--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2021 Canonical Ltd.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from typing import Any, Dict, NoReturn
+def safe_get_ee_relation(
+ nsr_id: str, ee_relation: Dict[str, Any], vnf_profile_id: str = None
+) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ return {
+ "nsr-id": nsr_id,
+ "vnf-profile-id": ee_relation.get("vnf-profile-id") or vnf_profile_id,
+ "vdu-profile-id": ee_relation.get("vdu-profile-id"),
+ "kdu-resource-profile-id": ee_relation.get("kdu-resource-profile-id"),
+ "execution-environment-ref": ee_relation.get("execution-environment-ref"),
+ "endpoint": ee_relation["endpoint"],
+ }
+class EELevel:
+ VDU = "vdu"
+ VNF = "vnf"
+ KDU = "kdu"
+ NS = "ns"
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_level(ee_relation: dict):
+ """Get the execution environment level"""
+ level = None
+ if (
+ not ee_relation["vnf-profile-id"]
+ and not ee_relation["vdu-profile-id"]
+ and not ee_relation["kdu-resource-profile-id"]
+ ):
+ level = EELevel.NS
+ elif (
+ ee_relation["vnf-profile-id"]
+ and not ee_relation["vdu-profile-id"]
+ and not ee_relation["kdu-resource-profile-id"]
+ ):
+ level = EELevel.VNF
+ elif (
+ ee_relation["vnf-profile-id"]
+ and ee_relation["vdu-profile-id"]
+ and not ee_relation["kdu-resource-profile-id"]
+ ):
+ level = EELevel.VDU
+ elif (
+ ee_relation["vnf-profile-id"]
+ and not ee_relation["vdu-profile-id"]
+ and ee_relation["kdu-resource-profile-id"]
+ ):
+ level = EELevel.KDU
+ else:
+ raise Exception("invalid relation endpoint")
+ return level
+class EERelation(dict):
+ """Represents the execution environment of a relation"""
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ relation_ee: Dict[str, Any],
+ ) -> NoReturn:
+ """
+ Args:
+ relation_ee: Relation Endpoint object in the VNFd or NSd.
+ Example:
+ {
+ "nsr-id": <>,
+ "vdu-profile-id": <>,
+ "kdu-resource-profile-id": <>,
+ "vnf-profile-id": <>,
+ "execution-environment-ref": <>,
+ "endpoint": <>,
+ }
+ """
+ for key, value in relation_ee.items():
+ self.__setitem__(key, value)
+ @property
+ def vdu_profile_id(self):
+ """Returns the vdu-profile id"""
+ return self["vdu-profile-id"]
+ @property
+ def kdu_resource_profile_id(self):
+ """Returns the kdu-resource-profile id"""
+ return self["kdu-resource-profile-id"]
+ @property
+ def vnf_profile_id(self):
+ """Returns the vnf-profile id"""
+ return self["vnf-profile-id"]
+ @property
+ def execution_environment_ref(self):
+ """Returns the reference to the execution environment (id)"""
+ return self["execution-environment-ref"]
+ @property
+ def endpoint(self):
+ """Returns the endpoint of the execution environment"""
+ return self["endpoint"]
+ @property
+ def nsr_id(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the nsr id"""
+ return self["nsr-id"]
+class Relation(dict):
+ """Represents a relation"""
+ def __init__(self, name, provider: EERelation, requirer: EERelation) -> NoReturn:
+ """
+ Args:
+ name: Name of the relation.
+ provider: Execution environment that provides the service for the relation.
+ requirer: Execution environment that requires the service from the provider.
+ """
+ self.__setitem__("name", name)
+ self.__setitem__("provider", provider)
+ self.__setitem__("requirer", requirer)
+ @property
+ def name(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the name of the relation"""
+ return self["name"]
+ @property
+ def provider(self) -> EERelation:
+ """Returns the provider endpoint"""
+ return self["provider"]
+ @property
+ def requirer(self) -> EERelation:
+ """Returns the requirer endpoint"""
+ return self["requirer"]
+class DeployedComponent(dict):
+ """Represents a deployed component (nsr["_admin"]["deployed"])"""
+ def __init__(self, data: Dict[str, Any]):
+ """
+ Args:
+ data: dictionary with the data of the deployed component
+ """
+ for key, value in data.items():
+ self.__setitem__(key, value)
+ @property
+ def vnf_profile_id(self):
+ """Returns the vnf-profile id"""
+ return self["member-vnf-index"]
+ @property
+ def ee_id(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ @property
+ def config_sw_installed(self) -> bool:
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+class DeployedK8sResource(DeployedComponent):
+ """Represents a deployed component for a kdu resource"""
+ def __init__(self, data: Dict[str, Any]):
+ super().__init__(data)
+ @property
+ def ee_id(self):
+ """Returns the execution environment id"""
+ model = self["kdu-instance"]
+ application_name = self["resource-name"]
+ return f"{model}.{application_name}.k8s"
+ @property
+ def config_sw_installed(self) -> bool:
+ return True
+class DeployedVCA(DeployedComponent):
+ """Represents a VCA deployed component"""
+ def __init__(self, nsr_id: str, deployed_vca: Dict[str, Any]) -> NoReturn:
+ """
+ Args:
+ db_nsr: NS record
+ vca_index: Vca index for the deployed VCA
+ """
+ super().__init__(deployed_vca)
+ self.nsr_id = nsr_id
+ @property
+ def ee_id(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the execution environment id"""
+ return self["ee_id"]
+ @property
+ def vdu_profile_id(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the vdu-profile id"""
+ return self["vdu_id"]
+ @property
+ def execution_environment_ref(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the execution environment id"""
+ return self["ee_descriptor_id"]
+ @property
+ def config_sw_installed(self) -> bool:
+ return self.get("config_sw_installed", False)
import asyncio
+from typing import Any, Dict
import yaml
import logging
import logging.handlers
from osm_lcm import ROclient
-from osm_lcm.data_utils.nsr import get_deployed_kdu
+from osm_lcm.data_utils.nsr import (
+ get_deployed_kdu,
+ get_deployed_vca,
+ get_deployed_vca_list,
+ get_nsd,
+from osm_lcm.data_utils.vca import (
+ DeployedComponent,
+ DeployedK8sResource,
+ DeployedVCA,
+ EELevel,
+ Relation,
+ EERelation,
+ safe_get_ee_relation,
from osm_lcm.ng_ro import NgRoClient, NgRoException
from osm_lcm.lcm_utils import (
-from osm_lcm.data_utils.nsd import get_vnf_profiles
+from osm_lcm.data_utils.nsd import (
+ get_ns_configuration_relation_list,
+ get_vnf_profile,
+ get_vnf_profiles,
from osm_lcm.data_utils.vnfd import (
+ get_relation_list,
- get_kdu_profile,
+ get_kdu_resource_profile,
from osm_lcm.data_utils.list_utils import find_in_list
from osm_lcm.data_utils.vnfr import get_osm_params, get_vdur_index, get_kdur
from osm_lcm.data_utils.dict_utils import parse_yaml_strings
from osm_lcm.data_utils.database.vim_account import VimAccountDB
+from n2vc.definitions import RelationEndpoint
from n2vc.k8s_helm_conn import K8sHelmConnector
from n2vc.k8s_helm3_conn import K8sHelm3Connector
from n2vc.k8s_juju_conn import K8sJujuConnector
await self._add_vca_relations(
- vca_index=vca_index,
- vca_id=vca_id,
+ vca_index=vca_index,
# if SSH access is required, then get execution environment SSH public
self.logger.debug(logging_text + "Exit")
self.lcm_tasks.remove("ns", nsr_id, nslcmop_id, "ns_instantiate")
+ def _get_vnfd(self, vnfd_id: str, cached_vnfds: Dict[str, Any]):
+ if vnfd_id not in cached_vnfds:
+ cached_vnfds[vnfd_id] = self.db.get_one("vnfds", {"id": vnfd_id})
+ return cached_vnfds[vnfd_id]
+ def _get_vnfr(self, nsr_id: str, vnf_profile_id: str, cached_vnfrs: Dict[str, Any]):
+ if vnf_profile_id not in cached_vnfrs:
+ cached_vnfrs[vnf_profile_id] = self.db.get_one(
+ "vnfrs",
+ {
+ "member-vnf-index-ref": vnf_profile_id,
+ "nsr-id-ref": nsr_id,
+ },
+ )
+ return cached_vnfrs[vnf_profile_id]
+ def _is_deployed_vca_in_relation(
+ self, vca: DeployedVCA, relation: Relation
+ ) -> bool:
+ found = False
+ for endpoint in (relation.provider, relation.requirer):
+ if endpoint["kdu-resource-profile-id"]:
+ continue
+ found = (
+ vca.vnf_profile_id == endpoint.vnf_profile_id
+ and vca.vdu_profile_id == endpoint.vdu_profile_id
+ and vca.execution_environment_ref == endpoint.execution_environment_ref
+ )
+ if found:
+ break
+ return found
+ def _update_ee_relation_data_with_implicit_data(
+ self, nsr_id, nsd, ee_relation_data, cached_vnfds, vnf_profile_id: str = None
+ ):
+ ee_relation_data = safe_get_ee_relation(
+ nsr_id, ee_relation_data, vnf_profile_id=vnf_profile_id
+ )
+ ee_relation_level = EELevel.get_level(ee_relation_data)
+ if (ee_relation_level in (EELevel.VNF, EELevel.VDU)) and not ee_relation_data[
+ "execution-environment-ref"
+ ]:
+ vnf_profile = get_vnf_profile(nsd, ee_relation_data["vnf-profile-id"])
+ vnfd_id = vnf_profile["vnfd-id"]
+ db_vnfd = self._get_vnfd(vnfd_id, cached_vnfds)
+ entity_id = (
+ vnfd_id
+ if ee_relation_level == EELevel.VNF
+ else ee_relation_data["vdu-profile-id"]
+ )
+ ee = get_juju_ee_ref(db_vnfd, entity_id)
+ if not ee:
+ raise Exception(
+ f"not execution environments found for ee_relation {ee_relation_data}"
+ )
+ ee_relation_data["execution-environment-ref"] = ee["id"]
+ return ee_relation_data
+ def _get_ns_relations(
+ self,
+ nsr_id: str,
+ nsd: Dict[str, Any],
+ vca: DeployedVCA,
+ cached_vnfds: Dict[str, Any],
+ ):
+ relations = []
+ db_ns_relations = get_ns_configuration_relation_list(nsd)
+ for r in db_ns_relations:
+ relation_provider = self._update_ee_relation_data_with_implicit_data(
+ nsr_id, nsd, r["provider"], cached_vnfds
+ )
+ relation_requirer = self._update_ee_relation_data_with_implicit_data(
+ nsr_id, nsd, r["requirer"], cached_vnfds
+ )
+ provider = EERelation(relation_provider)
+ requirer = EERelation(relation_requirer)
+ relation = Relation(r["name"], provider, requirer)
+ vca_in_relation = self._is_deployed_vca_in_relation(vca, relation)
+ if vca_in_relation:
+ relations.append(relation)
+ return relations
+ def _get_vnf_relations(
+ self,
+ nsr_id: str,
+ nsd: Dict[str, Any],
+ vca: DeployedVCA,
+ cached_vnfds: Dict[str, Any],
+ ):
+ relations = []
+ vnf_profile = get_vnf_profile(nsd, vca.vnf_profile_id)
+ vnf_profile_id = vnf_profile["id"]
+ vnfd_id = vnf_profile["vnfd-id"]
+ db_vnfd = self._get_vnfd(vnfd_id, cached_vnfds)
+ db_vnf_relations = get_relation_list(db_vnfd, vnfd_id)
+ for r in db_vnf_relations:
+ relation_provider = self._update_ee_relation_data_with_implicit_data(
+ nsr_id, nsd, r["provider"], cached_vnfds, vnf_profile_id=vnf_profile_id
+ )
+ relation_requirer = self._update_ee_relation_data_with_implicit_data(
+ nsr_id, nsd, r["requirer"], cached_vnfds, vnf_profile_id=vnf_profile_id
+ )
+ provider = EERelation(relation_provider)
+ requirer = EERelation(relation_requirer)
+ relation = Relation(r["name"], provider, requirer)
+ vca_in_relation = self._is_deployed_vca_in_relation(vca, relation)
+ if vca_in_relation:
+ relations.append(relation)
+ return relations
+ def _get_kdu_resource_data(
+ self,
+ ee_relation: EERelation,
+ db_nsr: Dict[str, Any],
+ cached_vnfds: Dict[str, Any],
+ ) -> DeployedK8sResource:
+ nsd = get_nsd(db_nsr)
+ vnf_profiles = get_vnf_profiles(nsd)
+ vnfd_id = find_in_list(
+ vnf_profiles,
+ lambda vnf_profile: vnf_profile["id"] == ee_relation.vnf_profile_id,
+ )["vnfd-id"]
+ db_vnfd = self._get_vnfd(vnfd_id, cached_vnfds)
+ kdu_resource_profile = get_kdu_resource_profile(
+ db_vnfd, ee_relation.kdu_resource_profile_id
+ )
+ kdu_name = kdu_resource_profile["kdu-name"]
+ deployed_kdu, _ = get_deployed_kdu(
+ db_nsr.get("_admin", ()).get("deployed", ()),
+ kdu_name,
+ ee_relation.vnf_profile_id,
+ )
+ deployed_kdu.update({"resource-name": kdu_resource_profile["resource-name"]})
+ return deployed_kdu
+ def _get_deployed_component(
+ self,
+ ee_relation: EERelation,
+ db_nsr: Dict[str, Any],
+ cached_vnfds: Dict[str, Any],
+ ) -> DeployedComponent:
+ nsr_id = db_nsr["_id"]
+ deployed_component = None
+ ee_level = EELevel.get_level(ee_relation)
+ if ee_level == EELevel.NS:
+ vca = get_deployed_vca(db_nsr, {"vdu_id": None, "member-vnf-index": None})
+ if vca:
+ deployed_component = DeployedVCA(nsr_id, vca)
+ elif ee_level == EELevel.VNF:
+ vca = get_deployed_vca(
+ db_nsr,
+ {
+ "vdu_id": None,
+ "member-vnf-index": ee_relation.vnf_profile_id,
+ "ee_descriptor_id": ee_relation.execution_environment_ref,
+ },
+ )
+ if vca:
+ deployed_component = DeployedVCA(nsr_id, vca)
+ elif ee_level == EELevel.VDU:
+ vca = get_deployed_vca(
+ db_nsr,
+ {
+ "vdu_id": ee_relation.vdu_profile_id,
+ "member-vnf-index": ee_relation.vnf_profile_id,
+ "ee_descriptor_id": ee_relation.execution_environment_ref,
+ },
+ )
+ if vca:
+ deployed_component = DeployedVCA(nsr_id, vca)
+ elif ee_level == EELevel.KDU:
+ kdu_resource_data = self._get_kdu_resource_data(
+ ee_relation, db_nsr, cached_vnfds
+ )
+ if kdu_resource_data:
+ deployed_component = DeployedK8sResource(kdu_resource_data)
+ return deployed_component
+ async def _add_relation(
+ self,
+ relation: Relation,
+ vca_type: str,
+ db_nsr: Dict[str, Any],
+ cached_vnfds: Dict[str, Any],
+ cached_vnfrs: Dict[str, Any],
+ ) -> bool:
+ deployed_provider = self._get_deployed_component(
+ relation.provider, db_nsr, cached_vnfds
+ )
+ deployed_requirer = self._get_deployed_component(
+ relation.requirer, db_nsr, cached_vnfds
+ )
+ if (
+ deployed_provider
+ and deployed_requirer
+ and deployed_provider.config_sw_installed
+ and deployed_requirer.config_sw_installed
+ ):
+ provider_db_vnfr = (
+ self._get_vnfr(
+ relation.provider.nsr_id,
+ relation.provider.vnf_profile_id,
+ cached_vnfrs,
+ )
+ if relation.provider.vnf_profile_id
+ else None
+ )
+ requirer_db_vnfr = (
+ self._get_vnfr(
+ relation.requirer.nsr_id,
+ relation.requirer.vnf_profile_id,
+ cached_vnfrs,
+ )
+ if relation.requirer.vnf_profile_id
+ else None
+ )
+ provider_vca_id = self.get_vca_id(provider_db_vnfr, db_nsr)
+ requirer_vca_id = self.get_vca_id(requirer_db_vnfr, db_nsr)
+ provider_relation_endpoint = RelationEndpoint(
+ deployed_provider.ee_id,
+ provider_vca_id,
+ relation.provider.endpoint,
+ )
+ requirer_relation_endpoint = RelationEndpoint(
+ deployed_requirer.ee_id,
+ requirer_vca_id,
+ relation.requirer.endpoint,
+ )
+ await self.vca_map[vca_type].add_relation(
+ provider=provider_relation_endpoint,
+ requirer=requirer_relation_endpoint,
+ )
+ # remove entry from relations list
+ return True
+ return False
async def _add_vca_relations(
+ vca_type: str,
vca_index: int,
timeout: int = 3600,
- vca_type: str = None,
- vca_id: str = None,
) -> bool:
# steps:
# 3. add relations
- vca_type = vca_type or "lxc_proxy_charm"
# STEP 1: find all relations for this VCA
# read nsr record
db_nsr = self.db.get_one("nsrs", {"_id": nsr_id})
- nsd = self.db.get_one("nsds", {"_id": db_nsr["nsd-id"]})
+ nsd = get_nsd(db_nsr)
# this VCA data
- my_vca = deep_get(db_nsr, ("_admin", "deployed", "VCA"))[vca_index]
- # read all ns-configuration relations
- ns_relations = list()
- db_ns_relations = deep_get(nsd, ("ns-configuration", "relation"))
- if db_ns_relations:
- for r in db_ns_relations:
- # check if this VCA is in the relation
- if my_vca.get("member-vnf-index") in (
- r.get("entities")[0].get("id"),
- r.get("entities")[1].get("id"),
- ):
- ns_relations.append(r)
- # read all vnf-configuration relations
- vnf_relations = list()
- db_vnfd_list = db_nsr.get("vnfd-id")
- if db_vnfd_list:
- for vnfd in db_vnfd_list:
- db_vnf_relations = None
- db_vnfd = self.db.get_one("vnfds", {"_id": vnfd})
- db_vnf_configuration = get_configuration(db_vnfd, db_vnfd["id"])
- if db_vnf_configuration:
- db_vnf_relations = db_vnf_configuration.get("relation", [])
- if db_vnf_relations:
- for r in db_vnf_relations:
- # check if this VCA is in the relation
- if my_vca.get("vdu_id") in (
- r.get("entities")[0].get("id"),
- r.get("entities")[1].get("id"),
- ):
- vnf_relations.append(r)
+ deployed_vca_dict = get_deployed_vca_list(db_nsr)[vca_index]
+ my_vca = DeployedVCA(nsr_id, deployed_vca_dict)
+ cached_vnfds = {}
+ cached_vnfrs = {}
+ relations = []
+ relations.extend(self._get_ns_relations(nsr_id, nsd, my_vca, cached_vnfds))
+ relations.extend(self._get_vnf_relations(nsr_id, nsd, my_vca, cached_vnfds))
# if no relations, terminate
- if not ns_relations and not vnf_relations:
+ if not relations:
self.logger.debug(logging_text + " No relations")
return True
- self.logger.debug(
- logging_text
- + " adding relations\n {}\n {}".format(
- ns_relations, vnf_relations
- )
- )
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + " adding relations {}".format(relations))
# add all relations
start = time()
self.logger.error(logging_text + " : timeout adding relations")
return False
- # reload nsr from database (we need to update record: _admin.deloyed.VCA)
+ # reload nsr from database (we need to update record: _admin.deployed.VCA)
db_nsr = self.db.get_one("nsrs", {"_id": nsr_id})
- # for each defined NS relation, find the VCA's related
- for r in ns_relations.copy():
- from_vca_ee_id = None
- to_vca_ee_id = None
- from_vca_endpoint = None
- to_vca_endpoint = None
- vca_list = deep_get(db_nsr, ("_admin", "deployed", "VCA"))
- for vca in vca_list:
- if vca.get("member-vnf-index") == r.get("entities")[0].get(
- "id"
- ) and vca.get("config_sw_installed"):
- from_vca_ee_id = vca.get("ee_id")
- from_vca_endpoint = r.get("entities")[0].get("endpoint")
- if vca.get("member-vnf-index") == r.get("entities")[1].get(
- "id"
- ) and vca.get("config_sw_installed"):
- to_vca_ee_id = vca.get("ee_id")
- to_vca_endpoint = r.get("entities")[1].get("endpoint")
- if from_vca_ee_id and to_vca_ee_id:
- # add relation
- await self.vca_map[vca_type].add_relation(
- ee_id_1=from_vca_ee_id,
- ee_id_2=to_vca_ee_id,
- endpoint_1=from_vca_endpoint,
- endpoint_2=to_vca_endpoint,
- vca_id=vca_id,
- )
- # remove entry from relations list
- ns_relations.remove(r)
- else:
- # check failed peers
- try:
- vca_status_list = db_nsr.get("configurationStatus")
- if vca_status_list:
- for i in range(len(vca_list)):
- vca = vca_list[i]
- vca_status = vca_status_list[i]
- if vca.get("member-vnf-index") == r.get("entities")[
- 0
- ].get("id"):
- if vca_status.get("status") == "BROKEN":
- # peer broken: remove relation from list
- ns_relations.remove(r)
- if vca.get("member-vnf-index") == r.get("entities")[
- 1
- ].get("id"):
- if vca_status.get("status") == "BROKEN":
- # peer broken: remove relation from list
- ns_relations.remove(r)
- except Exception:
- # ignore
- pass
- # for each defined VNF relation, find the VCA's related
- for r in vnf_relations.copy():
- from_vca_ee_id = None
- to_vca_ee_id = None
- from_vca_endpoint = None
- to_vca_endpoint = None
- vca_list = deep_get(db_nsr, ("_admin", "deployed", "VCA"))
- for vca in vca_list:
- key_to_check = "vdu_id"
- if vca.get("vdu_id") is None:
- key_to_check = "vnfd_id"
- if vca.get(key_to_check) == r.get("entities")[0].get(
- "id"
- ) and vca.get("config_sw_installed"):
- from_vca_ee_id = vca.get("ee_id")
- from_vca_endpoint = r.get("entities")[0].get("endpoint")
- if vca.get(key_to_check) == r.get("entities")[1].get(
- "id"
- ) and vca.get("config_sw_installed"):
- to_vca_ee_id = vca.get("ee_id")
- to_vca_endpoint = r.get("entities")[1].get("endpoint")
- if from_vca_ee_id and to_vca_ee_id:
- # add relation
- await self.vca_map[vca_type].add_relation(
- ee_id_1=from_vca_ee_id,
- ee_id_2=to_vca_ee_id,
- endpoint_1=from_vca_endpoint,
- endpoint_2=to_vca_endpoint,
- vca_id=vca_id,
- )
- # remove entry from relations list
- vnf_relations.remove(r)
- else:
- # check failed peers
- try:
- vca_status_list = db_nsr.get("configurationStatus")
- if vca_status_list:
- for i in range(len(vca_list)):
- vca = vca_list[i]
- vca_status = vca_status_list[i]
- if vca.get("vdu_id") == r.get("entities")[0].get(
- "id"
- ):
- if vca_status.get("status") == "BROKEN":
- # peer broken: remove relation from list
- vnf_relations.remove(r)
- if vca.get("vdu_id") == r.get("entities")[1].get(
- "id"
- ):
- if vca_status.get("status") == "BROKEN":
- # peer broken: remove relation from list
- vnf_relations.remove(r)
- except Exception:
- # ignore
- pass
- # wait for next try
- await asyncio.sleep(5.0)
+ # for each relation, find the VCA's related
+ for relation in relations.copy():
+ added = await self._add_relation(
+ relation,
+ vca_type,
+ db_nsr,
+ cached_vnfds,
+ cached_vnfrs,
+ )
+ if added:
+ relations.remove(relation)
- if not ns_relations and not vnf_relations:
+ if not relations:
self.logger.debug("Relations added")
+ await asyncio.sleep(5.0)
return True
scaling_info["vdu-create"][vdu_delta["id"]] = instances_number
for kdu_delta in delta.get("kdu-resource-delta", {}):
- kdu_profile = get_kdu_profile(db_vnfd, kdu_delta["id"])
+ kdu_profile = get_kdu_resource_profile(db_vnfd, kdu_delta["id"])
kdu_name = kdu_profile["kdu-name"]
resource_name = kdu_profile["resource-name"]
scaling_info["vdu-delete"][vdu_delta["id"]] = instances_number
for kdu_delta in delta.get("kdu-resource-delta", {}):
- kdu_profile = get_kdu_profile(db_vnfd, kdu_delta["id"])
+ kdu_profile = get_kdu_resource_profile(db_vnfd, kdu_delta["id"])
kdu_name = kdu_profile["kdu-name"]
resource_name = kdu_profile["resource-name"]