help="vnf name of the destination of the chain")\r
def main(argv):\r
- print "This is the son-emu network CLI."\r
- print "Arguments: %s" % str(argv)\r
args = vars(parser.parse_args(argv))\r
c = ZeroRpcClient()\r
next_node = self.getNodeByName(next_hop)
if next_hop == vnf_dst_name:
- return 0
+ return "path added between {0} and {1}".format(vnf_src_name, vnf_dst_name)
elif not isinstance( next_node, OVSSwitch ):
-"Next node: {0} is not a switch".format(next_hop1))
- return 0
+"Next node: {0} is not a switch".format(next_hop))
+ return "Next node: {0} is not a switch".format(next_hop)
switch_inport = self.DCNetwork_graph[current_hop][next_hop]['dst_port']
current_hop = next_hop
- return 1
\ No newline at end of file
+ return "destination node: {0} not reached".format(vnf_dst_name)
\ No newline at end of file