@cli.command(name='nsd-create', short_help='creates a new NSD/NSpkg')
-@click.option('--overwrite', 'overwrite', default=None,
- help='overwrite deprecated, use override')
+@click.option('--overwrite', 'overwrite', default=None, hidden=True,
+ help='Deprecated. Use override')
@click.option('--override', 'overwrite', default=None,
help='overrides fields in descriptor, format: '
@cli.command(name='nspkg-create', short_help='creates a new NSD/NSpkg')
-@click.option('--overwrite', 'overwrite', default=None,
- help='overwrite deprecated, use override')
+@click.option('--overwrite', 'overwrite', default=None, hidden=True,
+ help='Deprecated. Use override')
@click.option('--override', 'overwrite', default=None,
help='overrides fields in descriptor, format: '
@cli.command(name='vnfpkg-create', short_help='creates a new VNFD/VNFpkg')
-@click.option('--overwrite', 'overwrite', default=None,
- help='overwrite deprecated, use override')
+@click.option('--overwrite', 'overwrite', default=None, hidden=True,
+ help='Deprecated. Use override')
@click.option('--override', 'overwrite', default=None,
help='overrides fields in descriptor, format: '
@cli.command(name='nfpkg-create', short_help='creates a new NFpkg')
-@click.option('--overwrite', 'overwrite', default=None,
- help='overwrite deprecated, use override')
+@click.option('--overwrite', 'overwrite', default=None, hidden=True,
+ help='Deprecated. Use override')
@click.option('--override', 'overwrite', default=None,
help='overrides fields in descriptor, format: '
- help='do not return the control immediately, but keep it \
- until the operation is completed, or timeout')
+ help='do not return the control immediately, but keep it '
+ 'until the operation is completed, or timeout')
def ns_create(ctx,
@cli.command(name='nst-create', short_help='creates a new Network Slice Template (NST)')
-@click.option('--overwrite', 'overwrite', default=None,
- help='overwrites deprecated use override')
-@click.option('--override', 'overwrite' ,default=None,
+@click.option('--overwrite', 'overwrite', default=None, hidden=True,
+ help='Deprecated. Use override')
+@click.option('--override', 'overwrite', default=None,
help='overrides fields in descriptor, format: '
@cli.command(name='netslice-template-create', short_help='creates a new Network Slice Template (NST)')
-@click.option('--overwrite', 'overwrite', default=None,
- help='overwrites deprecated use override')
+@click.option('--overwrite', 'overwrite', default=None, hidden=True,
+ help='Deprecated. Use override')
@click.option('--override', 'overwrite', default=None,
help='overrides fields in descriptor, format: '
- help='do not return the control immediately, but keep it \
- until the operation is completed, or timeout')
+ help='do not return the control immediately, but keep it '
+ 'until the operation is completed, or timeout')
def nsi_create1(ctx, nst_name, nsi_name, vim_account, ssh_keys, config, config_file, wait):
"""creates a new Network Slice Instance (NSI)"""
- help='do not return the control immediately, but keep it \
- until the operation is completed, or timeout')
+ help='do not return the control immediately, but keep it '
+ 'until the operation is completed, or timeout')
def nsi_create2(ctx, nst_name, nsi_name, vim_account, ssh_keys, config, config_file, wait):
"""creates a new Network Slice Instance (NSI)"""
@click.option('--description', help='human readable description')
@click.option('--vim_account', help='list of VIM accounts (in the same VIM) that can reach this PDU', multiple=True)
-@click.option('--descriptor_file', default=None, help='PDU descriptor file (as an alternative to using the other arguments')
+@click.option('--descriptor_file', default=None,
+ help='PDU descriptor file (as an alternative to using the other arguments')
def pdu_create(ctx, name, pdu_type, interface, description, vim_account, descriptor_file):
"""creates a new Physical Deployment Unit (PDU)"""
- help='do not return the control immediately, but keep it \
- until the operation is completed, or timeout')
+ help='do not return the control immediately, but keep it '
+ 'until the operation is completed, or timeout')
def ns_delete(ctx, name, force, wait):
"""deletes a NS instance
- help='do not return the control immediately, but keep it \
- until the operation is completed, or timeout')
+ help='do not return the control immediately, but keep it '
+ 'until the operation is completed, or timeout')
def nsi_delete1(ctx, name, force, wait):
"""deletes a Network Slice Instance (NSI)
- help='do not return the control immediately, but keep it \
- until the operation is completed, or timeout')
+ help='do not return the control immediately, but keep it '
+ 'until the operation is completed, or timeout')
def vim_create(ctx,
- help='do not return the control immediately, but keep it \
- until the operation is completed, or timeout')
+ help='do not return the control immediately, but keep it '
+ 'until the operation is completed, or timeout')
def vim_update(ctx,
- help='do not return the control immediately, but keep it \
- until the operation is completed, or timeout')
+ help='do not return the control immediately, but keep it '
+ 'until the operation is completed, or timeout')
def vim_delete(ctx, name, force, wait):
"""deletes a VIM account
default='no description',
help='human readable description')
-@click.option('--wim_port_mapping', default=None, help="File describing the port mapping between DC edge (datacenters, switches, ports) and WAN edge (WAN service endpoint id and info)")
+@click.option('--wim_port_mapping', default=None,
+ help="File describing the port mapping between DC edge (datacenters, switches, ports) and WAN edge "
+ "(WAN service endpoint id and info)")
- help='do not return the control immediately, but keep it \
- until the operation is completed, or timeout')
+ help='do not return the control immediately, but keep it '
+ 'until the operation is completed, or timeout')
def wim_create(ctx,
@click.option('--config', help='WIM specific config parameters')
@click.option('--wim_type', help='WIM type')
@click.option('--description', help='human readable description')
-@click.option('--wim_port_mapping', default=None, help="File describing the port mapping between DC edge (datacenters, switches, ports) and WAN edge (WAN service endpoint id and info)")
+@click.option('--wim_port_mapping', default=None,
+ help="File describing the port mapping between DC edge (datacenters, switches, ports) and WAN edge "
+ "(WAN service endpoint id and info)")
- help='do not return the control immediately, but keep it \
- until the operation is completed, or timeout')
+ help='do not return the control immediately, but keep it until the operation is completed, or timeout')
def wim_update(ctx,
- help='do not return the control immediately, but keep it \
- until the operation is completed, or timeout')
+ help='do not return the control immediately, but keep it until the operation is completed, or timeout')
def wim_delete(ctx, name, force, wait):
"""deletes a WIM account
help='SDN controller type')
- help='SDN controller version')
- prompt=True,
- help='SDN controller IP address')
- prompt=True,
- help='SDN controller port')
- prompt=True,
- help='Switch DPID (Openflow Datapath ID)')
+@click.option('--sdn_controller_version', hidden=True,
+ help='Deprecated. Use --config {version: sdn_controller_version}')
+ help='URL in format http[s]://HOST:IP/')
+@click.option('--ip_address', hidden=True,
+ help='Deprecated. Use --url')
+@click.option('--port', hidden=True,
+ help='Deprecated. Use --url')
+@click.option('--switch_dpid', hidden=True,
+ help='Deprecated. Use --config {dpid: DPID}')
+ help='Extra information for SDN in yaml format, as {dpid: (Openflow Datapath ID), version: version}')
help='SDN controller username')
help='SDN controller password')
-# default='no description',
-# help='human readable description')
+@click.option('--description', default=None, help='human readable description')
- help='do not return the control immediately, but keep it \
- until the operation is completed, or timeout')
-def sdnc_create(ctx,
- name,
- type,
- sdn_controller_version,
- ip_address,
- port,
- switch_dpid,
- user,
- password,
- wait):
+ help="do not return the control immediately, but keep it until the operation is completed, or timeout")
+def sdnc_create(ctx, **kwargs):
"""creates a new SDN controller"""
- sdncontroller = {}
- sdncontroller['name'] = name
- sdncontroller['type'] = type
- sdncontroller['ip'] = ip_address
- sdncontroller['port'] = int(port)
- sdncontroller['dpid'] = switch_dpid
- if sdn_controller_version:
- sdncontroller['version'] = sdn_controller_version
- if user:
- sdncontroller['user'] = user
- if password:
- sdncontroller['password'] = password
-# sdncontroller['description'] = description
+ sdncontroller = {x: kwargs[x] for x in kwargs if kwargs[x] and
+ x not in ("wait", "ip_address", "port", "switch_dpid")}
+ if kwargs.get("port"):
+ print("option '--port' is deprecated, use '-url' instead")
+ sdncontroller["port"] = int(kwargs["port"])
+ if kwargs.get("ip_address"):
+ print("option '--ip_address' is deprecated, use '-url' instead")
+ sdncontroller["ip"] = kwargs["ip_address"]
+ if kwargs.get("switch_dpid"):
+ print("option '--switch_dpid' is deprecated, use '---config={dpid: DPID}' instead")
+ sdncontroller["dpid"] = kwargs["switch_dpid"]
+ if kwargs.get("sdn_controller_version"):
+ print("option '--sdn_controller_version' is deprecated, use '---config={version: SDN_CONTROLLER_VERSION}'"
+ " instead")
check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- ctx.obj.sdnc.create(name, sdncontroller, wait=wait)
+ ctx.obj.sdnc.create(kwargs["name"], sdncontroller, wait=kwargs["wait"])
except ClientException as e:
@cli.command(name='sdnc-update', short_help='updates an SDN controller')
@click.option('--newname', help='New name for the SDN controller')
+@click.option('--description', default=None, help='human readable description')
@click.option('--type', help='SDN controller type')
-@click.option('--sdn_controller_version', help='SDN controller username')
-@click.option('--ip_address', help='SDN controller IP address')
-@click.option('--port', help='SDN controller port')
-@click.option('--switch_dpid', help='Switch DPID (Openflow Datapath ID)')
+@click.option('--url', help='URL in format http[s]://HOST:IP/')
+@click.option('--config', help='Extra information for SDN in yaml format, as '
+ '{dpid: (Openflow Datapath ID), version: version}')
@click.option('--user', help='SDN controller username')
@click.option('--password', help='SDN controller password')
-#@click.option('--description', default=None, help='human readable description')
- required=False,
- default=False,
- is_flag=True,
- help='do not return the control immediately, but keep it \
- until the operation is completed, or timeout')
-def sdnc_update(ctx,
- name,
- newname,
- type,
- sdn_controller_version,
- ip_address,
- port,
- switch_dpid,
- user,
- password,
- wait):
+@click.option('--ip_address', hidden=True, help='Deprecated. Use --url')
+@click.option('--port', hidden=True, help='Deprecated. Use --url')
+@click.option('--switch_dpid', hidden=True, help='Deprecated. Use --config {switch_dpid: DPID}')
+@click.option('--sdn_controller_version', hidden=True, help='Deprecated. Use --config {version: VERSION}')
+@click.option('--wait', required=False, default=False, is_flag=True,
+ help='do not return the control immediately, but keep it until the operation is completed, or timeout')
+def sdnc_update(ctx, **kwargs):
"""updates an SDN controller
NAME: name or ID of the SDN controller
- sdncontroller = {}
- if newname: sdncontroller['name'] = newname
- if type: sdncontroller['type'] = type
- if ip_address: sdncontroller['ip'] = ip_address
- if port: sdncontroller['port'] = int(port)
- if switch_dpid: sdncontroller['dpid'] = switch_dpid
-# sdncontroller['description'] = description
- if sdn_controller_version is not None:
- if sdn_controller_version=="":
- sdncontroller['version'] = None
- else:
- sdncontroller['version'] = sdn_controller_version
- if user is not None:
- if user=="":
- sdncontroller['user'] = None
- else:
- sdncontroller['user'] = user
- if password is not None:
- if password=="":
- sdncontroller['password'] = None
- else:
- sdncontroller['password'] = user
+ sdncontroller = {x: kwargs[x] for x in kwargs if kwargs[x] and
+ x not in ("wait", "ip_address", "port", "switch_dpid", "new_name")}
+ if kwargs.get("newname"):
+ sdncontroller["name"] = kwargs["newname"]
+ if kwargs.get("port"):
+ print("option '--port' is deprecated, use '-url' instead")
+ sdncontroller["port"] = int(kwargs["port"])
+ if kwargs.get("ip_address"):
+ print("option '--ip_address' is deprecated, use '-url' instead")
+ sdncontroller["ip"] = kwargs["ip_address"]
+ if kwargs.get("switch_dpid"):
+ print("option '--switch_dpid' is deprecated, use '---config={dpid: DPID}' instead")
+ sdncontroller["dpid"] = kwargs["switch_dpid"]
+ if kwargs.get("sdn_controller_version"):
+ print("option '--sdn_controller_version' is deprecated, use '---config={version: SDN_CONTROLLER_VERSION}'"
+ " instead")
check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- ctx.obj.sdnc.update(name, sdncontroller, wait=wait)
+ ctx.obj.sdnc.update(kwargs["name"], sdncontroller, wait=kwargs["wait"])
except ClientException as e:
@cli.command(name='sdnc-delete', short_help='deletes an SDN controller')
@click.option('--force', is_flag=True, help='forces the deletion bypassing pre-conditions')
- required=False,
- default=False,
- is_flag=True,
- help='do not return the control immediately, but keep it \
- until the operation is completed, or timeout')
+@click.option('--wait', required=False, default=False, is_flag=True,
+ help='do not return the control immediately, but keep it until the operation is completed, or timeout')
def sdnc_delete(ctx, name, force, wait):
"""deletes an SDN controller
@cli.command(name='sdnc-list', short_help='list all SDN controllers')
@click.option('--filter', default=None,
- help='restricts the list to the SDN controllers matching the filter')
+ help="restricts the list to the SDN controllers matching the filter with format: 'k[.k..]=v[&k[.k]=v2]'")
def sdnc_list(ctx, filter):
"""list all SDN controllers"""
# help='If set, K8s cluster is assumed to be ready for its use with OSM')
# is_flag=True,
-# help='do not return the control immediately, but keep it \
-# until the operation is completed, or timeout')
+# help='do not return the control immediately, but keep it until the operation is completed, or timeout')
def k8scluster_add(ctx,
@click.option('--force', is_flag=True, help='forces the deletion from the DB (not recommended)')
# is_flag=True,
-# help='do not return the control immediately, but keep it \
-# until the operation is completed, or timeout')
+# help='do not return the control immediately, but keep it until the operation is completed, or timeout')
def k8scluster_delete(ctx, name, force):
"""deletes a K8s cluster
help='human readable description')
# is_flag=True,
-# help='do not return the control immediately, but keep it \
-# until the operation is completed, or timeout')
+# help='do not return the control immediately, but keep it until the operation is completed, or timeout')
def repo_add(ctx,
@click.option('--description', help='human readable description')
# is_flag=True,
-# help='do not return the control immediately, but keep it \
-# until the operation is completed, or timeout')
+# help='do not return the control immediately, but keep it until the operation is completed, or timeout')
def repo_update(ctx,
@click.option('--force', is_flag=True, help='forces the deletion from the DB (not recommended)')
# is_flag=True,
-# help='do not return the control immediately, but keep it \
-# until the operation is completed, or timeout')
+# help='do not return the control immediately, but keep it until the operation is completed, or timeout')
def repo_delete(ctx, name, force):
"""deletes a repo
- help='do not return the control immediately, but keep it \
- until the operation is completed, or timeout')
+ help='do not return the control immediately, but keep it until the operation is completed, or timeout')
def ns_action(ctx,