+[![Build Status](http://jenkins.sonata-nfv.eu/buildStatus/icon?job=son-emu)](http://jenkins.sonata-nfv.eu/job/son-emu)
# Distributed Cloud Emulator
-Lead developers (able to merge pull requests):
+## Lead Developers
+The following lead developers are responsible for this repository and have admin rights. They can, for example, merge pull requests.
-* Manuel Peuster <manuel.peuster@upb.de>
-* Steven Van Rossem <steven.vanrossem@intec.ugent.be>
+* Manuel Peuster (mpeuster)
+* Steven Van Rossem (stevenvanrossem)
-### Requirements
+### Dependencies
* needs the latest [Dockernet](https://github.com/mpeuster/dockernet) to be installed on the system
- * the emulator is implemented against Dockernet's APIs
-* The emulator uses ZeroMQ based RPC to for communication between demo CLI client and cloud-like APIs
- * `pip install zerorpc`
- * (This will be replaced / extended by a REST API later)
+* pyaml
+* zerorpc
+* tabulate
+* argparse
+* networkx
+* six>=1.9
+* ryu
+* oslo.config
+* pytest
+* pytest-runner
+* Flask
+* flask_restful
### Project structure
* **src/emuvim/** all emulator code
* **api/** Data center API endpoint implementations (zerorpc, OpenStack REST, ...)
* **cli/** CLI client to interact with a running emulator
* **dcemulator/** Dockernet wrapper that introduces the notion of data centers and API endpoints
+ * **examples/** Example topology scripts
* **test/** Unit tests
- * **example_topology.py** An example topology script to show how topologies can be specified
+* **ansible/** Ansible install scripts
+* **util/** helper scripts
### Installation
Automatic installation is provide through Ansible playbooks.
* Requires: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
* `sudo apt-get install ansible git`
* `sudo vim /etc/ansible/hosts`
* Second terminal:
* `son-emu-cli monitor get_rate -vnf vnf1`
-#### Example scripts:
- * `./start_dcnetwork` starts an example datacenter network with monitoring api endpoint
- * `./start_example_chain` sets up an example service chain, using the example docker container from `package_samples` https://github.com/sonata-nfv/packaging_samples/tree/master/VNFs
### Run Unit Tests
* `cd ~/son-emu`
* `sudo py.test -v src/emuvim` (equivalent to `python setup.py test -v --addopts 'src/emuvim'` but with direct access to the commandline arguments)
+++ /dev/null
-# deploy VNFs
-son-emu-cli compute start -d datacenter1 -n tsrc -i traffic_source -c ./start.sh
-son-emu-cli compute start -d datacenter2 -n fw -i firewall -c ./start.sh
-son-emu-cli compute start -d long_data_center_name3 -n tsink -i traffic_sink -c ./start.sh
-# setup links in the chain
-son-emu-cli network add -src tsrc -dst fw
-son-emu-cli network add -src fw -dst tsink
-son-emu-cli network add -src tsink -dst tsrc
--- /dev/null
+# deploy VNFs
+son-emu-cli compute start -d datacenter1 -n tsrc -i traffic_source -c ./start.sh
+son-emu-cli compute start -d datacenter2 -n fw -i firewall -c ./start.sh
+son-emu-cli compute start -d long_data_center_name3 -n tsink -i traffic_sink -c ./start.sh
+# setup links in the chain
+son-emu-cli network add -src tsrc -dst fw
+son-emu-cli network add -src fw -dst tsink
+son-emu-cli network add -src tsink -dst tsrc