:param bidirectional: boolean value if the link needs to be implemented from src to dst and back
:param cookie: cookie value, identifier of the flow entry to be installed.
:param priority: integer indicating the priority of the flow entry
+ :param skip_vlan_tag: boolean to indicate whether a new vlan tag should be created for this chain
+ :param monitor: boolean to indicate whether a new vlan tag should be created for this chain
+ :param monitor_placement: 'tx'=place the monitoring flowrule at the beginning of the chain, 'rx'=place at the end of the chain
:return: message string indicating if the chain action is succesful or not
def _addMonitorFlow(self, vnf_src_name, vnf_dst_name, vnf_src_interface=None, vnf_dst_interface=None,
tag=None, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Add a monitoring flow entry that adds a special flowentry/counter at the begin or end of a chain.
+ So this monitoring flowrule exists on top of a previously defined chain rule and uses the same vlan tag/routing.
+ :param vnf_src_name:
+ :param vnf_dst_name:
+ :param vnf_src_interface:
+ :param vnf_dst_interface:
+ :param tag: vlan tag to be used for this chain (same tag as existing chain)
+ :param monitor_placement: 'tx' or 'rx' indicating to place the extra flowentry resp. at the beginning or end of the chain
+ :return:
+ """
src_sw = None
src_sw_inport_nr = 0
:param cookie: cookie for the installed flowrules (can be used later as identifier for a set of installed chains)
:param match: custom match entry to be added to the flowrules (default: only in_port and vlan tag)
:param priority: custom flowrule priority
+ :param monitor: boolean to indicate whether this chain is a monitoring chain
+ :param tag: vlan tag to be used for this chain (pre-defined or new one if none is specified)
:return: output log string