return None
return None
- def new_vminstance(self, name=None, description="", start=False, image_id=None, flavor_id=None, net_list={},
+ def new_vminstance(self, name=None, description="", start=False, image_id=None, flavor_id=None, net_list=[],
cloud_config=None, disk_list=None, availability_zone_index=None, availability_zone_list=None):
"""Adds a VM instance to VIM
- start: indicates if VM must start or boot in pause mode. Ignored
- image_id,flavor_id: image and flavor uuid
- net_list: list of interfaces, each one is a dictionary with:
- name:
- net_id: network uuid to connect
- vpci: virtual vcpi to assign
- model: interface model, virtio, e2000, ...
- mac_address:
- use: 'data', 'bridge', 'mgmt'
- type: 'virtual', 'PF', 'VF', 'VFnotShared'
- vim_id: filled/added by this function
- cloud_config: can be a text script to be passed directly to cloud-init,
- or an object to inject users and ssh keys with format:
- key-pairs: [] list of keys to install to the default user
- users: [{ name, key-pairs: []}] list of users to add with their key-pair
- #TODO ip, security groups
- Returns >=0, the instance identifier
- <0, error_text
+ 'start': (boolean) indicates if VM must start or created in pause mode.
+ 'image_id','flavor_id': image and flavor VIM id to use for the VM
+ 'net_list': list of interfaces, each one is a dictionary with:
+ 'name': (optional) name for the interface.
+ 'net_id': VIM network id where this interface must be connect to. Mandatory for type==virtual
+ 'vpci': (optional) virtual vPCI address to assign at the VM. Can be ignored depending on VIM capabilities
+ 'model': (optional and only have sense for type==virtual) interface model: virtio, e2000, ...
+ 'mac_address': (optional) mac address to assign to this interface
+ #TODO: CHECK if an optional 'vlan' parameter is needed for VIMs when type if VF and net_id is not provided,
+ the VLAN tag to be used. In case net_id is provided, the internal network vlan is used for tagging VF
+ 'type': (mandatory) can be one of:
+ 'virtual', in this case always connected to a network of type 'net_type=bridge'
+ 'PF' (passthrough): depending on VIM capabilities it can be connected to a data/ptp network ot it
+ can created unconnected
+ 'VF' (SRIOV with VLAN tag): same as PF for network connectivity.
+ 'VFnotShared'(SRIOV without VLAN tag) same as PF for network connectivity. VF where no other VFs
+ are allocated on the same physical NIC
+ 'bw': (optional) only for PF/VF/VFnotShared. Minimal Bandwidth required for the interface in GBPS
+ 'port_security': (optional) If False it must avoid any traffic filtering at this interface. If missing
+ or True, it must apply the default VIM behaviour
+ After execution the method will add the key:
+ 'vim_id': must be filled/added by this method with the VIM identifier generated by the VIM for this
+ interface. 'net_list' is modified
+ 'cloud_config': (optional) dictionary with:
+ 'key-pairs': (optional) list of strings with the public key to be inserted to the default user
+ 'users': (optional) list of users to be inserted, each item is a dict with:
+ 'name': (mandatory) user name,
+ 'key-pairs': (optional) list of strings with the public key to be inserted to the user
+ 'user-data': (optional) can be a string with the text script to be passed directly to cloud-init,
+ or a list of strings, each one contains a script to be passed, usually with a MIMEmultipart file
+ 'config-files': (optional). List of files to be transferred. Each item is a dict with:
+ 'dest': (mandatory) string with the destination absolute path
+ 'encoding': (optional, by default text). Can be one of:
+ 'b64', 'base64', 'gz', 'gz+b64', 'gz+base64', 'gzip+b64', 'gzip+base64'
+ 'content' (mandatory): string with the content of the file
+ 'permissions': (optional) string with file permissions, typically octal notation '0644'
+ 'owner': (optional) file owner, string with the format 'owner:group'
+ 'boot-data-drive': boolean to indicate if user-data must be passed using a boot drive (hard disk)
+ 'disk_list': (optional) list with additional disks to the VM. Each item is a dict with:
+ 'image_id': (optional). VIM id of an existing image. If not provided an empty disk must be mounted
+ 'size': (mandatory) string with the size of the disk in GB
+ availability_zone_index: Index of availability_zone_list to use for this this VM. None if not AV required
+ availability_zone_list: list of availability zones given by user in the VNFD descriptor. Ignore if
+ availability_zone_index is None
+ Returns the instance identifier or raises an exception on error
-"Creating new instance for entry {}".format(name))
self.logger.debug("desc {} boot {} image_id: {} flavor_id: {} net_list: {} cloud_config {} disk_list {}".format(
description, start, image_id, flavor_id, net_list, cloud_config, disk_list))
network_mode = 'bridged'
if net_list is not None and len(net_list) > 0:
for net in net_list:
- if 'use' in net and net['use'] == 'mgmt':
+ if 'use' in net and net['use'] == 'mgmt' and not primary_net:
primary_net = net
if primary_net is None:
primary_net = net_list[0]
if 'net_id' not in net:
+ net_list['vim_id'] = net_list['net_id'] # Provide the same VIM identifier as the VIM network
interface_net_id = net['net_id']
interface_net_name = self.get_network_name_by_id(network_uuid=interface_net_id)
interface_network_mode = net['use']
task = vm_obj.ReconfigVM_Task(spec=spec)
if task:
result = self.wait_for_vcenter_task(task, vcenter_conect)
-"Reserved memmoery {} MB for "\
- "VM VM status: {}".format(str(memReserve),result))
+"Reserved memory {} MB for "
+ "VM VM status: {}".format(str(memReserve), result))
-"Fail to reserved memmoery {} to VM {}".format(
- str(memReserve),str(vm_obj)))
+"Fail to reserved memory {} to VM {}".format(
+ str(memReserve), str(vm_obj)))
self.logger.debug("new_vminstance(): power on vApp {} ".format(name))