\ No newline at end of file
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive pip install -U pip && \
DEBIAN_FRONTENT=noninteractive pip install -U requests logutils jsonschema lxml kafka mock && \
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive pip install -U setuptools setuptools-version-command stdeb jsmin && \
- DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive pip install -U six pyvcloud bottle cherrypy pyopenssl && \
+ DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive pip install -U six pyvcloud==18.2.* bottle cherrypy pyopenssl && \
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get --yes install default-jre libmysqlclient-dev && \
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get --yes install libmysqlclient-dev libxml2 && \
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive pip install -U MySQL-python \
gnocchiclient \
boto==2.48 \
python-cloudwatchlogs-logging \
- py-cloudwatch
+ py-cloudwatch \
+ peewee==3.1.*
- lxc exec MON -- nohup python /root/MON/osm_mon/core/message_bus/common_consumer &
+ lxc exec MON -- nohup python /root/MON/osm_mon/core/message_bus/common_consumer.py > /root/MON_plugins.log 2>&1 &
* To enable Aodh alarm notifications to be sent to SO:
--- /dev/null
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2018 Whitestack, LLC
+# *************************************************************
+# This file is part of OSM Monitoring module
+# All Rights Reserved to Whitestack, LLC
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
+# contact: bdiaz@whitestack.com or glavado@whitestack.com
+import json
+from osm_mon.core.database import VimCredentials, DatabaseManager
+class AuthManager:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.database_manager = DatabaseManager()
+ def store_auth_credentials(self, message):
+ values = json.loads(message.value)
+ credentials = VimCredentials()
+ credentials.uuid = values['_id']
+ credentials.name = values['name']
+ credentials.type = values['vim_type']
+ credentials.url = values['vim_url']
+ credentials.user = values['vim_user']
+ credentials.password = values['vim_password']
+ credentials.tenant_name = values['vim_tenant_name']
+ credentials.config = json.dumps(values['config'])
+ self.database_manager.save_credentials(credentials)
+ def get_credentials(self, vim_uuid):
+ return self.database_manager.get_credentials(vim_uuid)
+ def delete_auth_credentials(self, message):
+ # TODO
+ pass
--- /dev/null
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2018 Whitestack, LLC
+# *************************************************************
+# This file is part of OSM Monitoring module
+# All Rights Reserved to Whitestack, LLC
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
+# contact: bdiaz@whitestack.com or glavado@whitestack.com
+import logging
+from peewee import *
+from playhouse.sqlite_ext import SqliteExtDatabase
+from osm_mon.plugins.OpenStack.settings import Config
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+cfg = Config.instance()
+db = SqliteExtDatabase('mon.db')
+class BaseModel(Model):
+ class Meta:
+ database = db
+class VimCredentials(BaseModel):
+ uuid = CharField()
+ name = CharField()
+ type = CharField()
+ url = CharField()
+ user = CharField()
+ password = CharField()
+ tenant_name = CharField()
+ config = TextField()
+class DatabaseManager:
+ def create_tables(self):
+ try:
+ db.connect()
+ db.create_tables([VimCredentials])
+ db.close()
+ except Exception as e:
+ log.exception("Error creating tables: ")
+ def get_credentials(self, vim_uuid):
+ return VimCredentials.get(VimCredentials.uuid == vim_uuid)
+ def save_credentials(self, vim_credentials):
+ vim_credentials.save()
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright 2017 Intel Research and Development Ireland Limited
-# *************************************************************
-# This file is part of OSM Monitoring module
-# All Rights Reserved to Intel Corporation
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you
-# may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may
-# obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
-# permissions and limitations under the License.
-# For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
-# contact: helena.mcgough@intel.com or adrian.hoban@intel.com
-"""A common KafkaConsumer for all MON plugins."""
-import json
-import logging
-import sys
-import os
- format='%(asctime)s %(message)s',
- datefmt='%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p', filemode='a',
- level=logging.INFO)
-log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-from kafka import KafkaConsumer
-from kafka.errors import KafkaError
-from osm_mon.plugins.OpenStack.Aodh import alarming
-from osm_mon.plugins.OpenStack.common import Common
-from osm_mon.plugins.OpenStack.Gnocchi import metrics
-from osm_mon.plugins.CloudWatch.plugin_alarm import plugin_alarms
-from osm_mon.plugins.CloudWatch.plugin_metric import plugin_metrics
-from osm_mon.plugins.CloudWatch.connection import Connection
-from osm_mon.plugins.CloudWatch.access_credentials import AccessCredentials
-from osm_mon.plugins.vRealiseOps import plugin_receiver
-# Initialize servers
-if "BROKER_URI" in os.environ:
- server = {'server': os.getenv("BROKER_URI")}
- server = {'server': 'localhost:9092'}
-# Initialize consumers for alarms and metrics
-common_consumer = KafkaConsumer(bootstrap_servers=server['server'])
-# Create OpenStack alarming and metric instances
-auth_token = None
-openstack_auth = Common()
-openstack_metrics = metrics.Metrics()
-openstack_alarms = alarming.Alarming()
-# Create CloudWatch alarm and metric instances
-cloudwatch_alarms = plugin_alarms()
-cloudwatch_metrics = plugin_metrics()
-aws_connection = Connection()
-aws_access_credentials = AccessCredentials()
-#Create vROps plugin_receiver class instance
-vrops_rcvr = plugin_receiver.PluginReceiver()
-def get_vim_type(message):
- """Get the vim type that is required by the message."""
- try:
- return json.loads(message.value)["vim_type"].lower()
- except Exception as exc:
- log.warn("vim_type is not configured correctly; %s", exc)
- return None
-# Define subscribe the consumer for the plugins
-topics = ['metric_request', 'alarm_request', 'access_credentials']
- log.info("Listening for alarm_request and metric_request messages")
- for message in common_consumer:
- # Check the message topic
- if message.topic == "metric_request":
- # Check the vim desired by the message
- vim_type = get_vim_type(message)
- if vim_type == "openstack":
- log.info("This message is for the OpenStack plugin.")
- openstack_metrics.metric_calls(
- message, openstack_auth, auth_token)
- elif vim_type == "aws":
- log.info("This message is for the CloudWatch plugin.")
- aws_conn = aws_connection.setEnvironment()
- cloudwatch_metrics.metric_calls(message,aws_conn)
- elif vim_type == "vmware":
- log.info("This metric_request message is for the vROPs plugin.")
- vrops_rcvr.consume(message)
- else:
- log.debug("vim_type is misconfigured or unsupported; %s",
- vim_type)
- elif message.topic == "alarm_request":
- # Check the vim desired by the message
- vim_type = get_vim_type(message)
- if vim_type == "openstack":
- log.info("This message is for the OpenStack plugin.")
- openstack_alarms.alarming(message, openstack_auth, auth_token)
- elif vim_type == "aws":
- log.info("This message is for the CloudWatch plugin.")
- aws_conn = aws_connection.setEnvironment()
- cloudwatch_alarms.alarm_calls(message, aws_conn)
- elif vim_type == "vmware":
- log.info("This alarm_request message is for the vROPs plugin.")
- vrops_rcvr.consume(message)
- else:
- log.debug("vim_type is misconfigured or unsupported; %s",
- vim_type)
- elif message.topic == "access_credentials":
- # Check the vim desired by the message
- vim_type = get_vim_type(message)
- if vim_type == "openstack":
- log.info("This message is for the OpenStack plugin.")
- auth_token = openstack_auth._authenticate(message=message)
- elif vim_type == "aws":
- log.info("This message is for the CloudWatch plugin.")
- aws_access_credentials.access_credential_calls(message)
- elif vim_type == "vmware":
- log.info("This access_credentials message is for the vROPs plugin.")
- vrops_rcvr.consume(message)
- else:
- log.debug("vim_type is misconfigured or unsupported; %s",
- vim_type)
- else:
- log.info("This topic is not relevant to any of the MON plugins.")
-except KafkaError as exc:
- log.warn("Exception: %s", exc)
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2017 Intel Research and Development Ireland Limited
+# *************************************************************
+# This file is part of OSM Monitoring module
+# All Rights Reserved to Intel Corporation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you
+# may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may
+# obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+# permissions and limitations under the License.
+# For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
+# contact: helena.mcgough@intel.com or adrian.hoban@intel.com
+"""A common KafkaConsumer for all MON plugins."""
+import json
+import logging
+import os
+import sys
+ format='%(asctime)s %(message)s',
+ datefmt='%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p',
+ level=logging.INFO)
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.realpath(__file__), '..', '..', '..', '..')))
+from kafka import KafkaConsumer
+from osm_mon.plugins.OpenStack.Aodh import alarming
+from osm_mon.plugins.OpenStack.common import Common
+from osm_mon.plugins.OpenStack.Gnocchi import metrics
+from osm_mon.plugins.CloudWatch.plugin_alarm import plugin_alarms
+from osm_mon.plugins.CloudWatch.plugin_metric import plugin_metrics
+from osm_mon.plugins.CloudWatch.connection import Connection
+from osm_mon.plugins.CloudWatch.access_credentials import AccessCredentials
+from osm_mon.plugins.vRealiseOps import plugin_receiver
+from osm_mon.core.auth import AuthManager
+from osm_mon.core.database import DatabaseManager
+# Initialize servers
+if "BROKER_URI" in os.environ:
+ server = {'server': os.getenv("BROKER_URI")}
+ server = {'server': 'localhost:9092'}
+# Initialize consumers for alarms and metrics
+common_consumer = KafkaConsumer(bootstrap_servers=server['server'],
+ key_deserializer=bytes.decode,
+ value_deserializer=bytes.decode,
+ group_id="mon-consumer")
+auth_manager = AuthManager()
+database_manager = DatabaseManager()
+# Create OpenStack alarming and metric instances
+auth_token = None
+openstack_auth = Common()
+openstack_metrics = metrics.Metrics()
+openstack_alarms = alarming.Alarming()
+# Create CloudWatch alarm and metric instances
+cloudwatch_alarms = plugin_alarms()
+cloudwatch_metrics = plugin_metrics()
+aws_connection = Connection()
+aws_access_credentials = AccessCredentials()
+# Create vROps plugin_receiver class instance
+vrops_rcvr = plugin_receiver.PluginReceiver()
+def get_vim_type(message):
+ """Get the vim type that is required by the message."""
+ try:
+ return json.loads(message.value)["vim_type"].lower()
+ except Exception as exc:
+ log.warn("vim_type is not configured correctly; %s", exc)
+ return None
+# Define subscribe the consumer for the plugins
+topics = ['metric_request', 'alarm_request', 'access_credentials', 'vim_account']
+# TODO: Remove access_credentials
+log.info("Listening for alarm_request and metric_request messages")
+for message in common_consumer:
+ log.info("Message arrived: %s", message)
+ try:
+ # Check the message topic
+ if message.topic == "metric_request":
+ # Check the vim desired by the message
+ vim_type = get_vim_type(message)
+ if vim_type == "openstack":
+ log.info("This message is for the OpenStack plugin.")
+ openstack_metrics.metric_calls(
+ message, openstack_auth, auth_token)
+ elif vim_type == "aws":
+ log.info("This message is for the CloudWatch plugin.")
+ aws_conn = aws_connection.setEnvironment()
+ cloudwatch_metrics.metric_calls(message, aws_conn)
+ elif vim_type == "vmware":
+ log.info("This metric_request message is for the vROPs plugin.")
+ vrops_rcvr.consume(message)
+ else:
+ log.debug("vim_type is misconfigured or unsupported; %s",
+ vim_type)
+ elif message.topic == "alarm_request":
+ # Check the vim desired by the message
+ vim_type = get_vim_type(message)
+ if vim_type == "openstack":
+ log.info("This message is for the OpenStack plugin.")
+ openstack_alarms.alarming(message, openstack_auth, auth_token)
+ elif vim_type == "aws":
+ log.info("This message is for the CloudWatch plugin.")
+ aws_conn = aws_connection.setEnvironment()
+ cloudwatch_alarms.alarm_calls(message, aws_conn)
+ elif vim_type == "vmware":
+ log.info("This alarm_request message is for the vROPs plugin.")
+ vrops_rcvr.consume(message)
+ else:
+ log.debug("vim_type is misconfigured or unsupported; %s",
+ vim_type)
+ elif message.topic == "vim_account":
+ if message.key == "create" or message.key == "edit":
+ auth_manager.store_auth_credentials(message)
+ if message.key == "delete":
+ auth_manager.delete_auth_credentials(message)
+ # TODO: Remove in the near future. Modify tests accordingly.
+ elif message.topic == "access_credentials":
+ # Check the vim desired by the message
+ vim_type = get_vim_type(message)
+ if vim_type == "openstack":
+ log.info("This message is for the OpenStack plugin.")
+ auth_token = openstack_auth._authenticate(message=message)
+ elif vim_type == "aws":
+ log.info("This message is for the CloudWatch plugin.")
+ aws_access_credentials.access_credential_calls(message)
+ elif vim_type == "vmware":
+ log.info("This access_credentials message is for the vROPs plugin.")
+ vrops_rcvr.consume(message)
+ else:
+ log.debug("vim_type is misconfigured or unsupported; %s",
+ vim_type)
+ else:
+ log.info("This topic is not relevant to any of the MON plugins.")
+ except Exception as exc:
+ log.exception("Exception: %s")
--- /dev/null
+ Copyright 2018 Whitestack, LLC
+ *************************************************************
+ This file is part of OSM Monitoring module
+ All Rights Reserved to Whitestack, LLC
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+ not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+ a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+ WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+ License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ under the License.
+ For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
+ contact: bdiaz@whitestack.com or glavado@whitestack.com
+ "schema_version": { "type": "string" },
+ "schema_type": { "type": "string" },
+ "_id": { "type": "string" },
+ "name": { "type": "string" },
+ "description": { "type": "string" },
+ "vim_type": { "type": "string" },
+ "vim_url": { "type": "string" },
+ "vim_user": { "type": "string" },
+ "vim_password": { "type": "string" },
+ "vim_tenant_name": { "type": "string" },
+ "config": { "type":"object" },
+ "required": [ "schema_version",
+ "schema_type",
+ "_id",
+ "name",
+ "vim_url",
+ "vim_type",
+ "vim_user",
+ "vim_password",
+ "vim_tenant_name" ]
--- /dev/null
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2018 Whitestack, LLC
+# *************************************************************
+# This file is part of OSM Monitoring module
+# All Rights Reserved to Whitestack, LLC
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
+# contact: bdiaz@whitestack.com or glavado@whitestack.com
"""Test an end to end Openstack access_credentials requests."""
import json
import logging
+import unittest
+import mock
from kafka import KafkaConsumer
from kafka import KafkaProducer
+from kafka.errors import KafkaError
from keystoneclient.v3 import client
-import mock
+from osm_mon.plugins.OpenStack.Aodh import alarming
from osm_mon.plugins.OpenStack.common import Common
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-# Create an instance of the common openstack class, producer and consumer
-openstack_auth = Common()
-producer = KafkaProducer(bootstrap_servers='localhost:9092')
-req_consumer = KafkaConsumer(bootstrap_servers='localhost:9092',
- group_id='osm_mon')
-@mock.patch.object(client, "Client")
-def test_access_cred_req(keyclient):
- """Test access credentials request message from KafkaProducer."""
- # Set-up message, producer and consumer for tests
- payload = {"vim_type": "OpenStack",
- "access_config":
- {"openstack_site": "my_site",
- "user": "my_user",
- "password": "my_password",
- "vim_tenant_name": "my_tenant"}}
- producer.send('access_credentials', value=json.dumps(payload))
- for message in req_consumer:
- # Check the vim desired by the message
- vim_type = json.loads(message.value)["vim_type"].lower()
- if vim_type == "openstack":
- openstack_auth._authenticate(message=message)
- # A keystone client is created with the valid access_credentials
- keyclient.assert_called_with(
- auth_url="my_site", username="my_user", password="my_password",
- tenant_name="my_tenant")
- return
+# TODO: Remove this file
+class AccessCredentialsTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ # Set up common and alarming class instances
+ self.alarms = alarming.Alarming()
+ self.openstack_auth = Common()
+ try:
+ self.producer = KafkaProducer(bootstrap_servers='localhost:9092')
+ self.req_consumer = KafkaConsumer(bootstrap_servers='localhost:9092',
+ group_id='osm_mon',
+ consumer_timeout_ms=2000)
+ self.req_consumer.subscribe(['access_credentials'])
+ except KafkaError:
+ self.skipTest('Kafka server not present.')
+ @mock.patch.object(client, "Client")
+ def test_access_cred_req(self, keyclient):
+ """Test access credentials request message from KafkaProducer."""
+ # Set-up message, producer and consumer for tests
+ payload = {"vim_type": "OpenStack",
+ "access_config":
+ {"openstack_site": "my_site",
+ "user": "my_user",
+ "password": "my_password",
+ "vim_tenant_name": "my_tenant"}}
+ self.producer.send('access_credentials', value=json.dumps(payload))
+ for message in self.req_consumer:
+ # Check the vim desired by the message
+ vim_type = json.loads(message.value)["vim_type"].lower()
+ if vim_type == "openstack":
+ self.openstack_auth._authenticate(message=message)
+ # A keystone client is created with the valid access_credentials
+ keyclient.assert_called_with(
+ auth_url="my_site", username="my_user", password="my_password",
+ tenant_name="my_tenant")
+ return
"""Test an end to end Openstack alarm requests."""
import json
import logging
+import unittest
-from osm_mon.core.message_bus.producer import KafkaProducer as prod
+import mock
from kafka import KafkaConsumer
from kafka import KafkaProducer
+from kafka.errors import KafkaError
-import mock
+from osm_mon.core.message_bus.producer import KafkaProducer as prod
from osm_mon.plugins.OpenStack import response
from osm_mon.plugins.OpenStack.Aodh import alarming
from osm_mon.plugins.OpenStack.common import Common
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-# Set up common and alarming class instances
-alarms = alarming.Alarming()
-openstack_auth = Common()
-# Initialise the alarm request consumer and a producer for testing
-producer = KafkaProducer(bootstrap_servers='localhost:9092')
-req_consumer = KafkaConsumer(bootstrap_servers='localhost:9092',
- group_id='osm_mon')
-@mock.patch.object(prod, "update_alarm_response")
-@mock.patch.object(alarming.Alarming, "update_alarm")
-@mock.patch.object(response.OpenStack_Response, "generate_response")
-def test_update_alarm_req(resp, update_alarm, update_resp):
- """Test Aodh update alarm request message from KafkaProducer."""
- # Set-up message, producer and consumer for tests
- payload = {"vim_type": "OpenSTACK",
- "alarm_update_request":
- {"correlation_id": 123,
- "alarm_uuid": "alarm_id",
- "metric_uuid": "metric_id"}}
- producer.send('alarm_request', key="update_alarm_request",
- value=json.dumps(payload))
- for message in req_consumer:
- # Check the vim desired by the message
- vim_type = json.loads(message.value)["vim_type"].lower()
- if vim_type == "openstack":
- # Mock a valid alarm update
- update_alarm.return_value = "alarm_id", True
- alarms.alarming(message, openstack_auth, None)
- # A response message is generated and sent via MON's producer
- resp.assert_called_with(
- 'update_alarm_response', alarm_id="alarm_id", cor_id=123,
- status=True)
- update_resp.assert_called_with(
- 'update_alarm_response', resp.return_value, 'alarm_response')
- return
-@mock.patch.object(prod, "create_alarm_response")
-@mock.patch.object(alarming.Alarming, "configure_alarm")
-@mock.patch.object(response.OpenStack_Response, "generate_response")
-def test_create_alarm_req(resp, config_alarm, create_resp):
- """Test Aodh create alarm request message from KafkaProducer."""
- # Set-up message, producer and consumer for tests
- payload = {"vim_type": "OpenSTACK",
- "alarm_create_request":
- {"correlation_id": 123,
- "alarm_name": "my_alarm",
- "metric_name": "my_metric",
- "resource_uuid": "my_resource",
- "severity": "WARNING"}}
- producer.send('alarm_request', key="create_alarm_request",
- value=json.dumps(payload))
- for message in req_consumer:
- # Check the vim desired by the message
- vim_type = json.loads(message.value)["vim_type"].lower()
- if vim_type == "openstack":
- # Mock a valid alarm creation
- config_alarm.return_value = "alarm_id", True
- alarms.alarming(message, openstack_auth, None)
- # A response message is generated and sent via MON's produce
- resp.assert_called_with(
- 'create_alarm_response', status=True, alarm_id="alarm_id",
- cor_id=123)
- create_resp.assert_called_with(
- 'create_alarm_response', resp.return_value, 'alarm_response')
- return
-@mock.patch.object(prod, "list_alarm_response")
-@mock.patch.object(alarming.Alarming, "list_alarms")
-@mock.patch.object(response.OpenStack_Response, "generate_response")
-def test_list_alarm_req(resp, list_alarm, list_resp):
- """Test Aodh list alarm request message from KafkaProducer."""
- # Set-up message, producer and consumer for tests
- payload = {"vim_type": "OpenSTACK",
- "alarm_list_request":
- {"correlation_id": 123,
- "resource_uuid": "resource_id", }}
- producer.send('alarm_request', key="list_alarm_request",
- value=json.dumps(payload))
- for message in req_consumer:
- # Check the vim desired by the message
- vim_type = json.loads(message.value)["vim_type"].lower()
- if vim_type == "openstack":
- # Mock an empty list generated by the request
- list_alarm.return_value = []
- alarms.alarming(message, openstack_auth, None)
- # Resoonse message is generated
- resp.assert_called_with(
- 'list_alarm_response', alarm_list=[],
- cor_id=123)
- # Producer attempts to send the response message back to the SO
- list_resp.assert_called_with(
- 'list_alarm_response', resp.return_value, 'alarm_response')
- return
-@mock.patch.object(alarming.Alarming, "delete_alarm")
-@mock.patch.object(prod, "delete_alarm_response")
-@mock.patch.object(response.OpenStack_Response, "generate_response")
-def test_delete_alarm_req(resp, del_resp, del_alarm):
- """Test Aodh delete alarm request message from KafkaProducer."""
- # Set-up message, producer and consumer for tests
- payload = {"vim_type": "OpenSTACK",
- "alarm_delete_request":
- {"correlation_id": 123,
- "alarm_uuid": "alarm_id", }}
- producer.send('alarm_request', key="delete_alarm_request",
- value=json.dumps(payload))
- for message in req_consumer:
- # Check the vim desired by the message
- vim_type = json.loads(message.value)["vim_type"].lower()
- if vim_type == "openstack":
- alarms.alarming(message, openstack_auth, None)
- # Response message is generated and sent by MON's producer
- resp.assert_called_with(
- 'delete_alarm_response', alarm_id="alarm_id",
- status=del_alarm.return_value, cor_id=123)
- del_resp.assert_called_with(
- 'delete_alarm_response', resp.return_value, 'alarm_response')
- return
-@mock.patch.object(alarming.Alarming, "update_alarm_state")
-def test_ack_alarm_req(ack_alarm):
- """Test Aodh acknowledge alarm request message from KafkaProducer."""
- # Set-up message, producer and consumer for tests
- payload = {"vim_type": "OpenSTACK",
- "ack_details":
- {"alarm_uuid": "alarm_id", }}
- producer.send('alarm_request', key="acknowledge_alarm",
- value=json.dumps(payload))
- for message in req_consumer:
- # Check the vim desired by the message
- vim_type = json.loads(message.value)["vim_type"].lower()
- if vim_type == "openstack":
- alarms.alarming(message, openstack_auth, None)
- # No response message is sent for and ack request
- # Alarm state is updated from alarm -> ok
- ack_alarm.assert_called_with(None, None, "alarm_id")
- return
+class AlarmIntegrationTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ # Set up common and alarming class instances
+ self.alarms = alarming.Alarming()
+ self.openstack_auth = Common()
+ try:
+ self.producer = KafkaProducer(bootstrap_servers='localhost:9092')
+ self.req_consumer = KafkaConsumer(bootstrap_servers='localhost:9092',
+ group_id='osm_mon',
+ consumer_timeout_ms=2000)
+ self.req_consumer.subscribe(['alarm_request'])
+ except KafkaError:
+ self.skipTest('Kafka server not present.')
+ @mock.patch.object(prod, "update_alarm_response")
+ @mock.patch.object(alarming.Alarming, "update_alarm")
+ @mock.patch.object(response.OpenStack_Response, "generate_response")
+ def test_update_alarm_req(self, resp, update_alarm, update_resp):
+ """Test Aodh update alarm request message from KafkaProducer."""
+ # Set-up message, producer and consumer for tests
+ payload = {"vim_type": "OpenSTACK",
+ "alarm_update_request":
+ {"correlation_id": 123,
+ "alarm_uuid": "alarm_id",
+ "metric_uuid": "metric_id"}}
+ self.producer.send('alarm_request', key="update_alarm_request",
+ value=json.dumps(payload))
+ for message in self.req_consumer:
+ # Check the vim desired by the message
+ vim_type = json.loads(message.value)["vim_type"].lower()
+ if vim_type == "openstack":
+ # Mock a valid alarm update
+ update_alarm.return_value = "alarm_id", True
+ self.alarms.alarming(message, self.openstack_auth, None)
+ # A response message is generated and sent via MON's producer
+ resp.assert_called_with(
+ 'update_alarm_response', alarm_id="alarm_id", cor_id=123,
+ status=True)
+ update_resp.assert_called_with(
+ 'update_alarm_response', resp.return_value, 'alarm_response')
+ return
+ self.fail("No message received in consumer")
+ @mock.patch.object(prod, "create_alarm_response")
+ @mock.patch.object(alarming.Alarming, "configure_alarm")
+ @mock.patch.object(response.OpenStack_Response, "generate_response")
+ def test_create_alarm_req(self, resp, config_alarm, create_resp):
+ """Test Aodh create alarm request message from KafkaProducer."""
+ # Set-up message, producer and consumer for tests
+ payload = {"vim_type": "OpenSTACK",
+ "alarm_create_request":
+ {"correlation_id": 123,
+ "alarm_name": "my_alarm",
+ "metric_name": "my_metric",
+ "resource_uuid": "my_resource",
+ "severity": "WARNING"}}
+ self.producer.send('alarm_request', key="create_alarm_request",
+ value=json.dumps(payload))
+ for message in self.req_consumer:
+ # Check the vim desired by the message
+ vim_type = json.loads(message.value)["vim_type"].lower()
+ if vim_type == "openstack":
+ # Mock a valid alarm creation
+ config_alarm.return_value = "alarm_id", True
+ self.alarms.alarming(message, self.openstack_auth, None)
+ # A response message is generated and sent via MON's produce
+ resp.assert_called_with(
+ 'create_alarm_response', status=True, alarm_id="alarm_id",
+ cor_id=123)
+ create_resp.assert_called_with(
+ 'create_alarm_response', resp.return_value, 'alarm_response')
+ return
+ self.fail("No message received in consumer")
+ @mock.patch.object(prod, "list_alarm_response")
+ @mock.patch.object(alarming.Alarming, "list_alarms")
+ @mock.patch.object(response.OpenStack_Response, "generate_response")
+ def test_list_alarm_req(self, resp, list_alarm, list_resp):
+ """Test Aodh list alarm request message from KafkaProducer."""
+ # Set-up message, producer and consumer for tests
+ payload = {"vim_type": "OpenSTACK",
+ "alarm_list_request":
+ {"correlation_id": 123,
+ "resource_uuid": "resource_id", }}
+ self.producer.send('alarm_request', key="list_alarm_request",
+ value=json.dumps(payload))
+ for message in self.req_consumer:
+ # Check the vim desired by the message
+ vim_type = json.loads(message.value)["vim_type"].lower()
+ if vim_type == "openstack":
+ # Mock an empty list generated by the request
+ list_alarm.return_value = []
+ self.alarms.alarming(message, self.openstack_auth, None)
+ # Resoonse message is generated
+ resp.assert_called_with(
+ 'list_alarm_response', alarm_list=[],
+ cor_id=123)
+ # Producer attempts to send the response message back to the SO
+ list_resp.assert_called_with(
+ 'list_alarm_response', resp.return_value, 'alarm_response')
+ return
+ self.fail("No message received in consumer")
+ @mock.patch.object(alarming.Alarming, "delete_alarm")
+ @mock.patch.object(prod, "delete_alarm_response")
+ @mock.patch.object(response.OpenStack_Response, "generate_response")
+ def test_delete_alarm_req(self, resp, del_resp, del_alarm):
+ """Test Aodh delete alarm request message from KafkaProducer."""
+ # Set-up message, producer and consumer for tests
+ payload = {"vim_type": "OpenSTACK",
+ "alarm_delete_request":
+ {"correlation_id": 123,
+ "alarm_uuid": "alarm_id", }}
+ self.producer.send('alarm_request', key="delete_alarm_request",
+ value=json.dumps(payload))
+ for message in self.req_consumer:
+ # Check the vim desired by the message
+ vim_type = json.loads(message.value)["vim_type"].lower()
+ if vim_type == "openstack":
+ self.alarms.alarming(message, self.openstack_auth, None)
+ # Response message is generated and sent by MON's producer
+ resp.assert_called_with(
+ 'delete_alarm_response', alarm_id="alarm_id",
+ status=del_alarm.return_value, cor_id=123)
+ del_resp.assert_called_with(
+ 'delete_alarm_response', resp.return_value, 'alarm_response')
+ return
+ self.fail("No message received in consumer")
+ @mock.patch.object(alarming.Alarming, "update_alarm_state")
+ def test_ack_alarm_req(self, ack_alarm):
+ """Test Aodh acknowledge alarm request message from KafkaProducer."""
+ # Set-up message, producer and consumer for tests
+ payload = {"vim_type": "OpenSTACK",
+ "ack_details":
+ {"alarm_uuid": "alarm_id", }}
+ self.producer.send('alarm_request', key="acknowledge_alarm",
+ value=json.dumps(payload))
+ for message in self.req_consumer:
+ # Check the vim desired by the message
+ vim_type = json.loads(message.value)["vim_type"].lower()
+ if vim_type == "openstack":
+ self.alarms.alarming(message, self.openstack_auth, None)
+ # No response message is sent for and ack request
+ # Alarm state is updated from alarm -> ok
+ ack_alarm.assert_called_with(None, None, "alarm_id")
+ return
+ self.fail("No message received in consumer")
import json
import logging
+import unittest
+from kafka.errors import KafkaError
from osm_mon.core.message_bus.producer import KafkaProducer as prod
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-# Instances for the openstack common and metric classes
-metric_req = metrics.Metrics()
-openstack_auth = Common()
-# A metric_request consumer and a producer for testing purposes
-producer = KafkaProducer(bootstrap_servers='localhost:9092')
-req_consumer = KafkaConsumer(bootstrap_servers='localhost:9092',
- group_id='osm_mon')
-@mock.patch.object(metrics.Metrics, "configure_metric")
-@mock.patch.object(prod, "create_metrics_resp")
-@mock.patch.object(response.OpenStack_Response, "generate_response")
-def test_create_metric_req(resp, create_resp, config_metric):
- """Test Gnocchi create metric request message from producer."""
- # Set-up message, producer and consumer for tests
- payload = {"vim_type": "OpenSTACK",
- "correlation_id": 123,
- "metric_create":
- {"metric_name": "my_metric",
- "resource_uuid": "resource_id"}}
- producer.send('metric_request', key="create_metric_request",
- value=json.dumps(payload))
- for message in req_consumer:
- # Check the vim desired by the message
- vim_type = json.loads(message.value)["vim_type"].lower()
- if vim_type == "openstack":
- # A valid metric is created
- config_metric.return_value = "metric_id", "resource_id", True
- metric_req.metric_calls(message, openstack_auth, None)
- # A response message is generated and sent by MON's producer
- resp.assert_called_with(
- 'create_metric_response', status=True, cor_id=123,
- metric_id="metric_id", r_id="resource_id")
- create_resp.assert_called_with(
- 'create_metric_response', resp.return_value, 'metric_response')
- return
-@mock.patch.object(metrics.Metrics, "delete_metric")
-@mock.patch.object(prod, "delete_metric_response")
-@mock.patch.object(response.OpenStack_Response, "generate_response")
-def test_delete_metric_req(resp, del_resp, del_metric):
- """Test Gnocchi delete metric request message from producer."""
- # Set-up message, producer and consumer for tests
- payload = {"vim_type": "OpenSTACK",
- "correlation_id": 123,
- "metric_uuid": "metric_id",
- "metric_name": "metric_name",
- "resource_uuid": "resource_id"}
- producer.send('metric_request', key="delete_metric_request",
- value=json.dumps(payload))
- for message in req_consumer:
- # Check the vim desired by the message
- vim_type = json.loads(message.value)["vim_type"].lower()
- if vim_type == "openstack":
- # Metric has been deleted
- del_metric.return_value = True
- metric_req.metric_calls(message, openstack_auth, None)
- # A response message is generated and sent by MON's producer
- resp.assert_called_with(
- 'delete_metric_response', m_id="metric_id",
- m_name="metric_name", status=True, r_id="resource_id",
- cor_id=123)
- del_resp.assert_called_with(
- 'delete_metric_response', resp.return_value, 'metric_response')
- return
-@mock.patch.object(metrics.Metrics, "read_metric_data")
-@mock.patch.object(prod, "read_metric_data_response")
-@mock.patch.object(response.OpenStack_Response, "generate_response")
-def test_read_metric_data_req(resp, read_resp, read_data):
- """Test Gnocchi read metric data request message from producer."""
- # Set-up message, producer and consumer for tests
- payload = {"vim_type": "OpenSTACK",
- "correlation_id": 123,
- "metric_uuid": "metric_id",
- "metric_name": "metric_name",
- "resource_uuid": "resource_id"}
- producer.send('metric_request', key="read_metric_data_request",
- value=json.dumps(payload))
- for message in req_consumer:
- # Check the vim desired by the message
- vim_type = json.loads(message.value)["vim_type"].lower()
- if vim_type == "openstack":
- # Mock empty lists generated by the request message
- read_data.return_value = [], []
- metric_req.metric_calls(message, openstack_auth, None)
- # A response message is generated and sent by MON's producer
- resp.assert_called_with(
- 'read_metric_data_response', m_id="metric_id",
- m_name="metric_name", r_id="resource_id", cor_id=123, times=[],
- metrics=[])
- read_resp.assert_called_with(
- 'read_metric_data_response', resp.return_value,
- 'metric_response')
- return
-@mock.patch.object(metrics.Metrics, "list_metrics")
-@mock.patch.object(prod, "list_metric_response")
-@mock.patch.object(response.OpenStack_Response, "generate_response")
-def test_list_metrics_req(resp, list_resp, list_metrics):
- """Test Gnocchi list metrics request message from producer."""
- # Set-up message, producer and consumer for tests
- payload = {"vim_type": "OpenSTACK",
- "metrics_list_request":
- {"correlation_id": 123, }}
- producer.send('metric_request', key="list_metric_request",
- value=json.dumps(payload))
- for message in req_consumer:
- # Check the vim desired by the message
- vim_type = json.loads(message.value)["vim_type"].lower()
- if vim_type == "openstack":
- # Mock an empty list generated by the request
- list_metrics.return_value = []
- metric_req.metric_calls(message, openstack_auth, None)
- # A response message is generated and sent by MON's producer
- resp.assert_called_with(
- 'list_metric_response', m_list=[], cor_id=123)
- list_resp.assert_called_with(
- 'list_metric_response', resp.return_value, 'metric_response')
- return
-@mock.patch.object(metrics.Metrics, "get_metric_id")
-@mock.patch.object(prod, "update_metric_response")
-@mock.patch.object(response.OpenStack_Response, "generate_response")
-def test_update_metrics_req(resp, update_resp, get_id):
- """Test Gnocchi update metric request message from KafkaProducer."""
- # Set-up message, producer and consumer for tests
- payload = {"vim_type": "OpenSTACK",
- "correlation_id": 123,
- "metric_create":
- {"metric_name": "my_metric",
- "resource_uuid": "resource_id", }}
- producer.send('metric_request', key="update_metric_request",
- value=json.dumps(payload))
- for message in req_consumer:
- # Check the vim desired by the message
- vim_type = json.loads(message.value)["vim_type"].lower()
- if vim_type == "openstack":
- # Gnocchi doesn't support metric updates
- get_id.return_value = "metric_id"
- metric_req.metric_calls(message, openstack_auth, None)
- # Reponse message is generated and sent via MON's producer
- # No metric update has taken place
- resp.assert_called_with(
- 'update_metric_response', status=False, cor_id=123,
- r_id="resource_id", m_id="metric_id")
- update_resp.assert_called_with(
- 'update_metric_response', resp.return_value, 'metric_response')
- return
+class MetricIntegrationTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ # Set up common and alarming class instances
+ self.metric_req = metrics.Metrics()
+ self.openstack_auth = Common()
+ try:
+ self.producer = KafkaProducer(bootstrap_servers='localhost:9092')
+ self.req_consumer = KafkaConsumer(bootstrap_servers='localhost:9092',
+ group_id='osm_mon',
+ consumer_timeout_ms=2000)
+ self.req_consumer.subscribe(['metric_request'])
+ except KafkaError:
+ self.skipTest('Kafka server not present.')
+ @mock.patch.object(metrics.Metrics, "configure_metric")
+ @mock.patch.object(prod, "create_metrics_resp")
+ @mock.patch.object(response.OpenStack_Response, "generate_response")
+ def test_create_metric_req(self, resp, create_resp, config_metric):
+ """Test Gnocchi create metric request message from producer."""
+ # Set-up message, producer and consumer for tests
+ payload = {"vim_type": "OpenSTACK",
+ "correlation_id": 123,
+ "metric_create":
+ {"metric_name": "my_metric",
+ "resource_uuid": "resource_id"}}
+ self.producer.send('metric_request', key="create_metric_request",
+ value=json.dumps(payload))
+ for message in self.req_consumer:
+ # Check the vim desired by the message
+ vim_type = json.loads(message.value)["vim_type"].lower()
+ if vim_type == "openstack":
+ # A valid metric is created
+ config_metric.return_value = "metric_id", "resource_id", True
+ self.metric_req.metric_calls(message, self.openstack_auth, None)
+ # A response message is generated and sent by MON's producer
+ resp.assert_called_with(
+ 'create_metric_response', status=True, cor_id=123,
+ metric_id="metric_id", r_id="resource_id")
+ create_resp.assert_called_with(
+ 'create_metric_response', resp.return_value, 'metric_response')
+ return
+ self.fail("No message received in consumer")
+ @mock.patch.object(metrics.Metrics, "delete_metric")
+ @mock.patch.object(prod, "delete_metric_response")
+ @mock.patch.object(response.OpenStack_Response, "generate_response")
+ def test_delete_metric_req(self, resp, del_resp, del_metric):
+ """Test Gnocchi delete metric request message from producer."""
+ # Set-up message, producer and consumer for tests
+ payload = {"vim_type": "OpenSTACK",
+ "correlation_id": 123,
+ "metric_uuid": "metric_id",
+ "metric_name": "metric_name",
+ "resource_uuid": "resource_id"}
+ self.producer.send('metric_request', key="delete_metric_request",
+ value=json.dumps(payload))
+ for message in self.req_consumer:
+ # Check the vim desired by the message
+ vim_type = json.loads(message.value)["vim_type"].lower()
+ if vim_type == "openstack":
+ # Metric has been deleted
+ del_metric.return_value = True
+ self.metric_req.metric_calls(message, self.openstack_auth, None)
+ # A response message is generated and sent by MON's producer
+ resp.assert_called_with(
+ 'delete_metric_response', m_id="metric_id",
+ m_name="metric_name", status=True, r_id="resource_id",
+ cor_id=123)
+ del_resp.assert_called_with(
+ 'delete_metric_response', resp.return_value, 'metric_response')
+ return
+ self.fail("No message received in consumer")
+ @mock.patch.object(metrics.Metrics, "read_metric_data")
+ @mock.patch.object(prod, "read_metric_data_response")
+ @mock.patch.object(response.OpenStack_Response, "generate_response")
+ def test_read_metric_data_req(self, resp, read_resp, read_data):
+ """Test Gnocchi read metric data request message from producer."""
+ # Set-up message, producer and consumer for tests
+ payload = {"vim_type": "OpenSTACK",
+ "correlation_id": 123,
+ "metric_uuid": "metric_id",
+ "metric_name": "metric_name",
+ "resource_uuid": "resource_id"}
+ self.producer.send('metric_request', key="read_metric_data_request",
+ value=json.dumps(payload))
+ for message in self.req_consumer:
+ # Check the vim desired by the message
+ vim_type = json.loads(message.value)["vim_type"].lower()
+ if vim_type == "openstack":
+ # Mock empty lists generated by the request message
+ read_data.return_value = [], []
+ self.metric_req.metric_calls(message, self.openstack_auth, None)
+ # A response message is generated and sent by MON's producer
+ resp.assert_called_with(
+ 'read_metric_data_response', m_id="metric_id",
+ m_name="metric_name", r_id="resource_id", cor_id=123, times=[],
+ metrics=[])
+ read_resp.assert_called_with(
+ 'read_metric_data_response', resp.return_value,
+ 'metric_response')
+ return
+ self.fail("No message received in consumer")
+ @mock.patch.object(metrics.Metrics, "list_metrics")
+ @mock.patch.object(prod, "list_metric_response")
+ @mock.patch.object(response.OpenStack_Response, "generate_response")
+ def test_list_metrics_req(self, resp, list_resp, list_metrics):
+ """Test Gnocchi list metrics request message from producer."""
+ # Set-up message, producer and consumer for tests
+ payload = {"vim_type": "OpenSTACK",
+ "metrics_list_request":
+ {"correlation_id": 123, }}
+ self.producer.send('metric_request', key="list_metric_request",
+ value=json.dumps(payload))
+ for message in self.req_consumer:
+ # Check the vim desired by the message
+ vim_type = json.loads(message.value)["vim_type"].lower()
+ if vim_type == "openstack":
+ # Mock an empty list generated by the request
+ list_metrics.return_value = []
+ self.metric_req.metric_calls(message, self.openstack_auth, None)
+ # A response message is generated and sent by MON's producer
+ resp.assert_called_with(
+ 'list_metric_response', m_list=[], cor_id=123)
+ list_resp.assert_called_with(
+ 'list_metric_response', resp.return_value, 'metric_response')
+ return
+ self.fail("No message received in consumer")
+ @mock.patch.object(metrics.Metrics, "get_metric_id")
+ @mock.patch.object(prod, "update_metric_response")
+ @mock.patch.object(response.OpenStack_Response, "generate_response")
+ def test_update_metrics_req(self, resp, update_resp, get_id):
+ """Test Gnocchi update metric request message from KafkaProducer."""
+ # Set-up message, producer and consumer for tests
+ payload = {"vim_type": "OpenSTACK",
+ "correlation_id": 123,
+ "metric_create":
+ {"metric_name": "my_metric",
+ "resource_uuid": "resource_id", }}
+ self.producer.send('metric_request', key="update_metric_request",
+ value=json.dumps(payload))
+ for message in self.req_consumer:
+ # Check the vim desired by the message
+ vim_type = json.loads(message.value)["vim_type"].lower()
+ if vim_type == "openstack":
+ # Gnocchi doesn't support metric updates
+ get_id.return_value = "metric_id"
+ self.metric_req.metric_calls(message, self.openstack_auth, None)
+ # Reponse message is generated and sent via MON's producer
+ # No metric update has taken place
+ resp.assert_called_with(
+ 'update_metric_response', status=False, cor_id=123,
+ r_id="resource_id", m_id="metric_id")
+ update_resp.assert_called_with(
+ 'update_metric_response', resp.return_value, 'metric_response')
+ return
+ self.fail("No message received in consumer")
import logging
import socket
+import unittest
from BaseHTTPServer import BaseHTTPRequestHandler
from BaseHTTPServer import HTTPServer
def do_GET(self):
"""Mock functionality for GET request."""
-# self.send_response(requests.codes.ok)
+ # self.send_response(requests.codes.ok)
assert response.ok
-@mock.patch.object(KafkaProducer, "notify_alarm")
-@mock.patch.object(OpenStack_Response, "generate_response")
-@mock.patch.object(Common, "_perform_request")
-@mock.patch.object(Common, "get_endpoint")
-@mock.patch.object(Common, "_authenticate")
-def test_post_notify_alarm(auth, endpoint, perf_req, resp, notify):
- """Integration test for notify_alarm."""
- url = 'http://localhost:{port}/users'.format(port=mock_server_port)
- payload = {"severity": "critical",
- "alarm_name": "my_alarm",
- "current": "current_state",
- "alarm_id": "my_alarm_id",
- "reason": "Threshold has been broken",
- "reason_data": {"count": 1,
- "most_recent": "null",
- "type": "threshold",
- "disposition": "unknown"},
- "previous": "previous_state"}
- # Mock authenticate and request response for testing
- auth.return_value = "my_auth_token"
- endpoint.return_value = "my_endpoint"
- perf_req.return_value = MockResponse(valid_get_resp)
- # Generate a post reqest for testing
- requests.post(url, json.dumps(payload))
- # A response message is generated with the following details
- resp.assert_called_with(
- "notify_alarm", a_id="my_alarm_id", r_id="my_resource_id",
- sev="critical", date='dd-mm-yyyy 00:00', state="current_state",
- vim_type="OpenStack")
- # Reponse message is sent back to the SO via MON's producer
- notify.assert_called_with("notify_alarm", mock.ANY, "alarm_response")
+class AlarmNotificationTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ @mock.patch.object(KafkaProducer, "notify_alarm")
+ @mock.patch.object(OpenStack_Response, "generate_response")
+ @mock.patch.object(Common, "_perform_request")
+ @mock.patch.object(Common, "get_endpoint")
+ @mock.patch.object(Common, "_authenticate")
+ def test_post_notify_alarm(self, auth, endpoint, perf_req, resp, notify):
+ """Integration test for notify_alarm."""
+ url = 'http://localhost:{port}/users'.format(port=mock_server_port)
+ payload = {"severity": "critical",
+ "alarm_name": "my_alarm",
+ "current": "current_state",
+ "alarm_id": "my_alarm_id",
+ "reason": "Threshold has been broken",
+ "reason_data": {"count": 1,
+ "most_recent": "null",
+ "type": "threshold",
+ "disposition": "unknown"},
+ "previous": "previous_state"}
+ # Mock authenticate and request response for testing
+ auth.return_value = "my_auth_token"
+ endpoint.return_value = "my_endpoint"
+ perf_req.return_value = MockResponse(valid_get_resp)
+ # Generate a post reqest for testing
+ requests.post(url, json.dumps(payload))
+ # A response message is generated with the following details
+ resp.assert_called_with(
+ "notify_alarm", a_id="my_alarm_id", r_id="my_resource_id",
+ sev="critical", date='dd-mm-yyyy 00:00', state="current_state",
+ vim_type="OpenStack")
+ # Reponse message is sent back to the SO via MON's producer
+ notify.assert_called_with("notify_alarm", mock.ANY, "alarm_response")
--- /dev/null
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2018 Whitestack, LLC
+# *************************************************************
+# This file is part of OSM Monitoring module
+# All Rights Reserved to Whitestack, LLC
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
+# contact: bdiaz@whitestack.com or glavado@whitestack.com
+"""Test an end to end Openstack vim_account requests."""
+import json
+import logging
+import time
+import unittest
+from kafka import KafkaConsumer
+from kafka import KafkaProducer
+from kafka.errors import KafkaError
+from osm_mon.core.auth import AuthManager
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class VimAccountTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ try:
+ self.producer = KafkaProducer(bootstrap_servers='localhost:9092')
+ self.consumer = KafkaConsumer(bootstrap_servers='localhost:9092',
+ group_id='osm_mon')
+ self.consumer.subscribe(['vim_account'])
+ self.auth_manager = AuthManager()
+ except KafkaError:
+ self.skipTest('Kafka server not present.')
+ def test_create_vim_account(self):
+ """Test vim_account creation message from KafkaProducer."""
+ # Set-up message, producer and consumer for tests
+ payload = {
+ "_id": "test_id",
+ "name": "test_name",
+ "vim_type": "openstack",
+ "vim_url": "auth_url",
+ "vim_user": "user",
+ "vim_password": "password",
+ "vim_tenant_name": "tenant",
+ "config":
+ {
+ "foo": "bar"
+ }
+ }
+ self.producer.send('vim_account', key=b'create', value=json.dumps(payload))
+ self.producer.flush()
+ # FIXME: Create a schema for a vim_account_create_response, so we can test it
+ time.sleep(5)
+ creds = self.auth_manager.get_credentials(payload['_id'])
+ self.assertEqual(creds.name, payload['name'])
+ self.assertEqual(json.loads(creds.config), payload['config'])
# For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
# contact: prithiv.mohan@intel.com or adrian.hoban@intel.com
data_files = [('/etc/systemd/system/', ['scripts/kafka.sh']),
- 'kafkad', 'osm_mon/core/message_bus/common_consumer'],
+ 'kafkad', 'osm_mon/core/message_bus/common_consumer.py'],