- @staticmethod
- def check_ns_status(ns_descriptor):
- """
- Inspect RO instance descriptor and indicates the status
- :param ns_descriptor: instance descriptor obtained with self.show("ns", )
- :return: status, message: status can be BUILD,ACTIVE,ERROR, message is a text message
- """
- error_list = []
- total = {"VMs": 0, "networks": 0, "SDN_networks": 0}
- done = {"VMs": 0, "networks": 0, "SDN_networks": 0}
- def _get_ref(desc):
- # return an identification for the network or vm. Try vim_id if exist, if not descriptor id for net
- if desc.get("vim_net_id"):
- return "'vim-net-id={}'".format(desc["vim_net_id"])
- elif desc.get("ns_net_osm_id"):
- return "'nsd-vld-id={}'".format(desc["ns_net_osm_id"])
- elif desc.get("vnf_net_osm_id"):
- return "'vnfd-vld-id={}'".format(desc["vnf_net_osm_id"])
- # for VM
- elif desc.get("vim_vm_id"):
- return "'vim-vm-id={}'".format(desc["vim_vm_id"])
- elif desc.get("vdu_osm_id"):
- return "'vnfd-vdu-id={}'".format(desc["vdu_osm_id"])
- else:
- return ""
- def _get_sdn_ref(sce_net_id):
- # look for the network associated to the SDN network and obtain the identification
- net = next(
- (x for x in ns_descriptor["nets"] if x.get("sce_net_id") == sce_net_id),
- None,
- )
- if not sce_net_id or not net:
- return ""
- return _get_ref(net)
- try:
- total["networks"] = len(ns_descriptor["nets"])
- for net in ns_descriptor["nets"]:
- if net["status"] in ("ERROR", "VIM_ERROR"):
- error_list.append(
- "Error at VIM network {}: {}".format(
- _get_ref(net), net["error_msg"]
- )
- )
- elif net["status"] == "ACTIVE":
- done["networks"] += 1
- total["SDN_networks"] = len(ns_descriptor["sdn_nets"])
- for sdn_net in ns_descriptor["sdn_nets"]:
- if sdn_net["status"] in ("ERROR", "VIM_ERROR", "WIM_ERROR"):
- error_list.append(
- "Error at SDN network {}: {}".format(
- _get_sdn_ref(sdn_net.get("sce_net_id")),
- sdn_net["error_msg"],
- )
- )
- elif sdn_net["status"] == "ACTIVE":
- done["SDN_networks"] += 1
- for vnf in ns_descriptor["vnfs"]:
- for vm in vnf["vms"]:
- total["VMs"] += 1
- if vm["status"] in ("ERROR", "VIM_ERROR"):
- error_list.append(
- "Error at VIM VM {}: {}".format(
- _get_ref(vm), vm["error_msg"]
- )
- )
- elif vm["status"] == "ACTIVE":
- done["VMs"] += 1
- if error_list:
- # skip errors caused because other dependendent task is on error
- return "ERROR", "; ".join(
- [
- el
- for el in error_list
- if "because depends on failed ACTION" not in el
- ]
- )
- if all(total[x] == done[x] for x in total): # DONE == TOTAL for all items
- return "ACTIVE", str(
- {x: total[x] for x in total if total[x]}
- ) # print only those which value is not 0
- else:
- return "BUILD", str(
- {x: "{}/{}".format(done[x], total[x]) for x in total if total[x]}
- )
- # print done/total for each item if total is not 0
- except Exception as e:
- raise ROClientException(
- "Unexpected RO ns descriptor. Wrong version? {}".format(e)
- ) from e
- @staticmethod
- def check_action_status(action_descriptor):
- """
- Inspect RO instance descriptor and indicates the status
- :param action_descriptor: action instance descriptor obtained with self.show("ns", "action")
- :return: status, message: status can be BUILD,ACTIVE,ERROR, message is a text message
- """
- net_total = 0
- vm_total = 0
- net_done = 0
- vm_done = 0
- other_total = 0
- other_done = 0
- for vim_action_set in action_descriptor["actions"]:
- for vim_action in vim_action_set["vim_wim_actions"]:
- if vim_action["item"] == "instance_vms":
- vm_total += 1
- elif vim_action["item"] == "instance_nets":
- net_total += 1
- else:
- other_total += 1
- if vim_action["status"] == "FAILED":
- return "ERROR", vim_action["error_msg"]
- elif vim_action["status"] in ("DONE", "SUPERSEDED", "FINISHED"):
- if vim_action["item"] == "instance_vms":
- vm_done += 1
- elif vim_action["item"] == "instance_nets":
- net_done += 1
- else:
- other_done += 1
- if net_total == net_done and vm_total == vm_done and other_total == other_done:
- return "ACTIVE", "VMs {}, networks: {}, other: {} ".format(
- vm_total, net_total, other_total
- )
- else:
- return "BUILD", "VMs: {}/{}, networks: {}/{}, other: {}/{}".format(
- vm_done, vm_total, net_done, net_total, other_done, other_total
- )
- @staticmethod
- def get_ns_vnf_info(ns_descriptor):
- """
- Get a dict with the VIM_id, ip_addresses, mac_addresses of every vnf and vdu
- :param ns_descriptor: instance descriptor obtained with self.show("ns", )
- :return: dict with:
- <member_vnf_index>:
- ip_address: XXXX,
- vdur:
- <vdu_osm_id>:
- ip_address: XXX
- vim_id: XXXX
- interfaces:
- <name>:
- ip_address: XXX
- mac_address: XXX
- """
- ns_info = {}
- for vnf in ns_descriptor["vnfs"]:
- if not vnf.get("ip_address") and vnf.get("vms"):
- raise ROClientException(
- "ns member_vnf_index '{}' has no IP address".format(
- vnf["member_vnf_index"]
- ),
- http_code=409,
- )
- vnfr_info = {"ip_address": vnf.get("ip_address"), "vdur": {}}
- for vm in vnf["vms"]:
- vdur = {
- "vim_id": vm.get("vim_vm_id"),
- "ip_address": vm.get("ip_address"),
- "interfaces": {},
- }
- for iface in vm["interfaces"]:
- if iface.get("type") == "mgmt" and not iface.get("ip_address"):
- raise ROClientException(
- "ns member_vnf_index '{}' vm '{}' management interface '{}' has no IP "
- "address".format(
- vnf["member_vnf_index"],
- vm["vdu_osm_id"],
- iface["external_name"],
- ),
- http_code=409,
- )
- vdur["interfaces"][iface["internal_name"]] = {
- "ip_address": iface.get("ip_address"),
- "mac_address": iface.get("mac_address"),
- "vim_id": iface.get("vim_interface_id"),
- }
- vnfr_info["vdur"][vm["vdu_osm_id"]] = vdur
- ns_info[str(vnf["member_vnf_index"])] = vnfr_info
- return ns_info
async def _get_item_uuid(self, session, item, item_id_name, all_tenants=False):
if all_tenants:
tenant_text = "/any"
return uuid
- async def _get_item(
- self,
- session,
- item,
- item_id_name,
- extra_item=None,
- extra_item_id=None,
- all_tenants=False,
- ):
- if all_tenants:
- tenant_text = "/any"
- elif all_tenants is None:
- tenant_text = ""
- else:
- if not self.tenant:
- await self._get_tenant(session)
- tenant_text = "/" + self.tenant
- if self.check_if_uuid(item_id_name):
- uuid = item_id_name
- else:
- # check that exist
- uuid = await self._get_item_uuid(session, item, item_id_name, all_tenants)
- url = "{}{}/{}/{}".format(self.uri, tenant_text, item, uuid)
- if extra_item:
- url += "/" + extra_item
- if extra_item_id:
- url += "/" + extra_item_id
- self.logger.debug("GET %s", url)
- # timeout = aiohttp.ClientTimeout(total=self.timeout_short)
- async with session.get(url, headers=self.headers_req) as response:
- response_text = await response.read()
- self.logger.debug(
- "GET {} [{}] {}".format(url, response.status, response_text[:100])
- )
- if response.status >= 300:
- raise ROClientException(
- self._parse_error_yaml(response_text), http_code=response.status
- )
- return self._parse_yaml(response_text, response=True)
async def _get_tenant(self, session):
if not self.tenant:
self.tenant = await self._get_item_uuid(
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
raise ROClientException("Timeout", http_code=504)
- async def show(
- self,
- item,
- item_id_name=None,
- extra_item=None,
- extra_item_id=None,
- all_tenants=False,
- ):
- """
- Obtain the information of an item from its id or name
- :param item: can be 'tenant', 'vim', 'vnfd', 'nsd', 'ns'
- :param item_id_name: RO id or name of the item. Raise and exception if more than one found
- :param extra_item: if supplied, it is used to add to the URL.
- Can be 'action' if item='ns'; 'networks' or'images' if item='vim'
- :param extra_item_id: if supplied, it is used get details of a concrete extra_item.
- :param all_tenants: True if not filtering by tenant. Only allowed for admin
- :return: dictionary with the information or raises ROClientException on Error, NotFound, found several
- """
- try:
- if item not in self.client_to_RO:
- raise ROClientException("Invalid item {}".format(item))
- if item == "tenant":
- all_tenants = None
- elif item == "vim":
- all_tenants = True
- elif item == "vim_account":
- all_tenants = False
- async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
- content = await self._get_item(
- session,
- self.client_to_RO[item],
- item_id_name,
- extra_item=extra_item,
- extra_item_id=extra_item_id,
- all_tenants=all_tenants,
- )
- return remove_envelop(item, content)
- except (aiohttp.ClientOSError, aiohttp.ClientError) as e:
- raise ROClientException(e, http_code=504)
- except asyncio.TimeoutError:
- raise ROClientException("Timeout", http_code=504)
async def delete(self, item, item_id_name=None, all_tenants=False):
Delete the information of an item from its id or name
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
raise ROClientException("Timeout", http_code=504)
- async def create_action(
- self, item, item_id_name, descriptor=None, descriptor_format=None, **kwargs
- ):
- """
- Performs an action over an item
- :param item: can be 'tenant', 'vnfd', 'nsd', 'ns', 'vim', 'vim_account', 'sdn'
- :param item_id_name: RO id or name of the item. Raise and exception if more than one found
- :param descriptor: can be a dict, or a yaml/json text. Autodetect unless descriptor_format is provided
- :param descriptor_format: Can be 'json' or 'yaml'
- :param kwargs: Overrides descriptor with values as name, description, vim_url, vim_url_admin, vim_type
- keys can be a dot separated list to specify elements inside dict
- :return: dictionary with the information or raises ROClientException on Error
- """
- try:
- if isinstance(descriptor, str):
- descriptor = self._parse(descriptor, descriptor_format)
- elif descriptor:
- pass
- else:
- descriptor = {}
- if item not in self.client_to_RO:
- raise ROClientException("Invalid item {}".format(item))
- desc = remove_envelop(item, descriptor)
- # Override descriptor with kwargs
- if kwargs:
- desc = self.update_descriptor(desc, kwargs)
- all_tenants = False
- if item in ("tenant", "vim"):
- all_tenants = None
- action = None
- if item == "vims":
- action = "sdn_mapping"
- elif item in ("vim_account", "ns"):
- action = "action"
- # create_desc = self._create_envelop(item, desc)
- create_desc = desc
- async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
- _all_tenants = all_tenants
- if item == "vim":
- _all_tenants = True
- # item_id = await self._get_item_uuid(session, self.client_to_RO[item], item_id_name,
- # all_tenants=_all_tenants)
- outdata = await self._create_item(
- session,
- self.client_to_RO[item],
- create_desc,
- item_id_name=item_id_name, # item_id_name=item_id
- action=action,
- all_tenants=_all_tenants,
- )
- return remove_envelop(item, outdata)
- except (aiohttp.ClientOSError, aiohttp.ClientError) as e:
- raise ROClientException(e, http_code=504)
- except asyncio.TimeoutError:
- raise ROClientException("Timeout", http_code=504)
async def attach(
self, item, item_id_name=None, descriptor=None, descriptor_format=None, **kwargs
raise ROClientException(e, http_code=504)
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
raise ROClientException("Timeout", http_code=504)
- # TODO convert to asyncio
- def edit_datacenter(
- self,
- uuid=None,
- name=None,
- descriptor=None,
- descriptor_format=None,
- all_tenants=False,
- **kwargs
- ):
- """Edit the parameters of a datacenter
- Params: must supply a descriptor or/and a parameter to change
- uuid or/and name. If only name is supplied, there must be only one or an exception is raised
- descriptor: with format {'datacenter':{params to change info}}
- must be a dictionary or a json/yaml text.
- parameters to change can be supplyied by the descriptor or as parameters:
- new_name: the datacenter name
- vim_url: the datacenter URL
- vim_url_admin: the datacenter URL for administrative issues
- vim_type: the datacenter type, can be openstack or openvim.
- public: boolean, available to other tenants
- description: datacenter description
- Return: Raises an exception on error, not found or found several
- Obtain a dictionary with format {'datacenter':{new_datacenter_info}}
- """
- if isinstance(descriptor, str):
- descriptor = self._parse(descriptor, descriptor_format)
- elif descriptor:
- pass
- elif kwargs:
- descriptor = {"datacenter": {}}
- else:
- raise ROClientException("Missing descriptor")
- if "datacenter" not in descriptor or len(descriptor) != 1:
- raise ROClientException(
- "Descriptor must contain only one 'datacenter' field"
- )
- for param in kwargs:
- if param == "new_name":
- descriptor["datacenter"]["name"] = kwargs[param]
- else:
- descriptor["datacenter"][param] = kwargs[param]
- return self._edit_item("datacenters", descriptor, uuid, name, all_tenants=None)
- def edit_scenario(
- self,
- uuid=None,
- name=None,
- descriptor=None,
- descriptor_format=None,
- all_tenants=False,
- **kwargs
- ):
- """Edit the parameters of a scenario
- Params: must supply a descriptor or/and a parameters to change
- uuid or/and name. If only name is supplied, there must be only one or an exception is raised
- descriptor: with format {'scenario':{params to change info}}
- must be a dictionary or a json/yaml text.
- parameters to change can be supplyied by the descriptor or as parameters:
- new_name: the scenario name
- public: boolean, available to other tenants
- description: scenario description
- tenant_id. Propietary tenant
- Return: Raises an exception on error, not found or found several
- Obtain a dictionary with format {'scenario':{new_scenario_info}}
- """
- if isinstance(descriptor, str):
- descriptor = self._parse(descriptor, descriptor_format)
- elif descriptor:
- pass
- elif kwargs:
- descriptor = {"scenario": {}}
- else:
- raise ROClientException("Missing descriptor")
- if "scenario" not in descriptor or len(descriptor) > 2:
- raise ROClientException("Descriptor must contain only one 'scenario' field")
- for param in kwargs:
- if param == "new_name":
- descriptor["scenario"]["name"] = kwargs[param]
- else:
- descriptor["scenario"][param] = kwargs[param]
- return self._edit_item("scenarios", descriptor, uuid, name, all_tenants=None)
- def vim_action(self, action, item, uuid=None, all_tenants=False, **kwargs):
- """Perform an action over a vim
- Params:
- action: can be 'list', 'get'/'show', 'delete' or 'create'
- item: can be 'tenants' or 'networks'
- uuid: uuid of the tenant/net to show or to delete. Ignore otherwise
- other parameters:
- datacenter_name, datacenter_id: datacenters to act on, if missing uses classes store datacenter
- descriptor, descriptor_format: descriptor needed on creation, can be a dict or a yaml/json str
- must be a dictionary or a json/yaml text.
- name: for created tenant/net Overwrite descriptor name if any
- description: tenant descriptor. Overwrite descriptor description if any
- Return: Raises an exception on error
- Obtain a dictionary with format {'tenant':{new_tenant_info}}
- """
- session = None # TODO remove when changed to asyncio
- if item not in ("tenants", "networks", "images"):
- raise ROClientException(
- "Unknown value for item '{}', must be 'tenants', 'nets' or "
- "images".format(str(item))
- )
- image_actions = ["list", "get", "show", "delete"]
- if item == "images" and action not in image_actions:
- raise ROClientException(
- "Only available actions for item '{}' are {}\n"
- "Requested action was '{}'".format(
- item, ", ".join(image_actions), action
- )
- )
- if all_tenants:
- tenant_text = "/any"
- else:
- tenant_text = "/" + self._get_tenant(session)
- if "datacenter_id" in kwargs or "datacenter_name" in kwargs:
- datacenter = self._get_item_uuid(
- session,
- "datacenters",
- kwargs.get("datacenter"),
- all_tenants=all_tenants,
- )
- else:
- datacenter = self._get_datacenter(session)
- if action == "list":
- url = "{}{}/vim/{}/{}".format(self.uri, tenant_text, datacenter, item)
- self.logger.debug("GET %s", url)
- mano_response = requests.get(url, headers=self.headers_req)
- self.logger.debug("RO response: %s", mano_response.text)
- content = self._parse_yaml(mano_response.text, response=True)
- if mano_response.status_code == 200:
- return content
- else:
- raise ROClientException(str(content), http_code=mano_response.status)
- elif action == "get" or action == "show":
- url = "{}{}/vim/{}/{}/{}".format(
- self.uri, tenant_text, datacenter, item, uuid
- )
- self.logger.debug("GET %s", url)
- mano_response = requests.get(url, headers=self.headers_req)
- self.logger.debug("RO response: %s", mano_response.text)
- content = self._parse_yaml(mano_response.text, response=True)
- if mano_response.status_code == 200:
- return content
- else:
- raise ROClientException(str(content), http_code=mano_response.status)
- elif action == "delete":
- url = "{}{}/vim/{}/{}/{}".format(
- self.uri, tenant_text, datacenter, item, uuid
- )
- self.logger.debug("DELETE %s", url)
- mano_response = requests.delete(url, headers=self.headers_req)
- self.logger.debug("RO response: %s", mano_response.text)
- content = self._parse_yaml(mano_response.text, response=True)
- if mano_response.status_code == 200:
- return content
- else:
- raise ROClientException(str(content), http_code=mano_response.status)
- elif action == "create":
- if "descriptor" in kwargs:
- if isinstance(kwargs["descriptor"], str):
- descriptor = self._parse(
- kwargs["descriptor"], kwargs.get("descriptor_format")
- )
- else:
- descriptor = kwargs["descriptor"]
- elif "name" in kwargs:
- descriptor = {item[:-1]: {"name": kwargs["name"]}}
- else:
- raise ROClientException("Missing descriptor")
- if item[:-1] not in descriptor or len(descriptor) != 1:
- raise ROClientException(
- "Descriptor must contain only one 'tenant' field"
- )
- if "name" in kwargs:
- descriptor[item[:-1]]["name"] = kwargs["name"]
- if "description" in kwargs:
- descriptor[item[:-1]]["description"] = kwargs["description"]
- payload_req = yaml.safe_dump(descriptor)
- # print payload_req
- url = "{}{}/vim/{}/{}".format(self.uri, tenant_text, datacenter, item)
- self.logger.debug("RO POST %s %s", url, payload_req)
- mano_response = requests.post(
- url, headers=self.headers_req, data=payload_req
- )
- self.logger.debug("RO response: %s", mano_response.text)
- content = self._parse_yaml(mano_response.text, response=True)
- if mano_response.status_code == 200:
- return content
- else:
- raise ROClientException(str(content), http_code=mano_response.status)
- else:
- raise ROClientException("Unknown value for action '{}".format(str(action)))
from osm_lcm.ng_ro import NgRoClient, NgRoException
from osm_lcm.lcm_utils import (
- LcmExceptionNoMgmtIP,
return None
- def _on_update_ro_db(self, nsrs_id, ro_descriptor):
- # self.logger.debug('_on_update_ro_db(nsrs_id={}'.format(nsrs_id))
- try:
- # TODO filter RO descriptor fields...
- # write to database
- db_dict = dict()
- # db_dict['deploymentStatus'] = yaml.dump(ro_descriptor, default_flow_style=False, indent=2)
- db_dict["deploymentStatus"] = ro_descriptor
- self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsrs_id, db_dict)
- except Exception as e:
- self.logger.warn(
- "Cannot write database RO deployment for ns={} -> {}".format(nsrs_id, e)
- )
async def _on_update_n2vc_db(self, table, filter, path, updated_data, vca_id=None):
# remove last dot from path (if exists)
if path.endswith("."):
additional_params = vdur.get("additionalParams")
return parse_yaml_strings(additional_params)
- def vnfd2RO(self, vnfd, new_id=None, additionalParams=None, nsrId=None):
- """
- Converts creates a new vnfd descriptor for RO base on input OSM IM vnfd
- :param vnfd: input vnfd
- :param new_id: overrides vnf id if provided
- :param additionalParams: Instantiation params for VNFs provided
- :param nsrId: Id of the NSR
- :return: copy of vnfd
- """
- vnfd_RO = deepcopy(vnfd)
- # remove unused by RO configuration, monitoring, scaling and internal keys
- vnfd_RO.pop("_id", None)
- vnfd_RO.pop("_admin", None)
- vnfd_RO.pop("monitoring-param", None)
- vnfd_RO.pop("scaling-group-descriptor", None)
- vnfd_RO.pop("kdu", None)
- vnfd_RO.pop("k8s-cluster", None)
- if new_id:
- vnfd_RO["id"] = new_id
- # parse cloud-init or cloud-init-file with the provided variables using Jinja2
- for vdu in get_iterable(vnfd_RO, "vdu"):
- vdu.pop("cloud-init-file", None)
- vdu.pop("cloud-init", None)
- return vnfd_RO
def ip_profile_2_RO(ip_profile):
RO_ip_profile = deepcopy(ip_profile)
RO_ip_profile["dhcp"] = RO_ip_profile.pop("dhcp-params")
return RO_ip_profile
- def _get_ro_vim_id_for_vim_account(self, vim_account):
- db_vim = self.db.get_one("vim_accounts", {"_id": vim_account})
- if db_vim["_admin"]["operationalState"] != "ENABLED":
- raise LcmException(
- "VIM={} is not available. operationalState={}".format(
- vim_account, db_vim["_admin"]["operationalState"]
- )
- )
- RO_vim_id = db_vim["_admin"]["deployed"]["RO"]
- return RO_vim_id
- def get_ro_wim_id_for_wim_account(self, wim_account):
- if isinstance(wim_account, str):
- db_wim = self.db.get_one("wim_accounts", {"_id": wim_account})
- if db_wim["_admin"]["operationalState"] != "ENABLED":
- raise LcmException(
- "WIM={} is not available. operationalState={}".format(
- wim_account, db_wim["_admin"]["operationalState"]
- )
- )
- RO_wim_id = db_wim["_admin"]["deployed"]["RO-account"]
- return RO_wim_id
- else:
- return wim_account
def scale_vnfr(self, db_vnfr, vdu_create=None, vdu_delete=None, mark_delete=False):
db_vdu_push_list = []
template_vdur = []
except DbException as e:
self.logger.error("Cannot update vnf. {}".format(e))
- def ns_update_vnfr(self, db_vnfrs, nsr_desc_RO):
- """
- Updates database vnfr with the RO info, e.g. ip_address, vim_id... Descriptor db_vnfrs is also updated
- :param db_vnfrs: dictionary with member-vnf-index: vnfr-content
- :param nsr_desc_RO: nsr descriptor from RO
- :return: Nothing, LcmException is raised on errors
- """
- for vnf_index, db_vnfr in db_vnfrs.items():
- for vnf_RO in nsr_desc_RO["vnfs"]:
- if vnf_RO["member_vnf_index"] != vnf_index:
- continue
- vnfr_update = {}
- if vnf_RO.get("ip_address"):
- db_vnfr["ip-address"] = vnfr_update["ip-address"] = vnf_RO[
- "ip_address"
- ].split(";")[0]
- elif not db_vnfr.get("ip-address"):
- if db_vnfr.get("vdur"): # if not VDUs, there is not ip_address
- raise LcmExceptionNoMgmtIP(
- "ns member_vnf_index '{}' has no IP address".format(
- vnf_index
- )
- )
- for vdu_index, vdur in enumerate(get_iterable(db_vnfr, "vdur")):
- vdur_RO_count_index = 0
- if vdur.get("pdu-type"):
- continue
- for vdur_RO in get_iterable(vnf_RO, "vms"):
- if vdur["vdu-id-ref"] != vdur_RO["vdu_osm_id"]:
- continue
- if vdur["count-index"] != vdur_RO_count_index:
- vdur_RO_count_index += 1
- continue
- vdur["vim-id"] = vdur_RO.get("vim_vm_id")
- if vdur_RO.get("ip_address"):
- vdur["ip-address"] = vdur_RO["ip_address"].split(";")[0]
- else:
- vdur["ip-address"] = None
- vdur["vdu-id-ref"] = vdur_RO.get("vdu_osm_id")
- vdur["name"] = vdur_RO.get("vim_name")
- vdur["status"] = vdur_RO.get("status")
- vdur["status-detailed"] = vdur_RO.get("error_msg")
- for ifacer in get_iterable(vdur, "interfaces"):
- for interface_RO in get_iterable(vdur_RO, "interfaces"):
- if ifacer["name"] == interface_RO.get("internal_name"):
- ifacer["ip-address"] = interface_RO.get(
- "ip_address"
- )
- ifacer["mac-address"] = interface_RO.get(
- "mac_address"
- )
- break
- else:
- raise LcmException(
- "ns_update_vnfr: Not found member_vnf_index={} vdur={} interface={} "
- "from VIM info".format(
- vnf_index, vdur["vdu-id-ref"], ifacer["name"]
- )
- )
- vnfr_update["vdur.{}".format(vdu_index)] = vdur
- break
- else:
- raise LcmException(
- "ns_update_vnfr: Not found member_vnf_index={} vdur={} count_index={} from "
- "VIM info".format(
- vnf_index, vdur["vdu-id-ref"], vdur["count-index"]
- )
- )
- for vld_index, vld in enumerate(get_iterable(db_vnfr, "vld")):
- for net_RO in get_iterable(nsr_desc_RO, "nets"):
- if vld["id"] != net_RO.get("vnf_net_osm_id"):
- continue
- vld["vim-id"] = net_RO.get("vim_net_id")
- vld["name"] = net_RO.get("vim_name")
- vld["status"] = net_RO.get("status")
- vld["status-detailed"] = net_RO.get("error_msg")
- vnfr_update["vld.{}".format(vld_index)] = vld
- break
- else:
- raise LcmException(
- "ns_update_vnfr: Not found member_vnf_index={} vld={} from VIM info".format(
- vnf_index, vld["id"]
- )
- )
- self.update_db_2("vnfrs", db_vnfr["_id"], vnfr_update)
- break
- else:
- raise LcmException(
- "ns_update_vnfr: Not found member_vnf_index={} from VIM info".format(
- vnf_index
- )
- )
def _get_ns_config_info(self, nsr_id):
Generates a mapping between vnf,vdu elements and the N2VC id
member_vnf_index or "", vdu_id or ""
- @staticmethod
- def _create_nslcmop(nsr_id, operation, params):
- """
- Creates a ns-lcm-opp content to be stored at database.
- :param nsr_id: internal id of the instance
- :param operation: instantiate, terminate, scale, action, ...
- :param params: user parameters for the operation
- :return: dictionary following SOL005 format
- """
- # Raise exception if invalid arguments
- if not (nsr_id and operation and params):
- raise LcmException(
- "Parameters 'nsr_id', 'operation' and 'params' needed to create primitive not provided"
- )
- now = time()
- _id = str(uuid4())
- nslcmop = {
- "id": _id,
- "_id": _id,
- "operationState": "PROCESSING",
- "statusEnteredTime": now,
- "nsInstanceId": nsr_id,
- "lcmOperationType": operation,
- "startTime": now,
- "isAutomaticInvocation": False,
- "operationParams": params,
- "isCancelPending": False,
- "links": {
- "self": "/osm/nslcm/v1/ns_lcm_op_occs/" + _id,
- "nsInstance": "/osm/nslcm/v1/ns_instances/" + nsr_id,
- },
- }
- return nslcmop
def _format_additional_params(self, params):
params = params or {}
for key, value in params.items():
# Function to return execution_environment id
- def _get_ee_id(self, vnf_index, vdu_id, vca_deployed_list):
- # TODO vdu_index_count
- for vca in vca_deployed_list:
- if vca["member-vnf-index"] == vnf_index and vca["vdu_id"] == vdu_id:
- return vca.get("ee_id")
async def destroy_N2VC(
return "FAILED", "Error in operate VNF {}".format(exc)
- def get_vca_cloud_and_credentials(self, vim_account_id: str) -> (str, str):
- """
- Get VCA Cloud and VCA Cloud Credentials for the VIM account
- :param: vim_account_id: VIM Account ID
- :return: (cloud_name, cloud_credential)
- """
- config = VimAccountDB.get_vim_account_with_id(vim_account_id).get("config", {})
- return config.get("vca_cloud"), config.get("vca_cloud_credential")
- def get_vca_k8s_cloud_and_credentials(self, vim_account_id: str) -> (str, str):
- """
- Get VCA K8s Cloud and VCA K8s Cloud Credentials for the VIM account
- :param: vim_account_id: VIM Account ID
- :return: (cloud_name, cloud_credential)
- """
- config = VimAccountDB.get_vim_account_with_id(vim_account_id).get("config", {})
- return config.get("vca_k8s_cloud"), config.get("vca_k8s_cloud_credential")
async def migrate(self, nsr_id, nslcmop_id):
Migrate VNFs and VDUs instances in a NS