from random import randint
import os
from sys import stderr
+from uuid import uuid4
__author__ = "Alfonso Tierno,"
__date__ = "$2018-03-01$"
def run(engine, test_osm, manual_check, test_params=None):
- engine.get_autorization()
- engine.test("Create project non admin", "POST", "/admin/v1/projects", headers_json, {"name": "P1"},
- (201, 204), {"Location": "/admin/v1/projects/", "Content-Type": "application/json"}, "json")
- engine.test("Create project admin", "POST", "/admin/v1/projects", headers_json,
- {"name": "Padmin", "admin": True}, (201, 204),
- {"Location": "/admin/v1/projects/", "Content-Type": "application/json"}, "json")
- engine.test("Create project bad format", "POST", "/admin/v1/projects", headers_json, {"name": 1}, (400, 422),
- r_header_json, "json")
- engine.test("Create user with bad project", "POST", "/admin/v1/users", headers_json,
- {"username": "U1", "projects": ["P1", "P2", "Padmin"], "password": "pw1"}, 409,
- r_header_json, "json")
- engine.test("Create user with bad project and force", "POST", "/admin/v1/users?FORCE=True", headers_json,
- {"username": "U1", "projects": ["P1", "P2", "Padmin"], "password": "pw1"}, 201,
- {"Location": "/admin/v1/users/", "Content-Type": "application/json"}, "json")
- engine.test("Create user 2", "POST", "/admin/v1/users", headers_json,
- {"username": "U2", "projects": ["P1"], "password": "pw2"}, 201,
- {"Location": "/admin/v1/users/", "Content-Type": "application/json"}, "json")
- engine.test("Edit user U1, delete P2 project", "PATCH", "/admin/v1/users/U1", headers_json,
- {"projects": {"$'P2'": None}}, 204, None, None)
- res = engine.test("Check user U1, contains the right projects", "GET", "/admin/v1/users/U1",
- headers_json, None, 200, None, json)
- if res:
- u1 = res.json()
- # print(u1)
- expected_projects = ["P1", "Padmin"]
- if u1["projects"] != expected_projects:
- logger.error("User content projects '{}' different than expected '{}'. Edition has not done"
- " properly".format(u1["projects"], expected_projects))
- engine.failed_tests += 1
+ # backend = test_params.get("backend") if test_params else None # UNUSED
- engine.test("Edit user U1, set Padmin as default project", "PUT", "/admin/v1/users/U1", headers_json,
- {"projects": {"$'Padmin'": None, "$+[0]": "Padmin"}}, 204, None, None)
- res = engine.test("Check user U1, contains the right projects", "GET", "/admin/v1/users/U1",
- headers_json, None, 200, None, json)
- if res:
- u1 = res.json()
- # print(u1)
- expected_projects = ["Padmin", "P1"]
- if u1["projects"] != expected_projects:
- logger.error("User content projects '{}' different than expected '{}'. Edition has not done"
- " properly".format(u1["projects"], expected_projects))
- engine.failed_tests += 1
- engine.test("Edit user U1, change password", "PATCH", "/admin/v1/users/U1", headers_json,
- {"password": "pw1_new"}, 204, None, None)
+ # Initialisation
+ p1 = p2 = p3 = None
+ padmin = pbad = None
+ u1 = u2 = u3 = u4 = None
- engine.test("Change to project P1 non existing", "POST", "/admin/v1/tokens/", headers_json,
- {"project_id": "P1"}, 401, r_header_json, "json")
+ engine.get_autorization()
- res = engine.test("Change to user U1 project P1", "POST", "/admin/v1/tokens", headers_json,
- {"username": "U1", "password": "pw1_new", "project_id": "P1"}, (200, 201),
- r_header_json, "json")
+ res = engine.test("Create project non admin 1", "POST", "/admin/v1/projects", headers_json, {"name": "P1"},
+ (201, 204), {"Location": "/admin/v1/projects/", "Content-Type": "application/json"}, "json")
+ p1 = engine.last_id if res else None
+ res = engine.test("Create project admin", "POST", "/admin/v1/projects", headers_json,
+ {"name": "Padmin", "admin": True}, (201, 204),
+ {"Location": "/admin/v1/projects/", "Content-Type": "application/json"}, "json")
+ padmin = engine.last_id if res else None
+ res = engine.test("Create project bad format", "POST", "/admin/v1/projects", headers_json, {"name": 1},
+ (400, 422), r_header_json, "json")
+ pbad = engine.last_id if res else None
+ res = engine.test("Get project admin role", "GET", "/admin/v1/roles?name=project_admin", headers_json, {},
+ (200), {"Content-Type": "application/json"}, "json")
+ rpa = res.json()[0]["_id"] if res else None
+ res = engine.test("Get project user role", "GET", "/admin/v1/roles?name=project_user", headers_json, {},
+ (200), {"Content-Type": "application/json"}, "json")
+ rpu = res.json()[0]["_id"] if res else None
+ res = engine.test("Get system admin role", "GET", "/admin/v1/roles?name=system_admin", headers_json, {},
+ (200), {"Content-Type": "application/json"}, "json")
+ rsa = res.json()[0]["_id"] if res else None
+ data = {"username": "U1", "password": "pw1"}
+ p2 = uuid4().hex
+ data["project_role_mappings"] = [
+ {"project": p1, "role": rpa},
+ {"project": p2, "role": rpa},
+ {"project": padmin, "role": rpu}
+ ]
+ rc = 201
+ xhd = {"Location": "/admin/v1/users/", "Content-Type": "application/json"}
+ res = engine.test("Create user with bad project and force", "POST", "/admin/v1/users?FORCE=True", headers_json,
+ data, rc, xhd, "json")
if res:
- response = res.json()
- engine.set_header({"Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(response["id"])})
- engine.test("Edit user projects non admin", "PUT", "/admin/v1/users/U1", headers_json,
- {"projects": {"$'P1'": None}}, 401, r_header_json, "json")
- engine.test("Add new project non admin", "POST", "/admin/v1/projects", headers_json,
- {"name": "P2"}, 401, r_header_json, "json")
- engine.test("Add new user non admin", "POST", "/admin/v1/users", headers_json,
- {"username": "U3", "projects": ["P1"], "password": "pw3"}, 401,
- r_header_json, "json")
+ u1 = engine.last_id
+ else:
+ # User is created sometimes even though an exception is raised
+ res = engine.test("Get user U1", "GET", "/admin/v1/users?username=U1", headers_json, {},
+ (200), {"Content-Type": "application/json"}, "json")
+ u1 = res.json()[0]["_id"] if res else None
+ data = {"username": "U2", "password": "pw2"}
+ data["project_role_mappings"] = [{"project": p1, "role": rpa}, {"project": padmin, "role": rsa}]
+ res = engine.test("Create user 2", "POST", "/admin/v1/users", headers_json,
+ data, 201, {"Location": "/admin/v1/users/", "Content-Type": "application/json"}, "json")
+ u2 = engine.last_id if res else None
+ if u1:
+ ftt = "project_role_mappings"
+ xpr = [{"project": p1, "role": rpa}, {"project": padmin, "role": rpu}]
+ data = {ftt: xpr}
+ engine.test("Edit user U1, delete P2 project", "PATCH", "/admin/v1/users/"+u1, headers_json,
+ data, 204, None, None)
+ res = engine.test("Check user U1, contains the right projects", "GET", "/admin/v1/users/"+u1,
+ headers_json, None, 200, None, json)
+ if res:
+ rj = res.json()
+ xpr[0]["project_name"] = "P1"
+ xpr[0]["role_name"] = "project_admin"
+ xpr[1]["project_name"] = "Padmin"
+ xpr[1]["role_name"] = "project_user"
+ ok = True
+ for pr in rj[ftt]:
+ if pr not in xpr:
+ ok = False
+ for pr in xpr:
+ if pr not in rj[ftt]:
+ ok = False
+ if not ok:
+ logger.error("User {} '{}' are different than expected '{}'. Edition was not done properly"
+ .format(ftt, rj[ftt], xpr))
+ engine.failed_tests += 1
- res = engine.test("Change to user U1 project Padmin", "POST", "/admin/v1/tokens", headers_json,
- {"project_id": "Padmin"}, (200, 201), r_header_json, "json")
- if res:
- response = res.json()
- engine.set_header({"Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(response["id"])})
+ p2 = None # To prevent deletion attempts
+ # Add a test of 'default project' for Keystone?
+ if u2:
+ engine.test("Edit user U2, change password", "PUT", "/admin/v1/users/"+u2, headers_json,
+ {"password": "pw2_new"}, 204, None, None)
+ if p1:
+ engine.test("Change to project P1 non existing", "POST", "/admin/v1/tokens/", headers_json,
+ {"project_id": p1}, 401, r_header_json, "json")
+ if u2 and p1:
+ res = engine.test("Change to user U2 project P1", "POST", "/admin/v1/tokens", headers_json,
+ {"username": "U2", "password": "pw2_new", "project_id": "P1"}, (200, 201),
+ r_header_json, "json")
+ if res:
+ rj = res.json()
+ engine.set_header({"Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(rj["id"])})
+ engine.test("Edit user projects non admin", "PUT", "/admin/v1/users/U1", headers_json,
+ {"remove_project_role_mappings": [{"project": "P1", "role": None}]},
+ 401, r_header_json, "json")
+ res = engine.test("Add new project non admin", "POST", "/admin/v1/projects", headers_json,
+ {"name": "P2"}, 401, r_header_json, "json")
+ if res is None or res.status_code == 201:
+ # The project has been created even though it shouldn't
+ res = engine.test("Get project P2", "GET", "/admin/v1/projects/P2", headers_json, None,
+ 200, r_header_json, "json")
+ p2 = res.json()["_id"] if res else None
+ if p1:
+ data = {"username": "U3", "password": "pw3"}
+ data["project_role_mappings"] = [{"project": p1, "role": rpu}]
+ res = engine.test("Add new user non admin", "POST", "/admin/v1/users", headers_json,
+ data, 401, r_header_json, "json")
+ if res is None or res.status_code == 201:
+ # The user has been created even though it shouldn't
+ res = engine.test("Get user U3", "GET", "/admin/v1/users/U3", headers_json, None,
+ 200, r_header_json, "json")
+ u3 = res.json()["_id"] if res else None
+ else:
+ u3 = None
+ if padmin:
+ res = engine.test("Change to user U2 project Padmin", "POST", "/admin/v1/tokens", headers_json,
+ {"project_id": "Padmin"}, # Caused a Keystone authentication error
+ # {"username": "U2", "password": "pw2_new", "project_id": "Padmin"},
+ (200, 201), r_header_json, "json")
+ if res:
+ rj = res.json()
+ engine.set_header({"Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(rj["id"])})
+ res = engine.test("Add new project admin", "POST", "/admin/v1/projects", headers_json,
+ {"name": "P3"}, (201, 204),
+ {"Location": "/admin/v1/projects/", "Content-Type": "application/json"},
+ "json")
+ p3 = engine.last_id if res else None
+ if p1:
+ data = {"username": "U4", "password": "pw4"}
+ data["project_role_mappings"] = [{"project": p1, "role": rpa}]
+ res = engine.test("Add new user admin", "POST", "/admin/v1/users", headers_json,
+ data, (201, 204),
+ {"Location": "/admin/v1/users/", "Content-Type": "application/json"},
+ "json")
+ u4 = engine.last_id if res else None
+ else:
+ u4 = None
+ if u4 and p3:
+ data = {"project_role_mappings": [{"project": p3, "role": rpa}]}
+ engine.test("Edit user projects admin", "PUT", "/admin/v1/users/U4", headers_json,
+ data, 204, None, None)
+ # Project is deleted even though it shouldn't - PROVISIONAL?
+ res = engine.test("Delete project P3 conflict", "DELETE", "/admin/v1/projects/"+p3,
+ headers_json, None, 409, None, None)
+ if res and res.status_code in (200, 204):
+ p3 = None
+ if p3:
+ res = engine.test("Delete project P3 forcing", "DELETE",
+ "/admin/v1/projects/"+p3+"?FORCE=True", headers_json, None, 204,
+ None, None)
+ if res and res.status_code in (200, 204):
+ p3 = None
+ if u2:
+ res = engine.test("Delete user U2. Conflict deleting own user", "DELETE",
+ "/admin/v1/users/"+u2, headers_json, None, 409, r_header_json, "json")
+ if res is None or res.status_code in (200, 204):
+ u2 = None
+ if u4:
+ res = engine.test("Delete user U4", "DELETE", "/admin/v1/users/"+u4, headers_json, None,
+ 204, None, None)
+ if res and res.status_code in (200, 204):
+ u4 = None
+ if p3:
+ res = engine.test("Delete project P3", "DELETE", "/admin/v1/projects/"+p3, headers_json,
+ None, 204, None, None)
+ if res and res.status_code in (200, 204):
+ p3 = None
+ if u3:
+ res = engine.test("Delete user U3", "DELETE", "/admin/v1/users/"+u3, headers_json, None,
+ 204, None, None)
+ if res:
+ u3 = None
- engine.test("Add new project admin", "POST", "/admin/v1/projects", headers_json, {"name": "P2"},
- (201, 204), {"Location": "/admin/v1/projects/", "Content-Type": "application/json"}, "json")
- engine.test("Add new user U3 admin", "POST", "/admin/v1/users",
- headers_json, {"username": "U3", "projects": ["P2"], "password": "pw3"}, (201, 204),
- {"Location": "/admin/v1/users/", "Content-Type": "application/json"}, "json")
- engine.test("Edit user projects admin", "PUT", "/admin/v1/users/U3", headers_json,
- {"projects": ["P2"]}, 204, None, None)
- engine.test("Delete project P2 conflict", "DELETE", "/admin/v1/projects/P2", headers_json, None, 409,
- r_header_json, "json")
- engine.test("Delete project P2 forcing", "DELETE", "/admin/v1/projects/P2?FORCE=True", headers_json,
- None, 204, None, None)
- engine.test("Delete user U1. Conflict deleting own user", "DELETE", "/admin/v1/users/U1", headers_json,
- None, 409, r_header_json, "json")
- engine.test("Delete user U2", "DELETE", "/admin/v1/users/U2", headers_json, None, 204, None, None)
- engine.test("Delete user U3", "DELETE", "/admin/v1/users/U3", headers_json, None, 204, None, None)
# change to admin
engine.remove_authorization() # To force get authorization
- engine.test("Delete user U1 by Name", "DELETE", "/admin/v1/users/U1", headers_json, None, 204, None, None)
- engine.test("Delete project P1 by Name", "DELETE", "/admin/v1/projects/P1", headers_json, None, 204, None, None)
- engine.test("Delete project Padmin by Name", "DELETE", "/admin/v1/projects/Padmin", headers_json, None, 204,
- None, None)
+ if u1:
+ engine.test("Delete user U1", "DELETE", "/admin/v1/users/"+u1, headers_json, None, 204, None, None)
+ if u2:
+ engine.test("Delete user U2", "DELETE", "/admin/v1/users/"+u2, headers_json, None, 204, None, None)
+ if u3:
+ engine.test("Delete user U3", "DELETE", "/admin/v1/users/"+u3, headers_json, None, 204, None, None)
+ if u4:
+ engine.test("Delete user U4", "DELETE", "/admin/v1/users/"+u4, headers_json, None, 204, None, None)
+ if p1:
+ engine.test("Delete project P1", "DELETE", "/admin/v1/projects/"+p1, headers_json, None, 204, None, None)
+ if p2:
+ engine.test("Delete project P2", "DELETE", "/admin/v1/projects/"+p2, headers_json, None, 204, None, None)
+ if p3:
+ engine.test("Delete project P3", "DELETE", "/admin/v1/projects/"+p3, headers_json, None, 204, None, None)
+ if padmin:
+ engine.test("Delete project Padmin", "DELETE", "/admin/v1/projects/"+padmin, headers_json, None, 204,
+ None, None)
+ if pbad:
+ engine.test("Delete bad project", "DELETE", "/admin/v1/projects/"+pbad, headers_json, None, 204,
+ None, None)
# BEGIN New Tests - Addressing Projects/Users by Name/ID
+ pid1 = pid2 = None
+ uid1 = uid2 = None
res = engine.test("Create new project P1", "POST", "/admin/v1/projects", headers_json, {"name": "P1"},
201, {"Location": "/admin/v1/projects/", "Content-Type": "application/json"}, "json")
if res:
if res:
pid2 = res.json()["id"]
# print("# pid =", pid2)
- res = engine.test("Create new user U1", "POST", "/admin/v1/users", headers_json,
- {"username": "U1", "projects": ["P1"], "password": "pw1"}, 201,
+ data = {"username": "U1", "password": "pw1"}
+ data["project_role_mappings"] = [{"project": pid1, "role": rpu}]
+ res = engine.test("Create new user U1", "POST", "/admin/v1/users", headers_json, data, 201,
{"Location": "/admin/v1/users/", "Content-Type": "application/json"}, "json")
if res:
uid1 = res.json()["id"]
# print("# uid =", uid1)
- res = engine.test("Create new user U2", "POST", "/admin/v1/users", headers_json,
- {"username": "U2", "projects": ["P2"], "password": "pw2"}, 201,
+ data = {"username": "U2", "password": "pw2"}
+ data["project_role_mappings"] = [{"project": pid2, "role": rpu}]
+ res = engine.test("Create new user U2", "POST", "/admin/v1/users", headers_json, data, 201,
{"Location": "/admin/v1/users/", "Content-Type": "application/json"}, "json")
if res:
uid2 = res.json()["id"]
# print("# uid =", uid2)
- engine.test("Get Project P1 by Name", "GET", "/admin/v1/projects/P1", headers_json, None, 200, None, "json")
- engine.test("Get Project P1 by ID", "GET", "/admin/v1/projects/"+pid1, headers_json, None, 200, None, "json")
- engine.test("Get User U1 by Name", "GET", "/admin/v1/users/U1", headers_json, None, 200, None, "json")
- engine.test("Get User U1 by ID", "GET", "/admin/v1/users/"+uid1, headers_json, None, 200, None, "json")
- engine.test("Rename Project P1 by Name", "PUT", "/admin/v1/projects/P1", headers_json,
- {"name": "P3"}, 204, None, None)
- engine.test("Rename Project P2 by ID", "PUT", "/admin/v1/projects/"+pid2, headers_json,
- {"name": "P4"}, 204, None, None)
- engine.test("Rename User U1 by Name", "PUT", "/admin/v1/users/U1", headers_json,
- {"username": "U3"}, 204, None, None)
- engine.test("Rename User U2 by ID", "PUT", "/admin/v1/users/"+uid2, headers_json,
- {"username": "U4"}, 204, None, None)
- engine.test("Get Project P1 by new Name", "GET", "/admin/v1/projects/P3", headers_json, None, 200, None, "json")
- engine.test("Get User U1 by new Name", "GET", "/admin/v1/users/U3", headers_json, None, 200, None, "json")
- engine.test("Delete User U1 by Name", "DELETE", "/admin/v1/users/U3", headers_json, None, 204, None, None)
- engine.test("Delete User U2 by ID", "DELETE", "/admin/v1/users/"+uid2, headers_json, None, 204, None, None)
- engine.test("Delete Project P1 by Name", "DELETE", "/admin/v1/projects/P3", headers_json, None, 204, None,
- None)
- engine.test("Delete Project P2 by ID", "DELETE", "/admin/v1/projects/"+pid2, headers_json, None, 204, None,
- None)
+ if pid1:
+ engine.test("Get Project P1 by Name", "GET", "/admin/v1/projects/P1", headers_json, None,
+ 200, None, "json")
+ engine.test("Get Project P1 by ID", "GET", "/admin/v1/projects/"+pid1, headers_json, None,
+ 200, None, "json")
+ if uid1:
+ engine.test("Get User U1 by Name", "GET", "/admin/v1/users/U1", headers_json, None, 200, None, "json")
+ engine.test("Get User U1 by ID", "GET", "/admin/v1/users/"+uid1, headers_json, None, 200, None, "json")
+ if pid1:
+ res = engine.test("Rename Project P1 by Name", "PUT", "/admin/v1/projects/P1", headers_json,
+ {"name": "P3"}, 204, None, None)
+ if res:
+ engine.test("Get Project P1 by new Name", "GET", "/admin/v1/projects/P3", headers_json, None,
+ 200, None, "json")
+ if pid2:
+ res = engine.test("Rename Project P2 by ID", "PUT", "/admin/v1/projects/"+pid2, headers_json,
+ {"name": "P4"}, 204, None, None)
+ if res:
+ engine.test("Get Project P2 by new Name", "GET", "/admin/v1/projects/P4", headers_json, None,
+ 200, None, "json")
+ if uid1:
+ res = engine.test("Rename User U1 by Name", "PUT", "/admin/v1/users/U1", headers_json,
+ {"username": "U3"}, 204, None, None)
+ if res:
+ engine.test("Get User U1 by new Name", "GET", "/admin/v1/users/U3", headers_json, None,
+ 200, None, "json")
+ if uid2:
+ res = engine.test("Rename User U2 by ID", "PUT", "/admin/v1/users/"+uid2, headers_json,
+ {"username": "U4"}, 204, None, None)
+ if res:
+ engine.test("Get User U2 by new Name", "GET", "/admin/v1/users/U4", headers_json, None,
+ 200, None, "json")
+ if uid1:
+ res = engine.test("Delete User U1 by Name", "DELETE", "/admin/v1/users/U3", headers_json, None,
+ 204, None, None)
+ if res:
+ uid1 = None
+ if uid2:
+ res = engine.test("Delete User U2 by ID", "DELETE", "/admin/v1/users/"+uid2, headers_json, None,
+ 204, None, None)
+ if res:
+ uid2 = None
+ if pid1:
+ res = engine.test("Delete Project P1 by Name", "DELETE", "/admin/v1/projects/P3", headers_json, None,
+ 204, None, None)
+ if res:
+ pid1 = None
+ if pid2:
+ res = engine.test("Delete Project P2 by ID", "DELETE", "/admin/v1/projects/"+pid2, headers_json, None,
+ 204, None, None)
+ if res:
+ pid2 = None
# END New Tests - Addressing Projects/Users by Name
+ if pid1:
+ engine.test("Delete Project P1", "DELETE", "/admin/v1/projects/"+pid1, headers_json, None, 204, None, None)
+ if pid2:
+ engine.test("Delete Project P2", "DELETE", "/admin/v1/projects/"+pid2, headers_json, None, 204, None, None)
+ if uid1:
+ engine.test("Delete User U1", "DELETE", "/admin/v1/users/"+uid1, headers_json, None, 204, None, None)
+ if uid2:
+ engine.test("Delete User U2", "DELETE", "/admin/v1/users/"+uid2, headers_json, None, 204, None, None)
engine.remove_authorization() # To finish
res = engine.test("List VNFD of admin project", "GET",
headers_json, None, 200, r_header_json, "json")
- response = res.json()
- if len(response) != 3:
- logger.error("Only 3 vnfds should be present for project Padmin. {} listed".format(len(response)))
- engine.failed_tests += 1
+ if res:
+ response = res.json()
+ if len(response) != 3:
+ logger.error("Only 3 vnfds should be present for project Padmin. {} listed".format(len(response)))
+ engine.failed_tests += 1
# Get Public vnfds
engine.test("Get VNFD public descriptors", "GET", "/vnfpkgm/v1/vnf_packages/{}".format(vnfd_ids[1]),
headers_yaml, None, 204, None, 0)
+class TestAuthentication:
+ description = "Test Authentication"
+ @staticmethod
+ def run(engine, test_osm, manual_check, test_params=None):
+ engine.set_test_name("Authentication")
+ # backend = test_params.get("backend") if test_params else None # UNUSED
+ admin_project_id = test_project_id = None
+ project_admin_role_id = project_user_role_id = None
+ test_user_id = empty_user_id = None
+ default_role_id = empty_role_id = token_role_id = None
+ engine.get_autorization()
+ # GET
+ engine.test("Get tokens", "GET", "/admin/v1/tokens", headers_json, {},
+ (200), {"Content-Type": "application/json"}, "json")
+ engine.test("Get projects", "GET", "/admin/v1/projects", headers_json, {},
+ (200), {"Content-Type": "application/json"}, "json")
+ engine.test("Get users", "GET", "/admin/v1/users", headers_json, {},
+ (200), {"Content-Type": "application/json"}, "json")
+ engine.test("Get roles", "GET", "/admin/v1/roles", headers_json, {},
+ (200), {"Content-Type": "application/json"}, "json")
+ res = engine.test("Get admin project", "GET", "/admin/v1/projects?name=admin", headers_json, {},
+ (200), {"Content-Type": "application/json"}, "json")
+ admin_project_id = res.json()[0]["_id"] if res else None
+ res = engine.test("Get project admin role", "GET", "/admin/v1/roles?name=project_admin", headers_json, {},
+ (200), {"Content-Type": "application/json"}, "json")
+ project_admin_role_id = res.json()[0]["_id"] if res else None
+ res = engine.test("Get project user role", "GET", "/admin/v1/roles?name=project_user", headers_json, {},
+ (200), {"Content-Type": "application/json"}, "json")
+ project_user_role_id = res.json()[0]["_id"] if res else None
+ # POST
+ res = engine.test("Create test project", "POST", "/admin/v1/projects", headers_json, {"name": "test"},
+ (201), {"Location": "/admin/v1/projects/", "Content-Type": "application/json"}, "json")
+ test_project_id = engine.last_id if res else None
+ res = engine.test("Create role without permissions", "POST", "/admin/v1/roles", headers_json, {"name": "empty"},
+ (201), {"Content-Type": "application/json"}, "json")
+ empty_role_id = engine.last_id if res else None
+ res = engine.test("Create role with default permissions", "POST", "/admin/v1/roles", headers_json,
+ {"name": "default", "permissions": {"default": True}},
+ (201), {"Location": "/admin/v1/roles/", "Content-Type": "application/json"}, "json")
+ default_role_id = engine.last_id if res else None
+ res = engine.test("Create role with token permissions", "POST", "/admin/v1/roles", headers_json,
+ {"name": "tokens", "permissions": {"tokens": True}}, # is default required ?
+ (201), {"Location": "/admin/v1/roles/", "Content-Type": "application/json"}, "json")
+ token_role_id = engine.last_id if res else None
+ pr = "project-role mappings"
+ res = engine.test("Create user without "+pr, "POST", "/admin/v1/users", headers_json,
+ {"username": "empty", "password": "empty"},
+ 201, {"Content-Type": "application/json"}, "json")
+ empty_user_id = engine.last_id if res else None
+ if admin_project_id and test_project_id and project_admin_role_id and project_user_role_id:
+ data = {"username": "test", "password": "test"}
+ data["project_role_mappings"] = [
+ {"project": test_project_id, "role": project_admin_role_id},
+ {"project": admin_project_id, "role": project_user_role_id}
+ ]
+ res = engine.test("Create user with "+pr, "POST", "/admin/v1/users", headers_json, data,
+ (201), {"Content-Type": "application/json"}, "json")
+ test_user_id = engine.last_id if res else None
+ # PUT
+ if test_user_id:
+ engine.test("Modify test user's password", "PUT", "/admin/v1/users/"+test_user_id, headers_json,
+ {"password": "password"},
+ (204), {}, 0)
+ if empty_user_id and admin_project_id and test_project_id and project_admin_role_id and project_user_role_id:
+ data = {"project_role_mappings": [
+ {"project": test_project_id, "role": project_admin_role_id},
+ {"project": admin_project_id, "role": project_user_role_id}
+ ]}
+ engine.test("Modify empty user's "+pr, "PUT", "/admin/v1/users/"+empty_user_id,
+ headers_json,
+ data,
+ (204), {}, 0)
+ if empty_user_id:
+ engine.test("Delete empty user", "DELETE", "/admin/v1/users/"+empty_user_id, headers_json, {},
+ (204), {}, 0)
+ if test_user_id:
+ engine.test("Delete test user", "DELETE", "/admin/v1/users/"+test_user_id, headers_json, {},
+ (204), {}, 0)
+ if empty_role_id:
+ engine.test("Delete empty role", "DELETE", "/admin/v1/roles/"+empty_role_id, headers_json, {},
+ (204), {}, 0)
+ if default_role_id:
+ engine.test("Delete default role", "DELETE", "/admin/v1/roles/"+default_role_id, headers_json, {},
+ (204), {}, 0)
+ if token_role_id:
+ engine.test("Delete token role", "DELETE", "/admin/v1/roles/"+token_role_id, headers_json, {},
+ (204), {}, 0)
+ if test_project_id:
+ engine.test("Delete test project", "DELETE", "/admin/v1/projects/"+test_project_id, headers_json, {},
+ (204), {}, 0)
+ # END Tests
+ engine.remove_authorization() # To finish
if __name__ == "__main__":
global logger
test = ""
"Deploy-Slice-Instance": TestNetSliceInstances,
"Deploy-SimpleCharm": TestDeploySimpleCharm,
"Deploy-SimpleCharm2": TestDeploySimpleCharm2,
+ "Authentication": TestAuthentication,
test_to_do = []
test_params = {}