return "BUILD", "VMs: {}/{}, networks: {}/{}".format(vm_done, vm_total, net_done, net_total)
- def get_ns_vnf_ip(ns_descriptor):
+ def get_ns_vnf_info(ns_descriptor):
- Get a dict with the IPs of every vnf and vdu
+ Get a dict with the VIM_id, ip_addresses, mac_addresses of every vnf and vdu
:param ns_descriptor: instance descriptor obtained with"ns", )
- :return: dict with {member_vnf_index: ip_address, ... member_vnf_index.vdu_id: ip_address ...}
+ :return: dict with {<member_vnf_index>: {ip_address: XXXX, vdur:{ip_address: XXX, vim_id: XXXX}}}
- ns_ip = {"vnf": {}, "vdu": {}}
+ ns_info = {}
for vnf in ns_descriptor["vnfs"]:
if not vnf.get("ip_address"):
raise ROClientException("No ip_address returned for ns member_vnf_index '{}'".format(
vnf["member_vnf_index"]), http_code=500)
- ns_ip["vnf"][str(vnf["member_vnf_index"])] = vnf.get("ip_address")
- ns_ip["vdu"][str(vnf["member_vnf_index"])] = {}
+ vnfr_info = {
+ "ip_address": vnf.get("ip_address"),
+ "vdur": {}
+ }
for vm in vnf["vms"]:
- if vm.get("ip_address"):
- ns_ip["vdu"][str(vnf["member_vnf_index"])][vm["vdu_osm_id"]] = vm["ip_address"]
- return ns_ip
+ vdur = {
+ "vim_id": vm.get("vim_vm_id"),
+ "ip_address": vm.get("ip_address")
+ }
+ vnfr_info["vdur"][vm["vdu_osm_id"]] = vdur
+ ns_info[str(vnf["member_vnf_index"])] = vnfr_info
+ return ns_info
async def _get_item_uuid(self, session, item, item_id_name, all_tenants=False):
# if db_vim["_admin"]["operationalState"] == "PROCESSING":
# #TODO check if VIM is creating and wait
if db_vim["_admin"]["operationalState"] != "ENABLED":
- raise LcmException("VIM={} is not available. operationalSstatus={}".format(
+ raise LcmException("VIM={} is not available. operationalState={}".format(
vim_account, db_vim["_admin"]["operationalState"]))
RO_vim_id = db_vim["_admin"]["deployed"]["RO"]
vim_2_RO[vim_account] = RO_vim_id
# get all needed from database
db_nsr = None
db_nslcmop = None
+ db_vnfr = {}
exc = None
step = "Getting nsr, nslcmop, RO_vims from db"
db_nsr = self.db.get_one("nsrs", {"_id": nsr_id})
nsd = db_nsr["nsd"]
nsr_name = db_nsr["name"] # TODO short-name??
needed_vnfd = {}
+ vnfr_filter = {"nsr-id-ref": nsr_id, "member-vnf-index-ref": None}
for c_vnf in nsd["constituent-vnfd"]:
vnfd_id = c_vnf["vnfd-id-ref"]
+ vnfr_filter["member-vnf-index-ref"] = c_vnf["member-vnf-index"]
+ db_vnfr[c_vnf["member-vnf-index"]] = self.db.get_one("vnfrs", vnfr_filter)
if vnfd_id not in needed_vnfd:
step = "Getting vnfd={} from db".format(vnfd_id)
needed_vnfd[vnfd_id] = self.db.get_one("vnfds", {"id": vnfd_id})
self.logger.debug(logging_text + step + " RO_ns_id={}".format(RO_nsr_id))
await RO.delete("ns", RO_nsr_id)
RO_nsr_id = nsr_lcm["RO"]["nsr_id"] = None
if not RO_nsr_id:
step = db_nsr["detailed-status"] = "Creating ns at RO"
self.logger.debug(logging_text + step)
RO_nsr_id = nsr_lcm["RO"]["nsr_id"] = desc["uuid"]
db_nsr["_admin"]["nsState"] = "INSTANTIATED"
nsr_lcm["RO"]["nsr_status"] = "BUILD"
self.update_db("nsrs", nsr_id, db_nsr)
+ # update VNFR vimAccount
+ step = "Updating VNFR vimAcccount"
+ for vnf_index, vnfr in db_vnfr.items():
+ if vnfr.get("vim-account-id"):
+ continue
+ if db_nsr["instantiate_params"].get("vnf") and db_nsr["instantiate_params"]["vnf"].get(vnf_index) \
+ and db_nsr["instantiate_params"]["vnf"][vnf_index].get("vimAccountId"):
+ vnfr["vim-account-id"] = db_nsr["instantiate_params"]["vnf"][vnf_index]["vimAccountId"]
+ else:
+ vnfr["vim-account-id"] = db_nsr["instantiate_params"]["vimAccountId"]
+ self.update_db("vnfrs", vnfr["_id"], vnfr)
# wait until NS is ready
step = ns_status_detailed = "Waiting ns ready at RO"
db_nsr["detailed-status"] = ns_status_detailed + "; {}".format(ns_status_info)
self.update_db("nsrs", nsr_id, db_nsr)
elif ns_status == "ACTIVE":
- step = "Getting ns VNF management IP address"
- nsr_lcm["nsr_ip"] = RO.get_ns_vnf_ip(desc)
+ step = "Getting ns VIM information"
+ ns_RO_info = nsr_lcm["nsr_ip"] = RO.get_ns_vnf_info(desc)
assert False, "ROclient.check_ns_status returns unknown {}".format(ns_status)
deployment_timeout -= 5
if deployment_timeout <= 0:
raise ROclient.ROClientException("Timeout waiting ns to be ready")
+ step = "Updating VNFRs"
+ for vnf_index, vnfr_deployed in ns_RO_info.items():
+ vnfr = db_vnfr[vnf_index]
+ vnfr["ip-address"] = vnfr_deployed.get("ip_address")
+ for vdu_id, vdu_deployed in vnfr_deployed["vdur"].items():
+ for vdur in vnfr["vdur"]:
+ if vdur["vdu-id-ref"] == vdu_id:
+ vdur["vim-id"] = vdu_deployed.get("vim_id")
+ vdur["ip-address"] = vdu_deployed.get("ip_address")
+ break
+ self.update_db("vnfrs", vnfr["_id"], vnfr)
db_nsr["detailed-status"] = "Configuring vnfr"
self.update_db("nsrs", nsr_id, db_nsr)
# Setup the runtime parameters for this VNF
- params['rw_mgmt_ip'] = nsr_lcm['nsr_ip']["vnf"][vnf_index]
+ params['rw_mgmt_ip'] = db_vnfr[vnf_index]["ip-address"]
# ns_name will be ignored in the current version of N2VC
# but will be implemented for the next point release.
elif db_nslcmop["operationParams"].get("autoremove"):
self.db.del_one("nsrs", {"_id": nsr_id})
self.db.del_list("nslcmops", {"nsInstanceId": nsr_id})
+ self.db.del_list("vnfrs", {"nsr-id-ref": nsr_id})
db_nsr_update = {
"operational-status": "terminated",
db_nslcmop = None
db_nslcmop_update = None
exc = None
- step = "Getting nsr, nslcmop"
+ step = "Getting information from database"
db_nslcmop = self.db.get_one("nslcmops", {"_id": nslcmop_id})
db_nsr = self.db.get_one("nsrs", {"_id": nsr_id})
nsr_lcm = db_nsr["_admin"].get("deployed")