import time
import pycurl
import os
+import textwrap
+def wrap_text(text, width):
+ wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(width=width)
+ lines = text.splitlines()
+ return "\n".join(map(wrapper.fill, lines))
+def trunc_text(text, length):
+ if len(text) > length:
+ return text[:(length - 3)] + '...'
+ else:
+ return text
def check_client_version(obj, what, version='sol005'):
opstatus = nsr['operational-status'] if 'operational-status' in nsr else 'Not found'
configstatus = nsr['config-status'] if 'config-status' in nsr else 'Not found'
detailed_status = nsr['detailed-status'] if 'detailed-status' in nsr else 'Not found'
+ detailed_status = wrap_text(text=detailed_status,width=50)
if configstatus == "config_not_needed":
configstatus = "configured (no charms)"
- table = PrettyTable(['id', 'operation', 'status'])
+ table = PrettyTable(['id', 'operation', 'action_name', 'status'])
+ #print(yaml.safe_dump(resp))
for op in resp:
- table.add_row([op['id'], op['lcmOperationType'],
+ action_name = "N/A"
+ if op['lcmOperationType']=='action':
+ action_name = op['operationParams']['primitive']
+ table.add_row([op['id'], op['lcmOperationType'], action_name,
table.align = 'l'
for k, v in list(ns.items()):
if filter is None or filter in k:
- table.add_row([k, json.dumps(v, indent=2)])
+ table.add_row([k, wrap_text(text=json.dumps(v, indent=2),width=100)])
fullclassname = ctx.obj.__module__ + "." + ctx.obj.__class__.__name__
if fullclassname != 'osmclient.sol005.client.Client':
nsr_optdata = nsopdata['nsr:nsr']
for k, v in list(nsr_optdata.items()):
if filter is None or filter in k:
- table.add_row([k, json.dumps(v, indent=2)])
+ table.add_row([k, wrap_text(json.dumps(v, indent=2),width=100)])
table.align = 'l'
@click.option('--literal', is_flag=True,
help='print literally, no pretty table')
-@click.option('--filter', default=None)
+@click.option('--filter', default=None, help='restricts the information to the fields in the filter')
+@click.option('--kdu', default=None, help='KDU name (whose status will be shown)')
-def vnf_show(ctx, name, literal, filter):
+def vnf_show(ctx, name, literal, filter, kdu):
"""shows the info of a VNF instance
NAME: name or ID of the VNF instance
+ if kdu:
+ if literal:
+ raise ClientException('"--literal" option is incompatible with "--kdu" option')
+ if filter:
+ raise ClientException('"--filter" option is incompatible with "--kdu" option')
resp = ctx.obj.vnf.get(name)
+ if kdu:
+ ns_id = resp['nsr-id-ref']
+ op_data={}
+ op_data['member_vnf_index'] = resp['member-vnf-index-ref']
+ op_data['kdu_name'] = kdu
+ op_data['primitive'] = 'status'
+ op_data['primitive_params'] = {}
+ op_id = ctx.obj.ns.exec_op(ns_id, op_name='action', op_data=op_data, wait=False)
+ t = 0
+ while t<30:
+ op_info = ctx.obj.ns.get_op(op_id)
+ if op_info['operationState'] == 'COMPLETED':
+ print(op_info['detailed-status'])
+ return
+ time.sleep(5)
+ t += 5
+ print ("Could not determine KDU status")
+ if literal:
+ print(yaml.safe_dump(resp))
+ return
+ table = PrettyTable(['field', 'value'])
+ for k, v in list(resp.items()):
+ if filter is None or filter in k:
+ table.add_row([k, wrap_text(text=json.dumps(v,indent=2),width=100)])
+ table.align = 'l'
+ print(table)
except ClientException as e:
- if literal:
- print(yaml.safe_dump(resp))
- return
- table = PrettyTable(['field', 'value'])
- for k, v in list(resp.items()):
- if filter is None or filter in k:
- table.add_row([k, json.dumps(v, indent=2)])
- table.align = 'l'
- print(table)
@cli.command(name='ns-op-show', short_help='shows the info of a NS operation')
@click.option('--filter', default=None)
+@click.option('--literal', is_flag=True,
+ help='print literally, no pretty table')
-def ns_op_show(ctx, id, filter):
+def ns_op_show(ctx, id, filter, literal):
"""shows the detailed info of a NS operation
ID: operation identifier
+ if literal:
+ print(yaml.safe_dump(op_info))
+ return
table = PrettyTable(['field', 'value'])
for k, v in list(op_info.items()):
if filter is None or filter in k:
- table.add_row([k, json.dumps(v, indent=2)])
+ table.add_row([k, wrap_text(json.dumps(v, indent=2), 100)])
table.align = 'l'
table = PrettyTable(['field', 'value'])
for k, v in list(resp.items()):
- table.add_row([k, json.dumps(v, indent=2)])
+ table.add_row([k, wrap_text(json.dumps(v, indent=2), 100)])
table.align = 'l'
table = PrettyTable(['key', 'attribute'])
for k, v in list(resp.items()):
- table.add_row([k, json.dumps(v, indent=2)])
+ table.add_row([k, wrap_text(text=json.dumps(v, indent=2),width=100)])
table.align = 'l'
+# K8s cluster operations
+ prompt=True,
+ help='credentials file, i.e. a valid `.kube/config` file')
+ prompt=True,
+ help='Kubernetes version')
+ prompt=True,
+ help='VIM target, the VIM where the cluster resides')
+ prompt=True,
+ help='list of VIM networks, in JSON inline format, where the cluster is accessible via L3 routing, e.g. "{(k8s_net1:vim_network1) [,(k8s_net2:vim_network2) ...]}"')
+ default='',
+ help='human readable description')
+ default='kube-system',
+ help='namespace to be used for its operation, defaults to `kube-system`')
+ default=None,
+ help='list of CNI plugins, in JSON inline format, used in the cluster')
+# is_flag=True,
+# help='If set, K8s cluster is assumed to be ready for its use with OSM')
+# is_flag=True,
+# help='do not return the control immediately, but keep it \
+# until the operation is completed, or timeout')
+def k8scluster_add(ctx,
+ name,
+ creds,
+ version,
+ vim,
+ k8s_nets,
+ description,
+ namespace,
+ cni):
+ """adds a K8s cluster to OSM
+ NAME: name of the K8s cluster
+ """
+ try:
+ check_client_version(ctx.obj,
+ cluster = {}
+ cluster['name'] = name
+ with open(creds, 'r') as cf:
+ cluster['credentials'] = yaml.safe_load(
+ cluster['k8s_version'] = version
+ cluster['vim_account'] = vim
+ cluster['nets'] = yaml.safe_load(k8s_nets)
+ cluster['description'] = description
+ if namespace: cluster['namespace'] = namespace
+ if cni: cluster['cni'] = yaml.safe_load(cni)
+ ctx.obj.k8scluster.create(name, cluster)
+ except ClientException as e:
+ print(str(e))
+ exit(1)
+@cli.command(name='k8scluster-update', short_help='updates a K8s cluster')
+@click.option('--newname', help='New name for the K8s cluster')
+@click.option('--creds', help='credentials file, i.e. a valid `.kube/config` file')
+@click.option('--version', help='Kubernetes version')
+@click.option('--vim', help='VIM target, the VIM where the cluster resides')
+@click.option('--k8s-nets', help='list of VIM networks, in JSON inline format, where the cluster is accessible via L3 routing, e.g. "{(k8s_net1:vim_network1) [,(k8s_net2:vim_network2) ...]}"')
+@click.option('--description', help='human readable description')
+@click.option('--namespace', help='namespace to be used for its operation, defaults to `kube-system`')
+@click.option('--cni', help='list of CNI plugins, in JSON inline format, used in the cluster')
+def k8scluster_update(ctx,
+ name,
+ newname,
+ creds,
+ version,
+ vim,
+ k8s_nets,
+ description,
+ namespace,
+ cni):
+ """updates a K8s cluster
+ NAME: name or ID of the K8s cluster
+ """
+ try:
+ check_client_version(ctx.obj,
+ cluster = {}
+ if newname: cluster['name'] = newname
+ if creds:
+ with open(creds, 'r') as cf:
+ cluster['credentials'] = yaml.safe_load(
+ if version: cluster['k8s_version'] = version
+ if vim: cluster['vim_account'] = vim
+ if k8s_nets: cluster['nets'] = yaml.safe_load(k8s_nets)
+ if description: cluster['description'] = description
+ if namespace: cluster['namespace'] = namespace
+ if cni: cluster['cni'] = yaml.safe_load(cni)
+ ctx.obj.k8scluster.update(name, cluster)
+ except ClientException as e:
+ print(str(e))
+ exit(1)
+@click.option('--force', is_flag=True, help='forces the deletion from the DB (not recommended)')
+# is_flag=True,
+# help='do not return the control immediately, but keep it \
+# until the operation is completed, or timeout')
+def k8scluster_delete(ctx, name, force):
+ """deletes a K8s cluster
+ NAME: name or ID of the K8s cluster to be deleted
+ """
+ try:
+ check_client_version(ctx.obj,
+ ctx.obj.k8scluster.delete(name, force=force)
+ except ClientException as e:
+ print(str(e))
+ exit(1)
+@click.option('--filter', default=None,
+ help='restricts the list to the K8s clusters matching the filter')
+@click.option('--literal', is_flag=True,
+ help='print literally, no pretty table')
+def k8scluster_list(ctx, filter, literal):
+ """list all K8s clusters"""
+ try:
+ check_client_version(ctx.obj,
+ resp = ctx.obj.k8scluster.list(filter)
+ if literal:
+ print(yaml.safe_dump(resp))
+ return
+ table = PrettyTable(['Name', 'Id', 'Version', 'VIM', 'K8s-nets', 'Description'])
+ for cluster in resp:
+ table.add_row([cluster['name'], cluster['_id'], cluster['k8s_version'], cluster['vim_account'],
+ json.dumps(cluster['nets']), trunc_text(cluster.get('description',''),40)
+ ])
+ table.align = 'l'
+ print(table)
+ except ClientException as e:
+ print(str(e))
+ exit(1)
+@click.option('--literal', is_flag=True,
+ help='print literally, no pretty table')
+def k8scluster_show(ctx, name, literal):
+ """shows the details of a K8s cluster
+ NAME: name or ID of the K8s cluster
+ """
+ try:
+ resp = ctx.obj.k8scluster.get(name)
+ if literal:
+ print(yaml.safe_dump(resp))
+ return
+ table = PrettyTable(['key', 'attribute'])
+ for k, v in list(resp.items()):
+ table.add_row([k, wrap_text(text=json.dumps(v, indent=2),width=100)])
+ table.align = 'l'
+ print(table)
+ except ClientException as e:
+ print(str(e))
+ exit(1)
+# Repo operations
+ type=click.Choice(['chart', 'bundle']),
+ prompt=True,
+ help='type of repo (chart for helm-charts, bundle for juju-bundles)')
+ default='',
+ help='human readable description')
+# is_flag=True,
+# help='do not return the control immediately, but keep it \
+# until the operation is completed, or timeout')
+def repo_add(ctx,
+ name,
+ uri,
+ type,
+ description):
+ """adds a repo to OSM
+ NAME: name of the repo
+ URI: URI of the repo
+ """
+ try:
+ check_client_version(ctx.obj,
+ repo = {}
+ repo['name'] = name
+ repo['url'] = uri
+ repo['type'] = type
+ repo['description'] = description
+ ctx.obj.repo.create(name, repo)
+ except ClientException as e:
+ print(str(e))
+ exit(1)
+@click.option('--newname', help='New name for the repo')
+@click.option('--uri', help='URI of the repo')
+@click.option('--type', type=click.Choice(['chart', 'bundle']),
+ help='type of repo (chart for helm-charts, bundle for juju-bundles)')
+@click.option('--description', help='human readable description')
+# is_flag=True,
+# help='do not return the control immediately, but keep it \
+# until the operation is completed, or timeout')
+def repo_update(ctx,
+ name,
+ newname,
+ uri,
+ type,
+ description):
+ """updates a repo in OSM
+ NAME: name of the repo
+ """
+ try:
+ check_client_version(ctx.obj,
+ repo = {}
+ if newname: repo['name'] = newname
+ if uri: repo['uri'] = uri
+ if type: repo['type'] = type
+ if description: repo['description'] = description
+ ctx.obj.repo.update(name, repo)
+ except ClientException as e:
+ print(str(e))
+ exit(1)
+@click.option('--force', is_flag=True, help='forces the deletion from the DB (not recommended)')
+# is_flag=True,
+# help='do not return the control immediately, but keep it \
+# until the operation is completed, or timeout')
+def repo_delete(ctx, name, force):
+ """deletes a repo
+ NAME: name or ID of the repo to be deleted
+ """
+ try:
+ check_client_version(ctx.obj,
+ ctx.obj.repo.delete(name, force=force)
+ except ClientException as e:
+ print(str(e))
+ exit(1)
+@click.option('--filter', default=None,
+ help='restricts the list to the repos matching the filter')
+@click.option('--literal', is_flag=True,
+ help='print literally, no pretty table')
+def repo_list(ctx, filter, literal):
+ """list all repos"""
+ try:
+ check_client_version(ctx.obj,
+ resp = ctx.obj.repo.list(filter)
+ if literal:
+ print(yaml.safe_dump(resp))
+ return
+ table = PrettyTable(['Name', 'Id', 'Type', 'URI', 'Description'])
+ for repo in resp:
+ #cluster['k8s-nets'] = json.dumps(yaml.safe_load(cluster['k8s-nets']))
+ table.add_row([repo['name'], repo['_id'], repo['type'], repo['url'], trunc_text(repo.get('description',''),40)])
+ table.align = 'l'
+ print(table)
+ except ClientException as e:
+ print(str(e))
+ exit(1)
+@click.option('--literal', is_flag=True,
+ help='print literally, no pretty table')
+def repo_show(ctx, name, literal):
+ """shows the details of a repo
+ NAME: name or ID of the repo
+ """
+ try:
+ resp = ctx.obj.repo.get(name)
+ if literal:
+ print(yaml.safe_dump(resp))
+ return
+ table = PrettyTable(['key', 'attribute'])
+ for k, v in list(resp.items()):
+ table.add_row([k, json.dumps(v, indent=2)])
+ table.align = 'l'
+ print(table)
+ except ClientException as e:
+ print(str(e))
+ exit(1)
# Project mgmt operations
@cli.command(name='ns-action', short_help='executes an action/primitive over a NS instance')
@click.option('--vnf_name', default=None, help='member-vnf-index if the target is a vnf instead of a ns)')
-@click.option('--vdu_id', default=None, help='vdu-id if the target is a vdu o a vnf')
+@click.option('--kdu_name', default=None, help='kdu-name if the target is a kdu)')
+@click.option('--vdu_id', default=None, help='vdu-id if the target is a vdu')
@click.option('--vdu_count', default=None, help='number of vdu instance of this vdu_id')
-@click.option('--action_name', prompt=True)
-@click.option('--params', default=None)
+@click.option('--action_name', prompt=True, help='action name')
+@click.option('--params', default=None, help='action params in YAML/JSON inline string')
+@click.option('--params_file', default=None, help='YAML/JSON file with action params')
def ns_action(ctx,
+ kdu_name,
+ params_file,
"""executes an action/primitive over a NS instance
op_data = {}
if vnf_name:
op_data['member_vnf_index'] = vnf_name
+ if kdu_name:
+ op_data['kdu_name'] = kdu_name
if vdu_id:
op_data['vdu_id'] = vdu_id
if vdu_count:
op_data['vdu_count_index'] = vdu_count
op_data['primitive'] = action_name
+ if params_file:
+ with open(params_file, 'r') as pf:
+ params =
if params:
op_data['primitive_params'] = yaml.safe_load(params)
op_data['primitive_params'] = {}
- ctx.obj.ns.exec_op(ns_name, op_name='action', op_data=op_data, wait=wait)
+ print(ctx.obj.ns.exec_op(ns_name, op_name='action', op_data=op_data, wait=wait))
except ClientException as e:
--- /dev/null
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+OSM K8s cluster API handling
+from osmclient.common import utils
+from osmclient.common.exceptions import ClientException
+from osmclient.common.exceptions import NotFound
+import json
+class K8scluster(object):
+ def __init__(self, http=None, client=None):
+ self._http = http
+ self._client = client
+ self._apiName = '/admin'
+ self._apiVersion = '/v1'
+ self._apiResource = '/k8sclusters'
+ self._apiBase = '{}{}{}'.format(self._apiName,
+ self._apiVersion, self._apiResource)
+ def create(self, name, k8s_cluster):
+ def get_vim_account_id(vim_account):
+ vim = self._client.vim.get(vim_account)
+ if vim is None:
+ raise NotFound("cannot find vim account '{}'".format(vim_account))
+ return vim['_id']
+ self._client.get_token()
+ k8s_cluster['vim_account'] = get_vim_account_id(k8s_cluster['vim_account'])
+ http_code, resp = self._http.post_cmd(endpoint=self._apiBase,
+ postfields_dict=k8s_cluster)
+ #print 'HTTP CODE: {}'.format(http_code)
+ #print 'RESP: {}'.format(resp)
+ if http_code in (200, 201, 202, 204):
+ if resp:
+ resp = json.loads(resp)
+ if not resp or 'id' not in resp:
+ raise ClientException('unexpected response from server - {}'.format(
+ resp))
+ print(resp['id'])
+ else:
+ msg = ""
+ if resp:
+ try:
+ msg = json.loads(resp)
+ except ValueError:
+ msg = resp
+ raise ClientException("failed to add K8s cluster {} - {}".format(name, msg))
+ def update(self, name, k8s_cluster):
+ self._client.get_token()
+ cluster = self.get(name)
+ http_code, resp = self._http.put_cmd(endpoint='{}/{}'.format(self._apiBase,cluster['_id']),
+ postfields_dict=k8s_cluster)
+ # print 'HTTP CODE: {}'.format(http_code)
+ # print 'RESP: {}'.format(resp)
+ if http_code in (200, 201, 202, 204):
+ pass
+ else:
+ msg = ""
+ if resp:
+ try:
+ msg = json.loads(resp)
+ except ValueError:
+ msg = resp
+ raise ClientException("failed to update K8s cluster {} - {}".format(name, msg))
+ def get_id(self, name):
+ """Returns a K8s cluster id from a K8s cluster name
+ """
+ for cluster in self.list():
+ if name == cluster['name']:
+ return cluster['_id']
+ raise NotFound("K8s cluster {} not found".format(name))
+ def delete(self, name, force=False):
+ self._client.get_token()
+ cluster_id = name
+ if not utils.validate_uuid4(name):
+ cluster_id = self.get_id(name)
+ querystring = ''
+ if force:
+ querystring = '?FORCE=True'
+ http_code, resp = self._http.delete_cmd('{}/{}{}'.format(self._apiBase,
+ cluster_id, querystring))
+ #print 'HTTP CODE: {}'.format(http_code)
+ #print 'RESP: {}'.format(resp)
+ if http_code == 202:
+ print('Deletion in progress')
+ elif http_code == 204:
+ print('Deleted')
+ else:
+ msg = ""
+ if resp:
+ try:
+ msg = json.loads(resp)
+ except ValueError:
+ msg = resp
+ raise ClientException("failed to delete K8s cluster {} - {}".format(name, msg))
+ def list(self, filter=None):
+ """Returns a list of K8s clusters
+ """
+ self._client.get_token()
+ filter_string = ''
+ if filter:
+ filter_string = '?{}'.format(filter)
+ resp = self._http.get_cmd('{}{}'.format(self._apiBase,filter_string))
+ if resp:
+ return resp
+ return list()
+ def get(self, name):
+ """Returns a K8s cluster based on name or id
+ """
+ self._client.get_token()
+ cluster_id = name
+ if not utils.validate_uuid4(name):
+ cluster_id = self.get_id(name)
+ resp = self._http.get_cmd('{}/{}'.format(self._apiBase,cluster_id))
+ if not resp or '_id' not in resp:
+ raise ClientException('failed to get K8s cluster info: '.format(resp))
+ else:
+ return resp
+ raise NotFound("K8s cluster {} not found".format(name))
--- /dev/null
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+OSM Repo API handling
+from osmclient.common import utils
+from osmclient.common.exceptions import ClientException
+from osmclient.common.exceptions import NotFound
+import json
+class Repo(object):
+ def __init__(self, http=None, client=None):
+ self._http = http
+ self._client = client
+ self._apiName = '/admin'
+ self._apiVersion = '/v1'
+ self._apiResource = '/k8srepos'
+ self._apiBase = '{}{}{}'.format(self._apiName,
+ self._apiVersion, self._apiResource)
+ def create(self, name, repo):
+ self._client.get_token()
+ http_code, resp = self._http.post_cmd(endpoint=self._apiBase,
+ postfields_dict=repo)
+ #print 'HTTP CODE: {}'.format(http_code)
+ #print 'RESP: {}'.format(resp)
+ if http_code in (200, 201, 202, 204):
+ if resp:
+ resp = json.loads(resp)
+ if not resp or 'id' not in resp:
+ raise ClientException('unexpected response from server - {}'.format(
+ resp))
+ print(resp['id'])
+ else:
+ msg = ""
+ if resp:
+ try:
+ msg = json.loads(resp)
+ except ValueError:
+ msg = resp
+ raise ClientException("failed to add repo {} - {}".format(name, msg))
+ def update(self, name, repo):
+ self._client.get_token()
+ repo_dict = self.get(name)
+ http_code, resp = self._http.put_cmd(endpoint='{}/{}'.format(self._apiBase,repo_dict['_id']),
+ postfields_dict=repo)
+ # print 'HTTP CODE: {}'.format(http_code)
+ # print 'RESP: {}'.format(resp)
+ if http_code in (200, 201, 202, 204):
+ pass
+ else:
+ msg = ""
+ if resp:
+ try:
+ msg = json.loads(resp)
+ except ValueError:
+ msg = resp
+ raise ClientException("failed to update repo {} - {}".format(name, msg))
+ def get_id(self, name):
+ """Returns a repo id from a repo name
+ """
+ self._client.get_token()
+ for repo in self.list():
+ if name == repo['name']:
+ return repo['_id']
+ raise NotFound("Repo {} not found".format(name))
+ def delete(self, name, force=False):
+ self._client.get_token()
+ repo_id = name
+ if not utils.validate_uuid4(name):
+ repo_id = self.get_id(name)
+ querystring = ''
+ if force:
+ querystring = '?FORCE=True'
+ http_code, resp = self._http.delete_cmd('{}/{}{}'.format(self._apiBase,
+ repo_id, querystring))
+ #print 'HTTP CODE: {}'.format(http_code)
+ #print 'RESP: {}'.format(resp)
+ if http_code == 202:
+ print('Deletion in progress')
+ elif http_code == 204:
+ print('Deleted')
+ else:
+ msg = ""
+ if resp:
+ try:
+ msg = json.loads(resp)
+ except ValueError:
+ msg = resp
+ raise ClientException("failed to delete repo {} - {}".format(name, msg))
+ def list(self, filter=None):
+ """Returns a list of repos
+ """
+ self._client.get_token()
+ filter_string = ''
+ if filter:
+ filter_string = '?{}'.format(filter)
+ resp = self._http.get_cmd('{}{}'.format(self._apiBase,filter_string))
+ if resp:
+ return resp
+ return list()
+ def get(self, name):
+ """Returns a repo based on name or id
+ """
+ self._client.get_token()
+ repo_id = name
+ if not utils.validate_uuid4(name):
+ repo_id = self.get_id(name)
+ resp = self._http.get_cmd('{}/{}'.format(self._apiBase,repo_id))
+ if not resp or '_id' not in resp:
+ raise ClientException('failed to get repo info: '.format(resp))
+ else:
+ return resp
+ raise NotFound("Repo {} not found".format(name))