--- /dev/null
+import io
+import logging
+import http
+import os
+import pytest
+import tarfile
+import tempfile
+import uuid
+import shutil
+from osm_common.fsbase import FsException
+from osm_common.fslocal import FsLocal
+__author__ = "Eduardo Sousa <eduardosousa@av.it.pt>"
+def valid_path():
+ return tempfile.gettempdir() + '/'
+def invalid_path():
+ return '/#tweeter/'
+def fs_local():
+ fs = FsLocal()
+ fs.fs_connect({'path': valid_path()})
+ return fs
+def fs_connect_exception_message(path):
+ return "storage exception Invalid configuration param at '[storage]': path '{}' does not exist".format(path)
+def file_open_file_not_found_exception(storage):
+ f = storage if isinstance(storage, str) else '/'.join(storage)
+ return "storage exception File {} does not exist".format(f)
+def file_open_io_exception(storage):
+ f = storage if isinstance(storage, str) else '/'.join(storage)
+ return "storage exception File {} cannot be opened".format(f)
+def dir_ls_not_a_directory_exception(storage):
+ f = storage if isinstance(storage, str) else '/'.join(storage)
+ return "storage exception File {} does not exist".format(f)
+def dir_ls_io_exception(storage):
+ f = storage if isinstance(storage, str) else '/'.join(storage)
+ return "storage exception File {} cannot be opened".format(f)
+def file_delete_exception_message(storage):
+ return "storage exception File {} does not exist".format(storage)
+def test_constructor_without_logger():
+ fs = FsLocal()
+ assert fs.logger == logging.getLogger('fs')
+ assert fs.path is None
+def test_constructor_with_logger():
+ logger_name = 'fs_local'
+ fs = FsLocal(logger_name=logger_name)
+ assert fs.logger == logging.getLogger(logger_name)
+ assert fs.path is None
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("config, exp_logger, exp_path", [
+ ({'logger_name': 'fs_local', 'path': valid_path()}, 'fs_local', valid_path()),
+ ({'logger_name': 'fs_local', 'path': valid_path()[:-1]}, 'fs_local', valid_path()),
+ ({'path': valid_path()}, 'fs', valid_path()),
+ ({'path': valid_path()[:-1]}, 'fs', valid_path()),
+def test_fs_connect_with_valid_config(config, exp_logger, exp_path):
+ fs = FsLocal()
+ fs.fs_connect(config)
+ assert fs.logger == logging.getLogger(exp_logger)
+ assert fs.path == exp_path
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("config, exp_exception_message", [
+ ({'logger_name': 'fs_local', 'path': invalid_path()}, fs_connect_exception_message(invalid_path())),
+ ({'logger_name': 'fs_local', 'path': invalid_path()[:-1]}, fs_connect_exception_message(invalid_path()[:-1])),
+ ({'path': invalid_path()}, fs_connect_exception_message(invalid_path())),
+ ({'path': invalid_path()[:-1]}, fs_connect_exception_message(invalid_path()[:-1])),
+def test_fs_connect_with_invalid_path(config, exp_exception_message):
+ fs = FsLocal()
+ with pytest.raises(FsException) as excinfo:
+ fs.fs_connect(config)
+ assert str(excinfo.value) == exp_exception_message
+def test_mkdir_with_valid_path(fs_local):
+ folder_name = str(uuid.uuid4())
+ folder_path = valid_path() + folder_name
+ fs_local.mkdir(folder_name)
+ assert os.path.exists(folder_path)
+ os.rmdir(folder_path)
+def test_mkdir_with_exception(fs_local):
+ folder_name = str(uuid.uuid4())
+ folder_path = valid_path() + folder_name
+ os.mkdir(folder_path)
+ with pytest.raises(FsException) as excinfo:
+ fs_local.mkdir(folder_name)
+ assert excinfo.value.http_code == http.HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR
+ os.rmdir(folder_path)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("storage, mode, expected", [
+ (str(uuid.uuid4()), 'file', False),
+ ([str(uuid.uuid4())], 'file', False),
+ (str(uuid.uuid4()), 'dir', False),
+ ([str(uuid.uuid4())], 'dir', False),
+def test_file_exists_returns_false(fs_local, storage, mode, expected):
+ assert fs_local.file_exists(storage, mode) == expected
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("storage, mode, expected", [
+ (str(uuid.uuid4()), 'file', True),
+ ([str(uuid.uuid4())], 'file', True),
+ (str(uuid.uuid4()), 'dir', True),
+ ([str(uuid.uuid4())], 'dir', True),
+def test_file_exists_returns_true(fs_local, storage, mode, expected):
+ path = valid_path() + storage if isinstance(storage, str) else valid_path() + storage[0]
+ if mode == 'file':
+ os.mknod(path)
+ elif mode == 'dir':
+ os.mkdir(path)
+ assert fs_local.file_exists(storage, mode) == expected
+ if mode == 'file':
+ os.remove(path)
+ elif mode == 'dir':
+ os.rmdir(path)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("storage, mode", [
+ (str(uuid.uuid4()), 'file'),
+ ([str(uuid.uuid4())], 'file'),
+ (str(uuid.uuid4()), 'dir'),
+ ([str(uuid.uuid4())], 'dir'),
+def test_file_size(fs_local, storage, mode):
+ path = valid_path() + storage if isinstance(storage, str) else valid_path() + storage[0]
+ if mode == 'file':
+ os.mknod(path)
+ elif mode == 'dir':
+ os.mkdir(path)
+ size = os.path.getsize(path)
+ assert fs_local.file_size(storage) == size
+ if mode == 'file':
+ os.remove(path)
+ elif mode == 'dir':
+ os.rmdir(path)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("files, path", [
+ (['foo', 'bar', 'foobar'], str(uuid.uuid4())),
+ (['foo', 'bar', 'foobar'], [str(uuid.uuid4())]),
+def test_file_extract(fs_local, files, path):
+ for f in files:
+ os.mknod(valid_path() + f)
+ tar_path = valid_path() + str(uuid.uuid4()) + '.tar'
+ with tarfile.open(tar_path, 'w') as tar:
+ for f in files:
+ tar.add(valid_path() + f, arcname=f)
+ with tarfile.open(tar_path, 'r') as tar:
+ fs_local.file_extract(tar, path)
+ extracted_path = valid_path() + (path if isinstance(path, str) else '/'.join(path))
+ ls_dir = os.listdir(extracted_path)
+ assert len(ls_dir) == len(files)
+ for f in files:
+ assert f in ls_dir
+ os.remove(tar_path)
+ for f in files:
+ os.remove(valid_path() + f)
+ shutil.rmtree(extracted_path)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("storage, mode", [
+ (str(uuid.uuid4()), 'r'),
+ (str(uuid.uuid4()), 'w'),
+ (str(uuid.uuid4()), 'a'),
+ (str(uuid.uuid4()), 'rb'),
+ (str(uuid.uuid4()), 'wb'),
+ (str(uuid.uuid4()), 'ab'),
+ ([str(uuid.uuid4())], 'r'),
+ ([str(uuid.uuid4())], 'w'),
+ ([str(uuid.uuid4())], 'a'),
+ ([str(uuid.uuid4())], 'rb'),
+ ([str(uuid.uuid4())], 'wb'),
+ ([str(uuid.uuid4())], 'ab'),
+def test_file_open(fs_local, storage, mode):
+ path = valid_path() + storage if isinstance(storage, str) else valid_path() + storage[0]
+ os.mknod(path)
+ file_obj = fs_local.file_open(storage, mode)
+ assert isinstance(file_obj, io.IOBase)
+ assert file_obj.closed == False
+ os.remove(path)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("storage, mode", [
+ (str(uuid.uuid4()), 'r'),
+ (str(uuid.uuid4()), 'rb'),
+ ([str(uuid.uuid4())], 'r'),
+ ([str(uuid.uuid4())], 'rb'),
+def test_file_open_file_not_found_exception(fs_local, storage, mode):
+ with pytest.raises(FsException) as excinfo:
+ fs_local.file_open(storage, mode)
+ assert str(excinfo.value) == file_open_file_not_found_exception(storage)
+ assert excinfo.value.http_code == http.HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("storage, mode", [
+ (str(uuid.uuid4()), 'r'),
+ (str(uuid.uuid4()), 'w'),
+ (str(uuid.uuid4()), 'a'),
+ (str(uuid.uuid4()), 'rb'),
+ (str(uuid.uuid4()), 'wb'),
+ (str(uuid.uuid4()), 'ab'),
+ ([str(uuid.uuid4())], 'r'),
+ ([str(uuid.uuid4())], 'w'),
+ ([str(uuid.uuid4())], 'a'),
+ ([str(uuid.uuid4())], 'rb'),
+ ([str(uuid.uuid4())], 'wb'),
+ ([str(uuid.uuid4())], 'ab'),
+def test_file_open_io_error(fs_local, storage, mode):
+ path = valid_path() + storage if isinstance(storage, str) else valid_path() + storage[0]
+ os.mknod(path)
+ os.chmod(path, 0)
+ with pytest.raises(FsException) as excinfo:
+ fs_local.file_open(storage, mode)
+ assert str(excinfo.value) == file_open_io_exception(storage)
+ assert excinfo.value.http_code == http.HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
+ os.remove(path)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("storage, with_files", [
+ (str(uuid.uuid4()), True),
+ (str(uuid.uuid4()), False),
+ ([str(uuid.uuid4())], True),
+ ([str(uuid.uuid4())], False),
+def test_dir_ls(fs_local, storage, with_files):
+ path = valid_path() + storage if isinstance(storage, str) else valid_path() + storage[0]
+ os.mkdir(path)
+ if with_files == True:
+ file_name = str(uuid.uuid4())
+ file_path = path + '/' + file_name
+ os.mknod(file_path)
+ result = fs_local.dir_ls(storage)
+ if with_files == True:
+ assert len(result) == 1
+ assert result[0] == file_name
+ else:
+ assert len(result) == 0
+ shutil.rmtree(path)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("storage", [
+ (str(uuid.uuid4())),
+ ([str(uuid.uuid4())]),
+def test_dir_ls_with_not_a_directory_error(fs_local, storage):
+ path = valid_path() + storage if isinstance(storage, str) else valid_path() + storage[0]
+ os.mknod(path)
+ with pytest.raises(FsException) as excinfo:
+ fs_local.dir_ls(storage)
+ assert str(excinfo.value) == dir_ls_not_a_directory_exception(storage)
+ assert excinfo.value.http_code == http.HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND
+ os.remove(path)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("storage", [
+ (str(uuid.uuid4())),
+ ([str(uuid.uuid4())]),
+def test_dir_ls_with_io_error(fs_local, storage):
+ path = valid_path() + storage if isinstance(storage, str) else valid_path() + storage[0]
+ os.mkdir(path)
+ os.chmod(path, 0)
+ with pytest.raises(FsException) as excinfo:
+ fs_local.dir_ls(storage)
+ assert str(excinfo.value) == dir_ls_io_exception(storage)
+ assert excinfo.value.http_code == http.HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
+ os.rmdir(path)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("storage, with_files, ignore_non_exist", [
+ (str(uuid.uuid4()), True, True),
+ (str(uuid.uuid4()), False, True),
+ (str(uuid.uuid4()), True, False),
+ (str(uuid.uuid4()), False, False),
+ ([str(uuid.uuid4())], True, True),
+ ([str(uuid.uuid4())], False, True),
+ ([str(uuid.uuid4())], True, False),
+ ([str(uuid.uuid4())], False, False),
+def test_file_delete_with_dir(fs_local, storage, with_files, ignore_non_exist):
+ path = valid_path() + storage if isinstance(storage, str) else valid_path() + storage[0]
+ os.mkdir(path)
+ if with_files == True:
+ file_path = path + '/' + str(uuid.uuid4())
+ os.mknod(file_path)
+ fs_local.file_delete(storage, ignore_non_exist)
+ assert os.path.exists(path) == False
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("storage", [
+ (str(uuid.uuid4())),
+ ([str(uuid.uuid4())]),
+def test_file_delete_expect_exception(fs_local, storage):
+ with pytest.raises(FsException) as excinfo:
+ fs_local.file_delete(storage)
+ assert str(excinfo.value) == file_delete_exception_message(storage)
+ assert excinfo.value.http_code == http.HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("storage", [
+ (str(uuid.uuid4())),
+ ([str(uuid.uuid4())]),
+def test_file_delete_no_exception(fs_local, storage):
+ path = valid_path() + storage if isinstance(storage, str) else valid_path() + storage[0]
+ fs_local.file_delete(storage, ignore_non_exist=True)
+ assert os.path.exists(path) == False
\ No newline at end of file