--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2022 Canonical Ltd.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import unittest
+from unittest.mock import Mock, patch
+from click.testing import CliRunner
+from osmclient.common.exceptions import ClientException
+from osmclient.scripts import osm
+class TestNS(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.runner = CliRunner()
+ self.ctx_obj = Mock()
+ def test_ns_create_with_vim_account(self, mock_client):
+ mock_client.return_value = self.ctx_obj
+ result = self.runner.invoke(
+ osm.cli_osm,
+ [
+ "ns-create",
+ "--ns_name",
+ "ns_name",
+ "--nsd_name",
+ "nsd_name",
+ "--vim_account",
+ "vim_account",
+ ],
+ )
+ self.ctx_obj.ns.create.assert_called_with(
+ "nsd_name",
+ "ns_name",
+ config=None,
+ ssh_keys=None,
+ vim_account="vim_account",
+ paas_account=None,
+ admin_status="ENABLED",
+ wait=False,
+ timeout=None,
+ )
+ assert not result.exception
+ def test_ns_create_with_paas_account(self, mock_client):
+ mock_client.return_value = self.ctx_obj
+ result = self.runner.invoke(
+ osm.cli_osm,
+ [
+ "ns-create",
+ "--ns_name",
+ "ns_name",
+ "--nsd_name",
+ "nsd_name",
+ "--paas_account",
+ "paas_account",
+ ],
+ )
+ self.ctx_obj.ns.create.assert_called_with(
+ "nsd_name",
+ "ns_name",
+ config=None,
+ ssh_keys=None,
+ vim_account=None,
+ paas_account="paas_account",
+ admin_status="ENABLED",
+ wait=False,
+ timeout=None,
+ )
+ assert not result.exception
+ def test_ns_create_with_paas_and_vim_account_raises_exception(self, mock_client):
+ mock_client.return_value = self.ctx_obj
+ result = self.runner.invoke(
+ osm.cli_osm,
+ [
+ "ns-create",
+ "--ns_name",
+ "ns_name",
+ "--nsd_name",
+ "nsd_name",
+ "--vim_account",
+ "vim_account",
+ "--paas_account",
+ "paas_account",
+ ],
+ )
+ self.ctx_obj.ns.create.assert_not_called()
+ expected_msg = '"vim_account" and "paas_account" can not be used together, use only one of them'
+ assert result.exception
+ assert isinstance(result.exception, ClientException)
+ assert expected_msg in str(result.exception)
+ def test_ns_creat_without_paas_or_vim_account_raises_exception(self, mock_client):
+ mock_client.return_value = self.ctx_obj
+ result = self.runner.invoke(
+ osm.cli_osm, ["ns-create", "--ns_name", "ns_name", "--nsd_name", "nsd_name"]
+ )
+ self.ctx_obj.ns.create.assert_not_called()
+ expected_msg = (
+ 'specify "vim_account" or "paas_account", both options can not be empty'
+ )
+ assert result.exception
+ assert isinstance(result.exception, ClientException)
+ assert expected_msg in str(result.exception)
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2022 Canonical Ltd.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import yaml
+import unittest
+from unittest.mock import Mock, MagicMock
+from osmclient.common.exceptions import ClientException, NotFound
+from osmclient.sol005.ns import Ns
+class TestNs(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.ns = Ns(Mock(), Mock())
+ self.set_http_header()
+ self.endpoint = "/nslcm/v1/ns_instances_content"
+ self.nsd_id = "nsd_id"
+ self.nsd_name = {"name": "nsd_name"}
+ self.nsr_name = {"name": "network service name"}
+ self.ns._client.nsd.get.return_value = {"_id": self.nsd_id}
+ def set_http_header(self):
+ headers = {"key_1": "value"}
+ self.ns._client._headers = MagicMock()
+ self.ns._client._headers.__getitem__.side_effect = headers.__getitem__
+ self.ns._client._headers.items = headers.items
+ def test_create_ns_vim_account(self):
+ vim_account = "my_vim_id"
+ timeout = 15
+ description = "description_for_my_NS"
+ self.ns._client.vim.get.return_value = {"_id": vim_account}
+ self.ns._http.post_cmd.return_value = (200, '{"id": "1234"}')
+ ns = {
+ "nsdId": self.nsd_id,
+ "nsName": self.nsr_name,
+ "nsDescription": description,
+ "vimAccountId": vim_account,
+ "timeout_ns_deploy": timeout,
+ }
+ resp_id = self.ns.create(
+ nsd_name=self.nsd_name,
+ nsr_name=self.nsr_name,
+ vim_account=vim_account,
+ paas_account=None,
+ description=description,
+ timeout=timeout,
+ )
+ self.ns._client.get_token.assert_called()
+ self.ns._client.nsd.get.assert_called_with(self.nsd_name)
+ self.ns._http.post_cmd.assert_called_with(
+ endpoint=self.endpoint, postfields_dict=ns
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(resp_id, "1234")
+ def test_create_ns_paas_account(self):
+ paas_account = "my_paas_id"
+ timeout = 10
+ description = "description_for_my_NS"
+ config = {
+ "additionalParamsForNs": {},
+ "additionalParamsForVnf": [
+ {"additional_param0": "val", "member-vnf-index": "index"}
+ ],
+ }
+ ns = {
+ "nsdId": self.nsd_id,
+ "nsName": self.nsr_name,
+ "nsDescription": description,
+ "paasAccountId": paas_account,
+ "timeout_ns_deploy": timeout,
+ "additionalParamsForNs": config["additionalParamsForNs"],
+ "additionalParamsForVnf": config["additionalParamsForVnf"],
+ }
+ self.ns._client.paas.get.return_value = {"_id": paas_account}
+ self.ns._http.post_cmd.return_value = (200, '{"id": "1234"}')
+ resp_id = self.ns.create(
+ nsd_name=self.nsd_name,
+ nsr_name=self.nsr_name,
+ vim_account=None,
+ paas_account=paas_account,
+ description=description,
+ timeout=timeout,
+ config=yaml.dump(config),
+ )
+ self.ns._client.get_token.assert_called()
+ self.ns._client.nsd.get.assert_called_with(self.nsd_name)
+ self.ns._http.post_cmd.assert_called_with(
+ endpoint=self.endpoint, postfields_dict=ns
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(resp_id, "1234")
+ def test_create_ns_paas_account_does_not_exist(self):
+ paas_account = "my_paas_id"
+ self.ns._client.paas.get.side_effect = NotFound()
+ with self.assertRaises(NotFound):
+ self.ns.create(
+ nsd_name=self.nsd_name,
+ nsr_name=self.nsr_name,
+ vim_account=None,
+ paas_account=paas_account,
+ )
+ self.ns._client.get_token.assert_called()
+ self.ns._client.nsd.get.assert_called_with(self.nsd_name)
+ self.ns._http.set_http_header.assert_not_called()
+ self.ns._http.post_cmd.assert_not_called()
+ def test_create_ns_paas_account_post_raises_exception(self):
+ paas_account = "my_paas_id"
+ ns = {
+ "nsdId": self.nsd_id,
+ "nsName": self.nsr_name,
+ "nsDescription": "default description",
+ "paasAccountId": paas_account,
+ }
+ self.ns._client.paas.get.return_value = {"_id": paas_account}
+ self.ns._http.post_cmd.side_effect = ClientException()
+ with self.assertRaises(ClientException):
+ self.ns.create(
+ nsd_name=self.nsd_name,
+ nsr_name=self.nsr_name,
+ vim_account=None,
+ paas_account=paas_account,
+ )
+ self.ns._client.get_token.assert_called()
+ self.ns._client.nsd.get.assert_called_with(self.nsd_name)
+ self.ns._http.post_cmd.assert_called_with(
+ endpoint=self.endpoint, postfields_dict=ns
+ )
+ def test_create_ns_paas_account_id_is_not_in_response(self):
+ paas_account = "my_paas_id"
+ ns = {
+ "nsdId": self.nsd_id,
+ "nsName": self.nsr_name,
+ "nsDescription": "default description",
+ "paasAccountId": paas_account,
+ }
+ self.ns._client.paas.get.return_value = {"_id": paas_account}
+ self.ns._http.post_cmd.return_value = (200, "{}")
+ with self.assertRaises(ClientException):
+ self.ns.create(
+ nsd_name=self.nsd_name,
+ nsr_name=self.nsr_name,
+ vim_account=None,
+ paas_account=paas_account,
+ )
+ self.ns._client.get_token.assert_called()
+ self.ns._client.nsd.get.assert_called_with(self.nsd_name)
+ self.ns._http.post_cmd.assert_called_with(
+ endpoint=self.endpoint, postfields_dict=ns
+ )
+ def invalid_config_test(self, config, exception):
+ paas_account = "my_paas_id"
+ self.ns._client.paas.get.return_value = {"_id": paas_account}
+ with self.assertRaises(ClientException) as e:
+ self.ns.create(
+ nsd_name=self.nsd_name,
+ nsr_name=self.nsr_name,
+ vim_account=None,
+ paas_account=paas_account,
+ config=yaml.dump(config),
+ )
+ assert str(e.value) == exception
+ self.ns._client.get_token.assert_called()
+ self.ns._client.nsd.get.assert_called_with(self.nsd_name)
+ self.ns._http.set_http_header.assert_not_called()
+ self.ns._http.post_cmd.assert_not_called()
+ def test_create_ns_paas_invalid_additional_params_ns(self):
+ config = {"additionalParamsForNs": [], "additionalParamsForVnf": {}}
+ exception = "Error at --config 'additionalParamsForNs' must be a dictionary"
+ self.invalid_config_test(config, exception)
+ def test_create_ns_paas_invalid_additional_params_vnf(self):
+ config = {"additionalParamsForNs": {}, "additionalParamsForVnf": {}}
+ exception = "Error at --config 'additionalParamsForVnf' must be a list"
+ self.invalid_config_test(config, exception)
+ def test_create_ns_paas_invalid_additional_param_vnf(self):
+ config = {"additionalParamsForNs": {}, "additionalParamsForVnf": [[]]}
+ exception = (
+ "Error at --config 'additionalParamsForVnf' items must be dictionaries"
+ )
+ self.invalid_config_test(config, exception)
+ def test_create_ns_paas_invalid_config_member_vnf_index_missing(self):
+ config = {
+ "additionalParamsForNs": {},
+ "additionalParamsForVnf": [{"additional_param0": "val"}],
+ }
+ exception = "Error at --config 'additionalParamsForVnf' items must contain 'member-vnf-index'"
+ self.invalid_config_test(config, exception)
+ def test_create_ns_without_paas_or_vim_account_raises_exception(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(ClientException) as e:
+ self.ns.create(
+ nsd_name=self.nsd_name,
+ nsr_name=self.nsr_name,
+ vim_account=None,
+ paas_account=None,
+ )
+ error_msg = "Both of vim_account and paas_account options are empty."
+ assert str(e.value) == error_msg
+ self.ns._client.get_token.assert_not_called()
+ self.ns._client.nsd.get.assert_not_called()
+ self.ns._http.set_http_header.assert_not_called()
+ self.ns._http.post_cmd.assert_not_called()
+ def test_create_ns_with_paas_and_vim_account_raises_exception(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(ClientException) as e:
+ self.ns.create(
+ nsd_name=self.nsd_name,
+ nsr_name=self.nsr_name,
+ vim_account="vim_account",
+ paas_account="paas_account",
+ )
+ error_msg = "Both of vim_account and paas_account options are set."
+ assert str(e.value) == error_msg
+ self.ns._client.get_token.assert_not_called()
+ self.ns._client.nsd.get.assert_not_called()
+ self.ns._http.set_http_header.assert_not_called()
+ self.ns._http.post_cmd.assert_not_called()