* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
+/* Change log:
+ * 1. Bug 699 : Jayant Madavi, Mrityunjay Yadav : JM00553988@techmahindra.com : 23-july-2019 : Improvement to the code, now using post syntax
+ * 2.
+ */
stage_3_merge_result = ''
def Get_MDG(project) {
// split the project.
downstream_job_name = "${mdg}-${stage_name}/${GERRIT_BRANCH}"
println("TEST_INSTALL = ${params.TEST_INSTALL}, downstream job: ${downstream_job_name}")
+ try {
+ stage_3_merge_result = build job: "${downstream_job_name}", parameters: downstream_params, propagate: true
+ if (stage_3_merge_result.getResult() != 'SUCCESS') {
+ project = stage_3_merge_result.getProjectName()
+ build = stage_3_merge_result.getNumber()
+ // Jayant if the build fails the below error will cause the pipeline to terminate.
+ // error("${project} build ${build} failed")
+ }
+ }
+ catch (caughtError) {
+ echo 'Exception in stage_1'
+ currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
+ }
+ finally {
+ if((${currentBuild.result} != 'SUCCESS') && (${env.JOB_NAME} == 'daily-stage_4')){
+ emailext (
+ subject: "[OSM-Jenkins] Job: ${env.JOB_NAME} Build: ${env.BUILD_NUMBER} Result: ${currentBuild.result}",
+ body: """ Check console output at "${env.BUILD_URL}" """,
+ to: 'OSM_MDL@list.etsi.org',
+ recipientProviders: [culprits()]
+ )
+ }
- stage_3_merge_result = build job: "${downstream_job_name}", parameters: downstream_params, propagate: true
- if (stage_3_merge_result.getResult() != 'SUCCESS') {
- project = stage_3_merge_result.getProjectName()
- build = stage_3_merge_result.getNumber()
- // Jayant if the build fails the below error will cause the pipeline to terminate.
- // error("${project} build ${build} failed")
- }
- }
- stage('Send Email') {
- if((stage_3_merge_result.getResult() != 'SUCCESS') && (${env.JOB_NAME} == 'daily-stage_4')){
- emailext (
- subject: "[OSM-Jenkins] Job: ${env.JOB_NAME} Build: ${env.BUILD_NUMBER} Result: ${stage_3_merge_result.getResult()}",
- body: """ Check console output at "${env.BUILD_URL}" """,
- to: 'OSM_MDL@list.etsi.org',
- recipientProviders: [culprits()]
- )
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
+ }
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
+/* Change log:
+ * 1. Bug 745 : Jayant Madavi, Mrityunjay Yadav : JM00553988@techmahindra.com : 23-july-2019 : Improvement to the code, typically we have 2 * or more branches whose build gets triggered, ex master & release branch, the previous code was removing any/all docker.
+ * Now removing previous docker of the same branch, so that the other branch failed docker should not be removed. It also
+ * acts as clean-up for previous docker remove failure.
+ */
string(defaultValue: env.GERRIT_BRANCH, description: '', name: 'GERRIT_BRANCH'),
repo_base_url = "-u ${params.REPOSITORY_BASE}"
if ( params.DO_STAGE_4 ) {
- sh "docker stack list | awk '{ print \$1 }'| xargs docker stack rm"
+ sh "docker stack list |grep \"${container_name_prefix}\"| awk '{ print \$1 }'| xargs docker stack rm"
sh """
export PATH=$PATH:/snap/bin
if ( ! currentBuild.result.equals('UNSTABLE') ) {
stage_archive = keep_artifacts
- }
+ } else {
+ error = new Exception("Smoke test failed")
+ currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
+ }
if ( ! currentBuild.result.equals('UNSTABLE') ) {
stage_archive = keep_artifacts
- }
+ } else {
+ error = new Exception("Systest test failed")
+ currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
+ }