--- /dev/null
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2020 ETSI OSM
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import logging
+import uuid
+import copy
+import json
+import yaml
+#import requests
+#from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
+from osm_ro.wim.sdnconn import SdnConnectorBase, SdnConnectorError
+from osm_rosdn_juniper_contrail.rest_lib import Http
+from io import BytesIO
+import pycurl
+class JuniperContrail(SdnConnectorBase):
+ """
+ Juniper Contrail SDN plugin. The plugin interacts with Juniper Contrail Controller,
+ whose API details can be found in these links:
+ - https://github.com/tonyliu0592/contrail/wiki/API-Configuration-REST
+ - https://www.juniper.net/documentation/en_US/contrail19/information-products/pathway-pages/api-guide-1910/tutorial_with_rest.html
+ - https://github.com/tonyliu0592/contrail-toolbox/blob/master/sriov/sriov
+ """
+ _WIM_LOGGER = "openmano.sdnconn.junipercontrail"
+ def __init__(self, wim, wim_account, config=None, logger=None):
+ """
+ :param wim: (dict). Contains among others 'wim_url'
+ :param wim_account: (dict). Contains among others 'uuid' (internal id), 'name',
+ 'sdn' (True if is intended for SDN-assist or False if intended for WIM), 'user', 'password'.
+ :param config: (dict or None): Particular information of plugin. These keys if present have a common meaning:
+ 'mapping_not_needed': (bool) False by default or if missing, indicates that mapping is not needed.
+ 'service_endpoint_mapping': (list) provides the internal endpoint mapping. The meaning is:
+ KEY meaning for WIM meaning for SDN assist
+ -------- -------- --------
+ device_id pop_switch_dpid compute_id
+ device_interface_id pop_switch_port compute_pci_address
+ service_endpoint_id wan_service_endpoint_id SDN_service_endpoint_id
+ service_mapping_info wan_service_mapping_info SDN_service_mapping_info
+ contains extra information if needed. Text in Yaml format
+ switch_dpid wan_switch_dpid SDN_switch_dpid
+ switch_port wan_switch_port SDN_switch_port
+ datacenter_id vim_account vim_account
+ id: (internal, do not use)
+ wim_id: (internal, do not use)
+ :param logger (logging.Logger): optional logger object. If none is passed 'openmano.sdn.sdnconn' is used.
+ """
+ self.logger = logger or logging.getLogger(self._WIM_LOGGER)
+ self.logger.debug('wim: {}, wim_account: {}, config: {}'.format(wim, wim_account, config))
+ super().__init__(wim, wim_account, config, logger)
+ self.user = wim_account.get("user")
+ self.password = wim_account.get("password")
+ url = wim.get("wim_url")
+ auth_url = None
+ overlay_url = None
+ self.project = None
+ self.domain = None
+ self.asn = None
+ self.fabric = None
+ self.vni_range = None
+ if config:
+ auth_url = config.get("auth_url")
+ overlay_url = config.get("overlay_url")
+ self.project = config.get("project")
+ self.domain = config.get("domain")
+ self.asn = config.get("asn")
+ self.fabric = config.get("fabric")
+ self.vni_range = config.get("vni_range")
+ if not url:
+ raise SdnConnectorError("'url' must be provided")
+ if not url.startswith("http"):
+ url = "http://" + url
+ if not url.endswith("/"):
+ url = url + "/"
+ self.url = url
+ if not self.project:
+ raise SdnConnectorError("'project' must be provided")
+ if not self.asn:
+ # TODO: Get ASN from controller config; otherwise raise ERROR for the moment
+ raise SdnConnectorError("'asn' was not provided and was not possible to obtain it")
+ if not self.fabric:
+ # TODO: Get FABRIC from controller config; otherwise raise ERROR for the moment
+ raise SdnConnectorError("'fabric' was not provided and was not possible to obtain it")
+ if not self.domain:
+ self.domain = 'default'
+ self.logger.info("No domain was provided. Using 'default'")
+ if not self.vni_range:
+ self.vni_range = '1000001-2000000'
+ self.logger.info("No vni_range was provided. Using '1000001-2000000'")
+ if overlay_url:
+ if not overlay_url.startswith("http"):
+ overlay_url = "http://" + overlay_url
+ if not overlay_url.endswith("/"):
+ overlay_url = overlay_url + "/"
+ self.overlay_url = overlay_url
+ if auth_url:
+ if not auth_url.startswith("http"):
+ auth_url = "http://" + auth_url
+ if not auth_url.endswith("/"):
+ auth_url = auth_url + "/"
+ self.auth_url = auth_url
+ # Init http lib
+ self.http = Http(self.logger)
+ # Init http headers for all requests
+ self.headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
+ self.http_header = ['{}: {}'.format(key, val)
+ for (key, val) in list(self.headers.items())]
+ auth_dict = {}
+ auth_dict['auth'] = {}
+ auth_dict['auth']['scope'] = {}
+ auth_dict['auth']['scope']['project'] = {}
+ auth_dict['auth']['scope']['project']['domain'] = {}
+ auth_dict['auth']['scope']['project']['domain']["id"] = self.domain
+ auth_dict['auth']['scope']['project']['name'] = self.project
+ auth_dict['auth']['identity'] = {}
+ auth_dict['auth']['identity']['methods'] = ['password']
+ auth_dict['auth']['identity']['password'] = {}
+ auth_dict['auth']['identity']['password']['user'] = {}
+ auth_dict['auth']['identity']['password']['user']['name'] = self.user
+ auth_dict['auth']['identity']['password']['user']['password'] = self.password
+ auth_dict['auth']['identity']['password']['user']['domain'] = {}
+ auth_dict['auth']['identity']['password']['user']['domain']['id'] = self.domain
+ self.auth_dict = auth_dict
+ self.token = None
+ self.logger.info("Juniper Contrail Connector Initialized.")
+ def _get_token(self):
+ self.logger.debug('Current Token:'.format(str(self.token)))
+ auth_url = self.auth_url + 'auth/tokens'
+ if self.token is None:
+ if not self.auth_url:
+ self.token = ""
+ http_code, resp = self.http.post_cmd(url=auth_url, headers=self.http_header,
+ postfields_dict=self.auth_dict,
+ return_header = 'x-subject-token')
+ self.token = resp
+ self.logger.debug('Token: '.format(self.token))
+ if self.token:
+ self.headers['X-Auth-Token'] = self.token
+ else:
+ self.headers.pop('X-Auth-Token', None)
+ http_header = ['{}: {}'.format(key, val)
+ for (key, val) in list(self.headers.items())]
+ # Aux functions for testing
+ def get_url(self):
+ return self.url
+ def get_overlay_url(self):
+ return self.overlay_url
+ # Virtual network operations
+ def _create_virtual_network(self, controller_url, name, vni):
+ routetarget = '{}:{}'.format(self.asn,vni)
+ vnet_dict = {
+ "virtual-network": {
+ "virtual_network_properties": {
+ "vxlan_network_identifier": vni,
+ },
+ "parent_type": "project",
+ "fq_name": [
+ "default-domain",
+ "admin",
+ name
+ ],
+ "route_target_list": {
+ "route_target": [
+ "target:" + routetarget
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ self._get_token()
+ endpoint = controller_url + 'virtual-networks'
+ http_code, resp = self.http.post_cmd(url = endpoint,
+ headers = self.http_header,
+ postfields_dict = vnet_dict)
+ if http_code not in (200, 201, 202, 204) or not resp:
+ raise SdnConnectorError('Unexpected http status code, or empty response')
+ vnet_info = json.loads(resp)
+ self.logger.debug("vnet_info: {}".format(vnet_info))
+ return vnet_info.get("virtual-network").get('uuid'), vnet_info.get("virtual-network")
+ def _get_virtual_networks(self, controller_url):
+ self._get_token()
+ endpoint = controller_url + 'virtual-networks'
+ print(endpoint)
+ http_code, resp = self.http.get_cmd(url=endpoint, headers=self.http_header)
+ if http_code not in (200, 201, 202, 204) or not resp:
+ raise SdnConnectorError('Unexpected http status code, or empty response')
+ vnets_info = json.loads(resp)
+ self.logger.debug("vnets_info: {}".format(vnets_info))
+ return vnets_info.get('virtual-networks')
+ def _get_virtual_network(self, controller_url, network_id):
+ self._get_token()
+ endpoint = controller_url + 'virtual-network/{}'.format(network_id)
+ http_code, resp = self.http.get_cmd(url=endpoint, headers=self.http_header)
+ if http_code not in (200, 201, 202, 204) or not resp:
+ if http_code == 404:
+ return None
+ raise SdnConnectorError('Unexpected http status code, or empty response')
+ vnet_info = json.loads(resp)
+ self.logger.debug("vnet_info: {}".format(vnet_info))
+ return vnet_info.get("virtual-network")
+ def _delete_virtual_network(self, controller_url, network_id):
+ self._get_token()
+ endpoint = controller_url + 'virtual-network/{}'.format(network_id)
+ http_code, _ = self.http.delete_cmd(url=endpoint, headers=self.http_header)
+ if http_code not in (200, 201, 202, 204):
+ raise SdnConnectorError('Unexpected http status code')
+ return
+ # Virtual port group operations
+ def _create_vpg(self, controller_url, switch_id, switch_port, network, vlan):
+ vpg_dict = {
+ "virtual-port-group": {
+ }
+ }
+ self._get_token()
+ endpoint = controller_url + 'virtual-port-groups'
+ http_code, resp = self.http.post_cmd(url = endpoint,
+ headers = self.http_header,
+ postfields_dict = vpg_dict)
+ if http_code not in (200, 201, 202, 204) or not resp:
+ raise SdnConnectorError('Unexpected http status code, or empty response')
+ vpg_info = json.loads(resp)
+ self.logger.debug("vpg_info: {}".format(vpg_info))
+ return vpg_info.get("virtual-port-group").get('uuid'), vpg_info.get("virtual-port-group")
+ def _get_vpgs(self, controller_url):
+ self._get_token()
+ endpoint = controller_url + 'virtual-port-groups'
+ http_code, resp = self.http.get_cmd(url=endpoint, headers=self.http_header)
+ if http_code not in (200, 201, 202, 204) or not resp:
+ raise SdnConnectorError('Unexpected http status code, or empty response')
+ vpgs_info = json.loads(resp)
+ self.logger.debug("vpgs_info: {}".format(vpgs_info))
+ return vpgs_info.get('virtual-port-groups')
+ def _get_vpg(self, controller_url, vpg_id):
+ self._get_token()
+ endpoint = controller_url + 'virtual-port-group/{}'.format(vpg_id)
+ http_code, resp = self.http.get_cmd(url=endpoint, headers=self.http_header)
+ if http_code not in (200, 201, 202, 204) or not resp:
+ if http_code == 404:
+ return None
+ raise SdnConnectorError('Unexpected http status code, or empty response')
+ vpg_info = json.loads(resp)
+ self.logger.debug("vpg_info: {}".format(vpg_info))
+ return vpg_info.get("virtual-port-group")
+ def _delete_vpg(self, controller_url, vpg_id):
+ self._get_token()
+ endpoint = controller_url + 'virtual-port-group/{}'.format(vpg_id)
+ http_code, resp = self.http.delete_cmd(url=endpoint, headers=self.http_header)
+ if http_code not in (200, 201, 202, 204):
+ raise SdnConnectorError('Unexpected http status code')
+ return
+ def check_credentials(self):
+ """Check if the connector itself can access the SDN/WIM with the provided url (wim.wim_url),
+ user (wim_account.user), and password (wim_account.password)
+ Raises:
+ SdnConnectorError: Issues regarding authorization, access to
+ external URLs, etc are detected.
+ """
+ self.logger.debug("")
+ self._get_token()
+ try:
+ http_code, resp = self.http.get_cmd(url=self.auth_url, headers=self.http_header)
+ if http_code not in (200, 201, 202, 204) or not resp:
+ raise SdnConnectorError('Unexpected http status code, or empty response')
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.logger.error('Error checking credentials')
+ raise SdnConnectorError('Error checking credentials', http_code=http_code)
+ def get_connectivity_service_status(self, service_uuid, conn_info=None):
+ """Monitor the status of the connectivity service established
+ Arguments:
+ service_uuid (str): UUID of the connectivity service
+ conn_info (dict or None): Information returned by the connector
+ during the service creation/edition and subsequently stored in
+ the database.
+ Returns:
+ dict: JSON/YAML-serializable dict that contains a mandatory key
+ ``sdn_status`` associated with one of the following values::
+ {'sdn_status': 'ACTIVE'}
+ # The service is up and running.
+ {'sdn_status': 'INACTIVE'}
+ # The service was created, but the connector
+ # cannot determine yet if connectivity exists
+ # (ideally, the caller needs to wait and check again).
+ {'sdn_status': 'DOWN'}
+ # Connection was previously established,
+ # but an error/failure was detected.
+ {'sdn_status': 'ERROR'}
+ # An error occurred when trying to create the service/
+ # establish the connectivity.
+ {'sdn_status': 'BUILD'}
+ # Still trying to create the service, the caller
+ # needs to wait and check again.
+ Additionally ``error_msg``(**str**) and ``sdn_info``(**dict**)
+ keys can be used to provide additional status explanation or
+ new information available for the connectivity service.
+ """
+ self.logger.debug("")
+ self._get_token()
+ try:
+ http_code, resp = self.http.get_cmd(endpoint='virtual-network/{}'.format(service_uuid))
+ if http_code not in (200, 201, 202, 204) or not resp:
+ raise SdnConnectorError('Unexpected http status code, or empty response')
+ if resp:
+ vnet_info = json.loads(resp)
+ return {'sdn_status': 'ACTIVE', 'sdn_info': vnet_info['virtual-network']}
+ else:
+ return {'sdn_status': 'ERROR', 'sdn_info': 'not found'}
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.logger.error('Exception getting connectivity service info: %s', e)
+ return {'sdn_status': 'ERROR', 'error_msg': str(e)}
+ def create_connectivity_service(self, service_type, connection_points, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Establish SDN/WAN connectivity between the endpoints
+ :param service_type: (str): ``ELINE`` (L2), ``ELAN`` (L2), ``ETREE`` (L2), ``L3``.
+ :param connection_points: (list): each point corresponds to
+ an entry point to be connected. For WIM: from the DC to the transport network.
+ For SDN: Compute/PCI to the transport network. One
+ connection point serves to identify the specific access and
+ some other service parameters, such as encapsulation type.
+ Each item of the list is a dict with:
+ "service_endpoint_id": (str)(uuid) Same meaning that for 'service_endpoint_mapping' (see __init__)
+ In case the config attribute mapping_not_needed is True, this value is not relevant. In this case
+ it will contain the string "device_id:device_interface_id"
+ "service_endpoint_encapsulation_type": None, "dot1q", ...
+ "service_endpoint_encapsulation_info": (dict) with:
+ "vlan": ..., (int, present if encapsulation is dot1q)
+ "vni": ... (int, present if encapsulation is vxlan),
+ "peers": [(ipv4_1), (ipv4_2)] (present if encapsulation is vxlan)
+ "mac": ...
+ "device_id": ..., same meaning that for 'service_endpoint_mapping' (see __init__)
+ "device_interface_id": same meaning that for 'service_endpoint_mapping' (see __init__)
+ "switch_dpid": ..., present if mapping has been found for this device_id,device_interface_id
+ "switch_port": ... present if mapping has been found for this device_id,device_interface_id
+ "service_mapping_info": present if mapping has been found for this device_id,device_interface_id
+ :param kwargs: For future versions:
+ bandwidth (int): value in kilobytes
+ latency (int): value in milliseconds
+ Other QoS might be passed as keyword arguments.
+ :return: tuple: ``(service_id, conn_info)`` containing:
+ - *service_uuid* (str): UUID of the established connectivity service
+ - *conn_info* (dict or None): Information to be stored at the database (or ``None``).
+ This information will be provided to the :meth:`~.edit_connectivity_service` and :obj:`~.delete`.
+ **MUST** be JSON/YAML-serializable (plain data structures).
+ :raises: SdnConnectorException: In case of error. Nothing should be created in this case.
+ Provide the parameter http_code
+ """
+ self.logger.debug("create_connectivity_service, service_type: {}, connection_points: {}".
+ format(service_type, connection_points))
+ if service_type.lower() != 'elan':
+ raise SdnConnectorError('Only ELAN network type is supported by Juniper Contrail.')
+ # Step 1. Check in the overlay controller the virtual network created by the VIM
+ # Best option: get network id of the VIM as param (if the VIM already created the network),
+ # and do a request to the controller of the virtual networks whose VIM network id is the provided
+ # Next best option: obtain the network by doing a request to the controller
+ # of the virtual networks using the VLAN ID of any service endpoint.
+ # 1.1 Read VLAN ID from a service endpoint
+ # 1.2 Look for virtual networks with "Provider Network" including a VLAN ID.
+ # 1.3 If more than one, ERROR
+ # Step 2. Modify the existing virtual network in the overlay controller
+ # 2.1 Add VNI (VxLAN Network Identifier - one free from the provided range)
+ # 2.2 Add RouteTarget (RT) ('ASN:VNI', ASN = Autonomous System Number, provided as param or read from controller config)
+ # Step 3. Create a virtual network in the underlay controller
+ # 3.1 Create virtual network (name, VNI, RT)
+ # If the network already existed in the overlay controller, we should use the same name
+ # name = 'osm-plugin-' + overlay_name
+ # Else:
+ # name = 'osm-plugin-' + VNI
+ try:
+ name = 'test-test-1'
+ vni = 999999
+ network_id, network_info = self._create_virtual_network(self.url, name, vni)
+ except SdnConnectorError:
+ raise SdnConnectorError('Failed to create connectivity service {}'.format(name))
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.logger.error('Exception creating connection_service: %s', e, exc_info=True)
+ raise SdnConnectorError("Exception creating connectivity service: {}".format(str(e)))
+ return service_id
+ def edit_connectivity_service(self, service_uuid, conn_info = None, connection_points = None, **kwargs):
+ """ Change an existing connectivity service.
+ This method's arguments and return value follow the same convention as
+ :meth:`~.create_connectivity_service`.
+ :param service_uuid: UUID of the connectivity service.
+ :param conn_info: (dict or None): Information previously returned by last call to create_connectivity_service
+ or edit_connectivity_service
+ :param connection_points: (list): If provided, the old list of connection points will be replaced.
+ :param kwargs: Same meaning that create_connectivity_service
+ :return: dict or None: Information to be updated and stored at the database.
+ When ``None`` is returned, no information should be changed.
+ When an empty dict is returned, the database record will be deleted.
+ **MUST** be JSON/YAML-serializable (plain data structures).
+ Raises:
+ SdnConnectorException: In case of error.
+ """
+ #TODO: to be done. This comes from ONOS VPLS plugin
+ self.logger.debug("edit connectivity service, service_uuid: {}, conn_info: {}, "
+ "connection points: {} ".format(service_uuid, conn_info, connection_points))
+ conn_info = conn_info or []
+ # Obtain current configuration
+ config_orig = self._get_onos_netconfig()
+ config = copy.deepcopy(config_orig)
+ # get current service data and check if it does not exists
+ #TODO: update
+ for vpls in config.get('apps', {}).get('org.onosproject.vpls', {}).get('vpls', {}).get('vplsList', {}):
+ if vpls['name'] == service_uuid:
+ self.logger.debug("service exists")
+ curr_interfaces = vpls.get("interfaces", [])
+ curr_encapsulation = vpls.get("encapsulation")
+ break
+ else:
+ raise SdnConnectorError("service uuid: {} does not exist".format(service_uuid))
+ self.logger.debug("current interfaces: {}".format(curr_interfaces))
+ self.logger.debug("current encapsulation: {}".format(curr_encapsulation))
+ # new interfaces names
+ new_interfaces = [port['service_endpoint_id'] for port in new_connection_points]
+ # obtain interfaces to delete, list will contain port
+ ifs_delete = list(set(curr_interfaces) - set(new_interfaces))
+ ifs_add = list(set(new_interfaces) - set(curr_interfaces))
+ self.logger.debug("interfaces to delete: {}".format(ifs_delete))
+ self.logger.debug("interfaces to add: {}".format(ifs_add))
+ # check if some data of the interfaces that already existed has changed
+ # in that case delete it and add it again
+ ifs_remain = list(set(new_interfaces) & set(curr_interfaces))
+ for port in connection_points:
+ if port['service_endpoint_id'] in ifs_remain:
+ # check if there are some changes
+ curr_port_name, curr_vlan = self._get_current_port_data(config, port['service_endpoint_id'])
+ new_port_name = 'of:{}/{}'.format(port['service_endpoint_encapsulation_info']['switch_dpid'],
+ port['service_endpoint_encapsulation_info']['switch_port'])
+ new_vlan = port['service_endpoint_encapsulation_info']['vlan']
+ if (curr_port_name != new_port_name or curr_vlan != new_vlan):
+ self.logger.debug("TODO: must update data interface: {}".format(port['service_endpoint_id']))
+ ifs_delete.append(port['service_endpoint_id'])
+ ifs_add.append(port['service_endpoint_id'])
+ new_encapsulation = self._get_encapsulation(connection_points)
+ try:
+ # Delete interfaces, only will delete interfaces that are in provided conn_info
+ # because these are the ones that have been created for this service
+ if ifs_delete:
+ for port in config['ports'].values():
+ for port_interface in port['interfaces']:
+ interface_name = port_interface['name']
+ self.logger.debug("interface name: {}".format(port_interface['name']))
+ if interface_name in ifs_delete and interface_name in conn_info:
+ self.logger.debug("delete interface name: {}".format(interface_name))
+ port['interfaces'].remove(port_interface)
+ conn_info.remove(interface_name)
+ # Add new interfaces
+ for port in connection_points:
+ if port['service_endpoint_id'] in ifs_add:
+ created_ifz = self._append_port_to_config(port, config)
+ if created_ifz:
+ conn_info.append(created_ifz[1])
+ self._pop_last_update_time(config)
+ self._post_netconfig(config)
+ self.logger.debug("contrail config after updating interfaces: {}".format(config))
+ self.logger.debug("conn_info after updating interfaces: {}".format(conn_info))
+ # Update interfaces list in vpls service
+ for vpls in config.get('apps', {}).get('org.onosproject.vpls', {}).get('vpls', {}).get('vplsList', {}):
+ if vpls['name'] == service_uuid:
+ vpls['interfaces'] = new_interfaces
+ vpls['encapsulation'] = new_encapsulation
+ self._pop_last_update_time(config)
+ self._post_netconfig(config)
+ return conn_info
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.logger.error('Exception add connection_service: %s', e)
+ # try to rollback push original config
+ try:
+ self._post_netconfig(config_orig)
+ except Exception as e2:
+ self.logger.error('Exception rolling back to original config: %s', e2)
+ # raise exception
+ if isinstance(e, SdnConnectorError):
+ raise
+ else:
+ raise SdnConnectorError("Exception create_connectivity_service: {}".format(e))
+ def delete_connectivity_service(self, service_uuid, conn_info=None):
+ """
+ Disconnect multi-site endpoints previously connected
+ :param service_uuid: The one returned by create_connectivity_service
+ :param conn_info: The one returned by last call to 'create_connectivity_service' or 'edit_connectivity_service'
+ if they do not return None
+ :return: None
+ :raises: SdnConnectorException: In case of error. The parameter http_code must be filled
+ """
+ self.logger.debug("delete_connectivity_service uuid: {}".format(service_uuid))
+ try:
+ #TO DO: check if virtual port groups have to be deleted
+ self._delete_virtual_network(self.url, service_uuid)
+ except SdnConnectorError:
+ raise SdnConnectorError('Failed to delete service uuid {}'.format(service_uuid))
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.logger.error('Exception deleting connection_service: %s', e, exc_info=True)
+ raise SdnConnectorError("Exception deleting connectivity service: {}".format(str(e)))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ # Init logger
+ log_format = "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(name)s %(filename)s:%(lineno)s %(funcName)s(): %(message)s"
+ log_formatter = logging.Formatter(log_format, datefmt='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')
+ handler = logging.StreamHandler()
+ handler.setFormatter(log_formatter)
+ logger = logging.getLogger('openmano.sdnconn.junipercontrail')
+ #logger.setLevel(level=logging.ERROR)
+ logger.setLevel(level=logging.INFO)
+ #logger.setLevel(level=logging.DEBUG)
+ logger.addHandler(handler)
+ # Read config
+ with open('test.yaml') as f:
+ config = yaml.safe_load(f.read())
+ wim = {'wim_url': config.pop('wim_url')}
+ wim_account = {'user': config.pop('user'), 'password': config.pop('password')}
+ logger.info('wim: {}, wim_account: {}, config: {}'.format(wim, wim_account, config))
+ # Init controller
+ juniper_contrail = JuniperContrail(wim=wim, wim_account=wim_account, config=config, logger=logger)
+ # Tests
+ # 0. Check credentials
+ print('0. Check credentials')
+ juniper_contrail.check_credentials()
+ underlay_url = juniper_contrail.get_url()
+ overlay_url = juniper_contrail.get_overlay_url()
+ # 1. Read virtual networks from overlay controller
+ print('1. Read virtual networks from overlay controller')
+ try:
+ vnets = juniper_contrail._get_virtual_networks(overlay_url)
+ logger.debug(yaml.safe_dump(vnets, indent=4, default_flow_style=False))
+ print('OK')
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error('Exception reading virtual networks from overlay controller: %s', e)
+ print('FAILED')
+ # 2. Read virtual networks from underlay controller
+ print('2. Read virtual networks from underlay controller')
+ vnets = juniper_contrail._get_virtual_networks(underlay_url)
+ logger.debug(yaml.safe_dump(vnets, indent=4, default_flow_style=False))
+ print('OK')
+ # 3. Delete virtual networks gerardoX from underlay controller
+ print('3. Delete virtual networks gerardoX from underlay controller')
+ for vn in vnets:
+ name = vn['fq_name'][2]
+ logger.debug('Virtual network: {}'.format(name))
+ for vn in vnets:
+ name = vn['fq_name'][2]
+ if 'gerardo' in name:
+ logger.info('Virtual Network *gerardo*: {}, {}'.format(name,vn['uuid']))
+ if name != "gerardo":
+ print('Deleting Virtual Network: {}, {}'.format(name,vn['uuid']))
+ logger.info('Deleting Virtual Network: {}, {}'.format(name,vn['uuid']))
+ juniper_contrail._delete_virtual_network(underlay_url, vn['uuid'])
+ print('OK')
+ # 4. Get virtual network (gerardo) from underlay controller
+ print('4. Get virtual network (gerardo) from underlay controller')
+ vnet1_info = juniper_contrail._get_virtual_network(underlay_url, 'c5d332f7-420a-4e2b-a7b1-b56a59f20c97')
+ print(yaml.safe_dump(vnet1_info, indent=4, default_flow_style=False))
+ print('OK')
+ # 5. Create virtual network in underlay controller
+ print('5. Create virtual network in underlay controller')
+ myname = 'gerardo4'
+ myvni = 20004
+ vnet2_id, _ = juniper_contrail._create_virtual_network(underlay_url, myname, myvni)
+ vnet2_info = juniper_contrail._get_virtual_network(underlay_url, vnet2_id)
+ print(yaml.safe_dump(vnet2_info, indent=4, default_flow_style=False))
+ print('OK')
+ # 6. Delete virtual network in underlay controller
+ print('6. Delete virtual network in underlay controller')
+ juniper_contrail._delete_virtual_network(underlay_url, vnet2_id)
+ print('OK')
+ # 7. Read previously deleted virtual network in underlay controller
+ print('7. Read previously deleted virtual network in underlay controller')
+ try:
+ vnet2_info = juniper_contrail._get_virtual_network(underlay_url, vnet2_id)
+ if vnet2_info:
+ print('FAILED. Network {} exists'.format(vnet2_id))
+ else:
+ print('OK. Network {} does not exist because it has been deleted'.format(vnet2_id))
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.info('Exception reading virtual networks from overlay controller: %s', e)
+ exit(0)
+ #TODO: to be deleted (it comes from ONOS VPLS plugin)
+ service_type = 'ELAN'
+ conn_point_0 = {
+ "service_endpoint_id": "switch1:ifz1",
+ "service_endpoint_encapsulation_type": "dot1q",
+ "service_endpoint_encapsulation_info": {
+ "switch_dpid": "0000000000000011",
+ "switch_port": "1",
+ "vlan": "600"
+ }
+ }
+ conn_point_1 = {
+ "service_endpoint_id": "switch3:ifz1",
+ "service_endpoint_encapsulation_type": "dot1q",
+ "service_endpoint_encapsulation_info": {
+ "switch_dpid": "0000000000000031",
+ "switch_port": "3",
+ "vlan": "600"
+ }
+ }
+ connection_points = [conn_point_0, conn_point_1]
+ # service_uuid, created_items = juniper_contrail.create_connectivity_service(service_type, connection_points)
+ #print(service_uuid)
+ #print(created_items)
+ #sleep(10)
+ #juniper_contrail.delete_connectivity_service("5496dfea-27dc-457d-970d-b82bac266e5c"))
+ conn_info = None
+ conn_info = ['switch1:ifz1', 'switch3_ifz3']
+ juniper_contrail.delete_connectivity_service("f7afc4de-556d-4b5a-8a12-12b5ef97d269", conn_info)
+ conn_point_0 = {
+ "service_endpoint_id": "switch1:ifz1",
+ "service_endpoint_encapsulation_type": "dot1q",
+ "service_endpoint_encapsulation_info": {
+ "switch_dpid": "0000000000000011",
+ "switch_port": "1",
+ "vlan": "500"
+ }
+ }
+ conn_point_2 = {
+ "service_endpoint_id": "switch1:ifz3",
+ "service_endpoint_encapsulation_type": "dot1q",
+ "service_endpoint_encapsulation_info": {
+ "switch_dpid": "0000000000000011",
+ "switch_port": "3",
+ "vlan": "500"
+ }
+ }
+ conn_point_3 = {
+ "service_endpoint_id": "switch3_ifz3",
+ "service_endpoint_encapsulation_type": "dot1q",
+ "service_endpoint_encapsulation_info": {
+ "switch_dpid": "0000000000000033",
+ "switch_port": "3",
+ "vlan": "500"
+ }
+ }
+ new_connection_points = [conn_point_0, conn_point_3]
+ #conn_info = juniper_contrail.edit_connectivity_service("f7afc4de-556d-4b5a-8a12-12b5ef97d269", conn_info, new_connection_points)
+ #print(conn_info)