raise ClientException("failed to create vim")
self._attach(name, vim_account)
+ self._update_ro_accounts()
+ def _update_ro_accounts(self):
+ get_ro_accounts = self._http.get_cmd('api/operational/{}ro-account'
+ .format(self._client.so_rbac_project_path))
+ if not get_ro_accounts or 'rw-ro-account:ro-account' not in get_ro_accounts:
+ return
+ for account in get_ro_accounts['rw-ro-account:ro-account']['account']:
+ if account['ro-account-type'] == 'openmano':
+ # Refresh the Account Status
+ refresh_body = {"input": {
+ "ro-account": account['name'],
+ "project-name": self._client._so_project
+ }
+ }
+ refresh_status = self._http.post_cmd('api/operations/update-ro-account-status',
+ refresh_body)
+ if refresh_status and 'error' in refresh_status:
+ raise ClientException("Failed to refersh RO Account Status")
def update_vim_account_dict(self, vim_account, vim_access, vim_config):
if vim_access['vim-type'] == 'vmware':
# detach. continue if error,
# it could be the datacenter is left without attachment
- if 'result' not in self._ro_http.delete_cmd('openmano/datacenters/{}'
- .format(vim_name)):
- raise ClientException("failed to delete vim {}".format(vim_name))
+ resp = self._ro_http.delete_cmd('openmano/datacenters/{}'
+ .format(vim_name))
+ if 'result' not in resp:
+ raise ClientException("failed to delete vim {} - {}".format(vim_name, resp))
+ self._update_ro_accounts()
def list(self):
if self._client._so_version == 'v3':
ro_accounts = resp['rw-ro-account:ro-account-state']
for ro_account in ro_accounts['account']:
+ if 'datacenters' not in ro_account:
+ continue
+ if 'datacenters' not in ro_account['datacenters']:
+ continue
for datacenter in ro_account['datacenters']['datacenters']:
datacenters.append({"name": datacenter['name'], "uuid": datacenter['uuid']
if 'uuid' in datacenter else None})
ro_accounts = resp['rw-ro-account:ro-account-state']
for ro_account in ro_accounts['account']:
+ if 'datacenters' not in ro_account:
+ continue
+ if 'datacenters' not in ro_account['datacenters']:
+ continue
for datacenter in ro_account['datacenters']['datacenters']:
if datacenter['name'] == name:
return datacenter, ro_account['name']