def get(self):
- Added a quick and dirty fake for the OSM integration. Returns a list of
- floating IPs. Has nothing to do with the setup inside the emulator.
- But its enough to make the OSM driver happy.
- @PG Sandman: Feel free to improve this and let it do something meaningful.
+ Returns a Floating IP for a port.
+ Currently ports are not mapped to individual IPs, but the
+ (potentially shared) Docker external IP is returned.
+ port_id = request.args.get("port_id")
+ if not port_id:
+ message = "Neutron: List API for FloatingIPs is not implemented"
+ LOG.exception(message)
+ return Response(message, status=500,
+ mimetype='application/json')
+ port = self.api.compute.find_port_by_name_or_id(port_id)
+ ip = port.assigned_container.dcinfo["NetworkSettings"]["IPAddress"]
resp = dict()
- resp["floatingips"] = list()
- # create a list of floting IP definitions and return it
- for i in range(100, 110):
- ip = dict()
- ip["router_id"] = "router_id"
- ip["description"] = "hardcoded in api"
- ip["created_at"] = "router_id"
- ip["updated_at"] = "router_id"
- ip["revision_number"] = 1
- ip["tenant_id"] = "tenant_id"
- ip["project_id"] = "project_id"
- ip["floating_network_id"] = str(i)
- ip["status"] = "ACTIVE"
- ip["id"] = str(i)
- ip["port_id"] = "port_id"
- ip["floating_ip_address"] = "172.0.0.%d" % i
- ip["fixed_ip_address"] = "10.0.0.%d" % i
- resp["floatingips"].append(ip)
+ resp["floatingips"] = [
+ {'floating_ip_address': ip}
+ ]
return Response(json.dumps(resp), status=200,