--- /dev/null
+# Centralized VCA for KNFs #
+## Proposer ##
+- David GarcĂa
+## Type ##
+## Target MDG/TF ##
+N2VC, LCM (minimal changes)
+## Description ##
+Make the VCA aware of the added k8sclusters in OSM, rather than bootstrap juju controllers to the k8sclusters
+### Implementation
+Current workflow:
+1. NBI gets a request to add a k8s cluster (osmclient: `osm k8scluster-add`)
+2. LCM handles the request
+ 2.1. Initializes helm-charm in the k8scluster
+ 2.2. Initializes juju-bundle in the k8scluster
+ 2.2.1. Use the k8s credentials to bootstrap a juju controller to the k8scluster
+ 2.2.2. Store the juju controller credentials in mongodb
+Proposed workflow:
+1. NBI gets a request to add a k8s cluster (osmclient: `osm k8scluster-add`) (no change)
+2. LCM handles the request
+ 2.1. Initializes helm-charm in the k8scluster (no change)
+ 2.2. Initializes juju-bundle in the k8scluster
+ 2.2.1. Use the k8s credentials to **add the k8s cluster as another cloud in the VCA**
+## Demo or definition of done ##
+This feature is considered complete when any k8scluster added to OSM is added as a cloud to the VCA, and the juju-bundles kdus are deployed to the k8scluster successfully.