from bson.json_util import dumps
from bson import ObjectId
-#Env variables
-mongodb_url = os.environ['MONGODB_URL']
-target_database = os.environ['TARGET_DATABASE']
-prometheus_config_file = os.environ['PROMETHEUS_CONFIG_FILE']
-prometheus_url = os.environ['PROMETHEUS_URL']
+# Env variables
+mongodb_url = os.environ["MONGODB_URL"]
+target_database = os.environ["TARGET_DATABASE"]
+prometheus_config_file = os.environ["PROMETHEUS_CONFIG_FILE"]
+prometheus_url = os.environ["PROMETHEUS_URL"]
def get_jobs(client):
- return json.loads(dumps(client[target_database].prometheus_jobs.find({})))
+ return json.loads(dumps(client[target_database].prometheus_jobs.find({})))
def save_successful_jobs(client, jobs):
- for job in jobs:
- client[target_database].prometheus_jobs.update_one({
- "_id": ObjectId(job["_id"]["$oid"])
- }, {
- "$set": {
- "is_active": True
- }
- })
+ for job in jobs:
+ client[target_database].prometheus_jobs.update_one(
+ {"_id": ObjectId(job["_id"]["$oid"])},
+ {"$set": {"is_active": True}}
+ )
def clean_up_job(prometheus_job):
- cleaned_prometheus_job = copy.deepcopy(prometheus_job)
- #take out _id and internal keys
- cleaned_prometheus_job.pop('_id', None)
- cleaned_prometheus_job.pop('is_active', None)
- cleaned_prometheus_job.pop('vnfr_id', None)
- cleaned_prometheus_job.pop('nsr_id', None)
- return cleaned_prometheus_job
+ cleaned_prometheus_job = copy.deepcopy(prometheus_job)
+ # take out _id and internal keys
+ cleaned_prometheus_job.pop("_id", None)
+ cleaned_prometheus_job.pop("is_active", None)
+ cleaned_prometheus_job.pop("vnfr_id", None)
+ cleaned_prometheus_job.pop("nsr_id", None)
+ return cleaned_prometheus_job
def generate_prometheus_config(prometheus_jobs, config_file_path):
- config_file = open(config_file_path, encoding='utf-8', mode='r')
- config_file_contents =
- config_file.close()
+ config_file = open(config_file_path, encoding="utf-8", mode="r")
+ config_file_contents =
+ config_file.close()
- config_file_yaml = yaml.load(config_file_contents, yaml.FullLoader)
- if config_file_yaml is None:
- config_file_yaml = {}
+ config_file_yaml = yaml.load(config_file_contents, yaml.FullLoader)
+ if config_file_yaml is None:
+ config_file_yaml = {}
+ if len(prometheus_jobs) == 0:
+ config_file_yaml["scrape_configs"] = []
+ return config_file_yaml
+ config_file_yaml["scrape_configs"] = []
+ for prometheus_job in prometheus_jobs:
+ cleaned_up_job = clean_up_job(prometheus_job)
+ config_file_yaml["scrape_configs"].append(cleaned_up_job)
- if len(prometheus_jobs) == 0:
- config_file_yaml['scrape_configs'] = []
return config_file_yaml
- config_file_yaml['scrape_configs'] = []
- for prometheus_job in prometheus_jobs:
- cleaned_up_job = clean_up_job(prometheus_job)
- config_file_yaml['scrape_configs'].append(cleaned_up_job)
+async def reload_prometheus_config(prom_url):
+ async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
+ async with + "/-/reload") as resp:
+ if resp.status > 204:
+ print(f"Error while updating prometheus config: {resp.text()}")
+ return False
+ await asyncio.sleep(5)
+ return True
- return config_file_yaml
-async def reload_prometheus_config(the_prometheus_url):
- async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
- async with + "/-/reload") as resp:
- if resp.status > 204:
- print(f"Error while updating prometheus config : {resp.text()}")
+def check_configuration_equal(a_config, b_config):
+ if a_config is None and b_config is None:
+ return True
+ if a_config is None or b_config is None:
return False
- await asyncio.sleep(5)
- return True
+ if "scrape_configs" not in a_config and "scrape_configs" not in b_config:
+ return True
+ if "scrape_configs" not in a_config or "scrape_configs" not in b_config:
+ return False
+ a_jobs = [j["job_name"] for j in a_config["scrape_configs"]]
+ b_jobs = [j["job_name"] for j in b_config["scrape_configs"]]
+ return a_jobs == b_jobs
+async def validate_configuration(prom_url, new_config):
+ async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
+ # Gets the configuration from prometheus
+ # and compares with the inserted one
+ # If prometheus does not admit this configuration,
+ # the old one will remain
+ async with session.get(prom_url + "/api/v1/status/config") as resp:
+ if resp.status > 204:
+ print(f"Error while updating prometheus config: {resp.text()}")
+ return False
+ current_config = await resp.json()
+ return check_configuration_equal(
+ yaml.safe_load(current_config["data"]["yaml"]), new_config
+ )
-def check_configuration_equal(a_config, b_config):
- if a_config is None and b_config is None:
- return True
- if a_config is None or b_config is None:
- return False
- if not "scrape_configs" in a_config and not "scrape_configs" in b_config:
- return True
- if not "scrape_configs" in a_config or not "scrape_configs" in b_config:
- return False
- a_jobs = [j["job_name"] for j in a_config["scrape_configs"]]
- b_jobs = [j["job_name"] for j in b_config["scrape_configs"]]
- return a_jobs == b_jobs
-async def validate_configuration(the_prometheus_url, new_config):
- async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
- # If prometheus does not admit this configuration, remains with the old one
- # Then, to check if the configuration has been accepted, get the configuration from prometheus
- # and compares with the inserted one
- async with session.get(the_prometheus_url + "/api/v1/status/config") as resp:
- if resp.status > 204:
- print(f"Error while updating prometheus config : {resp.text()}")
- return False
- current_config = await resp.json()
- return check_configuration_equal(yaml.load(current_config["data"]["yaml"], yaml.FullLoader), new_config)
async def main_task(client):
- stored_jobs = get_jobs(client)
- print(f"Jobs detected : {len(stored_jobs):d}")
- generated_prometheus_config = generate_prometheus_config(stored_jobs, prometheus_config_file)
- print(f"Writing new config file to {prometheus_config_file}")
- config_file = open(prometheus_config_file, "w")
- config_file.truncate(0)
- config_file.write(yaml.dump(generated_prometheus_config))
- config_file.close()
- print("New config written, updating prometheus")
- update_resp = await reload_prometheus_config(prometheus_url)
- is_valid = await validate_configuration(prometheus_url, generated_prometheus_config)
- if update_resp and is_valid:
- print("Prometheus config update successful")
- save_successful_jobs(client, stored_jobs)
- else:
- print("Error while updating prometheus config: current config doesn't match with updated values")
+ stored_jobs = get_jobs(client)
+ print(f"Jobs detected : {len(stored_jobs):d}")
+ generated_prometheus_config = generate_prometheus_config(
+ stored_jobs, prometheus_config_file
+ )
+ print(f"Writing new config file to {prometheus_config_file}")
+ config_file = open(prometheus_config_file, "w")
+ config_file.truncate(0)
+ config_file.write(yaml.dump(generated_prometheus_config))
+ config_file.close()
+ print("New config written, updating prometheus")
+ update_resp = await reload_prometheus_config(prometheus_url)
+ is_valid = await validate_configuration(
+ prometheus_url, generated_prometheus_config
+ )
+ if update_resp and is_valid:
+ print("Prometheus config update successful")
+ save_successful_jobs(client, stored_jobs)
+ else:
+ print(
+ "Error while updating prometheus config: "
+ "current config doesn't match with updated values"
+ )
-async def main():
- client = pymongo.MongoClient(mongodb_url)
- print('Connected to MongoDB!')
- try:
- print('Refreshing prometheus config file for first time')
- await main_task(client)
- except Exception as error:
- print("Error in first configuration attempt!")
- print(error)
+async def main():
+ client = pymongo.MongoClient(mongodb_url)
+ print("Connected to MongoDB!")
- while(True):
- #Needs mongodb in replica mode as this feature relies in OpLog
- change_stream = client[target_database][{
- '$match': {
- #If you want to modify a particular job, delete and insert it again
- 'operationType': { '$in': ['insert', 'delete'] }
- }
- }])
- #Single thread, no race conditions and ops are queued up in order
- print("Listening to changes in prometheus jobs collection")
- for change in change_stream:
- print("Change detected, updating prometheus config")
+ print("Refreshing prometheus config file for first time")
await main_task(client)
- print()
except Exception as error:
- print(error)
- print("Detected failure while listening to prometheus jobs collection, retrying...")
- time.sleep(5)
+ print("Error in first configuration attempt!")
+ print(error)
+ while True:
+ try:
+ # Needs mongodb in replica mode as this feature relies in OpLog
+ change_stream = client[target_database]
+ [
+ {
+ "$match": {
+ # If you want to modify a particular job,
+ # delete and insert it again
+ "operationType": {"$in": ["insert", "delete"]}
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ )
+ # Single thread, no race conditions and ops are queued up in order
+ print("Listening to changes in prometheus jobs collection")
+ for change in change_stream:
+ print("Change detected, updating prometheus config")
+ await main_task(client)
+ print()
+ except Exception as error:
+ print(error)
+ print(
+ "Detected failure while listening to prometheus jobs collection, "
+ "retrying..."
+ )
+ time.sleep(5)