'wim': ("name", "wim_url"),
'vim_account': (),
'wim_account': (),
- 'sdn': ("name", "port", 'ip', 'dpid', 'type'),
+ 'sdn': ("name", 'type'),
timeout_large = 120
timeout_short = 30
:param ns_descriptor: instance descriptor obtained with self.show("ns", )
:return: status, message: status can be BUILD,ACTIVE,ERROR, message is a text message
- net_total = 0
- vm_total = 0
- net_done = 0
- vm_done = 0
+ error_list = []
+ total = {"VMs": 0, "networks": 0, "SDN_networks": 0}
+ done = {"VMs": 0, "networks": 0, "SDN_networks": 0}
- def _get_ref(desc): # return an identification for the network or vm. Try vim_id if exist, if not descriptor id
- # for net
+ def _get_ref(desc):
+ # return an identification for the network or vm. Try vim_id if exist, if not descriptor id for net
if desc.get("vim_net_id"):
return "'vim-id={}'".format(desc["vim_net_id"])
elif desc.get("ns_net_osm_id"):
return ""
- for net in ns_descriptor["nets"]:
- net_total += 1
- if net["status"] in ("ERROR", "VIM_ERROR"):
- return "ERROR", "VIM network ({}) on error: {}".format(_get_ref(net), net["error_msg"])
- elif net["status"] == "ACTIVE":
- net_done += 1
- for vnf in ns_descriptor["vnfs"]:
- for vm in vnf["vms"]:
- vm_total += 1
- if vm["status"] in ("ERROR", "VIM_ERROR"):
- return "ERROR", "VIM VM ({}) on error: {}".format(_get_ref(vm), vm["error_msg"])
- elif vm["status"] == "ACTIVE":
- vm_done += 1
- if net_total == net_done and vm_total == vm_done:
- return "ACTIVE", "VMs {}, networks: {}".format(vm_total, net_total)
- else:
- return "BUILD", "VMs: {}/{}, networks: {}/{}".format(vm_done, vm_total, net_done, net_total)
+ def _get_sdn_ref(sce_net_id):
+ # look for the network associated to the SDN network and obtain the identification
+ net = next((x for x in ns_descriptor["nets"] if x.get("sce_net_id") == sce_net_id), None)
+ if not sce_net_id or not net:
+ return ""
+ return _get_ref(net)
+ try:
+ total["networks"] = len(ns_descriptor["nets"])
+ for net in ns_descriptor["nets"]:
+ if net["status"] in ("ERROR", "VIM_ERROR"):
+ error_list.append("VIM network ({}) on error: {}".format(_get_ref(net), net["error_msg"]))
+ elif net["status"] == "ACTIVE":
+ done["networks"] += 1
+ total["SDN_networks"] = len(ns_descriptor["sdn_nets"])
+ for sdn_net in ns_descriptor["sdn_nets"]:
+ if sdn_net["status"] in ("ERROR", "VIM_ERROR", "WIM_ERROR"):
+ error_list.append("SDN network ({}) on error: {}".format(_get_sdn_ref(sdn_net.get("sce_net_id")),
+ sdn_net["error_msg"]))
+ elif sdn_net["status"] == "ACTIVE":
+ done["SDN_networks"] += 1
+ for vnf in ns_descriptor["vnfs"]:
+ for vm in vnf["vms"]:
+ total["VMs"] += 1
+ if vm["status"] in ("ERROR", "VIM_ERROR"):
+ error_list.append("VIM VM ({}) on error: {}".format(_get_ref(vm), vm["error_msg"]))
+ elif vm["status"] == "ACTIVE":
+ done["VMs"] += 1
+ if error_list:
+ return "ERROR", "; ".join(error_list)
+ if all(total[x] == done[x] for x in total): # DONE == TOTAL for all items
+ return "ACTIVE", str({x: total[x] for x in total if total[x]}) # print only those which value is not 0
+ else:
+ return "BUILD", str({x: "{}/{}".format(done[x], total[x]) for x in total if total[x]})
+ # print done/total for each item if total is not 0
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise ROClientException("Unexpected RO ns descriptor. Wrong version? {}".format(e)) from e
def check_action_status(action_descriptor):