--- /dev/null
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2015 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U.
+# This file is part of openmano
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
+# contact with: nfvlabs@tid.es
+Base class for openmano database manipulation
+__author__="Alfonso Tierno"
+__date__ ="$4-Apr-2016 10:05:01$"
+import MySQLdb as mdb
+import uuid as myUuid
+import utils as af
+import json
+#import yaml
+import time
+import logging
+import datetime
+from jsonschema import validate as js_v, exceptions as js_e
+HTTP_Bad_Request = 400
+HTTP_Unauthorized = 401
+HTTP_Not_Found = 404
+HTTP_Method_Not_Allowed = 405
+HTTP_Request_Timeout = 408
+HTTP_Conflict = 409
+HTTP_Service_Unavailable = 503
+HTTP_Internal_Server_Error = 500
+def _check_valid_uuid(uuid):
+ id_schema = {"type" : "string", "pattern": "^[a-fA-F0-9]{8}(-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}){3}-[a-fA-F0-9]{12}$"}
+ id_schema2 = {"type" : "string", "pattern": "^[a-fA-F0-9]{32}$"}
+ try:
+ js_v(uuid, id_schema)
+ return True
+ except js_e.ValidationError:
+ try:
+ js_v(uuid, id_schema2)
+ return True
+ except js_e.ValidationError:
+ return False
+ return False
+def _convert_datetime2str(var):
+ '''Converts a datetime variable to a string with the format '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%i:%s'
+ It enters recursively in the dict var finding this kind of variables
+ '''
+ if type(var) is dict:
+ for k,v in var.items():
+ if type(v) is datetime.datetime:
+ var[k]= v.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')
+ elif type(v) is dict or type(v) is list or type(v) is tuple:
+ _convert_datetime2str(v)
+ if len(var) == 0: return True
+ elif type(var) is list or type(var) is tuple:
+ for v in var:
+ _convert_datetime2str(v)
+def _convert_bandwidth(data, reverse=False):
+ '''Check the field bandwidth recursivelly and when found, it removes units and convert to number
+ It assumes that bandwidth is well formed
+ Attributes:
+ 'data': dictionary bottle.FormsDict variable to be checked. None or empty is consideted valid
+ 'reverse': by default convert form str to int (Mbps), if True it convert from number to units
+ Return:
+ None
+ '''
+ if type(data) is dict:
+ for k in data.keys():
+ if type(data[k]) is dict or type(data[k]) is tuple or type(data[k]) is list:
+ _convert_bandwidth(data[k], reverse)
+ if "bandwidth" in data:
+ try:
+ value=str(data["bandwidth"])
+ if not reverse:
+ pos = value.find("bps")
+ if pos>0:
+ if value[pos-1]=="G": data["bandwidth"] = int(data["bandwidth"][:pos-1]) * 1000
+ elif value[pos-1]=="k": data["bandwidth"]= int(data["bandwidth"][:pos-1]) / 1000
+ else: data["bandwidth"]= int(data["bandwidth"][:pos-1])
+ else:
+ value = int(data["bandwidth"])
+ if value % 1000 == 0: data["bandwidth"]=str(value/1000) + " Gbps"
+ else: data["bandwidth"]=str(value) + " Mbps"
+ except:
+ print "convert_bandwidth exception for type", type(data["bandwidth"]), " data", data["bandwidth"]
+ return
+ if type(data) is tuple or type(data) is list:
+ for k in data:
+ if type(k) is dict or type(k) is tuple or type(k) is list:
+ _convert_bandwidth(k, reverse)
+def _convert_str2boolean(data, items):
+ '''Check recursively the content of data, and if there is an key contained in items, convert value from string to boolean
+ Done recursively
+ Attributes:
+ 'data': dictionary variable to be checked. None or empty is considered valid
+ 'items': tuple of keys to convert
+ Return:
+ None
+ '''
+ if type(data) is dict:
+ for k in data.keys():
+ if type(data[k]) is dict or type(data[k]) is tuple or type(data[k]) is list:
+ _convert_str2boolean(data[k], items)
+ if k in items:
+ if type(data[k]) is str:
+ if data[k]=="false" or data[k]=="False": data[k]=False
+ elif data[k]=="true" or data[k]=="True": data[k]=True
+ if type(data) is tuple or type(data) is list:
+ for k in data:
+ if type(k) is dict or type(k) is tuple or type(k) is list:
+ _convert_str2boolean(k, items)
+class db_base_Exception(Exception):
+ '''Common Exception for all database exceptions'''
+ def __init__(self, message, http_code=HTTP_Bad_Request):
+ Exception.__init__(self, message)
+ self.http_code = http_code
+class db_base():
+ tables_with_created_field=()
+ def __init__(self, host=None, user=None, passwd=None, database=None, log_name='db', log_level="ERROR"):
+ self.host = host
+ self.user = user
+ self.passwd = passwd
+ self.database = database
+ self.con = None
+ self.log_level=log_level
+ self.logger = logging.getLogger(log_name)
+ self.logger.setLevel( getattr(logging, log_level) )
+ def connect(self, host=None, user=None, passwd=None, database=None):
+ '''Connect to specific data base.
+ The first time a valid host, user, passwd and database must be provided,
+ Following calls can skip this parameters
+ '''
+ try:
+ if host: self.host = host
+ if user: self.user = user
+ if passwd: self.passwd = passwd
+ if database: self.database = database
+ self.con = mdb.connect(self.host, self.user, self.passwd, self.database)
+ print "DB: connected to %s@%s -> %s" % (self.user, self.host, self.database)
+ except mdb.Error, e:
+ raise db_base_Exception("Cannot connect to DB {}@{} -> {} Error {}: {}".format(self.user, self.host, self.database, e.args[0], e.args[1]),
+ code = HTTP_Internal_Server_Error )
+ def get_db_version(self):
+ ''' Obtain the database schema version.
+ Return: (negative, text) if error or version 0.0 where schema_version table is missing
+ (version_int, version_text) if ok
+ '''
+ cmd = "SELECT version_int,version FROM schema_version"
+ tries = 2
+ while tries:
+ try:
+ with self.con:
+ self.cur = self.con.cursor()
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ rows = self.cur.fetchall()
+ highest_version_int=0
+ highest_version=""
+ for row in rows: #look for the latest version
+ if row[0]>highest_version_int:
+ highest_version_int, highest_version = row[0:2]
+ return highest_version_int, highest_version
+ except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
+ #self.logger.error("get_db_version DB Exception %d: %s. Command %s",e.args[0], e.args[1], cmd)
+ self._format_error(e, tries)
+ tries -= 1
+ def disconnect(self):
+ '''disconnect from specific data base'''
+ try:
+ self.con.close()
+ self.con = None
+ except mdb.Error as e:
+ self.logger.error("while disconnecting from DB: Error %d: %s",e.args[0], e.args[1])
+ return
+ except AttributeError as e: #self.con not defined
+ if e[0][-5:] == "'con'":
+ self.logger.warn("while disconnecting from DB: Error %d: %s",e.args[0], e.args[1])
+ return
+ else:
+ raise
+ def _format_error(self, e, tries=1, command=None, extra=None):
+ '''Creates a text error base on the produced exception
+ Params:
+ e: mdb exception
+ retry: in case of timeout, if reconnecting to database and retry, or raise and exception
+ cmd: database command that produce the exception
+ command: if the intention is update or delete
+ extra: extra information to add to some commands
+ Return
+ HTTP error in negative, formatted error text
+ '''
+ if isinstance(e,AttributeError ):
+ raise db_base_Exception("DB Exception " + str(e), HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
+ if e.args[0]==2006 or e.args[0]==2013 : #MySQL server has gone away (((or))) Exception 2013: Lost connection to MySQL server during query
+ if tries>1:
+ self.logger.warn("DB Exception '%s'. Retry", str(e))
+ #reconnect
+ self.connect()
+ return
+ else:
+ raise db_base_Exception("Database connection timeout Try Again", HTTP_Request_Timeout)
+ fk=e.args[1].find("foreign key constraint fails")
+ if fk>=0:
+ if command=="update":
+ raise db_base_Exception("tenant_id '{}' not found.".format(extra), HTTP_Not_Found)
+ elif command=="delete":
+ raise db_base_Exception("Resource is not free. There are {} that prevent deleting it.".format(extra), HTTP_Conflict)
+ de = e.args[1].find("Duplicate entry")
+ fk = e.args[1].find("for key")
+ uk = e.args[1].find("Unknown column")
+ wc = e.args[1].find("in 'where clause'")
+ fl = e.args[1].find("in 'field list'")
+ #print de, fk, uk, wc,fl
+ if de>=0:
+ if fk>=0: #error 1062
+ raise db_base_Exception("Value {} already in use for {}".format(e.args[1][de+15:fk], e.args[1][fk+7:]), HTTP_Conflict)
+ if uk>=0:
+ if wc>=0:
+ raise db_base_Exception("Field {} can not be used for filtering".format(e.args[1][uk+14:wc]), HTTP_Bad_Request)
+ if fl>=0:
+ raise db_base_Exception("Field {} does not exist".format(e.args[1][uk+14:wc]), HTTP_Bad_Request)
+ raise db_base_Exception("Database internal Error {}: {}".format(e.args[0], e.args[1]), HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
+ def __str2db_format(self, data):
+ '''Convert string data to database format.
+ If data is None it returns the 'Null' text,
+ otherwise it returns the text surrounded by quotes ensuring internal quotes are escaped.
+ '''
+ if data==None:
+ return 'Null'
+ else:
+ return json.dumps(str(data))
+ def __tuple2db_format_set(self, data):
+ '''Compose the needed text for a SQL SET, parameter 'data' is a pair tuple (A,B),
+ and it returns the text 'A="B"', where A is a field of a table and B is the value
+ If B is None it returns the 'A=Null' text, without surrounding Null by quotes
+ If B is not None it returns the text "A='B'" or 'A="B"' where B is surrounded by quotes,
+ and it ensures internal quotes of B are escaped.
+ '''
+ if data[1]==None:
+ return str(data[0]) + "=Null"
+ else:
+ return str(data[0]) + '=' + json.dumps(str(data[1]))
+ def __tuple2db_format_where(self, data):
+ '''Compose the needed text for a SQL WHERE, parameter 'data' is a pair tuple (A,B),
+ and it returns the text 'A="B"', where A is a field of a table and B is the value
+ If B is None it returns the 'A is Null' text, without surrounding Null by quotes
+ If B is not None it returns the text "A='B'" or 'A="B"' where B is surrounded by quotes,
+ and it ensures internal quotes of B are escaped.
+ '''
+ if data[1]==None:
+ return str(data[0]) + " is Null"
+# if type(data[1]) is tuple: #this can only happen in a WHERE_OR clause
+# text =[]
+# for d in data[1]:
+# if d==None:
+# text.append(str(data[0]) + " is Null")
+# continue
+# out=str(d)
+# if "'" not in out:
+# text.append( str(data[0]) + "='" + out + "'" )
+# elif '"' not in out:
+# text.append( str(data[0]) + '="' + out + '"' )
+# else:
+# text.append( str(data[0]) + '=' + json.dumps(out) )
+# return " OR ".join(text)
+ out=str(data[1])
+ return str(data[0]) + '=' + json.dumps(out)
+ def __tuple2db_format_where_not(self, data):
+ '''Compose the needed text for a SQL WHERE(not). parameter 'data' is a pair tuple (A,B),
+ and it returns the text 'A<>"B"', where A is a field of a table and B is the value
+ If B is None it returns the 'A is not Null' text, without surrounding Null by quotes
+ If B is not None it returns the text "A<>'B'" or 'A<>"B"' where B is surrounded by quotes,
+ and it ensures internal quotes of B are escaped.
+ '''
+ if data[1]==None:
+ return str(data[0]) + " is not Null"
+ out=str(data[1])
+ return str(data[0]) + '<>' + json.dumps(out)
+ def __remove_quotes(self, data):
+ '''remove single quotes ' of any string content of data dictionary'''
+ for k,v in data.items():
+ if type(v) == str:
+ if "'" in v:
+ data[k] = data[k].replace("'","_")
+ def _update_rows(self, table, UPDATE, WHERE, modified_time=0):
+ ''' Update one or several rows into a table.
+ Atributes
+ UPDATE: dictionary with the key: value to change
+ table: table where to update
+ WHERE: dictionary of elements to update
+ Return: the number of updated rows, exception if error
+ '''
+ #gettting uuid
+ values = ",".join(map(self.__tuple2db_format_set, UPDATE.iteritems() ))
+ if modified_time:
+ values += ",modified_at={:f}".format(modified_time)
+ cmd= "UPDATE " + table +" SET " + values +\
+ " WHERE " + " and ".join(map(self.__tuple2db_format_where, WHERE.iteritems() ))
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ return self.cur.rowcount
+ def _new_row_internal(self, table, INSERT, add_uuid=False, root_uuid=None, created_time=0):
+ ''' Add one row into a table. It DOES NOT begin or end the transaction, so self.con.cursor must be created
+ Attribute
+ INSERT: dictionary with the key:value to insert
+ table: table where to insert
+ add_uuid: if True, it will create an uuid key entry at INSERT if not provided
+ created_time: time to add to the created_time column
+ It checks presence of uuid and add one automatically otherwise
+ Return: uuid
+ '''
+ if add_uuid:
+ #create uuid if not provided
+ if 'uuid' not in INSERT:
+ uuid = INSERT['uuid'] = str(myUuid.uuid1()) # create_uuid
+ else:
+ uuid = str(INSERT['uuid'])
+ else:
+ uuid=None
+ if add_uuid:
+ #defining root_uuid if not provided
+ if root_uuid is None:
+ root_uuid = uuid
+ if created_time:
+ created_at = created_time
+ else:
+ created_at=time.time()
+ #inserting new uuid
+ cmd = "INSERT INTO uuids (uuid, root_uuid, used_at, created_at) VALUES ('{:s}','{:s}','{:s}', {:f})".format(uuid, root_uuid, table, created_at)
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ #insertion
+ cmd= "INSERT INTO " + table +" SET " + \
+ ",".join(map(self.__tuple2db_format_set, INSERT.iteritems() ))
+ if created_time:
+ cmd += ",created_at=%f" % created_time
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ self.cur.rowcount
+ return uuid
+ def _get_rows(self,table,uuid):
+ cmd = "SELECT * FROM {} WHERE uuid='{}'".format(str(table), str(uuid))
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ rows = self.cur.fetchall()
+ return rows
+ def new_row(self, table, INSERT, add_uuid=False, created_time=0):
+ ''' Add one row into a table.
+ Attribute
+ INSERT: dictionary with the key: value to insert
+ table: table where to insert
+ tenant_id: only useful for logs. If provided, logs will use this tenant_id
+ add_uuid: if True, it will create an uuid key entry at INSERT if not provided
+ It checks presence of uuid and add one automatically otherwise
+ Return: (result, uuid) where result can be 0 if error, or 1 if ok
+ '''
+ if table in self.tables_with_created_field and created_time==0:
+ created_time=time.time()
+ tries = 2
+ while tries:
+ try:
+ with self.con:
+ self.cur = self.con.cursor()
+ return self._new_row_internal(table, INSERT, add_uuid, None, created_time)
+ except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
+ self._format_error(e, tries)
+ tries -= 1
+ def update_rows(self, table, UPDATE, WHERE, modified_time=0):
+ ''' Update one or several rows into a table.
+ Atributes
+ UPDATE: dictionary with the key: value to change
+ table: table where to update
+ WHERE: dictionary of elements to update
+ Return: (result, descriptive text) where result indicates the number of updated files
+ '''
+ if table in self.tables_with_created_field and modified_time==0:
+ modified_time=time.time()
+ tries = 2
+ while tries:
+ try:
+ with self.con:
+ self.cur = self.con.cursor()
+ return self._update_rows(table, UPDATE, WHERE)
+ except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
+ self._format_error(e, tries)
+ tries -= 1
+ def delete_row_by_id(self, table, uuid):
+ tries = 2
+ while tries:
+ try:
+ with self.con:
+ #delete host
+ self.cur = self.con.cursor()
+ cmd = "DELETE FROM {} WHERE uuid = '{}'".format(table, uuid)
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ deleted = self.cur.rowcount
+ if deleted:
+ #delete uuid
+ self.cur = self.con.cursor()
+ cmd = "DELETE FROM uuids WHERE root_uuid = '{}'".format(uuid)
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ return deleted
+ except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
+ self._format_error(e, tries, "delete", "dependencies")
+ tries -= 1
+ def delete_row(self, **sql_dict):
+ ''' Deletes rows from a table.
+ Attribute sql_dir: dictionary with the following key: value
+ 'FROM': string of table name (Mandatory)
+ 'WHERE': dict of key:values, translated to key=value AND ... (Optional)
+ 'WHERE_NOT': dict of key:values, translated to key<>value AND ... (Optional)
+ if value is None, it is translated to key is not null
+ 'LIMIT': limit of number of rows (Optional)
+ Return: the number of deleted or exception if error
+ '''
+ #print sql_dict
+ from_ = "FROM " + str(sql_dict['FROM'])
+ #print 'from_', from_
+ if 'WHERE' in sql_dict and len(sql_dict['WHERE']) > 0:
+ w=sql_dict['WHERE']
+ where_ = "WHERE " + " AND ".join(map(self.__tuple2db_format_where, w.iteritems()))
+ else: where_ = ""
+ if 'WHERE_NOT' in sql_dict and len(sql_dict['WHERE_NOT']) > 0:
+ w=sql_dict['WHERE_NOT']
+ where_2 = " AND ".join(map(self.__tuple2db_format_where_not, w.iteritems()))
+ if len(where_)==0: where_ = "WHERE " + where_2
+ else: where_ = where_ + " AND " + where_2
+ #print 'where_', where_
+ limit_ = "LIMIT " + str(sql_dict['LIMIT']) if 'LIMIT' in sql_dict else ""
+ #print 'limit_', limit_
+ cmd = " ".join( ("DELETE", from_, where_, limit_) )
+ tries = 2
+ while tries:
+ try:
+ with self.con:
+ self.cur = self.con.cursor()
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ deleted = self.cur.rowcount
+ return deleted
+ except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
+ self._format_error(e, tries)
+ tries -= 1
+ def get_rows_by_id(self, table, uuid):
+ '''get row from a table based on uuid'''
+ tries = 2
+ while tries:
+ try:
+ with self.con:
+ self.cur = self.con.cursor(mdb.cursors.DictCursor)
+ cmd="SELECT * FROM {} where uuid='{}'".format(str(table), str(uuid))
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ rows = self.cur.fetchall()
+ return rows
+ except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
+ self._format_error(e, tries)
+ tries -= 1
+ def get_rows(self, **sql_dict):
+ ''' Obtain rows from a table.
+ Attribute sql_dir: dictionary with the following key: value
+ 'SELECT': list or tuple of fields to retrieve) (by default all)
+ 'FROM': string of table name (Mandatory)
+ 'WHERE': dict of key:values, translated to key=value (key is null) AND ... (Optional)
+ 'WHERE_NOT': dict of key:values, translated to key<>value (key is not null) AND ... (Optional)
+ 'WHERE_OR': dict of key:values, translated to key=value OR ... (Optional)
+ 'WHERE_AND_OR: str 'AND' or 'OR'(by default) mark the priority to 'WHERE AND (WHERE_OR)' or (WHERE) OR WHERE_OR' (Optional)
+ 'LIMIT': limit of number of rows (Optional)
+ 'ORDER_BY': list or tuple of fields to order
+ Return: a list with dictionaries at each row
+ '''
+ #print sql_dict
+ select_= "SELECT " + ("*" if 'SELECT' not in sql_dict else ",".join(map(str,sql_dict['SELECT'])) )
+ #print 'select_', select_
+ from_ = "FROM " + str(sql_dict['FROM'])
+ #print 'from_', from_
+ where_and = ""
+ where_or = ""
+ w=sql_dict.get('WHERE')
+ if w:
+ where_and = " AND ".join(map(self.__tuple2db_format_where, w.iteritems() ))
+ w=sql_dict.get('WHERE_NOT')
+ if w:
+ if where_and: where_and += " AND "
+ where_and += " AND ".join(map(self.__tuple2db_format_where_not, w.iteritems() ) )
+ w=sql_dict.get('WHERE_OR')
+ if w:
+ where_or = " OR ".join(map(self.__tuple2db_format_where, w.iteritems() ))
+ if where_and and where_or:
+ if sql_dict.get("WHERE_AND_OR") == "AND":
+ where_ = "WHERE " + where_and + " AND (" + where_or + ")"
+ else:
+ where_ = "WHERE (" + where_and + ") OR " + where_or
+ elif where_and and not where_or:
+ where_ = "WHERE " + where_and
+ elif not where_and and where_or:
+ where_ = "WHERE " + where_or
+ else:
+ where_ = ""
+ #print 'where_', where_
+ limit_ = "LIMIT " + str(sql_dict['LIMIT']) if 'LIMIT' in sql_dict else ""
+ order_ = "ORDER BY " + ",".join(map(str,sql_dict['SELECT'])) if 'ORDER_BY' in sql_dict else ""
+ #print 'limit_', limit_
+ cmd = " ".join( (select_, from_, where_, limit_, order_) )
+ tries = 2
+ while tries:
+ try:
+ with self.con:
+ self.cur = self.con.cursor(mdb.cursors.DictCursor)
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ rows = self.cur.fetchall()
+ return rows
+ except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
+ self._format_error(e, tries)
+ tries -= 1
+ def get_table_by_uuid_name(self, table, uuid_name, error_item_text=None, allow_serveral=False, WHERE_OR={}, WHERE_AND_OR="OR"):
+ ''' Obtain One row from a table based on name or uuid.
+ Attribute:
+ table: string of table name
+ uuid_name: name or uuid. If not uuid format is found, it is considered a name
+ allow_severeral: if False return ERROR if more than one row are founded
+ error_item_text: in case of error it identifies the 'item' name for a proper output text
+ 'WHERE_OR': dict of key:values, translated to key=value OR ... (Optional)
+ 'WHERE_AND_OR: str 'AND' or 'OR'(by default) mark the priority to 'WHERE AND (WHERE_OR)' or (WHERE) OR WHERE_OR' (Optional
+ Return: if allow_several==False, a dictionary with this row, or error if no item is found or more than one is found
+ if allow_several==True, a list of dictionaries with the row or rows, error if no item is found
+ '''
+ if error_item_text==None:
+ error_item_text = table
+ what = 'uuid' if af.check_valid_uuid(uuid_name) else 'name'
+ cmd = " SELECT * FROM {} WHERE {}='{}'".format(table, what, uuid_name)
+ if WHERE_OR:
+ where_or = " OR ".join(map(self.__tuple2db_format_where, WHERE_OR.iteritems() ))
+ if WHERE_AND_OR == "AND":
+ cmd += " AND (" + where_or + ")"
+ else:
+ cmd += " OR " + where_or
+ tries = 2
+ while tries:
+ try:
+ with self.con:
+ self.cur = self.con.cursor(mdb.cursors.DictCursor)
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ number = self.cur.rowcount
+ if number==0:
+ return -HTTP_Not_Found, "No %s found with %s '%s'" %(error_item_text, what, uuid_name)
+ elif number>1 and not allow_serveral:
+ return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "More than one %s found with %s '%s'" %(error_item_text, what, uuid_name)
+ if allow_serveral:
+ rows = self.cur.fetchall()
+ else:
+ rows = self.cur.fetchone()
+ return rows
+ except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
+ self._format_error(e, tries)
+ tries -= 1
+ def get_uuid(self, uuid):
+ '''check in the database if this uuid is already present'''
+ for retry_ in range(0,2):
+ try:
+ with self.con:
+ self.cur = self.con.cursor(mdb.cursors.DictCursor)
+ self.cur.execute("SELECT * FROM uuids where uuid='" + str(uuid) + "'")
+ rows = self.cur.fetchall()
+ return self.cur.rowcount, rows
+ except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
+ print "nfvo_db.get_uuid DB Exception %d: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1])
+ r,c = self._format_error(e)
+ if r!=-HTTP_Request_Timeout or retry_==1: return r,c
+ def get_uuid_from_name(self, table, name):
+ '''Searchs in table the name and returns the uuid
+ '''
+ tries = 2
+ while tries:
+ try:
+ with self.con:
+ self.cur = self.con.cursor(mdb.cursors.DictCursor)
+ where_text = "name='" + name +"'"
+ self.cur.execute("SELECT * FROM " + table + " WHERE "+ where_text)
+ rows = self.cur.fetchall()
+ if self.cur.rowcount==0:
+ return 0, "Name %s not found in table %s" %(name, table)
+ elif self.cur.rowcount>1:
+ return self.cur.rowcount, "More than one VNF with name %s found in table %s" %(name, table)
+ return self.cur.rowcount, rows[0]["uuid"]
+ except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
+ self._format_error(e, tries)
+ tries -= 1
import json
import threading
import time
+import logging
from jsonschema import validate as js_v, exceptions as js_e
from openmano_schemas import vnfd_schema_v01, vnfd_schema_v02, \
object_schema, netmap_new_schema, netmap_edit_schema
import nfvo
import utils
+from db_base import db_base_Exception
+from functools import wraps
global mydb
global url_base
+global logger
HTTP_Bad_Request = 400
for v in var:
+def log_to_logger(fn):
+ '''
+ Wrap a Bottle request so that a log line is emitted after it's handled.
+ (This decorator can be extended to take the desired logger as a param.)
+ '''
+ @wraps(fn)
+ def _log_to_logger(*args, **kwargs):
+ actual_response = fn(*args, **kwargs)
+ # modify this to log exactly what you need:
+ logger.info('FROM %s %s %s %s' % (bottle.request.remote_addr,
+ bottle.request.method,
+ bottle.request.url,
+ bottle.response.status))
+ return actual_response
+ return _log_to_logger
class httpserver(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, db, admin=False, host='localhost', port=9090):
#global url_base
global mydb
+ global logger
+ logger = logging.getLogger('openmano.http')
self.host = host
self.port = port #Port where the listen service must be started
def run(self):
- bottle.run(host=self.host, port=self.port, debug=True) #quiet=True
+ bottle.install(log_to_logger)
+ bottle.run(host=self.host, port=self.port, debug=False, quiet=True)
def run_bottle(db, host_='localhost', port_=9090):
'''used for launching in main thread, so that it can be debugged'''
def format_out(data):
'''return string of dictionary data according to requested json, yaml, xml. By default json'''
+ logger.debug(yaml.safe_dump(data, explicit_start=True, indent=4, default_flow_style=False, tags=False, encoding='utf-8', allow_unicode=True) )
if 'application/yaml' in bottle.request.headers.get('Accept'):
- print yaml.safe_dump(data, explicit_start=True, indent=4, default_flow_style=False, tags=False, encoding='utf-8', allow_unicode=True)
return yaml.safe_dump(data, explicit_start=True, indent=4, default_flow_style=False, tags=False, encoding='utf-8', allow_unicode=True) #, canonical=True, default_style='"'
else: #by default json
- if type(qs) is not bottle.FormsDict:
- print '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!invalid query string not a dictionary'
- #bottle.abort(HTTP_Internal_Server_Error, "call programmer")
- else:
- for k in qs:
- if k=='field':
- select += qs.getall(k)
- for v in select:
- if v not in allowed:
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, "Invalid query string at 'field="+v+"'")
- elif k=='limit':
- try:
- limit=int(qs[k])
- except:
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, "Invalid query string at 'limit="+qs[k]+"'")
- else:
- if k not in allowed:
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, "Invalid query string at '"+k+"="+qs[k]+"'")
- if qs[k]!="null": where[k]=qs[k]
- else: where[k]=None
+ #if type(qs) is not bottle.FormsDict:
+ # bottle.abort(HTTP_Internal_Server_Error, '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!invalid query string not a dictionary')
+ # #bottle.abort(HTTP_Internal_Server_Error, "call programmer")
+ for k in qs:
+ if k=='field':
+ select += qs.getall(k)
+ for v in select:
+ if v not in allowed:
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, "Invalid query string at 'field="+v+"'")
+ elif k=='limit':
+ try:
+ limit=int(qs[k])
+ except:
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, "Invalid query string at 'limit="+qs[k]+"'")
+ else:
+ if k not in allowed:
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, "Invalid query string at '"+k+"="+qs[k]+"'")
+ if qs[k]!="null": where[k]=qs[k]
+ else: where[k]=None
if len(select)==0: select += allowed
#change from http api to database naming
for i in range(0,len(select)):
select[i] = http2db[k]
if http2db:
change_keys_http2db(where, http2db)
- print "filter_query_string", select,where,limit
+ #print "filter_query_string", select,where,limit
return select,where,limit
@bottle.route(url_base + '/tenants', method='GET')
def http_get_tenants():
+ logger.debug('FROM %s %s %s', bottle.request.remote_addr, bottle.request.method, bottle.request.url)
select_,where_,limit_ = filter_query_string(bottle.request.query, None,
('uuid','name','description','created_at') )
- result, content = mydb.get_table(FROM='nfvo_tenants', SELECT=select_,WHERE=where_,LIMIT=limit_)
- if result < 0:
- print "http_get_tenants Error", content
- bottle.abort(-result, content)
- else:
+ try:
+ tenants = mydb.get_rows(FROM='nfvo_tenants', SELECT=select_,WHERE=where_,LIMIT=limit_)
#change_keys_http2db(content, http2db_tenant, reverse=True)
- convert_datetime2str(content)
- data={'tenants' : content}
+ convert_datetime2str(tenants)
+ data={'tenants' : tenants}
return format_out(data)
+ except db_base_Exception as e:
+ logger.error("http_get_tenants error {}: {}".format(e.http_code, str(e)))
+ bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
@bottle.route(url_base + '/tenants/<tenant_id>', method='GET')
def http_get_tenant_id(tenant_id):
'''get tenant details, can use both uuid or name'''
#obtain data
- result, content = mydb.get_table_by_uuid_name('nfvo_tenants', tenant_id, "tenant")
- if result < 0:
- print "http_get_tenant_id error %d %s" % (result, content)
- bottle.abort(-result, content)
- #change_keys_http2db(content, http2db_tenant, reverse=True)
- convert_datetime2str(content)
- print content
- data={'tenant' : content}
- return format_out(data)
+ logger.debug('FROM %s %s %s', bottle.request.remote_addr, bottle.request.method, bottle.request.url)
+ try:
+ tenant = mydb.get_table_by_uuid_name('nfvo_tenants', tenant_id, "tenant")
+ #change_keys_http2db(content, http2db_tenant, reverse=True)
+ convert_datetime2str(tenant)
+ data={'tenant' : tenant}
+ return format_out(data)
+ except db_base_Exception as e:
+ logger.error("http_get_tenant_id error {}: {}".format(e.http_code, str(e)))
+ bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
@bottle.route(url_base + '/tenants', method='POST')
def http_post_tenants():
'''insert a tenant into the catalogue. '''
#parse input data
+ logger.debug('FROM %s %s %s', bottle.request.remote_addr, bottle.request.method, bottle.request.url)
http_content,_ = format_in( tenant_schema )
r = utils.remove_extra_items(http_content, tenant_schema)
if r is not None: print "http_post_tenants: Warning: remove extra items ", r
- result, data = nfvo.new_tenant(mydb, http_content['tenant'])
- if result < 0:
- print "http_post_tenants error %d %s" % (-result, data)
- bottle.abort(-result, data)
- else:
+ try:
+ data = nfvo.new_tenant(mydb, http_content['tenant'])
return http_get_tenant_id(data)
+ except (nfvo.NfvoException, db_base_Exception) as e:
+ logger.error("http_post_tenants error {}: {}".format(e.http_code, str(e)))
+ bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
@bottle.route(url_base + '/tenants/<tenant_id>', method='PUT')
def http_edit_tenant_id(tenant_id):
'''edit tenant details, can use both uuid or name'''
#parse input data
+ logger.debug('FROM %s %s %s', bottle.request.remote_addr, bottle.request.method, bottle.request.url)
http_content,_ = format_in( tenant_edit_schema )
r = utils.remove_extra_items(http_content, tenant_edit_schema)
if r is not None: print "http_edit_tenant_id: Warning: remove extra items ", r
#obtain data, check that only one exist
- result, content = mydb.get_table_by_uuid_name('nfvo_tenants', tenant_id)
- if result < 0:
- print "http_edit_tenant_id error %d %s" % (result, content)
- bottle.abort(-result, content)
- #edit data
- tenant_id = content['uuid']
- where={'uuid': content['uuid']}
- result, content = mydb.update_rows('nfvo_tenants', http_content['tenant'], where)
- if result < 0:
- print "http_edit_tenant_id error %d %s" % (result, content)
- bottle.abort(-result, content)
- return http_get_tenant_id(tenant_id)
+ try:
+ tenant = mydb.get_table_by_uuid_name('nfvo_tenants', tenant_id)
+ #edit data
+ tenant_id = tenant['uuid']
+ where={'uuid': tenant['uuid']}
+ mydb.update_rows('nfvo_tenants', http_content['tenant'], where)
+ return http_get_tenant_id(tenant_id)
+ except db_base_Exception as e:
+ logger.error("http_edit_tenant_id error {}: {}".format(e.http_code, str(e)))
+ bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
@bottle.route(url_base + '/tenants/<tenant_id>', method='DELETE')
def http_delete_tenant_id(tenant_id):
'''delete a tenant from database, can use both uuid or name'''
- result, data = nfvo.delete_tenant(mydb, tenant_id)
- if result < 0:
- print "http_delete_tenant_id error %d %s" % (-result, data)
- bottle.abort(-result, data)
- else:
- #print json.dumps(data, indent=4)
+ logger.debug('FROM %s %s %s', bottle.request.remote_addr, bottle.request.method, bottle.request.url)
+ try:
+ data = nfvo.delete_tenant(mydb, tenant_id)
return format_out({"result":"tenant " + data + " deleted"})
+ except db_base_Exception as e:
+ logger.error("http_delete_tenant_id error {}: {}".format(e.http_code, str(e)))
+ bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
@bottle.route(url_base + '/<tenant_id>/datacenters', method='GET')
def http_get_datacenters(tenant_id):
- #check valid tenant_id
- if tenant_id != 'any':
- if not nfvo.check_tenant(mydb, tenant_id):
- print 'httpserver.http_get_datacenters () tenant %s not found' % tenant_id
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Not_Found, 'Tenant %s not found' % tenant_id)
- return
- select_,where_,limit_ = filter_query_string(bottle.request.query, None,
- ('uuid','name','vim_url','type','created_at') )
- if tenant_id != 'any':
- where_['nfvo_tenant_id'] = tenant_id
- if 'created_at' in select_:
- select_[ select_.index('created_at') ] = 'd.created_at as created_at'
- if 'created_at' in where_:
- where_['d.created_at'] = where_.pop('created_at')
- result, content = mydb.get_table(FROM='datacenters as d join tenants_datacenters as td on d.uuid=td.datacenter_id',
- SELECT=select_,WHERE=where_,LIMIT=limit_)
- else:
- result, content = mydb.get_table(FROM='datacenters',
- SELECT=select_,WHERE=where_,LIMIT=limit_)
- if result < 0:
- print "http_get_datacenters Error", content
- bottle.abort(-result, content)
- else:
+ logger.debug('FROM %s %s %s', bottle.request.remote_addr, bottle.request.method, bottle.request.url)
+ try:
+ if tenant_id != 'any':
+ #check valid tenant_id
+ nfvo.check_tenant(mydb, tenant_id)
+ select_,where_,limit_ = filter_query_string(bottle.request.query, None,
+ ('uuid','name','vim_url','type','created_at') )
+ if tenant_id != 'any':
+ where_['nfvo_tenant_id'] = tenant_id
+ if 'created_at' in select_:
+ select_[ select_.index('created_at') ] = 'd.created_at as created_at'
+ if 'created_at' in where_:
+ where_['d.created_at'] = where_.pop('created_at')
+ datacenters = mydb.get_rows(FROM='datacenters as d join tenants_datacenters as td on d.uuid=td.datacenter_id',
+ SELECT=select_,WHERE=where_,LIMIT=limit_)
+ else:
+ datacenters = mydb.get_rows(FROM='datacenters',
+ SELECT=select_,WHERE=where_,LIMIT=limit_)
#change_keys_http2db(content, http2db_tenant, reverse=True)
- convert_datetime2str(content)
- data={'datacenters' : content}
+ convert_datetime2str(datacenters)
+ data={'datacenters' : datacenters}
return format_out(data)
+ except (nfvo.NfvoException, db_base_Exception) as e:
+ logger.error("http_get_datacenters error {}: {}".format(e.http_code, str(e)))
+ bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
@bottle.route(url_base + '/<tenant_id>/datacenters/<datacenter_id>', method='GET')
def http_get_datacenter_id(tenant_id, datacenter_id):
'''get datacenter details, can use both uuid or name'''
- #check valid tenant_id
- if tenant_id != 'any':
- if not nfvo.check_tenant(mydb, tenant_id):
- print 'httpserver.http_get_datacenter_id () tenant %s not found' % tenant_id
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Not_Found, 'Tenant %s not found' % tenant_id)
- return
- #obtain data
- what = 'uuid' if utils.check_valid_uuid(datacenter_id) else 'name'
- where_={}
- where_[what] = datacenter_id
- select_=['uuid', 'name','vim_url', 'vim_url_admin', 'type', 'config', 'description', 'd.created_at as created_at']
- if tenant_id != 'any':
- select_.append("datacenter_tenant_id")
- where_['td.nfvo_tenant_id']= tenant_id
- from_='datacenters as d join tenants_datacenters as td on d.uuid=td.datacenter_id'
- else:
- from_='datacenters as d'
- result, content = mydb.get_table(
- SELECT=select_,
- FROM=from_,
- WHERE=where_)
- if result < 0:
- print "http_get_datacenter_id error %d %s" % (result, content)
- bottle.abort(-result, content)
- elif result==0:
- bottle.abort( HTTP_Not_Found, "No datacenter found for tenant with %s '%s'" %(what, datacenter_id) )
- elif result>1:
- bottle.abort( HTTP_Bad_Request, "More than one datacenter found for tenant with %s '%s'" %(what, datacenter_id) )
- if tenant_id != 'any':
- #get vim tenant info
- result, content2 = mydb.get_table(
- SELECT=("vim_tenant_name", "vim_tenant_id", "user"),
- FROM="datacenter_tenants",
- WHERE={"uuid": content[0]["datacenter_tenant_id"]},
- ORDER_BY=("created", ) )
- del content[0]["datacenter_tenant_id"]
- if result < 0:
- print "http_get_datacenter_id vim_tenant_info error %d %s" % (result, content2)
- bottle.abort(-result, content2)
- content[0]["vim_tenants"] = content2
- print content
- if content[0]['config'] != None:
- try:
- config_dict = yaml.load(content[0]['config'])
- content[0]['config'] = config_dict
- except Exception, e:
- print "Exception '%s' while trying to load config information" % str(e)
- #change_keys_http2db(content, http2db_datacenter, reverse=True)
- convert_datetime2str(content[0])
- data={'datacenter' : content[0]}
- return format_out(data)
+ logger.debug('FROM %s %s %s', bottle.request.remote_addr, bottle.request.method, bottle.request.url)
+ try:
+ if tenant_id != 'any':
+ #check valid tenant_id
+ nfvo.check_tenant(mydb, tenant_id)
+ #obtain data
+ what = 'uuid' if utils.check_valid_uuid(datacenter_id) else 'name'
+ where_={}
+ where_[what] = datacenter_id
+ select_=['uuid', 'name','vim_url', 'vim_url_admin', 'type', 'config', 'description', 'd.created_at as created_at']
+ if tenant_id != 'any':
+ select_.append("datacenter_tenant_id")
+ where_['td.nfvo_tenant_id']= tenant_id
+ from_='datacenters as d join tenants_datacenters as td on d.uuid=td.datacenter_id'
+ else:
+ from_='datacenters as d'
+ datacenters = mydb.get_rows(
+ SELECT=select_,
+ FROM=from_,
+ WHERE=where_)
+ if len(datacenters)==0:
+ bottle.abort( HTTP_Not_Found, "No datacenter found for tenant with {} '{}'".format(what, datacenter_id) )
+ elif len(datacenters)>1:
+ bottle.abort( HTTP_Bad_Request, "More than one datacenter found for tenant with {} '{}'".format(what, datacenter_id) )
+ datacenter = datacenters[0]
+ if tenant_id != 'any':
+ #get vim tenant info
+ vim_tenants = mydb.get_rows(
+ SELECT=("vim_tenant_name", "vim_tenant_id", "user"),
+ FROM="datacenter_tenants",
+ WHERE={"uuid": datacenters[0]["datacenter_tenant_id"]},
+ ORDER_BY=("created", ) )
+ del datacenter["datacenter_tenant_id"]
+ datacenter["vim_tenants"] = vim_tenants
+ if datacenter['config'] != None:
+ try:
+ config_dict = yaml.load(datacenter['config'])
+ datacenter['config'] = config_dict
+ except Exception, e:
+ print "Exception '%s' while trying to load config information" % str(e)
+ #change_keys_http2db(content, http2db_datacenter, reverse=True)
+ convert_datetime2str(datacenter)
+ data={'datacenter' : datacenter}
+ return format_out(data)
+ except (nfvo.NfvoException, db_base_Exception) as e:
+ logger.error("http_get_datacenter_id error {}: {}".format(e.http_code, str(e)))
+ bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
@bottle.route(url_base + '/datacenters', method='POST')
def http_post_datacenters():
'''insert a tenant into the catalogue. '''
#parse input data
+ logger.debug('FROM %s %s %s', bottle.request.remote_addr, bottle.request.method, bottle.request.url)
http_content,_ = format_in( datacenter_schema )
r = utils.remove_extra_items(http_content, datacenter_schema)
- if r is not None: print "http_post_tenants: Warning: remove extra items ", r
- result, data = nfvo.new_datacenter(mydb, http_content['datacenter'])
- if result < 0:
- print "http_post_datacenters error %d %s" % (-result, data)
- bottle.abort(-result, data)
- else:
+ if r is not None: print "http_post_datacenters: Warning: remove extra items ", r
+ try:
+ data = nfvo.new_datacenter(mydb, http_content['datacenter'])
return http_get_datacenter_id('any', data)
+ except (nfvo.NfvoException, db_base_Exception) as e:
+ logger.error("http_post_datacenters error {}: {}".format(e.http_code, str(e)))
+ bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
@bottle.route(url_base + '/datacenters/<datacenter_id_name>', method='PUT')
def http_edit_datacenter_id(datacenter_id_name):
'''edit datacenter details, can use both uuid or name'''
+ logger.debug('FROM %s %s %s', bottle.request.remote_addr, bottle.request.method, bottle.request.url)
#parse input data
http_content,_ = format_in( datacenter_edit_schema )
r = utils.remove_extra_items(http_content, datacenter_edit_schema)
if r is not None: print "http_edit_datacenter_id: Warning: remove extra items ", r
- result, datacenter_id = nfvo.edit_datacenter(mydb, datacenter_id_name, http_content['datacenter'])
- if result < 0:
- print "http_edit_datacenter_id error %d %s" % (-result, datacenter_id)
- bottle.abort(-result, datacenter_id)
- else:
+ try:
+ datacenter_id = nfvo.edit_datacenter(mydb, datacenter_id_name, http_content['datacenter'])
return http_get_datacenter_id('any', datacenter_id)
+ except (nfvo.NfvoException, db_base_Exception) as e:
+ logger.error("http_edit_datacenter_id error {}: {}".format(e.http_code, str(e)))
+ bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
@bottle.route(url_base + '/<tenant_id>/datacenters/<datacenter_id>/networks', method='GET') #deprecated
@bottle.route(url_base + '/<tenant_id>/datacenters/<datacenter_id>/netmaps', method='GET')
@bottle.route(url_base + '/<tenant_id>/datacenters/<datacenter_id>/netmaps/<netmap_id>', method='GET')
def http_getnetmap_datacenter_id(tenant_id, datacenter_id, netmap_id=None):
'''get datacenter networks, can use both uuid or name'''
+ logger.debug('FROM %s %s %s', bottle.request.remote_addr, bottle.request.method, bottle.request.url)
#obtain data
- result, datacenter_dict = mydb.get_table_by_uuid_name('datacenters', datacenter_id, "datacenter")
- if result < 0:
- print "http_getnetwork_datacenter_id error %d %s" % (result, datacenter_dict)
- bottle.abort(-result, datacenter_dict)
- where_= {"datacenter_id":datacenter_dict['uuid']}
- if netmap_id:
- if utils.check_valid_uuid(netmap_id):
- where_["uuid"] = netmap_id
+ try:
+ datacenter_dict = mydb.get_table_by_uuid_name('datacenters', datacenter_id, "datacenter")
+ where_= {"datacenter_id":datacenter_dict['uuid']}
+ if netmap_id:
+ if utils.check_valid_uuid(netmap_id):
+ where_["uuid"] = netmap_id
+ else:
+ where_["name"] = netmap_id
+ netmaps =mydb.get_rows(FROM='datacenter_nets',
+ SELECT=('name','vim_net_id as vim_id', 'uuid', 'type','multipoint','shared','description', 'created_at'),
+ WHERE=where_ )
+ convert_datetime2str(netmaps)
+ utils.convert_str2boolean(netmaps, ('shared', 'multipoint') )
+ if netmap_id and len(netmaps)==1:
+ data={'netmap' : netmaps[0]}
+ elif netmap_id and len(netmaps)==0:
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Not_Found, "No netmap found with " + " and ".join(map(lambda x: str(x[0])+": "+str(x[1]), where_.iteritems())) )
+ return
- where_["name"] = netmap_id
- result, content =mydb.get_table(FROM='datacenter_nets',
- SELECT=('name','vim_net_id as vim_id', 'uuid', 'type','multipoint','shared','description', 'created_at'),
- WHERE=where_ )
- if result < 0:
- print "http_getnetwork_datacenter_id error %d %s" % (result, content)
- bottle.abort(-result, content)
- convert_datetime2str(content)
- utils.convert_str2boolean(content, ('shared', 'multipoint') )
- if netmap_id and len(content)==1:
- data={'netmap' : content[0]}
- elif netmap_id and len(content)==0:
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Not_Found, "No netmap found with " + " and ".join(map(lambda x: str(x[0])+": "+str(x[1]), where_.iteritems())) )
- return
- else:
- data={'netmaps' : content}
- return format_out(data)
+ data={'netmaps' : netmaps}
+ return format_out(data)
+ except (nfvo.NfvoException, db_base_Exception) as e:
+ logger.error("http_getnetwork_datacenter_id error {}: {}".format(e.http_code, str(e)))
+ bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
@bottle.route(url_base + '/<tenant_id>/datacenters/<datacenter_id>/netmaps', method='DELETE')
@bottle.route(url_base + '/<tenant_id>/datacenters/<datacenter_id>/netmaps/<netmap_id>', method='DELETE')
def http_delnetmap_datacenter_id(tenant_id, datacenter_id, netmap_id=None):
'''get datacenter networks, can use both uuid or name'''
+ logger.debug('FROM %s %s %s', bottle.request.remote_addr, bottle.request.method, bottle.request.url)
#obtain data
- result, datacenter_dict = mydb.get_table_by_uuid_name('datacenters', datacenter_id, "datacenter")
- if result < 0:
- print "http_delnetmap_datacenter_id error %d %s" % (result, datacenter_dict)
- bottle.abort(-result, datacenter_dict)
- where_= {"datacenter_id":datacenter_dict['uuid']}
- if netmap_id:
- if utils.check_valid_uuid(netmap_id):
- where_["uuid"] = netmap_id
+ try:
+ datacenter_dict = mydb.get_table_by_uuid_name('datacenters', datacenter_id, "datacenter")
+ where_= {"datacenter_id":datacenter_dict['uuid']}
+ if netmap_id:
+ if utils.check_valid_uuid(netmap_id):
+ where_["uuid"] = netmap_id
+ else:
+ where_["name"] = netmap_id
+ #change_keys_http2db(content, http2db_tenant, reverse=True)
+ deleted = mydb.delete_row(FROM='datacenter_nets', WHERE= where_)
+ if deleted == 0 and netmap_id :
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Not_Found, "No netmap found with " + " and ".join(map(lambda x: str(x[0])+": "+str(x[1]), where_.iteritems())) )
+ if netmap_id:
+ return format_out({"result": "netmap %s deleted" % netmap_id})
- where_["name"] = netmap_id
- #change_keys_http2db(content, http2db_tenant, reverse=True)
- result, content =mydb.delete_row_by_dict(FROM='datacenter_nets', WHERE= where_)
- if result < 0:
- print "http_delnetmap_datacenter_id error %d %s" % (result, content)
- bottle.abort(-result, content)
- elif result == 0 and netmap_id :
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Not_Found, "No netmap found with " + " and ".join(map(lambda x: str(x[0])+": "+str(x[1]), where_.iteritems())) )
- if netmap_id:
- return format_out({"result": "netmap %s deleted" % netmap_id})
- else:
- return format_out({"result": "%d netmap deleted" % result})
+ return format_out({"result": "%d netmap deleted" % deleted})
+ except (nfvo.NfvoException, db_base_Exception) as e:
+ logger.error("http_delnetmap_datacenter_id error {}: {}".format(e.http_code, str(e)))
+ bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
@bottle.route(url_base + '/<tenant_id>/datacenters/<datacenter_id>/netmaps/upload', method='POST')
def http_uploadnetmap_datacenter_id(tenant_id, datacenter_id):
- result, content = nfvo.datacenter_new_netmap(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter_id, None)
- if result < 0:
- print "http_postnetmap_datacenter_id error %d %s" % (result, content)
- bottle.abort(-result, content)
- convert_datetime2str(content)
- utils.convert_str2boolean(content, ('shared', 'multipoint') )
- print content
- data={'netmaps' : content}
- return format_out(data)
+ logger.debug('FROM %s %s %s', bottle.request.remote_addr, bottle.request.method, bottle.request.url)
+ try:
+ netmaps = nfvo.datacenter_new_netmap(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter_id, None)
+ convert_datetime2str(netmaps)
+ utils.convert_str2boolean(netmaps, ('shared', 'multipoint') )
+ data={'netmaps' : netmaps}
+ return format_out(data)
+ except (nfvo.NfvoException, db_base_Exception) as e:
+ logger.error("http_uploadnetmap_datacenter_id error {}: {}".format(e.http_code, str(e)))
+ bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
@bottle.route(url_base + '/<tenant_id>/datacenters/<datacenter_id>/netmaps', method='POST')
def http_postnetmap_datacenter_id(tenant_id, datacenter_id):
'''creates a new netmap'''
+ logger.debug('FROM %s %s %s', bottle.request.remote_addr, bottle.request.method, bottle.request.url)
#parse input data
http_content,_ = format_in( netmap_new_schema )
r = utils.remove_extra_items(http_content, netmap_new_schema)
- if r is not None: print "http_action_datacenter_id: Warning: remove extra items ", r
+ if r is not None: print "http_postnetmap_datacenter_id: Warning: remove extra items ", r
- #obtain data, check that only one exist
- result, content = nfvo.datacenter_new_netmap(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter_id, http_content)
- if result < 0:
- print "http_postnetmap_datacenter_id error %d %s" % (result, content)
- bottle.abort(-result, content)
- convert_datetime2str(content)
- utils.convert_str2boolean(content, ('shared', 'multipoint') )
- print content
- data={'netmaps' : content}
- return format_out(data)
+ try:
+ #obtain data, check that only one exist
+ netmaps = nfvo.datacenter_new_netmap(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter_id, http_content)
+ convert_datetime2str(netmaps)
+ utils.convert_str2boolean(netmaps, ('shared', 'multipoint') )
+ data={'netmaps' : netmaps}
+ return format_out(data)
+ except (nfvo.NfvoException, db_base_Exception) as e:
+ logger.error("http_postnetmap_datacenter_id error {}: {}".format(e.http_code, str(e)))
+ bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
@bottle.route(url_base + '/<tenant_id>/datacenters/<datacenter_id>/netmaps/<netmap_id>', method='PUT')
def http_putnettmap_datacenter_id(tenant_id, datacenter_id, netmap_id):
'''edit a netmap'''
+ logger.debug('FROM %s %s %s', bottle.request.remote_addr, bottle.request.method, bottle.request.url)
#parse input data
http_content,_ = format_in( netmap_edit_schema )
r = utils.remove_extra_items(http_content, netmap_edit_schema)
if r is not None: print "http_putnettmap_datacenter_id: Warning: remove extra items ", r
#obtain data, check that only one exist
- result, content = nfvo.datacenter_edit_netmap(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter_id, netmap_id, http_content)
- if result < 0:
- print "http_putnettmap_datacenter_id error %d %s" % (result, content)
- bottle.abort(-result, content)
- else:
+ try:
+ nfvo.datacenter_edit_netmap(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter_id, netmap_id, http_content)
return http_getnetmap_datacenter_id(tenant_id, datacenter_id, netmap_id)
+ except (nfvo.NfvoException, db_base_Exception) as e:
+ logger.error("http_putnettmap_datacenter_id error {}: {}".format(e.http_code, str(e)))
+ bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
@bottle.route(url_base + '/<tenant_id>/datacenters/<datacenter_id>/action', method='POST')
def http_action_datacenter_id(tenant_id, datacenter_id):
'''perform an action over datacenter, can use both uuid or name'''
+ logger.debug('FROM %s %s %s', bottle.request.remote_addr, bottle.request.method, bottle.request.url)
#parse input data
http_content,_ = format_in( datacenter_action_schema )
r = utils.remove_extra_items(http_content, datacenter_action_schema)
if r is not None: print "http_action_datacenter_id: Warning: remove extra items ", r
- #obtain data, check that only one exist
- result, content = nfvo.datacenter_action(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter_id, http_content)
- if result < 0:
- print "http_action_datacenter_id error %d %s" % (result, content)
- bottle.abort(-result, content)
- if 'net-update' in http_content:
- return http_getnetmap_datacenter_id(datacenter_id)
- else:
- return format_out(content)
+ try:
+ #obtain data, check that only one exist
+ result = nfvo.datacenter_action(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter_id, http_content)
+ if 'net-update' in http_content:
+ return http_getnetmap_datacenter_id(datacenter_id)
+ else:
+ return format_out(result)
+ except (nfvo.NfvoException, db_base_Exception) as e:
+ logger.error("http_action_datacenter_id error {}: {}".format(e.http_code, str(e)))
+ bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
@bottle.route(url_base + '/datacenters/<datacenter_id>', method='DELETE')
def http_delete_datacenter_id( datacenter_id):
'''delete a tenant from database, can use both uuid or name'''
- result, data = nfvo.delete_datacenter(mydb, datacenter_id)
- if result < 0:
- print "http_delete_datacenter_id error %d %s" % (-result, data)
- bottle.abort(-result, data)
- else:
- #print json.dumps(data, indent=4)
- return format_out({"result":"datacenter " + data + " deleted"})
+ logger.debug('FROM %s %s %s', bottle.request.remote_addr, bottle.request.method, bottle.request.url)
+ try:
+ data = nfvo.delete_datacenter(mydb, datacenter_id)
+ return format_out({"result":"datacenter '" + data + "' deleted"})
+ except (nfvo.NfvoException, db_base_Exception) as e:
+ logger.error("http_delete_datacenter_id error {}: {}".format(e.http_code, str(e)))
+ bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
@bottle.route(url_base + '/<tenant_id>/datacenters/<datacenter_id>', method='POST')
def http_associate_datacenters(tenant_id, datacenter_id):
'''associate an existing datacenter to a this tenant. '''
+ logger.debug('FROM %s %s %s', bottle.request.remote_addr, bottle.request.method, bottle.request.url)
#parse input data
http_content,_ = format_in( datacenter_associate_schema )
r = utils.remove_extra_items(http_content, datacenter_associate_schema)
if r != None: print "http_associate_datacenters: Warning: remove extra items ", r
- result, data = nfvo.associate_datacenter_to_tenant(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter_id,
- http_content['datacenter'].get('vim_tenant'),
- http_content['datacenter'].get('vim_tenant_name'),
- http_content['datacenter'].get('vim_username'),
- http_content['datacenter'].get('vim_password')
- )
- if result < 0:
- print "http_associate_datacenters error %d %s" % (-result, data)
- bottle.abort(-result, data)
- else:
- print "http_associate_datacenters data" , data
- return http_get_datacenter_id(tenant_id, data)
+ try:
+ id_ = nfvo.associate_datacenter_to_tenant(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter_id,
+ http_content['datacenter'].get('vim_tenant'),
+ http_content['datacenter'].get('vim_tenant_name'),
+ http_content['datacenter'].get('vim_username'),
+ http_content['datacenter'].get('vim_password')
+ )
+ return http_get_datacenter_id(tenant_id, id_)
+ except (nfvo.NfvoException, db_base_Exception) as e:
+ logger.error("http_associate_datacenters error {}: {}".format(e.http_code, str(e)))
+ bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
@bottle.route(url_base + '/<tenant_id>/datacenters/<datacenter_id>', method='DELETE')
def http_deassociate_datacenters(tenant_id, datacenter_id):
'''deassociate an existing datacenter to a this tenant. '''
- result, data = nfvo.deassociate_datacenter_to_tenant(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter_id)
- if result < 0:
- print "http_deassociate_datacenters error %d %s" % (-result, data)
- bottle.abort(-result, data)
- else:
- return format_out({"result":data})
+ logger.debug('FROM %s %s %s', bottle.request.remote_addr, bottle.request.method, bottle.request.url)
+ try:
+ data = nfvo.deassociate_datacenter_to_tenant(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter_id)
+ return format_out({"result": data})
+ except (nfvo.NfvoException, db_base_Exception) as e:
+ logger.error("http_deassociate_datacenters error {}: {}".format(e.http_code, str(e)))
+ bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
@bottle.route(url_base + '/<tenant_id>/vim/<datacenter_id>/<item>', method='GET')
@bottle.route(url_base + '/<tenant_id>/vim/<datacenter_id>/<item>/<name>', method='GET')
def http_get_vim_items(tenant_id, datacenter_id, item, name=None):
- result, data = nfvo.vim_action_get(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter_id, item, name)
- if result < 0:
- print "http_get_vim_items error %d %s" % (-result, data)
- bottle.abort(-result, data)
- else:
+ logger.debug('FROM %s %s %s', bottle.request.remote_addr, bottle.request.method, bottle.request.url)
+ try:
+ data = nfvo.vim_action_get(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter_id, item, name)
return format_out(data)
+ except (nfvo.NfvoException, db_base_Exception) as e:
+ logger.error("http_get_vim_items error {}: {}".format(e.http_code, str(e)))
+ bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
@bottle.route(url_base + '/<tenant_id>/vim/<datacenter_id>/<item>/<name>', method='DELETE')
def http_del_vim_items(tenant_id, datacenter_id, item, name):
- result, data = nfvo.vim_action_delete(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter_id, item, name)
- if result < 0:
- print "http_get_vim_items error %d %s" % (-result, data)
- bottle.abort(-result, data)
- else:
+ logger.debug('FROM %s %s %s', bottle.request.remote_addr, bottle.request.method, bottle.request.url)
+ try:
+ data = nfvo.vim_action_delete(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter_id, item, name)
return format_out({"result":data})
+ except (nfvo.NfvoException, db_base_Exception) as e:
+ logger.error("http_del_vim_items error {}: {}".format(e.http_code, str(e)))
+ bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
@bottle.route(url_base + '/<tenant_id>/vim/<datacenter_id>/<item>', method='POST')
def http_post_vim_items(tenant_id, datacenter_id, item):
+ logger.debug('FROM %s %s %s', bottle.request.remote_addr, bottle.request.method, bottle.request.url)
http_content,_ = format_in( object_schema )
- result, data = nfvo.vim_action_create(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter_id, item, http_content)
- if result < 0:
- print "http_post_vim_items error %d %s" % (-result, data)
- bottle.abort(-result, data)
- else:
+ try:
+ data = nfvo.vim_action_create(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter_id, item, http_content)
return format_out(data)
+ except (nfvo.NfvoException, db_base_Exception) as e:
+ logger.error("http_post_vim_items error {}: {}".format(e.http_code, str(e)))
+ bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
@bottle.route(url_base + '/<tenant_id>/vnfs', method='GET')
def http_get_vnfs(tenant_id):
- #check valid tenant_id
- if tenant_id != "any" and not nfvo.check_tenant(mydb, tenant_id):
- print 'httpserver.http_get_vnf_id() tenant %s not found' % tenant_id
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Not_Found, 'Tenant %s not found' % tenant_id)
- return
- select_,where_,limit_ = filter_query_string(bottle.request.query, None,
- ('uuid','name','description','public', "tenant_id", "created_at") )
- where_or = {}
- if tenant_id != "any":
- where_or["tenant_id"] = tenant_id
- where_or["public"] = True
- result, content = mydb.get_table(FROM='vnfs', SELECT=select_,WHERE=where_,WHERE_OR=where_or, WHERE_AND_OR="AND",LIMIT=limit_)
- if result < 0:
- print "http_get_vnfs Error", content
- bottle.abort(-result, content)
- else:
+ logger.debug('FROM %s %s %s', bottle.request.remote_addr, bottle.request.method, bottle.request.url)
+ try:
+ if tenant_id != 'any':
+ #check valid tenant_id
+ nfvo.check_tenant(mydb, tenant_id)
+ select_,where_,limit_ = filter_query_string(bottle.request.query, None,
+ ('uuid','name','description','public', "tenant_id", "created_at") )
+ where_or = {}
+ if tenant_id != "any":
+ where_or["tenant_id"] = tenant_id
+ where_or["public"] = True
+ vnfs = mydb.get_rows(FROM='vnfs', SELECT=select_,WHERE=where_,WHERE_OR=where_or, WHERE_AND_OR="AND",LIMIT=limit_)
#change_keys_http2db(content, http2db_vnf, reverse=True)
- utils.convert_str2boolean(content, ('public',))
- convert_datetime2str(content)
- data={'vnfs' : content}
+ utils.convert_str2boolean(vnfs, ('public',))
+ convert_datetime2str(vnfs)
+ data={'vnfs' : vnfs}
return format_out(data)
+ except (nfvo.NfvoException, db_base_Exception) as e:
+ logger.error("http_get_vnfs error {}: {}".format(e.http_code, str(e)))
+ bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
@bottle.route(url_base + '/<tenant_id>/vnfs/<vnf_id>', method='GET')
def http_get_vnf_id(tenant_id,vnf_id):
'''get vnf details, can use both uuid or name'''
- result, data = nfvo.get_vnf_id(mydb,tenant_id,vnf_id)
- if result < 0:
- print "http_post_vnfs error %d %s" % (-result, data)
- bottle.abort(-result, data)
- utils.convert_str2boolean(data, ('public',))
- convert_datetime2str(data)
- return format_out(data)
+ logger.debug('FROM %s %s %s', bottle.request.remote_addr, bottle.request.method, bottle.request.url)
+ try:
+ vnf = nfvo.get_vnf_id(mydb,tenant_id,vnf_id)
+ utils.convert_str2boolean(vnf, ('public',))
+ convert_datetime2str(vnf)
+ return format_out(vnf)
+ except (nfvo.NfvoException, db_base_Exception) as e:
+ logger.error("http_get_vnf_id error {}: {}".format(e.http_code, str(e)))
+ bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
@bottle.route(url_base + '/<tenant_id>/vnfs', method='POST')
def http_post_vnfs(tenant_id):
'''insert a vnf into the catalogue. Creates the flavor and images in the VIM, and creates the VNF and its internal structure in the OPENMANO DB'''
- print "Parsing the YAML file of the VNF"
+ #print "Parsing the YAML file of the VNF"
#parse input data
+ logger.debug('FROM %s %s %s', bottle.request.remote_addr, bottle.request.method, bottle.request.url)
http_content, used_schema = format_in( vnfd_schema_v01, ("version",), {"v0.2": vnfd_schema_v02})
r = utils.remove_extra_items(http_content, used_schema)
if r is not None: print "http_post_vnfs: Warning: remove extra items ", r
- result, data = nfvo.new_vnf(mydb,tenant_id,http_content)
- if result < 0:
- print "http_post_vnfs error %d %s" % (-result, data)
- bottle.abort(-result, data)
- else:
- return http_get_vnf_id(tenant_id,data)
+ try:
+ vnf_id = nfvo.new_vnf(mydb,tenant_id,http_content)
+ return http_get_vnf_id(tenant_id, vnf_id)
+ except (nfvo.NfvoException, db_base_Exception) as e:
+ logger.error("http_post_vnfs error {}: {}".format(e.http_code, str(e)))
+ bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
@bottle.route(url_base + '/<tenant_id>/vnfs/<vnf_id>', method='DELETE')
def http_delete_vnf_id(tenant_id,vnf_id):
'''delete a vnf from database, and images and flavors in VIM when appropriate, can use both uuid or name'''
+ logger.debug('FROM %s %s %s', bottle.request.remote_addr, bottle.request.method, bottle.request.url)
#check valid tenant_id and deletes the vnf, including images,
- result, data = nfvo.delete_vnf(mydb,tenant_id,vnf_id)
- if result < 0:
- print "http_delete_vnf_id error %d %s" % (-result, data)
- bottle.abort(-result, data)
- else:
+ try:
+ data = nfvo.delete_vnf(mydb,tenant_id,vnf_id)
#print json.dumps(data, indent=4)
return format_out({"result":"VNF " + data + " deleted"})
+ except (nfvo.NfvoException, db_base_Exception) as e:
+ logger.error("http_delete_vnf_id error {}: {}".format(e.http_code, str(e)))
+ bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
#@bottle.route(url_base + '/<tenant_id>/hosts/topology', method='GET')
#@bottle.route(url_base + '/<tenant_id>/physicalview/Madrid-Alcantara', method='GET')
@bottle.route(url_base + '/<tenant_id>/physicalview/<datacenter>', method='GET')
def http_get_hosts(tenant_id, datacenter):
'''get the tidvim host hopology from the vim.'''
- global mydb
- print "http_get_hosts received by tenant " + tenant_id + ' datacenter ' + datacenter
- if datacenter == 'treeview':
- result, data = nfvo.get_hosts(mydb, tenant_id)
- else:
- #openmano-gui is using a hardcoded value for the datacenter
- result, data = nfvo.get_hosts_info(mydb, tenant_id) #, datacenter)
- if result < 0:
- print "http_post_vnfs error %d %s" % (-result, data)
- bottle.abort(-result, data)
- else:
- convert_datetime2str(data)
- print json.dumps(data, indent=4)
- return format_out(data)
+ logger.debug('FROM %s %s %s', bottle.request.remote_addr, bottle.request.method, bottle.request.url)
+ #print "http_get_hosts received by tenant " + tenant_id + ' datacenter ' + datacenter
+ try:
+ if datacenter == 'treeview':
+ data = nfvo.get_hosts(mydb, tenant_id)
+ else:
+ #openmano-gui is using a hardcoded value for the datacenter
+ result, data = nfvo.get_hosts_info(mydb, tenant_id) #, datacenter)
+ if result < 0:
+ print "http_post_vnfs error %d %s" % (-result, data)
+ bottle.abort(-result, data)
+ else:
+ convert_datetime2str(data)
+ print json.dumps(data, indent=4)
+ return format_out(data)
+ except (nfvo.NfvoException, db_base_Exception) as e:
+ logger.error("http_post_vnfs error {}: {}".format(e.http_code, str(e)))
+ bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
@bottle.route(url_base + '/<path:path>', method='OPTIONS')
def http_options_deploy(path):
'''For some reason GUI web ask for OPTIONS that must be responded'''
#TODO: check correct path, and correct headers request
+ logger.debug('FROM %s %s %s', bottle.request.remote_addr, bottle.request.method, bottle.request.url)
bottle.response.set_header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods','POST, GET, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS')
@bottle.route(url_base + '/<tenant_id>/topology/deploy', method='POST')
def http_post_deploy(tenant_id):
'''post topology deploy.'''
- print "http_post_deploy by tenant " + tenant_id
+ logger.debug('FROM %s %s %s', bottle.request.remote_addr, bottle.request.method, bottle.request.url)
http_content, used_schema = format_in( nsd_schema_v01, ("schema_version",), {2: nsd_schema_v02})
#r = utils.remove_extra_items(http_content, used_schema)
#if r is not None: print "http_post_deploy: Warning: remove extra items ", r
- print "http_post_deploy input: ", http_content
+ #print "http_post_deploy input: ", http_content
- result, scenario_uuid = nfvo.new_scenario(mydb, tenant_id, http_content)
- if result < 0:
- print "http_post_deploy error creating the scenario %d %s" % (-result, scenario_uuid)
- bottle.abort(-result, scenario_uuid)
- result, data = nfvo.start_scenario(mydb, tenant_id, scenario_uuid, http_content['name'], http_content['name'])
- if result < 0:
- print "http_post_deploy error launching the scenario %d %s" % (-result, data)
- bottle.abort(-result, data)
- else:
- print json.dumps(data, indent=4)
- return format_out(data)
+ try:
+ scenario_id = nfvo.new_scenario(mydb, tenant_id, http_content)
+ instance = nfvo.start_scenario(mydb, tenant_id, scenario_id, http_content['name'], http_content['name'])
+ #print json.dumps(data, indent=4)
+ return format_out(instance)
+ except (nfvo.NfvoException, db_base_Exception) as e:
+ logger.error("http_post_deploy error {}: {}".format(e.http_code, str(e)))
+ bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
@bottle.route(url_base + '/<tenant_id>/topology/verify', method='POST')
def http_post_verify(tenant_id):
# '''post topology verify'''
# print "http_post_verify by tenant " + tenant_id + ' datacenter ' + datacenter
+ logger.debug('FROM %s %s %s', bottle.request.remote_addr, bottle.request.method, bottle.request.url)
@bottle.route(url_base + '/<tenant_id>/scenarios', method='POST')
def http_post_scenarios(tenant_id):
'''add a scenario into the catalogue. Creates the scenario and its internal structure in the OPENMANO DB'''
- print "http_post_scenarios by tenant " + tenant_id
+ logger.debug('FROM %s %s %s', bottle.request.remote_addr, bottle.request.method, bottle.request.url)
http_content, used_schema = format_in( nsd_schema_v01, ("schema_version",), {2: nsd_schema_v02})
#r = utils.remove_extra_items(http_content, used_schema)
#if r is not None: print "http_post_scenarios: Warning: remove extra items ", r
- print "http_post_scenarios input: ", http_content
- if http_content.get("schema_version") == None:
- result, data = nfvo.new_scenario(mydb, tenant_id, http_content)
- else:
- result, data = nfvo.new_scenario_v02(mydb, tenant_id, http_content)
- if result < 0:
- print "http_post_scenarios error %d %s" % (-result, data)
- bottle.abort(-result, data)
- else:
+ #print "http_post_scenarios input: ", http_content
+ try:
+ if http_content.get("schema_version") == None:
+ scenario_id = nfvo.new_scenario(mydb, tenant_id, http_content)
+ else:
+ scenario_id = nfvo.new_scenario_v02(mydb, tenant_id, http_content)
#print json.dumps(data, indent=4)
#return format_out(data)
- return http_get_scenario_id(tenant_id,data)
+ return http_get_scenario_id(tenant_id, scenario_id)
+ except (nfvo.NfvoException, db_base_Exception) as e:
+ logger.error("http_post_scenarios error {}: {}".format(e.http_code, str(e)))
+ bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
@bottle.route(url_base + '/<tenant_id>/scenarios/<scenario_id>/action', method='POST')
def http_post_scenario_action(tenant_id, scenario_id):
'''take an action over a scenario'''
+ logger.debug('FROM %s %s %s', bottle.request.remote_addr, bottle.request.method, bottle.request.url)
#check valid tenant_id
- if not nfvo.check_tenant(mydb, tenant_id):
- print 'httpserver.http_post_scenario_action() tenant %s not found' % tenant_id
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Not_Found, 'Tenant %s not found' % tenant_id)
- return
- #parse input data
- http_content,_ = format_in( scenario_action_schema )
- r = utils.remove_extra_items(http_content, scenario_action_schema)
- if r is not None: print "http_post_scenario_action: Warning: remove extra items ", r
- if "start" in http_content:
- result, data = nfvo.start_scenario(mydb, tenant_id, scenario_id, http_content['start']['instance_name'], \
- http_content['start'].get('description',http_content['start']['instance_name']),
- http_content['start'].get('datacenter') )
- if result < 0:
- print "http_post_scenario_action start error %d: %s" % (-result, data)
- bottle.abort(-result, data)
- else:
+ try:
+ nfvo.check_tenant(mydb, tenant_id)
+ #parse input data
+ http_content,_ = format_in( scenario_action_schema )
+ r = utils.remove_extra_items(http_content, scenario_action_schema)
+ if r is not None: print "http_post_scenario_action: Warning: remove extra items ", r
+ if "start" in http_content:
+ data = nfvo.start_scenario(mydb, tenant_id, scenario_id, http_content['start']['instance_name'], \
+ http_content['start'].get('description',http_content['start']['instance_name']),
+ http_content['start'].get('datacenter') )
return format_out(data)
- elif "deploy" in http_content: #Equivalent to start
- result, data = nfvo.start_scenario(mydb, tenant_id, scenario_id, http_content['deploy']['instance_name'],
- http_content['deploy'].get('description',http_content['deploy']['instance_name']),
- http_content['deploy'].get('datacenter') )
- if result < 0:
- print "http_post_scenario_action deploy error %d: %s" % (-result, data)
- bottle.abort(-result, data)
- else:
+ elif "deploy" in http_content: #Equivalent to start
+ data = nfvo.start_scenario(mydb, tenant_id, scenario_id, http_content['deploy']['instance_name'],
+ http_content['deploy'].get('description',http_content['deploy']['instance_name']),
+ http_content['deploy'].get('datacenter') )
return format_out(data)
- elif "reserve" in http_content: #Reserve resources
- result, data = nfvo.start_scenario(mydb, tenant_id, scenario_id, http_content['reserve']['instance_name'],
- http_content['reserve'].get('description',http_content['reserve']['instance_name']),
- http_content['reserve'].get('datacenter'), startvms=False )
- if result < 0:
- print "http_post_scenario_action reserve error %d: %s" % (-result, data)
- bottle.abort(-result, data)
- else:
+ elif "reserve" in http_content: #Reserve resources
+ data = nfvo.start_scenario(mydb, tenant_id, scenario_id, http_content['reserve']['instance_name'],
+ http_content['reserve'].get('description',http_content['reserve']['instance_name']),
+ http_content['reserve'].get('datacenter'), startvms=False )
return format_out(data)
- elif "verify" in http_content: #Equivalent to start and then delete
- result, data = nfvo.start_scenario(mydb, tenant_id, scenario_id, http_content['verify']['instance_name'],
- http_content['verify'].get('description',http_content['verify']['instance_name']),
- http_content['verify'].get('datacenter'), startvms=False )
- if result < 0 or result!=1:
- print "http_post_scenario_action verify error during start %d: %s" % (-result, data)
- bottle.abort(-result, data)
- instance_id = data['uuid']
- result, message = nfvo.delete_instance(mydb, tenant_id,instance_id)
- if result < 0:
- print "http_post_scenario_action verify error during start delete_instance_id %d %s" % (-result, message)
- bottle.abort(-result, message)
- else:
- #print json.dumps(data, indent=4)
+ elif "verify" in http_content: #Equivalent to start and then delete
+ data = nfvo.start_scenario(mydb, tenant_id, scenario_id, http_content['verify']['instance_name'],
+ http_content['verify'].get('description',http_content['verify']['instance_name']),
+ http_content['verify'].get('datacenter'), startvms=False )
+ instance_id = data['uuid']
+ nfvo.delete_instance(mydb, tenant_id,instance_id)
return format_out({"result":"Verify OK"})
+ except (nfvo.NfvoException, db_base_Exception) as e:
+ logger.error("http_post_scenario_action error {}: {}".format(e.http_code, str(e)))
+ bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
@bottle.route(url_base + '/<tenant_id>/scenarios', method='GET')
def http_get_scenarios(tenant_id):
'''get scenarios list'''
- #check valid tenant_id
- if tenant_id != "any" and not nfvo.check_tenant(mydb, tenant_id):
- print "httpserver.http_get_scenarios() tenant '%s' not found" % tenant_id
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Not_Found, "Tenant '%s' not found" % tenant_id)
- return
- #obtain data
- s,w,l=filter_query_string(bottle.request.query, None, ('uuid', 'name', 'description', 'tenant_id', 'created_at', 'public'))
- where_or={}
- if tenant_id != "any":
- where_or["tenant_id"] = tenant_id
- where_or["public"] = True
- result, data = mydb.get_table(SELECT=s, WHERE=w, WHERE_OR=where_or, WHERE_AND_OR="AND", LIMIT=l, FROM='scenarios')
- if result < 0:
- print "http_get_scenarios error %d %s" % (-result, data)
- bottle.abort(-result, data)
- else:
- convert_datetime2str(data)
- utils.convert_str2boolean(data, ('public',) )
- scenarios={'scenarios':data}
+ logger.debug('FROM %s %s %s', bottle.request.remote_addr, bottle.request.method, bottle.request.url)
+ try:
+ #check valid tenant_id
+ if tenant_id != "any":
+ nfvo.check_tenant(mydb, tenant_id)
+ #obtain data
+ s,w,l=filter_query_string(bottle.request.query, None, ('uuid', 'name', 'description', 'tenant_id', 'created_at', 'public'))
+ where_or={}
+ if tenant_id != "any":
+ where_or["tenant_id"] = tenant_id
+ where_or["public"] = True
+ scenarios = mydb.get_rows(SELECT=s, WHERE=w, WHERE_OR=where_or, WHERE_AND_OR="AND", LIMIT=l, FROM='scenarios')
+ convert_datetime2str(scenarios)
+ utils.convert_str2boolean(scenarios, ('public',) )
+ data={'scenarios':scenarios}
#print json.dumps(scenarios, indent=4)
- return format_out(scenarios)
+ return format_out(data)
+ except (nfvo.NfvoException, db_base_Exception) as e:
+ logger.error("http_get_scenarios error {}: {}".format(e.http_code, str(e)))
+ bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
@bottle.route(url_base + '/<tenant_id>/scenarios/<scenario_id>', method='GET')
def http_get_scenario_id(tenant_id, scenario_id):
'''get scenario details, can use both uuid or name'''
- #check valid tenant_id
- if tenant_id != "any" and not nfvo.check_tenant(mydb, tenant_id):
- print "httpserver.http_get_scenario_id() tenant '%s' not found" % tenant_id
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Not_Found, "Tenant '%s' not found" % tenant_id)
- return
- #obtain data
- result, content = mydb.get_scenario(scenario_id, tenant_id)
- if result < 0:
- print "http_get_scenario_id error %d %s" % (-result, content)
- bottle.abort(-result, content)
- else:
- #print json.dumps(content, indent=4)
- convert_datetime2str(content)
- data={'scenario' : content}
+ logger.debug('FROM %s %s %s', bottle.request.remote_addr, bottle.request.method, bottle.request.url)
+ try:
+ #check valid tenant_id
+ if tenant_id != "any":
+ nfvo.check_tenant(mydb, tenant_id)
+ #obtain data
+ scenario = mydb.get_scenario(scenario_id, tenant_id)
+ convert_datetime2str(scenario)
+ data={'scenario' : scenario}
return format_out(data)
+ except (nfvo.NfvoException, db_base_Exception) as e:
+ logger.error("http_get_scenarios error {}: {}".format(e.http_code, str(e)))
+ bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
@bottle.route(url_base + '/<tenant_id>/scenarios/<scenario_id>', method='DELETE')
def http_delete_scenario_id(tenant_id, scenario_id):
'''delete a scenario from database, can use both uuid or name'''
- #check valid tenant_id
- if tenant_id != "any" and not nfvo.check_tenant(mydb, tenant_id):
- print "httpserver.http_delete_scenario_id() tenant '%s' not found" % tenant_id
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Not_Found, "Tenant '%s' not found" % tenant_id)
- return
- #obtain data
- result, data = mydb.delete_scenario(scenario_id, tenant_id)
- if result < 0:
- print "http_delete_scenario_id error %d %s" % (-result, data)
- bottle.abort(-result, data)
- else:
+ try:
+ #check valid tenant_id
+ if tenant_id != "any":
+ nfvo.check_tenant(mydb, tenant_id)
+ #obtain data
+ data = mydb.delete_scenario(scenario_id, tenant_id)
#print json.dumps(data, indent=4)
return format_out({"result":"scenario " + data + " deleted"})
+ except (nfvo.NfvoException, db_base_Exception) as e:
+ logger.error("http_delete_scenario_id error {}: {}".format(e.http_code, str(e)))
+ bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
@bottle.route(url_base + '/<tenant_id>/scenarios/<scenario_id>', method='PUT')
def http_put_scenario_id(tenant_id, scenario_id):
'''edit an existing scenario id'''
- print "http_put_scenarios by tenant " + tenant_id
+ logger.debug('FROM %s %s %s', bottle.request.remote_addr, bottle.request.method, bottle.request.url)
http_content,_ = format_in( scenario_edit_schema )
#r = utils.remove_extra_items(http_content, scenario_edit_schema)
#if r is not None: print "http_put_scenario_id: Warning: remove extra items ", r
- print "http_put_scenario_id input: ", http_content
- result, data = nfvo.edit_scenario(mydb, tenant_id, scenario_id, http_content)
- if result < 0:
- print "http_put_scenarios error %d %s" % (-result, data)
- bottle.abort(-result, data)
- else:
+ #print "http_put_scenario_id input: ", http_content
+ try:
+ nfvo.edit_scenario(mydb, tenant_id, scenario_id, http_content)
#print json.dumps(data, indent=4)
#return format_out(data)
- return http_get_scenario_id(tenant_id,data)
+ return http_get_scenario_id(tenant_id, scenario_id)
+ except (nfvo.NfvoException, db_base_Exception) as e:
+ logger.error("http_put_scenario_id error {}: {}".format(e.http_code, str(e)))
+ bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
@bottle.route(url_base + '/<tenant_id>/instances', method='POST')
def http_post_instances(tenant_id):
'''take an action over a scenario'''
- #check valid tenant_id
- if not nfvo.check_tenant(mydb, tenant_id):
- print 'httpserver.http_post_scenario_action() tenant %s not found' % tenant_id
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Not_Found, 'Tenant %s not found' % tenant_id)
- return
- #parse input data
- http_content,used_schema = format_in( instance_scenario_create_schema)
- r = utils.remove_extra_items(http_content, used_schema)
- if r is not None: print "http_post_instances: Warning: remove extra items ", r
- result, data = nfvo.create_instance(mydb, tenant_id, http_content["instance"])
- if result < 0:
- print "http_post_instances start error %d: %s" % (-result, data)
- bottle.abort(-result, data)
- else:
+ logger.debug('FROM %s %s %s', bottle.request.remote_addr, bottle.request.method, bottle.request.url)
+ try:
+ #check valid tenant_id
+ if tenant_id != "any":
+ nfvo.check_tenant(mydb, tenant_id)
+ #parse input data
+ http_content,used_schema = format_in( instance_scenario_create_schema)
+ r = utils.remove_extra_items(http_content, used_schema)
+ if r is not None: print "http_post_instances: Warning: remove extra items ", r
+ data = nfvo.create_instance(mydb, tenant_id, http_content["instance"])
return format_out(data)
+ except (nfvo.NfvoException, db_base_Exception) as e:
+ logger.error("http_post_instances error {}: {}".format(e.http_code, str(e)))
+ bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
@bottle.route(url_base + '/<tenant_id>/instances', method='GET')
def http_get_instances(tenant_id):
'''get instance list'''
- #check valid tenant_id
- if tenant_id != "any" and not nfvo.check_tenant(mydb, tenant_id):
- print 'httpserver.http_get_instances() tenant %s not found' % tenant_id
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Not_Found, 'Tenant %s not found' % tenant_id)
- return
- #obtain data
- s,w,l=filter_query_string(bottle.request.query, None, ('uuid', 'name', 'scenario_id', 'tenant_id', 'description', 'created_at'))
- where_or={}
- if tenant_id != "any":
- w['tenant_id'] = tenant_id
- result, data = mydb.get_table(SELECT=s, WHERE=w, LIMIT=l, FROM='instance_scenarios')
- if result < 0:
- print "http_get_instances error %d %s" % (-result, data)
- bottle.abort(-result, data)
- else:
- convert_datetime2str(data)
- utils.convert_str2boolean(data, ('public',) )
- instances={'instances':data}
- print json.dumps(instances, indent=4)
- return format_out(instances)
+ try:
+ #check valid tenant_id
+ if tenant_id != "any":
+ nfvo.check_tenant(mydb, tenant_id)
+ #obtain data
+ s,w,l=filter_query_string(bottle.request.query, None, ('uuid', 'name', 'scenario_id', 'tenant_id', 'description', 'created_at'))
+ if tenant_id != "any":
+ w['tenant_id'] = tenant_id
+ instances = mydb.get_rows(SELECT=s, WHERE=w, LIMIT=l, FROM='instance_scenarios')
+ convert_datetime2str(instances)
+ utils.convert_str2boolean(instances, ('public',) )
+ data={'instances':instances}
+ return format_out(data)
+ except (nfvo.NfvoException, db_base_Exception) as e:
+ logger.error("http_get_instances error {}: {}".format(e.http_code, str(e)))
+ bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
@bottle.route(url_base + '/<tenant_id>/instances/<instance_id>', method='GET')
def http_get_instance_id(tenant_id, instance_id):
'''get instances details, can use both uuid or name'''
- #check valid tenant_id
- if tenant_id != "any" and not nfvo.check_tenant(mydb, tenant_id):
- print 'httpserver.http_get_instance_id() tenant %s not found' % tenant_id
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Not_Found, 'Tenant %s not found' % tenant_id)
- return
- if tenant_id == "any":
- tenant_id = None
- #obtain data (first time is only to check that the instance exists)
- result, data = mydb.get_instance_scenario(instance_id, tenant_id, verbose=True)
- if result < 0:
- print "http_get_instance_id error %d %s" % (-result, data)
- bottle.abort(-result, data)
- return
- r,c = nfvo.refresh_instance(mydb, tenant_id, data)
- if r<0:
- print "WARNING: nfvo.refresh_instance couldn't refresh the status of the instance: %s" %c
- #obtain data with results upated
- result, data = mydb.get_instance_scenario(instance_id, tenant_id)
- if result < 0:
- print "http_get_instance_id error %d %s" % (-result, data)
- bottle.abort(-result, data)
- return
- convert_datetime2str(data)
- print json.dumps(data, indent=4)
- return format_out(data)
+ logger.debug('FROM %s %s %s', bottle.request.remote_addr, bottle.request.method, bottle.request.url)
+ try:
+ #check valid tenant_id
+ if tenant_id != "any":
+ nfvo.check_tenant(mydb, tenant_id)
+ if tenant_id == "any":
+ tenant_id = None
+ #obtain data (first time is only to check that the instance exists)
+ instance_dict = mydb.get_instance_scenario(instance_id, tenant_id, verbose=True)
+ try:
+ nfvo.refresh_instance(mydb, tenant_id, instance_dict)
+ except (nfvo.NfvoException, db_base_Exception) as e:
+ logger.warn("nfvo.refresh_instance couldn't refresh the status of the instance: %s" % str(e))
+ #obtain data with results upated
+ instance = mydb.get_instance_scenario(instance_id, tenant_id)
+ convert_datetime2str(instance)
+ #print json.dumps(instance, indent=4)
+ return format_out(instance)
+ except (nfvo.NfvoException, db_base_Exception) as e:
+ logger.error("http_get_instance_id error {}: {}".format(e.http_code, str(e)))
+ bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
@bottle.route(url_base + '/<tenant_id>/instances/<instance_id>', method='DELETE')
def http_delete_instance_id(tenant_id, instance_id):
'''delete instance from VIM and from database, can use both uuid or name'''
- #check valid tenant_id
- if tenant_id != "any" and not nfvo.check_tenant(mydb, tenant_id):
- print 'httpserver.http_delete_instance_id() tenant %s not found' % tenant_id
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Not_Found, 'Tenant %s not found' % tenant_id)
- return
- if tenant_id == "any":
- tenant_id = None
- #obtain data
- result, message = nfvo.delete_instance(mydb, tenant_id,instance_id)
- if result < 0:
- print "http_delete_instance_id error %d %s" % (-result, message)
- bottle.abort(-result, message)
- else:
- #print json.dumps(data, indent=4)
+ logger.debug('FROM %s %s %s', bottle.request.remote_addr, bottle.request.method, bottle.request.url)
+ try:
+ #check valid tenant_id
+ if tenant_id != "any":
+ nfvo.check_tenant(mydb, tenant_id)
+ if tenant_id == "any":
+ tenant_id = None
+ #obtain data
+ message = nfvo.delete_instance(mydb, tenant_id,instance_id)
return format_out({"result":message})
+ except (nfvo.NfvoException, db_base_Exception) as e:
+ logger.error("http_delete_instance_id error {}: {}".format(e.http_code, str(e)))
+ bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
@bottle.route(url_base + '/<tenant_id>/instances/<instance_id>/action', method='POST')
def http_post_instance_scenario_action(tenant_id, instance_id):
'''take an action over a scenario instance'''
- #check valid tenant_id
- if not nfvo.check_tenant(mydb, tenant_id):
- print 'httpserver.http_post_instance_scenario_action() tenant %s not found' % tenant_id
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Not_Found, 'Tenant %s not found' % tenant_id)
- return
- #parse input data
- http_content,_ = format_in( instance_scenario_action_schema )
- r = utils.remove_extra_items(http_content, instance_scenario_action_schema)
- if r is not None: print "http_post_instance_scenario_action: Warning: remove extra items ", r
- print "http_post_instance_scenario_action input: ", http_content
- #obtain data
- result, data = mydb.get_instance_scenario(instance_id, tenant_id)
- if result < 0:
- print "http_get_instance_id error %d %s" % (-result, data)
- bottle.abort(-result, data)
- instance_id = data["uuid"]
- result, data = nfvo.instance_action(mydb, tenant_id, instance_id, http_content)
- if result < 0:
- print "http_post_scenario_action error %d: %s" % (-result, data)
- bottle.abort(-result, data)
- else:
+ logger.debug('FROM %s %s %s', bottle.request.remote_addr, bottle.request.method, bottle.request.url)
+ try:
+ #check valid tenant_id
+ if tenant_id != "any":
+ nfvo.check_tenant(mydb, tenant_id)
+ #parse input data
+ http_content,_ = format_in( instance_scenario_action_schema )
+ r = utils.remove_extra_items(http_content, instance_scenario_action_schema)
+ if r is not None: print "http_post_instance_scenario_action: Warning: remove extra items ", r
+ #print "http_post_instance_scenario_action input: ", http_content
+ #obtain data
+ instance = mydb.get_instance_scenario(instance_id, tenant_id)
+ instance_id = instance["uuid"]
+ data = nfvo.instance_action(mydb, tenant_id, instance_id, http_content)
return format_out(data)
+ except (nfvo.NfvoException, db_base_Exception) as e:
+ logger.error("http_post_instance_scenario_action error {}: {}".format(e.http_code, str(e)))
+ bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
#import json
import yaml
import utils
-from nfvo_db import HTTP_Unauthorized, HTTP_Bad_Request, HTTP_Internal_Server_Error, HTTP_Not_Found,\
+from db_base import HTTP_Unauthorized, HTTP_Bad_Request, HTTP_Internal_Server_Error, HTTP_Not_Found,\
HTTP_Conflict, HTTP_Method_Not_Allowed
import console_proxy_thread as cli
import vimconn
import logging
+from db_base import db_base_Exception
global global_config
global vimconn_imported
#result, content = mydb.get_table(FROM='vms join vnfs on vms.vnf_id = vnfs.uuid',SELECT=('uuid'),WHERE=WHERE_dict )
#result, content = mydb.get_table(FROM='vms',SELECT=('vim_flavor_id',),WHERE=WHERE_dict )
- result, content = mydb.get_table(FROM='vms join flavors on vms.flavor_id=flavors.uuid',SELECT=('flavor_id',),WHERE=WHERE_dict )
- if result < 0:
- print "nfvo.get_flavorlist error %d %s" % (result, content)
- return -result, content
- print "get_flavor_list result:", result
- print "get_flavor_list content:", content
+ flavors = mydb.get_rows(FROM='vms join flavors on vms.flavor_id=flavors.uuid',SELECT=('flavor_id',),WHERE=WHERE_dict )
+ #print "get_flavor_list result:", result
+ #print "get_flavor_list content:", content
- for flavor in content:
+ for flavor in flavors:
- return result, flavorList
+ return flavorList
def get_imagelist(mydb, vnf_id, nfvo_tenant=None):
'''Obtain imageList
WHERE_dict['nfvo_tenant_id'] = nfvo_tenant
#result, content = mydb.get_table(FROM='vms join vnfs on vms-vnf_id = vnfs.uuid',SELECT=('uuid'),WHERE=WHERE_dict )
- result, content = mydb.get_table(FROM='vms join images on vms.image_id=images.uuid',SELECT=('image_id',),WHERE=WHERE_dict )
- if result < 0:
- print "nfvo.get_imagelist error %d %s" % (result, content)
- return -result, content
- print "get_image_list result:", result
- print "get_image_list content:", content
+ images = mydb.get_rows(FROM='vms join images on vms.image_id=images.uuid',SELECT=('image_id',),WHERE=WHERE_dict )
- for image in content:
+ for image in images:
- return result, imageList
+ return imageList
def get_vim(mydb, nfvo_tenant=None, datacenter_id=None, datacenter_name=None, vim_tenant=None):
'''Obtain a dictionary of VIM (datacenter) classes with some of the input parameters
from_ = 'datacenters as d'
select_ = ('type','config','d.uuid as datacenter_id', 'vim_url', 'vim_url_admin', 'd.name as datacenter_name')
- result, content = mydb.get_table(FROM=from_, SELECT=select_, WHERE=WHERE_dict )
- if result < 0:
- print "nfvo.get_vim error %d %s" % (result, content)
- return result, content
- #elif result==0:
- # print "nfvo.get_vim not found a valid VIM with the input params " + str(WHERE_dict)
- # return -HTTP_Not_Found, "datacenter not found for " + str(WHERE_dict)
- #print content
- vim_dict={}
- for vim in content:
- extra={'datacenter_tenant_id': vim.get('datacenter_tenant_id')}
- if vim["config"] != None:
- extra.update(yaml.load(vim["config"]))
- if vim["type"] not in vimconn_imported:
- module_info=None
+ try:
+ vims = mydb.get_rows(FROM=from_, SELECT=select_, WHERE=WHERE_dict )
+ vim_dict={}
+ for vim in vims:
+ extra={'datacenter_tenant_id': vim.get('datacenter_tenant_id')}
+ if vim["config"] != None:
+ extra.update(yaml.load(vim["config"]))
+ if vim["type"] not in vimconn_imported:
+ module_info=None
+ try:
+ module = "vimconn_" + vim["type"]
+ module_info = imp.find_module(module)
+ vim_conn = imp.load_module(vim["type"], *module_info)
+ vimconn_imported[vim["type"]] = vim_conn
+ except (IOError, ImportError) as e:
+ if module_info and module_info[0]:
+ file.close(module_info[0])
+ raise NfvoException("Unknown vim type '{}'. Can not open file '{}.py'; {}: {}".format(
+ vim["type"], module, type(e).__name__, str(e)), HTTP_Bad_Request)
- module = "vimconn_" + vim["type"]
- module_info = imp.find_module(module)
- vim_conn = imp.load_module(vim["type"], *module_info)
- vimconn_imported[vim["type"]] = vim_conn
- except (IOError, ImportError) as e:
- if module_info and module_info[0]:
- file.close(module_info[0])
- print "Cannot open VIM module '%s.py'; %s: %s" % ( module, type(e).__name__, str(e))
- return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "Unknown vim type %s" % vim["type"]
- try:
- #if not tenant:
- # return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "You must provide a valid tenant name or uuid for VIM %s" % ( vim["type"])
- vim_dict[ vim['datacenter_id'] ] = vimconn_imported[ vim["type"] ].vimconnector(
- uuid=vim['datacenter_id'], name=vim['datacenter_name'],
- tenant_id=vim.get('vim_tenant_id'), tenant_name=vim.get('vim_tenant_name'),
- url=vim['vim_url'], url_admin=vim['vim_url_admin'],
- user=vim.get('user'), passwd=vim.get('passwd'),
- config=extra
- )
- except Exception as e:
- return -HTTP_Internal_Server_Error, "Error at VIM %s; %s: %s" % ( vim["type"], type(e).__name__, str(e))
- return len(vim_dict), vim_dict
+ #if not tenant:
+ # return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "You must provide a valid tenant name or uuid for VIM %s" % ( vim["type"])
+ vim_dict[ vim['datacenter_id'] ] = vimconn_imported[ vim["type"] ].vimconnector(
+ uuid=vim['datacenter_id'], name=vim['datacenter_name'],
+ tenant_id=vim.get('vim_tenant_id'), tenant_name=vim.get('vim_tenant_name'),
+ url=vim['vim_url'], url_admin=vim['vim_url_admin'],
+ user=vim.get('user'), passwd=vim.get('passwd'),
+ config=extra
+ )
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise NfvoException("Error at VIM {}; {}: {}".format(vim["type"], type(e).__name__, str(e)), HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
+ return vim_dict
+ except db_base_Exception as e:
+ raise NfvoException(str(e) + " at nfvo.get_vim", e.http_code)
def rollback(mydb, vims, rollback_list):
#delete things by reverse order
if item["what"]=="image":
- result, message = mydb.delete_row_by_dict(FROM="datacenters_images", WEHRE={"datacenter_id": vim["id"], "vim_id":item["uuid"]})
- if result < 0:
- logger.error("Error in rollback. Not possible to delete image '%s' from DB.dacenters_images. Message: %s", item["uuid"],message)
+ mydb.delete_row(FROM="datacenters_images", WHERE={"datacenter_id": vim["id"], "vim_id":item["uuid"]})
elif item["what"]=="flavor":
- result, message = mydb.delete_row_by_dict(FROM="datacenters_flavos", WEHRE={"datacenter_id": vim["id"], "vim_id":item["uuid"]})
- if result < 0:
- logger.error("Error in rollback. Not possible to delete flavor '%s' from DB.dacenters_flavors. Message: %s", item["uuid"],message)
+ mydb.delete_row(FROM="datacenters_flavos", WHERE={"datacenter_id": vim["id"], "vim_id":item["uuid"]})
elif item["what"]=="network":
elif item["what"]=="vm":
except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
logger.error("Error in rollback. Not possible to delete VIM %s '%s'. Message: %s", item['what'], item["uuid"], str(e))
undeleted_items.append("{} {} from VIM {}".format(item['what'], item["uuid"], vim["name"]))
+ except db_base_Exception as e:
+ logger.error("Error in rollback. Not possible to delete %s '%s' from DB.datacenters Message: %s", item['what'], item["uuid"], str(e))
else: # where==mano
- if item["what"]=="image":
- result, message = mydb.delete_row_by_dict(FROM="images", WEHRE={"uuid": item["uuid"]})
- if result < 0:
- logger.error("Error in rollback. Not possible to delete image '%s' from DB.images. Message: %s", item["uuid"], message)
- undeleted_items.append("image %s" % (item["uuid"]))
- elif item["what"]=="flavor":
- result, message = mydb.delete_row_by_dict(FROM="flavors", WEHRE={"uuid": item["uuid"]})
- if result < 0:
- logger.error("Error in rollback. Not possible to delete flavor '%s' from DB.flavors. Message: %s", item["uuid"], message)
- undeleted_items.append("flavor %s" % (item["uuid"]))
+ try:
+ if item["what"]=="image":
+ mydb.delete_row(FROM="images", WHERE={"uuid": item["uuid"]})
+ elif item["what"]=="flavor":
+ mydb.delete_row(FROM="flavors", WHERE={"uuid": item["uuid"]})
+ except db_base_Exception as e:
+ logger.error("Error in rollback. Not possible to delete %s '%s' from DB. Message: %s", item['what'], item["uuid"], str(e))
+ undeleted_items.append("{} '{}'".format(item['what'], item["uuid"]))
if len(undeleted_items)==0:
return True," Rollback successful."
for numa in vnfc.get("numas",() ):
for interface in numa.get("interfaces",()):
if interface["name"] in name_list:
- return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "Error at vnf:VNFC[name:'%s']:numas:interfaces:name, interface name '%s' already used in this VNFC" %(vnfc["name"], interface["name"])
- name_list.append( interface["name"] )
+ raise NfvoException("Error at vnf:VNFC[name:'{}']:numas:interfaces:name, interface name '{}' already used in this VNFC"\
+ .format(vnfc["name"], interface["name"]),
+ HTTP_Bad_Request)
+ name_list.append( interface["name"] )
#bridge interfaces
for interface in vnfc.get("bridge-ifaces",() ):
if interface["name"] in name_list:
- return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "Error at vnf:VNFC[name:'%s']:bridge-ifaces:name, interface name '%s' already used in this VNFC" %(vnfc["name"], interface["name"])
+ raise NfvoException("Error at vnf:VNFC[name:'{}']:bridge-ifaces:name, interface name '{}' already used in this VNFC"\
+ .format(vnfc["name"], interface["name"]),
+ HTTP_Bad_Request)
name_list.append( interface["name"] )
vnfc_interfaces[ vnfc["name"] ] = name_list
for external_connection in vnf_descriptor["vnf"].get("external-connections",() ):
if external_connection["name"] in name_list:
- return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "Error at vnf:external-connections:name, value '%s' already used as an external-connection" %(external_connection["name"])
+ raise NfvoException("Error at vnf:external-connections:name, value '{}' already used as an external-connection"\
+ .format(external_connection["name"]),
+ HTTP_Bad_Request)
if external_connection["VNFC"] not in vnfc_interfaces:
- return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "Error at vnf:external-connections[name:'%s']:VNFC, value '%s' does not match any VNFC" %(external_connection["name"], external_connection["VNFC"])
+ raise NfvoException("Error at vnf:external-connections[name:'{}']:VNFC, value '{}' does not match any VNFC"\
+ .format(external_connection["name"], external_connection["VNFC"]),
+ HTTP_Bad_Request)
if external_connection["local_iface_name"] not in vnfc_interfaces[ external_connection["VNFC"] ]:
- return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "Error at vnf:external-connections[name:'%s']:local_iface_name, value '%s' does not match any interface of this VNFC" %(external_connection["name"], external_connection["local_iface_name"])
+ raise NfvoException("Error at vnf:external-connections[name:'{}']:local_iface_name, value '{}' does not match any interface of this VNFC"\
+ .format(external_connection["name"], external_connection["local_iface_name"]),
+ HTTP_Bad_Request )
#check if the info in internal_connections matches with the one in the vnfcs
for internal_connection in vnf_descriptor["vnf"].get("internal-connections",() ):
if internal_connection["name"] in name_list:
- return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "Error at vnf:internal-connections:name, value '%s' already used as an internal-connection" %(internal_connection["name"])
+ raise NfvoException("Error at vnf:internal-connections:name, value '%s' already used as an internal-connection"\
+ .format(internal_connection["name"]),
+ HTTP_Bad_Request)
#We should check that internal-connections of type "ptp" have only 2 elements
if len(internal_connection["elements"])>2 and internal_connection["type"] == "ptp":
- return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "Error at vnf:internal-connections[name:'%s']:elements, size must be 2 for a type:'ptp'" %(internal_connection["name"])
+ raise NfvoException("Error at vnf:internal-connections[name:'{}']:elements, size must be 2 for a type:'ptp'"\
+ .format(internal_connection["name"]),
+ HTTP_Bad_Request)
for port in internal_connection["elements"]:
if port["VNFC"] not in vnfc_interfaces:
- return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "Error at vnf:internal-connections[name:'%s']:elements[]:VNFC, value '%s' does not match any VNFC" %(internal_connection["name"], port["VNFC"])
+ raise NfvoException("Error at vnf:internal-connections[name:'{}']:elements[]:VNFC, value '{}' does not match any VNFC"\
+ .format(internal_connection["name"], port["VNFC"]),
+ HTTP_Bad_Request)
if port["local_iface_name"] not in vnfc_interfaces[ port["VNFC"] ]:
- return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "Error at vnf:internal-connections[name:'%s']:elements[]:local_iface_name, value '%s' does not match any interface of this VNFC" %(internal_connection["name"], port["local_iface_name"])
- return 200, None
+ raise NfvoException("Error at vnf:internal-connections[name:'{}']:elements[]:local_iface_name, value '{}' does not match any interface of this VNFC"\
+ .format(internal_connection["name"], port["local_iface_name"]),
+ HTTP_Bad_Request)
+ return -HTTP_Bad_Request,
def create_or_use_image(mydb, vims, image_dict, rollback_list, only_create_at_vim=False, return_on_error = False):
#look if image exist
if only_create_at_vim:
image_mano_id = image_dict['uuid']
- res,content = mydb.get_table(FROM="images", WHERE={'location':image_dict['location'], 'metadata':image_dict['metadata']})
- if res>=1:
- image_mano_id = content[0]['uuid']
- elif res<0:
- return res, content
+ images = mydb.get_rows(FROM="images", WHERE={'location':image_dict['location'], 'metadata':image_dict['metadata']})
+ if len(images)>=1:
+ image_mano_id = images[0]['uuid']
#create image
temp_image_dict={'name':image_dict['name'], 'description':image_dict.get('description',None),
'location':image_dict['location'], 'metadata':image_dict.get('metadata',None)
- res,content = mydb.new_row('images', temp_image_dict, tenant_id=None, add_uuid=True)
- if res>0:
- image_mano_id= content
- rollback_list.append({"where":"mano", "what":"image","uuid":image_mano_id})
- else:
- return res if res<0 else -1, content
+ image_mano_id = mydb.new_row('images', temp_image_dict, add_uuid=True)
+ rollback_list.append({"where":"mano", "what":"image","uuid":image_mano_id})
#create image at every vim
for vim_id,vim in vims.iteritems():
#look at database
- res_db,image_db = mydb.get_table(FROM="datacenters_images", WHERE={'datacenter_id':vim_id, 'image_id':image_mano_id})
- if res_db<0:
- return res_db, image_db
+ image_db = mydb.get_rows(FROM="datacenters_images", WHERE={'datacenter_id':vim_id, 'image_id':image_mano_id})
#look at VIM if this image exist
image_vim_id = vim.get_image_id_from_path(image_dict['location'])
except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
if return_on_error:
logger.error("Error creating image at VIM: %s", str(e))
- return -e.http_code, str(e)
+ raise
image_vim_id = str(e)
logger.warn("Error creating image at VIM: %s", str(e))
image_vim_id = str(e)
#if reach here the image has been create or exist
- if res_db==0:
+ if len(image_db)==0:
#add new vim_id at datacenters_images
mydb.new_row('datacenters_images', {'datacenter_id':vim_id, 'image_id':image_mano_id, 'vim_id': image_vim_id, 'created':image_created})
elif image_db[0]["vim_id"]!=image_vim_id:
#modify existing vim_id at datacenters_images
mydb.update_rows('datacenters_images', UPDATE={'vim_id':image_vim_id}, WHERE={'datacenter_id':vim_id, 'image_id':image_mano_id})
- return 1, image_vim_id if only_create_at_vim else image_mano_id
+ return image_vim_id if only_create_at_vim else image_mano_id
def create_or_use_flavor(mydb, vims, flavor_dict, rollback_list, only_create_at_vim=False, return_on_error = False):
temp_flavor_dict= {'disk':flavor_dict.get('disk',1),
if only_create_at_vim:
flavor_mano_id = flavor_dict['uuid']
- res,content = mydb.get_table(FROM="flavors", WHERE=temp_flavor_dict)
- if res>=1:
- flavor_mano_id = content[0]['uuid']
- elif res<0:
- return res, content
+ flavors = mydb.get_rows(FROM="flavors", WHERE=temp_flavor_dict)
+ if len(flavors)>=1:
+ flavor_mano_id = flavors[0]['uuid']
#create flavor
#create one by one the images of aditional disks
if image_metadata_dict != None:
image_metadata_str = yaml.safe_dump(image_metadata_dict,default_flow_style=True,width=256)
- res, image_id = create_or_use_image(mydb, vims, image_dict, rollback_list)
- if res < 0:
- return res, image_id + rollback(mydb, vims, rollback_list)[1]
- print "Additional disk image id for VNFC %s: %s" % (flavor_dict['name']+str(dev_nb)+"-img", image_id)
+ image_id = create_or_use_image(mydb, vims, image_dict, rollback_list)
+ #print "Additional disk image id for VNFC %s: %s" % (flavor_dict['name']+str(dev_nb)+"-img", image_id)
dev_nb += 1
temp_flavor_dict['name'] = flavor_dict['name']
temp_flavor_dict['description'] = flavor_dict.get('description',None)
- res,content = mydb.new_row('flavors', temp_flavor_dict, tenant_id=None, add_uuid=True)
- if res>0:
- flavor_mano_id= content
- rollback_list.append({"where":"mano", "what":"flavor","uuid":flavor_mano_id})
- else:
- return res if res<0 else -1, content
+ content = mydb.new_row('flavors', temp_flavor_dict, add_uuid=True)
+ flavor_mano_id= content
+ rollback_list.append({"where":"mano", "what":"flavor","uuid":flavor_mano_id})
#create flavor at every vim
if 'uuid' in flavor_dict:
del flavor_dict['uuid']
for vim_id,vim in vims.items():
#look at database
- res_db,flavor_db = mydb.get_table(FROM="datacenters_flavors", WHERE={'datacenter_id':vim_id, 'flavor_id':flavor_mano_id})
- if res_db<0:
- return res_db, flavor_db
+ flavor_db = mydb.get_rows(FROM="datacenters_flavors", WHERE={'datacenter_id':vim_id, 'flavor_id':flavor_mano_id})
#look at VIM if this flavor exist SKIPPED
#res_vim, flavor_vim_id = vim.get_flavor_id_from_path(flavor_dict['location'])
#if res_vim < 0:
#Create the flavor in VIM
#Translate images at devices from MANO id to VIM id
- error=False
if 'extended' in flavor_dict and flavor_dict['extended']!=None and "devices" in flavor_dict['extended']:
#make a copy of original devices
if image_metadata_dict != None:
image_metadata_str = yaml.safe_dump(image_metadata_dict,default_flow_style=True,width=256)
- r,image_mano_id=create_or_use_image(mydb, vims, image_dict, rollback_list, only_create_at_vim=False)
- if r<0:
- print "Error creating device image for flavor: %s." %image_mano_id
- error_text = image_mano_id
- error=True
- break
+ image_mano_id=create_or_use_image(mydb, vims, image_dict, rollback_list, only_create_at_vim=False, return_on_error=return_on_error )
- r,image_vim_id=create_or_use_image(mydb, vims, image_dict, rollback_list, only_create_at_vim=True)
- if r<0:
- print "Error creating device image for flavor at VIM: %s." %image_vim_id
- error_text = image_vim_id
- error=True
- break
+ image_vim_id=create_or_use_image(mydb, vims, image_dict, rollback_list, only_create_at_vim=True, return_on_error=return_on_error)
dev_nb += 1
- if error:
- if return_on_error:
- return r, error_text
- continue
- if res_db>0:
+ if len(flavor_db)>0:
#check that this vim_id exist in VIM, if not create
except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
if return_on_error:
logger.error("Error creating flavor at VIM %s: %s.", vim["name"], str(e))
- return -e.http_code, str(e)
+ raise
logger.warn("Error creating flavor at VIM %s: %s.", vim["name"], str(e))
#if reach here the flavor has been create or exist
- if res_db==0:
+ if len(flavor_db)==0:
#add new vim_id at datacenters_flavors
mydb.new_row('datacenters_flavors', {'datacenter_id':vim_id, 'flavor_id':flavor_mano_id, 'vim_id': flavor_vim_id, 'created':flavor_created})
elif flavor_db[0]["vim_id"]!=flavor_vim_id:
#modify existing vim_id at datacenters_flavors
mydb.update_rows('datacenters_flavors', UPDATE={'vim_id':flavor_vim_id}, WHERE={'datacenter_id':vim_id, 'flavor_id':flavor_mano_id})
- return 1, flavor_vim_id if only_create_at_vim else flavor_mano_id
+ return flavor_vim_id if only_create_at_vim else flavor_mano_id
def new_vnf(mydb, tenant_id, vnf_descriptor):
global global_config
# Step 1. Check the VNF descriptor
- result, message = check_vnf_descriptor(vnf_descriptor)
- if result < 0:
- print "new_vnf error: %s" %message
- return result, message
+ check_vnf_descriptor(vnf_descriptor)
# Step 2. Check tenant exist
if tenant_id != "any":
- if not check_tenant(mydb, tenant_id):
- print 'nfvo.new_vnf() tenant %s not found' % tenant_id
- return -HTTP_Not_Found, 'Tenant %s not found' % tenant_id
+ check_tenant(mydb, tenant_id)
if "tenant_id" in vnf_descriptor["vnf"]:
if vnf_descriptor["vnf"]["tenant_id"] != tenant_id:
- print "nfvo.new_vnf() tenant '%s' not found" % tenant_id
- return -HTTP_Unauthorized, "VNF can not have a different tenant owner '%s', must be '%s'" %(vnf_descriptor["vnf"]["tenant_id"], tenant_id)
+ raise NfvoException("VNF can not have a different tenant owner '{}', must be '{}'".format(vnf_descriptor["vnf"]["tenant_id"], tenant_id),
+ HTTP_Unauthorized)
vnf_descriptor['vnf']['tenant_id'] = tenant_id
# Step 3. Get the URL of the VIM from the nfvo_tenant and the datacenter
- result, vims = get_vim(mydb, tenant_id)
- if result < 0:
- print "nfvo.new_vnf() error. Datacenter not found"
- return result, vims
+ vims = get_vim(mydb, tenant_id)
# Step 4. Review the descriptor and add missing fields
#print vnf_descriptor
- print "Refactoring VNF descriptor with fields: description, public (default: true)"
+ #logger.debug("Refactoring VNF descriptor with fields: description, public (default: true)")
vnf_name = vnf_descriptor['vnf']['name']
vnf_descriptor['vnf']['description'] = vnf_descriptor['vnf'].get("description", vnf_name)
if "physical" in vnf_descriptor['vnf']:
for ic in internal_connections:
if len(ic['elements'])>2 and ic['type']=='ptp':
- return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "Mismatch 'type':'ptp' with %d elements at 'vnf':'internal-conections'['name':'%s']. Change 'type' to 'data'" %(len(ic), ic['name'])
+ raise NfvoException("Mismatch 'type':'ptp' with {} elements at 'vnf':'internal-conections'['name':'{}']. Change 'type' to 'data'".format(len(ic), ic['name']),
+ HTTP_Bad_Request)
elif len(ic['elements'])==2 and ic['type']=='data':
- return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "Mismatch 'type':'data' with 2 elements at 'vnf':'internal-conections'['name':'%s']. Change 'type' to 'ptp'" %(ic['name'])
+ raise NfvoException("Mismatch 'type':'data' with 2 elements at 'vnf':'internal-conections'['name':'{}']. Change 'type' to 'ptp'".format(ic['name']),
+ HTTP_Bad_Request)
# Step 6. For each VNFC in the descriptor, flavors and images are created in the VIM
- print 'BEGIN creation of VNF "%s"' % vnf_name
- print "VNF %s: consisting of %d VNFC(s)" % (vnf_name,len(vnf_descriptor['vnf']['VNFC']))
+ logger.debug('BEGIN creation of VNF "%s"' % vnf_name)
+ logger.debug("VNF %s: consisting of %d VNFC(s)" % (vnf_name,len(vnf_descriptor['vnf']['VNFC'])))
#For each VNFC, we add it to the VNFCDict and we create a flavor.
VNFCDict = {} # Dictionary, key: VNFC name, value: dict with the relevant information to create the VNF and VMs in the MANO database
rollback_list = [] # It will contain the new images created in mano. It is used for rollback
- print "Creating additional disk images and new flavors in the VIM for each VNFC"
+ logger.debug("Creating additional disk images and new flavors in the VIM for each VNFC")
for vnfc in vnf_descriptor['vnf']['VNFC']:
VNFCitem["name"] = vnfc['name']
VNFCitem["description"] = vnfc.get("description", 'VM %s of the VNF %s' %(vnfc['name'],vnf_name))
- print "Flavor name: %s. Description: %s" % (VNFCitem["name"]+"-flv", VNFCitem["description"])
+ #print "Flavor name: %s. Description: %s" % (VNFCitem["name"]+"-flv", VNFCitem["description"])
myflavorDict = {}
myflavorDict["name"] = vnfc['name']+"-flv"
#print myflavorDict
# Step 6.2 New flavors are created in the VIM
- res, flavor_id = create_or_use_flavor(mydb, vims, myflavorDict, rollback_list)
- if res < 0:
- return res, flavor_id + rollback(mydb, vims, rollback_list)[1]
+ flavor_id = create_or_use_flavor(mydb, vims, myflavorDict, rollback_list)
- print "Flavor id for VNFC %s: %s" % (vnfc['name'],flavor_id)
+ #print "Flavor id for VNFC %s: %s" % (vnfc['name'],flavor_id)
VNFCitem["flavor_id"] = flavor_id
VNFCDict[vnfc['name']] = VNFCitem
- print "Creating new images in the VIM for each VNFC"
+ logger.debug("Creating new images in the VIM for each VNFC")
# Step 6.3 New images are created in the VIM
#For each VNFC, we must create the appropriate image.
#This "for" loop might be integrated with the previous one
#In case this integration is made, the VNFCDict might become a VNFClist.
for vnfc in vnf_descriptor['vnf']['VNFC']:
- print "Image name: %s. Description: %s" % (vnfc['name']+"-img", VNFCDict[vnfc['name']]['description'])
+ #print "Image name: %s. Description: %s" % (vnfc['name']+"-img", VNFCDict[vnfc['name']]['description'])
image_dict={'location':vnfc['VNFC image'], 'name':vnfc['name']+"-img", 'description':VNFCDict[vnfc['name']]['description']}
image_metadata_dict = vnfc.get('image metadata', None)
image_metadata_str = None
image_metadata_str = yaml.safe_dump(image_metadata_dict,default_flow_style=True,width=256)
#print "create_or_use_image", mydb, vims, image_dict, rollback_list
- res, image_id = create_or_use_image(mydb, vims, image_dict, rollback_list)
- if res < 0:
- return res, image_id + rollback(mydb, vims, rollback_list)[1]
- print "Image id for VNFC %s: %s" % (vnfc['name'],image_id)
+ image_id = create_or_use_image(mydb, vims, image_dict, rollback_list)
+ #print "Image id for VNFC %s: %s" % (vnfc['name'],image_id)
VNFCDict[vnfc['name']]["image_id"] = image_id
VNFCDict[vnfc['name']]["image_path"] = vnfc['VNFC image']
- except KeyError as e:
- print "Error while creating a VNF. KeyError: " + str(e)
- _, message = rollback(mydb, vims, rollback_list)
- return -HTTP_Internal_Server_Error, "Error while creating a VNF. KeyError " + str(e) + "." + message
- # Step 7. Storing the VNF descriptor in the repository
- if "descriptor" not in vnf_descriptor["vnf"]:
- vnf_descriptor["vnf"]["descriptor"] = yaml.safe_dump(vnf_descriptor, indent=4, explicit_start=True, default_flow_style=False)
- # Step 8. Adding the VNF to the NFVO DB
- try:
- result, vnf_id = mydb.new_vnf_as_a_whole(tenant_id,vnf_name,vnf_descriptor,VNFCDict)
- except KeyError as e:
- print "Error while creating a VNF. KeyError: " + str(e)
- _, message = rollback(mydb, vims, rollback_list)
- return -HTTP_Internal_Server_Error, "Error while creating a VNF. KeyError " + str(e) + "." + message
+ # Step 7. Storing the VNF descriptor in the repository
+ if "descriptor" not in vnf_descriptor["vnf"]:
+ vnf_descriptor["vnf"]["descriptor"] = yaml.safe_dump(vnf_descriptor, indent=4, explicit_start=True, default_flow_style=False)
- if result < 0:
+ # Step 8. Adding the VNF to the NFVO DB
+ vnf_id = mydb.new_vnf_as_a_whole(tenant_id,vnf_name,vnf_descriptor,VNFCDict)
+ return vnf_id
+ except (db_base_Exception, vimconn.vimconnException, KeyError) as e:
_, message = rollback(mydb, vims, rollback_list)
- return result, vnf_id + "." + message
- return 200,vnf_id
+ if isinstance(e, db_base_Exception):
+ error_text = "Exception at database"
+ elif isinstance(e, KeyError):
+ error_text = "KeyError exception "
+ e.http_code = HTTP_Internal_Server_Error
+ else:
+ error_text = "Exception at VIM"
+ error_text += " {} {}. {}".format(type(e).__name__, str(e), message)
+ #logger.error("start_scenario %s", error_text)
+ raise NfvoException(error_text, e.http_code)
def get_vnf_id(mydb, tenant_id, vnf_id):
#check valid tenant_id
- if tenant_id != "any" and not check_tenant(mydb, tenant_id):
- print 'nfvo.get_vnf_id() tenant %s not found' % tenant_id
- return -HTTP_Not_Found, "Tenant '%s' not found" % tenant_id
+ check_tenant(mydb, tenant_id)
#obtain data
where_or = {}
if tenant_id != "any":
where_or["tenant_id"] = tenant_id
where_or["public"] = True
- result, content = mydb.get_table_by_uuid_name('vnfs', vnf_id, "VNF", WHERE_OR=where_or, WHERE_AND_OR="AND")
- if result < 0:
- print "nfvo.get_vnf_id() error %d %s" % (result, content)
- return (result, content)
+ vnf = mydb.get_table_by_uuid_name('vnfs', vnf_id, "VNF", WHERE_OR=where_or, WHERE_AND_OR="AND")
- vnf_id=content["uuid"]
+ vnf_id=vnf["uuid"]
filter_keys = ('uuid','name','description','public', "tenant_id", "created_at")
- filtered_content = dict( (k,v) for k,v in content.iteritems() if k in filter_keys )
+ filtered_content = dict( (k,v) for k,v in vnf.iteritems() if k in filter_keys )
#change_keys_http2db(filtered_content, http2db_vnf, reverse=True)
data={'vnf' : filtered_content}
- result,content = mydb.get_table(FROM='vnfs join vms on vnfs.uuid=vms.vnf_id',
+ content = mydb.get_rows(FROM='vnfs join vms on vnfs.uuid=vms.vnf_id',
SELECT=('vms.uuid as uuid','vms.name as name', 'vms.description as description'),
WHERE={'vnfs.uuid': vnf_id} )
- if result < 0:
- print "nfvo.get_vnf_id error %d %s" % (result, content)
- return (result, content)
- elif result==0:
- print "nfvo.get_vnf_id vnf '%s' not found" % vnf_id
- return (-HTTP_Not_Found, "vnf %s not found" % vnf_id)
+ if len(content)==0:
+ raise NfvoException("vnf '{}' not found".format(vnf_id), HTTP_Not_Found)
data['vnf']['VNFC'] = content
- result,content = mydb.get_table(FROM='vnfs join nets on vnfs.uuid=nets.vnf_id',
+ content = mydb.get_rows(FROM='vnfs join nets on vnfs.uuid=nets.vnf_id',
SELECT=('nets.uuid as uuid','nets.name as name','nets.description as description', 'nets.type as type', 'nets.multipoint as multipoint'),
WHERE={'vnfs.uuid': vnf_id} )
- if result < 0:
- print "nfvo.get_vnf_id error %d %s" % (result, content)
- return (result, content)
- else:
- if result==0:
- data['vnf']['nets'] = []
- else:
- data['vnf']['nets'] = content
+ data['vnf']['nets'] = content
#GET Interfaces
- result,content = mydb.get_table(FROM='vnfs join vms on vnfs.uuid=vms.vnf_id join interfaces on vms.uuid=interfaces.vm_id',\
+ content = mydb.get_rows(FROM='vnfs join vms on vnfs.uuid=vms.vnf_id join interfaces on vms.uuid=interfaces.vm_id',\
SELECT=('interfaces.uuid as uuid','interfaces.external_name as external_name', 'vms.name as vm_name', 'interfaces.vm_id as vm_id', \
'interfaces.internal_name as internal_name', 'interfaces.type as type', 'interfaces.vpci as vpci','interfaces.bw as bw'),\
WHERE={'vnfs.uuid': vnf_id},
WHERE_NOT={'interfaces.external_name': None} )
#print content
- if result < 0:
- print "nfvo.get_vnf_id error %d %s" % (result, content)
- return (result, content)
- else:
- if result==0:
- data['vnf']['external-connections'] = []
- else:
- data['vnf']['external-connections'] = content
- return 0, data
+ data['vnf']['external-connections'] = content
+ return data
def delete_vnf(mydb,tenant_id,vnf_id,datacenter=None,vim_tenant=None):
# Check tenant exist
if tenant_id != "any":
- if not check_tenant(mydb, tenant_id):
- print 'nfvo.delete_vnf() tenant %s not found' % tenant_id
- return -HTTP_Not_Found, 'Tenant %s not found' % tenant_id
+ check_tenant(mydb, tenant_id)
# Get the URL of the VIM from the nfvo_tenant and the datacenter
- result, vims = get_vim(mydb, tenant_id)
- if result < 0:
- print "nfvo.delete_vnf() error. Datacenter not found"
- return result, vims
+ vims = get_vim(mydb, tenant_id)
if tenant_id != "any":
where_or["tenant_id"] = tenant_id
where_or["public"] = True
- result, content = mydb.get_table_by_uuid_name('vnfs', vnf_id, "VNF", WHERE_OR=where_or, WHERE_AND_OR="AND")
- if result < 0:
- return result, content
- vnf_id = content["uuid"]
+ vnf = mydb.get_table_by_uuid_name('vnfs', vnf_id, "VNF", WHERE_OR=where_or, WHERE_AND_OR="AND")
+ vnf_id = vnf["uuid"]
# "Getting the list of flavors and tenants of the VNF"
- result,flavorList = get_flavorlist(mydb, vnf_id)
- if result < 0:
- print flavorList
- elif result==0:
- print "delete_vnf error. No flavors found for the VNF id '%s'" % vnf_id
+ flavorList = get_flavorlist(mydb, vnf_id)
+ if len(flavorList)==0:
+ logger.warn("delete_vnf error. No flavors found for the VNF id '%s'", vnf_id)
- result,imageList = get_imagelist(mydb, vnf_id)
- print "imageList", imageList
- if result < 0:
- print imageList
- elif result==0:
- print "delete_vnf error. No images found for the VNF id '%s'" % vnf_id
+ imageList = get_imagelist(mydb, vnf_id)
+ if len(imageList)==0:
+ logger.warn( "delete_vnf error. No images found for the VNF id '%s'", vnf_id)
- result, content = mydb.delete_row('vnfs', vnf_id, tenant_id)
- if result == 0:
- return -HTTP_Not_Found, content
- elif result >0:
- print content
- else:
- print "delete_vnf error",result, content
- return result, content
+ deleted = mydb.delete_row_by_id('vnfs', vnf_id)
+ if deleted == 0:
+ raise NfvoException("vnf '{}' not found".format(vnf_id), HTTP_Not_Found)
undeletedItems = []
for flavor in flavorList:
#check if flavor is used by other vnf
- r,c = mydb.get_table(FROM='vms', WHERE={'flavor_id':flavor} )
- if r < 0:
- print 'delete_vnf_error. Not possible to delete VIM flavor "%s". %s' % (flavor,c)
- undeletedItems.append("flavor "+ flavor["flavor_id"])
- elif r > 0:
- print 'Flavor %s not deleted because it is being used by another VNF %s' %(flavor,str(c))
- continue
- #flavor not used, must be deleted
- #delelte at VIM
- r,c = mydb.get_table(FROM='datacenters_flavors', WHERE={'flavor_id':flavor})
- if r>0:
+ try:
+ c = mydb.get_rows(FROM='vms', WHERE={'flavor_id':flavor} )
+ if len(c) > 0:
+ logger.debug("Flavor '%s' not deleted because it is being used by another VNF", flavor)
+ continue
+ #flavor not used, must be deleted
+ #delelte at VIM
+ c = mydb.get_rows(FROM='datacenters_flavors', WHERE={'flavor_id':flavor})
for flavor_vim in c:
if flavor_vim["datacenter_id"] not in vims:
logger.error("Not possible to delete VIM flavor %s from datacenter %s: %s %s",
flavor_vim["vim_id"], flavor_vim["datacenter_id"], type(e).__name__, str(e))
undeletedItems.append("flavor {} from VIM {}".format(flavor_vim["vim_id"], flavor_vim["datacenter_id"] ))
- #delete flavor from Database, using table flavors and with cascade foreign key also at datacenters_flavors
- result, content = mydb.delete_row('flavors', flavor)
- if result <0:
+ #delete flavor from Database, using table flavors and with cascade foreign key also at datacenters_flavors
+ mydb.delete_row_by_id('flavors', flavor)
+ except db_base_Exception as e:
+ logger.error("delete_vnf_error. Not possible to get flavor details and delete '%s'. %s", flavor, str(e))
undeletedItems.append("flavor %s" % flavor)
for image in imageList:
- #check if image is used by other vnf
- r,c = mydb.get_table(FROM='vms', WHERE={'image_id':image} )
- if r < 0:
- print 'delete_vnf_error. Not possible to delete VIM image "%s". %s' % (image,c)
- undeletedItems.append("image "+ image["image_id"])
- elif r > 0:
- print 'Image %s not deleted because it is being used by another VNF %s' %(image,str(c))
- continue
- #image not used, must be deleted
- #delelte at VIM
- r,c = mydb.get_table(FROM='datacenters_images', WHERE={'image_id':image})
- if r>0:
+ try:
+ #check if image is used by other vnf
+ c = mydb.get_rows(FROM='vms', WHERE={'image_id':image} )
+ if len(c) > 0:
+ logger.debug("Image '%s' not deleted because it is being used by another VNF", image)
+ continue
+ #image not used, must be deleted
+ #delelte at VIM
+ c = mydb.get_rows(FROM='datacenters_images', WHERE={'image_id':image})
for image_vim in c:
if image_vim["datacenter_id"] not in vims:
logger.error("Not possible to delete VIM image %s from datacenter %s: %s %s",
image_vim["vim_id"], image_vim["datacenter_id"], type(e).__name__, str(e))
undeletedItems.append("image {} from VIM {}".format(image_vim["vim_id"], image_vim["datacenter_id"] ))
- #delete image from Database, using table images and with cascade foreign key also at datacenters_images
- result, content = mydb.delete_row('images', image)
- if result <0:
+ #delete image from Database, using table images and with cascade foreign key also at datacenters_images
+ mydb.delete_row_by_id('images', image)
+ except db_base_Exception as e:
+ logger.error("delete_vnf_error. Not possible to get image details and delete '%s'. %s", image, str(e))
undeletedItems.append("image %s" % image)
- if undeletedItems:
- return 200, "delete_vnf error. Undeleted: %s" %(undeletedItems)
- return 200,vnf_id
+ return vnf_id + " " + vnf["name"]
+ #if undeletedItems:
+ # return "delete_vnf. Undeleted: %s" %(undeletedItems)
def get_hosts_info(mydb, nfvo_tenant_id, datacenter_name=None):
result, vims = get_vim(mydb, nfvo_tenant_id, None, datacenter_name)
return result, topology
def get_hosts(mydb, nfvo_tenant_id):
- result, vims = get_vim(mydb, nfvo_tenant_id)
- if result < 0:
- return result, vims
- elif result == 0:
- return -HTTP_Not_Found, "No datacenter found"
+ vims = get_vim(mydb, nfvo_tenant_id)
+ if len(vims) == 0:
+ raise NfvoException("No datacenter found for tenant '{}'".format(str(nfvo_tenant_id)), HTTP_Not_Found)
+ elif len(vims)>1:
+ #print "nfvo.datacenter_action() error. Several datacenters found"
+ raise NfvoException("More than one datacenters found, try to identify with uuid", HTTP_Conflict)
myvim = vims.values()[0]
- result,hosts = myvim.get_hosts()
- if result < 0:
- return result, hosts
- print '==================='
- print 'hosts '+ yaml.safe_dump(hosts, indent=4, default_flow_style=False)
- datacenter = {'Datacenters': [ {'name':myvim['name'],'servers':[]} ] }
- for host in hosts:
- server={'name':host['name'], 'vms':[]}
- for vm in host['instances']:
- #get internal name and model
- r,c = mydb.get_table(SELECT=('name',), FROM='instance_vms as iv join vms on iv.vm_id=vms.uuid',\
- WHERE={'vim_vm_id':vm['id']} )
- if r==0:
- print "nfvo.get_hosts virtual machine at VIM (%s) not found at tidnfvo" % vm['id']
- continue
- if r<0:
- print "nfvo.get_hosts virtual machine at VIM (%s) error %d %s" % (vm['id'], r, c)
- continue
- server['vms'].append( {'name':vm['name'] , 'model':c[0]['name']} )
- datacenter['Datacenters'][0]['servers'].append(server)
- #return -400, "en construccion"
+ try:
+ hosts = myvim.get_hosts()
+ logger.debug('VIM hosts response: '+ yaml.safe_dump(hosts, indent=4, default_flow_style=False))
+ datacenter = {'Datacenters': [ {'name':myvim['name'],'servers':[]} ] }
+ for host in hosts:
+ server={'name':host['name'], 'vms':[]}
+ for vm in host['instances']:
+ #get internal name and model
+ try:
+ c = mydb.get_rows(SELECT=('name',), FROM='instance_vms as iv join vms on iv.vm_id=vms.uuid',\
+ WHERE={'vim_vm_id':vm['id']} )
+ if len(c) == 0:
+ logger.warn("nfvo.get_hosts virtual machine at VIM '{}' not found at tidnfvo".format(vm['id']))
+ continue
+ server['vms'].append( {'name':vm['name'] , 'model':c[0]['name']} )
+ except db_base_Exception as e:
+ logger.warn("nfvo.get_hosts virtual machine at VIM '{}' error {}".format(vm['id'], str(e)))
+ datacenter['Datacenters'][0]['servers'].append(server)
+ #return -400, "en construccion"
- #print 'datacenters '+ json.dumps(datacenter, indent=4)
- return result, datacenter
+ #print 'datacenters '+ json.dumps(datacenter, indent=4)
+ return datacenter
+ except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
+ raise NfvoException("Not possible to get_host_list from VIM: {}".format(str(e)), e.http_code)
def new_scenario(mydb, tenant_id, topo):
# return result, vims
#1: parse input
if tenant_id != "any":
- if not check_tenant(mydb, tenant_id):
- print 'nfvo.new_scenario() tenant %s not found' % tenant_id
- return -HTTP_Not_Found, 'Tenant %s not found' % tenant_id
+ check_tenant(mydb, tenant_id)
if "tenant_id" in topo:
if topo["tenant_id"] != tenant_id:
- print "nfvo.new_scenario() tenant '%s' not found" % tenant_id
- return -HTTP_Unauthorized, "VNF can not have a different tenant owner '%s', must be '%s'" %(topo["tenant_id"], tenant_id)
+ raise NfvoException("VNF can not have a different tenant owner '{}', must be '{}'".format(topo["tenant_id"], tenant_id),
+ HTTP_Unauthorized)
error_text += " 'VNF model' " + vnf['VNF model']
WHERE_['name'] = vnf['VNF model']
if len(WHERE_) == 0:
- return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "needed a 'vnf_id' or 'VNF model' at " + error_pos
- r,vnf_db = mydb.get_table(SELECT=('uuid','name','description'), FROM='vnfs', WHERE=WHERE_)
- if r<0:
- print "nfvo.new_scenario Error getting vnfs",r,vnf_db
- elif r==0:
- print "nfvo.new_scenario Error" + error_text + " is not present at database"
- return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "unknown" + error_text + " at " + error_pos
- elif r>1:
- print "nfvo.new_scenario Error more than one" + error_text + " are present at database"
- return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "more than one" + error_text + " at " + error_pos + " Concrete with 'vnf_id'"
+ raise NfvoException("Descriptor need a 'vnf_id' or 'VNF model' field at " + error_pos, HTTP_Bad_Request)
+ vnf_db = mydb.get_rows(SELECT=('uuid','name','description'), FROM='vnfs', WHERE=WHERE_)
+ if len(vnf_db)==0:
+ raise NfvoException("unknown" + error_text + " at " + error_pos, HTTP_Not_Found)
+ elif len(vnf_db)>1:
+ raise NfvoException("more than one" + error_text + " at " + error_pos + " Concrete with 'vnf_id'", HTTP_Conflict)
#get external interfaces
- r,ext_ifaces = mydb.get_table(SELECT=('external_name as name','i.uuid as iface_uuid', 'i.type as type'),
+ ext_ifaces = mydb.get_rows(SELECT=('external_name as name','i.uuid as iface_uuid', 'i.type as type'),
FROM='vnfs join vms on vnfs.uuid=vms.vnf_id join interfaces as i on vms.uuid=i.vm_id',
WHERE={'vnfs.uuid':vnf['uuid']}, WHERE_NOT={'external_name':None} )
- if r<0:
- print "nfvo.new_scenario Error getting external interfaces of vnfs",r,ext_ifaces
- return -HTTP_Internal_Server_Error, "Error getting external interfaces of vnfs: " + ext_ifaces
for ext_iface in ext_ifaces:
vnf['ifaces'][ ext_iface['name'] ] = {'uuid':ext_iface['iface_uuid'], 'type':ext_iface['type']}
con_type = conections[k].get("type", "link")
if con_type != "link":
if k in other_nets:
- return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "format error. Reapeted network name at 'topology':'connections':'%s'" % (str(k))
+ raise NfvoException("Format error. Reapeted network name at 'topology':'connections':'{}'".format(str(k)), HTTP_Bad_Request)
other_nets[k] = {'external': False}
if conections[k].get("graph"):
other_nets[k]["graph"] = conections[k]["graph"]
#check valid VNF and iface names
for iface in ifaces_list:
if iface[0] not in vnfs and iface[0] not in other_nets :
- return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "format error. Invalid VNF name at 'topology':'connections':'%s':'nodes':'%s'" % (str(k), iface[0])
+ raise NfvoException("format error. Invalid VNF name at 'topology':'connections':'{}':'nodes':'{}'".format(
+ str(k), iface[0]), HTTP_Not_Found)
if iface[0] in vnfs and iface[1] not in vnfs[ iface[0] ]['ifaces']:
- return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "format error. Invalid interface name at 'topology':'connections':'%s':'nodes':'%s':'%s'" % (str(k), iface[0], iface[1])
+ raise NfvoException("format error. Invalid interface name at 'topology':'connections':'{}':'nodes':'{}':'{}'".format(
+ str(k), iface[0], iface[1]), HTTP_Not_Found)
#1.5 unify connections from the pair list to a consolidated list
if 'name' not in net:
if 'model' not in net:
- return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "needed a 'model' at " + error_pos
+ raise NfvoException("needed a 'model' at " + error_pos, HTTP_Bad_Request)
if net['model']=='bridge_net':
elif net['model']=='dataplane_net':
- return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "unknown 'model' '"+ net['model'] +"' at " + error_pos
+ raise NfvoException("unknown 'model' '"+ net['model'] +"' at " + error_pos, HTTP_Not_Found)
else: #external
#IF we do not want to check that external network exist at datacenter
if con[index][0]==net_key:
if other_net_index>=0:
error_text="There is some interface connected both to net '%s' and net '%s'" % (con[other_net_index][0], net_key)
- print "nfvo.new_scenario " + error_text
- return -HTTP_Bad_Request, error_text
+ #print "nfvo.new_scenario " + error_text
+ raise NfvoException(error_text, HTTP_Bad_Request)
other_net_index = index
net_target = net_key
net_type_data = True
if net_type_bridge and net_type_data:
error_text = "Error connection interfaces of bridge type with data type. Firs node %s, iface %s" % (iface[0], iface[1])
- print "nfvo.new_scenario " + error_text
- return -HTTP_Bad_Request, error_text
+ #print "nfvo.new_scenario " + error_text
+ raise NfvoException(error_text, HTTP_Bad_Request)
elif net_type_bridge:
except Exception:
error_text = "Error connection node %s : %s does not match any VNF or interface" % (iface[0], iface[1])
- print "nfvo.new_scenario " + error_text
+ #print "nfvo.new_scenario " + error_text
#raise e
- return -HTTP_Bad_Request, error_text
+ raise NfvoException(error_text, HTTP_Bad_Request)
#1.8: Connect to management net all not already connected interfaces of type 'mgmt'
#1.8.1 obtain management net
- r,mgmt_net = mydb.get_table(SELECT=('uuid','name','description','type','shared'),
+ mgmt_net = mydb.get_rows(SELECT=('uuid','name','description','type','shared'),
FROM='datacenter_nets', WHERE={'name':'mgmt'} )
#1.8.2 check all interfaces from all vnfs
- if r>0:
+ if len(mgmt_net)>0:
add_mgmt_net = False
for vnf in vnfs.values():
for iface in vnf['ifaces'].values():
- print
- print 'net_list', net_list
- print
- print 'vnfs', vnfs
- print
+ #print
+ #print 'net_list', net_list
+ #print
+ #print 'vnfs', vnfs
+ #print
#2: insert scenario. filling tables scenarios,sce_vnfs,sce_interfaces,sce_nets
- r,c = mydb.new_scenario( { 'vnfs':vnfs, 'nets':net_list,
+ c = mydb.new_scenario( { 'vnfs':vnfs, 'nets':net_list,
'tenant_id':tenant_id, 'name':topo['name'],
'public': topo.get('public', False)
- return r,c
+ return c
def new_scenario_v02(mydb, tenant_id, scenario_dict):
scenario = scenario_dict["scenario"]
if tenant_id != "any":
- if not check_tenant(mydb, tenant_id):
- print 'nfvo.new_scenario_v02() tenant %s not found' % tenant_id
- return -HTTP_Not_Found, 'Tenant %s not found' % tenant_id
+ check_tenant(mydb, tenant_id)
if "tenant_id" in scenario:
if scenario["tenant_id"] != tenant_id:
print "nfvo.new_scenario_v02() tenant '%s' not found" % tenant_id
- return -HTTP_Unauthorized, "VNF can not have a different tenant owner '%s', must be '%s'" %(scenario["tenant_id"], tenant_id)
+ raise NfvoException("VNF can not have a different tenant owner '{}', must be '{}'".format(
+ scenario["tenant_id"], tenant_id), HTTP_Unauthorized)
error_text += " 'vnf_name' " + vnf['vnf_name']
WHERE_['name'] = vnf['vnf_name']
if len(WHERE_) == 0:
- return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "needed a 'vnf_id' or 'VNF model' at " + error_pos
- r,vnf_db = mydb.get_table(SELECT=('uuid','name','description'), FROM='vnfs', WHERE=WHERE_)
- if r<0:
- print "nfvo.new_scenario Error getting vnfs",r,vnf_db
- elif r==0:
- print "nfvo.new_scenario Error" + error_text + " is not present at database"
- return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "unknown" + error_text + " at " + error_pos
- elif r>1:
- print "nfvo.new_scenario Error more than one" + error_text + " are present at database"
- return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "more than one" + error_text + " at " + error_pos + " Concrete with 'vnf_id'"
+ raise NfvoException("Needed a 'vnf_id' or 'VNF model' at " + error_pos, HTTP_Bad_Request)
+ vnf_db = mydb.get_rows(SELECT=('uuid','name','description'), FROM='vnfs', WHERE=WHERE_)
+ if len(vnf_db)==0:
+ raise NfvoException("Unknown" + error_text + " at " + error_pos, HTTP_Not_Found)
+ elif len(vnf_db)>1:
+ raise NfvoException("More than one" + error_text + " at " + error_pos + " Concrete with 'vnf_id'", HTTP_Conflict)
vnf['ifaces'] = {}
#get external interfaces
- r,ext_ifaces = mydb.get_table(SELECT=('external_name as name','i.uuid as iface_uuid', 'i.type as type'),
+ ext_ifaces = mydb.get_rows(SELECT=('external_name as name','i.uuid as iface_uuid', 'i.type as type'),
FROM='vnfs join vms on vnfs.uuid=vms.vnf_id join interfaces as i on vms.uuid=i.vm_id',
WHERE={'vnfs.uuid':vnf['uuid']}, WHERE_NOT={'external_name':None} )
- if r<0:
- print "nfvo.new_scenario Error getting external interfaces of vnfs",r,ext_ifaces
- return -HTTP_Internal_Server_Error, "Error getting external interfaces of vnfs: " + ext_ifaces
for ext_iface in ext_ifaces:
vnf['ifaces'][ ext_iface['name'] ] = {'uuid':ext_iface['iface_uuid'], 'type':ext_iface['type']}
for vnf,iface in iface_dict.iteritems():
if vnf not in scenario["vnfs"]:
error_text = "Error at 'networks':'%s':'interfaces' VNF '%s' not match any VNF at 'vnfs'" % (net_name, vnf)
- print "nfvo.new_scenario_v02 " + error_text
- return -HTTP_Bad_Request, error_text
+ #print "nfvo.new_scenario_v02 " + error_text
+ raise NfvoException(error_text, HTTP_Not_Found)
if iface not in scenario["vnfs"][vnf]['ifaces']:
error_text = "Error at 'networks':'%s':'interfaces':'%s' interface not match any VNF interface" % (net_name, iface)
- print "nfvo.new_scenario_v02 " + error_text
- return -HTTP_Bad_Request, error_text
+ #print "nfvo.new_scenario_v02 " + error_text
+ raise NfvoException(error_text, HTTP_Bad_Request)
if "net_key" in scenario["vnfs"][vnf]['ifaces'][iface]:
error_text = "Error at 'networks':'%s':'interfaces':'%s' interface already connected at network '%s'" \
% (net_name, iface,scenario["vnfs"][vnf]['ifaces'][iface]['net_key'])
- print "nfvo.new_scenario_v02 " + error_text
- return -HTTP_Bad_Request, error_text
+ #print "nfvo.new_scenario_v02 " + error_text
+ raise NfvoException(error_text, HTTP_Bad_Request)
scenario["vnfs"][vnf]['ifaces'][ iface ]['net_key'] = net_name
iface_type = scenario["vnfs"][vnf]['ifaces'][iface]['type']
if iface_type=='mgmt' or iface_type=='bridge':
net_type_data = True
if net_type_bridge and net_type_data:
error_text = "Error connection interfaces of bridge type and data type at 'networks':'%s':'interfaces'" % (net_name)
- print "nfvo.new_scenario " + error_text
- return -HTTP_Bad_Request, error_text
+ #print "nfvo.new_scenario " + error_text
+ raise NfvoException(error_text, HTTP_Bad_Request)
elif net_type_bridge:
#3: insert at database
scenario["nets"] = scenario["networks"]
scenario['tenant_id'] = tenant_id
- r,c = mydb.new_scenario( scenario)
- return r,c
+ scenario_id = mydb.new_scenario( scenario)
+ return scenario_id
def edit_scenario(mydb, tenant_id, scenario_id, data):
data["uuid"] = scenario_id
data["tenant_id"] = tenant_id
- r,c = mydb.edit_scenario( data )
- return r,c
+ c = mydb.edit_scenario( data )
+ return c
def start_scenario(mydb, tenant_id, scenario_id, instance_scenario_name, instance_scenario_description, datacenter=None,vim_tenant=None, startvms=True):
#print "Checking that nfvo_tenant_id exists and getting the VIM URI and the VIM tenant_id"
datacenter_id = datacenter
datacenter_name = datacenter
- result, vims = get_vim(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter_id, datacenter_name, vim_tenant)
- if result < 0:
- logger.error("start_scenario error. Datacenter not found")
- return result, vims
- elif result == 0:
- return -HTTP_Not_Found, "datacenter '%s' not found" % str(datacenter)
- elif result > 1:
- logger.error("start_scenario error. Several datacenters available, you must concrete")
- return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "Several datacenters available, you must concrete"
+ vims = get_vim(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter_id, datacenter_name, vim_tenant)
+ if len(vims) == 0:
+ raise NfvoException("datacenter '{}' not found".format(datacenter), HTTP_Not_Found)
+ elif len(vims)>1:
+ #logger.error("nfvo.datacenter_new_netmap() error. Several datacenters found")
+ raise NfvoException("More than one datacenters found, try to identify with uuid", HTTP_Conflict)
myvim = vims.values()[0]
myvim_tenant = myvim['tenant_id']
datacenter_id = myvim['id']
#print "Checking that the scenario_id exists and getting the scenario dictionary"
- result, scenarioDict = mydb.get_scenario(scenario_id, tenant_id, datacenter_id)
- if result < 0:
- logger.error("start_scenario error. Error interacting with NFVO DB")
- return result, scenarioDict
- elif result == 0:
- logger.error("start_scenario error. Scenario not found")
- return result, scenarioDict
+ scenarioDict = mydb.get_scenario(scenario_id, tenant_id, datacenter_id)
scenarioDict['datacenter_tenant_id'] = datacenter_tenant_id
scenarioDict['datacenter_id'] = datacenter_id
#print '================scenarioDict======================='
myNetDict["tenant_id"] = myvim_tenant
#We should use the dictionary as input parameter for new_network
- print myNetDict
+ #print myNetDict
if not sce_net["external"]:
network_id = myvim.new_network(myNetName, myNetType)
#print "New VIM network created for scenario %s. Network id: %s" % (scenarioDict['name'],network_id)
error_text = "Error, datacenter '%s' does not have external network '%s'." % (datacenter_name, sce_net['name'])
_, message = rollback(mydb, vims, rollbackList)
logger.error("nfvo.start_scenario: %s", error_text)
- return -HTTP_Bad_Request, error_text
+ raise NfvoException(error_text, HTTP_Bad_Request)
logger.debug("Using existent VIM network for scenario %s. Network id %s", scenarioDict['name'],sce_net['vim_id'])
auxNetDict['scenario'][sce_net['uuid']] = sce_net['vim_id']
#print myNetDict
#We should use the dictionary as input parameter for new_network
- result, network_id = myvim.new_network(myNetName, myNetType)
+ network_id = myvim.new_network(myNetName, myNetType)
#print "VIM network id for scenario %s: %s" % (scenarioDict['name'],network_id)
net['vim_id'] = network_id
if sce_vnf['uuid'] not in auxNetDict:
#print "VM name: %s. Description: %s" % (myVMDict['name'], myVMDict['name'])
#create image at vim in case it not exist
- res, image_dict = mydb.get_table_by_uuid_name("images", vm['image_id'])
- if res<0:
- logger.error("start_scenario error getting image %s", str(image_dict))
- return res, image_dict
- res, image_id = create_or_use_image(mydb, vims, image_dict, [], True)
- if res < 0:
- logger.error("start_scenario error adding image to VIM: %s", str(image_dict))
- return res, image_id
+ image_dict = mydb.get_table_by_uuid_name("images", vm['image_id'])
+ image_id = create_or_use_image(mydb, vims, image_dict, [], True)
vm['vim_image_id'] = image_id
#create flavor at vim in case it not exist
- res, flavor_dict = mydb.get_table_by_uuid_name("flavors", vm['flavor_id'])
- if res<0:
- logger.error("start_scenario error getting flavor: %s", str(flavor_dict))
- return res, flavor_dict
+ flavor_dict = mydb.get_table_by_uuid_name("flavors", vm['flavor_id'])
if flavor_dict['extended']!=None:
flavor_dict['extended']= yaml.load(flavor_dict['extended'])
- res, flavor_id = create_or_use_flavor(mydb, vims, flavor_dict, [], True)
- if res < 0:
- logger.error("start_scenario error adding flavor to VIM: ", str(flavor_dict))
- return res, flavor_id
+ flavor_id = create_or_use_flavor(mydb, vims, flavor_dict, [], True)
vm['vim_flavor_id'] = flavor_id
#print "iface", iface
e_text = "Cannot determine the interface type PF or VF of VNF '%s' VM '%s' iface '%s'" %(sce_vnf['name'], vm['name'], iface['internal_name'])
if flavor_dict.get('extended')==None:
- return -HTTP_Conflict, e_text + "After database migration some information is not available. \
- Try to delete and create the scenarios and VNFs again"
+ raise NfvoException(e_text + "After database migration some information is not available. \
+ Try to delete and create the scenarios and VNFs again", HTTP_Conflict)
- return -HTTP_Internal_Server_Error, e_text
+ raise NfvoException(e_text, HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
if netDict["use"]=="mgmt" or netDict["use"]=="bridge":
if "vpci" in iface and iface["vpci"] is not None:
netDict['name'] = iface['internal_name']
if iface['net_id'] is None:
for vnf_iface in sce_vnf["interfaces"]:
- print iface
- print vnf_iface
+ #print iface
+ #print vnf_iface
if vnf_iface['interface_id']==iface['uuid']:
netDict['net_id'] = auxNetDict['scenario'][ vnf_iface['sce_net_id'] ]
logger.debug("start scenario Deployment done")
#print yaml.safe_dump(scenarioDict, indent=4, default_flow_style=False)
#r,c = mydb.new_instance_scenario_as_a_whole(nfvo_tenant,scenarioDict['name'],scenarioDict)
- result,c = mydb.new_instance_scenario_as_a_whole(tenant_id,instance_scenario_name, instance_scenario_description, scenarioDict)
- if result <0:
- error_text = c + "."
- _, message = rollback(mydb, vims, rollbackList)
- error_text += message
- print "start_scenario: " + error_text
- return result, error_text
- return mydb.get_instance_scenario(c)
- except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
+ instance_id = mydb.new_instance_scenario_as_a_whole(tenant_id,instance_scenario_name, instance_scenario_description, scenarioDict)
+ return mydb.get_instance_scenario(instance_id)
+ except (db_base_Exception, vimconn.vimconnException) as e:
_, message = rollback(mydb, vims, rollbackList)
- error_text = "VIM exception {} {}. {}".format(type(e).__name__, str(e), message)
- logger.error("start_scenario %s", error_text)
- return -e.http_code, error_text
+ if isinstance(e, db_base_Exception):
+ error_text = "Exception at database"
+ else:
+ error_text = "Exception at VIM"
+ error_text += " {} {}. {}".format(type(e).__name__, str(e), message)
+ #logger.error("start_scenario %s", error_text)
+ raise NfvoException(error_text, e.http_code)
def create_instance(mydb, tenant_id, instance_dict):
#print "Checking that nfvo_tenant_id exists and getting the VIM URI and the VIM tenant_id"
datacenter_id = datacenter
datacenter_name = datacenter
- result, vims = get_vim(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter_id, datacenter_name, vim_tenant=None)
- if result < 0:
- logger.error("create_instance error. Datacenter not found")
- return result, vims
- elif result == 0:
- return -HTTP_Not_Found, "datacenter '%s' not found" % str(datacenter)
- elif result > 1:
- logger.error("create_instance error. Several datacenters available, you must concrete")
- return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "Several datacenters available, you must concrete"
+ vims = get_vim(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter_id, datacenter_name, vim_tenant=None)
+ if len(vims) == 0:
+ raise NfvoException("datacenter '{}' not found".format(str(datacenter)), HTTP_Not_Found)
+ elif len(vims)>1:
+ #print "nfvo.datacenter_action() error. Several datacenters found"
+ raise NfvoException("More than one datacenters found, try to identify with uuid", HTTP_Conflict)
myvim = vims.values()[0]
#myvim_tenant = myvim['tenant_id']
datacenter_id = myvim['id']
#print "Checking that the scenario exists and getting the scenario dictionary"
- result, scenarioDict = mydb.get_scenario(scenario, tenant_id, datacenter_id)
- if result < 0:
- logger.error("create_instance error. Error interacting with NFVO DB")
- return result, scenarioDict
- elif result == 0:
- logger.error("create_instance error. Scenario not found")
- return result, scenarioDict
+ scenarioDict = mydb.get_scenario(scenario, tenant_id, datacenter_id)
scenarioDict['datacenter_tenant_id'] = datacenter_tenant_id
scenarioDict['datacenter_id'] = datacenter_id
auxNetDict = {} #Auxiliar dictionary. First key:'scenario' or sce_vnf uuid. Second Key: uuid of the net/sce_net. Value: vim_net_id
auxNetDict['scenario'] = {}
# myVMDict['start'] = "no"
myVMDict['name'] = myVMDict['name'][0:255] #limit name length
#create image at vim in case it not exist
- res, image_dict = mydb.get_table_by_uuid_name("images", vm['image_id'])
- if res<0:
- raise NfvoException("Error getting VIM image "+ image_dict, -result)
- res, image_id = create_or_use_image(mydb, vims, image_dict, [], True)
- if res < 0:
- raise NfvoException("Error adding image to VIM " + image_dict, -result)
+ image_dict = mydb.get_table_by_uuid_name("images", vm['image_id'])
+ image_id = create_or_use_image(mydb, vims, image_dict, [], True)
vm['vim_image_id'] = image_id
#create flavor at vim in case it not exist
- res, flavor_dict = mydb.get_table_by_uuid_name("flavors", vm['flavor_id'])
- if res<0:
- raise NfvoException("Error getting VIM flavor "+ flavor_dict, -result)
+ flavor_dict = mydb.get_table_by_uuid_name("flavors", vm['flavor_id'])
if flavor_dict['extended']!=None:
flavor_dict['extended']= yaml.load(flavor_dict['extended'])
- res, flavor_id = create_or_use_flavor(mydb, vims, flavor_dict, [], True)
- if res < 0:
- raise NfvoException("Error adding flavor to VIM" + flavor_dict, -result)
+ flavor_id = create_or_use_flavor(mydb, vims, flavor_dict, rollbackList, True)
vm['vim_flavor_id'] = flavor_id
myVMDict['imageRef'] = vm['vim_image_id']
netDict['name'] = iface['internal_name']
if iface['net_id'] is None:
for vnf_iface in sce_vnf["interfaces"]:
- print iface
- print vnf_iface
+ #print iface
+ #print vnf_iface
if vnf_iface['interface_id']==iface['uuid']:
netDict['net_id'] = auxNetDict['scenario'][ vnf_iface['sce_net_id'] ]
logger.debug("create_instance Deployment done")
#print yaml.safe_dump(scenarioDict, indent=4, default_flow_style=False)
#r,c = mydb.new_instance_scenario_as_a_whole(nfvo_tenant,scenarioDict['name'],scenarioDict)
- result,c = mydb.new_instance_scenario_as_a_whole(tenant_id,instance_name, instance_description, scenarioDict)
- if result <0:
- raise NfvoException(c, -result)
- return mydb.get_instance_scenario(c)
- except NfvoException as e:
- _, message = rollback(mydb, vims, rollbackList)
- error_text = "{} {}. {}".format(type(e).__name__, str(e), message)
- logger.error("create_instance: %s", error_text)
- return -e.http_code, error_text
- except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
- _, message = rollback(mydb, vims, rollbackList)
- error_text = "VIM exception {} {}. {}".format(type(e).__name__, str(e), message)
- logger.error("create_instance: %s", error_text)
- return -e.http_code, error_text
+ instance_id = mydb.new_instance_scenario_as_a_whole(tenant_id,instance_name, instance_description, scenarioDict)
+ return mydb.get_instance_scenario(instance_id)
+ except (NfvoException, vimconn.vimconnException,db_base_Exception) as e:
+ message = rollback(mydb, vims, rollbackList)
+ if isinstance(e, db_base_Exception):
+ error_text = "database Exception"
+ elif isinstance(e, vimconn.vimconnException):
+ error_text = "VIM Exception"
+ else:
+ error_text = "Exception"
+ error_text += " {} {}. {}".format(type(e).__name__, str(e), message)
+ #logger.error("create_instance: %s", error_text)
+ raise NfvoException(error_text, e.http_code)
def delete_instance(mydb, tenant_id, instance_id):
#print "Checking that the instance_id exists and getting the instance dictionary"
- result, instanceDict = mydb.get_instance_scenario(instance_id, tenant_id)
- if result < 0:
- logger.error("nfvo.delete_instance() error. Error getting info from database")
- return result, instanceDict
- elif result == 0:
- logger.error("delete_instance error. Instance not found")
- return result, instanceDict
+ instanceDict = mydb.get_instance_scenario(instance_id, tenant_id)
#print yaml.safe_dump(instanceDict, indent=4, default_flow_style=False)
tenant_id = instanceDict["tenant_id"]
#print "Checking that nfvo_tenant_id exists and getting the VIM URI and the VIM tenant_id"
- result, vims = get_vim(mydb, tenant_id, instanceDict['datacenter_id'])
- if result < 0:
- logger.error("nfvo.delete_instance() error. Datacenter error %s %s", result, vims)
- return result, vims
- elif result == 0:
- logger.error("!!!!!! nfvo.delete_instance() datacenter not found!!!!")
+ try:
+ vims = get_vim(mydb, tenant_id, instanceDict['datacenter_id'])
+ if len(vims) == 0:
+ logger.error("!!!!!! nfvo.delete_instance() datacenter not found!!!!")
+ myvim = None
+ else:
+ myvim = vims.values()[0]
+ except NfvoException as e:
+ logger.error("!!!!!! nfvo.delete_instance() datacenter Exception!!!! " + str(e))
myvim = None
- else:
- myvim = vims.values()[0]
#1. Delete from Database
- #result,c = mydb.delete_row('instance_scenarios', instance_id, nfvo_tenant)
- result,c = mydb.delete_instance_scenario(instance_id, tenant_id)
- if result<0:
- return result, c
+ #result,c = mydb.delete_row_by_id('instance_scenarios', instance_id, nfvo_tenant)
+ message = mydb.delete_instance_scenario(instance_id, tenant_id)
#2. delete from VIM
if not myvim:
logger.error("Error %d deleting NET '%s', VIM id '%s', from VNF_id '%s': %s",
e.http_code, net['uuid'], net['vim_net_id'], sce_vnf['vnf_id'], str(e))
if len(error_msg)>0:
- return 1, 'instance ' + instance_id + ' deleted but some elements could not be deleted, or already deleted (error: 404) from VIM: ' + error_msg
+ return 'instance ' + message + ' deleted but some elements could not be deleted, or already deleted (error: 404) from VIM: ' + error_msg
- return 1, 'instance ' + instance_id + ' deleted'
+ return 'instance ' + message + ' deleted'
def refresh_instance(mydb, nfvo_tenant, instanceDict, datacenter=None, vim_tenant=None):
'''Refreshes a scenario instance. It modifies instanceDict'''
#print json.dumps(instanceDict, indent=4)
#print "Getting the VIM URL and the VIM tenant_id"
- result, vims = get_vim(mydb, nfvo_tenant, instanceDict['datacenter_id'])
- if result < 0:
- logger.error("nfvo.refresh_instance() error. Datacenter not found")
- return result, vims
- elif result == 0:
- return -HTTP_Not_Found, "datacenter '%s' not found" % str(instanceDict['datacenter_id'])
+ vims = get_vim(mydb, nfvo_tenant, instanceDict['datacenter_id'])
+ if len(vims) == 0:
+ raise NfvoException("datacenter '{}' not found".format(str(instanceDict['datacenter_id'])), HTTP_Not_Found)
myvim = vims.values()[0]
# 1. Getting VIM vm and net list
vm['error_msg'] = vm_dict[vm_id].get('error_msg')
vm['vim_info'] = vm_dict[vm_id].get('vim_info')
# 2.1. Update in openmano DB the VMs whose status changed
- result2, _ = mydb.update_rows('instance_vms', UPDATE=vm_dict[vm_id], WHERE={'uuid':vm["uuid"]})
- if result2<0:
- logger.error("nfvo.refresh_instance error database update: %s", result2)
- else:
+ try:
+ updates = mydb.update_rows('instance_vms', UPDATE=vm_dict[vm_id], WHERE={'uuid':vm["uuid"]})
- if result2>0:
+ if updates>0:
+ except db_base_Exception as e:
+ logger.error("nfvo.refresh_instance error database update: %s", str(e))
# 2.2. Update in openmano DB the interface VMs
for interface in interfaces:
#translate from vim_net_id to instance_net_id
if not network_id:
del interface["vim_net_id"]
- result2, _ = mydb.update_rows('instance_interfaces', UPDATE=interface, WHERE={'instance_vm_id':vm["uuid"], "instance_net_id":network_id})
- if result2<0:
+ try:
+ mydb.update_rows('instance_interfaces', UPDATE=interface, WHERE={'instance_vm_id':vm["uuid"], "instance_net_id":network_id})
+ except db_base_Exception as e:
logger.error( "nfvo.refresh_instance error with vm=%s, interface_net_id=%s", vm["uuid"], network_id)
# 3. Getting the status of all nets
net['error_msg'] = net_dict[net_id].get('error_msg')
net['vim_info'] = net_dict[net_id].get('vim_info')
# 5.1. Update in openmano DB the nets whose status changed
- result2, _ = mydb.update_rows('instance_nets', UPDATE=net_dict[net_id], WHERE={'uuid':net["uuid"]})
- if result2<0:
- logger.error("nfvo.refresh_instance error database update: %s", result2)
- else:
+ try:
+ updated = mydb.update_rows('instance_nets', UPDATE=net_dict[net_id], WHERE={'uuid':net["uuid"]})
- if result2>0:
+ if updated>0:
+ except db_base_Exception as e:
+ logger.error("nfvo.refresh_instance error database update: %s", str(e))
except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
- logger.error("VIM exception %s %s", type(e).__name__, str(e))
- return -e.http_code, str(e)
+ #logger.error("VIM exception %s %s", type(e).__name__, str(e))
+ raise NfvoException(str(e), e.http_code)
# Returns appropriate output
#print "nfvo.refresh_instance finishes"
def instance_action(mydb,nfvo_tenant,instance_id, action_dict):
#print "Checking that the instance_id exists and getting the instance dictionary"
- result, instanceDict = mydb.get_instance_scenario(instance_id, nfvo_tenant)
- if result < 0:
- logger.error("nfvo.instance_action() error. Error getting info from database")
- return result, instanceDict
- elif result == 0:
- logger.error("instance_action error. Instance not found")
- return -HTTP_Not_Found, "instance {} not found".format(instance_id)
+ instanceDict = mydb.get_instance_scenario(instance_id, nfvo_tenant)
#print yaml.safe_dump(instanceDict, indent=4, default_flow_style=False)
#print "Checking that nfvo_tenant_id exists and getting the VIM URI and the VIM tenant_id"
- result, vims = get_vim(mydb, nfvo_tenant, instanceDict['datacenter_id'])
- if result < 0:
- logger.error("nfvo.instance_action() error. Datacenter not found")
- return result, vims
- elif result == 0:
- return -HTTP_Not_Found, "datacenter '{}' not found".format(str(instanceDict['datacenter_id']))
+ vims = get_vim(mydb, nfvo_tenant, instanceDict['datacenter_id'])
+ if len(vims) == 0:
+ raise NfvoException("datacenter '{}' not found".format(str(instanceDict['datacenter_id'])), HTTP_Not_Found)
myvim = vims.values()[0]
#print "console data", data
- r2, console_thread = create_or_use_console_proxy_thread(data["server"], data["port"])
- if r2<0:
- vm_result[ vm['uuid'] ] = {"vim_result": -r2, "name":vm['name'], "description": console_thread}
- else:
- vm_result[ vm['uuid'] ] = {"vim_result": result,
+ try:
+ console_thread = create_or_use_console_proxy_thread(data["server"], data["port"])
+ vm_result[ vm['uuid'] ] = {"vim_result": 200,
"description": "%s//%s:%d/%s" %(data["protocol"], console_thread.host, console_thread.port, data["suffix"]),
vm_ok +=1
+ except NfvoException as e:
+ vm_result[ vm['uuid'] ] = {"vim_result": e.http_code, "name":vm['name'], "description": str(e)}
- vm_result[ vm['uuid'] ] = {"vim_result": result, "description": "ok", "name":vm['name']}
+ vm_result[ vm['uuid'] ] = {"vim_result": 200, "description": "ok", "name":vm['name']}
vm_ok +=1
except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
vm_result[ vm['uuid'] ] = {"vim_result": e.http_code, "name":vm['name'], "description": str(e)}
console_thread_key = console_server + ":" + str(console_port)
if console_thread_key in global_config["console_thread"]:
- return 1, global_config["console_thread"][console_thread_key]
+ return global_config["console_thread"][console_thread_key]
for port in global_config["console_port_iterator"]():
print "create_or_use_console_proxy_thread() port:", port
global_config["console_thread"][console_thread_key] = clithread
global_config["console_ports"][port] = console_thread_key
- return 1, clithread
+ return clithread
except cli.ConsoleProxyExceptionPortUsed as e:
#port used, try with onoher
except cli.ConsoleProxyException as e:
- return -1, str(e)
- return -1, "Not found any free 'http_console_ports'"
+ raise NfvoException(str(e), HTTP_Bad_Request)
+ raise NfvoException("Not found any free 'http_console_ports'", HTTP_Conflict)
def check_tenant(mydb, tenant_id):
'''check that tenant exists at database'''
- result, _ = mydb.get_table(FROM='nfvo_tenants', SELECT=('uuid',), WHERE={'uuid': tenant_id})
- if result<=0: return False
- return True
+ tenant = mydb.get_rows(FROM='nfvo_tenants', SELECT=('uuid',), WHERE={'uuid': tenant_id})
+ if not tenant:
+ raise NfvoException("tenant '{}' not found".format(tenant_id), HTTP_Not_Found)
+ return
def new_tenant(mydb, tenant_dict):
- result, tenant_id = mydb.new_row("nfvo_tenants", tenant_dict, None, add_uuid=True, log=True)
- if result < 0:
- return result, tenant_id
- return 200,tenant_id
+ tenant_id = mydb.new_row("nfvo_tenants", tenant_dict, add_uuid=True)
+ return tenant_id
def delete_tenant(mydb, tenant):
#get nfvo_tenant info
- result,tenant_dict = mydb.get_table_by_uuid_name('nfvo_tenants', tenant, 'tenant')
- if result < 0:
- return result, tenant_dict
- result, tenant_id = mydb.delete_row("nfvo_tenants", tenant_dict['uuid'], None)
- if result < 0:
- return result, tenant_id
- return 200, tenant_dict['uuid']
+ tenant_dict = mydb.get_table_by_uuid_name('nfvo_tenants', tenant, 'tenant')
+ mydb.delete_row_by_id("nfvo_tenants", tenant_dict['uuid'])
+ return tenant_dict['uuid'] + " " + tenant_dict["name"]
def new_datacenter(mydb, datacenter_descriptor):
if "config" in datacenter_descriptor:
- result, datacenter_id = mydb.new_row("datacenters", datacenter_descriptor, None, add_uuid=True, log=True)
- if result < 0:
- return result, datacenter_id
- return 200,datacenter_id
+ datacenter_id = mydb.new_row("datacenters", datacenter_descriptor, add_uuid=True)
+ return datacenter_id
def edit_datacenter(mydb, datacenter_id_name, datacenter_descriptor):
#obtain data, check that only one exist
- result, content = mydb.get_table_by_uuid_name('datacenters', datacenter_id_name)
- if result < 0:
- return result, content
+ datacenter = mydb.get_table_by_uuid_name('datacenters', datacenter_id_name)
#edit data
- datacenter_id = content['uuid']
- where={'uuid': content['uuid']}
+ datacenter_id = datacenter['uuid']
+ where={'uuid': datacenter['uuid']}
if "config" in datacenter_descriptor:
if datacenter_descriptor['config']!=None:
if new_config_dict[k]==None:
- config_dict = yaml.load(content["config"])
+ config_dict = yaml.load(datacenter["config"])
#delete null fields
for k in to_delete:
del config_dict[k]
- except Exception,e:
- return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "Bad format at datacenter:config " + str(e)
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise NfvoException("Bad format at datacenter:config " + str(e), HTTP_Bad_Request)
datacenter_descriptor["config"]= yaml.safe_dump(config_dict,default_flow_style=True,width=256) if len(config_dict)>0 else None
- result, content = mydb.update_rows('datacenters', datacenter_descriptor, where)
- if result < 0:
- return result, datacenter_id
- return 200, datacenter_id
+ mydb.update_rows('datacenters', datacenter_descriptor, where)
+ return datacenter_id
def delete_datacenter(mydb, datacenter):
#get nfvo_tenant info
- result,datacenter_dict = mydb.get_table_by_uuid_name('datacenters', datacenter, 'datacenter')
- if result < 0:
- return result, datacenter_dict
- result, datacenter_id = mydb.delete_row("datacenters", datacenter_dict['uuid'], None)
- if result < 0:
- return result, datacenter_id
- return 200, datacenter_dict['uuid']
+ datacenter_dict = mydb.get_table_by_uuid_name('datacenters', datacenter, 'datacenter')
+ mydb.delete_row_by_id("datacenters", datacenter_dict['uuid'])
+ return datacenter_dict['uuid'] + " " + datacenter_dict['name']
def associate_datacenter_to_tenant(mydb, nfvo_tenant, datacenter, vim_tenant_id=None, vim_tenant_name=None, vim_username=None, vim_password=None):
#get datacenter info
if utils.check_valid_uuid(datacenter):
- result, vims = get_vim(mydb, datacenter_id=datacenter)
+ vims = get_vim(mydb, datacenter_id=datacenter)
- result, vims = get_vim(mydb, datacenter_name=datacenter)
- if result < 0:
- print "nfvo.associate_datacenter_to_tenant() error. Datacenter not found"
- return result, vims
- elif result == 0:
- return -HTTP_Not_Found, "datacenter '%s' not found" % str(datacenter)
- elif result>1:
- print "nfvo.associate_datacenter_to_tenant() error. Several datacenters found"
- #print result, vims
- return -HTTP_Conflict, "More than one datacenters found, try to identify with uuid"
+ vims = get_vim(mydb, datacenter_name=datacenter)
+ if len(vims) == 0:
+ raise NfvoException("datacenter '{}' not found".format(str(datacenter)), HTTP_Not_Found)
+ elif len(vims)>1:
+ #print "nfvo.datacenter_action() error. Several datacenters found"
+ raise NfvoException("More than one datacenters found, try to identify with uuid", HTTP_Conflict)
create_vim_tenant=True if vim_tenant_id==None and vim_tenant_name==None else False
#get nfvo_tenant info
- result,tenant_dict = mydb.get_table_by_uuid_name('nfvo_tenants', nfvo_tenant)
- if result < 0:
- return result, tenant_dict
+ tenant_dict = mydb.get_table_by_uuid_name('nfvo_tenants', nfvo_tenant)
if vim_tenant_name==None:
#check that this association does not exist before
tenants_datacenter_dict={"nfvo_tenant_id":tenant_dict['uuid'], "datacenter_id":datacenter_id }
- result,content = mydb.get_table(FROM='tenants_datacenters', WHERE=tenants_datacenter_dict)
- if result>0:
- return -HTTP_Conflict, "datacenter %s and tenant %s are already attached" %(datacenter_id, tenant_dict['uuid'])
- elif result<0:
- return result, content
+ tenants_datacenters = mydb.get_rows(FROM='tenants_datacenters', WHERE=tenants_datacenter_dict)
+ if len(tenants_datacenters)>0:
+ raise NfvoException("datacenter '{}' and tenant'{}' are already attached".format(datacenter_id, tenant_dict['uuid']), HTTP_Conflict)
if not create_vim_tenant:
if vim_tenant_name!=None:
where_["vim_tenant_name"] = vim_tenant_name
#check if vim_tenant_id is already at database
- result,datacenter_tenants_dict = mydb.get_table(FROM='datacenter_tenants', WHERE=where_)
- if result < 0:
- return result, datacenter_tenants_dict
- elif result>=1:
+ datacenter_tenants_dict = mydb.get_rows(FROM='datacenter_tenants', WHERE=where_)
+ if len(datacenter_tenants_dict)>=1:
datacenter_tenants_dict = datacenter_tenants_dict[0]
#TODO check if a field has changed and edit entry at datacenter_tenants at DB
vim_tenant_id = myvim.new_tenant(vim_tenant_name, "created by openmano for datacenter "+datacenter_name)
except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
- return -HTTP_Internal_Server_Error, "Not possible to create vim_tenant {} at VIM: {}".format(vim_tenant_id, str(e))
+ raise NfvoException("Not possible to create vim_tenant {} at VIM: {}".format(vim_tenant_id, str(e)), HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
datacenter_tenants_dict = {}
datacenter_tenants_dict["user"] = vim_username
datacenter_tenants_dict["passwd"] = vim_password
datacenter_tenants_dict["datacenter_id"] = datacenter_id
- res,id_ = mydb.new_row('datacenter_tenants', datacenter_tenants_dict, tenant_dict['uuid'], True, True)
- if res<1:
- return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "Not possible to add %s to database datacenter_tenants table %s " %(vim_tenant_id, id_)
+ id_ = mydb.new_row('datacenter_tenants', datacenter_tenants_dict, add_uuid=True)
datacenter_tenants_dict["uuid"] = id_
#fill tenants_datacenters table
- res,id_ = mydb.new_row('tenants_datacenters', tenants_datacenter_dict, tenant_dict['uuid'], False, True)
- if res<1:
- return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "Not possible to create an entry at database table datacenter_tenants: " + id_
- return 200, datacenter_id
+ mydb.new_row('tenants_datacenters', tenants_datacenter_dict)
+ return datacenter_id
def deassociate_datacenter_to_tenant(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter, vim_tenant_id=None):
#get datacenter info
if utils.check_valid_uuid(datacenter):
- result, vims = get_vim(mydb, datacenter_id=datacenter)
+ vims = get_vim(mydb, datacenter_id=datacenter)
- result, vims = get_vim(mydb, datacenter_name=datacenter)
- if result < 0:
- print "nfvo.deassociate_datacenter_to_tenant() error. Datacenter not found"
- return result, vims
- elif result == 0:
- return -HTTP_Not_Found, "datacenter '%s' not found" % str(datacenter)
- elif result>1:
- print "nfvo.deassociate_datacenter_to_tenant() error. Several datacenters found"
- return -HTTP_Conflict, "More than one datacenters found, try to identify with uuid"
+ vims = get_vim(mydb, datacenter_name=datacenter)
+ if len(vims) == 0:
+ raise NfvoException("datacenter '{}' not found".format(str(datacenter)), HTTP_Not_Found)
+ elif len(vims)>1:
+ #print "nfvo.datacenter_action() error. Several datacenters found"
+ raise NfvoException("More than one datacenters found, try to identify with uuid", HTTP_Conflict)
if not tenant_id or tenant_id=="any":
tenant_uuid = None
- result,tenant_dict = mydb.get_table_by_uuid_name('nfvo_tenants', tenant_id)
- if result < 0:
- return result, tenant_dict
+ tenant_dict = mydb.get_table_by_uuid_name('nfvo_tenants', tenant_id)
tenant_uuid = tenant_dict['uuid']
#check that this association exist before
tenants_datacenter_dict={"datacenter_id":datacenter_id }
if tenant_uuid:
tenants_datacenter_dict["nfvo_tenant_id"] = tenant_uuid
- result,tenant_datacenter_list = mydb.get_table(FROM='tenants_datacenters', WHERE=tenants_datacenter_dict)
- if result==0 and tenant_uuid:
- return -HTTP_Not_Found, "datacenter %s and tenant %s are not attached" %(datacenter_id, tenant_dict['uuid'])
- elif result<0:
- return result, tenant_datacenter_list
+ tenant_datacenter_list = mydb.get_rows(FROM='tenants_datacenters', WHERE=tenants_datacenter_dict)
+ if len(tenant_datacenter_list)==0 and tenant_uuid:
+ raise NfvoException("datacenter '{}' and tenant '{}' are not attached".format(datacenter_id, tenant_dict['uuid']), HTTP_Not_Found)
#delete this association
- result,data = mydb.delete_row_by_dict(FROM='tenants_datacenters', WHERE=tenants_datacenter_dict)
- if result<0:
- return result,data
+ mydb.delete_row(FROM='tenants_datacenters', WHERE=tenants_datacenter_dict)
#get vim_tenant info and deletes
for tenant_datacenter_item in tenant_datacenter_list:
- result,vim_tenant_dict = mydb.get_table_by_uuid_name('datacenter_tenants', tenant_datacenter_item['datacenter_tenant_id'])
- if result > 0:
- #try to delete vim:tenant
- result,data = mydb.delete_row('datacenter_tenants', tenant_datacenter_item['datacenter_tenant_id'], tenant_uuid)
- if result<0:
- pass #the error will be caused because dependencies, vim_tenant can not be deleted
- elif vim_tenant_dict['created']=='true':
+ vim_tenant_dict = mydb.get_table_by_uuid_name('datacenter_tenants', tenant_datacenter_item['datacenter_tenant_id'])
+ #try to delete vim:tenant
+ try:
+ mydb.delete_row_by_id('datacenter_tenants', tenant_datacenter_item['datacenter_tenant_id'])
+ if vim_tenant_dict['created']=='true':
#delete tenant at VIM if created by NFVO
except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
warning = "Not possible to delete vim_tenant_id {} from VIM: {} ".format(vim_tenant_dict['vim_tenant_id'], str(e))
+ except db_base_Exception as e:
+ logger.error("Cannot delete datacenter_tenants " + str(e))
+ pass #the error will be caused because dependencies, vim_tenant can not be deleted
- return 200, "datacenter %s detached.%s" %(datacenter_id, warning)
+ return "datacenter {} detached. {}".format(datacenter_id, warning)
def datacenter_action(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter, action_dict):
#get datacenter info
if utils.check_valid_uuid(datacenter):
- result, vims = get_vim(mydb, nfvo_tenant=tenant_id, datacenter_id=datacenter)
+ vims = get_vim(mydb, nfvo_tenant=tenant_id, datacenter_id=datacenter)
- result, vims = get_vim(mydb, nfvo_tenant=tenant_id, datacenter_name=datacenter)
- if result < 0:
- logger.error("nfvo.datacenter_action() error. Datacenter not found")
- return result, vims
- elif result == 0:
- return -HTTP_Not_Found, "datacenter '%s' not found" % str(datacenter)
- elif result>1:
- logger.error("nfvo.datacenter_action() error. Several datacenters found")
- return -HTTP_Conflict, "More than one datacenters found, try to identify with uuid"
+ vims = get_vim(mydb, nfvo_tenant=tenant_id, datacenter_name=datacenter)
+ if len(vims) == 0:
+ raise NfvoException("datacenter '{}' not found".format(str(datacenter)), HTTP_Not_Found)
+ elif len(vims)>1:
+ #print "nfvo.datacenter_action() error. Several datacenters found"
+ raise NfvoException("More than one datacenters found, try to identify with uuid", HTTP_Conflict)
if 'net-update' in action_dict:
- content = myvim.get_network_list(filter_dict={'shared': True, 'admin_state_up': True, 'status': 'ACTIVE'})
+ nets = myvim.get_network_list(filter_dict={'shared': True, 'admin_state_up': True, 'status': 'ACTIVE'})
#print content
except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
- logger.error("nfvo.datacenter_action() Not possible to get_network_list from VIM: %s ", str(e))
- return -HTTP_Internal_Server_Error, str(e)
+ #logger.error("nfvo.datacenter_action() Not possible to get_network_list from VIM: %s ", str(e))
+ raise NfvoException(str(e), HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
#update nets Change from VIM format to NFVO format
- for net in content:
+ for net in nets:
net_nfvo={'datacenter_id': datacenter_id}
net_nfvo['name'] = net['name']
#net_nfvo['description']= net['name']
net_nfvo['shared'] = net['shared']
net_nfvo['multipoint'] = False if net['type']=='ptp' else True
- result, content = mydb.update_datacenter_nets(datacenter_id, net_list)
- if result < 0:
- return -HTTP_Internal_Server_Error, content
- logger.info("Inserted %d nets, deleted %d old nets", result, content)
- return 200, result
+ inserted, deleted = mydb.update_datacenter_nets(datacenter_id, net_list)
+ logger.info("Inserted %d nets, deleted %d old nets", inserted, deleted)
+ return inserted
elif 'net-edit' in action_dict:
net = action_dict['net-edit'].pop('net')
what = 'vim_net_id' if utils.check_valid_uuid(net) else 'name'
- result, content = mydb.update_rows('datacenter_nets', action_dict['net-edit'],
+ result = mydb.update_rows('datacenter_nets', action_dict['net-edit'],
WHERE={'datacenter_id':datacenter_id, what: net})
- return result, content
+ return result
elif 'net-delete' in action_dict:
net = action_dict['net-deelte'].get('net')
what = 'vim_net_id' if utils.check_valid_uuid(net) else 'name'
- result, content = mydb.delete_row_by_dict(FROM='datacenter_nets',
+ result = mydb.delete_row(FROM='datacenter_nets',
WHERE={'datacenter_id':datacenter_id, what: net})
- return result, content
+ return result
- return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "Unknown action " + str(action_dict)
+ raise NfvoException("Unknown action " + str(action_dict), HTTP_Bad_Request)
def datacenter_edit_netmap(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter, netmap, action_dict):
#get datacenter info
if utils.check_valid_uuid(datacenter):
- result, vims = get_vim(mydb, nfvo_tenant=tenant_id, datacenter_id=datacenter)
+ vims = get_vim(mydb, nfvo_tenant=tenant_id, datacenter_id=datacenter)
- result, vims = get_vim(mydb, nfvo_tenant=tenant_id, datacenter_name=datacenter)
- if result < 0:
- print "nfvo.datacenter_action() error. Datacenter not found"
- return result, vims
- elif result == 0:
- return -HTTP_Not_Found, "datacenter '%s' not found" % str(datacenter)
- elif result>1:
- print "nfvo.datacenter_action() error. Several datacenters found"
- return -HTTP_Conflict, "More than one datacenters found, try to identify with uuid"
+ vims = get_vim(mydb, nfvo_tenant=tenant_id, datacenter_name=datacenter)
+ if len(vims) == 0:
+ raise NfvoException("datacenter '{}' not found".format(str(datacenter)), HTTP_Not_Found)
+ elif len(vims)>1:
+ #print "nfvo.datacenter_action() error. Several datacenters found"
+ raise NfvoException("More than one datacenters found, try to identify with uuid", HTTP_Conflict)
what = 'uuid' if utils.check_valid_uuid(netmap) else 'name'
- result, content = mydb.update_rows('datacenter_nets', action_dict['netmap'],
+ result = mydb.update_rows('datacenter_nets', action_dict['netmap'],
WHERE={'datacenter_id':datacenter_id, what: netmap})
- return result, content
+ return result
def datacenter_new_netmap(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter, action_dict=None):
#get datacenter info
if utils.check_valid_uuid(datacenter):
- result, vims = get_vim(mydb, nfvo_tenant=tenant_id, datacenter_id=datacenter)
+ vims = get_vim(mydb, nfvo_tenant=tenant_id, datacenter_id=datacenter)
- result, vims = get_vim(mydb, nfvo_tenant=tenant_id, datacenter_name=datacenter)
- if result < 0:
- logger.error("nfvo.datacenter_new_netmap() error. Datacenter not found")
- return result, vims
- elif result == 0:
- return -HTTP_Not_Found, "datacenter '%s' not found" % str(datacenter)
- elif result>1:
- logger.error("nfvo.datacenter_new_netmap() error. Several datacenters found")
- return -HTTP_Conflict, "More than one datacenters found, try to identify with uuid"
+ vims = get_vim(mydb, nfvo_tenant=tenant_id, datacenter_name=datacenter)
+ if len(vims) == 0:
+ raise NfvoException("datacenter '{}' not found".format(datacenter), HTTP_Not_Found)
+ elif len(vims)>1:
+ #logger.error("nfvo.datacenter_new_netmap() error. Several datacenters found")
+ raise NfvoException("More than one datacenters found, try to identify with uuid", HTTP_Conflict)
filter_dict["shared"] = True
- content = myvim.get_network_list(filter_dict=filter_dict)
+ vim_nets = myvim.get_network_list(filter_dict=filter_dict)
except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
- logger.error("nfvo.datacenter_new_netmap() Not possible to get_network_list from VIM: %s ", str(e))
- return -HTTP_Internal_Server_Error, str(e)
- if len(content)>1 and action_dict:
- return -HTTP_Conflict, "more than two networks found, specify with vim_id"
- elif len(content)==0: # and action_dict:
- return -HTTP_Not_Found, "Not found a network at VIM with " + str(filter_dict)
+ #logger.error("nfvo.datacenter_new_netmap() Not possible to get_network_list from VIM: %s ", str(e))
+ raise NfvoException(str(e), HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
+ if len(vim_nets)>1 and action_dict:
+ raise NfvoException("more than two networks found, specify with vim_id", HTTP_Conflict)
+ elif len(vim_nets)==0: # and action_dict:
+ raise NfvoException("Not found a network at VIM with " + str(filter_dict), HTTP_Not_Found)
- for net in content:
+ for net in vim_nets:
net_nfvo={'datacenter_id': datacenter_id}
if action_dict and "name" in action_dict:
net_nfvo['name'] = action_dict['name']
net_nfvo['type'] = net['type'][0:6] #change from ('ptp','data','bridge_data','bridge_man') to ('bridge','data','ptp')
net_nfvo['shared'] = net['shared']
net_nfvo['multipoint'] = False if net['type']=='ptp' else True
- result, content = mydb.new_row("datacenter_nets", net_nfvo, add_uuid=True)
- if action_dict and result < 0 :
- return result, content
- if result < 0:
- net_nfvo["status"] = "FAIL: " + content
- else:
+ try:
+ net_id = mydb.new_row("datacenter_nets", net_nfvo, add_uuid=True)
net_nfvo["status"] = "OK"
- net_nfvo["uuid"] = content
+ net_nfvo["uuid"] = net_id
+ except db_base_Exception as e:
+ if action_dict:
+ raise
+ else:
+ net_nfvo["status"] = "FAIL: " + str(e)
- return 200, net_list
+ return net_list
def vim_action_get(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter, item, name):
#get datacenter info
if utils.check_valid_uuid(datacenter):
- result, vims = get_vim(mydb, nfvo_tenant=tenant_id, datacenter_id=datacenter)
+ vims = get_vim(mydb, nfvo_tenant=tenant_id, datacenter_id=datacenter)
- result, vims = get_vim(mydb, nfvo_tenant=tenant_id, datacenter_name=datacenter)
- if result < 0:
- print "nfvo.datacenter_action() error. Datacenter not found"
- return result, vims
- elif result == 0:
- return -HTTP_Not_Found, "datacenter '%s' not found" % str(datacenter)
- elif result>1:
- print "nfvo.datacenter_action() error. Several datacenters found"
- return -HTTP_Conflict, "More than one datacenters found, try to identify with uuid"
+ vims = get_vim(mydb, nfvo_tenant=tenant_id, datacenter_name=datacenter)
+ if len(vims) == 0:
+ raise NfvoException("datacenter '{}' not found".format(datacenter), HTTP_Not_Found)
+ elif len(vims)>1:
+ #logger.error("nfvo.datacenter_new_netmap() error. Several datacenters found")
+ raise NfvoException("More than one datacenters found, try to identify with uuid", HTTP_Conflict)
elif item=="tenants":
content = myvim.get_tenant_list(filter_dict=filter_dict)
- return -HTTP_Method_Not_Allowed, item + "?"
- print "vim_action response ", content #update nets Change from VIM format to NFVO format
+ raise NfvoException(item + "?", HTTP_Method_Not_Allowed)
+ logger.debug("vim_action response ", content) #update nets Change from VIM format to NFVO format
if name and len(content)==1:
- return 200, {item[:-1]: content[0]}
+ return {item[:-1]: content[0]}
elif name and len(content)==0:
- return -HTTP_Not_Found, "No %s found with %s" % (item[:-1], " and ".join(map(lambda x: str(x[0])+": "+str(x[1]), filter_dict.iteritems())))
+ raise NfvoException("No {} found with ".format(item[:-1]) + " and ".join(map(lambda x: str(x[0])+": "+str(x[1]), filter_dict.iteritems())),
+ -HTTP_Not_Found)
- return 200, {item: content}
+ return {item: content}
except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
print "vim_action Not possible to get_%s_list from VIM: %s " % (item, str(e))
- return -e.http_code, "Not possible to get_{}_list from VIM: {}".format(item, str(e))
+ raise NfvoException("Not possible to get_{}_list from VIM: {}".format(item, str(e)), e.http_code)
def vim_action_delete(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter, item, name):
#get datacenter info
if utils.check_valid_uuid(datacenter):
- result, vims = get_vim(mydb, nfvo_tenant=tenant_id, datacenter_id=datacenter)
+ vims = get_vim(mydb, nfvo_tenant=tenant_id, datacenter_id=datacenter)
- result, vims = get_vim(mydb, nfvo_tenant=tenant_id, datacenter_name=datacenter)
- if result < 0:
- print "nfvo.datacenter_action() error. Datacenter not found"
- return result, vims
- elif result == 0:
- return -HTTP_Not_Found, "datacenter '%s' not found" % str(datacenter)
- elif result>1:
- print "nfvo.datacenter_action() error. Several datacenters found"
- return -HTTP_Conflict, "More than one datacenters found, try to identify with uuid"
+ vims = get_vim(mydb, nfvo_tenant=tenant_id, datacenter_name=datacenter)
+ if len(vims) == 0:
+ raise NfvoException("datacenter '{}' not found".format(datacenter), HTTP_Not_Found)
+ elif len(vims)>1:
+ #logger.error("nfvo.datacenter_new_netmap() error. Several datacenters found")
+ raise NfvoException("More than one datacenters found, try to identify with uuid", HTTP_Conflict)
#get uuid name
- result, content = vim_action_get(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter, item, name)
- print content
- if result < 0:
- return result, content
+ content = vim_action_get(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter, item, name)
+ logger.debug("vim_action_delete vim response: " + str(content))
items = content.values()[0]
if type(items)==list and len(items)==0:
- return -HTTP_Not_Found, "Not found " + item
+ raise NfvoException("Not found " + item, HTTP_Not_Found)
elif type(items)==list and len(items)>1:
- return -HTTP_Not_Found, "Found more than one %s with this name. Use uuid." % item
+ raise NfvoException("Found more than one {} with this name. Use uuid.".format(item), HTTP_Not_Found)
else: # it is a dict
item_id = items["id"]
item_name = str(items.get("name"))
elif item=="tenants":
content = myvim.delete_tenant(item_id)
- return -HTTP_Method_Not_Allowed, item + "?"
+ raise NfvoException(item + "?", HTTP_Method_Not_Allowed)
except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
- print "vim_action Not possible to delete_{} {}from VIM: {} ".format(item, name, str(e))
- return -e.http_code, "Not possible to delete_{} {} from VIM: {}".format(item, name, str(e))
+ #logger.error( "vim_action Not possible to delete_{} {}from VIM: {} ".format(item, name, str(e)))
+ raise NfvoException("Not possible to delete_{} {} from VIM: {}".format(item, name, str(e)), e.http_code)
- if result < 0:
- print "vim_action Not possible to delete %s %s from VIM: %s " % (item, name, content)
- return result, content
- return 200, "{} {} {} deleted".format(item[:-1], item_id,item_name)
+ return "{} {} {} deleted".format(item[:-1], item_id,item_name)
def vim_action_create(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter, item, descriptor):
#get datacenter info
if utils.check_valid_uuid(datacenter):
- result, vims = get_vim(mydb, nfvo_tenant=tenant_id, datacenter_id=datacenter)
+ vims = get_vim(mydb, nfvo_tenant=tenant_id, datacenter_id=datacenter)
- result, vims = get_vim(mydb, nfvo_tenant=tenant_id, datacenter_name=datacenter)
- if result < 0:
- print "nfvo.datacenter_action() error. Datacenter not found"
- return result, vims
- elif result == 0:
- return -HTTP_Not_Found, "datacenter '%s' not found" % str(datacenter)
- elif result>1:
- print "nfvo.datacenter_action() error. Several datacenters found"
- return -HTTP_Conflict, "More than one datacenters found, try to identify with uuid"
+ vims = get_vim(mydb, nfvo_tenant=tenant_id, datacenter_name=datacenter)
+ if len(vims) == 0:
+ raise NfvoException("datacenter '{}' not found".format(datacenter), HTTP_Not_Found)
+ elif len(vims)>1:
+ #logger.error("nfvo.datacenter_new_netmap() error. Several datacenters found")
+ raise NfvoException("More than one datacenters found, try to identify with uuid", HTTP_Conflict)
tenant = descriptor["tenant"]
content = myvim.new_tenant(tenant["name"], tenant.get("description"))
- return -HTTP_Method_Not_Allowed, item + "?"
+ raise NfvoException(item + "?", HTTP_Method_Not_Allowed)
except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
- print "vim_action Not possible to create {} at VIM: {} ".format(item, str(e))
- return -e.http_code, "Not possible to create {} at VIM: {}".format(item, str(e))
+ raise NfvoException("Not possible to create {} at VIM: {}".format(item, str(e)), e.http_code)
return vim_action_get(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter, item, content)
__author__="Alfonso Tierno, Gerardo Garcia, Pablo Montes"
__date__ ="$28-aug-2014 10:05:01$"
+import db_base
import MySQLdb as mdb
-import uuid as myUuid
-import utils
import json
-import yaml
+#import yaml
import time
-HTTP_Bad_Request = 400
-HTTP_Unauthorized = 401
-HTTP_Not_Found = 404
-HTTP_Method_Not_Allowed = 405
-HTTP_Request_Timeout = 408
-HTTP_Conflict = 409
-HTTP_Service_Unavailable = 503
-HTTP_Internal_Server_Error = 500
-class nfvo_db():
- def __init__(self):
- #initialization
+class nfvo_db(db_base.db_base):
+ def __init__(self, host=None, user=None, passwd=None, database=None, log_name='openmano.db', log_level="ERROR"):
+ db_base.db_base.__init__(self, host, user, passwd, database, log_name, log_level)
+ db_base.db_base.tables_with_created_field=tables_with_createdat_field
- def connect(self, host=None, user=None, passwd=None, database=None):
- '''Connect to specific data base.
- The first time a valid host, user, passwd and database must be provided,
- Following calls can skip this parameters
- '''
- try:
- if host is not None: self.host = host
- if user is not None: self.user = user
- if passwd is not None: self.passwd = passwd
- if database is not None: self.database = database
- self.con = mdb.connect(self.host, self.user, self.passwd, self.database)
- print "DB: connected to %s@%s -> %s" % (self.user, self.host, self.database)
- return 0
- except mdb.Error, e:
- print "nfvo_db.connect Error connecting to DB %s@%s -> %s Error %d: %s" % (self.user, self.host, self.database, e.args[0], e.args[1])
- return -1
- def get_db_version(self):
- ''' Obtain the database schema version.
- Return: (negative, text) if error or version 0.0 where schema_version table is missing
- (version_int, version_text) if ok
- '''
- cmd = "SELECT version_int,version,openmano_ver FROM schema_version"
- for retry_ in range(0,2):
- try:
- with self.con:
- self.cur = self.con.cursor()
- #print cmd
- self.cur.execute(cmd)
- rows = self.cur.fetchall()
- highest_version_int=0
- highest_version=""
- #print rows
- for row in rows: #look for the latest version
- if row[0]>highest_version_int:
- highest_version_int, highest_version = row[0:2]
- return highest_version_int, highest_version
- except (mdb.Error, AttributeError), e:
- #print cmd
- print "get_db_version DB Exception %d: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1])
- r,c = self.format_error(e)
- if r!=-HTTP_Request_Timeout or retry_==1: return r,c
- def disconnect(self):
- '''disconnect from specific data base'''
- try:
- self.con.close()
- del self.con
- except mdb.Error, e:
- print "Error disconnecting from DB: Error %d: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1])
- return -1
- except AttributeError, e: #self.con not defined
- if e[0][-5:] == "'con'": return -1, "Database internal error, no connection."
- else: raise
- def format_error(self, e, command=None, extra=None):
- if type(e[0]) is str:
- if e[0][-5:] == "'con'": return -HTTP_Internal_Server_Error, "DB Exception, no connection."
- else: raise
- if e.args[0]==2006 or e.args[0]==2013 : #MySQL server has gone away (((or))) Exception 2013: Lost connection to MySQL server during query
- #reconnect
- self.connect()
- return -HTTP_Request_Timeout,"Database reconnection. Try Again"
- fk=e.args[1].find("foreign key constraint fails")
- if fk>=0:
- if command=="update": return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "tenant_id %s not found." % extra
- elif command=="delete": return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "Resource is not free. There are %s that prevent deleting it." % extra
- de = e.args[1].find("Duplicate entry")
- fk = e.args[1].find("for key")
- uk = e.args[1].find("Unknown column")
- wc = e.args[1].find("in 'where clause'")
- fl = e.args[1].find("in 'field list'")
- #print de, fk, uk, wc,fl
- if de>=0:
- if fk>=0: #error 1062
- return -HTTP_Conflict, "Value %s already in use for %s" % (e.args[1][de+15:fk], e.args[1][fk+7:])
- if uk>=0:
- if wc>=0:
- return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "Field %s can not be used for filtering" % e.args[1][uk+14:wc]
- if fl>=0:
- return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "Field %s does not exist" % e.args[1][uk+14:wc]
- return -HTTP_Internal_Server_Error, "Database internal Error %d: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1])
- def __str2db_format(self, data):
- '''Convert string data to database format.
- If data is None it returns the 'Null' text,
- otherwise it returns the text surrounded by quotes ensuring internal quotes are escaped.
- '''
- if data==None:
- return 'Null'
- out=str(data)
- if "'" not in out:
- return "'" + out + "'"
- elif '"' not in out:
- return '"' + out + '"'
- else:
- return json.dumps(out)
- def __tuple2db_format_set(self, data):
- '''Compose the needed text for a SQL SET, parameter 'data' is a pair tuple (A,B),
- and it returns the text 'A="B"', where A is a field of a table and B is the value
- If B is None it returns the 'A=Null' text, without surrounding Null by quotes
- If B is not None it returns the text "A='B'" or 'A="B"' where B is surrounded by quotes,
- and it ensures internal quotes of B are escaped.
- '''
- if data[1]==None:
- return str(data[0]) + "=Null"
- out=str(data[1])
- if "'" not in out:
- return str(data[0]) + "='" + out + "'"
- elif '"' not in out:
- return str(data[0]) + '="' + out + '"'
- else:
- return str(data[0]) + '=' + json.dumps(out)
- def __tuple2db_format_where(self, data):
- '''Compose the needed text for a SQL WHERE, parameter 'data' is a pair tuple (A,B),
- and it returns the text 'A="B"', where A is a field of a table and B is the value
- If B is None it returns the 'A is Null' text, without surrounding Null by quotes
- If B is not None it returns the text "A='B'" or 'A="B"' where B is surrounded by quotes,
- and it ensures internal quotes of B are escaped.
- '''
- if data[1]==None:
- return str(data[0]) + " is Null"
-# if type(data[1]) is tuple: #this can only happen in a WHERE_OR clause
-# text =[]
-# for d in data[1]:
-# if d==None:
-# text.append(str(data[0]) + " is Null")
-# continue
-# out=str(d)
-# if "'" not in out:
-# text.append( str(data[0]) + "='" + out + "'" )
-# elif '"' not in out:
-# text.append( str(data[0]) + '="' + out + '"' )
-# else:
-# text.append( str(data[0]) + '=' + json.dumps(out) )
-# return " OR ".join(text)
- out=str(data[1])
- if "'" not in out:
- return str(data[0]) + "='" + out + "'"
- elif '"' not in out:
- return str(data[0]) + '="' + out + '"'
- else:
- return str(data[0]) + '=' + json.dumps(out)
- def __tuple2db_format_where_not(self, data):
- '''Compose the needed text for a SQL WHERE(not). parameter 'data' is a pair tuple (A,B),
- and it returns the text 'A<>"B"', where A is a field of a table and B is the value
- If B is None it returns the 'A is not Null' text, without surrounding Null by quotes
- If B is not None it returns the text "A<>'B'" or 'A<>"B"' where B is surrounded by quotes,
- and it ensures internal quotes of B are escaped.
- '''
- if data[1]==None:
- return str(data[0]) + " is not Null"
- out=str(data[1])
- if "'" not in out:
- return str(data[0]) + "<>'" + out + "'"
- elif '"' not in out:
- return str(data[0]) + '<>"' + out + '"'
- else:
- return str(data[0]) + '<>' + json.dumps(out)
- def __remove_quotes(self, data):
- '''remove single quotes ' of any string content of data dictionary'''
- for k,v in data.items():
- if type(v) == str:
- if "'" in v:
- data[k] = data[k].replace("'","_")
- def __update_rows(self, table, UPDATE, WHERE, log=False, modified_time=0):
- ''' Update one or several rows into a table.
- Atributes
- UPDATE: dictionary with the key: value to change
- table: table where to update
- WHERE: dictionary of elements to update
- Return: (result, descriptive text) where result indicates the number of updated files, negative if error
- '''
- #gettting uuid
- uuid = WHERE['uuid'] if 'uuid' in WHERE else None
- values = ",".join(map(self.__tuple2db_format_set, UPDATE.iteritems() ))
- if modified_time:
- values += ",modified_at=%f" % modified_time
- cmd= "UPDATE " + table +" SET " + values +\
- " WHERE " + " and ".join(map(self.__tuple2db_format_where, WHERE.iteritems() ))
- print cmd
- self.cur.execute(cmd)
- nb_rows = self.cur.rowcount
- if nb_rows > 0 and log:
- #inserting new log
- if uuid is None: uuid_k = uuid_v = ""
- else: uuid_k=",uuid"; uuid_v=",'" + str(uuid) + "'"
- cmd = "INSERT INTO logs (related,level%s,description) VALUES ('%s','debug'%s,\"updating %d entry %s\")" \
- % (uuid_k, table, uuid_v, nb_rows, (str(UPDATE)).replace('"','-') )
- print cmd
- self.cur.execute(cmd)
- return nb_rows, "%d updated from %s" % (nb_rows, table[:-1] )
- def _new_row_internal(self, table, INSERT, tenant_id=None, add_uuid=False, root_uuid=None, log=False, created_time=0):
- ''' Add one row into a table. It DOES NOT begin or end the transaction, so self.con.cursor must be created
- Attribute
- INSERT: dictionary with the key: value to insert
- table: table where to insert
- tenant_id: only useful for logs. If provided, logs will use this tenant_id
- add_uuid: if True, it will create an uuid key entry at INSERT if not provided
- It checks presence of uuid and add one automatically otherwise
- Return: (result, uuid) where result can be 0 if error, or 1 if ok
- '''
- if add_uuid:
- #create uuid if not provided
- if 'uuid' not in INSERT:
- uuid = INSERT['uuid'] = str(myUuid.uuid1()) # create_uuid
- else:
- uuid = str(INSERT['uuid'])
- else:
- uuid=None
- if add_uuid:
- #defining root_uuid if not provided
- if root_uuid is None:
- root_uuid = uuid
- if created_time:
- created_at = created_time
- else:
- created_at=time.time()
- #inserting new uuid
- cmd = "INSERT INTO uuids (uuid, root_uuid, used_at, created_at) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s', %f)" % (uuid, root_uuid, table, created_at)
- print cmd
- self.cur.execute(cmd)
- #insertion
- cmd= "INSERT INTO " + table +" SET " + \
- ",".join(map(self.__tuple2db_format_set, INSERT.iteritems() ))
- if created_time:
- cmd += ",created_at=%f" % created_time
- print cmd
- self.cur.execute(cmd)
- nb_rows = self.cur.rowcount
- #inserting new log
- if nb_rows > 0 and log:
- if add_uuid: del INSERT['uuid']
- if uuid is None: uuid_k = uuid_v = ""
- else: uuid_k=",uuid"; uuid_v=",'" + str(uuid) + "'"
- if tenant_id is None: tenant_k = tenant_v = ""
- else: tenant_k=",nfvo_tenant_id"; tenant_v=",'" + str(tenant_id) + "'"
- cmd = "INSERT INTO logs (related,level%s%s,description) VALUES ('%s','debug'%s%s,\"new %s %s\")" \
- % (uuid_k, tenant_k, table, uuid_v, tenant_v, table[:-1], str(INSERT).replace('"','-'))
- print cmd
- self.cur.execute(cmd)
- return nb_rows, uuid
- def __get_rows(self,table,uuid):
- self.cur.execute("SELECT * FROM " + str(table) +" where uuid='" + str(uuid) + "'")
- rows = self.cur.fetchall()
- return self.cur.rowcount, rows
- def new_row(self, table, INSERT, tenant_id=None, add_uuid=False, log=False, created_time=0):
- ''' Add one row into a table.
- Attribute
- INSERT: dictionary with the key: value to insert
- table: table where to insert
- tenant_id: only useful for logs. If provided, logs will use this tenant_id
- add_uuid: if True, it will create an uuid key entry at INSERT if not provided
- It checks presence of uuid and add one automatically otherwise
- Return: (result, uuid) where result can be 0 if error, or 1 if ok
- '''
- if table in tables_with_created_field and created_time==0:
- created_time=time.time()
- for retry_ in range(0,2):
- try:
- with self.con:
- self.cur = self.con.cursor()
- return self._new_row_internal(table, INSERT, tenant_id, add_uuid, None, log, created_time)
- except (mdb.Error, AttributeError), e:
- print "nfvo_db.new_row DB Exception %d: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1])
- r,c = self.format_error(e)
- if r!=-HTTP_Request_Timeout or retry_==1: return r,c
- def update_rows(self, table, UPDATE, WHERE, log=False, modified_time=0):
- ''' Update one or several rows into a table.
- Atributes
- UPDATE: dictionary with the key: value to change
- table: table where to update
- WHERE: dictionary of elements to update
- Return: (result, descriptive text) where result indicates the number of updated files
- '''
- if table in tables_with_created_field and modified_time==0:
- modified_time=time.time()
- for retry_ in range(0,2):
- try:
- with self.con:
- self.cur = self.con.cursor()
- return self.__update_rows(table, UPDATE, WHERE, log)
- except (mdb.Error, AttributeError), e:
- print "nfvo_db.update_rows DB Exception %d: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1])
- r,c = self.format_error(e)
- if r!=-HTTP_Request_Timeout or retry_==1: return r,c
- def delete_row(self, table, uuid, tenant_id=None, log=True):
- for retry_ in range(0,2):
- try:
- with self.con:
- #delete host
- self.cur = self.con.cursor()
- cmd = "DELETE FROM %s WHERE uuid = '%s'" % (table, uuid)
- print cmd
- self.cur.execute(cmd)
- deleted = self.cur.rowcount
- if deleted == 1:
- #delete uuid
- if table == 'tenants': tenant_str=uuid
- elif tenant_id:
- tenant_str = tenant_id
- else:
- tenant_str = 'Null'
- self.cur = self.con.cursor()
- cmd = "DELETE FROM uuids WHERE root_uuid = '%s'" % uuid
- print cmd
- self.cur.execute(cmd)
- #inserting new log
- if log:
- cmd = "INSERT INTO logs (related,level,uuid,nfvo_tenant_id,description) VALUES ('%s','debug','%s','%s','delete %s')" % (table, uuid, tenant_str, table[:-1])
- print cmd
- self.cur.execute(cmd)
- return deleted, table[:-1] + " '%s' %s" %(uuid, "deleted" if deleted==1 else "not found")
- except (mdb.Error, AttributeError), e:
- print "nfvo_db.delete_row DB Exception %d: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1])
- r,c = self.format_error(e, "delete", 'instances' if table=='hosts' or table=='tenants' else 'dependencies')
- if r!=-HTTP_Request_Timeout or retry_==1: return r,c
- def delete_row_by_dict(self, **sql_dict):
- ''' Deletes rows from a table.
- Attribute sql_dir: dictionary with the following key: value
- 'FROM': string of table name (Mandatory)
- 'WHERE': dict of key:values, translated to key=value AND ... (Optional)
- 'WHERE_NOT': dict of key:values, translated to key<>value AND ... (Optional)
- 'LIMIT': limit of number of rows (Optional)
- Return: the (number of items deleted, descriptive test) if ok; (negative, descriptive text) if error
- '''
- #print sql_dict
- from_ = "FROM " + str(sql_dict['FROM'])
- #print 'from_', from_
- if 'WHERE' in sql_dict and len(sql_dict['WHERE']) > 0:
- w=sql_dict['WHERE']
- where_ = "WHERE " + " AND ".join(map(self.__tuple2db_format_where, w.iteritems()))
- else: where_ = ""
- if 'WHERE_NOT' in sql_dict and len(sql_dict['WHERE_NOT']) > 0:
- w=sql_dict['WHERE_NOT']
- where_2 = " AND ".join(map(self.__tuple2db_format_where_not, w.iteritems()))
- if len(where_)==0: where_ = "WHERE " + where_2
- else: where_ = where_ + " AND " + where_2
- #print 'where_', where_
- limit_ = "LIMIT " + str(sql_dict['LIMIT']) if 'LIMIT' in sql_dict else ""
- #print 'limit_', limit_
- cmd = " ".join( ("DELETE", from_, where_, limit_) )
- print cmd
- for retry_ in range(0,2):
- try:
- with self.con:
- #delete host
- self.cur = self.con.cursor()
- self.cur.execute(cmd)
- deleted = self.cur.rowcount
- return deleted, "%d deleted from %s" % (deleted, sql_dict['FROM'][:-1] )
- except (mdb.Error, AttributeError), e:
- print "nfvo_db.delete_row DB Exception %d: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1])
- r,c = self.format_error(e, "delete", 'dependencies')
- if r!=-HTTP_Request_Timeout or retry_==1: return r,c
- def get_rows(self,table,uuid):
- '''get row from a table based on uuid'''
- for retry_ in range(0,2):
- try:
- with self.con:
- self.cur = self.con.cursor(mdb.cursors.DictCursor)
- self.cur.execute("SELECT * FROM " + str(table) +" where uuid='" + str(uuid) + "'")
- rows = self.cur.fetchall()
- return self.cur.rowcount, rows
- except (mdb.Error, AttributeError), e:
- print "nfvo_db.get_rows DB Exception %d: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1])
- r,c = self.format_error(e)
- if r!=-HTTP_Request_Timeout or retry_==1: return r,c
- def get_table(self, **sql_dict):
- ''' Obtain rows from a table.
- Attribute sql_dir: dictionary with the following key: value
- 'SELECT': list or tuple of fields to retrieve) (by default all)
- 'FROM': string of table name (Mandatory)
- 'WHERE': dict of key:values, translated to key=value (key is null) AND ... (Optional)
- 'WHERE_NOT': dict of key:values, translated to key<>value (key is not null) AND ... (Optional)
- 'WHERE_OR': dict of key:values, translated to key=value OR ... (Optional)
- 'WHERE_AND_OR: str 'AND' or 'OR'(by default) mark the priority to 'WHERE AND (WHERE_OR)' or (WHERE) OR WHERE_OR' (Optional
- 'LIMIT': limit of number of rows (Optional)
- 'ORDER_BY': list or tuple of fields to order
- Return: a list with dictionaries at each row
- '''
- #print sql_dict
- select_= "SELECT " + ("*" if 'SELECT' not in sql_dict else ",".join(map(str,sql_dict['SELECT'])) )
- #print 'select_', select_
- from_ = "FROM " + str(sql_dict['FROM'])
- #print 'from_', from_
- where_and = ""
- where_or = ""
- w=sql_dict.get('WHERE')
- if w:
- where_and = " AND ".join(map(self.__tuple2db_format_where, w.iteritems() ))
- w=sql_dict.get('WHERE_NOT')
- if w:
- if where_and: where_and += " AND "
- where_and += " AND ".join(map(self.__tuple2db_format_where_not, w.iteritems() ) )
- w=sql_dict.get('WHERE_OR')
- if w:
- where_or = " OR ".join(map(self.__tuple2db_format_where, w.iteritems() ))
- if where_and and where_or:
- if sql_dict.get("WHERE_AND_OR") == "AND":
- where_ = "WHERE " + where_and + " AND (" + where_or + ")"
- else:
- where_ = "WHERE (" + where_and + ") OR " + where_or
- elif where_and and not where_or:
- where_ = "WHERE " + where_and
- elif not where_and and where_or:
- where_ = "WHERE " + where_or
- else:
- where_ = ""
- #print 'where_', where_
- limit_ = "LIMIT " + str(sql_dict['LIMIT']) if 'LIMIT' in sql_dict else ""
- order_ = "ORDER BY " + ",".join(map(str,sql_dict['SELECT'])) if 'ORDER_BY' in sql_dict else ""
- #print 'limit_', limit_
- cmd = " ".join( (select_, from_, where_, limit_, order_) )
- for retry_ in range(0,2):
- try:
- with self.con:
- self.cur = self.con.cursor(mdb.cursors.DictCursor)
- print cmd
- self.cur.execute(cmd)
- rows = self.cur.fetchall()
- return self.cur.rowcount, rows
- except (mdb.Error, AttributeError), e:
- print "nfvo_db.get_table DB Exception %d: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1])
- r,c = self.format_error(e)
- if r!=-HTTP_Request_Timeout or retry_==1: return r,c
- def get_table_by_uuid_name(self, table, uuid_name, error_item_text=None, allow_serveral=False, WHERE_OR={}, WHERE_AND_OR="OR"):
- ''' Obtain One row from a table based on name or uuid.
- Attribute:
- table: string of table name
- uuid_name: name or uuid. If not uuid format is found, it is considered a name
- allow_severeral: if False return ERROR if more than one row are founded
- error_item_text: in case of error it identifies the 'item' name for a proper output text
- 'WHERE_OR': dict of key:values, translated to key=value OR ... (Optional)
- 'WHERE_AND_OR: str 'AND' or 'OR'(by default) mark the priority to 'WHERE AND (WHERE_OR)' or (WHERE) OR WHERE_OR' (Optional
- Return: if allow_several==False, a dictionary with this row, or error if no item is found or more than one is found
- if allow_several==True, a list of dictionaries with the row or rows, error if no item is found
- '''
- if error_item_text==None:
- error_item_text = table
- what = 'uuid' if utils.check_valid_uuid(uuid_name) else 'name'
- cmd = " SELECT * FROM %s WHERE %s='%s'" % (table, what, uuid_name)
- if WHERE_OR:
- where_or = " OR ".join(map(self.__tuple2db_format_where, WHERE_OR.iteritems() ))
- if WHERE_AND_OR == "AND":
- cmd += " AND (" + where_or + ")"
- else:
- cmd += " OR " + where_or
- for retry_ in range(0,2):
- try:
- with self.con:
- self.cur = self.con.cursor(mdb.cursors.DictCursor)
- print cmd
- self.cur.execute(cmd)
- number = self.cur.rowcount
- if number==0:
- return -HTTP_Not_Found, "No %s found with %s '%s'" %(error_item_text, what, uuid_name)
- elif number>1 and not allow_serveral:
- return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "More than one %s found with %s '%s'" %(error_item_text, what, uuid_name)
- if allow_serveral:
- rows = self.cur.fetchall()
- else:
- rows = self.cur.fetchone()
- return number, rows
- except (mdb.Error, AttributeError), e:
- print "nfvo_db.get_table_by_uuid_name DB Exception %d: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1])
- r,c = self.format_error(e)
- if r!=-HTTP_Request_Timeout or retry_==1: return r,c
- def get_uuid(self, uuid):
- '''check in the database if this uuid is already present'''
- for retry_ in range(0,2):
- try:
- with self.con:
- self.cur = self.con.cursor(mdb.cursors.DictCursor)
- self.cur.execute("SELECT * FROM uuids where uuid='" + str(uuid) + "'")
- rows = self.cur.fetchall()
- return self.cur.rowcount, rows
- except (mdb.Error, AttributeError), e:
- print "nfvo_db.get_uuid DB Exception %d: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1])
- r,c = self.format_error(e)
- if r!=-HTTP_Request_Timeout or retry_==1: return r,c
def new_vnf_as_a_whole(self,nfvo_tenant,vnf_name,vnf_descriptor,VNFCDict):
- print "Adding new vnf to the NFVO database"
- for retry_ in range(0,2):
+ self.logger.debug("Adding new vnf to the NFVO database")
+ tries = 2
+ while tries:
created_time = time.time()
with self.con:
myVNFDict["class"] = vnf_descriptor['vnf'].get('class',"MISC")
myVNFDict["tenant_id"] = vnf_descriptor['vnf'].get("tenant_id")
- result, vnf_id = self._new_vnf(myVNFDict,nfvo_tenant,created_time)
- if result < 0:
- return result, "Error creating vnf in NFVO database: %s" %vnf_id
- print "VNF %s added to NFVO DB. VNF id: %s" % (vnf_name,vnf_id)
- print "Adding new vms to the NFVO database"
+ vnf_id = self._new_row_internal('vnfs', myVNFDict, add_uuid=True, root_uuid=None, created_time=created_time)
+ #print "Adding new vms to the NFVO database"
#For each vm, we must create the appropriate vm in the NFVO database.
vmDict = {}
for _,vm in VNFCDict.iteritems():
#This code could make the name of the vms grow and grow.
#If we agree to follow this convention, we should check with a regex that the vnfc name is not including yet the vnf name
#vm['name'] = "%s-%s" % (vnf_name,vm['name'])
- print "VM name: %s. Description: %s" % (vm['name'], vm['description'])
+ #print "VM name: %s. Description: %s" % (vm['name'], vm['description'])
vm["vnf_id"] = vnf_id
created_time += 0.00001
- result, vm_id = self._new_vm(vm,nfvo_tenant,vnf_id,created_time)
- if result < 0:
- return result, "Error creating vm in NFVO database: %s" %vm_id
- print "Internal vm id in NFVO DB: %s" % vm_id
+ vm_id = self._new_row_internal('vms', vm, add_uuid=True, root_uuid=vnf_id, created_time=created_time)
+ #print "Internal vm id in NFVO DB: %s" % vm_id
vmDict[vm['name']] = vm_id
#Collect the data interfaces of each VM/VNFC under the 'numas' field
dataifacesDict[vm['name']] = {}
for numa in vm.get('numas', []):
for dataiface in numa.get('interfaces',[]):
- utils.convert_bandwidth(dataiface)
+ db_base._convert_bandwidth(dataiface)
dataifacesDict[vm['name']][dataiface['name']] = {}
dataifacesDict[vm['name']][dataiface['name']]['vpci'] = dataiface['vpci']
dataifacesDict[vm['name']][dataiface['name']]['bw'] = dataiface['bandwidth']
if 'bridge-ifaces' in vm:
bridgeInterfacesDict[vm['name']] = {}
for bridgeiface in vm['bridge-ifaces']:
- utils.convert_bandwidth(bridgeiface)
+ db_base._convert_bandwidth(bridgeiface)
bridgeInterfacesDict[vm['name']][bridgeiface['name']] = {}
bridgeInterfacesDict[vm['name']][bridgeiface['name']]['vpci'] = bridgeiface.get('vpci',None)
bridgeInterfacesDict[vm['name']][bridgeiface['name']]['mac'] = bridgeiface.get('mac_address',None)
bridgeInterfacesDict[vm['name']][bridgeiface['name']]['model'] = bridgeiface.get('model', None)
#For each internal connection, we add it to the interfaceDict and we create the appropriate net in the NFVO database.
- print "Adding new nets (VNF internal nets) to the NFVO database (if any)"
+ #print "Adding new nets (VNF internal nets) to the NFVO database (if any)"
internalconnList = []
if 'internal-connections' in vnf_descriptor['vnf']:
for net in vnf_descriptor['vnf']['internal-connections']:
- print "Net name: %s. Description: %s" % (net['name'], net['description'])
+ #print "Net name: %s. Description: %s" % (net['name'], net['description'])
myNetDict = {}
myNetDict["name"] = net['name']
myNetDict["vnf_id"] = vnf_id
created_time += 0.00001
- result, net_id = self._new_net(myNetDict,nfvo_tenant,vnf_id, created_time)
- if result < 0:
- return result, "Error creating net in NFVO database: %s" %net_id
+ net_id = self._new_row_internal('nets', myNetDict, add_uuid=True, root_uuid=vnf_id, created_time=created_time)
for element in net['elements']:
ifaceItem = {}
ifaceItem["bw"] = bridgeInterfacesDict[ element['VNFC'] ][ element['local_iface_name'] ]['bw']
ifaceItem["model"] = bridgeInterfacesDict[ element['VNFC'] ][ element['local_iface_name'] ]['model']
- print "Internal net id in NFVO DB: %s" % net_id
+ #print "Internal net id in NFVO DB: %s" % net_id
- print "Adding internal interfaces to the NFVO database (if any)"
+ #print "Adding internal interfaces to the NFVO database (if any)"
for iface in internalconnList:
print "Iface name: %s" % iface['internal_name']
created_time += 0.00001
- result, iface_id = self._new_interface(iface,nfvo_tenant,vnf_id,created_time)
- if result < 0:
- return result, "Error creating iface in NFVO database: %s" %iface_id
- print "Iface id in NFVO DB: %s" % iface_id
+ iface_id = self._new_row_internal('interfaces', iface, add_uuid=True, root_uuid=vnf_id, created_time=created_time)
+ #print "Iface id in NFVO DB: %s" % iface_id
- print "Adding external interfaces to the NFVO database"
+ #print "Adding external interfaces to the NFVO database"
for iface in vnf_descriptor['vnf']['external-connections']:
myIfaceDict = {}
#myIfaceDict["internal_name"] = "%s-%s-%s" % (vnf_name,iface['VNFC'], iface['local_iface_name'])
myIfaceDict["mac"] = bridgeInterfacesDict[ iface['VNFC'] ][ iface['local_iface_name'] ]['mac']
print "Iface name: %s" % iface['name']
created_time += 0.00001
- result, iface_id = self._new_interface(myIfaceDict,nfvo_tenant,vnf_id,created_time)
- if result < 0:
- return result, "Error creating iface in NFVO database: %s" %iface_id
- print "Iface id in NFVO DB: %s" % iface_id
+ iface_id = self._new_row_internal('interfaces', myIfaceDict, add_uuid=True, root_uuid=vnf_id, created_time=created_time)
+ #print "Iface id in NFVO DB: %s" % iface_id
- return 1,vnf_id
+ return vnf_id
- except (mdb.Error, AttributeError), e:
- print "new_vnf_as_a_whole DB Exception %d: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1])
- r,c = self.format_error(e)
- if r!=-HTTP_Request_Timeout or retry_==1: return r,c
+ except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
+ self._format_error(e, tries)
+ tries -= 1
- def _new_vnf(self, vnf_dict, tenant_id, created_time=0):
- #return self.new_row('vnfs', vnf_dict, None, tenant_id, True, True)
- return self._new_row_internal('vnfs', vnf_dict, tenant_id, add_uuid=True, root_uuid=None, log=True, created_time=created_time)
- def _new_vm(self, vm_dict, tenant_id, vnf_id = None, created_time=0):
- #return self.new_row('vms', vm_dict, tenant_id, True, True)
- return self._new_row_internal('vms', vm_dict, tenant_id, add_uuid=True, root_uuid=vnf_id, log=True, created_time=created_time)
- def _new_net(self, net_dict, tenant_id, vnf_id = None, created_time=0):
- #return self.new_row('nets', net_dict, tenant_id, True, True)
- return self._new_row_internal('nets', net_dict, tenant_id, add_uuid=True, root_uuid=vnf_id, log=True, created_time=created_time)
- def _new_interface(self, interface_dict, tenant_id, vnf_id = None, created_time=0):
- #return self.new_row('interfaces', interface_dict, tenant_id, True, True)
- return self._new_row_internal('interfaces', interface_dict, tenant_id, add_uuid=True, root_uuid=vnf_id, log=True, created_time=created_time)
def new_scenario(self, scenario_dict):
- for retry_ in range(0,2):
+ tries = 2
+ while tries:
created_time = time.time()
with self.con:
tenant_id = scenario_dict.get('tenant_id')
INSERT_={'tenant_id': tenant_id,
- 'name': scenario_dict['name'],
- 'description': scenario_dict['description'],
- 'public': scenario_dict.get('public', "false")}
+ 'name': scenario_dict['name'],
+ 'description': scenario_dict['description'],
+ 'public': scenario_dict.get('public', "false")}
- r,scenario_uuid = self._new_row_internal('scenarios', INSERT_, tenant_id, True, None, True,created_time)
- if r<0:
- print 'nfvo_db.new_scenario Error inserting at table scenarios: ' + scenario_uuid
- return r,scenario_uuid
+ scenario_uuid = self._new_row_internal('scenarios', INSERT_, add_uuid=True, root_uuid=None, created_time=created_time)
for net in scenario_dict['nets'].values():
net_dict={'scenario_id': scenario_uuid}
#TODO, must be json because of the GUI, change to yaml
created_time += 0.00001
- r,net_uuid = self._new_row_internal('sce_nets', net_dict, tenant_id, True, None, True, created_time)
- if r<0:
- print 'nfvo_db.new_scenario Error inserting at table sce_vnfs: ' + net_uuid
- return r, net_uuid
+ net_uuid = self._new_row_internal('sce_nets', net_dict, add_uuid=True, root_uuid=scenario_uuid, created_time=created_time)
for k,vnf in scenario_dict['vnfs'].items():
#TODO, must be json because of the GUI, change to yaml
created_time += 0.00001
- r,scn_vnf_uuid = self._new_row_internal('sce_vnfs', INSERT_, tenant_id, True, scenario_uuid, True, created_time)
- if r<0:
- print 'nfvo_db.new_scenario Error inserting at table sce_vnfs: ' + scn_vnf_uuid
- return r, scn_vnf_uuid
+ scn_vnf_uuid = self._new_row_internal('sce_vnfs', INSERT_, add_uuid=True, root_uuid=scenario_uuid, created_time=created_time)
for iface in vnf['ifaces'].values():
- print 'iface', iface
+ #print 'iface', iface
if 'net_key' not in iface:
iface['net_id'] = scenario_dict['nets'][ iface['net_key'] ]['uuid']
'interface_id': iface[ 'uuid' ]
created_time += 0.00001
- r,iface_uuid = self._new_row_internal('sce_interfaces', INSERT_, tenant_id, True, scenario_uuid, True, created_time)
- if r<0:
- print 'nfvo_db.new_scenario Error inserting at table sce_vnfs: ' + iface_uuid
- return r, iface_uuid
+ iface_uuid = self._new_row_internal('sce_interfaces', INSERT_, add_uuid=True, root_uuid=scenario_uuid, created_time=created_time)
- return 1, scenario_uuid
+ return scenario_uuid
- except (mdb.Error, AttributeError), e:
- print "nfvo_db.new_scenario DB Exception %d: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1])
- r,c = self.format_error(e)
- if r!=-HTTP_Request_Timeout or retry_==1: return r,c
+ except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
+ self._format_error(e, tries)
+ tries -= 1
def edit_scenario(self, scenario_dict):
- for retry_ in range(0,2):
+ tries = 2
+ while tries:
modified_time = time.time()
+ item_changed=0
with self.con:
self.cur = self.con.cursor()
tenant_id = scenario_dict.get('tenant_id')
scenario_uuid = scenario_dict['uuid']
- where_text = "uuid='%s'" % scenario_uuid
+ where_text = "uuid='{}'".format(scenario_uuid)
if not tenant_id and tenant_id != "any":
- where_text += " AND (tenant_id='%s' OR public='True')" % (tenant_id)
- self.cur.execute("SELECT * FROM scenarios WHERE "+ where_text)
+ where_text += " AND (tenant_id='{}' OR public='True')".format(tenant_id)
+ cmd = "SELECT * FROM scenarios WHERE "+ where_text
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
if self.cur.rowcount==0:
- return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "No scenario found with this criteria " + where_text
+ raise db_base.db_base_Exception("No scenario found with this criteria " + where_text, db_base.HTTP_Bad_Request)
elif self.cur.rowcount>1:
- return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "More than one scenario found with this criteria " + where_text
+ raise db_base.db_base_Exception("More than one scenario found with this criteria " + where_text, db_base.HTTP_Bad_Request)
nodes = {}
if "description" in scenario_dict: UPDATE_["description"] = scenario_dict["description"]
if len(UPDATE_)>0:
WHERE_={'tenant_id': tenant_id, 'uuid': scenario_uuid}
- r,c = self.__update_rows('scenarios', UPDATE_, WHERE_, modified_time=modified_time)
- if r<0:
- print 'nfvo_db.edit_scenario Error ' + c + ' updating table scenarios: ' + scenario_uuid
- return r,scenario_uuid
+ item_changed += self._update_rows('scenarios', UPDATE_, WHERE_, modified_time=modified_time)
for node_id, node in nodes.items():
if "graph" in node:
#TODO, must be json because of the GUI, change to yaml
node["graph"] = json.dumps(node["graph"])
WHERE_={'scenario_id': scenario_uuid, 'uuid': node_id}
- r,c = self.__update_rows('sce_nets', node, WHERE_)
- if r<=0:
- r,c = self.__update_rows('sce_vnfs', node, WHERE_, modified_time=modified_time)
- if r<0:
- print 'nfvo_db.edit_scenario Error updating table sce_nets,sce_vnfs: ' + scenario_uuid
- return r, scenario_uuid
- return 1, scenario_uuid
+ #Try to change at sce_nets(version 0 API backward compatibility and sce_vnfs)
+ item_changed += self._update_rows('sce_nets', node, WHERE_)
+ item_changed += self._update_rows('sce_vnfs', node, WHERE_, modified_time=modified_time)
+ return item_changed
- except (mdb.Error, AttributeError), e:
- print "nfvo_db.new_scenario DB Exception %d: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1])
- r,c = self.format_error(e)
- if r!=-HTTP_Request_Timeout or retry_==1: return r,c
+ except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
+ self._format_error(e, tries)
+ tries -= 1
# def get_instance_scenario(self, instance_scenario_id, tenant_id=None):
# '''Obtain the scenario instance information, filtering by one or serveral of the tenant, uuid or name
# #scenario table
# where_list=[]
# if tenant_id is not None: where_list.append( "tenant_id='" + tenant_id +"'" )
-# if utils.check_valid_uuid(instance_scenario_id):
+# if db_base._check_valid_uuid(instance_scenario_id):
# where_list.append( "uuid='" + instance_scenario_id +"'" )
# else:
# where_list.append( "name='" + instance_scenario_id +"'" )
# self.cur.execute("SELECT uuid, vim_interface_id, instance_vm_id, instance_net_id FROM instance_interfaces WHERE instance_scenario_id='"+ instance_scenario_dict['uuid'] + "'")
# instance_scenario_dict['instance_interfaces'] = self.cur.fetchall()
-# utils.convert_datetime2str(instance_scenario_dict)
-# utils.convert_str2boolean(instance_scenario_dict, ('public','shared','external') )
+# db_base._convert_datetime2str(instance_scenario_dict)
+# db_base._convert_str2boolean(instance_scenario_dict, ('public','shared','external') )
# print "2******************************************************************"
# return 1, instance_scenario_dict
-# except (mdb.Error, AttributeError), e:
+# except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
# print "nfvo_db.get_instance_scenario DB Exception %d: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1])
-# return self.format_error(e)
+# return self._format_error(e)
def get_scenario(self, scenario_id, tenant_id=None, datacenter_id=None):
'''Obtain the scenario information, filtering by one or serveral of the tenant, uuid or name
if datacenter_id is provided, it supply aditional vim_id fields with the matching vim uuid
Only one scenario must mutch the filtering or an error is returned
- for retry_ in range(0,2):
+ tries = 2
+ while tries:
with self.con:
self.cur = self.con.cursor(mdb.cursors.DictCursor)
- #scenario table
- if utils.check_valid_uuid(scenario_id):
- where_text = "uuid='%s'" % scenario_id
- else:
- where_text = "name='%s'" % scenario_id
+ where_text = "uuid='{}'".format(scenario_id)
if not tenant_id and tenant_id != "any":
- where_text += " AND (tenant_id='%s' OR public='True')" % (tenant_id)
- cmd = "SELECT * FROM scenarios WHERE "+ where_text
- print cmd
+ where_text += " AND (tenant_id='{}' OR public='True')".format(tenant_id)
+ cmd = "SELECT * FROM scenarios WHERE " + where_text
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
rows = self.cur.fetchall()
if self.cur.rowcount==0:
- return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "No scenario found with this criteria " + where_text
+ raise db_base.db_base_Exception("No scenario found with this criteria " + where_text, db_base.HTTP_Bad_Request)
elif self.cur.rowcount>1:
- return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "More than one scenario found with this criteria " + where_text
+ raise db_base.db_base_Exception("More than one scenario found with this criteria " + where_text, db_base.HTTP_Bad_Request)
scenario_dict = rows[0]
- cmd = "SELECT uuid,name,vnf_id,description FROM sce_vnfs WHERE scenario_id='%s' ORDER BY created_at" % scenario_dict['uuid']
+ cmd = "SELECT uuid,name,vnf_id,description FROM sce_vnfs WHERE scenario_id='{}' ORDER BY created_at".format(scenario_dict['uuid'])
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
scenario_dict['vnfs'] = self.cur.fetchall()
for vnf in scenario_dict['vnfs']:
- cmd = "SELECT uuid,sce_net_id,interface_id FROM sce_interfaces WHERE sce_vnf_id='%s' ORDER BY created_at" %vnf['uuid']
+ cmd = "SELECT uuid,sce_net_id,interface_id FROM sce_interfaces WHERE sce_vnf_id='{}' ORDER BY created_at".format(vnf['uuid'])
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
vnf['interfaces'] = self.cur.fetchall()
" FROM vnfs join vms on vnfs.uuid=vms.vnf_id " \
" WHERE vnfs.uuid='" + vnf['vnf_id'] +"'" \
" ORDER BY vms.created_at"
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
vnf['vms'] = self.cur.fetchall()
for vm in vnf['vms']:
if datacenter_id!=None:
- self.cur.execute("SELECT vim_id FROM datacenters_images WHERE image_id='%s' AND datacenter_id='%s'" %(vm['image_id'],datacenter_id))
+ cmd = "SELECT vim_id FROM datacenters_images WHERE image_id='{}' AND datacenter_id='{}'".format(vm['image_id'],datacenter_id)
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
if self.cur.rowcount==1:
vim_image_dict = self.cur.fetchone()
- self.cur.execute("SELECT vim_id FROM datacenters_flavors WHERE flavor_id='%s' AND datacenter_id='%s'" %(vm['flavor_id'],datacenter_id))
+ cmd = "SELECT vim_id FROM datacenters_flavors WHERE flavor_id='{}' AND datacenter_id='{}'".format(vm['flavor_id'],datacenter_id)
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
if self.cur.rowcount==1:
vim_flavor_dict = self.cur.fetchone()
cmd = "SELECT uuid,internal_name,external_name,net_id,type,vpci,mac,bw,model" \
" FROM interfaces" \
- " WHERE vm_id='%s'" \
- " ORDER BY created_at" % vm['uuid']
+ " WHERE vm_id='{}'" \
+ " ORDER BY created_at".format(vm['uuid'])
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
vm['interfaces'] = self.cur.fetchall()
#nets every net of a vms
- self.cur.execute("SELECT uuid,name,type,description FROM nets WHERE vnf_id='" + vnf['vnf_id'] +"'" )
+ cmd = "SELECT uuid,name,type,description FROM nets WHERE vnf_id='{}'".format(vnf['vnf_id'])
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
vnf['nets'] = self.cur.fetchall()
cmd = "SELECT uuid,name,type,external,description" \
- " FROM sce_nets WHERE scenario_id='%s'" \
- " ORDER BY created_at " % scenario_dict['uuid']
+ " FROM sce_nets WHERE scenario_id='{}'" \
+ " ORDER BY created_at ".format(scenario_dict['uuid'])
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
scenario_dict['nets'] = self.cur.fetchall()
for net in scenario_dict['nets']:
if str(net['external']) == 'false':
- WHERE_=" WHERE name='%s'" % net['name']
+ WHERE_=" WHERE name='{}'".format(net['name'])
if datacenter_id!=None:
- WHERE_ += " AND datacenter_id='%s'" % datacenter_id
- self.cur.execute("SELECT vim_net_id FROM datacenter_nets" + WHERE_ )
+ WHERE_ += " AND datacenter_id='{}'".format(datacenter_id)
+ cmd = "SELECT vim_net_id FROM datacenter_nets" + WHERE_
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
d_net = self.cur.fetchone()
if d_net==None or datacenter_id==None:
#print "nfvo_db.get_scenario() WARNING external net %s not found" % net['name']
- utils.convert_datetime2str(scenario_dict)
- utils.convert_str2boolean(scenario_dict, ('public','shared','external') )
- return 1, scenario_dict
- except (mdb.Error, AttributeError), e:
- print "nfvo_db.get_scenario DB Exception %d: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1])
- r,c = self.format_error(e)
- if r!=-HTTP_Request_Timeout or retry_==1: return r,c
+ db_base._convert_datetime2str(scenario_dict)
+ db_base._convert_str2boolean(scenario_dict, ('public','shared','external') )
+ return scenario_dict
+ except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
+ self._format_error(e, tries)
+ tries -= 1
- def get_uuid_from_name(self, table, name):
- '''Searchs in table the name and returns the uuid
- '''
- for retry_ in range(0,2):
- try:
- with self.con:
- self.cur = self.con.cursor(mdb.cursors.DictCursor)
- where_text = "name='" + name +"'"
- self.cur.execute("SELECT * FROM " + table + " WHERE "+ where_text)
- rows = self.cur.fetchall()
- if self.cur.rowcount==0:
- return 0, "Name %s not found in table %s" %(name, table)
- elif self.cur.rowcount>1:
- return self.cur.rowcount, "More than one VNF with name %s found in table %s" %(name, table)
- return self.cur.rowcount, rows[0]["uuid"]
- except (mdb.Error, AttributeError), e:
- print "nfvo_db.get_uuid_from_name DB Exception %d: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1])
- r,c = self.format_error(e)
- if r!=-HTTP_Request_Timeout or retry_==1: return r,c
def delete_scenario(self, scenario_id, tenant_id=None):
'''Deletes a scenario, filtering by one or several of the tenant, uuid or name
scenario_id is the uuid or the name if it is not a valid uuid format
Only one scenario must mutch the filtering or an error is returned
- for retry_ in range(0,2):
+ tries = 2
+ while tries:
with self.con:
self.cur = self.con.cursor(mdb.cursors.DictCursor)
#scenario table
- if utils.check_valid_uuid(scenario_id):
- where_text = "uuid='%s'" % scenario_id
- else:
- where_text = "name='%s'" % scenario_id
+ where_text = "uuid='{}'".format(scenario_id)
if not tenant_id and tenant_id != "any":
- where_text += " AND (tenant_id='%s' OR public='True')" % tenant_id
- self.cur.execute("SELECT * FROM scenarios WHERE "+ where_text)
+ where_text += " AND (tenant_id='{}' OR public='True')".format(tenant_id)
+ cmd = "SELECT * FROM scenarios WHERE "+ where_text
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
rows = self.cur.fetchall()
if self.cur.rowcount==0:
- return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "No scenario found with this criteria " + where_text
+ raise db_base.db_base_Exception("No scenario found where " + where_text, db_base.HTTP_Bad_Request)
elif self.cur.rowcount>1:
- return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "More than one scenario found with this criteria " + where_text
+ raise db_base.db_base_Exception("More than one scenario found where " + where_text, db_base.HTTP_Bad_Request)
scenario_uuid = rows[0]["uuid"]
scenario_name = rows[0]["name"]
- self.cur.execute("DELETE FROM scenarios WHERE uuid='" + scenario_uuid + "'")
+ cmd = "DELETE FROM scenarios WHERE uuid='{}'".format(scenario_uuid)
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
- return 1, scenario_uuid + " " + scenario_name
- except (mdb.Error, AttributeError), e:
- print "nfvo_db.delete_scenario DB Exception %d: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1])
- r,c = self.format_error(e, "delete", "instances running")
- if r!=-HTTP_Request_Timeout or retry_==1: return r,c
+ return scenario_uuid + " " + scenario_name
+ except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
+ self._format_error(e, tries, "delete", "instances running")
+ tries -= 1
def new_instance_scenario_as_a_whole(self,tenant_id,instance_scenario_name,instance_scenario_description,scenarioDict):
- print "Adding new instance scenario to the NFVO database"
- for retry_ in range(0,2):
+ tries = 2
+ while tries:
created_time = time.time()
with self.con:
'scenario_id' : scenarioDict['uuid'],
'datacenter_id': datacenter_id
- r,instance_uuid = self._new_row_internal('instance_scenarios', INSERT_, tenant_id, True, None, True, created_time)
- if r<0:
- print 'nfvo_db.new_instance_scenario_as_a_whole() Error inserting at table instance_scenarios: ' + instance_uuid
- return r, instance_uuid
+ instance_uuid = self._new_row_internal('instance_scenarios', INSERT_, add_uuid=True, root_uuid=None, created_time=created_time)
#instance_nets #nets interVNF
if net.get("uuid"):
INSERT_['sce_net_id'] = net['uuid']
created_time += 0.00001
- r,instance_net_uuid = self._new_row_internal('instance_nets', INSERT_, tenant_id, True, instance_uuid, True, created_time)
- if r<0:
- print 'nfvo_db.new_instance_scenario_as_a_whole() Error inserting at table instance_nets: ' + instance_net_uuid
- return r, instance_net_uuid
+ instance_net_uuid = self._new_row_internal('instance_nets', INSERT_, True, instance_uuid, created_time)
net_scene2instance[ net['uuid'] ] = instance_net_uuid
net['uuid'] = instance_net_uuid #overwrite scnario uuid by instance uuid
if vnf.get("uuid"):
INSERT_['sce_vnf_id'] = vnf['uuid']
created_time += 0.00001
- r,instance_vnf_uuid = self._new_row_internal('instance_vnfs', INSERT_, tenant_id, True, instance_uuid, True,created_time)
- if r<0:
- print 'nfvo_db.new_instance_scenario_as_a_whole() Error inserting at table instance_vnfs: ' + instance_vnf_uuid
- return r, instance_vnf_uuid
+ instance_vnf_uuid = self._new_row_internal('instance_vnfs', INSERT_, True, instance_uuid, created_time)
vnf['uuid'] = instance_vnf_uuid #overwrite scnario uuid by instance uuid
#instance_nets #nets intraVNF
if net.get("uuid"):
INSERT_['net_id'] = net['uuid']
created_time += 0.00001
- r,instance_net_uuid = self._new_row_internal('instance_nets', INSERT_, tenant_id, True, instance_uuid, True,created_time)
- if r<0:
- print 'nfvo_db.new_instance_scenario_as_a_whole() Error inserting at table instance_nets: ' + instance_net_uuid
- return r, instance_net_uuid
+ instance_net_uuid = self._new_row_internal('instance_nets', INSERT_, True, instance_uuid, created_time)
net_scene2instance[ net['uuid'] ] = instance_net_uuid
net['uuid'] = instance_net_uuid #overwrite scnario uuid by instance uuid
for vm in vnf['vms']:
INSERT_={'instance_vnf_id': instance_vnf_uuid, 'vm_id': vm['uuid'], 'vim_vm_id': vm['vim_id'] }
created_time += 0.00001
- r,instance_vm_uuid = self._new_row_internal('instance_vms', INSERT_, tenant_id, True, instance_uuid, True, created_time)
- if r<0:
- print 'nfvo_db.new_instance_scenario_as_a_whole() Error inserting at table instance_vms: ' + instance_vm_uuid
- return r, instance_vm_uuid
+ instance_vm_uuid = self._new_row_internal('instance_vms', INSERT_, True, instance_uuid, created_time)
vm['uuid'] = instance_vm_uuid #overwrite scnario uuid by instance uuid
INSERT_={'instance_vm_id': instance_vm_uuid, 'instance_net_id': net_scene2instance[net_id],
'interface_id': interface['uuid'], 'vim_interface_id': interface.get('vim_id'), 'type': interface_type }
#created_time += 0.00001
- r,interface_uuid = self._new_row_internal('instance_interfaces', INSERT_, tenant_id, True, instance_uuid, True) #, created_time)
- if r<0:
- print 'nfvo_db.new_instance_scenario_as_a_whole() Error inserting at table instance_interfaces: ' + interface_uuid
- return r, interface_uuid
+ interface_uuid = self._new_row_internal('instance_interfaces', INSERT_, True, instance_uuid) #, created_time)
interface['uuid'] = interface_uuid #overwrite scnario uuid by instance uuid
- return 1, instance_uuid
- except (mdb.Error, AttributeError), e:
- print "new_instance_scenario_as_a_whole DB Exception %d: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1])
- r,c = self.format_error(e)
- if r!=-HTTP_Request_Timeout or retry_==1: return r,c
+ return instance_uuid
+ except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
+ self._format_error(e, tries)
+ tries -= 1
def get_instance_scenario(self, instance_id, tenant_id=None, verbose=False):
'''Obtain the instance information, filtering by one or several of the tenant, uuid or name
instance_id is the uuid or the name if it is not a valid uuid format
Only one instance must mutch the filtering or an error is returned
- for retry_ in range(0,2):
+ tries = 2
+ while tries:
with self.con:
self.cur = self.con.cursor(mdb.cursors.DictCursor)
#instance table
if tenant_id is not None: where_list.append( "inst.tenant_id='" + tenant_id +"'" )
- if utils.check_valid_uuid(instance_id):
+ if db_base._check_valid_uuid(instance_id):
where_list.append( "inst.uuid='" + instance_id +"'" )
where_list.append( "inst.name='" + instance_id +"'" )
where_text = " AND ".join(where_list)
- command = "SELECT inst.uuid as uuid,inst.name as name,inst.scenario_id as scenario_id, datacenter_id" +\
+ cmd = "SELECT inst.uuid as uuid,inst.name as name,inst.scenario_id as scenario_id, datacenter_id" +\
" ,datacenter_tenant_id, s.name as scenario_name,inst.tenant_id as tenant_id" + \
" ,inst.description as description,inst.created_at as created_at" +\
" FROM instance_scenarios as inst join scenarios as s on inst.scenario_id=s.uuid"+\
" WHERE " + where_text
- self.cur.execute(command)
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
rows = self.cur.fetchall()
if self.cur.rowcount==0:
- return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "No instance found with this criteria " + where_text
+ raise db_base.db_base_Exception("No instance found where " + where_text, db_base.HTTP_Not_Found)
elif self.cur.rowcount>1:
- return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "More than one instance found with this criteria " + where_text
+ raise db_base.db_base_Exception("More than one instance found where " + where_text, db_base.HTTP_Bad_Request)
instance_dict = rows[0]
cmd = "SELECT iv.uuid as uuid,sv.vnf_id as vnf_id,sv.name as vnf_name, sce_vnf_id, datacenter_id, datacenter_tenant_id"\
" FROM instance_vnfs as iv join sce_vnfs as sv on iv.sce_vnf_id=sv.uuid" \
- " WHERE iv.instance_scenario_id='%s'" \
- " ORDER BY iv.created_at " % instance_dict['uuid']
+ " WHERE iv.instance_scenario_id='{}'" \
+ " ORDER BY iv.created_at ".format(instance_dict['uuid'])
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
instance_dict['vnfs'] = self.cur.fetchall()
for vnf in instance_dict['vnfs']:
#instance vms
cmd = "SELECT iv.uuid as uuid, vim_vm_id, status, error_msg, vim_info, iv.created_at as created_at, name "\
" FROM instance_vms as iv join vms on iv.vm_id=vms.uuid "\
- " WHERE instance_vnf_id='%s' ORDER BY iv.created_at" % vnf['uuid']
+ " WHERE instance_vnf_id='{}' ORDER BY iv.created_at".format(vnf['uuid'])
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
vnf['vms'] = self.cur.fetchall()
for vm in vnf['vms']:
cmd = "SELECT vim_interface_id, instance_net_id, internal_name,external_name, mac_address, ip_address, vim_info, i.type as type "\
" FROM instance_interfaces as ii join interfaces as i on ii.interface_id=i.uuid "\
- " WHERE instance_vm_id='%s' ORDER BY created_at" % vm['uuid']
+ " WHERE instance_vm_id='{}' ORDER BY created_at".format(vm['uuid'])
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
self.cur.execute(cmd )
vm['interfaces'] = self.cur.fetchall()
for iface in vm['interfaces']:
#where_text = "instance_nets.instance_scenario_id='"+ instance_dict['uuid'] + "'"
cmd = "SELECT uuid,vim_net_id,status,error_msg,vim_info,external, sce_net_id, net_id as vnf_net_id, datacenter_id, datacenter_tenant_id"\
" FROM instance_nets" \
- " WHERE instance_scenario_id='%s' ORDER BY created_at" % instance_dict['uuid']
+ " WHERE instance_scenario_id='{}' ORDER BY created_at".format(instance_dict['uuid'])
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
instance_dict['nets'] = self.cur.fetchall()
- utils.convert_datetime2str(instance_dict)
- utils.convert_str2boolean(instance_dict, ('public','shared','external') )
- return 1, instance_dict
- except (mdb.Error, AttributeError), e:
- print "nfvo_db.get_instance_scenario DB Exception %d: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1])
- r,c = self.format_error(e)
- if r!=-HTTP_Request_Timeout or retry_==1: return r,c
+ db_base._convert_datetime2str(instance_dict)
+ db_base._convert_str2boolean(instance_dict, ('public','shared','external') )
+ return instance_dict
+ except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
+ self._format_error(e, tries)
+ tries -= 1
def delete_instance_scenario(self, instance_id, tenant_id=None):
'''Deletes a instance_Scenario, filtering by one or serveral of the tenant, uuid or name
instance_id is the uuid or the name if it is not a valid uuid format
Only one instance_scenario must mutch the filtering or an error is returned
- for retry_ in range(0,2):
+ tries = 2
+ while tries:
with self.con:
self.cur = self.con.cursor(mdb.cursors.DictCursor)
#instance table
if tenant_id is not None: where_list.append( "tenant_id='" + tenant_id +"'" )
- if utils.check_valid_uuid(instance_id):
+ if db_base._check_valid_uuid(instance_id):
where_list.append( "uuid='" + instance_id +"'" )
where_list.append( "name='" + instance_id +"'" )
where_text = " AND ".join(where_list)
- self.cur.execute("SELECT * FROM instance_scenarios WHERE "+ where_text)
+ cmd = "SELECT * FROM instance_scenarios WHERE "+ where_text
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
rows = self.cur.fetchall()
if self.cur.rowcount==0:
- return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "No instance scenario found with this criteria " + where_text
+ raise db_base.db_base_Exception("No instance found where " + where_text, db_base.HTTP_Bad_Request)
elif self.cur.rowcount>1:
- return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "More than one instance scenario found with this criteria " + where_text
+ raise db_base.db_base_Exception("More than one instance found where " + where_text, db_base.HTTP_Bad_Request)
instance_uuid = rows[0]["uuid"]
instance_name = rows[0]["name"]
- self.cur.execute("DELETE FROM instance_scenarios WHERE uuid='" + instance_uuid + "'")
+ cmd = "DELETE FROM instance_scenarios WHERE uuid='{}'".format(instance_uuid)
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
- return 1, instance_uuid + " " + instance_name
- except (mdb.Error, AttributeError), e:
- print "nfvo_db.delete_instance_scenario DB Exception %d: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1])
- r,c = self.format_error(e, "delete", "No dependences can avoid deleting!!!!")
- if r!=-HTTP_Request_Timeout or retry_==1: return r,c
+ return instance_uuid + " " + instance_name
+ except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
+ self._format_error(e, tries, "delete", "No dependences can avoid deleting!!!!")
+ tries -= 1
def new_instance_scenario(self, instance_scenario_dict, tenant_id):
#return self.new_row('vnfs', vnf_dict, None, tenant_id, True, True)
new_net_list: the new values to be inserted. If empty it only deletes the existing nets
Return: (Inserted items, Deleted items) if OK, (-Error, text) if error
- for retry_ in range(0,2):
+ tries = 2
+ while tries:
created_time = time.time()
with self.con:
self.cur = self.con.cursor()
- cmd="DELETE FROM datacenter_nets WHERE datacenter_id='%s'" % datacenter_id
- print cmd
+ cmd="DELETE FROM datacenter_nets WHERE datacenter_id='{}'".format(datacenter_id)
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
deleted = self.cur.rowcount
+ inserted = 0
for new_net in new_net_list:
created_time += 0.00001
- self._new_row_internal('datacenter_nets', new_net, tenant_id=None, add_uuid=True, created_time=created_time)
- return len (new_net_list), deleted
- except (mdb.Error, AttributeError), e:
- print "nfvo_db.update_datacenter_nets DB Exception %d: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1])
- r,c = self.format_error(e)
- if r!=-HTTP_Request_Timeout or retry_==1: return r,c
+ self._new_row_internal('datacenter_nets', new_net, add_uuid=True, created_time=created_time)
+ inserted += 1
+ return inserted, deleted
+ except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
+ self._format_error(e, tries)
+ tries -= 1
"log_level": log_level_schema,
"log_level_db": log_level_schema,
- "log_level_vimconn": log_level_schema
+ "log_level_vimconn": log_level_schema,
+ "log_level_nfvo": log_level_schema,
+ "log_host": nameshort_schema,
+ "log_port": port_schema,
+ "log_file": path_schema,
"required": ['db_host', 'db_user', 'db_passwd', 'db_name'],
"additionalProperties": False
#logging parameters # DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL
-log_level: DEBUG
-log_level_db: DEBUG
-log_level_vimconn: DEBUG
+log_level: DEBUG #general log levels
+log_level_db: DEBUG #database log levels
+log_level_vimconn: DEBUG #VIM connection log levels
+log_level_nfvo: DEBUG #Main engine log levels
+#Uncomment to send logs via IP to an external host
+#log_host: localhost
+#log_port: 1111
+#Uncomment to store in a file. Ensure path exists and to having write permissions
+#log_file: /var/log/openmano/openmano.log
__author__="Alfonso Tierno, Gerardo Garcia, Pablo Montes"
__date__ ="$26-aug-2014 11:09:29$"
-version_date="Jun 2016"
+version_date="Jul 2016"
database_version="0.10" #expected database schema version
import httpserver
from openmano_schemas import config_schema
import nfvo
import logging
+import logging.handlers as log_handlers
global global_config
-logger = logging.getLogger('mano')
+global logger
+logger = logging.getLogger('openmano')
class LoadConfigurationException(Exception):
'log_level': 'DEBUG',
'log_level_db': 'ERROR',
'log_level_vimconn': 'DEBUG',
+ 'log_level_nfvo': 'DEBUG',
#Check config file exists
if __name__=="__main__":
#streamformat = "%(levelname)s (%(module)s:%(lineno)d) %(message)s"
- streamformat = "%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s"
- logging.basicConfig(format=streamformat, level= logging.DEBUG)
+ logging_local_format = "%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s"
+ logging_complete_format = "%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s %(filename)s:%(lineno)d %(funcName)s %(process)d: %(message)s"
+ logging.basicConfig(format=logging_local_format, level= logging.DEBUG)
+ file_handler = None
# Read parameters and configuration file
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hvc:V:p:P:", ["config", "help", "version", "port", "vnf-repository", "adminport"])
#print global_config
logging.basicConfig(level = getattr(logging, global_config.get('log_level',"debug")))
logger.setLevel(getattr(logging, global_config['log_level']))
+ if "log_host" in global_config:
+ socket_handler= log_handlers.SocketHandler(global_config["log_host"], global_config["log_port"])
+ logger.addHandler(socket_handler)
+ logger.addHandler(log_handlers.SysLogHandler())
+ if "log_file" in global_config:
+ try:
+ file_handler= logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(global_config["log_file"], maxBytes=100e6, backupCount=9, delay=0)
+ file_handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(fmt=logging_complete_format))
+ logger.addHandler(file_handler)
+ except IOError as e:
+ print "Error opening logging file '{}': {}. Check folder exist and permissions".fomat(global_config["log_file"], str(e))
# Override parameters obtained by command line
+ print logger.handlers
if port is not None: global_config['http_port'] = port
if port_admin is not None: global_config['http_admin_port'] = port_admin
if vnf_repository is not None:
# Initialize DB connection
- mydb = nfvo_db.nfvo_db();
+ mydb = nfvo_db.nfvo_db(log_level=global_config["log_level_db"]);
if mydb.connect(global_config['db_host'], global_config['db_user'], global_config['db_passwd'], global_config['db_name']) == -1:
logger.error("Error connecting to database %s at %s@%s", global_config['db_name'], global_config['db_user'], global_config['db_host'])
-[ "$_DISTRO" == "Ubuntu" ] && install_packages "python-yaml python-bottle python-mysqldb python-jsonschema python-paramiko python-argcomplete python-requests"
-[ "$_DISTRO" == "CentOS" -o "$_DISTRO" == "Red" ] && install_packages "PyYAML MySQL-python python-jsonschema python-paramiko python-argcomplete python-requests"
+[ "$_DISTRO" == "Ubuntu" ] && install_packages "python-yaml python-bottle python-mysqldb python-jsonschema python-paramiko python-argcomplete python-requests python-logutils"
+[ "$_DISTRO" == "CentOS" -o "$_DISTRO" == "Red" ] && install_packages "PyYAML MySQL-python python-jsonschema python-paramiko python-argcomplete python-requests python-logutils"
#The only way to install python-bottle on Centos7 is with easy_install or pip
[ "$_DISTRO" == "CentOS" -o "$_DISTRO" == "Red" ] && easy_install -U bottle