table.align = 'l'
+def nsi_list(ctx, filter):
+ '''list all Network Slice Instances'''
+ try:
+ check_client_version(ctx.obj,
+ resp = ctx.obj.nsi.list(filter)
+ except ClientException as inst:
+ print((inst.message))
+ exit(1)
+ table = PrettyTable(
+ ['netslice instance name',
+ 'id',
+ 'operational status',
+ 'config status',
+ 'detailed status'])
+ for nsi in resp:
+ nsi_name = nsi['name']
+ nsi_id = nsi['_id']
+ opstatus = nsi['operational-status'] if 'operational-status' in nsi else 'Not found'
+ configstatus = nsi['config-status'] if 'config-status' in nsi else 'Not found'
+ detailed_status = nsi['detailed-status'] if 'detailed-status' in nsi else 'Not found'
+ if configstatus == "config_not_needed":
+ configstatus = "configured (no charms)"
+ table.add_row(
+ [nsi_name,
+ nsi_id,
+ opstatus,
+ configstatus,
+ detailed_status])
+ table.align = 'l'
+ print(table)
+@click.option('--filter', default=None,
+ help='restricts the list to the Network Slice Instances matching the filter')
+def nsi_list1(ctx, filter):
+ '''list all Network Slice Instances (NSI)'''
+ nsi_list(ctx,filter)
+@click.option('--filter', default=None,
+ help='restricts the list to the Network Slice Instances matching the filter')
+def nsi_list2(ctx, filter):
+ '''list all Network Slice Instances (NSI)'''
+ nsi_list(ctx,filter)
+def nst_list(ctx, filter):
+ try:
+ check_client_version(ctx.obj,
+ resp = ctx.obj.nst.list(filter)
+ except ClientException as inst:
+ print((inst.message))
+ exit(1)
+ #print yaml.safe_dump(resp)
+ table = PrettyTable(['nst name', 'id'])
+ for nst in resp:
+ name = nst['name'] if 'name' in nst else '-'
+ table.add_row([name, nst['_id']])
+ table.align = 'l'
+ print(table)
+@click.option('--filter', default=None,
+ help='restricts the list to the NST matching the filter')
+def nst_list1(ctx, filter):
+ '''list all Network Slice Templates (NST) in the system'''
+ nst_list(ctx,filter)
+@click.option('--filter', default=None,
+ help='restricts the list to the NST matching the filter')
+def nst_list2(ctx, filter):
+ '''list all Network Slice Templates (NST) in the system'''
+ nst_list(ctx,filter)
+def nsi_op_list(ctx, name):
+ try:
+ check_client_version(ctx.obj,
+ resp = ctx.obj.nsi.list_op(name)
+ except ClientException as inst:
+ print((inst.message))
+ exit(1)
+ table = PrettyTable(['id', 'operation', 'status'])
+ for op in resp:
+ table.add_row([op['id'], op['lcmOperationType'],
+ op['operationState']])
+ table.align = 'l'
+ print(table)
+def nsi_op_list1(ctx, name):
+ '''shows the history of operations over a Network Slice Instance (NSI)
+ NAME: name or ID of the Network Slice Instance
+ '''
+ nsi_op_list(ctx,name)
+def nsi_op_list2(ctx, name):
+ '''shows the history of operations over a Network Slice Instance (NSI)
+ NAME: name or ID of the Network Slice Instance
+ '''
+ nsi_op_list(ctx,name)
# SHOW operations
table.align = 'l'
@cli.command(name='ns-op-show', short_help='shows the info of an operation')
@click.option('--filter', default=None)
+def nst_show(ctx, name, literal):
+ try:
+ check_client_version(ctx.obj,
+ resp = ctx.obj.nst.get(name)
+ #resp = ctx.obj.nst.get_individual(name)
+ except ClientException as inst:
+ print((inst.message))
+ exit(1)
+ if literal:
+ print(yaml.safe_dump(resp))
+ return
+ table = PrettyTable(['field', 'value'])
+ for k, v in list(resp.items()):
+ table.add_row([k, json.dumps(v, indent=2)])
+ table.align = 'l'
+ print(table)
+@cli.command(name='nst-show', short_help='shows the content of a Network Slice Template (NST)')
+@click.option('--literal', is_flag=True,
+ help='print literally, no pretty table')
+def nst_show1(ctx, name, literal):
+ '''shows the content of a Network Slice Template (NST)
+ NAME: name or ID of the NST
+ '''
+ nst_show(ctx, name, literal)
+@cli.command(name='netslice-template-show', short_help='shows the content of a Network Slice Template (NST)')
+@click.option('--literal', is_flag=True,
+ help='print literally, no pretty table')
+def nst_show2(ctx, name, literal):
+ '''shows the content of a Network Slice Template (NST)
+ NAME: name or ID of the NST
+ '''
+ nst_show(ctx, name, literal)
+def nsi_show(ctx, name, literal, filter):
+ try:
+ check_client_version(ctx.obj,
+ nsi = ctx.obj.nsi.get(name)
+ except ClientException as inst:
+ print((inst.message))
+ exit(1)
+ if literal:
+ print(yaml.safe_dump(nsi))
+ return
+ table = PrettyTable(['field', 'value'])
+ for k, v in list(nsi.items()):
+ if filter is None or filter in k:
+ table.add_row([k, json.dumps(v, indent=2)])
+ table.align = 'l'
+ print(table)
+@cli.command(name='nsi-show', short_help='shows the content of a Network Slice Instance (NSI)')
+@click.option('--literal', is_flag=True,
+ help='print literally, no pretty table')
+@click.option('--filter', default=None)
+def nsi_show1(ctx, name, literal, filter):
+ '''shows the content of a Network Slice Instance (NSI)
+ NAME: name or ID of the Network Slice Instance
+ '''
+ nsi_show(ctx, name, literal, filter)
+@cli.command(name='netslice-instance-show', short_help='shows the content of a Network Slice Instance (NSI)')
+@click.option('--literal', is_flag=True,
+ help='print literally, no pretty table')
+@click.option('--filter', default=None)
+def nsi_show2(ctx, name, literal, filter):
+ '''shows the content of a Network Slice Instance (NSI)
+ NAME: name or ID of the Network Slice Instance
+ '''
+ nsi_show(ctx, name, literal, filter)
+def nsi_op_show(ctx, id, filter):
+ try:
+ check_client_version(ctx.obj,
+ op_info = ctx.obj.nsi.get_op(id)
+ except ClientException as inst:
+ print((inst.message))
+ exit(1)
+ table = PrettyTable(['field', 'value'])
+ for k, v in list(op_info.items()):
+ if filter is None or filter in k:
+ table.add_row([k, json.dumps(v, indent=2)])
+ table.align = 'l'
+ print(table)
+@cli.command(name='nsi-op-show', short_help='shows the info of an operation over a Network Slice Instance(NSI)')
+@click.option('--filter', default=None)
+def nsi_op_show1(ctx, id, filter):
+ '''shows the info of an operation over a Network Slice Instance(NSI)
+ ID: operation identifier
+ '''
+ nsi_op_show(ctx, id, filter)
+@cli.command(name='netslice-instance-op-show', short_help='shows the info of an operation over a Network Slice Instance(NSI)')
+@click.option('--filter', default=None)
+def nsi_op_show2(ctx, id, filter):
+ '''shows the info of an operation over a Network Slice Instance(NSI)
+ ID: operation identifier
+ '''
+ nsi_op_show(ctx, id, filter)
# CREATE operations
vnfd_create(ctx, filename, overwrite)
+@cli.command(name='ns-create', short_help='creates a new Network Service instance')
- prompt=True)
+ prompt=True, help='name of the NS instance')
- prompt=True)
+ prompt=True, help='name of the NS descriptor')
- prompt=True)
+ prompt=True, help='default VIM account id or name for the deployment')
help='administration status')
+def nst_create(ctx, filename, overwrite):
+ try:
+ check_client_version(ctx.obj,
+ ctx.obj.nst.create(filename, overwrite)
+ except ClientException as inst:
+ print((inst.message))
+ exit(1)
+@cli.command(name='nst-create', short_help='creates a new Network Slice Template (NST)')
+@click.option('--overwrite', default=None,
+ help='overwrites some fields in NST')
+def nst_create1(ctx, filename, overwrite):
+ '''creates a new Network Slice Template (NST)
+ FILENAME: NST yaml file or NSTpkg tar.gz file
+ '''
+ nst_create(ctx, filename, overwrite)
+@cli.command(name='netslice-template-create', short_help='creates a new Network Slice Template (NST)')
+@click.option('--overwrite', default=None,
+ help='overwrites some fields in NST')
+def nst_create2(ctx, filename, overwrite):
+ '''creates a new Network Slice Template (NST)
+ FILENAME: NST yaml file or NSTpkg tar.gz file
+ '''
+ nst_create(ctx, filename, overwrite)
+def nsi_create(ctx, nst_name, nsi_name, vim_account, ssh_keys, config):
+ '''creates a new Network Slice Instance (NSI)'''
+ try:
+ check_client_version(ctx.obj,
+ ctx.obj.nsi.create(nst_name, nsi_name, config=config, ssh_keys=ssh_keys,
+ account=vim_account)
+ except ClientException as inst:
+ print((inst.message))
+ exit(1)
+@cli.command(name='nsi-create', short_help='creates a new Network Slice Instance')
+@click.option('--nsi_name', prompt=True, help='name of the Network Slice Instance')
+@click.option('--nst_name', prompt=True, help='name of the Network Slice Template')
+@click.option('--vim_account', prompt=True, help='default VIM account id or name for the deployment')
+@click.option('--ssh_keys', default=None,
+ help='comma separated list of keys to inject to vnfs')
+@click.option('--config', default=None,
+ help='Netslice specific yaml configuration:\n'
+ 'netslice_subnet: [\n'
+ 'id: TEXT, vim_account: TEXT,\n'
+ 'vnf: [member-vnf-index: TEXT, vim_account: TEXT]\n'
+ 'vld: [name: TEXT, vim-network-name: TEXT or DICT with vim_account, vim_net entries]'
+ '],\n'
+ 'netslice-vld: [name: TEXT, vim-network-name: TEXT or DICT with vim_account, vim_net entries]'
+ )
+def nsi_create1(ctx, nst_name, nsi_name, vim_account, ssh_keys, config):
+ '''creates a new Network Slice Instance (NSI)'''
+ nsi_create(ctx, nst_name, nsi_name, vim_account, ssh_keys, config)
+@cli.command(name='netslice-instance-create', short_help='creates a new Network Slice Instance')
+@click.option('--nsi_name', prompt=True, help='name of the Network Slice Instance')
+@click.option('--nst_name', prompt=True, help='name of the Network Slice Template')
+@click.option('--vim_account', prompt=True, help='default VIM account id or name for the deployment')
+@click.option('--ssh_keys', default=None,
+ help='comma separated list of keys to inject to vnfs')
+@click.option('--config', default=None,
+ help='Netslice specific yaml configuration:\n'
+ 'netslice_subnet: [\n'
+ 'id: TEXT, vim_account: TEXT,\n'
+ 'vnf: [member-vnf-index: TEXT, vim_account: TEXT]\n'
+ 'vld: [name: TEXT, vim-network-name: TEXT or DICT with vim_account, vim_net entries]'
+ '],\n'
+ 'netslice-vld: [name: TEXT, vim-network-name: TEXT or DICT with vim_account, vim_net entries]'
+ )
+def nsi_create2(ctx, nst_name, nsi_name, vim_account, ssh_keys, config):
+ '''creates a new Network Slice Instance (NSI)'''
+ nsi_create(ctx, nst_name, nsi_name, vim_account, ssh_keys, config)
# UPDATE operations
@cli.command(name='nsd-update', short_help='updates a NSD/NSpkg')
@click.option('--content', default=None,
vnfd_update(ctx, name, content)
+def nst_update(ctx, name, content):
+ try:
+ check_client_version(ctx.obj,
+ ctx.obj.nst.update(name, content)
+ except ClientException as inst:
+ print((inst.message))
+ exit(1)
+@cli.command(name='nst-update', short_help='updates a Network Slice Template (NST)')
+@click.option('--content', default=None,
+ help='filename with the NST/NSTpkg replacing the current one')
+def nst_update1(ctx, name, content):
+ '''updates a Network Slice Template (NST)
+ NAME: name or ID of the NSD/NSpkg
+ '''
+ nst_update(ctx, name, content)
+@cli.command(name='netslice-template-update', short_help='updates a Network Slice Template (NST)')
+@click.option('--content', default=None,
+ help='filename with the NST/NSTpkg replacing the current one')
+def nst_update2(ctx, name, content):
+ '''updates a Network Slice Template (NST)
+ NAME: name or ID of the NSD/NSpkg
+ '''
+ nst_update(ctx, name, content)
# DELETE operations
+def nst_delete(ctx, name, force):
+ try:
+ check_client_version(ctx.obj,
+ ctx.obj.nst.delete(name, force)
+ except ClientException as inst:
+ print((inst.message))
+ exit(1)
+@cli.command(name='nst-delete', short_help='deletes a Network Slice Template (NST)')
+@click.option('--force', is_flag=True, help='forces the deletion bypassing pre-conditions')
+def nst_delete1(ctx, name, force):
+ '''deletes a Network Slice Template (NST)
+ NAME: name or ID of the NST/NSTpkg to be deleted
+ '''
+ nst_delete(ctx, name, force)
+@cli.command(name='netslice-template-delete', short_help='deletes a Network Slice Template (NST)')
+@click.option('--force', is_flag=True, help='forces the deletion bypassing pre-conditions')
+def nst_delete2(ctx, name, force):
+ '''deletes a Network Slice Template (NST)
+ NAME: name or ID of the NST/NSTpkg to be deleted
+ '''
+ nst_delete(ctx, name, force)
+def nsi_delete(ctx, name, force):
+ try:
+ check_client_version(ctx.obj,
+ ctx.obj.nsi.delete(name, force)
+ except ClientException as inst:
+ print((inst.message))
+ exit(1)
+@cli.command(name='nsi-delete', short_help='deletes a Network Slice Instance (NSI)')
+@click.option('--force', is_flag=True, help='forces the deletion bypassing pre-conditions')
+def nsi_delete1(ctx, name, force):
+ '''deletes a Network Slice Instance (NSI)
+ NAME: name or ID of the Network Slice instance to be deleted
+ '''
+ nsi_delete(ctx, name, force)
+@cli.command(name='netslice-instance-delete', short_help='deletes a Network Slice Instance (NSI)')
+@click.option('--force', is_flag=True, help='forces the deletion bypassing pre-conditions')
+def nsi_delete2(ctx, name, force):
+ '''deletes a Network Slice Instance (NSI)
+ NAME: name or ID of the Network Slice instance to be deleted
+ '''
+ nsi_delete(ctx, name, force)
# VIM operations
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2018 Telefonica
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+OSM NSI (Network Slice Instance) API handling
+from osmclient.common import utils
+from osmclient.common.exceptions import ClientException
+from osmclient.common.exceptions import NotFound
+import yaml
+import json
+class Nsi(object):
+ def __init__(self, http=None, client=None):
+ self._http = http
+ self._client = client
+ self._apiName = '/nsilcm'
+ self._apiVersion = '/v1'
+ self._apiResource = '/netslice_instances_content'
+ self._apiBase = '{}{}{}'.format(self._apiName,
+ self._apiVersion, self._apiResource)
+ def list(self, filter=None):
+ """Returns a list of NSI
+ """
+ filter_string = ''
+ if filter:
+ filter_string = '?{}'.format(filter)
+ resp = self._http.get_cmd('{}{}'.format(self._apiBase,filter_string))
+ if resp:
+ return resp
+ return list()
+ def get(self, name):
+ """Returns an NSI based on name or id
+ """
+ if utils.validate_uuid4(name):
+ for nsi in self.list():
+ if name == nsi['_id']:
+ return nsi
+ else:
+ for nsi in self.list():
+ if name == nsi['name']:
+ return nsi
+ raise NotFound("nsi {} not found".format(name))
+ def get_individual(self, name):
+ nsi_id = name
+ if not utils.validate_uuid4(name):
+ for nsi in self.list():
+ if name == nsi['name']:
+ nsi_id = nsi['_id']
+ break
+ resp = self._http.get_cmd('{}/{}'.format(self._apiBase, nsi_id))
+ #resp = self._http.get_cmd('{}/{}/nsd_content'.format(self._apiBase, nsi_id))
+ #print yaml.safe_dump(resp)
+ if resp:
+ return resp
+ raise NotFound("nsi {} not found".format(name))
+ def delete(self, name, force=False):
+ nsi = self.get(name)
+ querystring = ''
+ if force:
+ querystring = '?FORCE=True'
+ http_code, resp = self._http.delete_cmd('{}/{}{}'.format(self._apiBase,
+ nsi['_id'], querystring))
+ #print 'HTTP CODE: {}'.format(http_code)
+ #print 'RESP: {}'.format(resp)
+ if http_code == 202:
+ print('Deletion in progress')
+ elif http_code == 204:
+ print('Deleted')
+ else:
+ msg = ""
+ if resp:
+ try:
+ msg = json.loads(resp)
+ except ValueError:
+ msg = resp
+ raise ClientException("failed to delete nsi {} - {}".format(name, msg))
+ def create(self, nst_name, nsi_name, account, config=None,
+ ssh_keys=None, description='default description',
+ admin_status='ENABLED'):
+ nst = self._client.nst.get(nst_name)
+ vim_account_id = {}
+ def get_vim_account_id(vim_account):
+ if vim_account_id.get(vim_account):
+ return vim_account_id[vim_account]
+ vim = self._client.vim.get(vim_account)
+ if vim is None:
+ raise NotFound("cannot find vim account '{}'".format(vim_account))
+ vim_account_id[vim_account] = vim['_id']
+ return vim['_id']
+ nsi = {}
+ nsi['nstId'] = nst['_id']
+ nsi['nsiName'] = nsi_name
+ nsi['nsiDescription'] = description
+ nsi['vimAccountId'] = get_vim_account_id(account)
+ #nsi['userdata'] = {}
+ #nsi['userdata']['key1']='value1'
+ #nsi['userdata']['key2']='value2'
+ if ssh_keys is not None:
+ # ssh_keys is comma separate list
+ # ssh_keys_format = []
+ # for key in ssh_keys.split(','):
+ # ssh_keys_format.append({'key-pair-ref': key})
+ #
+ # ns['ssh-authorized-key'] = ssh_keys_format
+ nsi['ssh_keys'] = []
+ for pubkeyfile in ssh_keys.split(','):
+ with open(pubkeyfile, 'r') as f:
+ nsi['ssh_keys'].append(
+ if config:
+ nsi_config = yaml.load(config)
+ if "netslice-vld" in nsi_config:
+ for vld in nsi_config["netslice-vld"]:
+ if vld.get("vim-network-name"):
+ if isinstance(vld["vim-network-name"], dict):
+ vim_network_name_dict = {}
+ for vim_account, vim_net in list(vld["vim-network-name"].items()):
+ vim_network_name_dict[get_vim_account_id(vim_account)] = vim_net
+ vld["vim-network-name"] = vim_network_name_dict
+ nsi["netslice-vld"] = nsi_config["netslice-vld"]
+ if "netslice-subnet" in nsi_config:
+ for nssubnet in nsi_config["netslice-subnet"]:
+ if "vld" in nssubnet:
+ for vld in nssubnet["vld"]:
+ if vld.get("vim-network-name"):
+ if isinstance(vld["vim-network-name"], dict):
+ vim_network_name_dict = {}
+ for vim_account, vim_net in list(vld["vim-network-name"].items()):
+ vim_network_name_dict[get_vim_account_id(vim_account)] = vim_net
+ vld["vim-network-name"] = vim_network_name_dict
+ if "vnf" in nssubnet:
+ for vnf in nsi_config["vnf"]:
+ if vnf.get("vim_account"):
+ vnf["vimAccountId"] = get_vim_account_id(vnf.pop("vim_account"))
+ nsi["netslice-subnet"] = nsi_config["netslice-subnet"]
+ #print yaml.safe_dump(nsi)
+ try:
+ self._apiResource = '/netslice_instances_content'
+ self._apiBase = '{}{}{}'.format(self._apiName,
+ self._apiVersion, self._apiResource)
+ headers = self._client._headers
+ headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/yaml'
+ http_header = ['{}: {}'.format(key,val)
+ for (key,val) in list(headers.items())]
+ self._http.set_http_header(http_header)
+ http_code, resp = self._http.post_cmd(endpoint=self._apiBase,
+ postfields_dict=nsi)
+ #print 'HTTP CODE: {}'.format(http_code)
+ #print 'RESP: {}'.format(resp)
+ if http_code in (200, 201, 202, 204):
+ if resp:
+ resp = json.loads(resp)
+ if not resp or 'id' not in resp:
+ raise ClientException('unexpected response from server - {} '.format(
+ resp))
+ print(resp['id'])
+ else:
+ msg = ""
+ if resp:
+ try:
+ msg = json.loads(resp)
+ except ValueError:
+ msg = resp
+ raise ClientException(msg)
+ except ClientException as exc:
+ message="failed to create nsi: {} nst: {}\nerror:\n{}".format(
+ nsi_name,
+ nst_name,
+ exc.message)
+ raise ClientException(message)
+ def list_op(self, name, filter=None):
+ """Returns the list of operations of a NSI
+ """
+ nsi = self.get(name)
+ try:
+ self._apiResource = '/nsi_lcm_op_occs'
+ self._apiBase = '{}{}{}'.format(self._apiName,
+ self._apiVersion, self._apiResource)
+ filter_string = ''
+ if filter:
+ filter_string = '&{}'.format(filter)
+ http_code, resp = self._http.get2_cmd('{}?nsiInstanceId={}'.format(
+ self._apiBase, nsi['_id'],
+ filter_string) )
+ #print 'HTTP CODE: {}'.format(http_code)
+ #print 'RESP: {}'.format(resp)
+ if http_code == 200:
+ if resp:
+ resp = json.loads(resp)
+ return resp
+ else:
+ raise ClientException('unexpected response from server')
+ else:
+ msg = ""
+ if resp:
+ try:
+ resp = json.loads(resp)
+ msg = resp['detail']
+ except ValueError:
+ msg = resp
+ raise ClientException(msg)
+ except ClientException as exc:
+ message="failed to get operation list of NSI {}:\nerror:\n{}".format(
+ name,
+ exc.message)
+ raise ClientException(message)
+ def get_op(self, operationId):
+ """Returns the status of an operation
+ """
+ try:
+ self._apiResource = '/nsi_lcm_op_occs'
+ self._apiBase = '{}{}{}'.format(self._apiName,
+ self._apiVersion, self._apiResource)
+ http_code, resp = self._http.get2_cmd('{}/{}'.format(self._apiBase, operationId))
+ #print 'HTTP CODE: {}'.format(http_code)
+ #print 'RESP: {}'.format(resp)
+ if http_code == 200:
+ if resp:
+ resp = json.loads(resp)
+ return resp
+ else:
+ raise ClientException('unexpected response from server')
+ else:
+ msg = ""
+ if resp:
+ try:
+ resp = json.loads(resp)
+ msg = resp['detail']
+ except ValueError:
+ msg = resp
+ raise ClientException(msg)
+ except ClientException as exc:
+ message="failed to get status of operation {}:\nerror:\n{}".format(
+ operationId,
+ exc.message)
+ raise ClientException(message)
+ def exec_op(self, name, op_name, op_data=None):
+ """Executes an operation on a NSI
+ """
+ nsi = self.get(name)
+ try:
+ self._apiResource = '/netslice_instances'
+ self._apiBase = '{}{}{}'.format(self._apiName,
+ self._apiVersion, self._apiResource)
+ endpoint = '{}/{}/{}'.format(self._apiBase, nsi['_id'], op_name)
+ #print 'OP_NAME: {}'.format(op_name)
+ #print 'OP_DATA: {}'.format(json.dumps(op_data))
+ http_code, resp = self._http.post_cmd(endpoint=endpoint, postfields_dict=op_data)
+ #print 'HTTP CODE: {}'.format(http_code)
+ #print 'RESP: {}'.format(resp)
+ if http_code in (200, 201, 202, 204):
+ if resp:
+ resp = json.loads(resp)
+ if not resp or 'id' not in resp:
+ raise ClientException('unexpected response from server - {}'.format(
+ resp))
+ print(resp['id'])
+ else:
+ msg = ""
+ if resp:
+ try:
+ msg = json.loads(resp)
+ except ValueError:
+ msg = resp
+ raise ClientException(msg)
+ except ClientException as exc:
+ message="failed to exec operation {}:\nerror:\n{}".format(
+ name,
+ exc.message)
+ raise ClientException(message)
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2018 Telefonica
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+OSM NST (Network Slice Template) API handling
+from osmclient.common.exceptions import NotFound
+from osmclient.common.exceptions import ClientException
+from osmclient.common import utils
+import json
+import magic
+#from os import stat
+#from os.path import basename
+class Nst(object):
+ def __init__(self, http=None, client=None):
+ self._http = http
+ self._client = client
+ self._apiName = '/nst'
+ self._apiVersion = '/v1'
+ self._apiResource = '/netslice_templates'
+ self._apiBase = '{}{}{}'.format(self._apiName,
+ self._apiVersion, self._apiResource)
+ def list(self, filter=None):
+ filter_string = ''
+ if filter:
+ filter_string = '?{}'.format(filter)
+ resp = self._http.get_cmd('{}{}'.format(self._apiBase, filter_string))
+ #print yaml.safe_dump(resp)
+ if resp:
+ return resp
+ return list()
+ def get(self, name):
+ if utils.validate_uuid4(name):
+ for nst in self.list():
+ if name == nst['_id']:
+ return nst
+ else:
+ for nst in self.list():
+ if 'name' in nst and name == nst['name']:
+ return nst
+ raise NotFound("nst {} not found".format(name))
+ def get_individual(self, name):
+ nst = self.get(name)
+ # It is redundant, since the previous one already gets the whole nstinfo
+ # The only difference is that a different primitive is exercised
+ resp = self._http.get_cmd('{}/{}'.format(self._apiBase, nst['_id']))
+ #print yaml.safe_dump(resp)
+ if resp:
+ return resp
+ raise NotFound("nst {} not found".format(name))
+ def get_thing(self, name, thing, filename):
+ nst = self.get(name)
+ headers = self._client._headers
+ headers['Accept'] = 'application/binary'
+ http_code, resp = self._http.get2_cmd('{}/{}/{}'.format(self._apiBase, nst['_id'], thing))
+ #print 'HTTP CODE: {}'.format(http_code)
+ #print 'RESP: {}'.format(resp)
+ if http_code in (200, 201, 202, 204):
+ if resp:
+ #store in a file
+ return resp
+ else:
+ msg = ""
+ if resp:
+ try:
+ msg = json.loads(resp)
+ except ValueError:
+ msg = resp
+ raise ClientException("failed to get {} from {} - {}".format(thing, name, msg))
+ def get_descriptor(self, name, filename):
+ self.get_thing(name, 'nst', filename)
+ def get_package(self, name, filename):
+ self.get_thing(name, 'nst_content', filename)
+ def get_artifact(self, name, artifact, filename):
+ self.get_thing(name, 'artifacts/{}'.format(artifact), filename)
+ def delete(self, name, force=False):
+ nst = self.get(name)
+ querystring = ''
+ if force:
+ querystring = '?FORCE=True'
+ http_code, resp = self._http.delete_cmd('{}/{}{}'.format(self._apiBase,
+ nst['_id'], querystring))
+ #print 'HTTP CODE: {}'.format(http_code)
+ #print 'RESP: {}'.format(resp)
+ if http_code == 202:
+ print('Deletion in progress')
+ elif http_code == 204:
+ print('Deleted')
+ else:
+ msg = ""
+ if resp:
+ try:
+ resp = json.loads(resp)
+ except ValueError:
+ msg = resp
+ raise ClientException("failed to delete nst {} - {}".format(name, msg))
+ def create(self, filename, overwrite=None, update_endpoint=None):
+ mime_type = magic.from_file(filename, mime=True)
+ if mime_type is None:
+ raise ClientException(
+ "failed to guess MIME type for file '{}'".format(filename))
+ headers= self._client._headers
+ if mime_type in ['application/yaml', 'text/plain']:
+ headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/yaml'
+ elif mime_type in ['application/gzip', 'application/x-gzip']:
+ headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/gzip'
+ #headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/binary'
+ # Next three lines are to be removed in next version
+ #headers['Content-Filename'] = basename(filename)
+ #file_size = stat(filename).st_size
+ #headers['Content-Range'] = 'bytes 0-{}/{}'.format(file_size - 1, file_size)
+ else:
+ raise ClientException(
+ "Unexpected MIME type for file {}: MIME type {}".format(
+ filename, mime_type)
+ )
+ headers["Content-File-MD5"] = utils.md5(filename)
+ http_header = ['{}: {}'.format(key,val)
+ for (key,val) in list(headers.items())]
+ self._http.set_http_header(http_header)
+ if update_endpoint:
+ http_code, resp = self._http.put_cmd(endpoint=update_endpoint, filename=filename)
+ else:
+ ow_string = ''
+ if overwrite:
+ ow_string = '?{}'.format(overwrite)
+ self._apiResource = '/netslice_templates_content'
+ self._apiBase = '{}{}{}'.format(self._apiName,
+ self._apiVersion, self._apiResource)
+ endpoint = '{}{}'.format(self._apiBase,ow_string)
+ http_code, resp = self._http.post_cmd(endpoint=endpoint, filename=filename)
+ #print 'HTTP CODE: {}'.format(http_code)
+ #print 'RESP: {}'.format(resp)
+ if http_code in (200, 201, 202, 204):
+ if resp:
+ resp = json.loads(resp)
+ if not resp or 'id' not in resp:
+ raise ClientException('unexpected response from server - {}'.format(
+ resp))
+ print(resp['id'])
+ else:
+ msg = "Error {}".format(http_code)
+ if resp:
+ try:
+ msg = "{} - {}".format(msg, json.loads(resp))
+ except ValueError:
+ msg = "{} - {}".format(msg, resp)
+ raise ClientException("failed to create/update nst - {}".format(msg))
+ def update(self, name, filename):
+ nst = self.get(name)
+ endpoint = '{}/{}/netslice_templates_content'.format(self._apiBase, nst['_id'])
+ self.create(filename=filename, update_endpoint=endpoint)