step = "Deployed at VIM"
self.logger.debug(logging_text + step)
- # wait for ip addres at RO, and optionally, insert public key in virtual machine
- # returns IP address
- async def insert_key_ro(self, logging_text, nsr_id, vnfr_id, vdu_id, vdu_index, pub_key=None, user=None):
- self.logger.debug(logging_text + "Starting insert_key_ro")
+ async def wait_vm_up_insert_key_ro(self, logging_text, nsr_id, vnfr_id, vdu_id, vdu_index, pub_key=None, user=None):
+ """
+ Wait for ip addres at RO, and optionally, insert public key in virtual machine
+ :param logging_text: prefix use for logging
+ :param nsr_id:
+ :param vnfr_id:
+ :param vdu_id:
+ :param vdu_index:
+ :param pub_key: public ssh key to inject, None to skip
+ :param user: user to apply the public ssh key
+ :return: IP address
+ """
+ # self.logger.debug(logging_text + "Starting wait_vm_up_insert_key_ro")
ro_nsr_id = None
ip_address = None
nb_tries = 0
if not target_vdu_id:
- self.logger.debug(logging_text + "IP address={}".format(ip_address))
+ # self.logger.debug(logging_text + "IP address={}".format(ip_address))
# inject public key into machine
if pub_key and user:
- self.logger.debug(logging_text + "Inserting RO key")
+ # self.logger.debug(logging_text + "Inserting RO key")
ro_vm_id = "{}-{}".format(db_vnfr["member-vnf-index-ref"], target_vdu_id) # TODO add vdu_index
result_dict = await self.RO.create_action(
except ROclient.ROClientException as e:
+ if not nb_tries:
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + "error injecting key: {}. Retrying until {} seconds".
+ format(e, 20*10))
nb_tries += 1
- if nb_tries >= 10:
+ if nb_tries >= 20:
raise LcmException("Reaching max tries injecting key. Error: {}".format(e))
- self.logger.debug(logging_text + "error injecting key: {}".format(e))
# if SSH access is required, then get execution environment SSH public
required = deep_get(config_descriptor, ("config-access", "ssh-access", "required"))
+ pub_key = None
+ user = None
if is_proxy_charm and required:
- pub_key = None
+ user = deep_get(config_descriptor, ("config-access", "ssh-access", "default-user"))
+ step = "Install configuration Software, getting public ssh key"
pub_key = await self.n2vc.get_ee_ssh_public__key(
- user = deep_get(config_descriptor, ("config-access", "ssh-access", "default-user"))
- # insert pub_key into VM
- # n2vc_redesign STEP 5.1
step = "Insert public key into VM"
- self.logger.debug(logging_text + step)
+ else:
+ step = "Waiting to VM being up and getting IP address"
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + step)
- # wait for RO (ip-address)
- rw_mgmt_ip = await self.insert_key_ro(
+ # n2vc_redesign STEP 5.1
+ # wait for RO (ip-address) Insert pub_key into VM
+ rw_mgmt_ip = await self.wait_vm_up_insert_key_ro(
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + ' VM_ip_address={}'.format(rw_mgmt_ip))
- # store rw_mgmt_ip in deploy params for later substitution
- self.logger.debug('rw_mgmt_ip={}'.format(rw_mgmt_ip))
+ # store rw_mgmt_ip in deploy params for later replacement
deploy_params["rw_mgmt_ip"] = rw_mgmt_ip
# n2vc_redesign STEP 6 Execute initial config primitive
- initial_config_primitive_list = config_descriptor.get('initial-config-primitive')
step = 'execute initial config primitive'
+ initial_config_primitive_list = config_descriptor.get('initial-config-primitive')
# sort initial config primitives by 'seq'
initial_config_primitive_list.sort(key=lambda val: int(val['seq']))
- except Exception:
- self.logger.warn(logging_text + 'Cannot sort by "seq" field' + step)
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.logger.error(logging_text + step + ": " + str(e))
# add config if not present for NS charm
initial_config_primitive_list = self._get_initial_config_primitive_list(initial_config_primitive_list,
nslcmop_operation_state = None
db_vnfrs = {} # vnf's info indexed by member-index
# n2vc_info = {}
- # n2vc_key_list = [] # list of public keys to be injected as authorized to VMs
task_instantiation_list = []
exc = None
# n2vc_redesign STEP 1 Get VCA public ssh-key
# feature 1429. Add n2vc public key to needed VMs
n2vc_key = await self.n2vc.get_public_key()
+ n2vc_key_list = [n2vc_key]
+ if self.vca_config.get("public_key"):
+ n2vc_key_list.append(self.vca_config["public_key"])
# n2vc_redesign STEP 2 Deploy Network Scenario
task_ro = asyncio.ensure_future(
- n2vc_key_list=[n2vc_key]
+ n2vc_key_list=n2vc_key_list
self.lcm_tasks.register("ns", nsr_id, nslcmop_id, "instantiate_RO", task_ro)