echo -e " ..."
echo -e " --lxdimages: download lxd images from OSM repository instead of creating them from scratch"
echo -e " -l <lxd_repo>: use specified repository url for lxd images"
+ echo -e " --vimemu: additionally fetch, build, and deploy the VIM emulator as a docker container"
echo -e " --develop: (deprecated, use '-b master') install OSM from source code using the master branch"
# echo -e " --reconfigure: reconfigure the modules (DO NOT change NAT rules)"
echo -e " --nat: install only NAT rules"
sleep 5
export VIMEMU_HOSTNAME=$(docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' vim-emu)
echo "vim-emu running at $VIMEMU_HOSTNAME ..."
- echo -e "You might be interested in adding the following env variables to your .bashrc file:"
+ echo -e "You might be interested in adding the following OSM client env variables to your .bashrc file:"
+ echo " export OSM_HOSTNAME=${OSM_HOSTNAME}"
+ echo -e "You might be interested in adding the following vim-emu env variables to your .bashrc file:"
echo -e "\nTo add the emulated VIM to OSM you should do:"
- echo " osm vim-create --name emu-vim1 --user username --password password --auth_url http://$VIM_EMU_IP:6001/v2.0 --tenant tenantName --account_type openstack"
+ echo " osm vim-create --name emu-vim1 --user username --password password --auth_url http://$VIMEMU_HOSTNAME:6001/v2.0 --tenant tenantName --account_type openstack"
function dump_vars(){