:param headers: http request headers
:return: id of the nslcmops
+ def check_if_nsr_is_not_slice_member(session, nsr_id):
+ nsis = None
+ db_filter = self._get_project_filter(session)
+ db_filter["_admin.nsrs-detailed-list.ANYINDEX.nsrId"] = nsr_id
+ nsis = self.db.get_one("nsis", db_filter, fail_on_empty=False, fail_on_more=False)
+ if nsis:
+ raise EngineException("The NS instance {} cannot be terminate because is used by the slice {}".format(
+ nsr_id, nsis["_id"]), http_code=HTTPStatus.CONFLICT)
# Override descriptor with query string kwargs
self._update_input_with_kwargs(indata, kwargs)
nsr = self.db.get_one("nsrs", _filter)
# initial checking
+ if operation == "terminate" and slice_object is False:
+ check_if_nsr_is_not_slice_member(session, nsr["_id"])
if not nsr["_admin"].get("nsState") or nsr["_admin"]["nsState"] == "NOT_INSTANTIATED":
if operation == "terminate" and indata.get("autoremove"):
# NSR must be deleted