return self._format_out(problem_details, None)
+ @staticmethod
+ def _format_login(token_info):
+ """
+ Changes cherrypy.request.login to include username/project_name;session so that cherrypy access log will
+ log this information
+ :param token_info: Dictionary with token content
+ :return: None
+ """
+ cherrypy.request.login = token_info.get("username", "-")
+ if token_info.get("project_name"):
+ cherrypy.request.login += "/" + token_info["project_name"]
+ if token_info.get("id"):
+ cherrypy.request.login += ";session=" + token_info["id"][0:12]
def token(self, method, token_id=None, kwargs=None):
token_info = None
indata = self._format_in(kwargs)
if not isinstance(indata, dict):
raise NbiException("Expected application/yaml or application/json Content-Type", HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST)
- try:
- if method == "GET":
+ if method == "GET":
+ token_info = self.authenticator.authorize()
+ # for logging
+ self._format_login(token_info)
+ if token_id:
+ outdata = self.authenticator.get_token(token_info, token_id)
+ else:
+ outdata = self.authenticator.get_token_list(token_info)
+ elif method == "POST":
+ try:
token_info = self.authenticator.authorize()
- if token_id:
- outdata = self.authenticator.get_token(token_info, token_id)
- else:
- outdata = self.authenticator.get_token_list(token_info)
- elif method == "POST":
- try:
- token_info = self.authenticator.authorize()
- except Exception:
- token_info = None
- if kwargs:
- indata.update(kwargs)
- outdata = self.authenticator.new_token(token_info, indata, cherrypy.request.remote)
- token_info = outdata
- cherrypy.session['Authorization'] = outdata["_id"]
- self._set_location_header("admin", "v1", "tokens", outdata["_id"])
- # cherrypy.response.cookie["Authorization"] = outdata["id"]
- # cherrypy.response.cookie["Authorization"]['expires'] = 3600
- elif method == "DELETE":
- if not token_id and "id" in kwargs:
- token_id = kwargs["id"]
- elif not token_id:
- token_info = self.authenticator.authorize()
- token_id = token_info["_id"]
- outdata = self.authenticator.del_token(token_id)
+ except Exception:
token_info = None
- cherrypy.session['Authorization'] = "logout"
- # cherrypy.response.cookie["Authorization"] = token_id
- # cherrypy.response.cookie["Authorization"]['expires'] = 0
- else:
- raise NbiException("Method {} not allowed for token".format(method), HTTPStatus.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED)
- return self._format_out(outdata, token_info)
- except (NbiException, EngineException, DbException, AuthException) as e:
- cherrypy.log("tokens Exception {}".format(e))
- cherrypy.response.status = e.http_code.value
- problem_details = {
- "code": e.http_code.name,
- "status": e.http_code.value,
- "detail": str(e),
- }
- return self._format_out(problem_details, token_info)
+ if kwargs:
+ indata.update(kwargs)
+ # This is needed to log the user when authentication fails
+ cherrypy.request.login = "{}".format(indata.get("username", "-"))
+ outdata = token_info = self.authenticator.new_token(token_info, indata, cherrypy.request.remote)
+ cherrypy.session['Authorization'] = outdata["_id"]
+ self._set_location_header("admin", "v1", "tokens", outdata["_id"])
+ # for logging
+ self._format_login(token_info)
+ # cherrypy.response.cookie["Authorization"] = outdata["id"]
+ # cherrypy.response.cookie["Authorization"]['expires'] = 3600
+ elif method == "DELETE":
+ if not token_id and "id" in kwargs:
+ token_id = kwargs["id"]
+ elif not token_id:
+ token_info = self.authenticator.authorize()
+ # for logging
+ self._format_login(token_info)
+ token_id = token_info["_id"]
+ outdata = self.authenticator.del_token(token_id)
+ token_info = None
+ cherrypy.session['Authorization'] = "logout"
+ # cherrypy.response.cookie["Authorization"] = token_id
+ # cherrypy.response.cookie["Authorization"]['expires'] = 0
+ else:
+ raise NbiException("Method {} not allowed for token".format(method), HTTPStatus.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED)
+ return self._format_out(outdata, token_info)
def test(self, *args, **kwargs):
if main_topic == "admin" and topic == "tokens":
return self.token(method, _id, kwargs)
- # self.engine.load_dbase(cherrypy.request.app.config)
token_info = self.authenticator.authorize(role_permission, query_string_operations)
engine_session = self._manage_admin_query(token_info, kwargs, method, _id)
indata = self._format_in(kwargs)
return self._format_out(problem_details, token_info)
# raise cherrypy.HTTPError(e.http_code.value, str(e))
+ finally:
+ if token_info:
+ self._format_login(token_info)
+ if method in ("PUT", "PATCH", "POST") and isinstance(outdata, dict):
+ for logging_id in ("id", "op_id", "nsilcmop_id", "nslcmop_id"):
+ if outdata.get(logging_id):
+ cherrypy.request.login += ";{}={}".format(logging_id, outdata[logging_id][:36])
def _start_service():