*** Variables ***
${success_return_code} 0
-${name} "helloworld-os"
${user} "robottest"
${password} "fred"
${authurl} ""
Create Vim Account
[Documentation] Create a new vim account
- ${rc} ${stdout}= Run and Return RC and Output osm vim-create --name ${name} --user ${user} --password ${password} --auth_url ${authurl} --tenant ${tenant} --account_type ${type} --description ${desc}
+ ${vim-name}= Generate Random String 8 [NUMBERS]
+ ${vim-name}= Catenate SEPARATOR= vim_ ${vim-name}
+ set global variable ${vim-name}
+ ${rc} ${stdout}= Run and Return RC and Output osm vim-create --name ${vim-name} --user ${user} --password ${password} --auth_url ${authurl} --tenant ${tenant} --account_type ${type} --description ${desc}
log ${stdout}
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} ${success_return_code}
Delete Vim Account
[Documentation] delete vim account details
- ${rc} ${stdout}= Run and Return RC and Output osm vim-delete ${name}
+ ${rc} ${stdout}= Run and Return RC and Output osm vim-delete ${vim-name}
log ${stdout}
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} ${success_return_code}