* **test/** Unit tests
* **example_topology.py** An example topology script to show how topologies can be specified
+### Installation
+Automatic installation is provide through an Ansible playbook.
+* Requires: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
+* `sudo apt-get install ansible git`
+* `sudo vim /etc/ansible/hosts`
+* Add: `localhost ansible_connection=local`
+#### 1. Dockernet
+* `git clone https://github.com/mpeuster/dockernet.git`
+* `cd dockernet/ansible`
+* `sudo ansible-playbook install.yml`
+* Wait (and have a coffee) ...
+#### 2. Emulator
+* `cd`
+* `git clone https://github.com/mpeuster/emulator-strawman.git`
+* `cd emulator-strawman/ansible`
+* `sudo ansible-playbook install.yml`
### Run
* First terminal:
* `sudo python example_topology.py`
- name: updates apt
apt: update_cache=yes
+ - name: install python-dev
+ apt: pkg=python-dev state=installed
+ - name: install python-zmq
+ apt: pkg=python-zmq state=installed
+ - name: install libzmq-dev
+ apt: pkg=libzmq-dev state=installed
- name: install pip
apt: pkg=python-pip state=installed