if vnf_RO.get("ip_address"):
db_vnfr["ip-address"] = vnfr_update["ip-address"] = vnf_RO["ip_address"].split(";")[0]
elif not db_vnfr.get("ip-address"):
- raise LcmExceptionNoMgmtIP("ns member_vnf_index '{}' has no IP address".format(vnf_index))
+ if db_vnfr.get("vdur"): # if not VDUs, there is not ip_address
+ raise LcmExceptionNoMgmtIP("ns member_vnf_index '{}' has no IP address".format(vnf_index))
for vdu_index, vdur in enumerate(get_iterable(db_vnfr, "vdur")):
vdur_RO_count_index = 0
RO_descriptor_number = 0 # number of descriptors created at RO
vnf_index_2_RO_id = {} # map between vnfd/nsd id to the id used at RO
start_deploy = time()
- vdu_flag = False # If any of the VNFDs has VDUs
ns_params = db_nslcmop.get("operationParams")
if ns_params and ns_params.get("timeout_ns_deploy"):
timeout_ns_deploy = ns_params["timeout_ns_deploy"]
for c_vnf in nsd.get("constituent-vnfd", ()):
member_vnf_index = c_vnf["member-vnf-index"]
vnfd = db_vnfds_ref[c_vnf['vnfd-id-ref']]
- if vnfd.get("vdu"):
- vdu_flag = True
vnfd_ref = vnfd["id"]
step = db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.RO.detailed-status"] = "Creating vnfd='{}' member_vnf_index='{}' at" \
" RO".format(vnfd_ref, member_vnf_index)
elif ns_status == "ACTIVE":
step = detailed_status = "Waiting for management IP address reported by the VIM. Updating VNFRs"
- if vdu_flag:
- self.ns_update_vnfr(db_vnfrs, desc)
+ self.ns_update_vnfr(db_vnfrs, desc)
except LcmExceptionNoMgmtIP:
if not done_list: # timeout
for task in pending_list:
- db_nsr_update[pending_tasks(task) + "detailed-status"] = "Timeout"
+ db_nsr_update[pending_tasks[task] + "detailed-status"] = "Timeout"
deployed_ok = False
for task in done_list: