+@click.option('--nf_type', help='type of NFPKG (vnf, pnf, hnf)')
@click.option('--filter', default=None,
help='restricts the list to the xNFpkg matching the filter')
-def nfpkg_list(ctx, filter):
+def nfpkg_list(ctx, nf_type, filter):
'''list all NFpkg (VNFpkg, PNFpkg, HNFpkg) in the system'''
- vnfd_list(ctx,filter)
+ try:
+ check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ check_client_version(ctx.obj)
+ if nf_type:
+ if nf_type == "vnf":
+ nf_filter = "_admin.type=vnfd"
+ elif nf_type == "pnf":
+ nf_filter = "_admin.type=pnfd"
+ elif nf_type == "hnf":
+ nf_filter = "_admin.type=hnfd"
+ else:
+ raise ClientException('wrong value for "--nf_type" option, allowed values: vnf, pnf, hnf')
+ if filter:
+ filter = '{}&{}'.format(nf_filter, filter)
+ vnfd_list(ctx,filter)
+ except ClientException as inst:
+ print((inst.message))
+ exit(1)