+++ /dev/null
-# test if a vnf can be monitored and deployed
-cpu_load=$(son-emu-cli monitor prometheus -d datacenter1 -vnf vnf1 -q 'sum(rate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{id="/docker/<uuid>"}[10s]))')
-# test if prometheus query worked
-regex="[0-9.]+, [0-9.']+"
-if [[ $cpu_load =~ $regex ]] ; then
- echo "OK"
- exit 0
- echo $cpu_load
- echo "not OK"
- exit 1
--- /dev/null
+# test if a vnf can be monitored and deployed
+cpu_load=$(son-emu-cli monitor prometheus -d datacenter1 -vnf vnf1 -q 'sum(rate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{id="/docker/<uuid>"}[10s]))')
+# test if prometheus query worked
+regex="[0-9.]+, [0-9.']+"
+if [[ $cpu_load =~ $regex ]] ; then
+ echo "OK"
+ exit 0
+ echo $cpu_load
+ echo "not OK"
+ exit 1