+++ /dev/null
-Copyright (c) 2015 SONATA-NFV and Paderborn University
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote
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-This work has been performed in the framework of the SONATA project,
-funded by the European Commission under Grant number 671517 through
-the Horizon 2020 and 5G-PPP programmes. The authors would like to
-acknowledge the contributions of their colleagues of the SONATA
-partner consortium (www.sonata-nfv.eu).
-Monitor the skewness of the resource usage probability distribution
-and export to a Prometheus Push Gateway
-(c) 2017 by Steven Van Rossem <steven.vanrossem@intec.ugent.be>
-from time import sleep, time, perf_counter
-import math
-from prometheus_client import start_http_server, Summary, Histogram, Gauge, Counter, REGISTRY, CollectorRegistry, \
- pushadd_to_gateway, push_to_gateway, delete_from_gateway
-import threading
-import os
-import json
-import logging
-LOG = logging.getLogger('skewmon')
-# put env vars in Dockerfile
-#general settings (ms)
-SAMPLE_PERIOD = int(os.environ['SAMPLE_PERIOD'])
-TOTAL_PERIOD = int(os.environ['TOTAL_PERIOD'])
-# define global variables
-registry = CollectorRegistry()
-exported_metric = Gauge('skewness', 'Skewness of docker vnf resource usage',
- ['vnf_id', 'vnf_name', 'vnf_metric'], registry=registry)
-# find the VNFs to monitor
-# {metric_shortId: {VNF_NAME:<>,VNF_ID:<>,VNF_METRIC:<>}}
-def get_vnfs_to_monitor(config):
- for key in config:
- vnf_name = config[key].get('VNF_NAME')
- vnf_id = config[key].get('VNF_ID')
- vnf_metric = config[key].get('VNF_METRIC')
- yield (vnf_id, vnf_name, vnf_metric)
-# export metric to the Prometheus PushGateway
-def export_metrics(key=None):
- try:
- pushadd_to_gateway(PUSHGATEWAY_ADDR, job='sonemu-skewmon', registry=registry, grouping_key=key)
- except Exception as e:
- LOG.warning("Pushgateway not reachable: {0}".format(str(e)))
-class skewness_monitor():
- def __init__(self, docker_id, docker_name, metric):
- # Prometheus metric to export
- self.prom_skewness = exported_metric
- self.docker_id = docker_id
- self.docker_name = docker_name
- self.vnf_metric = metric
- # https://www.datadoghq.com/blog/how-to-collect-docker-metrics/
- self.cpu_proc_file = '/sys/fs/cgroup/cpuacct/docker/{0}/cpuacct.usage'.format(self.docker_id)
- self.mem_proc_file = '/sys/fs/cgroup/memory/docker/{0}/memory.usage_in_bytes'.format(self.docker_id)
- metric_dict = {'cpu': self.cpu_proc_file,
- 'mem': self.mem_proc_file}
- self.proc_file = metric_dict[metric]
- self.fp = open(self.proc_file)
- #monitoring thread
- self.export_thread = None
- self.monitor_stop = threading.Event()
- # get statistics with certain frequency and export skewness for further analysis
- def _calc_skewness(self):
- cpu_count0 = 0
- time0 = 0
- #milliseconds
- stat_delta = SAMPLE_PERIOD
- sample_T = TOTAL_PERIOD
- data = []
- n = 0
- moment1 = 0
- moment2 = 0
- moment3 = 0
- fp = self.fp
- #collect samples
- for n in range(0,round(sample_T/stat_delta)):
- # first measurement
- if cpu_count0 <= 0 or time0 <= 0:
- time0 = perf_counter()
- cpu_count0 = int(fp.read().strip())
- fp.seek(0)
- sleep(stat_delta/1000)
- continue
- #perf_counter in seconds
- time1 = perf_counter()
- # cpu count in nanoseconds
- cpu_count1 = int(fp.read().strip())
- fp.seek(0)
- cpu_delta = cpu_count1 - cpu_count0
- cpu_count0 = cpu_count1
- time_delta = time1 - time0
- time0 = time1
- #work in nanoseconds
- metric = (cpu_delta / (time_delta * 1e9))
- data.append(metric)
- #running calculation of sample moments
- moment1 += metric
- temp = metric * metric
- moment2 += temp
- moment3 += temp * metric
- sleep(stat_delta/1000)
- # calc skewness
- M1 = (1 / n) * moment1
- M2 = ((1 / n) * moment2) - M1**2
- M3 = ((1 / n) * moment3) - (3 * M1 * ((1 / n) * moment2)) + (2 * M1**3)
- s2 = (math.sqrt(n*(n - 1))/(n - 2)) * (M3 / (M2)**1.5)
- LOG.info("docker_name: {0} metric: {1}".format(self.docker_name, self.vnf_metric))
- LOG.info("Nsamples: {0}".format(n))
- LOG.info("skewness: {0:.2f}".format(s2))
- LOG.info("\n")
- return s2
- def _export_skewness_loop(self, stop_event):
- #loop until flag is set
- while(not stop_event.is_set()):
- try:
- skewness = self._calc_skewness()
- self.prom_skewness.labels(vnf_id=self.docker_id, vnf_name=self.docker_name, vnf_metric=self.vnf_metric)\
- .set(skewness)
- except ZeroDivisionError as e:
- self.prom_skewness.labels(vnf_id=self.docker_id, vnf_name=self.docker_name, vnf_metric=self.vnf_metric) \
- .set(float('nan'))
- LOG.warning("{1}: Skewness cannot be calculated: {0}".format(str(e), self.docker_name))
- except Exception as e:
- LOG.warning("Skewness cannot be calculated, stop thread: {0}".format(str(e)))
- self.monitor_stop.set()
- # if while has ended, monitoring thread will stop
- self.prom_skewness.labels(vnf_id=self.docker_id, vnf_name=self.docker_name, vnf_metric=self.vnf_metric) \
- .set(float('nan'))
- #start the monitoring thread
- def start(self):
- if self.export_thread is not None:
- LOG.warning('monitor thread is already running for: {0}'.format(self.docker_name))
- return
- self.export_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._export_skewness_loop, args=(self.monitor_stop,))
- self.export_thread.start()
- LOG.info('started thread: {0}'.format(self.docker_name))
- #stop the monitoring thread
- def stop(self):
- self.monitor_stop.set()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- #started_vnfs {vnf_id:object}
- vnfs_monitored = {}
- # endless loop
- while True:
- #check config.txt for docker ids/names
- configfile = open('/config.txt', 'r')
- config = json.load(configfile)
- vnfs_to_monitor = list(get_vnfs_to_monitor(config))
- #for each new docker id in ENV start thread to monitor skewness
- for vnf_id, vnf_name, vnf_metric in vnfs_to_monitor:
- key = '_'.join([vnf_metric, vnf_id])
- if key not in vnfs_monitored:
- try:
- vnfs_monitored[key] = skewness_monitor(vnf_id, vnf_name, vnf_metric)
- vnfs_monitored[key].start()
- except Exception as e:
- LOG.warning("Monitor cannot be started: {0}".format(str(e)))
- #for each removed docker id ENV, stop export
- for vnf_key in list(vnfs_monitored):
- vnf_keys_to_monitor = ['_'.join([vnf_metric, vnf_id]) for vnf_id, vnf_name, vnf_metric in vnfs_to_monitor]
- if vnf_key not in vnf_keys_to_monitor:
- vnfs_monitored[vnf_key].stop()
- vnf_name = vnfs_monitored[vnf_key].docker_name
- vnf_metric, vnf_id = vnf_key.split('_')
- LOG.info('stop monitored VNFs: {0}'.format(vnfs_monitored[vnf_key].docker_name))
- del vnfs_monitored[vnf_key]
- # remove metric with labels from registry
- # (Push Gateway remembers last pushed value, so this is not so useful)
- # collector = registry._names_to_collectors['skewness']
- # if (vnf_id, vnf_name, vnf_metric) in collector._metrics:
- # collector.remove(vnf_id, vnf_name, vnf_metric)
- delete_from_gateway(PUSHGATEWAY_ADDR, job='sonemu-skewmon')
- #push to Prometheus gateway
- export_metrics()
- LOG.info('monitored VNFs: {0}'.format([monitor.docker_name for key, monitor in vnfs_monitored.items()]))
- # wait before checking again
- sleep(TOTAL_PERIOD/1000)
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