global net
- def put(self, vnf_name, vnf_interface=None, metric='tx_packets'):
+ def put(self, vnf_name, vnf_interface=None, metric='tx_packets', cookie=None):
logging.debug("REST CALL: start monitor VNF interface")
- c = net.monitor_agent.setup_metric(vnf_name, vnf_interface, metric)
+ if cookie:
+ c = net.monitor_agent.setup_flow(vnf_name, vnf_interface, metric, cookie)
+ else:
+ c = net.monitor_agent.setup_metric(vnf_name, vnf_interface, metric)
# return monitor message response
- return str(c), 200
+ return str(c), 200, CORS_HEADER
except Exception as ex:
logging.exception("API error.")
- return ex.message, 500
+ return ex.message, 500, CORS_HEADER
- def delete(self, vnf_name, vnf_interface=None, metric='tx_packets'):
+ def delete(self, vnf_name, vnf_interface=None, metric='tx_packets', cookie=None):
logging.debug("REST CALL: stop monitor VNF interface")
- c = net.monitor_agent.stop_metric(vnf_name, vnf_interface, metric)
+ if cookie:
+ c = net.monitor_agent.stop_flow(vnf_name, vnf_interface, metric, cookie)
+ else:
+ c = net.monitor_agent.stop_metric(vnf_name, vnf_interface, metric)
# return monitor message response
- return str(c), 200
+ return str(c), 200, CORS_HEADER
except Exception as ex:
logging.exception("API error.")
- return ex.message, 500
+ return ex.message, 500, CORS_HEADER
class MonitorFlowAction(Resource):
c = net.monitor_agent.stop_flow(vnf_name, vnf_interface, metric, cookie)
# return monitor message response
- return str(c), 200
+ return str(c), 200, CORS_HEADER
except Exception as ex:
logging.exception("API error.")
- return ex.message, 500
+ return ex.message, 500, CORS_HEADER
+class MonitorLinkAction(Resource):
+ """
+ Add or remove flow monitoring on chains between VNFs.
+ These chain links are implemented as flow entries in the networks' SDN switches.
+ The monitoring is an extra flow entry on top of the existing chain, with a specific match. (preserving the chaining)
+ The counters of this new monitoring flow are exported
+ :param vnf_src_name: VNF name of the source of the link
+ :param vnf_dst_name: VNF name of the destination of the link
+ :param vnf_src_interface: VNF interface name of the source of the link
+ :param vnf_dst_interface: VNF interface name of the destination of the link
+ :param weight: weight of the link (can be useful for routing calculations)
+ :param match: OpenFlow match format of the flow entry
+ :param bidirectional: boolean value if the link needs to be implemented from src to dst and back
+ :param cookie: cookie value, identifier of the flow entry to be installed.
+ :param priority: integer indicating the priority of the flow entry
+ :param skip_vlan_tag: boolean to indicate whether a new vlan tag should be created for this chain
+ :param monitor: boolean to indicate whether a new vlan tag should be created for this chain
+ :param monitor_placement: 'tx'=place the monitoring flowrule at the beginning of the chain, 'rx'=place at the end of the chain
+ :param metric: tx_packet_rate, tx_byte_rate, rx_packet_rate, rx_byte_rate
+ :return: message string indicating if the chain action is succesful or not
+ """
+ # the global net is set from the topology file, and connected via connectDCNetwork function in rest_api_endpoint.py
+ global net
+ def put(self, vnf_src_name, vnf_dst_name):
+ logging.debug("REST CALL: monitor link flow add")
+ try:
+ command = 'add-flow'
+ return self._MonitorLinkAction(vnf_src_name, vnf_dst_name, command=command)
+ except Exception as ex:
+ logging.exception("API error.")
+ return ex.message, 500
+ def delete(self, vnf_src_name, vnf_dst_name):
+ logging.debug("REST CALL: monitor link flow remove")
+ try:
+ command = 'del-flows'
+ return self._MonitorLinkAction(vnf_src_name, vnf_dst_name, command=command)
+ except Exception as ex:
+ logging.exception("API error.")
+ return ex.message, 500
+ def _MonitorLinkAction(self, vnf_src_name, vnf_dst_name, command=None):
+ # call DCNetwork method, not really datacenter specific API for now...
+ # no check if vnfs are really connected to this datacenter...
+ try:
+ # check if json data is a dict
+ data = request.json
+ if data is None:
+ data = {}
+ elif type(data) is not dict:
+ data = json.loads(request.json)
+ vnf_src_interface = data.get("vnf_src_interface")
+ vnf_dst_interface = data.get("vnf_dst_interface")
+ weight = data.get("weight")
+ match = data.get("match")
+ bidirectional = data.get("bidirectional")
+ cookie = data.get("cookie")
+ priority = data.get("priority")
+ skip_vlan_tag = data.get("skip_vlan_tag")
+ monitor = data.get("monitor")
+ monitor_placement = data.get("monitor_placement")
+ #first install monitor flow
+ c1 = net.setChain(
+ vnf_src_name, vnf_dst_name,
+ vnf_src_interface=vnf_src_interface,
+ vnf_dst_interface=vnf_dst_interface,
+ cmd=command,
+ weight=weight,
+ match=match,
+ bidirectional=bidirectional,
+ cookie=cookie,
+ priority=priority,
+ skip_vlan_tag=skip_vlan_tag,
+ monitor=monitor,
+ monitor_placement=monitor_placement)
+ #then export monitor flow
+ metric = data.get("metric")
+ if 'rx' in monitor_placement:
+ vnf_name = vnf_dst_name
+ vnf_interface = vnf_dst_interface
+ elif 'tx' in monitor_placement:
+ vnf_name = vnf_src_name
+ vnf_interface = vnf_src_interface
+ c2 = 'command unknown'
+ if command == 'add-flow':
+ c2 = net.monitor_agent.setup_flow(vnf_name, vnf_interface, metric, cookie)
+ elif command == 'del-flows':
+ c2 = net.monitor_agent.stop_flow(vnf_name, vnf_interface, metric, cookie)
+ # return setChain response
+ return (str(c1) + " " + str(c2)), 200
+ except Exception as ex:
+ logging.exception("API error.")
- return ex.message, 500
++ return ex.message, 500, CORS_HEADER
+class MonitorSkewAction(Resource):
+ """
+ Monitor the counters of a VNF interface
+ :param vnf_name: name of the VNF to be monitored
+ :param resource: the resource to be monitored (cpu, mem, ...)
+ :return: message string indicating if the monitor action is succesful or not
+ """
+ global net
+ def put(self, vnf_name, resource_name='cpu'):
+ logging.debug("REST CALL: start monitor skewness")
+ try:
+ # configure skewmon
+ c = net.monitor_agent.update_skewmon(vnf_name, resource_name, action='start')
+ # return monitor message response
+ return str(c), 200
+ except Exception as ex:
+ logging.exception("API error.")
+ return ex.message, 500
+ def delete(self, vnf_name, resource_name='cpu'):
+ logging.debug("REST CALL: stop monitor skewness")
+ try:
+ # configure skewmon
+ c = net.monitor_agent.update_skewmon(vnf_name, resource_name, action='stop')
+ # return monitor message response
+ return str(c), 200
+ except Exception as ex:
+ logging.exception("API error.")
- return ex.message, 500
++ return ex.message, 500, CORS_HEADER