no_content:
+ self.logger.debug("Deleted Catalog item {}".format(catalogItem))
+ else:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("Fail to delete Catalog Item {}".format(catalogItem))
+ #Remove catalog
+ url_list = [self.url, '/api/admin/catalog/', image_id]
+ catalog_remove_herf = ''.join(url_list)
+ response = self.perform_request(req_type='DELETE',
+ url=catalog_remove_herf,
+ headers=headers)
+ if response.status_code == requests.codes.no_content:
+ self.logger.debug("Deleted Catalog {}".format(image_id))
+ return image_id
+ else:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("Fail to delete Catalog {}".format(image_id))
+ def catalog_exists(self, catalog_name, catalogs):
+ """
+ :param catalog_name:
+ :param catalogs:
+ :return:
+ """
+ for catalog in catalogs:
+ if catalog['name'] == catalog_name:
+ return catalog['id']
+ def create_vimcatalog(self, vca=None, catalog_name=None):
+ """ Create new catalog entry in vCloud director.
+ Args
+ vca: vCloud director.
+ catalog_name catalog that client wish to create. Note no validation done for a name.
+ Client must make sure that provide valid string representation.
+ Returns catalog id if catalog created else None.
+ """
+ try:
+ lxml_catalog_element = vca.create_catalog(catalog_name, catalog_name)
+ if lxml_catalog_element:
+ id_attr_value = lxml_catalog_element.get('id') # 'urn:vcloud:catalog:7490d561-d384-4dac-8229-3575fd1fc7b4'
+ return id_attr_value.split(':')[-1]
+ catalogs = vca.list_catalogs()
+ except Exception as ex:
+ self.logger.error(
+ 'create_vimcatalog(): Creation of catalog "{}" failed with error: {}'.format(catalog_name, ex))
+ raise
+ return self.catalog_exists(catalog_name, catalogs)
+ # noinspection PyIncorrectDocstring
+ def upload_ovf(self, vca=None, catalog_name=None, image_name=None, media_file_name=None,
+ description='', progress=False, chunk_bytes=128 * 1024):
+ """
+ Uploads a OVF file to a vCloud catalog
+ :param chunk_bytes:
+ :param progress:
+ :param description:
+ :param image_name:
+ :param vca:
+ :param catalog_name: (str): The name of the catalog to upload the media.
+ :param media_file_name: (str): The name of the local media file to upload.
+ :return: (bool) True if the media file was successfully uploaded, false otherwise.
+ """
+ os.path.isfile(media_file_name)
+ statinfo = os.stat(media_file_name)
+ # find a catalog entry where we upload OVF.
+ # create vApp Template and check the status if vCD able to read OVF it will respond with appropirate
+ # status change.
+ # if VCD can parse OVF we upload VMDK file
+ try:
+ for catalog in vca.list_catalogs():
+ if catalog_name != catalog['name']:
+ continue
+ catalog_href = "{}/api/catalog/{}/action/upload".format(self.url, catalog['id'])
+ data = """
+ <UploadVAppTemplateParams name="{}" xmlns="http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/v1.5" xmlns:ovf="http://schemas.dmtf.org/ovf/envelope/1"><Description>{} vApp Template</Description></UploadVAppTemplateParams>
+ """.format(catalog_name, description)
+ if self.client:
+ headers = {'Accept':'application/*+xml;version=' + API_VERSION,
+ 'x-vcloud-authorization': self.client._session.headers['x-vcloud-authorization']}
+ headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.uploadVAppTemplateParams+xml'
+ response = self.perform_request(req_type='POST',
+ url=catalog_href,
+ headers=headers,
+ data=data)
+ if response.status_code == requests.codes.created:
+ catalogItem = XmlElementTree.fromstring(response.content)
+ entity = [child for child in catalogItem if
+ child.get("type") == "application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.vAppTemplate+xml"][0]
+ href = entity.get('href')
+ template = href
+ response = self.perform_request(req_type='GET',
+ url=href,
+ headers=headers)
+ if response.status_code == requests.codes.ok:
+ headers['Content-Type'] = 'Content-Type text/xml'
+ result = re.search('rel="upload:default"\shref="(.*?\/descriptor.ovf)"',response.content)
+ if result:
+ transfer_href = result.group(1)
+ response = self.perform_request(req_type='PUT',
+ url=transfer_href,
+ headers=headers,
+ data=open(media_file_name, 'rb'))
+ if response.status_code != requests.codes.ok:
+ self.logger.debug(
+ "Failed create vApp template for catalog name {} and image {}".format(catalog_name,
+ media_file_name))
+ return False
+ # TODO fix this with aync block
+ time.sleep(5)
+ self.logger.debug("vApp template for catalog name {} and image {}".format(catalog_name, media_file_name))
+ # uploading VMDK file
+ # check status of OVF upload and upload remaining files.
+ response = self.perform_request(req_type='GET',
+ url=template,
+ headers=headers)
+ if response.status_code == requests.codes.ok:
+ result = re.search('rel="upload:default"\s*href="(.*?vmdk)"',response.content)
+ if result:
+ link_href = result.group(1)
+ # we skip ovf since it already uploaded.
+ if 'ovf' in link_href:
+ continue
+ # The OVF file and VMDK must be in a same directory
+ head, tail = os.path.split(media_file_name)
+ file_vmdk = head + '/' + link_href.split("/")[-1]
+ if not os.path.isfile(file_vmdk):
+ return False
+ statinfo = os.stat(file_vmdk)
+ if statinfo.st_size == 0:
+ return False
+ hrefvmdk = link_href
+ if progress:
+ widgets = ['Uploading file: ', Percentage(), ' ', Bar(), ' ', ETA(), ' ',
+ FileTransferSpeed()]
+ progress_bar = ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=statinfo.st_size).start()
+ bytes_transferred = 0
+ f = open(file_vmdk, 'rb')
+ while bytes_transferred < statinfo.st_size:
+ my_bytes = f.read(chunk_bytes)
+ if len(my_bytes) <= chunk_bytes:
+ headers['Content-Range'] = 'bytes {}-{}/{}'.format(
+ bytes_transferred, len(my_bytes) - 1, statinfo.st_size)
+ headers['Content-Length'] = str(len(my_bytes))
+ response = requests.put(url=hrefvmdk,
+ headers=headers,
+ data=my_bytes,
+ verify=False)
+ if response.status_code == requests.codes.ok:
+ bytes_transferred += len(my_bytes)
+ if progress:
+ progress_bar.update(bytes_transferred)
+ else:
+ self.logger.debug(
+ 'file upload failed with error: [{}] {}'.format(response.status_code,
+ response.content))
+ f.close()
+ return False
+ f.close()
+ if progress:
+ progress_bar.finish()
+ time.sleep(10)
+ return True
+ else:
+ self.logger.debug("Failed retrieve vApp template for catalog name {} for OVF {}".
+ format(catalog_name, media_file_name))
+ return False
+ except Exception as exp:
+ self.logger.debug("Failed while uploading OVF to catalog {} for OVF file {} with Exception {}"
+ .format(catalog_name,media_file_name, exp))
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException(
+ "Failed while uploading OVF to catalog {} for OVF file {} with Exception {}"
+ .format(catalog_name,media_file_name, exp))
+ self.logger.debug("Failed retrieve catalog name {} for OVF file {}".format(catalog_name, media_file_name))
+ return False
+ def upload_vimimage(self, vca=None, catalog_name=None, media_name=None, medial_file_name=None, progress=False):
+ """Upload media file"""
+ # TODO add named parameters for readability
+ return self.upload_ovf(vca=vca, catalog_name=catalog_name, image_name=media_name.split(".")[0],
+ media_file_name=medial_file_name, description='medial_file_name', progress=progress)
+ def validate_uuid4(self, uuid_string=None):
+ """ Method validate correct format of UUID.
+ Return: true if string represent valid uuid
+ """
+ try:
+ val = uuid.UUID(uuid_string, version=4)
+ except ValueError:
+ return False
+ return True
+ def get_catalogid(self, catalog_name=None, catalogs=None):
+ """ Method check catalog and return catalog ID in UUID format.
+ Args
+ catalog_name: catalog name as string
+ catalogs: list of catalogs.
+ Return: catalogs uuid
+ """
+ for catalog in catalogs:
+ if catalog['name'] == catalog_name:
+ catalog_id = catalog['id']
+ return catalog_id
+ return None
+ def get_catalogbyid(self, catalog_uuid=None, catalogs=None):
+ """ Method check catalog and return catalog name lookup done by catalog UUID.
+ Args
+ catalog_name: catalog name as string
+ catalogs: list of catalogs.
+ Return: catalogs name or None
+ """
+ if not self.validate_uuid4(uuid_string=catalog_uuid):
+ return None
+ for catalog in catalogs:
+ catalog_id = catalog.get('id')
+ if catalog_id == catalog_uuid:
+ return catalog.get('name')
+ return None
+ def get_catalog_obj(self, catalog_uuid=None, catalogs=None):
+ """ Method check catalog and return catalog name lookup done by catalog UUID.
+ Args
+ catalog_name: catalog name as string
+ catalogs: list of catalogs.
+ Return: catalogs name or None
+ """
+ if not self.validate_uuid4(uuid_string=catalog_uuid):
+ return None
+ for catalog in catalogs:
+ catalog_id = catalog.get('id')
+ if catalog_id == catalog_uuid:
+ return catalog
+ return None
+ def get_image_id_from_path(self, path=None, progress=False):
+ """ Method upload OVF image to vCloud director.
+ Each OVF image represented as single catalog entry in vcloud director.
+ The method check for existing catalog entry. The check done by file name without file extension.
+ if given catalog name already present method will respond with existing catalog uuid otherwise
+ it will create new catalog entry and upload OVF file to newly created catalog.
+ If method can't create catalog entry or upload a file it will throw exception.
+ Method accept boolean flag progress that will output progress bar. It useful method
+ for standalone upload use case. In case to test large file upload.
+ Args
+ path: - valid path to OVF file.
+ progress - boolean progress bar show progress bar.
+ Return: if image uploaded correct method will provide image catalog UUID.
+ """
+ if not path:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("Image path can't be None.")
+ if not os.path.isfile(path):
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("Can't read file. File not found.")
+ if not os.access(path, os.R_OK):
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("Can't read file. Check file permission to read.")
+ self.logger.debug("get_image_id_from_path() client requesting {} ".format(path))
+ dirpath, filename = os.path.split(path)
+ flname, file_extension = os.path.splitext(path)
+ if file_extension != '.ovf':
+ self.logger.debug("Wrong file extension {} connector support only OVF container.".format(file_extension))
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("Wrong container. vCloud director supports only OVF.")
+ catalog_name = os.path.splitext(filename)[0]
+ catalog_md5_name = hashlib.md5(path).hexdigest()
+ self.logger.debug("File name {} Catalog Name {} file path {} "
+ "vdc catalog name {}".format(filename, catalog_name, path, catalog_md5_name))
+ try:
+ org,vdc = self.get_vdc_details()
+ catalogs = org.list_catalogs()
+ except Exception as exp:
+ self.logger.debug("Failed get catalogs() with Exception {} ".format(exp))
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("Failed get catalogs() with Exception {} ".format(exp))
+ if len(catalogs) == 0:
+ self.logger.info("Creating a new catalog entry {} in vcloud director".format(catalog_name))
+ if self.create_vimcatalog(org, catalog_md5_name) is None:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("Failed create new catalog {} ".format(catalog_md5_name))
+ result = self.upload_vimimage(vca=org, catalog_name=catalog_md5_name,
+ media_name=filename, medial_file_name=path, progress=progress)
+ if not result:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("Failed create vApp template for catalog {} ".format(catalog_name))
+ return self.get_catalogid(catalog_name, catalogs)
+ else:
+ for catalog in catalogs:
+ # search for existing catalog if we find same name we return ID
+ # TODO optimize this
+ if catalog['name'] == catalog_md5_name:
+ self.logger.debug("Found existing catalog entry for {} "
+ "catalog id {}".format(catalog_name,
+ self.get_catalogid(catalog_md5_name, catalogs)))
+ return self.get_catalogid(catalog_md5_name, catalogs)
+ # if we didn't find existing catalog we create a new one and upload image.
+ self.logger.debug("Creating new catalog entry {} - {}".format(catalog_name, catalog_md5_name))
+ if self.create_vimcatalog(org, catalog_md5_name) is None:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("Failed create new catalog {} ".format(catalog_md5_name))
+ result = self.upload_vimimage(vca=org, catalog_name=catalog_md5_name,
+ media_name=filename, medial_file_name=path, progress=progress)
+ if not result:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("Failed create vApp template for catalog {} ".format(catalog_md5_name))
+ return self.get_catalogid(catalog_md5_name, org.list_catalogs())
+ def get_image_list(self, filter_dict={}):
+ '''Obtain tenant images from VIM
+ Filter_dict can be:
+ name: image name
+ id: image uuid
+ checksum: image checksum
+ location: image path
+ Returns the image list of dictionaries:
+ [{<the fields at Filter_dict plus some VIM specific>}, ...]
+ List can be empty
+ '''
+ try:
+ org, vdc = self.get_vdc_details()
+ image_list = []
+ catalogs = org.list_catalogs()
+ if len(catalogs) == 0:
+ return image_list
+ else:
+ for catalog in catalogs:
+ catalog_uuid = catalog.get('id')
+ name = catalog.get('name')
+ filtered_dict = {}
+ if filter_dict.get("name") and filter_dict["name"] != name:
+ continue
+ if filter_dict.get("id") and filter_dict["id"] != catalog_uuid:
+ continue
+ filtered_dict ["name"] = name
+ filtered_dict ["id"] = catalog_uuid
+ image_list.append(filtered_dict)
+ self.logger.debug("List of already created catalog items: {}".format(image_list))
+ return image_list
+ except Exception as exp:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("Exception occured while retriving catalog items {}".format(exp))
+ def get_vappid(self, vdc=None, vapp_name=None):
+ """ Method takes vdc object and vApp name and returns vapp uuid or None
+ Args:
+ vdc: The VDC object.
+ vapp_name: is application vappp name identifier
+ Returns:
+ The return vApp name otherwise None
+ """
+ if vdc is None or vapp_name is None:
+ return None
+ # UUID has following format https://host/api/vApp/vapp-30da58a3-e7c7-4d09-8f68-d4c8201169cf
+ try:
+ refs = [ref for ref in vdc.ResourceEntities.ResourceEntity \
+ if ref.name == vapp_name and ref.type_ == 'application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.vApp+xml']
+ if len(refs) == 1:
+ return refs[0].href.split("vapp")[1][1:]
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.logger.exception(e)
+ return False
+ return None
+ def check_vapp(self, vdc=None, vapp_uuid=None):
+ """ Method Method returns True or False if vapp deployed in vCloud director
+ Args:
+ vca: Connector to VCA
+ vdc: The VDC object.
+ vappid: vappid is application identifier
+ Returns:
+ The return True if vApp deployed
+ :param vdc:
+ :param vapp_uuid:
+ """
+ try:
+ refs = [ref for ref in vdc.ResourceEntities.ResourceEntity\
+ if ref.type_ == 'application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.vApp+xml']
+ for ref in refs:
+ vappid = ref.href.split("vapp")[1][1:]
+ # find vapp with respected vapp uuid
+ if vappid == vapp_uuid:
+ return True
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.logger.exception(e)
+ return False
+ return False
+ def get_namebyvappid(self, vapp_uuid=None):
+ """Method returns vApp name from vCD and lookup done by vapp_id.
+ Args:
+ vapp_uuid: vappid is application identifier
+ Returns:
+ The return vApp name otherwise None
+ """
+ try:
+ if self.client and vapp_uuid:
+ vapp_call = "{}/api/vApp/vapp-{}".format(self.url, vapp_uuid)
+ headers = {'Accept':'application/*+xml;version=' + API_VERSION,
+ 'x-vcloud-authorization': self.client._session.headers['x-vcloud-authorization']}
+ response = self.perform_request(req_type='GET',
+ url=vapp_call,
+ headers=headers)
+ #Retry login if session expired & retry sending request
+ if response.status_code == 403:
+ response = self.retry_rest('GET', vapp_call)
+ tree = XmlElementTree.fromstring(response.content)
+ return tree.attrib['name']
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.logger.exception(e)
+ return None
+ return None
+ def new_vminstance(self, name=None, description="", start=False, image_id=None, flavor_id=None, net_list=[],
+ cloud_config=None, disk_list=None, availability_zone_index=None, availability_zone_list=None):
+ """Adds a VM instance to VIM
+ Params:
+ 'start': (boolean) indicates if VM must start or created in pause mode.
+ 'image_id','flavor_id': image and flavor VIM id to use for the VM
+ 'net_list': list of interfaces, each one is a dictionary with:
+ 'name': (optional) name for the interface.
+ 'net_id': VIM network id where this interface must be connect to. Mandatory for type==virtual
+ 'vpci': (optional) virtual vPCI address to assign at the VM. Can be ignored depending on VIM capabilities
+ 'model': (optional and only have sense for type==virtual) interface model: virtio, e1000, ...
+ 'mac_address': (optional) mac address to assign to this interface
+ #TODO: CHECK if an optional 'vlan' parameter is needed for VIMs when type if VF and net_id is not provided,
+ the VLAN tag to be used. In case net_id is provided, the internal network vlan is used for tagging VF
+ 'type': (mandatory) can be one of:
+ 'virtual', in this case always connected to a network of type 'net_type=bridge'
+ 'PCI-PASSTHROUGH' or 'PF' (passthrough): depending on VIM capabilities it can be connected to a data/ptp network ot it
+ can created unconnected
+ 'SR-IOV' or 'VF' (SRIOV with VLAN tag): same as PF for network connectivity.
+ 'VFnotShared'(SRIOV without VLAN tag) same as PF for network connectivity. VF where no other VFs
+ are allocated on the same physical NIC
+ 'bw': (optional) only for PF/VF/VFnotShared. Minimal Bandwidth required for the interface in GBPS
+ 'port_security': (optional) If False it must avoid any traffic filtering at this interface. If missing
+ or True, it must apply the default VIM behaviour
+ After execution the method will add the key:
+ 'vim_id': must be filled/added by this method with the VIM identifier generated by the VIM for this
+ interface. 'net_list' is modified
+ 'cloud_config': (optional) dictionary with:
+ 'key-pairs': (optional) list of strings with the public key to be inserted to the default user
+ 'users': (optional) list of users to be inserted, each item is a dict with:
+ 'name': (mandatory) user name,
+ 'key-pairs': (optional) list of strings with the public key to be inserted to the user
+ 'user-data': (optional) can be a string with the text script to be passed directly to cloud-init,
+ or a list of strings, each one contains a script to be passed, usually with a MIMEmultipart file
+ 'config-files': (optional). List of files to be transferred. Each item is a dict with:
+ 'dest': (mandatory) string with the destination absolute path
+ 'encoding': (optional, by default text). Can be one of:
+ 'b64', 'base64', 'gz', 'gz+b64', 'gz+base64', 'gzip+b64', 'gzip+base64'
+ 'content' (mandatory): string with the content of the file
+ 'permissions': (optional) string with file permissions, typically octal notation '0644'
+ 'owner': (optional) file owner, string with the format 'owner:group'
+ 'boot-data-drive': boolean to indicate if user-data must be passed using a boot drive (hard disk)
+ 'disk_list': (optional) list with additional disks to the VM. Each item is a dict with:
+ 'image_id': (optional). VIM id of an existing image. If not provided an empty disk must be mounted
+ 'size': (mandatory) string with the size of the disk in GB
+ availability_zone_index: Index of availability_zone_list to use for this this VM. None if not AV required
+ availability_zone_list: list of availability zones given by user in the VNFD descriptor. Ignore if
+ availability_zone_index is None
+ Returns a tuple with the instance identifier and created_items or raises an exception on error
+ created_items can be None or a dictionary where this method can include key-values that will be passed to
+ the method delete_vminstance and action_vminstance. Can be used to store created ports, volumes, etc.
+ Format is vimconnector dependent, but do not use nested dictionaries and a value of None should be the same
+ as not present.
+ """
+ self.logger.info("Creating new instance for entry {}".format(name))
+ self.logger.debug("desc {} boot {} image_id: {} flavor_id: {} net_list: {} cloud_config {} disk_list {} "\
+ "availability_zone_index {} availability_zone_list {}"\
+ .format(description, start, image_id, flavor_id, net_list, cloud_config, disk_list,\
+ availability_zone_index, availability_zone_list))
+ #new vm name = vmname + tenant_id + uuid
+ new_vm_name = [name, '-', str(uuid.uuid4())]
+ vmname_andid = ''.join(new_vm_name)
+ for net in net_list:
+ if net['type'] == "PCI-PASSTHROUGH":
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotSupportedException(
+ "Current vCD version does not support type : {}".format(net['type']))
+ if len(net_list) > 10:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotSupportedException(
+ "The VM hardware versions 7 and above support upto 10 NICs only")
+ # if vm already deployed we return existing uuid
+ # we check for presence of VDC, Catalog entry and Flavor.
+ org, vdc = self.get_vdc_details()
+ if vdc is None:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException(
+ "new_vminstance(): Failed create vApp {}: (Failed retrieve VDC information)".format(name))
+ catalogs = org.list_catalogs()
+ if catalogs is None:
+ #Retry once, if failed by refreshing token
+ self.get_token()
+ org = Org(self.client, resource=self.client.get_org())
+ catalogs = org.list_catalogs()
+ if catalogs is None:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException(
+ "new_vminstance(): Failed create vApp {}: (Failed retrieve catalogs list)".format(name))
+ catalog_hash_name = self.get_catalogbyid(catalog_uuid=image_id, catalogs=catalogs)
+ if catalog_hash_name:
+ self.logger.info("Found catalog entry {} for image id {}".format(catalog_hash_name, image_id))
+ else:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException("new_vminstance(): Failed create vApp {}: "
+ "(Failed retrieve catalog information {})".format(name, image_id))
+ # Set vCPU and Memory based on flavor.
+ vm_cpus = None
+ vm_memory = None
+ vm_disk = None
+ numas = None
+ if flavor_id is not None:
+ if flavor_id not in vimconnector.flavorlist:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException("new_vminstance(): Failed create vApp {}: "
+ "Failed retrieve flavor information "
+ "flavor id {}".format(name, flavor_id))
+ else:
+ try:
+ flavor = vimconnector.flavorlist[flavor_id]
+ vm_cpus = flavor[FLAVOR_VCPUS_KEY]
+ vm_memory = flavor[FLAVOR_RAM_KEY]
+ vm_disk = flavor[FLAVOR_DISK_KEY]
+ extended = flavor.get("extended", None)
+ if extended:
+ numas=extended.get("numas", None)
+ except Exception as exp:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("Corrupted flavor. {}.Exception: {}".format(flavor_id, exp))
+ # image upload creates template name as catalog name space Template.
+ templateName = self.get_catalogbyid(catalog_uuid=image_id, catalogs=catalogs)
+ power_on = 'false'
+ if start:
+ power_on = 'true'
+ # client must provide at least one entry in net_list if not we report error
+ #If net type is mgmt, then configure it as primary net & use its NIC index as primary NIC
+ #If no mgmt, then the 1st NN in netlist is considered as primary net.
+ primary_net = None
+ primary_netname = None
+ primary_net_href = None
+ network_mode = 'bridged'
+ if net_list is not None and len(net_list) > 0:
+ for net in net_list:
+ if 'use' in net and net['use'] == 'mgmt' and not primary_net:
+ primary_net = net
+ if primary_net is None:
+ primary_net = net_list[0]
+ try:
+ primary_net_id = primary_net['net_id']
+ url_list = [self.url, '/api/network/', primary_net_id]
+ primary_net_href = ''.join(url_list)
+ network_dict = self.get_vcd_network(network_uuid=primary_net_id)
+ if 'name' in network_dict:
+ primary_netname = network_dict['name']
+ except KeyError:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("Corrupted flavor. {}".format(primary_net))
+ else:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnUnexpectedResponse("new_vminstance(): Failed network list is empty.".format(name))
+ # use: 'data', 'bridge', 'mgmt'
+ # create vApp. Set vcpu and ram based on flavor id.
+ try:
+ vdc_obj = VDC(self.client, resource=org.get_vdc(self.tenant_name))
+ if not vdc_obj:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException("new_vminstance(): Failed to get VDC object")
+ for retry in (1,2):
+ items = org.get_catalog_item(catalog_hash_name, catalog_hash_name)
+ catalog_items = [items.attrib]
+ if len(catalog_items) == 1:
+ if self.client:
+ headers = {'Accept':'application/*+xml;version=' + API_VERSION,
+ 'x-vcloud-authorization': self.client._session.headers['x-vcloud-authorization']}
+ response = self.perform_request(req_type='GET',
+ url=catalog_items[0].get('href'),
+ headers=headers)
+ catalogItem = XmlElementTree.fromstring(response.content)
+ entity = [child for child in catalogItem if child.get("type") == "application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.vAppTemplate+xml"][0]
+ vapp_tempalte_href = entity.get("href")
+ response = self.perform_request(req_type='GET',
+ url=vapp_tempalte_href,
+ headers=headers)
+ if response.status_code != requests.codes.ok:
+ self.logger.debug("REST API call {} failed. Return status code {}".format(vapp_tempalte_href,
+ response.status_code))
+ else:
+ result = (response.content).replace("\n"," ")
+ vapp_template_tree = XmlElementTree.fromstring(response.content)
+ children_element = [child for child in vapp_template_tree if 'Children' in child.tag][0]
+ vm_element = [child for child in children_element if 'Vm' in child.tag][0]
+ vm_name = vm_element.get('name')
+ vm_id = vm_element.get('id')
+ vm_href = vm_element.get('href')
+ cpus = re.search('<rasd:Description>Number of Virtual CPUs</.*?>(\d+)</rasd:VirtualQuantity>',result).group(1)
+ memory_mb = re.search('<rasd:Description>Memory Size</.*?>(\d+)</rasd:VirtualQuantity>',result).group(1)
+ cores = re.search('<vmw:CoresPerSocket ovf:required.*?>(\d+)</vmw:CoresPerSocket>',result).group(1)
+ headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.instantiateVAppTemplateParams+xml'
+ vdc_id = vdc.get('id').split(':')[-1]
+ instantiate_vapp_href = "{}/api/vdc/{}/action/instantiateVAppTemplate".format(self.url,
+ vdc_id)
+ data = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ <InstantiateVAppTemplateParams
+ xmlns="http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/v1.5"
+ name="{}"
+ deploy="false"
+ powerOn="false"
+ xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
+ xmlns:ovf="http://schemas.dmtf.org/ovf/envelope/1">
+ <Description>Vapp instantiation</Description>
+ <InstantiationParams>
+ <NetworkConfigSection>
+ <ovf:Info>Configuration parameters for logical networks</ovf:Info>
+ <NetworkConfig networkName="{}">
+ <Configuration>
+ <ParentNetwork href="{}" />
+ <FenceMode>bridged</FenceMode>
+ </Configuration>
+ </NetworkConfig>
+ </NetworkConfigSection>
+ <LeaseSettingsSection
+ type="application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.leaseSettingsSection+xml">
+ <ovf:Info>Lease Settings</ovf:Info>
+ <StorageLeaseInSeconds>172800</StorageLeaseInSeconds>
+ <StorageLeaseExpiration>2014-04-25T08:08:16.438-07:00</StorageLeaseExpiration>
+ </LeaseSettingsSection>
+ </InstantiationParams>
+ <Source href="{}"/>
+ <SourcedItem>
+ <Source href="{}" id="{}" name="{}"
+ type="application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.vm+xml"/>
+ <VmGeneralParams>
+ <NeedsCustomization>false</NeedsCustomization>
+ </VmGeneralParams>
+ <InstantiationParams>
+ <NetworkConnectionSection>
+ <ovf:Info>Specifies the available VM network connections</ovf:Info>
+ <NetworkConnection network="{}">
+ <NetworkConnectionIndex>0</NetworkConnectionIndex>
+ <IsConnected>true</IsConnected>
+ <IpAddressAllocationMode>DHCP</IpAddressAllocationMode>
+ </NetworkConnection>
+ </NetworkConnectionSection><ovf:VirtualHardwareSection>
+ <ovf:Info>Virtual hardware requirements</ovf:Info>
+ <ovf:Item xmlns:rasd="http://schemas.dmtf.org/wbem/wscim/1/cim-schema/2/CIM_ResourceAllocationSettingData"
+ xmlns:vmw="http://www.vmware.com/schema/ovf">
+ <rasd:AllocationUnits>hertz * 10^6</rasd:AllocationUnits>
+ <rasd:Description>Number of Virtual CPUs</rasd:Description>
+ <rasd:ElementName xmlns:py="http://codespeak.net/lxml/objectify/pytype" py:pytype="str">{cpu} virtual CPU(s)</rasd:ElementName>
+ <rasd:InstanceID>4</rasd:InstanceID>
+ <rasd:Reservation>0</rasd:Reservation>
+ <rasd:ResourceType>3</rasd:ResourceType>
+ <rasd:VirtualQuantity xmlns:py="http://codespeak.net/lxml/objectify/pytype" py:pytype="int">{cpu}</rasd:VirtualQuantity>
+ <rasd:Weight>0</rasd:Weight>
+ <vmw:CoresPerSocket ovf:required="false">{core}</vmw:CoresPerSocket>
+ </ovf:Item><ovf:Item xmlns:rasd="http://schemas.dmtf.org/wbem/wscim/1/cim-schema/2/CIM_ResourceAllocationSettingData">
+ <rasd:AllocationUnits>byte * 2^20</rasd:AllocationUnits>
+ <rasd:Description>Memory Size</rasd:Description>
+ <rasd:ElementName xmlns:py="http://codespeak.net/lxml/objectify/pytype" py:pytype="str">{memory} MB of memory</rasd:ElementName>
+ <rasd:InstanceID>5</rasd:InstanceID>
+ <rasd:Reservation>0</rasd:Reservation>
+ <rasd:ResourceType>4</rasd:ResourceType>
+ <rasd:VirtualQuantity xmlns:py="http://codespeak.net/lxml/objectify/pytype" py:pytype="int">{memory}</rasd:VirtualQuantity>
+ <rasd:Weight>0</rasd:Weight>
+ </ovf:Item>
+ </ovf:VirtualHardwareSection>
+ </InstantiationParams>
+ </SourcedItem>
+ <AllEULAsAccepted>false</AllEULAsAccepted>
+ </InstantiateVAppTemplateParams>""".format(vmname_andid,
+ primary_netname,
+ primary_net_href,
+ vapp_tempalte_href,
+ vm_href,
+ vm_id,
+ vm_name,
+ primary_netname,
+ cpu=cpus,
+ core=cores,
+ memory=memory_mb)
+ response = self.perform_request(req_type='POST',
+ url=instantiate_vapp_href,
+ headers=headers,
+ data=data)
+ if response.status_code != 201:
+ self.logger.error("REST call {} failed reason : {}"\
+ "status code : {}".format(instantiate_vapp_href,
+ response.content,
+ response.status_code))
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("new_vminstance(): Failed to create"\
+ "vAapp {}".format(vmname_andid))
+ else:
+ vapptask = self.get_task_from_response(response.content)
+ if vapptask is None and retry==1:
+ self.get_token() # Retry getting token
+ continue
+ else:
+ break
+ if vapptask is None or vapptask is False:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnUnexpectedResponse(
+ "new_vminstance(): failed to create vApp {}".format(vmname_andid))
+ # wait for task to complete
+ result = self.client.get_task_monitor().wait_for_success(task=vapptask)
+ if result.get('status') == 'success':
+ self.logger.debug("new_vminstance(): Sucessfully created Vapp {}".format(vmname_andid))
+ else:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnUnexpectedResponse(
+ "new_vminstance(): failed to create vApp {}".format(vmname_andid))
+ except Exception as exp:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnUnexpectedResponse(
+ "new_vminstance(): failed to create vApp {} with Exception:{}".format(vmname_andid, exp))
+ # we should have now vapp in undeployed state.
+ try:
+ vdc_obj = VDC(self.client, href=vdc.get('href'))
+ vapp_resource = vdc_obj.get_vapp(vmname_andid)
+ vapp_uuid = vapp_resource.get('id').split(':')[-1]
+ vapp = VApp(self.client, resource=vapp_resource)
+ except Exception as exp:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnUnexpectedResponse(
+ "new_vminstance(): Failed to retrieve vApp {} after creation: Exception:{}"
+ .format(vmname_andid, exp))
+ if vapp_uuid is None:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnUnexpectedResponse(
+ "new_vminstance(): Failed to retrieve vApp {} after creation".format(
+ vmname_andid))
+ #Add PCI passthrough/SRIOV configrations
+ vm_obj = None
+ pci_devices_info = []
+ reserve_memory = False
+ for net in net_list:
+ if net["type"] == "PF" or net["type"] == "PCI-PASSTHROUGH":
+ pci_devices_info.append(net)
+ elif (net["type"] == "VF" or net["type"] == "SR-IOV" or net["type"] == "VFnotShared") and 'net_id'in net:
+ reserve_memory = True
+ #Add PCI
+ if len(pci_devices_info) > 0:
+ self.logger.info("Need to add PCI devices {} into VM {}".format(pci_devices_info,
+ vmname_andid ))
+ PCI_devices_status, vm_obj, vcenter_conect = self.add_pci_devices(vapp_uuid,
+ pci_devices_info,
+ vmname_andid)
+ if PCI_devices_status:
+ self.logger.info("Added PCI devives {} to VM {}".format(
+ pci_devices_info,
+ vmname_andid)
+ )
+ reserve_memory = True
+ else:
+ self.logger.info("Fail to add PCI devives {} to VM {}".format(
+ pci_devices_info,
+ vmname_andid)
+ )
+ # Modify vm disk
+ if vm_disk:
+ #Assuming there is only one disk in ovf and fast provisioning in organization vDC is disabled
+ result = self.modify_vm_disk(vapp_uuid, vm_disk)
+ if result :
+ self.logger.debug("Modified Disk size of VM {} ".format(vmname_andid))
+ #Add new or existing disks to vApp
+ if disk_list:
+ added_existing_disk = False
+ for disk in disk_list:
+ if 'device_type' in disk and disk['device_type'] == 'cdrom':
+ image_id = disk['image_id']
+ # Adding CD-ROM to VM
+ # will revisit code once specification ready to support this feature
+ self.insert_media_to_vm(vapp, image_id)
+ elif "image_id" in disk and disk["image_id"] is not None:
+ self.logger.debug("Adding existing disk from image {} to vm {} ".format(
+ disk["image_id"] , vapp_uuid))
+ self.add_existing_disk(catalogs=catalogs,
+ image_id=disk["image_id"],
+ size = disk["size"],
+ template_name=templateName,
+ vapp_uuid=vapp_uuid
+ )
+ added_existing_disk = True
+ else:
+ #Wait till added existing disk gets reflected into vCD database/API
+ if added_existing_disk:
+ time.sleep(5)
+ added_existing_disk = False
+ self.add_new_disk(vapp_uuid, disk['size'])
+ if numas:
+ # Assigning numa affinity setting
+ for numa in numas:
+ if 'paired-threads-id' in numa:
+ paired_threads_id = numa['paired-threads-id']
+ self.set_numa_affinity(vapp_uuid, paired_threads_id)
+ # add NICs & connect to networks in netlist
+ try:
+ vdc_obj = VDC(self.client, href=vdc.get('href'))
+ vapp_resource = vdc_obj.get_vapp(vmname_andid)
+ vapp = VApp(self.client, resource=vapp_resource)
+ vapp_id = vapp_resource.get('id').split(':')[-1]
+ self.logger.info("Removing primary NIC: ")
+ # First remove all NICs so that NIC properties can be adjusted as needed
+ self.remove_primary_network_adapter_from_all_vms(vapp)
+ self.logger.info("Request to connect VM to a network: {}".format(net_list))
+ primary_nic_index = 0
+ nicIndex = 0
+ for net in net_list:
+ # openmano uses network id in UUID format.
+ # vCloud Director need a name so we do reverse operation from provided UUID we lookup a name
+ # [{'use': 'bridge', 'net_id': '527d4bf7-566a-41e7-a9e7-ca3cdd9cef4f', 'type': 'virtual',
+ # 'vpci': '0000:00:11.0', 'name': 'eth0'}]
+ if 'net_id' not in net:
+ continue
+ #Using net_id as a vim_id i.e. vim interface id, as do not have saperate vim interface id
+ #Same will be returned in refresh_vms_status() as vim_interface_id
+ net['vim_id'] = net['net_id'] # Provide the same VIM identifier as the VIM network
+ interface_net_id = net['net_id']
+ interface_net_name = self.get_network_name_by_id(network_uuid=interface_net_id)
+ interface_network_mode = net['use']
+ if interface_network_mode == 'mgmt':
+ primary_nic_index = nicIndex
+ """- POOL (A static IP address is allocated automatically from a pool of addresses.)
+ - DHCP (The IP address is obtained from a DHCP service.)
+ - MANUAL (The IP address is assigned manually in the IpAddress element.)
+ - NONE (No IP addressing mode specified.)"""
+ if primary_netname is not None:
+ self.logger.debug("new_vminstance(): Filtering by net name {}".format(interface_net_name))
+ nets = [n for n in self.get_network_list() if n.get('name') == interface_net_name]
+ if len(nets) == 1:
+ self.logger.info("new_vminstance(): Found requested network: {}".format(nets[0].get('name')))
+ if interface_net_name != primary_netname:
+ # connect network to VM - with all DHCP by default
+ self.logger.info("new_vminstance(): Attaching net {} to vapp".format(interface_net_name))
+ self.connect_vapp_to_org_vdc_network(vapp_id, nets[0].get('name'))
+ type_list = ('PF', 'PCI-PASSTHROUGH', 'VFnotShared')
+ nic_type = 'VMXNET3'
+ if 'type' in net and net['type'] not in type_list:
+ # fetching nic type from vnf
+ if 'model' in net:
+ if net['model'] is not None:
+ if net['model'].lower() == 'paravirt' or net['model'].lower() == 'virtio':
+ nic_type = 'VMXNET3'
+ else:
+ nic_type = net['model']
+ self.logger.info("new_vminstance(): adding network adapter "\
+ "to a network {}".format(nets[0].get('name')))
+ self.add_network_adapter_to_vms(vapp, nets[0].get('name'),
+ primary_nic_index,
+ nicIndex,
+ net,
+ nic_type=nic_type)
+ else:
+ self.logger.info("new_vminstance(): adding network adapter "\
+ "to a network {}".format(nets[0].get('name')))
+ if net['type'] in ['SR-IOV', 'VF']:
+ nic_type = net['type']
+ self.add_network_adapter_to_vms(vapp, nets[0].get('name'),
+ primary_nic_index,
+ nicIndex,
+ net,
+ nic_type=nic_type)
+ nicIndex += 1
+ # cloud-init for ssh-key injection
+ if cloud_config:
+ # Create a catalog which will be carrying the config drive ISO
+ # This catalog is deleted during vApp deletion. The catalog name carries
+ # vApp UUID and thats how it gets identified during its deletion.
+ config_drive_catalog_name = 'cfg_drv-' + vapp_uuid
+ self.logger.info('new_vminstance(): Creating catalog "{}" to carry config drive ISO'.format(
+ config_drive_catalog_name))
+ config_drive_catalog_id = self.create_vimcatalog(org, config_drive_catalog_name)
+ if config_drive_catalog_id is None:
+ error_msg = "new_vminstance(): Failed to create new catalog '{}' to carry the config drive " \
+ "ISO".format(config_drive_catalog_name)
+ raise Exception(error_msg)
+ # Create config-drive ISO
+ _, userdata = self._create_user_data(cloud_config)
+ # self.logger.debug('new_vminstance(): The userdata for cloud-init: {}'.format(userdata))
+ iso_path = self.create_config_drive_iso(userdata)
+ self.logger.debug('new_vminstance(): The ISO is successfully created. Path: {}'.format(iso_path))
+ self.logger.info('new_vminstance(): uploading iso to catalog {}'.format(config_drive_catalog_name))
+ self.upload_iso_to_catalog(config_drive_catalog_id, iso_path)
+ # Attach the config-drive ISO to the VM
+ self.logger.info('new_vminstance(): Attaching the config-drive ISO to the VM')
+ # The ISO remains in INVALID_STATE right after the PUT request (its a blocking call though)
+ time.sleep(5)
+ self.insert_media_to_vm(vapp, config_drive_catalog_id)
+ shutil.rmtree(os.path.dirname(iso_path), ignore_errors=True)
+ # If VM has PCI devices or SRIOV reserve memory for VM
+ if reserve_memory:
+ self.reserve_memory_for_all_vms(vapp, memory_mb)
+ self.logger.debug("new_vminstance(): starting power on vApp {} ".format(vmname_andid))
+ poweron_task = self.power_on_vapp(vapp_id, vmname_andid)
+ result = self.client.get_task_monitor().wait_for_success(task=poweron_task)
+ if result.get('status') == 'success':
+ self.logger.info("new_vminstance(): Successfully power on "\
+ "vApp {}".format(vmname_andid))
+ else:
+ self.logger.error("new_vminstance(): failed to power on vApp "\
+ "{}".format(vmname_andid))
+ except Exception as exp:
+ try:
+ self.delete_vminstance(vapp_uuid)
+ except Exception as exp2:
+ self.logger.error("new_vminstance rollback fail {}".format(exp2))
+ # it might be a case if specific mandatory entry in dict is empty or some other pyVcloud exception
+ self.logger.error("new_vminstance(): Failed create new vm instance {} with exception {}"
+ .format(name, exp))
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("new_vminstance(): Failed create new vm instance {} with exception {}"
+ .format(name, exp))
+ # check if vApp deployed and if that the case return vApp UUID otherwise -1
+ wait_time = 0
+ vapp_uuid = None
+ while wait_time <= MAX_WAIT_TIME:
+ try:
+ vapp_resource = vdc_obj.get_vapp(vmname_andid)
+ vapp = VApp(self.client, resource=vapp_resource)
+ except Exception as exp:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnUnexpectedResponse(
+ "new_vminstance(): Failed to retrieve vApp {} after creation: Exception:{}"
+ .format(vmname_andid, exp))
+ #if vapp and vapp.me.deployed:
+ if vapp and vapp_resource.get('deployed') == 'true':
+ vapp_uuid = vapp_resource.get('id').split(':')[-1]
+ break
+ else:
+ self.logger.debug("new_vminstance(): Wait for vApp {} to deploy".format(name))
+ time.sleep(INTERVAL_TIME)
+ wait_time +=INTERVAL_TIME
+ #SET Affinity Rule for VM
+ #Pre-requisites: User has created Hosh Groups in vCenter with respective Hosts to be used
+ #While creating VIM account user has to pass the Host Group names in availability_zone list
+ #"availability_zone" is a part of VIM "config" parameters
+ #For example, in VIM config: "availability_zone":["HG_170","HG_174","HG_175"]
+ #Host groups are referred as availability zones
+ #With following procedure, deployed VM will be added into a VM group.
+ #Then A VM to Host Affinity rule will be created using the VM group & Host group.
+ if(availability_zone_list):
+ self.logger.debug("Existing Host Groups in VIM {}".format(self.config.get('availability_zone')))
+ #Admin access required for creating Affinity rules
+ client = self.connect_as_admin()
+ if not client:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnConnectionException("Failed to connect vCD as admin")
+ else:
+ self.client = client
+ if self.client:
+ headers = {'Accept':'application/*+xml;version=27.0',
+ 'x-vcloud-authorization': self.client._session.headers['x-vcloud-authorization']}
+ #Step1: Get provider vdc details from organization
+ pvdc_href = self.get_pvdc_for_org(self.tenant_name, headers)
+ if pvdc_href is not None:
+ #Step2: Found required pvdc, now get resource pool information
+ respool_href = self.get_resource_pool_details(pvdc_href, headers)
+ if respool_href is None:
+ #Raise error if respool_href not found
+ msg = "new_vminstance():Error in finding resource pool details in pvdc {}"\
+ .format(pvdc_href)
+ self.log_message(msg)
+ #Step3: Verify requested availability zone(hostGroup) is present in vCD
+ # get availability Zone
+ vm_az = self.get_vm_availability_zone(availability_zone_index, availability_zone_list)
+ # check if provided av zone(hostGroup) is present in vCD VIM
+ status = self.check_availibility_zone(vm_az, respool_href, headers)
+ if status is False:
+ msg = "new_vminstance(): Error in finding availability zone(Host Group): {} in "\
+ "resource pool {} status: {}".format(vm_az,respool_href,status)
+ self.log_message(msg)
+ else:
+ self.logger.debug ("new_vminstance(): Availability zone {} found in VIM".format(vm_az))
+ #Step4: Find VM group references to create vm group
+ vmgrp_href = self.find_vmgroup_reference(respool_href, headers)
+ if vmgrp_href == None:
+ msg = "new_vminstance(): No reference to VmGroup found in resource pool"
+ self.log_message(msg)
+ #Step5: Create a VmGroup with name az_VmGroup
+ vmgrp_name = vm_az + "_" + name #Formed VM Group name = Host Group name + VM name
+ status = self.create_vmgroup(vmgrp_name, vmgrp_href, headers)
+ if status is not True:
+ msg = "new_vminstance(): Error in creating VM group {}".format(vmgrp_name)
+ self.log_message(msg)
+ #VM Group url to add vms to vm group
+ vmgrpname_url = self.url + "/api/admin/extension/vmGroup/name/"+ vmgrp_name
+ #Step6: Add VM to VM Group
+ #Find VM uuid from vapp_uuid
+ vm_details = self.get_vapp_details_rest(vapp_uuid)
+ vm_uuid = vm_details['vmuuid']
+ status = self.add_vm_to_vmgroup(vm_uuid, vmgrpname_url, vmgrp_name, headers)
+ if status is not True:
+ msg = "new_vminstance(): Error in adding VM to VM group {}".format(vmgrp_name)
+ self.log_message(msg)
+ #Step7: Create VM to Host affinity rule
+ addrule_href = self.get_add_rule_reference (respool_href, headers)
+ if addrule_href is None:
+ msg = "new_vminstance(): Error in finding href to add rule in resource pool: {}"\
+ .format(respool_href)
+ self.log_message(msg)
+ status = self.create_vm_to_host_affinity_rule(addrule_href, vmgrp_name, vm_az, "Affinity", headers)
+ if status is False:
+ msg = "new_vminstance(): Error in creating affinity rule for VM {} in Host group {}"\
+ .format(name, vm_az)
+ self.log_message(msg)
+ else:
+ self.logger.debug("new_vminstance(): Affinity rule created successfully. Added {} in Host group {}"\
+ .format(name, vm_az))
+ #Reset token to a normal user to perform other operations
+ self.get_token()
+ if vapp_uuid is not None:
+ return vapp_uuid, None
+ else:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnUnexpectedResponse("new_vminstance(): Failed create new vm instance {}".format(name))
+ def create_config_drive_iso(self, user_data):
+ tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ iso_path = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'ConfigDrive.iso')
+ latest_dir = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'openstack', 'latest')
+ os.makedirs(latest_dir)
+ with open(os.path.join(latest_dir, 'meta_data.json'), 'w') as meta_file_obj, \
+ open(os.path.join(latest_dir, 'user_data'), 'w') as userdata_file_obj:
+ userdata_file_obj.write(user_data)
+ meta_file_obj.write(json.dumps({"availability_zone": "nova",
+ "launch_index": 0,
+ "name": "ConfigDrive",
+ "uuid": str(uuid.uuid4())}
+ )
+ )
+ genisoimage_cmd = 'genisoimage -J -r -V config-2 -o {iso_path} {source_dir_path}'.format(
+ iso_path=iso_path, source_dir_path=tmpdir)
+ self.logger.info('create_config_drive_iso(): Creating ISO by running command "{}"'.format(genisoimage_cmd))
+ try:
+ FNULL = open(os.devnull, 'w')
+ subprocess.check_call(genisoimage_cmd, shell=True, stdout=FNULL)
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
+ shutil.rmtree(tmpdir, ignore_errors=True)
+ error_msg = 'create_config_drive_iso(): Exception while running genisoimage command: {}'.format(e)
+ self.logger.error(error_msg)
+ raise Exception(error_msg)
+ return iso_path
+ def upload_iso_to_catalog(self, catalog_id, iso_file_path):
+ if not os.path.isfile(iso_file_path):
+ error_msg = "upload_iso_to_catalog(): Given iso file is not present. Given path: {}".format(iso_file_path)
+ self.logger.error(error_msg)
+ raise Exception(error_msg)
+ iso_file_stat = os.stat(iso_file_path)
+ xml_media_elem = '''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ <Media
+ xmlns="http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/v1.5"
+ name="{iso_name}"
+ size="{iso_size}"
+ imageType="iso">
+ <Description>ISO image for config-drive</Description>
+ </Media>'''.format(iso_name=os.path.basename(iso_file_path), iso_size=iso_file_stat.st_size)
+ headers = {'Accept':'application/*+xml;version=' + API_VERSION,
+ 'x-vcloud-authorization': self.client._session.headers['x-vcloud-authorization']}
+ headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.media+xml'
+ catalog_href = self.url + '/api/catalog/' + catalog_id + '/action/upload'
+ response = self.perform_request(req_type='POST', url=catalog_href, headers=headers, data=xml_media_elem)
+ if response.status_code != 201:
+ error_msg = "upload_iso_to_catalog(): Failed to POST an action/upload request to {}".format(catalog_href)
+ self.logger.error(error_msg)
+ raise Exception(error_msg)
+ catalogItem = XmlElementTree.fromstring(response.content)
+ entity = [child for child in catalogItem if child.get("type") == "application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.media+xml"][0]
+ entity_href = entity.get('href')
+ response = self.perform_request(req_type='GET', url=entity_href, headers=headers)
+ if response.status_code != 200:
+ raise Exception("upload_iso_to_catalog(): Failed to GET entity href {}".format(entity_href))
+ match = re.search(r'<Files>\s+?<File.+?href="(.+?)"/>\s+?</File>\s+?</Files>', response.text, re.DOTALL)
+ if match:
+ media_upload_href = match.group(1)
+ else:
+ raise Exception('Could not parse the upload URL for the media file from the last response')
+ upload_iso_task = self.get_task_from_response(response.content)
+ headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/octet-stream'
+ response = self.perform_request(req_type='PUT',
+ url=media_upload_href,
+ headers=headers,
+ data=open(iso_file_path, 'rb'))
+ if response.status_code != 200:
+ raise Exception('PUT request to "{}" failed'.format(media_upload_href))
+ result = self.client.get_task_monitor().wait_for_success(task=upload_iso_task)
+ if result.get('status') != 'success':
+ raise Exception('The upload iso task failed with status {}'.format(result.get('status')))
+ def get_vcd_availibility_zones(self,respool_href, headers):
+ """ Method to find presence of av zone is VIM resource pool
+ Args:
+ respool_href - resource pool href
+ headers - header information
+ Returns:
+ vcd_az - list of azone present in vCD
+ """
+ vcd_az = []
+ url=respool_href
+ resp = self.perform_request(req_type='GET',url=respool_href, headers=headers)
+ if resp.status_code != requests.codes.ok:
+ self.logger.debug ("REST API call {} failed. Return status code {}".format(url, resp.status_code))
+ else:
+ #Get the href to hostGroups and find provided hostGroup is present in it
+ resp_xml = XmlElementTree.fromstring(resp.content)
+ for child in resp_xml:
+ if 'VMWProviderVdcResourcePool' in child.tag:
+ for schild in child:
+ if 'Link' in schild.tag:
+ if schild.attrib.get('type') == "application/vnd.vmware.admin.vmwHostGroupsType+xml":
+ hostGroup = schild.attrib.get('href')
+ hg_resp = self.perform_request(req_type='GET',url=hostGroup, headers=headers)
+ if hg_resp.status_code != requests.codes.ok:
+ self.logger.debug ("REST API call {} failed. Return status code {}".format(hostGroup, hg_resp.status_code))
+ else:
+ hg_resp_xml = XmlElementTree.fromstring(hg_resp.content)
+ for hostGroup in hg_resp_xml:
+ if 'HostGroup' in hostGroup.tag:
+ #append host group name to the list
+ vcd_az.append(hostGroup.attrib.get("name"))
+ return vcd_az
+ def set_availability_zones(self):
+ """
+ Set vim availability zone
+ """
+ vim_availability_zones = None
+ availability_zone = None
+ if 'availability_zone' in self.config:
+ vim_availability_zones = self.config.get('availability_zone')
+ if isinstance(vim_availability_zones, str):
+ availability_zone = [vim_availability_zones]
+ elif isinstance(vim_availability_zones, list):
+ availability_zone = vim_availability_zones
+ else:
+ return availability_zone
+ return availability_zone
+ def get_vm_availability_zone(self, availability_zone_index, availability_zone_list):
+ """
+ Return the availability zone to be used by the created VM.
+ returns: The VIM availability zone to be used or None
+ """
+ if availability_zone_index is None:
+ if not self.config.get('availability_zone'):
+ return None
+ elif isinstance(self.config.get('availability_zone'), str):
+ return self.config['availability_zone']
+ else:
+ return self.config['availability_zone'][0]
+ vim_availability_zones = self.availability_zone
+ # check if VIM offer enough availability zones describe in the VNFD
+ if vim_availability_zones and len(availability_zone_list) <= len(vim_availability_zones):
+ # check if all the names of NFV AV match VIM AV names
+ match_by_index = False
+ for av in availability_zone_list:
+ if av not in vim_availability_zones:
+ match_by_index = True
+ break
+ if match_by_index:
+ self.logger.debug("Required Availability zone or Host Group not found in VIM config")
+ self.logger.debug("Input Availability zone list: {}".format(availability_zone_list))
+ self.logger.debug("VIM configured Availability zones: {}".format(vim_availability_zones))
+ self.logger.debug("VIM Availability zones will be used by index")
+ return vim_availability_zones[availability_zone_index]
+ else:
+ return availability_zone_list[availability_zone_index]
+ else:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnConflictException("No enough availability zones at VIM for this deployment")
+ def create_vm_to_host_affinity_rule(self, addrule_href, vmgrpname, hostgrpname, polarity, headers):
+ """ Method to create VM to Host Affinity rule in vCD
+ Args:
+ addrule_href - href to make a POST request
+ vmgrpname - name of the VM group created
+ hostgrpnmae - name of the host group created earlier
+ polarity - Affinity or Anti-affinity (default: Affinity)
+ headers - headers to make REST call
+ Returns:
+ True- if rule is created
+ False- Failed to create rule due to some error
+ """
+ task_status = False
+ rule_name = polarity + "_" + vmgrpname
+ payload = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ <vmext:VMWVmHostAffinityRule
+ xmlns:vmext="http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/extension/v1.5"
+ xmlns:vcloud="http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/v1.5"
+ type="application/vnd.vmware.admin.vmwVmHostAffinityRule+xml">
+ <vcloud:Name>{}</vcloud:Name>
+ <vcloud:IsEnabled>true</vcloud:IsEnabled>
+ <vcloud:IsMandatory>true</vcloud:IsMandatory>
+ <vcloud:Polarity>{}</vcloud:Polarity>
+ <vmext:HostGroupName>{}</vmext:HostGroupName>
+ <vmext:VmGroupName>{}</vmext:VmGroupName>
+ </vmext:VMWVmHostAffinityRule>""".format(rule_name, polarity, hostgrpname, vmgrpname)
+ resp = self.perform_request(req_type='POST',url=addrule_href, headers=headers, data=payload)
+ if resp.status_code != requests.codes.accepted:
+ self.logger.debug ("REST API call {} failed. Return status code {}".format(addrule_href, resp.status_code))
+ task_status = False
+ return task_status
+ else:
+ affinity_task = self.get_task_from_response(resp.content)
+ self.logger.debug ("affinity_task: {}".format(affinity_task))
+ if affinity_task is None or affinity_task is False:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnUnexpectedResponse("failed to find affinity task")
+ # wait for task to complete
+ result = self.client.get_task_monitor().wait_for_success(task=affinity_task)
+ if result.get('status') == 'success':
+ self.logger.debug("Successfully created affinity rule {}".format(rule_name))
+ return True
+ else:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnUnexpectedResponse(
+ "failed to create affinity rule {}".format(rule_name))
+ def get_add_rule_reference (self, respool_href, headers):
+ """ This method finds href to add vm to host affinity rule to vCD
+ Args:
+ respool_href- href to resource pool
+ headers- header information to make REST call
+ Returns:
+ None - if no valid href to add rule found or
+ addrule_href - href to add vm to host affinity rule of resource pool
+ """
+ addrule_href = None
+ resp = self.perform_request(req_type='GET',url=respool_href, headers=headers)
+ if resp.status_code != requests.codes.ok:
+ self.logger.debug ("REST API call {} failed. Return status code {}".format(respool_href, resp.status_code))
+ else:
+ resp_xml = XmlElementTree.fromstring(resp.content)
+ for child in resp_xml:
+ if 'VMWProviderVdcResourcePool' in child.tag:
+ for schild in child:
+ if 'Link' in schild.tag:
+ if schild.attrib.get('type') == "application/vnd.vmware.admin.vmwVmHostAffinityRule+xml" and \
+ schild.attrib.get('rel') == "add":
+ addrule_href = schild.attrib.get('href')
+ break
+ return addrule_href
+ def add_vm_to_vmgroup(self, vm_uuid, vmGroupNameURL, vmGroup_name, headers):
+ """ Method to add deployed VM to newly created VM Group.
+ This is required to create VM to Host affinity in vCD
+ Args:
+ vm_uuid- newly created vm uuid
+ vmGroupNameURL- URL to VM Group name
+ vmGroup_name- Name of VM group created
+ headers- Headers for REST request
+ Returns:
+ True- if VM added to VM group successfully
+ False- if any error encounter
+ """
+ addvm_resp = self.perform_request(req_type='GET',url=vmGroupNameURL, headers=headers)#, data=payload)
+ if addvm_resp.status_code != requests.codes.ok:
+ self.logger.debug ("REST API call to get VM Group Name url {} failed. Return status code {}"\
+ .format(vmGroupNameURL, addvm_resp.status_code))
+ return False
+ else:
+ resp_xml = XmlElementTree.fromstring(addvm_resp.content)
+ for child in resp_xml:
+ if child.tag.split('}')[1] == 'Link':
+ if child.attrib.get("rel") == "addVms":
+ addvmtogrpURL = child.attrib.get("href")
+ #Get vm details
+ url_list = [self.url, '/api/vApp/vm-',vm_uuid]
+ vmdetailsURL = ''.join(url_list)
+ resp = self.perform_request(req_type='GET',url=vmdetailsURL, headers=headers)
+ if resp.status_code != requests.codes.ok:
+ self.logger.debug ("REST API call {} failed. Return status code {}".format(vmdetailsURL, resp.status_code))
+ return False
+ #Parse VM details
+ resp_xml = XmlElementTree.fromstring(resp.content)
+ if resp_xml.tag.split('}')[1] == "Vm":
+ vm_id = resp_xml.attrib.get("id")
+ vm_name = resp_xml.attrib.get("name")
+ vm_href = resp_xml.attrib.get("href")
+ #print vm_id, vm_name, vm_href
+ #Add VM into VMgroup
+ payload = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\
+ <ns2:Vms xmlns:ns2="http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/v1.5" \
+ xmlns="http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/versions" \
+ xmlns:ns3="http://schemas.dmtf.org/ovf/envelope/1" \
+ xmlns:ns4="http://schemas.dmtf.org/wbem/wscim/1/cim-schema/2/CIM_VirtualSystemSettingData" \
+ xmlns:ns5="http://schemas.dmtf.org/wbem/wscim/1/common" \
+ xmlns:ns6="http://schemas.dmtf.org/wbem/wscim/1/cim-schema/2/CIM_ResourceAllocationSettingData" \
+ xmlns:ns7="http://www.vmware.com/schema/ovf" \
+ xmlns:ns8="http://schemas.dmtf.org/ovf/environment/1" \
+ xmlns:ns9="http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/extension/v1.5">\
+ <ns2:VmReference href="{}" id="{}" name="{}" \
+ type="application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.vm+xml" />\
+ </ns2:Vms>""".format(vm_href, vm_id, vm_name)
+ addvmtogrp_resp = self.perform_request(req_type='POST',url=addvmtogrpURL, headers=headers, data=payload)
+ if addvmtogrp_resp.status_code != requests.codes.accepted:
+ self.logger.debug ("REST API call {} failed. Return status code {}".format(addvmtogrpURL, addvmtogrp_resp.status_code))
+ return False
+ else:
+ self.logger.debug ("Done adding VM {} to VMgroup {}".format(vm_name, vmGroup_name))
+ return True
+ def create_vmgroup(self, vmgroup_name, vmgroup_href, headers):
+ """Method to create a VM group in vCD
+ Args:
+ vmgroup_name : Name of VM group to be created
+ vmgroup_href : href for vmgroup
+ headers- Headers for REST request
+ """
+ #POST to add URL with required data
+ vmgroup_status = False
+ payload = """<VMWVmGroup xmlns="http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/extension/v1.5" \
+ xmlns:vcloud_v1.5="http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/v1.5" name="{}">\
+ <vmCount>1</vmCount>\
+ </VMWVmGroup>""".format(vmgroup_name)
+ resp = self.perform_request(req_type='POST',url=vmgroup_href, headers=headers, data=payload)
+ if resp.status_code != requests.codes.accepted:
+ self.logger.debug ("REST API call {} failed. Return status code {}".format(vmgroup_href, resp.status_code))
+ return vmgroup_status
+ else:
+ vmgroup_task = self.get_task_from_response(resp.content)
+ if vmgroup_task is None or vmgroup_task is False:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnUnexpectedResponse(
+ "create_vmgroup(): failed to create VM group {}".format(vmgroup_name))
+ # wait for task to complete
+ result = self.client.get_task_monitor().wait_for_success(task=vmgroup_task)
+ if result.get('status') == 'success':
+ self.logger.debug("create_vmgroup(): Successfully created VM group {}".format(vmgroup_name))
+ #time.sleep(10)
+ vmgroup_status = True
+ return vmgroup_status
+ else:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnUnexpectedResponse(\
+ "create_vmgroup(): failed to create VM group {}".format(vmgroup_name))
+ def find_vmgroup_reference(self, url, headers):
+ """ Method to create a new VMGroup which is required to add created VM
+ Args:
+ url- resource pool href
+ headers- header information
+ Returns:
+ returns href to VM group to create VM group
+ """
+ #Perform GET on resource pool to find 'add' link to create VMGroup
+ #https://vcd-ip/api/admin/extension/providervdc/<providervdc id>/resourcePools
+ vmgrp_href = None
+ resp = self.perform_request(req_type='GET',url=url, headers=headers)
+ if resp.status_code != requests.codes.ok:
+ self.logger.debug ("REST API call {} failed. Return status code {}".format(url, resp.status_code))
+ else:
+ #Get the href to add vmGroup to vCD
+ resp_xml = XmlElementTree.fromstring(resp.content)
+ for child in resp_xml:
+ if 'VMWProviderVdcResourcePool' in child.tag:
+ for schild in child:
+ if 'Link' in schild.tag:
+ #Find href with type VMGroup and rel with add
+ if schild.attrib.get('type') == "application/vnd.vmware.admin.vmwVmGroupType+xml"\
+ and schild.attrib.get('rel') == "add":
+ vmgrp_href = schild.attrib.get('href')
+ return vmgrp_href
+ def check_availibility_zone(self, az, respool_href, headers):
+ """ Method to verify requested av zone is present or not in provided
+ resource pool
+ Args:
+ az - name of hostgroup (availibility_zone)
+ respool_href - Resource Pool href
+ headers - Headers to make REST call
+ Returns:
+ az_found - True if availibility_zone is found else False
+ """
+ az_found = False
+ headers['Accept']='application/*+xml;version=27.0'
+ resp = self.perform_request(req_type='GET',url=respool_href, headers=headers)
+ if resp.status_code != requests.codes.ok:
+ self.logger.debug ("REST API call {} failed. Return status code {}".format(respool_href, resp.status_code))
+ else:
+ #Get the href to hostGroups and find provided hostGroup is present in it
+ resp_xml = XmlElementTree.fromstring(resp.content)
+ for child in resp_xml:
+ if 'VMWProviderVdcResourcePool' in child.tag:
+ for schild in child:
+ if 'Link' in schild.tag:
+ if schild.attrib.get('type') == "application/vnd.vmware.admin.vmwHostGroupsType+xml":
+ hostGroup_href = schild.attrib.get('href')
+ hg_resp = self.perform_request(req_type='GET',url=hostGroup_href, headers=headers)
+ if hg_resp.status_code != requests.codes.ok:
+ self.logger.debug ("REST API call {} failed. Return status code {}".format(hostGroup_href, hg_resp.status_code))
+ else:
+ hg_resp_xml = XmlElementTree.fromstring(hg_resp.content)
+ for hostGroup in hg_resp_xml:
+ if 'HostGroup' in hostGroup.tag:
+ if hostGroup.attrib.get("name") == az:
+ az_found = True
+ break
+ return az_found
+ def get_pvdc_for_org(self, org_vdc, headers):
+ """ This method gets provider vdc references from organisation
+ Args:
+ org_vdc - name of the organisation VDC to find pvdc
+ headers - headers to make REST call
+ Returns:
+ None - if no pvdc href found else
+ pvdc_href - href to pvdc
+ """
+ #Get provider VDC references from vCD
+ pvdc_href = None
+ #url = '<vcd url>/api/admin/extension/providerVdcReferences'
+ url_list = [self.url, '/api/admin/extension/providerVdcReferences']
+ url = ''.join(url_list)
+ response = self.perform_request(req_type='GET',url=url, headers=headers)
+ if response.status_code != requests.codes.ok:
+ self.logger.debug ("REST API call {} failed. Return status code {}"\
+ .format(url, response.status_code))
+ else:
+ xmlroot_response = XmlElementTree.fromstring(response.content)
+ for child in xmlroot_response:
+ if 'ProviderVdcReference' in child.tag:
+ pvdc_href = child.attrib.get('href')
+ #Get vdcReferences to find org
+ pvdc_resp = self.perform_request(req_type='GET',url=pvdc_href, headers=headers)
+ if pvdc_resp.status_code != requests.codes.ok:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("REST API call {} failed. "\
+ "Return status code {}"\
+ .format(url, pvdc_resp.status_code))
+ pvdc_resp_xml = XmlElementTree.fromstring(pvdc_resp.content)
+ for child in pvdc_resp_xml:
+ if 'Link' in child.tag:
+ if child.attrib.get('type') == "application/vnd.vmware.admin.vdcReferences+xml":
+ vdc_href = child.attrib.get('href')
+ #Check if provided org is present in vdc
+ vdc_resp = self.perform_request(req_type='GET',
+ url=vdc_href,
+ headers=headers)
+ if vdc_resp.status_code != requests.codes.ok:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("REST API call {} failed. "\
+ "Return status code {}"\
+ .format(url, vdc_resp.status_code))
+ vdc_resp_xml = XmlElementTree.fromstring(vdc_resp.content)
+ for child in vdc_resp_xml:
+ if 'VdcReference' in child.tag:
+ if child.attrib.get('name') == org_vdc:
+ return pvdc_href
+ def get_resource_pool_details(self, pvdc_href, headers):
+ """ Method to get resource pool information.
+ Host groups are property of resource group.
+ To get host groups, we need to GET details of resource pool.
+ Args:
+ pvdc_href: href to pvdc details
+ headers: headers
+ Returns:
+ respool_href - Returns href link reference to resource pool
+ """
+ respool_href = None
+ resp = self.perform_request(req_type='GET',url=pvdc_href, headers=headers)
+ if resp.status_code != requests.codes.ok:
+ self.logger.debug ("REST API call {} failed. Return status code {}"\
+ .format(pvdc_href, resp.status_code))
+ else:
+ respool_resp_xml = XmlElementTree.fromstring(resp.content)
+ for child in respool_resp_xml:
+ if 'Link' in child.tag:
+ if child.attrib.get('type') == "application/vnd.vmware.admin.vmwProviderVdcResourcePoolSet+xml":
+ respool_href = child.attrib.get("href")
+ break
+ return respool_href
+ def log_message(self, msg):
+ """
+ Method to log error messages related to Affinity rule creation
+ in new_vminstance & raise Exception
+ Args :
+ msg - Error message to be logged
+ """
+ #get token to connect vCD as a normal user
+ self.get_token()
+ self.logger.debug(msg)
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException(msg)
+ ##
+ ##
+ ## based on current discussion
+ ##
+ ##
+ ## server:
+ # created: '2016-09-08T11:51:58'
+ # description: simple-instance.linux1.1
+ # flavor: ddc6776e-75a9-11e6-ad5f-0800273e724c
+ # hostId: e836c036-74e7-11e6-b249-0800273e724c
+ # image: dde30fe6-75a9-11e6-ad5f-0800273e724c
+ # status: ACTIVE
+ # error_msg:
+ # interfaces: …
+ #
+ def get_vminstance(self, vim_vm_uuid=None):
+ """Returns the VM instance information from VIM"""
+ self.logger.debug("Client requesting vm instance {} ".format(vim_vm_uuid))
+ org, vdc = self.get_vdc_details()
+ if vdc is None:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnConnectionException(
+ "Failed to get a reference of VDC for a tenant {}".format(self.tenant_name))
+ vm_info_dict = self.get_vapp_details_rest(vapp_uuid=vim_vm_uuid)
+ if not vm_info_dict:
+ self.logger.debug("get_vminstance(): Failed to get vApp name by UUID {}".format(vim_vm_uuid))
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException("Failed to get vApp name by UUID {}".format(vim_vm_uuid))
+ status_key = vm_info_dict['status']
+ error = ''
+ try:
+ vm_dict = {'created': vm_info_dict['created'],
+ 'description': vm_info_dict['name'],
+ 'status': vcdStatusCode2manoFormat[int(status_key)],
+ 'hostId': vm_info_dict['vmuuid'],
+ 'error_msg': error,
+ 'vim_info': yaml.safe_dump(vm_info_dict), 'interfaces': []}
+ if 'interfaces' in vm_info_dict:
+ vm_dict['interfaces'] = vm_info_dict['interfaces']
+ else:
+ vm_dict['interfaces'] = []
+ except KeyError:
+ vm_dict = {'created': '',
+ 'description': '',
+ 'status': vcdStatusCode2manoFormat[int(-1)],
+ 'hostId': vm_info_dict['vmuuid'],
+ 'error_msg': "Inconsistency state",
+ 'vim_info': yaml.safe_dump(vm_info_dict), 'interfaces': []}
+ return vm_dict
+ def delete_vminstance(self, vm__vim_uuid, created_items=None):
+ """Method poweroff and remove VM instance from vcloud director network.
+ Args:
+ vm__vim_uuid: VM UUID
+ Returns:
+ Returns the instance identifier
+ """
+ self.logger.debug("Client requesting delete vm instance {} ".format(vm__vim_uuid))
+ org, vdc = self.get_vdc_details()
+ vdc_obj = VDC(self.client, href=vdc.get('href'))
+ if vdc_obj is None:
+ self.logger.debug("delete_vminstance(): Failed to get a reference of VDC for a tenant {}".format(
+ self.tenant_name))
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException(
+ "delete_vminstance(): Failed to get a reference of VDC for a tenant {}".format(self.tenant_name))
+ try:
+ vapp_name = self.get_namebyvappid(vm__vim_uuid)
+ if vapp_name is None:
+ self.logger.debug("delete_vminstance(): Failed to get vm by given {} vm uuid".format(vm__vim_uuid))
+ return -1, "delete_vminstance(): Failed to get vm by given {} vm uuid".format(vm__vim_uuid)
+ self.logger.info("Deleting vApp {} and UUID {}".format(vapp_name, vm__vim_uuid))
+ vapp_resource = vdc_obj.get_vapp(vapp_name)
+ vapp = VApp(self.client, resource=vapp_resource)
+ # Delete vApp and wait for status change if task executed and vApp is None.
+ if vapp:
+ if vapp_resource.get('deployed') == 'true':
+ self.logger.info("Powering off vApp {}".format(vapp_name))
+ #Power off vApp
+ powered_off = False
+ wait_time = 0
+ while wait_time <= MAX_WAIT_TIME:
+ power_off_task = vapp.power_off()
+ result = self.client.get_task_monitor().wait_for_success(task=power_off_task)
+ if result.get('status') == 'success':
+ powered_off = True
+ break
+ else:
+ self.logger.info("Wait for vApp {} to power off".format(vapp_name))
+ time.sleep(INTERVAL_TIME)
+ wait_time +=INTERVAL_TIME
+ if not powered_off:
+ self.logger.debug("delete_vminstance(): Failed to power off VM instance {} ".format(vm__vim_uuid))
+ else:
+ self.logger.info("delete_vminstance(): Powered off VM instance {} ".format(vm__vim_uuid))
+ #Undeploy vApp
+ self.logger.info("Undeploy vApp {}".format(vapp_name))
+ wait_time = 0
+ undeployed = False
+ while wait_time <= MAX_WAIT_TIME:
+ vapp = VApp(self.client, resource=vapp_resource)
+ if not vapp:
+ self.logger.debug("delete_vminstance(): Failed to get vm by given {} vm uuid".format(vm__vim_uuid))
+ return -1, "delete_vminstance(): Failed to get vm by given {} vm uuid".format(vm__vim_uuid)
+ undeploy_task = vapp.undeploy()
+ result = self.client.get_task_monitor().wait_for_success(task=undeploy_task)
+ if result.get('status') == 'success':
+ undeployed = True
+ break
+ else:
+ self.logger.debug("Wait for vApp {} to undeploy".format(vapp_name))
+ time.sleep(INTERVAL_TIME)
+ wait_time +=INTERVAL_TIME
+ if not undeployed:
+ self.logger.debug("delete_vminstance(): Failed to undeploy vApp {} ".format(vm__vim_uuid))
+ # delete vapp
+ self.logger.info("Start deletion of vApp {} ".format(vapp_name))
+ if vapp is not None:
+ wait_time = 0
+ result = False
+ while wait_time <= MAX_WAIT_TIME:
+ vapp = VApp(self.client, resource=vapp_resource)
+ if not vapp:
+ self.logger.debug("delete_vminstance(): Failed to get vm by given {} vm uuid".format(vm__vim_uuid))
+ return -1, "delete_vminstance(): Failed to get vm by given {} vm uuid".format(vm__vim_uuid)
+ delete_task = vdc_obj.delete_vapp(vapp.name, force=True)
+ result = self.client.get_task_monitor().wait_for_success(task=delete_task)
+ if result.get('status') == 'success':
+ break
+ else:
+ self.logger.debug("Wait for vApp {} to delete".format(vapp_name))
+ time.sleep(INTERVAL_TIME)
+ wait_time +=INTERVAL_TIME
+ if result is None:
+ self.logger.debug("delete_vminstance(): Failed delete uuid {} ".format(vm__vim_uuid))
+ else:
+ self.logger.info("Deleted vm instance {} sccessfully".format(vm__vim_uuid))
+ config_drive_catalog_name, config_drive_catalog_id = 'cfg_drv-' + vm__vim_uuid, None
+ catalog_list = self.get_image_list()
+ try:
+ config_drive_catalog_id = [catalog_['id'] for catalog_ in catalog_list
+ if catalog_['name'] == config_drive_catalog_name][0]
+ except IndexError:
+ pass
+ if config_drive_catalog_id:
+ self.logger.debug('delete_vminstance(): Found a config drive catalog {} matching '
+ 'vapp_name"{}". Deleting it.'.format(config_drive_catalog_id, vapp_name))
+ self.delete_image(config_drive_catalog_id)
+ return vm__vim_uuid
+ except:
+ self.logger.debug(traceback.format_exc())
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("delete_vminstance(): Failed delete vm instance {}".format(vm__vim_uuid))
+ def refresh_vms_status(self, vm_list):
+ """Get the status of the virtual machines and their interfaces/ports
+ Params: the list of VM identifiers
+ Returns a dictionary with:
+ vm_id: #VIM id of this Virtual Machine
+ status: #Mandatory. Text with one of:
+ # DELETED (not found at vim)
+ # VIM_ERROR (Cannot connect to VIM, VIM response error, ...)
+ # OTHER (Vim reported other status not understood)
+ # ERROR (VIM indicates an ERROR status)
+ # CREATING (on building process), ERROR
+ # ACTIVE:NoMgmtIP (Active but any of its interface has an IP address
+ #
+ error_msg: #Text with VIM error message, if any. Or the VIM connection ERROR
+ vim_info: #Text with plain information obtained from vim (yaml.safe_dump)
+ interfaces:
+ - vim_info: #Text with plain information obtained from vim (yaml.safe_dump)
+ mac_address: #Text format XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
+ vim_net_id: #network id where this interface is connected
+ vim_interface_id: #interface/port VIM id
+ ip_address: #null, or text with IPv4, IPv6 address
+ """
+ self.logger.debug("Client requesting refresh vm status for {} ".format(vm_list))
+ org,vdc = self.get_vdc_details()
+ if vdc is None:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("Failed to get a reference of VDC for a tenant {}".format(self.tenant_name))
+ vms_dict = {}
+ nsx_edge_list = []
+ for vmuuid in vm_list:
+ vapp_name = self.get_namebyvappid(vmuuid)
+ if vapp_name is not None:
+ try:
+ vm_pci_details = self.get_vm_pci_details(vmuuid)
+ vdc_obj = VDC(self.client, href=vdc.get('href'))
+ vapp_resource = vdc_obj.get_vapp(vapp_name)
+ the_vapp = VApp(self.client, resource=vapp_resource)
+ vm_details = {}
+ for vm in the_vapp.get_all_vms():
+ headers = {'Accept':'application/*+xml;version=' + API_VERSION,
+ 'x-vcloud-authorization': self.client._session.headers['x-vcloud-authorization']}
+ response = self.perform_request(req_type='GET',
+ url=vm.get('href'),
+ headers=headers)
+ if response.status_code != 200:
+ self.logger.error("refresh_vms_status : REST call {} failed reason : {}"\
+ "status code : {}".format(vm.get('href'),
+ response.content,
+ response.status_code))
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("refresh_vms_status : Failed to get "\
+ "VM details")
+ xmlroot = XmlElementTree.fromstring(response.content)
+ result = response.content.replace("\n"," ")
+ hdd_match = re.search('vcloud:capacity="(\d+)"\svcloud:storageProfileOverrideVmDefault=',result)
+ if hdd_match:
+ hdd_mb = hdd_match.group(1)
+ vm_details['hdd_mb'] = int(hdd_mb) if hdd_mb else None
+ cpus_match = re.search('<rasd:Description>Number of Virtual CPUs</.*?>(\d+)</rasd:VirtualQuantity>',result)
+ if cpus_match:
+ cpus = cpus_match.group(1)
+ vm_details['cpus'] = int(cpus) if cpus else None
+ memory_mb = re.search('<rasd:Description>Memory Size</.*?>(\d+)</rasd:VirtualQuantity>',result).group(1)
+ vm_details['memory_mb'] = int(memory_mb) if memory_mb else None
+ vm_details['status'] = vcdStatusCode2manoFormat[int(xmlroot.get('status'))]
+ vm_details['id'] = xmlroot.get('id')
+ vm_details['name'] = xmlroot.get('name')
+ vm_info = [vm_details]
+ if vm_pci_details:
+ vm_info[0].update(vm_pci_details)
+ vm_dict = {'status': vcdStatusCode2manoFormat[int(vapp_resource.get('status'))],
+ 'error_msg': vcdStatusCode2manoFormat[int(vapp_resource.get('status'))],
+ 'vim_info': yaml.safe_dump(vm_info), 'interfaces': []}
+ # get networks
+ vm_ip = None
+ vm_mac = None
+ networks = re.findall('<NetworkConnection needsCustomization=.*?</NetworkConnection>',result)
+ for network in networks:
+ mac_s = re.search('<MACAddress>(.*?)</MACAddress>',network)
+ vm_mac = mac_s.group(1) if mac_s else None
+ ip_s = re.search('<IpAddress>(.*?)</IpAddress>',network)
+ vm_ip = ip_s.group(1) if ip_s else None
+ if vm_ip is None:
+ if not nsx_edge_list:
+ nsx_edge_list = self.get_edge_details()
+ if nsx_edge_list is None:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("refresh_vms_status:"\
+ "Failed to get edge details from NSX Manager")
+ if vm_mac is not None:
+ vm_ip = self.get_ipaddr_from_NSXedge(nsx_edge_list, vm_mac)
+ net_s = re.search('network="(.*?)"',network)
+ network_name = net_s.group(1) if net_s else None
+ vm_net_id = self.get_network_id_by_name(network_name)
+ interface = {"mac_address": vm_mac,
+ "vim_net_id": vm_net_id,
+ "vim_interface_id": vm_net_id,
+ "ip_address": vm_ip}
+ vm_dict["interfaces"].append(interface)
+ # add a vm to vm dict
+ vms_dict.setdefault(vmuuid, vm_dict)
+ self.logger.debug("refresh_vms_status : vm info {}".format(vm_dict))
+ except Exception as exp:
+ self.logger.debug("Error in response {}".format(exp))
+ self.logger.debug(traceback.format_exc())
+ return vms_dict
+ def get_edge_details(self):
+ """Get the NSX edge list from NSX Manager
+ Returns list of NSX edges
+ """
+ edge_list = []
+ rheaders = {'Content-Type': 'application/xml'}
+ nsx_api_url = '/api/4.0/edges'
+ self.logger.debug("Get edge details from NSX Manager {} {}".format(self.nsx_manager, nsx_api_url))
+ try:
+ resp = requests.get(self.nsx_manager + nsx_api_url,
+ auth = (self.nsx_user, self.nsx_password),
+ verify = False, headers = rheaders)
+ if resp.status_code == requests.codes.ok:
+ paged_Edge_List = XmlElementTree.fromstring(resp.text)
+ for edge_pages in paged_Edge_List:
+ if edge_pages.tag == 'edgePage':
+ for edge_summary in edge_pages:
+ if edge_summary.tag == 'pagingInfo':
+ for element in edge_summary:
+ if element.tag == 'totalCount' and element.text == '0':
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("get_edge_details: No NSX edges details found: {}"
+ .format(self.nsx_manager))
+ if edge_summary.tag == 'edgeSummary':
+ for element in edge_summary:
+ if element.tag == 'id':
+ edge_list.append(element.text)
+ else:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("get_edge_details: No NSX edge details found: {}"
+ .format(self.nsx_manager))
+ if not edge_list:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("get_edge_details: "\
+ "No NSX edge details found: {}"
+ .format(self.nsx_manager))
+ else:
+ self.logger.debug("get_edge_details: Found NSX edges {}".format(edge_list))
+ return edge_list
+ else:
+ self.logger.debug("get_edge_details: "
+ "Failed to get NSX edge details from NSX Manager: {}"
+ .format(resp.content))
+ return None
+ except Exception as exp:
+ self.logger.debug("get_edge_details: "\
+ "Failed to get NSX edge details from NSX Manager: {}"
+ .format(exp))
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("get_edge_details: "\
+ "Failed to get NSX edge details from NSX Manager: {}"
+ .format(exp))
+ def get_ipaddr_from_NSXedge(self, nsx_edges, mac_address):
+ """Get IP address details from NSX edges, using the MAC address
+ PARAMS: nsx_edges : List of NSX edges
+ mac_address : Find IP address corresponding to this MAC address
+ Returns: IP address corrresponding to the provided MAC address
+ """
+ ip_addr = None
+ rheaders = {'Content-Type': 'application/xml'}
+ self.logger.debug("get_ipaddr_from_NSXedge: Finding IP addr from NSX edge")
+ try:
+ for edge in nsx_edges:
+ nsx_api_url = '/api/4.0/edges/'+ edge +'/dhcp/leaseInfo'
+ resp = requests.get(self.nsx_manager + nsx_api_url,
+ auth = (self.nsx_user, self.nsx_password),
+ verify = False, headers = rheaders)
+ if resp.status_code == requests.codes.ok:
+ dhcp_leases = XmlElementTree.fromstring(resp.text)
+ for child in dhcp_leases:
+ if child.tag == 'dhcpLeaseInfo':
+ dhcpLeaseInfo = child
+ for leaseInfo in dhcpLeaseInfo:
+ for elem in leaseInfo:
+ if (elem.tag)=='macAddress':
+ edge_mac_addr = elem.text
+ if (elem.tag)=='ipAddress':
+ ip_addr = elem.text
+ if edge_mac_addr is not None:
+ if edge_mac_addr == mac_address:
+ self.logger.debug("Found ip addr {} for mac {} at NSX edge {}"
+ .format(ip_addr, mac_address,edge))
+ return ip_addr
+ else:
+ self.logger.debug("get_ipaddr_from_NSXedge: "\
+ "Error occurred while getting DHCP lease info from NSX Manager: {}"
+ .format(resp.content))
+ self.logger.debug("get_ipaddr_from_NSXedge: No IP addr found in any NSX edge")
+ return None
+ except XmlElementTree.ParseError as Err:
+ self.logger.debug("ParseError in response from NSX Manager {}".format(Err.message), exc_info=True)
+ def action_vminstance(self, vm__vim_uuid=None, action_dict=None, created_items={}):
+ """Send and action over a VM instance from VIM
+ Returns the vm_id if the action was successfully sent to the VIM"""
+ self.logger.debug("Received action for vm {} and action dict {}".format(vm__vim_uuid, action_dict))
+ if vm__vim_uuid is None or action_dict is None:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("Invalid request. VM id or action is None.")
+ org, vdc = self.get_vdc_details()
+ if vdc is None:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("Failed to get a reference of VDC for a tenant {}".format(self.tenant_name))
+ vapp_name = self.get_namebyvappid(vm__vim_uuid)
+ if vapp_name is None:
+ self.logger.debug("action_vminstance(): Failed to get vm by given {} vm uuid".format(vm__vim_uuid))
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("Failed to get vm by given {} vm uuid".format(vm__vim_uuid))
+ else:
+ self.logger.info("Action_vminstance vApp {} and UUID {}".format(vapp_name, vm__vim_uuid))
+ try:
+ vdc_obj = VDC(self.client, href=vdc.get('href'))
+ vapp_resource = vdc_obj.get_vapp(vapp_name)
+ vapp = VApp(self.client, resource=vapp_resource)
+ if "start" in action_dict:
+ self.logger.info("action_vminstance: Power on vApp: {}".format(vapp_name))
+ poweron_task = self.power_on_vapp(vm__vim_uuid, vapp_name)
+ result = self.client.get_task_monitor().wait_for_success(task=poweron_task)
+ self.instance_actions_result("start", result, vapp_name)
+ elif "rebuild" in action_dict:
+ self.logger.info("action_vminstance: Rebuild vApp: {}".format(vapp_name))
+ rebuild_task = vapp.deploy(power_on=True)
+ result = self.client.get_task_monitor().wait_for_success(task=rebuild_task)
+ self.instance_actions_result("rebuild", result, vapp_name)
+ elif "pause" in action_dict:
+ self.logger.info("action_vminstance: pause vApp: {}".format(vapp_name))
+ pause_task = vapp.undeploy(action='suspend')
+ result = self.client.get_task_monitor().wait_for_success(task=pause_task)
+ self.instance_actions_result("pause", result, vapp_name)
+ elif "resume" in action_dict:
+ self.logger.info("action_vminstance: resume vApp: {}".format(vapp_name))
+ poweron_task = self.power_on_vapp(vm__vim_uuid, vapp_name)
+ result = self.client.get_task_monitor().wait_for_success(task=poweron_task)
+ self.instance_actions_result("resume", result, vapp_name)
+ elif "shutoff" in action_dict or "shutdown" in action_dict:
+ action_name , value = list(action_dict.items())[0]
+ self.logger.info("action_vminstance: {} vApp: {}".format(action_name, vapp_name))
+ shutdown_task = vapp.shutdown()
+ result = self.client.get_task_monitor().wait_for_success(task=shutdown_task)
+ if action_name == "shutdown":
+ self.instance_actions_result("shutdown", result, vapp_name)
+ else:
+ self.instance_actions_result("shutoff", result, vapp_name)
+ elif "forceOff" in action_dict:
+ result = vapp.undeploy(action='powerOff')
+ self.instance_actions_result("forceOff", result, vapp_name)
+ elif "reboot" in action_dict:
+ self.logger.info("action_vminstance: reboot vApp: {}".format(vapp_name))
+ reboot_task = vapp.reboot()
+ self.client.get_task_monitor().wait_for_success(task=reboot_task)
+ else:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("action_vminstance: Invalid action {} or action is None.".format(action_dict))
+ return vm__vim_uuid
+ except Exception as exp :
+ self.logger.debug("action_vminstance: Failed with Exception {}".format(exp))
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("action_vminstance: Failed with Exception {}".format(exp))
+ def instance_actions_result(self, action, result, vapp_name):
+ if result.get('status') == 'success':
+ self.logger.info("action_vminstance: Sucessfully {} the vApp: {}".format(action, vapp_name))
+ else:
+ self.logger.error("action_vminstance: Failed to {} vApp: {}".format(action, vapp_name))
+ def get_vminstance_console(self, vm_id, console_type="novnc"):
+ """
+ Get a console for the virtual machine
+ Params:
+ vm_id: uuid of the VM
+ console_type, can be:
+ "novnc" (by default), "xvpvnc" for VNC types,
+ "rdp-html5" for RDP types, "spice-html5" for SPICE types
+ Returns dict with the console parameters:
+ protocol: ssh, ftp, http, https, ...
+ server: usually ip address
+ port: the http, ssh, ... port
+ suffix: extra text, e.g. the http path and query string
+ """
+ console_dict = {}
+ if console_type==None or console_type=='novnc':
+ url_rest_call = "{}/api/vApp/vm-{}/screen/action/acquireMksTicket".format(self.url, vm_id)
+ headers = {'Accept':'application/*+xml;version=' + API_VERSION,
+ 'x-vcloud-authorization': self.client._session.headers['x-vcloud-authorization']}
+ response = self.perform_request(req_type='POST',
+ url=url_rest_call,
+ headers=headers)
+ if response.status_code == 403:
+ response = self.retry_rest('GET', url_rest_call)
+ if response.status_code != 200:
+ self.logger.error("REST call {} failed reason : {}"\
+ "status code : {}".format(url_rest_call,
+ response.content,
+ response.status_code))
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("get_vminstance_console : Failed to get "\
+ "VM Mks ticket details")
+ s = re.search("<Host>(.*?)</Host>",response.content)
+ console_dict['server'] = s.group(1) if s else None
+ s1 = re.search("<Port>(\d+)</Port>",response.content)
+ console_dict['port'] = s1.group(1) if s1 else None
+ url_rest_call = "{}/api/vApp/vm-{}/screen/action/acquireTicket".format(self.url, vm_id)
+ headers = {'Accept':'application/*+xml;version=' + API_VERSION,
+ 'x-vcloud-authorization': self.client._session.headers['x-vcloud-authorization']}
+ response = self.perform_request(req_type='POST',
+ url=url_rest_call,
+ headers=headers)
+ if response.status_code == 403:
+ response = self.retry_rest('GET', url_rest_call)
+ if response.status_code != 200:
+ self.logger.error("REST call {} failed reason : {}"\
+ "status code : {}".format(url_rest_call,
+ response.content,
+ response.status_code))
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("get_vminstance_console : Failed to get "\
+ "VM console details")
+ s = re.search(">.*?/(vm-\d+.*)</",response.content)
+ console_dict['suffix'] = s.group(1) if s else None
+ console_dict['protocol'] = "https"
+ return console_dict
+ # NOT USED METHODS in current version
+ def host_vim2gui(self, host, server_dict):
+ """Transform host dictionary from VIM format to GUI format,
+ and append to the server_dict
+ """
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotImplemented("Should have implemented this")
+ def get_hosts_info(self):
+ """Get the information of deployed hosts
+ Returns the hosts content"""
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotImplemented("Should have implemented this")
+ def get_hosts(self, vim_tenant):
+ """Get the hosts and deployed instances
+ Returns the hosts content"""
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotImplemented("Should have implemented this")
+ def get_processor_rankings(self):
+ """Get the processor rankings in the VIM database"""
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotImplemented("Should have implemented this")
+ def new_host(self, host_data):
+ """Adds a new host to VIM"""
+ '''Returns status code of the VIM response'''
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotImplemented("Should have implemented this")
+ def new_external_port(self, port_data):
+ """Adds a external port to VIM"""
+ '''Returns the port identifier'''
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotImplemented("Should have implemented this")
+ def new_external_network(self, net_name, net_type):
+ """Adds a external network to VIM (shared)"""
+ '''Returns the network identifier'''
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotImplemented("Should have implemented this")
+ def connect_port_network(self, port_id, network_id, admin=False):
+ """Connects a external port to a network"""
+ '''Returns status code of the VIM response'''
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotImplemented("Should have implemented this")
+ def new_vminstancefromJSON(self, vm_data):
+ """Adds a VM instance to VIM"""
+ '''Returns the instance identifier'''
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotImplemented("Should have implemented this")
+ def get_network_name_by_id(self, network_uuid=None):
+ """Method gets vcloud director network named based on supplied uuid.
+ Args:
+ network_uuid: network_id
+ Returns:
+ The return network name.
+ """
+ if not network_uuid:
+ return None
+ try:
+ org_dict = self.get_org(self.org_uuid)
+ if 'networks' in org_dict:
+ org_network_dict = org_dict['networks']
+ for net_uuid in org_network_dict:
+ if net_uuid == network_uuid:
+ return org_network_dict[net_uuid]
+ except:
+ self.logger.debug("Exception in get_network_name_by_id")
+ self.logger.debug(traceback.format_exc())
+ return None
+ def get_network_id_by_name(self, network_name=None):
+ """Method gets vcloud director network uuid based on supplied name.
+ Args:
+ network_name: network_name
+ Returns:
+ The return network uuid.
+ network_uuid: network_id
+ """
- data = """ <OrgVdcNetwork name="{0:s}" xmlns="http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/v1.5">
- <Description>Openmano created</Description>
- <Configuration>
- <IpScopes>
- <IpScope>
- <IsInherited>{1:s}</IsInherited>
- <Gateway>{2:s}</Gateway>
- <Netmask>{3:s}</Netmask>
- <Dns1>{4:s}</Dns1>{5:s}
- <IsEnabled>{6:s}</IsEnabled>
- <IpRanges>
- <IpRange>
- <StartAddress>{7:s}</StartAddress>
- <EndAddress>{8:s}</EndAddress>
- </IpRange>
- </IpRanges>
- </IpScope>
- </IpScopes>
- <FenceMode>{9:s}</FenceMode>
- </Configuration>
- <IsShared>{10:s}</IsShared>
- </OrgVdcNetwork> """.format(escape(network_name), is_inherited, gateway_address,
- subnet_address, dns1, dns2_text, dhcp_enabled,
- dhcp_start_address, dhcp_end_address,
- fence_mode, isshared)
+ if not network_name:
+ self.logger.debug("get_network_id_by_name() : Network name is empty")
+ return None
+ try:
+ org_dict = self.get_org(self.org_uuid)
+ if org_dict and 'networks' in org_dict:
+ org_network_dict = org_dict['networks']
+ for net_uuid, net_name in org_network_dict.items():
+ if net_name == network_name:
+ return net_uuid
+ except KeyError as exp:
+ self.logger.debug("get_network_id_by_name() : KeyError- {} ".format(exp))
+ return None
++ def get_physical_network_by_name(self, physical_network_name):
++ '''
++ Methos returns uuid of physical network which passed
++ Args:
++ physical_network_name: physical network name
++ Returns:
++ UUID of physical_network_name
++ '''
++ try:
++ client_as_admin = self.connect_as_admin()
++ if not client_as_admin:
++ raise vimconn.vimconnConnectionException("Failed to connect vCD.")
++ url_list = [self.url, '/api/admin/vdc/', self.tenant_id]
++ vm_list_rest_call = ''.join(url_list)
++ if client_as_admin._session:
++ headers = {'Accept':'application/*+xml;version=' + API_VERSION,
++ 'x-vcloud-authorization': client_as_admin._session.headers['x-vcloud-authorization']}
++ response = self.perform_request(req_type='GET',
++ url=vm_list_rest_call,
++ headers=headers)
++ provider_network = None
++ available_network = None
++ add_vdc_rest_url = None
++ if response.status_code != requests.codes.ok:
++ self.logger.debug("REST API call {} failed. Return status code {}".format(vm_list_rest_call,
++ response.status_code))
++ return None
++ else:
++ try:
++ vm_list_xmlroot = XmlElementTree.fromstring(response.content)
++ for child in vm_list_xmlroot:
++ if child.tag.split("}")[1] == 'ProviderVdcReference':
++ provider_network = child.attrib.get('href')
++ # application/vnd.vmware.admin.providervdc+xml
++ if child.tag.split("}")[1] == 'Link':
++ if child.attrib.get('type') == 'application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.orgVdcNetwork+xml' \
++ and child.attrib.get('rel') == 'add':
++ add_vdc_rest_url = child.attrib.get('href')
++ except:
++ self.logger.debug("Failed parse respond for rest api call {}".format(vm_list_rest_call))
++ self.logger.debug("Respond body {}".format(response.content))
++ return None
++ # find pvdc provided available network
++ response = self.perform_request(req_type='GET',
++ url=provider_network,
++ headers=headers)
++ if response.status_code != requests.codes.ok:
++ self.logger.debug("REST API call {} failed. Return status code {}".format(vm_list_rest_call,
++ response.status_code))
++ return None
++ try:
++ vm_list_xmlroot = XmlElementTree.fromstring(response.content)
++ for child in vm_list_xmlroot.iter():
++ if child.tag.split("}")[1] == 'AvailableNetworks':
++ for networks in child.iter():
++ if networks.attrib.get('href') is not None and networks.attrib.get('name') is not None:
++ if networks.attrib.get('name') == physical_network_name:
++ network_url = networks.attrib.get('href')
++ available_network = network_url[network_url.rindex('/')+1:]
++ break
++ except Exception as e:
++ return None
++ return available_network
++ except Exception as e:
++ self.logger.error("Error while getting physical network: {}".format(e))
+ def list_org_action(self):
+ """
+ Method leverages vCloud director and query for available organization for particular user
+ Args:
+ vca - is active VCA connection.
+ vdc_name - is a vdc name that will be used to query vms action
+ Returns:
+ The return XML respond
+ """
+ url_list = [self.url, '/api/org']
+ vm_list_rest_call = ''.join(url_list)
+ if self.client._session:
+ headers = {'Accept':'application/*+xml;version=' + API_VERSION,
+ 'x-vcloud-authorization': self.client._session.headers['x-vcloud-authorization']}
+ response = self.perform_request(req_type='GET',
+ url=vm_list_rest_call,
+ headers=headers)
+ if response.status_code == 403:
+ response = self.retry_rest('GET', vm_list_rest_call)
+ if response.status_code == requests.codes.ok:
+ return response.content
+ return None
+ def get_org_action(self, org_uuid=None):
+ """
+ Method leverages vCloud director and retrieve available object for organization.
+ Args:
+ org_uuid - vCD organization uuid
+ self.client - is active connection.
+ Returns:
+ The return XML respond
+ """
+ if org_uuid is None:
+ return None
+ url_list = [self.url, '/api/org/', org_uuid]
+ vm_list_rest_call = ''.join(url_list)
+ if self.client._session:
+ headers = {'Accept':'application/*+xml;version=' + API_VERSION,
+ 'x-vcloud-authorization': self.client._session.headers['x-vcloud-authorization']}
+ #response = requests.get(vm_list_rest_call, headers=headers, verify=False)
+ response = self.perform_request(req_type='GET',
+ url=vm_list_rest_call,
+ headers=headers)
+ if response.status_code == 403:
+ response = self.retry_rest('GET', vm_list_rest_call)
+ if response.status_code == requests.codes.ok:
+ return response.content
+ return None
+ def get_org(self, org_uuid=None):
+ """
+ Method retrieves available organization in vCloud Director
+ Args:
+ org_uuid - is a organization uuid.
+ Returns:
+ The return dictionary with following key
+ "network" - for network list under the org
+ "catalogs" - for network list under the org
+ "vdcs" - for vdc list under org
+ """
+ org_dict = {}
+ if org_uuid is None:
+ return org_dict
+ content = self.get_org_action(org_uuid=org_uuid)
+ try:
+ vdc_list = {}
+ network_list = {}
+ catalog_list = {}
+ vm_list_xmlroot = XmlElementTree.fromstring(content)
+ for child in vm_list_xmlroot:
+ if child.attrib['type'] == 'application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.vdc+xml':
+ vdc_list[child.attrib['href'].split("/")[-1:][0]] = child.attrib['name']
+ org_dict['vdcs'] = vdc_list
+ if child.attrib['type'] == 'application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.orgNetwork+xml':
+ network_list[child.attrib['href'].split("/")[-1:][0]] = child.attrib['name']
+ org_dict['networks'] = network_list
+ if child.attrib['type'] == 'application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.catalog+xml':
+ catalog_list[child.attrib['href'].split("/")[-1:][0]] = child.attrib['name']
+ org_dict['catalogs'] = catalog_list
+ except:
+ pass
+ return org_dict
+ def get_org_list(self):
+ """
+ Method retrieves available organization in vCloud Director
+ Args:
+ vca - is active VCA connection.
+ Returns:
+ The return dictionary and key for each entry VDC UUID
+ """
+ org_dict = {}
+ content = self.list_org_action()
+ try:
+ vm_list_xmlroot = XmlElementTree.fromstring(content)
+ for vm_xml in vm_list_xmlroot:
+ if vm_xml.tag.split("}")[1] == 'Org':
+ org_uuid = vm_xml.attrib['href'].split('/')[-1:]
+ org_dict[org_uuid[0]] = vm_xml.attrib['name']
+ except:
+ pass
+ return org_dict
+ def vms_view_action(self, vdc_name=None):
+ """ Method leverages vCloud director vms query call
+ Args:
+ vca - is active VCA connection.
+ vdc_name - is a vdc name that will be used to query vms action
+ Returns:
+ The return XML respond
+ """
+ vca = self.connect()
+ if vdc_name is None:
+ return None
+ url_list = [vca.host, '/api/vms/query']
+ vm_list_rest_call = ''.join(url_list)
+ if not (not vca.vcloud_session or not vca.vcloud_session.organization):
+ refs = [ref for ref in vca.vcloud_session.organization.Link if ref.name == vdc_name and
+ ref.type_ == 'application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.vdc+xml']
+ if len(refs) == 1:
+ response = Http.get(url=vm_list_rest_call,
+ headers=vca.vcloud_session.get_vcloud_headers(),
+ verify=vca.verify,
+ logger=vca.logger)
+ if response.status_code == requests.codes.ok:
+ return response.content
+ return None
+ def get_vapp_list(self, vdc_name=None):
+ """
+ Method retrieves vApp list deployed vCloud director and returns a dictionary
+ contains a list of all vapp deployed for queried VDC.
+ The key for a dictionary is vApp UUID
+ Args:
+ vca - is active VCA connection.
+ vdc_name - is a vdc name that will be used to query vms action
+ Returns:
+ The return dictionary and key for each entry vapp UUID
+ """
+ vapp_dict = {}
+ if vdc_name is None:
+ return vapp_dict
+ content = self.vms_view_action(vdc_name=vdc_name)
+ try:
+ vm_list_xmlroot = XmlElementTree.fromstring(content)
+ for vm_xml in vm_list_xmlroot:
+ if vm_xml.tag.split("}")[1] == 'VMRecord':
+ if vm_xml.attrib['isVAppTemplate'] == 'true':
+ rawuuid = vm_xml.attrib['container'].split('/')[-1:]
+ if 'vappTemplate-' in rawuuid[0]:
+ # vm in format vappTemplate-e63d40e7-4ff5-4c6d-851f-96c1e4da86a5 we remove
+ # vm and use raw UUID as key
+ vapp_dict[rawuuid[0][13:]] = vm_xml.attrib
+ except:
+ pass
+ return vapp_dict
+ def get_vm_list(self, vdc_name=None):
+ """
+ Method retrieves VM's list deployed vCloud director. It returns a dictionary
+ contains a list of all VM's deployed for queried VDC.
+ The key for a dictionary is VM UUID
+ Args:
+ vca - is active VCA connection.
+ vdc_name - is a vdc name that will be used to query vms action
+ Returns:
+ The return dictionary and key for each entry vapp UUID
+ """
+ vm_dict = {}
+ if vdc_name is None:
+ return vm_dict
+ content = self.vms_view_action(vdc_name=vdc_name)
+ try:
+ vm_list_xmlroot = XmlElementTree.fromstring(content)
+ for vm_xml in vm_list_xmlroot:
+ if vm_xml.tag.split("}")[1] == 'VMRecord':
+ if vm_xml.attrib['isVAppTemplate'] == 'false':
+ rawuuid = vm_xml.attrib['href'].split('/')[-1:]
+ if 'vm-' in rawuuid[0]:
+ # vm in format vm-e63d40e7-4ff5-4c6d-851f-96c1e4da86a5 we remove
+ # vm and use raw UUID as key
+ vm_dict[rawuuid[0][3:]] = vm_xml.attrib
+ except:
+ pass
+ return vm_dict
+ def get_vapp(self, vdc_name=None, vapp_name=None, isuuid=False):
+ """
+ Method retrieves VM deployed vCloud director. It returns VM attribute as dictionary
+ contains a list of all VM's deployed for queried VDC.
+ The key for a dictionary is VM UUID
+ Args:
+ vca - is active VCA connection.
+ vdc_name - is a vdc name that will be used to query vms action
+ Returns:
+ The return dictionary and key for each entry vapp UUID
+ """
+ vm_dict = {}
+ vca = self.connect()
+ if not vca:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnConnectionException("self.connect() is failed")
+ if vdc_name is None:
+ return vm_dict
+ content = self.vms_view_action(vdc_name=vdc_name)
+ try:
+ vm_list_xmlroot = XmlElementTree.fromstring(content)
+ for vm_xml in vm_list_xmlroot:
+ if vm_xml.tag.split("}")[1] == 'VMRecord' and vm_xml.attrib['isVAppTemplate'] == 'false':
+ # lookup done by UUID
+ if isuuid:
+ if vapp_name in vm_xml.attrib['container']:
+ rawuuid = vm_xml.attrib['href'].split('/')[-1:]
+ if 'vm-' in rawuuid[0]:
+ vm_dict[rawuuid[0][3:]] = vm_xml.attrib
+ break
+ # lookup done by Name
+ else:
+ if vapp_name in vm_xml.attrib['name']:
+ rawuuid = vm_xml.attrib['href'].split('/')[-1:]
+ if 'vm-' in rawuuid[0]:
+ vm_dict[rawuuid[0][3:]] = vm_xml.attrib
+ break
+ except:
+ pass
+ return vm_dict
+ def get_network_action(self, network_uuid=None):
+ """
+ Method leverages vCloud director and query network based on network uuid
+ Args:
+ vca - is active VCA connection.
+ network_uuid - is a network uuid
+ Returns:
+ The return XML respond
+ """
+ if network_uuid is None:
+ return None
+ url_list = [self.url, '/api/network/', network_uuid]
+ vm_list_rest_call = ''.join(url_list)
+ if self.client._session:
+ headers = {'Accept':'application/*+xml;version=' + API_VERSION,
+ 'x-vcloud-authorization': self.client._session.headers['x-vcloud-authorization']}
+ response = self.perform_request(req_type='GET',
+ url=vm_list_rest_call,
+ headers=headers)
+ #Retry login if session expired & retry sending request
+ if response.status_code == 403:
+ response = self.retry_rest('GET', vm_list_rest_call)
+ if response.status_code == requests.codes.ok:
+ return response.content
+ return None
+ def get_vcd_network(self, network_uuid=None):
+ """
+ Method retrieves available network from vCloud Director
+ Args:
+ network_uuid - is VCD network UUID
+ Each element serialized as key : value pair
+ Following keys available for access. network_configuration['Gateway'}
+ <Configuration>
+ <IpScopes>
+ <IpScope>
+ <IsInherited>true</IsInherited>
+ <Gateway></Gateway>
+ <Netmask></Netmask>
+ <Dns1></Dns1>
+ <Dns2></Dns2>
+ <DnsSuffix>vmwarelab.edu</DnsSuffix>
+ <IsEnabled>true</IsEnabled>
+ <IpRanges>
+ <IpRange>
+ <StartAddress></StartAddress>
+ <EndAddress></EndAddress>
+ </IpRange>
+ </IpRanges>
+ </IpScope>
+ </IpScopes>
+ <FenceMode>bridged</FenceMode>
+ Returns:
+ The return dictionary and key for each entry vapp UUID
+ """
+ network_configuration = {}
+ if network_uuid is None:
+ return network_uuid
+ try:
+ content = self.get_network_action(network_uuid=network_uuid)
+ vm_list_xmlroot = XmlElementTree.fromstring(content)
+ network_configuration['status'] = vm_list_xmlroot.get("status")
+ network_configuration['name'] = vm_list_xmlroot.get("name")
+ network_configuration['uuid'] = vm_list_xmlroot.get("id").split(":")[3]
+ for child in vm_list_xmlroot:
+ if child.tag.split("}")[1] == 'IsShared':
+ network_configuration['isShared'] = child.text.strip()
+ if child.tag.split("}")[1] == 'Configuration':
+ for configuration in child.iter():
+ tagKey = configuration.tag.split("}")[1].strip()
+ if tagKey != "":
+ network_configuration[tagKey] = configuration.text.strip()
+ return network_configuration
+ except Exception as exp :
+ self.logger.debug("get_vcd_network: Failed with Exception {}".format(exp))
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("get_vcd_network: Failed with Exception {}".format(exp))
+ return network_configuration
+ def delete_network_action(self, network_uuid=None):
+ """
+ Method delete given network from vCloud director
+ Args:
+ network_uuid - is a network uuid that client wish to delete
+ Returns:
+ The return None or XML respond or false
+ """
+ client = self.connect_as_admin()
+ if not client:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnConnectionException("Failed to connect vCD as admin")
+ if network_uuid is None:
+ return False
+ url_list = [self.url, '/api/admin/network/', network_uuid]
+ vm_list_rest_call = ''.join(url_list)
+ if client._session:
+ headers = {'Accept':'application/*+xml;version=' + API_VERSION,
+ 'x-vcloud-authorization': client._session.headers['x-vcloud-authorization']}
+ response = self.perform_request(req_type='DELETE',
+ url=vm_list_rest_call,
+ headers=headers)
+ if response.status_code == 202:
+ return True
+ return False
+ def create_network(self, network_name=None, net_type='bridge', parent_network_uuid=None,
+ ip_profile=None, isshared='true'):
+ """
+ Method create network in vCloud director
+ Args:
+ network_name - is network name to be created.
+ net_type - can be 'bridge','data','ptp','mgmt'.
+ ip_profile is a dict containing the IP parameters of the network
+ isshared - is a boolean
+ parent_network_uuid - is parent provider vdc network that will be used for mapping.
+ It optional attribute. by default if no parent network indicate the first available will be used.
+ Returns:
+ The return network uuid or return None
+ """
+ new_network_name = [network_name, '-', str(uuid.uuid4())]
+ content = self.create_network_rest(network_name=''.join(new_network_name),
+ ip_profile=ip_profile,
+ net_type=net_type,
+ parent_network_uuid=parent_network_uuid,
+ isshared=isshared)
+ if content is None:
+ self.logger.debug("Failed create network {}.".format(network_name))
+ return None
+ try:
+ vm_list_xmlroot = XmlElementTree.fromstring(content)
+ vcd_uuid = vm_list_xmlroot.get('id').split(":")
+ if len(vcd_uuid) == 4:
+ self.logger.info("Created new network name: {} uuid: {}".format(network_name, vcd_uuid[3]))
+ return vcd_uuid[3]
+ except:
+ self.logger.debug("Failed create network {}".format(network_name))
+ return None
+ def create_network_rest(self, network_name=None, net_type='bridge', parent_network_uuid=None,
+ ip_profile=None, isshared='true'):
+ """
+ Method create network in vCloud director
+ Args:
+ network_name - is network name to be created.
+ net_type - can be 'bridge','data','ptp','mgmt'.
+ ip_profile is a dict containing the IP parameters of the network
+ isshared - is a boolean
+ parent_network_uuid - is parent provider vdc network that will be used for mapping.
+ It optional attribute. by default if no parent network indicate the first available will be used.
+ Returns:
+ The return network uuid or return None
+ """
+ client_as_admin = self.connect_as_admin()
+ if not client_as_admin:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnConnectionException("Failed to connect vCD.")
+ if network_name is None:
+ return None
+ url_list = [self.url, '/api/admin/vdc/', self.tenant_id]
+ vm_list_rest_call = ''.join(url_list)
+ if client_as_admin._session:
+ headers = {'Accept':'application/*+xml;version=' + API_VERSION,
+ 'x-vcloud-authorization': client_as_admin._session.headers['x-vcloud-authorization']}
+ response = self.perform_request(req_type='GET',
+ url=vm_list_rest_call,
+ headers=headers)
+ provider_network = None
+ available_networks = None
+ add_vdc_rest_url = None
+ if response.status_code != requests.codes.ok:
+ self.logger.debug("REST API call {} failed. Return status code {}".format(vm_list_rest_call,
+ response.status_code))
+ return None
+ else:
+ try:
+ vm_list_xmlroot = XmlElementTree.fromstring(response.content)
+ for child in vm_list_xmlroot:
+ if child.tag.split("}")[1] == 'ProviderVdcReference':
+ provider_network = child.attrib.get('href')
+ # application/vnd.vmware.admin.providervdc+xml
+ if child.tag.split("}")[1] == 'Link':
+ if child.attrib.get('type') == 'application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.orgVdcNetwork+xml' \
+ and child.attrib.get('rel') == 'add':
+ add_vdc_rest_url = child.attrib.get('href')
+ except:
+ self.logger.debug("Failed parse respond for rest api call {}".format(vm_list_rest_call))
+ self.logger.debug("Respond body {}".format(response.content))
+ return None
+ # find pvdc provided available network
+ response = self.perform_request(req_type='GET',
+ url=provider_network,
+ headers=headers)
+ if response.status_code != requests.codes.ok:
+ self.logger.debug("REST API call {} failed. Return status code {}".format(vm_list_rest_call,
+ response.status_code))
+ return None
+ if parent_network_uuid is None:
+ try:
+ vm_list_xmlroot = XmlElementTree.fromstring(response.content)
+ for child in vm_list_xmlroot.iter():
+ if child.tag.split("}")[1] == 'AvailableNetworks':
+ for networks in child.iter():
+ # application/vnd.vmware.admin.network+xml
+ if networks.attrib.get('href') is not None:
+ available_networks = networks.attrib.get('href')
+ break
+ except:
+ return None
+ try:
+ #Configure IP profile of the network
+ ip_profile = ip_profile if ip_profile is not None else DEFAULT_IP_PROFILE
+ if 'subnet_address' not in ip_profile or ip_profile['subnet_address'] is None:
+ subnet_rand = random.randint(0, 255)
+ ip_base = "192.168.{}.".format(subnet_rand)
+ ip_profile['subnet_address'] = ip_base + "0/24"
+ else:
+ ip_base = ip_profile['subnet_address'].rsplit('.',1)[0] + '.'
+ if 'gateway_address' not in ip_profile or ip_profile['gateway_address'] is None:
+ ip_profile['gateway_address']=ip_base + "1"
+ if 'dhcp_count' not in ip_profile or ip_profile['dhcp_count'] is None:
+ ip_profile['dhcp_count']=DEFAULT_IP_PROFILE['dhcp_count']
+ if 'dhcp_enabled' not in ip_profile or ip_profile['dhcp_enabled'] is None:
+ ip_profile['dhcp_enabled']=DEFAULT_IP_PROFILE['dhcp_enabled']
+ if 'dhcp_start_address' not in ip_profile or ip_profile['dhcp_start_address'] is None:
+ ip_profile['dhcp_start_address']=ip_base + "3"
+ if 'ip_version' not in ip_profile or ip_profile['ip_version'] is None:
+ ip_profile['ip_version']=DEFAULT_IP_PROFILE['ip_version']
+ if 'dns_address' not in ip_profile or ip_profile['dns_address'] is None:
+ ip_profile['dns_address']=ip_base + "2"
+ gateway_address=ip_profile['gateway_address']
+ dhcp_count=int(ip_profile['dhcp_count'])
+ subnet_address=self.convert_cidr_to_netmask(ip_profile['subnet_address'])
+ if ip_profile['dhcp_enabled']==True:
+ dhcp_enabled='true'
+ else:
+ dhcp_enabled='false'
+ dhcp_start_address=ip_profile['dhcp_start_address']
+ #derive dhcp_end_address from dhcp_start_address & dhcp_count
+ end_ip_int = int(netaddr.IPAddress(dhcp_start_address))
+ end_ip_int += dhcp_count - 1
+ dhcp_end_address = str(netaddr.IPAddress(end_ip_int))
+ ip_version=ip_profile['ip_version']
+ dns_address=ip_profile['dns_address']
+ except KeyError as exp:
+ self.logger.debug("Create Network REST: Key error {}".format(exp))
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("Create Network REST: Key error{}".format(exp))
+ # either use client provided UUID or search for a first available
+ # if both are not defined we return none
+ if parent_network_uuid is not None:
+ provider_network = None
+ available_networks = None
+ add_vdc_rest_url = None
+ url_list = [self.url, '/api/admin/vdc/', self.tenant_id, '/networks']
+ add_vdc_rest_url = ''.join(url_list)
+ url_list = [self.url, '/api/admin/network/', parent_network_uuid]
+ available_networks = ''.join(url_list)
+ #Creating all networks as Direct Org VDC type networks.
+ #Unused in case of Underlay (data/ptp) network interface.
+ fence_mode="isolated"
+ is_inherited='false'
+ dns_list = dns_address.split(";")
+ dns1 = dns_list[0]
+ dns2_text = ""
+ if len(dns_list) >= 2:
+ dns2_text = "\n <Dns2>{}</Dns2>\n".format(dns_list[1])
++ if net_type == "isolated":
++ fence_mode="isolated"
++ data = """ <OrgVdcNetwork name="{0:s}" xmlns="http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/v1.5">
++ <Description>Openmano created</Description>
++ <Configuration>
++ <IpScopes>
++ <IpScope>
++ <IsInherited>{1:s}</IsInherited>
++ <Gateway>{2:s}</Gateway>
++ <Netmask>{3:s}</Netmask>
++ <Dns1>{4:s}</Dns1>{5:s}
++ <IsEnabled>{6:s}</IsEnabled>
++ <IpRanges>
++ <IpRange>
++ <StartAddress>{7:s}</StartAddress>
++ <EndAddress>{8:s}</EndAddress>
++ </IpRange>
++ </IpRanges>
++ </IpScope>
++ </IpScopes>
++ <FenceMode>{9:s}</FenceMode>
++ </Configuration>
++ <IsShared>{10:s}</IsShared>
++ </OrgVdcNetwork> """.format(escape(network_name), is_inherited, gateway_address,
++ subnet_address, dns1, dns2_text, dhcp_enabled,
++ dhcp_start_address, dhcp_end_address,
++ fence_mode, isshared)
++ else:
++ fence_mode = "bridged"
++ data = """ <OrgVdcNetwork name="{0:s}" xmlns="http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/v1.5">
++ <Description>Openmano created</Description>
++ <Configuration>
++ <IpScopes>
++ <IpScope>
++ <IsInherited>{1:s}</IsInherited>
++ <Gateway>{2:s}</Gateway>
++ <Netmask>{3:s}</Netmask>
++ <Dns1>{4:s}</Dns1>{5:s}
++ <IsEnabled>{6:s}</IsEnabled>
++ <IpRanges>
++ <IpRange>
++ <StartAddress>{7:s}</StartAddress>
++ <EndAddress>{8:s}</EndAddress>
++ </IpRange>
++ </IpRanges>
++ </IpScope>
++ </IpScopes>
++ <ParentNetwork href="{9:s}"/>
++ <FenceMode>{10:s}</FenceMode>
++ </Configuration>
++ <IsShared>{11:s}</IsShared>
++ </OrgVdcNetwork> """.format(escape(network_name), is_inherited, gateway_address,
++ subnet_address, dns1, dns2_text, dhcp_enabled,
++ dhcp_start_address, dhcp_end_address, available_networks,
++ fence_mode, isshared)
+ headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.orgVdcNetwork+xml'
+ try:
+ response = self.perform_request(req_type='POST',
+ url=add_vdc_rest_url,
+ headers=headers,
+ data=data)
+ if response.status_code != 201:
+ self.logger.debug("Create Network POST REST API call failed. Return status code {}, Response content: {}"
+ .format(response.status_code,response.content))
+ else:
+ network_task = self.get_task_from_response(response.content)
+ self.logger.debug("Create Network REST : Waiting for Network creation complete")
+ time.sleep(5)
+ result = self.client.get_task_monitor().wait_for_success(task=network_task)
+ if result.get('status') == 'success':
+ return response.content
+ else:
+ self.logger.debug("create_network_rest task failed. Network Create response : {}"
+ .format(response.content))
+ except Exception as exp:
+ self.logger.debug("create_network_rest : Exception : {} ".format(exp))
+ return None
+ def convert_cidr_to_netmask(self, cidr_ip=None):
+ """
+ Method sets convert CIDR netmask address to normal IP format
+ Args:
+ cidr_ip : CIDR IP address
+ Returns:
+ netmask : Converted netmask
+ """
+ if cidr_ip is not None:
+ if '/' in cidr_ip:
+ network, net_bits = cidr_ip.split('/')
+ netmask = socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack(">I", (0xffffffff << (32 - int(net_bits))) & 0xffffffff))
+ else:
+ netmask = cidr_ip
+ return netmask
+ return None
+ def get_provider_rest(self, vca=None):
+ """
+ Method gets provider vdc view from vcloud director
+ Args:
+ network_name - is network name to be created.
+ parent_network_uuid - is parent provider vdc network that will be used for mapping.
+ It optional attribute. by default if no parent network indicate the first available will be used.
+ Returns:
+ The return xml content of respond or None
+ """
+ url_list = [self.url, '/api/admin']
+ if vca:
+ headers = {'Accept':'application/*+xml;version=' + API_VERSION,
+ 'x-vcloud-authorization': self.client._session.headers['x-vcloud-authorization']}
+ response = self.perform_request(req_type='GET',
+ url=''.join(url_list),
+ headers=headers)
+ if response.status_code == requests.codes.ok:
+ return response.content
+ return None
+ def create_vdc(self, vdc_name=None):
+ vdc_dict = {}
+ xml_content = self.create_vdc_from_tmpl_rest(vdc_name=vdc_name)
+ if xml_content is not None:
+ try:
+ task_resp_xmlroot = XmlElementTree.fromstring(xml_content)
+ for child in task_resp_xmlroot:
+ if child.tag.split("}")[1] == 'Owner':
+ vdc_id = child.attrib.get('href').split("/")[-1]
+ vdc_dict[vdc_id] = task_resp_xmlroot.get('href')
+ return vdc_dict
+ except:
+ self.logger.debug("Respond body {}".format(xml_content))
+ return None
+ def create_vdc_from_tmpl_rest(self, vdc_name=None):
+ """
+ Method create vdc in vCloud director based on VDC template.
+ it uses pre-defined template.
+ Args:
+ vdc_name - name of a new vdc.
+ Returns:
+ The return xml content of respond or None
+ """
+ # pre-requesite atleast one vdc template should be available in vCD
+ self.logger.info("Creating new vdc {}".format(vdc_name))
+ vca = self.connect_as_admin()
+ if not vca:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnConnectionException("Failed to connect vCD")
+ if vdc_name is None:
+ return None
+ url_list = [self.url, '/api/vdcTemplates']
+ vm_list_rest_call = ''.join(url_list)
+ headers = {'Accept':'application/*+xml;version=' + API_VERSION,
+ 'x-vcloud-authorization': vca._session.headers['x-vcloud-authorization']}
+ response = self.perform_request(req_type='GET',
+ url=vm_list_rest_call,
+ headers=headers)
+ # container url to a template
+ vdc_template_ref = None
+ try:
+ vm_list_xmlroot = XmlElementTree.fromstring(response.content)
+ for child in vm_list_xmlroot:
+ # application/vnd.vmware.admin.providervdc+xml
+ # we need find a template from witch we instantiate VDC
+ if child.tag.split("}")[1] == 'VdcTemplate':
+ if child.attrib.get('type') == 'application/vnd.vmware.admin.vdcTemplate+xml':
+ vdc_template_ref = child.attrib.get('href')
+ except:
+ self.logger.debug("Failed parse respond for rest api call {}".format(vm_list_rest_call))
+ self.logger.debug("Respond body {}".format(response.content))
+ return None
+ # if we didn't found required pre defined template we return None
+ if vdc_template_ref is None:
+ return None
+ try:
+ # instantiate vdc
+ url_list = [self.url, '/api/org/', self.org_uuid, '/action/instantiate']
+ vm_list_rest_call = ''.join(url_list)
+ data = """<InstantiateVdcTemplateParams name="{0:s}" xmlns="http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/v1.5">
+ <Source href="{1:s}"></Source>
+ <Description>opnemano</Description>
+ </InstantiateVdcTemplateParams>""".format(vdc_name, vdc_template_ref)
+ headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.instantiateVdcTemplateParams+xml'
+ response = self.perform_request(req_type='POST',
+ url=vm_list_rest_call,
+ headers=headers,
+ data=data)
+ vdc_task = self.get_task_from_response(response.content)
+ self.client.get_task_monitor().wait_for_success(task=vdc_task)
+ # if we all ok we respond with content otherwise by default None
+ if response.status_code >= 200 and response.status_code < 300:
+ return response.content
+ return None
+ except:
+ self.logger.debug("Failed parse respond for rest api call {}".format(vm_list_rest_call))
+ self.logger.debug("Respond body {}".format(response.content))
+ return None
+ def create_vdc_rest(self, vdc_name=None):
+ """
+ Method create network in vCloud director
+ Args:
+ vdc_name - vdc name to be created
+ Returns:
+ The return response
+ """
+ self.logger.info("Creating new vdc {}".format(vdc_name))
+ vca = self.connect_as_admin()
+ if not vca:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnConnectionException("Failed to connect vCD")
+ if vdc_name is None:
+ return None
+ url_list = [self.url, '/api/admin/org/', self.org_uuid]
+ vm_list_rest_call = ''.join(url_list)
+ if vca._session:
+ headers = {'Accept':'application/*+xml;version=' + API_VERSION,
+ 'x-vcloud-authorization': self.client._session.headers['x-vcloud-authorization']}
+ response = self.perform_request(req_type='GET',
+ url=vm_list_rest_call,
+ headers=headers)
+ provider_vdc_ref = None
+ add_vdc_rest_url = None
+ available_networks = None
+ if response.status_code != requests.codes.ok:
+ self.logger.debug("REST API call {} failed. Return status code {}".format(vm_list_rest_call,
+ response.status_code))
+ return None
+ else:
+ try:
+ vm_list_xmlroot = XmlElementTree.fromstring(response.content)
+ for child in vm_list_xmlroot:
+ # application/vnd.vmware.admin.providervdc+xml
+ if child.tag.split("}")[1] == 'Link':
+ if child.attrib.get('type') == 'application/vnd.vmware.admin.createVdcParams+xml' \
+ and child.attrib.get('rel') == 'add':
+ add_vdc_rest_url = child.attrib.get('href')
+ except:
+ self.logger.debug("Failed parse respond for rest api call {}".format(vm_list_rest_call))
+ self.logger.debug("Respond body {}".format(response.content))
+ return None
+ response = self.get_provider_rest(vca=vca)
+ try:
+ vm_list_xmlroot = XmlElementTree.fromstring(response)
+ for child in vm_list_xmlroot:
+ if child.tag.split("}")[1] == 'ProviderVdcReferences':
+ for sub_child in child:
+ provider_vdc_ref = sub_child.attrib.get('href')
+ except:
+ self.logger.debug("Failed parse respond for rest api call {}".format(vm_list_rest_call))
+ self.logger.debug("Respond body {}".format(response))
+ return None
+ if add_vdc_rest_url is not None and provider_vdc_ref is not None:
+ data = """ <CreateVdcParams name="{0:s}" xmlns="http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/v1.5"><Description>{1:s}</Description>
+ <AllocationModel>ReservationPool</AllocationModel>
+ <ComputeCapacity><Cpu><Units>MHz</Units><Allocated>2048</Allocated><Limit>2048</Limit></Cpu>
+ <Memory><Units>MB</Units><Allocated>2048</Allocated><Limit>2048</Limit></Memory>
+ </ComputeCapacity><NicQuota>0</NicQuota><NetworkQuota>100</NetworkQuota>
+ <VdcStorageProfile><Enabled>true</Enabled><Units>MB</Units><Limit>20480</Limit><Default>true</Default></VdcStorageProfile>
+ <ProviderVdcReference
+ name="Main Provider"
+ href="{2:s}" />
+ <UsesFastProvisioning>true</UsesFastProvisioning></CreateVdcParams>""".format(escape(vdc_name),
+ escape(vdc_name),
+ provider_vdc_ref)
+ headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/vnd.vmware.admin.createVdcParams+xml'
+ response = self.perform_request(req_type='POST',
+ url=add_vdc_rest_url,
+ headers=headers,
+ data=data)
+ # if we all ok we respond with content otherwise by default None
+ if response.status_code == 201:
+ return response.content
+ return None
+ def get_vapp_details_rest(self, vapp_uuid=None, need_admin_access=False):
+ """
+ Method retrieve vapp detail from vCloud director
+ Args:
+ vapp_uuid - is vapp identifier.
+ Returns:
+ The return network uuid or return None
+ """
+ parsed_respond = {}
+ vca = None
+ if need_admin_access:
+ vca = self.connect_as_admin()
+ else:
+ vca = self.client
+ if not vca:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnConnectionException("Failed to connect vCD")
+ if vapp_uuid is None:
+ return None
+ url_list = [self.url, '/api/vApp/vapp-', vapp_uuid]
+ get_vapp_restcall = ''.join(url_list)
+ if vca._session:
+ headers = {'Accept':'application/*+xml;version=' + API_VERSION,
+ 'x-vcloud-authorization': vca._session.headers['x-vcloud-authorization']}
+ response = self.perform_request(req_type='GET',
+ url=get_vapp_restcall,
+ headers=headers)
+ if response.status_code == 403:
+ if need_admin_access == False:
+ response = self.retry_rest('GET', get_vapp_restcall)
+ if response.status_code != requests.codes.ok:
+ self.logger.debug("REST API call {} failed. Return status code {}".format(get_vapp_restcall,
+ response.status_code))
+ return parsed_respond
+ try:
+ xmlroot_respond = XmlElementTree.fromstring(response.content)
+ parsed_respond['ovfDescriptorUploaded'] = xmlroot_respond.attrib['ovfDescriptorUploaded']
+ namespaces = {"vssd":"http://schemas.dmtf.org/wbem/wscim/1/cim-schema/2/CIM_VirtualSystemSettingData" ,
+ 'ovf': 'http://schemas.dmtf.org/ovf/envelope/1',
+ 'vmw': 'http://www.vmware.com/schema/ovf',
+ 'vm': 'http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/v1.5',
+ 'rasd':"http://schemas.dmtf.org/wbem/wscim/1/cim-schema/2/CIM_ResourceAllocationSettingData",
+ "vmext":"http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/extension/v1.5",
+ "xmlns":"http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/v1.5"
+ }
+ created_section = xmlroot_respond.find('vm:DateCreated', namespaces)
+ if created_section is not None:
+ parsed_respond['created'] = created_section.text
+ network_section = xmlroot_respond.find('vm:NetworkConfigSection/vm:NetworkConfig', namespaces)
+ if network_section is not None and 'networkName' in network_section.attrib:
+ parsed_respond['networkname'] = network_section.attrib['networkName']
+ ipscopes_section = \
+ xmlroot_respond.find('vm:NetworkConfigSection/vm:NetworkConfig/vm:Configuration/vm:IpScopes',
+ namespaces)
+ if ipscopes_section is not None:
+ for ipscope in ipscopes_section:
+ for scope in ipscope:
+ tag_key = scope.tag.split("}")[1]
+ if tag_key == 'IpRanges':
+ ip_ranges = scope.getchildren()
+ for ipblock in ip_ranges:
+ for block in ipblock:
+ parsed_respond[block.tag.split("}")[1]] = block.text
+ else:
+ parsed_respond[tag_key] = scope.text
+ # parse children section for other attrib
+ children_section = xmlroot_respond.find('vm:Children/', namespaces)
+ if children_section is not None:
+ parsed_respond['name'] = children_section.attrib['name']
+ parsed_respond['nestedHypervisorEnabled'] = children_section.attrib['nestedHypervisorEnabled'] \
+ if "nestedHypervisorEnabled" in children_section.attrib else None
+ parsed_respond['deployed'] = children_section.attrib['deployed']
+ parsed_respond['status'] = children_section.attrib['status']
+ parsed_respond['vmuuid'] = children_section.attrib['id'].split(":")[-1]
+ network_adapter = children_section.find('vm:NetworkConnectionSection', namespaces)
+ nic_list = []
+ for adapters in network_adapter:
+ adapter_key = adapters.tag.split("}")[1]
+ if adapter_key == 'PrimaryNetworkConnectionIndex':
+ parsed_respond['primarynetwork'] = adapters.text
+ if adapter_key == 'NetworkConnection':
+ vnic = {}
+ if 'network' in adapters.attrib:
+ vnic['network'] = adapters.attrib['network']
+ for adapter in adapters:
+ setting_key = adapter.tag.split("}")[1]
+ vnic[setting_key] = adapter.text
+ nic_list.append(vnic)
+ for link in children_section:
+ if link.tag.split("}")[1] == 'Link' and 'rel' in link.attrib:
+ if link.attrib['rel'] == 'screen:acquireTicket':
+ parsed_respond['acquireTicket'] = link.attrib
+ if link.attrib['rel'] == 'screen:acquireMksTicket':
+ parsed_respond['acquireMksTicket'] = link.attrib
+ parsed_respond['interfaces'] = nic_list
+ vCloud_extension_section = children_section.find('xmlns:VCloudExtension', namespaces)
+ if vCloud_extension_section is not None:
+ vm_vcenter_info = {}
+ vim_info = vCloud_extension_section.find('vmext:VmVimInfo', namespaces)
+ vmext = vim_info.find('vmext:VmVimObjectRef', namespaces)
+ if vmext is not None:
+ vm_vcenter_info["vm_moref_id"] = vmext.find('vmext:MoRef', namespaces).text
+ parsed_respond["vm_vcenter_info"]= vm_vcenter_info
+ virtual_hardware_section = children_section.find('ovf:VirtualHardwareSection', namespaces)
+ vm_virtual_hardware_info = {}
+ if virtual_hardware_section is not None:
+ for item in virtual_hardware_section.iterfind('ovf:Item',namespaces):
+ if item.find("rasd:Description",namespaces).text == "Hard disk":
+ disk_size = item.find("rasd:HostResource" ,namespaces
+ ).attrib["{"+namespaces['vm']+"}capacity"]
+ vm_virtual_hardware_info["disk_size"]= disk_size
+ break
+ for link in virtual_hardware_section:
+ if link.tag.split("}")[1] == 'Link' and 'rel' in link.attrib:
+ if link.attrib['rel'] == 'edit' and link.attrib['href'].endswith("/disks"):
+ vm_virtual_hardware_info["disk_edit_href"] = link.attrib['href']
+ break
+ parsed_respond["vm_virtual_hardware"]= vm_virtual_hardware_info
+ except Exception as exp :
+ self.logger.info("Error occurred calling rest api for getting vApp details {}".format(exp))
+ return parsed_respond
+ def acquire_console(self, vm_uuid=None):
+ if vm_uuid is None:
+ return None
+ if self.client._session:
+ headers = {'Accept':'application/*+xml;version=' + API_VERSION,
+ 'x-vcloud-authorization': self.client._session.headers['x-vcloud-authorization']}
+ vm_dict = self.get_vapp_details_rest(vapp_uuid=vm_uuid)
+ console_dict = vm_dict['acquireTicket']
+ console_rest_call = console_dict['href']
+ response = self.perform_request(req_type='POST',
+ url=console_rest_call,
+ headers=headers)
+ if response.status_code == 403:
+ response = self.retry_rest('POST', console_rest_call)
+ if response.status_code == requests.codes.ok:
+ return response.content
+ return None
+ def modify_vm_disk(self, vapp_uuid, flavor_disk):
+ """
+ Method retrieve vm disk details
+ Args:
+ vapp_uuid - is vapp identifier.
+ flavor_disk - disk size as specified in VNFD (flavor)
+ Returns:
+ The return network uuid or return None
+ """
+ status = None
+ try:
+ #Flavor disk is in GB convert it into MB
+ flavor_disk = int(flavor_disk) * 1024
+ vm_details = self.get_vapp_details_rest(vapp_uuid)
+ if vm_details:
+ vm_name = vm_details["name"]
+ self.logger.info("VM: {} flavor_disk :{}".format(vm_name , flavor_disk))
+ if vm_details and "vm_virtual_hardware" in vm_details:
+ vm_disk = int(vm_details["vm_virtual_hardware"]["disk_size"])
+ disk_edit_href = vm_details["vm_virtual_hardware"]["disk_edit_href"]
+ self.logger.info("VM: {} VM_disk :{}".format(vm_name , vm_disk))
+ if flavor_disk > vm_disk:
+ status = self.modify_vm_disk_rest(disk_edit_href ,flavor_disk)
+ self.logger.info("Modify disk of VM {} from {} to {} MB".format(vm_name,
+ vm_disk, flavor_disk ))
+ else:
+ status = True
+ self.logger.info("No need to modify disk of VM {}".format(vm_name))
+ return status
+ except Exception as exp:
+ self.logger.info("Error occurred while modifing disk size {}".format(exp))
+ def modify_vm_disk_rest(self, disk_href , disk_size):
+ """
+ Method retrieve modify vm disk size
+ Args:
+ disk_href - vCD API URL to GET and PUT disk data
+ disk_size - disk size as specified in VNFD (flavor)
+ Returns:
+ The return network uuid or return None
+ """
+ if disk_href is None or disk_size is None:
+ return None
+ if self.client._session:
+ headers = {'Accept':'application/*+xml;version=' + API_VERSION,
+ 'x-vcloud-authorization': self.client._session.headers['x-vcloud-authorization']}
+ response = self.perform_request(req_type='GET',
+ url=disk_href,
+ headers=headers)
+ if response.status_code == 403:
+ response = self.retry_rest('GET', disk_href)
+ if response.status_code != requests.codes.ok:
+ self.logger.debug("GET REST API call {} failed. Return status code {}".format(disk_href,
+ response.status_code))
+ return None
+ try:
+ lxmlroot_respond = lxmlElementTree.fromstring(response.content)
+ namespaces = {prefix: uri for prefix, uri in lxmlroot_respond.nsmap.items() if prefix}
+ namespaces["xmlns"]= "http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/v1.5"
+ for item in lxmlroot_respond.iterfind('xmlns:Item',namespaces):
+ if item.find("rasd:Description",namespaces).text == "Hard disk":
+ disk_item = item.find("rasd:HostResource" ,namespaces )
+ if disk_item is not None:
+ disk_item.attrib["{"+namespaces['xmlns']+"}capacity"] = str(disk_size)
+ break
+ data = lxmlElementTree.tostring(lxmlroot_respond, encoding='utf8', method='xml',
+ xml_declaration=True)
+ #Send PUT request to modify disk size
+ headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.rasdItemsList+xml; charset=ISO-8859-1'
+ response = self.perform_request(req_type='PUT',
+ url=disk_href,
+ headers=headers,
+ data=data)
+ if response.status_code == 403:
+ add_headers = {'Content-Type': headers['Content-Type']}
+ response = self.retry_rest('PUT', disk_href, add_headers, data)
+ if response.status_code != 202:
+ self.logger.debug("PUT REST API call {} failed. Return status code {}".format(disk_href,
+ response.status_code))
+ else:
+ modify_disk_task = self.get_task_from_response(response.content)
+ result = self.client.get_task_monitor().wait_for_success(task=modify_disk_task)
+ if result.get('status') == 'success':
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ return None
+ except Exception as exp :
+ self.logger.info("Error occurred calling rest api for modifing disk size {}".format(exp))
+ return None
+ def add_pci_devices(self, vapp_uuid , pci_devices , vmname_andid):
+ """
+ Method to attach pci devices to VM
+ Args:
+ vapp_uuid - uuid of vApp/VM
+ pci_devices - pci devices infromation as specified in VNFD (flavor)
+ Returns:
+ The status of add pci device task , vm object and
+ vcenter_conect object
+ """
+ vm_obj = None
+ self.logger.info("Add pci devices {} into vApp {}".format(pci_devices , vapp_uuid))
+ vcenter_conect, content = self.get_vcenter_content()
+ vm_moref_id = self.get_vm_moref_id(vapp_uuid)
+ if vm_moref_id:
+ try:
+ no_of_pci_devices = len(pci_devices)
+ if no_of_pci_devices > 0:
+ #Get VM and its host
+ host_obj, vm_obj = self.get_vm_obj(content, vm_moref_id)
+ self.logger.info("VM {} is currently on host {}".format(vm_obj, host_obj))
+ if host_obj and vm_obj:
+ #get PCI devies from host on which vapp is currently installed
+ avilable_pci_devices = self.get_pci_devices(host_obj, no_of_pci_devices)
+ if avilable_pci_devices is None:
+ #find other hosts with active pci devices
+ new_host_obj , avilable_pci_devices = self.get_host_and_PCIdevices(
+ content,
+ no_of_pci_devices
+ )
+ if new_host_obj is not None and avilable_pci_devices is not None and len(avilable_pci_devices)> 0:
+ #Migrate vm to the host where PCI devices are availble
+ self.logger.info("Relocate VM {} on new host {}".format(vm_obj, new_host_obj))
+ task = self.relocate_vm(new_host_obj, vm_obj)
+ if task is not None:
+ result = self.wait_for_vcenter_task(task, vcenter_conect)
+ self.logger.info("Migrate VM status: {}".format(result))
+ host_obj = new_host_obj
+ else:
+ self.logger.info("Fail to migrate VM : {}".format(result))
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException(
+ "Fail to migrate VM : {} to host {}".format(
+ vmname_andid,
+ new_host_obj)
+ )
+ if host_obj is not None and avilable_pci_devices is not None and len(avilable_pci_devices)> 0:
+ #Add PCI devices one by one
+ for pci_device in avilable_pci_devices:
+ task = self.add_pci_to_vm(host_obj, vm_obj, pci_device)
+ if task:
+ status= self.wait_for_vcenter_task(task, vcenter_conect)
+ if status:
+ self.logger.info("Added PCI device {} to VM {}".format(pci_device,str(vm_obj)))
+ else:
+ self.logger.error("Fail to add PCI device {} to VM {}".format(pci_device,str(vm_obj)))
+ return True, vm_obj, vcenter_conect
+ else:
+ self.logger.error("Currently there is no host with"\
+ " {} number of avaialble PCI devices required for VM {}".format(
+ no_of_pci_devices,
+ vmname_andid)
+ )
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException(
+ "Currently there is no host with {} "\
+ "number of avaialble PCI devices required for VM {}".format(
+ no_of_pci_devices,
+ vmname_andid))
+ else:
+ self.logger.debug("No infromation about PCI devices {} ",pci_devices)
+ except vmodl.MethodFault as error:
+ self.logger.error("Error occurred while adding PCI devices {} ",error)
+ return None, vm_obj, vcenter_conect
+ def get_vm_obj(self, content, mob_id):
+ """
+ Method to get the vsphere VM object associated with a given morf ID
+ Args:
+ vapp_uuid - uuid of vApp/VM
+ content - vCenter content object
+ mob_id - mob_id of VM
+ Returns:
+ VM and host object
+ """
+ vm_obj = None
+ host_obj = None
+ try :
+ container = content.viewManager.CreateContainerView(content.rootFolder,
+ [vim.VirtualMachine], True
+ )
+ for vm in container.view:
+ mobID = vm._GetMoId()
+ if mobID == mob_id:
+ vm_obj = vm
+ host_obj = vm_obj.runtime.host
+ break
+ except Exception as exp:
+ self.logger.error("Error occurred while finding VM object : {}".format(exp))
+ return host_obj, vm_obj
+ def get_pci_devices(self, host, need_devices):
+ """
+ Method to get the details of pci devices on given host
+ Args:
+ host - vSphere host object
+ need_devices - number of pci devices needed on host
+ Returns:
+ array of pci devices
+ """
+ all_devices = []
+ all_device_ids = []
+ used_devices_ids = []
+ try:
+ if host:
+ pciPassthruInfo = host.config.pciPassthruInfo
+ pciDevies = host.hardware.pciDevice
+ for pci_status in pciPassthruInfo:
+ if pci_status.passthruActive:
+ for device in pciDevies:
+ if device.id == pci_status.id:
+ all_device_ids.append(device.id)
+ all_devices.append(device)
+ #check if devices are in use
+ avalible_devices = all_devices
+ for vm in host.vm:
+ if vm.runtime.powerState == vim.VirtualMachinePowerState.poweredOn:
+ vm_devices = vm.config.hardware.device
+ for device in vm_devices:
+ if type(device) is vim.vm.device.VirtualPCIPassthrough:
+ if device.backing.id in all_device_ids:
+ for use_device in avalible_devices:
+ if use_device.id == device.backing.id:
+ avalible_devices.remove(use_device)
+ used_devices_ids.append(device.backing.id)
+ self.logger.debug("Device {} from devices {}"\
+ "is in use".format(device.backing.id,
+ device)
+ )
+ if len(avalible_devices) < need_devices:
+ self.logger.debug("Host {} don't have {} number of active devices".format(host,
+ need_devices))
+ self.logger.debug("found only {} devives {}".format(len(avalible_devices),
+ avalible_devices))
+ return None
+ else:
+ required_devices = avalible_devices[:need_devices]
+ self.logger.info("Found {} PCI devivces on host {} but required only {}".format(
+ len(avalible_devices),
+ host,
+ need_devices))
+ self.logger.info("Retruning {} devices as {}".format(need_devices,
+ required_devices ))
+ return required_devices
+ except Exception as exp:
+ self.logger.error("Error {} occurred while finding pci devices on host: {}".format(exp, host))
+ return None
+ def get_host_and_PCIdevices(self, content, need_devices):
+ """
+ Method to get the details of pci devices infromation on all hosts
+ Args:
+ content - vSphere host object
+ need_devices - number of pci devices needed on host
+ Returns:
+ array of pci devices and host object
+ """
+ host_obj = None
+ pci_device_objs = None
+ try:
+ if content:
+ container = content.viewManager.CreateContainerView(content.rootFolder,
+ [vim.HostSystem], True)
+ for host in container.view:
+ devices = self.get_pci_devices(host, need_devices)
+ if devices:
+ host_obj = host
+ pci_device_objs = devices
+ break
+ except Exception as exp:
+ self.logger.error("Error {} occurred while finding pci devices on host: {}".format(exp, host_obj))
+ return host_obj,pci_device_objs
+ def relocate_vm(self, dest_host, vm) :
+ """
+ Method to get the relocate VM to new host
+ Args:
+ dest_host - vSphere host object
+ vm - vSphere VM object
+ Returns:
+ task object
+ """
+ task = None
+ try:
+ relocate_spec = vim.vm.RelocateSpec(host=dest_host)
+ task = vm.Relocate(relocate_spec)
+ self.logger.info("Migrating {} to destination host {}".format(vm, dest_host))
+ except Exception as exp:
+ self.logger.error("Error occurred while relocate VM {} to new host {}: {}".format(
+ dest_host, vm, exp))
+ return task
+ def wait_for_vcenter_task(self, task, actionName='job', hideResult=False):
+ """
+ Waits and provides updates on a vSphere task
+ """
+ while task.info.state == vim.TaskInfo.State.running:
+ time.sleep(2)
+ if task.info.state == vim.TaskInfo.State.success:
+ if task.info.result is not None and not hideResult:
+ self.logger.info('{} completed successfully, result: {}'.format(
+ actionName,
+ task.info.result))
+ else:
+ self.logger.info('Task {} completed successfully.'.format(actionName))
+ else:
+ self.logger.error('{} did not complete successfully: {} '.format(
+ actionName,
+ task.info.error)
+ )
+ return task.info.result
+ def add_pci_to_vm(self,host_object, vm_object, host_pci_dev):
+ """
+ Method to add pci device in given VM
+ Args:
+ host_object - vSphere host object
+ vm_object - vSphere VM object
+ host_pci_dev - host_pci_dev must be one of the devices from the
+ host_object.hardware.pciDevice list
+ which is configured as a PCI passthrough device
+ Returns:
+ task object
+ """
+ task = None
+ if vm_object and host_object and host_pci_dev:
+ try :
+ #Add PCI device to VM
+ pci_passthroughs = vm_object.environmentBrowser.QueryConfigTarget(host=None).pciPassthrough
+ systemid_by_pciid = {item.pciDevice.id: item.systemId for item in pci_passthroughs}
+ if host_pci_dev.id not in systemid_by_pciid:
+ self.logger.error("Device {} is not a passthrough device ".format(host_pci_dev))
+ return None
+ deviceId = hex(host_pci_dev.deviceId % 2**16).lstrip('0x')
+ backing = vim.VirtualPCIPassthroughDeviceBackingInfo(deviceId=deviceId,
+ id=host_pci_dev.id,
+ systemId=systemid_by_pciid[host_pci_dev.id],
+ vendorId=host_pci_dev.vendorId,
+ deviceName=host_pci_dev.deviceName)
+ hba_object = vim.VirtualPCIPassthrough(key=-100, backing=backing)
+ new_device_config = vim.VirtualDeviceConfigSpec(device=hba_object)
+ new_device_config.operation = "add"
+ vmConfigSpec = vim.vm.ConfigSpec()
+ vmConfigSpec.deviceChange = [new_device_config]
+ task = vm_object.ReconfigVM_Task(spec=vmConfigSpec)
+ self.logger.info("Adding PCI device {} into VM {} from host {} ".format(
+ host_pci_dev, vm_object, host_object)
+ )
+ except Exception as exp:
+ self.logger.error("Error occurred while adding pci devive {} to VM {}: {}".format(
+ host_pci_dev,
+ vm_object,
+ exp))
+ return task
+ def get_vm_vcenter_info(self):
+ """
+ Method to get details of vCenter and vm
+ Args:
+ vapp_uuid - uuid of vApp or VM
+ Returns:
+ Moref Id of VM and deails of vCenter
+ """
+ vm_vcenter_info = {}
+ if self.vcenter_ip is not None:
+ vm_vcenter_info["vm_vcenter_ip"] = self.vcenter_ip
+ else:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException(message="vCenter IP is not provided."\
+ " Please provide vCenter IP while attaching datacenter to tenant in --config")
+ if self.vcenter_port is not None:
+ vm_vcenter_info["vm_vcenter_port"] = self.vcenter_port
+ else:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException(message="vCenter port is not provided."\
+ " Please provide vCenter port while attaching datacenter to tenant in --config")
+ if self.vcenter_user is not None:
+ vm_vcenter_info["vm_vcenter_user"] = self.vcenter_user
+ else:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException(message="vCenter user is not provided."\
+ " Please provide vCenter user while attaching datacenter to tenant in --config")
+ if self.vcenter_password is not None:
+ vm_vcenter_info["vm_vcenter_password"] = self.vcenter_password
+ else:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException(message="vCenter user password is not provided."\
+ " Please provide vCenter user password while attaching datacenter to tenant in --config")
+ return vm_vcenter_info
+ def get_vm_pci_details(self, vmuuid):
+ """
+ Method to get VM PCI device details from vCenter
+ Args:
+ vm_obj - vSphere VM object
+ Returns:
+ dict of PCI devives attached to VM
+ """
+ vm_pci_devices_info = {}
+ try:
+ vcenter_conect, content = self.get_vcenter_content()
+ vm_moref_id = self.get_vm_moref_id(vmuuid)
+ if vm_moref_id:
+ #Get VM and its host
+ if content:
+ host_obj, vm_obj = self.get_vm_obj(content, vm_moref_id)
+ if host_obj and vm_obj:
+ vm_pci_devices_info["host_name"]= host_obj.name
+ vm_pci_devices_info["host_ip"]= host_obj.config.network.vnic[0].spec.ip.ipAddress
+ for device in vm_obj.config.hardware.device:
+ if type(device) == vim.vm.device.VirtualPCIPassthrough:
+ device_details={'devide_id':device.backing.id,
+ 'pciSlotNumber':device.slotInfo.pciSlotNumber,
+ }
+ vm_pci_devices_info[device.deviceInfo.label] = device_details
+ else:
+ self.logger.error("Can not connect to vCenter while getting "\
+ "PCI devices infromationn")
+ return vm_pci_devices_info
+ except Exception as exp:
+ self.logger.error("Error occurred while getting VM infromationn"\
+ " for VM : {}".format(exp))
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException(message=exp)
+ def reserve_memory_for_all_vms(self, vapp, memory_mb):
+ """
+ Method to reserve memory for all VMs
+ Args :
+ vapp - VApp
+ memory_mb - Memory in MB
+ Returns:
+ None
+ """
+ self.logger.info("Reserve memory for all VMs")
+ for vms in vapp.get_all_vms():
+ vm_id = vms.get('id').split(':')[-1]
+ url_rest_call = "{}/api/vApp/vm-{}/virtualHardwareSection/memory".format(self.url, vm_id)
+ headers = {'Accept':'application/*+xml;version=' + API_VERSION,
+ 'x-vcloud-authorization': self.client._session.headers['x-vcloud-authorization']}
+ headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.rasdItem+xml'
+ response = self.perform_request(req_type='GET',
+ url=url_rest_call,
+ headers=headers)
+ if response.status_code == 403:
+ response = self.retry_rest('GET', url_rest_call)
+ if response.status_code != 200:
+ self.logger.error("REST call {} failed reason : {}"\
+ "status code : {}".format(url_rest_call,
+ response.content,
+ response.status_code))
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("reserve_memory_for_all_vms : Failed to get "\
+ "memory")
+ bytexml = bytes(bytearray(response.content, encoding='utf-8'))
+ contentelem = lxmlElementTree.XML(bytexml)
+ namespaces = {prefix:uri for prefix,uri in contentelem.nsmap.items() if prefix}
+ namespaces["xmlns"]= "http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/v1.5"
+ # Find the reservation element in the response
+ memelem_list = contentelem.findall(".//rasd:Reservation", namespaces)
+ for memelem in memelem_list:
+ memelem.text = str(memory_mb)
+ newdata = lxmlElementTree.tostring(contentelem, pretty_print=True)
+ response = self.perform_request(req_type='PUT',
+ url=url_rest_call,
+ headers=headers,
+ data=newdata)
+ if response.status_code == 403:
+ add_headers = {'Content-Type': headers['Content-Type']}
+ response = self.retry_rest('PUT', url_rest_call, add_headers, newdata)
+ if response.status_code != 202:
+ self.logger.error("REST call {} failed reason : {}"\
+ "status code : {} ".format(url_rest_call,
+ response.content,
+ response.status_code))
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("reserve_memory_for_all_vms : Failed to update "\
+ "virtual hardware memory section")
+ else:
+ mem_task = self.get_task_from_response(response.content)
+ result = self.client.get_task_monitor().wait_for_success(task=mem_task)
+ if result.get('status') == 'success':
+ self.logger.info("reserve_memory_for_all_vms(): VM {} succeeded "\
+ .format(vm_id))
+ else:
+ self.logger.error("reserve_memory_for_all_vms(): VM {} failed "\
+ .format(vm_id))
+ def connect_vapp_to_org_vdc_network(self, vapp_id, net_name):
+ """
+ Configure VApp network config with org vdc network
+ Args :
+ vapp - VApp
+ Returns:
+ None
+ """
+ self.logger.info("Connecting vapp {} to org vdc network {}".
+ format(vapp_id, net_name))
+ url_rest_call = "{}/api/vApp/vapp-{}/networkConfigSection/".format(self.url, vapp_id)
+ headers = {'Accept':'application/*+xml;version=' + API_VERSION,
+ 'x-vcloud-authorization': self.client._session.headers['x-vcloud-authorization']}
+ response = self.perform_request(req_type='GET',
+ url=url_rest_call,
+ headers=headers)
+ if response.status_code == 403:
+ response = self.retry_rest('GET', url_rest_call)
+ if response.status_code != 200:
+ self.logger.error("REST call {} failed reason : {}"\
+ "status code : {}".format(url_rest_call,
+ response.content,
+ response.status_code))
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("connect_vapp_to_org_vdc_network : Failed to get "\
+ "network config section")
+ data = response.content
+ headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.networkConfigSection+xml'
+ net_id = self.get_network_id_by_name(net_name)
+ if not net_id:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("connect_vapp_to_org_vdc_network : Failed to find "\
+ "existing network")
+ bytexml = bytes(bytearray(data, encoding='utf-8'))
+ newelem = lxmlElementTree.XML(bytexml)
+ namespaces = {prefix: uri for prefix, uri in newelem.nsmap.items() if prefix}
+ namespaces["xmlns"] = "http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/v1.5"
+ nwcfglist = newelem.findall(".//xmlns:NetworkConfig", namespaces)
+ # VCD 9.7 returns an incorrect parentnetwork element. Fix it before PUT operation
+ parentnetworklist = newelem.findall(".//xmlns:ParentNetwork", namespaces)
+ if parentnetworklist:
+ for pn in parentnetworklist:
+ if "href" not in pn.keys():
+ id_val = pn.get("id")
+ href_val = "{}/api/network/{}".format(self.url, id_val)
+ pn.set("href", href_val)
+ newstr = """<NetworkConfig networkName="{}">
+ <Configuration>
+ <ParentNetwork href="{}/api/network/{}"/>
+ <FenceMode>bridged</FenceMode>
+ </Configuration>
+ </NetworkConfig>
+ """.format(net_name, self.url, net_id)
+ newcfgelem = lxmlElementTree.fromstring(newstr)
+ if nwcfglist:
+ nwcfglist[0].addnext(newcfgelem)
+ newdata = lxmlElementTree.tostring(newelem, pretty_print=True)
+ response = self.perform_request(req_type='PUT',
+ url=url_rest_call,
+ headers=headers,
+ data=newdata)
+ if response.status_code == 403:
+ add_headers = {'Content-Type': headers['Content-Type']}
+ response = self.retry_rest('PUT', url_rest_call, add_headers, newdata)
+ if response.status_code != 202:
+ self.logger.error("REST call {} failed reason : {}"\
+ "status code : {} ".format(url_rest_call,
+ response.content,
+ response.status_code))
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("connect_vapp_to_org_vdc_network : Failed to update "\
+ "network config section")
+ else:
+ vapp_task = self.get_task_from_response(response.content)
+ result = self.client.get_task_monitor().wait_for_success(task=vapp_task)
+ if result.get('status') == 'success':
+ self.logger.info("connect_vapp_to_org_vdc_network(): Vapp {} connected to "\
+ "network {}".format(vapp_id, net_name))
+ else:
+ self.logger.error("connect_vapp_to_org_vdc_network(): Vapp {} failed to "\
+ "connect to network {}".format(vapp_id, net_name))
+ def remove_primary_network_adapter_from_all_vms(self, vapp):
+ """
+ Method to remove network adapter type to vm
+ Args :
+ vapp - VApp
+ Returns:
+ None
+ """
+ self.logger.info("Removing network adapter from all VMs")
+ for vms in vapp.get_all_vms():
+ vm_id = vms.get('id').split(':')[-1]
+ url_rest_call = "{}/api/vApp/vm-{}/networkConnectionSection/".format(self.url, vm_id)
+ headers = {'Accept':'application/*+xml;version=' + API_VERSION,
+ 'x-vcloud-authorization': self.client._session.headers['x-vcloud-authorization']}
+ response = self.perform_request(req_type='GET',
+ url=url_rest_call,
+ headers=headers)
+ if response.status_code == 403:
+ response = self.retry_rest('GET', url_rest_call)
+ if response.status_code != 200:
+ self.logger.error("REST call {} failed reason : {}"\
+ "status code : {}".format(url_rest_call,
+ response.content,
+ response.status_code))
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("remove_primary_network_adapter : Failed to get "\
+ "network connection section")
+ data = response.content
+ data = data.split('<Link rel="edit"')[0]
+ headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.networkConnectionSection+xml'
+ newdata = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
+ <NetworkConnectionSection xmlns="http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/v1.5"
+ xmlns:ovf="http://schemas.dmtf.org/ovf/envelope/1"
+ xmlns:vssd="http://schemas.dmtf.org/wbem/wscim/1/cim-schema/2/CIM_VirtualSystemSettingData"
+ xmlns:common="http://schemas.dmtf.org/wbem/wscim/1/common"
+ xmlns:rasd="http://schemas.dmtf.org/wbem/wscim/1/cim-schema/2/CIM_ResourceAllocationSettingData"
+ xmlns:vmw="http://www.vmware.com/schema/ovf"
+ xmlns:ovfenv="http://schemas.dmtf.org/ovf/environment/1"
+ xmlns:vmext="http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/extension/v1.5"
+ xmlns:ns9="http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/versions"
+ href="{url}" type="application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.networkConnectionSection+xml" ovf:required="false">
+ <ovf:Info>Specifies the available VM network connections</ovf:Info>
+ <PrimaryNetworkConnectionIndex>0</PrimaryNetworkConnectionIndex>
+ <Link rel="edit" href="{url}" type="application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.networkConnectionSection+xml"/>
+ </NetworkConnectionSection>""".format(url=url_rest_call)
+ response = self.perform_request(req_type='PUT',
+ url=url_rest_call,
+ headers=headers,
+ data=newdata)
+ if response.status_code == 403:
+ add_headers = {'Content-Type': headers['Content-Type']}
+ response = self.retry_rest('PUT', url_rest_call, add_headers, newdata)
+ if response.status_code != 202:
+ self.logger.error("REST call {} failed reason : {}"\
+ "status code : {} ".format(url_rest_call,
+ response.content,
+ response.status_code))
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("remove_primary_network_adapter : Failed to update "\
+ "network connection section")
+ else:
+ nic_task = self.get_task_from_response(response.content)
+ result = self.client.get_task_monitor().wait_for_success(task=nic_task)
+ if result.get('status') == 'success':
+ self.logger.info("remove_primary_network_adapter(): VM {} conneced to "\
+ "default NIC type".format(vm_id))
+ else:
+ self.logger.error("remove_primary_network_adapter(): VM {} failed to "\
+ "connect NIC type".format(vm_id))
+ def add_network_adapter_to_vms(self, vapp, network_name, primary_nic_index, nicIndex, net, nic_type=None):
+ """
+ Method to add network adapter type to vm
+ Args :
+ network_name - name of network
+ primary_nic_index - int value for primary nic index
+ nicIndex - int value for nic index
+ nic_type - specify model name to which add to vm
+ Returns:
+ None
+ """
+ self.logger.info("Add network adapter to VM: network_name {} nicIndex {} nic_type {}".\
+ format(network_name, nicIndex, nic_type))
+ try:
+ ip_address = None
+ floating_ip = False
+ mac_address = None
+ if 'floating_ip' in net: floating_ip = net['floating_ip']
+ # Stub for ip_address feature
+ if 'ip_address' in net: ip_address = net['ip_address']
+ if 'mac_address' in net: mac_address = net['mac_address']
+ if floating_ip:
+ allocation_mode = "POOL"
+ elif ip_address:
+ allocation_mode = "MANUAL"
+ else:
+ allocation_mode = "DHCP"
+ if not nic_type:
+ for vms in vapp.get_all_vms():
+ vm_id = vms.get('id').split(':')[-1]
+ url_rest_call = "{}/api/vApp/vm-{}/networkConnectionSection/".format(self.url, vm_id)
+ headers = {'Accept':'application/*+xml;version=' + API_VERSION,
+ 'x-vcloud-authorization': self.client._session.headers['x-vcloud-authorization']}
+ response = self.perform_request(req_type='GET',
+ url=url_rest_call,
+ headers=headers)
+ if response.status_code == 403:
+ response = self.retry_rest('GET', url_rest_call)
+ if response.status_code != 200:
+ self.logger.error("REST call {} failed reason : {}"\
+ "status code : {}".format(url_rest_call,
+ response.content,
+ response.status_code))
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("add_network_adapter_to_vms : Failed to get "\
+ "network connection section")
+ data = response.content
+ data = data.split('<Link rel="edit"')[0]
+ if '<PrimaryNetworkConnectionIndex>' not in data:
+ self.logger.debug("add_network_adapter PrimaryNIC not in data")
+ item = """<PrimaryNetworkConnectionIndex>{}</PrimaryNetworkConnectionIndex>
+ <NetworkConnection network="{}">
+ <NetworkConnectionIndex>{}</NetworkConnectionIndex>
+ <IsConnected>true</IsConnected>
+ <IpAddressAllocationMode>{}</IpAddressAllocationMode>
+ </NetworkConnection>""".format(primary_nic_index, network_name, nicIndex,
+ allocation_mode)
+ # Stub for ip_address feature
+ if ip_address:
+ ip_tag = '<IpAddress>{}</IpAddress>'.format(ip_address)
+ item = item.replace('</NetworkConnectionIndex>\n','</NetworkConnectionIndex>\n{}\n'.format(ip_tag))
+ if mac_address:
+ mac_tag = '<MACAddress>{}</MACAddress>'.format(mac_address)
+ item = item.replace('</IsConnected>\n','</IsConnected>\n{}\n'.format(mac_tag))
+ data = data.replace('</ovf:Info>\n','</ovf:Info>\n{}\n</NetworkConnectionSection>'.format(item))
+ else:
+ self.logger.debug("add_network_adapter PrimaryNIC in data")
+ new_item = """<NetworkConnection network="{}">
+ <NetworkConnectionIndex>{}</NetworkConnectionIndex>
+ <IsConnected>true</IsConnected>
+ <IpAddressAllocationMode>{}</IpAddressAllocationMode>
+ </NetworkConnection>""".format(network_name, nicIndex,
+ allocation_mode)
+ # Stub for ip_address feature
+ if ip_address:
+ ip_tag = '<IpAddress>{}</IpAddress>'.format(ip_address)
+ new_item = new_item.replace('</NetworkConnectionIndex>\n','</NetworkConnectionIndex>\n{}\n'.format(ip_tag))
+ if mac_address:
+ mac_tag = '<MACAddress>{}</MACAddress>'.format(mac_address)
+ new_item = new_item.replace('</IsConnected>\n','</IsConnected>\n{}\n'.format(mac_tag))
+ data = data + new_item + '</NetworkConnectionSection>'
+ headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.networkConnectionSection+xml'
+ response = self.perform_request(req_type='PUT',
+ url=url_rest_call,
+ headers=headers,
+ data=data)
+ if response.status_code == 403:
+ add_headers = {'Content-Type': headers['Content-Type']}
+ response = self.retry_rest('PUT', url_rest_call, add_headers, data)
+ if response.status_code != 202:
+ self.logger.error("REST call {} failed reason : {}"\
+ "status code : {} ".format(url_rest_call,
+ response.content,
+ response.status_code))
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("add_network_adapter_to_vms : Failed to update "\
+ "network connection section")
+ else:
+ nic_task = self.get_task_from_response(response.content)
+ result = self.client.get_task_monitor().wait_for_success(task=nic_task)
+ if result.get('status') == 'success':
+ self.logger.info("add_network_adapter_to_vms(): VM {} conneced to "\
+ "default NIC type".format(vm_id))
+ else:
+ self.logger.error("add_network_adapter_to_vms(): VM {} failed to "\
+ "connect NIC type".format(vm_id))
+ else:
+ for vms in vapp.get_all_vms():
+ vm_id = vms.get('id').split(':')[-1]
+ url_rest_call = "{}/api/vApp/vm-{}/networkConnectionSection/".format(self.url, vm_id)
+ headers = {'Accept':'application/*+xml;version=' + API_VERSION,
+ 'x-vcloud-authorization': self.client._session.headers['x-vcloud-authorization']}
+ response = self.perform_request(req_type='GET',
+ url=url_rest_call,
+ headers=headers)
+ if response.status_code == 403:
+ response = self.retry_rest('GET', url_rest_call)
+ if response.status_code != 200:
+ self.logger.error("REST call {} failed reason : {}"\
+ "status code : {}".format(url_rest_call,
+ response.content,
+ response.status_code))
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("add_network_adapter_to_vms : Failed to get "\
+ "network connection section")
+ data = response.content
+ data = data.split('<Link rel="edit"')[0]
+ vcd_netadapter_type = nic_type
+ if nic_type in ['SR-IOV', 'VF']:
+ vcd_netadapter_type = "SRIOVETHERNETCARD"
+ if '<PrimaryNetworkConnectionIndex>' not in data:
+ self.logger.debug("add_network_adapter PrimaryNIC not in data nic_type {}".format(nic_type))
+ item = """<PrimaryNetworkConnectionIndex>{}</PrimaryNetworkConnectionIndex>
+ <NetworkConnection network="{}">
+ <NetworkConnectionIndex>{}</NetworkConnectionIndex>
+ <IsConnected>true</IsConnected>
+ <IpAddressAllocationMode>{}</IpAddressAllocationMode>
+ <NetworkAdapterType>{}</NetworkAdapterType>
+ </NetworkConnection>""".format(primary_nic_index, network_name, nicIndex,
+ allocation_mode, vcd_netadapter_type)
+ # Stub for ip_address feature
+ if ip_address:
+ ip_tag = '<IpAddress>{}</IpAddress>'.format(ip_address)
+ item = item.replace('</NetworkConnectionIndex>\n','</NetworkConnectionIndex>\n{}\n'.format(ip_tag))
+ if mac_address:
+ mac_tag = '<MACAddress>{}</MACAddress>'.format(mac_address)
+ item = item.replace('</IsConnected>\n','</IsConnected>\n{}\n'.format(mac_tag))
+ data = data.replace('</ovf:Info>\n','</ovf:Info>\n{}\n</NetworkConnectionSection>'.format(item))
+ else:
+ self.logger.debug("add_network_adapter PrimaryNIC in data nic_type {}".format(nic_type))
+ new_item = """<NetworkConnection network="{}">
+ <NetworkConnectionIndex>{}</NetworkConnectionIndex>
+ <IsConnected>true</IsConnected>
+ <IpAddressAllocationMode>{}</IpAddressAllocationMode>
+ <NetworkAdapterType>{}</NetworkAdapterType>
+ </NetworkConnection>""".format(network_name, nicIndex,
+ allocation_mode, vcd_netadapter_type)
+ # Stub for ip_address feature
+ if ip_address:
+ ip_tag = '<IpAddress>{}</IpAddress>'.format(ip_address)
+ new_item = new_item.replace('</NetworkConnectionIndex>\n','</NetworkConnectionIndex>\n{}\n'.format(ip_tag))
+ if mac_address:
+ mac_tag = '<MACAddress>{}</MACAddress>'.format(mac_address)
+ new_item = new_item.replace('</IsConnected>\n','</IsConnected>\n{}\n'.format(mac_tag))
+ data = data + new_item + '</NetworkConnectionSection>'
+ headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.networkConnectionSection+xml'
+ response = self.perform_request(req_type='PUT',
+ url=url_rest_call,
+ headers=headers,
+ data=data)
+ if response.status_code == 403:
+ add_headers = {'Content-Type': headers['Content-Type']}
+ response = self.retry_rest('PUT', url_rest_call, add_headers, data)
+ if response.status_code != 202:
+ self.logger.error("REST call {} failed reason : {}"\
+ "status code : {}".format(url_rest_call,
+ response.content,
+ response.status_code))
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("add_network_adapter_to_vms : Failed to update "\
+ "network connection section")
+ else:
+ nic_task = self.get_task_from_response(response.content)
+ result = self.client.get_task_monitor().wait_for_success(task=nic_task)
+ if result.get('status') == 'success':
+ self.logger.info("add_network_adapter_to_vms(): VM {} "\
+ "conneced to NIC type {}".format(vm_id, nic_type))
+ else:
+ self.logger.error("add_network_adapter_to_vms(): VM {} "\
+ "failed to connect NIC type {}".format(vm_id, nic_type))
+ except Exception as exp:
+ self.logger.error("add_network_adapter_to_vms() : exception occurred "\
+ "while adding Network adapter")
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException(message=exp)
+ def set_numa_affinity(self, vmuuid, paired_threads_id):
+ """
+ Method to assign numa affinity in vm configuration parammeters
+ Args :
+ vmuuid - vm uuid
+ paired_threads_id - one or more virtual processor
+ numbers
+ Returns:
+ return if True
+ """
+ try:
+ vcenter_conect, content = self.get_vcenter_content()
+ vm_moref_id = self.get_vm_moref_id(vmuuid)
+ host_obj, vm_obj = self.get_vm_obj(content ,vm_moref_id)
+ if vm_obj:
+ config_spec = vim.vm.ConfigSpec()
+ config_spec.extraConfig = []
+ opt = vim.option.OptionValue()
+ opt.key = 'numa.nodeAffinity'
+ opt.value = str(paired_threads_id)
+ config_spec.extraConfig.append(opt)
+ task = vm_obj.ReconfigVM_Task(config_spec)
+ if task:
+ result = self.wait_for_vcenter_task(task, vcenter_conect)
+ extra_config = vm_obj.config.extraConfig
+ flag = False
+ for opts in extra_config:
+ if 'numa.nodeAffinity' in opts.key:
+ flag = True
+ self.logger.info("set_numa_affinity: Sucessfully assign numa affinity "\
+ "value {} for vm {}".format(opt.value, vm_obj))
+ if flag:
+ return
+ else:
+ self.logger.error("set_numa_affinity: Failed to assign numa affinity")
+ except Exception as exp:
+ self.logger.error("set_numa_affinity : exception occurred while setting numa affinity "\
+ "for VM {} : {}".format(vm_obj, vm_moref_id))
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("set_numa_affinity : Error {} failed to assign numa "\
+ "affinity".format(exp))
+ def cloud_init(self, vapp, cloud_config):
+ """
+ Method to inject ssh-key
+ vapp - vapp object
+ cloud_config a dictionary with:
+ 'key-pairs': (optional) list of strings with the public key to be inserted to the default user
+ 'users': (optional) list of users to be inserted, each item is a dict with:
+ 'name': (mandatory) user name,
+ 'key-pairs': (optional) list of strings with the public key to be inserted to the user
+ 'user-data': (optional) can be a string with the text script to be passed directly to cloud-init,
+ or a list of strings, each one contains a script to be passed, usually with a MIMEmultipart file
+ 'config-files': (optional). List of files to be transferred. Each item is a dict with:
+ 'dest': (mandatory) string with the destination absolute path
+ 'encoding': (optional, by default text). Can be one of:
+ 'b64', 'base64', 'gz', 'gz+b64', 'gz+base64', 'gzip+b64', 'gzip+base64'
+ 'content' (mandatory): string with the content of the file
+ 'permissions': (optional) string with file permissions, typically octal notation '0644'
+ 'owner': (optional) file owner, string with the format 'owner:group'
+ 'boot-data-drive': boolean to indicate if user-data must be passed using a boot drive (hard disk
+ """
+ try:
+ if not isinstance(cloud_config, dict):
+ raise Exception("cloud_init : parameter cloud_config is not a dictionary")
+ else:
+ key_pairs = []
+ userdata = []
+ if "key-pairs" in cloud_config:
+ key_pairs = cloud_config["key-pairs"]
+ if "users" in cloud_config:
+ userdata = cloud_config["users"]
+ self.logger.debug("cloud_init : Guest os customization started..")
+ customize_script = self.format_script(key_pairs=key_pairs, users_list=userdata)
+ customize_script = customize_script.replace("&","&")
+ self.guest_customization(vapp, customize_script)
+ except Exception as exp:
+ self.logger.error("cloud_init : exception occurred while injecting "\
+ "ssh-key")
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("cloud_init : Error {} failed to inject "\
+ "ssh-key".format(exp))
+ def format_script(self, key_pairs=[], users_list=[]):
+ bash_script = """#!/bin/sh
+ echo performing customization tasks with param $1 at `date "+DATE: %Y-%m-%d - TIME: %H:%M:%S"` >> /root/customization.log
+ if [ "$1" = "precustomization" ];then
+ echo performing precustomization tasks on `date "+DATE: %Y-%m-%d - TIME: %H:%M:%S"` >> /root/customization.log
+ """
+ keys = "\n".join(key_pairs)
+ if keys:
+ keys_data = """
+ if [ ! -d /root/.ssh ];then
+ mkdir /root/.ssh
+ chown root:root /root/.ssh
+ chmod 700 /root/.ssh
+ touch /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
+ chown root:root /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
+ chmod 600 /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
+ # make centos with selinux happy
+ which restorecon && restorecon -Rv /root/.ssh
+ else
+ touch /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
+ chown root:root /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
+ chmod 600 /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
+ fi
+ echo '{key}' >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
+ """.format(key=keys)
+ bash_script+= keys_data
+ for user in users_list:
+ if 'name' in user: user_name = user['name']
+ if 'key-pairs' in user:
+ user_keys = "\n".join(user['key-pairs'])
+ else:
+ user_keys = None
+ add_user_name = """
+ useradd -d /home/{user_name} -m -g users -s /bin/bash {user_name}
+ """.format(user_name=user_name)
+ bash_script+= add_user_name
+ if user_keys:
+ user_keys_data = """
+ mkdir /home/{user_name}/.ssh
+ chown {user_name}:{user_name} /home/{user_name}/.ssh
+ chmod 700 /home/{user_name}/.ssh
+ touch /home/{user_name}/.ssh/authorized_keys
+ chown {user_name}:{user_name} /home/{user_name}/.ssh/authorized_keys
+ chmod 600 /home/{user_name}/.ssh/authorized_keys
+ # make centos with selinux happy
+ which restorecon && restorecon -Rv /home/{user_name}/.ssh
+ echo '{user_key}' >> /home/{user_name}/.ssh/authorized_keys
+ """.format(user_name=user_name,user_key=user_keys)
+ bash_script+= user_keys_data
+ return bash_script+"\n\tfi"
+ def guest_customization(self, vapp, customize_script):
+ """
+ Method to customize guest os
+ vapp - Vapp object
+ customize_script - Customize script to be run at first boot of VM.
+ """
+ for vm in vapp.get_all_vms():
+ vm_id = vm.get('id').split(':')[-1]
+ vm_name = vm.get('name')
+ vm_name = vm_name.replace('_','-')
+ vm_customization_url = "{}/api/vApp/vm-{}/guestCustomizationSection/".format(self.url, vm_id)
+ headers = {'Accept':'application/*+xml;version=' + API_VERSION,
+ 'x-vcloud-authorization': self.client._session.headers['x-vcloud-authorization']}
+ headers['Content-Type'] = "application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.guestCustomizationSection+xml"
+ data = """<GuestCustomizationSection
+ xmlns="http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/v1.5"
+ xmlns:ovf="http://schemas.dmtf.org/ovf/envelope/1"
+ ovf:required="false" href="{}" type="application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.guestCustomizationSection+xml">
+ <ovf:Info>Specifies Guest OS Customization Settings</ovf:Info>
+ <Enabled>true</Enabled>
+ <ChangeSid>false</ChangeSid>
+ <VirtualMachineId>{}</VirtualMachineId>
+ <JoinDomainEnabled>false</JoinDomainEnabled>
+ <UseOrgSettings>false</UseOrgSettings>
+ <AdminPasswordEnabled>false</AdminPasswordEnabled>
+ <AdminPasswordAuto>true</AdminPasswordAuto>
+ <AdminAutoLogonEnabled>false</AdminAutoLogonEnabled>
+ <AdminAutoLogonCount>0</AdminAutoLogonCount>
+ <ResetPasswordRequired>false</ResetPasswordRequired>
+ <CustomizationScript>{}</CustomizationScript>
+ <ComputerName>{}</ComputerName>
+ <Link href="{}" type="application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.guestCustomizationSection+xml" rel="edit"/>
+ </GuestCustomizationSection>
+ """.format(vm_customization_url,
+ vm_id,
+ customize_script,
+ vm_name,
+ vm_customization_url)
+ response = self.perform_request(req_type='PUT',
+ url=vm_customization_url,
+ headers=headers,
+ data=data)
+ if response.status_code == 202:
+ guest_task = self.get_task_from_response(response.content)
+ self.client.get_task_monitor().wait_for_success(task=guest_task)
+ self.logger.info("guest_customization : customized guest os task "\
+ "completed for VM {}".format(vm_name))
+ else:
+ self.logger.error("guest_customization : task for customized guest os"\
+ "failed for VM {}".format(vm_name))
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("guest_customization : failed to perform"\
+ "guest os customization on VM {}".format(vm_name))
+ def add_new_disk(self, vapp_uuid, disk_size):
+ """
+ Method to create an empty vm disk
+ Args:
+ vapp_uuid - is vapp identifier.
+ disk_size - size of disk to be created in GB
+ Returns:
+ None
+ """
+ status = False
+ vm_details = None
+ try:
+ #Disk size in GB, convert it into MB
+ if disk_size is not None:
+ disk_size_mb = int(disk_size) * 1024
+ vm_details = self.get_vapp_details_rest(vapp_uuid)
+ if vm_details and "vm_virtual_hardware" in vm_details:
+ self.logger.info("Adding disk to VM: {} disk size:{}GB".format(vm_details["name"], disk_size))
+ disk_href = vm_details["vm_virtual_hardware"]["disk_edit_href"]
+ status = self.add_new_disk_rest(disk_href, disk_size_mb)
+ except Exception as exp:
+ msg = "Error occurred while creating new disk {}.".format(exp)
+ self.rollback_newvm(vapp_uuid, msg)
+ if status:
+ self.logger.info("Added new disk to VM: {} disk size:{}GB".format(vm_details["name"], disk_size))
+ else:
+ #If failed to add disk, delete VM
+ msg = "add_new_disk: Failed to add new disk to {}".format(vm_details["name"])
+ self.rollback_newvm(vapp_uuid, msg)
+ def add_new_disk_rest(self, disk_href, disk_size_mb):
+ """
+ Retrives vApp Disks section & add new empty disk
+ Args:
+ disk_href: Disk section href to addd disk
+ disk_size_mb: Disk size in MB
+ Returns: Status of add new disk task
+ """
+ status = False
+ if self.client._session:
+ headers = {'Accept':'application/*+xml;version=' + API_VERSION,
+ 'x-vcloud-authorization': self.client._session.headers['x-vcloud-authorization']}
+ response = self.perform_request(req_type='GET',
+ url=disk_href,
+ headers=headers)
+ if response.status_code == 403:
+ response = self.retry_rest('GET', disk_href)
+ if response.status_code != requests.codes.ok:
+ self.logger.error("add_new_disk_rest: GET REST API call {} failed. Return status code {}"
+ .format(disk_href, response.status_code))
+ return status
+ try:
+ #Find but type & max of instance IDs assigned to disks
+ lxmlroot_respond = lxmlElementTree.fromstring(response.content)
+ namespaces = {prefix: uri for prefix, uri in lxmlroot_respond.nsmap.items() if prefix}
+ namespaces["xmlns"]= "http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/v1.5"
+ instance_id = 0
+ for item in lxmlroot_respond.iterfind('xmlns:Item',namespaces):
+ if item.find("rasd:Description",namespaces).text == "Hard disk":
+ inst_id = int(item.find("rasd:InstanceID" ,namespaces).text)
+ if inst_id > instance_id:
+ instance_id = inst_id
+ disk_item = item.find("rasd:HostResource" ,namespaces)
+ bus_subtype = disk_item.attrib["{"+namespaces['xmlns']+"}busSubType"]
+ bus_type = disk_item.attrib["{"+namespaces['xmlns']+"}busType"]
+ instance_id = instance_id + 1
+ new_item = """<Item>
+ <rasd:Description>Hard disk</rasd:Description>
+ <rasd:ElementName>New disk</rasd:ElementName>
+ <rasd:HostResource
+ xmlns:vcloud="http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/v1.5"
+ vcloud:capacity="{}"
+ vcloud:busSubType="{}"
+ vcloud:busType="{}"></rasd:HostResource>
+ <rasd:InstanceID>{}</rasd:InstanceID>
+ <rasd:ResourceType>17</rasd:ResourceType>
+ </Item>""".format(disk_size_mb, bus_subtype, bus_type, instance_id)
+ new_data = response.content
+ #Add new item at the bottom
+ new_data = new_data.replace('</Item>\n</RasdItemsList>', '</Item>\n{}\n</RasdItemsList>'.format(new_item))
+ # Send PUT request to modify virtual hardware section with new disk
+ headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.rasdItemsList+xml; charset=ISO-8859-1'
+ response = self.perform_request(req_type='PUT',
+ url=disk_href,
+ data=new_data,
+ headers=headers)
+ if response.status_code == 403:
+ add_headers = {'Content-Type': headers['Content-Type']}
+ response = self.retry_rest('PUT', disk_href, add_headers, new_data)
+ if response.status_code != 202:
+ self.logger.error("PUT REST API call {} failed. Return status code {}. Response Content:{}"
+ .format(disk_href, response.status_code, response.content))
+ else:
+ add_disk_task = self.get_task_from_response(response.content)
+ result = self.client.get_task_monitor().wait_for_success(task=add_disk_task)
+ if result.get('status') == 'success':
+ status = True
+ else:
+ self.logger.error("Add new disk REST task failed to add {} MB disk".format(disk_size_mb))
+ except Exception as exp:
+ self.logger.error("Error occurred calling rest api for creating new disk {}".format(exp))
+ return status
+ def add_existing_disk(self, catalogs=None, image_id=None, size=None, template_name=None, vapp_uuid=None):
+ """
+ Method to add existing disk to vm
+ Args :
+ catalogs - List of VDC catalogs
+ image_id - Catalog ID
+ template_name - Name of template in catalog
+ vapp_uuid - UUID of vApp
+ Returns:
+ None
+ """
+ disk_info = None
+ vcenter_conect, content = self.get_vcenter_content()
+ #find moref-id of vm in image
+ catalog_vm_info = self.get_vapp_template_details(catalogs=catalogs,
+ image_id=image_id,
+ )
+ if catalog_vm_info and "vm_vcenter_info" in catalog_vm_info:
+ if "vm_moref_id" in catalog_vm_info["vm_vcenter_info"]:
+ catalog_vm_moref_id = catalog_vm_info["vm_vcenter_info"].get("vm_moref_id", None)
+ if catalog_vm_moref_id:
+ self.logger.info("Moref_id of VM in catalog : {}" .format(catalog_vm_moref_id))
+ host, catalog_vm_obj = self.get_vm_obj(content, catalog_vm_moref_id)
+ if catalog_vm_obj:
+ #find existing disk
+ disk_info = self.find_disk(catalog_vm_obj)
+ else:
+ exp_msg = "No VM with image id {} found".format(image_id)
+ self.rollback_newvm(vapp_uuid, exp_msg, exp_type="NotFound")
+ else:
+ exp_msg = "No Image found with image ID {} ".format(image_id)
+ self.rollback_newvm(vapp_uuid, exp_msg, exp_type="NotFound")
+ if disk_info:
+ self.logger.info("Existing disk_info : {}".format(disk_info))
+ #get VM
+ vm_moref_id = self.get_vm_moref_id(vapp_uuid)
+ host, vm_obj = self.get_vm_obj(content, vm_moref_id)
+ if vm_obj:
+ status = self.add_disk(vcenter_conect=vcenter_conect,
+ vm=vm_obj,
+ disk_info=disk_info,
+ size=size,
+ vapp_uuid=vapp_uuid
+ )
+ if status:
+ self.logger.info("Disk from image id {} added to {}".format(image_id,
+ vm_obj.config.name)
+ )
+ else:
+ msg = "No disk found with image id {} to add in VM {}".format(
+ image_id,
+ vm_obj.config.name)
+ self.rollback_newvm(vapp_uuid, msg, exp_type="NotFound")
+ def find_disk(self, vm_obj):
+ """
+ Method to find details of existing disk in VM
+ Args :
+ vm_obj - vCenter object of VM
+ image_id - Catalog ID
+ Returns:
+ disk_info : dict of disk details
+ """
+ disk_info = {}
+ if vm_obj:
+ try:
+ devices = vm_obj.config.hardware.device
+ for device in devices:
+ if type(device) is vim.vm.device.VirtualDisk:
+ if isinstance(device.backing,vim.vm.device.VirtualDisk.FlatVer2BackingInfo) and hasattr(device.backing, 'fileName'):
+ disk_info["full_path"] = device.backing.fileName
+ disk_info["datastore"] = device.backing.datastore
+ disk_info["capacityKB"] = device.capacityInKB
+ break
+ except Exception as exp:
+ self.logger.error("find_disk() : exception occurred while "\
+ "getting existing disk details :{}".format(exp))
+ return disk_info
+ def add_disk(self, vcenter_conect=None, vm=None, size=None, vapp_uuid=None, disk_info={}):
+ """
+ Method to add existing disk in VM
+ Args :
+ vcenter_conect - vCenter content object
+ vm - vCenter vm object
+ disk_info : dict of disk details
+ Returns:
+ status : status of add disk task
+ """
+ datastore = disk_info["datastore"] if "datastore" in disk_info else None
+ fullpath = disk_info["full_path"] if "full_path" in disk_info else None
+ capacityKB = disk_info["capacityKB"] if "capacityKB" in disk_info else None
+ if size is not None:
+ #Convert size from GB to KB
+ sizeKB = int(size) * 1024 * 1024
+ #compare size of existing disk and user given size.Assign whicherver is greater
+ self.logger.info("Add Existing disk : sizeKB {} , capacityKB {}".format(
+ sizeKB, capacityKB))
+ if sizeKB > capacityKB:
+ capacityKB = sizeKB
+ if datastore and fullpath and capacityKB:
+ try:
+ spec = vim.vm.ConfigSpec()
+ # get all disks on a VM, set unit_number to the next available
+ unit_number = 0
+ for dev in vm.config.hardware.device:
+ if hasattr(dev.backing, 'fileName'):
+ unit_number = int(dev.unitNumber) + 1
+ # unit_number 7 reserved for scsi controller
+ if unit_number == 7:
+ unit_number += 1
+ if isinstance(dev, vim.vm.device.VirtualDisk):
+ #vim.vm.device.VirtualSCSIController
+ controller_key = dev.controllerKey
+ self.logger.info("Add Existing disk : unit number {} , controller key {}".format(
+ unit_number, controller_key))
+ # add disk here
+ dev_changes = []
+ disk_spec = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec()
+ disk_spec.operation = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec.Operation.add
+ disk_spec.device = vim.vm.device.VirtualDisk()
+ disk_spec.device.backing = \
+ vim.vm.device.VirtualDisk.FlatVer2BackingInfo()
+ disk_spec.device.backing.thinProvisioned = True
+ disk_spec.device.backing.diskMode = 'persistent'
+ disk_spec.device.backing.datastore = datastore
+ disk_spec.device.backing.fileName = fullpath
+ disk_spec.device.unitNumber = unit_number
+ disk_spec.device.capacityInKB = capacityKB
+ disk_spec.device.controllerKey = controller_key
+ dev_changes.append(disk_spec)
+ spec.deviceChange = dev_changes
+ task = vm.ReconfigVM_Task(spec=spec)
+ status = self.wait_for_vcenter_task(task, vcenter_conect)
+ return status
+ except Exception as exp:
+ exp_msg = "add_disk() : exception {} occurred while adding disk "\
+ "{} to vm {}".format(exp,
+ fullpath,
+ vm.config.name)
+ self.rollback_newvm(vapp_uuid, exp_msg)
+ else:
+ msg = "add_disk() : Can not add disk to VM with disk info {} ".format(disk_info)
+ self.rollback_newvm(vapp_uuid, msg)
+ def get_vcenter_content(self):
+ """
+ Get the vsphere content object
+ """
+ try:
+ vm_vcenter_info = self.get_vm_vcenter_info()
+ except Exception as exp:
+ self.logger.error("Error occurred while getting vCenter infromationn"\
+ " for VM : {}".format(exp))
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException(message=exp)
+ context = None
+ if hasattr(ssl, '_create_unverified_context'):
+ context = ssl._create_unverified_context()
+ vcenter_conect = SmartConnect(
+ host=vm_vcenter_info["vm_vcenter_ip"],
+ user=vm_vcenter_info["vm_vcenter_user"],
+ pwd=vm_vcenter_info["vm_vcenter_password"],
+ port=int(vm_vcenter_info["vm_vcenter_port"]),
+ sslContext=context
+ )
+ atexit.register(Disconnect, vcenter_conect)
+ content = vcenter_conect.RetrieveContent()
+ return vcenter_conect, content
+ def get_vm_moref_id(self, vapp_uuid):
+ """
+ Get the moref_id of given VM
+ """
+ try:
+ if vapp_uuid:
+ vm_details = self.get_vapp_details_rest(vapp_uuid, need_admin_access=True)
+ if vm_details and "vm_vcenter_info" in vm_details:
+ vm_moref_id = vm_details["vm_vcenter_info"].get("vm_moref_id", None)
+ return vm_moref_id
+ except Exception as exp:
+ self.logger.error("Error occurred while getting VM moref ID "\
+ " for VM : {}".format(exp))
+ return None
+ def get_vapp_template_details(self, catalogs=None, image_id=None , template_name=None):
+ """
+ Method to get vApp template details
+ Args :
+ catalogs - list of VDC catalogs
+ image_id - Catalog ID to find
+ template_name : template name in catalog
+ Returns:
+ parsed_respond : dict of vApp tempalte details
+ """
+ parsed_response = {}
+ vca = self.connect_as_admin()
+ if not vca:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnConnectionException("Failed to connect vCD")
+ try:
+ org, vdc = self.get_vdc_details()
+ catalog = self.get_catalog_obj(image_id, catalogs)
+ if catalog:
+ items = org.get_catalog_item(catalog.get('name'), catalog.get('name'))
+ catalog_items = [items.attrib]
+ if len(catalog_items) == 1:
+ headers = {'Accept':'application/*+xml;version=' + API_VERSION,
+ 'x-vcloud-authorization': vca._session.headers['x-vcloud-authorization']}
+ response = self.perform_request(req_type='GET',
+ url=catalog_items[0].get('href'),
+ headers=headers)
+ catalogItem = XmlElementTree.fromstring(response.content)
+ entity = [child for child in catalogItem if child.get("type") == "application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.vAppTemplate+xml"][0]
+ vapp_tempalte_href = entity.get("href")
+ #get vapp details and parse moref id
+ namespaces = {"vssd":"http://schemas.dmtf.org/wbem/wscim/1/cim-schema/2/CIM_VirtualSystemSettingData" ,
+ 'ovf': 'http://schemas.dmtf.org/ovf/envelope/1',
+ 'vmw': 'http://www.vmware.com/schema/ovf',
+ 'vm': 'http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/v1.5',
+ 'rasd':"http://schemas.dmtf.org/wbem/wscim/1/cim-schema/2/CIM_ResourceAllocationSettingData",
+ 'vmext':"http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/extension/v1.5",
+ 'xmlns':"http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/v1.5"
+ }
+ if vca._session:
+ response = self.perform_request(req_type='GET',
+ url=vapp_tempalte_href,
+ headers=headers)
+ if response.status_code != requests.codes.ok:
+ self.logger.debug("REST API call {} failed. Return status code {}".format(
+ vapp_tempalte_href, response.status_code))
+ else:
+ xmlroot_respond = XmlElementTree.fromstring(response.content)
+ children_section = xmlroot_respond.find('vm:Children/', namespaces)
+ if children_section is not None:
+ vCloud_extension_section = children_section.find('xmlns:VCloudExtension', namespaces)
+ if vCloud_extension_section is not None:
+ vm_vcenter_info = {}
+ vim_info = vCloud_extension_section.find('vmext:VmVimInfo', namespaces)
+ vmext = vim_info.find('vmext:VmVimObjectRef', namespaces)
+ if vmext is not None:
+ vm_vcenter_info["vm_moref_id"] = vmext.find('vmext:MoRef', namespaces).text
+ parsed_response["vm_vcenter_info"]= vm_vcenter_info
+ except Exception as exp :
+ self.logger.info("Error occurred calling rest api for getting vApp details {}".format(exp))
+ return parsed_response
+ def rollback_newvm(self, vapp_uuid, msg , exp_type="Genric"):
+ """
+ Method to delete vApp
+ Args :
+ vapp_uuid - vApp UUID
+ msg - Error message to be logged
+ exp_type : Exception type
+ Returns:
+ None
+ """
+ if vapp_uuid:
+ status = self.delete_vminstance(vapp_uuid)
+ else:
+ msg = "No vApp ID"
+ self.logger.error(msg)
+ if exp_type == "Genric":
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException(msg)
+ elif exp_type == "NotFound":
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException(message=msg)
+ def add_sriov(self, vapp_uuid, sriov_nets, vmname_andid):
+ """
+ Method to attach SRIOV adapters to VM
+ Args:
+ vapp_uuid - uuid of vApp/VM
+ sriov_nets - SRIOV devices infromation as specified in VNFD (flavor)
+ vmname_andid - vmname
+ Returns:
+ The status of add SRIOV adapter task , vm object and
+ vcenter_conect object
+ """
+ vm_obj = None
+ vcenter_conect, content = self.get_vcenter_content()
+ vm_moref_id = self.get_vm_moref_id(vapp_uuid)
+ if vm_moref_id:
+ try:
+ no_of_sriov_devices = len(sriov_nets)
+ if no_of_sriov_devices > 0:
+ #Get VM and its host
+ host_obj, vm_obj = self.get_vm_obj(content, vm_moref_id)
+ self.logger.info("VM {} is currently on host {}".format(vm_obj, host_obj))
+ if host_obj and vm_obj:
+ #get SRIOV devies from host on which vapp is currently installed
+ avilable_sriov_devices = self.get_sriov_devices(host_obj,
+ no_of_sriov_devices,
+ )
+ if len(avilable_sriov_devices) == 0:
+ #find other hosts with active pci devices
+ new_host_obj , avilable_sriov_devices = self.get_host_and_sriov_devices(
+ content,
+ no_of_sriov_devices,
+ )
+ if new_host_obj is not None and len(avilable_sriov_devices)> 0:
+ #Migrate vm to the host where SRIOV devices are available
+ self.logger.info("Relocate VM {} on new host {}".format(vm_obj,
+ new_host_obj))
+ task = self.relocate_vm(new_host_obj, vm_obj)
+ if task is not None:
+ result = self.wait_for_vcenter_task(task, vcenter_conect)
+ self.logger.info("Migrate VM status: {}".format(result))
+ host_obj = new_host_obj
+ else:
+ self.logger.info("Fail to migrate VM : {}".format(result))
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException(
+ "Fail to migrate VM : {} to host {}".format(
+ vmname_andid,
+ new_host_obj)
+ )
+ if host_obj is not None and avilable_sriov_devices is not None and len(avilable_sriov_devices)> 0:
+ #Add SRIOV devices one by one
+ for sriov_net in sriov_nets:
+ network_name = sriov_net.get('net_id')
+ dvs_portgr_name = self.create_dvPort_group(network_name)
+ if sriov_net.get('type') == "VF" or sriov_net.get('type') == "SR-IOV":
+ #add vlan ID ,Modify portgroup for vlan ID
+ self.configure_vlanID(content, vcenter_conect, network_name)
+ task = self.add_sriov_to_vm(content,
+ vm_obj,
+ host_obj,
+ network_name,
+ avilable_sriov_devices[0]
+ )
+ if task:
+ status= self.wait_for_vcenter_task(task, vcenter_conect)
+ if status:
+ self.logger.info("Added SRIOV {} to VM {}".format(
+ no_of_sriov_devices,
+ str(vm_obj)))
+ else:
+ self.logger.error("Fail to add SRIOV {} to VM {}".format(
+ no_of_sriov_devices,
+ str(vm_obj)))
+ raise vimconn.vimconnUnexpectedResponse(
+ "Fail to add SRIOV adapter in VM ".format(str(vm_obj))
+ )
+ return True, vm_obj, vcenter_conect
+ else:
+ self.logger.error("Currently there is no host with"\
+ " {} number of avaialble SRIOV "\
+ "VFs required for VM {}".format(
+ no_of_sriov_devices,
+ vmname_andid)
+ )
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException(
+ "Currently there is no host with {} "\
+ "number of avaialble SRIOV devices required for VM {}".format(
+ no_of_sriov_devices,
+ vmname_andid))
+ else:
+ self.logger.debug("No infromation about SRIOV devices {} ",sriov_nets)
+ except vmodl.MethodFault as error:
+ self.logger.error("Error occurred while adding SRIOV {} ",error)
+ return None, vm_obj, vcenter_conect
+ def get_sriov_devices(self,host, no_of_vfs):
+ """
+ Method to get the details of SRIOV devices on given host
+ Args:
+ host - vSphere host object
+ no_of_vfs - number of VFs needed on host
+ Returns:
+ array of SRIOV devices
+ """
+ sriovInfo=[]
+ if host:
+ for device in host.config.pciPassthruInfo:
+ if isinstance(device,vim.host.SriovInfo) and device.sriovActive:
+ if device.numVirtualFunction >= no_of_vfs:
+ sriovInfo.append(device)
+ break
+ return sriovInfo
+ def get_host_and_sriov_devices(self, content, no_of_vfs):
+ """
+ Method to get the details of SRIOV devices infromation on all hosts
+ Args:
+ content - vSphere host object
+ no_of_vfs - number of pci VFs needed on host
+ Returns:
+ array of SRIOV devices and host object
+ """
+ host_obj = None
+ sriov_device_objs = None
+ try:
+ if content:
+ container = content.viewManager.CreateContainerView(content.rootFolder,
+ [vim.HostSystem], True)
+ for host in container.view:
+ devices = self.get_sriov_devices(host, no_of_vfs)
+ if devices:
+ host_obj = host
+ sriov_device_objs = devices
+ break
+ except Exception as exp:
+ self.logger.error("Error {} occurred while finding SRIOV devices on host: {}".format(exp, host_obj))
+ return host_obj,sriov_device_objs
+ def add_sriov_to_vm(self,content, vm_obj, host_obj, network_name, sriov_device):
+ """
+ Method to add SRIOV adapter to vm
+ Args:
+ host_obj - vSphere host object
+ vm_obj - vSphere vm object
+ content - vCenter content object
+ network_name - name of distributed virtaul portgroup
+ sriov_device - SRIOV device info
+ Returns:
+ task object
+ """
+ devices = []
+ vnic_label = "sriov nic"
+ try:
+ dvs_portgr = self.get_dvport_group(network_name)
+ network_name = dvs_portgr.name
+ nic = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec()
+ # VM device
+ nic.operation = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec.Operation.add
+ nic.device = vim.vm.device.VirtualSriovEthernetCard()
+ nic.device.addressType = 'assigned'
+ #nic.device.key = 13016
+ nic.device.deviceInfo = vim.Description()
+ nic.device.deviceInfo.label = vnic_label
+ nic.device.deviceInfo.summary = network_name
+ nic.device.backing = vim.vm.device.VirtualEthernetCard.NetworkBackingInfo()
+ nic.device.backing.network = self.get_obj(content, [vim.Network], network_name)
+ nic.device.backing.deviceName = network_name
+ nic.device.backing.useAutoDetect = False
+ nic.device.connectable = vim.vm.device.VirtualDevice.ConnectInfo()
+ nic.device.connectable.startConnected = True
+ nic.device.connectable.allowGuestControl = True
+ nic.device.sriovBacking = vim.vm.device.VirtualSriovEthernetCard.SriovBackingInfo()
+ nic.device.sriovBacking.physicalFunctionBacking = vim.vm.device.VirtualPCIPassthrough.DeviceBackingInfo()
+ nic.device.sriovBacking.physicalFunctionBacking.id = sriov_device.id
+ devices.append(nic)
+ vmconf = vim.vm.ConfigSpec(deviceChange=devices)
+ task = vm_obj.ReconfigVM_Task(vmconf)
+ return task
+ except Exception as exp:
+ self.logger.error("Error {} occurred while adding SRIOV adapter in VM: {}".format(exp, vm_obj))
+ return None
+ def create_dvPort_group(self, network_name):
+ """
+ Method to create disributed virtual portgroup
+ Args:
+ network_name - name of network/portgroup
+ Returns:
+ portgroup key
+ """
+ try:
+ new_network_name = [network_name, '-', str(uuid.uuid4())]
+ network_name=''.join(new_network_name)
+ vcenter_conect, content = self.get_vcenter_content()
+ dv_switch = self.get_obj(content, [vim.DistributedVirtualSwitch], self.dvs_name)
+ if dv_switch:
+ dv_pg_spec = vim.dvs.DistributedVirtualPortgroup.ConfigSpec()
+ dv_pg_spec.name = network_name
+ dv_pg_spec.type = vim.dvs.DistributedVirtualPortgroup.PortgroupType.earlyBinding
+ dv_pg_spec.defaultPortConfig = vim.dvs.VmwareDistributedVirtualSwitch.VmwarePortConfigPolicy()
+ dv_pg_spec.defaultPortConfig.securityPolicy = vim.dvs.VmwareDistributedVirtualSwitch.SecurityPolicy()
+ dv_pg_spec.defaultPortConfig.securityPolicy.allowPromiscuous = vim.BoolPolicy(value=False)
+ dv_pg_spec.defaultPortConfig.securityPolicy.forgedTransmits = vim.BoolPolicy(value=False)
+ dv_pg_spec.defaultPortConfig.securityPolicy.macChanges = vim.BoolPolicy(value=False)
+ task = dv_switch.AddDVPortgroup_Task([dv_pg_spec])
+ self.wait_for_vcenter_task(task, vcenter_conect)
+ dvPort_group = self.get_obj(content, [vim.dvs.DistributedVirtualPortgroup], network_name)
+ if dvPort_group:
+ self.logger.info("Created disributed virtaul port group: {}".format(dvPort_group))
+ return dvPort_group.key
+ else:
+ self.logger.debug("No disributed virtual switch found with name {}".format(network_name))
+ except Exception as exp:
+ self.logger.error("Error occurred while creating disributed virtaul port group {}"\
+ " : {}".format(network_name, exp))
+ return None
+ def reconfig_portgroup(self, content, dvPort_group_name , config_info={}):
+ """
+ Method to reconfigure disributed virtual portgroup
+ Args:
+ dvPort_group_name - name of disributed virtual portgroup
+ content - vCenter content object
+ config_info - disributed virtual portgroup configuration
+ Returns:
+ task object
+ """
+ try:
+ dvPort_group = self.get_dvport_group(dvPort_group_name)
+ if dvPort_group:
+ dv_pg_spec = vim.dvs.DistributedVirtualPortgroup.ConfigSpec()
+ dv_pg_spec.configVersion = dvPort_group.config.configVersion
+ dv_pg_spec.defaultPortConfig = vim.dvs.VmwareDistributedVirtualSwitch.VmwarePortConfigPolicy()
+ if "vlanID" in config_info:
+ dv_pg_spec.defaultPortConfig.vlan = vim.dvs.VmwareDistributedVirtualSwitch.VlanIdSpec()
+ dv_pg_spec.defaultPortConfig.vlan.vlanId = config_info.get('vlanID')
+ task = dvPort_group.ReconfigureDVPortgroup_Task(spec=dv_pg_spec)
+ return task
+ else:
+ return None
+ except Exception as exp:
+ self.logger.error("Error occurred while reconfiguraing disributed virtaul port group {}"\
+ " : {}".format(dvPort_group_name, exp))
+ return None
+ def destroy_dvport_group(self , dvPort_group_name):
+ """
+ Method to destroy disributed virtual portgroup
+ Args:
+ network_name - name of network/portgroup
+ Returns:
+ True if portgroup successfully got deleted else false
+ """
+ vcenter_conect, content = self.get_vcenter_content()
+ try:
+ status = None
+ dvPort_group = self.get_dvport_group(dvPort_group_name)
+ if dvPort_group:
+ task = dvPort_group.Destroy_Task()
+ status = self.wait_for_vcenter_task(task, vcenter_conect)
+ return status
+ except vmodl.MethodFault as exp:
+ self.logger.error("Caught vmodl fault {} while deleting disributed virtaul port group {}".format(
+ exp, dvPort_group_name))
+ return None
+ def get_dvport_group(self, dvPort_group_name):
+ """
+ Method to get disributed virtual portgroup
+ Args:
+ network_name - name of network/portgroup
+ Returns:
+ portgroup object
+ """
+ vcenter_conect, content = self.get_vcenter_content()
+ dvPort_group = None
+ try:
+ container = content.viewManager.CreateContainerView(content.rootFolder, [vim.dvs.DistributedVirtualPortgroup], True)
+ for item in container.view:
+ if item.key == dvPort_group_name:
+ dvPort_group = item
+ break
+ return dvPort_group
+ except vmodl.MethodFault as exp:
+ self.logger.error("Caught vmodl fault {} for disributed virtaul port group {}".format(
+ exp, dvPort_group_name))
+ return None
+ def get_vlanID_from_dvs_portgr(self, dvPort_group_name):
+ """
+ Method to get disributed virtual portgroup vlanID
+ Args:
+ network_name - name of network/portgroup
+ Returns:
+ vlan ID
+ """
+ vlanId = None
+ try:
+ dvPort_group = self.get_dvport_group(dvPort_group_name)
+ if dvPort_group:
+ vlanId = dvPort_group.config.defaultPortConfig.vlan.vlanId
+ except vmodl.MethodFault as exp:
+ self.logger.error("Caught vmodl fault {} for disributed virtaul port group {}".format(
+ exp, dvPort_group_name))
+ return vlanId
+ def configure_vlanID(self, content, vcenter_conect, dvPort_group_name):
+ """
+ Method to configure vlanID in disributed virtual portgroup vlanID
+ Args:
+ network_name - name of network/portgroup
+ Returns:
+ None
+ """
+ vlanID = self.get_vlanID_from_dvs_portgr(dvPort_group_name)
+ if vlanID == 0:
+ #configure vlanID
+ vlanID = self.genrate_vlanID(dvPort_group_name)
+ config = {"vlanID":vlanID}
+ task = self.reconfig_portgroup(content, dvPort_group_name,
+ config_info=config)
+ if task:
+ status= self.wait_for_vcenter_task(task, vcenter_conect)
+ if status:
+ self.logger.info("Reconfigured Port group {} for vlan ID {}".format(
+ dvPort_group_name,vlanID))
+ else:
+ self.logger.error("Fail reconfigure portgroup {} for vlanID{}".format(
+ dvPort_group_name, vlanID))
+ def genrate_vlanID(self, network_name):
+ """
+ Method to get unused vlanID
+ Args:
+ network_name - name of network/portgroup
+ Returns:
+ vlanID
+ """
+ vlan_id = None
+ used_ids = []
+ if self.config.get('vlanID_range') == None:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnConflictException("You must provide a 'vlanID_range' "\
+ "at config value before creating sriov network with vlan tag")
+ if "used_vlanIDs" not in self.persistent_info:
+ self.persistent_info["used_vlanIDs"] = {}
+ else:
+ used_ids = list(self.persistent_info["used_vlanIDs"].values())
+ for vlanID_range in self.config.get('vlanID_range'):
+ start_vlanid, end_vlanid = vlanID_range.split("-")
+ if start_vlanid > end_vlanid:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnConflictException("Invalid vlan ID range {}".format(
+ vlanID_range))
+ for id in range(int(start_vlanid), int(end_vlanid) + 1):
+ if id not in used_ids:
+ vlan_id = id
+ self.persistent_info["used_vlanIDs"][network_name] = vlan_id
+ return vlan_id
+ if vlan_id is None:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnConflictException("All Vlan IDs are in use")
+ def get_obj(self, content, vimtype, name):
+ """
+ Get the vsphere object associated with a given text name
+ """
+ obj = None
+ container = content.viewManager.CreateContainerView(content.rootFolder, vimtype, True)
+ for item in container.view:
+ if item.name == name:
+ obj = item
+ break
+ return obj
+ def insert_media_to_vm(self, vapp, image_id):
+ """
+ Method to insert media CD-ROM (ISO image) from catalog to vm.
+ vapp - vapp object to get vm id
+ Image_id - image id for cdrom to be inerted to vm
+ """
+ # create connection object
+ vca = self.connect()
+ try:
+ # fetching catalog details
+ rest_url = "{}/api/catalog/{}".format(self.url, image_id)
+ if vca._session:
+ headers = {'Accept':'application/*+xml;version=' + API_VERSION,
+ 'x-vcloud-authorization': vca._session.headers['x-vcloud-authorization']}
+ response = self.perform_request(req_type='GET',
+ url=rest_url,
+ headers=headers)
+ if response.status_code != 200:
+ self.logger.error("REST call {} failed reason : {}"\
+ "status code : {}".format(url_rest_call,
+ response.content,
+ response.status_code))
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("insert_media_to_vm(): Failed to get "\
+ "catalog details")
+ # searching iso name and id
+ iso_name,media_id = self.get_media_details(vca, response.content)
+ if iso_name and media_id:
+ data ="""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
+ <ns6:MediaInsertOrEjectParams
+ xmlns="http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/versions" xmlns:ns2="http://schemas.dmtf.org/ovf/envelope/1"
+ xmlns:ns3="http://schemas.dmtf.org/wbem/wscim/1/cim-schema/2/CIM_VirtualSystemSettingData"
+ xmlns:ns4="http://schemas.dmtf.org/wbem/wscim/1/common"
+ xmlns:ns5="http://schemas.dmtf.org/wbem/wscim/1/cim-schema/2/CIM_ResourceAllocationSettingData"
+ xmlns:ns6="http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/v1.5"
+ xmlns:ns7="http://www.vmware.com/schema/ovf"
+ xmlns:ns8="http://schemas.dmtf.org/ovf/environment/1"
+ xmlns:ns9="http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/extension/v1.5">
+ <ns6:Media
+ type="application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.media+xml"
+ name="{}"
+ id="urn:vcloud:media:{}"
+ href="https://{}/api/media/{}"/>
+ </ns6:MediaInsertOrEjectParams>""".format(iso_name, media_id,
+ self.url,media_id)
+ for vms in vapp.get_all_vms():
+ vm_id = vms.get('id').split(':')[-1]
+ headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.mediaInsertOrEjectParams+xml'
+ rest_url = "{}/api/vApp/vm-{}/media/action/insertMedia".format(self.url,vm_id)
+ response = self.perform_request(req_type='POST',
+ url=rest_url,
+ data=data,
+ headers=headers)
+ if response.status_code != 202:
+ error_msg = "insert_media_to_vm() : Failed to insert CD-ROM to vm. Reason {}. " \
+ "Status code {}".format(response.text, response.status_code)
+ self.logger.error(error_msg)
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException(error_msg)
+ else:
+ task = self.get_task_from_response(response.content)
+ result = self.client.get_task_monitor().wait_for_success(task=task)
+ if result.get('status') == 'success':
+ self.logger.info("insert_media_to_vm(): Sucessfully inserted media ISO"\
+ " image to vm {}".format(vm_id))
+ except Exception as exp:
+ self.logger.error("insert_media_to_vm() : exception occurred "\
+ "while inserting media CD-ROM")
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException(message=exp)
+ def get_media_details(self, vca, content):
+ """
+ Method to get catalog item details
+ vca - connection object
+ content - Catalog details
+ Return - Media name, media id
+ """
+ cataloghref_list = []
+ try:
+ if content:
+ vm_list_xmlroot = XmlElementTree.fromstring(content)
+ for child in vm_list_xmlroot.iter():
+ if 'CatalogItem' in child.tag:
+ cataloghref_list.append(child.attrib.get('href'))
+ if cataloghref_list is not None:
+ for href in cataloghref_list:
+ if href:
+ headers = {'Accept':'application/*+xml;version=' + API_VERSION,
+ 'x-vcloud-authorization': vca._session.headers['x-vcloud-authorization']}
+ response = self.perform_request(req_type='GET',
+ url=href,
+ headers=headers)
+ if response.status_code != 200:
+ self.logger.error("REST call {} failed reason : {}"\
+ "status code : {}".format(href,
+ response.content,
+ response.status_code))
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("get_media_details : Failed to get "\
+ "catalogitem details")
+ list_xmlroot = XmlElementTree.fromstring(response.content)
+ for child in list_xmlroot.iter():
+ if 'Entity' in child.tag:
+ if 'media' in child.attrib.get('href'):
+ name = child.attrib.get('name')
+ media_id = child.attrib.get('href').split('/').pop()
+ return name,media_id
+ else:
+ self.logger.debug("Media name and id not found")
+ return False,False
+ except Exception as exp:
+ self.logger.error("get_media_details : exception occurred "\
+ "getting media details")
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException(message=exp)
+ def retry_rest(self, method, url, add_headers=None, data=None):
+ """ Method to get Token & retry respective REST request
+ Args:
+ api - REST API - Can be one of 'GET' or 'PUT' or 'POST'
+ url - request url to be used
+ add_headers - Additional headers (optional)
+ data - Request payload data to be passed in request
+ Returns:
+ response - Response of request
+ """
+ response = None
+ #Get token
+ self.get_token()
+ if self.client._session:
+ headers = {'Accept':'application/*+xml;version=' + API_VERSION,
+ 'x-vcloud-authorization': self.client._session.headers['x-vcloud-authorization']}
+ if add_headers:
+ headers.update(add_headers)
+ if method == 'GET':
+ response = self.perform_request(req_type='GET',
+ url=url,
+ headers=headers)
+ elif method == 'PUT':
+ response = self.perform_request(req_type='PUT',
+ url=url,
+ headers=headers,
+ data=data)
+ elif method == 'POST':
+ response = self.perform_request(req_type='POST',
+ url=url,
+ headers=headers,
+ data=data)
+ elif method == 'DELETE':
+ response = self.perform_request(req_type='DELETE',
+ url=url,
+ headers=headers)
+ return response
+ def get_token(self):
+ """ Generate a new token if expired
+ Returns:
+ The return client object that letter can be used to connect to vCloud director as admin for VDC
+ """
+ try:
+ self.logger.debug("Generate token for vca {} as {} to datacenter {}.".format(self.org_name,
+ self.user,
+ self.org_name))
+ host = self.url
+ client = Client(host, verify_ssl_certs=False)
+ client.set_highest_supported_version()
+ client.set_credentials(BasicLoginCredentials(self.user, self.org_name, self.passwd))
+ # connection object
+ self.client = client
+ except:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnConnectionException("Can't connect to a vCloud director org: "
+ "{} as user: {}".format(self.org_name, self.user))
+ if not client:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnConnectionException("Failed while reconnecting vCD")
+ def get_vdc_details(self):
+ """ Get VDC details using pyVcloud Lib
+ Returns org and vdc object
+ """
+ vdc = None
+ try:
+ org = Org(self.client, resource=self.client.get_org())
+ vdc = org.get_vdc(self.tenant_name)
+ except Exception as e:
+ # pyvcloud not giving a specific exception, Refresh nevertheless
+ self.logger.debug("Received exception {}, refreshing token ".format(str(e)))
+ #Retry once, if failed by refreshing token
+ if vdc is None:
+ self.get_token()
+ org = Org(self.client, resource=self.client.get_org())
+ vdc = org.get_vdc(self.tenant_name)
+ return org, vdc
+ def perform_request(self, req_type, url, headers=None, data=None):
+ """Perform the POST/PUT/GET/DELETE request."""
+ #Log REST request details
+ self.log_request(req_type, url=url, headers=headers, data=data)
+ # perform request and return its result
+ if req_type == 'GET':
+ response = requests.get(url=url,
+ headers=headers,
+ verify=False)
+ elif req_type == 'PUT':
+ response = requests.put(url=url,
+ headers=headers,
+ data=data,
+ verify=False)
+ elif req_type == 'POST':
+ response = requests.post(url=url,
+ headers=headers,
+ data=data,
+ verify=False)
+ elif req_type == 'DELETE':
+ response = requests.delete(url=url,
+ headers=headers,
+ verify=False)
+ #Log the REST response
+ self.log_response(response)
+ return response
+ def log_request(self, req_type, url=None, headers=None, data=None):
+ """Logs REST request details"""
+ if req_type is not None:
+ self.logger.debug("Request type: {}".format(req_type))
+ if url is not None:
+ self.logger.debug("Request url: {}".format(url))
+ if headers is not None:
+ for header in headers:
+ self.logger.debug("Request header: {}: {}".format(header, headers[header]))
+ if data is not None:
+ self.logger.debug("Request data: {}".format(data))
+ def log_response(self, response):
+ """Logs REST response details"""
+ self.logger.debug("Response status code: {} ".format(response.status_code))
+ def get_task_from_response(self, content):
+ """
+ content - API response content(response.content)
+ return task object
+ """
+ xmlroot = XmlElementTree.fromstring(content)
+ if xmlroot.tag.split('}')[1] == "Task":
+ return xmlroot
+ else:
+ for ele in xmlroot:
+ if ele.tag.split("}")[1] == "Tasks":
+ task = ele[0]
+ break
+ return task
+ def power_on_vapp(self,vapp_id, vapp_name):
+ """
+ vapp_id - vApp uuid
+ vapp_name - vAapp name
+ return - Task object
+ """
+ headers = {'Accept':'application/*+xml;version=' + API_VERSION,
+ 'x-vcloud-authorization': self.client._session.headers['x-vcloud-authorization']}
+ poweron_href = "{}/api/vApp/vapp-{}/power/action/powerOn".format(self.url,
+ vapp_id)
+ response = self.perform_request(req_type='POST',
+ url=poweron_href,
+ headers=headers)
+ if response.status_code != 202:
+ self.logger.error("REST call {} failed reason : {}"\
+ "status code : {} ".format(poweron_href,
+ response.content,
+ response.status_code))
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("power_on_vapp() : Failed to power on "\
+ "vApp {}".format(vapp_name))
+ else:
+ poweron_task = self.get_task_from_response(response.content)
+ return poweron_task
--- /dev/null
+ ##
+ # Copyright VMware Inc.
+ # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ # You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ #
+ # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ #
+ # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ # implied.
+ # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ # limitations under the License.
+ ##
+ requests
+ netaddr
+ pyvcloud==19.1.1
+ pyvmomi
+ progressbar
+ prettytable
+ # TODO py3 genisoimage
--- /dev/null
- sql "ALTER TABLE instance_interfaces ADD COLUMN instance_wim_net_id VARCHAR(36) NULL AFTER instance_net_id, "\
+ #!/bin/bash
+ ##
+ # Copyright 2015 Telefonica Investigacion y Desarrollo, S.A.U.
+ # This file is part of openmano
+ # All Rights Reserved.
+ #
+ # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+ # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+ # a copy of the License at
+ #
+ # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ #
+ # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+ # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+ # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ # under the License.
+ #
+ # For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
+ # contact with: nfvlabs@tid.es
+ ##
+ #
+ #Upgrade/Downgrade openmano database preserving the content
+ #
+ DBUTILS="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)"
+ DBUSER="mano"
+ DBPORT="3306"
+ DBNAME="mano_db"
+ #TODO update it with the last database version
+ # Detect paths
+ MYSQL=$(which mysql)
+ AWK=$(which awk)
+ GREP=$(which grep)
+ function usage(){
+ echo -e "Usage: $0 OPTIONS [version]"
+ echo -e " Upgrades/Downgrades openmano database preserving the content."\
+ "If [version] is not provided, it is upgraded to the last version"
+ echo -e " OPTIONS"
+ echo -e " -u USER database user. '$DBUSER' by default. Prompts if DB access fails"
+ echo -e " -p PASS database password. If missing it tries without and '$DEFAULT_DBPASS' password before prompting"
+ echo -e " -P PORT database port. '$DBPORT' by default"
+ echo -e " -h HOST database host. 'localhost' by default"
+ echo -e " -d NAME database name. '$DBNAME' by default. Prompts if DB access fails"
+ echo -e " -b DIR backup folder where to create rollback backup file"
+ echo -e " -q --quiet: Do not prompt for credentials and exit if cannot access to database"
+ echo -e " --help shows this help"
+ }
+ while getopts ":u:p:b:P:h:d:q-:" o; do
+ case "${o}" in
+ u)
+ ;;
+ p)
+ ;;
+ P)
+ ;;
+ d)
+ ;;
+ h)
+ ;;
+ b)
+ ;;
+ q)
+ export QUIET_MODE=yes
+ ;;
+ -)
+ [ "${OPTARG}" == "help" ] && usage && exit 0
+ [ "${OPTARG}" == "quiet" ] && export QUIET_MODE=yes && continue
+ echo "Invalid option: '--$OPTARG'. Type --help for more information" >&2
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ \?)
+ echo "Invalid option: '-$OPTARG'. Type --help for more information" >&2
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ :)
+ echo "Option '-$OPTARG' requires an argument. Type --help for more information" >&2
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ *)
+ usage >&2
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ shift $((OPTIND-1))
+ if [ -n "$DB_VERSION" ] ; then
+ # check it is a number and an allowed one
+ [ "$DB_VERSION" -eq "$DB_VERSION" ] 2>/dev/null ||
+ ! echo "parameter 'version' requires a integer value" >&2 || exit 1
+ if [ "$DB_VERSION" -lt 0 ] || [ "$DB_VERSION" -gt "$LAST_DB_VERSION" ] ; then
+ echo "parameter 'version' requires a valid database version between '0' and '$LAST_DB_VERSION'"\
+ "If you need an upper version, get a newer version of this script '$0'" >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ else
+ fi
+ # Creating temporary file
+ TEMPFILE="$(mktemp -q --tmpdir "migratemanodb.XXXXXX")"
+ trap 'rm -f "$TEMPFILE"' EXIT
+ chmod 0600 "$TEMPFILE"
+ DEF_EXTRA_FILE_PARAM="--defaults-extra-file=$TEMPFILE"
+ echo -e "[client]\n user='${DBUSER}'\n password='$DBPASS'\n host='$DBHOST'\n port='$DBPORT'" > "$TEMPFILE"
+ # Check and ask for database user password
+ FIRST_TRY="yes"
+ while ! DB_ERROR=`mysql "$DEF_EXTRA_FILE_PARAM" $DBNAME -e "quit" 2>&1 >/dev/null`
+ do
+ # if password is not provided, try silently with $DEFAULT_DBPASS before exit or prompt for credentials
+ [[ -n "$FIRST_TRY" ]] && [[ -z "$DBPASS" ]] && DBPASS="$DEFAULT_DBPASS" &&
+ echo -e "[client]\n user='${DBUSER}'\n password='$DBPASS'\n host='$DBHOST'\n port='$DBPORT'" > "$TEMPFILE" &&
+ continue
+ echo "$DB_ERROR"
+ [[ -n "$QUIET_MODE" ]] && echo -e "Invalid database credentials!!!" >&2 && exit 1
+ echo -e "Provide database name and credentials (Ctrl+c to abort):"
+ read -e -p " mysql database name($DBNAME): " KK
+ [ -n "$KK" ] && DBNAME="$KK"
+ read -e -p " mysql user($DBUSER): " KK
+ [ -n "$KK" ] && DBUSER="$KK"
+ read -e -s -p " mysql password: " DBPASS
+ echo -e "[client]\n user='${DBUSER}'\n password='$DBPASS'\n host='$DBHOST'\n port='$DBPORT'" > "$TEMPFILE"
+ echo
+ done
+ #echo DBCMD $DBCMD
+ #check that the database seems a openmano database
+ if ! echo -e "show create table vnfs;\nshow create table scenarios" | $DBCMD >/dev/null 2>&1
+ then
+ echo " database $DBNAME does not seem to be an openmano database" >&2
+ exit 1;
+ fi
+ #[ $OPENMANO_VER_NUM -ge 2002 ] && DB_VERSION=1 #0.2.2 => 1
+ #[ $OPENMANO_VER_NUM -ge 2005 ] && DB_VERSION=2 #0.2.5 => 2
+ #[ $OPENMANO_VER_NUM -ge 3003 ] && DB_VERSION=3 #0.3.3 => 3
+ #[ $OPENMANO_VER_NUM -ge 3005 ] && DB_VERSION=4 #0.3.5 => 4
+ #[ $OPENMANO_VER_NUM -ge 4001 ] && DB_VERSION=5 #0.4.1 => 5
+ #[ $OPENMANO_VER_NUM -ge 4002 ] && DB_VERSION=6 #0.4.2 => 6
+ #[ $OPENMANO_VER_NUM -ge 4003 ] && DB_VERSION=7 #0.4.3 => 7
+ #[ $OPENMANO_VER_NUM -ge 4032 ] && DB_VERSION=8 #0.4.32=> 8
+ #[ $OPENMANO_VER_NUM -ge 4033 ] && DB_VERSION=9 #0.4.33=> 9
+ #[ $OPENMANO_VER_NUM -ge 4036 ] && DB_VERSION=10 #0.4.36=> 10
+ #[ $OPENMANO_VER_NUM -ge 4043 ] && DB_VERSION=11 #0.4.43=> 11
+ #[ $OPENMANO_VER_NUM -ge 4046 ] && DB_VERSION=12 #0.4.46=> 12
+ #[ $OPENMANO_VER_NUM -ge 4047 ] && DB_VERSION=13 #0.4.47=> 13
+ #[ $OPENMANO_VER_NUM -ge 4057 ] && DB_VERSION=14 #0.4.57=> 14
+ #[ $OPENMANO_VER_NUM -ge 4059 ] && DB_VERSION=15 #0.4.59=> 15
+ #[ $OPENMANO_VER_NUM -ge 5002 ] && DB_VERSION=16 #0.5.2 => 16
+ #[ $OPENMANO_VER_NUM -ge 5003 ] && DB_VERSION=17 #0.5.3 => 17
+ #[ $OPENMANO_VER_NUM -ge 5004 ] && DB_VERSION=18 #0.5.4 => 18
+ #[ $OPENMANO_VER_NUM -ge 5005 ] && DB_VERSION=19 #0.5.5 => 19
+ #[ $OPENMANO_VER_NUM -ge 5009 ] && DB_VERSION=20 #0.5.9 => 20
+ #[ $OPENMANO_VER_NUM -ge 5015 ] && DB_VERSION=21 #0.5.15 => 21
+ #[ $OPENMANO_VER_NUM -ge 5016 ] && DB_VERSION=22 #0.5.16 => 22
+ #[ $OPENMANO_VER_NUM -ge 5020 ] && DB_VERSION=23 #0.5.20 => 23
+ #[ $OPENMANO_VER_NUM -ge 5021 ] && DB_VERSION=24 #0.5.21 => 24
+ #[ $OPENMANO_VER_NUM -ge 5022 ] && DB_VERSION=25 #0.5.22 => 25
+ #[ $OPENMANO_VER_NUM -ge 5024 ] && DB_VERSION=26 #0.5.24 => 26
+ #[ $OPENMANO_VER_NUM -ge 5025 ] && DB_VERSION=27 #0.5.25 => 27
+ #[ $OPENMANO_VER_NUM -ge 5052 ] && DB_VERSION=28 #0.5.52 => 28
+ #[ $OPENMANO_VER_NUM -ge 5059 ] && DB_VERSION=29 #0.5.59 => 29
+ #[ $OPENMANO_VER_NUM -ge 5060 ] && DB_VERSION=30 #0.5.60 => 30
+ #[ $OPENMANO_VER_NUM -ge 5061 ] && DB_VERSION=31 #0.5.61 => 31
+ #[ $OPENMANO_VER_NUM -ge 5070 ] && DB_VERSION=32 #0.5.70 => 32
+ #[ $OPENMANO_VER_NUM -ge 5082 ] && DB_VERSION=33 #0.5.82 => 33
+ #[ $OPENMANO_VER_NUM -ge 6000 ] && DB_VERSION=34 #0.6.00 => 34
+ #[ $OPENMANO_VER_NUM -ge 6001 ] && DB_VERSION=35 #0.6.01 => 35
+ #[ $OPENMANO_VER_NUM -ge 6003 ] && DB_VERSION=36 #0.6.03 => 36
+ #[ $OPENMANO_VER_NUM -ge 6009 ] && DB_VERSION=37 #0.6.09 => 37
+ #[ $OPENMANO_VER_NUM -ge 6011 ] && DB_VERSION=38 #0.6.11 => 38
+ #[ $OPENMANO_VER_NUM -ge 6020 ] && DB_VERSION=39 #0.6.20 => 39
+ #[ $OPENMANO_VER_NUM -ge 6000004 ] && DB_VERSION=40 #6.0.4 => 40
+ #TODO ... put next versions here
+ function upgrade_to_1(){
+ # echo " upgrade database from version 0.0 to version 0.1"
+ echo " CREATE TABLE \`schema_version\`"
+ sql "CREATE TABLE \`schema_version\` (
+ \`version_int\` INT NOT NULL COMMENT 'version as a number. Must not contain gaps',
+ \`version\` VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL COMMENT 'version as a text',
+ \`openmano_ver\` VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL COMMENT 'openmano version',
+ \`comments\` VARCHAR(2000) NULL COMMENT 'changes to database',
+ \`date\` DATE NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (\`version_int\`)
+ )
+ COMMENT='database schema control version'
+ COLLATE='utf8_general_ci'
+ sql "INSERT INTO \`schema_version\` (\`version_int\`, \`version\`, \`openmano_ver\`, \`comments\`, \`date\`)
+ VALUES (1, '0.1', '0.2.2', 'insert schema_version', '2015-05-08');"
+ }
+ function downgrade_from_1(){
+ # echo " downgrade database from version 0.1 to version 0.0"
+ echo " DROP TABLE IF EXISTS \`schema_version\`"
+ sql "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS \`schema_version\`;"
+ }
+ function upgrade_to_2(){
+ # echo " upgrade database from version 0.1 to version 0.2"
+ echo " Add columns user/passwd to table 'vim_tenants'"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE vim_tenants ADD COLUMN user VARCHAR(36) NULL COMMENT 'Credentials for vim' AFTER created,
+ ADD COLUMN passwd VARCHAR(50) NULL COMMENT 'Credentials for vim' AFTER user;"
+ echo " Add table 'images' and 'datacenters_images'"
+ sql "CREATE TABLE images (
+ uuid VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL,
+ name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
+ location VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL,
+ description VARCHAR(100) NULL,
+ metadata VARCHAR(400) NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (uuid),
+ UNIQUE INDEX location (location) )
+ COLLATE='utf8_general_ci'
+ sql "CREATE TABLE datacenters_images (
+ image_id VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL,
+ datacenter_id VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL,
+ vim_id VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL,
+ CONSTRAINT FK__datacenters_i FOREIGN KEY (datacenter_id) REFERENCES datacenters (uuid) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE )
+ COLLATE='utf8_general_ci'
+ echo " migrate data from table 'vms' into 'images'"
+ sql "INSERT INTO images (uuid, name, location) SELECT DISTINCT vim_image_id, vim_image_id, image_path FROM vms;"
+ sql "INSERT INTO datacenters_images (image_id, datacenter_id, vim_id)
+ SELECT DISTINCT vim_image_id, datacenters.uuid, vim_image_id FROM vms JOIN datacenters;"
+ echo " Add table 'flavors' and 'datacenter_flavors'"
+ sql "CREATE TABLE flavors (
+ uuid VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL,
+ name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
+ description VARCHAR(100) NULL,
+ extended VARCHAR(2000) NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Extra description json format of needed resources and pining, orginized in sets per numa',
+ PRIMARY KEY (uuid) )
+ COLLATE='utf8_general_ci'
+ sql "CREATE TABLE datacenters_flavors (
+ flavor_id VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL,
+ datacenter_id VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL,
+ vim_id VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL,
+ CONSTRAINT FK__datacenters_f FOREIGN KEY (datacenter_id) REFERENCES datacenters (uuid) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE )
+ COLLATE='utf8_general_ci'
+ echo " migrate data from table 'vms' into 'flavors'"
+ sql "INSERT INTO flavors (uuid, name) SELECT DISTINCT vim_flavor_id, vim_flavor_id FROM vms;"
+ sql "INSERT INTO datacenters_flavors (flavor_id, datacenter_id, vim_id)
+ SELECT DISTINCT vim_flavor_id, datacenters.uuid, vim_flavor_id FROM vms JOIN datacenters;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE vms ALTER vim_flavor_id DROP DEFAULT, ALTER vim_image_id DROP DEFAULT;
+ ALTER TABLE vms CHANGE COLUMN vim_flavor_id flavor_id VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Link to flavor table' AFTER vnf_id,
+ CHANGE COLUMN vim_image_id image_id VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Link to image table' AFTER flavor_id,
+ ADD CONSTRAINT FK_vms_images FOREIGN KEY (image_id) REFERENCES images (uuid),
+ ADD CONSTRAINT FK_vms_flavors FOREIGN KEY (flavor_id) REFERENCES flavors (uuid);"
+ sql "INSERT INTO schema_version (version_int, version, openmano_ver, comments, date) VALUES (2, '0.2', '0.2.5', 'new tables images,flavors', '2015-07-13');"
+ }
+ function downgrade_from_2(){
+ # echo " downgrade database from version 0.2 to version 0.1"
+ echo " migrate back data from 'datacenters_images' 'datacenters_flavors' into 'vms'"
+ ALTER TABLE vms CHANGE COLUMN flavor_id vim_flavor_id VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Flavor ID in the VIM DB' AFTER vnf_id,
+ CHANGE COLUMN image_id vim_image_id VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Image ID in the VIM DB' AFTER vim_flavor_id,
+ DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_vms_flavors, DROP INDEX FK_vms_flavors,
+ DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_vms_images, DROP INDEX FK_vms_images;"
+ # echo "UPDATE v SET v.vim_image_id=di.vim_id
+ # FROM vms as v INNER JOIN images as i ON v.vim_image_id=i.uuid
+ # INNER JOIN datacenters_images as di ON i.uuid=di.image_id;"
+ echo " Delete columns 'user/passwd' from 'vim_tenants'"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE vim_tenants DROP COLUMN user, DROP COLUMN passwd; "
+ echo " delete tables 'datacenter_images', 'images'"
+ sql "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS \`datacenters_images\`;"
+ sql "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS \`images\`;"
+ echo " delete tables 'datacenter_flavors', 'flavors'"
+ sql "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS \`datacenters_flavors\`;"
+ sql "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS \`flavors\`;"
+ sql "DELETE FROM schema_version WHERE version_int='2';"
+ }
+ function upgrade_to_3(){
+ # echo " upgrade database from version 0.2 to version 0.3"
+ echo " Change table 'logs', 'uuids"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE logs CHANGE COLUMN related related VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Relevant element for the log' AFTER nfvo_tenant_id;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE uuids CHANGE COLUMN used_at used_at VARCHAR(36) NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Table that uses this UUID' AFTER created_at;"
+ echo " Add column created to table 'datacenters_images' and 'datacenters_flavors'"
+ for table in datacenters_images datacenters_flavors
+ do
+ sql "ALTER TABLE $table ADD COLUMN created ENUM('true','false') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'false'
+ COMMENT 'Indicates if it has been created by openmano, or already existed' AFTER vim_id;"
+ done
+ sql "ALTER TABLE images CHANGE COLUMN metadata metadata VARCHAR(2000) NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER description;"
+ echo " Allow null to column 'vim_interface_id' in 'instance_interfaces'"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_interfaces CHANGE COLUMN vim_interface_id vim_interface_id VARCHAR(36) NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'vim identity for that interface' AFTER interface_id; "
+ echo " Add column config to table 'datacenters'"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE datacenters ADD COLUMN config VARCHAR(4000) NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'extra config information in json' AFTER vim_url_admin;
+ "
+ echo " Add column datacenter_id to table 'vim_tenants'"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE vim_tenants ADD COLUMN datacenter_id VARCHAR(36) NULL COMMENT 'Datacenter of this tenant' AFTER uuid,
+ DROP INDEX name, DROP INDEX vim_tenant_id;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE vim_tenants CHANGE COLUMN name vim_tenant_name VARCHAR(36) NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'tenant name at VIM' AFTER datacenter_id,
+ CHANGE COLUMN vim_tenant_id vim_tenant_id VARCHAR(36) NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Tenant ID at VIM' AFTER vim_tenant_name;"
+ echo "UPDATE vim_tenants as vt LEFT JOIN tenants_datacenters as td ON vt.uuid=td.vim_tenant_id
+ SET vt.datacenter_id=td.datacenter_id;"
+ sql "DELETE FROM vim_tenants WHERE datacenter_id is NULL;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE vim_tenants ALTER datacenter_id DROP DEFAULT;
+ ALTER TABLE vim_tenants
+ CHANGE COLUMN datacenter_id datacenter_id VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Datacenter of this tenant' AFTER uuid;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE vim_tenants ADD CONSTRAINT FK_vim_tenants_datacenters FOREIGN KEY (datacenter_id) REFERENCES datacenters (uuid)
+ sql "INSERT INTO schema_version (version_int, version, openmano_ver, comments, date) VALUES (3, '0.3', '0.3.3', 'alter vim_tenant tables', '2015-07-28');"
+ }
+ function downgrade_from_3(){
+ # echo " downgrade database from version 0.3 to version 0.2"
+ echo " Change back table 'logs', 'uuids'"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE logs CHANGE COLUMN related related ENUM('nfvo_tenants','datacenters','vim_tenants','tenants_datacenters','vnfs','vms','interfaces','nets','scenarios','sce_vnfs','sce_interfaces','sce_nets','instance_scenarios','instance_vnfs','instance_vms','instance_nets','instance_interfaces') NOT NULL COMMENT 'Relevant element for the log' AFTER nfvo_tenant_id;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE uuids CHANGE COLUMN used_at used_at ENUM('nfvo_tenants','datacenters','vim_tenants','vnfs','vms','interfaces','nets','scenarios','sce_vnfs','sce_interfaces','sce_nets','instance_scenarios','instance_vnfs','instance_vms','instance_nets','instance_interfaces') NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Table that uses this UUID' AFTER created_at;"
+ echo " Delete column created from table 'datacenters_images' and 'datacenters_flavors'"
+ for table in datacenters_images datacenters_flavors
+ do
+ sql "ALTER TABLE $table DROP COLUMN created;"
+ done
+ sql "ALTER TABLE images CHANGE COLUMN metadata metadata VARCHAR(400) NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER description;"
+ echo " Deny back null to column 'vim_interface_id' in 'instance_interfaces'"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_interfaces CHANGE COLUMN vim_interface_id vim_interface_id VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL COMMENT 'vim identity for that interface' AFTER interface_id; "
+ echo " Delete column config to table 'datacenters'"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE datacenters DROP COLUMN config;"
+ echo " Delete column datacenter_id to table 'vim_tenants'"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE vim_tenants DROP COLUMN datacenter_id, DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_vim_tenants_datacenters;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE vim_tenants CHANGE COLUMN vim_tenant_name name VARCHAR(36) NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '' AFTER uuid"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE vim_tenants ALTER name DROP DEFAULT;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE vim_tenants CHANGE COLUMN name name VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL AFTER uuid" || ! echo "Warning changing column name at vim_tenants!"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE vim_tenants ADD UNIQUE INDEX name (name);" || ! echo "Warning add unique index name at vim_tenants!"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE vim_tenants ALTER vim_tenant_id DROP DEFAULT;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE vim_tenants CHANGE COLUMN vim_tenant_id vim_tenant_id VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Tenant ID in the VIM DB' AFTER name;" ||
+ ! echo "Warning changing column vim_tenant_id at vim_tenants!"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE vim_tenants ADD UNIQUE INDEX vim_tenant_id (vim_tenant_id);" ||
+ ! echo "Warning add unique index vim_tenant_id at vim_tenants!"
+ sql "DELETE FROM schema_version WHERE version_int='3';"
+ }
+ function upgrade_to_4(){
+ # echo " upgrade database from version 0.3 to version 0.4"
+ echo " Enlarge graph field at tables 'sce_vnfs', 'sce_nets'"
+ for table in sce_vnfs sce_nets
+ do
+ sql "ALTER TABLE $table CHANGE COLUMN graph graph VARCHAR(2000) NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER modified_at;"
+ done
+ sql "ALTER TABLE datacenters CHANGE COLUMN type type VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'openvim' AFTER description;"
+ sql "INSERT INTO schema_version (version_int, version, openmano_ver, comments, date) VALUES (4, '0.4', '0.3.5', 'enlarge graph field at sce_vnfs/nets', '2015-10-20');"
+ }
+ function downgrade_from_4(){
+ # echo " downgrade database from version 0.4 to version 0.3"
+ echo " Shorten back graph field at tables 'sce_vnfs', 'sce_nets'"
+ for table in sce_vnfs sce_nets
+ do
+ sql "ALTER TABLE $table CHANGE COLUMN graph graph VARCHAR(2000) NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER modified_at;"
+ done
+ sql "ALTER TABLE datacenters CHANGE COLUMN type type ENUM('openvim','openstack') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'openvim' AFTER description;"
+ sql "DELETE FROM schema_version WHERE version_int='4';"
+ }
+ function upgrade_to_5(){
+ # echo " upgrade database from version 0.4 to version 0.5"
+ echo " Add 'mac' field for bridge interfaces in table 'interfaces'"
+ sql "INSERT INTO schema_version (version_int, version, openmano_ver, comments, date) VALUES (5, '0.5', '0.4.1', 'Add mac address for bridge interfaces', '2015-12-14');"
+ }
+ function downgrade_from_5(){
+ # echo " downgrade database from version 0.5 to version 0.4"
+ echo " Remove 'mac' field for bridge interfaces in table 'interfaces'"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE interfaces DROP COLUMN mac;"
+ sql "DELETE FROM schema_version WHERE version_int='5';"
+ }
+ function upgrade_to_6(){
+ # echo " upgrade database from version 0.5 to version 0.6"
+ echo " Add 'descriptor' field text to 'vnfd', 'scenarios'"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE vnfs ADD COLUMN descriptor TEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Original text descriptor used for create the VNF' AFTER class;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE scenarios ADD COLUMN descriptor TEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Original text descriptor used for create the scenario' AFTER modified_at;"
+ echo " Add 'last_error', 'vim_info' to 'instance_vms', 'instance_nets'"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_vms ADD COLUMN error_msg VARCHAR(1024) NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER status;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_vms ADD COLUMN vim_info TEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER error_msg;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_nets ADD COLUMN error_msg VARCHAR(1024) NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER status;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_nets ADD COLUMN vim_info TEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER error_msg;"
+ echo " Add 'mac_address', 'ip_address', 'vim_info' to 'instance_interfaces'"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_interfaces ADD COLUMN mac_address VARCHAR(32) NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER vim_interface_id, ADD COLUMN ip_address VARCHAR(64) NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER mac_address, ADD COLUMN vim_info TEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER ip_address;"
+ echo " Add 'sce_vnf_id','datacenter_id','vim_tenant_id' field to 'instance_vnfs'"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_vnfs ADD COLUMN sce_vnf_id VARCHAR(36) NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER vnf_id, ADD CONSTRAINT FK_instance_vnfs_sce_vnfs FOREIGN KEY (sce_vnf_id) REFERENCES sce_vnfs (uuid) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE SET NULL;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_vnfs ADD COLUMN vim_tenant_id VARCHAR(36) NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER sce_vnf_id, ADD CONSTRAINT FK_instance_vnfs_vim_tenants FOREIGN KEY (vim_tenant_id) REFERENCES vim_tenants (uuid) ON UPDATE RESTRICT ON DELETE RESTRICT;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_vnfs ADD COLUMN datacenter_id VARCHAR(36) NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER vim_tenant_id, ADD CONSTRAINT FK_instance_vnfs_datacenters FOREIGN KEY (datacenter_id) REFERENCES datacenters (uuid) ON UPDATE RESTRICT ON DELETE RESTRICT;"
+ echo " Add 'sce_net_id','net_id','datacenter_id','vim_tenant_id' field to 'instance_nets'"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_nets ADD COLUMN sce_net_id VARCHAR(36) NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER instance_scenario_id, ADD CONSTRAINT FK_instance_nets_sce_nets FOREIGN KEY (sce_net_id) REFERENCES sce_nets (uuid) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE SET NULL;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_nets ADD COLUMN vim_tenant_id VARCHAR(36) NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER net_id, ADD CONSTRAINT FK_instance_nets_vim_tenants FOREIGN KEY (vim_tenant_id) REFERENCES vim_tenants (uuid) ON UPDATE RESTRICT ON DELETE RESTRICT;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_nets ADD COLUMN datacenter_id VARCHAR(36) NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER vim_tenant_id, ADD CONSTRAINT FK_instance_nets_datacenters FOREIGN KEY (datacenter_id) REFERENCES datacenters (uuid) ON UPDATE RESTRICT ON DELETE RESTRICT;"
+ sql "INSERT INTO schema_version (version_int, version, openmano_ver, comments, date) VALUES (6, '0.6', '0.4.2', 'Adding VIM status info', '2015-12-22');"
+ }
+ function downgrade_from_6(){
+ # echo " downgrade database from version 0.6 to version 0.5"
+ echo " Remove 'descriptor' field from 'vnfd', 'scenarios' tables"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE vnfs DROP COLUMN descriptor;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE scenarios DROP COLUMN descriptor;"
+ echo " Remove 'last_error', 'vim_info' from 'instance_vms', 'instance_nets'"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_vms DROP COLUMN error_msg, DROP COLUMN vim_info;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_nets DROP COLUMN error_msg, DROP COLUMN vim_info;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_nets CHANGE COLUMN status status ENUM('ACTIVE','DOWN','BUILD','ERROR') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'BUILD' AFTER instance_scenario_id;"
+ echo " Remove 'mac_address', 'ip_address', 'vim_info' from 'instance_interfaces'"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_interfaces DROP COLUMN mac_address, DROP COLUMN ip_address, DROP COLUMN vim_info;"
+ echo " Remove 'sce_vnf_id','datacenter_id','vim_tenant_id' field from 'instance_vnfs'"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_vnfs DROP COLUMN sce_vnf_id, DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_instance_vnfs_sce_vnfs;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_vnfs DROP COLUMN vim_tenant_id, DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_instance_vnfs_vim_tenants;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_vnfs DROP COLUMN datacenter_id, DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_instance_vnfs_datacenters;"
+ echo " Remove 'sce_net_id','net_id','datacenter_id','vim_tenant_id' field from 'instance_nets'"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_nets DROP COLUMN sce_net_id, DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_instance_nets_sce_nets;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_nets DROP COLUMN net_id, DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_instance_nets_nets;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_nets DROP COLUMN vim_tenant_id, DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_instance_nets_vim_tenants;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_nets DROP COLUMN datacenter_id, DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_instance_nets_datacenters;"
+ sql "DELETE FROM schema_version WHERE version_int='6';"
+ }
+ function upgrade_to_7(){
+ # echo " upgrade database from version 0.6 to version 0.7"
+ echo " Change created_at, modified_at from timestamp to unix float at all database"
+ for table in datacenters datacenter_nets instance_nets instance_scenarios instance_vms instance_vnfs interfaces nets nfvo_tenants scenarios sce_interfaces sce_nets sce_vnfs tenants_datacenters vim_tenants vms vnfs uuids
+ do
+ echo -en " $table \r"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE $table ADD COLUMN created_at_ DOUBLE NOT NULL after created_at;"
+ echo "UPDATE $table SET created_at_=unix_timestamp(created_at);"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE $table DROP COLUMN created_at, CHANGE COLUMN created_at_ created_at DOUBLE NOT NULL;"
+ [[ $table == uuids ]] || sql "ALTER TABLE $table CHANGE COLUMN modified_at modified_at DOUBLE NULL DEFAULT NULL;"
+ done
+ echo " Add 'descriptor' field text to 'vnfd', 'scenarios'"
+ sql "INSERT INTO schema_version (version_int, version, openmano_ver, comments, date) VALUES (7, '0.7', '0.4.3', 'Changing created_at time at database', '2016-01-25');"
+ }
+ function downgrade_from_7(){
+ # echo " downgrade database from version 0.7 to version 0.6"
+ echo " Change back created_at, modified_at from unix float to timestamp at all database"
+ for table in datacenters datacenter_nets instance_nets instance_scenarios instance_vms instance_vnfs interfaces nets nfvo_tenants scenarios sce_interfaces sce_nets sce_vnfs tenants_datacenters vim_tenants vms vnfs uuids
+ do
+ echo -en " $table \r"
+ echo "UPDATE $table SET created_at_=from_unixtime(created_at);"
+ [[ $table == uuids ]] || sql "ALTER TABLE $table CHANGE COLUMN modified_at modified_at TIMESTAMP NULL DEFAULT NULL;"
+ done
+ echo " Remove 'descriptor' field from 'vnfd', 'scenarios' tables"
+ sql "DELETE FROM schema_version WHERE version_int='7';"
+ }
+ function upgrade_to_8(){
+ # echo " upgrade database from version 0.7 to version 0.8"
+ echo " Change enalarge name, description to 255 at all database"
+ for table in datacenters datacenter_nets flavors images instance_scenarios nets nfvo_tenants scenarios sce_nets sce_vnfs vms vnfs
+ do
+ echo -en " $table \r"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE $table CHANGE COLUMN name name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE $table CHANGE COLUMN description description VARCHAR(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL;"
+ done
+ echo -en " interfaces \r"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE interfaces CHANGE COLUMN internal_name internal_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, CHANGE COLUMN external_name external_name VARCHAR(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE vim_tenants CHANGE COLUMN vim_tenant_name vim_tenant_name VARCHAR(64) NULL DEFAULT NULL;"
+ echo -en " vim_tenants \r"
+ sql "INSERT INTO schema_version (version_int, version, openmano_ver, comments, date) VALUES (8, '0.8', '0.4.32', 'Enlarging name at database', '2016-02-01');"
+ }
+ function downgrade_from_8(){
+ # echo " downgrade database from version 0.8 to version 0.7"
+ echo " Change back name,description to shorter length at all database"
+ for table in datacenters datacenter_nets flavors images instance_scenarios nets nfvo_tenants scenarios sce_nets sce_vnfs vms vnfs
+ do
+ name_length=50
+ [[ $table == flavors ]] || [[ $table == images ]] || name_length=36
+ echo -en " $table \r"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE $table CHANGE COLUMN name name VARCHAR($name_length) NOT NULL;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE $table CHANGE COLUMN description description VARCHAR(100) NULL DEFAULT NULL;"
+ done
+ echo -en " interfaces \r"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE interfaces CHANGE COLUMN internal_name internal_name VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL, CHANGE COLUMN external_name external_name VARCHAR(25) NULL DEFAULT NULL;"
+ echo -en " vim_tenants \r"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE vim_tenants CHANGE COLUMN vim_tenant_name vim_tenant_name VARCHAR(36) NULL DEFAULT NULL;"
+ sql "DELETE FROM schema_version WHERE version_int='8';"
+ }
+ function upgrade_to_9(){
+ # echo " upgrade database from version 0.8 to version 0.9"
+ echo " Add more status to 'instance_vms'"
+ sql "INSERT INTO schema_version (version_int, version, openmano_ver, comments, date) VALUES (9, '0.9', '0.4.33', 'Add ACTIVE:NoMgmtIP to instance_vms table', '2016-02-05');"
+ }
+ function downgrade_from_9(){
+ # echo " downgrade database from version 0.9 to version 0.8"
+ echo " Add more status to 'instance_vms'"
+ sql "DELETE FROM schema_version WHERE version_int='9';"
+ }
+ function upgrade_to_10(){
+ # echo " upgrade database from version 0.9 to version 0.10"
+ echo " add tenant to 'vnfs'"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE vnfs ADD COLUMN tenant_id VARCHAR(36) NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER name, ADD CONSTRAINT FK_vnfs_nfvo_tenants FOREIGN KEY (tenant_id) REFERENCES nfvo_tenants (uuid) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE SET NULL, CHANGE COLUMN public public ENUM('true','false') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'false' AFTER physical, DROP INDEX name, DROP INDEX path, DROP COLUMN path;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE scenarios DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_scenarios_nfvo_tenants;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE scenarios CHANGE COLUMN nfvo_tenant_id tenant_id VARCHAR(36) NULL DEFAULT NULL after name, ADD CONSTRAINT FK_scenarios_nfvo_tenants FOREIGN KEY (tenant_id) REFERENCES nfvo_tenants (uuid);"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_scenarios DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_instance_scenarios_nfvo_tenants;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_scenarios CHANGE COLUMN nfvo_tenant_id tenant_id VARCHAR(36) NULL DEFAULT NULL after name, ADD CONSTRAINT FK_instance_scenarios_nfvo_tenants FOREIGN KEY (tenant_id) REFERENCES nfvo_tenants (uuid);"
+ echo " rename 'vim_tenants' table to 'datacenter_tenants'"
+ echo "RENAME TABLE vim_tenants TO datacenter_tenants;"
+ for table in tenants_datacenters instance_scenarios instance_vnfs instance_nets
+ do
+ [[ $table == instance_vnfs ]] && NULL="NULL DEFAULT NULL"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE ${table} DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_${table}_vim_tenants;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE ${table} ALTER vim_tenant_id DROP DEFAULT;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE ${table} CHANGE COLUMN vim_tenant_id datacenter_tenant_id VARCHAR(36) ${NULL} AFTER datacenter_id, ADD CONSTRAINT FK_${table}_datacenter_tenants FOREIGN KEY (datacenter_tenant_id) REFERENCES datacenter_tenants (uuid); "
+ done
+ sql "INSERT INTO schema_version (version_int, version, openmano_ver, comments, date) VALUES (10, '0.10', '0.4.36', 'tenant management of vnfs,scenarios', '2016-03-08');"
+ }
+ function downgrade_from_10(){
+ # echo " downgrade database from version 0.10 to version 0.9"
+ echo " remove tenant from 'vnfs'"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE vnfs DROP COLUMN tenant_id, DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_vnfs_nfvo_tenants, ADD UNIQUE INDEX name (name), ADD COLUMN path VARCHAR(100) NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Path where the YAML descriptor of the VNF can be found. NULL if it is a physical network function.' AFTER name, ADD UNIQUE INDEX path (path), CHANGE COLUMN public public ENUM('true','false') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'true' AFTER physical;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE scenarios DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_scenarios_nfvo_tenants;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE scenarios CHANGE COLUMN tenant_id nfvo_tenant_id VARCHAR(36) NULL DEFAULT NULL after name, ADD CONSTRAINT FK_scenarios_nfvo_tenants FOREIGN KEY (nfvo_tenant_id) REFERENCES nfvo_tenants (uuid);"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_scenarios DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_instance_scenarios_nfvo_tenants;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_scenarios CHANGE COLUMN tenant_id nfvo_tenant_id VARCHAR(36) NULL DEFAULT NULL after name, ADD CONSTRAINT FK_instance_scenarios_nfvo_tenants FOREIGN KEY (nfvo_tenant_id) REFERENCES nfvo_tenants (uuid);"
+ echo " rename back 'datacenter_tenants' table to 'vim_tenants'"
+ echo "RENAME TABLE datacenter_tenants TO vim_tenants;"
+ for table in tenants_datacenters instance_scenarios instance_vnfs instance_nets
+ do
+ sql "ALTER TABLE ${table} DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_${table}_datacenter_tenants;"
+ [[ $table == instance_vnfs ]] && NULL="NULL DEFAULT NULL"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE ${table} ALTER datacenter_tenant_id DROP DEFAULT;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE ${table} CHANGE COLUMN datacenter_tenant_id vim_tenant_id VARCHAR(36) $NULL AFTER datacenter_id, ADD CONSTRAINT FK_${table}_vim_tenants FOREIGN KEY (vim_tenant_id) REFERENCES vim_tenants (uuid); "
+ done
+ sql "DELETE FROM schema_version WHERE version_int='10';"
+ }
+ function upgrade_to_11(){
+ # echo " upgrade database from version 0.10 to version 0.11"
+ echo " remove unique name at 'scenarios', 'instance_scenarios'"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE scenarios DROP INDEX name;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_scenarios DROP INDEX name;"
+ sql "INSERT INTO schema_version (version_int, version, openmano_ver, comments, date) VALUES (11, '0.11', '0.4.43', 'remove unique name at scenarios,instance_scenarios', '2016-07-18');"
+ }
+ function downgrade_from_11(){
+ # echo " downgrade database from version 0.11 to version 0.10"
+ echo " add unique name at 'scenarios', 'instance_scenarios'"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE scenarios ADD UNIQUE INDEX name (name);"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_scenarios ADD UNIQUE INDEX name (name);"
+ sql "DELETE FROM schema_version WHERE version_int='11';"
+ }
+ function upgrade_to_12(){
+ # echo " upgrade database from version 0.11 to version 0.12"
+ echo " create ip_profiles table, with foreign keys to all nets tables, and add ip_address column to 'interfaces' and 'sce_interfaces'"
+ sql "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ip_profiles (
+ instance_net_id VARCHAR(36) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
+ ip_version ENUM('IPv4','IPv6') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'IPv4',
+ subnet_address VARCHAR(64) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
+ gateway_address VARCHAR(64) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
+ dns_address VARCHAR(64) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
+ dhcp_enabled ENUM('true','false') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'true',
+ dhcp_start_address VARCHAR(64) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
+ dhcp_count INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
+ CONSTRAINT FK_ipprofiles_nets FOREIGN KEY (net_id) REFERENCES nets (uuid) ON DELETE CASCADE,
+ CONSTRAINT FK_ipprofiles_scenets FOREIGN KEY (sce_net_id) REFERENCES sce_nets (uuid) ON DELETE CASCADE,
+ CONSTRAINT FK_ipprofiles_instancenets FOREIGN KEY (instance_net_id) REFERENCES instance_nets (uuid) ON DELETE CASCADE )
+ COMMENT='Table containing the IP parameters of a network, either a net, a sce_net or and instance_net.'
+ COLLATE='utf8_general_ci'
+ sql "ALTER TABLE interfaces ADD COLUMN ip_address VARCHAR(64) NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER mac;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE sce_interfaces ADD COLUMN ip_address VARCHAR(64) NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER interface_id;"
+ sql "INSERT INTO schema_version (version_int, version, openmano_ver, comments, date) VALUES (12, '0.12', '0.4.46', 'create ip_profiles table, with foreign keys to all nets tables, and add ip_address column to interfaces and sce_interfaces', '2016-08-29');"
+ }
+ function downgrade_from_12(){
+ # echo " downgrade database from version 0.12 to version 0.11"
+ echo " delete ip_profiles table, and remove ip_address column in 'interfaces' and 'sce_interfaces'"
+ sql "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ip_profiles;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE interfaces DROP COLUMN ip_address;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE sce_interfaces DROP COLUMN ip_address;"
+ sql "DELETE FROM schema_version WHERE version_int='12';"
+ }
+ function upgrade_to_13(){
+ # echo " upgrade database from version 0.12 to version 0.13"
+ echo " add cloud_config at 'scenarios', 'instance_scenarios'"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE scenarios ADD COLUMN cloud_config MEDIUMTEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER descriptor;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_scenarios ADD COLUMN cloud_config MEDIUMTEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER modified_at;"
+ sql "INSERT INTO schema_version (version_int, version, openmano_ver, comments, date) VALUES (13, '0.13', '0.4.47', 'insert cloud-config at scenarios,instance_scenarios', '2016-08-30');"
+ }
+ function downgrade_from_13(){
+ # echo " downgrade database from version 0.13 to version 0.12"
+ echo " remove cloud_config at 'scenarios', 'instance_scenarios'"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE scenarios DROP COLUMN cloud_config;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_scenarios DROP COLUMN cloud_config;"
+ sql "DELETE FROM schema_version WHERE version_int='13';"
+ }
+ function upgrade_to_14(){
+ # echo " upgrade database from version 0.13 to version 0.14"
+ echo " remove unique index vim_net_id, instance_scenario_id at table 'instance_nets'"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_nets DROP INDEX vim_net_id_instance_scenario_id;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_nets CHANGE COLUMN external created ENUM('true','false') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'false' COMMENT 'Created or already exists at VIM' AFTER multipoint;"
+ sql "INSERT INTO schema_version (version_int, version, openmano_ver, comments, date) VALUES (14, '0.14', '0.4.57', 'remove unique index vim_net_id, instance_scenario_id', '2016-09-26');"
+ }
+ function downgrade_from_14(){
+ # echo " downgrade database from version 0.14 to version 0.13"
+ echo " remove cloud_config at 'scenarios', 'instance_scenarios'"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_nets ADD UNIQUE INDEX vim_net_id_instance_scenario_id (vim_net_id, instance_scenario_id);"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_nets CHANGE COLUMN created external ENUM('true','false') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'false' COMMENT 'If external, means that it already exists at VIM' AFTER multipoint;"
+ sql "DELETE FROM schema_version WHERE version_int='14';"
+ }
+ function upgrade_to_15(){
+ # echo " upgrade database from version 0.14 to version 0.15"
+ echo " add columns 'universal_name' and 'checksum' at table 'images', add unique index universal_name_checksum, and change location to allow NULL; change column 'image_path' in table 'vms' to allow NULL"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE images ALTER location DROP DEFAULT;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE images ADD COLUMN universal_name VARCHAR(255) NULL AFTER name, CHANGE COLUMN location location VARCHAR(200) NULL AFTER checksum, ADD UNIQUE INDEX universal_name_checksum (universal_name, checksum);"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE vms ALTER image_path DROP DEFAULT;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE vms CHANGE COLUMN image_path image_path VARCHAR(100) NULL COMMENT 'Path where the image of the VM is located' AFTER image_id;"
+ sql "INSERT INTO schema_version (version_int, version, openmano_ver, comments, date) VALUES (15, '0.15', '0.4.59', 'add columns universal_name and checksum at table images, add unique index universal_name_checksum, and change location to allow NULL; change column image_path in table vms to allow NULL', '2016-09-27');"
+ }
+ function downgrade_from_15(){
+ # echo " downgrade database from version 0.15 to version 0.14"
+ echo " remove columns 'universal_name' and 'checksum' from table 'images', remove index universal_name_checksum, change location NOT NULL; change column 'image_path' in table 'vms' to NOT NULL"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE images DROP INDEX universal_name_checksum;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE images ALTER location DROP DEFAULT;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE images CHANGE COLUMN location location VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL AFTER checksum;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE images DROP COLUMN universal_name;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE images DROP COLUMN checksum;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE vms ALTER image_path DROP DEFAULT;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE vms CHANGE COLUMN image_path image_path VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Path where the image of the VM is located' AFTER image_id;"
+ sql "DELETE FROM schema_version WHERE version_int='15';"
+ }
+ function upgrade_to_16(){
+ # echo " upgrade database from version 0.15 to version 0.16"
+ echo " add column 'config' at table 'datacenter_tenants', enlarge 'vim_tenant_name/id'"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE datacenter_tenants ADD COLUMN config VARCHAR(4000) NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER passwd;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE datacenter_tenants CHANGE COLUMN vim_tenant_name vim_tenant_name VARCHAR(256) NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER datacenter_id;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE datacenter_tenants CHANGE COLUMN vim_tenant_id vim_tenant_id VARCHAR(256) NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Tenant ID at VIM' AFTER vim_tenant_name;"
+ sql "INSERT INTO schema_version (version_int, version, openmano_ver, comments, date) VALUES (16, '0.16', '0.5.2', 'enlarge vim_tenant_name and id. New config at datacenter_tenants', '2016-10-11');"
+ }
+ function downgrade_from_16(){
+ # echo " downgrade database from version 0.16 to version 0.15"
+ echo " remove column 'config' at table 'datacenter_tenants', restoring lenght 'vim_tenant_name/id'"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE datacenter_tenants DROP COLUMN config;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE datacenter_tenants CHANGE COLUMN vim_tenant_name vim_tenant_name VARCHAR(64) NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER datacenter_id;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE datacenter_tenants CHANGE COLUMN vim_tenant_id vim_tenant_id VARCHAR(36) NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Tenant ID at VIM' AFTER vim_tenant_name;"
+ sql "DELETE FROM schema_version WHERE version_int='16';"
+ }
+ function upgrade_to_17(){
+ # echo " upgrade database from version 0.16 to version 0.17"
+ echo " add column 'extended' at table 'datacenter_flavors'"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE datacenters_flavors ADD extended varchar(2000) NULL COMMENT 'Extra description json format of additional devices';"
+ sql "INSERT INTO schema_version (version_int, version, openmano_ver, comments, date) VALUES (17, '0.17', '0.5.3', 'Extra description json format of additional devices in datacenter_flavors', '2016-12-20');"
+ }
+ function downgrade_from_17(){
+ # echo " downgrade database from version 0.17 to version 0.16"
+ echo " remove column 'extended' from table 'datacenter_flavors'"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE datacenters_flavors DROP COLUMN extended;"
+ sql "DELETE FROM schema_version WHERE version_int='17';"
+ }
+ function upgrade_to_18(){
+ # echo " upgrade database from version 0.17 to version 0.18"
+ echo " add columns 'floating_ip' and 'port_security' at tables 'interfaces' and 'instance_interfaces'"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE interfaces ADD floating_ip BOOL DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL COMMENT 'Indicates if a floating_ip must be associated to this interface';"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE interfaces ADD port_security BOOL DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL COMMENT 'Indicates if port security must be enabled or disabled. By default it is enabled';"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_interfaces ADD floating_ip BOOL DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL COMMENT 'Indicates if a floating_ip must be associated to this interface';"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_interfaces ADD port_security BOOL DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL COMMENT 'Indicates if port security must be enabled or disabled. By default it is enabled';"
+ sql "INSERT INTO schema_version (version_int, version, openmano_ver, comments, date) VALUES (18, '0.18', '0.5.4', 'Add columns \'floating_ip\' and \'port_security\' at tables \'interfaces\' and \'instance_interfaces\'', '2017-01-09');"
+ }
+ function downgrade_from_18(){
+ # echo " downgrade database from version 0.18 to version 0.17"
+ echo " remove columns 'floating_ip' and 'port_security' from tables 'interfaces' and 'instance_interfaces'"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE interfaces DROP COLUMN floating_ip;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE interfaces DROP COLUMN port_security;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_interfaces DROP COLUMN floating_ip;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_interfaces DROP COLUMN port_security;"
+ sql "DELETE FROM schema_version WHERE version_int='18';"
+ }
+ function upgrade_to_19(){
+ # echo " upgrade database from version 0.18 to version 0.19"
+ echo " add column 'boot_data' at table 'vms'"
+ sql "INSERT INTO schema_version (version_int, version, openmano_ver, comments, date) VALUES (19, '0.19', '0.5.5', 'Extra Boot-data content at VNFC (vms)', '2017-01-11');"
+ }
+ function downgrade_from_19(){
+ # echo " downgrade database from version 0.19 to version 0.18"
+ echo " remove column 'boot_data' from table 'vms'"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE vms DROP COLUMN boot_data;"
+ sql "DELETE FROM schema_version WHERE version_int='19';"
+ }
+ function upgrade_to_20(){
+ # echo " upgrade database from version 0.19 to version 0.20"
+ echo " add column 'sdn_net_id' at table 'instance_nets' and columns 'sdn_port_id', 'compute_node', 'pci' and 'vlan' to table 'instance_interfaces'"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_nets ADD sdn_net_id varchar(36) DEFAULT NULL NULL COMMENT 'Network id in ovim';"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_interfaces ADD sdn_port_id varchar(36) DEFAULT NULL NULL COMMENT 'Port id in ovim';"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_interfaces ADD compute_node varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL NULL COMMENT 'Compute node id used to specify the SDN port mapping';"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_interfaces ADD pci varchar(12) DEFAULT NULL NULL COMMENT 'PCI of the physical port in the host';"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_interfaces ADD vlan SMALLINT UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL NULL COMMENT 'VLAN tag used by the port';"
+ sql "INSERT INTO schema_version (version_int, version, openmano_ver, comments, date) VALUES (20, '0.20', '0.5.9', 'Added columns to store dataplane connectivity info', '2017-03-13');"
+ }
+ function downgrade_from_20(){
+ # echo " downgrade database from version 0.20 to version 0.19"
+ echo " remove column 'sdn_net_id' at table 'instance_nets' and columns 'sdn_port_id', 'compute_node', 'pci' and 'vlan' to table 'instance_interfaces'"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_nets DROP COLUMN sdn_net_id;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_interfaces DROP COLUMN vlan;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_interfaces DROP COLUMN pci;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_interfaces DROP COLUMN compute_node;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_interfaces DROP COLUMN sdn_port_id;"
+ sql "DELETE FROM schema_version WHERE version_int='20';"
+ }
+ function upgrade_to_21(){
+ # echo " upgrade database from version 0.20 to version 0.21"
+ echo " edit 'instance_nets' to allow instance_scenario_id=None"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_nets MODIFY COLUMN instance_scenario_id varchar(36) NULL;"
+ echo " enlarge column 'dns_address' at table 'ip_profiles'"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE ip_profiles MODIFY dns_address varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL NULL "\
+ "comment 'dns ip list separated by semicolon';"
+ sql "INSERT INTO schema_version (version_int, version, openmano_ver, comments, date) VALUES (21, '0.21', '0.5.15', 'Edit instance_nets to allow instance_scenario_id=None and enlarge column dns_address at table ip_profiles', '2017-06-02');"
+ }
+ function downgrade_from_21(){
+ # echo " downgrade database from version 0.21 to version 0.20"
+ echo " edit 'instance_nets' to disallow instance_scenario_id=None"
+ #Delete all lines with a instance_scenario_id=NULL in order to disable this option
+ sql "DELETE FROM instance_nets WHERE instance_scenario_id IS NULL;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_nets MODIFY COLUMN instance_scenario_id varchar(36) NOT NULL;"
+ echo " shorten column 'dns_address' at table 'ip_profiles'"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE ip_profiles MODIFY dns_address varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL NULL;"
+ sql "DELETE FROM schema_version WHERE version_int='21';"
+ }
+ function upgrade_to_22(){
+ # echo " upgrade database from version 0.21 to version 0.22"
+ echo " Changed type of ram in 'flavors' from SMALLINT to MEDIUMINT"
+ sql "INSERT INTO schema_version (version_int, version, openmano_ver, comments, date) VALUES (22, '0.22', '0.5.16', 'Changed type of ram in flavors from SMALLINT to MEDIUMINT', '2017-06-02');"
+ }
+ function downgrade_from_22(){
+ # echo " downgrade database from version 0.22 to version 0.21"
+ echo " Changed type of ram in 'flavors' from MEDIUMINT to SMALLINT"
+ sql "DELETE FROM schema_version WHERE version_int='22';"
+ }
+ function upgrade_to_23(){
+ # echo " upgrade database from version 0.22 to version 0.23"
+ echo " add column 'availability_zone' at table 'vms'"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE vms ADD COLUMN availability_zone VARCHAR(255) NULL AFTER modified_at;"
+ sql "INSERT INTO schema_version (version_int, version, openmano_ver, comments, date) VALUES (23, '0.23', '0.5.20',"\
+ "'Changed type of ram in flavors from SMALLINT to MEDIUMINT', '2017-08-29');"
+ }
+ function downgrade_from_23(){
+ # echo " downgrade database from version 0.23 to version 0.22"
+ echo " remove column 'availability_zone' from table 'vms'"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE vms DROP COLUMN availability_zone;"
+ sql "DELETE FROM schema_version WHERE version_int='23';"
+ }
+ function upgrade_to_24(){
+ # echo " upgrade database from version 0.23 to version 0.24"
+ echo " Add 'count' to table 'vms'"
+ sql "INSERT INTO schema_version (version_int, version, openmano_ver, comments, date) "\
+ "VALUES (24, '0.24', '0.5.21', 'Added vnfd fields', '2017-08-29');"
+ }
+ function downgrade_from_24(){
+ # echo " downgrade database from version 0.24 to version 0.23"
+ echo " Remove 'count' from table 'vms'"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE vms DROP COLUMN count;"
+ sql "DELETE FROM schema_version WHERE version_int='24';"
+ }
+ function upgrade_to_25(){
+ # echo " upgrade database from version 0.24 to version 0.25"
+ echo " Add 'osm_id','short_name','vendor' to tables 'vnfs', 'scenarios'"
+ for table in vnfs scenarios; do
+ sql "ALTER TABLE $table ADD COLUMN osm_id VARCHAR(255) NULL AFTER uuid, "\
+ "ADD UNIQUE INDEX osm_id_tenant_id (osm_id, tenant_id), "\
+ "ADD COLUMN short_name VARCHAR(255) NULL AFTER name, "\
+ "ADD COLUMN vendor VARCHAR(255) NULL AFTER description;"
+ done
+ sql "ALTER TABLE vnfs ADD COLUMN mgmt_access VARCHAR(2000) NULL AFTER vendor;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE vms ADD COLUMN osm_id VARCHAR(255) NULL AFTER uuid;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE sce_vnfs ADD COLUMN member_vnf_index SMALLINT(6) NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER uuid;"
+ echo " Add 'security_group' to table 'ip_profiles'"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE ip_profiles ADD COLUMN security_group VARCHAR(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER dhcp_count;"
+ sql "INSERT INTO schema_version (version_int, version, openmano_ver, comments, date) "\
+ "VALUES (25, '0.25', '0.5.22', 'Added osm_id to vnfs,scenarios', '2017-09-01');"
+ }
+ function downgrade_from_25(){
+ # echo " downgrade database from version 0.25 to version 0.24"
+ echo " Remove 'osm_id','short_name','vendor' from tables 'vnfs', 'scenarios'"
+ for table in vnfs scenarios; do
+ sql "ALTER TABLE $table DROP INDEX osm_id_tenant_id, DROP COLUMN osm_id, "\
+ "DROP COLUMN short_name, DROP COLUMN vendor;"
+ done
+ sql "ALTER TABLE vnfs DROP COLUMN mgmt_access;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE vms DROP COLUMN osm_id;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE sce_vnfs DROP COLUMN member_vnf_index;"
+ echo " Remove 'security_group' from table 'ip_profiles'"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE ip_profiles DROP COLUMN security_group;"
+ sql "DELETE FROM schema_version WHERE version_int='25';"
+ }
+ function upgrade_to_26(){
+ echo " Add name to table datacenter_tenants"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE datacenter_tenants ADD COLUMN name VARCHAR(255) NULL AFTER uuid;"
+ sql "UPDATE datacenter_tenants as dt join datacenters as d on dt.datacenter_id = d.uuid set dt.name=d.name;"
+ echo " Add 'SCHEDULED' to 'status' at tables 'instance_nets', 'instance_vms'"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_vms CHANGE COLUMN status status ENUM('ACTIVE:NoMgmtIP','ACTIVE','INACTIVE','BUILD',"\
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_nets CHANGE COLUMN status status ENUM('ACTIVE','INACTIVE','DOWN','BUILD','ERROR',"\
+ echo " Enlarge pci at instance_interfaces to allow extended pci for SDN por mapping"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_interfaces CHANGE COLUMN pci pci VARCHAR(50) NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'PCI of the "\
+ "physical port in the host' AFTER compute_node;"
+ for t in flavor image; do
+ echo " Change 'datacenters_${t}s' to point to datacenter_tenant, add status, vim_info"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE datacenters_${t}s ADD COLUMN datacenter_vim_id VARCHAR(36) NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER "\
+ "TEXT NULL AFTER status;"
+ sql "UPDATE datacenters_${t}s as df left join datacenter_tenants as dt on dt.datacenter_id=df.datacenter_id "\
+ "set df.datacenter_vim_id=dt.uuid;"
+ sql "DELETE FROM datacenters_${t}s WHERE datacenter_vim_id is NULL;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE datacenters_${t}s CHANGE COLUMN datacenter_vim_id datacenter_vim_id VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE datacenters_${t}s ADD CONSTRAINT FK_datacenters_${t}s_datacenter_tenants FOREIGN KEY "\
+ "(datacenter_vim_id) REFERENCES datacenter_tenants (uuid) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE datacenters_${t}s DROP FOREIGN KEY FK__datacenters_${t:0:1};"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE datacenters_${t}s DROP COLUMN datacenter_id;"
+ done
+ echo " Decoupling 'instance_interfaces' from scenarios/vnfs to allow scale actions"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_interfaces CHANGE COLUMN vim_interface_id vim_interface_id VARCHAR(128) NULL DEFAULT NULL;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_interfaces CHANGE COLUMN interface_id interface_id VARCHAR(36) NULL DEFAULT NULL;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_interfaces DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_instance_ids"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_interfaces ADD CONSTRAINT FK_instance_ids FOREIGN KEY (interface_id) "\
+ echo " Decoupling 'instance_vms' from scenarios/vnfs to allow scale actions"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_vms CHANGE COLUMN vim_vm_id vim_vm_id VARCHAR(128) NULL DEFAULT NULL;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_vms CHANGE COLUMN vm_id vm_id VARCHAR(36) NULL DEFAULT NULL;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_vms DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_instance_vms_vms;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_vms ADD CONSTRAINT FK_instance_vms_vms FOREIGN KEY (vm_id) "\
+ echo " Decoupling 'instance_nets' from scenarios/vnfs to allow scale actions"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_nets CHANGE COLUMN vim_net_id vim_net_id VARCHAR(128) NULL DEFAULT NULL;"
+ echo " Decoupling 'instance_scenarios' from scenarios"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_scenarios CHANGE COLUMN scenario_id scenario_id VARCHAR(36) NULL DEFAULT NULL;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_scenarios DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_instance_scenarios_scenarios;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_scenarios ADD CONSTRAINT FK_instance_scenarios_scenarios FOREIGN KEY (scenario_id) "\
+ echo " Create table instance_actions, vim_actions"
+ sql "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS instance_actions (
+ uuid VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL,
+ instance_id VARCHAR(36) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
+ number_tasks SMALLINT(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
+ number_done SMALLINT(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
+ number_failed SMALLINT(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
+ created_at DOUBLE NOT NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (uuid),
+ INDEX FK_actions_tenants (tenant_id),
+ COMMENT='Contains client actions over instances'
+ COLLATE='utf8_general_ci'
+ sql "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS vim_actions (
+ instance_action_id VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL,
+ task_index INT(6) NOT NULL,
+ datacenter_vim_id VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL,
+ item ENUM('datacenters_flavors','datacenter_images','instance_nets','instance_vms','instance_interfaces') NOT NULL COMMENT 'table where the item is stored',
+ item_id VARCHAR(36) NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'uuid of the entry in the table',
+ extra TEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'json with params:, depends_on: for the task',
+ error_msg VARCHAR(1024) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
+ created_at DOUBLE NOT NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (task_index, instance_action_id),
+ INDEX FK_actions_instance_actions (instance_action_id),
+ CONSTRAINT FK_actions_instance_actions FOREIGN KEY (instance_action_id) REFERENCES instance_actions (uuid) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE,
+ INDEX FK_actions_vims (datacenter_vim_id),
+ CONSTRAINT FK_actions_vims FOREIGN KEY (datacenter_vim_id) REFERENCES datacenter_tenants (uuid) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE)
+ COMMENT='Table with the individual VIM actions.'
+ COLLATE='utf8_general_ci'
+ sql "INSERT INTO schema_version (version_int, version, openmano_ver, comments, date) "\
+ "VALUES (26, '0.26', '0.5.23', 'Several changes', '2017-09-09');"
+ }
+ function downgrade_from_26(){
+ echo " Remove name from table datacenter_tenants"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE datacenter_tenants DROP COLUMN name;"
+ echo " Remove 'SCHEDULED' from the 'status' at tables 'instance_nets', 'instance_vms'"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_vms CHANGE COLUMN status status ENUM('ACTIVE:NoMgmtIP','ACTIVE','INACTIVE','BUILD',"\
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_nets CHANGE COLUMN status status ENUM('ACTIVE','DOWN','BUILD','ERROR','VIM_ERROR',"\
+ echo " Shorten back pci at instance_interfaces to allow extended pci for SDN por mapping"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_interfaces CHANGE COLUMN pci pci VARCHAR(12) NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'PCI of the "\
+ "physical port in the host' AFTER compute_node;"
+ for t in flavor image; do
+ echo " Restore back 'datacenters_${t}s'"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE datacenters_${t}s ADD COLUMN datacenter_id VARCHAR(36) NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER "\
+ "${t}_id, DROP COLUMN status, DROP COLUMN vim_info ;"
+ sql "UPDATE datacenters_${t}s as df left join datacenter_tenants as dt on dt.uuid=df.datacenter_vim_id set "\
+ "df.datacenter_id=dt.datacenter_id;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE datacenters_${t}s CHANGE COLUMN datacenter_id datacenter_id VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE datacenters_${t}s ADD CONSTRAINT FK__datacenters_${t:0:1} FOREIGN KEY "\
+ "(datacenter_id) REFERENCES datacenters (uuid), DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_datacenters_${t}s_datacenter_tenants, "\
+ "DROP COLUMN datacenter_vim_id;"
+ done
+ echo " Restore back 'instance_interfaces' coupling to scenarios/vnfs"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_interfaces CHANGE COLUMN vim_interface_id vim_interface_id VARCHAR(36) NULL DEFAULT NULL;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_interfaces DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_instance_ids"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_interfaces CHANGE COLUMN interface_id interface_id VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_interfaces ADD CONSTRAINT FK_instance_ids FOREIGN KEY (interface_id) "\
+ "REFERENCES interfaces (uuid);"
+ echo " Restore back 'instance_vms' coupling to scenarios/vnfs"
+ echo " Decoupling 'instance vms' from scenarios/vnfs to allow scale actions"
+ sql "UPDATE instance_vms SET vim_vm_id='' WHERE vim_vm_id is NULL;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_vms CHANGE COLUMN vim_vm_id vim_vm_id VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_vms DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_instance_vms_vms;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_vms CHANGE COLUMN vm_id vm_id VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_vms ADD CONSTRAINT FK_instance_vms_vms FOREIGN KEY (vm_id) "\
+ "REFERENCES vms (uuid);"
+ echo " Restore back 'instance_nets' coupling to scenarios/vnfs"
+ sql "UPDATE instance_nets SET vim_net_id='' WHERE vim_net_id is NULL;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_nets CHANGE COLUMN vim_net_id vim_net_id VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL;"
+ echo " Restore back 'instance_scenarios' coupling to scenarios"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_scenarios DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_instance_scenarios_scenarios;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_scenarios CHANGE COLUMN scenario_id scenario_id VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_scenarios ADD CONSTRAINT FK_instance_scenarios_scenarios FOREIGN KEY (scenario_id) "\
+ "REFERENCES scenarios (uuid);"
+ echo " Delete table instance_actions"
+ sql "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS vim_actions"
+ sql "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS instance_actions"
+ sql "DELETE FROM schema_version WHERE version_int='26';"
+ }
+ function upgrade_to_27(){
+ echo " Added 'encrypted_RO_priv_key','RO_pub_key' to table 'nfvo_tenants'"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE nfvo_tenants ADD COLUMN encrypted_RO_priv_key VARCHAR(2000) NULL AFTER description;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE nfvo_tenants ADD COLUMN RO_pub_key VARCHAR(510) NULL AFTER encrypted_RO_priv_key;"
+ sql "INSERT INTO schema_version (version_int, version, openmano_ver, comments, date) "\
+ "VALUES (27, '0.27', '0.5.25', 'Added encrypted_RO_priv_key,RO_pub_key to table nfvo_tenants', '2017-09-29');"
+ }
+ function downgrade_from_27(){
+ echo " Remove 'encrypted_RO_priv_key','RO_pub_key' from table 'nfvo_tenants'"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE nfvo_tenants DROP COLUMN encrypted_RO_priv_key;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE nfvo_tenants DROP COLUMN RO_pub_key;"
+ sql "DELETE FROM schema_version WHERE version_int='27';"
+ }
+ function upgrade_to_28(){
+ echo " [Adding necessary tables for VNFFG]"
+ echo " Adding sce_vnffgs"
+ sql "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sce_vnffgs (
+ uuid VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL,
+ name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
+ description VARCHAR(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
+ scenario_id VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL,
+ created_at DOUBLE NOT NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (uuid),
+ INDEX FK_scenarios_sce_vnffg (scenario_id),
+ COLLATE='utf8_general_ci'
+ echo " Adding sce_rsps"
+ sql "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sce_rsps (
+ uuid VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL,
+ name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
+ sce_vnffg_id VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL,
+ created_at DOUBLE NOT NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (uuid),
+ INDEX FK_sce_vnffgs_rsp (sce_vnffg_id),
+ COLLATE='utf8_general_ci'
+ echo " Adding sce_rsp_hops"
+ sql "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sce_rsp_hops (
+ uuid VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL,
+ if_order INT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
+ interface_id VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL,
+ sce_vnf_id VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL,
+ sce_rsp_id VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL,
+ created_at DOUBLE NOT NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (uuid),
+ INDEX FK_interfaces_rsp_hop (interface_id),
+ INDEX FK_sce_vnfs_rsp_hop (sce_vnf_id),
+ INDEX FK_sce_rsps_rsp_hop (sce_rsp_id),
+ CONSTRAINT FK_interfaces_rsp_hop FOREIGN KEY (interface_id) REFERENCES interfaces (uuid) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE,
+ COLLATE='utf8_general_ci'
+ echo " Adding sce_classifiers"
+ sql "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sce_classifiers (
+ uuid VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL,
+ name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
+ sce_vnffg_id VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL,
+ sce_rsp_id VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL,
+ sce_vnf_id VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL,
+ interface_id VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL,
+ created_at DOUBLE NOT NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (uuid),
+ INDEX FK_sce_vnffgs_classifier (sce_vnffg_id),
+ INDEX FK_sce_rsps_classifier (sce_rsp_id),
+ INDEX FK_sce_vnfs_classifier (sce_vnf_id),
+ INDEX FK_interfaces_classifier (interface_id),
+ CONSTRAINT FK_sce_vnffgs_classifier FOREIGN KEY (sce_vnffg_id) REFERENCES sce_vnffgs (uuid) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE,
+ CONSTRAINT FK_sce_rsps_classifier FOREIGN KEY (sce_rsp_id) REFERENCES sce_rsps (uuid) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE,
+ CONSTRAINT FK_sce_vnfs_classifier FOREIGN KEY (sce_vnf_id) REFERENCES sce_vnfs (uuid) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE,
+ CONSTRAINT FK_interfaces_classifier FOREIGN KEY (interface_id) REFERENCES interfaces (uuid) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE)
+ COLLATE='utf8_general_ci'
+ echo " Adding sce_classifier_matches"
+ sql "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sce_classifier_matches (
+ uuid VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL,
+ ip_proto VARCHAR(2) NOT NULL,
+ source_ip VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL,
+ destination_ip VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL,
+ source_port VARCHAR(5) NOT NULL,
+ destination_port VARCHAR(5) NOT NULL,
+ sce_classifier_id VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL,
+ created_at DOUBLE NOT NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (uuid),
+ INDEX FK_classifiers_classifier_match (sce_classifier_id),
+ CONSTRAINT FK_sce_classifiers_classifier_match FOREIGN KEY (sce_classifier_id) REFERENCES sce_classifiers (uuid) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE)
+ COLLATE='utf8_general_ci'
+ echo " [Adding necessary tables for VNFFG-SFC instance mapping]"
+ echo " Adding instance_sfis"
+ sql "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS instance_sfis (
+ uuid varchar(36) NOT NULL,
+ instance_scenario_id varchar(36) NOT NULL,
+ vim_sfi_id varchar(36) DEFAULT NULL,
+ sce_rsp_hop_id varchar(36) DEFAULT NULL,
+ datacenter_id varchar(36) DEFAULT NULL,
+ datacenter_tenant_id varchar(36) DEFAULT NULL,
+ error_msg varchar(1024) DEFAULT NULL,
+ vim_info text,
+ created_at double NOT NULL,
+ modified_at double DEFAULT NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (uuid),
+ KEY FK_instance_sfis_instance_scenarios (instance_scenario_id),
+ KEY FK_instance_sfis_sce_rsp_hops (sce_rsp_hop_id),
+ KEY FK_instance_sfis_datacenters (datacenter_id),
+ KEY FK_instance_sfis_datacenter_tenants (datacenter_tenant_id),
+ CONSTRAINT FK_instance_sfis_datacenter_tenants FOREIGN KEY (datacenter_tenant_id) REFERENCES datacenter_tenants (uuid),
+ CONSTRAINT FK_instance_sfis_datacenters FOREIGN KEY (datacenter_id) REFERENCES datacenters (uuid),
+ CONSTRAINT FK_instance_sfis_instance_scenarios FOREIGN KEY (instance_scenario_id) REFERENCES instance_scenarios (uuid) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
+ CONSTRAINT FK_instance_sfis_sce_rsp_hops FOREIGN KEY (sce_rsp_hop_id) REFERENCES sce_rsp_hops (uuid) ON DELETE SET NULL ON UPDATE CASCADE)
+ COLLATE='utf8_general_ci'
+ echo " Adding instance_sfs"
+ sql "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS instance_sfs (
+ uuid varchar(36) NOT NULL,
+ instance_scenario_id varchar(36) NOT NULL,
+ vim_sf_id varchar(36) DEFAULT NULL,
+ sce_rsp_hop_id varchar(36) DEFAULT NULL,
+ datacenter_id varchar(36) DEFAULT NULL,
+ datacenter_tenant_id varchar(36) DEFAULT NULL,
+ error_msg varchar(1024) DEFAULT NULL,
+ vim_info text,
+ created_at double NOT NULL,
+ modified_at double DEFAULT NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (uuid),
+ KEY FK_instance_sfs_instance_scenarios (instance_scenario_id),
+ KEY FK_instance_sfs_sce_rsp_hops (sce_rsp_hop_id),
+ KEY FK_instance_sfs_datacenters (datacenter_id),
+ KEY FK_instance_sfs_datacenter_tenants (datacenter_tenant_id),
+ CONSTRAINT FK_instance_sfs_datacenter_tenants FOREIGN KEY (datacenter_tenant_id) REFERENCES datacenter_tenants (uuid),
+ CONSTRAINT FK_instance_sfs_datacenters FOREIGN KEY (datacenter_id) REFERENCES datacenters (uuid),
+ CONSTRAINT FK_instance_sfs_instance_scenarios FOREIGN KEY (instance_scenario_id) REFERENCES instance_scenarios (uuid) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
+ CONSTRAINT FK_instance_sfs_sce_rsp_hops FOREIGN KEY (sce_rsp_hop_id) REFERENCES sce_rsp_hops (uuid) ON DELETE SET NULL ON UPDATE CASCADE)
+ COLLATE='utf8_general_ci'
+ echo " Adding instance_classifications"
+ sql "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS instance_classifications (
+ uuid varchar(36) NOT NULL,
+ instance_scenario_id varchar(36) NOT NULL,
+ vim_classification_id varchar(36) DEFAULT NULL,
+ sce_classifier_match_id varchar(36) DEFAULT NULL,
+ datacenter_id varchar(36) DEFAULT NULL,
+ datacenter_tenant_id varchar(36) DEFAULT NULL,
+ error_msg varchar(1024) DEFAULT NULL,
+ vim_info text,
+ created_at double NOT NULL,
+ modified_at double DEFAULT NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (uuid),
+ KEY FK_instance_classifications_instance_scenarios (instance_scenario_id),
+ KEY FK_instance_classifications_sce_classifier_matches (sce_classifier_match_id),
+ KEY FK_instance_classifications_datacenters (datacenter_id),
+ KEY FK_instance_classifications_datacenter_tenants (datacenter_tenant_id),
+ CONSTRAINT FK_instance_classifications_datacenter_tenants FOREIGN KEY (datacenter_tenant_id) REFERENCES datacenter_tenants (uuid),
+ CONSTRAINT FK_instance_classifications_datacenters FOREIGN KEY (datacenter_id) REFERENCES datacenters (uuid),
+ CONSTRAINT FK_instance_classifications_instance_scenarios FOREIGN KEY (instance_scenario_id) REFERENCES instance_scenarios (uuid) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
+ CONSTRAINT FK_instance_classifications_sce_classifier_matches FOREIGN KEY (sce_classifier_match_id) REFERENCES sce_classifier_matches (uuid) ON DELETE SET NULL ON UPDATE CASCADE)
+ COLLATE='utf8_general_ci'
+ echo " Adding instance_sfps"
+ sql "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS instance_sfps (
+ uuid varchar(36) NOT NULL,
+ instance_scenario_id varchar(36) NOT NULL,
+ vim_sfp_id varchar(36) DEFAULT NULL,
+ sce_rsp_id varchar(36) DEFAULT NULL,
+ datacenter_id varchar(36) DEFAULT NULL,
+ datacenter_tenant_id varchar(36) DEFAULT NULL,
+ error_msg varchar(1024) DEFAULT NULL,
+ vim_info text,
+ created_at double NOT NULL,
+ modified_at double DEFAULT NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (uuid),
+ KEY FK_instance_sfps_instance_scenarios (instance_scenario_id),
+ KEY FK_instance_sfps_sce_rsps (sce_rsp_id),
+ KEY FK_instance_sfps_datacenters (datacenter_id),
+ KEY FK_instance_sfps_datacenter_tenants (datacenter_tenant_id),
+ CONSTRAINT FK_instance_sfps_datacenter_tenants FOREIGN KEY (datacenter_tenant_id) REFERENCES datacenter_tenants (uuid),
+ CONSTRAINT FK_instance_sfps_datacenters FOREIGN KEY (datacenter_id) REFERENCES datacenters (uuid),
+ CONSTRAINT FK_instance_sfps_instance_scenarios FOREIGN KEY (instance_scenario_id) REFERENCES instance_scenarios (uuid) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
+ CONSTRAINT FK_instance_sfps_sce_rsps FOREIGN KEY (sce_rsp_id) REFERENCES sce_rsps (uuid) ON DELETE SET NULL ON UPDATE CASCADE)
+ COLLATE='utf8_general_ci'
+ echo " [Altering vim_actions table]"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE vim_actions MODIFY COLUMN item ENUM('datacenters_flavors','datacenter_images','instance_nets','instance_vms','instance_interfaces','instance_sfis','instance_sfs','instance_classifications','instance_sfps') NOT NULL COMMENT 'table where the item is stored'"
+ sql "INSERT INTO schema_version (version_int, version, openmano_ver, comments, date) "\
+ "VALUES (28, '0.28', '0.5.28', 'Adding VNFFG-related tables', '2017-11-20');"
+ }
+ function downgrade_from_28(){
+ echo " [Undo adding the VNFFG tables]"
+ echo " Dropping instance_sfps"
+ sql "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS instance_sfps;"
+ echo " Dropping sce_classifications"
+ sql "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS instance_classifications;"
+ echo " Dropping instance_sfs"
+ sql "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS instance_sfs;"
+ echo " Dropping instance_sfis"
+ sql "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS instance_sfis;"
+ echo " Dropping sce_classifier_matches"
+ echo " [Undo adding the VNFFG-SFC instance mapping tables]"
+ sql "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS sce_classifier_matches;"
+ echo " Dropping sce_classifiers"
+ sql "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS sce_classifiers;"
+ echo " Dropping sce_rsp_hops"
+ sql "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS sce_rsp_hops;"
+ echo " Dropping sce_rsps"
+ sql "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS sce_rsps;"
+ echo " Dropping sce_vnffgs"
+ sql "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS sce_vnffgs;"
+ echo " [Altering vim_actions table]"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE vim_actions MODIFY COLUMN item ENUM('datacenters_flavors','datacenter_images','instance_nets','instance_vms','instance_interfaces') NOT NULL COMMENT 'table where the item is stored'"
+ sql "DELETE FROM schema_version WHERE version_int='28';"
+ }
+ function upgrade_to_29(){
+ echo " Change 'member_vnf_index' from int to str at 'sce_vnfs'"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE sce_vnfs CHANGE COLUMN member_vnf_index member_vnf_index VARCHAR(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER uuid;"
+ echo " Add osm_id to 'nets's and 'sce_nets'"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE nets ADD COLUMN osm_id VARCHAR(255) NULL AFTER uuid;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE sce_nets ADD COLUMN osm_id VARCHAR(255) NULL AFTER uuid;"
+ sql "INSERT INTO schema_version (version_int, version, openmano_ver, comments, date) "\
+ "VALUES (29, '0.29', '0.5.59', 'Change member_vnf_index to str accordingly to the model', '2018-04-11');"
+ }
+ function downgrade_from_29(){
+ echo " Change back 'member_vnf_index' from str to int at 'sce_vnfs'"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE sce_vnfs CHANGE COLUMN member_vnf_index member_vnf_index SMALLINT NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER uuid;"
+ echo " Remove osm_id from 'nets's and 'sce_nets'"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE nets DROP COLUMN osm_id;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE sce_nets DROP COLUMN osm_id;"
+ sql "DELETE FROM schema_version WHERE version_int='29';"
+ }
+ function upgrade_to_30(){
+ echo " Add 'image_list' at 'vms' to allocate alternative images"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE vms ADD COLUMN image_list TEXT NULL COMMENT 'Alternative images' AFTER image_id;"
+ sql "INSERT INTO schema_version (version_int, version, openmano_ver, comments, date) "\
+ "VALUES (30, '0.30', '0.5.60', 'Add image_list to vms', '2018-04-24');"
+ }
+ function downgrade_from_30(){
+ echo " Remove back 'image_list' from 'vms' to allocate alternative images"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE vms DROP COLUMN image_list;"
+ sql "DELETE FROM schema_version WHERE version_int='30';"
+ }
+ function upgrade_to_31(){
+ echo " Add 'vim_network_name' at 'sce_nets'"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE sce_nets ADD COLUMN vim_network_name VARCHAR(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER description;"
+ sql "INSERT INTO schema_version (version_int, version, openmano_ver, comments, date) "\
+ "VALUES (31, '0.31', '0.5.61', 'Add vim_network_name to sce_nets', '2018-05-03');"
+ }
+ function downgrade_from_31(){
+ echo " Remove back 'vim_network_name' from 'sce_nets'"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE sce_nets DROP COLUMN vim_network_name;"
+ sql "DELETE FROM schema_version WHERE version_int='31';"
+ }
+ function upgrade_to_32(){
+ echo " Add 'vim_name' to 'instance_vms'"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_vms ADD COLUMN vim_name VARCHAR(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER vim_vm_id;"
+ sql "INSERT INTO schema_version (version_int, version, openmano_ver, comments, date) "\
+ "VALUES (32, '0.32', '0.5.70', 'Add vim_name to instance vms', '2018-06-28');"
+ }
+ function downgrade_from_32(){
+ echo " Remove back 'vim_name' from 'instance_vms'"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_vms DROP COLUMN vim_name;"
+ sql "DELETE FROM schema_version WHERE version_int='32';"
+ }
+ function upgrade_to_33(){
+ echo " Add PDU information to 'vms'"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_nets ADD COLUMN vim_name VARCHAR(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER vim_net_id;"
+ sql "INSERT INTO schema_version (version_int, version, openmano_ver, comments, date) "\
+ "VALUES (33, '0.33', '0.5.82', 'Add pdu information to vms', '2018-11-13');"
+ }
+ function downgrade_from_33(){
+ echo " Remove back PDU information from 'vms'"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE vms DROP COLUMN pdu_type;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_nets DROP COLUMN vim_name;"
+ sql "DELETE FROM schema_version WHERE version_int='33';"
+ }
+ function upgrade_to_X(){
+ echo " change 'datacenter_nets'"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE datacenter_nets ADD COLUMN vim_tenant_id VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL AFTER datacenter_id, DROP INDEX name_datacenter_id, ADD UNIQUE INDEX name_datacenter_id (name, datacenter_id, vim_tenant_id);"
+ }
+ function downgrade_from_X(){
+ echo " Change back 'datacenter_nets'"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE datacenter_nets DROP COLUMN vim_tenant_id, DROP INDEX name_datacenter_id, ADD UNIQUE INDEX name_datacenter_id (name, datacenter_id);"
+ }
+ function upgrade_to_34() {
+ echo " Create databases required for WIM features"
+ script="$(find "${DBUTILS}/migrations/up" -iname "34*.sql" | tail -1)"
+ sql "source ${script}"
+ }
+ function downgrade_from_34() {
+ echo " Drop databases required for WIM features"
+ script="$(find "${DBUTILS}/migrations/down" -iname "34*.sql" | tail -1)"
+ sql "source ${script}"
+ }
+ function upgrade_to_35(){
+ echo " Create databases required for WIM features"
+ script="$(find "${DBUTILS}/migrations/up" -iname "35*.sql" | tail -1)"
+ sql "source ${script}"
+ }
+ function downgrade_from_35(){
+ echo " Drop databases required for WIM features"
+ script="$(find "${DBUTILS}/migrations/down" -iname "35*.sql" | tail -1)"
+ sql "source ${script}"
+ }
+ function upgrade_to_36(){
+ echo " Allow null for image_id at 'vms'"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE vms ALTER image_id DROP DEFAULT;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE vms CHANGE COLUMN image_id image_id VARCHAR(36) NULL COMMENT 'Link to image table' AFTER " \
+ "flavor_id;"
+ echo " Enlarge config at 'wims' and 'wim_accounts'"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE wim_accounts CHANGE COLUMN config config TEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER password;"
+ sql "INSERT INTO schema_version (version_int, version, openmano_ver, comments, date) "\
+ "VALUES (36, '0.36', '0.6.03', 'Allow vm without image_id for PDUs', '2018-12-19');"
+ }
+ function downgrade_from_36(){
+ echo " Force back not null for image_id at 'vms'"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE vms ALTER image_id DROP DEFAULT;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE vms CHANGE COLUMN image_id image_id VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Link to image table' AFTER " \
+ "flavor_id;"
+ # For downgrade do not restore wims/wim_accounts config to varchar 4000
+ sql "DELETE FROM schema_version WHERE version_int='36';"
+ }
+ function upgrade_to_37(){
+ echo " Adding the enum tags for SFC"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE vim_wim_actions " \
+ "MODIFY COLUMN item " \
+ "ENUM('datacenters_flavors','datacenter_images','instance_nets','instance_vms','instance_interfaces'," \
+ "'instance_sfis','instance_sfs','instance_classifications','instance_sfps','instance_wim_nets') " \
+ "NOT NULL COMMENT 'table where the item is stored';"
+ sql "INSERT INTO schema_version (version_int, version, openmano_ver, comments, date) " \
+ "VALUES (37, '0.37', '0.6.09', 'Adding the enum tags for SFC', '2019-02-07');"
+ }
+ function downgrade_from_37(){
+ echo " Adding the enum tags for SFC isn't going to be reversed"
+ # It doesn't make sense to reverse to a bug state.
+ sql "DELETE FROM schema_version WHERE version_int='37';"
+ }
+ function upgrade_to_38(){
+ echo " Change vim_wim_actions, add worker, related"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE vim_wim_actions ADD COLUMN worker VARCHAR(64) NULL AFTER task_index, " \
+ "ADD COLUMN related VARCHAR(36) NULL AFTER worker, " \
+ sql "UPDATE vim_wim_actions set related=item_id;"
+ echo " Change DONE to FINISHED when DELETE has been completed"
+ sql "UPDATE vim_wim_actions as v1 join vim_wim_actions as v2 on (v1.action='CREATE' or v1.action='FIND') and " \
+ "v2.action='DELETE' and (v2.status='SUPERSEDED' or v2.status='DONE') and v1.item_id=v2.item_id " \
+ "SET v1.status='FINISHED', v2.status='FINISHED';"
+ echo " Add osm_id to instance_nets"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_nets ADD COLUMN osm_id VARCHAR(255) NULL AFTER uuid;"
+ echo " Add related to instance_xxxx"
+ for table in instance_classifications instance_nets instance_sfis instance_sfps instance_sfs \
+ instance_vms
+ do
+ sql "ALTER TABLE $table ADD COLUMN related VARCHAR(36) NULL AFTER vim_info;"
+ sql "UPDATE $table set related=uuid;"
+ done
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_wim_nets ADD COLUMN related VARCHAR(36) NULL AFTER wim_info;"
+ sql "UPDATE instance_wim_nets set related=uuid;"
+ sql "INSERT INTO schema_version (version_int, version, openmano_ver, comments, date) " \
+ "VALUES (38, '0.38', '0.6.11', 'Adding related to vim_wim_actions', '2019-03-07');"
+ }
+ function downgrade_from_38(){
+ echo " Change vim_wim_actions, delete worker, related"
+ sql "UPDATE vim_wim_actions SET status='DONE' WHERE status='FINISHED';"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE vim_wim_actions DROP COLUMN worker, DROP COLUMN related, " \
+ echo " Remove related from instance_xxxx"
+ for table in instance_classifications instance_nets instance_wim_nets instance_sfis instance_sfps instance_sfs \
+ instance_vms
+ do
+ sql "ALTER TABLE $table DROP COLUMN related;"
+ done
+ echo " Remove osm_id from instance_nets"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_nets DROP COLUMN osm_id;"
+ sql "DELETE FROM schema_version WHERE version_int='38';"
+ }
+ function upgrade_to_39(){
+ echo " Enlarge vim_id to 300 at all places"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE datacenters_flavors CHANGE COLUMN vim_id vim_id VARCHAR(300) NOT NULL AFTER datacenter_vim_id;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE datacenters_images CHANGE COLUMN vim_id vim_id VARCHAR(300) NOT NULL AFTER datacenter_vim_id;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE datacenter_nets CHANGE COLUMN vim_net_id vim_net_id VARCHAR(300) NOT NULL AFTER name;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_classifications CHANGE COLUMN vim_classification_id vim_classification_id VARCHAR(300)" \
+ " NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER instance_scenario_id;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_interfaces CHANGE COLUMN vim_interface_id vim_interface_id VARCHAR(300) NULL DEFAULT " \
+ " NULL AFTER interface_id;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_nets CHANGE COLUMN vim_net_id vim_net_id VARCHAR(300) NULL DEFAULT NULL" \
+ " AFTER osm_id;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_sfis CHANGE COLUMN vim_sfi_id vim_sfi_id VARCHAR(300) NULL DEFAULT NULL" \
+ " AFTER instance_scenario_id;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_sfps CHANGE COLUMN vim_sfp_id vim_sfp_id VARCHAR(300) NULL DEFAULT NULL" \
+ " AFTER instance_scenario_id;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_sfs CHANGE COLUMN vim_sf_id vim_sf_id VARCHAR(300) NULL DEFAULT NULL" \
+ " AFTER instance_scenario_id;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_vms CHANGE COLUMN vim_vm_id vim_vm_id VARCHAR(300) NULL DEFAULT NULL" \
+ " AFTER instance_vnf_id, DROP INDEX vim_vm_id;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_wim_nets CHANGE COLUMN wim_internal_id wim_internal_id VARCHAR(300) NULL DEFAULT NULL" \
+ " COMMENT 'Internal ID used by the WIM to refer to the network' AFTER uuid;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE vim_wim_actions CHANGE COLUMN vim_id vim_id VARCHAR(300) NULL DEFAULT NULL" \
+ " AFTER datacenter_vim_id;"
+ sql "INSERT INTO schema_version (version_int, version, openmano_ver, comments, date) " \
+ "VALUES (39, '0.39', '0.6.20', 'Enlarge vim_id to 300 at all places', '2019-05-23');"
+ }
+ function downgrade_from_39(){
+ echo " Set vim_id to original lenght at all places"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE datacenters_flavors CHANGE COLUMN vim_id vim_id VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL AFTER datacenter_vim_id;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE datacenters_images CHANGE COLUMN vim_id vim_id VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL AFTER datacenter_vim_id;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE datacenter_nets CHANGE COLUMN vim_net_id vim_net_id VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL AFTER name;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_classifications CHANGE COLUMN vim_classification_id vim_classification_id VARCHAR(36)" \
+ " NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER instance_scenario_id;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_interfaces CHANGE COLUMN vim_interface_id vim_interface_id VARCHAR(128) NULL DEFAULT " \
+ " NULL AFTER interface_id;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_nets CHANGE COLUMN vim_net_id vim_net_id VARCHAR(128) NULL DEFAULT NULL" \
+ " AFTER osm_id;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_sfis CHANGE COLUMN vim_sfi_id vim_sfi_id VARCHAR(36) NULL DEFAULT NULL" \
+ " AFTER instance_scenario_id;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_sfps CHANGE COLUMN vim_sfp_id vim_sfp_id VARCHAR(36) NULL DEFAULT NULL" \
+ " AFTER instance_scenario_id;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_sfs CHANGE COLUMN vim_sf_id vim_sf_id VARCHAR(36) NULL DEFAULT NULL" \
+ " AFTER instance_scenario_id;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_vms CHANGE COLUMN vim_vm_id vim_vm_id VARCHAR(36) NULL DEFAULT NULL" \
+ " AFTER instance_vnf_id, ADD UNIQUE INDEX vim_vm_id (vim_vm_id);"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_wim_nets CHANGE COLUMN wim_internal_id wim_internal_id VARCHAR(128) NULL DEFAULT NULL" \
+ " COMMENT 'Internal ID used by the WIM to refer to the network' AFTER uuid;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE vim_wim_actions CHANGE COLUMN vim_id vim_id VARCHAR(64) NULL DEFAULT NULL" \
+ " AFTER datacenter_vim_id;"
+ sql "DELETE FROM schema_version WHERE version_int='39';"
+ }
+ function upgrade_to_40(){
+ echo " Adding instance_wim_net_id, created_at, modified_at at 'instance_interfaces'"
- " ADD COLUMN switch_dpid VARCHAR(64) NULL AFTER wan_service_endpoint_id," \
++ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_interfaces ADD COLUMN instance_wim_net_id VARCHAR(36) NULL AFTER instance_net_id, " \
+ echo " Adding sdn to 'instance_wim_nets'"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_wim_nets ADD COLUMN sdn ENUM('true','false') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'false' AFTER created;"
+ echo " Change from created to sdn at 'wim_accounts'"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE wim_accounts CHANGE COLUMN created sdn ENUM('true','false') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'false' AFTER wim_id;"
+ echo " Remove unique_datacenter_port_mapping at 'wim_port_mappings'"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE wim_port_mappings DROP INDEX unique_datacenter_port_mapping;"
+ echo " change 'wim_port_mappings' pop_x to device_x, adding switch_dpid, switch_port"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE wim_port_mappings ALTER pop_switch_dpid DROP DEFAULT, ALTER pop_switch_port DROP DEFAULT;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE wim_port_mappings CHANGE COLUMN pop_switch_dpid device_id VARCHAR(64) NULL AFTER datacenter_id," \
+ " CHANGE COLUMN pop_switch_port device_interface_id VARCHAR(64) NULL AFTER device_id, " \
+ " CHANGE COLUMN wan_service_endpoint_id service_endpoint_id VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL AFTER device_interface_id, " \
+ " CHANGE COLUMN wan_service_mapping_info service_mapping_info TEXT NULL AFTER service_endpoint_id, " \
- sql "ALTER TABLE wim_port_mappings ADD UNIQUE INDEX unique_datacenter_port_mapping(datacenter_id, pop_switch_dpid,
- pop_switch_port);"
++ " ADD COLUMN switch_dpid VARCHAR(64) NULL AFTER service_endpoint_id," \
+ " ADD COLUMN switch_port VARCHAR(64) NULL AFTER switch_dpid;"
+ echo " remove unique name to 'datacenters'"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE datacenters DROP INDEX name;"
+ sql "INSERT INTO schema_version (version_int, version, openmano_ver, comments, date) " \
+ "VALUES (40, '0.40', '6.0.4', 'Chagnes to SDN ', '2019-10-23');"
+ }
+ function downgrade_from_40(){
+ echo " Removing instance_wim_net_id, created_at, modified_at from 'instance_interfaces'"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_interfaces DROP COLUMN instance_wim_net_id, DROP COLUMN created_at, " \
+ "DROP COLUMN modified_at, DROP COLUMN model;"
+ echo " Removing sdn from 'instance_wim_nets'"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE instance_wim_nets DROP COLUMN sdn;"
+ echo " Change back from sdn to created at 'wim_accounts'"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE wim_accounts CHANGE COLUMN sdn created ENUM('true','false') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'false' AFTER wim_id;"
+ echo " Restore back unique_datacenter_port_mapping at 'wim_port_mappings'"
+ echo " change 'wim_port_mappings' device_x to pop_x, remove switch_dpid, switch_port"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE wim_port_mappings ALTER device_id DROP DEFAULT, ALTER device_interface_id DROP DEFAULT;"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE wim_port_mappings CHANGE COLUMN device_id pop_switch_dpid VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL AFTER " \
+ "datacenter_id, CHANGE COLUMN device_interface_id pop_switch_port VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL AFTER pop_switch_dpid," \
+ " CHANGE COLUMN service_endpoint_id wan_service_endpoint_id VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL AFTER pop_switch_port, " \
+ " CHANGE COLUMN service_mapping_info wan_service_mapping_info TEXT NULL AFTER wan_service_endpoint_id, " \
+ " DROP COLUMN switch_dpid, DROP COLUMN switch_port;"
++ sql "ALTER TABLE wim_port_mappings ADD UNIQUE INDEX unique_datacenter_port_mapping(datacenter_id, " \
++ "pop_switch_dpid, pop_switch_port);"
+ echo " add unique name to 'datacenters'"
+ sql "ALTER TABLE datacenters ADD UNIQUE INDEX name (name);"
+ sql "DELETE FROM schema_version WHERE version_int='40';"
+ }
+ #TODO ... put functions here
+ function del_schema_version_process()
+ {
+ echo "DELETE FROM schema_version WHERE version_int='0';" | $DBCMD ||
+ ! echo " ERROR writing on schema_version" >&2 || exit 1
+ }
+ function set_schema_version_process()
+ {
+ echo "INSERT INTO schema_version (version_int, version, openmano_ver, comments, date) VALUES "\
+ "(0, '0.0', '0.0.0', 'migration from $DATABASE_VER_NUM to $DB_VERSION backup: $BACKUP_FILE',"\
+ "'$(date +%Y-%m-%d)');" | $DBCMD ||
+ ! echo " Cannot set database at migration process writing into schema_version" >&2 || exit 1
+ }
+ function rollback_db()
+ {
+ if echo $DATABASE_PROCESS | grep -q init ; then # Empty database. No backup needed
+ echo " Aborted! Rollback database not needed" && exit 1
+ else # migration a non empty database or Recovering a migration process
+ cat $BACKUP_FILE | mysql $DEF_EXTRA_FILE_PARAM && echo " Aborted! Rollback database OK" &&
+ del_schema_version_process && rm -f "$BACKUP_FILE" && exit 1
+ echo " Aborted! Rollback database FAIL" && exit 1
+ fi
+ }
+ function sql() # send a sql command
+ {
+ echo "$*" | $DBCMD || ! echo " ERROR with command '$*'" || rollback_db
+ return 0
+ }
+ function migrate()
+ {
+ #UPGRADE DATABASE step by step
+ do
+ echo " upgrade database from version '$DATABASE_VER_NUM' to '$((DATABASE_VER_NUM+1))'"
+ upgrade_to_${DATABASE_VER_NUM}
+ #FILE_="${DIRNAME}/upgrade_to_${DATABASE_VER_NUM}.sh"
+ #[ ! -x "$FILE_" ] && echo "Error, can not find script '$FILE_' to upgrade" >&2 && exit -1
+ #$FILE_ || exit -1 # if fail return
+ done
+ #DOWNGRADE DATABASE step by step
+ do
+ echo " downgrade database from version '$DATABASE_VER_NUM' to '$((DATABASE_VER_NUM-1))'"
+ #FILE_="${DIRNAME}/downgrade_from_${DATABASE_VER_NUM}.sh"
+ #[ ! -x "$FILE_" ] && echo "Error, can not find script '$FILE_' to downgrade" >&2 && exit -1
+ #$FILE_ || exit -1 # if fail return
+ downgrade_from_${DATABASE_VER_NUM}
+ done
+ }
+ # check if current database is ok
+ function check_migration_needed()
+ {
+ DATABASE_VER_NUM=`echo "select max(version_int) from schema_version;" | $DBCMD | tail -n+2` ||
+ ! echo " ERROR cannot read from schema_version" || exit 1
+ if [[ -z "$DATABASE_VER_NUM" ]] || [[ "$DATABASE_VER_NUM" -lt 0 ]] || [[ "$DATABASE_VER_NUM" -gt 100 ]] ; then
+ echo " Error can not get database version ($DATABASE_VER_NUM?)" >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ [[ $DB_VERSION -eq $DATABASE_VER_NUM ]] && echo " current database version '$DATABASE_VER_NUM' is ok" && return 1
+ echo "Database has been upgraded with a newer version of this script. Use this version to downgrade" >&2 &&
+ exit 1
+ return 0
+ }
+ DATABASE_PROCESS=`echo "select comments from schema_version where version_int=0;" | $DBCMD | tail -n+2` ||
+ ! echo " ERROR cannot read from schema_version" || exit 1
+ if [[ -z "$DATABASE_PROCESS" ]] ; then # migration a non empty database
+ check_migration_needed || exit 0
+ # Create a backup database content
+ [[ -n "$BACKUP_DIR" ]] && BACKUP_FILE=$(mktemp -q "${BACKUP_DIR}/backupdb.XXXXXX.sql")
+ [[ -z "$BACKUP_DIR" ]] && BACKUP_FILE=$(mktemp -q --tmpdir "backupdb.XXXXXX.sql")
+ mysqldump $DEF_EXTRA_FILE_PARAM --add-drop-table --add-drop-database --routines --databases $DBNAME > $BACKUP_FILE ||
+ ! echo "Cannot create Backup file '$BACKUP_FILE'" >&2 || exit 1
+ echo " Backup file '$BACKUP_FILE' created"
+ # Set schema version
+ set_schema_version_process
+ migrate
+ del_schema_version_process
+ rm -f "$BACKUP_FILE"
+ elif echo $DATABASE_PROCESS | grep -q init ; then # Empty database. No backup needed
+ echo " Migrating an empty database"
+ if check_migration_needed ; then
+ migrate
+ fi
+ del_schema_version_process
+ else # Recover Migration process
+ [[ -f "$BACKUP_FILE" ]] || ! echo "Previous migration process fail and cannot recover backup file '$BACKUP_FILE'" >&2 ||
+ exit 1
+ echo " Previous migration was killed. Restoring database from rollback file'$BACKUP_FILE'"
+ cat $BACKUP_FILE | mysql $DEF_EXTRA_FILE_PARAM || ! echo " Cannot load backup file '$BACKUP_FILE'" >&2 || exit 1
+ if check_migration_needed ; then
+ set_schema_version_process
+ migrate
+ fi
+ del_schema_version_process
+ rm -f "$BACKUP_FILE"
+ fi
+ exit 0
+ #echo done
--- /dev/null
+ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ ##
+ # Copyright 2015 Telefonica Investigacion y Desarrollo, S.A.U.
+ # This file is part of openmano
+ # All Rights Reserved.
+ #
+ # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+ # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+ # a copy of the License at
+ #
+ # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ #
+ # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+ # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+ # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ # under the License.
+ #
+ # For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
+ # contact with: nfvlabs@tid.es
+ ##
- if vnfd["mgmt-interface"].get("cp"):
+ '''
+ NFVO engine, implementing all the methods for the creation, deletion and management of vnfs, scenarios and instances
+ '''
+ __author__="Alfonso Tierno, Gerardo Garcia, Pablo Montes"
+ __date__ ="$16-sep-2014 22:05:01$"
+ # import imp
+ import json
+ import yaml
+ from osm_ro import utils
+ from osm_ro.utils import deprecated
+ from osm_ro.vim_thread import vim_thread
+ import osm_ro.console_proxy_thread as cli
+ from osm_ro import vimconn
+ import logging
+ import collections
+ import math
+ from uuid import uuid4
+ from osm_ro.db_base import db_base_Exception
+ from osm_ro import nfvo_db
+ from threading import Lock
+ import time as t
+ # TODO py3 BEGIN
+ from osm_ro.sdn import Sdn, SdnException as ovimException
+ # from lib_osm_openvim.ovim import ovimException
+ # from unittest.mock import MagicMock
+ # class ovimException(Exception):
+ # pass
+ # TODO py3 END
+ from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
+ import osm_im.vnfd as vnfd_catalog
+ import osm_im.nsd as nsd_catalog
+ from pyangbind.lib.serialise import pybindJSONDecoder
+ from copy import deepcopy
+ from pkg_resources import iter_entry_points
+ # WIM
+ from .wim import sdnconn
+ from .wim.wimconn_fake import FakeConnector
+ from .wim.failing_connector import FailingConnector
+ from .http_tools import errors as httperrors
+ from .wim.engine import WimEngine
+ from .wim.persistence import WimPersistence
+ from copy import deepcopy
+ from pprint import pformat
+ #
+ global global_config
+ # WIM
+ global wim_engine
+ wim_engine = None
+ global sdnconn_imported
+ #
+ global logger
+ global default_volume_size
+ default_volume_size = '5' #size in GB
+ global ovim
+ ovim = None
+ global_config = None
+ plugins = {} # dictionary with VIM type as key, loaded module as value
+ vim_threads = {"running":{}, "deleting": {}, "names": []} # threads running for attached-VIMs
+ vim_persistent_info = {}
+ # WIM
+ sdnconn_imported = {} # dictionary with WIM type as key, loaded module as value
+ wim_threads = {"running":{}, "deleting": {}, "names": []} # threads running for attached-WIMs
+ wim_persistent_info = {}
+ #
+ logger = logging.getLogger('openmano.nfvo')
+ task_lock = Lock()
+ last_task_id = 0.0
+ db = None
+ db_lock = Lock()
+ class NfvoException(httperrors.HttpMappedError):
+ """Common Class for NFVO errors"""
+ def _load_plugin(name, type="vim"):
+ # type can be vim or sdn
+ global plugins
+ try:
+ for v in iter_entry_points('osm_ro{}.plugins'.format(type), name):
+ plugins[name] = v.load()
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.critical("Cannot load osm_{}: {}".format(name, e))
+ if name:
+ plugins[name] = FailingConnector("Cannot load osm_{}: {}".format(name, e))
+ if name and name not in plugins:
+ error_text = "Cannot load a module for {t} type '{n}'. The plugin 'osm_{n}' has not been" \
+ " registered".format(t=type, n=name)
+ logger.critical(error_text)
+ plugins[name] = FailingConnector(error_text)
+ # raise NfvoException("Cannot load a module for {t} type '{n}'. The plugin 'osm_{n}' has not been registered".
+ # format(t=type, n=name), httperrors.Bad_Request)
+ def get_task_id():
+ global last_task_id
+ task_id = t.time()
+ if task_id <= last_task_id:
+ task_id = last_task_id + 0.000001
+ last_task_id = task_id
+ return "ACTION-{:.6f}".format(task_id)
+ # return (t.strftime("%Y%m%dT%H%M%S.{}%Z", t.localtime(task_id))).format(int((task_id % 1)*1e6))
+ def new_task(name, params, depends=None):
+ """Deprected!!!"""
+ task_id = get_task_id()
+ task = {"status": "enqueued", "id": task_id, "name": name, "params": params}
+ if depends:
+ task["depends"] = depends
+ return task
+ def is_task_id(id):
+ return True if id[:5] == "TASK-" else False
+ def get_non_used_vim_name(datacenter_name, datacenter_id, tenant_name, tenant_id):
+ name = datacenter_name[:16]
+ if name not in vim_threads["names"]:
+ vim_threads["names"].append(name)
+ return name
+ if tenant_name:
+ name = datacenter_name[:16] + "." + tenant_name[:16]
+ if name not in vim_threads["names"]:
+ vim_threads["names"].append(name)
+ return name
+ name = datacenter_id
+ vim_threads["names"].append(name)
+ return name
+ # -- Move
+ def get_non_used_wim_name(wim_name, wim_id, tenant_name, tenant_id):
+ name = wim_name[:16]
+ if name not in wim_threads["names"]:
+ wim_threads["names"].append(name)
+ return name
+ name = wim_name[:16] + "." + tenant_name[:16]
+ if name not in wim_threads["names"]:
+ wim_threads["names"].append(name)
+ return name
+ name = wim_id + "-" + tenant_id
+ wim_threads["names"].append(name)
+ return name
+ def start_service(mydb, persistence=None, wim=None):
+ global db, global_config, plugins, ovim
+ db = nfvo_db.nfvo_db(lock=db_lock)
+ mydb.lock = db_lock
+ db.connect(global_config['db_host'], global_config['db_user'], global_config['db_passwd'], global_config['db_name'])
+ persistence = persistence or WimPersistence(db)
+ try:
+ if "rosdn_fake" not in plugins:
+ plugins["rosdn_fake"] = FakeConnector
+ # starts ovim library
+ ovim = Sdn(db, plugins)
+ global wim_engine
+ wim_engine = wim or WimEngine(persistence, plugins)
+ wim_engine.ovim = ovim
+ ovim.start_service()
+ #delete old unneeded vim_wim_actions
+ clean_db(mydb)
+ # starts vim_threads
+ from_= 'tenants_datacenters as td join datacenters as d on td.datacenter_id=d.uuid join '\
+ 'datacenter_tenants as dt on td.datacenter_tenant_id=dt.uuid'
+ select_ = ('type', 'd.config as config', 'd.uuid as datacenter_id', 'vim_url', 'vim_url_admin',
+ 'd.name as datacenter_name', 'dt.uuid as datacenter_tenant_id',
+ 'dt.vim_tenant_name as vim_tenant_name', 'dt.vim_tenant_id as vim_tenant_id',
+ 'user', 'passwd', 'dt.config as dt_config', 'nfvo_tenant_id')
+ vims = mydb.get_rows(FROM=from_, SELECT=select_)
+ for vim in vims:
+ extra={'datacenter_tenant_id': vim.get('datacenter_tenant_id'),
+ 'datacenter_id': vim.get('datacenter_id')}
+ if vim["config"]:
+ extra.update(yaml.load(vim["config"], Loader=yaml.Loader))
+ if vim.get('dt_config'):
+ extra.update(yaml.load(vim["dt_config"], Loader=yaml.Loader))
+ plugin_name = "rovim_" + vim["type"]
+ if plugin_name not in plugins:
+ _load_plugin(plugin_name, type="vim")
+ thread_id = vim['datacenter_tenant_id']
+ vim_persistent_info[thread_id] = {}
+ try:
+ #if not tenant:
+ # return -httperrors.Bad_Request, "You must provide a valid tenant name or uuid for VIM %s" % ( vim["type"])
+ myvim = plugins[plugin_name].vimconnector(
+ uuid=vim['datacenter_id'], name=vim['datacenter_name'],
+ tenant_id=vim['vim_tenant_id'], tenant_name=vim['vim_tenant_name'],
+ url=vim['vim_url'], url_admin=vim['vim_url_admin'],
+ user=vim['user'], passwd=vim['passwd'],
+ config=extra, persistent_info=vim_persistent_info[thread_id]
+ )
+ except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
+ myvim = e
+ logger.error("Cannot launch thread for VIM {} '{}': {}".format(vim['datacenter_name'],
+ vim['datacenter_id'], e))
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.critical("Cannot launch thread for VIM {} '{}': {}".format(vim['datacenter_name'],
+ vim['datacenter_id'], e))
+ # raise NfvoException("Error at VIM {}; {}: {}".format(vim["type"], type(e).__name__, e),
+ # httperrors.Internal_Server_Error)
+ thread_name = get_non_used_vim_name(vim['datacenter_name'], vim['datacenter_id'], vim['vim_tenant_name'],
+ vim['vim_tenant_id'])
+ new_thread = vim_thread(task_lock, plugins, thread_name, None,
+ vim['datacenter_tenant_id'], db=db)
+ new_thread.start()
+ vim_threads["running"][thread_id] = new_thread
+ wims = mydb.get_rows(FROM="wim_accounts join wims on wim_accounts.wim_id=wims.uuid",
+ WHERE={"sdn": "true"},
+ SELECT=("wim_accounts.uuid as uuid", "type", "wim_accounts.name as name"))
+ for wim in wims:
+ plugin_name = "rosdn_" + wim["type"]
+ if plugin_name not in plugins:
+ _load_plugin(plugin_name, type="sdn")
+ thread_id = wim['uuid']
+ thread_name = get_non_used_vim_name(wim['name'], wim['uuid'], wim['uuid'], None)
+ new_thread = vim_thread(task_lock, plugins, thread_name, wim['uuid'], None, db=db)
+ new_thread.start()
+ vim_threads["running"][thread_id] = new_thread
+ wim_engine.start_threads()
+ except db_base_Exception as e:
+ raise NfvoException(str(e) + " at nfvo.get_vim", e.http_code)
+ except ovimException as e:
+ message = str(e)
+ if message[:22] == "DATABASE wrong version":
+ message = "DATABASE wrong version of lib_osm_openvim {msg} -d{dbname} -u{dbuser} -p{dbpass} {ver}' "\
+ "at host {dbhost}".format(
+ msg=message[22:-3], dbname=global_config["db_ovim_name"],
+ dbuser=global_config["db_ovim_user"], dbpass=global_config["db_ovim_passwd"],
+ ver=message[-3:-1], dbhost=global_config["db_ovim_host"])
+ raise NfvoException(message, httperrors.Bad_Request)
+ def stop_service():
+ global ovim, global_config
+ if ovim:
+ ovim.stop_service()
+ for thread_id, thread in vim_threads["running"].items():
+ thread.insert_task("exit")
+ vim_threads["deleting"][thread_id] = thread
+ vim_threads["running"] = {}
+ if wim_engine:
+ wim_engine.stop_threads()
+ if global_config and global_config.get("console_thread"):
+ for thread in global_config["console_thread"]:
+ thread.terminate = True
+ def get_version():
+ return ("openmanod version {} {}\n(c) Copyright Telefonica".format(global_config["version"],
+ global_config["version_date"] ))
+ def clean_db(mydb):
+ """
+ Clean unused or old entries at database to avoid unlimited growing
+ :param mydb: database connector
+ :return: None
+ """
+ # get and delete unused vim_wim_actions: all elements deleted, one week before, instance not present
+ now = t.time()-3600*24*7
+ instance_action_id = None
+ nb_deleted = 0
+ while True:
+ actions_to_delete = mydb.get_rows(
+ SELECT=("item", "item_id", "instance_action_id"),
+ FROM="vim_wim_actions as va join instance_actions as ia on va.instance_action_id=ia.uuid "
+ "left join instance_scenarios as i on ia.instance_id=i.uuid",
+ WHERE={"va.action": "DELETE", "va.modified_at<": now, "i.uuid": None,
+ "va.status": ("DONE", "SUPERSEDED")},
+ LIMIT=100
+ )
+ for to_delete in actions_to_delete:
+ mydb.delete_row(FROM="vim_wim_actions", WHERE=to_delete)
+ if instance_action_id != to_delete["instance_action_id"]:
+ instance_action_id = to_delete["instance_action_id"]
+ mydb.delete_row(FROM="instance_actions", WHERE={"uuid": instance_action_id})
+ nb_deleted += len(actions_to_delete)
+ if len(actions_to_delete) < 100:
+ break
+ # clean locks
+ mydb.update_rows("vim_wim_actions", UPDATE={"worker": None}, WHERE={"worker<>": None})
+ if nb_deleted:
+ logger.debug("Removed {} unused vim_wim_actions".format(nb_deleted))
+ def get_flavorlist(mydb, vnf_id, nfvo_tenant=None):
+ '''Obtain flavorList
+ return result, content:
+ <0, error_text upon error
+ nb_records, flavor_list on success
+ '''
+ WHERE_dict={}
+ WHERE_dict['vnf_id'] = vnf_id
+ if nfvo_tenant is not None:
+ WHERE_dict['nfvo_tenant_id'] = nfvo_tenant
+ #result, content = mydb.get_table(FROM='vms join vnfs on vms.vnf_id = vnfs.uuid',SELECT=('uuid'),WHERE=WHERE_dict )
+ #result, content = mydb.get_table(FROM='vms',SELECT=('vim_flavor_id',),WHERE=WHERE_dict )
+ flavors = mydb.get_rows(FROM='vms join flavors on vms.flavor_id=flavors.uuid',SELECT=('flavor_id',),WHERE=WHERE_dict )
+ #print "get_flavor_list result:", result
+ #print "get_flavor_list content:", content
+ flavorList=[]
+ for flavor in flavors:
+ flavorList.append(flavor['flavor_id'])
+ return flavorList
+ def get_imagelist(mydb, vnf_id, nfvo_tenant=None):
+ """
+ Get used images of all vms belonging to this VNFD
+ :param mydb: database conector
+ :param vnf_id: vnfd uuid
+ :param nfvo_tenant: tenant, not used
+ :return: The list of image uuid used
+ """
+ image_list = []
+ vms = mydb.get_rows(SELECT=('image_id','image_list'), FROM='vms', WHERE={'vnf_id': vnf_id})
+ for vm in vms:
+ if vm["image_id"] and vm["image_id"] not in image_list:
+ image_list.append(vm["image_id"])
+ if vm["image_list"]:
+ vm_image_list = yaml.load(vm["image_list"], Loader=yaml.Loader)
+ for image_dict in vm_image_list:
+ if image_dict["image_id"] not in image_list:
+ image_list.append(image_dict["image_id"])
+ return image_list
+ def get_vim(mydb, nfvo_tenant=None, datacenter_id=None, datacenter_name=None, datacenter_tenant_id=None,
+ vim_tenant=None, vim_tenant_name=None, vim_user=None, vim_passwd=None, ignore_errors=False):
+ '''Obtain a dictionary of VIM (datacenter) classes with some of the input parameters
+ return dictionary with {datacenter_id: vim_class, ... }. vim_class contain:
+ 'nfvo_tenant_id','datacenter_id','vim_tenant_id','vim_url','vim_url_admin','datacenter_name','type','user','passwd'
+ raise exception upon error
+ '''
+ global plugins
+ WHERE_dict={}
+ if nfvo_tenant is not None: WHERE_dict['nfvo_tenant_id'] = nfvo_tenant
+ if datacenter_id is not None: WHERE_dict['d.uuid'] = datacenter_id
+ if datacenter_tenant_id is not None: WHERE_dict['datacenter_tenant_id'] = datacenter_tenant_id
+ if datacenter_name is not None: WHERE_dict['d.name'] = datacenter_name
+ if vim_tenant is not None: WHERE_dict['dt.vim_tenant_id'] = vim_tenant
+ if vim_tenant_name is not None: WHERE_dict['vim_tenant_name'] = vim_tenant_name
+ if nfvo_tenant or vim_tenant or vim_tenant_name or datacenter_tenant_id:
+ from_= 'tenants_datacenters as td join datacenters as d on td.datacenter_id=d.uuid join datacenter_tenants as dt on td.datacenter_tenant_id=dt.uuid'
+ select_ = ('type','d.config as config','d.uuid as datacenter_id', 'vim_url', 'vim_url_admin', 'd.name as datacenter_name',
+ 'dt.uuid as datacenter_tenant_id','dt.vim_tenant_name as vim_tenant_name','dt.vim_tenant_id as vim_tenant_id',
+ 'user','passwd', 'dt.config as dt_config')
+ else:
+ from_ = 'datacenters as d'
+ select_ = ('type','config','d.uuid as datacenter_id', 'vim_url', 'vim_url_admin', 'd.name as datacenter_name')
+ try:
+ vims = mydb.get_rows(FROM=from_, SELECT=select_, WHERE=WHERE_dict )
+ vim_dict={}
+ for vim in vims:
+ extra={'datacenter_tenant_id': vim.get('datacenter_tenant_id'),
+ 'datacenter_id': vim.get('datacenter_id'),
+ '_vim_type_internal': vim.get('type')}
+ if vim["config"]:
+ extra.update(yaml.load(vim["config"], Loader=yaml.Loader))
+ if vim.get('dt_config'):
+ extra.update(yaml.load(vim["dt_config"], Loader=yaml.Loader))
+ plugin_name = "rovim_" + vim["type"]
+ if plugin_name not in plugins:
+ try:
+ _load_plugin(plugin_name, type="vim")
+ except NfvoException as e:
+ if ignore_errors:
+ logger.error("{}".format(e))
+ continue
+ else:
+ raise
+ try:
+ if 'datacenter_tenant_id' in vim:
+ thread_id = vim["datacenter_tenant_id"]
+ if thread_id not in vim_persistent_info:
+ vim_persistent_info[thread_id] = {}
+ persistent_info = vim_persistent_info[thread_id]
+ else:
+ persistent_info = {}
+ #if not tenant:
+ # return -httperrors.Bad_Request, "You must provide a valid tenant name or uuid for VIM %s" % ( vim["type"])
+ vim_dict[vim['datacenter_id']] = plugins[plugin_name].vimconnector(
+ uuid=vim['datacenter_id'], name=vim['datacenter_name'],
+ tenant_id=vim.get('vim_tenant_id',vim_tenant),
+ tenant_name=vim.get('vim_tenant_name',vim_tenant_name),
+ url=vim['vim_url'], url_admin=vim['vim_url_admin'],
+ user=vim.get('user',vim_user), passwd=vim.get('passwd',vim_passwd),
+ config=extra, persistent_info=persistent_info
+ )
+ except Exception as e:
+ if ignore_errors:
+ logger.error("Error at VIM {}; {}: {}".format(vim["type"], type(e).__name__, str(e)))
+ continue
+ http_code = httperrors.Internal_Server_Error
+ if isinstance(e, vimconn.vimconnException):
+ http_code = e.http_code
+ raise NfvoException("Error at VIM {}; {}: {}".format(vim["type"], type(e).__name__, str(e)), http_code)
+ return vim_dict
+ except db_base_Exception as e:
+ raise NfvoException(str(e) + " at nfvo.get_vim", e.http_code)
+ def rollback(mydb, vims, rollback_list):
+ undeleted_items=[]
+ #delete things by reverse order
+ for i in range(len(rollback_list)-1, -1, -1):
+ item = rollback_list[i]
+ if item["where"]=="vim":
+ if item["vim_id"] not in vims:
+ continue
+ if is_task_id(item["uuid"]):
+ continue
+ vim = vims[item["vim_id"]]
+ try:
+ if item["what"]=="image":
+ vim.delete_image(item["uuid"])
+ mydb.delete_row(FROM="datacenters_images", WHERE={"datacenter_vim_id": vim["id"], "vim_id":item["uuid"]})
+ elif item["what"]=="flavor":
+ vim.delete_flavor(item["uuid"])
+ mydb.delete_row(FROM="datacenters_flavors", WHERE={"datacenter_vim_id": vim["id"], "vim_id":item["uuid"]})
+ elif item["what"]=="network":
+ vim.delete_network(item["uuid"])
+ elif item["what"]=="vm":
+ vim.delete_vminstance(item["uuid"])
+ except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
+ logger.error("Error in rollback. Not possible to delete VIM %s '%s'. Message: %s", item['what'], item["uuid"], str(e))
+ undeleted_items.append("{} {} from VIM {}".format(item['what'], item["uuid"], vim["name"]))
+ except db_base_Exception as e:
+ logger.error("Error in rollback. Not possible to delete %s '%s' from DB.datacenters Message: %s", item['what'], item["uuid"], str(e))
+ else: # where==mano
+ try:
+ if item["what"]=="image":
+ mydb.delete_row(FROM="images", WHERE={"uuid": item["uuid"]})
+ elif item["what"]=="flavor":
+ mydb.delete_row(FROM="flavors", WHERE={"uuid": item["uuid"]})
+ except db_base_Exception as e:
+ logger.error("Error in rollback. Not possible to delete %s '%s' from DB. Message: %s", item['what'], item["uuid"], str(e))
+ undeleted_items.append("{} '{}'".format(item['what'], item["uuid"]))
+ if len(undeleted_items)==0:
+ return True," Rollback successful."
+ else:
+ return False," Rollback fails to delete: " + str(undeleted_items)
+ def check_vnf_descriptor(vnf_descriptor, vnf_descriptor_version=1):
+ global global_config
+ #create a dictionary with vnfc-name: vnfc:interface-list key:values pairs
+ vnfc_interfaces={}
+ for vnfc in vnf_descriptor["vnf"]["VNFC"]:
+ name_dict = {}
+ #dataplane interfaces
+ for numa in vnfc.get("numas",() ):
+ for interface in numa.get("interfaces",()):
+ if interface["name"] in name_dict:
+ raise NfvoException(
+ "Error at vnf:VNFC[name:'{}']:numas:interfaces:name, interface name '{}' already used in this VNFC".format(
+ vnfc["name"], interface["name"]),
+ httperrors.Bad_Request)
+ name_dict[ interface["name"] ] = "underlay"
+ #bridge interfaces
+ for interface in vnfc.get("bridge-ifaces",() ):
+ if interface["name"] in name_dict:
+ raise NfvoException(
+ "Error at vnf:VNFC[name:'{}']:bridge-ifaces:name, interface name '{}' already used in this VNFC".format(
+ vnfc["name"], interface["name"]),
+ httperrors.Bad_Request)
+ name_dict[ interface["name"] ] = "overlay"
+ vnfc_interfaces[ vnfc["name"] ] = name_dict
+ # check bood-data info
+ # if "boot-data" in vnfc:
+ # # check that user-data is incompatible with users and config-files
+ # if (vnfc["boot-data"].get("users") or vnfc["boot-data"].get("config-files")) and vnfc["boot-data"].get("user-data"):
+ # raise NfvoException(
+ # "Error at vnf:VNFC:boot-data, fields 'users' and 'config-files' are not compatible with 'user-data'",
+ # httperrors.Bad_Request)
+ #check if the info in external_connections matches with the one in the vnfcs
+ name_list=[]
+ for external_connection in vnf_descriptor["vnf"].get("external-connections",() ):
+ if external_connection["name"] in name_list:
+ raise NfvoException(
+ "Error at vnf:external-connections:name, value '{}' already used as an external-connection".format(
+ external_connection["name"]),
+ httperrors.Bad_Request)
+ name_list.append(external_connection["name"])
+ if external_connection["VNFC"] not in vnfc_interfaces:
+ raise NfvoException(
+ "Error at vnf:external-connections[name:'{}']:VNFC, value '{}' does not match any VNFC".format(
+ external_connection["name"], external_connection["VNFC"]),
+ httperrors.Bad_Request)
+ if external_connection["local_iface_name"] not in vnfc_interfaces[ external_connection["VNFC"] ]:
+ raise NfvoException(
+ "Error at vnf:external-connections[name:'{}']:local_iface_name, value '{}' does not match any interface of this VNFC".format(
+ external_connection["name"],
+ external_connection["local_iface_name"]),
+ httperrors.Bad_Request )
+ #check if the info in internal_connections matches with the one in the vnfcs
+ name_list=[]
+ for internal_connection in vnf_descriptor["vnf"].get("internal-connections",() ):
+ if internal_connection["name"] in name_list:
+ raise NfvoException(
+ "Error at vnf:internal-connections:name, value '{}' already used as an internal-connection".format(
+ internal_connection["name"]),
+ httperrors.Bad_Request)
+ name_list.append(internal_connection["name"])
+ #We should check that internal-connections of type "ptp" have only 2 elements
+ if len(internal_connection["elements"])>2 and (internal_connection.get("type") == "ptp" or internal_connection.get("type") == "e-line"):
+ raise NfvoException(
+ "Error at 'vnf:internal-connections[name:'{}']:elements', size must be 2 for a '{}' type. Consider change it to '{}' type".format(
+ internal_connection["name"],
+ 'ptp' if vnf_descriptor_version==1 else 'e-line',
+ 'data' if vnf_descriptor_version==1 else "e-lan"),
+ httperrors.Bad_Request)
+ for port in internal_connection["elements"]:
+ vnf = port["VNFC"]
+ iface = port["local_iface_name"]
+ if vnf not in vnfc_interfaces:
+ raise NfvoException(
+ "Error at vnf:internal-connections[name:'{}']:elements[]:VNFC, value '{}' does not match any VNFC".format(
+ internal_connection["name"], vnf),
+ httperrors.Bad_Request)
+ if iface not in vnfc_interfaces[ vnf ]:
+ raise NfvoException(
+ "Error at vnf:internal-connections[name:'{}']:elements[]:local_iface_name, value '{}' does not match any interface of this VNFC".format(
+ internal_connection["name"], iface),
+ httperrors.Bad_Request)
+ return -httperrors.Bad_Request,
+ if vnf_descriptor_version==1 and "type" not in internal_connection:
+ if vnfc_interfaces[vnf][iface] == "overlay":
+ internal_connection["type"] = "bridge"
+ else:
+ internal_connection["type"] = "data"
+ if vnf_descriptor_version==2 and "implementation" not in internal_connection:
+ if vnfc_interfaces[vnf][iface] == "overlay":
+ internal_connection["implementation"] = "overlay"
+ else:
+ internal_connection["implementation"] = "underlay"
+ if (internal_connection.get("type") == "data" or internal_connection.get("type") == "ptp" or \
+ internal_connection.get("implementation") == "underlay") and vnfc_interfaces[vnf][iface] == "overlay":
+ raise NfvoException(
+ "Error at vnf:internal-connections[name:'{}']:elements[]:{}, interface of type {} connected to an {} network".format(
+ internal_connection["name"],
+ iface, 'bridge' if vnf_descriptor_version==1 else 'overlay',
+ 'data' if vnf_descriptor_version==1 else 'underlay'),
+ httperrors.Bad_Request)
+ if (internal_connection.get("type") == "bridge" or internal_connection.get("implementation") == "overlay") and \
+ vnfc_interfaces[vnf][iface] == "underlay":
+ raise NfvoException(
+ "Error at vnf:internal-connections[name:'{}']:elements[]:{}, interface of type {} connected to an {} network".format(
+ internal_connection["name"], iface,
+ 'data' if vnf_descriptor_version==1 else 'underlay',
+ 'bridge' if vnf_descriptor_version==1 else 'overlay'),
+ httperrors.Bad_Request)
+ def create_or_use_image(mydb, vims, image_dict, rollback_list, only_create_at_vim=False, return_on_error=None):
+ #look if image exist
+ if only_create_at_vim:
+ image_mano_id = image_dict['uuid']
+ if return_on_error == None:
+ return_on_error = True
+ else:
+ if image_dict['location']:
+ images = mydb.get_rows(FROM="images", WHERE={'location':image_dict['location'], 'metadata':image_dict['metadata']})
+ else:
+ images = mydb.get_rows(FROM="images", WHERE={'universal_name':image_dict['universal_name'], 'checksum':image_dict['checksum']})
+ if len(images)>=1:
+ image_mano_id = images[0]['uuid']
+ else:
+ #create image in MANO DB
+ temp_image_dict={'name':image_dict['name'], 'description':image_dict.get('description',None),
+ 'location':image_dict['location'], 'metadata':image_dict.get('metadata',None),
+ 'universal_name':image_dict['universal_name'] , 'checksum':image_dict['checksum']
+ }
+ #temp_image_dict['location'] = image_dict.get('new_location') if image_dict['location'] is None
+ image_mano_id = mydb.new_row('images', temp_image_dict, add_uuid=True)
+ rollback_list.append({"where":"mano", "what":"image","uuid":image_mano_id})
+ #create image at every vim
+ for vim_id,vim in vims.items():
+ datacenter_vim_id = vim["config"]["datacenter_tenant_id"]
+ image_created="false"
+ #look at database
+ image_db = mydb.get_rows(FROM="datacenters_images",
+ WHERE={'datacenter_vim_id': datacenter_vim_id, 'image_id': image_mano_id})
+ #look at VIM if this image exist
+ try:
+ if image_dict['location'] is not None:
+ image_vim_id = vim.get_image_id_from_path(image_dict['location'])
+ else:
+ filter_dict = {}
+ filter_dict['name'] = image_dict['universal_name']
+ if image_dict.get('checksum') != None:
+ filter_dict['checksum'] = image_dict['checksum']
+ #logger.debug('>>>>>>>> Filter dict: %s', str(filter_dict))
+ vim_images = vim.get_image_list(filter_dict)
+ #logger.debug('>>>>>>>> VIM images: %s', str(vim_images))
+ if len(vim_images) > 1:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("More than one candidate VIM image found for filter: {}".format(str(filter_dict)), httperrors.Conflict)
+ elif len(vim_images) == 0:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException("Image not found at VIM with filter: '{}'".format(str(filter_dict)))
+ else:
+ #logger.debug('>>>>>>>> VIM image 0: %s', str(vim_images[0]))
+ image_vim_id = vim_images[0]['id']
+ except vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException as e:
+ #Create the image in VIM only if image_dict['location'] or image_dict['new_location'] is not None
+ try:
+ #image_dict['location']=image_dict.get('new_location') if image_dict['location'] is None
+ if image_dict['location']:
+ image_vim_id = vim.new_image(image_dict)
+ rollback_list.append({"where":"vim", "vim_id": vim_id, "what":"image","uuid":image_vim_id})
+ image_created="true"
+ else:
+ #If we reach this point, then the image has image name, and optionally checksum, and could not be found
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException(str(e))
+ except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
+ if return_on_error:
+ logger.error("Error creating image at VIM '%s': %s", vim["name"], str(e))
+ raise
+ image_vim_id = None
+ logger.warn("Error creating image at VIM '%s': %s", vim["name"], str(e))
+ continue
+ except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
+ if return_on_error:
+ logger.error("Error contacting VIM to know if the image exists at VIM: %s", str(e))
+ raise
+ logger.warn("Error contacting VIM to know if the image exists at VIM: %s", str(e))
+ image_vim_id = None
+ continue
+ #if we reach here, the image has been created or existed
+ if len(image_db)==0:
+ #add new vim_id at datacenters_images
+ mydb.new_row('datacenters_images', {'datacenter_vim_id': datacenter_vim_id,
+ 'image_id':image_mano_id,
+ 'vim_id': image_vim_id,
+ 'created':image_created})
+ elif image_db[0]["vim_id"]!=image_vim_id:
+ #modify existing vim_id at datacenters_images
+ mydb.update_rows('datacenters_images', UPDATE={'vim_id':image_vim_id}, WHERE={'datacenter_vim_id':vim_id, 'image_id':image_mano_id})
+ return image_vim_id if only_create_at_vim else image_mano_id
+ def create_or_use_flavor(mydb, vims, flavor_dict, rollback_list, only_create_at_vim=False, return_on_error = None):
+ temp_flavor_dict= {'disk':flavor_dict.get('disk',0),
+ 'ram':flavor_dict.get('ram'),
+ 'vcpus':flavor_dict.get('vcpus'),
+ }
+ if 'extended' in flavor_dict and flavor_dict['extended']==None:
+ del flavor_dict['extended']
+ if 'extended' in flavor_dict:
+ temp_flavor_dict['extended']=yaml.safe_dump(flavor_dict['extended'],default_flow_style=True,width=256)
+ #look if flavor exist
+ if only_create_at_vim:
+ flavor_mano_id = flavor_dict['uuid']
+ if return_on_error == None:
+ return_on_error = True
+ else:
+ flavors = mydb.get_rows(FROM="flavors", WHERE=temp_flavor_dict)
+ if len(flavors)>=1:
+ flavor_mano_id = flavors[0]['uuid']
+ else:
+ #create flavor
+ #create one by one the images of aditional disks
+ dev_image_list=[] #list of images
+ if 'extended' in flavor_dict and flavor_dict['extended']!=None:
+ dev_nb=0
+ for device in flavor_dict['extended'].get('devices',[]):
+ if "image" not in device and "image name" not in device:
+ continue
+ image_dict={}
+ image_dict['name']=device.get('image name',flavor_dict['name']+str(dev_nb)+"-img")
+ image_dict['universal_name']=device.get('image name')
+ image_dict['description']=flavor_dict['name']+str(dev_nb)+"-img"
+ image_dict['location']=device.get('image')
+ #image_dict['new_location']=vnfc.get('image location')
+ image_dict['checksum']=device.get('image checksum')
+ image_metadata_dict = device.get('image metadata', None)
+ image_metadata_str = None
+ if image_metadata_dict != None:
+ image_metadata_str = yaml.safe_dump(image_metadata_dict,default_flow_style=True,width=256)
+ image_dict['metadata']=image_metadata_str
+ image_id = create_or_use_image(mydb, vims, image_dict, rollback_list)
+ #print "Additional disk image id for VNFC %s: %s" % (flavor_dict['name']+str(dev_nb)+"-img", image_id)
+ dev_image_list.append(image_id)
+ dev_nb += 1
+ temp_flavor_dict['name'] = flavor_dict['name']
+ temp_flavor_dict['description'] = flavor_dict.get('description',None)
+ content = mydb.new_row('flavors', temp_flavor_dict, add_uuid=True)
+ flavor_mano_id= content
+ rollback_list.append({"where":"mano", "what":"flavor","uuid":flavor_mano_id})
+ #create flavor at every vim
+ if 'uuid' in flavor_dict:
+ del flavor_dict['uuid']
+ flavor_vim_id=None
+ for vim_id,vim in vims.items():
+ datacenter_vim_id = vim["config"]["datacenter_tenant_id"]
+ flavor_created="false"
+ #look at database
+ flavor_db = mydb.get_rows(FROM="datacenters_flavors",
+ WHERE={'datacenter_vim_id': datacenter_vim_id, 'flavor_id': flavor_mano_id})
+ #look at VIM if this flavor exist SKIPPED
+ #res_vim, flavor_vim_id = vim.get_flavor_id_from_path(flavor_dict['location'])
+ #if res_vim < 0:
+ # print "Error contacting VIM to know if the flavor %s existed previously." %flavor_vim_id
+ # continue
+ #elif res_vim==0:
+ # Create the flavor in VIM
+ # Translate images at devices from MANO id to VIM id
+ disk_list = []
+ if 'extended' in flavor_dict and flavor_dict['extended']!=None and "devices" in flavor_dict['extended']:
+ # make a copy of original devices
+ devices_original=[]
+ for device in flavor_dict["extended"].get("devices",[]):
+ dev={}
+ dev.update(device)
+ devices_original.append(dev)
+ if 'image' in device:
+ del device['image']
+ if 'image metadata' in device:
+ del device['image metadata']
+ if 'image checksum' in device:
+ del device['image checksum']
+ dev_nb = 0
+ for index in range(0,len(devices_original)) :
+ device=devices_original[index]
+ if "image" not in device and "image name" not in device:
+ # if 'size' in device:
+ disk_list.append({'size': device.get('size', default_volume_size), 'name': device.get('name')})
+ continue
+ image_dict={}
+ image_dict['name']=device.get('image name',flavor_dict['name']+str(dev_nb)+"-img")
+ image_dict['universal_name']=device.get('image name')
+ image_dict['description']=flavor_dict['name']+str(dev_nb)+"-img"
+ image_dict['location']=device.get('image')
+ # image_dict['new_location']=device.get('image location')
+ image_dict['checksum']=device.get('image checksum')
+ image_metadata_dict = device.get('image metadata', None)
+ image_metadata_str = None
+ if image_metadata_dict != None:
+ image_metadata_str = yaml.safe_dump(image_metadata_dict,default_flow_style=True,width=256)
+ image_dict['metadata']=image_metadata_str
+ image_mano_id=create_or_use_image(mydb, vims, image_dict, rollback_list, only_create_at_vim=False, return_on_error=return_on_error )
+ image_dict["uuid"]=image_mano_id
+ image_vim_id=create_or_use_image(mydb, vims, image_dict, rollback_list, only_create_at_vim=True, return_on_error=return_on_error)
+ #save disk information (image must be based on and size
+ disk_list.append({'image_id': image_vim_id, 'size': device.get('size', default_volume_size)})
+ flavor_dict["extended"]["devices"][index]['imageRef']=image_vim_id
+ dev_nb += 1
+ if len(flavor_db)>0:
+ #check that this vim_id exist in VIM, if not create
+ flavor_vim_id=flavor_db[0]["vim_id"]
+ try:
+ vim.get_flavor(flavor_vim_id)
+ continue #flavor exist
+ except vimconn.vimconnException:
+ pass
+ #create flavor at vim
+ logger.debug("nfvo.create_or_use_flavor() adding flavor to VIM %s", vim["name"])
+ try:
+ flavor_vim_id = None
+ flavor_vim_id=vim.get_flavor_id_from_data(flavor_dict)
+ flavor_created="false"
+ except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
+ pass
+ try:
+ if not flavor_vim_id:
+ flavor_vim_id = vim.new_flavor(flavor_dict)
+ rollback_list.append({"where":"vim", "vim_id": vim_id, "what":"flavor","uuid":flavor_vim_id})
+ flavor_created="true"
+ except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
+ if return_on_error:
+ logger.error("Error creating flavor at VIM %s: %s.", vim["name"], str(e))
+ raise
+ logger.warn("Error creating flavor at VIM %s: %s.", vim["name"], str(e))
+ flavor_vim_id = None
+ continue
+ #if reach here the flavor has been create or exist
+ if len(flavor_db)==0:
+ #add new vim_id at datacenters_flavors
+ extended_devices_yaml = None
+ if len(disk_list) > 0:
+ extended_devices = dict()
+ extended_devices['disks'] = disk_list
+ extended_devices_yaml = yaml.safe_dump(extended_devices,default_flow_style=True,width=256)
+ mydb.new_row('datacenters_flavors',
+ {'datacenter_vim_id': datacenter_vim_id, 'flavor_id': flavor_mano_id, 'vim_id': flavor_vim_id,
+ 'created': flavor_created, 'extended': extended_devices_yaml})
+ elif flavor_db[0]["vim_id"]!=flavor_vim_id:
+ #modify existing vim_id at datacenters_flavors
+ mydb.update_rows('datacenters_flavors', UPDATE={'vim_id':flavor_vim_id},
+ WHERE={'datacenter_vim_id': datacenter_vim_id, 'flavor_id': flavor_mano_id})
+ return flavor_vim_id if only_create_at_vim else flavor_mano_id
+ def get_str(obj, field, length):
+ """
+ Obtain the str value,
+ :param obj:
+ :param length:
+ :return:
+ """
+ value = obj.get(field)
+ if value is not None:
+ value = str(value)[:length]
+ return value
+ def _lookfor_or_create_image(db_image, mydb, descriptor):
+ """
+ fill image content at db_image dictionary. Check if the image with this image and checksum exist
+ :param db_image: dictionary to insert data
+ :param mydb: database connector
+ :param descriptor: yang descriptor
+ :return: uuid if the image exist at DB, or None if a new image must be created with the data filled at db_image
+ """
+ db_image["name"] = get_str(descriptor, "image", 255)
+ db_image["checksum"] = get_str(descriptor, "image-checksum", 32)
+ if not db_image["checksum"]: # Ensure that if empty string, None is stored
+ db_image["checksum"] = None
+ if db_image["name"].startswith("/"):
+ db_image["location"] = db_image["name"]
+ existing_images = mydb.get_rows(FROM="images", WHERE={'location': db_image["location"]})
+ else:
+ db_image["universal_name"] = db_image["name"]
+ existing_images = mydb.get_rows(FROM="images", WHERE={'universal_name': db_image['universal_name'],
+ 'checksum': db_image['checksum']})
+ if existing_images:
+ return existing_images[0]["uuid"]
+ else:
+ image_uuid = str(uuid4())
+ db_image["uuid"] = image_uuid
+ return None
+ def get_resource_allocation_params(quota_descriptor):
+ """
+ read the quota_descriptor from vnfd and fetch the resource allocation properties from the descriptor object
+ :param quota_descriptor: cpu/mem/vif/disk-io quota descriptor
+ :return: quota params for limit, reserve, shares from the descriptor object
+ """
+ quota = {}
+ if quota_descriptor.get("limit"):
+ quota["limit"] = int(quota_descriptor["limit"])
+ if quota_descriptor.get("reserve"):
+ quota["reserve"] = int(quota_descriptor["reserve"])
+ if quota_descriptor.get("shares"):
+ quota["shares"] = int(quota_descriptor["shares"])
+ return quota
+ def new_vnfd_v3(mydb, tenant_id, vnf_descriptor):
+ """
+ Parses an OSM IM vnfd_catalog and insert at DB
+ :param mydb:
+ :param tenant_id:
+ :param vnf_descriptor:
+ :return: The list of cretated vnf ids
+ """
+ try:
+ myvnfd = vnfd_catalog.vnfd()
+ try:
+ pybindJSONDecoder.load_ietf_json(vnf_descriptor, None, None, obj=myvnfd, path_helper=True,
+ skip_unknown=True)
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise NfvoException("Error. Invalid VNF descriptor format " + str(e), httperrors.Bad_Request)
+ db_vnfs = []
+ db_nets = []
+ db_vms = []
+ db_vms_index = 0
+ db_interfaces = []
+ db_images = []
+ db_flavors = []
+ db_ip_profiles_index = 0
+ db_ip_profiles = []
+ uuid_list = []
+ vnfd_uuid_list = []
+ vnfd_catalog_descriptor = vnf_descriptor.get("vnfd:vnfd-catalog")
+ if not vnfd_catalog_descriptor:
+ vnfd_catalog_descriptor = vnf_descriptor.get("vnfd-catalog")
+ vnfd_descriptor_list = vnfd_catalog_descriptor.get("vnfd")
+ if not vnfd_descriptor_list:
+ vnfd_descriptor_list = vnfd_catalog_descriptor.get("vnfd:vnfd")
+ for vnfd_yang in myvnfd.vnfd_catalog.vnfd.values():
+ vnfd = vnfd_yang.get()
+ # table vnf
+ vnf_uuid = str(uuid4())
+ uuid_list.append(vnf_uuid)
+ vnfd_uuid_list.append(vnf_uuid)
+ vnfd_id = get_str(vnfd, "id", 255)
+ db_vnf = {
+ "uuid": vnf_uuid,
+ "osm_id": vnfd_id,
+ "name": get_str(vnfd, "name", 255),
+ "description": get_str(vnfd, "description", 255),
+ "tenant_id": tenant_id,
+ "vendor": get_str(vnfd, "vendor", 255),
+ "short_name": get_str(vnfd, "short-name", 255),
+ "descriptor": str(vnf_descriptor)[:60000]
+ }
+ for vnfd_descriptor in vnfd_descriptor_list:
+ if vnfd_descriptor["id"] == str(vnfd["id"]):
+ break
+ # table ip_profiles (ip-profiles)
+ ip_profile_name2db_table_index = {}
+ for ip_profile in vnfd.get("ip-profiles").values():
+ db_ip_profile = {
+ "ip_version": str(ip_profile["ip-profile-params"].get("ip-version", "ipv4")),
+ "subnet_address": str(ip_profile["ip-profile-params"].get("subnet-address")),
+ "gateway_address": str(ip_profile["ip-profile-params"].get("gateway-address")),
+ "dhcp_enabled": str(ip_profile["ip-profile-params"]["dhcp-params"].get("enabled", True)),
+ "dhcp_start_address": str(ip_profile["ip-profile-params"]["dhcp-params"].get("start-address")),
+ "dhcp_count": str(ip_profile["ip-profile-params"]["dhcp-params"].get("count")),
+ }
+ dns_list = []
+ for dns in ip_profile["ip-profile-params"]["dns-server"].values():
+ dns_list.append(str(dns.get("address")))
+ db_ip_profile["dns_address"] = ";".join(dns_list)
+ if ip_profile["ip-profile-params"].get('security-group'):
+ db_ip_profile["security_group"] = ip_profile["ip-profile-params"]['security-group']
+ ip_profile_name2db_table_index[str(ip_profile["name"])] = db_ip_profiles_index
+ db_ip_profiles_index += 1
+ db_ip_profiles.append(db_ip_profile)
+ # table nets (internal-vld)
+ net_id2uuid = {} # for mapping interface with network
+ for vld in vnfd.get("internal-vld").values():
+ net_uuid = str(uuid4())
+ uuid_list.append(net_uuid)
+ db_net = {
+ "name": get_str(vld, "name", 255),
+ "vnf_id": vnf_uuid,
+ "uuid": net_uuid,
+ "description": get_str(vld, "description", 255),
+ "osm_id": get_str(vld, "id", 255),
+ "type": "bridge", # TODO adjust depending on connection point type
+ }
+ net_id2uuid[vld.get("id")] = net_uuid
+ db_nets.append(db_net)
+ # ip-profile, link db_ip_profile with db_sce_net
+ if vld.get("ip-profile-ref"):
+ ip_profile_name = vld.get("ip-profile-ref")
+ if ip_profile_name not in ip_profile_name2db_table_index:
+ raise NfvoException("Error. Invalid VNF descriptor at 'vnfd[{}]':'vld[{}]':'ip-profile-ref':"
+ "'{}'. Reference to a non-existing 'ip_profiles'".format(
+ str(vnfd["id"]), str(vld["id"]), str(vld["ip-profile-ref"])),
+ httperrors.Bad_Request)
+ db_ip_profiles[ip_profile_name2db_table_index[ip_profile_name]]["net_id"] = net_uuid
+ else: #check no ip-address has been defined
+ for icp in vld.get("internal-connection-point").values():
+ if icp.get("ip-address"):
+ raise NfvoException("Error at 'vnfd[{}]':'vld[{}]':'internal-connection-point[{}]' "
+ "contains an ip-address but no ip-profile has been defined at VLD".format(
+ str(vnfd["id"]), str(vld["id"]), str(icp["id"])),
+ httperrors.Bad_Request)
+ # connection points vaiable declaration
+ cp_name2iface_uuid = {}
+ cp_name2vdu_id = {}
+ cp_name2vm_uuid = {}
+ cp_name2db_interface = {}
+ vdu_id2cp_name = {} # stored only when one external connection point is presented at this VDU
+ # table vms (vdus)
+ vdu_id2uuid = {}
+ vdu_id2db_table_index = {}
+ mgmt_access = {}
+ for vdu in vnfd.get("vdu").values():
+ for vdu_descriptor in vnfd_descriptor["vdu"]:
+ if vdu_descriptor["id"] == str(vdu["id"]):
+ break
+ vm_uuid = str(uuid4())
+ uuid_list.append(vm_uuid)
+ vdu_id = get_str(vdu, "id", 255)
+ db_vm = {
+ "uuid": vm_uuid,
+ "osm_id": vdu_id,
+ "name": get_str(vdu, "name", 255),
+ "description": get_str(vdu, "description", 255),
+ "pdu_type": get_str(vdu, "pdu-type", 255),
+ "vnf_id": vnf_uuid,
+ }
+ vdu_id2uuid[db_vm["osm_id"]] = vm_uuid
+ vdu_id2db_table_index[db_vm["osm_id"]] = db_vms_index
+ if vdu.get("count"):
+ db_vm["count"] = int(vdu["count"])
+ # table image
+ image_present = False
+ if vdu.get("image"):
+ image_present = True
+ db_image = {}
+ image_uuid = _lookfor_or_create_image(db_image, mydb, vdu)
+ if not image_uuid:
+ image_uuid = db_image["uuid"]
+ db_images.append(db_image)
+ db_vm["image_id"] = image_uuid
+ if vdu.get("alternative-images"):
+ vm_alternative_images = []
+ for alt_image in vdu.get("alternative-images").values():
+ db_image = {}
+ image_uuid = _lookfor_or_create_image(db_image, mydb, alt_image)
+ if not image_uuid:
+ image_uuid = db_image["uuid"]
+ db_images.append(db_image)
+ vm_alternative_images.append({
+ "image_id": image_uuid,
+ "vim_type": str(alt_image["vim-type"]),
+ # "universal_name": str(alt_image["image"]),
+ # "checksum": str(alt_image["image-checksum"]) if alt_image.get("image-checksum") else None
+ })
+ db_vm["image_list"] = yaml.safe_dump(vm_alternative_images, default_flow_style=True, width=256)
+ # volumes
+ devices = []
+ if vdu.get("volumes"):
+ for volume_key in vdu["volumes"]:
+ volume = vdu["volumes"][volume_key]
+ if not image_present:
+ # Convert the first volume to vnfc.image
+ image_present = True
+ db_image = {}
+ image_uuid = _lookfor_or_create_image(db_image, mydb, volume)
+ if not image_uuid:
+ image_uuid = db_image["uuid"]
+ db_images.append(db_image)
+ db_vm["image_id"] = image_uuid
+ else:
+ # Add Openmano devices
+ device = {"name": str(volume.get("name"))}
+ device["type"] = str(volume.get("device-type"))
+ if volume.get("size"):
+ device["size"] = int(volume["size"])
+ if volume.get("image"):
+ device["image name"] = str(volume["image"])
+ if volume.get("image-checksum"):
+ device["image checksum"] = str(volume["image-checksum"])
+ devices.append(device)
+ if not db_vm.get("image_id"):
+ if not db_vm["pdu_type"]:
+ raise NfvoException("Not defined image for VDU")
+ # create a fake image
+ # cloud-init
+ boot_data = {}
+ if vdu.get("cloud-init"):
+ boot_data["user-data"] = str(vdu["cloud-init"])
+ elif vdu.get("cloud-init-file"):
+ # TODO Where this file content is present???
+ # boot_data["user-data"] = vnfd_yang.files[vdu["cloud-init-file"]]
+ boot_data["user-data"] = str(vdu["cloud-init-file"])
+ if vdu.get("supplemental-boot-data"):
+ if vdu["supplemental-boot-data"].get('boot-data-drive'):
+ boot_data['boot-data-drive'] = True
+ if vdu["supplemental-boot-data"].get('config-file'):
+ om_cfgfile_list = list()
+ for custom_config_file in vdu["supplemental-boot-data"]['config-file'].values():
+ # TODO Where this file content is present???
+ cfg_source = str(custom_config_file["source"])
+ om_cfgfile_list.append({"dest": custom_config_file["dest"],
+ "content": cfg_source})
+ boot_data['config-files'] = om_cfgfile_list
+ if boot_data:
+ db_vm["boot_data"] = yaml.safe_dump(boot_data, default_flow_style=True, width=256)
+ db_vms.append(db_vm)
+ db_vms_index += 1
+ # table interfaces (internal/external interfaces)
+ flavor_epa_interfaces = []
+ # for iface in chain(vdu.get("internal-interface").values(), vdu.get("external-interface").values()):
+ for iface in vdu.get("interface").values():
+ flavor_epa_interface = {}
+ iface_uuid = str(uuid4())
+ uuid_list.append(iface_uuid)
+ db_interface = {
+ "uuid": iface_uuid,
+ "internal_name": get_str(iface, "name", 255),
+ "vm_id": vm_uuid,
+ }
+ flavor_epa_interface["name"] = db_interface["internal_name"]
+ if iface.get("virtual-interface").get("vpci"):
+ db_interface["vpci"] = get_str(iface.get("virtual-interface"), "vpci", 12)
+ flavor_epa_interface["vpci"] = db_interface["vpci"]
+ if iface.get("virtual-interface").get("bandwidth"):
+ bps = int(iface.get("virtual-interface").get("bandwidth"))
+ db_interface["bw"] = int(math.ceil(bps / 1000000.0))
+ flavor_epa_interface["bandwidth"] = "{} Mbps".format(db_interface["bw"])
+ if iface.get("virtual-interface").get("type") == "OM-MGMT":
+ db_interface["type"] = "mgmt"
+ elif iface.get("virtual-interface").get("type") in ("VIRTIO", "E1000", "PARAVIRT"):
+ db_interface["type"] = "bridge"
+ db_interface["model"] = get_str(iface.get("virtual-interface"), "type", 12)
+ elif iface.get("virtual-interface").get("type") in ("SR-IOV", "PCI-PASSTHROUGH"):
+ db_interface["type"] = "data"
+ db_interface["model"] = get_str(iface.get("virtual-interface"), "type", 12)
+ flavor_epa_interface["dedicated"] = "no" if iface["virtual-interface"]["type"] == "SR-IOV" \
+ else "yes"
+ flavor_epa_interfaces.append(flavor_epa_interface)
+ else:
+ raise NfvoException("Error. Invalid VNF descriptor at 'vnfd[{}]':'vdu[{}]':'interface':'virtual"
+ "-interface':'type':'{}'. Interface type is not supported".format(
+ vnfd_id, vdu_id, iface.get("virtual-interface").get("type")),
+ httperrors.Bad_Request)
+ if iface.get("mgmt-interface"):
+ db_interface["type"] = "mgmt"
+ if iface.get("external-connection-point-ref"):
+ try:
+ cp = vnfd.get("connection-point")[iface.get("external-connection-point-ref")]
+ db_interface["external_name"] = get_str(cp, "name", 255)
+ cp_name2iface_uuid[db_interface["external_name"]] = iface_uuid
+ cp_name2vdu_id[db_interface["external_name"]] = vdu_id
+ cp_name2vm_uuid[db_interface["external_name"]] = vm_uuid
+ cp_name2db_interface[db_interface["external_name"]] = db_interface
+ for cp_descriptor in vnfd_descriptor["connection-point"]:
+ if cp_descriptor["name"] == db_interface["external_name"]:
+ break
+ else:
+ raise KeyError()
+ if vdu_id in vdu_id2cp_name:
+ vdu_id2cp_name[vdu_id] = None # more than two connecdtion point for this VDU
+ else:
+ vdu_id2cp_name[vdu_id] = db_interface["external_name"]
+ # port security
+ if str(cp_descriptor.get("port-security-enabled")).lower() == "false":
+ db_interface["port_security"] = 0
+ elif str(cp_descriptor.get("port-security-enabled")).lower() == "true":
+ db_interface["port_security"] = 1
+ except KeyError:
+ raise NfvoException("Error. Invalid VNF descriptor at 'vnfd[{vnf}]':'vdu[{vdu}]':"
+ "'interface[{iface}]':'vnfd-connection-point-ref':'{cp}' is not present"
+ " at connection-point".format(
+ vnf=vnfd_id, vdu=vdu_id, iface=iface["name"],
+ cp=iface.get("vnfd-connection-point-ref")),
+ httperrors.Bad_Request)
+ elif iface.get("internal-connection-point-ref"):
+ try:
+ for icp_descriptor in vdu_descriptor["internal-connection-point"]:
+ if icp_descriptor["id"] == str(iface.get("internal-connection-point-ref")):
+ break
+ else:
+ raise KeyError("does not exist at vdu:internal-connection-point")
+ icp = None
+ icp_vld = None
+ for vld in vnfd.get("internal-vld").values():
+ for cp in vld.get("internal-connection-point").values():
+ if cp.get("id-ref") == iface.get("internal-connection-point-ref"):
+ if icp:
+ raise KeyError("is referenced by more than one 'internal-vld'")
+ icp = cp
+ icp_vld = vld
+ if not icp:
+ raise KeyError("is not referenced by any 'internal-vld'")
+ db_interface["net_id"] = net_id2uuid[icp_vld.get("id")]
+ if str(icp_descriptor.get("port-security-enabled")).lower() == "false":
+ db_interface["port_security"] = 0
+ elif str(icp_descriptor.get("port-security-enabled")).lower() == "true":
+ db_interface["port_security"] = 1
+ if icp.get("ip-address"):
+ if not icp_vld.get("ip-profile-ref"):
+ raise NfvoException
+ db_interface["ip_address"] = str(icp.get("ip-address"))
+ except KeyError as e:
+ raise NfvoException("Error. Invalid VNF descriptor at 'vnfd[{vnf}]':'vdu[{vdu}]':"
+ "'interface[{iface}]':'internal-connection-point-ref':'{cp}'"
+ " {msg}".format(
+ vnf=vnfd_id, vdu=vdu_id, iface=iface["name"],
+ cp=iface.get("internal-connection-point-ref"), msg=str(e)),
+ httperrors.Bad_Request)
+ if iface.get("position"):
+ db_interface["created_at"] = int(iface.get("position")) * 50
+ if iface.get("mac-address"):
+ db_interface["mac"] = str(iface.get("mac-address"))
+ db_interfaces.append(db_interface)
+ # table flavors
+ db_flavor = {
+ "name": get_str(vdu, "name", 250) + "-flv",
+ "vcpus": int(vdu["vm-flavor"].get("vcpu-count", 1)),
+ "ram": int(vdu["vm-flavor"].get("memory-mb", 1)),
+ "disk": int(vdu["vm-flavor"].get("storage-gb", 0)),
+ }
+ # TODO revise the case of several numa-node-policy node
+ extended = {}
+ numa = {}
+ if devices:
+ extended["devices"] = devices
+ if flavor_epa_interfaces:
+ numa["interfaces"] = flavor_epa_interfaces
+ if vdu.get("guest-epa"): # TODO or dedicated_int:
+ epa_vcpu_set = False
+ if vdu["guest-epa"].get("numa-node-policy"): # TODO or dedicated_int:
+ numa_node_policy = vdu["guest-epa"].get("numa-node-policy")
+ if numa_node_policy.get("node"):
+ numa_node = next(iter(numa_node_policy["node"].values()))
+ if numa_node.get("num-cores"):
+ numa["cores"] = numa_node["num-cores"]
+ epa_vcpu_set = True
+ if numa_node.get("paired-threads"):
+ if numa_node["paired-threads"].get("num-paired-threads"):
+ numa["paired-threads"] = int(numa_node["paired-threads"]["num-paired-threads"])
+ epa_vcpu_set = True
+ if len(numa_node["paired-threads"].get("paired-thread-ids")):
+ numa["paired-threads-id"] = []
+ for pair in numa_node["paired-threads"]["paired-thread-ids"].values():
+ numa["paired-threads-id"].append(
+ (str(pair["thread-a"]), str(pair["thread-b"]))
+ )
+ if numa_node.get("num-threads"):
+ numa["threads"] = int(numa_node["num-threads"])
+ epa_vcpu_set = True
+ if numa_node.get("memory-mb"):
+ numa["memory"] = max(int(numa_node["memory-mb"] / 1024), 1)
+ if vdu["guest-epa"].get("mempage-size"):
+ if vdu["guest-epa"]["mempage-size"] != "SMALL":
+ numa["memory"] = max(int(db_flavor["ram"] / 1024), 1)
+ if vdu["guest-epa"].get("cpu-pinning-policy") and not epa_vcpu_set:
+ if vdu["guest-epa"]["cpu-pinning-policy"] == "DEDICATED":
+ if vdu["guest-epa"].get("cpu-thread-pinning-policy") and \
+ vdu["guest-epa"]["cpu-thread-pinning-policy"] != "PREFER":
+ numa["cores"] = max(db_flavor["vcpus"], 1)
+ else:
+ numa["threads"] = max(db_flavor["vcpus"], 1)
+ epa_vcpu_set = True
+ if vdu["guest-epa"].get("cpu-quota") and not epa_vcpu_set:
+ cpuquota = get_resource_allocation_params(vdu["guest-epa"].get("cpu-quota"))
+ if cpuquota:
+ extended["cpu-quota"] = cpuquota
+ if vdu["guest-epa"].get("mem-quota"):
+ vduquota = get_resource_allocation_params(vdu["guest-epa"].get("mem-quota"))
+ if vduquota:
+ extended["mem-quota"] = vduquota
+ if vdu["guest-epa"].get("disk-io-quota"):
+ diskioquota = get_resource_allocation_params(vdu["guest-epa"].get("disk-io-quota"))
+ if diskioquota:
+ extended["disk-io-quota"] = diskioquota
+ if vdu["guest-epa"].get("vif-quota"):
+ vifquota = get_resource_allocation_params(vdu["guest-epa"].get("vif-quota"))
+ if vifquota:
+ extended["vif-quota"] = vifquota
+ if numa:
+ extended["numas"] = [numa]
+ if extended:
+ extended_text = yaml.safe_dump(extended, default_flow_style=True, width=256)
+ db_flavor["extended"] = extended_text
+ # look if flavor exist
+ temp_flavor_dict = {'disk': db_flavor.get('disk', 0),
+ 'ram': db_flavor.get('ram'),
+ 'vcpus': db_flavor.get('vcpus'),
+ 'extended': db_flavor.get('extended')
+ }
+ existing_flavors = mydb.get_rows(FROM="flavors", WHERE=temp_flavor_dict)
+ if existing_flavors:
+ flavor_uuid = existing_flavors[0]["uuid"]
+ else:
+ flavor_uuid = str(uuid4())
+ uuid_list.append(flavor_uuid)
+ db_flavor["uuid"] = flavor_uuid
+ db_flavors.append(db_flavor)
+ db_vm["flavor_id"] = flavor_uuid
+ # VNF affinity and antiaffinity
+ for pg in vnfd.get("placement-groups").values():
+ pg_name = get_str(pg, "name", 255)
+ for vdu in pg.get("member-vdus").values():
+ vdu_id = get_str(vdu, "member-vdu-ref", 255)
+ if vdu_id not in vdu_id2db_table_index:
+ raise NfvoException("Error. Invalid VNF descriptor at 'vnfd[{vnf}]':'placement-groups[{pg}]':"
+ "'member-vdus':'{vdu}'. Reference to a non-existing vdu".format(
+ vnf=vnfd_id, pg=pg_name, vdu=vdu_id),
+ httperrors.Bad_Request)
+ db_vms[vdu_id2db_table_index[vdu_id]]["availability_zone"] = pg_name
+ # TODO consider the case of isolation and not colocation
+ # if pg.get("strategy") == "ISOLATION":
+ # VNF mgmt configuration
+ if vnfd["mgmt-interface"].get("vdu-id"):
+ mgmt_vdu_id = get_str(vnfd["mgmt-interface"], "vdu-id", 255)
+ if mgmt_vdu_id not in vdu_id2uuid:
+ raise NfvoException("Error. Invalid VNF descriptor at 'vnfd[{vnf}]':'mgmt-interface':'vdu-id':"
+ "'{vdu}'. Reference to a non-existing vdu".format(
+ vnf=vnfd_id, vdu=mgmt_vdu_id),
+ httperrors.Bad_Request)
+ mgmt_access["vm_id"] = vdu_id2uuid[mgmt_vdu_id]
+ mgmt_access["vdu-id"] = mgmt_vdu_id
+ # if only one cp is defined by this VDU, mark this interface as of type "mgmt"
+ if vdu_id2cp_name.get(mgmt_vdu_id):
+ if cp_name2db_interface[vdu_id2cp_name[mgmt_vdu_id]]:
+ cp_name2db_interface[vdu_id2cp_name[mgmt_vdu_id]]["type"] = "mgmt"
+ if vnfd["mgmt-interface"].get("ip-address"):
+ mgmt_access["ip-address"] = str(vnfd["mgmt-interface"].get("ip-address"))
- # check correct parameters
- if vnf_index not in vnf_index2vnf_uuid:
- raise NfvoException("Error. Invalid NS descriptor at 'nsd[{}]':'vld[{}]':'vnfd-connection-point"
- "-ref':'member-vnf-index-ref':'{}'. Reference to a non-existing index at "
- "'nsd':'constituent-vnfd'".format(
- str(nsd["id"]), str(vld["id"]), str(iface["member-vnf-index-ref"])),
- httperrors.Bad_Request)
- existing_ifaces = mydb.get_rows(SELECT=('i.uuid as uuid', 'i.type as iface_type'),
- FROM="interfaces as i join vms on i.vm_id=vms.uuid",
- WHERE={'vnf_id': vnf_index2vnf_uuid[vnf_index],
- 'external_name': get_str(iface, "vnfd-connection-point-ref",
- 255)})
- if not existing_ifaces:
- raise NfvoException("Error. Invalid NS descriptor at 'nsd[{}]':'vld[{}]':'vnfd-connection-point"
- "-ref':'vnfd-connection-point-ref':'{}'. Reference to a non-existing "
- "connection-point name at VNFD '{}'".format(
- str(nsd["id"]), str(vld["id"]), str(iface["vnfd-connection-point-ref"]),
- str(iface.get("vnfd-id-ref"))[:255]),
- httperrors.Bad_Request)
- interface_uuid = existing_ifaces[0]["uuid"]
- if existing_ifaces[0]["iface_type"] == "data":
- db_sce_net["type"] = "data"
- sce_interface_uuid = str(uuid4())
- uuid_list.append(sce_net_uuid)
- iface_ip_address = None
- if iface.get("ip-address"):
- iface_ip_address = str(iface.get("ip-address"))
- db_sce_interface = {
- "uuid": sce_interface_uuid,
- "sce_vnf_id": vnf_index2scevnf_uuid[vnf_index],
- "sce_net_id": sce_net_uuid,
- "interface_id": interface_uuid,
- "ip_address": iface_ip_address,
- }
- db_sce_interfaces.append(db_sce_interface)
- if not db_sce_net["type"]:
- db_sce_net["type"] = "bridge"
++ if vnfd["mgmt-interface"].get("cp") and vnfd.get("vdu"):
+ if vnfd["mgmt-interface"]["cp"] not in cp_name2iface_uuid:
+ raise NfvoException("Error. Invalid VNF descriptor at 'vnfd[{vnf}]':'mgmt-interface':'cp'['{cp}']. "
+ "Reference to a non-existing connection-point".format(
+ vnf=vnfd_id, cp=vnfd["mgmt-interface"]["cp"]),
+ httperrors.Bad_Request)
+ mgmt_access["vm_id"] = cp_name2vm_uuid[vnfd["mgmt-interface"]["cp"]]
+ mgmt_access["interface_id"] = cp_name2iface_uuid[vnfd["mgmt-interface"]["cp"]]
+ mgmt_access["vdu-id"] = cp_name2vdu_id[vnfd["mgmt-interface"]["cp"]]
+ # mark this interface as of type mgmt
+ if cp_name2db_interface[vnfd["mgmt-interface"]["cp"]]:
+ cp_name2db_interface[vnfd["mgmt-interface"]["cp"]]["type"] = "mgmt"
+ default_user = get_str(vnfd.get("vnf-configuration", {}).get("config-access", {}).get("ssh-access", {}),
+ "default-user", 64)
+ if default_user:
+ mgmt_access["default_user"] = default_user
+ required = get_str(vnfd.get("vnf-configuration", {}).get("config-access", {}).get("ssh-access", {}),
+ "required", 6)
+ if required:
+ mgmt_access["required"] = required
+ password_ = get_str(vnfd.get("vnf-configuration", {}).get("config-access", {}),
+ "password", 64)
+ if password_:
+ mgmt_access["password"] = password_
+ if mgmt_access:
+ db_vnf["mgmt_access"] = yaml.safe_dump(mgmt_access, default_flow_style=True, width=256)
+ db_vnfs.append(db_vnf)
+ db_tables=[
+ {"vnfs": db_vnfs},
+ {"nets": db_nets},
+ {"images": db_images},
+ {"flavors": db_flavors},
+ {"ip_profiles": db_ip_profiles},
+ {"vms": db_vms},
+ {"interfaces": db_interfaces},
+ ]
+ logger.debug("create_vnf Deployment done vnfDict: %s",
+ yaml.safe_dump(db_tables, indent=4, default_flow_style=False) )
+ mydb.new_rows(db_tables, uuid_list)
+ return vnfd_uuid_list
+ except NfvoException:
+ raise
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error("Exception {}".format(e))
+ raise # NfvoException("Exception {}".format(e), httperrors.Bad_Request)
+ @deprecated("Use new_vnfd_v3")
+ def new_vnf(mydb, tenant_id, vnf_descriptor):
+ global global_config
+ # Step 1. Check the VNF descriptor
+ check_vnf_descriptor(vnf_descriptor, vnf_descriptor_version=1)
+ # Step 2. Check tenant exist
+ vims = {}
+ if tenant_id != "any":
+ check_tenant(mydb, tenant_id)
+ if "tenant_id" in vnf_descriptor["vnf"]:
+ if vnf_descriptor["vnf"]["tenant_id"] != tenant_id:
+ raise NfvoException("VNF can not have a different tenant owner '{}', must be '{}'".format(vnf_descriptor["vnf"]["tenant_id"], tenant_id),
+ httperrors.Unauthorized)
+ else:
+ vnf_descriptor['vnf']['tenant_id'] = tenant_id
+ # Step 3. Get the URL of the VIM from the nfvo_tenant and the datacenter
+ if global_config["auto_push_VNF_to_VIMs"]:
+ vims = get_vim(mydb, tenant_id, ignore_errors=True)
+ # Step 4. Review the descriptor and add missing fields
+ #print vnf_descriptor
+ #logger.debug("Refactoring VNF descriptor with fields: description, public (default: true)")
+ vnf_name = vnf_descriptor['vnf']['name']
+ vnf_descriptor['vnf']['description'] = vnf_descriptor['vnf'].get("description", vnf_name)
+ if "physical" in vnf_descriptor['vnf']:
+ del vnf_descriptor['vnf']['physical']
+ #print vnf_descriptor
+ # Step 6. For each VNFC in the descriptor, flavors and images are created in the VIM
+ logger.debug('BEGIN creation of VNF "%s"' % vnf_name)
+ logger.debug("VNF %s: consisting of %d VNFC(s)" % (vnf_name,len(vnf_descriptor['vnf']['VNFC'])))
+ #For each VNFC, we add it to the VNFCDict and we create a flavor.
+ VNFCDict = {} # Dictionary, key: VNFC name, value: dict with the relevant information to create the VNF and VMs in the MANO database
+ rollback_list = [] # It will contain the new images created in mano. It is used for rollback
+ try:
+ logger.debug("Creating additional disk images and new flavors in the VIM for each VNFC")
+ for vnfc in vnf_descriptor['vnf']['VNFC']:
+ VNFCitem={}
+ VNFCitem["name"] = vnfc['name']
+ VNFCitem["availability_zone"] = vnfc.get('availability_zone')
+ VNFCitem["description"] = vnfc.get("description", 'VM {} of the VNF {}'.format(vnfc['name'],vnf_name))
+ #print "Flavor name: %s. Description: %s" % (VNFCitem["name"]+"-flv", VNFCitem["description"])
+ myflavorDict = {}
+ myflavorDict["name"] = vnfc['name']+"-flv" #Maybe we could rename the flavor by using the field "image name" if exists
+ myflavorDict["description"] = VNFCitem["description"]
+ myflavorDict["ram"] = vnfc.get("ram", 0)
+ myflavorDict["vcpus"] = vnfc.get("vcpus", 0)
+ myflavorDict["disk"] = vnfc.get("disk", 0)
+ myflavorDict["extended"] = {}
+ devices = vnfc.get("devices")
+ if devices != None:
+ myflavorDict["extended"]["devices"] = devices
+ # TODO:
+ # Mapping from processor models to rankings should be available somehow in the NFVO. They could be taken from VIM or directly from a new database table
+ # Another option is that the processor in the VNF descriptor specifies directly the ranking of the host
+ # Previous code has been commented
+ #if vnfc['processor']['model'] == "Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-4620 0 @ 2.20GHz" :
+ # myflavorDict["flavor"]['extended']['processor_ranking'] = 200
+ #elif vnfc['processor']['model'] == "Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2697 v2 @ 2.70GHz" :
+ # myflavorDict["flavor"]['extended']['processor_ranking'] = 300
+ #else:
+ # result2, message = rollback(myvim, myvimURL, myvim_tenant, flavorList, imageList)
+ # if result2:
+ # print "Error creating flavor: unknown processor model. Rollback successful."
+ # return -httperrors.Bad_Request, "Error creating flavor: unknown processor model. Rollback successful."
+ # else:
+ # return -httperrors.Bad_Request, "Error creating flavor: unknown processor model. Rollback fail: you need to access VIM and delete the following %s" % message
+ myflavorDict['extended']['processor_ranking'] = 100 #Hardcoded value, while we decide when the mapping is done
+ if 'numas' in vnfc and len(vnfc['numas'])>0:
+ myflavorDict['extended']['numas'] = vnfc['numas']
+ #print myflavorDict
+ # Step 6.2 New flavors are created in the VIM
+ flavor_id = create_or_use_flavor(mydb, vims, myflavorDict, rollback_list)
+ #print "Flavor id for VNFC %s: %s" % (vnfc['name'],flavor_id)
+ VNFCitem["flavor_id"] = flavor_id
+ VNFCDict[vnfc['name']] = VNFCitem
+ logger.debug("Creating new images in the VIM for each VNFC")
+ # Step 6.3 New images are created in the VIM
+ #For each VNFC, we must create the appropriate image.
+ #This "for" loop might be integrated with the previous one
+ #In case this integration is made, the VNFCDict might become a VNFClist.
+ for vnfc in vnf_descriptor['vnf']['VNFC']:
+ #print "Image name: %s. Description: %s" % (vnfc['name']+"-img", VNFCDict[vnfc['name']]['description'])
+ image_dict={}
+ image_dict['name']=vnfc.get('image name',vnf_name+"-"+vnfc['name']+"-img")
+ image_dict['universal_name']=vnfc.get('image name')
+ image_dict['description']=vnfc.get('image name', VNFCDict[vnfc['name']]['description'])
+ image_dict['location']=vnfc.get('VNFC image')
+ #image_dict['new_location']=vnfc.get('image location')
+ image_dict['checksum']=vnfc.get('image checksum')
+ image_metadata_dict = vnfc.get('image metadata', None)
+ image_metadata_str = None
+ if image_metadata_dict is not None:
+ image_metadata_str = yaml.safe_dump(image_metadata_dict,default_flow_style=True,width=256)
+ image_dict['metadata']=image_metadata_str
+ #print "create_or_use_image", mydb, vims, image_dict, rollback_list
+ image_id = create_or_use_image(mydb, vims, image_dict, rollback_list)
+ #print "Image id for VNFC %s: %s" % (vnfc['name'],image_id)
+ VNFCDict[vnfc['name']]["image_id"] = image_id
+ VNFCDict[vnfc['name']]["image_path"] = vnfc.get('VNFC image')
+ VNFCDict[vnfc['name']]["count"] = vnfc.get('count', 1)
+ if vnfc.get("boot-data"):
+ VNFCDict[vnfc['name']]["boot_data"] = yaml.safe_dump(vnfc["boot-data"], default_flow_style=True, width=256)
+ # Step 7. Storing the VNF descriptor in the repository
+ if "descriptor" not in vnf_descriptor["vnf"]:
+ vnf_descriptor["vnf"]["descriptor"] = yaml.safe_dump(vnf_descriptor, indent=4, explicit_start=True, default_flow_style=False)
+ # Step 8. Adding the VNF to the NFVO DB
+ vnf_id = mydb.new_vnf_as_a_whole(tenant_id,vnf_name,vnf_descriptor,VNFCDict)
+ return vnf_id
+ except (db_base_Exception, vimconn.vimconnException, KeyError) as e:
+ _, message = rollback(mydb, vims, rollback_list)
+ if isinstance(e, db_base_Exception):
+ error_text = "Exception at database"
+ elif isinstance(e, KeyError):
+ error_text = "KeyError exception "
+ e.http_code = httperrors.Internal_Server_Error
+ else:
+ error_text = "Exception at VIM"
+ error_text += " {} {}. {}".format(type(e).__name__, str(e), message)
+ #logger.error("start_scenario %s", error_text)
+ raise NfvoException(error_text, e.http_code)
+ @deprecated("Use new_vnfd_v3")
+ def new_vnf_v02(mydb, tenant_id, vnf_descriptor):
+ global global_config
+ # Step 1. Check the VNF descriptor
+ check_vnf_descriptor(vnf_descriptor, vnf_descriptor_version=2)
+ # Step 2. Check tenant exist
+ vims = {}
+ if tenant_id != "any":
+ check_tenant(mydb, tenant_id)
+ if "tenant_id" in vnf_descriptor["vnf"]:
+ if vnf_descriptor["vnf"]["tenant_id"] != tenant_id:
+ raise NfvoException("VNF can not have a different tenant owner '{}', must be '{}'".format(vnf_descriptor["vnf"]["tenant_id"], tenant_id),
+ httperrors.Unauthorized)
+ else:
+ vnf_descriptor['vnf']['tenant_id'] = tenant_id
+ # Step 3. Get the URL of the VIM from the nfvo_tenant and the datacenter
+ if global_config["auto_push_VNF_to_VIMs"]:
+ vims = get_vim(mydb, tenant_id, ignore_errors=True)
+ # Step 4. Review the descriptor and add missing fields
+ #print vnf_descriptor
+ #logger.debug("Refactoring VNF descriptor with fields: description, public (default: true)")
+ vnf_name = vnf_descriptor['vnf']['name']
+ vnf_descriptor['vnf']['description'] = vnf_descriptor['vnf'].get("description", vnf_name)
+ if "physical" in vnf_descriptor['vnf']:
+ del vnf_descriptor['vnf']['physical']
+ #print vnf_descriptor
+ # Step 6. For each VNFC in the descriptor, flavors and images are created in the VIM
+ logger.debug('BEGIN creation of VNF "%s"' % vnf_name)
+ logger.debug("VNF %s: consisting of %d VNFC(s)" % (vnf_name,len(vnf_descriptor['vnf']['VNFC'])))
+ #For each VNFC, we add it to the VNFCDict and we create a flavor.
+ VNFCDict = {} # Dictionary, key: VNFC name, value: dict with the relevant information to create the VNF and VMs in the MANO database
+ rollback_list = [] # It will contain the new images created in mano. It is used for rollback
+ try:
+ logger.debug("Creating additional disk images and new flavors in the VIM for each VNFC")
+ for vnfc in vnf_descriptor['vnf']['VNFC']:
+ VNFCitem={}
+ VNFCitem["name"] = vnfc['name']
+ VNFCitem["description"] = vnfc.get("description", 'VM {} of the VNF {}'.format(vnfc['name'],vnf_name))
+ #print "Flavor name: %s. Description: %s" % (VNFCitem["name"]+"-flv", VNFCitem["description"])
+ myflavorDict = {}
+ myflavorDict["name"] = vnfc['name']+"-flv" #Maybe we could rename the flavor by using the field "image name" if exists
+ myflavorDict["description"] = VNFCitem["description"]
+ myflavorDict["ram"] = vnfc.get("ram", 0)
+ myflavorDict["vcpus"] = vnfc.get("vcpus", 0)
+ myflavorDict["disk"] = vnfc.get("disk", 0)
+ myflavorDict["extended"] = {}
+ devices = vnfc.get("devices")
+ if devices != None:
+ myflavorDict["extended"]["devices"] = devices
+ # TODO:
+ # Mapping from processor models to rankings should be available somehow in the NFVO. They could be taken from VIM or directly from a new database table
+ # Another option is that the processor in the VNF descriptor specifies directly the ranking of the host
+ # Previous code has been commented
+ #if vnfc['processor']['model'] == "Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-4620 0 @ 2.20GHz" :
+ # myflavorDict["flavor"]['extended']['processor_ranking'] = 200
+ #elif vnfc['processor']['model'] == "Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2697 v2 @ 2.70GHz" :
+ # myflavorDict["flavor"]['extended']['processor_ranking'] = 300
+ #else:
+ # result2, message = rollback(myvim, myvimURL, myvim_tenant, flavorList, imageList)
+ # if result2:
+ # print "Error creating flavor: unknown processor model. Rollback successful."
+ # return -httperrors.Bad_Request, "Error creating flavor: unknown processor model. Rollback successful."
+ # else:
+ # return -httperrors.Bad_Request, "Error creating flavor: unknown processor model. Rollback fail: you need to access VIM and delete the following %s" % message
+ myflavorDict['extended']['processor_ranking'] = 100 #Hardcoded value, while we decide when the mapping is done
+ if 'numas' in vnfc and len(vnfc['numas'])>0:
+ myflavorDict['extended']['numas'] = vnfc['numas']
+ #print myflavorDict
+ # Step 6.2 New flavors are created in the VIM
+ flavor_id = create_or_use_flavor(mydb, vims, myflavorDict, rollback_list)
+ #print "Flavor id for VNFC %s: %s" % (vnfc['name'],flavor_id)
+ VNFCitem["flavor_id"] = flavor_id
+ VNFCDict[vnfc['name']] = VNFCitem
+ logger.debug("Creating new images in the VIM for each VNFC")
+ # Step 6.3 New images are created in the VIM
+ #For each VNFC, we must create the appropriate image.
+ #This "for" loop might be integrated with the previous one
+ #In case this integration is made, the VNFCDict might become a VNFClist.
+ for vnfc in vnf_descriptor['vnf']['VNFC']:
+ #print "Image name: %s. Description: %s" % (vnfc['name']+"-img", VNFCDict[vnfc['name']]['description'])
+ image_dict={}
+ image_dict['name']=vnfc.get('image name',vnf_name+"-"+vnfc['name']+"-img")
+ image_dict['universal_name']=vnfc.get('image name')
+ image_dict['description']=vnfc.get('image name', VNFCDict[vnfc['name']]['description'])
+ image_dict['location']=vnfc.get('VNFC image')
+ #image_dict['new_location']=vnfc.get('image location')
+ image_dict['checksum']=vnfc.get('image checksum')
+ image_metadata_dict = vnfc.get('image metadata', None)
+ image_metadata_str = None
+ if image_metadata_dict is not None:
+ image_metadata_str = yaml.safe_dump(image_metadata_dict,default_flow_style=True,width=256)
+ image_dict['metadata']=image_metadata_str
+ #print "create_or_use_image", mydb, vims, image_dict, rollback_list
+ image_id = create_or_use_image(mydb, vims, image_dict, rollback_list)
+ #print "Image id for VNFC %s: %s" % (vnfc['name'],image_id)
+ VNFCDict[vnfc['name']]["image_id"] = image_id
+ VNFCDict[vnfc['name']]["image_path"] = vnfc.get('VNFC image')
+ VNFCDict[vnfc['name']]["count"] = vnfc.get('count', 1)
+ if vnfc.get("boot-data"):
+ VNFCDict[vnfc['name']]["boot_data"] = yaml.safe_dump(vnfc["boot-data"], default_flow_style=True, width=256)
+ # Step 7. Storing the VNF descriptor in the repository
+ if "descriptor" not in vnf_descriptor["vnf"]:
+ vnf_descriptor["vnf"]["descriptor"] = yaml.safe_dump(vnf_descriptor, indent=4, explicit_start=True, default_flow_style=False)
+ # Step 8. Adding the VNF to the NFVO DB
+ vnf_id = mydb.new_vnf_as_a_whole2(tenant_id,vnf_name,vnf_descriptor,VNFCDict)
+ return vnf_id
+ except (db_base_Exception, vimconn.vimconnException, KeyError) as e:
+ _, message = rollback(mydb, vims, rollback_list)
+ if isinstance(e, db_base_Exception):
+ error_text = "Exception at database"
+ elif isinstance(e, KeyError):
+ error_text = "KeyError exception "
+ e.http_code = httperrors.Internal_Server_Error
+ else:
+ error_text = "Exception at VIM"
+ error_text += " {} {}. {}".format(type(e).__name__, str(e), message)
+ #logger.error("start_scenario %s", error_text)
+ raise NfvoException(error_text, e.http_code)
+ def get_vnf_id(mydb, tenant_id, vnf_id):
+ #check valid tenant_id
+ check_tenant(mydb, tenant_id)
+ #obtain data
+ where_or = {}
+ if tenant_id != "any":
+ where_or["tenant_id"] = tenant_id
+ where_or["public"] = True
+ vnf = mydb.get_table_by_uuid_name('vnfs', vnf_id, "VNF", WHERE_OR=where_or, WHERE_AND_OR="AND")
+ vnf_id = vnf["uuid"]
+ filter_keys = ('uuid', 'name', 'description', 'public', "tenant_id", "osm_id", "created_at")
+ filtered_content = dict( (k,v) for k,v in vnf.items() if k in filter_keys )
+ #change_keys_http2db(filtered_content, http2db_vnf, reverse=True)
+ data={'vnf' : filtered_content}
+ content = mydb.get_rows(FROM='vnfs join vms on vnfs.uuid=vms.vnf_id',
+ SELECT=('vms.uuid as uuid', 'vms.osm_id as osm_id', 'vms.name as name', 'vms.description as description',
+ 'boot_data'),
+ WHERE={'vnfs.uuid': vnf_id} )
+ if len(content) != 0:
+ #raise NfvoException("vnf '{}' not found".format(vnf_id), httperrors.Not_Found)
+ # change boot_data into boot-data
+ for vm in content:
+ if vm.get("boot_data"):
+ vm["boot-data"] = yaml.safe_load(vm["boot_data"])
+ del vm["boot_data"]
+ data['vnf']['VNFC'] = content
+ #TODO: GET all the information from a VNFC and include it in the output.
+ content = mydb.get_rows(FROM='vnfs join nets on vnfs.uuid=nets.vnf_id',
+ SELECT=('nets.uuid as uuid','nets.name as name','nets.description as description', 'nets.type as type', 'nets.multipoint as multipoint'),
+ WHERE={'vnfs.uuid': vnf_id} )
+ data['vnf']['nets'] = content
+ #GET ip-profile for each net
+ for net in data['vnf']['nets']:
+ ipprofiles = mydb.get_rows(FROM='ip_profiles',
+ SELECT=('ip_version','subnet_address','gateway_address','dns_address','dhcp_enabled','dhcp_start_address','dhcp_count'),
+ WHERE={'net_id': net["uuid"]} )
+ if len(ipprofiles)==1:
+ net["ip_profile"] = ipprofiles[0]
+ elif len(ipprofiles)>1:
+ raise NfvoException("More than one ip-profile found with this criteria: net_id='{}'".format(net['uuid']), httperrors.Bad_Request)
+ #TODO: For each net, GET its elements and relevant info per element (VNFC, iface, ip_address) and include them in the output.
+ #GET External Interfaces
+ content = mydb.get_rows(FROM='vnfs join vms on vnfs.uuid=vms.vnf_id join interfaces on vms.uuid=interfaces.vm_id',\
+ SELECT=('interfaces.uuid as uuid','interfaces.external_name as external_name', 'vms.name as vm_name', 'interfaces.vm_id as vm_id', \
+ 'interfaces.internal_name as internal_name', 'interfaces.type as type', 'interfaces.vpci as vpci','interfaces.bw as bw'),\
+ WHERE={'vnfs.uuid': vnf_id, 'interfaces.external_name<>': None} )
+ #print content
+ data['vnf']['external-connections'] = content
+ return data
+ def delete_vnf(mydb,tenant_id,vnf_id,datacenter=None,vim_tenant=None):
+ # Check tenant exist
+ if tenant_id != "any":
+ check_tenant(mydb, tenant_id)
+ # Get the URL of the VIM from the nfvo_tenant and the datacenter
+ vims = get_vim(mydb, tenant_id, ignore_errors=True)
+ else:
+ vims={}
+ # Checking if it is a valid uuid and, if not, getting the uuid assuming that the name was provided"
+ where_or = {}
+ if tenant_id != "any":
+ where_or["tenant_id"] = tenant_id
+ where_or["public"] = True
+ vnf = mydb.get_table_by_uuid_name('vnfs', vnf_id, "VNF", WHERE_OR=where_or, WHERE_AND_OR="AND")
+ vnf_id = vnf["uuid"]
+ # "Getting the list of flavors and tenants of the VNF"
+ flavorList = get_flavorlist(mydb, vnf_id)
+ if len(flavorList)==0:
+ logger.warn("delete_vnf error. No flavors found for the VNF id '%s'", vnf_id)
+ imageList = get_imagelist(mydb, vnf_id)
+ if len(imageList)==0:
+ logger.warn( "delete_vnf error. No images found for the VNF id '%s'", vnf_id)
+ deleted = mydb.delete_row_by_id('vnfs', vnf_id)
+ if deleted == 0:
+ raise NfvoException("vnf '{}' not found".format(vnf_id), httperrors.Not_Found)
+ undeletedItems = []
+ for flavor in flavorList:
+ #check if flavor is used by other vnf
+ try:
+ c = mydb.get_rows(FROM='vms', WHERE={'flavor_id':flavor} )
+ if len(c) > 0:
+ logger.debug("Flavor '%s' not deleted because it is being used by another VNF", flavor)
+ continue
+ #flavor not used, must be deleted
+ #delelte at VIM
+ c = mydb.get_rows(FROM='datacenters_flavors', WHERE={'flavor_id': flavor})
+ for flavor_vim in c:
+ if not flavor_vim['created']: # skip this flavor because not created by openmano
+ continue
+ # look for vim
+ myvim = None
+ for vim in vims.values():
+ if vim["config"]["datacenter_tenant_id"] == flavor_vim["datacenter_vim_id"]:
+ myvim = vim
+ break
+ if not myvim:
+ continue
+ try:
+ myvim.delete_flavor(flavor_vim["vim_id"])
+ except vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException:
+ logger.warn("VIM flavor %s not exist at datacenter %s", flavor_vim["vim_id"],
+ flavor_vim["datacenter_vim_id"] )
+ except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
+ logger.error("Not possible to delete VIM flavor %s from datacenter %s: %s %s",
+ flavor_vim["vim_id"], flavor_vim["datacenter_vim_id"], type(e).__name__, str(e))
+ undeletedItems.append("flavor {} from VIM {}".format(flavor_vim["vim_id"],
+ flavor_vim["datacenter_vim_id"]))
+ # delete flavor from Database, using table flavors and with cascade foreign key also at datacenters_flavors
+ mydb.delete_row_by_id('flavors', flavor)
+ except db_base_Exception as e:
+ logger.error("delete_vnf_error. Not possible to get flavor details and delete '%s'. %s", flavor, str(e))
+ undeletedItems.append("flavor {}".format(flavor))
+ for image in imageList:
+ try:
+ #check if image is used by other vnf
+ c = mydb.get_rows(FROM='vms', WHERE=[{'image_id': image}, {'image_list LIKE ': '%' + image + '%'}])
+ if len(c) > 0:
+ logger.debug("Image '%s' not deleted because it is being used by another VNF", image)
+ continue
+ #image not used, must be deleted
+ #delelte at VIM
+ c = mydb.get_rows(FROM='datacenters_images', WHERE={'image_id':image})
+ for image_vim in c:
+ if image_vim["datacenter_vim_id"] not in vims: # TODO change to datacenter_tenant_id
+ continue
+ if image_vim['created']=='false': #skip this image because not created by openmano
+ continue
+ myvim=vims[ image_vim["datacenter_id"] ]
+ try:
+ myvim.delete_image(image_vim["vim_id"])
+ except vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException as e:
+ logger.warn("VIM image %s not exist at datacenter %s", image_vim["vim_id"], image_vim["datacenter_id"] )
+ except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
+ logger.error("Not possible to delete VIM image %s from datacenter %s: %s %s",
+ image_vim["vim_id"], image_vim["datacenter_id"], type(e).__name__, str(e))
+ undeletedItems.append("image {} from VIM {}".format(image_vim["vim_id"], image_vim["datacenter_id"] ))
+ #delete image from Database, using table images and with cascade foreign key also at datacenters_images
+ mydb.delete_row_by_id('images', image)
+ except db_base_Exception as e:
+ logger.error("delete_vnf_error. Not possible to get image details and delete '%s'. %s", image, str(e))
+ undeletedItems.append("image {}".format(image))
+ return vnf_id + " " + vnf["name"]
+ #if undeletedItems:
+ # return "delete_vnf. Undeleted: %s" %(undeletedItems)
+ @deprecated("Not used")
+ def get_hosts_info(mydb, nfvo_tenant_id, datacenter_name=None):
+ result, vims = get_vim(mydb, nfvo_tenant_id, None, datacenter_name)
+ if result < 0:
+ return result, vims
+ elif result == 0:
+ return -httperrors.Not_Found, "datacenter '{}' not found".format(datacenter_name)
+ myvim = next(iter(vims.values()))
+ result,servers = myvim.get_hosts_info()
+ if result < 0:
+ return result, servers
+ topology = {'name':myvim['name'] , 'servers': servers}
+ return result, topology
+ def get_hosts(mydb, nfvo_tenant_id):
+ vims = get_vim(mydb, nfvo_tenant_id)
+ if len(vims) == 0:
+ raise NfvoException("No datacenter found for tenant '{}'".format(str(nfvo_tenant_id)), httperrors.Not_Found)
+ elif len(vims)>1:
+ #print "nfvo.datacenter_action() error. Several datacenters found"
+ raise NfvoException("More than one datacenters found, try to identify with uuid", httperrors.Conflict)
+ myvim = next(iter(vims.values()))
+ try:
+ hosts = myvim.get_hosts()
+ logger.debug('VIM hosts response: '+ yaml.safe_dump(hosts, indent=4, default_flow_style=False))
+ datacenter = {'Datacenters': [ {'name':myvim['name'],'servers':[]} ] }
+ for host in hosts:
+ server={'name':host['name'], 'vms':[]}
+ for vm in host['instances']:
+ #get internal name and model
+ try:
+ c = mydb.get_rows(SELECT=('name',), FROM='instance_vms as iv join vms on iv.vm_id=vms.uuid',\
+ WHERE={'vim_vm_id':vm['id']} )
+ if len(c) == 0:
+ logger.warn("nfvo.get_hosts virtual machine at VIM '{}' not found at tidnfvo".format(vm['id']))
+ continue
+ server['vms'].append( {'name':vm['name'] , 'model':c[0]['name']} )
+ except db_base_Exception as e:
+ logger.warn("nfvo.get_hosts virtual machine at VIM '{}' error {}".format(vm['id'], str(e)))
+ datacenter['Datacenters'][0]['servers'].append(server)
+ #return -400, "en construccion"
+ #print 'datacenters '+ json.dumps(datacenter, indent=4)
+ return datacenter
+ except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
+ raise NfvoException("Not possible to get_host_list from VIM: {}".format(str(e)), e.http_code)
+ @deprecated("Use new_nsd_v3")
+ def new_scenario(mydb, tenant_id, topo):
+ # result, vims = get_vim(mydb, tenant_id)
+ # if result < 0:
+ # return result, vims
+ #1: parse input
+ if tenant_id != "any":
+ check_tenant(mydb, tenant_id)
+ if "tenant_id" in topo:
+ if topo["tenant_id"] != tenant_id:
+ raise NfvoException("VNF can not have a different tenant owner '{}', must be '{}'".format(topo["tenant_id"], tenant_id),
+ httperrors.Unauthorized)
+ else:
+ tenant_id=None
+ #1.1: get VNFs and external_networks (other_nets).
+ vnfs={}
+ other_nets={} #external_networks, bridge_networks and data_networkds
+ nodes = topo['topology']['nodes']
+ for k in nodes.keys():
+ if nodes[k]['type'] == 'VNF':
+ vnfs[k] = nodes[k]
+ vnfs[k]['ifaces'] = {}
+ elif nodes[k]['type'] == 'other_network' or nodes[k]['type'] == 'external_network':
+ other_nets[k] = nodes[k]
+ other_nets[k]['external']=True
+ elif nodes[k]['type'] == 'network':
+ other_nets[k] = nodes[k]
+ other_nets[k]['external']=False
+ #1.2: Check that VNF are present at database table vnfs. Insert uuid, description and external interfaces
+ for name,vnf in vnfs.items():
+ where = {"OR": {"tenant_id": tenant_id, 'public': "true"}}
+ error_text = ""
+ error_pos = "'topology':'nodes':'" + name + "'"
+ if 'vnf_id' in vnf:
+ error_text += " 'vnf_id' " + vnf['vnf_id']
+ where['uuid'] = vnf['vnf_id']
+ if 'VNF model' in vnf:
+ error_text += " 'VNF model' " + vnf['VNF model']
+ where['name'] = vnf['VNF model']
+ if len(where) == 1:
+ raise NfvoException("Descriptor need a 'vnf_id' or 'VNF model' field at " + error_pos, httperrors.Bad_Request)
+ vnf_db = mydb.get_rows(SELECT=('uuid','name','description'),
+ FROM='vnfs',
+ WHERE=where)
+ if len(vnf_db)==0:
+ raise NfvoException("unknown" + error_text + " at " + error_pos, httperrors.Not_Found)
+ elif len(vnf_db)>1:
+ raise NfvoException("more than one" + error_text + " at " + error_pos + " Concrete with 'vnf_id'", httperrors.Conflict)
+ vnf['uuid']=vnf_db[0]['uuid']
+ vnf['description']=vnf_db[0]['description']
+ #get external interfaces
+ ext_ifaces = mydb.get_rows(SELECT=('external_name as name','i.uuid as iface_uuid', 'i.type as type'),
+ FROM='vnfs join vms on vnfs.uuid=vms.vnf_id join interfaces as i on vms.uuid=i.vm_id',
+ WHERE={'vnfs.uuid':vnf['uuid'], 'external_name<>': None} )
+ for ext_iface in ext_ifaces:
+ vnf['ifaces'][ ext_iface['name'] ] = {'uuid':ext_iface['iface_uuid'], 'type':ext_iface['type']}
+ #1.4 get list of connections
+ conections = topo['topology']['connections']
+ conections_list = []
+ conections_list_name = []
+ for k in conections.keys():
+ if type(conections[k]['nodes'])==dict: #dict with node:iface pairs
+ ifaces_list = conections[k]['nodes'].items()
+ elif type(conections[k]['nodes'])==list: #list with dictionary
+ ifaces_list=[]
+ conection_pair_list = map(lambda x: x.items(), conections[k]['nodes'] )
+ for k2 in conection_pair_list:
+ ifaces_list += k2
+ con_type = conections[k].get("type", "link")
+ if con_type != "link":
+ if k in other_nets:
+ raise NfvoException("Format error. Reapeted network name at 'topology':'connections':'{}'".format(str(k)), httperrors.Bad_Request)
+ other_nets[k] = {'external': False}
+ if conections[k].get("graph"):
+ other_nets[k]["graph"] = conections[k]["graph"]
+ ifaces_list.append( (k, None) )
+ if con_type == "external_network":
+ other_nets[k]['external'] = True
+ if conections[k].get("model"):
+ other_nets[k]["model"] = conections[k]["model"]
+ else:
+ other_nets[k]["model"] = k
+ if con_type == "dataplane_net" or con_type == "bridge_net":
+ other_nets[k]["model"] = con_type
+ conections_list_name.append(k)
+ conections_list.append(set(ifaces_list)) #from list to set to operate as a set (this conversion removes elements that are repeated in a list)
+ #print set(ifaces_list)
+ #check valid VNF and iface names
+ for iface in ifaces_list:
+ if iface[0] not in vnfs and iface[0] not in other_nets :
+ raise NfvoException("format error. Invalid VNF name at 'topology':'connections':'{}':'nodes':'{}'".format(
+ str(k), iface[0]), httperrors.Not_Found)
+ if iface[0] in vnfs and iface[1] not in vnfs[ iface[0] ]['ifaces']:
+ raise NfvoException("format error. Invalid interface name at 'topology':'connections':'{}':'nodes':'{}':'{}'".format(
+ str(k), iface[0], iface[1]), httperrors.Not_Found)
+ #1.5 unify connections from the pair list to a consolidated list
+ index=0
+ while index < len(conections_list):
+ index2 = index+1
+ while index2 < len(conections_list):
+ if len(conections_list[index] & conections_list[index2])>0: #common interface, join nets
+ conections_list[index] |= conections_list[index2]
+ del conections_list[index2]
+ del conections_list_name[index2]
+ else:
+ index2 += 1
+ conections_list[index] = list(conections_list[index]) # from set to list again
+ index += 1
+ #for k in conections_list:
+ # print k
+ #1.6 Delete non external nets
+ # for k in other_nets.keys():
+ # if other_nets[k]['model']=='bridge' or other_nets[k]['model']=='dataplane_net' or other_nets[k]['model']=='bridge_net':
+ # for con in conections_list:
+ # delete_indexes=[]
+ # for index in range(0,len(con)):
+ # if con[index][0] == k: delete_indexes.insert(0,index) #order from higher to lower
+ # for index in delete_indexes:
+ # del con[index]
+ # del other_nets[k]
+ #1.7: Check external_ports are present at database table datacenter_nets
+ for k,net in other_nets.items():
+ error_pos = "'topology':'nodes':'" + k + "'"
+ if net['external']==False:
+ if 'name' not in net:
+ net['name']=k
+ if 'model' not in net:
+ raise NfvoException("needed a 'model' at " + error_pos, httperrors.Bad_Request)
+ if net['model']=='bridge_net':
+ net['type']='bridge';
+ elif net['model']=='dataplane_net':
+ net['type']='data';
+ else:
+ raise NfvoException("unknown 'model' '"+ net['model'] +"' at " + error_pos, httperrors.Not_Found)
+ else: #external
+ #IF we do not want to check that external network exist at datacenter
+ pass
+ # error_text = ""
+ # WHERE_={}
+ # if 'net_id' in net:
+ # error_text += " 'net_id' " + net['net_id']
+ # WHERE_['uuid'] = net['net_id']
+ # if 'model' in net:
+ # error_text += " 'model' " + net['model']
+ # WHERE_['name'] = net['model']
+ # if len(WHERE_) == 0:
+ # return -httperrors.Bad_Request, "needed a 'net_id' or 'model' at " + error_pos
+ # r,net_db = mydb.get_table(SELECT=('uuid','name','description','type','shared'),
+ # FROM='datacenter_nets', WHERE=WHERE_ )
+ # if r<0:
+ # print "nfvo.new_scenario Error getting datacenter_nets",r,net_db
+ # elif r==0:
+ # print "nfvo.new_scenario Error" +error_text+ " is not present at database"
+ # return -httperrors.Bad_Request, "unknown " +error_text+ " at " + error_pos
+ # elif r>1:
+ # print "nfvo.new_scenario Error more than one external_network for " +error_text+ " is present at database"
+ # return -httperrors.Bad_Request, "more than one external_network for " +error_text+ "at "+ error_pos + " Concrete with 'net_id'"
+ # other_nets[k].update(net_db[0])
+ net_list={}
+ net_nb=0 #Number of nets
+ for con in conections_list:
+ #check if this is connected to a external net
+ other_net_index=-1
+ #print
+ #print "con", con
+ for index in range(0,len(con)):
+ #check if this is connected to a external net
+ for net_key in other_nets.keys():
+ if con[index][0]==net_key:
+ if other_net_index>=0:
+ error_text = "There is some interface connected both to net '{}' and net '{}'".format(
+ con[other_net_index][0], net_key)
+ #print "nfvo.new_scenario " + error_text
+ raise NfvoException(error_text, httperrors.Bad_Request)
+ else:
+ other_net_index = index
+ net_target = net_key
+ break
+ #print "other_net_index", other_net_index
+ try:
+ if other_net_index>=0:
+ del con[other_net_index]
+ #IF we do not want to check that external network exist at datacenter
+ if other_nets[net_target]['external'] :
+ if "name" not in other_nets[net_target]:
+ other_nets[net_target]['name'] = other_nets[net_target]['model']
+ if other_nets[net_target]["type"] == "external_network":
+ if vnfs[ con[0][0] ]['ifaces'][ con[0][1] ]["type"] == "data":
+ other_nets[net_target]["type"] = "data"
+ else:
+ other_nets[net_target]["type"] = "bridge"
+ # if other_nets[net_target]['external'] :
+ # type_='data' if len(con)>1 else 'ptp' #an external net is connected to a external port, so it is ptp if only one connection is done to this net
+ # if type_=='data' and other_nets[net_target]['type']=="ptp":
+ # error_text = "Error connecting %d nodes on a not multipoint net %s" % (len(con), net_target)
+ # print "nfvo.new_scenario " + error_text
+ # return -httperrors.Bad_Request, error_text
+ for iface in con:
+ vnfs[ iface[0] ]['ifaces'][ iface[1] ]['net_key'] = net_target
+ else:
+ #create a net
+ net_type_bridge=False
+ net_type_data=False
+ net_target = "__-__net"+str(net_nb)
+ net_list[net_target] = {'name': conections_list_name[net_nb], #"net-"+str(net_nb),
+ 'description':"net-{} in scenario {}".format(net_nb,topo['name']),
+ 'external':False}
+ for iface in con:
+ vnfs[ iface[0] ]['ifaces'][ iface[1] ]['net_key'] = net_target
+ iface_type = vnfs[ iface[0] ]['ifaces'][ iface[1] ]['type']
+ if iface_type=='mgmt' or iface_type=='bridge':
+ net_type_bridge = True
+ else:
+ net_type_data = True
+ if net_type_bridge and net_type_data:
+ error_text = "Error connection interfaces of bridge type with data type. Firs node {}, iface {}".format(iface[0], iface[1])
+ #print "nfvo.new_scenario " + error_text
+ raise NfvoException(error_text, httperrors.Bad_Request)
+ elif net_type_bridge:
+ type_='bridge'
+ else:
+ type_='data' if len(con)>2 else 'ptp'
+ net_list[net_target]['type'] = type_
+ net_nb+=1
+ except Exception:
+ error_text = "Error connection node {} : {} does not match any VNF or interface".format(iface[0], iface[1])
+ #print "nfvo.new_scenario " + error_text
+ #raise e
+ raise NfvoException(error_text, httperrors.Bad_Request)
+ #1.8: Connect to management net all not already connected interfaces of type 'mgmt'
+ #1.8.1 obtain management net
+ mgmt_net = mydb.get_rows(SELECT=('uuid','name','description','type','shared'),
+ FROM='datacenter_nets', WHERE={'name':'mgmt'} )
+ #1.8.2 check all interfaces from all vnfs
+ if len(mgmt_net)>0:
+ add_mgmt_net = False
+ for vnf in vnfs.values():
+ for iface in vnf['ifaces'].values():
+ if iface['type']=='mgmt' and 'net_key' not in iface:
+ #iface not connected
+ iface['net_key'] = 'mgmt'
+ add_mgmt_net = True
+ if add_mgmt_net and 'mgmt' not in net_list:
+ net_list['mgmt']=mgmt_net[0]
+ net_list['mgmt']['external']=True
+ net_list['mgmt']['graph']={'visible':False}
+ net_list.update(other_nets)
+ #print
+ #print 'net_list', net_list
+ #print
+ #print 'vnfs', vnfs
+ #print
+ #2: insert scenario. filling tables scenarios,sce_vnfs,sce_interfaces,sce_nets
+ c = mydb.new_scenario( { 'vnfs':vnfs, 'nets':net_list,
+ 'tenant_id':tenant_id, 'name':topo['name'],
+ 'description':topo.get('description',topo['name']),
+ 'public': topo.get('public', False)
+ })
+ return c
+ @deprecated("Use new_nsd_v3")
+ def new_scenario_v02(mydb, tenant_id, scenario_dict, version):
+ """ This creates a new scenario for version 0.2 and 0.3"""
+ scenario = scenario_dict["scenario"]
+ if tenant_id != "any":
+ check_tenant(mydb, tenant_id)
+ if "tenant_id" in scenario:
+ if scenario["tenant_id"] != tenant_id:
+ # print "nfvo.new_scenario_v02() tenant '%s' not found" % tenant_id
+ raise NfvoException("VNF can not have a different tenant owner '{}', must be '{}'".format(
+ scenario["tenant_id"], tenant_id), httperrors.Unauthorized)
+ else:
+ tenant_id=None
+ # 1: Check that VNF are present at database table vnfs and update content into scenario dict
+ for name,vnf in scenario["vnfs"].items():
+ where = {"OR": {"tenant_id": tenant_id, 'public': "true"}}
+ error_text = ""
+ error_pos = "'scenario':'vnfs':'" + name + "'"
+ if 'vnf_id' in vnf:
+ error_text += " 'vnf_id' " + vnf['vnf_id']
+ where['uuid'] = vnf['vnf_id']
+ if 'vnf_name' in vnf:
+ error_text += " 'vnf_name' " + vnf['vnf_name']
+ where['name'] = vnf['vnf_name']
+ if len(where) == 1:
+ raise NfvoException("Needed a 'vnf_id' or 'vnf_name' at " + error_pos, httperrors.Bad_Request)
+ vnf_db = mydb.get_rows(SELECT=('uuid', 'name', 'description'),
+ FROM='vnfs',
+ WHERE=where)
+ if len(vnf_db) == 0:
+ raise NfvoException("Unknown" + error_text + " at " + error_pos, httperrors.Not_Found)
+ elif len(vnf_db) > 1:
+ raise NfvoException("More than one" + error_text + " at " + error_pos + " Concrete with 'vnf_id'", httperrors.Conflict)
+ vnf['uuid'] = vnf_db[0]['uuid']
+ vnf['description'] = vnf_db[0]['description']
+ vnf['ifaces'] = {}
+ # get external interfaces
+ ext_ifaces = mydb.get_rows(SELECT=('external_name as name', 'i.uuid as iface_uuid', 'i.type as type'),
+ FROM='vnfs join vms on vnfs.uuid=vms.vnf_id join interfaces as i on vms.uuid=i.vm_id',
+ WHERE={'vnfs.uuid':vnf['uuid'], 'external_name<>': None} )
+ for ext_iface in ext_ifaces:
+ vnf['ifaces'][ ext_iface['name'] ] = {'uuid':ext_iface['iface_uuid'], 'type': ext_iface['type']}
+ # TODO? get internal-connections from db.nets and their profiles, and update scenario[vnfs][internal-connections] accordingly
+ # 2: Insert net_key and ip_address at every vnf interface
+ for net_name, net in scenario["networks"].items():
+ net_type_bridge = False
+ net_type_data = False
+ for iface_dict in net["interfaces"]:
+ if version == "0.2":
+ temp_dict = iface_dict
+ ip_address = None
+ elif version == "0.3":
+ temp_dict = {iface_dict["vnf"] : iface_dict["vnf_interface"]}
+ ip_address = iface_dict.get('ip_address', None)
+ for vnf, iface in temp_dict.items():
+ if vnf not in scenario["vnfs"]:
+ error_text = "Error at 'networks':'{}':'interfaces' VNF '{}' not match any VNF at 'vnfs'".format(
+ net_name, vnf)
+ # logger.debug("nfvo.new_scenario_v02 " + error_text)
+ raise NfvoException(error_text, httperrors.Not_Found)
+ if iface not in scenario["vnfs"][vnf]['ifaces']:
+ error_text = "Error at 'networks':'{}':'interfaces':'{}' interface not match any VNF interface"\
+ .format(net_name, iface)
+ # logger.debug("nfvo.new_scenario_v02 " + error_text)
+ raise NfvoException(error_text, httperrors.Bad_Request)
+ if "net_key" in scenario["vnfs"][vnf]['ifaces'][iface]:
+ error_text = "Error at 'networks':'{}':'interfaces':'{}' interface already connected at network"\
+ "'{}'".format(net_name, iface,scenario["vnfs"][vnf]['ifaces'][iface]['net_key'])
+ # logger.debug("nfvo.new_scenario_v02 " + error_text)
+ raise NfvoException(error_text, httperrors.Bad_Request)
+ scenario["vnfs"][vnf]['ifaces'][ iface ]['net_key'] = net_name
+ scenario["vnfs"][vnf]['ifaces'][iface]['ip_address'] = ip_address
+ iface_type = scenario["vnfs"][vnf]['ifaces'][iface]['type']
+ if iface_type == 'mgmt' or iface_type == 'bridge':
+ net_type_bridge = True
+ else:
+ net_type_data = True
+ if net_type_bridge and net_type_data:
+ error_text = "Error connection interfaces of 'bridge' type and 'data' type at 'networks':'{}':'interfaces'"\
+ .format(net_name)
+ # logger.debug("nfvo.new_scenario " + error_text)
+ raise NfvoException(error_text, httperrors.Bad_Request)
+ elif net_type_bridge:
+ type_ = 'bridge'
+ else:
+ type_ = 'data' if len(net["interfaces"]) > 2 else 'ptp'
+ if net.get("implementation"): # for v0.3
+ if type_ == "bridge" and net["implementation"] == "underlay":
+ error_text = "Error connecting interfaces of data type to a network declared as 'underlay' at "\
+ "'network':'{}'".format(net_name)
+ # logger.debug(error_text)
+ raise NfvoException(error_text, httperrors.Bad_Request)
+ elif type_ != "bridge" and net["implementation"] == "overlay":
+ error_text = "Error connecting interfaces of data type to a network declared as 'overlay' at "\
+ "'network':'{}'".format(net_name)
+ # logger.debug(error_text)
+ raise NfvoException(error_text, httperrors.Bad_Request)
+ net.pop("implementation")
+ if "type" in net and version == "0.3": # for v0.3
+ if type_ == "data" and net["type"] == "e-line":
+ error_text = "Error connecting more than 2 interfaces of data type to a network declared as type "\
+ "'e-line' at 'network':'{}'".format(net_name)
+ # logger.debug(error_text)
+ raise NfvoException(error_text, httperrors.Bad_Request)
+ elif type_ == "ptp" and net["type"] == "e-lan":
+ type_ = "data"
+ net['type'] = type_
+ net['name'] = net_name
+ net['external'] = net.get('external', False)
+ # 3: insert at database
+ scenario["nets"] = scenario["networks"]
+ scenario['tenant_id'] = tenant_id
+ scenario_id = mydb.new_scenario(scenario)
+ return scenario_id
+ def new_nsd_v3(mydb, tenant_id, nsd_descriptor):
+ """
+ Parses an OSM IM nsd_catalog and insert at DB
+ :param mydb:
+ :param tenant_id:
+ :param nsd_descriptor:
+ :return: The list of created NSD ids
+ """
+ try:
+ mynsd = nsd_catalog.nsd()
+ try:
+ pybindJSONDecoder.load_ietf_json(nsd_descriptor, None, None, obj=mynsd, skip_unknown=True)
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise NfvoException("Error. Invalid NS descriptor format: " + str(e), httperrors.Bad_Request)
+ db_scenarios = []
+ db_sce_nets = []
+ db_sce_vnfs = []
+ db_sce_interfaces = []
+ db_sce_vnffgs = []
+ db_sce_rsps = []
+ db_sce_rsp_hops = []
+ db_sce_classifiers = []
+ db_sce_classifier_matches = []
+ db_ip_profiles = []
+ db_ip_profiles_index = 0
+ uuid_list = []
+ nsd_uuid_list = []
+ for nsd_yang in mynsd.nsd_catalog.nsd.values():
+ nsd = nsd_yang.get()
+ # table scenarios
+ scenario_uuid = str(uuid4())
+ uuid_list.append(scenario_uuid)
+ nsd_uuid_list.append(scenario_uuid)
+ db_scenario = {
+ "uuid": scenario_uuid,
+ "osm_id": get_str(nsd, "id", 255),
+ "name": get_str(nsd, "name", 255),
+ "description": get_str(nsd, "description", 255),
+ "tenant_id": tenant_id,
+ "vendor": get_str(nsd, "vendor", 255),
+ "short_name": get_str(nsd, "short-name", 255),
+ "descriptor": str(nsd_descriptor)[:60000],
+ }
+ db_scenarios.append(db_scenario)
+ # table sce_vnfs (constituent-vnfd)
+ vnf_index2scevnf_uuid = {}
+ vnf_index2vnf_uuid = {}
+ for vnf in nsd.get("constituent-vnfd").values():
+ existing_vnf = mydb.get_rows(FROM="vnfs", WHERE={'osm_id': str(vnf["vnfd-id-ref"])[:255],
+ 'tenant_id': tenant_id})
+ if not existing_vnf:
+ raise NfvoException("Error. Invalid NS descriptor at 'nsd[{}]':'constituent-vnfd':'vnfd-id-ref':"
+ "'{}'. Reference to a non-existing VNFD in the catalog".format(
+ str(nsd["id"]), str(vnf["vnfd-id-ref"])[:255]),
+ httperrors.Bad_Request)
+ sce_vnf_uuid = str(uuid4())
+ uuid_list.append(sce_vnf_uuid)
+ db_sce_vnf = {
+ "uuid": sce_vnf_uuid,
+ "scenario_id": scenario_uuid,
+ # "name": get_str(vnf, "member-vnf-index", 255),
+ "name": existing_vnf[0]["name"][:200] + "." + get_str(vnf, "member-vnf-index", 50),
+ "vnf_id": existing_vnf[0]["uuid"],
+ "member_vnf_index": str(vnf["member-vnf-index"]),
+ # TODO 'start-by-default': True
+ }
+ vnf_index2scevnf_uuid[str(vnf['member-vnf-index'])] = sce_vnf_uuid
+ vnf_index2vnf_uuid[str(vnf['member-vnf-index'])] = existing_vnf[0]["uuid"]
+ db_sce_vnfs.append(db_sce_vnf)
+ # table ip_profiles (ip-profiles)
+ ip_profile_name2db_table_index = {}
+ for ip_profile in nsd.get("ip-profiles").values():
+ db_ip_profile = {
+ "ip_version": str(ip_profile["ip-profile-params"].get("ip-version", "ipv4")),
+ "subnet_address": str(ip_profile["ip-profile-params"].get("subnet-address")),
+ "gateway_address": str(ip_profile["ip-profile-params"].get("gateway-address")),
+ "dhcp_enabled": str(ip_profile["ip-profile-params"]["dhcp-params"].get("enabled", True)),
+ "dhcp_start_address": str(ip_profile["ip-profile-params"]["dhcp-params"].get("start-address")),
+ "dhcp_count": str(ip_profile["ip-profile-params"]["dhcp-params"].get("count")),
+ }
+ dns_list = []
+ for dns in ip_profile["ip-profile-params"]["dns-server"].values():
+ dns_list.append(str(dns.get("address")))
+ db_ip_profile["dns_address"] = ";".join(dns_list)
+ if ip_profile["ip-profile-params"].get('security-group'):
+ db_ip_profile["security_group"] = ip_profile["ip-profile-params"]['security-group']
+ ip_profile_name2db_table_index[str(ip_profile["name"])] = db_ip_profiles_index
+ db_ip_profiles_index += 1
+ db_ip_profiles.append(db_ip_profile)
+ # table sce_nets (internal-vld)
+ for vld in nsd.get("vld").values():
+ sce_net_uuid = str(uuid4())
+ uuid_list.append(sce_net_uuid)
+ db_sce_net = {
+ "uuid": sce_net_uuid,
+ "name": get_str(vld, "name", 255),
+ "scenario_id": scenario_uuid,
+ # "type": #TODO
+ "multipoint": not vld.get("type") == "ELINE",
+ "osm_id": get_str(vld, "id", 255),
+ # "external": #TODO
+ "description": get_str(vld, "description", 255),
+ }
+ # guess type of network
+ if vld.get("mgmt-network"):
+ db_sce_net["type"] = "bridge"
+ db_sce_net["external"] = True
+ elif vld.get("provider-network").get("overlay-type") == "VLAN":
+ db_sce_net["type"] = "data"
+ else:
+ # later on it will be fixed to bridge or data depending on the type of interfaces attached to it
+ db_sce_net["type"] = None
+ db_sce_nets.append(db_sce_net)
+ # ip-profile, link db_ip_profile with db_sce_net
+ if vld.get("ip-profile-ref"):
+ ip_profile_name = vld.get("ip-profile-ref")
+ if ip_profile_name not in ip_profile_name2db_table_index:
+ raise NfvoException("Error. Invalid NS descriptor at 'nsd[{}]':'vld[{}]':'ip-profile-ref':'{}'."
+ " Reference to a non-existing 'ip_profiles'".format(
+ str(nsd["id"]), str(vld["id"]), str(vld["ip-profile-ref"])),
+ httperrors.Bad_Request)
+ db_ip_profiles[ip_profile_name2db_table_index[ip_profile_name]]["sce_net_id"] = sce_net_uuid
+ elif vld.get("vim-network-name"):
+ db_sce_net["vim_network_name"] = get_str(vld, "vim-network-name", 255)
+ # table sce_interfaces (vld:vnfd-connection-point-ref)
+ for iface in vld.get("vnfd-connection-point-ref").values():
++ # Check if there are VDUs in the descriptor
+ vnf_index = str(iface['member-vnf-index-ref'])
- network_id, _ = myvim.new_network(myNetName, myNetType, myNetIPProfile)
++ existing_vdus = mydb.get_rows(SELECT=('vms.uuid'), FROM="vms", WHERE={'vnf_id': vnf_index2vnf_uuid[vnf_index]})
++ if existing_vdus:
++ # check correct parameters
++ if vnf_index not in vnf_index2vnf_uuid:
++ raise NfvoException("Error. Invalid NS descriptor at 'nsd[{}]':'vld[{}]':'vnfd-connection-point"
++ "-ref':'member-vnf-index-ref':'{}'. Reference to a non-existing index at "
++ "'nsd':'constituent-vnfd'".format(
++ str(nsd["id"]), str(vld["id"]), str(iface["member-vnf-index-ref"])),
++ httperrors.Bad_Request)
++ existing_ifaces = mydb.get_rows(SELECT=('i.uuid as uuid', 'i.type as iface_type'),
++ FROM="interfaces as i join vms on i.vm_id=vms.uuid",
++ WHERE={'vnf_id': vnf_index2vnf_uuid[vnf_index],
++ 'external_name': get_str(iface, "vnfd-connection-point-ref",
++ 255)})
++ if not existing_ifaces:
++ raise NfvoException("Error. Invalid NS descriptor at 'nsd[{}]':'vld[{}]':'vnfd-connection-point"
++ "-ref':'vnfd-connection-point-ref':'{}'. Reference to a non-existing "
++ "connection-point name at VNFD '{}'".format(
++ str(nsd["id"]), str(vld["id"]), str(iface["vnfd-connection-point-ref"]),
++ str(iface.get("vnfd-id-ref"))[:255]),
++ httperrors.Bad_Request)
++ interface_uuid = existing_ifaces[0]["uuid"]
++ if existing_ifaces[0]["iface_type"] == "data":
++ db_sce_net["type"] = "data"
++ sce_interface_uuid = str(uuid4())
++ uuid_list.append(sce_net_uuid)
++ iface_ip_address = None
++ if iface.get("ip-address"):
++ iface_ip_address = str(iface.get("ip-address"))
++ db_sce_interface = {
++ "uuid": sce_interface_uuid,
++ "sce_vnf_id": vnf_index2scevnf_uuid[vnf_index],
++ "sce_net_id": sce_net_uuid,
++ "interface_id": interface_uuid,
++ "ip_address": iface_ip_address,
++ }
++ db_sce_interfaces.append(db_sce_interface)
++ if not db_sce_net["type"]:
++ db_sce_net["type"] = "bridge"
+ # table sce_vnffgs (vnffgd)
+ for vnffg in nsd.get("vnffgd").values():
+ sce_vnffg_uuid = str(uuid4())
+ uuid_list.append(sce_vnffg_uuid)
+ db_sce_vnffg = {
+ "uuid": sce_vnffg_uuid,
+ "name": get_str(vnffg, "name", 255),
+ "scenario_id": scenario_uuid,
+ "vendor": get_str(vnffg, "vendor", 255),
+ "description": get_str(vld, "description", 255),
+ }
+ db_sce_vnffgs.append(db_sce_vnffg)
+ # deal with rsps
+ for rsp in vnffg.get("rsp").values():
+ sce_rsp_uuid = str(uuid4())
+ uuid_list.append(sce_rsp_uuid)
+ db_sce_rsp = {
+ "uuid": sce_rsp_uuid,
+ "name": get_str(rsp, "name", 255),
+ "sce_vnffg_id": sce_vnffg_uuid,
+ "id": get_str(rsp, "id", 255), # only useful to link with classifiers; will be removed later in the code
+ }
+ db_sce_rsps.append(db_sce_rsp)
+ for iface in rsp.get("vnfd-connection-point-ref").values():
+ vnf_index = str(iface['member-vnf-index-ref'])
+ if_order = int(iface['order'])
+ # check correct parameters
+ if vnf_index not in vnf_index2vnf_uuid:
+ raise NfvoException("Error. Invalid NS descriptor at 'nsd[{}]':'rsp[{}]':'vnfd-connection-point"
+ "-ref':'member-vnf-index-ref':'{}'. Reference to a non-existing index at "
+ "'nsd':'constituent-vnfd'".format(
+ str(nsd["id"]), str(rsp["id"]), str(iface["member-vnf-index-ref"])),
+ httperrors.Bad_Request)
+ ingress_existing_ifaces = mydb.get_rows(SELECT=('i.uuid as uuid',),
+ FROM="interfaces as i join vms on i.vm_id=vms.uuid",
+ 'vnf_id': vnf_index2vnf_uuid[vnf_index],
+ 'external_name': get_str(iface, "vnfd-ingress-connection-point-ref",
+ 255)})
+ if not ingress_existing_ifaces:
+ raise NfvoException("Error. Invalid NS descriptor at 'nsd[{}]':'rsp[{}]':'vnfd-connection-point"
+ "-ref':'vnfd-ingress-connection-point-ref':'{}'. Reference to a non-existing "
+ "connection-point name at VNFD '{}'".format(
+ str(nsd["id"]), str(rsp["id"]), str(iface["vnfd-ingress-connection-point-ref"]),
+ str(iface.get("vnfd-id-ref"))[:255]), httperrors.Bad_Request)
+ egress_existing_ifaces = mydb.get_rows(SELECT=('i.uuid as uuid',),
+ FROM="interfaces as i join vms on i.vm_id=vms.uuid",
+ 'vnf_id': vnf_index2vnf_uuid[vnf_index],
+ 'external_name': get_str(iface, "vnfd-egress-connection-point-ref",
+ 255)})
+ if not egress_existing_ifaces:
+ raise NfvoException("Error. Invalid NS descriptor at 'nsd[{}]':'rsp[{}]':'vnfd-connection-point"
+ "-ref':'vnfd-egress-connection-point-ref':'{}'. Reference to a non-existing "
+ "connection-point name at VNFD '{}'".format(
+ str(nsd["id"]), str(rsp["id"]), str(iface["vnfd-egress-connection-point-ref"]),
+ str(iface.get("vnfd-id-ref"))[:255]), HTTP_Bad_Request)
+ ingress_interface_uuid = ingress_existing_ifaces[0]["uuid"]
+ egress_interface_uuid = egress_existing_ifaces[0]["uuid"]
+ sce_rsp_hop_uuid = str(uuid4())
+ uuid_list.append(sce_rsp_hop_uuid)
+ db_sce_rsp_hop = {
+ "uuid": sce_rsp_hop_uuid,
+ "if_order": if_order,
+ "ingress_interface_id": ingress_interface_uuid,
+ "egress_interface_id": egress_interface_uuid,
+ "sce_vnf_id": vnf_index2scevnf_uuid[vnf_index],
+ "sce_rsp_id": sce_rsp_uuid,
+ }
+ db_sce_rsp_hops.append(db_sce_rsp_hop)
+ # deal with classifiers
+ for classifier in vnffg.get("classifier").values():
+ sce_classifier_uuid = str(uuid4())
+ uuid_list.append(sce_classifier_uuid)
+ # source VNF
+ vnf_index = str(classifier['member-vnf-index-ref'])
+ if vnf_index not in vnf_index2vnf_uuid:
+ raise NfvoException("Error. Invalid NS descriptor at 'nsd[{}]':'classifier[{}]':'vnfd-connection-point"
+ "-ref':'member-vnf-index-ref':'{}'. Reference to a non-existing index at "
+ "'nsd':'constituent-vnfd'".format(
+ str(nsd["id"]), str(classifier["id"]), str(classifier["member-vnf-index-ref"])),
+ httperrors.Bad_Request)
+ existing_ifaces = mydb.get_rows(SELECT=('i.uuid as uuid',),
+ FROM="interfaces as i join vms on i.vm_id=vms.uuid",
+ WHERE={'vnf_id': vnf_index2vnf_uuid[vnf_index],
+ 'external_name': get_str(classifier, "vnfd-connection-point-ref",
+ 255)})
+ if not existing_ifaces:
+ raise NfvoException("Error. Invalid NS descriptor at 'nsd[{}]':'rsp[{}]':'vnfd-connection-point"
+ "-ref':'vnfd-connection-point-ref':'{}'. Reference to a non-existing "
+ "connection-point name at VNFD '{}'".format(
+ str(nsd["id"]), str(rsp["id"]), str(iface["vnfd-connection-point-ref"]),
+ str(iface.get("vnfd-id-ref"))[:255]),
+ httperrors.Bad_Request)
+ interface_uuid = existing_ifaces[0]["uuid"]
+ db_sce_classifier = {
+ "uuid": sce_classifier_uuid,
+ "name": get_str(classifier, "name", 255),
+ "sce_vnffg_id": sce_vnffg_uuid,
+ "sce_vnf_id": vnf_index2scevnf_uuid[vnf_index],
+ "interface_id": interface_uuid,
+ }
+ rsp_id = get_str(classifier, "rsp-id-ref", 255)
+ rsp = next((item for item in db_sce_rsps if item["id"] == rsp_id), None)
+ db_sce_classifier["sce_rsp_id"] = rsp["uuid"]
+ db_sce_classifiers.append(db_sce_classifier)
+ for match in classifier.get("match-attributes").values():
+ sce_classifier_match_uuid = str(uuid4())
+ uuid_list.append(sce_classifier_match_uuid)
+ db_sce_classifier_match = {
+ "uuid": sce_classifier_match_uuid,
+ "ip_proto": get_str(match, "ip-proto", 2),
+ "source_ip": get_str(match, "source-ip-address", 16),
+ "destination_ip": get_str(match, "destination-ip-address", 16),
+ "source_port": get_str(match, "source-port", 5),
+ "destination_port": get_str(match, "destination-port", 5),
+ "sce_classifier_id": sce_classifier_uuid,
+ }
+ db_sce_classifier_matches.append(db_sce_classifier_match)
+ # TODO: vnf/cp keys
+ # remove unneeded id's in sce_rsps
+ for rsp in db_sce_rsps:
+ rsp.pop('id')
+ db_tables = [
+ {"scenarios": db_scenarios},
+ {"sce_nets": db_sce_nets},
+ {"ip_profiles": db_ip_profiles},
+ {"sce_vnfs": db_sce_vnfs},
+ {"sce_interfaces": db_sce_interfaces},
+ {"sce_vnffgs": db_sce_vnffgs},
+ {"sce_rsps": db_sce_rsps},
+ {"sce_rsp_hops": db_sce_rsp_hops},
+ {"sce_classifiers": db_sce_classifiers},
+ {"sce_classifier_matches": db_sce_classifier_matches},
+ ]
+ logger.debug("new_nsd_v3 done: %s",
+ yaml.safe_dump(db_tables, indent=4, default_flow_style=False) )
+ mydb.new_rows(db_tables, uuid_list)
+ return nsd_uuid_list
+ except NfvoException:
+ raise
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error("Exception {}".format(e))
+ raise # NfvoException("Exception {}".format(e), httperrors.Bad_Request)
+ def edit_scenario(mydb, tenant_id, scenario_id, data):
+ data["uuid"] = scenario_id
+ data["tenant_id"] = tenant_id
+ c = mydb.edit_scenario( data )
+ return c
+ @deprecated("Use create_instance")
+ def start_scenario(mydb, tenant_id, scenario_id, instance_scenario_name, instance_scenario_description, datacenter=None,vim_tenant=None, startvms=True):
+ #print "Checking that nfvo_tenant_id exists and getting the VIM URI and the VIM tenant_id"
+ datacenter_id, myvim = get_datacenter_by_name_uuid(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter, vim_tenant=vim_tenant)
+ vims = {datacenter_id: myvim}
+ myvim_tenant = myvim['tenant_id']
+ datacenter_name = myvim['name']
+ rollbackList=[]
+ try:
+ #print "Checking that the scenario_id exists and getting the scenario dictionary"
+ scenarioDict = mydb.get_scenario(scenario_id, tenant_id, datacenter_id=datacenter_id)
+ scenarioDict['datacenter2tenant'] = { datacenter_id: myvim['config']['datacenter_tenant_id'] }
+ scenarioDict['datacenter_id'] = datacenter_id
+ #print '================scenarioDict======================='
+ #print json.dumps(scenarioDict, indent=4)
+ #print 'BEGIN launching instance scenario "%s" based on "%s"' % (instance_scenario_name,scenarioDict['name'])
+ logger.debug("start_scenario Scenario %s: consisting of %d VNF(s)", scenarioDict['name'],len(scenarioDict['vnfs']))
+ #print yaml.safe_dump(scenarioDict, indent=4, default_flow_style=False)
+ auxNetDict = {} #Auxiliar dictionary. First key:'scenario' or sce_vnf uuid. Second Key: uuid of the net/sce_net. Value: vim_net_id
+ auxNetDict['scenario'] = {}
+ logger.debug("start_scenario 1. Creating new nets (sce_nets) in the VIM")
+ for sce_net in scenarioDict['nets']:
+ #print "Net name: %s. Description: %s" % (sce_net["name"], sce_net["description"])
+ myNetName = "{}.{}".format(instance_scenario_name, sce_net['name'])
+ myNetName = myNetName[0:255] #limit length
+ myNetType = sce_net['type']
+ myNetDict = {}
+ myNetDict["name"] = myNetName
+ myNetDict["type"] = myNetType
+ myNetDict["tenant_id"] = myvim_tenant
+ myNetIPProfile = sce_net.get('ip_profile', None)
++ myProviderNetwork = sce_net.get('provider_network', None)
+ #TODO:
+ #We should use the dictionary as input parameter for new_network
+ #print myNetDict
+ if not sce_net["external"]:
- network_id, _ = myvim.new_network(myNetName, myNetType, myNetIPProfile)
++ network_id, _ = myvim.new_network(myNetName, myNetType, myNetIPProfile, provider_network_profile=myProviderNetwork)
+ #print "New VIM network created for scenario %s. Network id: %s" % (scenarioDict['name'],network_id)
+ sce_net['vim_id'] = network_id
+ auxNetDict['scenario'][sce_net['uuid']] = network_id
+ rollbackList.append({'what':'network','where':'vim','vim_id':datacenter_id,'uuid':network_id})
+ sce_net["created"] = True
+ else:
+ if sce_net['vim_id'] == None:
+ error_text = "Error, datacenter '{}' does not have external network '{}'.".format(
+ datacenter_name, sce_net['name'])
+ _, message = rollback(mydb, vims, rollbackList)
+ logger.error("nfvo.start_scenario: %s", error_text)
+ raise NfvoException(error_text, httperrors.Bad_Request)
+ logger.debug("Using existent VIM network for scenario %s. Network id %s", scenarioDict['name'],sce_net['vim_id'])
+ auxNetDict['scenario'][sce_net['uuid']] = sce_net['vim_id']
+ logger.debug("start_scenario 2. Creating new nets (vnf internal nets) in the VIM")
+ #For each vnf net, we create it and we add it to instanceNetlist.
+ for sce_vnf in scenarioDict['vnfs']:
+ for net in sce_vnf['nets']:
+ #print "Net name: %s. Description: %s" % (net["name"], net["description"])
+ myNetName = "{}.{}".format(instance_scenario_name,net['name'])
+ myNetName = myNetName[0:255] #limit length
+ myNetType = net['type']
+ myNetDict = {}
+ myNetDict["name"] = myNetName
+ myNetDict["type"] = myNetType
+ myNetDict["tenant_id"] = myvim_tenant
+ myNetIPProfile = net.get('ip_profile', None)
++ myProviderNetwork = sce_net.get('provider_network', None)
+ #print myNetDict
+ #TODO:
+ #We should use the dictionary as input parameter for new_network
- task_extra["params"] = (net_vim_name, net_type, sce_net.get('ip_profile', None), wim_account_name)
++ network_id, _ = myvim.new_network(myNetName, myNetType, myNetIPProfile, provider_network_profile=myProviderNetwork)
+ #print "VIM network id for scenario %s: %s" % (scenarioDict['name'],network_id)
+ net['vim_id'] = network_id
+ if sce_vnf['uuid'] not in auxNetDict:
+ auxNetDict[sce_vnf['uuid']] = {}
+ auxNetDict[sce_vnf['uuid']][net['uuid']] = network_id
+ rollbackList.append({'what':'network','where':'vim','vim_id':datacenter_id,'uuid':network_id})
+ net["created"] = True
+ #print "auxNetDict:"
+ #print yaml.safe_dump(auxNetDict, indent=4, default_flow_style=False)
+ logger.debug("start_scenario 3. Creating new vm instances in the VIM")
+ #myvim.new_vminstance(self,vimURI,tenant_id,name,description,image_id,flavor_id,net_dict)
+ i = 0
+ for sce_vnf in scenarioDict['vnfs']:
+ vnf_availability_zones = []
+ for vm in sce_vnf['vms']:
+ vm_av = vm.get('availability_zone')
+ if vm_av and vm_av not in vnf_availability_zones:
+ vnf_availability_zones.append(vm_av)
+ # check if there is enough availability zones available at vim level.
+ if myvims[datacenter_id].availability_zone and vnf_availability_zones:
+ if len(vnf_availability_zones) > len(myvims[datacenter_id].availability_zone):
+ raise NfvoException('No enough availability zones at VIM for this deployment', httperrors.Bad_Request)
+ for vm in sce_vnf['vms']:
+ i += 1
+ myVMDict = {}
+ #myVMDict['name'] = "%s-%s-%s" % (scenarioDict['name'],sce_vnf['name'], vm['name'])
+ myVMDict['name'] = "{}.{}.{}".format(instance_scenario_name,sce_vnf['name'],chr(96+i))
+ #myVMDict['description'] = vm['description']
+ myVMDict['description'] = myVMDict['name'][0:99]
+ if not startvms:
+ myVMDict['start'] = "no"
+ myVMDict['name'] = myVMDict['name'][0:255] #limit name length
+ #print "VM name: %s. Description: %s" % (myVMDict['name'], myVMDict['name'])
+ #create image at vim in case it not exist
+ image_dict = mydb.get_table_by_uuid_name("images", vm['image_id'])
+ image_id = create_or_use_image(mydb, vims, image_dict, [], True)
+ vm['vim_image_id'] = image_id
+ #create flavor at vim in case it not exist
+ flavor_dict = mydb.get_table_by_uuid_name("flavors", vm['flavor_id'])
+ if flavor_dict['extended']!=None:
+ flavor_dict['extended']= yaml.load(flavor_dict['extended'], Loader=yaml.Loader)
+ flavor_id = create_or_use_flavor(mydb, vims, flavor_dict, [], True)
+ vm['vim_flavor_id'] = flavor_id
+ myVMDict['imageRef'] = vm['vim_image_id']
+ myVMDict['flavorRef'] = vm['vim_flavor_id']
+ myVMDict['networks'] = []
+ for iface in vm['interfaces']:
+ netDict = {}
+ if iface['type']=="data":
+ netDict['type'] = iface['model']
+ elif "model" in iface and iface["model"]!=None:
+ netDict['model']=iface['model']
+ #TODO in future, remove this because mac_address will not be set, and the type of PV,VF is obtained from iterface table model
+ #discover type of interface looking at flavor
+ for numa in flavor_dict.get('extended',{}).get('numas',[]):
+ for flavor_iface in numa.get('interfaces',[]):
+ if flavor_iface.get('name') == iface['internal_name']:
+ if flavor_iface['dedicated'] == 'yes':
+ netDict['type']="PF" #passthrough
+ elif flavor_iface['dedicated'] == 'no':
+ netDict['type']="VF" #siov
+ elif flavor_iface['dedicated'] == 'yes:sriov':
+ netDict['type']="VFnotShared" #sriov but only one sriov on the PF
+ netDict["mac_address"] = flavor_iface.get("mac_address")
+ break;
+ netDict["use"]=iface['type']
+ if netDict["use"]=="data" and not netDict.get("type"):
+ #print "netDict", netDict
+ #print "iface", iface
+ e_text = "Cannot determine the interface type PF or VF of VNF '{}' VM '{}' iface '{}'".format(
+ sce_vnf['name'], vm['name'], iface['internal_name'])
+ if flavor_dict.get('extended')==None:
+ raise NfvoException(e_text + "After database migration some information is not available. \
+ Try to delete and create the scenarios and VNFs again", httperrors.Conflict)
+ else:
+ raise NfvoException(e_text, httperrors.Internal_Server_Error)
+ if netDict["use"]=="mgmt" or netDict["use"]=="bridge":
+ netDict["type"]="virtual"
+ if "vpci" in iface and iface["vpci"] is not None:
+ netDict['vpci'] = iface['vpci']
+ if "mac" in iface and iface["mac"] is not None:
+ netDict['mac_address'] = iface['mac']
+ if "port-security" in iface and iface["port-security"] is not None:
+ netDict['port_security'] = iface['port-security']
+ if "floating-ip" in iface and iface["floating-ip"] is not None:
+ netDict['floating_ip'] = iface['floating-ip']
+ netDict['name'] = iface['internal_name']
+ if iface['net_id'] is None:
+ for vnf_iface in sce_vnf["interfaces"]:
+ #print iface
+ #print vnf_iface
+ if vnf_iface['interface_id']==iface['uuid']:
+ netDict['net_id'] = auxNetDict['scenario'][ vnf_iface['sce_net_id'] ]
+ break
+ else:
+ netDict['net_id'] = auxNetDict[ sce_vnf['uuid'] ][ iface['net_id'] ]
+ #skip bridge ifaces not connected to any net
+ #if 'net_id' not in netDict or netDict['net_id']==None:
+ # continue
+ myVMDict['networks'].append(netDict)
+ #print ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"
+ #print myVMDict['name']
+ #print "networks", yaml.safe_dump(myVMDict['networks'], indent=4, default_flow_style=False)
+ #print "interfaces", yaml.safe_dump(vm['interfaces'], indent=4, default_flow_style=False)
+ #print ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"
+ if 'availability_zone' in myVMDict:
+ av_index = vnf_availability_zones.index(myVMDict['availability_zone'])
+ else:
+ av_index = None
+ vm_id, _ = myvim.new_vminstance(myVMDict['name'], myVMDict['description'], myVMDict.get('start', None),
+ myVMDict['imageRef'], myVMDict['flavorRef'], myVMDict['networks'],
+ availability_zone_index=av_index,
+ availability_zone_list=vnf_availability_zones)
+ #print "VIM vm instance id (server id) for scenario %s: %s" % (scenarioDict['name'],vm_id)
+ vm['vim_id'] = vm_id
+ rollbackList.append({'what':'vm','where':'vim','vim_id':datacenter_id,'uuid':vm_id})
+ #put interface uuid back to scenario[vnfs][vms[[interfaces]
+ for net in myVMDict['networks']:
+ if "vim_id" in net:
+ for iface in vm['interfaces']:
+ if net["name"]==iface["internal_name"]:
+ iface["vim_id"]=net["vim_id"]
+ break
+ logger.debug("start scenario Deployment done")
+ #print yaml.safe_dump(scenarioDict, indent=4, default_flow_style=False)
+ #r,c = mydb.new_instance_scenario_as_a_whole(nfvo_tenant,scenarioDict['name'],scenarioDict)
+ instance_id = mydb.new_instance_scenario_as_a_whole(tenant_id,instance_scenario_name, instance_scenario_description, scenarioDict)
+ return mydb.get_instance_scenario(instance_id)
+ except (db_base_Exception, vimconn.vimconnException) as e:
+ _, message = rollback(mydb, vims, rollbackList)
+ if isinstance(e, db_base_Exception):
+ error_text = "Exception at database"
+ else:
+ error_text = "Exception at VIM"
+ error_text += " {} {}. {}".format(type(e).__name__, str(e), message)
+ #logger.error("start_scenario %s", error_text)
+ raise NfvoException(error_text, e.http_code)
+ def unify_cloud_config(cloud_config_preserve, cloud_config):
+ """ join the cloud config information into cloud_config_preserve.
+ In case of conflict cloud_config_preserve preserves
+ None is allowed
+ """
+ if not cloud_config_preserve and not cloud_config:
+ return None
+ new_cloud_config = {"key-pairs":[], "users":[]}
+ # key-pairs
+ if cloud_config_preserve:
+ for key in cloud_config_preserve.get("key-pairs", () ):
+ if key not in new_cloud_config["key-pairs"]:
+ new_cloud_config["key-pairs"].append(key)
+ if cloud_config:
+ for key in cloud_config.get("key-pairs", () ):
+ if key not in new_cloud_config["key-pairs"]:
+ new_cloud_config["key-pairs"].append(key)
+ if not new_cloud_config["key-pairs"]:
+ del new_cloud_config["key-pairs"]
+ # users
+ if cloud_config:
+ new_cloud_config["users"] += cloud_config.get("users", () )
+ if cloud_config_preserve:
+ new_cloud_config["users"] += cloud_config_preserve.get("users", () )
+ index_to_delete = []
+ users = new_cloud_config.get("users", [])
+ for index0 in range(0,len(users)):
+ if index0 in index_to_delete:
+ continue
+ for index1 in range(index0+1,len(users)):
+ if index1 in index_to_delete:
+ continue
+ if users[index0]["name"] == users[index1]["name"]:
+ index_to_delete.append(index1)
+ for key in users[index1].get("key-pairs",()):
+ if "key-pairs" not in users[index0]:
+ users[index0]["key-pairs"] = [key]
+ elif key not in users[index0]["key-pairs"]:
+ users[index0]["key-pairs"].append(key)
+ index_to_delete.sort(reverse=True)
+ for index in index_to_delete:
+ del users[index]
+ if not new_cloud_config["users"]:
+ del new_cloud_config["users"]
+ #boot-data-drive
+ if cloud_config and cloud_config.get("boot-data-drive") != None:
+ new_cloud_config["boot-data-drive"] = cloud_config["boot-data-drive"]
+ if cloud_config_preserve and cloud_config_preserve.get("boot-data-drive") != None:
+ new_cloud_config["boot-data-drive"] = cloud_config_preserve["boot-data-drive"]
+ # user-data
+ new_cloud_config["user-data"] = []
+ if cloud_config and cloud_config.get("user-data"):
+ if isinstance(cloud_config["user-data"], list):
+ new_cloud_config["user-data"] += cloud_config["user-data"]
+ else:
+ new_cloud_config["user-data"].append(cloud_config["user-data"])
+ if cloud_config_preserve and cloud_config_preserve.get("user-data"):
+ if isinstance(cloud_config_preserve["user-data"], list):
+ new_cloud_config["user-data"] += cloud_config_preserve["user-data"]
+ else:
+ new_cloud_config["user-data"].append(cloud_config_preserve["user-data"])
+ if not new_cloud_config["user-data"]:
+ del new_cloud_config["user-data"]
+ # config files
+ new_cloud_config["config-files"] = []
+ if cloud_config and cloud_config.get("config-files") != None:
+ new_cloud_config["config-files"] += cloud_config["config-files"]
+ if cloud_config_preserve:
+ for file in cloud_config_preserve.get("config-files", ()):
+ for index in range(0, len(new_cloud_config["config-files"])):
+ if new_cloud_config["config-files"][index]["dest"] == file["dest"]:
+ new_cloud_config["config-files"][index] = file
+ break
+ else:
+ new_cloud_config["config-files"].append(file)
+ if not new_cloud_config["config-files"]:
+ del new_cloud_config["config-files"]
+ return new_cloud_config
+ def get_vim_thread(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter_id_name=None, datacenter_tenant_id=None):
+ datacenter_id = None
+ datacenter_name = None
+ thread = None
+ try:
+ if datacenter_tenant_id:
+ thread_id = datacenter_tenant_id
+ thread = vim_threads["running"].get(datacenter_tenant_id)
+ else:
+ where_={"td.nfvo_tenant_id": tenant_id}
+ if datacenter_id_name:
+ if utils.check_valid_uuid(datacenter_id_name):
+ datacenter_id = datacenter_id_name
+ where_["dt.datacenter_id"] = datacenter_id
+ else:
+ datacenter_name = datacenter_id_name
+ where_["d.name"] = datacenter_name
+ if datacenter_tenant_id:
+ where_["dt.uuid"] = datacenter_tenant_id
+ datacenters = mydb.get_rows(
+ SELECT=("dt.uuid as datacenter_tenant_id",),
+ FROM="datacenter_tenants as dt join tenants_datacenters as td on dt.uuid=td.datacenter_tenant_id "
+ "join datacenters as d on d.uuid=dt.datacenter_id",
+ WHERE=where_)
+ if len(datacenters) > 1:
+ raise NfvoException("More than one datacenters found, try to identify with uuid", httperrors.Conflict)
+ elif datacenters:
+ thread_id = datacenters[0]["datacenter_tenant_id"]
+ thread = vim_threads["running"].get(thread_id)
+ if not thread:
+ raise NfvoException("datacenter '{}' not found".format(str(datacenter_id_name)), httperrors.Not_Found)
+ return thread_id, thread
+ except db_base_Exception as e:
+ raise NfvoException("{} {}".format(type(e).__name__ , str(e)), e.http_code)
+ def get_datacenter_uuid(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter_id_name):
+ WHERE_dict={}
+ if utils.check_valid_uuid(datacenter_id_name):
+ WHERE_dict['d.uuid'] = datacenter_id_name
+ else:
+ WHERE_dict['d.name'] = datacenter_id_name
+ if tenant_id:
+ WHERE_dict['nfvo_tenant_id'] = tenant_id
+ from_= "tenants_datacenters as td join datacenters as d on td.datacenter_id=d.uuid join datacenter_tenants as" \
+ " dt on td.datacenter_tenant_id=dt.uuid"
+ else:
+ from_ = 'datacenters as d'
+ vimaccounts = mydb.get_rows(FROM=from_, SELECT=("d.uuid as uuid, d.name as name",), WHERE=WHERE_dict )
+ if len(vimaccounts) == 0:
+ raise NfvoException("datacenter '{}' not found".format(str(datacenter_id_name)), httperrors.Not_Found)
+ elif len(vimaccounts)>1:
+ #print "nfvo.datacenter_action() error. Several datacenters found"
+ raise NfvoException("More than one datacenters found, try to identify with uuid", httperrors.Conflict)
+ return vimaccounts[0]["uuid"], vimaccounts[0]["name"]
+ def get_datacenter_by_name_uuid(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter_id_name=None, **extra_filter):
+ datacenter_id = None
+ datacenter_name = None
+ if datacenter_id_name:
+ if utils.check_valid_uuid(datacenter_id_name):
+ datacenter_id = datacenter_id_name
+ else:
+ datacenter_name = datacenter_id_name
+ vims = get_vim(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter_id, datacenter_name, **extra_filter)
+ if len(vims) == 0:
+ raise NfvoException("datacenter '{}' not found".format(str(datacenter_id_name)), httperrors.Not_Found)
+ elif len(vims)>1:
+ #print "nfvo.datacenter_action() error. Several datacenters found"
+ raise NfvoException("More than one datacenters found, try to identify with uuid", httperrors.Conflict)
+ for vim_id, vim_content in vims.items():
+ return vim_id, vim_content
+ def update(d, u):
+ """Takes dict d and updates it with the values in dict u.
+ It merges all depth levels"""
+ for k, v in u.items():
+ if isinstance(v, collections.Mapping):
+ r = update(d.get(k, {}), v)
+ d[k] = r
+ else:
+ d[k] = u[k]
+ return d
+ def _get_wim(db, wim_account_id):
+ # get wim from wim_account
+ wim_accounts = db.get_rows(FROM='wim_accounts', WHERE={"uuid": wim_account_id})
+ if not wim_accounts:
+ raise NfvoException("Not found sdn id={}".format(wim_account_id), http_code=httperrors.Not_Found)
+ return wim_accounts[0]["wim_id"]
+ def create_instance(mydb, tenant_id, instance_dict):
+ # print "Checking that nfvo_tenant_id exists and getting the VIM URI and the VIM tenant_id"
+ # logger.debug("Creating instance...")
+ scenario = instance_dict["scenario"]
+ # find main datacenter
+ myvims = {}
+ myvim_threads_id = {}
+ datacenter = instance_dict.get("datacenter")
+ default_wim_account = instance_dict.get("wim_account")
+ default_datacenter_id, vim = get_datacenter_by_name_uuid(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter)
+ myvims[default_datacenter_id] = vim
+ myvim_threads_id[default_datacenter_id], _ = get_vim_thread(mydb, tenant_id, default_datacenter_id)
+ tenant = mydb.get_rows_by_id('nfvo_tenants', tenant_id)
+ # myvim_tenant = myvim['tenant_id']
+ rollbackList = []
+ # print "Checking that the scenario exists and getting the scenario dictionary"
+ if isinstance(scenario, str):
+ scenarioDict = mydb.get_scenario(scenario, tenant_id, datacenter_vim_id=myvim_threads_id[default_datacenter_id],
+ datacenter_id=default_datacenter_id)
+ else:
+ scenarioDict = scenario
+ scenarioDict["uuid"] = None
+ # logger.debug(">>>>>> Dictionaries before merging")
+ # logger.debug(">>>>>> InstanceDict:\n{}".format(yaml.safe_dump(instance_dict,default_flow_style=False, width=256)))
+ # logger.debug(">>>>>> ScenarioDict:\n{}".format(yaml.safe_dump(scenarioDict,default_flow_style=False, width=256)))
+ db_instance_vnfs = []
+ db_instance_vms = []
+ db_instance_interfaces = []
+ db_instance_sfis = []
+ db_instance_sfs = []
+ db_instance_classifications = []
+ db_instance_sfps = []
+ db_ip_profiles = []
+ db_vim_actions = []
+ uuid_list = []
+ task_index = 0
+ instance_name = instance_dict["name"]
+ instance_uuid = str(uuid4())
+ uuid_list.append(instance_uuid)
+ db_instance_scenario = {
+ "uuid": instance_uuid,
+ "name": instance_name,
+ "tenant_id": tenant_id,
+ "scenario_id": scenarioDict['uuid'],
+ "datacenter_id": default_datacenter_id,
+ # filled bellow 'datacenter_tenant_id'
+ "description": instance_dict.get("description"),
+ }
+ if scenarioDict.get("cloud-config"):
+ db_instance_scenario["cloud_config"] = yaml.safe_dump(scenarioDict["cloud-config"],
+ default_flow_style=True, width=256)
+ instance_action_id = get_task_id()
+ db_instance_action = {
+ "uuid": instance_action_id, # same uuid for the instance and the action on create
+ "tenant_id": tenant_id,
+ "instance_id": instance_uuid,
+ "description": "CREATE",
+ }
+ # Auxiliary dictionaries from x to y
+ sce_net2wim_instance = {}
+ sce_net2instance = {}
+ net2task_id = {'scenario': {}}
+ # Mapping between local networks and WIMs
+ wim_usage = {}
+ def ip_profile_IM2RO(ip_profile_im):
+ # translate from input format to database format
+ ip_profile_ro = {}
+ if 'subnet-address' in ip_profile_im:
+ ip_profile_ro['subnet_address'] = ip_profile_im['subnet-address']
+ if 'ip-version' in ip_profile_im:
+ ip_profile_ro['ip_version'] = ip_profile_im['ip-version']
+ if 'gateway-address' in ip_profile_im:
+ ip_profile_ro['gateway_address'] = ip_profile_im['gateway-address']
+ if 'dns-address' in ip_profile_im:
+ ip_profile_ro['dns_address'] = ip_profile_im['dns-address']
+ if isinstance(ip_profile_ro['dns_address'], (list, tuple)):
+ ip_profile_ro['dns_address'] = ";".join(ip_profile_ro['dns_address'])
+ if 'dhcp' in ip_profile_im:
+ ip_profile_ro['dhcp_start_address'] = ip_profile_im['dhcp'].get('start-address')
+ ip_profile_ro['dhcp_enabled'] = ip_profile_im['dhcp'].get('enabled', True)
+ ip_profile_ro['dhcp_count'] = ip_profile_im['dhcp'].get('count')
+ return ip_profile_ro
+ # logger.debug("Creating instance from scenario-dict:\n%s",
+ # yaml.safe_dump(scenarioDict, indent=4, default_flow_style=False))
+ try:
+ # 0 check correct parameters
+ for net_name, net_instance_desc in instance_dict.get("networks", {}).items():
+ for scenario_net in scenarioDict['nets']:
+ if net_name == scenario_net.get("name") or net_name == scenario_net.get("osm_id") or net_name == scenario_net.get("uuid"):
+ break
+ else:
+ raise NfvoException("Invalid scenario network name or id '{}' at instance:networks".format(net_name),
+ httperrors.Bad_Request)
+ if "sites" not in net_instance_desc:
+ net_instance_desc["sites"] = [ {} ]
+ site_without_datacenter_field = False
+ for site in net_instance_desc["sites"]:
+ if site.get("datacenter"):
+ site["datacenter"], _ = get_datacenter_uuid(mydb, tenant_id, site["datacenter"])
+ if site["datacenter"] not in myvims:
+ # Add this datacenter to myvims
+ d, v = get_datacenter_by_name_uuid(mydb, tenant_id, site["datacenter"])
+ myvims[d] = v
+ myvim_threads_id[d], _ = get_vim_thread(mydb, tenant_id, site["datacenter"])
+ site["datacenter"] = d # change name to id
+ else:
+ if site_without_datacenter_field:
+ raise NfvoException("Found more than one entries without datacenter field at "
+ "instance:networks:{}:sites".format(net_name), httperrors.Bad_Request)
+ site_without_datacenter_field = True
+ site["datacenter"] = default_datacenter_id # change name to id
+ for vnf_name, vnf_instance_desc in instance_dict.get("vnfs",{}).items():
+ for scenario_vnf in scenarioDict['vnfs']:
+ if vnf_name == scenario_vnf['member_vnf_index'] or vnf_name == scenario_vnf['uuid'] or vnf_name == scenario_vnf['name']:
+ break
+ else:
+ raise NfvoException("Invalid vnf name '{}' at instance:vnfs".format(vnf_name), httperrors.Bad_Request)
+ if "datacenter" in vnf_instance_desc:
+ # Add this datacenter to myvims
+ vnf_instance_desc["datacenter"], _ = get_datacenter_uuid(mydb, tenant_id, vnf_instance_desc["datacenter"])
+ if vnf_instance_desc["datacenter"] not in myvims:
+ d, v = get_datacenter_by_name_uuid(mydb, tenant_id, vnf_instance_desc["datacenter"])
+ myvims[d] = v
+ myvim_threads_id[d], _ = get_vim_thread(mydb, tenant_id, vnf_instance_desc["datacenter"])
+ scenario_vnf["datacenter"] = vnf_instance_desc["datacenter"]
+ for net_id, net_instance_desc in vnf_instance_desc.get("networks", {}).items():
+ for scenario_net in scenario_vnf['nets']:
+ if net_id == scenario_net['osm_id'] or net_id == scenario_net['uuid'] or net_id == scenario_net["name"]:
+ break
+ else:
+ raise NfvoException("Invalid net id or name '{}' at instance:vnfs:networks".format(net_id), httperrors.Bad_Request)
+ if net_instance_desc.get("vim-network-name"):
+ scenario_net["vim-network-name"] = net_instance_desc["vim-network-name"]
+ if net_instance_desc.get("vim-network-id"):
+ scenario_net["vim-network-id"] = net_instance_desc["vim-network-id"]
+ if net_instance_desc.get("name"):
+ scenario_net["name"] = net_instance_desc["name"]
+ if 'ip-profile' in net_instance_desc:
+ ipprofile_db = ip_profile_IM2RO(net_instance_desc['ip-profile'])
+ if 'ip_profile' not in scenario_net:
+ scenario_net['ip_profile'] = ipprofile_db
+ else:
+ update(scenario_net['ip_profile'], ipprofile_db)
++ if 'provider-network' in net_instance_desc:
++ provider_network_db = net_instance_desc['provider-network']
++ if 'provider-network' not in scenario_net:
++ scenario_net['provider-network'] = provider_network_db
++ else:
++ update(scenario_net['provider-network'], provider_network_db)
+ for vdu_id, vdu_instance_desc in vnf_instance_desc.get("vdus", {}).items():
+ for scenario_vm in scenario_vnf['vms']:
+ if vdu_id == scenario_vm['osm_id'] or vdu_id == scenario_vm["name"]:
+ break
+ else:
+ raise NfvoException("Invalid vdu id or name '{}' at instance:vnfs:vdus".format(vdu_id), httperrors.Bad_Request)
+ scenario_vm["instance_parameters"] = vdu_instance_desc
+ for iface_id, iface_instance_desc in vdu_instance_desc.get("interfaces", {}).items():
+ for scenario_interface in scenario_vm['interfaces']:
+ if iface_id == scenario_interface['internal_name'] or iface_id == scenario_interface["external_name"]:
+ scenario_interface.update(iface_instance_desc)
+ break
+ else:
+ raise NfvoException("Invalid vdu id or name '{}' at instance:vnfs:vdus".format(vdu_id), httperrors.Bad_Request)
+ # 0.1 parse cloud-config parameters
+ cloud_config = unify_cloud_config(instance_dict.get("cloud-config"), scenarioDict.get("cloud-config"))
+ # 0.2 merge instance information into scenario
+ # Ideally, the operation should be as simple as: update(scenarioDict,instance_dict)
+ # However, this is not possible yet.
+ for net_name, net_instance_desc in instance_dict.get("networks", {}).items():
+ for scenario_net in scenarioDict['nets']:
+ if net_name == scenario_net.get("name") or net_name == scenario_net.get("osm_id") or net_name == scenario_net.get("uuid"):
+ if "wim_account" in net_instance_desc and net_instance_desc["wim_account"] is not None:
+ scenario_net["wim_account"] = net_instance_desc["wim_account"]
+ if 'ip-profile' in net_instance_desc:
+ ipprofile_db = ip_profile_IM2RO(net_instance_desc['ip-profile'])
+ if 'ip_profile' not in scenario_net:
+ scenario_net['ip_profile'] = ipprofile_db
+ else:
+ update(scenario_net['ip_profile'], ipprofile_db)
++ if 'provider-network' in net_instance_desc:
++ provider_network_db = net_instance_desc['provider-network']
++ if 'provider-network' not in scenario_net:
++ scenario_net['provider_network'] = provider_network_db
++ else:
++ update(scenario_net['provider-network'], provider_network_db)
+ for interface in net_instance_desc.get('interfaces', ()):
+ if 'ip_address' in interface:
+ for vnf in scenarioDict['vnfs']:
+ if interface['vnf'] == vnf['name']:
+ for vnf_interface in vnf['interfaces']:
+ if interface['vnf_interface'] == vnf_interface['external_name']:
+ vnf_interface['ip_address'] = interface['ip_address']
+ # logger.debug(">>>>>>>> Merged dictionary")
+ # logger.debug("Creating instance scenario-dict MERGED:\n%s",
+ # yaml.safe_dump(scenarioDict, indent=4, default_flow_style=False))
+ # 1. Creating new nets (sce_nets) in the VIM"
+ number_mgmt_networks = 0
+ db_instance_nets = []
+ db_instance_wim_nets = []
+ for sce_net in scenarioDict['nets']:
+ sce_net_uuid = sce_net.get('uuid', sce_net["name"])
+ # get involved datacenters where this network need to be created
+ involved_datacenters = []
+ for sce_vnf in scenarioDict.get("vnfs", ()):
+ vnf_datacenter = sce_vnf.get("datacenter", default_datacenter_id)
+ if vnf_datacenter in involved_datacenters:
+ continue
+ if sce_vnf.get("interfaces"):
+ for sce_vnf_ifaces in sce_vnf["interfaces"]:
+ if sce_vnf_ifaces.get("sce_net_id") == sce_net["uuid"]:
+ involved_datacenters.append(vnf_datacenter)
+ break
+ if not involved_datacenters:
+ involved_datacenters.append(default_datacenter_id)
+ target_wim_account = sce_net.get("wim_account", default_wim_account)
+ # --> WIM
+ # TODO: use this information during network creation
+ wim_account_id = wim_account_name = None
+ if len(involved_datacenters) > 1 and 'uuid' in sce_net:
+ if target_wim_account is None or target_wim_account is True: # automatic selection of WIM
+ # OBS: sce_net without uuid are used internally to VNFs
+ # and the assumption is that VNFs will not be split among
+ # different datacenters
+ wim_account = wim_engine.find_suitable_wim_account(
+ involved_datacenters, tenant_id)
+ wim_account_id = wim_account['uuid']
+ wim_account_name = wim_account['name']
+ wim_usage[sce_net['uuid']] = wim_account_id
+ elif isinstance(target_wim_account, str): # manual selection of WIM
+ wim_account.persist.get_wim_account_by(target_wim_account, tenant_id)
+ wim_account_id = wim_account['uuid']
+ wim_account_name = wim_account['name']
+ wim_usage[sce_net['uuid']] = wim_account_id
+ else: # not WIM usage
+ wim_usage[sce_net['uuid']] = False
+ # <-- WIM
+ descriptor_net = {}
+ if instance_dict.get("networks"):
+ if sce_net.get("uuid") in instance_dict["networks"]:
+ descriptor_net = instance_dict["networks"][sce_net["uuid"]]
+ descriptor_net_name = sce_net["uuid"]
+ elif sce_net.get("osm_id") in instance_dict["networks"]:
+ descriptor_net = instance_dict["networks"][sce_net["osm_id"]]
+ descriptor_net_name = sce_net["osm_id"]
+ elif sce_net["name"] in instance_dict["networks"]:
+ descriptor_net = instance_dict["networks"][sce_net["name"]]
+ descriptor_net_name = sce_net["name"]
+ net_name = descriptor_net.get("vim-network-name")
+ # add datacenters from instantiation parameters
+ if descriptor_net.get("sites"):
+ for site in descriptor_net["sites"]:
+ if site.get("datacenter") and site["datacenter"] not in involved_datacenters:
+ involved_datacenters.append(site["datacenter"])
+ sce_net2instance[sce_net_uuid] = {}
+ sce_net2wim_instance[sce_net_uuid] = {}
+ net2task_id['scenario'][sce_net_uuid] = {}
+ use_network = None
+ related_network = None
+ if descriptor_net.get("use-network"):
+ target_instance_nets = mydb.get_rows(
+ SELECT="related",
+ FROM="instance_nets",
+ WHERE={"instance_scenario_id": descriptor_net["use-network"]["instance_scenario_id"],
+ "osm_id": descriptor_net["use-network"]["osm_id"]},
+ )
+ if not target_instance_nets:
+ raise NfvoException(
+ "Cannot find the target network at instance:networks[{}]:use-network".format(descriptor_net_name),
+ httperrors.Bad_Request)
+ else:
+ use_network = target_instance_nets[0]["related"]
+ if sce_net["external"]:
+ number_mgmt_networks += 1
+ for datacenter_id in involved_datacenters:
+ netmap_use = None
+ netmap_create = None
+ if descriptor_net.get("sites"):
+ for site in descriptor_net["sites"]:
+ if site.get("datacenter") == datacenter_id:
+ netmap_use = site.get("netmap-use")
+ netmap_create = site.get("netmap-create")
+ break
+ vim = myvims[datacenter_id]
+ myvim_thread_id = myvim_threads_id[datacenter_id]
+ net_type = sce_net['type']
+ net_vim_name = None
+ lookfor_filter = {'admin_state_up': True, 'status': 'ACTIVE'} # 'shared': True
+ if not net_name:
+ if sce_net["external"]:
+ net_name = sce_net["name"]
+ else:
+ net_name = "{}-{}".format(instance_name, sce_net["name"])
+ net_name = net_name[:255] # limit length
+ if netmap_use or netmap_create:
+ create_network = False
+ lookfor_network = False
+ if netmap_use:
+ lookfor_network = True
+ if utils.check_valid_uuid(netmap_use):
+ lookfor_filter["id"] = netmap_use
+ else:
+ lookfor_filter["name"] = netmap_use
+ if netmap_create:
+ create_network = True
+ net_vim_name = net_name
+ if isinstance(netmap_create, str):
+ net_vim_name = netmap_create
+ elif sce_net.get("vim_network_name"):
+ create_network = False
+ lookfor_network = True
+ lookfor_filter["name"] = sce_net.get("vim_network_name")
+ elif sce_net["external"]:
+ if sce_net.get('vim_id'):
+ # there is a netmap at datacenter_nets database # TODO REVISE!!!!
+ create_network = False
+ lookfor_network = True
+ lookfor_filter["id"] = sce_net['vim_id']
+ elif vim["config"].get("management_network_id") or vim["config"].get("management_network_name"):
+ if number_mgmt_networks > 1:
+ raise NfvoException("Found several VLD of type mgmt. "
+ "You must concrete what vim-network must be use for each one",
+ httperrors.Bad_Request)
+ create_network = False
+ lookfor_network = True
+ if vim["config"].get("management_network_id"):
+ lookfor_filter["id"] = vim["config"]["management_network_id"]
+ else:
+ lookfor_filter["name"] = vim["config"]["management_network_name"]
+ else:
+ # There is not a netmap, look at datacenter for a net with this name and create if not found
+ create_network = True
+ lookfor_network = True
+ lookfor_filter["name"] = sce_net["name"]
+ net_vim_name = sce_net["name"]
+ else:
+ net_vim_name = net_name
+ create_network = True
+ lookfor_network = False
+ task_extra = {}
+ if create_network:
+ task_action = "CREATE"
- "description": "Public key injected",
- "name":vm['name']
++ task_extra["params"] = (net_vim_name, net_type, sce_net.get('ip_profile', None), None, sce_net.get('provider_network', None), wim_account_name)
+ if lookfor_network:
+ task_extra["find"] = (lookfor_filter,)
+ elif lookfor_network:
+ task_action = "FIND"
+ task_extra["params"] = (lookfor_filter,)
+ # fill database content
+ net_uuid = str(uuid4())
+ uuid_list.append(net_uuid)
+ sce_net2instance[sce_net_uuid][datacenter_id] = net_uuid
+ if not related_network: # all db_instance_nets will have same related
+ related_network = use_network or net_uuid
+ sdn_net_id = None
+ sdn_controller = vim.config.get('sdn-controller')
+ sce_net2wim_instance[sce_net_uuid][datacenter_id] = None
+ if sdn_controller and net_type in ("data", "ptp"):
+ wim_id = _get_wim(mydb, sdn_controller)
+ sdn_net_id = str(uuid4())
+ sce_net2wim_instance[sce_net_uuid][datacenter_id] = sdn_net_id
+ task_extra["sdn_net_id"] = sdn_net_id
+ db_instance_wim_nets.append({
+ "uuid": sdn_net_id,
+ "instance_scenario_id": instance_uuid,
+ "sce_net_id": sce_net.get("uuid"),
+ "wim_id": wim_id,
+ "wim_account_id": sdn_controller,
+ 'status': 'BUILD', # if create_network else "ACTIVE"
+ "related": related_network,
+ 'multipoint': True if net_type=="data" else False,
+ "created": create_network, # TODO py3
+ "sdn": True,
+ })
+ task_wim_extra = {"params": [net_type, wim_account_name]}
+ db_vim_action = {
+ "instance_action_id": instance_action_id,
+ "status": "SCHEDULED",
+ "task_index": task_index,
+ # "datacenter_vim_id": myvim_thread_id,
+ "wim_account_id": sdn_controller,
+ "action": task_action,
+ "item": "instance_wim_nets",
+ "item_id": sdn_net_id,
+ "related": related_network,
+ "extra": yaml.safe_dump(task_wim_extra, default_flow_style=True, width=256)
+ }
+ task_index += 1
+ db_vim_actions.append(db_vim_action)
+ db_net = {
+ "uuid": net_uuid,
+ "osm_id": sce_net.get("osm_id") or sce_net["name"],
+ "related": related_network,
+ 'vim_net_id': None,
+ "vim_name": net_vim_name,
+ "instance_scenario_id": instance_uuid,
+ "sce_net_id": sce_net.get("uuid"),
+ "created": create_network,
+ 'datacenter_id': datacenter_id,
+ 'datacenter_tenant_id': myvim_thread_id,
+ 'status': 'BUILD', # if create_network else "ACTIVE"
+ 'sdn_net_id': sdn_net_id,
+ }
+ db_instance_nets.append(db_net)
+ db_vim_action = {
+ "instance_action_id": instance_action_id,
+ "status": "SCHEDULED",
+ "task_index": task_index,
+ "datacenter_vim_id": myvim_thread_id,
+ "action": task_action,
+ "item": "instance_nets",
+ "item_id": net_uuid,
+ "related": related_network,
+ "extra": yaml.safe_dump(task_extra, default_flow_style=True, width=256)
+ }
+ net2task_id['scenario'][sce_net_uuid][datacenter_id] = task_index
+ task_index += 1
+ db_vim_actions.append(db_vim_action)
+ if 'ip_profile' in sce_net:
+ db_ip_profile={
+ 'instance_net_id': net_uuid,
+ 'ip_version': sce_net['ip_profile']['ip_version'],
+ 'subnet_address': sce_net['ip_profile']['subnet_address'],
+ 'gateway_address': sce_net['ip_profile']['gateway_address'],
+ 'dns_address': sce_net['ip_profile']['dns_address'],
+ 'dhcp_enabled': sce_net['ip_profile']['dhcp_enabled'],
+ 'dhcp_start_address': sce_net['ip_profile']['dhcp_start_address'],
+ 'dhcp_count': sce_net['ip_profile']['dhcp_count'],
+ }
+ db_ip_profiles.append(db_ip_profile)
+ # Create VNFs
+ vnf_params = {
+ "default_datacenter_id": default_datacenter_id,
+ "myvim_threads_id": myvim_threads_id,
+ "instance_uuid": instance_uuid,
+ "instance_name": instance_name,
+ "instance_action_id": instance_action_id,
+ "myvims": myvims,
+ "cloud_config": cloud_config,
+ "RO_pub_key": tenant[0].get('RO_pub_key'),
+ "instance_parameters": instance_dict,
+ }
+ vnf_params_out = {
+ "task_index": task_index,
+ "uuid_list": uuid_list,
+ "db_instance_nets": db_instance_nets,
+ "db_instance_wim_nets": db_instance_wim_nets,
+ "db_vim_actions": db_vim_actions,
+ "db_ip_profiles": db_ip_profiles,
+ "db_instance_vnfs": db_instance_vnfs,
+ "db_instance_vms": db_instance_vms,
+ "db_instance_interfaces": db_instance_interfaces,
+ "net2task_id": net2task_id,
+ "sce_net2instance": sce_net2instance,
+ "sce_net2wim_instance": sce_net2wim_instance,
+ }
+ # sce_vnf_list = sorted(scenarioDict['vnfs'], key=lambda k: k['name'])
+ for sce_vnf in scenarioDict.get('vnfs', ()): # sce_vnf_list:
+ instantiate_vnf(mydb, sce_vnf, vnf_params, vnf_params_out, rollbackList)
+ task_index = vnf_params_out["task_index"]
+ uuid_list = vnf_params_out["uuid_list"]
+ # Create VNFFGs
+ # task_depends_on = []
+ for vnffg in scenarioDict.get('vnffgs', ()):
+ for rsp in vnffg['rsps']:
+ sfs_created = []
+ for cp in rsp['connection_points']:
+ count = mydb.get_rows(
+ SELECT='vms.count',
+ FROM="vms join interfaces on vms.uuid=interfaces.vm_id join sce_rsp_hops as h "
+ "on interfaces.uuid=h.ingress_interface_id",
+ WHERE={'h.uuid': cp['uuid']})[0]['count']
+ instance_vnf = next((item for item in db_instance_vnfs if item['sce_vnf_id'] == cp['sce_vnf_id']), None)
+ instance_vms = [item for item in db_instance_vms if item['instance_vnf_id'] == instance_vnf['uuid']]
+ dependencies = []
+ for instance_vm in instance_vms:
+ action = next((item for item in db_vim_actions if item['item_id'] == instance_vm['uuid']), None)
+ if action:
+ dependencies.append(action['task_index'])
+ # TODO: throw exception if count != len(instance_vms)
+ # TODO: and action shouldn't ever be None
+ sfis_created = []
+ for i in range(count):
+ # create sfis
+ sfi_uuid = str(uuid4())
+ extra_params = {
+ "ingress_interface_id": cp["ingress_interface_id"],
+ "egress_interface_id": cp["egress_interface_id"]
+ }
+ uuid_list.append(sfi_uuid)
+ db_sfi = {
+ "uuid": sfi_uuid,
+ "related": sfi_uuid,
+ "instance_scenario_id": instance_uuid,
+ 'sce_rsp_hop_id': cp['uuid'],
+ 'datacenter_id': datacenter_id,
+ 'datacenter_tenant_id': myvim_thread_id,
+ "vim_sfi_id": None, # vim thread will populate
+ }
+ db_instance_sfis.append(db_sfi)
+ db_vim_action = {
+ "instance_action_id": instance_action_id,
+ "task_index": task_index,
+ "datacenter_vim_id": myvim_thread_id,
+ "action": "CREATE",
+ "status": "SCHEDULED",
+ "item": "instance_sfis",
+ "item_id": sfi_uuid,
+ "related": sfi_uuid,
+ "extra": yaml.safe_dump({"params": extra_params, "depends_on": [dependencies[i]]},
+ default_flow_style=True, width=256)
+ }
+ sfis_created.append(task_index)
+ task_index += 1
+ db_vim_actions.append(db_vim_action)
+ # create sfs
+ sf_uuid = str(uuid4())
+ uuid_list.append(sf_uuid)
+ db_sf = {
+ "uuid": sf_uuid,
+ "related": sf_uuid,
+ "instance_scenario_id": instance_uuid,
+ 'sce_rsp_hop_id': cp['uuid'],
+ 'datacenter_id': datacenter_id,
+ 'datacenter_tenant_id': myvim_thread_id,
+ "vim_sf_id": None, # vim thread will populate
+ }
+ db_instance_sfs.append(db_sf)
+ db_vim_action = {
+ "instance_action_id": instance_action_id,
+ "task_index": task_index,
+ "datacenter_vim_id": myvim_thread_id,
+ "action": "CREATE",
+ "status": "SCHEDULED",
+ "item": "instance_sfs",
+ "item_id": sf_uuid,
+ "related": sf_uuid,
+ "extra": yaml.safe_dump({"params": "", "depends_on": sfis_created},
+ default_flow_style=True, width=256)
+ }
+ sfs_created.append(task_index)
+ task_index += 1
+ db_vim_actions.append(db_vim_action)
+ classifier = rsp['classifier']
+ # TODO the following ~13 lines can be reused for the sfi case
+ count = mydb.get_rows(
+ SELECT=('vms.count'),
+ FROM="vms join interfaces on vms.uuid=interfaces.vm_id join sce_classifiers as c on interfaces.uuid=c.interface_id",
+ WHERE={'c.uuid': classifier['uuid']})[0]['count']
+ instance_vnf = next((item for item in db_instance_vnfs if item['sce_vnf_id'] == classifier['sce_vnf_id']), None)
+ instance_vms = [item for item in db_instance_vms if item['instance_vnf_id'] == instance_vnf['uuid']]
+ dependencies = []
+ for instance_vm in instance_vms:
+ action = next((item for item in db_vim_actions if item['item_id'] == instance_vm['uuid']), None)
+ if action:
+ dependencies.append(action['task_index'])
+ # TODO: throw exception if count != len(instance_vms)
+ # TODO: and action shouldn't ever be None
+ classifications_created = []
+ for i in range(count):
+ for match in classifier['matches']:
+ # create classifications
+ classification_uuid = str(uuid4())
+ uuid_list.append(classification_uuid)
+ db_classification = {
+ "uuid": classification_uuid,
+ "related": classification_uuid,
+ "instance_scenario_id": instance_uuid,
+ 'sce_classifier_match_id': match['uuid'],
+ 'datacenter_id': datacenter_id,
+ 'datacenter_tenant_id': myvim_thread_id,
+ "vim_classification_id": None, # vim thread will populate
+ }
+ db_instance_classifications.append(db_classification)
+ classification_params = {
+ "ip_proto": match["ip_proto"],
+ "source_ip": match["source_ip"],
+ "destination_ip": match["destination_ip"],
+ "source_port": match["source_port"],
+ "destination_port": match["destination_port"]
+ }
+ db_vim_action = {
+ "instance_action_id": instance_action_id,
+ "task_index": task_index,
+ "datacenter_vim_id": myvim_thread_id,
+ "action": "CREATE",
+ "status": "SCHEDULED",
+ "item": "instance_classifications",
+ "item_id": classification_uuid,
+ "related": classification_uuid,
+ "extra": yaml.safe_dump({"params": classification_params, "depends_on": [dependencies[i]]},
+ default_flow_style=True, width=256)
+ }
+ classifications_created.append(task_index)
+ task_index += 1
+ db_vim_actions.append(db_vim_action)
+ # create sfps
+ sfp_uuid = str(uuid4())
+ uuid_list.append(sfp_uuid)
+ db_sfp = {
+ "uuid": sfp_uuid,
+ "related": sfp_uuid,
+ "instance_scenario_id": instance_uuid,
+ 'sce_rsp_id': rsp['uuid'],
+ 'datacenter_id': datacenter_id,
+ 'datacenter_tenant_id': myvim_thread_id,
+ "vim_sfp_id": None, # vim thread will populate
+ }
+ db_instance_sfps.append(db_sfp)
+ db_vim_action = {
+ "instance_action_id": instance_action_id,
+ "task_index": task_index,
+ "datacenter_vim_id": myvim_thread_id,
+ "action": "CREATE",
+ "status": "SCHEDULED",
+ "item": "instance_sfps",
+ "item_id": sfp_uuid,
+ "related": sfp_uuid,
+ "extra": yaml.safe_dump({"params": "", "depends_on": sfs_created + classifications_created},
+ default_flow_style=True, width=256)
+ }
+ task_index += 1
+ db_vim_actions.append(db_vim_action)
+ db_instance_action["number_tasks"] = task_index
+ # --> WIM
+ logger.debug('wim_usage:\n%s\n\n', pformat(wim_usage))
+ wan_links = wim_engine.derive_wan_links(wim_usage, db_instance_nets, tenant_id)
+ wim_actions = wim_engine.create_actions(wan_links)
+ wim_actions, db_instance_action = (
+ wim_engine.incorporate_actions(wim_actions, db_instance_action))
+ # <-- WIM
+ scenarioDict["datacenter2tenant"] = myvim_threads_id
+ db_instance_scenario['datacenter_tenant_id'] = myvim_threads_id[default_datacenter_id]
+ db_instance_scenario['datacenter_id'] = default_datacenter_id
+ db_tables=[
+ {"instance_scenarios": db_instance_scenario},
+ {"instance_vnfs": db_instance_vnfs},
+ {"instance_nets": db_instance_nets},
+ {"ip_profiles": db_ip_profiles},
+ {"instance_vms": db_instance_vms},
+ {"instance_interfaces": db_instance_interfaces},
+ {"instance_actions": db_instance_action},
+ {"instance_sfis": db_instance_sfis},
+ {"instance_sfs": db_instance_sfs},
+ {"instance_classifications": db_instance_classifications},
+ {"instance_sfps": db_instance_sfps},
+ {"instance_wim_nets": db_instance_wim_nets + wan_links},
+ {"vim_wim_actions": db_vim_actions + wim_actions}
+ ]
+ logger.debug("create_instance done DB tables: %s",
+ yaml.safe_dump(db_tables, indent=4, default_flow_style=False) )
+ mydb.new_rows(db_tables, uuid_list)
+ for myvim_thread_id in myvim_threads_id.values():
+ vim_threads["running"][myvim_thread_id].insert_task(db_vim_actions)
+ wim_engine.dispatch(wim_actions)
+ returned_instance = mydb.get_instance_scenario(instance_uuid)
+ returned_instance["action_id"] = instance_action_id
+ return returned_instance
+ except (NfvoException, vimconn.vimconnException, sdnconn.SdnConnectorError, db_base_Exception) as e:
+ message = rollback(mydb, myvims, rollbackList)
+ if isinstance(e, db_base_Exception):
+ error_text = "database Exception"
+ elif isinstance(e, vimconn.vimconnException):
+ error_text = "VIM Exception"
+ elif isinstance(e, sdnconn.SdnConnectorError):
+ error_text = "WIM Exception"
+ else:
+ error_text = "Exception"
+ error_text += " {} {}. {}".format(type(e).__name__, str(e), message)
+ # logger.error("create_instance: %s", error_text)
+ logger.exception(e)
+ raise NfvoException(error_text, e.http_code)
+ def instantiate_vnf(mydb, sce_vnf, params, params_out, rollbackList):
+ default_datacenter_id = params["default_datacenter_id"]
+ myvim_threads_id = params["myvim_threads_id"]
+ instance_uuid = params["instance_uuid"]
+ instance_name = params["instance_name"]
+ instance_action_id = params["instance_action_id"]
+ myvims = params["myvims"]
+ cloud_config = params["cloud_config"]
+ RO_pub_key = params["RO_pub_key"]
+ task_index = params_out["task_index"]
+ uuid_list = params_out["uuid_list"]
+ db_instance_nets = params_out["db_instance_nets"]
+ db_instance_wim_nets = params_out["db_instance_wim_nets"]
+ db_vim_actions = params_out["db_vim_actions"]
+ db_ip_profiles = params_out["db_ip_profiles"]
+ db_instance_vnfs = params_out["db_instance_vnfs"]
+ db_instance_vms = params_out["db_instance_vms"]
+ db_instance_interfaces = params_out["db_instance_interfaces"]
+ net2task_id = params_out["net2task_id"]
+ sce_net2instance = params_out["sce_net2instance"]
+ sce_net2wim_instance = params_out["sce_net2wim_instance"]
+ vnf_net2instance = {}
+ # 2. Creating new nets (vnf internal nets) in the VIM"
+ # For each vnf net, we create it and we add it to instanceNetlist.
+ if sce_vnf.get("datacenter"):
+ vim = myvims[sce_vnf["datacenter"]]
+ datacenter_id = sce_vnf["datacenter"]
+ myvim_thread_id = myvim_threads_id[sce_vnf["datacenter"]]
+ else:
+ vim = myvims[default_datacenter_id]
+ datacenter_id = default_datacenter_id
+ myvim_thread_id = myvim_threads_id[default_datacenter_id]
+ for net in sce_vnf['nets']:
+ # TODO revis
+ # descriptor_net = instance_dict.get("vnfs", {}).get(sce_vnf["name"], {})
+ # net_name = descriptor_net.get("name")
+ net_name = None
+ if not net_name:
+ net_name = "{}-{}".format(instance_name, net["name"])
+ net_name = net_name[:255] # limit length
+ net_type = net['type']
+ if sce_vnf['uuid'] not in vnf_net2instance:
+ vnf_net2instance[sce_vnf['uuid']] = {}
+ if sce_vnf['uuid'] not in net2task_id:
+ net2task_id[sce_vnf['uuid']] = {}
+ # fill database content
+ net_uuid = str(uuid4())
+ uuid_list.append(net_uuid)
+ vnf_net2instance[sce_vnf['uuid']][net['uuid']] = net_uuid
+ sdn_controller = vim.config.get('sdn-controller')
+ sdn_net_id = None
+ if sdn_controller and net_type in ("data", "ptp"):
+ wim_id = _get_wim(mydb, sdn_controller)
+ sdn_net_id = str(uuid4())
+ db_instance_wim_nets.append({
+ "uuid": sdn_net_id,
+ "instance_scenario_id": instance_uuid,
+ "wim_id": wim_id,
+ "wim_account_id": sdn_controller,
+ 'status': 'BUILD', # if create_network else "ACTIVE"
+ "related": net_uuid,
+ 'multipoint': True if net_type == "data" else False,
+ "created": True, # TODO py3
+ "sdn": True,
+ })
+ db_net = {
+ "uuid": net_uuid,
+ "related": net_uuid,
+ 'vim_net_id': None,
+ "vim_name": net_name,
+ "instance_scenario_id": instance_uuid,
+ "net_id": net["uuid"],
+ "created": True,
+ 'datacenter_id': datacenter_id,
+ 'datacenter_tenant_id': myvim_thread_id,
+ 'sdn_net_id': sdn_net_id,
+ }
+ db_instance_nets.append(db_net)
+ lookfor_filter = {}
+ if net.get("vim-network-name"):
+ lookfor_filter["name"] = net["vim-network-name"]
+ if net.get("vim-network-id"):
+ lookfor_filter["id"] = net["vim-network-id"]
+ if lookfor_filter:
+ task_action = "FIND"
+ task_extra = {"params": (lookfor_filter,)}
+ else:
+ task_action = "CREATE"
+ task_extra = {"params": (net_name, net_type, net.get('ip_profile', None))}
+ if sdn_net_id:
+ task_extra["sdn_net_id"] = sdn_net_id
+ if sdn_net_id:
+ task_wim_extra = {"params": [net_type, None]}
+ db_vim_action = {
+ "instance_action_id": instance_action_id,
+ "status": "SCHEDULED",
+ "task_index": task_index,
+ # "datacenter_vim_id": myvim_thread_id,
+ "wim_account_id": sdn_controller,
+ "action": task_action,
+ "item": "instance_wim_nets",
+ "item_id": sdn_net_id,
+ "related": net_uuid,
+ "extra": yaml.safe_dump(task_wim_extra, default_flow_style=True, width=256)
+ }
+ task_index += 1
+ db_vim_actions.append(db_vim_action)
+ db_vim_action = {
+ "instance_action_id": instance_action_id,
+ "task_index": task_index,
+ "datacenter_vim_id": myvim_thread_id,
+ "status": "SCHEDULED",
+ "action": task_action,
+ "item": "instance_nets",
+ "item_id": net_uuid,
+ "related": net_uuid,
+ "extra": yaml.safe_dump(task_extra, default_flow_style=True, width=256)
+ }
+ net2task_id[sce_vnf['uuid']][net['uuid']] = task_index
+ task_index += 1
+ db_vim_actions.append(db_vim_action)
+ if 'ip_profile' in net:
+ db_ip_profile = {
+ 'instance_net_id': net_uuid,
+ 'ip_version': net['ip_profile']['ip_version'],
+ 'subnet_address': net['ip_profile']['subnet_address'],
+ 'gateway_address': net['ip_profile']['gateway_address'],
+ 'dns_address': net['ip_profile']['dns_address'],
+ 'dhcp_enabled': net['ip_profile']['dhcp_enabled'],
+ 'dhcp_start_address': net['ip_profile']['dhcp_start_address'],
+ 'dhcp_count': net['ip_profile']['dhcp_count'],
+ }
+ db_ip_profiles.append(db_ip_profile)
+ # print "vnf_net2instance:"
+ # print yaml.safe_dump(vnf_net2instance, indent=4, default_flow_style=False)
+ # 3. Creating new vm instances in the VIM
+ # myvim.new_vminstance(self,vimURI,tenant_id,name,description,image_id,flavor_id,net_dict)
+ ssh_access = None
+ if sce_vnf.get('mgmt_access'):
+ ssh_access = sce_vnf['mgmt_access'].get('config-access', {}).get('ssh-access')
+ vnf_availability_zones = []
+ for vm in sce_vnf.get('vms'):
+ vm_av = vm.get('availability_zone')
+ if vm_av and vm_av not in vnf_availability_zones:
+ vnf_availability_zones.append(vm_av)
+ # check if there is enough availability zones available at vim level.
+ if myvims[datacenter_id].availability_zone and vnf_availability_zones:
+ if len(vnf_availability_zones) > len(myvims[datacenter_id].availability_zone):
+ raise NfvoException('No enough availability zones at VIM for this deployment', httperrors.Bad_Request)
+ if sce_vnf.get("datacenter"):
+ vim = myvims[sce_vnf["datacenter"]]
+ myvim_thread_id = myvim_threads_id[sce_vnf["datacenter"]]
+ datacenter_id = sce_vnf["datacenter"]
+ else:
+ vim = myvims[default_datacenter_id]
+ myvim_thread_id = myvim_threads_id[default_datacenter_id]
+ datacenter_id = default_datacenter_id
+ sce_vnf["datacenter_id"] = datacenter_id
+ i = 0
+ vnf_uuid = str(uuid4())
+ uuid_list.append(vnf_uuid)
+ db_instance_vnf = {
+ 'uuid': vnf_uuid,
+ 'instance_scenario_id': instance_uuid,
+ 'vnf_id': sce_vnf['vnf_id'],
+ 'sce_vnf_id': sce_vnf['uuid'],
+ 'datacenter_id': datacenter_id,
+ 'datacenter_tenant_id': myvim_thread_id,
+ }
+ db_instance_vnfs.append(db_instance_vnf)
+ for vm in sce_vnf['vms']:
+ # skip PDUs
+ if vm.get("pdu_type"):
+ continue
+ myVMDict = {}
+ sce_vnf_name = sce_vnf['member_vnf_index'] if sce_vnf['member_vnf_index'] else sce_vnf['name']
+ myVMDict['name'] = "{}-{}-{}".format(instance_name[:64], sce_vnf_name[:64], vm["name"][:64])
+ myVMDict['description'] = myVMDict['name'][0:99]
+ # if not startvms:
+ # myVMDict['start'] = "no"
+ if vm.get("instance_parameters") and vm["instance_parameters"].get("name"):
+ myVMDict['name'] = vm["instance_parameters"].get("name")
+ myVMDict['name'] = myVMDict['name'][0:255] # limit name length
+ # create image at vim in case it not exist
+ image_uuid = vm['image_id']
+ if vm.get("image_list"):
+ for alternative_image in vm["image_list"]:
+ if alternative_image["vim_type"] == vim["config"]["_vim_type_internal"]:
+ image_uuid = alternative_image['image_id']
+ break
+ image_dict = mydb.get_table_by_uuid_name("images", image_uuid)
+ image_id = create_or_use_image(mydb, {datacenter_id: vim}, image_dict, [], True)
+ vm['vim_image_id'] = image_id
+ # create flavor at vim in case it not exist
+ flavor_dict = mydb.get_table_by_uuid_name("flavors", vm['flavor_id'])
+ if flavor_dict['extended'] != None:
+ flavor_dict['extended'] = yaml.load(flavor_dict['extended'], Loader=yaml.Loader)
+ flavor_id = create_or_use_flavor(mydb, {datacenter_id: vim}, flavor_dict, rollbackList, True)
+ # Obtain information for additional disks
+ extended_flavor_dict = mydb.get_rows(FROM='datacenters_flavors', SELECT=('extended',),
+ WHERE={'vim_id': flavor_id})
+ if not extended_flavor_dict:
+ raise NfvoException("flavor '{}' not found".format(flavor_id), httperrors.Not_Found)
+ # extended_flavor_dict_yaml = yaml.load(extended_flavor_dict[0], Loader=yaml.Loader)
+ myVMDict['disks'] = None
+ extended_info = extended_flavor_dict[0]['extended']
+ if extended_info != None:
+ extended_flavor_dict_yaml = yaml.load(extended_info, Loader=yaml.Loader)
+ if 'disks' in extended_flavor_dict_yaml:
+ myVMDict['disks'] = extended_flavor_dict_yaml['disks']
+ if vm.get("instance_parameters") and vm["instance_parameters"].get("devices"):
+ for disk in myVMDict['disks']:
+ if disk.get("name") in vm["instance_parameters"]["devices"]:
+ disk.update(vm["instance_parameters"]["devices"][disk.get("name")])
+ vm['vim_flavor_id'] = flavor_id
+ myVMDict['imageRef'] = vm['vim_image_id']
+ myVMDict['flavorRef'] = vm['vim_flavor_id']
+ myVMDict['availability_zone'] = vm.get('availability_zone')
+ myVMDict['networks'] = []
+ task_depends_on = []
+ # TODO ALF. connect_mgmt_interfaces. Connect management interfaces if this is true
+ is_management_vm = False
+ db_vm_ifaces = []
+ for iface in vm['interfaces']:
+ netDict = {}
+ if iface['type'] == "data":
+ netDict['type'] = iface['model']
+ elif "model" in iface and iface["model"] != None:
+ netDict['model'] = iface['model']
+ # TODO in future, remove this because mac_address will not be set, and the type of PV,VF
+ # is obtained from iterface table model
+ # discover type of interface looking at flavor
+ for numa in flavor_dict.get('extended', {}).get('numas', []):
+ for flavor_iface in numa.get('interfaces', []):
+ if flavor_iface.get('name') == iface['internal_name']:
+ if flavor_iface['dedicated'] == 'yes':
+ netDict['type'] = "PF" # passthrough
+ elif flavor_iface['dedicated'] == 'no':
+ netDict['type'] = "VF" # siov
+ elif flavor_iface['dedicated'] == 'yes:sriov':
+ netDict['type'] = "VFnotShared" # sriov but only one sriov on the PF
+ netDict["mac_address"] = flavor_iface.get("mac_address")
+ break
+ netDict["use"] = iface['type']
+ if netDict["use"] == "data" and not netDict.get("type"):
+ # print "netDict", netDict
+ # print "iface", iface
+ e_text = "Cannot determine the interface type PF or VF of VNF '{}' VM '{}' iface '{}'".fromat(
+ sce_vnf['name'], vm['name'], iface['internal_name'])
+ if flavor_dict.get('extended') == None:
+ raise NfvoException(e_text + "After database migration some information is not available. \
+ Try to delete and create the scenarios and VNFs again", httperrors.Conflict)
+ else:
+ raise NfvoException(e_text, httperrors.Internal_Server_Error)
+ if netDict["use"] == "mgmt":
+ is_management_vm = True
+ netDict["type"] = "virtual"
+ if netDict["use"] == "bridge":
+ netDict["type"] = "virtual"
+ if iface.get("vpci"):
+ netDict['vpci'] = iface['vpci']
+ if iface.get("mac"):
+ netDict['mac_address'] = iface['mac']
+ if iface.get("mac_address"):
+ netDict['mac_address'] = iface['mac_address']
+ if iface.get("ip_address"):
+ netDict['ip_address'] = iface['ip_address']
+ if iface.get("port-security") is not None:
+ netDict['port_security'] = iface['port-security']
+ if iface.get("floating-ip") is not None:
+ netDict['floating_ip'] = iface['floating-ip']
+ netDict['name'] = iface['internal_name']
+ if iface['net_id'] is None:
+ for vnf_iface in sce_vnf["interfaces"]:
+ # print iface
+ # print vnf_iface
+ if vnf_iface['interface_id'] == iface['uuid']:
+ netDict['net_id'] = "TASK-{}".format(
+ net2task_id['scenario'][vnf_iface['sce_net_id']][datacenter_id])
+ instance_net_id = sce_net2instance[vnf_iface['sce_net_id']][datacenter_id]
+ instance_wim_net_id = sce_net2wim_instance[vnf_iface['sce_net_id']][datacenter_id]
+ task_depends_on.append(net2task_id['scenario'][vnf_iface['sce_net_id']][datacenter_id])
+ break
+ else:
+ netDict['net_id'] = "TASK-{}".format(net2task_id[sce_vnf['uuid']][iface['net_id']])
+ instance_net_id = vnf_net2instance[sce_vnf['uuid']][iface['net_id']]
+ task_depends_on.append(net2task_id[sce_vnf['uuid']][iface['net_id']])
+ # skip bridge ifaces not connected to any net
+ if 'net_id' not in netDict or netDict['net_id'] == None:
+ continue
+ myVMDict['networks'].append(netDict)
+ db_vm_iface = {
+ # "uuid"
+ # 'instance_vm_id': instance_vm_uuid,
+ "instance_net_id": instance_net_id,
+ "instance_wim_net_id": instance_wim_net_id,
+ 'interface_id': iface['uuid'],
+ # 'vim_interface_id': ,
+ 'type': 'external' if iface['external_name'] is not None else 'internal',
+ 'model': iface['model'],
+ 'ip_address': iface.get('ip_address'),
+ 'mac_address': iface.get('mac'),
+ 'floating_ip': int(iface.get('floating-ip', False)),
+ 'port_security': int(iface.get('port-security', True))
+ }
+ db_vm_ifaces.append(db_vm_iface)
+ # print ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"
+ # print myVMDict['name']
+ # print "networks", yaml.safe_dump(myVMDict['networks'], indent=4, default_flow_style=False)
+ # print "interfaces", yaml.safe_dump(vm['interfaces'], indent=4, default_flow_style=False)
+ # print ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"
+ # We add the RO key to cloud_config if vnf will need ssh access
+ cloud_config_vm = cloud_config
+ if is_management_vm and params["instance_parameters"].get("mgmt_keys"):
+ cloud_config_vm = unify_cloud_config({"key-pairs": params["instance_parameters"]["mgmt_keys"]},
+ cloud_config_vm)
+ if vm.get("instance_parameters") and "mgmt_keys" in vm["instance_parameters"]:
+ if vm["instance_parameters"]["mgmt_keys"]:
+ cloud_config_vm = unify_cloud_config({"key-pairs": vm["instance_parameters"]["mgmt_keys"]},
+ cloud_config_vm)
+ if RO_pub_key:
+ cloud_config_vm = unify_cloud_config(cloud_config_vm, {"key-pairs": [RO_pub_key]})
+ if vm.get("boot_data"):
+ cloud_config_vm = unify_cloud_config(vm["boot_data"], cloud_config_vm)
+ if myVMDict.get('availability_zone'):
+ av_index = vnf_availability_zones.index(myVMDict['availability_zone'])
+ else:
+ av_index = None
+ for vm_index in range(0, vm.get('count', 1)):
+ vm_name = myVMDict['name'] + "-" + str(vm_index+1)
+ task_params = (vm_name, myVMDict['description'], myVMDict.get('start', None),
+ myVMDict['imageRef'], myVMDict['flavorRef'], myVMDict['networks'], cloud_config_vm,
+ myVMDict['disks'], av_index, vnf_availability_zones)
+ # put interface uuid back to scenario[vnfs][vms[[interfaces]
+ for net in myVMDict['networks']:
+ if "vim_id" in net:
+ for iface in vm['interfaces']:
+ if net["name"] == iface["internal_name"]:
+ iface["vim_id"] = net["vim_id"]
+ break
+ vm_uuid = str(uuid4())
+ uuid_list.append(vm_uuid)
+ db_vm = {
+ "uuid": vm_uuid,
+ "related": vm_uuid,
+ 'instance_vnf_id': vnf_uuid,
+ # TODO delete "vim_vm_id": vm_id,
+ "vm_id": vm["uuid"],
+ "vim_name": vm_name,
+ # "status":
+ }
+ db_instance_vms.append(db_vm)
+ iface_index = 0
+ for db_vm_iface in db_vm_ifaces:
+ iface_uuid = str(uuid4())
+ uuid_list.append(iface_uuid)
+ db_vm_iface_instance = {
+ "uuid": iface_uuid,
+ "instance_vm_id": vm_uuid
+ }
+ db_vm_iface_instance.update(db_vm_iface)
+ if db_vm_iface_instance.get("ip_address"): # increment ip_address
+ ip = db_vm_iface_instance.get("ip_address")
+ i = ip.rfind(".")
+ if i > 0:
+ try:
+ i += 1
+ ip = ip[i:] + str(int(ip[:i]) + 1)
+ db_vm_iface_instance["ip_address"] = ip
+ except:
+ db_vm_iface_instance["ip_address"] = None
+ db_instance_interfaces.append(db_vm_iface_instance)
+ myVMDict['networks'][iface_index]["uuid"] = iface_uuid
+ iface_index += 1
+ db_vim_action = {
+ "instance_action_id": instance_action_id,
+ "task_index": task_index,
+ "datacenter_vim_id": myvim_thread_id,
+ "action": "CREATE",
+ "status": "SCHEDULED",
+ "item": "instance_vms",
+ "item_id": vm_uuid,
+ "related": vm_uuid,
+ "extra": yaml.safe_dump({"params": task_params, "depends_on": task_depends_on},
+ default_flow_style=True, width=256)
+ }
+ task_index += 1
+ db_vim_actions.append(db_vim_action)
+ params_out["task_index"] = task_index
+ params_out["uuid_list"] = uuid_list
+ def delete_instance(mydb, tenant_id, instance_id):
+ # print "Checking that the instance_id exists and getting the instance dictionary"
+ instanceDict = mydb.get_instance_scenario(instance_id, tenant_id)
+ # print yaml.safe_dump(instanceDict, indent=4, default_flow_style=False)
+ tenant_id = instanceDict["tenant_id"]
+ # --> WIM
+ # We need to retrieve the WIM Actions now, before the instance_scenario is
+ # deleted. The reason for that is that: ON CASCADE rules will delete the
+ # instance_wim_nets record in the database
+ wim_actions = wim_engine.delete_actions(instance_scenario_id=instance_id)
+ # <-- WIM
+ # print "Checking that nfvo_tenant_id exists and getting the VIM URI and the VIM tenant_id"
+ # 1. Delete from Database
+ message = mydb.delete_instance_scenario(instance_id, tenant_id)
+ # 2. delete from VIM
+ error_msg = ""
+ myvims = {}
+ myvim_threads = {}
+ vimthread_affected = {}
+ net2vm_dependencies = {}
+ task_index = 0
+ instance_action_id = get_task_id()
+ db_vim_actions = []
+ db_instance_action = {
+ "uuid": instance_action_id, # same uuid for the instance and the action on create
+ "tenant_id": tenant_id,
+ "instance_id": instance_id,
+ "description": "DELETE",
+ # "number_tasks": 0 # filled bellow
+ }
+ # 2.1 deleting VNFFGs
+ for sfp in instanceDict.get('sfps', ()):
+ vimthread_affected[sfp["datacenter_tenant_id"]] = None
+ datacenter_key = (sfp["datacenter_id"], sfp["datacenter_tenant_id"])
+ if datacenter_key not in myvims:
+ try:
+ _, myvim_thread = get_vim_thread(mydb, tenant_id, sfp["datacenter_id"], sfp["datacenter_tenant_id"])
+ except NfvoException as e:
+ logger.error(str(e))
+ myvim_thread = None
+ myvim_threads[datacenter_key] = myvim_thread
+ vims = get_vim(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter_id=sfp["datacenter_id"],
+ datacenter_tenant_id=sfp["datacenter_tenant_id"])
+ if len(vims) == 0:
+ logger.error("datacenter '{}' with datacenter_tenant_id '{}' not found".format(sfp["datacenter_id"], sfp["datacenter_tenant_id"]))
+ myvims[datacenter_key] = None
+ else:
+ myvims[datacenter_key] = next(iter(vims.values()))
+ myvim = myvims[datacenter_key]
+ myvim_thread = myvim_threads[datacenter_key]
+ if not myvim:
+ error_msg += "\n vim_sfp_id={} cannot be deleted because datacenter={} not found".format(sfp['vim_sfp_id'], sfp["datacenter_id"])
+ continue
+ extra = {"params": (sfp['vim_sfp_id'])}
+ db_vim_action = {
+ "instance_action_id": instance_action_id,
+ "task_index": task_index,
+ "datacenter_vim_id": sfp["datacenter_tenant_id"],
+ "action": "DELETE",
+ "status": "SCHEDULED",
+ "item": "instance_sfps",
+ "item_id": sfp["uuid"],
+ "related": sfp["related"],
+ "extra": yaml.safe_dump(extra, default_flow_style=True, width=256)
+ }
+ task_index += 1
+ db_vim_actions.append(db_vim_action)
+ for classification in instanceDict['classifications']:
+ vimthread_affected[classification["datacenter_tenant_id"]] = None
+ datacenter_key = (classification["datacenter_id"], classification["datacenter_tenant_id"])
+ if datacenter_key not in myvims:
+ try:
+ _, myvim_thread = get_vim_thread(mydb, tenant_id, classification["datacenter_id"], classification["datacenter_tenant_id"])
+ except NfvoException as e:
+ logger.error(str(e))
+ myvim_thread = None
+ myvim_threads[datacenter_key] = myvim_thread
+ vims = get_vim(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter_id=classification["datacenter_id"],
+ datacenter_tenant_id=classification["datacenter_tenant_id"])
+ if len(vims) == 0:
+ logger.error("datacenter '{}' with datacenter_tenant_id '{}' not found".format(classification["datacenter_id"],
+ classification["datacenter_tenant_id"]))
+ myvims[datacenter_key] = None
+ else:
+ myvims[datacenter_key] = next(iter(vims.values()))
+ myvim = myvims[datacenter_key]
+ myvim_thread = myvim_threads[datacenter_key]
+ if not myvim:
+ error_msg += "\n vim_classification_id={} cannot be deleted because datacenter={} not found".format(classification['vim_classification_id'],
+ classification["datacenter_id"])
+ continue
+ depends_on = [action["task_index"] for action in db_vim_actions if action["item"] == "instance_sfps"]
+ extra = {"params": (classification['vim_classification_id']), "depends_on": depends_on}
+ db_vim_action = {
+ "instance_action_id": instance_action_id,
+ "task_index": task_index,
+ "datacenter_vim_id": classification["datacenter_tenant_id"],
+ "action": "DELETE",
+ "status": "SCHEDULED",
+ "item": "instance_classifications",
+ "item_id": classification["uuid"],
+ "related": classification["related"],
+ "extra": yaml.safe_dump(extra, default_flow_style=True, width=256)
+ }
+ task_index += 1
+ db_vim_actions.append(db_vim_action)
+ for sf in instanceDict.get('sfs', ()):
+ vimthread_affected[sf["datacenter_tenant_id"]] = None
+ datacenter_key = (sf["datacenter_id"], sf["datacenter_tenant_id"])
+ if datacenter_key not in myvims:
+ try:
+ _, myvim_thread = get_vim_thread(mydb, tenant_id, sf["datacenter_id"], sf["datacenter_tenant_id"])
+ except NfvoException as e:
+ logger.error(str(e))
+ myvim_thread = None
+ myvim_threads[datacenter_key] = myvim_thread
+ vims = get_vim(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter_id=sf["datacenter_id"],
+ datacenter_tenant_id=sf["datacenter_tenant_id"])
+ if len(vims) == 0:
+ logger.error("datacenter '{}' with datacenter_tenant_id '{}' not found".format(sf["datacenter_id"], sf["datacenter_tenant_id"]))
+ myvims[datacenter_key] = None
+ else:
+ myvims[datacenter_key] = next(iter(vims.values()))
+ myvim = myvims[datacenter_key]
+ myvim_thread = myvim_threads[datacenter_key]
+ if not myvim:
+ error_msg += "\n vim_sf_id={} cannot be deleted because datacenter={} not found".format(sf['vim_sf_id'], sf["datacenter_id"])
+ continue
+ depends_on = [action["task_index"] for action in db_vim_actions if action["item"] == "instance_sfps"]
+ extra = {"params": (sf['vim_sf_id']), "depends_on": depends_on}
+ db_vim_action = {
+ "instance_action_id": instance_action_id,
+ "task_index": task_index,
+ "datacenter_vim_id": sf["datacenter_tenant_id"],
+ "action": "DELETE",
+ "status": "SCHEDULED",
+ "item": "instance_sfs",
+ "item_id": sf["uuid"],
+ "related": sf["related"],
+ "extra": yaml.safe_dump(extra, default_flow_style=True, width=256)
+ }
+ task_index += 1
+ db_vim_actions.append(db_vim_action)
+ for sfi in instanceDict.get('sfis', ()):
+ vimthread_affected[sfi["datacenter_tenant_id"]] = None
+ datacenter_key = (sfi["datacenter_id"], sfi["datacenter_tenant_id"])
+ if datacenter_key not in myvims:
+ try:
+ _, myvim_thread = get_vim_thread(mydb, tenant_id, sfi["datacenter_id"], sfi["datacenter_tenant_id"])
+ except NfvoException as e:
+ logger.error(str(e))
+ myvim_thread = None
+ myvim_threads[datacenter_key] = myvim_thread
+ vims = get_vim(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter_id=sfi["datacenter_id"],
+ datacenter_tenant_id=sfi["datacenter_tenant_id"])
+ if len(vims) == 0:
+ logger.error("datacenter '{}' with datacenter_tenant_id '{}' not found".format(sfi["datacenter_id"], sfi["datacenter_tenant_id"]))
+ myvims[datacenter_key] = None
+ else:
+ myvims[datacenter_key] = next(iter(vims.values()))
+ myvim = myvims[datacenter_key]
+ myvim_thread = myvim_threads[datacenter_key]
+ if not myvim:
+ error_msg += "\n vim_sfi_id={} cannot be deleted because datacenter={} not found".format(sfi['vim_sfi_id'], sfi["datacenter_id"])
+ continue
+ depends_on = [action["task_index"] for action in db_vim_actions if action["item"] == "instance_sfs"]
+ extra = {"params": (sfi['vim_sfi_id']), "depends_on": depends_on}
+ db_vim_action = {
+ "instance_action_id": instance_action_id,
+ "task_index": task_index,
+ "datacenter_vim_id": sfi["datacenter_tenant_id"],
+ "action": "DELETE",
+ "status": "SCHEDULED",
+ "item": "instance_sfis",
+ "item_id": sfi["uuid"],
+ "related": sfi["related"],
+ "extra": yaml.safe_dump(extra, default_flow_style=True, width=256)
+ }
+ task_index += 1
+ db_vim_actions.append(db_vim_action)
+ # 2.2 deleting VMs
+ # vm_fail_list=[]
+ for sce_vnf in instanceDict.get('vnfs', ()):
+ datacenter_key = (sce_vnf["datacenter_id"], sce_vnf["datacenter_tenant_id"])
+ vimthread_affected[sce_vnf["datacenter_tenant_id"]] = None
+ if datacenter_key not in myvims:
+ try:
+ _, myvim_thread = get_vim_thread(mydb, tenant_id, sce_vnf["datacenter_id"], sce_vnf["datacenter_tenant_id"])
+ except NfvoException as e:
+ logger.error(str(e))
+ myvim_thread = None
+ myvim_threads[datacenter_key] = myvim_thread
+ vims = get_vim(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter_id=sce_vnf["datacenter_id"],
+ datacenter_tenant_id=sce_vnf["datacenter_tenant_id"])
+ if len(vims) == 0:
+ logger.error("datacenter '{}' with datacenter_tenant_id '{}' not found".format(sce_vnf["datacenter_id"],
+ sce_vnf["datacenter_tenant_id"]))
+ myvims[datacenter_key] = None
+ else:
+ myvims[datacenter_key] = next(iter(vims.values()))
+ myvim = myvims[datacenter_key]
+ myvim_thread = myvim_threads[datacenter_key]
+ for vm in sce_vnf['vms']:
+ if not myvim:
+ error_msg += "\n VM id={} cannot be deleted because datacenter={} not found".format(vm['vim_vm_id'], sce_vnf["datacenter_id"])
+ continue
+ sfi_dependencies = [action["task_index"] for action in db_vim_actions if action["item"] == "instance_sfis"]
+ db_vim_action = {
+ "instance_action_id": instance_action_id,
+ "task_index": task_index,
+ "datacenter_vim_id": sce_vnf["datacenter_tenant_id"],
+ "action": "DELETE",
+ "status": "SCHEDULED",
+ "item": "instance_vms",
+ "item_id": vm["uuid"],
+ "related": vm["related"],
+ "extra": yaml.safe_dump({"params": vm["interfaces"], "depends_on": sfi_dependencies},
+ default_flow_style=True, width=256)
+ }
+ db_vim_actions.append(db_vim_action)
+ for interface in vm["interfaces"]:
+ if not interface.get("instance_net_id"):
+ continue
+ if interface["instance_net_id"] not in net2vm_dependencies:
+ net2vm_dependencies[interface["instance_net_id"]] = []
+ net2vm_dependencies[interface["instance_net_id"]].append(task_index)
+ task_index += 1
+ # 2.3 deleting NETS
+ # net_fail_list=[]
+ for net in instanceDict['nets']:
+ vimthread_affected[net["datacenter_tenant_id"]] = None
+ datacenter_key = (net["datacenter_id"], net["datacenter_tenant_id"])
+ if datacenter_key not in myvims:
+ try:
+ _,myvim_thread = get_vim_thread(mydb, tenant_id, net["datacenter_id"], net["datacenter_tenant_id"])
+ except NfvoException as e:
+ logger.error(str(e))
+ myvim_thread = None
+ myvim_threads[datacenter_key] = myvim_thread
+ vims = get_vim(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter_id=net["datacenter_id"],
+ datacenter_tenant_id=net["datacenter_tenant_id"])
+ if len(vims) == 0:
+ logger.error("datacenter '{}' with datacenter_tenant_id '{}' not found".format(net["datacenter_id"], net["datacenter_tenant_id"]))
+ myvims[datacenter_key] = None
+ else:
+ myvims[datacenter_key] = next(iter(vims.values()))
+ myvim = myvims[datacenter_key]
+ myvim_thread = myvim_threads[datacenter_key]
+ if not myvim:
+ error_msg += "\n Net VIM_id={} cannot be deleted because datacenter={} not found".format(net['vim_net_id'], net["datacenter_id"])
+ continue
+ extra = {"params": (net['vim_net_id'], net['sdn_net_id'])}
+ if net2vm_dependencies.get(net["uuid"]):
+ extra["depends_on"] = net2vm_dependencies[net["uuid"]]
+ sfi_dependencies = [action["task_index"] for action in db_vim_actions if action["item"] == "instance_sfis"]
+ if len(sfi_dependencies) > 0:
+ if "depends_on" in extra:
+ extra["depends_on"] += sfi_dependencies
+ else:
+ extra["depends_on"] = sfi_dependencies
+ db_vim_action = {
+ "instance_action_id": instance_action_id,
+ "task_index": task_index,
+ "datacenter_vim_id": net["datacenter_tenant_id"],
+ "action": "DELETE",
+ "status": "SCHEDULED",
+ "item": "instance_nets",
+ "item_id": net["uuid"],
+ "related": net["related"],
+ "extra": yaml.safe_dump(extra, default_flow_style=True, width=256)
+ }
+ task_index += 1
+ db_vim_actions.append(db_vim_action)
+ for sdn_net in instanceDict['sdn_nets']:
+ if not sdn_net["sdn"]:
+ continue
+ extra = {}
+ db_vim_action = {
+ "instance_action_id": instance_action_id,
+ "task_index": task_index,
+ "wim_account_id": sdn_net["wim_account_id"],
+ "action": "DELETE",
+ "status": "SCHEDULED",
+ "item": "instance_wim_nets",
+ "item_id": sdn_net["uuid"],
+ "related": sdn_net["related"],
+ "extra": yaml.safe_dump(extra, default_flow_style=True, width=256)
+ }
+ task_index += 1
+ db_vim_actions.append(db_vim_action)
+ db_instance_action["number_tasks"] = task_index
+ # --> WIM
+ wim_actions, db_instance_action = (
+ wim_engine.incorporate_actions(wim_actions, db_instance_action))
+ # <-- WIM
+ db_tables = [
+ {"instance_actions": db_instance_action},
+ {"vim_wim_actions": db_vim_actions + wim_actions}
+ ]
+ logger.debug("delete_instance done DB tables: %s",
+ yaml.safe_dump(db_tables, indent=4, default_flow_style=False))
+ mydb.new_rows(db_tables, ())
+ for myvim_thread_id in vimthread_affected.keys():
+ vim_threads["running"][myvim_thread_id].insert_task(db_vim_actions)
+ wim_engine.dispatch(wim_actions)
+ if len(error_msg) > 0:
+ return 'action_id={} instance {} deleted but some elements could not be deleted, or already deleted '\
+ '(error: 404) from VIM: {}'.format(instance_action_id, message, error_msg)
+ else:
+ return "action_id={} instance {} deleted".format(instance_action_id, message)
+ def get_instance_id(mydb, tenant_id, instance_id):
+ global ovim
+ #check valid tenant_id
+ check_tenant(mydb, tenant_id)
+ #obtain data
+ instance_dict = mydb.get_instance_scenario(instance_id, tenant_id, verbose=True)
+ # TODO py3
+ # for net in instance_dict["nets"]:
+ # if net.get("sdn_net_id"):
+ # net_sdn = ovim.show_network(net["sdn_net_id"])
+ # net["sdn_info"] = {
+ # "admin_state_up": net_sdn.get("admin_state_up"),
+ # "flows": net_sdn.get("flows"),
+ # "last_error": net_sdn.get("last_error"),
+ # "ports": net_sdn.get("ports"),
+ # "type": net_sdn.get("type"),
+ # "status": net_sdn.get("status"),
+ # "vlan": net_sdn.get("vlan"),
+ # }
+ return instance_dict
+ @deprecated("Instance is automatically refreshed by vim_threads")
+ def refresh_instance(mydb, nfvo_tenant, instanceDict, datacenter=None, vim_tenant=None):
+ '''Refreshes a scenario instance. It modifies instanceDict'''
+ '''Returns:
+ - result: <0 if there is any unexpected error, n>=0 if no errors where n is the number of vms and nets that couldn't be updated in the database
+ - error_msg
+ '''
+ # # Assumption: nfvo_tenant and instance_id were checked before entering into this function
+ # #print "nfvo.refresh_instance begins"
+ # #print json.dumps(instanceDict, indent=4)
+ #
+ # #print "Getting the VIM URL and the VIM tenant_id"
+ # myvims={}
+ #
+ # # 1. Getting VIM vm and net list
+ # vms_updated = [] #List of VM instance uuids in openmano that were updated
+ # vms_notupdated=[]
+ # vm_list = {}
+ # for sce_vnf in instanceDict['vnfs']:
+ # datacenter_key = (sce_vnf["datacenter_id"], sce_vnf["datacenter_tenant_id"])
+ # if datacenter_key not in vm_list:
+ # vm_list[datacenter_key] = []
+ # if datacenter_key not in myvims:
+ # vims = get_vim(mydb, nfvo_tenant, datacenter_id=sce_vnf["datacenter_id"],
+ # datacenter_tenant_id=sce_vnf["datacenter_tenant_id"])
+ # if len(vims) == 0:
+ # logger.error("datacenter '{}' with datacenter_tenant_id '{}' not found".format(sce_vnf["datacenter_id"], sce_vnf["datacenter_tenant_id"]))
+ # myvims[datacenter_key] = None
+ # else:
+ # myvims[datacenter_key] = next(iter(vims.values()))
+ # for vm in sce_vnf['vms']:
+ # vm_list[datacenter_key].append(vm['vim_vm_id'])
+ # vms_notupdated.append(vm["uuid"])
+ #
+ # nets_updated = [] #List of VM instance uuids in openmano that were updated
+ # nets_notupdated=[]
+ # net_list = {}
+ # for net in instanceDict['nets']:
+ # datacenter_key = (net["datacenter_id"], net["datacenter_tenant_id"])
+ # if datacenter_key not in net_list:
+ # net_list[datacenter_key] = []
+ # if datacenter_key not in myvims:
+ # vims = get_vim(mydb, nfvo_tenant, datacenter_id=net["datacenter_id"],
+ # datacenter_tenant_id=net["datacenter_tenant_id"])
+ # if len(vims) == 0:
+ # logger.error("datacenter '{}' with datacenter_tenant_id '{}' not found".format(net["datacenter_id"], net["datacenter_tenant_id"]))
+ # myvims[datacenter_key] = None
+ # else:
+ # myvims[datacenter_key] = next(iter(vims.values()))
+ #
+ # net_list[datacenter_key].append(net['vim_net_id'])
+ # nets_notupdated.append(net["uuid"])
+ #
+ # # 1. Getting the status of all VMs
+ # vm_dict={}
+ # for datacenter_key in myvims:
+ # if not vm_list.get(datacenter_key):
+ # continue
+ # failed = True
+ # failed_message=""
+ # if not myvims[datacenter_key]:
+ # failed_message = "datacenter '{}' with datacenter_tenant_id '{}' not found".format(net["datacenter_id"], net["datacenter_tenant_id"])
+ # else:
+ # try:
+ # vm_dict.update(myvims[datacenter_key].refresh_vms_status(vm_list[datacenter_key]) )
+ # failed = False
+ # except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
+ # logger.error("VIM exception %s %s", type(e).__name__, str(e))
+ # failed_message = str(e)
+ # if failed:
+ # for vm in vm_list[datacenter_key]:
+ # vm_dict[vm] = {'status': "VIM_ERROR", 'error_msg': failed_message}
+ #
+ # # 2. Update the status of VMs in the instanceDict, while collects the VMs whose status changed
+ # for sce_vnf in instanceDict['vnfs']:
+ # for vm in sce_vnf['vms']:
+ # vm_id = vm['vim_vm_id']
+ # interfaces = vm_dict[vm_id].pop('interfaces', [])
+ # #2.0 look if contain manamgement interface, and if not change status from ACTIVE:NoMgmtIP to ACTIVE
+ # has_mgmt_iface = False
+ # for iface in vm["interfaces"]:
+ # if iface["type"]=="mgmt":
+ # has_mgmt_iface = True
+ # if vm_dict[vm_id]['status'] == "ACTIVE:NoMgmtIP" and not has_mgmt_iface:
+ # vm_dict[vm_id]['status'] = "ACTIVE"
+ # if vm_dict[vm_id].get('error_msg') and len(vm_dict[vm_id]['error_msg']) >= 1024:
+ # vm_dict[vm_id]['error_msg'] = vm_dict[vm_id]['error_msg'][:516] + " ... " + vm_dict[vm_id]['error_msg'][-500:]
+ # if vm['status'] != vm_dict[vm_id]['status'] or vm.get('error_msg')!=vm_dict[vm_id].get('error_msg') or vm.get('vim_info')!=vm_dict[vm_id].get('vim_info'):
+ # vm['status'] = vm_dict[vm_id]['status']
+ # vm['error_msg'] = vm_dict[vm_id].get('error_msg')
+ # vm['vim_info'] = vm_dict[vm_id].get('vim_info')
+ # # 2.1. Update in openmano DB the VMs whose status changed
+ # try:
+ # updates = mydb.update_rows('instance_vms', UPDATE=vm_dict[vm_id], WHERE={'uuid':vm["uuid"]})
+ # vms_notupdated.remove(vm["uuid"])
+ # if updates>0:
+ # vms_updated.append(vm["uuid"])
+ # except db_base_Exception as e:
+ # logger.error("nfvo.refresh_instance error database update: %s", str(e))
+ # # 2.2. Update in openmano DB the interface VMs
+ # for interface in interfaces:
+ # #translate from vim_net_id to instance_net_id
+ # network_id_list=[]
+ # for net in instanceDict['nets']:
+ # if net["vim_net_id"] == interface["vim_net_id"]:
+ # network_id_list.append(net["uuid"])
+ # if not network_id_list:
+ # continue
+ # del interface["vim_net_id"]
+ # try:
+ # for network_id in network_id_list:
+ # mydb.update_rows('instance_interfaces', UPDATE=interface, WHERE={'instance_vm_id':vm["uuid"], "instance_net_id":network_id})
+ # except db_base_Exception as e:
+ # logger.error( "nfvo.refresh_instance error with vm=%s, interface_net_id=%s", vm["uuid"], network_id)
+ #
+ # # 3. Getting the status of all nets
+ # net_dict = {}
+ # for datacenter_key in myvims:
+ # if not net_list.get(datacenter_key):
+ # continue
+ # failed = True
+ # failed_message = ""
+ # if not myvims[datacenter_key]:
+ # failed_message = "datacenter '{}' with datacenter_tenant_id '{}' not found".format(net["datacenter_id"], net["datacenter_tenant_id"])
+ # else:
+ # try:
+ # net_dict.update(myvims[datacenter_key].refresh_nets_status(net_list[datacenter_key]) )
+ # failed = False
+ # except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
+ # logger.error("VIM exception %s %s", type(e).__name__, str(e))
+ # failed_message = str(e)
+ # if failed:
+ # for net in net_list[datacenter_key]:
+ # net_dict[net] = {'status': "VIM_ERROR", 'error_msg': failed_message}
+ #
+ # # 4. Update the status of nets in the instanceDict, while collects the nets whose status changed
+ # # TODO: update nets inside a vnf
+ # for net in instanceDict['nets']:
+ # net_id = net['vim_net_id']
+ # if net_dict[net_id].get('error_msg') and len(net_dict[net_id]['error_msg']) >= 1024:
+ # net_dict[net_id]['error_msg'] = net_dict[net_id]['error_msg'][:516] + " ... " + net_dict[vm_id]['error_msg'][-500:]
+ # if net['status'] != net_dict[net_id]['status'] or net.get('error_msg')!=net_dict[net_id].get('error_msg') or net.get('vim_info')!=net_dict[net_id].get('vim_info'):
+ # net['status'] = net_dict[net_id]['status']
+ # net['error_msg'] = net_dict[net_id].get('error_msg')
+ # net['vim_info'] = net_dict[net_id].get('vim_info')
+ # # 5.1. Update in openmano DB the nets whose status changed
+ # try:
+ # updated = mydb.update_rows('instance_nets', UPDATE=net_dict[net_id], WHERE={'uuid':net["uuid"]})
+ # nets_notupdated.remove(net["uuid"])
+ # if updated>0:
+ # nets_updated.append(net["uuid"])
+ # except db_base_Exception as e:
+ # logger.error("nfvo.refresh_instance error database update: %s", str(e))
+ #
+ # # Returns appropriate output
+ # #print "nfvo.refresh_instance finishes"
+ # logger.debug("VMs updated in the database: %s; nets updated in the database %s; VMs not updated: %s; nets not updated: %s",
+ # str(vms_updated), str(nets_updated), str(vms_notupdated), str(nets_notupdated))
+ instance_id = instanceDict['uuid']
+ # if len(vms_notupdated)+len(nets_notupdated)>0:
+ # error_msg = "VMs not updated: " + str(vms_notupdated) + "; nets not updated: " + str(nets_notupdated)
+ # return len(vms_notupdated)+len(nets_notupdated), 'Scenario instance ' + instance_id + ' refreshed but some elements could not be updated in the database: ' + error_msg
+ return 0, 'Scenario instance ' + instance_id + ' refreshed.'
+ def instance_action(mydb,nfvo_tenant,instance_id, action_dict):
+ #print "Checking that the instance_id exists and getting the instance dictionary"
+ instanceDict = mydb.get_instance_scenario(instance_id, nfvo_tenant)
+ #print yaml.safe_dump(instanceDict, indent=4, default_flow_style=False)
+ #print "Checking that nfvo_tenant_id exists and getting the VIM URI and the VIM tenant_id"
+ vims = get_vim(mydb, nfvo_tenant, instanceDict['datacenter_id'])
+ if len(vims) == 0:
+ raise NfvoException("datacenter '{}' not found".format(str(instanceDict['datacenter_id'])), httperrors.Not_Found)
+ myvim = next(iter(vims.values()))
+ vm_result = {}
+ vm_error = 0
+ vm_ok = 0
+ myvim_threads_id = {}
+ if action_dict.get("vdu-scaling"):
+ db_instance_vms = []
+ db_vim_actions = []
+ db_instance_interfaces = []
+ instance_action_id = get_task_id()
+ db_instance_action = {
+ "uuid": instance_action_id, # same uuid for the instance and the action on create
+ "tenant_id": nfvo_tenant,
+ "instance_id": instance_id,
+ "description": "SCALE",
+ }
+ vm_result["instance_action_id"] = instance_action_id
+ vm_result["created"] = []
+ vm_result["deleted"] = []
+ task_index = 0
+ for vdu in action_dict["vdu-scaling"]:
+ vdu_id = vdu.get("vdu-id")
+ osm_vdu_id = vdu.get("osm_vdu_id")
+ member_vnf_index = vdu.get("member-vnf-index")
+ vdu_count = vdu.get("count", 1)
+ if vdu_id:
+ target_vms = mydb.get_rows(
+ FROM="instance_vms as vms join instance_vnfs as vnfs on vms.instance_vnf_id=vnfs.uuid",
+ WHERE={"vms.uuid": vdu_id},
+ ORDER_BY="vms.created_at"
+ )
+ if not target_vms:
+ raise NfvoException("Cannot find the vdu with id {}".format(vdu_id), httperrors.Not_Found)
+ else:
+ if not osm_vdu_id and not member_vnf_index:
+ raise NfvoException("Invalid input vdu parameters. Must supply either 'vdu-id' of 'osm_vdu_id','member-vnf-index'")
+ target_vms = mydb.get_rows(
+ # SELECT=("ivms.uuid", "ivnfs.datacenter_id", "ivnfs.datacenter_tenant_id"),
+ FROM="instance_vms as ivms join instance_vnfs as ivnfs on ivms.instance_vnf_id=ivnfs.uuid"\
+ " join sce_vnfs as svnfs on ivnfs.sce_vnf_id=svnfs.uuid"\
+ " join vms on ivms.vm_id=vms.uuid",
+ WHERE={"vms.osm_id": osm_vdu_id, "svnfs.member_vnf_index": member_vnf_index,
+ "ivnfs.instance_scenario_id": instance_id},
+ ORDER_BY="ivms.created_at"
+ )
+ if not target_vms:
+ raise NfvoException("Cannot find the vdu with osm_vdu_id {} and member-vnf-index {}".format(osm_vdu_id, member_vnf_index), httperrors.Not_Found)
+ vdu_id = target_vms[-1]["uuid"]
+ target_vm = target_vms[-1]
+ datacenter = target_vm["datacenter_id"]
+ myvim_threads_id[datacenter], _ = get_vim_thread(mydb, nfvo_tenant, datacenter)
+ if vdu["type"] == "delete":
+ for index in range(0, vdu_count):
+ target_vm = target_vms[-1-index]
+ vdu_id = target_vm["uuid"]
+ # look for nm
+ vm_interfaces = None
+ for sce_vnf in instanceDict['vnfs']:
+ for vm in sce_vnf['vms']:
+ if vm["uuid"] == vdu_id:
+ # TODO revise this should not be vm["uuid"] instance_vms["vm_id"]
+ vm_interfaces = vm["interfaces"]
+ break
+ db_vim_action = {
+ "instance_action_id": instance_action_id,
+ "task_index": task_index,
+ "datacenter_vim_id": target_vm["datacenter_tenant_id"],
+ "action": "DELETE",
+ "status": "SCHEDULED",
+ "item": "instance_vms",
+ "item_id": vdu_id,
+ "related": target_vm["related"],
+ "extra": yaml.safe_dump({"params": vm_interfaces},
+ default_flow_style=True, width=256)
+ }
+ task_index += 1
+ db_vim_actions.append(db_vim_action)
+ vm_result["deleted"].append(vdu_id)
+ # delete from database
+ db_instance_vms.append({"TO-DELETE": vdu_id})
+ else: # vdu["type"] == "create":
+ iface2iface = {}
+ where = {"item": "instance_vms", "item_id": target_vm["uuid"], "action": "CREATE"}
+ vim_action_to_clone = mydb.get_rows(FROM="vim_wim_actions", WHERE=where)
+ if not vim_action_to_clone:
+ raise NfvoException("Cannot find the vim_action at database with {}".format(where), httperrors.Internal_Server_Error)
+ vim_action_to_clone = vim_action_to_clone[0]
+ extra = yaml.safe_load(vim_action_to_clone["extra"])
+ # generate a new depends_on. Convert format TASK-Y into new format TASK-ACTION-XXXX.XXXX.Y
+ # TODO do the same for flavor and image when available
+ task_depends_on = []
+ task_params = extra["params"]
+ task_params_networks = deepcopy(task_params[5])
+ for iface in task_params[5]:
+ if iface["net_id"].startswith("TASK-"):
+ if "." not in iface["net_id"]:
+ task_depends_on.append("{}.{}".format(vim_action_to_clone["instance_action_id"],
+ iface["net_id"][5:]))
+ iface["net_id"] = "TASK-{}.{}".format(vim_action_to_clone["instance_action_id"],
+ iface["net_id"][5:])
+ else:
+ task_depends_on.append(iface["net_id"][5:])
+ if "mac_address" in iface:
+ del iface["mac_address"]
+ vm_ifaces_to_clone = mydb.get_rows(FROM="instance_interfaces", WHERE={"instance_vm_id": target_vm["uuid"]})
+ for index in range(0, vdu_count):
+ vm_uuid = str(uuid4())
+ vm_name = target_vm.get('vim_name')
+ try:
+ suffix = vm_name.rfind("-")
+ vm_name = vm_name[:suffix+1] + str(index + 1 + int(vm_name[suffix+1:]))
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ db_instance_vm = {
+ "uuid": vm_uuid,
+ 'related': vm_uuid,
+ 'instance_vnf_id': target_vm['instance_vnf_id'],
+ 'vm_id': target_vm['vm_id'],
+ 'vim_name': vm_name,
+ }
+ db_instance_vms.append(db_instance_vm)
+ for vm_iface in vm_ifaces_to_clone:
+ iface_uuid = str(uuid4())
+ iface2iface[vm_iface["uuid"]] = iface_uuid
+ db_vm_iface = {
+ "uuid": iface_uuid,
+ 'instance_vm_id': vm_uuid,
+ "instance_net_id": vm_iface["instance_net_id"],
+ 'interface_id': vm_iface['interface_id'],
+ 'type': vm_iface['type'],
+ 'floating_ip': vm_iface['floating_ip'],
+ 'port_security': vm_iface['port_security']
+ }
+ db_instance_interfaces.append(db_vm_iface)
+ task_params_copy = deepcopy(task_params)
+ for iface in task_params_copy[5]:
+ iface["uuid"] = iface2iface[iface["uuid"]]
+ # increment ip_address
+ if "ip_address" in iface:
+ ip = iface.get("ip_address")
+ i = ip.rfind(".")
+ if i > 0:
+ try:
+ i += 1
+ ip = ip[i:] + str(int(ip[:i]) + 1)
+ iface["ip_address"] = ip
+ except:
+ iface["ip_address"] = None
+ if vm_name:
+ task_params_copy[0] = vm_name
+ db_vim_action = {
+ "instance_action_id": instance_action_id,
+ "task_index": task_index,
+ "datacenter_vim_id": vim_action_to_clone["datacenter_vim_id"],
+ "action": "CREATE",
+ "status": "SCHEDULED",
+ "item": "instance_vms",
+ "item_id": vm_uuid,
+ "related": vm_uuid,
+ # ALF
+ # ALF
+ # TODO examinar parametros, quitar MAC o incrementar. Incrementar IP y colocar las dependencias con ACTION-asdfasd.
+ # ALF
+ # ALF
+ "extra": yaml.safe_dump({"params": task_params_copy, "depends_on": task_depends_on}, default_flow_style=True, width=256)
+ }
+ task_index += 1
+ db_vim_actions.append(db_vim_action)
+ vm_result["created"].append(vm_uuid)
+ db_instance_action["number_tasks"] = task_index
+ db_tables = [
+ {"instance_vms": db_instance_vms},
+ {"instance_interfaces": db_instance_interfaces},
+ {"instance_actions": db_instance_action},
+ # TODO revise sfps
+ # {"instance_sfis": db_instance_sfis},
+ # {"instance_sfs": db_instance_sfs},
+ # {"instance_classifications": db_instance_classifications},
+ # {"instance_sfps": db_instance_sfps},
+ {"vim_wim_actions": db_vim_actions}
+ ]
+ logger.debug("create_vdu done DB tables: %s",
+ yaml.safe_dump(db_tables, indent=4, default_flow_style=False))
+ mydb.new_rows(db_tables, [])
+ for myvim_thread in myvim_threads_id.values():
+ vim_threads["running"][myvim_thread].insert_task(db_vim_actions)
+ return vm_result
+ input_vnfs = action_dict.pop("vnfs", [])
+ input_vms = action_dict.pop("vms", [])
+ action_over_all = True if not input_vnfs and not input_vms else False
+ for sce_vnf in instanceDict['vnfs']:
+ for vm in sce_vnf['vms']:
+ if not action_over_all and sce_vnf['uuid'] not in input_vnfs and sce_vnf['vnf_name'] not in input_vnfs and \
+ sce_vnf['member_vnf_index'] not in input_vnfs and \
+ vm['uuid'] not in input_vms and vm['name'] not in input_vms and \
+ sce_vnf['member_vnf_index'] + "-" + vm['vdu_osm_id'] not in input_vms: # TODO conside vm_count_index
+ continue
+ try:
+ if "add_public_key" in action_dict:
+ if sce_vnf.get('mgmt_access'):
+ mgmt_access = yaml.load(sce_vnf['mgmt_access'], Loader=yaml.Loader)
+ if not input_vms and mgmt_access.get("vdu-id") != vm['vdu_osm_id']:
+ continue
+ default_user = mgmt_access.get("default-user")
+ password = mgmt_access.get("password")
+ if mgmt_access.get(vm['vdu_osm_id']):
+ default_user = mgmt_access[vm['vdu_osm_id']].get("default-user", default_user)
+ password = mgmt_access[vm['vdu_osm_id']].get("password", password)
+ tenant = mydb.get_rows_by_id('nfvo_tenants', nfvo_tenant)
+ try:
+ if 'ip_address' in vm:
+ mgmt_ip = vm['ip_address'].split(';')
+ priv_RO_key = decrypt_key(tenant[0]['encrypted_RO_priv_key'], tenant[0]['uuid'])
+ data = myvim.inject_user_key(mgmt_ip[0], action_dict.get('user', default_user),
+ action_dict['add_public_key'],
+ password=password, ro_key=priv_RO_key)
+ vm_result[ vm['uuid'] ] = {"vim_result": 200,
++ "description": "Public key injected",
++ "name":vm['name']
+ }
- content, _ = myvim.new_network(net_name, net_type, net_ipprofile, shared=net_public, vlan=net_vlan) #, **net)
+ except KeyError:
+ raise NfvoException("Unable to inject ssh key in vm: {} - Aborting".format(vm['uuid']),
+ httperrors.Internal_Server_Error)
+ else:
+ raise NfvoException("Unable to inject ssh key in vm: {} - Aborting".format(vm['uuid']),
+ httperrors.Internal_Server_Error)
+ else:
+ data = myvim.action_vminstance(vm['vim_vm_id'], action_dict)
+ if "console" in action_dict:
+ if not global_config["http_console_proxy"]:
+ vm_result[ vm['uuid'] ] = {"vim_result": 200,
+ "description": "{protocol}//{ip}:{port}/{suffix}".format(
+ protocol=data["protocol"],
+ ip = data["server"],
+ port = data["port"],
+ suffix = data["suffix"]),
+ "name":vm['name']
+ }
+ vm_ok +=1
+ elif data["server"]=="" or data["server"]=="localhost":
+ vm_result[ vm['uuid'] ] = {"vim_result": -httperrors.Unauthorized,
+ "description": "this console is only reachable by local interface",
+ "name":vm['name']
+ }
+ vm_error+=1
+ else:
+ #print "console data", data
+ try:
+ console_thread = create_or_use_console_proxy_thread(data["server"], data["port"])
+ vm_result[ vm['uuid'] ] = {"vim_result": 200,
+ "description": "{protocol}//{ip}:{port}/{suffix}".format(
+ protocol=data["protocol"],
+ ip = global_config["http_console_host"],
+ port = console_thread.port,
+ suffix = data["suffix"]),
+ "name":vm['name']
+ }
+ vm_ok +=1
+ except NfvoException as e:
+ vm_result[ vm['uuid'] ] = {"vim_result": e.http_code, "name":vm['name'], "description": str(e)}
+ vm_error+=1
+ else:
+ vm_result[ vm['uuid'] ] = {"vim_result": 200, "description": "ok", "name":vm['name']}
+ vm_ok +=1
+ except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
+ vm_result[ vm['uuid'] ] = {"vim_result": e.http_code, "name":vm['name'], "description": str(e)}
+ vm_error+=1
+ if vm_ok==0: #all goes wrong
+ return vm_result
+ else:
+ return vm_result
+ def instance_action_get(mydb, nfvo_tenant, instance_id, action_id):
+ filter = {}
+ if nfvo_tenant and nfvo_tenant != "any":
+ filter["tenant_id"] = nfvo_tenant
+ if instance_id and instance_id != "any":
+ filter["instance_id"] = instance_id
+ if action_id:
+ filter["uuid"] = action_id
+ rows = mydb.get_rows(FROM="instance_actions", WHERE=filter)
+ if action_id:
+ if not rows:
+ raise NfvoException("Not found any action with this criteria", httperrors.Not_Found)
+ vim_wim_actions = mydb.get_rows(FROM="vim_wim_actions", WHERE={"instance_action_id": action_id})
+ rows[0]["vim_wim_actions"] = vim_wim_actions
+ # for backward compatibility set vim_actions = vim_wim_actions
+ rows[0]["vim_actions"] = vim_wim_actions
+ return {"actions": rows}
+ def create_or_use_console_proxy_thread(console_server, console_port):
+ #look for a non-used port
+ console_thread_key = console_server + ":" + str(console_port)
+ if console_thread_key in global_config["console_thread"]:
+ #global_config["console_thread"][console_thread_key].start_timeout()
+ return global_config["console_thread"][console_thread_key]
+ for port in global_config["console_port_iterator"]():
+ #print "create_or_use_console_proxy_thread() port:", port
+ if port in global_config["console_ports"]:
+ continue
+ try:
+ clithread = cli.ConsoleProxyThread(global_config['http_host'], port, console_server, console_port)
+ clithread.start()
+ global_config["console_thread"][console_thread_key] = clithread
+ global_config["console_ports"][port] = console_thread_key
+ return clithread
+ except cli.ConsoleProxyExceptionPortUsed as e:
+ #port used, try with onoher
+ continue
+ except cli.ConsoleProxyException as e:
+ raise NfvoException(str(e), httperrors.Bad_Request)
+ raise NfvoException("Not found any free 'http_console_ports'", httperrors.Conflict)
+ def check_tenant(mydb, tenant_id):
+ '''check that tenant exists at database'''
+ tenant = mydb.get_rows(FROM='nfvo_tenants', SELECT=('uuid',), WHERE={'uuid': tenant_id})
+ if not tenant:
+ raise NfvoException("tenant '{}' not found".format(tenant_id), httperrors.Not_Found)
+ return
+ def new_tenant(mydb, tenant_dict):
+ tenant_uuid = str(uuid4())
+ tenant_dict['uuid'] = tenant_uuid
+ try:
+ pub_key, priv_key = create_RO_keypair(tenant_uuid)
+ tenant_dict['RO_pub_key'] = pub_key
+ tenant_dict['encrypted_RO_priv_key'] = priv_key
+ mydb.new_row("nfvo_tenants", tenant_dict, confidential_data=True)
+ except db_base_Exception as e:
+ raise NfvoException("Error creating the new tenant: {} ".format(tenant_dict['name']) + str(e), e.http_code)
+ return tenant_uuid
+ def delete_tenant(mydb, tenant):
+ #get nfvo_tenant info
+ tenant_dict = mydb.get_table_by_uuid_name('nfvo_tenants', tenant, 'tenant')
+ mydb.delete_row_by_id("nfvo_tenants", tenant_dict['uuid'])
+ return tenant_dict['uuid'] + " " + tenant_dict["name"]
+ def new_datacenter(mydb, datacenter_descriptor):
+ sdn_port_mapping = None
+ if "config" in datacenter_descriptor:
+ sdn_port_mapping = datacenter_descriptor["config"].pop("sdn-port-mapping", None)
+ datacenter_descriptor["config"] = yaml.safe_dump(datacenter_descriptor["config"], default_flow_style=True,
+ width=256)
+ # Check that datacenter-type is correct
+ datacenter_type = datacenter_descriptor.get("type", "openvim");
+ # module_info = None
+ # load plugin
+ plugin_name = "rovim_" + datacenter_type
+ if plugin_name not in plugins:
+ _load_plugin(plugin_name, type="vim")
+ datacenter_id = mydb.new_row("datacenters", datacenter_descriptor, add_uuid=True, confidential_data=True)
+ if sdn_port_mapping:
+ try:
+ datacenter_sdn_port_mapping_set(mydb, None, datacenter_id, sdn_port_mapping)
+ except Exception as e:
+ mydb.delete_row_by_id("datacenters", datacenter_id) # Rollback
+ raise e
+ return datacenter_id
+ def edit_datacenter(mydb, datacenter_id_name, datacenter_descriptor):
+ # obtain data, check that only one exist
+ datacenter = mydb.get_table_by_uuid_name('datacenters', datacenter_id_name)
+ # edit data
+ datacenter_id = datacenter['uuid']
+ where = {'uuid': datacenter['uuid']}
+ remove_port_mapping = False
+ new_sdn_port_mapping = None
+ if "config" in datacenter_descriptor:
+ if datacenter_descriptor['config'] != None:
+ try:
+ new_config_dict = datacenter_descriptor["config"]
+ if "sdn-port-mapping" in new_config_dict:
+ remove_port_mapping = True
+ new_sdn_port_mapping = new_config_dict.pop("sdn-port-mapping")
+ # delete null fields
+ to_delete = []
+ for k in new_config_dict:
+ if new_config_dict[k] is None:
+ to_delete.append(k)
+ if k == 'sdn-controller':
+ remove_port_mapping = True
+ config_text = datacenter.get("config")
+ if not config_text:
+ config_text = '{}'
+ config_dict = yaml.load(config_text, Loader=yaml.Loader)
+ config_dict.update(new_config_dict)
+ # delete null fields
+ for k in to_delete:
+ del config_dict[k]
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise NfvoException("Bad format at datacenter:config " + str(e), httperrors.Bad_Request)
+ if config_dict:
+ datacenter_descriptor["config"] = yaml.safe_dump(config_dict, default_flow_style=True, width=256)
+ else:
+ datacenter_descriptor["config"] = None
+ if remove_port_mapping:
+ try:
+ datacenter_sdn_port_mapping_delete(mydb, None, datacenter_id)
+ except ovimException as e:
+ raise NfvoException("Error deleting datacenter-port-mapping " + str(e), httperrors.Conflict)
+ mydb.update_rows('datacenters', datacenter_descriptor, where)
+ if new_sdn_port_mapping:
+ try:
+ datacenter_sdn_port_mapping_set(mydb, None, datacenter_id, new_sdn_port_mapping)
+ except ovimException as e:
+ # Rollback
+ mydb.update_rows('datacenters', datacenter, where)
+ raise NfvoException("Error adding datacenter-port-mapping " + str(e), httperrors.Conflict)
+ return datacenter_id
+ def delete_datacenter(mydb, datacenter):
+ #get nfvo_tenant info
+ datacenter_dict = mydb.get_table_by_uuid_name('datacenters', datacenter, 'datacenter')
+ mydb.delete_row_by_id("datacenters", datacenter_dict['uuid'])
+ try:
+ datacenter_sdn_port_mapping_delete(mydb, None, datacenter_dict['uuid'])
+ except ovimException as e:
+ raise NfvoException("Error deleting datacenter-port-mapping " + str(e))
+ return datacenter_dict['uuid'] + " " + datacenter_dict['name']
+ def create_vim_account(mydb, nfvo_tenant, datacenter_id, name=None, vim_id=None, vim_tenant=None, vim_tenant_name=None,
+ vim_username=None, vim_password=None, config=None):
+ # get datacenter info
+ try:
+ if not datacenter_id:
+ if not vim_id:
+ raise NfvoException("You must provide 'vim_id", http_code=httperrors.Bad_Request)
+ datacenter_id = vim_id
+ datacenter_id, datacenter_name = get_datacenter_uuid(mydb, None, datacenter_id)
+ create_vim_tenant = True if not vim_tenant and not vim_tenant_name else False
+ # get nfvo_tenant info
+ tenant_dict = mydb.get_table_by_uuid_name('nfvo_tenants', nfvo_tenant)
+ if vim_tenant_name==None:
+ vim_tenant_name=tenant_dict['name']
+ tenants_datacenter_dict={"nfvo_tenant_id":tenant_dict['uuid'], "datacenter_id":datacenter_id }
+ # #check that this association does not exist before
+ # tenants_datacenters = mydb.get_rows(FROM='tenants_datacenters', WHERE=tenants_datacenter_dict)
+ # if len(tenants_datacenters)>0:
+ # raise NfvoException("datacenter '{}' and tenant'{}' are already attached".format(datacenter_id, tenant_dict['uuid']), httperrors.Conflict)
+ vim_tenant_id_exist_atdb=False
+ if not create_vim_tenant:
+ where_={"datacenter_id": datacenter_id}
+ if vim_tenant!=None:
+ where_["vim_tenant_id"] = vim_tenant
+ if vim_tenant_name!=None:
+ where_["vim_tenant_name"] = vim_tenant_name
+ #check if vim_tenant_id is already at database
+ datacenter_tenants_dict = mydb.get_rows(FROM='datacenter_tenants', WHERE=where_)
+ if len(datacenter_tenants_dict)>=1:
+ datacenter_tenants_dict = datacenter_tenants_dict[0]
+ vim_tenant_id_exist_atdb=True
+ #TODO check if a field has changed and edit entry at datacenter_tenants at DB
+ else: #result=0
+ datacenter_tenants_dict = {}
+ #insert at table datacenter_tenants
+ else: #if vim_tenant==None:
+ #create tenant at VIM if not provided
+ try:
+ _, myvim = get_datacenter_by_name_uuid(mydb, None, datacenter, vim_user=vim_username,
+ vim_passwd=vim_password)
+ datacenter_name = myvim["name"]
+ vim_tenant = myvim.new_tenant(vim_tenant_name, "created by openmano for datacenter "+datacenter_name)
+ except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
+ raise NfvoException("Not possible to create vim_tenant {} at VIM: {}".format(vim_tenant_id, str(e)), httperrors.Internal_Server_Error)
+ datacenter_tenants_dict = {}
+ datacenter_tenants_dict["created"]="true"
+ #fill datacenter_tenants table
+ if not vim_tenant_id_exist_atdb:
+ datacenter_tenants_dict["vim_tenant_id"] = vim_tenant
+ datacenter_tenants_dict["vim_tenant_name"] = vim_tenant_name
+ datacenter_tenants_dict["user"] = vim_username
+ datacenter_tenants_dict["passwd"] = vim_password
+ datacenter_tenants_dict["datacenter_id"] = datacenter_id
+ if name:
+ datacenter_tenants_dict["name"] = name
+ else:
+ datacenter_tenants_dict["name"] = datacenter_name
+ if config:
+ datacenter_tenants_dict["config"] = yaml.safe_dump(config, default_flow_style=True, width=256)
+ id_ = mydb.new_row('datacenter_tenants', datacenter_tenants_dict, add_uuid=True, confidential_data=True)
+ datacenter_tenants_dict["uuid"] = id_
+ #fill tenants_datacenters table
+ datacenter_tenant_id = datacenter_tenants_dict["uuid"]
+ tenants_datacenter_dict["datacenter_tenant_id"] = datacenter_tenant_id
+ mydb.new_row('tenants_datacenters', tenants_datacenter_dict)
+ # create thread
+ thread_name = get_non_used_vim_name(datacenter_name, datacenter_id, tenant_dict['name'], tenant_dict['uuid'])
+ new_thread = vim_thread(task_lock, plugins, thread_name, None, datacenter_tenant_id, db=db)
+ new_thread.start()
+ thread_id = datacenter_tenants_dict["uuid"]
+ vim_threads["running"][thread_id] = new_thread
+ return thread_id
+ except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
+ raise NfvoException(str(e), httperrors.Bad_Request)
+ def edit_vim_account(mydb, nfvo_tenant, datacenter_tenant_id, datacenter_id=None, name=None, vim_tenant=None,
+ vim_tenant_name=None, vim_username=None, vim_password=None, config=None):
+ # get vim_account; check is valid for this tenant
+ from_ = "datacenter_tenants as dt JOIN tenants_datacenters as td ON dt.uuid=td.datacenter_tenant_id"
+ where_ = {"td.nfvo_tenant_id": nfvo_tenant}
+ if datacenter_tenant_id:
+ where_["dt.uuid"] = datacenter_tenant_id
+ if datacenter_id:
+ where_["dt.datacenter_id"] = datacenter_id
+ vim_accounts = mydb.get_rows(SELECT="dt.uuid as uuid, config", FROM=from_, WHERE=where_)
+ if not vim_accounts:
+ raise NfvoException("vim_account not found for this tenant", http_code=httperrors.Not_Found)
+ elif len(vim_accounts) > 1:
+ raise NfvoException("found more than one vim_account for this tenant", http_code=httperrors.Conflict)
+ datacenter_tenant_id = vim_accounts[0]["uuid"]
+ original_config = vim_accounts[0]["config"]
+ update_ = {}
+ if config:
+ original_config_dict = yaml.load(original_config, Loader=yaml.Loader)
+ original_config_dict.update(config)
+ update["config"] = yaml.safe_dump(original_config_dict, default_flow_style=True, width=256)
+ if name:
+ update_['name'] = name
+ if vim_tenant:
+ update_['vim_tenant_id'] = vim_tenant
+ if vim_tenant_name:
+ update_['vim_tenant_name'] = vim_tenant_name
+ if vim_username:
+ update_['user'] = vim_username
+ if vim_password:
+ update_['passwd'] = vim_password
+ if update_:
+ mydb.update_rows("datacenter_tenants", UPDATE=update_, WHERE={"uuid": datacenter_tenant_id})
+ vim_threads["running"][datacenter_tenant_id].insert_task("reload")
+ return datacenter_tenant_id
+ def delete_vim_account(mydb, tenant_id, vim_account_id, datacenter=None):
+ #get nfvo_tenant info
+ if not tenant_id or tenant_id=="any":
+ tenant_uuid = None
+ else:
+ tenant_dict = mydb.get_table_by_uuid_name('nfvo_tenants', tenant_id)
+ tenant_uuid = tenant_dict['uuid']
+ #check that this association exist before
+ tenants_datacenter_dict = {}
+ if datacenter:
+ datacenter_id, _ = get_datacenter_uuid(mydb, tenant_uuid, datacenter)
+ tenants_datacenter_dict["datacenter_id"] = datacenter_id
+ elif vim_account_id:
+ tenants_datacenter_dict["datacenter_tenant_id"] = vim_account_id
+ if tenant_uuid:
+ tenants_datacenter_dict["nfvo_tenant_id"] = tenant_uuid
+ tenant_datacenter_list = mydb.get_rows(FROM='tenants_datacenters', WHERE=tenants_datacenter_dict)
+ if len(tenant_datacenter_list)==0 and tenant_uuid:
+ raise NfvoException("datacenter '{}' and tenant '{}' are not attached".format(datacenter_id, tenant_dict['uuid']), httperrors.Not_Found)
+ #delete this association
+ mydb.delete_row(FROM='tenants_datacenters', WHERE=tenants_datacenter_dict)
+ #get vim_tenant info and deletes
+ warning=''
+ for tenant_datacenter_item in tenant_datacenter_list:
+ vim_tenant_dict = mydb.get_table_by_uuid_name('datacenter_tenants', tenant_datacenter_item['datacenter_tenant_id'])
+ #try to delete vim:tenant
+ try:
+ mydb.delete_row_by_id('datacenter_tenants', tenant_datacenter_item['datacenter_tenant_id'])
+ if vim_tenant_dict['created']=='true':
+ #delete tenant at VIM if created by NFVO
+ try:
+ datacenter_id, myvim = get_datacenter_by_name_uuid(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter)
+ myvim.delete_tenant(vim_tenant_dict['vim_tenant_id'])
+ except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
+ warning = "Not possible to delete vim_tenant_id {} from VIM: {} ".format(vim_tenant_dict['vim_tenant_id'], str(e))
+ logger.warn(warning)
+ except db_base_Exception as e:
+ logger.error("Cannot delete datacenter_tenants " + str(e))
+ pass # the error will be caused because dependencies, vim_tenant can not be deleted
+ thread_id = tenant_datacenter_item["datacenter_tenant_id"]
+ thread = vim_threads["running"].get(thread_id)
+ if thread:
+ thread.insert_task("exit")
+ vim_threads["deleting"][thread_id] = thread
+ return "datacenter {} detached. {}".format(datacenter_id, warning)
+ def datacenter_action(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter, action_dict):
+ #get datacenter info
+ datacenter_id, myvim = get_datacenter_by_name_uuid(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter)
+ if 'check-connectivity' in action_dict:
+ try:
+ myvim.check_vim_connectivity()
+ except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
+ #logger.error("nfvo.datacenter_action() Not possible to get_network_list from VIM: %s ", str(e))
+ raise NfvoException(str(e), e.http_code)
+ elif 'net-update' in action_dict:
+ try:
+ nets = myvim.get_network_list(filter_dict={'shared': True, 'admin_state_up': True, 'status': 'ACTIVE'})
+ #print content
+ except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
+ #logger.error("nfvo.datacenter_action() Not possible to get_network_list from VIM: %s ", str(e))
+ raise NfvoException(str(e), httperrors.Internal_Server_Error)
+ #update nets Change from VIM format to NFVO format
+ net_list=[]
+ for net in nets:
+ net_nfvo={'datacenter_id': datacenter_id}
+ net_nfvo['name'] = net['name']
+ #net_nfvo['description']= net['name']
+ net_nfvo['vim_net_id'] = net['id']
+ net_nfvo['type'] = net['type'][0:6] #change from ('ptp','data','bridge_data','bridge_man') to ('bridge','data','ptp')
+ net_nfvo['shared'] = net['shared']
+ net_nfvo['multipoint'] = False if net['type']=='ptp' else True
+ net_list.append(net_nfvo)
+ inserted, deleted = mydb.update_datacenter_nets(datacenter_id, net_list)
+ logger.info("Inserted %d nets, deleted %d old nets", inserted, deleted)
+ return inserted
+ elif 'net-edit' in action_dict:
+ net = action_dict['net-edit'].pop('net')
+ what = 'vim_net_id' if utils.check_valid_uuid(net) else 'name'
+ result = mydb.update_rows('datacenter_nets', action_dict['net-edit'],
+ WHERE={'datacenter_id':datacenter_id, what: net})
+ return result
+ elif 'net-delete' in action_dict:
+ net = action_dict['net-deelte'].get('net')
+ what = 'vim_net_id' if utils.check_valid_uuid(net) else 'name'
+ result = mydb.delete_row(FROM='datacenter_nets',
+ WHERE={'datacenter_id':datacenter_id, what: net})
+ return result
+ else:
+ raise NfvoException("Unknown action " + str(action_dict), httperrors.Bad_Request)
+ def datacenter_edit_netmap(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter, netmap, action_dict):
+ #get datacenter info
+ datacenter_id, _ = get_datacenter_by_name_uuid(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter)
+ what = 'uuid' if utils.check_valid_uuid(netmap) else 'name'
+ result = mydb.update_rows('datacenter_nets', action_dict['netmap'],
+ WHERE={'datacenter_id':datacenter_id, what: netmap})
+ return result
+ def datacenter_new_netmap(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter, action_dict=None):
+ #get datacenter info
+ datacenter_id, myvim = get_datacenter_by_name_uuid(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter)
+ filter_dict={}
+ if action_dict:
+ action_dict = action_dict["netmap"]
+ if 'vim_id' in action_dict:
+ filter_dict["id"] = action_dict['vim_id']
+ if 'vim_name' in action_dict:
+ filter_dict["name"] = action_dict['vim_name']
+ else:
+ filter_dict["shared"] = True
+ try:
+ vim_nets = myvim.get_network_list(filter_dict=filter_dict)
+ except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
+ #logger.error("nfvo.datacenter_new_netmap() Not possible to get_network_list from VIM: %s ", str(e))
+ raise NfvoException(str(e), httperrors.Internal_Server_Error)
+ if len(vim_nets)>1 and action_dict:
+ raise NfvoException("more than two networks found, specify with vim_id", httperrors.Conflict)
+ elif len(vim_nets)==0: # and action_dict:
+ raise NfvoException("Not found a network at VIM with " + str(filter_dict), httperrors.Not_Found)
+ net_list=[]
+ for net in vim_nets:
+ net_nfvo={'datacenter_id': datacenter_id}
+ if action_dict and "name" in action_dict:
+ net_nfvo['name'] = action_dict['name']
+ else:
+ net_nfvo['name'] = net['name']
+ #net_nfvo['description']= net['name']
+ net_nfvo['vim_net_id'] = net['id']
+ net_nfvo['type'] = net['type'][0:6] #change from ('ptp','data','bridge_data','bridge_man') to ('bridge','data','ptp')
+ net_nfvo['shared'] = net['shared']
+ net_nfvo['multipoint'] = False if net['type']=='ptp' else True
+ try:
+ net_id = mydb.new_row("datacenter_nets", net_nfvo, add_uuid=True)
+ net_nfvo["status"] = "OK"
+ net_nfvo["uuid"] = net_id
+ except db_base_Exception as e:
+ if action_dict:
+ raise
+ else:
+ net_nfvo["status"] = "FAIL: " + str(e)
+ net_list.append(net_nfvo)
+ return net_list
+ def get_sdn_net_id(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter, network_id):
+ # obtain all network data
+ try:
+ if utils.check_valid_uuid(network_id):
+ filter_dict = {"id": network_id}
+ else:
+ filter_dict = {"name": network_id}
+ datacenter_id, myvim = get_datacenter_by_name_uuid(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter)
+ network = myvim.get_network_list(filter_dict=filter_dict)
+ except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
+ raise NfvoException("Not possible to get_sdn_net_id from VIM: {}".format(str(e)), e.http_code)
+ # ensure the network is defined
+ if len(network) == 0:
+ raise NfvoException("Network {} is not present in the system".format(network_id),
+ httperrors.Bad_Request)
+ # ensure there is only one network with the provided name
+ if len(network) > 1:
+ raise NfvoException("Multiple networks present in vim identified by {}".format(network_id), httperrors.Bad_Request)
+ # ensure it is a dataplane network
+ if network[0]['type'] != 'data':
+ return None
+ # ensure we use the id
+ network_id = network[0]['id']
+ # search in dabase mano_db in table instance nets for the sdn_net_id that corresponds to the vim_net_id==network_id
+ # and with instance_scenario_id==NULL
+ #search_dict = {'vim_net_id': network_id, 'instance_scenario_id': None}
+ search_dict = {'vim_net_id': network_id}
+ try:
+ #sdn_network_id = mydb.get_rows(SELECT=('sdn_net_id',), FROM='instance_nets', WHERE=search_dict)[0]['sdn_net_id']
+ result = mydb.get_rows(SELECT=('sdn_net_id',), FROM='instance_nets', WHERE=search_dict)
+ except db_base_Exception as e:
+ raise NfvoException("db_base_Exception obtaining SDN network to associated to vim network {}".format(
+ network_id) + str(e), e.http_code)
+ sdn_net_counter = 0
+ for net in result:
+ if net['sdn_net_id'] != None:
+ sdn_net_counter+=1
+ sdn_net_id = net['sdn_net_id']
+ if sdn_net_counter == 0:
+ return None
+ elif sdn_net_counter == 1:
+ return sdn_net_id
+ else:
+ raise NfvoException("More than one SDN network is associated to vim network {}".format(
+ network_id), httperrors.Internal_Server_Error)
+ def get_sdn_controller_id(mydb, datacenter):
+ # Obtain sdn controller id
+ config = mydb.get_rows(SELECT=('config',), FROM='datacenters', WHERE={'uuid': datacenter})[0].get('config', '{}')
+ if not config:
+ return None
+ return yaml.load(config, Loader=yaml.Loader).get('sdn-controller')
+ def vim_net_sdn_attach(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter, network_id, descriptor):
+ try:
+ sdn_network_id = get_sdn_net_id(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter, network_id)
+ if not sdn_network_id:
+ raise NfvoException("No SDN network is associated to vim-network {}".format(network_id), httperrors.Internal_Server_Error)
+ #Obtain sdn controller id
+ controller_id = get_sdn_controller_id(mydb, datacenter)
+ if not controller_id:
+ raise NfvoException("No SDN controller is set for datacenter {}".format(datacenter), httperrors.Internal_Server_Error)
+ #Obtain sdn controller info
+ sdn_controller = ovim.show_of_controller(controller_id)
+ port_data = {
+ 'name': 'external_port',
+ 'net_id': sdn_network_id,
+ 'ofc_id': controller_id,
+ 'switch_dpid': sdn_controller['dpid'],
+ 'switch_port': descriptor['port']
+ }
+ if 'vlan' in descriptor:
+ port_data['vlan'] = descriptor['vlan']
+ if 'mac' in descriptor:
+ port_data['mac'] = descriptor['mac']
+ result = ovim.new_port(port_data)
+ except ovimException as e:
+ raise NfvoException("ovimException attaching SDN network {} to vim network {}".format(
+ sdn_network_id, network_id) + str(e), httperrors.Internal_Server_Error)
+ except db_base_Exception as e:
+ raise NfvoException("db_base_Exception attaching SDN network to vim network {}".format(
+ network_id) + str(e), e.http_code)
+ return 'Port uuid: '+ result
+ def vim_net_sdn_detach(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter, network_id, port_id=None):
+ if port_id:
+ filter = {'uuid': port_id}
+ else:
+ sdn_network_id = get_sdn_net_id(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter, network_id)
+ if not sdn_network_id:
+ raise NfvoException("No SDN network is associated to vim-network {}".format(network_id),
+ httperrors.Internal_Server_Error)
+ #in case no port_id is specified only ports marked as 'external_port' will be detached
+ filter = {'name': 'external_port', 'net_id': sdn_network_id}
+ try:
+ port_list = ovim.get_ports(columns={'uuid'}, filter=filter)
+ except ovimException as e:
+ raise NfvoException("ovimException obtaining external ports for net {}. ".format(network_id) + str(e),
+ httperrors.Internal_Server_Error)
+ if len(port_list) == 0:
+ raise NfvoException("No ports attached to the network {} were found with the requested criteria".format(network_id),
+ httperrors.Bad_Request)
+ port_uuid_list = []
+ for port in port_list:
+ try:
+ port_uuid_list.append(port['uuid'])
+ ovim.delete_port(port['uuid'])
+ except ovimException as e:
+ raise NfvoException("ovimException deleting port {} for net {}. ".format(port['uuid'], network_id) + str(e), httperrors.Internal_Server_Error)
+ return 'Detached ports uuid: {}'.format(','.join(port_uuid_list))
+ def vim_action_get(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter, item, name):
+ #get datacenter info
+ datacenter_id, myvim = get_datacenter_by_name_uuid(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter)
+ filter_dict={}
+ if name:
+ if utils.check_valid_uuid(name):
+ filter_dict["id"] = name
+ else:
+ filter_dict["name"] = name
+ try:
+ if item=="networks":
+ #filter_dict['tenant_id'] = myvim['tenant_id']
+ content = myvim.get_network_list(filter_dict=filter_dict)
+ if len(content) == 0:
+ raise NfvoException("Network {} is not present in the system. ".format(name),
+ httperrors.Bad_Request)
+ #Update the networks with the attached ports
+ for net in content:
+ sdn_network_id = get_sdn_net_id(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter, net['id'])
+ if sdn_network_id != None:
+ try:
+ #port_list = ovim.get_ports(columns={'uuid', 'switch_port', 'vlan'}, filter={'name': 'external_port', 'net_id': sdn_network_id})
+ port_list = ovim.get_ports(columns={'uuid', 'switch_port', 'vlan','name'}, filter={'net_id': sdn_network_id})
+ except ovimException as e:
+ raise NfvoException("ovimException obtaining external ports for net {}. ".format(network_id) + str(e), httperrors.Internal_Server_Error)
+ #Remove field name and if port name is external_port save it as 'type'
+ for port in port_list:
+ if port['name'] == 'external_port':
+ port['type'] = "External"
+ del port['name']
+ net['sdn_network_id'] = sdn_network_id
+ net['sdn_attached_ports'] = port_list
+ elif item=="tenants":
+ content = myvim.get_tenant_list(filter_dict=filter_dict)
+ elif item == "images":
+ content = myvim.get_image_list(filter_dict=filter_dict)
+ else:
+ raise NfvoException(item + "?", httperrors.Method_Not_Allowed)
+ logger.debug("vim_action response %s", content) #update nets Change from VIM format to NFVO format
+ if name and len(content)==1:
+ return {item[:-1]: content[0]}
+ elif name and len(content)==0:
+ raise NfvoException("No {} found with ".format(item[:-1]) + " and ".join(map(lambda x: str(x[0])+": "+str(x[1]), filter_dict.items())),
+ datacenter)
+ else:
+ return {item: content}
+ except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
+ print("vim_action Not possible to get_{}_list from VIM: {} ".format(item, str(e)))
+ raise NfvoException("Not possible to get_{}_list from VIM: {}".format(item, str(e)), e.http_code)
+ def vim_action_delete(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter, item, name):
+ #get datacenter info
+ if tenant_id == "any":
+ tenant_id=None
+ datacenter_id, myvim = get_datacenter_by_name_uuid(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter)
+ #get uuid name
+ content = vim_action_get(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter, item, name)
+ logger.debug("vim_action_delete vim response: " + str(content))
+ items = next(iter(content.values()))
+ if type(items)==list and len(items)==0:
+ raise NfvoException("Not found " + item, httperrors.Not_Found)
+ elif type(items)==list and len(items)>1:
+ raise NfvoException("Found more than one {} with this name. Use uuid.".format(item), httperrors.Not_Found)
+ else: # it is a dict
+ item_id = items["id"]
+ item_name = str(items.get("name"))
+ try:
+ if item=="networks":
+ # If there is a SDN network associated to the vim-network, proceed to clear the relationship and delete it
+ sdn_network_id = get_sdn_net_id(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter, item_id)
+ if sdn_network_id != None:
+ #Delete any port attachment to this network
+ try:
+ port_list = ovim.get_ports(columns={'uuid'}, filter={'net_id': sdn_network_id})
+ except ovimException as e:
+ raise NfvoException(
+ "ovimException obtaining external ports for net {}. ".format(sdn_network_id) + str(e),
+ httperrors.Internal_Server_Error)
+ # By calling one by one all ports to be detached we ensure that not only the external_ports get detached
+ for port in port_list:
+ vim_net_sdn_detach(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter, item_id, port['uuid'])
+ #Delete from 'instance_nets' the correspondence between the vim-net-id and the sdn-net-id
+ try:
+ mydb.delete_row(FROM='instance_nets', WHERE={'instance_scenario_id': None,
+ 'sdn_net_id': sdn_network_id,
+ 'vim_net_id': item_id})
+ except db_base_Exception as e:
+ raise NfvoException("Error deleting correspondence for VIM/SDN dataplane networks{}: {}".format(
+ item_id, e), e.http_code)
+ #Delete the SDN network
+ try:
+ ovim.delete_network(sdn_network_id)
+ except ovimException as e:
+ logger.error("ovimException deleting SDN network={} ".format(sdn_network_id) + str(e), exc_info=True)
+ raise NfvoException("ovimException deleting SDN network={} ".format(sdn_network_id) + str(e),
+ httperrors.Internal_Server_Error)
+ content = myvim.delete_network(item_id)
+ elif item=="tenants":
+ content = myvim.delete_tenant(item_id)
+ elif item == "images":
+ content = myvim.delete_image(item_id)
+ else:
+ raise NfvoException(item + "?", httperrors.Method_Not_Allowed)
+ except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
+ #logger.error( "vim_action Not possible to delete_{} {}from VIM: {} ".format(item, name, str(e)))
+ raise NfvoException("Not possible to delete_{} {} from VIM: {}".format(item, name, str(e)), e.http_code)
+ return "{} {} {} deleted".format(item[:-1], item_id,item_name)
+ def vim_action_create(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter, item, descriptor):
+ #get datacenter info
+ logger.debug("vim_action_create descriptor %s", str(descriptor))
+ if tenant_id == "any":
+ tenant_id=None
+ datacenter_id, myvim = get_datacenter_by_name_uuid(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter)
+ try:
+ if item=="networks":
+ net = descriptor["network"]
+ net_name = net.pop("name")
+ net_type = net.pop("type", "bridge")
+ net_public = net.pop("shared", False)
+ net_ipprofile = net.pop("ip_profile", None)
+ net_vlan = net.pop("vlan", None)
++ net_provider_network_profile = None
++ if net_vlan:
++ net_provider_network_profile = {"segmentation-id": net_vlan}
++ content, _ = myvim.new_network(net_name, net_type, net_ipprofile, shared=net_public, provider_network_profile=net_provider_network_profile) #, **net)
+ #If the datacenter has a SDN controller defined and the network is of dataplane type, then create the sdn network
+ if get_sdn_controller_id(mydb, datacenter) != None and (net_type == 'data' or net_type == 'ptp'):
+ #obtain datacenter_tenant_id
+ datacenter_tenant_id = mydb.get_rows(SELECT=('uuid',),
+ FROM='datacenter_tenants',
+ WHERE={'datacenter_id': datacenter})[0]['uuid']
+ try:
+ sdn_network = {}
+ sdn_network['vlan'] = net_vlan
+ sdn_network['type'] = net_type
+ sdn_network['name'] = net_name
+ sdn_network['region'] = datacenter_tenant_id
+ ovim_content = ovim.new_network(sdn_network)
+ except ovimException as e:
+ logger.error("ovimException creating SDN network={} ".format(
+ sdn_network) + str(e), exc_info=True)
+ raise NfvoException("ovimException creating SDN network={} ".format(sdn_network) + str(e),
+ httperrors.Internal_Server_Error)
+ # Save entry in in dabase mano_db in table instance_nets to stablish a dictionary vim_net_id <->sdn_net_id
+ # use instance_scenario_id=None to distinguish from real instaces of nets
+ correspondence = {'instance_scenario_id': None,
+ 'sdn_net_id': ovim_content,
+ 'vim_net_id': content,
+ 'datacenter_tenant_id': datacenter_tenant_id
+ }
+ try:
+ mydb.new_row('instance_nets', correspondence, add_uuid=True)
+ except db_base_Exception as e:
+ raise NfvoException("Error saving correspondence for VIM/SDN dataplane networks{}: {}".format(
+ correspondence, e), e.http_code)
+ elif item=="tenants":
+ tenant = descriptor["tenant"]
+ content = myvim.new_tenant(tenant["name"], tenant.get("description"))
+ else:
+ raise NfvoException(item + "?", httperrors.Method_Not_Allowed)
+ except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
+ raise NfvoException("Not possible to create {} at VIM: {}".format(item, str(e)), e.http_code)
+ return vim_action_get(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter, item, content)
+ def sdn_controller_create(mydb, tenant_id, sdn_controller):
+ wim_id = ovim.new_of_controller(sdn_controller)
+ thread_name = get_non_used_vim_name(sdn_controller['name'], wim_id, wim_id, None)
+ new_thread = vim_thread(task_lock, plugins, thread_name, wim_id, None, db=db)
+ new_thread.start()
+ thread_id = wim_id
+ vim_threads["running"][thread_id] = new_thread
+ logger.debug('New SDN controller created with uuid {}'.format(wim_id))
+ return wim_id
+ def sdn_controller_update(mydb, tenant_id, controller_id, sdn_controller):
+ data = ovim.edit_of_controller(controller_id, sdn_controller)
+ msg = 'SDN controller {} updated'.format(data)
+ vim_threads["running"][controller_id].insert_task("reload")
+ logger.debug(msg)
+ return msg
+ def sdn_controller_list(mydb, tenant_id, controller_id=None):
+ if controller_id == None:
+ data = ovim.get_of_controllers()
+ else:
+ data = ovim.show_of_controller(controller_id)
+ msg = 'SDN controller list:\n {}'.format(data)
+ logger.debug(msg)
+ return data
+ def sdn_controller_delete(mydb, tenant_id, controller_id):
+ select_ = ('uuid', 'config')
+ datacenters = mydb.get_rows(FROM='datacenters', SELECT=select_)
+ for datacenter in datacenters:
+ if datacenter['config']:
+ config = yaml.load(datacenter['config'], Loader=yaml.Loader)
+ if 'sdn-controller' in config and config['sdn-controller'] == controller_id:
+ raise NfvoException("SDN controller {} is in use by datacenter {}".format(controller_id, datacenter['uuid']), httperrors.Conflict)
+ data = ovim.delete_of_controller(controller_id)
+ msg = 'SDN controller {} deleted'.format(data)
+ logger.debug(msg)
+ return msg
+ def datacenter_sdn_port_mapping_set(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter_id, sdn_port_mapping):
+ controller = mydb.get_rows(FROM="datacenters", SELECT=("config",), WHERE={"uuid":datacenter_id})
+ if len(controller) < 1:
+ raise NfvoException("Datacenter {} not present in the database".format(datacenter_id), httperrors.Not_Found)
+ try:
+ sdn_controller_id = yaml.load(controller[0]["config"], Loader=yaml.Loader)["sdn-controller"]
+ except:
+ raise NfvoException("The datacenter {} has not an SDN controller associated".format(datacenter_id), httperrors.Bad_Request)
+ sdn_controller = ovim.show_of_controller(sdn_controller_id)
+ switch_dpid = sdn_controller["dpid"]
+ maps = list()
+ for compute_node in sdn_port_mapping:
+ #element = {"ofc_id": sdn_controller_id, "region": datacenter_id, "switch_dpid": switch_dpid}
+ element = dict()
+ element["compute_node"] = compute_node["compute_node"]
+ if compute_node["ports"]:
+ for port in compute_node["ports"]:
+ pci = port.get("pci")
+ element["switch_port"] = port.get("switch_port")
+ element["switch_mac"] = port.get("switch_mac")
+ if not element["switch_port"] and not element["switch_mac"]:
+ raise NfvoException ("The mapping must contain 'switch_port' or 'switch_mac'", httperrors.Bad_Request)
+ for pci_expanded in utils.expand_brackets(pci):
+ element["pci"] = pci_expanded
+ maps.append(dict(element))
+ out = ovim.set_of_port_mapping(maps, sdn_id=sdn_controller_id, switch_dpid=switch_dpid, vim_id=datacenter_id)
+ vim_threads["running"][sdn_controller_id].insert_task("reload")
+ return out
+ def datacenter_sdn_port_mapping_list(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter_id):
+ maps = ovim.get_of_port_mappings(db_filter={"datacenter_id": datacenter_id})
+ result = {
+ "sdn-controller": None,
+ "datacenter-id": datacenter_id,
+ "dpid": None,
+ "ports_mapping": list()
+ }
+ datacenter = mydb.get_table_by_uuid_name('datacenters', datacenter_id)
+ if datacenter['config']:
+ config = yaml.load(datacenter['config'], Loader=yaml.Loader)
+ if 'sdn-controller' in config:
+ controller_id = config['sdn-controller']
+ sdn_controller = sdn_controller_list(mydb, tenant_id, controller_id)
+ result["sdn-controller"] = controller_id
+ result["dpid"] = sdn_controller["dpid"]
+ if result["sdn-controller"] == None:
+ raise NfvoException("SDN controller is not defined for datacenter {}".format(datacenter_id), httperrors.Bad_Request)
+ if result["dpid"] == None:
+ raise NfvoException("It was not possible to determine DPID for SDN controller {}".format(result["sdn-controller"]),
+ httperrors.Internal_Server_Error)
+ if len(maps) == 0:
+ return result
+ ports_correspondence_dict = dict()
+ for link in maps:
+ if result["sdn-controller"] != link["wim_id"]:
+ raise NfvoException("The sdn-controller specified for different port mappings differ", httperrors.Internal_Server_Error)
+ if result["dpid"] != link["switch_dpid"]:
+ raise NfvoException("The dpid specified for different port mappings differ", httperrors.Internal_Server_Error)
+ link_config = link["service_mapping_info"]
+ element = dict()
+ element["pci"] = link.get("device_interface_id")
+ if link["switch_port"]:
+ element["switch_port"] = link["switch_port"]
+ if link_config["switch_mac"]:
+ element["switch_mac"] = link_config.get("switch_mac")
+ if not link.get("interface_id") in ports_correspondence_dict:
+ content = dict()
+ content["compute_node"] = link.get("interface_id")
+ content["ports"] = list()
+ ports_correspondence_dict[link.get("interface_id")] = content
+ ports_correspondence_dict[link["interface_id"]]["ports"].append(element)
+ for key in sorted(ports_correspondence_dict):
+ result["ports_mapping"].append(ports_correspondence_dict[key])
+ return result
+ def datacenter_sdn_port_mapping_delete(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter_id):
+ return ovim.clear_of_port_mapping(db_filter={"datacenter_id":datacenter_id})
+ def create_RO_keypair(tenant_id):
+ """
+ Creates a public / private keys for a RO tenant and returns their values
+ Params:
+ tenant_id: ID of the tenant
+ Return:
+ public_key: Public key for the RO tenant
+ private_key: Encrypted private key for RO tenant
+ """
+ bits = 2048
+ key = RSA.generate(bits)
+ try:
+ public_key = key.publickey().exportKey('OpenSSH')
+ if isinstance(public_key, ValueError):
+ raise NfvoException("Unable to create public key: {}".format(public_key), httperrors.Internal_Server_Error)
+ private_key = key.exportKey(passphrase=tenant_id, pkcs=8)
+ except (ValueError, NameError) as e:
+ raise NfvoException("Unable to create private key: {}".format(e), httperrors.Internal_Server_Error)
+ return public_key, private_key
+ def decrypt_key (key, tenant_id):
+ """
+ Decrypts an encrypted RSA key
+ Params:
+ key: Private key to be decrypted
+ tenant_id: ID of the tenant
+ Return:
+ unencrypted_key: Unencrypted private key for RO tenant
+ """
+ try:
+ key = RSA.importKey(key,tenant_id)
+ unencrypted_key = key.exportKey('PEM')
+ if isinstance(unencrypted_key, ValueError):
+ raise NfvoException("Unable to decrypt the private key: {}".format(unencrypted_key), httperrors.Internal_Server_Error)
+ except ValueError as e:
+ raise NfvoException("Unable to decrypt the private key: {}".format(e), httperrors.Internal_Server_Error)
+ return unencrypted_key
--- /dev/null
- vim_net_id, created_items = self.vim.new_network(*params[0:3])
+ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ ##
+ # Copyright 2015 Telefonica Investigacion y Desarrollo, S.A.U.
+ # This file is part of openvim
+ # All Rights Reserved.
+ #
+ # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+ # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+ # a copy of the License at
+ #
+ # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ #
+ # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+ # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+ # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ # under the License.
+ #
+ # For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
+ # contact with: nfvlabs@tid.es
+ ##
+ """"
+ This is thread that interacts with a VIM. It processes TASKs sequentially against a single VIM.
+ The tasks are stored at database in table vim_wim_actions
+ Several vim_wim_actions can refer to the same element at VIM (flavor, network, ...). This is somethng to avoid if RO
+ is migrated to a non-relational database as mongo db. Each vim_wim_actions reference a different instance_Xxxxx
+ In this case "related" colunm contains the same value, to know they refer to the same vim. In case of deletion, it
+ there is related tasks using this element, it is not deleted, The vim_info needed to delete is transfered to other task
+ The task content is (M: stored at memory, D: stored at database):
+ MD instance_action_id: reference a global action over an instance-scenario: database instance_actions
+ MD task_index: index number of the task. This together with the previous forms a unique key identifier
+ MD datacenter_vim_id: should contain the uuid of the VIM managed by this thread
+ MD vim_id: id of the vm,net,etc at VIM
+ MD item: database table name, can be instance_vms, instance_nets, TODO: datacenter_flavors, datacenter_images
+ MD item_id: uuid of the referenced entry in the previous table
+ MD status: SCHEDULED: action need to be done
+ BUILD: not used
+ DONE: Done and it must be polled to VIM periodically to see status. ONLY for action=CREATE or FIND
+ FAILED: It cannot be created/found/deleted
+ FINISHED: similar to DONE, but no refresh is needed anymore. Task is maintained at database but
+ it is never processed by any thread
+ SUPERSEDED: similar to FINSISHED, but nothing has been done to completed the task.
+ MD extra: text with yaml format at database, dict at memory with:
+ params: list with the params to be sent to the VIM for CREATE or FIND. For DELETE the vim_id is taken
+ from other related tasks
+ find: (only for CREATE tasks) if present it should FIND before creating and use if existing. Contains
+ the FIND params
+ depends_on: list with the 'task_index'es of tasks that must be completed before. e.g. a vm creation depends
+ on a net creation
+ can contain an int (single index on the same instance-action) or str (compete action ID)
+ sdn_net_id: used for net.
+ interfaces: used for VMs. Each key is the uuid of the instance_interfaces entry at database
+ iface_id: uuid of intance_interfaces
+ sdn_port_id:
+ sdn_net_id:
+ vim_info
+ created_items: dictionary with extra elements created that need to be deleted. e.g. ports, volumes,...
+ created: False if the VIM element is not created by other actions, and it should not be deleted
+ vim_status: VIM status of the element. Stored also at database in the instance_XXX
+ vim_info: Detailed information of a vm/net from the VIM. Stored at database in the instance_XXX but not at
+ vim_wim_actions
+ M depends: dict with task_index(from depends_on) to dependency task
+ M params: same as extra[params]
+ MD error_msg: descriptive text upon an error.Stored also at database instance_XXX
+ MD created_at: task creation time. The task of creation must be the oldest
+ MD modified_at: next time task need to be processed. For example, for a refresh, it contain next time refresh must
+ be done
+ MD related: All the tasks over the same VIM element have same "related". Note that other VIMs can contain the
+ same value of related, but this thread only process those task of one VIM. Also related can be the
+ same among several NS os isntance-scenarios
+ MD worker: Used to lock in case of several thread workers.
+ """
+ import threading
+ import time
+ import queue
+ import logging
+ from osm_ro import vimconn
+ from osm_ro.wim.sdnconn import SdnConnectorError
+ import yaml
+ from osm_ro.db_base import db_base_Exception
+ from http import HTTPStatus
+ from copy import deepcopy
+ __author__ = "Alfonso Tierno, Pablo Montes"
+ __date__ = "$28-Sep-2017 12:07:15$"
+ def is_task_id(task_id):
+ return task_id.startswith("TASK-")
+ class VimThreadException(Exception):
+ pass
+ class VimThreadExceptionNotFound(VimThreadException):
+ pass
+ class vim_thread(threading.Thread):
+ REFRESH_BUILD = 5 # 5 seconds
+ REFRESH_ACTIVE = 60 # 1 minute
+ REFRESH_DELETE = 3600 * 10
+ def __init__(self, task_lock, plugins, name=None, wim_account_id=None, datacenter_tenant_id=None, db=None):
+ """Init a thread.
+ Arguments:
+ 'id' number of thead
+ 'name' name of thread
+ 'host','user': host ip or name to manage and user
+ 'db', 'db_lock': database class and lock to use it in exclusion
+ """
+ threading.Thread.__init__(self)
+ self.plugins = plugins
+ self.plugin_name = "unknown"
+ self.vim = None
+ self.sdnconnector = None
+ self.sdnconn_config = None
+ self.error_status = None
+ self.wim_account_id = wim_account_id
+ self.datacenter_tenant_id = datacenter_tenant_id
+ self.port_mapping = None
+ if self.wim_account_id:
+ self.target_k = "wim_account_id"
+ self.target_v = self.wim_account_id
+ else:
+ self.target_k = "datacenter_vim_id"
+ self.target_v = self.datacenter_tenant_id
+ if not name:
+ self.name = wim_account_id or str(datacenter_tenant_id)
+ else:
+ self.name = name
+ self.vim_persistent_info = {}
+ self.my_id = self.name[:64]
+ self.logger = logging.getLogger('openmano.{}.{}'.format("vim" if self.datacenter_tenant_id else "sdn",
+ self.name))
+ self.db = db
+ self.task_lock = task_lock
+ self.task_queue = queue.Queue(2000)
+ def _proccess_sdn_exception(self, exc):
+ if isinstance(exc, SdnConnectorError):
+ raise
+ else:
+ self.logger.error("plugin={} throws a non SdnConnectorError exception {}".format(self.plugin_name, exc),
+ exc_info=True)
+ raise SdnConnectorError(str(exc), http_code=HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.value) from exc
+ def _proccess_vim_exception(self, exc):
+ if isinstance(exc, vimconn.vimconnException):
+ raise
+ else:
+ self.logger.error("plugin={} throws a non vimconnException exception {}".format(self.plugin_name, exc),
+ exc_info=True)
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException(str(exc), http_code=HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.value) from exc
+ def get_vim_sdn_connector(self):
+ if self.datacenter_tenant_id:
+ try:
+ from_ = "datacenter_tenants as dt join datacenters as d on dt.datacenter_id=d.uuid"
+ select_ = ('type', 'd.config as config', 'd.uuid as datacenter_id', 'vim_url', 'vim_url_admin',
+ 'd.name as datacenter_name', 'dt.uuid as datacenter_tenant_id',
+ 'dt.vim_tenant_name as vim_tenant_name', 'dt.vim_tenant_id as vim_tenant_id',
+ 'user', 'passwd', 'dt.config as dt_config')
+ where_ = {"dt.uuid": self.datacenter_tenant_id}
+ vims = self.db.get_rows(FROM=from_, SELECT=select_, WHERE=where_)
+ vim = vims[0]
+ vim_config = {}
+ if vim["config"]:
+ vim_config.update(yaml.load(vim["config"], Loader=yaml.Loader))
+ if vim["dt_config"]:
+ vim_config.update(yaml.load(vim["dt_config"], Loader=yaml.Loader))
+ vim_config['datacenter_tenant_id'] = vim.get('datacenter_tenant_id')
+ vim_config['datacenter_id'] = vim.get('datacenter_id')
+ # get port_mapping
+ # vim_port_mappings = self.ovim.get_of_port_mappings(
+ # db_filter={"datacenter_id": vim_config['datacenter_id']})
+ # vim_config["wim_external_ports"] = [x for x in vim_port_mappings
+ # if x["service_mapping_info"].get("wim")]
+ self.plugin_name = "rovim_" + vim["type"]
+ self.vim = self.plugins[self.plugin_name].vimconnector(
+ uuid=vim['datacenter_id'], name=vim['datacenter_name'],
+ tenant_id=vim['vim_tenant_id'], tenant_name=vim['vim_tenant_name'],
+ url=vim['vim_url'], url_admin=vim['vim_url_admin'],
+ user=vim['user'], passwd=vim['passwd'],
+ config=vim_config, persistent_info=self.vim_persistent_info
+ )
+ self.error_status = None
+ self.logger.info("Vim Connector loaded for vim_account={}, plugin={}".format(
+ self.datacenter_tenant_id, self.plugin_name))
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.logger.error("Cannot load vimconnector for vim_account={} plugin={}: {}".format(
+ self.datacenter_tenant_id, self.plugin_name, e))
+ self.vim = None
+ self.error_status = "Error loading vimconnector: {}".format(e)
+ else:
+ try:
+ wim_account = self.db.get_rows(FROM="wim_accounts", WHERE={"uuid": self.wim_account_id})[0]
+ wim = self.db.get_rows(FROM="wims", WHERE={"uuid": wim_account["wim_id"]})[0]
+ if wim["config"]:
+ self.sdnconn_config = yaml.load(wim["config"], Loader=yaml.Loader)
+ else:
+ self.sdnconn_config = {}
+ if wim_account["config"]:
+ self.sdnconn_config.update(yaml.load(wim_account["config"], Loader=yaml.Loader))
+ self.port_mappings = self.db.get_rows(FROM="wim_port_mappings", WHERE={"wim_id": wim_account["wim_id"]})
+ if self.port_mappings:
+ self.sdnconn_config["service_endpoint_mapping"] = self.port_mappings
+ self.plugin_name = "rosdn_" + wim["type"]
+ self.sdnconnector = self.plugins[self.plugin_name](
+ wim, wim_account, config=self.sdnconn_config)
+ self.error_status = None
+ self.logger.info("Sdn Connector loaded for wim_account={}, plugin={}".format(
+ self.wim_account_id, self.plugin_name))
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.logger.error("Cannot load sdn connector for wim_account={}, plugin={}: {}".format(
+ self.wim_account_id, self.plugin_name, e))
+ self.sdnconnector = None
+ self.error_status = "Error loading sdn connector: {}".format(e)
+ def _get_db_task(self):
+ """
+ Read actions from database and reload them at memory. Fill self.refresh_list, pending_list, vim_actions
+ :return: None
+ """
+ now = time.time()
+ try:
+ database_limit = 20
+ task_related = None
+ while True:
+ # get 20 (database_limit) entries each time
+ vim_actions = self.db.get_rows(FROM="vim_wim_actions",
+ WHERE={self.target_k: self.target_v,
+ "status": ['SCHEDULED', 'BUILD', 'DONE'],
+ "worker": [None, self.my_id], "modified_at<=": now
+ },
+ ORDER_BY=("modified_at", "created_at",),
+ LIMIT=database_limit)
+ if not vim_actions:
+ return None, None
+ # if vim_actions[0]["modified_at"] > now:
+ # return int(vim_actions[0] - now)
+ for task in vim_actions:
+ # block related task
+ if task_related == task["related"]:
+ continue # ignore if a locking has already tried for these task set
+ task_related = task["related"]
+ # lock ...
+ self.db.update_rows("vim_wim_actions", UPDATE={"worker": self.my_id}, modified_time=0,
+ WHERE={self.target_k: self.target_v,
+ "status": ['SCHEDULED', 'BUILD', 'DONE', 'FAILED'],
+ "worker": [None, self.my_id],
+ "related": task_related,
+ "item": task["item"],
+ })
+ # ... and read all related and check if locked
+ related_tasks = self.db.get_rows(FROM="vim_wim_actions",
+ WHERE={self.target_k: self.target_v,
+ "status": ['SCHEDULED', 'BUILD', 'DONE', 'FAILED'],
+ "related": task_related,
+ "item": task["item"],
+ },
+ ORDER_BY=("created_at",))
+ # check that all related tasks have been locked. If not release and try again. It can happen
+ # for race conditions if a new related task has been inserted by nfvo in the process
+ some_tasks_locked = False
+ some_tasks_not_locked = False
+ creation_task = None
+ for relate_task in related_tasks:
+ if relate_task["worker"] != self.my_id:
+ some_tasks_not_locked = True
+ else:
+ some_tasks_locked = True
+ if not creation_task and relate_task["action"] in ("CREATE", "FIND"):
+ creation_task = relate_task
+ if some_tasks_not_locked:
+ if some_tasks_locked: # unlock
+ self.db.update_rows("vim_wim_actions", UPDATE={"worker": None}, modified_time=0,
+ WHERE={self.target_k: self.target_v,
+ "worker": self.my_id,
+ "related": task_related,
+ "item": task["item"],
+ })
+ continue
+ # task of creation must be the first in the list of related_task
+ assert(related_tasks[0]["action"] in ("CREATE", "FIND"))
+ task["params"] = None
+ if task["extra"]:
+ extra = yaml.load(task["extra"], Loader=yaml.Loader)
+ else:
+ extra = {}
+ task["extra"] = extra
+ if extra.get("depends_on"):
+ task["depends"] = {}
+ if extra.get("params"):
+ task["params"] = deepcopy(extra["params"])
+ return task, related_tasks
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.logger.critical("Unexpected exception at _get_db_task: " + str(e), exc_info=True)
+ return None, None
+ def _delete_task(self, task):
+ """
+ Determine if this task need to be done or superseded
+ :return: None
+ """
+ def copy_extra_created(copy_to, copy_from):
+ copy_to["created"] = copy_from["created"]
+ if copy_from.get("sdn_net_id"):
+ copy_to["sdn_net_id"] = copy_from["sdn_net_id"]
+ if copy_from.get("interfaces"):
+ copy_to["interfaces"] = copy_from["interfaces"]
+ if copy_from.get("created_items"):
+ if not copy_to.get("created_items"):
+ copy_to["created_items"] = {}
+ copy_to["created_items"].update(copy_from["created_items"])
+ task_create = None
+ dependency_task = None
+ deletion_needed = False
+ if task["status"] == "FAILED":
+ return # TODO need to be retry??
+ try:
+ # get all related tasks
+ related_tasks = self.db.get_rows(FROM="vim_wim_actions",
+ WHERE={self.target_k: self.target_v,
+ "status": ['SCHEDULED', 'BUILD', 'DONE', 'FAILED'],
+ "action": ["FIND", "CREATE"],
+ "related": task["related"],
+ },
+ ORDER_BY=("created_at",),
+ )
+ for related_task in related_tasks:
+ if related_task["item"] == task["item"] and related_task["item_id"] == task["item_id"]:
+ task_create = related_task
+ if related_task["extra"]:
+ extra_created = yaml.load(related_task["extra"], Loader=yaml.Loader)
+ if extra_created.get("created"):
+ deletion_needed = True
+ related_task["extra"] = extra_created
+ elif not dependency_task:
+ dependency_task = related_task
+ if task_create and dependency_task:
+ break
+ # mark task_create as FINISHED
+ self.db.update_rows("vim_wim_actions", UPDATE={"status": "FINISHED"},
+ WHERE={self.target_k: self.target_v,
+ "instance_action_id": task_create["instance_action_id"],
+ "task_index": task_create["task_index"]
+ })
+ if not deletion_needed:
+ return
+ elif dependency_task:
+ # move create information from task_create to relate_task
+ extra_new_created = yaml.load(dependency_task["extra"], Loader=yaml.Loader) or {}
+ extra_new_created["created"] = extra_created["created"]
+ copy_extra_created(copy_to=extra_new_created, copy_from=extra_created)
+ self.db.update_rows("vim_wim_actions",
+ UPDATE={"extra": yaml.safe_dump(extra_new_created, default_flow_style=True,
+ width=256),
+ "vim_id": task_create.get("vim_id")},
+ WHERE={self.target_k: self.target_v,
+ "instance_action_id": dependency_task["instance_action_id"],
+ "task_index": dependency_task["task_index"]
+ })
+ return False
+ else:
+ task["vim_id"] = task_create["vim_id"]
+ copy_extra_created(copy_to=task["extra"], copy_from=task_create["extra"])
+ return True
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.logger.critical("Unexpected exception at _delete_task: " + str(e), exc_info=True)
+ def _refres_vm(self, task):
+ """Call VIM to get VMs status"""
+ database_update = None
+ vim_id = task["vim_id"]
+ vm_to_refresh_list = [vim_id]
+ try:
+ vim_dict = self.vim.refresh_vms_status(vm_to_refresh_list)
+ vim_info = vim_dict[vim_id]
+ except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
+ # Mark all tasks at VIM_ERROR status
+ self.logger.error("task=several get-VM: vimconnException when trying to refresh vms " + str(e))
+ vim_info = {"status": "VIM_ERROR", "error_msg": str(e)}
+ task_id = task["instance_action_id"] + "." + str(task["task_index"])
+ self.logger.debug("task={} get-VM: vim_vm_id={} result={}".format(task_id, task["vim_id"], vim_info))
+ # check and update interfaces
+ task_warning_msg = ""
+ for interface in vim_info.get("interfaces", ()):
+ vim_interface_id = interface["vim_interface_id"]
+ if vim_interface_id not in task["extra"]["interfaces"]:
+ self.logger.critical("task={} get-VM: Interface not found {} on task info {}".format(
+ task_id, vim_interface_id, task["extra"]["interfaces"]), exc_info=True)
+ continue
+ task_interface = task["extra"]["interfaces"][vim_interface_id]
+ task_vim_interface = task_interface.get("vim_info")
+ if task_vim_interface != interface:
+ # delete old port
+ # if task_interface.get("sdn_port_id"):
+ # try:
+ # self.ovim.delete_port(task_interface["sdn_port_id"], idempotent=True)
+ # task_interface["sdn_port_id"] = None
+ # except ovimException as e:
+ # error_text = "ovimException deleting external_port={}: {}".format(
+ # task_interface["sdn_port_id"], e)
+ # self.logger.error("task={} get-VM: {}".format(task_id, error_text), exc_info=True)
+ # task_warning_msg += error_text
+ # # TODO Set error_msg at instance_nets instead of instance VMs
+ # Create SDN port
+ # sdn_net_id = task_interface.get("sdn_net_id")
+ # if sdn_net_id and interface.get("compute_node") and interface.get("pci"):
+ # sdn_port_name = sdn_net_id + "." + task["vim_id"]
+ # sdn_port_name = sdn_port_name[:63]
+ # try:
+ # sdn_port_id = self.ovim.new_external_port(
+ # {"compute_node": interface["compute_node"],
+ # "pci": interface["pci"],
+ # "vlan": interface.get("vlan"),
+ # "net_id": sdn_net_id,
+ # "region": self.vim["config"]["datacenter_id"],
+ # "name": sdn_port_name,
+ # "mac": interface.get("mac_address")})
+ # task_interface["sdn_port_id"] = sdn_port_id
+ # except (ovimException, Exception) as e:
+ # error_text = "ovimException creating new_external_port compute_node={} pci={} vlan={} {}".\
+ # format(interface["compute_node"], interface["pci"], interface.get("vlan"), e)
+ # self.logger.error("task={} get-VM: {}".format(task_id, error_text), exc_info=True)
+ # task_warning_msg += error_text
+ # # TODO Set error_msg at instance_nets instead of instance VMs
+ self.db.update_rows('instance_interfaces',
+ UPDATE={"mac_address": interface.get("mac_address"),
+ "ip_address": interface.get("ip_address"),
+ "vim_interface_id": interface.get("vim_interface_id"),
+ "vim_info": interface.get("vim_info"),
+ "sdn_port_id": task_interface.get("sdn_port_id"),
+ "compute_node": interface.get("compute_node"),
+ "pci": interface.get("pci"),
+ "vlan": interface.get("vlan")},
+ WHERE={'uuid': task_interface["iface_id"]})
+ task_interface["vim_info"] = interface
+ # if sdn_net_id and interface.get("compute_node") and interface.get("pci"):
+ # # TODO Send message to task SDN to update
+ # check and update task and instance_vms database
+ vim_info_error_msg = None
+ if vim_info.get("error_msg"):
+ vim_info_error_msg = self._format_vim_error_msg(vim_info["error_msg"] + task_warning_msg)
+ elif task_warning_msg:
+ vim_info_error_msg = self._format_vim_error_msg(task_warning_msg)
+ task_vim_info = task["extra"].get("vim_info")
+ task_error_msg = task.get("error_msg")
+ task_vim_status = task["extra"].get("vim_status")
+ if task_vim_status != vim_info["status"] or task_error_msg != vim_info_error_msg or \
+ (vim_info.get("vim_info") and task_vim_info != vim_info["vim_info"]):
+ database_update = {"status": vim_info["status"], "error_msg": vim_info_error_msg}
+ if vim_info.get("vim_info"):
+ database_update["vim_info"] = vim_info["vim_info"]
+ task["extra"]["vim_status"] = vim_info["status"]
+ task["error_msg"] = vim_info_error_msg
+ if vim_info.get("vim_info"):
+ task["extra"]["vim_info"] = vim_info["vim_info"]
+ return database_update
+ def _refres_net(self, task):
+ """Call VIM to get network status"""
+ database_update = None
+ vim_id = task["vim_id"]
+ net_to_refresh_list = [vim_id]
+ try:
+ vim_dict = self.vim.refresh_nets_status(net_to_refresh_list)
+ vim_info = vim_dict[vim_id]
+ except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
+ # Mark all tasks at VIM_ERROR status
+ self.logger.error("task=several get-net: vimconnException when trying to refresh nets " + str(e))
+ vim_info = {"status": "VIM_ERROR", "error_msg": str(e)}
+ task_id = task["instance_action_id"] + "." + str(task["task_index"])
+ self.logger.debug("task={} get-net: vim_net_id={} result={}".format(task_id, task["vim_id"], vim_info))
+ task_vim_info = task["extra"].get("vim_info")
+ task_vim_status = task["extra"].get("vim_status")
+ task_error_msg = task.get("error_msg")
+ # task_sdn_net_id = task["extra"].get("sdn_net_id")
+ vim_info_status = vim_info["status"]
+ vim_info_error_msg = vim_info.get("error_msg")
+ # get ovim status
+ # if task_sdn_net_id:
+ # try:
+ # sdn_net = self.ovim.show_network(task_sdn_net_id)
+ # except (ovimException, Exception) as e:
+ # text_error = "ovimException getting network snd_net_id={}: {}".format(task_sdn_net_id, e)
+ # self.logger.error("task={} get-net: {}".format(task_id, text_error), exc_info=True)
+ # sdn_net = {"status": "ERROR", "last_error": text_error}
+ # if sdn_net["status"] == "ERROR":
+ # if not vim_info_error_msg:
+ # vim_info_error_msg = str(sdn_net.get("last_error"))
+ # else:
+ # vim_info_error_msg = "VIM_ERROR: {} && SDN_ERROR: {}".format(
+ # self._format_vim_error_msg(vim_info_error_msg, 1024 // 2 - 14),
+ # self._format_vim_error_msg(sdn_net["last_error"], 1024 // 2 - 14))
+ # vim_info_status = "ERROR"
+ # elif sdn_net["status"] == "BUILD":
+ # if vim_info_status == "ACTIVE":
+ # vim_info_status = "BUILD"
+ # update database
+ if vim_info_error_msg:
+ vim_info_error_msg = self._format_vim_error_msg(vim_info_error_msg)
+ if task_vim_status != vim_info_status or task_error_msg != vim_info_error_msg or \
+ (vim_info.get("vim_info") and task_vim_info != vim_info["vim_info"]):
+ task["extra"]["vim_status"] = vim_info_status
+ task["error_msg"] = vim_info_error_msg
+ if vim_info.get("vim_info"):
+ task["extra"]["vim_info"] = vim_info["vim_info"]
+ database_update = {"status": vim_info_status, "error_msg": vim_info_error_msg}
+ if vim_info.get("vim_info"):
+ database_update["vim_info"] = vim_info["vim_info"]
+ return database_update
+ def _proccess_pending_tasks(self, task, related_tasks):
+ old_task_status = task["status"]
+ create_or_find = False # if as result of processing this task something is created or found
+ next_refresh = 0
+ try:
+ if task["status"] == "SCHEDULED":
+ # check if tasks that this depends on have been completed
+ dependency_not_completed = False
+ dependency_modified_at = 0
+ for task_index in task["extra"].get("depends_on", ()):
+ task_dependency = self._look_for_task(task["instance_action_id"], task_index)
+ if not task_dependency:
+ raise VimThreadException(
+ "Cannot get depending net task trying to get depending task {}.{}".format(
+ task["instance_action_id"], task_index))
+ # task["depends"]["TASK-" + str(task_index)] = task_dependency #it references another object,so
+ # database must be look again
+ if task_dependency["status"] == "SCHEDULED":
+ dependency_not_completed = True
+ dependency_modified_at = task_dependency["modified_at"]
+ break
+ elif task_dependency["status"] == "FAILED":
+ raise VimThreadException(
+ "Cannot {} {}, (task {}.{}) because depends on failed {}.{}, (task{}.{}): {}".format(
+ task["action"], task["item"],
+ task["instance_action_id"], task["task_index"],
+ task_dependency["instance_action_id"], task_dependency["task_index"],
+ task_dependency["action"], task_dependency["item"], task_dependency.get("error_msg")))
+ task["depends"]["TASK-"+str(task_index)] = task_dependency
+ task["depends"]["TASK-{}.{}".format(task["instance_action_id"], task_index)] = task_dependency
+ if dependency_not_completed:
+ # Move this task to the time dependency is going to be modified plus 10 seconds.
+ self.db.update_rows("vim_wim_actions", modified_time=dependency_modified_at + 10,
+ UPDATE={"worker": None},
+ WHERE={self.target_k: self.target_v, "worker": self.my_id,
+ "related": task["related"],
+ })
+ # task["extra"]["tries"] = task["extra"].get("tries", 0) + 1
+ # if task["extra"]["tries"] > 3:
+ # raise VimThreadException(
+ # "Cannot {} {}, (task {}.{}) because timeout waiting to complete {} {}, "
+ # "(task {}.{})".format(task["action"], task["item"],
+ # task["instance_action_id"], task["task_index"],
+ # task_dependency["instance_action_id"], task_dependency["task_index"]
+ # task_dependency["action"], task_dependency["item"]))
+ return
+ database_update = None
+ if task["action"] == "DELETE":
+ deleted_needed = self._delete_task(task)
+ if not deleted_needed:
+ task["status"] = "SUPERSEDED" # with FINISHED instead of DONE it will not be refreshing
+ task["error_msg"] = None
+ if task["status"] == "SUPERSEDED":
+ # not needed to do anything but update database with the new status
+ database_update = None
+ elif not self.vim and not self.sdnconnector:
+ task["status"] = "FAILED"
+ task["error_msg"] = self.error_status
+ database_update = {"status": "VIM_ERROR", "error_msg": task["error_msg"]}
+ elif task["item_id"] != related_tasks[0]["item_id"] and task["action"] in ("FIND", "CREATE"):
+ # Do nothing, just copy values from one to another and updata database
+ task["status"] = related_tasks[0]["status"]
+ task["error_msg"] = related_tasks[0]["error_msg"]
+ task["vim_id"] = related_tasks[0]["vim_id"]
+ extra = yaml.load(related_tasks[0]["extra"], Loader=yaml.Loader)
+ task["extra"]["vim_status"] = extra.get("vim_status")
+ next_refresh = related_tasks[0]["modified_at"] + 0.001
+ database_update = {"status": task["extra"].get("vim_status", "VIM_ERROR"),
+ "error_msg": task["error_msg"]}
+ if task["item"] == 'instance_vms':
+ database_update["vim_vm_id"] = task["vim_id"]
+ elif task["item"] == 'instance_nets':
+ database_update["vim_net_id"] = task["vim_id"]
+ elif task["item"] == 'instance_vms':
+ if task["status"] in ('BUILD', 'DONE') and task["action"] in ("FIND", "CREATE"):
+ database_update = self._refres_vm(task)
+ create_or_find = True
+ elif task["action"] == "CREATE":
+ create_or_find = True
+ database_update = self.new_vm(task)
+ elif task["action"] == "DELETE":
+ self.del_vm(task)
+ else:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException(self.name + "unknown task action {}".format(task["action"]))
+ elif task["item"] == 'instance_nets':
+ if task["status"] in ('BUILD', 'DONE') and task["action"] in ("FIND", "CREATE"):
+ database_update = self._refres_net(task)
+ create_or_find = True
+ elif task["action"] == "CREATE":
+ create_or_find = True
+ database_update = self.new_net(task)
+ elif task["action"] == "DELETE":
+ self.del_net(task)
+ elif task["action"] == "FIND":
+ database_update = self.get_net(task)
+ else:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException(self.name + "unknown task action {}".format(task["action"]))
+ elif task["item"] == 'instance_wim_nets':
+ if task["status"] in ('BUILD', 'DONE') and task["action"] in ("FIND", "CREATE"):
+ database_update = self.new_or_update_sdn_net(task)
+ create_or_find = True
+ elif task["action"] == "CREATE":
+ create_or_find = True
+ database_update = self.new_or_update_sdn_net(task)
+ elif task["action"] == "DELETE":
+ self.del_sdn_net(task)
+ elif task["action"] == "FIND":
+ database_update = self.get_sdn_net(task)
+ else:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException(self.name + "unknown task action {}".format(task["action"]))
+ elif task["item"] == 'instance_sfis':
+ if task["action"] == "CREATE":
+ create_or_find = True
+ database_update = self.new_sfi(task)
+ elif task["action"] == "DELETE":
+ self.del_sfi(task)
+ else:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException(self.name + "unknown task action {}".format(task["action"]))
+ elif task["item"] == 'instance_sfs':
+ if task["action"] == "CREATE":
+ create_or_find = True
+ database_update = self.new_sf(task)
+ elif task["action"] == "DELETE":
+ self.del_sf(task)
+ else:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException(self.name + "unknown task action {}".format(task["action"]))
+ elif task["item"] == 'instance_classifications':
+ if task["action"] == "CREATE":
+ create_or_find = True
+ database_update = self.new_classification(task)
+ elif task["action"] == "DELETE":
+ self.del_classification(task)
+ else:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException(self.name + "unknown task action {}".format(task["action"]))
+ elif task["item"] == 'instance_sfps':
+ if task["action"] == "CREATE":
+ create_or_find = True
+ database_update = self.new_sfp(task)
+ elif task["action"] == "DELETE":
+ self.del_sfp(task)
+ else:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException(self.name + "unknown task action {}".format(task["action"]))
+ else:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException(self.name + "unknown task item {}".format(task["item"]))
+ # TODO
+ except VimThreadException as e:
+ task["error_msg"] = str(e)
+ task["status"] = "FAILED"
+ database_update = {"status": "VIM_ERROR", "error_msg": task["error_msg"]}
+ if task["item"] == 'instance_vms':
+ database_update["vim_vm_id"] = None
+ elif task["item"] == 'instance_nets':
+ database_update["vim_net_id"] = None
+ task_id = task["instance_action_id"] + "." + str(task["task_index"])
+ self.logger.debug("task={} item={} action={} result={}:'{}' params={}".format(
+ task_id, task["item"], task["action"], task["status"],
+ task["vim_id"] if task["status"] == "DONE" else task.get("error_msg"), task["params"]))
+ try:
+ if not next_refresh:
+ if task["status"] == "DONE":
+ next_refresh = time.time()
+ if task["extra"].get("vim_status") == "BUILD":
+ next_refresh += self.REFRESH_BUILD
+ elif task["extra"].get("vim_status") in ("ERROR", "VIM_ERROR"):
+ next_refresh += self.REFRESH_ERROR
+ elif task["extra"].get("vim_status") == "DELETED":
+ next_refresh += self.REFRESH_DELETE
+ else:
+ next_refresh += self.REFRESH_ACTIVE
+ elif task["status"] == "FAILED":
+ next_refresh = time.time() + self.REFRESH_DELETE
+ if create_or_find:
+ # modify all related task with action FIND/CREATED non SCHEDULED
+ self.db.update_rows(
+ table="vim_wim_actions", modified_time=next_refresh + 0.001,
+ UPDATE={"status": task["status"], "vim_id": task.get("vim_id"),
+ "error_msg": task["error_msg"],
+ },
+ WHERE={self.target_k: self.target_v,
+ "worker": self.my_id,
+ "action": ["FIND", "CREATE"],
+ "related": task["related"],
+ "status<>": "SCHEDULED",
+ })
+ # modify own task
+ self.db.update_rows(
+ table="vim_wim_actions", modified_time=next_refresh,
+ UPDATE={"status": task["status"], "vim_id": task.get("vim_id"),
+ "error_msg": task["error_msg"],
+ "extra": yaml.safe_dump(task["extra"], default_flow_style=True, width=256)},
+ WHERE={"instance_action_id": task["instance_action_id"], "task_index": task["task_index"]})
+ # Unlock tasks
+ self.db.update_rows(
+ table="vim_wim_actions", modified_time=0,
+ UPDATE={"worker": None},
+ WHERE={self.target_k: self.target_v,
+ "worker": self.my_id,
+ "related": task["related"],
+ })
+ # Update table instance_actions
+ if old_task_status == "SCHEDULED" and task["status"] != old_task_status:
+ self.db.update_rows(
+ table="instance_actions",
+ UPDATE={("number_failed" if task["status"] == "FAILED" else "number_done"): {"INCREMENT": 1}},
+ WHERE={"uuid": task["instance_action_id"]})
+ if database_update:
+ where_filter = {"related": task["related"]}
+ if task["item"] == "instance_nets" and task["datacenter_vim_id"]:
+ where_filter["datacenter_tenant_id"] = task["datacenter_vim_id"]
+ self.db.update_rows(table=task["item"],
+ UPDATE=database_update,
+ WHERE=where_filter)
+ except db_base_Exception as e:
+ self.logger.error("task={} Error updating database {}".format(task_id, e), exc_info=True)
+ def insert_task(self, task):
+ try:
+ self.task_queue.put(task, False)
+ return None
+ except queue.Full:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException(self.name + ": timeout inserting a task")
+ def del_task(self, task):
+ with self.task_lock:
+ if task["status"] == "SCHEDULED":
+ task["status"] = "SUPERSEDED"
+ return True
+ else: # task["status"] == "processing"
+ self.task_lock.release()
+ return False
+ def run(self):
+ self.logger.debug("Starting")
+ while True:
+ self.get_vim_sdn_connector()
+ self.logger.debug("Vimconnector loaded")
+ reload_thread = False
+ while True:
+ try:
+ while not self.task_queue.empty():
+ task = self.task_queue.get()
+ if isinstance(task, list):
+ pass
+ elif isinstance(task, str):
+ if task == 'exit':
+ return 0
+ elif task == 'reload':
+ reload_thread = True
+ break
+ self.task_queue.task_done()
+ if reload_thread:
+ break
+ task, related_tasks = self._get_db_task()
+ if task:
+ self._proccess_pending_tasks(task, related_tasks)
+ else:
+ time.sleep(5)
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.logger.critical("Unexpected exception at run: " + str(e), exc_info=True)
+ self.logger.debug("Finishing")
+ def _look_for_task(self, instance_action_id, task_id):
+ """
+ Look for a concrete task at vim_actions database table
+ :param instance_action_id: The instance_action_id
+ :param task_id: Can have several formats:
+ <task index>: integer
+ TASK-<task index> :backward compatibility,
+ [TASK-]<instance_action_id>.<task index>: this instance_action_id overrides the one in the parameter
+ :return: Task dictionary or None if not found
+ """
+ if isinstance(task_id, int):
+ task_index = task_id
+ else:
+ if task_id.startswith("TASK-"):
+ task_id = task_id[5:]
+ ins_action_id, _, task_index = task_id.rpartition(".")
+ if ins_action_id:
+ instance_action_id = ins_action_id
+ tasks = self.db.get_rows(FROM="vim_wim_actions", WHERE={"instance_action_id": instance_action_id,
+ "task_index": task_index})
+ if not tasks:
+ return None
+ task = tasks[0]
+ task["params"] = None
+ task["depends"] = {}
+ if task["extra"]:
+ extra = yaml.load(task["extra"], Loader=yaml.Loader)
+ task["extra"] = extra
+ task["params"] = extra.get("params")
+ else:
+ task["extra"] = {}
+ return task
+ @staticmethod
+ def _format_vim_error_msg(error_text, max_length=1024):
+ if error_text and len(error_text) >= max_length:
+ return error_text[:max_length // 2 - 3] + " ... " + error_text[-max_length // 2 + 3:]
+ return error_text
+ def new_vm(self, task):
+ task_id = task["instance_action_id"] + "." + str(task["task_index"])
+ try:
+ params = task["params"]
+ depends = task.get("depends")
+ net_list = params[5]
+ for net in net_list:
+ if "net_id" in net and is_task_id(net["net_id"]): # change task_id into network_id
+ network_id = task["depends"][net["net_id"]].get("vim_id")
+ if not network_id:
+ raise VimThreadException(
+ "Cannot create VM because depends on a network not created or found: " +
+ str(depends[net["net_id"]]["error_msg"]))
+ net["net_id"] = network_id
+ params_copy = deepcopy(params)
+ vim_vm_id, created_items = self.vim.new_vminstance(*params_copy)
+ # fill task_interfaces. Look for snd_net_id at database for each interface
+ task_interfaces = {}
+ for iface in params_copy[5]:
+ task_interfaces[iface["vim_id"]] = {"iface_id": iface["uuid"]}
+ result = self.db.get_rows(
+ SELECT=('sdn_net_id', 'interface_id'),
+ FROM='instance_nets as ine join instance_interfaces as ii on ii.instance_net_id=ine.uuid',
+ WHERE={'ii.uuid': iface["uuid"]})
+ if result:
+ task_interfaces[iface["vim_id"]]["sdn_net_id"] = result[0]['sdn_net_id']
+ task_interfaces[iface["vim_id"]]["interface_id"] = result[0]['interface_id']
+ else:
+ self.logger.critical("task={} new-VM: instance_nets uuid={} not found at DB".format(task_id,
+ iface["uuid"]),
+ exc_info=True)
+ task["vim_info"] = {}
+ task["extra"]["interfaces"] = task_interfaces
+ task["extra"]["created"] = True
+ task["extra"]["created_items"] = created_items
+ task["extra"]["vim_status"] = "BUILD"
+ task["error_msg"] = None
+ task["status"] = "DONE"
+ task["vim_id"] = vim_vm_id
+ instance_element_update = {"status": "BUILD", "vim_vm_id": vim_vm_id, "error_msg": None}
+ return instance_element_update
+ except (vimconn.vimconnException, VimThreadException) as e:
+ self.logger.error("task={} new-VM: {}".format(task_id, e))
+ error_text = self._format_vim_error_msg(str(e))
+ task["error_msg"] = error_text
+ task["status"] = "FAILED"
+ task["vim_id"] = None
+ instance_element_update = {"status": "VIM_ERROR", "vim_vm_id": None, "error_msg": error_text}
+ return instance_element_update
+ def del_vm(self, task):
+ # task_id = task["instance_action_id"] + "." + str(task["task_index"])
+ vm_vim_id = task["vim_id"]
+ # interfaces = task["extra"].get("interfaces", ())
+ try:
+ # for iface in interfaces.values():
+ # if iface.get("sdn_port_id"):
+ # try:
+ # self.ovim.delete_port(iface["sdn_port_id"], idempotent=True)
+ # except ovimException as e:
+ # self.logger.error("task={} del-VM: ovimException when deleting external_port={}: {} ".format(
+ # task_id, iface["sdn_port_id"], e), exc_info=True)
+ # # TODO Set error_msg at instance_nets
+ self.vim.delete_vminstance(vm_vim_id, task["extra"].get("created_items"))
+ task["status"] = "FINISHED" # with FINISHED instead of DONE it will not be refreshing
+ task["error_msg"] = None
+ return None
+ except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
+ task["error_msg"] = self._format_vim_error_msg(str(e))
+ if isinstance(e, vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException):
+ # If not found mark as Done and fill error_msg
+ task["status"] = "FINISHED" # with FINISHED instead of DONE it will not be refreshing
+ return None
+ task["status"] = "FAILED"
+ return None
+ def _get_net_internal(self, task, filter_param):
+ """
+ Common code for get_net and new_net. It looks for a network on VIM with the filter_params
+ :param task: task for this find or find-or-create action
+ :param filter_param: parameters to send to the vimconnector
+ :return: a dict with the content to update the instance_nets database table. Raises an exception on error, or
+ when network is not found or found more than one
+ """
+ vim_nets = self.vim.get_network_list(filter_param)
+ if not vim_nets:
+ raise VimThreadExceptionNotFound("Network not found with this criteria: '{}'".format(filter_param))
+ elif len(vim_nets) > 1:
+ raise VimThreadException("More than one network found with this criteria: '{}'".format(filter_param))
+ vim_net_id = vim_nets[0]["id"]
+ # Discover if this network is managed by a sdn controller
+ sdn_net_id = None
+ result = self.db.get_rows(SELECT=('sdn_net_id',), FROM='instance_nets',
+ WHERE={'vim_net_id': vim_net_id, 'datacenter_tenant_id': self.datacenter_tenant_id},
+ ORDER="instance_scenario_id")
+ if result:
+ sdn_net_id = result[0]['sdn_net_id']
+ task["status"] = "DONE"
+ task["extra"]["vim_info"] = {}
+ task["extra"]["created"] = False
+ task["extra"]["vim_status"] = "BUILD"
+ task["extra"]["sdn_net_id"] = sdn_net_id
+ task["error_msg"] = None
+ task["vim_id"] = vim_net_id
+ instance_element_update = {"vim_net_id": vim_net_id, "created": False, "status": "BUILD",
+ "error_msg": None, "sdn_net_id": sdn_net_id}
+ return instance_element_update
+ def get_net(self, task):
+ task_id = task["instance_action_id"] + "." + str(task["task_index"])
+ try:
+ params = task["params"]
+ filter_param = params[0]
+ instance_element_update = self._get_net_internal(task, filter_param)
+ return instance_element_update
+ except (vimconn.vimconnException, VimThreadException) as e:
+ self.logger.error("task={} get-net: {}".format(task_id, e))
+ task["status"] = "FAILED"
+ task["vim_id"] = None
+ task["error_msg"] = self._format_vim_error_msg(str(e))
+ instance_element_update = {"vim_net_id": None, "status": "VIM_ERROR",
+ "error_msg": task["error_msg"]}
+ return instance_element_update
+ def new_net(self, task):
+ vim_net_id = None
+ task_id = task["instance_action_id"] + "." + str(task["task_index"])
+ action_text = ""
+ try:
+ # FIND
+ if task["extra"].get("find"):
+ action_text = "finding"
+ filter_param = task["extra"]["find"][0]
+ try:
+ instance_element_update = self._get_net_internal(task, filter_param)
+ return instance_element_update
+ except VimThreadExceptionNotFound:
+ pass
+ params = task["params"]
+ action_text = "creating VIM"
- # if len(params) >= 4:
- # wim_account_name = params[3]
++ vim_net_id, created_items = self.vim.new_network(*params[0:5])
+ # net_name = params[0]
+ # net_type = params[1]
+ # wim_account_name = None
++ # if len(params) >= 6:
++ # wim_account_name = params[5]
+ # TODO fix at nfvo adding external port
+ # if wim_account_name and self.vim.config["wim_external_ports"]:
+ # # add external port to connect WIM. Try with compute node __WIM:wim_name and __WIM
+ # action_text = "attaching external port to ovim network"
+ # sdn_port_name = "external_port"
+ # sdn_port_data = {
+ # "compute_node": "__WIM:" + wim_account_name[0:58],
+ # "pci": None,
+ # "vlan": network["vlan"],
+ # "net_id": sdn_net_id,
+ # "region": self.vim["config"]["datacenter_id"],
+ # "name": sdn_port_name,
+ # }
+ # try:
+ # sdn_external_port_id = self.ovim.new_external_port(sdn_port_data)
+ # except ovimException:
+ # sdn_port_data["compute_node"] = "__WIM"
+ # sdn_external_port_id = self.ovim.new_external_port(sdn_port_data)
+ # self.logger.debug("Added sdn_external_port {} to sdn_network {}".format(sdn_external_port_id,
+ # sdn_net_id))
+ task["status"] = "DONE"
+ task["extra"]["vim_info"] = {}
+ # task["extra"]["sdn_net_id"] = sdn_net_id
+ task["extra"]["vim_status"] = "BUILD"
+ task["extra"]["created"] = True
+ task["extra"]["created_items"] = created_items
+ task["error_msg"] = None
+ task["vim_id"] = vim_net_id
+ instance_element_update = {"vim_net_id": vim_net_id, "status": "BUILD",
+ "created": True, "error_msg": None}
+ return instance_element_update
+ except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
+ self.logger.error("task={} new-net: Error {}: {}".format(task_id, action_text, e))
+ task["status"] = "FAILED"
+ task["vim_id"] = vim_net_id
+ task["error_msg"] = self._format_vim_error_msg(str(e))
+ # task["extra"]["sdn_net_id"] = sdn_net_id
+ instance_element_update = {"vim_net_id": vim_net_id, "status": "VIM_ERROR",
+ "error_msg": task["error_msg"]}
+ return instance_element_update
+ def del_net(self, task):
+ net_vim_id = task["vim_id"]
+ # sdn_net_id = task["extra"].get("sdn_net_id")
+ try:
+ if net_vim_id:
+ self.vim.delete_network(net_vim_id, task["extra"].get("created_items"))
+ # if sdn_net_id:
+ # # Delete any attached port to this sdn network. There can be ports associated to this network in case
+ # # it was manually done using 'openmano vim-net-sdn-attach'
+ # port_list = self.ovim.get_ports(columns={'uuid'},
+ # filter={'name': 'external_port', 'net_id': sdn_net_id})
+ # for port in port_list:
+ # self.ovim.delete_port(port['uuid'], idempotent=True)
+ # self.ovim.delete_network(sdn_net_id, idempotent=True)
+ task["status"] = "FINISHED" # with FINISHED instead of DONE it will not be refreshing
+ task["error_msg"] = None
+ return None
+ except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
+ task["error_msg"] = self._format_vim_error_msg(str(e))
+ if isinstance(e, vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException):
+ # If not found mark as Done and fill error_msg
+ task["status"] = "FINISHED" # with FINISHED instead of DONE it will not be refreshing
+ return None
+ task["status"] = "FAILED"
+ return None
+ def new_or_update_sdn_net(self, task):
+ wimconn_net_id = task["vim_id"]
+ created_items = task["extra"].get("created_items")
+ connected_ports = task["extra"].get("connected_ports", [])
+ new_connected_ports = []
+ last_update = task["extra"].get("last_update", 0)
+ sdn_status = "BUILD"
+ sdn_info = None
+ task_id = task["instance_action_id"] + "." + str(task["task_index"])
+ error_list = []
+ try:
+ # FIND
+ if task["extra"].get("find"):
+ wimconn_id = task["extra"]["find"][0]
+ try:
+ instance_element_update = self.sdnconnector.get_connectivity_service_status(wimconn_id)
+ wimconn_net_id = wimconn_id
+ instance_element_update = {"wim_internal_id": wimconn_net_id, "created": False, "status": "BUILD",
+ "error_msg": None, }
+ return instance_element_update
+ except Exception as e:
+ if isinstance(e, SdnConnectorError) and e.http_error == HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND.value:
+ pass
+ else:
+ self._proccess_sdn_exception(e)
+ params = task["params"]
+ # look for ports
+ sdn_ports = []
+ pending_ports = 0
+ ports = self.db.get_rows(FROM='instance_interfaces', WHERE={'instance_wim_net_id': task["item_id"]})
+ sdn_need_update = False
+ for port in ports:
+ # TODO. Do not connect if already done
+ if port.get("compute_node") and port.get("pci"):
+ for map in self.port_mappings:
+ if map.get("device_id") == port["compute_node"] and \
+ map.get("device_interface_id") == port["pci"]:
+ break
+ else:
+ if self.sdnconn_config.get("mapping_not_needed"):
+ map = {
+ "service_endpoint_id": "{}:{}".format(port["compute_node"], port["pci"]),
+ "service_endpoint_encapsulation_info": {
+ "vlan": port["vlan"],
+ "mac": port["mac_address"],
+ "device_id": port["compute_node"],
+ "device_interface_id": port["pci"]
+ }
+ }
+ else:
+ map = None
+ error_list.append("Port mapping not found for compute_node={} pci={}".format(
+ port["compute_node"], port["pci"]))
+ if map:
+ if port["uuid"] not in connected_ports or port["modified_at"] > last_update:
+ sdn_need_update = True
+ new_connected_ports.append(port["uuid"])
+ sdn_ports.append({
+ "service_endpoint_id": map["service_endpoint_id"],
+ "service_endpoint_encapsulation_type": "dot1q" if port["model"] == "SR-IOV" else None,
+ "service_endpoint_encapsulation_info": {
+ "vlan": port["vlan"],
+ "mac": port["mac_address"],
+ "device_id": map.get("device_id"),
+ "device_interface_id": map.get("device_interface_id"),
+ "switch_dpid": map.get("switch_dpid"),
+ "switch_port": map.get("switch_port"),
+ "service_mapping_info": map.get("service_mapping_info"),
+ }
+ })
+ else:
+ pending_ports += 1
+ if pending_ports:
+ error_list.append("Waiting for getting interfaces location from VIM. Obtained '{}' of {}"
+ .format(len(ports)-pending_ports, len(ports)))
+ # if there are more ports to connect or they have been modified, call create/update
+ if sdn_need_update and len(sdn_ports) >= 2:
+ if not wimconn_net_id:
+ if params[0] == "data":
+ net_type = "ELAN"
+ elif params[0] == "ptp":
+ net_type = "ELINE"
+ else:
+ net_type = "L3"
+ wimconn_net_id, created_items = self.sdnconnector.create_connectivity_service(net_type, sdn_ports)
+ else:
+ created_items = self.sdnconnector.edit_connectivity_service(wimconn_net_id, conn_info=created_items,
+ connection_points=sdn_ports)
+ last_update = time.time()
+ connected_ports = new_connected_ports
+ elif wimconn_net_id:
+ try:
+ wim_status_dict = self.sdnconnector.get_connectivity_service_status(wimconn_net_id,
+ conn_info=created_items)
+ sdn_status = wim_status_dict["sdn_status"]
+ if wim_status_dict.get("error_msg"):
+ error_list.append(wim_status_dict.get("error_msg"))
+ if wim_status_dict.get("sdn_info"):
+ sdn_info = str(wim_status_dict.get("sdn_info"))
+ except Exception as e:
+ self._proccess_sdn_exception(e)
+ task["status"] = "DONE"
+ task["extra"]["vim_info"] = {}
+ # task["extra"]["sdn_net_id"] = sdn_net_id
+ task["extra"]["vim_status"] = "BUILD"
+ task["extra"]["created"] = True
+ task["extra"]["created_items"] = created_items
+ task["extra"]["connected_ports"] = connected_ports
+ task["extra"]["last_update"] = last_update
+ task["error_msg"] = self._format_vim_error_msg(" ; ".join(error_list))
+ task["vim_id"] = wimconn_net_id
+ instance_element_update = {"wim_internal_id": wimconn_net_id, "status": sdn_status,
+ "created": True, "error_msg": task["error_msg"] or None}
+ except (vimconn.vimconnException, SdnConnectorError) as e:
+ self.logger.error("task={} new-sdn-net: Error: {}".format(task_id, e))
+ task["status"] = "FAILED"
+ task["vim_id"] = wimconn_net_id
+ task["error_msg"] = self._format_vim_error_msg(str(e))
+ # task["extra"]["sdn_net_id"] = sdn_net_id
+ instance_element_update = {"wim_internal_id": wimconn_net_id, "status": "WIM_ERROR",
+ "error_msg": task["error_msg"]}
+ if sdn_info:
+ instance_element_update["wim_info"] = sdn_info
+ return instance_element_update
+ def del_sdn_net(self, task):
+ wimconn_net_id = task["vim_id"]
+ try:
+ try:
+ if wimconn_net_id:
+ self.sdnconnector.delete_connectivity_service(wimconn_net_id, task["extra"].get("created_items"))
+ task["status"] = "FINISHED" # with FINISHED instead of DONE it will not be refreshing
+ task["error_msg"] = None
+ return None
+ except Exception as e:
+ self._proccess_sdn_exception(e)
+ except SdnConnectorError as e:
+ task["error_msg"] = self._format_vim_error_msg(str(e))
+ if e.http_code == HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND.value:
+ # If not found mark as Done and fill error_msg
+ task["status"] = "FINISHED" # with FINISHED instead of DONE it will not be refreshing
+ task["error_msg"] = None
+ return None
+ task["status"] = "FAILED"
+ return None
+ # Service Function Instances
+ def new_sfi(self, task):
+ vim_sfi_id = None
+ try:
+ # Waits for interfaces to be ready (avoids failure)
+ time.sleep(1)
+ dep_id = "TASK-" + str(task["extra"]["depends_on"][0])
+ task_id = task["instance_action_id"] + "." + str(task["task_index"])
+ error_text = ""
+ interfaces = task["depends"][dep_id]["extra"].get("interfaces")
+ ingress_interface_id = task.get("extra").get("params").get("ingress_interface_id")
+ egress_interface_id = task.get("extra").get("params").get("egress_interface_id")
+ ingress_vim_interface_id = None
+ egress_vim_interface_id = None
+ for vim_interface, interface_data in interfaces.items():
+ if interface_data.get("interface_id") == ingress_interface_id:
+ ingress_vim_interface_id = vim_interface
+ break
+ if ingress_interface_id != egress_interface_id:
+ for vim_interface, interface_data in interfaces.items():
+ if interface_data.get("interface_id") == egress_interface_id:
+ egress_vim_interface_id = vim_interface
+ break
+ else:
+ egress_vim_interface_id = ingress_vim_interface_id
+ if not ingress_vim_interface_id or not egress_vim_interface_id:
+ error_text = "Error creating Service Function Instance, Ingress: {}, Egress: {}".format(
+ ingress_vim_interface_id, egress_vim_interface_id)
+ self.logger.error(error_text)
+ task["error_msg"] = error_text
+ task["status"] = "FAILED"
+ task["vim_id"] = None
+ return None
+ # At the moment, every port associated with the VM will be used both as ingress and egress ports.
+ # Bear in mind that different VIM connectors might support SFI differently. In the case of OpenStack,
+ # only the first ingress and first egress ports will be used to create the SFI (Port Pair).
+ ingress_port_id_list = [ingress_vim_interface_id]
+ egress_port_id_list = [egress_vim_interface_id]
+ name = "sfi-{}".format(task["item_id"][:8])
+ # By default no form of IETF SFC Encapsulation will be used
+ vim_sfi_id = self.vim.new_sfi(name, ingress_port_id_list, egress_port_id_list, sfc_encap=False)
+ task["extra"]["created"] = True
+ task["extra"]["vim_status"] = "ACTIVE"
+ task["error_msg"] = None
+ task["status"] = "FINISHED" # with FINISHED instead of DONE it will not be refreshing
+ task["vim_id"] = vim_sfi_id
+ instance_element_update = {"status": "ACTIVE", "vim_sfi_id": vim_sfi_id, "error_msg": None}
+ return instance_element_update
+ except (vimconn.vimconnException, VimThreadException) as e:
+ self.logger.error("Error creating Service Function Instance, task=%s: %s", task_id, str(e))
+ error_text = self._format_vim_error_msg(str(e))
+ task["error_msg"] = error_text
+ task["status"] = "FAILED"
+ task["vim_id"] = None
+ instance_element_update = {"status": "VIM_ERROR", "vim_sfi_id": None, "error_msg": error_text}
+ return instance_element_update
+ def del_sfi(self, task):
+ sfi_vim_id = task["vim_id"]
+ try:
+ self.vim.delete_sfi(sfi_vim_id)
+ task["status"] = "FINISHED" # with FINISHED instead of DONE it will not be refreshing
+ task["error_msg"] = None
+ return None
+ except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
+ task["error_msg"] = self._format_vim_error_msg(str(e))
+ if isinstance(e, vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException):
+ # If not found mark as Done and fill error_msg
+ task["status"] = "FINISHED" # with FINISHED instead of DONE it will not be refreshing
+ return None
+ task["status"] = "FAILED"
+ return None
+ def new_sf(self, task):
+ vim_sf_id = None
+ try:
+ task_id = task["instance_action_id"] + "." + str(task["task_index"])
+ error_text = ""
+ depending_tasks = ["TASK-" + str(dep_id) for dep_id in task["extra"]["depends_on"]]
+ # sfis = next(iter(task.get("depends").values())).get("extra").get("params")[5]
+ sfis = [task.get("depends").get(dep_task) for dep_task in depending_tasks]
+ sfi_id_list = []
+ for sfi in sfis:
+ sfi_id_list.append(sfi.get("vim_id"))
+ name = "sf-{}".format(task["item_id"][:8])
+ # By default no form of IETF SFC Encapsulation will be used
+ vim_sf_id = self.vim.new_sf(name, sfi_id_list, sfc_encap=False)
+ task["extra"]["created"] = True
+ task["extra"]["vim_status"] = "ACTIVE"
+ task["error_msg"] = None
+ task["status"] = "FINISHED" # with FINISHED instead of DONE it will not be refreshing
+ task["vim_id"] = vim_sf_id
+ instance_element_update = {"status": "ACTIVE", "vim_sf_id": vim_sf_id, "error_msg": None}
+ return instance_element_update
+ except (vimconn.vimconnException, VimThreadException) as e:
+ self.logger.error("Error creating Service Function, task=%s: %s", task_id, str(e))
+ error_text = self._format_vim_error_msg(str(e))
+ task["error_msg"] = error_text
+ task["status"] = "FAILED"
+ task["vim_id"] = None
+ instance_element_update = {"status": "VIM_ERROR", "vim_sf_id": None, "error_msg": error_text}
+ return instance_element_update
+ def del_sf(self, task):
+ sf_vim_id = task["vim_id"]
+ try:
+ self.vim.delete_sf(sf_vim_id)
+ task["status"] = "FINISHED" # with FINISHED instead of DONE it will not be refreshing
+ task["error_msg"] = None
+ return None
+ except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
+ task["error_msg"] = self._format_vim_error_msg(str(e))
+ if isinstance(e, vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException):
+ # If not found mark as Done and fill error_msg
+ task["status"] = "FINISHED" # with FINISHED instead of DONE it will not be refreshing
+ return None
+ task["status"] = "FAILED"
+ return None
+ def new_classification(self, task):
+ vim_classification_id = None
+ try:
+ params = task["params"]
+ task_id = task["instance_action_id"] + "." + str(task["task_index"])
+ dep_id = "TASK-" + str(task["extra"]["depends_on"][0])
+ error_text = ""
+ interfaces = task.get("depends").get(dep_id).get("extra").get("interfaces").keys()
+ # Bear in mind that different VIM connectors might support Classifications differently.
+ # In the case of OpenStack, only the first VNF attached to the classifier will be used
+ # to create the Classification(s) (the "logical source port" of the "Flow Classifier").
+ # Since the VNFFG classifier match lacks the ethertype, classification defaults to
+ # using the IPv4 flow classifier.
+ name = "c-{}".format(task["item_id"][:8])
+ # if not CIDR is given for the IP addresses, add /32:
+ ip_proto = int(params.get("ip_proto"))
+ source_ip = params.get("source_ip")
+ destination_ip = params.get("destination_ip")
+ source_port = params.get("source_port")
+ destination_port = params.get("destination_port")
+ definition = {"logical_source_port": interfaces[0]}
+ if ip_proto:
+ if ip_proto == 1:
+ ip_proto = 'icmp'
+ elif ip_proto == 6:
+ ip_proto = 'tcp'
+ elif ip_proto == 17:
+ ip_proto = 'udp'
+ definition["protocol"] = ip_proto
+ if source_ip:
+ if '/' not in source_ip:
+ source_ip += '/32'
+ definition["source_ip_prefix"] = source_ip
+ if source_port:
+ definition["source_port_range_min"] = source_port
+ definition["source_port_range_max"] = source_port
+ if destination_port:
+ definition["destination_port_range_min"] = destination_port
+ definition["destination_port_range_max"] = destination_port
+ if destination_ip:
+ if '/' not in destination_ip:
+ destination_ip += '/32'
+ definition["destination_ip_prefix"] = destination_ip
+ vim_classification_id = self.vim.new_classification(
+ name, 'legacy_flow_classifier', definition)
+ task["extra"]["created"] = True
+ task["extra"]["vim_status"] = "ACTIVE"
+ task["error_msg"] = None
+ task["status"] = "FINISHED" # with FINISHED instead of DONE it will not be refreshing
+ task["vim_id"] = vim_classification_id
+ instance_element_update = {"status": "ACTIVE", "vim_classification_id": vim_classification_id,
+ "error_msg": None}
+ return instance_element_update
+ except (vimconn.vimconnException, VimThreadException) as e:
+ self.logger.error("Error creating Classification, task=%s: %s", task_id, str(e))
+ error_text = self._format_vim_error_msg(str(e))
+ task["error_msg"] = error_text
+ task["status"] = "FAILED"
+ task["vim_id"] = None
+ instance_element_update = {"status": "VIM_ERROR", "vim_classification_id": None, "error_msg": error_text}
+ return instance_element_update
+ def del_classification(self, task):
+ classification_vim_id = task["vim_id"]
+ try:
+ self.vim.delete_classification(classification_vim_id)
+ task["status"] = "FINISHED" # with FINISHED instead of DONE it will not be refreshing
+ task["error_msg"] = None
+ return None
+ except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
+ task["error_msg"] = self._format_vim_error_msg(str(e))
+ if isinstance(e, vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException):
+ # If not found mark as Done and fill error_msg
+ task["status"] = "FINISHED" # with FINISHED instead of DONE it will not be refreshing
+ return None
+ task["status"] = "FAILED"
+ return None
+ def new_sfp(self, task):
+ vim_sfp_id = None
+ try:
+ task_id = task["instance_action_id"] + "." + str(task["task_index"])
+ depending_tasks = [task.get("depends").get("TASK-" + str(tsk_id)) for tsk_id in
+ task.get("extra").get("depends_on")]
+ error_text = ""
+ sf_id_list = []
+ classification_id_list = []
+ for dep in depending_tasks:
+ vim_id = dep.get("vim_id")
+ resource = dep.get("item")
+ if resource == "instance_sfs":
+ sf_id_list.append(vim_id)
+ elif resource == "instance_classifications":
+ classification_id_list.append(vim_id)
+ name = "sfp-{}".format(task["item_id"][:8])
+ # By default no form of IETF SFC Encapsulation will be used
+ vim_sfp_id = self.vim.new_sfp(name, classification_id_list, sf_id_list, sfc_encap=False)
+ task["extra"]["created"] = True
+ task["extra"]["vim_status"] = "ACTIVE"
+ task["error_msg"] = None
+ task["status"] = "FINISHED" # with FINISHED instead of DONE it will not be refreshing
+ task["vim_id"] = vim_sfp_id
+ instance_element_update = {"status": "ACTIVE", "vim_sfp_id": vim_sfp_id, "error_msg": None}
+ return instance_element_update
+ except (vimconn.vimconnException, VimThreadException) as e:
+ self.logger.error("Error creating Service Function, task=%s: %s", task_id, str(e))
+ error_text = self._format_vim_error_msg(str(e))
+ task["error_msg"] = error_text
+ task["status"] = "FAILED"
+ task["vim_id"] = None
+ instance_element_update = {"status": "VIM_ERROR", "vim_sfp_id": None, "error_msg": error_text}
+ return instance_element_update
+ def del_sfp(self, task):
+ sfp_vim_id = task["vim_id"]
+ try:
+ self.vim.delete_sfp(sfp_vim_id)
+ task["status"] = "FINISHED" # with FINISHED instead of DONE it will not be refreshing
+ task["error_msg"] = None
+ return None
+ except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
+ task["error_msg"] = self._format_vim_error_msg(str(e))
+ if isinstance(e, vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException):
+ # If not found mark as Done and fill error_msg
+ task["status"] = "FINISHED" # with FINISHED instead of DONE it will not be refreshing
+ return None
+ task["status"] = "FAILED"
+ return None
--- /dev/null
- def new_network(self, net_name, net_type, ip_profile=None, shared=False, vlan=None):
+ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ ##
+ # Copyright 2015 Telefonica Investigacion y Desarrollo, S.A.U.
+ # This file is part of openmano
+ # All Rights Reserved.
+ #
+ # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+ # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+ # a copy of the License at
+ #
+ # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ #
+ # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+ # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+ # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ # under the License.
+ #
+ # For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
+ # contact with: nfvlabs@tid.es
+ ##
+ """
+ vimconn implement an Abstract class for the vim connector plugins
+ with the definition of the method to be implemented.
+ """
+ import logging
+ import paramiko
+ import socket
+ from io import StringIO
+ import yaml
+ import sys
+ from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
+ from email.mime.text import MIMEText
+ from osm_ro.utils import deprecated
+ __author__ = "Alfonso Tierno, Igor D.C."
+ __date__ = "$14-aug-2017 23:59:59$"
+ #Error variables
+ HTTP_Bad_Request = 400
+ HTTP_Unauthorized = 401
+ HTTP_Not_Found = 404
+ HTTP_Method_Not_Allowed = 405
+ HTTP_Request_Timeout = 408
+ HTTP_Conflict = 409
+ HTTP_Not_Implemented = 501
+ HTTP_Service_Unavailable = 503
+ HTTP_Internal_Server_Error = 500
+ class vimconnException(Exception):
+ """Common and base class Exception for all vimconnector exceptions"""
+ def __init__(self, message, http_code=HTTP_Bad_Request):
+ Exception.__init__(self, message)
+ self.http_code = http_code
+ class vimconnConnectionException(vimconnException):
+ """Connectivity error with the VIM"""
+ def __init__(self, message, http_code=HTTP_Service_Unavailable):
+ vimconnException.__init__(self, message, http_code)
+ class vimconnUnexpectedResponse(vimconnException):
+ """Get an wrong response from VIM"""
+ def __init__(self, message, http_code=HTTP_Service_Unavailable):
+ vimconnException.__init__(self, message, http_code)
+ class vimconnAuthException(vimconnException):
+ """Invalid credentials or authorization to perform this action over the VIM"""
+ def __init__(self, message, http_code=HTTP_Unauthorized):
+ vimconnException.__init__(self, message, http_code)
+ class vimconnNotFoundException(vimconnException):
+ """The item is not found at VIM"""
+ def __init__(self, message, http_code=HTTP_Not_Found):
+ vimconnException.__init__(self, message, http_code)
+ class vimconnConflictException(vimconnException):
+ """There is a conflict, e.g. more item found than one"""
+ def __init__(self, message, http_code=HTTP_Conflict):
+ vimconnException.__init__(self, message, http_code)
+ class vimconnNotSupportedException(vimconnException):
+ """The request is not supported by connector"""
+ def __init__(self, message, http_code=HTTP_Service_Unavailable):
+ vimconnException.__init__(self, message, http_code)
+ class vimconnNotImplemented(vimconnException):
+ """The method is not implemented by the connected"""
+ def __init__(self, message, http_code=HTTP_Not_Implemented):
+ vimconnException.__init__(self, message, http_code)
+ class vimconnector():
+ """Abstract base class for all the VIM connector plugins
+ These plugins must implement a vimconnector class derived from this
+ and all these privated methods
+ """
+ def __init__(self, uuid, name, tenant_id, tenant_name, url, url_admin=None, user=None, passwd=None, log_level=None,
+ config={}, persitent_info={}):
+ """
+ Constructor of VIM. Raise an exception is some needed parameter is missing, but it must not do any connectivity
+ checking against the VIM
+ :param uuid: internal id of this VIM
+ :param name: name assigned to this VIM, can be used for logging
+ :param tenant_id: 'tenant_id': (only one of them is mandatory) VIM tenant to be used
+ :param tenant_name: 'tenant_name': (only one of them is mandatory) VIM tenant to be used
+ :param url: url used for normal operations
+ :param url_admin: (optional), url used for administrative tasks
+ :param user: user to access
+ :param passwd: password
+ :param log_level: provided if it should use a different log_level than the general one
+ :param config: dictionary with extra VIM information. This contains a consolidate version of VIM config
+ at VIM_ACCOUNT (attach)
+ :param persitent_info: dict where the class can store information that will be available among class
+ destroy/creation cycles. This info is unique per VIM/credential. At first call it will contain an
+ empty dict. Useful to store login/tokens information for speed up communication
+ """
+ self.id = uuid
+ self.name = name
+ self.url = url
+ self.url_admin = url_admin
+ self.tenant_id = tenant_id
+ self.tenant_name = tenant_name
+ self.user = user
+ self.passwd = passwd
+ self.config = config or {}
+ self.availability_zone = None
+ self.logger = logging.getLogger('openmano.vim')
+ if log_level:
+ self.logger.setLevel(getattr(logging, log_level))
+ if not self.url_admin: # try to use normal url
+ self.url_admin = self.url
+ def __getitem__(self, index):
+ if index == 'tenant_id':
+ return self.tenant_id
+ if index == 'tenant_name':
+ return self.tenant_name
+ elif index == 'id':
+ return self.id
+ elif index == 'name':
+ return self.name
+ elif index == 'user':
+ return self.user
+ elif index == 'passwd':
+ return self.passwd
+ elif index == 'url':
+ return self.url
+ elif index == 'url_admin':
+ return self.url_admin
+ elif index == "config":
+ return self.config
+ else:
+ raise KeyError("Invalid key '{}'".format(index))
+ def __setitem__(self, index, value):
+ if index == 'tenant_id':
+ self.tenant_id = value
+ if index == 'tenant_name':
+ self.tenant_name = value
+ elif index == 'id':
+ self.id = value
+ elif index == 'name':
+ self.name = value
+ elif index == 'user':
+ self.user = value
+ elif index == 'passwd':
+ self.passwd = value
+ elif index == 'url':
+ self.url = value
+ elif index == 'url_admin':
+ self.url_admin = value
+ else:
+ raise KeyError("Invalid key '{}'".format(index))
+ @staticmethod
+ def _create_mimemultipart(content_list):
+ """Creates a MIMEmultipart text combining the content_list
+ :param content_list: list of text scripts to be combined
+ :return: str of the created MIMEmultipart. If the list is empty returns None, if the list contains only one
+ element MIMEmultipart is not created and this content is returned
+ """
+ if not content_list:
+ return None
+ elif len(content_list) == 1:
+ return content_list[0]
+ combined_message = MIMEMultipart()
+ for content in content_list:
+ if content.startswith('#include'):
+ mime_format = 'text/x-include-url'
+ elif content.startswith('#include-once'):
+ mime_format = 'text/x-include-once-url'
+ elif content.startswith('#!'):
+ mime_format = 'text/x-shellscript'
+ elif content.startswith('#cloud-config'):
+ mime_format = 'text/cloud-config'
+ elif content.startswith('#cloud-config-archive'):
+ mime_format = 'text/cloud-config-archive'
+ elif content.startswith('#upstart-job'):
+ mime_format = 'text/upstart-job'
+ elif content.startswith('#part-handler'):
+ mime_format = 'text/part-handler'
+ elif content.startswith('#cloud-boothook'):
+ mime_format = 'text/cloud-boothook'
+ else: # by default
+ mime_format = 'text/x-shellscript'
+ sub_message = MIMEText(content, mime_format, sys.getdefaultencoding())
+ combined_message.attach(sub_message)
+ return combined_message.as_string()
+ def _create_user_data(self, cloud_config):
+ """
+ Creates a script user database on cloud_config info
+ :param cloud_config: dictionary with
+ 'key-pairs': (optional) list of strings with the public key to be inserted to the default user
+ 'users': (optional) list of users to be inserted, each item is a dict with:
+ 'name': (mandatory) user name,
+ 'key-pairs': (optional) list of strings with the public key to be inserted to the user
+ 'user-data': (optional) can be a string with the text script to be passed directly to cloud-init,
+ or a list of strings, each one contains a script to be passed, usually with a MIMEmultipart file
+ 'config-files': (optional). List of files to be transferred. Each item is a dict with:
+ 'dest': (mandatory) string with the destination absolute path
+ 'encoding': (optional, by default text). Can be one of:
+ 'b64', 'base64', 'gz', 'gz+b64', 'gz+base64', 'gzip+b64', 'gzip+base64'
+ 'content' (mandatory): string with the content of the file
+ 'permissions': (optional) string with file permissions, typically octal notation '0644'
+ 'owner': (optional) file owner, string with the format 'owner:group'
+ 'boot-data-drive': boolean to indicate if user-data must be passed using a boot drive (hard disk)
+ :return: config_drive, userdata. The first is a boolean or None, the second a string or None
+ """
+ config_drive = None
+ userdata = None
+ userdata_list = []
+ if isinstance(cloud_config, dict):
+ if cloud_config.get("user-data"):
+ if isinstance(cloud_config["user-data"], str):
+ userdata_list.append(cloud_config["user-data"])
+ else:
+ for u in cloud_config["user-data"]:
+ userdata_list.append(u)
+ if cloud_config.get("boot-data-drive") is not None:
+ config_drive = cloud_config["boot-data-drive"]
+ if cloud_config.get("config-files") or cloud_config.get("users") or cloud_config.get("key-pairs"):
+ userdata_dict = {}
+ # default user
+ if cloud_config.get("key-pairs"):
+ userdata_dict["ssh-authorized-keys"] = cloud_config["key-pairs"]
+ userdata_dict["users"] = [{"default": None, "ssh-authorized-keys": cloud_config["key-pairs"]}]
+ if cloud_config.get("users"):
+ if "users" not in userdata_dict:
+ userdata_dict["users"] = ["default"]
+ for user in cloud_config["users"]:
+ user_info = {
+ "name": user["name"],
+ "sudo": "ALL = (ALL)NOPASSWD:ALL"
+ }
+ if "user-info" in user:
+ user_info["gecos"] = user["user-info"]
+ if user.get("key-pairs"):
+ user_info["ssh-authorized-keys"] = user["key-pairs"]
+ userdata_dict["users"].append(user_info)
+ if cloud_config.get("config-files"):
+ userdata_dict["write_files"] = []
+ for file in cloud_config["config-files"]:
+ file_info = {
+ "path": file["dest"],
+ "content": file["content"]
+ }
+ if file.get("encoding"):
+ file_info["encoding"] = file["encoding"]
+ if file.get("permissions"):
+ file_info["permissions"] = file["permissions"]
+ if file.get("owner"):
+ file_info["owner"] = file["owner"]
+ userdata_dict["write_files"].append(file_info)
+ userdata_list.append("#cloud-config\n" + yaml.safe_dump(userdata_dict, indent=4,
+ default_flow_style=False))
+ userdata = self._create_mimemultipart(userdata_list)
+ self.logger.debug("userdata: %s", userdata)
+ elif isinstance(cloud_config, str):
+ userdata = cloud_config
+ return config_drive, userdata
+ def check_vim_connectivity(self):
+ """Checks VIM can be reached and user credentials are ok.
+ Returns None if success or raises vimconnConnectionException, vimconnAuthException, ...
+ """
+ # by default no checking until each connector implements it
+ return None
+ def new_tenant(self, tenant_name, tenant_description):
+ """Adds a new tenant to VIM with this name and description, this is done using admin_url if provided
+ "tenant_name": string max lenght 64
+ "tenant_description": string max length 256
+ returns the tenant identifier or raise exception
+ """
+ raise vimconnNotImplemented("Should have implemented this")
+ def delete_tenant(self, tenant_id):
+ """Delete a tenant from VIM
+ tenant_id: returned VIM tenant_id on "new_tenant"
+ Returns None on success. Raises and exception of failure. If tenant is not found raises vimconnNotFoundException
+ """
+ raise vimconnNotImplemented("Should have implemented this")
+ def get_tenant_list(self, filter_dict={}):
+ """Obtain tenants of VIM
+ filter_dict dictionary that can contain the following keys:
+ name: filter by tenant name
+ id: filter by tenant uuid/id
+ <other VIM specific>
+ Returns the tenant list of dictionaries, and empty list if no tenant match all the filers:
+ [{'name':'<name>, 'id':'<id>, ...}, ...]
+ """
+ raise vimconnNotImplemented("Should have implemented this")
- 'vlan': in case of a data or ptp net_type, the intended vlan tag to be used for the network
++ def new_network(self, net_name, net_type, ip_profile=None, shared=False, provider_network_profile=None):
+ """Adds a tenant network to VIM
+ Params:
+ 'net_name': name of the network
+ 'net_type': one of:
+ 'bridge': overlay isolated network
+ 'data': underlay E-LAN network for Passthrough and SRIOV interfaces
+ 'ptp': underlay E-LINE network for Passthrough and SRIOV interfaces.
+ 'ip_profile': is a dict containing the IP parameters of the network
+ 'ip_version': can be "IPv4" or "IPv6" (Currently only IPv4 is implemented)
+ 'subnet_address': ip_prefix_schema, that is X.X.X.X/Y
+ 'gateway_address': (Optional) ip_schema, that is X.X.X.X
+ 'dns_address': (Optional) comma separated list of ip_schema, e.g. X.X.X.X[,X,X,X,X]
+ 'dhcp_enabled': True or False
+ 'dhcp_start_address': ip_schema, first IP to grant
+ 'dhcp_count': number of IPs to grant.
+ 'shared': if this network can be seen/use by other tenants/organization
++ 'provider_network_profile': (optional) contains {segmentation-id: vlan, provider-network: vim_netowrk}
+ Returns a tuple with the network identifier and created_items, or raises an exception on error
+ created_items can be None or a dictionary where this method can include key-values that will be passed to
+ the method delete_network. Can be used to store created segments, created l2gw connections, etc.
+ Format is vimconnector dependent, but do not use nested dictionaries and a value of None should be the same
+ as not present.
+ """
+ raise vimconnNotImplemented("Should have implemented this")
+ def get_network_list(self, filter_dict={}):
+ """Obtain tenant networks of VIM
+ Params:
+ 'filter_dict' (optional) contains entries to return only networks that matches ALL entries:
+ name: string => returns only networks with this name
+ id: string => returns networks with this VIM id, this imply returns one network at most
+ shared: boolean >= returns only networks that are (or are not) shared
+ tenant_id: sting => returns only networks that belong to this tenant/project
+ ,#(not used yet) admin_state_up: boolean => returns only networks that are (or are not) in admin state active
+ #(not used yet) status: 'ACTIVE','ERROR',... => filter networks that are on this status
+ Returns the network list of dictionaries. each dictionary contains:
+ 'id': (mandatory) VIM network id
+ 'name': (mandatory) VIM network name
+ 'status': (mandatory) can be 'ACTIVE', 'INACTIVE', 'DOWN', 'BUILD', 'ERROR', 'VIM_ERROR', 'OTHER'
+ 'network_type': (optional) can be 'vxlan', 'vlan' or 'flat'
+ 'segmentation_id': (optional) in case network_type is vlan or vxlan this field contains the segmentation id
+ 'error_msg': (optional) text that explains the ERROR status
+ other VIM specific fields: (optional) whenever possible using the same naming of filter_dict param
+ List can be empty if no network map the filter_dict. Raise an exception only upon VIM connectivity,
+ authorization, or some other unspecific error
+ """
+ raise vimconnNotImplemented("Should have implemented this")
+ def get_network(self, net_id):
+ """Obtain network details from the 'net_id' VIM network
+ Return a dict that contains:
+ 'id': (mandatory) VIM network id, that is, net_id
+ 'name': (mandatory) VIM network name
+ 'status': (mandatory) can be 'ACTIVE', 'INACTIVE', 'DOWN', 'BUILD', 'ERROR', 'VIM_ERROR', 'OTHER'
+ 'error_msg': (optional) text that explains the ERROR status
+ other VIM specific fields: (optional) whenever possible using the same naming of filter_dict param
+ Raises an exception upon error or when network is not found
+ """
+ raise vimconnNotImplemented("Should have implemented this")
+ def delete_network(self, net_id, created_items=None):
+ """
+ Removes a tenant network from VIM and its associated elements
+ :param net_id: VIM identifier of the network, provided by method new_network
+ :param created_items: dictionary with extra items to be deleted. provided by method new_network
+ Returns the network identifier or raises an exception upon error or when network is not found
+ """
+ raise vimconnNotImplemented("Should have implemented this")
+ def refresh_nets_status(self, net_list):
+ """Get the status of the networks
+ Params:
+ 'net_list': a list with the VIM network id to be get the status
+ Returns a dictionary with:
+ 'net_id': #VIM id of this network
+ status: #Mandatory. Text with one of:
+ # DELETED (not found at vim)
+ # VIM_ERROR (Cannot connect to VIM, authentication problems, VIM response error, ...)
+ # OTHER (Vim reported other status not understood)
+ # ERROR (VIM indicates an ERROR status)
+ # ACTIVE, INACTIVE, DOWN (admin down),
+ # BUILD (on building process)
+ error_msg: #Text with VIM error message, if any. Or the VIM connection ERROR
+ vim_info: #Text with plain information obtained from vim (yaml.safe_dump)
+ 'net_id2': ...
+ """
+ raise vimconnNotImplemented("Should have implemented this")
+ def get_flavor(self, flavor_id):
+ """Obtain flavor details from the VIM
+ Returns the flavor dict details {'id':<>, 'name':<>, other vim specific }
+ Raises an exception upon error or if not found
+ """
+ raise vimconnNotImplemented("Should have implemented this")
+ def get_flavor_id_from_data(self, flavor_dict):
+ """Obtain flavor id that match the flavor description
+ Params:
+ 'flavor_dict': dictionary that contains:
+ 'disk': main hard disk in GB
+ 'ram': meomry in MB
+ 'vcpus': number of virtual cpus
+ #TODO: complete parameters for EPA
+ Returns the flavor_id or raises a vimconnNotFoundException
+ """
+ raise vimconnNotImplemented("Should have implemented this")
+ def new_flavor(self, flavor_data):
+ """Adds a tenant flavor to VIM
+ flavor_data contains a dictionary with information, keys:
+ name: flavor name
+ ram: memory (cloud type) in MBytes
+ vpcus: cpus (cloud type)
+ extended: EPA parameters
+ - numas: #items requested in same NUMA
+ memory: number of 1G huge pages memory
+ paired-threads|cores|threads: number of paired hyperthreads, complete cores OR individual threads
+ interfaces: # passthrough(PT) or SRIOV interfaces attached to this numa
+ - name: interface name
+ dedicated: yes|no|yes:sriov; for PT, SRIOV or only one SRIOV for the physical NIC
+ bandwidth: X Gbps; requested guarantee bandwidth
+ vpci: requested virtual PCI address
+ disk: disk size
+ is_public:
+ #TODO to concrete
+ Returns the flavor identifier"""
+ raise vimconnNotImplemented("Should have implemented this")
+ def delete_flavor(self, flavor_id):
+ """Deletes a tenant flavor from VIM identify by its id
+ Returns the used id or raise an exception"""
+ raise vimconnNotImplemented("Should have implemented this")
+ def new_image(self, image_dict):
+ """ Adds a tenant image to VIM
+ Returns the image id or raises an exception if failed
+ """
+ raise vimconnNotImplemented("Should have implemented this")
+ def delete_image(self, image_id):
+ """Deletes a tenant image from VIM
+ Returns the image_id if image is deleted or raises an exception on error"""
+ raise vimconnNotImplemented("Should have implemented this")
+ def get_image_id_from_path(self, path):
+ """Get the image id from image path in the VIM database.
+ Returns the image_id or raises a vimconnNotFoundException
+ """
+ raise vimconnNotImplemented("Should have implemented this")
+ def get_image_list(self, filter_dict={}):
+ """Obtain tenant images from VIM
+ Filter_dict can be:
+ name: image name
+ id: image uuid
+ checksum: image checksum
+ location: image path
+ Returns the image list of dictionaries:
+ [{<the fields at Filter_dict plus some VIM specific>}, ...]
+ List can be empty
+ """
+ raise vimconnNotImplemented( "Should have implemented this" )
+ def new_vminstance(self, name, description, start, image_id, flavor_id, net_list, cloud_config=None, disk_list=None,
+ availability_zone_index=None, availability_zone_list=None):
+ """Adds a VM instance to VIM
+ Params:
+ 'start': (boolean) indicates if VM must start or created in pause mode.
+ 'image_id','flavor_id': image and flavor VIM id to use for the VM
+ 'net_list': list of interfaces, each one is a dictionary with:
+ 'name': (optional) name for the interface.
+ 'net_id': VIM network id where this interface must be connect to. Mandatory for type==virtual
+ 'vpci': (optional) virtual vPCI address to assign at the VM. Can be ignored depending on VIM capabilities
+ 'model': (optional and only have sense for type==virtual) interface model: virtio, e1000, ...
+ 'mac_address': (optional) mac address to assign to this interface
+ 'ip_address': (optional) IP address to assign to this interface
+ #TODO: CHECK if an optional 'vlan' parameter is needed for VIMs when type if VF and net_id is not provided,
+ the VLAN tag to be used. In case net_id is provided, the internal network vlan is used for tagging VF
+ 'type': (mandatory) can be one of:
+ 'virtual', in this case always connected to a network of type 'net_type=bridge'
+ 'PCI-PASSTHROUGH' or 'PF' (passthrough): depending on VIM capabilities it can be connected to a data/ptp network ot it
+ can created unconnected
+ 'SR-IOV' or 'VF' (SRIOV with VLAN tag): same as PF for network connectivity.
+ 'VFnotShared'(SRIOV without VLAN tag) same as PF for network connectivity. VF where no other VFs
+ are allocated on the same physical NIC
+ 'bw': (optional) only for PF/VF/VFnotShared. Minimal Bandwidth required for the interface in GBPS
+ 'port_security': (optional) If False it must avoid any traffic filtering at this interface. If missing
+ or True, it must apply the default VIM behaviour
+ After execution the method will add the key:
+ 'vim_id': must be filled/added by this method with the VIM identifier generated by the VIM for this
+ interface. 'net_list' is modified
+ 'cloud_config': (optional) dictionary with:
+ 'key-pairs': (optional) list of strings with the public key to be inserted to the default user
+ 'users': (optional) list of users to be inserted, each item is a dict with:
+ 'name': (mandatory) user name,
+ 'key-pairs': (optional) list of strings with the public key to be inserted to the user
+ 'user-data': (optional) can be a string with the text script to be passed directly to cloud-init,
+ or a list of strings, each one contains a script to be passed, usually with a MIMEmultipart file
+ 'config-files': (optional). List of files to be transferred. Each item is a dict with:
+ 'dest': (mandatory) string with the destination absolute path
+ 'encoding': (optional, by default text). Can be one of:
+ 'b64', 'base64', 'gz', 'gz+b64', 'gz+base64', 'gzip+b64', 'gzip+base64'
+ 'content' (mandatory): string with the content of the file
+ 'permissions': (optional) string with file permissions, typically octal notation '0644'
+ 'owner': (optional) file owner, string with the format 'owner:group'
+ 'boot-data-drive': boolean to indicate if user-data must be passed using a boot drive (hard disk)
+ 'disk_list': (optional) list with additional disks to the VM. Each item is a dict with:
+ 'image_id': (optional). VIM id of an existing image. If not provided an empty disk must be mounted
+ 'size': (mandatory) string with the size of the disk in GB
+ availability_zone_index: Index of availability_zone_list to use for this this VM. None if not AV required
+ availability_zone_list: list of availability zones given by user in the VNFD descriptor. Ignore if
+ availability_zone_index is None
+ Returns a tuple with the instance identifier and created_items or raises an exception on error
+ created_items can be None or a dictionary where this method can include key-values that will be passed to
+ the method delete_vminstance and action_vminstance. Can be used to store created ports, volumes, etc.
+ Format is vimconnector dependent, but do not use nested dictionaries and a value of None should be the same
+ as not present.
+ """
+ raise vimconnNotImplemented( "Should have implemented this" )
+ def get_vminstance(self,vm_id):
+ """Returns the VM instance information from VIM"""
+ raise vimconnNotImplemented( "Should have implemented this" )
+ def delete_vminstance(self, vm_id, created_items=None):
+ """
+ Removes a VM instance from VIM and its associated elements
+ :param vm_id: VIM identifier of the VM, provided by method new_vminstance
+ :param created_items: dictionary with extra items to be deleted. provided by method new_vminstance and/or method
+ action_vminstance
+ :return: None or the same vm_id. Raises an exception on fail
+ """
+ raise vimconnNotImplemented( "Should have implemented this" )
+ def refresh_vms_status(self, vm_list):
+ """Get the status of the virtual machines and their interfaces/ports
+ Params: the list of VM identifiers
+ Returns a dictionary with:
+ vm_id: #VIM id of this Virtual Machine
+ status: #Mandatory. Text with one of:
+ # DELETED (not found at vim)
+ # VIM_ERROR (Cannot connect to VIM, VIM response error, ...)
+ # OTHER (Vim reported other status not understood)
+ # ERROR (VIM indicates an ERROR status)
+ # BUILD (on building process), ERROR
+ # ACTIVE:NoMgmtIP (Active but any of its interface has an IP address
+ #
+ error_msg: #Text with VIM error message, if any. Or the VIM connection ERROR
+ vim_info: #Text with plain information obtained from vim (yaml.safe_dump)
+ interfaces: list with interface info. Each item a dictionary with:
+ vim_info: #Text with plain information obtained from vim (yaml.safe_dump)
+ mac_address: #Text format XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
+ vim_net_id: #network id where this interface is connected, if provided at creation
+ vim_interface_id: #interface/port VIM id
+ ip_address: #null, or text with IPv4, IPv6 address
+ compute_node: #identification of compute node where PF,VF interface is allocated
+ pci: #PCI address of the NIC that hosts the PF,VF
+ vlan: #physical VLAN used for VF
+ """
+ raise vimconnNotImplemented( "Should have implemented this" )
+ def action_vminstance(self, vm_id, action_dict, created_items={}):
+ """
+ Send and action over a VM instance. Returns created_items if the action was successfully sent to the VIM.
+ created_items is a dictionary with items that
+ :param vm_id: VIM identifier of the VM, provided by method new_vminstance
+ :param action_dict: dictionary with the action to perform
+ :param created_items: provided by method new_vminstance is a dictionary with key-values that will be passed to
+ the method delete_vminstance. Can be used to store created ports, volumes, etc. Format is vimconnector
+ dependent, but do not use nested dictionaries and a value of None should be the same as not present. This
+ method can modify this value
+ :return: None, or a console dict
+ """
+ raise vimconnNotImplemented( "Should have implemented this" )
+ def get_vminstance_console(self, vm_id, console_type="vnc"):
+ """
+ Get a console for the virtual machine
+ Params:
+ vm_id: uuid of the VM
+ console_type, can be:
+ "novnc" (by default), "xvpvnc" for VNC types,
+ "rdp-html5" for RDP types, "spice-html5" for SPICE types
+ Returns dict with the console parameters:
+ protocol: ssh, ftp, http, https, ...
+ server: usually ip address
+ port: the http, ssh, ... port
+ suffix: extra text, e.g. the http path and query string
+ """
+ raise vimconnNotImplemented( "Should have implemented this" )
+ def inject_user_key(self, ip_addr=None, user=None, key=None, ro_key=None, password=None):
+ """
+ Inject a ssh public key in a VM
+ Params:
+ ip_addr: ip address of the VM
+ user: username (default-user) to enter in the VM
+ key: public key to be injected in the VM
+ ro_key: private key of the RO, used to enter in the VM if the password is not provided
+ password: password of the user to enter in the VM
+ The function doesn't return a value:
+ """
+ if not ip_addr or not user:
+ raise vimconnNotSupportedException("All parameters should be different from 'None'")
+ elif not ro_key and not password:
+ raise vimconnNotSupportedException("All parameters should be different from 'None'")
+ else:
+ commands = {'mkdir -p ~/.ssh/', 'echo "{}" >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys'.format(key),
+ 'chmod 644 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys', 'chmod 700 ~/.ssh/'}
+ client = paramiko.SSHClient()
+ try:
+ if ro_key:
+ pkey = paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key(StringIO(ro_key))
+ else:
+ pkey = None
+ client.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy())
+ client.connect(ip_addr, username=user, password=password, pkey=pkey, timeout=10)
+ for command in commands:
+ (i, o, e) = client.exec_command(command, timeout=10)
+ returncode = o.channel.recv_exit_status()
+ output = o.read()
+ outerror = e.read()
+ if returncode != 0:
+ text = "run_command='{}' Error='{}'".format(command, outerror)
+ raise vimconnUnexpectedResponse("Cannot inject ssh key in VM: '{}'".format(text))
+ return
+ except (socket.error, paramiko.AuthenticationException, paramiko.SSHException) as message:
+ raise vimconnUnexpectedResponse(
+ "Cannot inject ssh key in VM: '{}' - {}".format(ip_addr, str(message)))
+ return
+ # Optional methods
+ def new_tenant(self,tenant_name,tenant_description):
+ """Adds a new tenant to VIM with this name and description, this is done using admin_url if provided
+ "tenant_name": string max lenght 64
+ "tenant_description": string max length 256
+ returns the tenant identifier or raise exception
+ """
+ raise vimconnNotImplemented( "Should have implemented this" )
+ def delete_tenant(self,tenant_id,):
+ """Delete a tenant from VIM
+ tenant_id: returned VIM tenant_id on "new_tenant"
+ Returns None on success. Raises and exception of failure. If tenant is not found raises vimconnNotFoundException
+ """
+ raise vimconnNotImplemented( "Should have implemented this" )
+ def get_tenant_list(self, filter_dict=None):
+ """Obtain tenants of VIM
+ filter_dict dictionary that can contain the following keys:
+ name: filter by tenant name
+ id: filter by tenant uuid/id
+ <other VIM specific>
+ Returns the tenant list of dictionaries, and empty list if no tenant match all the filers:
+ [{'name':'<name>, 'id':'<id>, ...}, ...]
+ """
+ raise vimconnNotImplemented( "Should have implemented this" )
+ def new_classification(self, name, ctype, definition):
+ """Creates a traffic classification in the VIM
+ Params:
+ 'name': name of this classification
+ 'ctype': type of this classification
+ 'definition': definition of this classification (type-dependent free-form text)
+ Returns the VIM's classification ID on success or raises an exception on failure
+ """
+ raise vimconnNotImplemented( "SFC support not implemented" )
+ def get_classification(self, classification_id):
+ """Obtain classification details of the VIM's classification with ID='classification_id'
+ Return a dict that contains:
+ 'id': VIM's classification ID (same as classification_id)
+ 'name': VIM's classification name
+ 'type': type of this classification
+ 'definition': definition of the classification
+ 'error_msg': (optional) text that explains the ERROR status
+ other VIM specific fields: (optional) whenever possible
+ Raises an exception upon error or when classification is not found
+ """
+ raise vimconnNotImplemented( "SFC support not implemented" )
+ def get_classification_list(self, filter_dict={}):
+ """Obtain classifications from the VIM
+ Params:
+ 'filter_dict' (optional): contains the entries to filter the classifications on and only return those that match ALL:
+ id: string => returns classifications with this VIM's classification ID, which implies a return of one classification at most
+ name: string => returns only classifications with this name
+ type: string => returns classifications of this type
+ definition: string => returns classifications that have this definition
+ tenant_id: string => returns only classifications that belong to this tenant/project
+ Returns a list of classification dictionaries, each dictionary contains:
+ 'id': (mandatory) VIM's classification ID
+ 'name': (mandatory) VIM's classification name
+ 'type': type of this classification
+ 'definition': definition of the classification
+ other VIM specific fields: (optional) whenever possible using the same naming of filter_dict param
+ List can be empty if no classification matches the filter_dict. Raise an exception only upon VIM connectivity,
+ authorization, or some other unspecific error
+ """
+ raise vimconnNotImplemented( "SFC support not implemented" )
+ def delete_classification(self, classification_id):
+ """Deletes a classification from the VIM
+ Returns the classification ID (classification_id) or raises an exception upon error or when classification is not found
+ """
+ raise vimconnNotImplemented( "SFC support not implemented" )
+ def new_sfi(self, name, ingress_ports, egress_ports, sfc_encap=True):
+ """Creates a service function instance in the VIM
+ Params:
+ 'name': name of this service function instance
+ 'ingress_ports': set of ingress ports (VIM's port IDs)
+ 'egress_ports': set of egress ports (VIM's port IDs)
+ 'sfc_encap': boolean stating whether this specific instance supports IETF SFC Encapsulation
+ Returns the VIM's service function instance ID on success or raises an exception on failure
+ """
+ raise vimconnNotImplemented( "SFC support not implemented" )
+ def get_sfi(self, sfi_id):
+ """Obtain service function instance details of the VIM's service function instance with ID='sfi_id'
+ Return a dict that contains:
+ 'id': VIM's sfi ID (same as sfi_id)
+ 'name': VIM's sfi name
+ 'ingress_ports': set of ingress ports (VIM's port IDs)
+ 'egress_ports': set of egress ports (VIM's port IDs)
+ 'error_msg': (optional) text that explains the ERROR status
+ other VIM specific fields: (optional) whenever possible
+ Raises an exception upon error or when service function instance is not found
+ """
+ raise vimconnNotImplemented( "SFC support not implemented" )
+ def get_sfi_list(self, filter_dict={}):
+ """Obtain service function instances from the VIM
+ Params:
+ 'filter_dict' (optional): contains the entries to filter the sfis on and only return those that match ALL:
+ id: string => returns sfis with this VIM's sfi ID, which implies a return of one sfi at most
+ name: string => returns only service function instances with this name
+ tenant_id: string => returns only service function instances that belong to this tenant/project
+ Returns a list of service function instance dictionaries, each dictionary contains:
+ 'id': (mandatory) VIM's sfi ID
+ 'name': (mandatory) VIM's sfi name
+ 'ingress_ports': set of ingress ports (VIM's port IDs)
+ 'egress_ports': set of egress ports (VIM's port IDs)
+ other VIM specific fields: (optional) whenever possible using the same naming of filter_dict param
+ List can be empty if no sfi matches the filter_dict. Raise an exception only upon VIM connectivity,
+ authorization, or some other unspecific error
+ """
+ raise vimconnNotImplemented( "SFC support not implemented" )
+ def delete_sfi(self, sfi_id):
+ """Deletes a service function instance from the VIM
+ Returns the service function instance ID (sfi_id) or raises an exception upon error or when sfi is not found
+ """
+ raise vimconnNotImplemented( "SFC support not implemented" )
+ def new_sf(self, name, sfis, sfc_encap=True):
+ """Creates (an abstract) service function in the VIM
+ Params:
+ 'name': name of this service function
+ 'sfis': set of service function instances of this (abstract) service function
+ 'sfc_encap': boolean stating whether this service function supports IETF SFC Encapsulation
+ Returns the VIM's service function ID on success or raises an exception on failure
+ """
+ raise vimconnNotImplemented( "SFC support not implemented" )
+ def get_sf(self, sf_id):
+ """Obtain service function details of the VIM's service function with ID='sf_id'
+ Return a dict that contains:
+ 'id': VIM's sf ID (same as sf_id)
+ 'name': VIM's sf name
+ 'sfis': VIM's sf's set of VIM's service function instance IDs
+ 'sfc_encap': boolean stating whether this service function supports IETF SFC Encapsulation
+ 'error_msg': (optional) text that explains the ERROR status
+ other VIM specific fields: (optional) whenever possible
+ Raises an exception upon error or when sf is not found
+ """
+ def get_sf_list(self, filter_dict={}):
+ """Obtain service functions from the VIM
+ Params:
+ 'filter_dict' (optional): contains the entries to filter the sfs on and only return those that match ALL:
+ id: string => returns sfs with this VIM's sf ID, which implies a return of one sf at most
+ name: string => returns only service functions with this name
+ tenant_id: string => returns only service functions that belong to this tenant/project
+ Returns a list of service function dictionaries, each dictionary contains:
+ 'id': (mandatory) VIM's sf ID
+ 'name': (mandatory) VIM's sf name
+ 'sfis': VIM's sf's set of VIM's service function instance IDs
+ 'sfc_encap': boolean stating whether this service function supports IETF SFC Encapsulation
+ other VIM specific fields: (optional) whenever possible using the same naming of filter_dict param
+ List can be empty if no sf matches the filter_dict. Raise an exception only upon VIM connectivity,
+ authorization, or some other unspecific error
+ """
+ raise vimconnNotImplemented( "SFC support not implemented" )
+ def delete_sf(self, sf_id):
+ """Deletes (an abstract) service function from the VIM
+ Returns the service function ID (sf_id) or raises an exception upon error or when sf is not found
+ """
+ raise vimconnNotImplemented( "SFC support not implemented" )
+ def new_sfp(self, name, classifications, sfs, sfc_encap=True, spi=None):
+ """Creates a service function path
+ Params:
+ 'name': name of this service function path
+ 'classifications': set of traffic classifications that should be matched on to get into this sfp
+ 'sfs': list of every service function that constitutes this path , from first to last
+ 'sfc_encap': whether this is an SFC-Encapsulated chain (i.e using NSH), True by default
+ 'spi': (optional) the Service Function Path identifier (SPI: Service Path Identifier) for this path
+ Returns the VIM's sfp ID on success or raises an exception on failure
+ """
+ raise vimconnNotImplemented( "SFC support not implemented" )
+ def get_sfp(self, sfp_id):
+ """Obtain service function path details of the VIM's sfp with ID='sfp_id'
+ Return a dict that contains:
+ 'id': VIM's sfp ID (same as sfp_id)
+ 'name': VIM's sfp name
+ 'classifications': VIM's sfp's list of VIM's classification IDs
+ 'sfs': VIM's sfp's list of VIM's service function IDs
+ 'error_msg': (optional) text that explains the ERROR status
+ other VIM specific fields: (optional) whenever possible
+ Raises an exception upon error or when sfp is not found
+ """
+ raise vimconnNotImplemented( "SFC support not implemented" )
+ def get_sfp_list(self, filter_dict={}):
+ """Obtain service function paths from VIM
+ Params:
+ 'filter_dict' (optional): contains the entries to filter the sfps on, and only return those that match ALL:
+ id: string => returns sfps with this VIM's sfp ID , which implies a return of one sfp at most
+ name: string => returns only sfps with this name
+ tenant_id: string => returns only sfps that belong to this tenant/project
+ Returns a list of service function path dictionaries, each dictionary contains:
+ 'id': (mandatory) VIM's sfp ID
+ 'name': (mandatory) VIM's sfp name
+ 'classifications': VIM's sfp's list of VIM's classification IDs
+ 'sfs': VIM's sfp's list of VIM's service function IDs
+ other VIM specific fields: (optional) whenever possible using the same naming of filter_dict param
+ List can be empty if no sfp matches the filter_dict. Raise an exception only upon VIM connectivity,
+ authorization, or some other unspecific error
+ """
+ raise vimconnNotImplemented( "SFC support not implemented" )
+ def delete_sfp(self, sfp_id):
+ """Deletes a service function path from the VIM
+ Returns the sfp ID (sfp_id) or raises an exception upon error or when sf is not found
+ """
+ raise vimconnNotImplemented( "SFC support not implemented" )
+ # NOT USED METHODS in current version. Deprecated
+ @deprecated
+ def host_vim2gui(self, host, server_dict):
+ """Transform host dictionary from VIM format to GUI format,
+ and append to the server_dict
+ """
+ raise vimconnNotImplemented( "Should have implemented this" )
+ @deprecated
+ def get_hosts_info(self):
+ """Get the information of deployed hosts
+ Returns the hosts content"""
+ raise vimconnNotImplemented( "Should have implemented this" )
+ @deprecated
+ def get_hosts(self, vim_tenant):
+ """Get the hosts and deployed instances
+ Returns the hosts content"""
+ raise vimconnNotImplemented( "Should have implemented this" )
+ @deprecated
+ def get_processor_rankings(self):
+ """Get the processor rankings in the VIM database"""
+ raise vimconnNotImplemented( "Should have implemented this" )
+ @deprecated
+ def new_host(self, host_data):
+ """Adds a new host to VIM"""
+ """Returns status code of the VIM response"""
+ raise vimconnNotImplemented( "Should have implemented this" )
+ @deprecated
+ def new_external_port(self, port_data):
+ """Adds a external port to VIM"""
+ """Returns the port identifier"""
+ raise vimconnNotImplemented( "Should have implemented this" )
+ @deprecated
+ def new_external_network(self,net_name,net_type):
+ """Adds a external network to VIM (shared)"""
+ """Returns the network identifier"""
+ raise vimconnNotImplemented( "Should have implemented this" )
+ @deprecated
+ @deprecated
+ def connect_port_network(self, port_id, network_id, admin=False):
+ """Connects a external port to a network"""
+ """Returns status code of the VIM response"""
+ raise vimconnNotImplemented( "Should have implemented this" )
+ @deprecated
+ def new_vminstancefromJSON(self, vm_data):
+ """Adds a VM instance to VIM"""
+ """Returns the instance identifier"""
+ raise vimconnNotImplemented( "Should have implemented this" )
--- /dev/null
- elif test_config['vimtype'] == 'openstack':
+ #!/usr/bin/env python2
+ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ ##
+ # Copyright 2017
+ # This file is part of openmano
+ # All Rights Reserved.
+ #
+ # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+ # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+ # a copy of the License at
+ #
+ # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ #
+ # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+ # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+ # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ # under the License.
+ #
+ ##
++from os import getenv
++if getenv('OSMRO_PDB_DEBUG'):
++ import sys
++ print(sys.path)
++ import pdb
++ pdb.set_trace()
+ """
+ Module for testing openmano functionality. It uses openmanoclient.py for invoking openmano
+ """
+ import logging
+ import os
+ import argcomplete
+ import unittest
+ import string
+ import inspect
+ import random
+ # import traceback
+ import glob
+ import yaml
+ import sys
+ import time
+ import uuid
+ from argparse import ArgumentParser
+ __author__ = "Pablo Montes, Alfonso Tierno"
+ __date__ = "$16-Feb-2017 17:08:16$"
+ __version__ = "0.1.0"
+ version_date = "Oct 2017"
+ test_config = {} # used for global variables with the test configuration
+ class test_base(unittest.TestCase):
+ test_index = 1
+ test_text = None
+ @classmethod
+ def setUpClass(cls):
+ logger.info("{}. {}".format(test_config["test_number"], cls.__name__))
+ @classmethod
+ def tearDownClass(cls):
+ test_config["test_number"] += 1
+ def tearDown(self):
+ exec_info = sys.exc_info()
+ if exec_info == (None, None, None):
+ logger.info(self.__class__.test_text+" -> TEST OK")
+ else:
+ logger.warning(self.__class__.test_text+" -> TEST NOK")
+ logger.critical("Traceback error",exc_info=True)
+ def check_instance_scenario_active(uuid):
+ instance = test_config["client"].get_instance(uuid=uuid)
+ for net in instance['nets']:
+ status = net['status']
+ if status != 'ACTIVE':
+ return (False, status)
+ for vnf in instance['vnfs']:
+ for vm in vnf['vms']:
+ status = vm['status']
+ if status != 'ACTIVE':
+ return (False, status)
+ return (True, None)
+ '''
+ All unittest classes for code based tests must have prefix 'test_' in order to be taken into account for tests
+ '''
+ class test_VIM_datacenter_tenant_operations(test_base):
+ tenant_name = None
+ def test_000_create_RO_tenant(self):
+ self.__class__.tenant_name = _get_random_string(20)
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"], self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
++ logger.debug("Test create tenant")
+ tenant = test_config["client"].create_tenant(name=self.__class__.tenant_name,
+ description=self.__class__.tenant_name)
+ logger.debug("{}".format(tenant))
+ self.assertEqual(tenant.get('tenant', {}).get('name', ''), self.__class__.tenant_name)
+ def test_010_list_RO_tenant(self):
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"], self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ tenant = test_config["client"].get_tenant(name=self.__class__.tenant_name)
+ logger.debug("{}".format(tenant))
+ self.assertEqual(tenant.get('tenant', {}).get('name', ''), self.__class__.tenant_name)
+ def test_020_delete_RO_tenant(self):
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"], self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ tenant = test_config["client"].delete_tenant(name=self.__class__.tenant_name)
+ logger.debug("{}".format(tenant))
+ assert('deleted' in tenant.get('result',""))
+ class test_VIM_datacenter_operations(test_base):
+ datacenter_name = None
+ def test_000_create_datacenter(self):
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"], self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.datacenter_name = _get_random_string(20)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ self.datacenter = test_config["client"].create_datacenter(name=self.__class__.datacenter_name,
+ vim_url="http://fakeurl/fake")
+ logger.debug("{}".format(self.datacenter))
+ self.assertEqual (self.datacenter.get('datacenter', {}).get('name',''), self.__class__.datacenter_name)
+ def test_010_list_datacenter(self):
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"], self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ self.datacenter = test_config["client"].get_datacenter(all_tenants=True, name=self.__class__.datacenter_name)
+ logger.debug("{}".format(self.datacenter))
+ self.assertEqual (self.datacenter.get('datacenter', {}).get('name', ''), self.__class__.datacenter_name)
+ def test_020_attach_datacenter(self):
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"], self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ self.datacenter = test_config["client"].attach_datacenter(name=self.__class__.datacenter_name,
+ vim_tenant_name='fake')
+ logger.debug("{}".format(self.datacenter))
+ assert ('uuid' in self.datacenter.get('datacenter', {}))
+ def test_030_list_attached_datacenter(self):
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"], self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ self.datacenter = test_config["client"].get_datacenter(all_tenants=False, name=self.__class__.datacenter_name)
+ logger.debug("{}".format(self.datacenter))
+ self.assertEqual (self.datacenter.get('datacenter', {}).get('name', ''), self.__class__.datacenter_name)
+ def test_040_detach_datacenter(self):
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"], self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ self.datacenter = test_config["client"].detach_datacenter(name=self.__class__.datacenter_name)
+ logger.debug("{}".format(self.datacenter))
+ assert ('detached' in self.datacenter.get('result', ""))
+ def test_050_delete_datacenter(self):
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"], self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ self.datacenter = test_config["client"].delete_datacenter(name=self.__class__.datacenter_name)
+ logger.debug("{}".format(self.datacenter))
+ assert('deleted' in self.datacenter.get('result',""))
+ class test_VIM_network_operations(test_base):
+ vim_network_name = None
+ vim_network_uuid = None
+ def test_000_create_VIM_network(self):
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"], self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.vim_network_name = _get_random_string(20)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ network = test_config["client"].vim_action("create", "networks", name=self.__class__.vim_network_name)
+ logger.debug("{}".format(network))
+ self.__class__.vim_network_uuid = network["network"]["id"]
+ self.assertEqual(network.get('network', {}).get('name', ''), self.__class__.vim_network_name)
+ def test_010_list_VIM_networks(self):
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"], self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ networks = test_config["client"].vim_action("list", "networks")
+ logger.debug("{}".format(networks))
+ def test_020_get_VIM_network_by_uuid(self):
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"], self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ network = test_config["client"].vim_action("show", "networks", uuid=self.__class__.vim_network_uuid)
+ logger.debug("{}".format(network))
+ self.assertEqual(network.get('network', {}).get('name', ''), self.__class__.vim_network_name)
+ def test_030_delete_VIM_network_by_uuid(self):
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"], self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ network = test_config["client"].vim_action("delete", "networks", uuid=self.__class__.vim_network_uuid)
+ logger.debug("{}".format(network))
+ assert ('deleted' in network.get('result', ""))
+ class test_VIM_image_operations(test_base):
+ def test_000_list_VIM_images(self):
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"], self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ images = test_config["client"].vim_action("list", "images")
+ logger.debug("{}".format(images))
+ '''
+ The following is a non critical test that will fail most of the times.
+ In case of OpenStack datacenter these tests will only success if RO has access to the admin endpoint
+ This test will only be executed in case it is specifically requested by the user
+ '''
+ class test_VIM_tenant_operations(test_base):
+ vim_tenant_name = None
+ vim_tenant_uuid = None
+ @classmethod
+ def setUpClass(cls):
+ test_base.setUpClass(cls)
+ logger.warning("In case of OpenStack datacenter these tests will only success "
+ "if RO has access to the admin endpoint")
+ def test_000_create_VIM_tenant(self):
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"], self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.vim_tenant_name = _get_random_string(20)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ tenant = test_config["client"].vim_action("create", "tenants", name=self.__class__.vim_tenant_name)
+ logger.debug("{}".format(tenant))
+ self.__class__.vim_tenant_uuid = tenant["tenant"]["id"]
+ self.assertEqual(tenant.get('tenant', {}).get('name', ''), self.__class__.vim_tenant_name)
+ def test_010_list_VIM_tenants(self):
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"], self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ tenants = test_config["client"].vim_action("list", "tenants")
+ logger.debug("{}".format(tenants))
+ def test_020_get_VIM_tenant_by_uuid(self):
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"], self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ tenant = test_config["client"].vim_action("show", "tenants", uuid=self.__class__.vim_tenant_uuid)
+ logger.debug("{}".format(tenant))
+ self.assertEqual(tenant.get('tenant', {}).get('name', ''), self.__class__.vim_tenant_name)
+ def test_030_delete_VIM_tenant_by_uuid(self):
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"], self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ tenant = test_config["client"].vim_action("delete", "tenants", uuid=self.__class__.vim_tenant_uuid)
+ logger.debug("{}".format(tenant))
+ assert ('deleted' in tenant.get('result', ""))
+ class test_vimconn_connect(test_base):
+ def test_000_connect(self):
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"],
+ self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ if test_config['vimtype'] == 'vmware':
+ vca_object = test_config["vim_conn"].connect()
+ logger.debug("{}".format(vca_object))
+ self.assertIsNotNone(vca_object)
- logger.debug("{}".format(network))
++ elif test_config['vimtype'] in ('openstack', 'azure'):
+ test_config["vim_conn"]._reload_connection()
+ network_list = test_config["vim_conn"].get_network_list()
+ logger.debug("{}".format(network_list))
+ self.assertIsNotNone(network_list)
+ class test_vimconn_new_network(test_base):
+ network_name = None
+ def test_000_new_network(self):
+ self.__class__.network_name = _get_random_string(20)
+ network_type = 'bridge'
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"],
+ self.__class__.test_index, inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ network, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_network(net_name=self.__class__.network_name,
+ net_type=network_type)
+ self.__class__.network_id = network
- internal_connections_list = vnf_descriptor['vnf']['internal-connections']
++ logger.debug("Created network {}".format(network))
+ network_list = test_config["vim_conn"].get_network_list()
++ logger.debug("Network list {}".format(network_list))
+ for net in network_list:
+ if self.__class__.network_name in net.get('name'):
+ self.assertIn(self.__class__.network_name, net.get('name'))
+ self.assertEqual(net.get('type'), network_type)
+ # Deleting created network
+ result = test_config["vim_conn"].delete_network(self.__class__.network_id)
+ if result:
+ logger.info("Network id {} sucessfully deleted".format(self.__class__.network_id))
+ else:
+ logger.info("Failed to delete network id {}".format(self.__class__.network_id))
++ network_list = test_config["vim_conn"].get_network_list()
++ logger.debug("Network list after deletion {}".format(network_list))
+ def test_010_new_network_by_types(self):
+ delete_net_ids = []
+ network_types = ['data','bridge','mgmt']
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"],
+ self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
++ network_list = test_config["vim_conn"].get_network_list()
++ logger.debug("Network list at start {}".format(network_list))
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ for net_type in network_types:
+ self.__class__.network_name = _get_random_string(20)
+ network_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_network(net_name=self.__class__.network_name,
+ net_type=net_type)
+ delete_net_ids.append(network_id)
+ logger.debug("{}".format(network_id))
+ network_list = test_config["vim_conn"].get_network_list()
+ for net in network_list:
+ if self.__class__.network_name in net.get('name'):
+ self.assertIn(self.__class__.network_name, net.get('name'))
+ if net_type in net.get('type'):
+ self.assertEqual(net.get('type'), net_type)
+ else:
+ self.assertNotEqual(net.get('type'), net_type)
+ # Deleting created network
+ for net_id in delete_net_ids:
+ result = test_config["vim_conn"].delete_network(net_id)
+ if result:
+ logger.info("Network id {} sucessfully deleted".format(net_id))
+ else:
+ logger.info("Failed to delete network id {}".format(net_id))
++ network_list = test_config["vim_conn"].get_network_list()
++ logger.debug("Network list after test {}".format(network_list))
+ def test_020_new_network_by_ipprofile(self):
+ test_directory_content = os.listdir(test_config["test_directory"])
+ for dir_name in test_directory_content:
+ if dir_name == 'simple_multi_vnfc':
+ self.__class__.scenario_test_path = test_config["test_directory"] + '/'+ dir_name
+ vnfd_files = glob.glob(self.__class__.scenario_test_path+'/vnfd_*.yaml')
+ break
+ for vnfd in vnfd_files:
+ with open(vnfd, 'r') as stream:
+ vnf_descriptor = yaml.load(stream, Loader=yaml.Loader)
- if 'ip-profile' in item:
- version = item['ip-profile']['ip-version']
- dhcp_count = item['ip-profile']['dhcp']['count']
- dhcp_enabled = item['ip-profile']['dhcp']['enabled']
- dhcp_start_address = item['ip-profile']['dhcp']['start-address']
- subnet_address = item['ip-profile']['subnet-address']
++ #internal_connections_list = vnf_descriptor['vnf']['internal-connections']
++ internal_connections_list = vnf_descriptor['vnfd-catalog']['vnfd'][0]['ip-profiles']
+ for item in internal_connections_list:
- if test_config['vimtype'] == 'openstack':
++ version = item['ip-version']
++ dhcp_count = item['dhcp-params']['count']
++ dhcp_enabled = item['dhcp-params']['enabled']
++ dhcp_start_address = item['dhcp-params']['start-address']
++ subnet_address = item['subnet-address']
+ self.__class__.network_name = _get_random_string(20)
+ ip_profile = {'dhcp_count': dhcp_count,
+ 'dhcp_enabled': dhcp_enabled,
+ 'dhcp_start_address': dhcp_start_address,
+ 'ip_version': version,
+ 'subnet_address': subnet_address
+ }
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"],
+ self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ network, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_network(net_name=self.__class__.network_name,
+ net_type='mgmt',
+ ip_profile=ip_profile)
+ self.__class__.network_id = network
+ logger.debug("{}".format(network))
+ network_list = test_config["vim_conn"].get_network_list()
++ logger.debug("Created network by ip_profile {}".format(network_list))
+ for net in network_list:
+ if self.__class__.network_name in net.get('name'):
+ self.assertIn(self.__class__.network_name, net.get('name'))
+ # Deleting created network
+ result = test_config["vim_conn"].delete_network(self.__class__.network_id)
+ if result:
+ logger.info("Network id {} sucessfully deleted".format(self.__class__.network_id))
+ else:
+ logger.info("Failed to delete network id {}".format(self.__class__.network_id))
+ def test_030_new_network_by_isshared(self):
+ self.__class__.network_name = _get_random_string(20)
+ shared = True
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"],
+ self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ network, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_network(net_name=self.__class__.network_name,
+ net_type='bridge',
+ shared=shared)
+ self.__class__.network_id = network
+ logger.debug("{}".format(network))
+ network_list = test_config["vim_conn"].get_network_list()
+ for net in network_list:
+ if self.__class__.network_name in net.get('name'):
+ self.assertIn(self.__class__.network_name, net.get('name'))
+ self.assertEqual(net.get('shared'), shared)
+ # Deleting created network
+ result = test_config["vim_conn"].delete_network(self.__class__.network_id)
+ if result:
+ logger.info("Network id {} sucessfully deleted".format(self.__class__.network_id))
+ else:
+ logger.info("Failed to delete network id {}".format(self.__class__.network_id))
+ def test_040_new_network_by_negative(self):
+ self.__class__.network_name = _get_random_string(20)
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"],
+ self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ network, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_network(net_name=self.__class__.network_name,
+ net_type='unknowntype')
+ self.__class__.network_id = network
+ logger.debug("{}".format(network))
+ network_list = test_config["vim_conn"].get_network_list()
+ for net in network_list:
+ if self.__class__.network_name in net.get('name'):
+ self.assertIn(self.__class__.network_name, net.get('name'))
+ # Deleting created network
+ result = test_config["vim_conn"].delete_network(self.__class__.network_id)
+ if result:
+ logger.info("Network id {} sucessfully deleted".format(self.__class__.network_id))
+ else:
+ logger.info("Failed to delete network id {}".format(self.__class__.network_id))
+ def test_050_refresh_nets_status(self):
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"],
+ self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ # creating new network
+ network_name = _get_random_string(20)
+ net_type = 'bridge'
+ network_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_network(net_name=network_name,
+ net_type=net_type)
+ # refresh net status
+ net_dict = test_config["vim_conn"].refresh_nets_status([network_id])
+ for attr in net_dict[network_id]:
+ if attr == 'status':
+ self.assertEqual(net_dict[network_id][attr], 'ACTIVE')
+ # Deleting created network
+ result = test_config["vim_conn"].delete_network(network_id)
+ if result:
+ logger.info("Network id {} sucessfully deleted".format(network_id))
+ else:
+ logger.info("Failed to delete network id {}".format(network_id))
+ def test_060_refresh_nets_status_negative(self):
+ unknown_net_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"],
+ self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ # refresh net status
++ # if azure network name must have the following format
++ if test_config['vimtype'] == 'azure':
++ unknown_net_id = "/" + "/".join(["subscriptions", test_config["vim_conn"].subscription_id,
++ "resourceGroups", test_config["vim_conn"].resource_group,
++ "providers", "Microsoft.Network",
++ "virtualNetworks", test_config["vim_conn"].vnet_name,
++ "subnets", unknown_net_id])
++ #unknown_net_id = "/subscriptions/ca3d18ab-d373-4afb-a5d6-7c44f098d16a/resourceGroups/osmRG/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/osm_vnet/subnets/unnkown_net"
+ net_dict = test_config["vim_conn"].refresh_nets_status([unknown_net_id])
- self.assertEqual(net.get('shared'), False)
++ if test_config['vimtype'] in ('openstack', 'azure'):
+ self.assertEqual(net_dict[unknown_net_id]['status'], 'DELETED')
+ else:
+ # TODO : Fix vmware connector to return status DELETED as per vimconn.py
+ self.assertEqual(net_dict, {})
+ class test_vimconn_get_network_list(test_base):
+ network_name = None
+ def setUp(self):
+ # creating new network
+ self.__class__.network_name = _get_random_string(20)
+ self.__class__.net_type = 'bridge'
+ network, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_network(net_name=self.__class__.network_name,
+ net_type=self.__class__.net_type)
+ self.__class__.network_id = network
+ logger.debug("{}".format(network))
+ def tearDown(self):
+ test_base.tearDown(self)
+ # Deleting created network
+ result = test_config["vim_conn"].delete_network(self.__class__.network_id)
+ if result:
+ logger.info("Network id {} sucessfully deleted".format(self.__class__.network_id))
+ else:
+ logger.info("Failed to delete network id {}".format(self.__class__.network_id))
+ def test_000_get_network_list(self):
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"],
+ self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ network_list = test_config["vim_conn"].get_network_list()
+ for net in network_list:
+ if self.__class__.network_name in net.get('name'):
+ self.assertIn(self.__class__.network_name, net.get('name'))
+ self.assertEqual(net.get('type'), self.__class__.net_type)
+ self.assertEqual(net.get('status'), 'ACTIVE')
- if test_config['vimtype'] == 'openstack':
++ if test_config['vimtype'] != 'azure':
++ self.assertEqual(net.get('shared'), False)
+ def test_010_get_network_list_by_name(self):
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"],
+ self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
- if test_config['vimtype'] == 'openstack':
++ if test_config['vimtype'] in ('openstack', 'azure'):
+ network_name = test_config['vim_conn'].get_network(self.__class__.network_id)['name']
+ else:
+ network_name = test_config['vim_conn'].get_network_name_by_id(self.__class__.network_id)
+ # find network from list by it's name
+ new_network_list = test_config["vim_conn"].get_network_list({'name': network_name})
+ for list_item in new_network_list:
+ if self.__class__.network_name in list_item.get('name'):
+ self.assertEqual(network_name, list_item.get('name'))
+ self.assertEqual(list_item.get('type'), self.__class__.net_type)
+ self.assertEqual(list_item.get('status'), 'ACTIVE')
+ def test_020_get_network_list_by_id(self):
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"],
+ self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ # find network from list by it's id
+ new_network_list = test_config["vim_conn"].get_network_list({'id':self.__class__.network_id})
+ for list_item in new_network_list:
+ if self.__class__.network_id in list_item.get('id'):
+ self.assertEqual(self.__class__.network_id, list_item.get('id'))
+ self.assertEqual(list_item.get('type'), self.__class__.net_type)
+ self.assertEqual(list_item.get('status'), 'ACTIVE')
+ def test_030_get_network_list_by_shared(self):
+ Shared = False
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"],
+ self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
- if test_config['vimtype'] == 'openstack':
++ if test_config['vimtype'] in ('openstack', 'azure'):
+ network_name = test_config['vim_conn'].get_network(self.__class__.network_id)['name']
+ else:
+ network_name = test_config['vim_conn'].get_network_name_by_id(self.__class__.network_id)
+ # find network from list by it's shared value
+ new_network_list = test_config["vim_conn"].get_network_list({'shared':Shared,
+ 'name':network_name})
+ for list_item in new_network_list:
+ if list_item.get('shared') == Shared:
+ self.assertEqual(list_item.get('shared'), Shared)
+ self.assertEqual(list_item.get('type'), self.__class__.net_type)
+ self.assertEqual(network_name, list_item.get('name'))
+ def test_040_get_network_list_by_tenant_id(self):
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"],
+ self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ tenant_list = test_config["vim_conn"].get_tenant_list()
- if test_config['vimtype'] == 'openstack':
++ if test_config['vimtype'] in ('openstack', 'azure'):
+ network_name = test_config['vim_conn'].get_network(self.__class__.network_id)['name']
+ else:
+ network_name = test_config['vim_conn'].get_network_name_by_id(self.__class__.network_id)
+ for tenant_item in tenant_list:
+ if test_config['tenant'] == tenant_item.get('name'):
+ # find network from list by it's tenant id
+ tenant_id = tenant_item.get('id')
+ new_network_list = test_config["vim_conn"].get_network_list({'tenant_id':tenant_id,
+ 'name':network_name})
+ for list_item in new_network_list:
+ self.assertEqual(tenant_id, list_item.get('tenant_id'))
+ self.assertEqual(network_name, list_item.get('name'))
+ self.assertEqual(list_item.get('type'), self.__class__.net_type)
+ self.assertEqual(list_item.get('status'), 'ACTIVE')
+ def test_050_get_network_list_by_status(self):
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"],
+ self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ status = 'ACTIVE'
- flavor_data = {'name': _get_random_string(20), 'ram': 1024, 'vpcus': 1, 'disk': 10}
++ if test_config['vimtype'] in ('openstack', 'azure'):
+ network_name = test_config['vim_conn'].get_network(self.__class__.network_id)['name']
+ else:
+ network_name = test_config['vim_conn'].get_network_name_by_id(self.__class__.network_id)
+ # find network from list by it's status
+ new_network_list = test_config["vim_conn"].get_network_list({'status':status,
+ 'name': network_name})
+ for list_item in new_network_list:
+ self.assertIn(self.__class__.network_name, list_item.get('name'))
+ self.assertEqual(list_item.get('type'), self.__class__.net_type)
+ self.assertEqual(list_item.get('status'), status)
+ def test_060_get_network_list_by_negative(self):
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"],
+ self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ network_list = test_config["vim_conn"].get_network_list({'name': 'unknown_name'})
+ self.assertEqual(network_list, [])
+ class test_vimconn_get_network(test_base):
+ network_name = None
+ def setUp(self):
+ # creating new network
+ self.__class__.network_name = _get_random_string(20)
+ self.__class__.net_type = 'bridge'
+ network, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_network(net_name=self.__class__.network_name,
+ net_type=self.__class__.net_type)
+ self.__class__.network_id = network
+ logger.debug("{}".format(network))
+ def tearDown(self):
+ test_base.tearDown(self)
+ # Deleting created network
+ result = test_config["vim_conn"].delete_network(self.__class__.network_id)
+ if result:
+ logger.info("Network id {} sucessfully deleted".format(self.__class__.network_id))
+ else:
+ logger.info("Failed to delete network id {}".format(self.__class__.network_id))
+ def test_000_get_network(self):
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"],
+ self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ network_info = test_config["vim_conn"].get_network(self.__class__.network_id)
+ self.assertEqual(network_info.get('status'), 'ACTIVE')
+ self.assertIn(self.__class__.network_name, network_info.get('name'))
+ self.assertEqual(network_info.get('type'), self.__class__.net_type)
+ self.assertEqual(network_info.get('id'), self.__class__.network_id)
+ def test_010_get_network_negative(self):
+ Non_exist_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"],
+ self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
+ test_config["vim_conn"].get_network(Non_exist_id)
+ self.assertEqual((context.exception).http_code, 404)
+ class test_vimconn_delete_network(test_base):
+ network_name = None
+ def test_000_delete_network(self):
+ # Creating network
+ self.__class__.network_name = _get_random_string(20)
+ self.__class__.net_type = 'bridge'
+ network, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_network(net_name=self.__class__.network_name,
+ net_type=self.__class__.net_type)
+ self.__class__.network_id = network
+ logger.debug("{}".format(network))
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"],
+ self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ result = test_config["vim_conn"].delete_network(self.__class__.network_id)
+ if result:
+ logger.info("Network id {} sucessfully deleted".format(self.__class__.network_id))
+ else:
+ logger.info("Failed to delete network id {}".format(self.__class__.network_id))
+ time.sleep(5)
+ # after deleting network we check in network list
+ network_list = test_config["vim_conn"].get_network_list({ 'id':self.__class__.network_id })
+ self.assertEqual(network_list, [])
+ def test_010_delete_network_negative(self):
+ Non_exist_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"],
+ self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
+ test_config["vim_conn"].delete_network(Non_exist_id)
+ self.assertEqual((context.exception).http_code, 404)
+ class test_vimconn_get_flavor(test_base):
+ def test_000_get_flavor(self):
+ test_directory_content = os.listdir(test_config["test_directory"])
+ for dir_name in test_directory_content:
+ if dir_name == 'simple_linux':
+ self.__class__.scenario_test_path = test_config["test_directory"] + '/'+ dir_name
+ vnfd_files = glob.glob(self.__class__.scenario_test_path+'/vnfd_*.yaml')
+ break
+ for vnfd in vnfd_files:
+ with open(vnfd, 'r') as stream:
+ vnf_descriptor = yaml.load(stream, Loader=yaml.Loader)
+ vnfc_list = vnf_descriptor['vnf']['VNFC']
+ for item in vnfc_list:
+ if 'ram' in item and 'vcpus' in item and 'disk' in item:
+ ram = item['ram']
+ vcpus = item['vcpus']
+ disk = item['disk']
+ flavor_data = {
+ 'name' : _get_random_string(20),
+ 'ram': ram,
+ 'vcpus': vcpus,
+ 'disk': disk
+ }
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"],
+ self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ # create new flavor
+ flavor_id = test_config["vim_conn"].new_flavor(flavor_data)
+ # get flavor by id
+ result = test_config["vim_conn"].get_flavor(flavor_id)
+ self.assertEqual(ram, result['ram'])
+ self.assertEqual(vcpus, result['vcpus'])
+ self.assertEqual(disk, result['disk'])
+ # delete flavor
+ result = test_config["vim_conn"].delete_flavor(flavor_id)
+ if result:
+ logger.info("Flavor id {} sucessfully deleted".format(result))
+ else:
+ logger.info("Failed to delete flavor id {}".format(result))
+ def test_010_get_flavor_negative(self):
+ Non_exist_flavor_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"],
+ self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
+ test_config["vim_conn"].get_flavor(Non_exist_flavor_id)
+ self.assertEqual((context.exception).http_code, 404)
+ class test_vimconn_new_flavor(test_base):
+ flavor_id = None
+ def test_000_new_flavor(self):
- # create new flavor
- self.__class__.flavor_id = test_config["vim_conn"].new_flavor(flavor_data)
- self.assertIsInstance(self.__class__.flavor_id, (str, unicode))
- self.assertIsInstance(uuid.UUID(self.__class__.flavor_id), uuid.UUID)
++ flavor_data = {'name': _get_random_string(20), 'ram': 1024, 'vcpus': 1, 'disk': 10}
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"],
+ self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
- result = test_config["vim_conn"].delete_flavor(self.__class__.flavor_id)
- if result:
- logger.info("Flavor id {} sucessfully deleted".format(result))
++ if test_config['vimtype'] == 'azure':
++ with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
++ test_config["vim_conn"].new_flavor(flavor_data)
++ self.assertEqual((context.exception).http_code, 401)
++ else:
++ # create new flavor
++ self.__class__.flavor_id = test_config["vim_conn"].new_flavor(flavor_data)
++ self.assertIsInstance(self.__class__.flavor_id, (str, unicode))
++ self.assertIsInstance(uuid.UUID(self.__class__.flavor_id), uuid.UUID)
+ def test_010_delete_flavor(self):
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"],
+ self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ # delete flavor
- logger.error("Failed to delete flavor id {}".format(result))
- raise Exception ("Failed to delete created flavor")
++ if test_config['vimtype'] == 'azure':
++ with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
++ test_config["vim_conn"].delete_flavor(self.__class__.flavor_id)
++ self.assertEqual((context.exception).http_code, 401)
+ else:
- self.assertEqual((context.exception).http_code, 400)
++ result = test_config["vim_conn"].delete_flavor(self.__class__.flavor_id)
++ if result:
++ logger.info("Flavor id {} sucessfully deleted".format(result))
++ else:
++ logger.error("Failed to delete flavor id {}".format(result))
++ raise Exception ("Failed to delete created flavor")
+ def test_020_new_flavor_negative(self):
+ Invalid_flavor_data = {'ram': '1024', 'vcpus': 2.0, 'disk': 2.0}
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"],
+ self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
+ test_config["vim_conn"].new_flavor(Invalid_flavor_data)
- self.assertEqual((context.exception).http_code, 404)
++ if test_config['vimtype'] != 'azure':
++ self.assertEqual((context.exception).http_code, 400)
++ else:
++ self.assertEqual((context.exception).http_code, 401)
+ def test_030_delete_flavor_negative(self):
+ Non_exist_flavor_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"],
+ self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
+ test_config["vim_conn"].delete_flavor(Non_exist_flavor_id)
- image_list = test_config["vim_conn"].get_image_list()
++ if test_config['vimtype'] != 'azure':
++ self.assertEqual((context.exception).http_code, 404)
++ else:
++ self.assertEqual((context.exception).http_code, 401)
+ # class test_vimconn_new_image(test_base):
+ #
+ # def test_000_new_image(self):
+ # self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"],
+ # self.__class__.test_index,
+ # inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ # self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ #
+ # image_path = test_config['image_path']
+ # if image_path:
+ # self.__class__.image_id = test_config["vim_conn"].new_image({ 'name': 'TestImage', 'location' : image_path, 'metadata': {'upload_location':None} })
+ # time.sleep(20)
+ #
+ # self.assertIsInstance(self.__class__.image_id, (str, unicode))
+ # self.assertIsInstance(uuid.UUID(self.__class__.image_id), uuid.UUID)
+ # else:
+ # self.skipTest("Skipping test as image file not present at RO container")
+ #
+ # def test_010_new_image_negative(self):
+ # Non_exist_image_path = '/temp1/cirros.ovf'
+ #
+ # self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"],
+ # self.__class__.test_index,
+ # inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ # self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ #
+ # with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
+ # test_config["vim_conn"].new_image({ 'name': 'TestImage', 'location' : Non_exist_image_path})
+ #
+ # self.assertEqual((context.exception).http_code, 400)
+ #
+ # def test_020_delete_image(self):
+ # self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"],
+ # self.__class__.test_index,
+ # inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ # self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ #
+ # image_id = test_config["vim_conn"].delete_image(self.__class__.image_id)
+ #
+ # self.assertIsInstance(image_id, (str, unicode))
+ #
+ # def test_030_delete_image_negative(self):
+ # Non_exist_image_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
+ #
+ # self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"],
+ # self.__class__.test_index,
+ # inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ # self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ #
+ # with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
+ # test_config["vim_conn"].delete_image(Non_exist_image_id)
+ #
+ # self.assertEqual((context.exception).http_code, 404)
+ # class test_vimconn_get_image_id_from_path(test_base):
+ #
+ # def test_000_get_image_id_from_path(self):
+ # self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"],
+ # self.__class__.test_index,
+ # inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ # self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ #
+ # image_path = test_config['image_path']
+ # if image_path:
+ # image_id = test_config["vim_conn"].get_image_id_from_path( image_path )
+ # self.assertEqual(type(image_id),str)
+ # else:
+ # self.skipTest("Skipping test as image file not present at RO container")
+ #
+ # def test_010_get_image_id_from_path_negative(self):
+ # Non_exist_image_path = '/temp1/cirros.ovf'
+ #
+ # self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"],
+ # self.__class__.test_index,
+ # inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ # self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ #
+ # with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
+ # test_config["vim_conn"].new_image({ 'name': 'TestImage', 'location' : Non_exist_image_path })
+ #
+ # self.assertEqual((context.exception).http_code, 400)
+ class test_vimconn_get_image_list(test_base):
+ image_name = None
+ image_id = None
+ def test_000_get_image_list(self):
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"],
+ self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
- for item in image_list:
- if 'name' in item:
- self.__class__.image_name = item['name']
- self.__class__.image_id = item['id']
- self.assertIsInstance(self.__class__.image_name, (str, unicode))
- self.assertIsInstance(self.__class__.image_id, (str, unicode))
- self.assertEqual(item['id'], self.__class__.image_id)
++ if test_config['vimtype'] != 'azure':
++ image_list = test_config["vim_conn"].get_image_list()
++ logger.debug("{}: Result image list: {}".format(self.__class__.test_text, image_list))
++ for item in image_list:
++ if 'name' in item:
++ self.__class__.image_name = item['name']
++ self.__class__.image_id = item['id']
++ self.assertIsInstance(self.__class__.image_name, (str, unicode))
++ self.assertIsInstance(self.__class__.image_id, (str, unicode))
++ else:
++ with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
++ image_list = test_config["vim_conn"].get_image_list()
++ self.assertEqual((context.exception).http_code, 401)
++ logger.debug(self.__class__.test_text + "Exception unauthorized: " + str(context.exception))
+ def test_010_get_image_list_by_name(self):
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"],
+ self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
++ self.__class__.image_name = test_config['image_name']
++ logger.debug("{}: Image name: {}".format(self.__class__.test_text, self.__class__.image_name))
+ image_list = test_config["vim_conn"].get_image_list({'name': self.__class__.image_name})
++ logger.debug("{}: Result image list: {}".format(self.__class__.test_text, image_list))
+ for item in image_list:
+ self.assertIsInstance(item['id'], (str, unicode))
+ self.assertIsInstance(item['name'], (str, unicode))
- net_list = [{'use': self.__class__.net_type, 'name': name, 'floating_ip': False, 'vpci': vpci, 'port_security': True, 'type': 'virtual', 'net_id': self.__class__.network_id}]
++ #self.assertEqual(item['id'], self.__class__.image_id)
+ self.assertEqual(item['name'], self.__class__.image_name)
+ def test_020_get_image_list_by_id(self):
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"],
+ self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ filter_image_list = test_config["vim_conn"].get_image_list({'id': self.__class__.image_id})
+ for item1 in filter_image_list:
+ self.assertIsInstance(item1['id'], (str, unicode))
+ self.assertIsInstance(item1['name'], (str, unicode))
+ self.assertEqual(item1['id'], self.__class__.image_id)
+ self.assertEqual(item1['name'], self.__class__.image_name)
+ def test_030_get_image_list_negative(self):
+ Non_exist_image_id = uuid.uuid4()
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"],
+ self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ image_list = test_config["vim_conn"].get_image_list({'name': 'Unknown_name', 'id': Non_exist_image_id})
+ self.assertIsNotNone(image_list, None)
+ self.assertEqual(image_list, [])
+ class test_vimconn_new_vminstance(test_base):
+ network_name = None
+ net_type = None
+ network_id = None
+ image_id = None
+ instance_id = None
+ def setUp(self):
+ # create network
+ self.__class__.network_name = _get_random_string(20)
+ self.__class__.net_type = 'bridge'
+ self.__class__.network_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_network(net_name=self.__class__.network_name,
+ net_type=self.__class__.net_type)
+ # find image name and image id
+ if test_config['image_name']:
+ image_list = test_config['vim_conn'].get_image_list({'name': test_config['image_name']})
+ if len(image_list) == 0:
+ raise Exception("Image {} is not found at VIM".format(test_config['image_name']))
+ else:
+ self.__class__.image_id = image_list[0]['id']
+ else:
+ image_list = test_config['vim_conn'].get_image_list()
+ if len(image_list) == 0:
+ raise Exception("Not found any image at VIM")
+ else:
+ self.__class__.image_id = image_list[0]['id']
+ def tearDown(self):
+ test_base.tearDown(self)
+ # Deleting created network
+ result = test_config["vim_conn"].delete_network(self.__class__.network_id)
+ if result:
+ logger.info("Network id {} sucessfully deleted".format(self.__class__.network_id))
+ else:
+ logger.info("Failed to delete network id {}".format(self.__class__.network_id))
+ def test_000_new_vminstance(self):
+ vpci = "0000:00:11.0"
+ name = "eth0"
+ flavor_data = {'name': _get_random_string(20), 'ram': 1024, 'vcpus': 1, 'disk': 10}
+ # create new flavor
+ flavor_id = test_config["vim_conn"].new_flavor(flavor_data)
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"],
+ self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
- self.__class__.instance_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_vminstance(name='Test1_vm', description='', start=False, image_id=self.__class__.image_id, flavor_id=flavor_id, net_list=net_list)
++ net_list = [{'use': self.__class__.net_type, 'name': name, 'floating_ip': False, 'vpci': vpci,
++ 'port_security': True, 'type': 'virtual', 'net_id': self.__class__.network_id}]
- net_list = [{'use': self.__class__.net_type, 'name': name, 'floating_ip': False, 'port_security': True, 'model': model_name, 'type': 'virtual', 'net_id': self.__class__.network_id}]
++ self.__class__.instance_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_vminstance(name='Test1_vm', description='',
++ start=False,
++ image_id=self.__class__.image_id,
++ flavor_id=flavor_id, net_list=net_list)
+ self.assertIsInstance(self.__class__.instance_id, (str, unicode))
+ def test_010_new_vminstance_by_model(self):
+ flavor_data = {'name': _get_random_string(20),'ram': 1024, 'vcpus': 2, 'disk': 10}
+ model_name = 'e1000'
+ name = 'eth0'
+ # create new flavor
+ flavor_id = test_config["vim_conn"].new_flavor(flavor_data)
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"],
+ self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
- instance_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_vminstance(name='Test1_vm', description='', start=False, image_id=self.__class__.image_id,flavor_id=flavor_id,net_list=net_list)
++ net_list = [{'use': self.__class__.net_type, 'name': name, 'floating_ip': False, 'port_security': True,
++ 'model': model_name, 'type': 'virtual', 'net_id': self.__class__.network_id}]
- net_list = [{'use': net_use, 'name': name, 'floating_ip': False, 'port_security': True, 'type': 'virtual', 'net_id': self.__class__.network_id}]
++ instance_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_vminstance(name='Test1_vm', description='', start=False,
++ image_id=self.__class__.image_id,
++ flavor_id=flavor_id,net_list=net_list)
+ self.assertIsInstance(instance_id, (str, unicode))
+ # Deleting created vm instance
+ logger.info("Deleting created vm intance")
+ test_config["vim_conn"].delete_vminstance(instance_id)
+ time.sleep(10)
+ def test_020_new_vminstance_by_net_use(self):
+ flavor_data = {'name': _get_random_string(20),'ram': 1024, 'vcpus': 2, 'disk': 10}
+ net_use = 'data'
+ name = 'eth0'
+ # create new flavor
+ flavor_id = test_config["vim_conn"].new_flavor(flavor_data)
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"],
+ self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
- instance_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_vminstance(name='Test1_vm', description='', start=False, image_id=self.__class__.image_id,disk_list=None,
- flavor_id=flavor_id,
- net_list=net_list)
++ net_list = [{'use': net_use, 'name': name, 'floating_ip': False, 'port_security': True, 'type': 'virtual',
++ 'net_id': self.__class__.network_id}]
- if test_config['vimtype'] == 'openstack':
++ instance_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_vminstance(name='Test1_vm', description='', start=False,
++ image_id=self.__class__.image_id,disk_list=None,
++ flavor_id=flavor_id, net_list=net_list)
+ self.assertIsInstance(instance_id, (str, unicode))
+ # Deleting created vm instance
+ logger.info("Deleting created vm intance")
+ test_config["vim_conn"].delete_vminstance(instance_id)
+ time.sleep(10)
+ def test_030_new_vminstance_by_net_type(self):
+ flavor_data = {'name':_get_random_string(20),'ram': 1024, 'vcpus': 2, 'disk': 10}
+ _type = 'VF'
+ name = 'eth0'
+ # create new flavor
+ flavor_id = test_config["vim_conn"].new_flavor(flavor_data)
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"],
+ self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ if test_config['vimtype'] == 'vmware':
+ net_list = [{'use': self.__class__.net_type, 'name': name, 'floating_ip': False, 'port_security': True,
+ 'type': _type, 'net_id': self.__class__.network_id}]
+ instance_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_vminstance(name='Test1_vm', image_id=self.__class__.image_id,
+ flavor_id=flavor_id,
+ net_list=net_list)
+ self.assertEqual(type(instance_id),str)
- image_id=self.__class__.image_id, disk_list=None,
- flavor_id=flavor_id,
- net_list=net_list)
++ if test_config['vimtype'] in ('openstack', 'azure'):
+ # create network of type data
+ network_name = _get_random_string(20)
+ net_type = 'data'
+ network_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_network(net_name=network_name,
+ net_type=net_type)
+ net_list = [{'use': net_type, 'name': name, 'floating_ip': False, 'port_security': True,
+ 'type': _type, 'net_id': network_id}]
+ instance_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_vminstance(name='Test1_vm', description='', start=False,
- key_pairs = ['ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCy2w9GHMKKNkpCmrDK2ovc3XBYDETuLWwaW24S+feHhLBQiZlzh3gSQoINlA+2ycM9zYbxl4BGzEzpTVyCQFZv5PidG4m6ox7LR+KYkDcITMyjsVuQJKDvt6oZvRt6KbChcCi0n2JJD/oUiJbBFagDBlRslbaFI2mmqmhLlJ5TLDtmYxzBLpjuX4m4tv+pdmQVfg7DYHsoy0hllhjtcDlt1nn05WgWYRTu7mfQTWfVTavu+OjIX3e0WN6NW7yIBWZcE/Q9lC0II3W7PZDE3QaT55se4SPIO2JTdqsx6XGbekdG1n6adlduOI27sOU5m4doiyJ8554yVbuDB/z5lRBD alfonso.tiernosepulveda@telefonica.com']
++ image_id=self.__class__.image_id, disk_list=None,
++ flavor_id=flavor_id,
++ net_list=net_list)
+ self.assertEqual(type(instance_id), unicode)
+ # delete created network
+ result = test_config["vim_conn"].delete_network(network_id)
+ if result:
+ logger.info("Network id {} sucessfully deleted".format(network_id))
+ else:
+ logger.info("Failed to delete network id {}".format(network_id))
+ # Deleting created vm instance
+ logger.info("Deleting created vm intance")
+ test_config["vim_conn"].delete_vminstance(instance_id)
+ time.sleep(10)
+ def test_040_new_vminstance_by_cloud_config(self):
+ flavor_data = {'name': _get_random_string(20),'ram': 1024, 'vcpus': 2, 'disk': 10}
+ name = 'eth0'
+ user_name = 'test_user'
- users_data = [{'key-pairs': ['ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCy2w9GHMKKNkpCmrDK2ovc3XBYDETuLWwaW24S+feHhLBQiZlzh3gSQoINlA+2ycM9zYbxl4BGzEzpTVyCQFZv5PidG4m6ox7LR+KYkDcITMyjsVuQJKDvt6oZvRt6KbChcCi0n2JJD/oUiJbBFagDBlRslbaFI2mmqmhLlJ5TLDtmYxzBLpjuX4m4tv+pdmQVfg7DYHsoy0hllhjtcDlt1nn05WgWYRTu7mfQTWfVTavu+OjIX3e0WN6NW7yIBWZcE/Q9lC0II3W7PZDE3QaT55se4SPIO2JTdqsx6XGbekdG1n6adlduOI27sOU5m4doiyJ8554yVbuDB/z5lRBD alfonso.tiernosepulveda@telefonica.com'], 'name': user_name}]
++ key_pairs = ['ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDtAjl5R+GSKP3gFrdFxgizKEUzhXKQbyjaxJH9thsK 0/fDiYlaNEjvijgPgiVZkfwvqgWeLprPcpzL2j4jvmmSJ3+7C8ihCwObWP0VUiuewmbIINBPAR0RqusjMRyPsa+q0asFBPOoZLx3Cv3vzmC1AA3mKuCNeT EuA0rlWhDIOVwMcU5sP1grnmuexQB8HcR7BdKcA9y08pTwnCQR8vmtW77SRkaxEGXm4Gnw5qw8Z27mHdk2wWS2SnbVH7aFwWvDXc6jjf5TpEWypdr/EAPC +eJipeS2Oa4FsntEqAu3Fz6gp/9ub8uNqgCgHfMzs6FhYpZpipwS0hXYyF6eVsSx osm@osm']
- net_list = [{'use': self.__class__.net_type, 'name': name, 'floating_ip': False, 'port_security': True, 'type': 'virtual', 'net_id': self.__class__.network_id}]
++ users_data = [{'key-pairs': ['ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDtAjl5R+GSKP3gFrdFxgizKEUzhXKQbyjaxJH9thsK0/fDiYlaNEjvijgPgiVZkfwvqgWeLprPcpzL2j4jvmmSJ3+7C8ihCwObWP0VUiuewmbIINBPAR0RqusjMRyPsa+q0asFBPOoZLx3Cv3vzmC1AA3mKuCNeTEuA0rlWhDIOVwMcU5sP1grnmuexQB8HcR7BdKcA9y08pTwnCQR8vmtW77SRkaxEGXm4Gnw5qw8Z27mHdk2wWS2SnbVH7aFwWvDXc6jjf5TpEWypdr/EAPC+eJipeS2Oa4FsntEqAu3Fz6gp/9ub8uNqgCgHfMzs6FhYpZpipwS0hXYyF6eVsSx osm@osm'], 'name': 'cloudinit'}]
+ cloud_data = {'config-files': [{'content': 'auto enp0s3\niface enp0s3 inet dhcp\n', 'dest': '/etc/network/interfaces.d/enp0s3.cfg', 'owner': 'root:root', 'permissions': '0644'}, {'content': '#! /bin/bash\nls -al >> /var/log/osm.log\n', 'dest': '/etc/rc.local', 'permissions': '0755'}, {'content': 'file content', 'dest': '/etc/test_delete'}], 'boot-data-drive': True, 'key-pairs': key_pairs, 'users': users_data }
++ #cloud_data = {'users': users_data }
+ # create new flavor
+ flavor_id = test_config["vim_conn"].new_flavor(flavor_data)
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"],
+ self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
- image_id=self.__class__.image_id, flavor_id=flavor_id,net_list=net_list,cloud_config=cloud_data)
++ net_list = [{'use': self.__class__.net_type, 'name': name, 'floating_ip': False, 'port_security': True,
++ 'type': 'virtual', 'net_id': self.__class__.network_id}]
+ instance_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_vminstance(name='Cloud_vm', description='', start=False,
- net_list = [{'use': self.__class__.net_type, 'name': name, 'floating_ip': False, 'port_security': True, 'type': 'virtual', 'net_id': self.__class__.network_id}]
++ image_id=self.__class__.image_id,
++ flavor_id=flavor_id,net_list=net_list,
++ cloud_config=cloud_data)
+ self.assertIsInstance(instance_id, (str, unicode))
+ # Deleting created vm instance
+ logger.info("Deleting created vm intance")
+ test_config["vim_conn"].delete_vminstance(instance_id)
+ time.sleep(10)
+ def test_050_new_vminstance_by_disk_list(self):
+ flavor_data = {'name':_get_random_string(20),'ram': 1024, 'vcpus': 2, 'disk': 10}
+ name = 'eth0'
+ device_data = [{'image_id': self.__class__.image_id, 'size': '10'}]
+ # create new flavor
+ flavor_id = test_config["vim_conn"].new_flavor(flavor_data)
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"],
+ self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
- instance_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_vminstance(name='VM_test1', description='', start=False, image_id=self.__class__.image_id,
- flavor_id=flavor_id,
- net_list=net_list,
- disk_list=device_data)
++ net_list = [{'use': self.__class__.net_type, 'name': name, 'floating_ip': False, 'port_security': True,
++ 'type': 'virtual', 'net_id': self.__class__.network_id}]
- net_list = [{'use': self.__class__.net_type, 'name': name, 'floating_ip': False, 'port_security': True, 'type': 'virtual', 'net_id': self.__class__.network_id}]
++ instance_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_vminstance(name='VM_test1', description='', start=False,
++ image_id=self.__class__.image_id,
++ flavor_id=flavor_id, net_list=net_list,
++ disk_list=device_data)
+ self.assertIsInstance(instance_id, (str, unicode))
+ # Deleting created vm instance
+ logger.info("Deleting created vm intance")
+ test_config["vim_conn"].delete_vminstance(instance_id)
+ time.sleep(10)
+ def test_060_new_vminstance_negative(self):
+ unknown_flavor_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
+ unknown_image_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
+ name = 'eth2'
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"],
+ self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
- test_config["vim_conn"].new_vminstance(name='Test1_vm', description='', start=False, image_id=unknown_image_id,
- flavor_id=unknown_flavor_id,
- net_list=net_list)
++ net_list = [{'use': self.__class__.net_type, 'name': name, 'floating_ip': False, 'port_security': True,
++ 'type': 'virtual', 'net_id': self.__class__.network_id}]
+ with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
- if test_config['vimtype'] == 'openstack':
++ test_config["vim_conn"].new_vminstance(name='Test1_vm', description='', start=False,
++ image_id=unknown_image_id,
++ flavor_id=unknown_flavor_id,
++ net_list=net_list)
+ self.assertIn((context.exception).http_code, (400, 404))
+ def test_070_get_vminstance(self):
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"],
+ self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ # Get instance by its id
+ vm_info = test_config["vim_conn"].get_vminstance(self.__class__.instance_id)
+ if test_config['vimtype'] == 'vmware':
+ for attr in vm_info:
+ if attr == 'status':
+ self.assertEqual(vm_info[attr], 'ACTIVE')
+ if attr == 'hostId':
+ self.assertEqual(type(vm_info[attr]), str)
+ if attr == 'interfaces':
+ self.assertEqual(type(vm_info[attr]), list)
+ self.assertEqual(vm_info[attr][0]['IsConnected'], 'true')
+ if attr == 'IsEnabled':
+ self.assertEqual(vm_info[attr], 'true')
+ def test_080_get_vminstance_negative(self):
+ unknown_instance_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"],
+ self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
+ test_config["vim_conn"].get_vminstance(unknown_instance_id)
+ self.assertEqual((context.exception).http_code, 404)
+ def test_090_refresh_vms_status(self):
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"],
+ self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ if test_config['vimtype'] == 'vmware':
+ vm_list = []
+ vm_list.append(self.__class__.instance_id)
+ # refresh vm status
+ vm_info = test_config["vim_conn"].refresh_vms_status(vm_list)
+ for attr in vm_info[self.__class__.instance_id]:
+ if attr == 'status':
+ self.assertEqual(vm_info[self.__class__.instance_id][attr], 'ACTIVE')
+ if attr == 'interfaces':
+ self.assertEqual(type(vm_info[self.__class__.instance_id][attr]), list)
- net_list = [{'use': self.__class__.net_type, 'name': name, 'floating_ip': False, 'vpci': vpci, 'port_security': True, 'type': 'virtual', 'net_id': self.__class__.network_id}]
++ if test_config['vimtype'] in ('openstack', 'azure'):
+ vpci = "0000:00:11.0"
+ name = "eth0"
+ flavor_data = {'name': _get_random_string(20), 'ram': 1024, 'vcpus': 1, 'disk': 10}
+ # create new flavor
+ flavor_id = test_config["vim_conn"].new_flavor(flavor_data)
+ # create new vm instance
- instance_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_vminstance(name='Test1_vm', description='', start=False, image_id=self.__class__.image_id, flavor_id=flavor_id, net_list=net_list)
++ net_list = [{'use': self.__class__.net_type, 'name': name, 'floating_ip': False, 'vpci': vpci,
++ 'port_security': True, 'type': 'virtual', 'net_id': self.__class__.network_id}]
- if test_config['vimtype'] == 'openstack':
++ instance_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_vminstance(name='Test1_vm', description='', start=False,
++ image_id=self.__class__.image_id,
++ flavor_id=flavor_id, net_list=net_list)
+ time.sleep(30)
+ vm_list = []
+ vm_list.append(instance_id)
+ # refresh vm status
+ vm_info = test_config["vim_conn"].refresh_vms_status(vm_list)
+ for attr in vm_info[instance_id]:
+ if attr == 'status':
+ self.assertEqual(vm_info[instance_id][attr], 'ACTIVE')
+ if attr == 'interfaces':
+ self.assertEqual(type(vm_info[instance_id][attr]), list)
+ #Deleting created vm instance
+ logger.info("Deleting created vm intance")
+ test_config["vim_conn"].delete_vminstance(instance_id)
+ time.sleep(10)
+ def test_100_refresh_vms_status_negative(self):
+ unknown_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"],
+ self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ vm_dict = test_config["vim_conn"].refresh_vms_status([unknown_id])
+ if test_config['vimtype'] == 'vmware':
+ self.assertEqual(vm_dict,{})
- if test_config['vimtype'] == 'openstack':
++ if test_config['vimtype'] in ('openstack', 'azure'):
+ self.assertEqual(vm_dict[unknown_id]['status'], 'DELETED')
+ def test_110_action_vminstance(self):
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"],
+ self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ if test_config['vimtype'] == 'vmware':
+ action_list = ['shutdown', 'start', 'shutoff', 'rebuild', 'pause', 'resume']
+ # various action on vminstace
+ for action in action_list:
+ instance_id = test_config["vim_conn"].action_vminstance(self.__class__.instance_id,
+ {action: None})
+ self.assertEqual(instance_id, self.__class__.instance_id)
- net_list = [{'use': self.__class__.net_type, 'name': name, 'floating_ip': False, 'vpci': vpci, 'port_security': True, 'type': 'virtual', 'net_id': self.__class__.network_id}]
++ if test_config['vimtype'] in ('openstack', 'azure'):
+ # create new vm instance
+ vpci = "0000:00:11.0"
+ name = "eth0"
+ flavor_data = {'name': _get_random_string(20), 'ram': 1024, 'vcpus': 1, 'disk': 10}
+ # create new flavor
+ flavor_id = test_config["vim_conn"].new_flavor(flavor_data)
- new_instance_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_vminstance(name='Test1_vm', description='', start=False, image_id=self.__class__.image_id, flavor_id=flavor_id, net_list=net_list)
++ net_list = [{'use': self.__class__.net_type, 'name': name, 'floating_ip': False, 'vpci': vpci,
++ 'port_security': True, 'type': 'virtual', 'net_id': self.__class__.network_id}]
- action_list = ['shutdown','start','shutoff','rebuild','start','pause','start']
++ new_instance_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_vminstance(name='Test1_vm', description='',
++ start=False, image_id=self.__class__.image_id,
++ flavor_id=flavor_id, net_list=net_list)
- net_list = [{'use': 'data', 'name': name, 'floating_ip': False, 'port_security': True, 'type': 'VF', 'net_id': self.__class__.sriov_network_id}]
++ if test_config['vimtype'] == 'openstack':
++ action_list = ['shutdown','start','shutoff','rebuild','start','pause','start']
++ else:
++ action_list = ['shutdown','start','stop','start','shutoff','start','reboot']
+ # various action on vminstace
+ for action in action_list:
+ # sleep for sometime till status is changed
+ time.sleep(25)
+ instance_id = test_config["vim_conn"].action_vminstance(new_instance_id,
+ { action: None})
+ self.assertTrue(instance_id is None)
+ # Deleting created vm instance
+ logger.info("Deleting created vm intance")
+ test_config["vim_conn"].delete_vminstance(new_instance_id)
+ time.sleep(10)
+ def test_120_action_vminstance_negative(self):
+ non_exist_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"],
+ self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ action = 'start'
+ with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
+ test_config["vim_conn"].action_vminstance(non_exist_id, { action: None})
+ self.assertEqual((context.exception).http_code, 404)
+ def test_130_delete_vminstance(self):
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"],
+ self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ # Deleting created vm instance
+ logger.info("Deleting created vm instance")
+ test_config["vim_conn"].delete_vminstance(self.__class__.instance_id)
+ time.sleep(10)
+ def test_140_new_vminstance_sriov(self):
+ logger.info("Testing creation of sriov vm instance using {}".format(test_config['sriov_net_name']))
+ flavor_data = {'name': _get_random_string(20),'ram': 1024, 'vcpus': 2, 'disk': 10}
+ name = 'eth0'
+ # create new flavor
+ flavor_id = test_config["vim_conn"].new_flavor(flavor_data)
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"],
+ self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ sriov_net_name = test_config['sriov_net_name']
+ new_network_list = test_config["vim_conn"].get_network_list({'name': sriov_net_name})
+ for list_item in new_network_list:
+ self.assertEqual(sriov_net_name, list_item.get('name'))
+ self.__class__.sriov_network_id = list_item.get('id')
- instance_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_vminstance(name='Test1_sriov_vm', description='', start=False, image_id=self.__class__.image_id, flavor_id=flavor_id, net_list=net_list)
++ net_list = [{'use': 'data', 'name': name, 'floating_ip': False, 'port_security': True, 'type': 'VF',
++ 'net_id': self.__class__.sriov_network_id}]
- self.__class__.tenant_id = test_config["vim_conn"].new_tenant(tenant_name, "")
- time.sleep(15)
++ instance_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_vminstance(name='Test1_sriov_vm', description='', start=False,
++ image_id=self.__class__.image_id, flavor_id=flavor_id,
++ net_list=net_list)
+ self.assertIsInstance(instance_id, (str, unicode))
+ logger.info("Waiting for created sriov-vm intance")
+ time.sleep(10)
+ # Deleting created vm instance
+ logger.info("Deleting created sriov-vm intance")
+ test_config["vim_conn"].delete_vminstance(instance_id)
+ time.sleep(10)
+ class test_vimconn_get_tenant_list(test_base):
+ tenant_id = None
+ def test_000_get_tenant_list(self):
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"],
+ self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ # Getting tenant list
+ tenant_list = test_config["vim_conn"].get_tenant_list()
++ logger.debug(self.__class__.test_text + "Tenant list: " + str(tenant_list))
+ for item in tenant_list:
+ if test_config['tenant'] == item['name']:
+ self.__class__.tenant_id = item['id']
+ self.assertIsInstance(item['name'], (str, unicode))
+ self.assertIsInstance(item['id'], (str, unicode))
+ def test_010_get_tenant_list_by_id(self):
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"],
+ self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ # Getting filter tenant list by its id
+ filter_tenant_list = test_config["vim_conn"].get_tenant_list({'id': self.__class__.tenant_id})
++ logger.debug(self.__class__.test_text + "Tenant list: " + str(filter_tenant_list))
+ for item in filter_tenant_list:
+ self.assertIsInstance(item['id'], (str, unicode))
+ self.assertEqual(item['id'], self.__class__.tenant_id)
+ def test_020_get_tenant_list_by_name(self):
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"],
+ self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ # Getting filter tenant list by its name
+ filter_tenant_list = test_config["vim_conn"].get_tenant_list({'name': test_config['tenant']})
++ logger.debug(self.__class__.test_text + "Tenant list: " + str(filter_tenant_list))
+ for item in filter_tenant_list:
+ self.assertIsInstance(item['name'], (str, unicode))
+ self.assertEqual(item['name'], test_config['tenant'])
+ def test_030_get_tenant_list_by_name_and_id(self):
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"],
+ self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ # Getting filter tenant list by its name and id
+ filter_tenant_list = test_config["vim_conn"].get_tenant_list({'name': test_config['tenant'],
+ 'id': self.__class__.tenant_id})
++ logger.debug(self.__class__.test_text + "Tenant list: " + str(filter_tenant_list))
+ for item in filter_tenant_list:
+ self.assertIsInstance(item['name'], (str, unicode))
+ self.assertIsInstance(item['id'], (str, unicode))
+ self.assertEqual(item['name'], test_config['tenant'])
+ self.assertEqual(item['id'], self.__class__.tenant_id)
+ def test_040_get_tenant_list_negative(self):
+ non_exist_tenant_name = "Tenant_123"
+ non_exist_tenant_id = "kjhgrt456-45345kjhdfgnbdk-34dsfjdfg"
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"],
+ self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ filter_tenant_list = test_config["vim_conn"].get_tenant_list({'name': non_exist_tenant_name,
+ 'id': non_exist_tenant_id})
++ logger.debug(self.__class__.test_text + "Tenant list: " + str(filter_tenant_list))
+ self.assertEqual(filter_tenant_list, [])
+ class test_vimconn_new_tenant(test_base):
+ tenant_id = None
+ def test_000_new_tenant(self):
+ tenant_name = _get_random_string(20)
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"],
+ self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
- self.assertIsInstance(self.__class__.tenant_id, (str, unicode))
++ if test_config['vimtype'] != 'azure':
++ self.__class__.tenant_id = test_config["vim_conn"].new_tenant(tenant_name, "")
++ time.sleep(15)
- self.assertEqual((context.exception).http_code, 400)
++ self.assertIsInstance(self.__class__.tenant_id, (str, unicode))
++ else:
++ with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
++ test_config["vim_conn"].new_tenant(self.__class__.tenant_id, "")
++ self.assertEqual((context.exception).http_code, 401)
++ logger.debug(self.__class__.test_text + "Exception unauthorized: " + str(context.exception))
+ def test_010_new_tenant_negative(self):
+ Invalid_tenant_name = 10121
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"],
+ self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
+ test_config["vim_conn"].new_tenant(Invalid_tenant_name, "")
- tenant_id = test_config["vim_conn"].delete_tenant(self.__class__.tenant_id)
- self.assertIsInstance(tenant_id, (str, unicode))
++ if test_config['vimtype'] != 'azure':
++ self.assertEqual((context.exception).http_code, 400)
++ else:
++ self.assertEqual((context.exception).http_code, 401)
++ logger.debug(self.__class__.test_text + "Exception unauthorized: " + str(context.exception))
+ def test_020_delete_tenant(self):
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"],
+ self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
- Non_exist_tenant_name = 'Test_30_tenant'
++ if test_config['vimtype'] != 'azure':
++ tenant_id = test_config["vim_conn"].delete_tenant(self.__class__.tenant_id)
++ self.assertIsInstance(tenant_id, (str, unicode))
++ else:
++ with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
++ test_config["vim_conn"].delete_tenant(self.__class__.tenant_id)
++ self.assertEqual((context.exception).http_code, 401)
++ logger.debug(self.__class__.test_text + "Exception unauthorized: " + str(context.exception))
+ def test_030_delete_tenant_negative(self):
- test_config["vim_conn"].delete_tenant(Non_exist_tenant_name)
++ non_exist_tenant_name = 'Test_30_tenant'
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"],
+ self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
- self.assertEqual((context.exception).http_code, 404)
++ test_config["vim_conn"].delete_tenant(non_exist_tenant_name)
- instance_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_vminstance(name='Test1_vm', image_id=image_id,
++ if test_config['vimtype'] != 'azure':
++ self.assertEqual((context.exception).http_code, 404)
++ else:
++ self.assertEqual((context.exception).http_code, 401)
++ logger.debug(self.__class__.test_text + "Exception unauthorized: " + str(context.exception))
+ def get_image_id():
+ if test_config['image_name']:
+ image_list = test_config['vim_conn'].get_image_list({'name': test_config['image_name']})
+ if len(image_list) == 0:
+ raise Exception("Image {} is not found at VIM".format(test_config['image_name']))
+ else:
+ image_id = image_list[0]['id']
+ else:
+ image_list = test_config['vim_conn'].get_image_list()
+ if len(image_list) == 0:
+ raise Exception("Not found any image at VIM")
+ else:
+ image_id = image_list[0]['id']
+ return image_id
+ class test_vimconn_vminstance_by_ip_address(test_base):
+ network_name = None
+ network_id = None
+ def setUp(self):
+ # create network
+ self.network_name = _get_random_string(20)
+ self.network_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_network(net_name=self.network_name,
+ net_type='bridge')
+ def tearDown(self):
+ test_base.tearDown(self)
+ # Deleting created network
+ result = test_config["vim_conn"].delete_network(self.network_id)
+ if result:
+ logger.info("Network id {} sucessfully deleted".format(self.network_id))
+ else:
+ logger.info("Failed to delete network id {}".format(self.network_id))
+ def test_000_vminstance_by_ip_address(self):
+ """
+ This test case will deploy VM with provided IP address
+ Pre-requesite: provided IP address should be from IP pool range which has used for network creation
+ """
+ name = "eth0"
+ # provide ip address
+ ip_address = ''
+ flavor_data = {'ram': 1024, 'vcpus': 1, 'disk': 10}
+ # create new flavor
+ flavor_id = test_config["vim_conn"].new_flavor(flavor_data)
+ # find image id
+ image_id = get_image_id()
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"],
+ self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ net_list = [{'use': 'bridge', 'name': name, 'floating_ip': False, 'port_security': True, 'type': 'virtual',
+ 'net_id': self.network_id, 'ip_address': ip_address}]
+ instance_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_vminstance(name='Test1_vm', image_id=image_id,
+ flavor_id=flavor_id, net_list=net_list)
+ self.assertEqual(type(instance_id),str)
+ logger.info("Deleting created vm instance")
+ test_config["vim_conn"].delete_vminstance(instance_id)
+ time.sleep(10)
+ def test_010_vminstance_by_ip_address_negative(self):
+ name = "eth1"
+ # IP address not from subnet range
+ invalid_ip_address = ''
+ flavor_data = {'ram': 1024, 'vcpus': 1, 'disk': 10}
+ # create new flavor
+ flavor_id = test_config["vim_conn"].new_flavor(flavor_data)
+ # find image name and image id
+ image_id = get_image_id()
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"],
+ self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ net_list = [{'use': 'bridge', 'name': name, 'floating_ip': False, 'port_security': True, 'type': 'virtual',
+ 'net_id': self.network_id, 'ip_address': invalid_ip_address}]
+ with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
+ test_config["vim_conn"].new_vminstance(name='Test1_vm', image_id=image_id,
+ flavor_id=flavor_id,
+ net_list=net_list)
+ self.assertEqual((context.exception).http_code, 400)
+ def test_020_vminstance_by_floating_ip(self):
+ name = "eth1"
+ flavor_data = {'ram': 1024, 'vcpus': 1, 'disk': 10}
+ # create new flavor
+ flavor_id = test_config["vim_conn"].new_flavor(flavor_data)
+ # find image name and image id
+ image_id = get_image_id()
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"],
+ self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ net_list = [{'use': 'bridge', 'name': name, 'floating_ip': True, 'port_security': True, 'type': 'virtual',
+ 'net_id': self.network_id}]
+ instance_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_vminstance(name='Test1_vm', image_id=image_id,
+ flavor_id=flavor_id, net_list=net_list)
+ self.assertEqual(type(instance_id),str)
+ logger.info("Deleting created vm instance")
+ test_config["vim_conn"].delete_vminstance(instance_id)
+ time.sleep(10)
+ def test_030_vminstance_by_mac_address(self):
+ name = "eth1"
+ mac_address = "74:54:2f:21:da:8c"
+ flavor_data = {'ram': 1024, 'vcpus': 1, 'disk': 10}
+ # create new flavor
+ flavor_id = test_config["vim_conn"].new_flavor(flavor_data)
+ # find image name and image id
+ image_id = get_image_id()
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"],
+ self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ net_list = [{'use': 'bridge', 'name': name, 'floating_ip': False, 'port_security': True, 'type': 'virtual',
+ 'net_id': self.network_id,'mac_address': mac_address}]
+ instance_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_vminstance(name='Test1_vm', image_id=image_id,
+ flavor_id=flavor_id, net_list=net_list)
+ self.assertEqual(type(instance_id),str)
+ logger.info("Deleting created vm instance")
+ test_config["vim_conn"].delete_vminstance(instance_id)
+ time.sleep(10)
+ class test_vimconn_vminstance_by_adding_10_nics(test_base):
+ network_name = None
+ net_ids = []
+ def setUp(self):
+ # create network
+ i = 0
+ for i in range(10):
+ self.network_name = _get_random_string(20)
+ network_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_network(net_name=self.network_name,
+ net_type='bridge')
+ self.net_ids.append(network_id)
+ def tearDown(self):
+ test_base.tearDown(self)
+ # Deleting created network
+ for net_id in self.net_ids:
+ result = test_config["vim_conn"].delete_network(net_id)
+ if result:
+ logger.info("Network id {} sucessfully deleted".format(net_id))
+ else:
+ logger.info("Failed to delete network id {}".format(net_id))
+ def test_000_vminstance_by_adding_10_nics(self):
+ flavor_data = {'ram': 1024, 'vcpus': 1, 'disk': 10}
+ # create new flavor
+ flavor_id = test_config["vim_conn"].new_flavor(flavor_data)
+ # find image name and image id
+ image_id = get_image_id()
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"],
+ self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ net_list = []
+ c = 1
+ for net_id in self.net_ids:
+ name = "eth{}".format(c)
+ net_list.append({'use': 'bridge', 'name': name, 'floating_ip': False,
+ 'port_security': True, 'type': 'virtual', 'net_id': net_id})
+ c = c+1
+ instance_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_vminstance(name='Test1_vm', image_id=image_id,
+ flavor_id=flavor_id, net_list=net_list)
+ self.assertEqual(type(instance_id),str)
+ logger.info("Deleting created vm instance")
+ test_config["vim_conn"].delete_vminstance(instance_id)
+ time.sleep(10)
+ class test_vimconn_vminstance_by_existing_disk(test_base):
+ network_name = None
+ network_id = None
+ def setUp(self):
+ # create network
+ self.network_name = _get_random_string(20)
+ self.network_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_network(net_name=self.network_name,
+ net_type='bridge')
+ def tearDown(self):
+ test_base.tearDown(self)
+ # Deleting created network
+ result = test_config["vim_conn"].delete_network(self.network_id)
+ if result:
+ logger.info("Network id {} sucessfully deleted".format(self.network_id))
+ else:
+ logger.info("Failed to delete network id {}".format(self.network_id))
+ def test_000_vminstance_by_existing_disk(self):
+ """ This testcase will add existing disk only if given catalog/image is free
+ means not used by any other VM
+ """
+ flavor_data = {'ram': 1024, 'vcpus': 1, 'disk': 10}
+ name = "eth10"
+ # create new flavor
+ flavor_id = test_config["vim_conn"].new_flavor(flavor_data)
+ # find image name and image id
+ image_id = get_image_id()
+ cirros_image = test_config["vim_conn"].get_image_list({'name': 'cirros'})
+ disk_list = [{'image_id': cirros_image[0]['id'],'size': 5}]
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"],
+ self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ net_list = [{'use': 'bridge', 'name': name, 'floating_ip': False, 'port_security': True,
+ 'type': 'virtual', 'net_id': self.network_id}]
- instance_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_vminstance(name='Test1_vm', image_id=image_id,
++ instance_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_vminstance(name='Test1_vm', description='', start=False,
++ image_id=image_id,
+ flavor_id=flavor_id, net_list=net_list,disk_list=disk_list)
+ self.assertEqual(type(instance_id),str)
+ logger.info("Deleting created vm instance")
+ test_config["vim_conn"].delete_vminstance(instance_id)
+ time.sleep(10)
+ def test_010_vminstance_by_new_disk(self):
+ flavor_data = {'ram': 1024, 'vcpus': 1, 'disk': 10}
+ name = "eth10"
+ # create new flavor
+ flavor_id = test_config["vim_conn"].new_flavor(flavor_data)
+ # find image name and image id
+ image_id = get_image_id()
+ disk_list = [{'size': '5'}]
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"],
+ self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ net_list = [{'use': 'bridge', 'name': name, 'floating_ip': False, 'port_security': True,
+ 'type': 'virtual', 'net_id': self.network_id}]
- instance_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_vminstance(name='Test1_vm', image_id=image_id,
++ instance_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_vminstance(name='Test1_vm', description='', start=False,
++ image_id=image_id,
+ flavor_id=flavor_id, net_list=net_list,disk_list=disk_list)
+ self.assertEqual(type(instance_id),str)
+ logger.info("Deleting created vm instance")
+ test_config["vim_conn"].delete_vminstance(instance_id)
+ time.sleep(10)
+ def test_020_vminstance_by_CDROM(self):
+ """ This testcase will insert media file only if provided catalog
+ has pre-created ISO media file into vCD
+ """
+ flavor_data ={'ram': 1024, 'vcpus': 1, 'disk': 10}
+ name = "eth10"
+ image_list = test_config["vim_conn"].get_image_list({'name':'Ubuntu'})
+ disk_list = [{'image_id':image_list[0]['id'],'device_type':'cdrom'}]
+ # create new flavor
+ flavor_id = test_config["vim_conn"].new_flavor(flavor_data)
+ # find image name and image id
+ image_id = get_image_id()
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"],
+ self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ net_list = [{'use': 'bridge', 'name': name, 'floating_ip': False, 'port_security': True,
+ 'type': 'virtual', 'net_id': self.network_id}]
- instance_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_vminstance(name='Test1_vm', image_id=image_id,
++ instance_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_vminstance(name='Test1_vm', description='', start=False,
++ image_id=image_id,
+ flavor_id=flavor_id, net_list=net_list,disk_list=disk_list )
+ self.assertEqual(type(instance_id),str)
+ logger.info("Deleting created vm instance")
+ test_config["vim_conn"].delete_vminstance(instance_id)
+ time.sleep(10)
+ class test_vimconn_vminstance_by_affinity_anti_affinity(test_base):
+ network_name = None
+ network_id = None
+ def setUp(self):
+ # create network
+ self.network_name = _get_random_string(20)
+ self.network_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_network(net_name=self.network_name,
+ net_type='bridge')
+ def tearDown(self):
+ test_base.tearDown(self)
+ # Deleting created network
+ result = test_config["vim_conn"].delete_network(self.network_id)
+ if result:
+ logger.info("Network id {} sucessfully deleted".format(self.network_id))
+ else:
+ logger.info("Failed to delete network id {}".format(self.network_id))
+ def test_000_vminstance_by_affinity_anti_affinity(self):
+ """ This testcase will deploy VM into provided HOSTGROUP in VIM config
+ Pre-requisites: User has created Hosh Groups in vCenter with respective Hosts to be used
+ While creating VIM account user has to pass the Host Group names in availability_zone list
+ """
+ flavor_data = {'ram': 1024, 'vcpus': 1, 'disk': 10}
+ name = "eth10"
+ # create new flavor
+ flavor_id = test_config["vim_conn"].new_flavor(flavor_data)
+ # find image name and image id
+ image_id = get_image_id()
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"],
+ self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ net_list = [{'use': 'bridge', 'name': name, 'floating_ip': False, 'port_security': True,
+ 'type': 'virtual', 'net_id': self.network_id}]
- ' paired-threads': 2, 'memory': 1}]},
- 'ram': 1024, 'vcpus': 1, 'disk': 10}
++ instance_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_vminstance(name='Test1_vm', description='', start=False,
++ image_id=image_id,
+ flavor_id=flavor_id, net_list=net_list,availability_zone_index=1,
+ availability_zone_list=['HG_174','HG_175'])
+ self.assertEqual(type(instance_id),str)
+ time.sleep(10)
+ logger.info("Deleting created vm instance")
+ test_config["vim_conn"].delete_vminstance(instance_id)
+ class test_vimconn_vminstance_by_numa_affinity(test_base):
+ network_name = None
+ network_id = None
+ def setUp(self):
+ # create network
+ self.network_name = _get_random_string(20)
+ self.network_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_network(net_name=self.network_name,
+ net_type='bridge')
+ def tearDown(self):
+ test_base.tearDown(self)
+ # Deleting created network
+ result = test_config["vim_conn"].delete_network(self.network_id)
+ if result:
+ logger.info("Network id {} sucessfully deleted".format(self.network_id))
+ else:
+ logger.info("Failed to delete network id {}".format(self.network_id))
+ def test_000_vminstance_by_numa_affinity(self):
+ flavor_data = {'extended': {'numas': [{'paired-threads-id': [['1', '3'], ['2', '4']],
- instance_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_vminstance(name='Test1_vm', image_id=image_id,
++ ' paired-threads': 2, 'memory': 1}]},
++ 'ram': 1024, 'vcpus': 1, 'disk': 10}
+ name = "eth10"
+ # create new flavor
+ flavor_id = test_config["vim_conn"].new_flavor(flavor_data)
+ # find image name and image id
+ image_id = get_image_id()
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"],
+ self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ net_list = [{'use': 'bridge', 'name': name, 'floating_ip': False, 'port_security': True,
+ 'type': 'virtual', 'net_id': self.network_id}]
- test_config['vim_conn'] = vim.vimconnector(name=org_name, tenant_name=tenant_name, user=org_user,passwd=org_passwd, url=vim_url, config=config_params)
++ instance_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_vminstance(name='Test1_vm', description='', start=False,
++ image_id=image_id,
+ flavor_id=flavor_id, net_list=net_list)
+ self.assertEqual(type(instance_id),str)
+ logger.info("Deleting created vm instance")
+ test_config["vim_conn"].delete_vminstance(instance_id)
+ time.sleep(10)
+ '''
+ The following unittest class does not have the 'test_' on purpose. This test is the one used for the
+ scenario based tests.
+ '''
+ class descriptor_based_scenario_test(test_base):
+ test_index = 0
+ scenario_test_path = None
+ @classmethod
+ def setUpClass(cls):
+ cls.test_index = 1
+ cls.to_delete_list = []
+ cls.scenario_uuids = []
+ cls.instance_scenario_uuids = []
+ cls.scenario_test_path = test_config["test_directory"] + '/' + test_config["test_folder"]
+ logger.info("{}. {} {}".format(test_config["test_number"], cls.__name__, test_config["test_folder"]))
+ @classmethod
+ def tearDownClass(cls):
+ test_config["test_number"] += 1
+ def test_000_load_scenario(self):
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {} {}".format(test_config["test_number"], self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name,
+ test_config["test_folder"])
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ # load VNFD and NSD
+ descriptor_files = glob.glob(self.__class__.scenario_test_path+'/*.yaml')
+ vnf_descriptors = []
+ scenario_descriptors = []
+ for descriptor_file in descriptor_files:
+ with open(descriptor_file, 'r') as stream:
+ descriptor = yaml.load(stream, Loader=yaml.Loader)
+ if "vnf" in descriptor or "vnfd:vnfd-catalog" in descriptor or "vnfd-catalog" in descriptor:
+ vnf_descriptors.append(descriptor)
+ else:
+ scenario_descriptors.append(descriptor)
+ scenario_file = glob.glob(self.__class__.scenario_test_path + '/scenario_*.yaml')
+ if not vnf_descriptors or not scenario_descriptors or len(scenario_descriptors) > 1:
+ raise Exception("Test '{}' not valid. It must contain an scenario file and at least one vnfd file'".format(
+ test_config["test_folder"]))
+ # load all vnfd
+ for vnf_descriptor in vnf_descriptors:
+ logger.debug("VNF descriptor: {}".format(vnf_descriptor))
+ vnf = test_config["client"].create_vnf(descriptor=vnf_descriptor, image_name=test_config["image_name"])
+ logger.debug(vnf)
+ if 'vnf' in vnf:
+ vnf_uuid = vnf['vnf']['uuid']
+ else:
+ vnf_uuid = vnf['vnfd'][0]['uuid']
+ self.__class__.to_delete_list.insert(0, {"item": "vnf", "function": test_config["client"].delete_vnf,
+ "params": {"uuid": vnf_uuid}})
+ # load the scenario definition
+ for scenario_descriptor in scenario_descriptors:
+ # networks = scenario_descriptor['scenario']['networks']
+ # networks[test_config["mgmt_net"]] = networks.pop('mgmt')
+ logger.debug("Scenario descriptor: {}".format(scenario_descriptor))
+ scenario = test_config["client"].create_scenario(descriptor=scenario_descriptor)
+ logger.debug(scenario)
+ if 'scenario' in scenario:
+ scenario_uuid = scenario['scenario']['uuid']
+ else:
+ scenario_uuid = scenario['nsd'][0]['uuid']
+ self.__class__.to_delete_list.insert(0, {"item": "scenario",
+ "function": test_config["client"].delete_scenario,
+ "params": {"uuid": scenario_uuid}})
+ self.__class__.scenario_uuids.append(scenario_uuid)
+ def test_010_instantiate_scenario(self):
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {} {}".format(test_config["test_number"], self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name,
+ test_config["test_folder"])
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ for scenario_uuid in self.__class__.scenario_uuids:
+ instance_descriptor = {
+ "instance":{
+ "name": self.__class__.test_text,
+ "scenario": scenario_uuid,
+ "networks":{
+ "mgmt": {"sites": [ { "netmap-use": test_config["mgmt_net"]} ]}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ instance = test_config["client"].create_instance(instance_descriptor)
+ self.__class__.instance_scenario_uuids.append(instance['uuid'])
+ logger.debug(instance)
+ self.__class__.to_delete_list.insert(0, {"item": "instance",
+ "function": test_config["client"].delete_instance,
+ "params": {"uuid": instance['uuid']}})
+ def test_020_check_deployent(self):
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {} {}".format(test_config["test_number"], self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name,
+ test_config["test_folder"])
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ if test_config["manual"]:
+ input('Scenario has been deployed. Perform manual check and press any key to resume')
+ return
+ keep_waiting = test_config["timeout"]
+ pending_instance_scenario_uuids = list(self.__class__.instance_scenario_uuids) # make a copy
+ while pending_instance_scenario_uuids:
+ index = 0
+ while index < len(pending_instance_scenario_uuids):
+ result = check_instance_scenario_active(pending_instance_scenario_uuids[index])
+ if result[0]:
+ del pending_instance_scenario_uuids[index]
+ break
+ elif 'ERROR' in result[1]:
+ msg = 'Got error while waiting for the instance to get active: '+result[1]
+ logging.error(msg)
+ raise Exception(msg)
+ index += 1
+ if keep_waiting >= 5:
+ time.sleep(5)
+ keep_waiting -= 5
+ elif keep_waiting > 0:
+ time.sleep(keep_waiting)
+ keep_waiting = 0
+ else:
+ msg = 'Timeout reached while waiting instance scenario to get active'
+ logging.error(msg)
+ raise Exception(msg)
+ def test_030_clean_deployment(self):
+ self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {} {}".format(test_config["test_number"], self.__class__.test_index,
+ inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name,
+ test_config["test_folder"])
+ self.__class__.test_index += 1
+ #At the moment if you delete an scenario right after creating it, in openstack datacenters
+ #sometimes scenario ports get orphaned. This sleep is just a dirty workaround
+ time.sleep(5)
+ for item in self.__class__.to_delete_list:
+ response = item["function"](**item["params"])
+ logger.debug(response)
+ def _get_random_string(maxLength):
+ '''generates a string with random characters string.letters and string.digits
+ with a random length up to maxLength characters. If maxLength is <15 it will be changed automatically to 15
+ '''
+ prefix = 'testing_'
+ min_string = 15
+ minLength = min_string - len(prefix)
+ if maxLength < min_string: maxLength = min_string
+ maxLength -= len(prefix)
+ length = random.randint(minLength,maxLength)
+ return 'testing_'+"".join([random.choice(string.letters+string.digits) for i in xrange(length)])
+ def test_vimconnector(args):
+ global test_config
+ sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) + "/osm_ro")
+ test_config['vimtype'] = args.vimtype
+ if args.vimtype == "vmware":
+ import vimconn_vmware as vim
+ test_config["test_directory"] = os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/RO_tests"
+ tenant_name = args.tenant_name
+ test_config['tenant'] = tenant_name
+ config_params = yaml.load(args.config_param, Loader=yaml.Loader)
+ org_name = config_params.get('orgname')
+ org_user = config_params.get('user')
+ org_passwd = config_params.get('passwd')
+ vim_url = args.endpoint_url
+ test_config['image_path'] = args.image_path
+ test_config['image_name'] = args.image_name
+ test_config['sriov_net_name'] = args.sriov_net_name
+ # vmware connector obj
- mandatory_arguments.add_argument('--vimtype', choices=['vmware', 'aws', 'openstack', 'openvim'], required=True,
++ test_config['vim_conn'] = vim.vimconnector(name=org_name, tenant_name=tenant_name, user=org_user,
++ passwd=org_passwd, url=vim_url, config=config_params)
+ elif args.vimtype == "aws":
+ import vimconn_aws as vim
+ elif args.vimtype == "openstack":
+ import vimconn_openstack as vim
+ test_config["test_directory"] = os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/RO_tests"
+ tenant_name = args.tenant_name
+ test_config['tenant'] = tenant_name
+ config_params = yaml.load(args.config_param, Loader=yaml.Loader)
+ os_user = config_params.get('user')
+ os_passwd = config_params.get('passwd')
+ vim_url = args.endpoint_url
+ test_config['image_path'] = args.image_path
+ test_config['image_name'] = args.image_name
+ test_config['sriov_net_name'] = args.sriov_net_name
+ # openstack connector obj
+ vim_persistent_info = {}
+ test_config['vim_conn'] = vim.vimconnector(
+ uuid="test-uuid-1", name="VIO-openstack",
+ tenant_id=None, tenant_name=tenant_name,
+ url=vim_url, url_admin=None,
+ user=os_user, passwd=os_passwd,
+ config=config_params, persistent_info=vim_persistent_info
+ )
+ test_config['vim_conn'].debug = "true"
+ elif args.vimtype == "openvim":
+ import vimconn_openvim as vim
++ elif args.vimtype == "azure":
++ import vimconn_azure as vim
++ test_config["test_directory"] = os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/RO_tests"
++ tenant_name = args.tenant_name
++ test_config['tenant'] = tenant_name
++ config_params = yaml.load(args.config_param)
++ os_user = config_params.get('user')
++ os_passwd = config_params.get('passwd')
++ vim_url = args.endpoint_url
++ test_config['image_path'] = args.image_path
++ test_config['image_name'] = args.image_name
++ #test_config['sriov_net_name'] = args.sriov_net_name
++ args_log_level = "DEBUG" if args.debug else "INFO"
++ # azure connector obj
++ vim_persistent_info = {}
++ test_config['vim_conn'] = vim.vimconnector(
++ uuid="test-uuid-1", name="VIO-azure",
++ tenant_id=None, tenant_name=tenant_name,
++ url=vim_url, url_admin=None,
++ user=os_user, passwd=os_passwd, log_level= args_log_level,
++ config=config_params, persistent_info=vim_persistent_info
++ )
++ test_config['vim_conn'].debug = "true"
+ else:
+ logger.critical("vimtype '{}' not supported".format(args.vimtype))
+ sys.exit(1)
+ executed = 0
+ failed = 0
+ clsmembers = inspect.getmembers(sys.modules[__name__], inspect.isclass)
+ # If only want to obtain a tests list print it and exit
+ if args.list_tests:
+ tests_names = []
+ for cls in clsmembers:
+ if cls[0].startswith('test_vimconn'):
+ tests_names.append(cls[0])
+ msg = "The 'vim' set tests are:\n\t" + ', '.join(sorted(tests_names))
+ print(msg)
+ logger.info(msg)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ # Create the list of tests to be run
+ code_based_tests = []
+ if args.tests:
+ for test in args.tests:
+ for t in test.split(','):
+ matches_code_based_tests = [item for item in clsmembers if item[0] == t]
+ if len(matches_code_based_tests) > 0:
+ code_based_tests.append(matches_code_based_tests[0][1])
+ else:
+ logger.critical("Test '{}' is not among the possible ones".format(t))
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if not code_based_tests:
+ # include all tests
+ for cls in clsmembers:
+ # We exclude 'test_VIM_tenant_operations' unless it is specifically requested by the user
+ if cls[0].startswith('test_vimconn'):
+ code_based_tests.append(cls[1])
+ logger.debug("tests to be executed: {}".format(code_based_tests))
+ # TextTestRunner stream is set to /dev/null in order to avoid the method to directly print the result of tests.
+ # This is handled in the tests using logging.
+ stream = open('/dev/null', 'w')
+ # Run code based tests
+ basic_tests_suite = unittest.TestSuite()
+ for test in code_based_tests:
+ basic_tests_suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(test))
+ result = unittest.TextTestRunner(stream=stream, failfast=failfast).run(basic_tests_suite)
+ executed += result.testsRun
+ failed += len(result.failures) + len(result.errors)
+ if failfast and failed:
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if len(result.failures) > 0:
+ logger.debug("failures : {}".format(result.failures))
+ if len(result.errors) > 0:
+ logger.debug("errors : {}".format(result.errors))
+ return executed, failed
+ def test_vim(args):
+ global test_config
+ sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) + "/osm_ro")
+ import openmanoclient
+ executed = 0
+ failed = 0
+ test_config["client"] = openmanoclient.openmanoclient(
+ endpoint_url=args.endpoint_url,
+ tenant_name=args.tenant_name,
+ datacenter_name=args.datacenter,
+ debug=args.debug, logger=test_config["logger_name"])
+ clsmembers = inspect.getmembers(sys.modules[__name__], inspect.isclass)
+ # If only want to obtain a tests list print it and exit
+ if args.list_tests:
+ tests_names = []
+ for cls in clsmembers:
+ if cls[0].startswith('test_VIM'):
+ tests_names.append(cls[0])
+ msg = "The 'vim' set tests are:\n\t" + ', '.join(sorted(tests_names)) +\
+ "\nNOTE: The test test_VIM_tenant_operations will fail in case the used datacenter is type OpenStack " \
+ "unless RO has access to the admin endpoint. Therefore this test is excluded by default"
+ print(msg)
+ logger.info(msg)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ # Create the list of tests to be run
+ code_based_tests = []
+ if args.tests:
+ for test in args.tests:
+ for t in test.split(','):
+ matches_code_based_tests = [item for item in clsmembers if item[0] == t]
+ if len(matches_code_based_tests) > 0:
+ code_based_tests.append(matches_code_based_tests[0][1])
+ else:
+ logger.critical("Test '{}' is not among the possible ones".format(t))
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if not code_based_tests:
+ # include all tests
+ for cls in clsmembers:
+ # We exclude 'test_VIM_tenant_operations' unless it is specifically requested by the user
+ if cls[0].startswith('test_VIM') and cls[0] != 'test_VIM_tenant_operations':
+ code_based_tests.append(cls[1])
+ logger.debug("tests to be executed: {}".format(code_based_tests))
+ # TextTestRunner stream is set to /dev/null in order to avoid the method to directly print the result of tests.
+ # This is handled in the tests using logging.
+ stream = open('/dev/null', 'w')
+ # Run code based tests
+ basic_tests_suite = unittest.TestSuite()
+ for test in code_based_tests:
+ basic_tests_suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(test))
+ result = unittest.TextTestRunner(stream=stream, failfast=failfast).run(basic_tests_suite)
+ executed += result.testsRun
+ failed += len(result.failures) + len(result.errors)
+ if failfast and failed:
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if len(result.failures) > 0:
+ logger.debug("failures : {}".format(result.failures))
+ if len(result.errors) > 0:
+ logger.debug("errors : {}".format(result.errors))
+ return executed, failed
+ def test_wim(args):
+ global test_config
+ sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) + "/osm_ro")
+ import openmanoclient
+ executed = 0
+ failed = 0
+ test_config["client"] = openmanoclient.openmanoclient(
+ endpoint_url=args.endpoint_url,
+ tenant_name=args.tenant_name,
+ datacenter_name=args.datacenter,
+ debug=args.debug, logger=test_config["logger_name"])
+ clsmembers = inspect.getmembers(sys.modules[__name__], inspect.isclass)
+ # If only want to obtain a tests list print it and exit
+ if args.list_tests:
+ tests_names = []
+ for cls in clsmembers:
+ if cls[0].startswith('test_WIM'):
+ tests_names.append(cls[0])
+ msg = "The 'wim' set tests are:\n\t" + ', '.join(sorted(tests_names)) +\
+ "\nNOTE: The test test_VIM_tenant_operations will fail in case the used datacenter is type OpenStack " \
+ "unless RO has access to the admin endpoint. Therefore this test is excluded by default"
+ print(msg)
+ logger.info(msg)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ # Create the list of tests to be run
+ code_based_tests = []
+ if args.tests:
+ for test in args.tests:
+ for t in test.split(','):
+ matches_code_based_tests = [item for item in clsmembers if item[0] == t]
+ if len(matches_code_based_tests) > 0:
+ code_based_tests.append(matches_code_based_tests[0][1])
+ else:
+ logger.critical("Test '{}' is not among the possible ones".format(t))
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if not code_based_tests:
+ # include all tests
+ for cls in clsmembers:
+ # We exclude 'test_VIM_tenant_operations' unless it is specifically requested by the user
+ if cls[0].startswith('test_VIM') and cls[0] != 'test_VIM_tenant_operations':
+ code_based_tests.append(cls[1])
+ logger.debug("tests to be executed: {}".format(code_based_tests))
+ # TextTestRunner stream is set to /dev/null in order to avoid the method to directly print the result of tests.
+ # This is handled in the tests using logging.
+ stream = open('/dev/null', 'w')
+ # Run code based tests
+ basic_tests_suite = unittest.TestSuite()
+ for test in code_based_tests:
+ basic_tests_suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(test))
+ result = unittest.TextTestRunner(stream=stream, failfast=failfast).run(basic_tests_suite)
+ executed += result.testsRun
+ failed += len(result.failures) + len(result.errors)
+ if failfast and failed:
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if len(result.failures) > 0:
+ logger.debug("failures : {}".format(result.failures))
+ if len(result.errors) > 0:
+ logger.debug("errors : {}".format(result.errors))
+ return executed, failed
+ def test_deploy(args):
+ global test_config
+ sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) + "/osm_ro")
+ import openmanoclient
+ executed = 0
+ failed = 0
+ test_config["test_directory"] = os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/RO_tests"
+ test_config["image_name"] = args.image_name
+ test_config["mgmt_net"] = args.mgmt_net
+ test_config["manual"] = args.manual
+ test_directory_content = os.listdir(test_config["test_directory"])
+ # If only want to obtain a tests list print it and exit
+ if args.list_tests:
+ msg = "the 'deploy' set tests are:\n\t" + ', '.join(sorted(test_directory_content))
+ print(msg)
+ # logger.info(msg)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ descriptor_based_tests = []
+ # Create the list of tests to be run
+ code_based_tests = []
+ if args.tests:
+ for test in args.tests:
+ for t in test.split(','):
+ if t in test_directory_content:
+ descriptor_based_tests.append(t)
+ else:
+ logger.critical("Test '{}' is not among the possible ones".format(t))
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if not descriptor_based_tests:
+ # include all tests
+ descriptor_based_tests = test_directory_content
+ logger.debug("tests to be executed: {}".format(code_based_tests))
+ # import openmanoclient from relative path
+ test_config["client"] = openmanoclient.openmanoclient(
+ endpoint_url=args.endpoint_url,
+ tenant_name=args.tenant_name,
+ datacenter_name=args.datacenter,
+ debug=args.debug, logger=test_config["logger_name"])
+ # TextTestRunner stream is set to /dev/null in order to avoid the method to directly print the result of tests.
+ # This is handled in the tests using logging.
+ stream = open('/dev/null', 'w')
+ # This scenario based tests are defined as directories inside the directory defined in 'test_directory'
+ for test in descriptor_based_tests:
+ test_config["test_folder"] = test
+ test_suite = unittest.TestSuite()
+ test_suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(descriptor_based_scenario_test))
+ result = unittest.TextTestRunner(stream=stream, failfast=False).run(test_suite)
+ executed += result.testsRun
+ failed += len(result.failures) + len(result.errors)
+ if failfast and failed:
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if len(result.failures) > 0:
+ logger.debug("failures : {}".format(result.failures))
+ if len(result.errors) > 0:
+ logger.debug("errors : {}".format(result.errors))
+ return executed, failed
+ if __name__=="__main__":
+ parser = ArgumentParser(description='Test RO module')
+ parser.add_argument('-v','--version', action='version', help="Show current version",
+ version='%(prog)s version ' + __version__ + ' ' + version_date)
+ # Common parameters
+ parent_parser = ArgumentParser(add_help=False)
+ parent_parser.add_argument('--failfast', help='Stop when a test fails rather than execute all tests',
+ dest='failfast', action="store_true", default=False)
+ parent_parser.add_argument('--failed', help='Set logs to show only failed tests. --debug disables this option',
+ dest='failed', action="store_true", default=False)
+ default_logger_file = os.path.dirname(__file__)+'/'+os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(__file__))[0]+'.log'
+ parent_parser.add_argument('--list-tests', help='List all available tests', dest='list_tests', action="store_true",
+ default=False)
+ parent_parser.add_argument('--logger_file', dest='logger_file', default=default_logger_file,
+ help='Set the logger file. By default '+default_logger_file)
+ parent_parser.add_argument("-t", '--tenant', dest='tenant_name', default="osm",
+ help="Set the openmano tenant to use for the test. By default 'osm'")
+ parent_parser.add_argument('--debug', help='Set logs to debug level', dest='debug', action="store_true")
+ parent_parser.add_argument('--timeout', help='Specify the instantiation timeout in seconds. By default 300',
+ dest='timeout', type=int, default=300)
+ parent_parser.add_argument('--test', '--tests', help='Specify the tests to run', dest='tests', action="append")
+ subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(help='test sets')
+ # Deployment test set
+ # -------------------
+ deploy_parser = subparsers.add_parser('deploy', parents=[parent_parser],
+ help="test deployment using descriptors at RO_test folder ")
+ deploy_parser.set_defaults(func=test_deploy)
+ # Mandatory arguments
+ mandatory_arguments = deploy_parser.add_argument_group('mandatory arguments')
+ mandatory_arguments.add_argument('-d', '--datacenter', required=True, help='Set the datacenter to test')
+ mandatory_arguments.add_argument("-i", '--image-name', required=True, dest="image_name",
+ help='Image name available at datacenter used for the tests')
+ mandatory_arguments.add_argument("-n", '--mgmt-net-name', required=True, dest='mgmt_net',
+ help='Set the vim management network to use for tests')
+ # Optional arguments
+ deploy_parser.add_argument('-m', '--manual-check', dest='manual', action="store_true", default=False,
+ help='Pause execution once deployed to allow manual checking of the '
+ 'deployed instance scenario')
+ deploy_parser.add_argument('-u', '--url', dest='endpoint_url', default='http://localhost:9090/openmano',
+ help="Set the openmano server url. By default 'http://localhost:9090/openmano'")
+ # Vimconn test set
+ # -------------------
+ vimconn_parser = subparsers.add_parser('vimconn', parents=[parent_parser], help="test vimconnector plugin")
+ vimconn_parser.set_defaults(func=test_vimconnector)
+ # Mandatory arguments
+ mandatory_arguments = vimconn_parser.add_argument_group('mandatory arguments')
++ mandatory_arguments.add_argument('--vimtype', choices=['vmware', 'aws', 'openstack', 'openvim','azure'], required=True,
+ help='Set the vimconnector type to test')
+ mandatory_arguments.add_argument('-c', '--config', dest='config_param', required=True,
+ help='Set the vimconnector specific config parameters in dictionary format')
+ mandatory_arguments.add_argument('-u', '--url', dest='endpoint_url',required=True, help="Set the vim connector url or Host IP")
+ # Optional arguments
+ vimconn_parser.add_argument('-i', '--image-path', dest='image_path', help="Provide image path present at RO container")
+ vimconn_parser.add_argument('-n', '--image-name', dest='image_name', help="Provide image name for test")
+ # TODO add optional arguments for vimconn tests
+ # vimconn_parser.add_argument("-i", '--image-name', dest='image_name', help='<HELP>'))
+ vimconn_parser.add_argument('-s', '--sriov-net-name', dest='sriov_net_name', help="Provide SRIOV network name for test")
+ # Datacenter test set
+ # -------------------
+ vimconn_parser = subparsers.add_parser('vim', parents=[parent_parser], help="test vim")
+ vimconn_parser.set_defaults(func=test_vim)
+ # Mandatory arguments
+ mandatory_arguments = vimconn_parser.add_argument_group('mandatory arguments')
+ mandatory_arguments.add_argument('-d', '--datacenter', required=True, help='Set the datacenter to test')
+ # Optional arguments
+ vimconn_parser.add_argument('-u', '--url', dest='endpoint_url', default='http://localhost:9090/openmano',
+ help="Set the openmano server url. By default 'http://localhost:9090/openmano'")
+ # WIM test set
+ # -------------------
+ vimconn_parser = subparsers.add_parser('wim', parents=[parent_parser], help="test wim")
+ vimconn_parser.set_defaults(func=test_wim)
+ # Mandatory arguments
+ mandatory_arguments = vimconn_parser.add_argument_group('mandatory arguments')
+ mandatory_arguments.add_argument('-d', '--datacenter', required=True, help='Set the datacenter to test')
+ # Optional arguments
+ vimconn_parser.add_argument('-u', '--url', dest='endpoint_url', default='http://localhost:9090/openmano',
+ help="Set the openmano server url. By default 'http://localhost:9090/openmano'")
+ argcomplete.autocomplete(parser)
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ # print str(args)
+ test_config = {}
+ # default logger level is INFO. Options --debug and --failed override this, being --debug prioritary
+ logger_level = 'INFO'
+ if args.debug:
+ logger_level = 'DEBUG'
+ elif args.failed:
+ logger_level = 'WARNING'
+ logger_name = os.path.basename(__file__)
+ test_config["logger_name"] = logger_name
+ logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name)
+ logger.setLevel(logger_level)
+ failfast = args.failfast
+ # Configure a logging handler to store in a logging file
+ if args.logger_file:
+ fileHandler = logging.FileHandler(args.logger_file)
+ formatter_fileHandler = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s')
+ fileHandler.setFormatter(formatter_fileHandler)
+ logger.addHandler(fileHandler)
+ # Configure a handler to print to stdout
+ consoleHandler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
+ formatter_consoleHandler = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s')
+ consoleHandler.setFormatter(formatter_consoleHandler)
+ logger.addHandler(consoleHandler)
+ logger.debug('Program started with the following arguments: ' + str(args))
+ # set test config parameters
+ test_config["timeout"] = args.timeout
+ test_config["test_number"] = 1
+ executed, failed = args.func(args)
+ # Log summary
+ logger.warning("Total number of tests: {}; Total number of failures/errors: {}".format(executed, failed))
+ sys.exit(1 if failed else 0)
--- /dev/null
+ #!/bin/bash
+ ##
+ # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+ # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+ # a copy of the License at
+ #
+ # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ #
+ # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+ # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+ # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ # under the License.
+ #
+ # For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
+ # contact with: nfvlabs@tid.es
+ ##
+ # Generates the debian packages; and then generates a docker image base on Dockerfile-devops and update a
+ # running docker stack with the generated image
+ HERE=$(dirname $(readlink -f ${BASH_SOURCE[0]}))
+ export RO_BASE=$(dirname $HERE)
+ # clean
+ docker rm -f ro_pkg 2>/dev/null && echo docker ro_pkg removed
+ rm -rf $HERE/temp/*
++find $RO_BASE -name "*.pyc" -exec rm {} ";"
+ mkdir -p $HERE/temp
+ echo -e "\n\n[STAGE 1] Builind dockerfile userd for the package generation"
+ docker build $RO_BASE -f $RO_BASE/Dockerfile -t opensourcemano/ro_pkg
+ sleep 2
+ echo "[STAGE 1.1] Generting packages inside docker ro_pkg"
+ docker run -d --name ro_pkg opensourcemano/ro_pkg bash -c 'sleep 3600'
+ docker cp $RO_BASE ro_pkg:/RO
+ docker exec ro_pkg bash -c 'cd /RO; ./devops-stages/stage-build.sh'
+ deb_files=`docker exec ro_pkg bash -c 'ls /RO/deb_dist/'`
+ [ -z "$deb_files" ] && echo "No packages generated" >&2 && exit 1
+ echo $deb_files
+ echo -e "\n\n[STAGE 1.2] Print package information and copy to '$HERE/temp/'"
+ # print package information and copy to "$HERE/temp/"
+ for deb_file in $deb_files ; do
+ echo; echo; echo
+ echo $deb_file info:
+ echo "==========================="
+ docker cp ro_pkg:/RO/deb_dist/$deb_file $HERE/temp/
+ dpkg -I $HERE/temp/$(basename $deb_file)
+ done
+ # docker rm -f ro_pkg
+ echo -e "\n\n[STAGE 2] Building docker image opensourcemano/ro:py3_devops based on debian packages"
+ docker build $HERE -f $HERE/Dockerfile-devops -t opensourcemano/ro:py3_devops ||
+ ! echo "error generating devops dockerfile" >&2 || exit 1
+ sleep 2
+ # docker run -d --name ro_devops opensourcemano/ro:py3_devops
+ # docker run -ti exec ro_devops ro tenant-list || ! echo "Cannot exec ro client to get server tenants" >&2 || exit 1
+ echo -e "\n\n[STAGE 3] Update service osm_ro with generated docker image"
+ docker service update osm_ro --force --image opensourcemano/ro:py3_devops
+ sleep 2
+ docker container prune -f
+ docker service logs osm_ro