## emu-vim
+### Requirements
+* needs the latest Dockernet to be installed in the system
+ * the wrapper uses standard Python imports to use the Dockernet modules
+* Uses ZeroMQ based RPC to open a cloud-like interface that can be used by a demo CLI client
+ * pip install import zerorpc
+ * This will be replaced / extended by a REST API later
### TODO
* Add runtime API
-** call startAPI from topology definition and start it in a own thread?
-** make it possible to start different API endpoints for different DCs?
+ * call startAPI from topology definition and start it in a own thread?
+ * make it possible to start different API endpoints for different DCs?
* Add resource constraints to datacenters
* Add constraints to Links
* Check if we can use the Mininet GUI to visualize our DCs?
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+Distributed Cloud Emulator (dcemulator)
+(c) 2015 by Manuel Peuster <manuel.peuster@upb.de>
+import logging
+import threading
+import zerorpc
+class ZeroRpcApiEndpoint(object):
+ def __init__(self, listenip, port):
+ self.dcs = {}
+ self.ip = listenip
+ self.port = port
+ logging.debug("Created API endpoint %s(%s:%d)" % (
+ self.__class__.__name__, self.ip, self.port))
+ def connectDatacenter(self, dc):
+ self.dcs[dc.name] = dc
+ logging.info("Connected DC(%s) to API endpoint %s(%s:%d)" % (
+ dc.name, self.__class__.__name__, self.ip, self.port))
+ def start(self):
+ thread = threading.Thread(target=self._api_server_thread, args=())
+ thread.daemon = True
+ thread.start()
+ logging.debug("Started API endpoint %s(%s:%d)" % (
+ self.__class__.__name__, self.ip, self.port))
+ def _api_server_thread(self):
+ s = zerorpc.Server(MultiDatacenterApi(self.dcs))
+ s.bind("tcp://%s:%d" % (self.ip, self.port))
+ s.run()
+class MultiDatacenterApi(object):
+ def __init__(self, dcs):
+ self.dcs = dcs
+ def compute_action_start(self, dc_name, compute_name):
+ # TODO return UUID / IP ?
+ logging.info("compute start")
+ def compute_action_stop(self, dc_name, compute_name):
+ logging.info("compute stop")
+ def compute_list(self):
+ pass
+ For now only a dummy client. Connects to the zerorpc interface of the
+ emulator and performs some actions (start/stop/list).
+import time
+import zerorpc
+def main():
+ print "Example CLI client"
+ # create connection to remote Mininet instance
+ c = zerorpc.Client()
+ c.connect("tcp://")
+ # do some API tests
+ print c.compute_action_start("dc2", "my_new_container1")
+ time.sleep(5)
+ print c.compute_action_stop("dc2", "my_new_container1")
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
# create link if everything is correct
if (node1 is not None and isinstance(node1, OVSKernelSwitch)
and node2 is not None and isinstance(node2, OVSKernelSwitch)):
- self.mnet.addLink(node1, node2) # TODO we need TCLinks with user defined performance her
+ self.mnet.addLink(node1, node2) # TODO we need TCLinks with user defined performance here
raise Exception(
"one of the given nodes is not a Mininet switch or None")
Each data center is represented by a single switch to which
compute resources can be connected at run time.
- TODO: This will be changes in the future to support multiple networks
+ TODO: This will be changed in the future to support multiple networks
per data center
self.switch = self.net.mnet.addSwitch(
import logging
from dcemulator.net import DCNetwork
+from api.zerorpcapi import ZeroRpcApiEndpoint
def create_topology1():
+ # TODO add long comments to this example to show people how to use this
# initialize network
net = DCNetwork()
net.addLink("dc1", s1)
net.addLink(s1, "dc3")
net.addLink(s1, dc4)
+ # create and start APIs (to access emulated cloud data centers)
+ zapi1 = ZeroRpcApiEndpoint("", 4242)
+ zapi1.connectDatacenter(dc1)
+ zapi1.connectDatacenter(dc2)
+ zapi1.start()
+ # lets also create a second API endpoint on another port to
+ # demonstrate hat you can have one endpoint for each of
+ # your data centers
+ zapi2 = ZeroRpcApiEndpoint("", 4343)
+ zapi2.connectDatacenter(dc3)
+ zapi2.connectDatacenter(dc4)
+ zapi2.start()
# start network
net.CLI() # TODO remove this when we integrate APIs?
net.stop() # TODO remove this when we integrate APIs?
- # start APIs (to access emulated cloud data centers)
- pass # TODO: how to reflect one API endpoint per DC?
def main():